jas. A. THOMAS, Editor ind Ftsprletor. .- ---.-- A J. i,i.,m U iiiUI . VOL. XXX11I fiHBRCH DIRECTORY MKTHODIBT. - Saodny School at 9:30 A.M.', Oio. 8. Baxxb, finpt. Preaching at 11 A.M., and 8 14 P. II. eT,ry Monday. a..,fc Pravr meeting vuuwkj juigun. M. T, Pltue. Tutor. BAPTIST. an,iv School at 9:30 A. M. Taos. BWiuKBv8upt j Prr-aching at 11 A.M., and 8:30 P.M., ,Trv Sandar- ' Prayer mating Thursday night. H. H. MisHBuauB. Pastor. An nd7 School at 9:30. - '' SrviRHH, morning ''and night , on i it, :ird and 4th Sundays. Kvnin Prayer, Friday afternoon. Rev. John London, Rector. LODOB8. Loawbarg Lodge, No. 413," A. A. M., mHta 181 ana 3rd Tuesday jniKbt" n each month. 1 i'rotVNMionfil card, I'lUMI.L 4 ALLBED. ATTORNBTS-AT-LAW, win (irnctlce In all the Coarts. Offices in itrmrg ana Toungsvllie, n v. R. ARTHUR H. LEMING, DENTIST. LOUISBCRO, . - N. c. Dili Over The Green St Tarboro Oo.'a j It. 8. P. BOKT, HAOTICINQ PHYSICIAN AND 8URQKON. Louisburg, N. C. Otfii-H in the rear of Bod die, Bobbitt & Dm 11 Store, on Naab strwt. R. Y TARBOROUQU, PHYSICIAN AND 8DRQBON, LOCIfBURO, N. C. on grid door Dm. nolldinr, pnone 38 Uht call answere-i irom x. w. Auxnt l nalclnnce. phone 74. B. MAiBNBDRQ, ATTOENKT AT LAW. LovisBnae, v. a win practice In all the Court of the State Office in Co art Hons. m:i;n c. winsteau, ATTOBNEY-AT-LAW, Locibburo-, N. C. orrica ovm Corner Drng Storet H.m:i&i Attention g-Wen to collections. ymrxicM wherTer services required. K. J. B. MALONK, kactICINQ PHYSICIAN AND 8DRQBON. 1 LOOIHBOBe. K. C. mte over Ajoocke Drug Oompan. . B, B. 8. FOSTBR, fRACTICINQ PHYSICIAN BUBQBON, Louisburg', N. C oitif over Ay cock e Drag- Cmipany. HAYWOOD RUFFIN. ATTORN BT-AT-LAW, LOOI8BCB. V. O. win practice In all the Courts of Franknn ill .lj.)ining counties, also in the Supreme ourt. and In the United otatea District and Irruli Courts. DiUce In uooper and Clifton Bulldlnjr. aoa b. wiLDsa, ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, LOUIRBUBS, rr. o. i ) rues on Baain street, over ones S Cooper's ri. 3PKDILL. - s ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, LOUI8BUBO, . C win attend the courts of yranklln. Vane ranrllle. Warren and Wake counties, also p Hapreme Court of North Carolina, frorapt attention glTen to collections. umne over Kffercon'S Biore. W. BICKXTT, iTTOBJSrBY AND CO0NBKLLOB AT LAW. LotnsBiraa v. a :rr"ASlXS2 Rfr to Chief Jasttee Shepherd, Hon. John i rm n v.a or IITI.m IT am T C VII II 1 11, QUI,, IWUk TT. TT IIHMWi lAMUl iton. Pres. Plrst National Bank of Wia- m, nienn k Manly, Winston, reopies Sana Monro, Unas. a. Taylor, rrea. wau jror- t Cniifve. Hon. & W. Timberlake. . Office over Neal k CO'B Store, - V. PBRSON. ATTORNBY AT-LAW, LotnsBTja, y. a, Pnuitiees In all courts. Offle on Main V. B TAB BO ROUGH, JB. AT10RNEY AT LAW, LODIHBTJRO, N. C. k)fflee la Opera House building, Court street All IaotkI hn.ins.a ftitrnatl to him Jill reeeiv prompt and careful attention. I DR. D T SMITHW1CK. dentist, I LOTTIHBTJBQ, - - . N. oiuce over rami tare Store. i j HOTELS. ' K NKL1NT0H HOTEL FEANKLINTON, N. 0. Qood accomodation for the traveling tublie. . 3ood LWt..t Attached .1 r MASSENBURGr HOTEL" P Idassenburt; Fropr hendebson it. 6. 1 aoaommodatioas. . Good farav Fo lit sad attentive aarvaaTr - NORWOOD HOUSE , v. Hwrtoi. ---MarttCanUi- w- J. NORWOOD, Proprietor trooag -Jof Commercial Tourist aad rafsitoa PabtteBoUclted. -.tvC it'-tjl a a a -a; a a Out Great Navy i3 Naval Aufem- ' Platform The Anti Third Term ? Rej-ol'utia 5- JQMB time Wfore: congress , atdenta. :No sea hero of that ww 1A11)T)aH ITk .. w- v son appointed me. one of the I Tlsitors to the closinz ezerdaea of onr Naval 'academv k Annonnii. Messrs. Adams of Philadelphia? and "Watson of Indiana were my colleagues from the house. We were to act con jointly with Senators Daniel of Vir ginia and McComaa of Maryland and we to rendesvoua at 'Annapolis Jane 1, which we did. ' - K? It was a pleasure? to discharge thla Our Naval academy is a great train ing school for sea fighters. When it is r1"" Piannea wm.De ( bar nenerrS tTer taeetTnT3).M airogemer meet ana DroDer. for is not tw9 tho. country under the sun? Being the greatest nation, we aire entitled to have in fact, it is our duty to have-rtho best of everything that's going. Con-. sequently we are preparing f or. outtt ever, and we are 7 doing It regardless of expense, for are we hot the richest people beneath the stars, getting richt-, er every dayr every" . hour, Jeverylmln uie, every ueconuf ii we want tne greatest naval academy or the greatest anything else who shall say us nay? There is, one thing in which, every citizen bf the republic without regard to political affiliations and without re gard to age, race, sex or previous con-' dition can take an honest pride the American navy. - From the day when John Paul Jones bumbled England, startled- the-world and wrote his name on the scanty list of the immortals to this good hour the navy has been the pet of the American people. Nature made us inevitably a mari time people by giving' us more coast line than Is' possessed by any -other country. ' : : ' ' Our first and surest and easiest de fense is upon the sea. This was dem- onstrated thoroughly In the war of 1812, from "which Without our triumphs upon the water and without Andrew Jackson's astounding victory at New Orleans we would not have been in a strictly prime condition to do much crowing; qoite the contrary. and one of - tbfe. mnat pndarinif wai..'faf .j.. naWr - wl raising, "The Star "Spangled Banrcr J which never fails to stir the hearts f 1 an American audience. " a-.' 1 ir-- Whlle the events which gave.it bJLrtb and of which it is descriptive were en- tirely local, it girdles the world as the favorite martial Air of the most war tlike peopfcr on "the , globe for that Is precisely what Iheyj; are nctwithstand-. ing all our' eulogies xipon peace. "That fact was thoroughly demonstrated dur- ing our great civil war, when at the first throb of the war drum an entire people sprang to arms. ssg When Napoleon had sorrowfully signed the title deeds to the Louisiana purchase he saidT "Now I have given England a rival upon the seaM, andj mat was tue cnier sansiaenon .wmcn he derived . from that stupendous per formancethe greatest transaction proposed In real estate since the devil took the Saviour to the top of a high mountain and offered him the domin ion of the world to fall down and worship him. . . . " . Could. Napoleon, on that April day in 1803 bkve jooked forward to 1812, 1813 and 1814 he would have seen that he nad given England not only a'rivat but a conqueror, upon the sea.'1 " ' The American people are not Jealous of a large navy as they are of a large standing farmy.; They are . not stingv' toward the navyJ -Of course, they do not wagjL congress ' to squander their money, but they do want the country to have a navy adequate to Its wants, and tbey are willing to foot the bills. They understand the wisdom of the old that an ounces prevention Js worth a pound "of ctire, anot they bei lleve that an ample navy is a, guar antee of peace rather than an incentive or provocation to war. " , Onr; uiew; navy Is a matter of - such pride that two men William C. Whit ney and William E. Chandler a Dem ocrat and a Republican claim to be itsr ratner. it may take a new Solomon to decide the question of 'paternity as the old one solved a vexed question of maternity. - x-sf. No Sailor President. - . But there Is one strange thing about the attitude of the 'people toward the navy that-nobody has ever explained, and that Is 'This: While they are in tentely proud .'of the achievements of thenavy and cheer a battle stipor lack Tat wherever seen they absolutely reruso to Destow political Honors upon tueir navai ueroes. xiiis la pernaps tne greatest mystery connected, with Amer ican history or American politics. They never weary of elevating : successful. soldiers to. the. highest : political posl Hons, bat they draw the line absolutely at navai victors.. a ney wui nave.none of thejn in office. Wherefore? " Per- apsjiODoay can tell, pernaps nobody ever tried to find out. It lsa problem worthy of the prof eundest cogitation of the psychologist. . v : The ReVo utlonary-war made Wash ington president and helped Colonel Monroe very much in his prolonged ef fort fo reach the White House. Not a sea fighter of the Revolution was ever mentionedorrthe placevf. ' V ? TJhevwar of t8J2;madendre,w1Jaclfaelghten negaUvtJrptea fairly represented 15a ldfStam2 htdod bVCr One. arid bf merit cppdal Endnsed with every bcUlelsa Ten Cent Pacit-e cf C?.OVZS f'CI ICOT UVT f L n. axs-x mvi Vl I - Pierce presidents, but no sailor got po-' ticaIofflcevf?'af6i!J,.i- .. : The civil war sent Grant, XXayes; Garfield and the younger Rarrison to the White Bouse and helped McKlnJey uuu Annw xo reacn tnat toaL No sea fighter seems to hare .been thought of ns)2 admiraland Schley and Sampson rear admirals "for the victories of Maniu nd Sanriistv W . 7-- t.w ri L. .7 WiU it nJwaybethus Nomaaan telt One thlngls dead sure. haweveSf we are to Judge the future by tho past. and there is no better rule, the midahlrv "paouc wen Qismiss rrom their minds at ones I ana rorever all Idea of becomlnx nreci- I dent of this puissant repbUc-iJ fwla wMOiihas. destroy! thAppI5essdf;l jnany-. ai-aistingttlahe4i soMlerj- TW naval offlror'a rhiiwu v. I honor must bo-conaldered nil nnl .vwuuu.a I ne 1 quits the service and enters the rtnkil the great body of tho people. -1 wo voice.-- On dit that President Roosevelt, Gov ernor. A. B. i Cummins et aL "have come to an understanding; as to bow. Yho Jowa ldeaV sbirM - appeat-W no Iowa platform this year. Two years ago it .was expressed In the following vigorous language: . r i stand ythe,hrlo;poanr'ei fhv Aciiiuiiiuia pany in S3 Vina PTOtecUOU tO bom JadustrSea and.poiat-fceMts, aapt rlndlcatlori XA th feUraore3aay raikHity with which our national reaoore hav been developed and our industrial auui financial independence seoured. Wa fjtTor sucn cnang-ea In the tariff from tin to time -as -become ndvlaaht Xhroufh ' th progress pt ; ourt ;ldtw tries ;nOthlr changing relations .to th eommcrc ol the wona. i we tn4orev4he psUcy of rcipreo ivy as -tne -the natararvocnpiement of protao- 1 and urge its development as necea- I to. "A'oa of oar, highest tion sary commercial poaslbUitlea. We favor any modification of the tariff ached ula that ; at Governor Cxi mm ins . cOCferenca preBident SOTghttortato exadS hft!, vi.iis.!S3 we.a-wvy VlltllSlT a y WaWy HjTala It was then diaofered tbaf tbey could practically agree 'by naing. the Repub lican national platform of 1896, adopt ed at the St. Louis convention. Gov ernor Cummins declared that this was as radical as anvthinr be over tbouaht ofiaflytln&tiStor iraa- then approached as3he mostlnflnen- Uy member of the Iowa delegation si Wasbington. capable of bringing his colleagues around. to Cummins ideas. On dlt alsotharSenatbr-Willlami B. Allison has been agreed upon as the person to write the platform. John Ingalls once said. "Allison can walk ovpr irk wA.iiff 1 miti l- Vr.oTTlTrl" and make less noise than a cat walk ing, over a moqnetto carpet" It Is also said that Senator Allison will thus euphemistically .express the.. "lows idea:? U-.f iilil PlilftVl - We are not pledged to any particular schedules. The- wation of rale to a practical one, to ba governed by tha eoa dltiona of th time, and of prodeoUaa. The ruling and Vaooaipreatoins prtncipla la -the ' protection 'and development af -American Vabor and industries. Racs-: procttr. and .proteetiok are taia traeaauraa or itepuoucan policy and gtavand la hand. We advocate protection for what wa pro dace and free admlaaloa for tha naoaaaa riea of Ufa that w da not. prods. Now If that lsTreally,- what. thV erablo senator ia'goiria'td write for too Hawktaye.Bepnbllcahalnd if they are going' U tnddr4 TT he1 might as well not wrisl anything, for It Is the merest twaddle. ' V Anu Tmro Term. rssoiuxioos it. j Harry-Smith; formerly lourhil clerk 'I of the house of - representatives, has ' dug up the following anti third term resolutions.' Mr. -Smith says: . --' navel saanna reterenc tor tsar aatt third term reeolutlon adopted . by tha bouse of representative on Deo. U, UTS tnrat aesaioD, rorty-rourtk eongTass). That resolution; submitted by afr. Sprta arer.oi xiunoia ana adopted by th whelming vote of yeaa to, nays U aad sat votlns 88, braa follows: "Resolved. That In the eoenfna of this 4h0ua tha pracadat astabUaaaa- ay Wash tntrton ana other presidents et th United BUtes in retiring from th presidential of fice after their second term ba become, by universal concurrence, a part of oar republican system of government and that any departure from this time honored custom would ba unwise, uopatrlotto and fraught with pern, to our- free tostlta- tlona." " -;"'W,-.( tt )'v " ! ' The affirmative wV composed of S3 Uemocrats and. ft Republics oa. while tha negrative - vote was entirely Republican, mostly southern, but eight northern Ra. publlcans-rcBradreyvand HabbrU-'of Mlcht- ganv McDoogall tof New Tork," Denlaon' Vermont, Page of California. Plalsted of Ualne. Prat of Iowa and Wbitlas; of IU1- nois voting nay. --. . - . Among th Republicans voting: yea wars, I par field, Foatfrj ffe aad IJalttt lUlpeJ Hoar, Pierce, Crape," Harri and 6ely of Massachusetta, KaUey. CNelli. Paxkes andSnitaprvwnsytvaais? fCasatra. ,Mo Crarvind Juxm Walaoar nfja HrnirM Waldron, WiUard and WUHama of Michi gan and Baker and Hunter, of Iiuflasa.' "Among the Republicans Kitj Voting-, war Messrs. Banks, Blaine, Cannon. Fsrwell, Hurlbut, Piatt of-New York. Bask jiiciiuco vi w aj tuviak. . . ' . akr" The'resolutioarWasmtraad at'PTeevsnt Grant, whow cloaeef frhfnda-wrra' then working- up a sentiment for a third term for him. - This met th combined afppoel tion of" the friends of Blaln. Bristow. 'ConkUng, ' Hayes land . Vi ortaa. , and - tba r ever mnnnnuT'fn. .ui.. I . .... ' . thouirh the; aclev XTZZ ?1. "U f " a - M-rcrrts, TheOlexican war made TavW and oranrTTTJ?-"' " ' Ut 1 pU.t, 4 eui oniaiial 'coles tihlz rcccrd to you? Uo Cctc, llo Pay. Mjuiai)uiuj, a. u, tiUDAl, JU.NE 12. I Ml, - A New Trwt. ' 5 - - The cry Is atni Tcj eoor Ut la, th tnatm.' Thi IUb, la Un arA dealers' frost Only - think ( tbatl The J. D'a. of Ohio, IndUaa and IU noU rrtdently bUT fa BttUnr t&e deril with Ire, cooscventtj ury tar rerroea a xcmbD for the purr ef erbUsg.th m1 trtaa4-4Ar4 oia troa. ' Th officers. ariAb Or sietflkX uuuanapous, praidvot: XX fU Cohen, .Terrs IlaaU, swrtiry; a. trtaorvr. nnxeiatein, ... India sapolla, Msrs W.r for tl HeosJor Her,. Wonder If Jodjre Cminpacktr of Ia dlaaa ever beard of the mas -Woo Wt off mors than, he coold ebw and If w sees any aaniunty twtwUt that celebrated hat sjaooynaooa lsdlvtdsaJ m-to41 tier jorkt has auamed. His o6 mors j ny rt "ws Buypaos. lit U.. 4 Greater New Tork. who says: , y.LTVt TTLT 1 LtS SSS 21 tr' rSS Uat tUnn ian an mr. rui k mi t iTIti.ti In r Mil tbat t ut ttr aa umntin w bs b TO JC wU popuiariir br mvmmtM vws a. ka srsti ma a ts. " "i rommrr. 1 UM4 them aetata as tkaa 1 11 ik. i BMtnMr ox err aart kruhlDtrtnar aad ntnla t Makn and stranath sad by atda la tbia,srat taaa et oars, it M 1 st mbb. oae that aaiflana a tbsasbtfal The alarar win Sever ba eastaWBataa Vr tha aauoo. Tbey arrer. arrvr mux raa trlbata ta any part toward farsalaa the of U fstar. ThT mrm biackar and btacJuc- vrarr day. Tnatr I eolor form a ahTateal barrier vaJcb va I tha great avay. Panona who talk af aaatariaaa ta ' nactlea wltk th raea arebtaai aaa't aa tarataacb what they apeak C rstara . fenerations af ear raea will be vary asaca -as we are. Th pSyatcal barrWr that a arata th bUcka free the arbltas today will ba Just aa bread aad aa klgararaaga oat aa the ceatanee ta Newr If that U not rank Imssy as conBng to tha Cnuo packer thaory K Would Tja-dUBcnrt to think of any aV leranco that coukl bo so eoostrpad. It 1. In fact, double berray. for Dr. Park- I burst not only Sara that most of tVs I coSanA 11 aJ.hTr. .. for tha reaponafbamee of dtlsaaabhV' I sJeh la aA that tha moat rabid whits I ZjZIv Z ; I New Tork BepubDca. portnrf and rs-l former adds Insult to Injury by rail. I lia:corMpoploiXTs.- ThoBos-1 too paTJers oars boppod Ou.to thowrtV 1 aereoa aoar qwoag ta cvoirraa aa I pnblksn at that had uad the word nigger. 1. submit that Jodxs Crss packer shoald"-harness rarkhsrrt sp and- inflict condiga punish meat Bpoa Mail 'X A Whopsor. Jis Tmh stories are , prorsrbUQy ars liable, bnt yurety lbs blrxet wbopper that ever etna na ted from dlscrpia of Isaak Wsttoa Is that recently seat aat from Put-In-Bay, wbrra Grovrr Orvs land U having fan with tha finny WW tnai s tribes, to the effect that he la. at what PPiri tO-tlnt to b. th PTOrT OS. to take himself abeolstery oot of coor siderstioo ss a presidaofial caodklate and will at tha samo time spring oo aa nnanspectlng pnhlle his cnoodam at torney grorral sod pro era, lion. Jod son Harmoa of Clsclnnstl. with ssea an Indorsament as win area re th lsb- tefs nomination t .This sdvko Is trav dered $ers freeiy: No est soft In tending to commit roidds sboold nn- dertaks to bold Ids breath ostU VI r. Harmon ts nominated for prrakWnt by a Democratic coaveatloo. Verb. sap. nit- - :', alost persons msomber ths story of the patriot willtng to sscrlfko tUasslf on the altar of his country who begin by applying to General Jackson for a foreign mission) of tba first class and. ended by scceptlnaT m pair of old boots. Wonder If Hon. Myroei T. net-Tick of Cleveland. 0 Is say kin to him? - As soon ss It was announced that Scsatoe Haana had taken General Charles Pick out of the racaehokedjitta oot. so It-wai baJd-the friends of Herrkk began booming him for prraldrat. which seemed at the time to bo rather a prematura performance. Now tSs news comes fTocd.Bockryedom that Herrlck's ambition has fallen oos peg and that bs will be s candldats for vice president. 'By tha ttrso Tom Johnson defeats tvlm- for governor Herrtck will be satisfied with the mis- stoa to Dahomey. UeVoa tt to&C- Yacri W .: ? "- : Aaaly Idea OSes. Tha Germans say fiCcItonsly of a balebaaylad ma thafia ngbt m tea top.- but vmtj ruu5x- phla lad baa coos (ham oo batter ts tbsrt ej exprralo Jl bad arlltav ty never ocara ioa tarta MW sp plled to ooeol the) lndlrldos,'! tnaetH nt XUb's saaaaaA.' and when ba called at one of tLa Chest cut street stores to find tba clerk who 'had waited oa him the day before ba found It hard to designate blra dtSalte ly. At last be mastered the szlgvary. lfs that man, you know." said be. "with the skin oo bis head."-rblia-telphla Record. - Cf j0 w w Notice ol 'Eieciion. BErponoAisro BT mi; com. ortoruBC&a: UrJ"Aa Aci to soUof ii tk loos of UttiLu, rrsftll a Cos'.. (d a&4 -4 ZZJZt JZ.iZ? JVT w7 cs j u t- l Cir1 Ho to aij .3o ovTn$Af tWttitdf olia'r t111. it pntf? i4 , UUlsr U m.3t ?f d ih c.ii to a. smoaat fxl m0; biilr SsTLocsa4 DaTUr W ts .1! Pv TT f m4 10 ft 14 M la Act croTkiad fear 12 M-r olW4 bcthd. ball U sotVotu! ao4 pfv'rl al Uf eUo lnbr rJH lUm ruOcimt sxaoat o txio vU bm U to3, eoCer tbo rMirktaosas U nU Act svnd fiol niz Usass tire la vparifsd. to pj lor t roeats. tioa ol fjrum tJ sUr-owlaa4 wsjrsLar t saU Iowa, t! U eaQ Dot ba fcseaafary ia aaaaa tW vbolo anvosnt ol bobti at&oijni i. . . . ..11 11. . vii is orosr so cowtrwrt tha aaJJ itiM a t..t t V " . wvrairv snmtJ a b Uad U sorb earn rosy t asary to pay lor tha ataiasl ol sja iWxtrta lbi plant lof Ss aaj tai aaioaotof boo4s Wve4 lor oil of say prtrs ai al ttv4 hm ramoIlOxty Hre Tn29a4 tVJUra aud tha proxsods t mat uz?4 U bcoda Wacl UX ba aai vb4 sa pacdrd ridaaitair lor tb pajrtwwa) ,--, . . , .a hm0 'P" P P0 pWP01" B1vt S. At Lba asid rlartio tboea a aal. insa voters. apfta: m!L u.-.. .i " rT. ra u itpl UCol bt pritr4 or vrittca , tLl& JitU 4ia words ""Fiar Iattfotataaai 1W tWrton, ui) I bosa dlsArprOftax U 01 Kiajr drpwt lias Heart wifJl tb woris "Afairart terrarBt Boods tlveTww. Tb)pcris mm t opctved si plirw; bovt sajs-aj ,! rrvo o'clock in ts aortJc oo bm day earned foe UU tWtiom ss4 will rets sin opq osti snaasi of tW aaux day, and th said W itm & bo bW sadar tba sms reW tva4 rtfnUtkxis as tar .lh jm4 are partlXMC'aAXal Sft?UrttU mm eVtioO) tor muordnaj , ofrvr U " tU aavU town. 4. Xo tow registration , of vTrtrra Urrqitrrd.bat fed jnaniavl volrrl of tba saU toa t appasr o th rVlntikm U tharvof, S wlsVAttrff4l aaara ita Uit rrgUtratioa d voters ta towa, dmJ, mnoted or to'avnj war tweoms dVaqaaltrd toroM Is ton, ah an bs aUU4 to sou Is Lha Meetloa bcrsbj csXed, tor tU ol rrffiaUrtog ma slrctri of 1 tb si4 too, othrrstse csZzM, but boas nam to do not ft atrpstar npoa tbo ' rtatist raUoa book of tU tosra, and sJ2 p-raons bo may V COTOS qUaviSfdlO VOtsib tUksOd tion on or twtor XI day CWrvet, tba rnciatralloa books sill bs omt! oa oAtordnj the 3th ds vol Jvum V. ! at tb Orrr t TartarO C9 - r" Is. too tovn of LuaWWrf jaa4 tjr mala opt for scca inr7ca U datsexdnalvt ol SoaJat. Oa riar- dJ frseeOltia; t!: ttU& tW saAJ boots wil) bo opaa4 tor tfce etrrftawa. ol ttsJWcjrs an I rrviaioa. 5. lTUt6.Crls J V J Ursbr splatad rvstraf tr IK sikf rtictjoo, aSj , f. W. HT u W land IT C. .IWrow ba auJ ara TSsr srpolatilcdfssol t b . ; ft. -" Hut tb.lt U9 tat 'sail tWui tiartloa bo tanbosbeit istjl'-ffj iJf la tba rfaatUa Tiaat, tvai. s ropy tbarrof poalaa at tbrso fsUi taavraa la the to ati ol Lo labor, aa4 tta s copy of tb aJorwaaU Att ol tb fnrsi AasmUy bs ptUiab! an4 posted la cooaattla?ei itlui pirtol.tils taH. vUonIrr oltbs PMirtl d CoetsU slonera. ! - ,. ) fXfx h . - ' "ilaf or. ;tri. '.-. ... ' i Ao Art to , Actl,&fta tba ta r lxjo?!.arsr. rrstUa Possty. a Isaoa rVo4-for t - fjw-a cl llaL'.lns: a Hjelrn ot fatif work! nsd rWwrrx aa 3 f'eo. trie U-t ruU 4 Tkk GaUXtXAl, AMKtfltf Ciiottit m Lncr. cr ?koS- fxcrta 1. 4Tfcat fjr U f;afa of rrcrldig a ifitra , rf wa'.a vorka an 1 aawerar ,n an tittrii lljjbl r tanl fr IL Ua ef L-!.-berg, rfcfa6cra'ltsfal4tr r-cjta.-Ue Ccrae:S?aieara cf Ua on ol Lcalil afr. In U C--ael? n 01 t.csii : irg, in is of Frai Ula. x J a- 1 ts; are tr j iilii a - at 1 ' . , I I - t nit 4Usl;, t: .';r '.4 Ml 5 , fS tie date lV-tf s a al4 S Ik lLaa I ua - - - - . . v J f taifteatl satsualaUave's 4 al iV j'-aco w im as ! ttaa.&lMVat aa y 4)Uru aa. v vva, iw sa , Usaf. at lrkU la ti wsf, 4 la fa1; IVr. 1 .Jil'MffVn.Vi,!,. rt4BM, t-ti lttea.:it I'lr xm vi.ia W"-, ttll. , : I M M.1 U.jWiiV2, tie!' is aaa;aar air St".sa.Ia. w - ----- ai'J t d U;si ilMUi If a-vU 44j owlsls a, a . ft .' se-.r yr" r is t-s s4 f sir 1 - - ? t4 V U Maaaal f jaaeaVaa S:A ru tft U is itU y UV aall UtiltU.fla.f ats 4 t aav4 UaJ .. - . w i Z f7rl JVkJ lltsUVil f-aaiff aa Ul Ur.aa tl.s rM IT IM Ml tiajr:-e, ;. lt4U4 tst;a t3 la j rrsa.rskU ta tat to it f t i Ul4 if stVef Uwbalsea fta ft ftl Jlk wls Wrrasa a! a IWw, s-4 if lrtWU4flflti)Ui0 00 rltett lUJIfilL la aaii r- - J MISS ftf tajtMkl Si lis Uaf a liases) s4 si Us p44 sa t'afra tVt;t Is tvv)44 Is iVall m4 It tiUUad UlT UUraaft la4Tub tm tha tls list lVy Ua fee sw Ut3tagalutUtiir -. IW4 TVsV IVs sUl trsbaU w: -ta-a Ittfi, Sk-4 IVU la) siaa b? liafeas aJ4 is. sa.4 09Urt!4t-i t-r tU Carl aavi Trtk-tMf a said bow x s4 sVaj atpeaaa troaft iVatf faia Ua t irv w&tg vry bra Mrttaf. a 1-4 aa:i k aaaU4 wll tV strtaU aai sf iVs bald Lrwa- Trt f IVo aa:i is. ai-tH le a !ak a a. a a a its wfrMw avosari lei an aawausaft f tSs stW a&4 1 e.HsUkiit el eaid ae4 Uwa4 aa sfwal4 as4 tWas tbaaata !.;. tU cJetlt WU !aa an (tbU sJ4Cftl iT U ra sal rr;a4 tlVidw! U ball - tr4t llii sal Vs t14. It Ira to ot oftWrwSso- '--suMaai fc-T isaotaasiaw aa 4 Veal iU irsw tUMat S iW totr4i 4U.sr Uhi t4l4 U s-erals tmtlfl l en .f ri tit aMaunaS. Tl - aall Vwl aastj W tf-to st sdt fttsattS l tie iasMUoat ti 4J tat lr tl LW raid too s. , Stc IVsl as (wxs aa tie rail U4 sra UaaJ, T4 aa4 9S. Un:i-v4 k-arais wLAa4. Ua saU 1 Uilso r baHi loo t Ve rasi t ta tV liftia of lUTrwn tr sf Mil aa !. 4-It HMtlrn p tks sastsv SV4 sSalttaar tAea La Ua erts-S4w or Kankaaars UanmT ?w Itbil aik44a ts.ko ooa, Ufaai M tstf wa atirkla4 f Md Obimlassaars b esial aJf Uf4 ol rbal to OuU FrrxaaJl r; s4 lU sail Trsrsaw aball saaks rtl k4 rsto 14 so lali OtmtlKaara,, s fiUtwd,t.(Ua:tvaWi. daaaslkal tl laa a4 ssa kkd U iaSb Sb4aj aUrara.4 AtA IU taji TSAnl UU fa. teltsaJltrva-al! tf tVt M aa4 2Ual all.ii s-:tt.,W sa4 ersosaiaa r4jt t IV sa4 -sa4 dLraaUea al aali C-e-BsJ-airarv b4 s-s r(wasibis fta LVo saia cnalkdr k ksiscsf S.U4 fw Ja, aire law tt is aa rar4 a . ... . aa see., aa . ire ta-S twSVada' S4 i ksafrltgar US aaaays e4.al4 oi ss reaaarar kaaraac.., TV asXj CsssalMaoaers avay r? m iViHritiManri t-stts a4-4 Ua at a4 lr IV rwU.tisrra s4 .its tiatlai 4r tty Mi,M U- taUdaeas avltlaaaU, afe'la-ey ialJ if Us assoftftiaf iU . faaaa urn rssaats iVeevfjs. tr . - . , . e 'Test fTAs s-m'a ef ttv,4U frr Oi urnitltl tVa tale real acftrUg mm., at.4 VWjtab ,V4 is ,U -w tt. t1sr;;:s at Ske!tUy el Lbs i-s U lsrsUaalbidU4,tW C4aa.:aslae). tiaal iaV4 Uo4a aoalif m4 at lbs lists si ltf it sO-e ua utoa aa4 tstf a f-t'.0. Laa. all M parsaaa aa4 araljaal si Uistvaw t;ea wbab tlmtltW asW.ra.drt mi akay la - - v -eF kaivfioy sny trt.4 i4Vwsn as.14 tat ba4 l-s"a ttl5sr1 talJ as to ralaaaekw atS rtiia mf tba laurwt kjow ei4 Uit M it bdjranwd dt ava 3 La raaitt lt lie tf ait f Ua fatt:;all sf aaU stsaLtily; Ukai atsaae aal at IX t'at t tdoa laieaar ra:!a, .-.!. a." ra raw ar try V-l f tlbaf Tat iVt4 t td'4 t' 4 tba Tt.iareri . t y.'a Ud a4 CaUU 7ai 1. ck-ar re-4 wjib U o lee lie el iVa said tai. Va'l te a t a 4 atf W t t-wo4 f - it- . J.m ! a tl a rwm , r-. f a a t liab. ry U- aaf !;;( t re far C;.tr-l r aa.J la t aa (t alVaf law laaea e a! I ta V'ts. 4 4 i. rail t-v4 iVa.) la 1 1 f lie aaii Unt'jdlttitt is rf last as a t - U aa:;t t f tt. j ;acial tag is ai.Ura U U Uef isa-a 11 a. t;ar Ti al -e It ua . eV.al ti.'-f ! Ai Vit.lt af t!i . At. si a".', la e;i H;t'iU as 4 dii'.'.t't fra aV, e'.ltf uit i! tia: r.-f i f al ly ta tit I t: v sir .it; ! a i r l "-- -: r. 1 at iV. I M III I I ' II i l l v gv- t a a a .'- i i as 8 -Ma ili-iit el a a t a.a.2 - 1 i! ". .M l k( U Lta Ia IVa . ,. I m4 Vi a k, wl l! ,iy T . . a. nr ay, I 1 1 1 j im aa av)-, .a a. -A . .. . ui,.l.U au( it JLt, t a -,fa..r iVa.,' t.-i jj ai li, f tr. IU, ,v.a t. t tf t tli M al tt.(ip.lt.4 i.t j... ,.alU, t a j 'a ..1 t . . t . w-v-p V A" -MRS 'W. osv V-a 4 ari ' i U-t si rtl IT t.- fcai ti- . - - - v , y x J lis aaU4 kra-S ft4 1 U.x ' 1 " iwar-a, aa va.raj aaJ.6 sat lira. kLa C)iakaiI.niM t - - - - - - T f-.fa liall I f Sraas) U s r a SAo tkan. r are la so M r, st uo s.t rata a a aMia,As 1 .ri ilUrit.iaa4 bW Tl-kaaA e .arWiTi aa l,a.i l is S0 ft , a. aa kVa ata rum mt .'tUfar.aU4etaeM t'Ctt- k4 avan.lMO'ta a -aajXi. fiat avvAajaj i3-it la bs4 lrJS tlw IU ks ftwrt kVa MM al Ua I m-m eaao kla aa.,4 r;uirUit awy a ... A I iis soA4 saaSiaiak kt.iiw a;vkt4 Saawo Saawak kVa aaans af IV iaa-ca Sk4 tAa kwy f a aaa4 baa sa kriii fsreafad aO.- w.iv fOVAia t-J.4 )arkaVa4 a ttla lu tes a:iA. Vba rwtr'7 m tst'Kajoitt u.ca tUowe sav4 I !" aUasj sr sraava. kVk-t a? rj.ti4 o kvls li i-til vVa r4s -A4t ts)avaaaa.ans tW.!." Wsmcw tV ew4 in tt aal a.anra WJ a Ult f kVa aJUwao wjtfw&ar,, mt VifL. a.SM.1 I Uav aUI ..( t-Va rwaa ti Oaml is tia Cl4 a Huanre as VX sav4 bawsA. ltaVa,h rMir U Saveaa j Ue saa-ebas ea UaS isw v U sMjoriif 4 IV fet tlt ftrUwa si Sa4 ta Ot a4 laatira Va S-a) rfi ) - rrs sat saAl b-a s) -Z mm ft ba ssasaal Ua aea, 4 for, 444 iWl LLs f)anr Ul ti S4 itriUK't rfrCai. tval tl a sarSMs-aff s4 t 4rva.U4 trtsftifkvi lro .aaUaa rail be -4t "! tjiwewi Tr-ltt.tav,-" kWo U a aUft t44.,;i a4 bS flows tew. . . II tt 14 ft- aawVi.t rtwrr 4 t is. tW e.t ftwaaa4;J twaa, 04 avaMvly 4 U eaaa-s UJ n! fa ts ka al Aua) LW tVb tS asiaa,airf sf Lt a4 U a ! Lta'-I. VaJ Ut fv-i smarts saal wtAuvlf V e!UAtab s4 swaaaftaat. w4 st a Uaves aa tkaasUlti SA-4 a f J If-ab a-r af v"HH.avir.4i( ss 1 lasftHt Silt S44 n al taM . . . -. . . m HW M VVS ee S4 M m-j s4 um SallA. aav, v s-t.4 e f Arj SiSB Sal tVe-f - f fw m Ss4 Aa.4 ba aarvS U-e 1st; in H Uirail il tVa aaU W a.t 4 Jat t. Use bail d a t V i t 1 1 id-tfi ad I' lUkil f if tU f.rj t.la tat a v4 t1 - t T S4 ars we wawpTi 4, a. t7 a ; I ftaa aa evarj.itfal-.aT aba - ease U aa o-as A I ? U( a itaa ftiaJl aU C14 fa-Tt i a 4 H is f Ur,VM Sk V . M raft-1 UU eI JNH. etrraaeftf a4 avay t a --' y V aa.aiAs sua4 V. ' t ' ' I S44 S'fwsrkla U-e a4 ett'us ? eeVa-i,lt k ( ar,aav4e at.l '. Ltml 14 M t lr li f fv t2 H'U'a! iil al ai it wrai t ! t..g la 144 aJ irwea'-l ) s4 Ue a4asvtati s a4 U a w-T f . rveDly kt'i4 X'4 ft Jw-b a f fe U VV-rS ta ak.l Ua la4 V J-Vt f'aV-t t avas a a tal t v CA ta lad al 144 f i o-f, f id tl. fis aHakaAAas tf le-kg Sid rb4 n Ctad Jftf.?4 .t,-r.iaaik,' " fast AS t i fr: V-1 f be la J f su a x f i.twax.i r.,-. el o.tra r,tit aaO'rft i.( V.4u j kt4 alrvt it a nit sic a I j ni i--aiaiit ,1 a Id l-w.2 f, tV a.tar j-Mi'rt if g 11 1 ! a ;it taw VI aiaas fa-- , J-r-4 I . v svu V .T Us f-tt- fifeaf - f ra 1 7 Jk a C a ; i S 4 a t a. - .4 as. JWW . avst9 a ,sa v y v aav -w avav 41 w-tsts at-4 w i r,,iu a a a aa a i r i.ia , r.,,u i,r . , .1 a i, ta t4 ) t t-i a 'I t a t v I aia a.ii-i4i t k 1 t ) .d ? v 1 u ai ,i, - - f m- mm 1 ,m Iim.i a iw-i.a a a 111' . . . . - I . M ia,...t rn n! t.i J . . . . .... ileal kf af kl t-"-C a, i f. a t ; a'.-! 1 11a kt a t - a a4 t'iat.a air alii t ..-tt j a a a w a- - - w - a s 1 , rt fee . . a k. a t aea) .4 t V-e a,bi l(lf, u i i4 taia-4t t IVa U-saitf. F: tt. 7t a 1 t- ta ; i aa It tana i - - 5 . 0 t C II I - a .i. it i lU ; 1 1 J . '. f t M fi-i !t 1 1 - i 111 i t v - 1 '. U I t 1:1 I ! : 2. Ti a t ." J i 1 1 1 CM' A tl a t aa t it 5 It i 1.: V t i r .b ts v. VJ k ..a m w . a t-.-a m m t' f . r h ' Ml V I I 4 OLD -UYli" at .tl,as fay Jl'sf , aj saUl Va f ktaaavaata ? t.ea - -, -.- - ? tt awaa )rtlCW) (as v -t-t V. .4 l-f WOOD YaX t iH intrna a a.,., H tHibV H'f S-.I fwi-aaa a ,aH fl.M av..j! lA - ! vi- - ! -,. tia to- 8vra ns lA ty W it! ik k., fmf Matns shiafc. aVi t a aa U. - J' 4. TsiaNra4i. SEABOARD ; a4IV Lt atjCl3attt " trt tc-t, Ttrn. ir-cr in -ftflUSJ tRl HWl aJtta tat 1 Cfa aWXT? at.awtK.tl,, . ' " " " tklM " "' . aw '" Ht ft rt a VIaa,.M.a t.lm Iwi.iwiw -t at aa i V aiiii t m , '" tr ai aa. ""' w '' iH'a t J ii4 ' a at Z - i- a e fa. . . fw4 , . a t-Mxaa, at a t iii a hi. a- .. ),m m ?aJ)f a SW j 9t aa . a m a J en w f a - r I .a mm, ? a mm M .Mil 4 wm ,-ni a , r ': j .1 V a lltllf a ava 4 imm 1 a r M t a f 9 a . ! - ? 4 f 4 ek i t at e m , .atMtia S M aw x tw ii.h taf" a .. .as t a- i.wia'a a 4 ft S lit-a h - ' j a ;m ; " - 1 f. f , w , - .a t i i t .. a t r t .. ' - I " ' ' a? )a-a tiatLi ka. . ., . f rr aa I N Ma i iww i T J t FT. t-TTT ' i - ,. t i rr. - rr t.- " i aaai vT a"" a '4 , i- 1. a V ii.m. I , v ' ' s a- I a-a, a aa. at aa mm a aa i I 'T'lWw - aa a m mm, :tmm ", ,mZZ a .aa f ' a o aa a w M(.wt I s Vf " t"a ra aa lU Km raT'silM aa aa aiw'wy as a r a a aaT ssaaa - mmm t aa 4 41 I mm a S.sa .11 tf k mt"mm " "e ""JZ - k Oat aa,"s a aaV "t mtf ' f mt mm a aaa J tW aa t I m t 01 a , jm mm f a ft a H t t aa a a if vi m a -. ' . c i aa " "' a 1 " "" ! ft W.ia . t .a ft aTaa V lMtrs - tl . t.a.ni 'L. I tw ra m ae ....... w .',wf.i,aaiJe'. . t .Mn.r-iiar' a. aa , 1 ..Hri, - art - . i , . - , ... i i ii aw ...... . .a ft r aa. ... - I l aa t aa ... -m.mmt4$. M M a ) 14 . t V t m mm . M.T-aM t ia . a ! aaaa I I lit a . , m 'VW l'fIUl. lM k t a i , a,. - a t . i . '.!. rait tMa. - t m ai rm ' a ' ' , J ' t - , .. . i -m 5 1 ,. Iiaa ' "l - - I . -