4.. JAS. A. THOMAS, EditoMDl Proprietor. JbLk! CO U -N 'X' IT, TH' li) GTAT23 TTTB TTCTltOir. v- , , ft. .t. ... i i VOL. XXXIII . -LOUISBURG, N. C, FRIDAY, JUXE 5. IM3. . 1 Wy mJ akW JL CHURCH DIRECTORY METHODIST. Bandar School at 9:30 A. M. 1 . . Gac S. jBaWb, SupiT Preaching at 11 A. M..; and 7:30 P.M. every Sunday. Prarer meeting Wednesday night. M. T. Plyleb. Pastor. BAPTIST. Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. XHOfl. J YYIIVDJUL, oupj. Preaching at 11 A.M., and 7:30 rY ivery Sanday. Prarar m-etinsr Thursday night. H. H. Mashburnb. Pastor. SPISCOPAU Sunday School at 9:30. - .war' a. Rritenr. Supt Services, morning and night , on t, 3rd and 4th Sandays. Evening Prayer, Friday afternoon. Bav. Johs Lohdoh, Rector. :.- .. ", . j - . . t.t. j a, iU aiotDetaoerat. oaepue na nasaa. weave- 44 44; 4 44 44, 44 44. 44 . 44 tt - :jEVr (KHa f W ewejarw aa aaa, j e m ea w - w t H ... . $? iJuge CrMfspacker'a Big Cotv r Beautiful Example - 1 , 1 .Vt-,-'.-,.r A tt falrlr iBJptartnr ttv Ib.vt,. rt BotnJaa.: ci!4le whore lb nyun ar.a w dtftat ta c fctrr. tr.g IuiV) Ad not K&lf try- "Wit 0-vn mm t tandard br t." r em I tK. lantbroplsC lrr woold b K . - XVlMlSZttLXT. U a;i rr ftsu OJVr Clea & t'.caeg ;S S)ty Mf I i 0""rt. Aj t--y - t at.' J tifw . ar a- I i V a,f IV i ,;- )a-Va4 Ut ,. twin. p-l IM .tW tt'ltt tt: tt ttttttt;tt tttt.1;tt: QiobZOTQOnkt dM't ul M H.lttcOtataM UT1Lr 4 LoaU tealacl of tuaactlMl a n- I20 rtlftl Co-lr(ff CC1 wr, . V I eVw) I l rt:stt a-l-a i I aa t i iiU "., 11 ) trnnat waota aorrvw m umim ror I p. , r, i ' Special Washington Letter.l ' According to Wa pblloaopny, TM n- tlre archipelago should be turned orer to the sngar barons at once. ' ' ; J w. w. t ?n,. , r n r r r r " r n o t " ' " r u.;hll:rbi.:.LOMo...1, Losoas. F. ft v . a. r a KT iio A LKJuisoBrg ug, i'.u. ioj r- manT are w w -northern M., meets 1st ana 3ra xaesaay - - -. UDGE CRUMP ACKER is likely to be the most overworked states man In America If he undertakes to look after the interests of all the negroes in the country. . Indeed, he is quite likely to die 'of nervous prostra; tion. . It must ; be noted thai all the things of which negroes complain are not" done , by Southern Democrats, but ubUe- The Cry. la 8UII They Comal" The post office scandal.-yhlch. smells to heaven, does not stand alone. - There are others the puhlie lands steal, for 'lnataiceTwMcfilda-tair to rival, If it 1 does; not exceed, the "star route frauds il si am f-,ay- araa aetiu. SOAUn a loaa of a it. -nr. ar i ,v, r. , , i . . .. . . .... .. U- .. . . . - . ota tolMatotiaa em ttxm imtrwf Tm (e I " v"i T"1! I waaBini .ias a (mw wmm.w VrfM7f, iw,.p, t tWarwtW!! ftaJmi; .ia a e-;f n,a U:-.f i bythe QtobaOai0CTat. U s u j D W.-1V t-t, el U:iwy, Jt I silt fmTC tr i t evaav 1 1-aaaaA, W Ctav ti im In CnimpMker tut. , C facfcrd U " arvaso Uv iV I TVa aw I r? ar-'SL, U" TKiflWaH If Jodg Crnmparkrc &of i took i tri :i:5t ' . fcr . iJlww. crtit. la & ttmk. Wia-i.. l, a a f 1 1 e rU tm-f nights ia each month. ana. s PH01LL ALLKED. ATT0KNKY8-AT-LAW, Will Loalftbarg jQR. ARTHUR H. FLEMING, N. C. DENTIST LOU13BURQ, . - OfflceOver The Green ft Yarboro Uo.'B Store. lii mainiltnde It ia aald that the steal veraai raraua ror coiorfa pri wiii I " - "-M " . , couM-not have been,, carried on with- Irretrievably, ruined and an ttr..iriUt rfer., Tv tati e An tti C h fwj, fr out the jxmnivanee of high officials la political preferment -whkfc be ia. jjvij' .:rv e iaiactaeiiaA aJ lfr-i Arii. iU-- r't the interior department, especially tu hia rnlndra eye. aaaa, twh ect t.. w .l t neml lantUmc-et JVashtagtao, I jwt w u aa ;...---"'- . . &h;f 'AIrimcaWIfttheKTJne4 Wdictnfta are-alked of. vteveral I arr:Jary t to far38vi ryua4 aaif. Itl tW I P-a Ui ' States just now is Dri W. Di Crum, land coinmissionera htwialjneu,-Tt M?: rTl. ,,gt4ll a U I W Mre j m ! i, T - Wj fr-f. . .1 .i i ttt.- v. Mnnw I adf aeleetaa role save bevo crorvaiaa; I , - . - I . - ' . " ' whom the Dreslaent nominated ror coi- i 6CL""s " ""w,- lector Carolina, wbose nomination the senate F ti w.- c V.,i',M i ttfttbem unlaoDroTed. Taer la aa I. ' at bomev.Bo aboatd Reform, wttft a iCMwcarlaj aae ee aanwnl aa4 1 tfVff Kf V " t big. b! S. The follewtar tt-pefc ie!riaia t.i tWVS U , trUaej I ' t4V. 1 1 i W Va Souldei ST VUiSSTS itipVfa3wa faata"Mlie !a an Cir. tment meted eat t the coiatvd I WVA cwr aiv:saal Lr. Tm 1 M ae WfnK Cm. man an4, brother oowa aoeu aaa i rr wmi oTaL fc. ekirmrj. Ul. lLaa Zavf L.!uit Kjk irOrfan ft .mm e-KC 4V , F .i..a-. taMt . IrH ae eni. .. .XU a i aat"A - . ,V - CUD ifv'iuc i:yk LTr STiZi: Uf alTftlieepaftoertC.thirawbhfrfa r-n fmnsa se aae ir ol ta.ay.. TiK . Jwawa Wl-v a- J4 u uy-.uuu- riCwHl'nof get uhtjf a Democratic coo- wrt-un in mi th conrta. offloea in refused to conflrm ana wnom tne preev, i: .. kw- .arc and ToangavUIe, a J &eni appointed . during vacation. ijH'vitr: . . il, Crum was in high feather until pay j 1 ' , . , In view of the fact that Senator m flay came around, when be was dum- .. ft . niartn . .no . tftm founded, by the .treasury, offlciato fHij .pi.Vvnatbir.year eafc. Tie atattfte4a tV 1 Ua-aia i eve W'a Ifc3aw 0t;aw - ywiajif a a . t . . W W m Ji..:u t&4 wc e ta i 1 .' ; eat ' w"' wjiaai ' aaaa M i V TA E. 8. P. BORT, practicing physician and surgeon. Louisburg, N. C. Office in the rear of Boddie. Bobbitt A Co.'s Drnc Store, on Hash street. should turn his attentloa to alaaere right ia Indiana: ladtaaaaatla. Tad.. War t Ooofear T. 1 , r. at. A c tc le tie ft t4 lrw lei ete f tttwt, Sak at-ea-W Vfci Ciaratuifst It"e fa4e-x 5- ,1 1 1 UawtV si C", arte ibf a?t lie nrt aa. ntavrs t-t , , Af Vwur Ut H taaWtr4 M tav U J W a CrIetx C-rr : The AUaaa4 ttaaoaat t&oe. . a4e I litea It' atafta ; 1tiaiaiaaa4 Kerf D R. R. W. TARBOROUGH. PHT8ICIAN AND 8URGBON, Louisbcrs, N. C. . ft. aa fenJ fnt,nf a fwat f ta) (Wat Ma at Jm mi tmftAmj f aa Ctra Taaa a4 i aaaa fin attJ atltwar " mmm laanmii as, ra I I Kail -Orders. Offloe and floor Nea. boUdlng, phone 39. Night calls answered from T. w. Bickett'a raaidenoa, pbone 74. B. B. BLASSKNBtTRO, Wasliington. whei curUy but firmly r id-fni.vlew' bf the Turthet fa fused to pay him anything for his more .there has been a good deal of friction or less valuable services as a public stnong the Hawkeye State Republicans functionary . and who declare . that , concerning "the Iowa Idea," thejfojlow- nnAir thA In w thpv rnnoli Ta'v KKSCl Injrrifecdote. Wbicbfhai ben ftoatfferi xraahlartoa lactarad ta tale etrv W nnvthinir until his nomination is co)S-1 uno, bwimeS apropoa: -So member 1 J?l V' ' 'b -A"1 J fli-med by the senate, which will prob- congress is so aucceasful In keeping Hwf. a XZZ hlv he the other side of the resurrec bia Tiewa out of the papera aa Senator fttMd t.amka ba bad aa4 .aa x, lae tion day. In fact. DrCm was in the YJm f hW-. tldnkl, " w w. iw I Motfir 4W. r twe4I( 4f.Wtw Wf, 'inrMimlSaa1aiHIM af condition of a certain friend of"out J .TllVX . V T 1 efco n prrwflt tra ea iVe tW I JcrvS- rwt V AV la we vt a-t:wa iHi aa " 1 cot aaaaa aoy uhii a aaa. - , " I . . . - I . - experience this poetle account wMi; , -.vv..v,m,. , . , M " ' I - ? ' . . I letter asaung ror ma opinion on a cer 1 w-. v. tt.- ik . I .,w av .,..M... a i. I . . . . . 1 j . 4 . . . t-.. given: tain matter. VSTien be had concluded, " " "VlTj . - , I jiw-iaifwwiM w p-r"'-' J Ol 1 Mother Hubbard I .... . . . , k... I Dl. Uf H. CnTtlla U tM IimWll I ,d ..4 .r 1 t - ' - 1 - - - . j " - - ! Went to the cupboard . : SLJ n" '"r' J DartT. what BNOI the Bw, frWI OWo T IT ' I T" a' . . " i - J , that the Hna and rormbar facOaaaa 7 te -ere -aaa TaVy aj O Jwf a aft-i ju 4t mmmAm aat . , are grlndlag their knlvra. ot3g ol ibe'oai lk (?) Ua$t'7 Wft tUaOn f-i-C f-.aairf!. taaaaa fiami. Pa? taae-aa tecs and la 0hT waya prtvaria f" w aaf aaaa - 4 v aanat j aaaa M"rr a Jifa and deeta strugxte wta tbe M:t fo atfT a4 IX ararae a W giajan e aAwtaa rtaU aaaya ' UaVir.t aiaa. .i.e - U e aa Atale coaveotlaa mH ta Jane! It a -Aai4 Laag Sfae- daaart. 5 $.ae Td'i-) fl a nmmm ft aijsae'aaif aaid uai um uiuuwim warn i a" I TKte K.a k-. . - - j. I . . . . . . ... . - .a 1- f a aon ot prniarnaj w a -m To est her poor doggie a bone, 4 I ntnougnt, px.yieanswexj. - w eav. sen-j - But when aba got tner. a a 3 a j-j eter,' -savi a&e eectfaeary, -ta oa-Tranara ' The cupboard was bare. yo make out Just what And so the poor doggie got none. I . u ,-f. if Which was simply awful on the poor Baid the Approvingly. 1 don't doggie- and Mris awrul.o Dt, Crvm.rl j- know either -rrnT tie is one 01 mow; pmyiiauug i" t Hince ftedevO took the SatloorXe ATTORNBY AT LAW. utmaBiisa. H. O. WUlpractleelnartthe Courta ol the State who howl for "the old fag and a ap-f n,f nionnrali and effered OfBee in Co art House. M ABCUS C. W1NSTEAU, propriation r especially the appropria--1 .g-- dofrjariibh' or-fhe world lo fall tion. - down and worship him there baa bean Now, we submit that Judge Crum- n no TOch manJfetation of gall aa packer cannot afford to let this out- tjSLt exhited.by General Braytoo, the nr.lt' a ne g itfaiM'h-a taw I T . ' I ' " I . "i.Prt i doraemeat and a baty miiSnite cat I M 4 If . i I arVM art9 , aaV . . K aa j aa.amaa eut aw.aiaita af tta m . - . . aai 5 aaareTwl -e t . afctaaavtaaa.. WeOa'TliOOHCU - - , . t. . . . K . . . -j. a-v --a a ....,,, ' " VTOCD ' YAt D." ' !- ut a -t.t ) t,.am I'.f a..f eir fta a ti. ! ' aai m&ik W a t,'-" M - a at-aa wa a ;U. .amt aaa. a,,f. t -,(t' - f,l aaftiia aaii;. u a m.1, good character wbkh wCl aaaae aV tmz ktmiv e Uaaa&or) 1 laaitaaf IM a: ATTOBNKY-AT-LAW, LOCIHBUBG, N. C. Omci ovaa Corner Drag Store. Special Attention given to coUectlona. Practice wherwxer services required. a a aw a a at a i a A a a u r.il Colin, i. f, i - a. D R. J. K. MALONK, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. IjOOTSBUB0, N. C Office OTer Ayeocke Trng Company. PjR. b. b. poster, practicing physician ft surgeon, Louisburg, N. C. Office orer Ayeocke Drag CartpanT. w m. HAYWOO0 RUFFIN. Iornhllifin trfvnsTirv (irncisi WHO DSTB r .i Ti. ..v. n SST "res deprived the eai iS. ZLll ltZJZ ' and learned Dr. Crum of his pabn--4-(1nm,-rn B.Dabllain eorruotion tl D?5 f5!.! I krrr data la4 U kU irniui f.l w .U- iw tk. a2 aaa a lum should be brought to Justice and d RepBhlican maUdminiatration; ' f v . .T , w . latthi! i, ' 7 " "L " .7 should receive condign punishment aequStry Oiey elected a dW RbM 'a!ii TT: , Uiarn j ti-ve.eWe- M, Judge. Crnmpacker:owes it to his rec- ernoa apd. a Democratic "fl f M frwf ml IM H a. peaenment pm-mmiS "e1 , Republican senate, unaor tne ite- .v - M , I wv ial .vmi.u. Mt 1 ; . . . ... . . nnhitn boas, has blocked all reform ,w .V . . r"" rT I " . ' ' " - . w - -a , Lrlslatlon. . Not lone since the Dem- I !T- 'Jf.1 rVTT IT rf C l a T owatic, -aveipforlOarvln aaJdfthala- I fT" " t&.. tf Rawwrtl ta eaartad be , H I a- Wa V a piicaM-stmietnacy waa meurtaweg mf -- , . I i,... a. l . - a t o i If he does andveoafine.-lt I yn, briber,. where- ZZTZLmnZ -la7lC. bI III" 7 ITL P TJ . T" tions to southern Democrats ioUJJSl re- tlv W boUIaer e4 IltKkaye Re-1 bfW.la4 I ess a,a Maa, eia-a. 1 U aa tTlaaaa aaaf at4 e ;furae the governor Urlghtr J "w ,H1 -" which eounds very much Uka Boa ."'T . I aruh aicmV ata Ubl r- f ' juit- 1D rew JOTS lat, narpnami, i - - - - I . a r---a i H aa)af e-ja taba Slaaaakfi'aM , -paj Bense folks may conclude that there ia a lot of demagogy in the whole per formance of the illustrious Hoosier regulator of the domestic of the south. eatua I -mi aa, t-j '; .Van iGDESuir.aiiiiii f ' . s. ... , " it Tweed's defiant "What are you going ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, aooisBnae. k. o. A.r TTZSL W1Z Hearth In Mother Earth. par." J rr.r" The children of the present genera justice to himself not only arraign to SrS5 S2Z2 Will practice in an the Coorto of Pranklin 1 impeachment at the bar of the senate. put ror wDueiuB .u " ; " of tteu. own, among them that of go- History, is mat uecraiou barefooted. In a fine burst of ck bama' case which practically relegatea 1 tork- W the colored man and brother to the tender mercies of the people of the state wherein he lives. The judge must not be deterred from the, heroic e institutions 1. to flobbofar tr ! he?txwa found eut once edited by the greet WUBeaa I t-wg Truth Lir p. . a, I jutaV-aav ' tfiljrrow 1 X - Cullcn Rryant, remarks aagaryi leakra. cKIaaia4 ! Mt aJ.Uitit - i rjHOB. B. WILDKR, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW toinsBUBa, a. o. nffloa on alaln atreet. o-8r Jonea fc Cooper'a t ftn(j humanitarian part by reason of tore. I h fact that there are nine Republic ans on the supreme bench and only Y 8. SPRUILL. ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, fcOUISBUBO, V. C. Will attend the courta ol Pranklin, Vance, aranvule. Warren and Wake connttes, aiao tte Supreme Court of North Carolina. Prompt attention given to coUeetiona. Office over Ejrerton'a Store. rj W.BICKBTT, ATTORNBY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. LoxnsBUBe h. q. Prompt and painstaking attention glTen to Terr matter intrusted to his hands. . Raf era to Chief Justice snepnera, boh. Manning, Hon. Rob. W. Winston.Hon. BaxtonTPrea. First National-Bank of ton, Glenn as aianiy, ty i"1"' of Monroe, Chaa. B. Taytor, JPrea. Wake eat College. Hon. B. W. Timberlake. ; uf flea 0T Seal ft Co. a Store, - , PERSON, ATTORNEY AT-LAW. f lovuvob, v. o. Praetleea in all courta. Office on Main atreet. '- three Democrats,, Just one of them from: the south. Judge Crumpacker has the chance of his Hfe in fact such: an opportunity; as comes to not one man in a genera tion. By moving bills of impeachment aaainst the supreme court Judges who practically tola , tne coiorea man a". ...... L a- ' r. ....... ' w.nA r: r, wrvra- uro mer w eu uuwv nuu & ,v and let oolitics alone he-,tecome one of the star performersln'a drama' which "would attract the attention of the civilised world. People would not only cross the continent, but the ocean Ton nerer heard of a wild animal that had rheumatism until It reached eaptlTlty and waa kept off the earth. Too nevar heard of a borae max naa nvramiiw untM It traa hod, with troa and fcapt oft the earthw Xou never aaara ei a aoe o had rheumatiam until it became a boaaa hold pet and waa pamparad kept off the earth. The neethen ox ainca ua am Pacific lalanda nevar had rhauroatunfl. ao 8 aa rmaara tt r tfca eaarf va-r j M'f a-aaaae, era elf aaa I tf ml rta He We ebaarra Iba preraa. rim. H ai I Ce tSr, tja fai to.V Cli. li al rr fTi am a4KV f" r w iia to atlafeeli tM ftftUlmt Hm Im Hm u XTT NaUrTZI I Un. Ie a Ma M WWee( ,afait W w Oe I eotnpaav- TVara ta ae aaw b --eJar I bJ tXli," 44 3 V? HM a.vtt4 )W traa Wf a la llaiVa.4. Tl ta I ha baOo as alaa vwa aare aanaa I . ... . I lota. Erary tadleaUoa aadajr arn at la MaX tAirx A"tf rb.teain;aaT aef 1 1 Ve at a4 ee a e l. Kaie aaa mae f ,aatee eat m t e prcapact a4 crtttea a aaajoni. a ke - I Wm; -fc a iab I baa jtvJ ia l aa:e, raAwaa Sa. aeTbTubarViWM. if, r:o;' h.H -ve, I ri f atH W-4. the aail:raat act. If It be true, aa rrportaO ta Cbe r- Yaafl aafe , 1 i, - t - at the eoraa a 8ta4a.r aal Wart I Ja-bava il ttr . ba M aa ILa4 at 1. ....a... I,n.l,f atraat. aaU aoSVa a baM a3 Iba aae I " l thai aatcbt be aat ta faaae a ataiaa(aaj I kxaa: "t.ba fm faa) t. be M fx. Uaae I t.e a H w ew-ra. Tt.b ) Qalaire; klla? be aaeare a'aae."be who whenever he got aide would aig a I urn oaa w wiibt uavi aw py xaii; Jjawv . ?e trench to bJa, cardaa, lie. do-mta It and gtvea enly eoe to Betutor Tbeoaa Cs- I . ' , . . tl- have" hi wife oarar hmrwfUi treh earth Iwr rUtt It ta the moat rafsarbsMe rT- U !f JTAp " r."hUturra caaa of togratirede oe racert the f eed eae V t eearaa ee abe eft. one apirlta. Mother earth! The coo tart I day wbea.Klng Leer Bttvrad kl far I tlt MUI Na'attv tt fy."Ka-, I Vr5 4k.-a Vm tf . tll It looked Hka the rarrciion. aixi n w.a. i roei0(i.na noooJo- LeemMMI . . ... .-.v I a.. ' . . !f? rrV.l ' hiv been elected wltbo rtetra a- 1 TJT V Ftt. . 14.1 Sw Mtl aw-i4 trjmPm ytnefawa ffl fr aa) aab tAl . ava a a. 1 1 i Y. - '' - ' TVt rW aaew'; tiayeM! r eaf Cat T 4 t stmni t.evb . h icf b e.f.jK.'Vai rajaairrrjfc5t " If t,'-,,MV4 -I'-rvnf ii, iVvl III b5 ' -f rHU' ,1 .f aU4.3t( Mr;jui'Uak.i rrarn7.(:ia ffl . t.-rTa .,1 1 j , Sft 4 iaattS eOad Safii rraf l 5r-Cal, .... t . i., ?xWVli CfuaftiJaik::a uc4 cacttS a lnrf i?ti-c3 il-nttaV I fVtrnji! titr 1 1 5tn V t-wi?-I cr cril lr Cir4f wiu fj rS9 taftfU'Cai- SEaD 0T I) litasatxt !t ttt-x. rrfti Iff ift i f 7 i::? Af'a.: cfta a:s . . 4,. a. afc a K- a f I $t -' .n mi .11 a t V jaw .a1 a 1 av. . J a ' ''' a naj.. '" f - t a a--sa raa " , a a aa a. a ' ' . it . a 11P.11 .,! ' 1 i w aa w . I w - ..ta i . t, M a aw " . v . . . . .' ' ri r 1 m 11 an 1 . .... mr a ,Su . SBk. ... .aVl t - ? raa f la, i 4 t i-frt ewwa a. .'j eaaawaaa That exultant paragraph carries eoe l yTt aB TBmaa ia eetstied t bla I tad cts4 U:p aleaf a rree4 , I tiab, ata ja 4ar Mf 1 ar. . mm m th?;f airyUnd of childhood. quantum meruit of pie. I .Wat km-, aa4 r tVa W 1 are a- a eawawaial (Uara - Wa 1 TIT wl tm aai aa a an ai awajnt aa , aw a oia iq wr.iurjHiuu i I auaotum meruit of tJa LLMrauM, t,i. .w . .. I. It...laiaka,aaa 1 . A . . .a . I A RepuDiican urjin a wnnnn.w. i The Diaaabuo et wir0aim. leertl Predral aaat k-e ata efkatea . i - aaa I a a aa 'iHi l a w t a . a. , y i a. V! 1 1 a w.a.a., . a i aaa av . aa j ain , , vv - , , n it 1 1 a ia -' a a ,. .a a mm. w a a. in im taay a- tat . aanai t at 1 t,, ''"'". -ijP'lbaVsfaaMaaj((r . , T tt"T..t rn1 , a ' ' ' ;vM.a, a i aa , . . U " " fc ' " ' mm I aa la j a e r " t " I la . a mm , , fh a fta'l4lM 1" senators i tne wiuieu oara, ' . . . , i Wm , atr .caarvTm . ,va ifii S ! li!8","VX rfonow.urou. ani racy man- " TTZ Z Ceimra.-. a4 . i U. For-stat. in their silken robes were de-J ner: , . , I houae of oammoo the ether Uy. eaj j 14 MI 14 tH a r hnl ae lie Uvar WftfaaAt H YARBO ROUGH, JB. vAWOENEY AT LA Wt 4 Lbi3nikBTOa.K!o. TTb.. TTTaa i.V.ln fwi-te-a. VSab t Whteh nPCV 1 mm A aita..e aba ta. m. mmtm. A m trW av A w bjuuiib I.VU at Wa - a B waHFTTl B IXan I aaW LawaiE I a ' Bk .a B ,n.nni. hot which v w.. , . ICBrta et PMti, vice waa o Mi ara-e I.HBLU S.U mJ - aaai aa - laa War I ai a U-BI aa MMiaT aBBaB aa BaaW BaWaWameaT . M also to attend a trial wherein ninety, beliavea in e, gh!taff.fadibugsy J aBd ahoohl-va of the wh bo- I bawtiH ti-c-f lU a?;tv I fa-J 4 oa-n-aa a. 44 Mea aae ke Ua) aVwaA, taj J. wV Mil try rV ena.bv fendSmts andJudge Orumpacker, theM (?t M beaatlWl to wtto-aa 1Jcl 1 Sr. Chartes Dltte, Adraaced Radkal. I 4s Rtxiial thee ae tW IVar I ttrte l)e ar avt-a efa, I a , M SaSiTa--air . 4- i aTaonine "aTz. Waahinrtoa'pcart. Sanaior I newer ta arree ta redottea. Tte 1 Ht off tUAlaibat . A.siM-a t I W ta.9ea e tawailiwirt. Tba 1 trial nr warren tiasmiKS. i - - - . ... . i li ia.i'a v ntu awviwiii www - :i 1111 ar ts raiiii . a - aaj rvsai aaa aaar. mi ni a a.aa aaiwa waan imiuc v- . I mMa arv anil tna MM DU IX C1B I . .. 1 - - " " 1 " ' I I i.n - r a Tk. t . - - . . .. . . . governor genenu uu, l nominate for preawenf.- - liniormwuwf drew Johnson, president of the United I foT Gorman and Ukewiae for the Rpb- . . . . ..:... jfti. v- rarmiwatla Mtiiraatloa of States, or or a-arou rrr T J, m. war. It la cr.it easy- to sea inax uonnn w nrwmr able to get any considerable number of Democxata to treat his presidential aap raUona seriously." ... Our valued contemporary men want on rwi nape i v' , a - a i a. m m a t a a r n , . a, i . i .-ma, - aa aaa , aaw .at - .4 a . Al , j a -y- --. " ," I a t aawtta t 4 ta a a mm aaa, laaaat aal (M j ". ma ina, 1 - - - - - brilliant and fascinating human being that ever atood in the prisoners' aoca on this continent. .... ; Almost High Treaaon. . ; There can be no.question that J3on. ZrSZZ: ZZT-La to' timlHnrv Q. We of flkPhllippmern eiu receive 'prornM and caref ul attention. I miSgioi should "be f ttied "JToir leze jnaj- aatyHe'haa had the temerity jojump Offlee In Opera Houae bnilding, Court street I D R. D. T. SMITHW1CK, DENTIST. LOUISBURG, - If. 0. Office over.yurnitnreBtore. HOTELSn two ago. . ' . I 1 a- - t.at ah;. Jit. 1!,.41( A--.a - - - - - - - a a .i-e Bays the , W a al ngroa roaL, ouaivr a9WWa IU IW t a muviWh a U w a, m aaa 1 I a fmimm a. a www w .-- -w - , proccse of each EarDpeaa mims nae lag IW imwar. -rrry wet avai i A v - . - -lat Ta-ar-. aaa a,-at baa to stop somewhaTe or tU eael ra- a - J" I r- , - . ault will . be that they wci an Cad 4 l' 4 . laaiar g 1 Tr' ! ae2 rvt it .'W .rt4 aaa. themaetrre wtth eTtry doOar Cy eaA I Coiwrt. .GaSa tf ' 1irW Caiett I t.W ai a;j tie eaatrte aa-rewaw imr- tUbr't IV bta V- fv, , AVUfeWa.V aa. e. wanas Bead THis I arta auffar treat the f iiy; I to explain that Gorman bas no streacth anvwhere ' outside . of a few -eon th era . e on the Dlnrley bill, which cornea near being high treason, Inter aia be aayai I should aar"that tseWatest help 'that congress can give us wfll be tejrauere ua , k. t,T burden a imposed by the TUnwittv aHtv nn tha exports from the ia- r I TtitaA HtateMj lt ia imnoasl- 1 Wa, tor . tne ; rmuppwa : iu . . f cigars to -end ma goooa o u,-"' States without paytac a r duty v tariff amountiac to-" par cent et thef Dingley larinr or 75 set cent of 4-Tr pound, ad acquisition jf more than 2JXO acres of laud by one' corporation, pe says, naa FBANKIJNTON, N, C. W M)WftY, Prp'r prevented thej estabHshment of sugar 6 , V - lir.ta Hetbmkethe Umlt should Ckod aooomodation for tne traveling J be. 25,000 acres in order to aecure the ! opening of iarge 'plantationare:-.v -r ' EvIdentlytBrother ;Ide does not : be- lleye la taking two blteis atne cbarry anywhere r- outside . ot Tew -aouuimx atataatfaaf ba TOUld hav BO fOllOWtTB at all In Mew Tbrk and none to speak ot to that eection lying between the Allee-he-pjea and the btiaaiaatppt. while waat ot the OTaa rivat tha Democracy wouldn't bear tof hliarbt aB- The CTeraUnd fatUan and tha Bryan lacoee fliatmsUng and disliking him. D. B. IfH thlnk of Itl la oppoeed to hlnv-Ha baa not the eloquence or the tna gnat lata of Bryan; 'neither, is" na raa wa . faaaarVi powa ofCfcvaland, hi- re turn to-The aenata'Uat-alarche waa at once made the partya leader without a -d!aaeating--voiaa,NtMit IMV aaeoroiaai w the-31obe-Peioera i.rni aana nouung mrw than that ha "could.-to aotna extent at laaatJ if hla wtahea were obeyed, aara bla party ia the eeaata froai the nooa4rlaa and the folly which bare dleCTedlted and .Mai it la tha Da st few yeara." " It dido-'t mean that the Democratic lead era "tov cenatae. regarded rttm' aa that t.t Anate aad aaaat Vkmaul parlka mentarian.-: Oh. dear not. Quite tba - ' " " aaaaBaBHBawaaBaBBBajaaaBBaawaBaaBWaBBB ublie. Good LiveVT Attached I "" saj As w say. these ebullitions of uaeel&eb .'.iiMmla toe tba welfare ef the adveraary are vary touching- and delightful. Tba 1U Ikt Uaa la Hla. A. yocng wotnaa waa wrttlcg ta a male frWnd to tbaak bla for a t!ay Vtaltrfe kUttaa be. bed aee brr ttv day "l am glad.to aay ft tt oe aW readypahaarrote, Ta atft f aet It u aituog on my an, a bow around Ita neck ao4 Ki rawy fold- id prettily JftLu'ef it.! U X i U t , "Bat the bow tot ptnk. tl the frlcod who waa looking over haw shoulder.. . ". - -I know It taat, rpodcd the wr.J er as she ecribbWd brr Mb-; "Vat I touWnt spall la vender te tere my IL'a and whafa a color to a aasaT MASSENBURG HOTEL , J PJllaWbW,',Pr j. ..'"... V t " , ' t- HENDERSON. If. C. flaaa aaannimoilations.' Good fare.: Po Hta aad atteuUve" servee'rf X -iYiriamSx V;:: lortt Ciral!- t: ' Wa'ata"' Apfl WOJ D, rreprteter.,: iOW; StlnflarI Giitws Ohio over Oiiond a Half LIilllonT)OttIes. : Docs this record -6fmcrit:4p No Cure, No Pay. 50c. rtievery bcrJe b a Ten Ckrt Packt-e cf CHOVT'S IXACX MOTJLXV V MXS. era Mlf, aai 4? eoe. Wt 64 efrt 1 iains) et-bJr?.- ' ciftt iasr tb tM ief I aan e- e ia art doccg fcr ike . aai,ee. aV I .vr tawe f t.b, ' - ana ei a s ae it get;f, ti tne a.a5, le rv ai.a3 aavy . at pe a lire aria rJ f a c'rs;r f f anreaa l l ee ra-i-ta. . T- sl-nA kt e4 Uca yeat atil Wk t;ee4 awveaft- s4aMa b. aaaab etrd eilk fSctaxftUt s: i7ailaaa . I la lee VtJ a3aaj abe WaV. lie M at aaa aal ea-fcg. e-b m taase 4 -rt.r bl I! tie. Ataaaate, er - f teret I l-Mt'faij-art'.i tt. A. i-M " area ut btesfratae wv a-1 - w-a V'b be vattataxaaa, l aait'g rt4f a. . f arra bat a recS bf ebb ear aaasaa I ' I ... a.. a .. a a i .- ... i , i.ir,4 aim. ia. iaraawia m g)U t"55 4tt ftr-aoa"e eeavra I bAy rjarra ,4 tijW t.b aaa..v Ot ike lar-.a Ke Ve Waakia eey t k )a f . av m-m baa Ua a 1 t'inVe fae'eraeai ite U bar 1 f m t .fJwe C-a eat e a f-a. SMCti, Ma-i It i-e Jata U. Il laeJW. .ba t- m ;wm4 by fvwL J. 1. W 4 W i -r, . . .a . . . - T . i rra..'.rai t .a t-at.e Vla t , i ci .All aa -v' tfc. m . a- I H . a a r, a. aa.4 W Am It. Vat frte I -ta.aa A t.l Cm. ,V -V t . ' f f.rj .alHiatflia'Mt Iroaai J j t. , nt 1 5 t W ta afav-i l b o'tXia Tie tajrar-aaJ at . (f li '. fcl, j rxr. !CT-ty JiCVe U S .u.-h' trit4 e4 aa a f I ' Uad t-.-tf-et arrae Uf ' - I r T ' 1 a- Excelsior GoGa Co. -mi abjimtww-.r.:Si. 4a .ak.tM 4Wa a aa aaa Ka t. ... ', If S :t ra a i. a e m m " - - , a- - a )a M ta aaaa I a la t a ra a a. I I t I JIMaa ,. ) a .aa , Ha aa a at. aw . t CtilCltand 'Culltatnc tA. airtcr , a ta.araai a a ai i i en a w . a tit 'a ' . ,i.i . . 4 ' a a i n f ' ' t-a ,. a n " aa a w 4 i a t . e wa a , a e aa tmmm 'mm a tW twlaaa II a Iwa a t t a. f i t e 4 M a a ia . . . a a .a 1 ! a, ay -T aav-re alt-": I a( a v u tr4lt4 a: i r tal a4 aaara iae a4 t V ? e a't t. "Vt V-tt e .e r-Tr ( - . - ;.Nt b-4 . ! ; a-a- r " : ' a. m t ; a e .a . a V I t t I bJff t ta- I ! W ?a aa a , KtmS. rT lai . jts; trti t S- ese ilaitnv a SI . -T 1 -..sa f -- ! i i. ' ; a 7 - : t r ' ' j ' ; - ' ' I t - t. 1 .trenaga .of Commercial Touriata aad ft yfaaiiat'iDtcSoucitaa.

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