! i " . - . 1 JAS. JUTH0V1AS, Editor tnd Proprietors 'I'M v.! GOTO 'JL' X', , THE VOL. XXXlii LOUISBURG, N. 0, .FRIDAY, JUNE I?. 1 4N a .;V V"" ' I , . - v ; JLL 1 1 CHURCH DIREOIPBT - ' MKTHODIOT. Sanday School at 9:30 A. M. ' Qio. 8. Bakbb. Snpt. -PreacbiDg at 11 A. WL, and M. every Sunday. : ' . ' . ". Prayer meeting Wednesday night, r : M. T, Pltlxe. Pastor. BAPTIST. - f Sanday School at 9:30 A. M.' Thos. B. Wildbr, 8npt Preachin at 11 A.M., and 8:30 P.M., rrery Sanday. 'I Prayer m-eting Thursday night. H. H. Mabhbtjbhb. Pastor. bmscopXu Sunday School at 9:30. Wi H. RnrPiH. Supt. mornin? and night on ,t 9n and 4th Sundays. w..nlnr Prayer.- Friday afternoon. Rav. Johjt Lohdoh, Bector. Letter it :' in A- LODGES. Looiabnrg Lodife, No.' 413, A. M., mets let ana nights In each month. 1 V r 3rd Tuesday Special Washington. Letter. "'- - ,;: ' S stated- In my ' last rletter,;. 1 have been attending the clos er ing . exercises of - the NaYal ( academy at Annapolis, which gave - me an unusually good oppor tunity to learn the political conditions in. Maryland. There la little: donht amoflg well informed persons-regard-Iess of race, sex or previous condition of political affiliation that the Democrats will sweep the states electing a go vern- The ' Pott Olfice Scanials . rPoHQcs In Maryland - J " : Mr. Morgan! UouaehoU Effects archs In Sorope, has tmhr knltateA tae .verase American politician.-. , ... , '"Poor Tom'a A-cUL" U ' 0 ;1 " vAs' a' specimen . of human crednHty ' nothing more amusing has appeared In print lately than-' ' the follow In edi torial - from the ; Detroit Free Press. :When Piatt : yells "Enonghr'i senalble people wUl-believe that tla creature, Governor OdelLhds walloped him, and ' not. before.; -Benjamin: Odell' would .never have warmed the gubernatorial horror end nntatl. - A4 r Mw ; tn pctMl before m. mtr m H U. Can It b by ay so-uwniy, u4 etrtl j Mmoe rfora to a basbuT , Mark Twain a a tuteaman. The Satorday Cvnl& Xt ei rtiHa delphU says: , . r Bctatae BtrwaK e4! NrrAa t& a etory o Mark Tli rrTwU:9. Ttaa humorist vbe w to aU V la Caraon Oty m4 aa 4r Inc In tb rtty coqocU 6i tb mtmm Dtn Of XCM!ir pfmptntm rjs; Notice ol Election. i Mi5:o5i:s5 or.TUK -now OF LOUIS BIT. a-. 1 t-rr. 1 xV t: lit f:iMI C - J I tit i y tt. Vi ). r frf4llt4UlV4l 1 ti' t UttiM ia 0 11 1 r's T L 5 I aso;:b iU?m1 t ;i i at 1 1-9 ae k nl tti tl j a! rt. v. i or, state ticket and legislature wMchciudryhad-It not pleased Piatt, to pe" j Spuak. l-irotteiona.l &rls. S PRUILL & ALLRED. ATTORNBY8-AT LA.W, Will practloe in all the Courts. LoalBtarg and ToangsvlHe, N C. Offices in D K. ABTHUtt H. FLEMINQ, DENTIST. LOC13B0RO, . -Offleo Or3r Tbe Oreen U N. a Yarboro Coe Store. Q R. 8. P. BURT, PRA.OTICIira PHTSIC1A.X AND BURGEON. Louisbarg, N. C. Office in the rear of Bodtlie, Bobbitt & (Jo.'s Drug Store, on Naeb street. I) K R. F. YARBOROUQU. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, VrTBURa. N. C. omre nd Boor !!: baUding, phone 88 Night calls nwri Irom i. residence, phone 74. Bickett's tS. MASHBSBORQ. ATTORSRY AT LAW. L0DISHCR8. V. C VlU pr5tlce in all the Confte of the State Office In Co art House. M A RCUS C. W1SSTEAD, ATTORNEY- AT-LAW, LonisBCBo, N. C. Onici ovm Corner Drag Store. Special Attention given to collections. Practice wherever services reqaireo. JJR. J. B. MALONK, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. LOQISBTIBS, . 0. : Office over Ayeocke prug Company. will elect a Democrat to succeed ;"Sen. afor McComas,- wha was so confident that the Bepublicans would 4kW. "Hj Maryland" that he relinquished lifo position on the benck to nab a . United States senaforship. Tbe chances re that he wishes he had not done it, for he realizes that his senatorial career? is drawing to jl close. The "next, time "Be Is appointed to a lif e position will probably have gumption enough, to keep it. His quarrel with Congress man Mudd has been his undoing a petty quarrel about patronage. Mudd appears to have the upper band. A surprising thing about . Maryland Republican politics is the recrudes cence of ex-Senator ."Wellington. A year ago everybody thought he was dead as Julius Oresar, dead as a smelt. deader than a doornail. Now " he is favorably mentioned for chairman of the Republican state committee. Ver ily, verily, politics makes strange bed fellows! The defeat of Congressman Wachter for niayor of Baltimore has ripped Maryland Republicans up the back generally and Irreparably.' They are gone fawnskins; tbey are done for; tbey are ausgespielt. The successor to Senator McComas will probably be Hon. Isidor Rayner, now Domocratic attorney general of Maryland, whe defended Schley with such eloquence. He is of Jewlsn ex traction and of brilliant parts. Maryland Republicans are becoming objects of ridicule, as witness the fol lowing from the Cincinnati Enquirer: Ex-Governor Lowndes of Maryland would like to take the gubernatorial chair again, but declares that hewlll not fight for it What Mr. Lowndes needs is a -mit him so to do. The Free-Press says: That tnld man" fea to wblpo In another eoUtical fight mean Uttl. b causa be haa been ottaa xrblpped In the nasi, bat that one of his followers abould Admit that the gray old boaa la now but a 'name means much. Moat of all. U mean . that Thomas C Piatt.' who haa need so many men for his own purpoaaa, la now clay in the hands of sturdy and tcorona Juniors, who. While 'pretending te be hie followers, ere,Teuy w lesasra. i omj conjure with bis presllge. They demand recularity In tke.name of the boaa that used to deal so-mercilessly with hlf ene miaal but Je himself can only alt and nod and wonder what It la albout The monks In the great lamasery at Lassa used to pretend that the grand lama was Alive for years and years after he waa dead when It suited their pur poses thus to deceive the people. The Pl&tt machinists evidently have been playing a similar game. "The old man" has passed away. - The scepter long since tell from a palsied band, but the super stition of the "easy boss" has been kept eJlve in the minds of bis followers, and It is only when an Indiscreet disciple blurts out the truth that the puoue gains an inkling of tba real concuion -oi anan-s. Politically, the oldman" Is dead.' but the monks still strive to work their miracles In his name. Consummate Skill. That the high protective tariff both ers others besides cranky: Democratic tariff reformers and free traders Is demonstrated by the fact that; that great Republican light; - J." ' Pierpont Morean. has "been lying awake of nights inducing -insomnia , by, pestering his head to devise a plan to get bis art treasures into this country duty free. Mr. Morgan has succeeded, if the press dispatch quoted below Is true. Evi dently this great .and Illustrious cap tain of Industry appreciated the wis dom contained In the vulgar saw. 1. TValla Tt-eitfcrw t4 U-e thori'.J mzUti tjf fc4 JUt el 5as fJZrt A i rf -or".Jk Te ri- f vj t lis SKtaaioa tt JU Ul Af Art lo .lotU h ta ot Lrtssbejrr. ltB,Uai Coatjr. 1 who cherished no great foil a tor t&e , . , , . t young Clm Tbie eacxa. eriv- 7'. e( mUMQi sa.J came hopeler eoofd to a ru r sosatary tancle. rtnaar a awiWx we OA lii Cth d cl Usfrt. 103, made to ecpwr rtwn te r a v- 1 .i.1 V'l U krf r-t l.i , nU l tCnt HKw s ai OoToiay IteTlijwtX liaJ,liCi, I t i gravely, -aad the we ul pnm e I COtkrnt 4 ta ta Tty 4 1 ? J opuelra. It abort b eectiviy -s- i -. tjm ' ..,..n trVtw ir. the Uea e l U)rl t esvM t4Va IA as avtfnval tol e i lts ;!,t r !g tf imHu i a cms a i I n i'-ntec t a te f .,, nl a! a-iV ala.: a - uiai! tJ U LftaA .( e a.ii.-W air G ti 1 w stay irja'!ii4ti,fi eO.w ttrt.. ! stall :" ' rt e itj" ,l e Im-U Ut', lJ Lf e is e-i 4 a t:J.-" i"t- f ay, a4 U-o tt.wlj'. U-ewi T A - iwi.'Ji fatiiu ftlMnlVMlrnVVti tT e' ! s..f il Vl.wae ir (rn ! 4te li-f4 Ivl ! t ee a:-e-s. lie '- Cw nwv vif iir'ti atn aunir w kirn tare waa eatremely aastoue saouMl t tmnvmm pert of total Watery. The aMHiuai. bavtog bm eaconded. waa eagarty iinit . The matter baa been erdr4 tipn I faf trarrjma tlfUrtx? e ft a a a a-- tci-ei4 f IV Va e ei-i. ' .6a WvCa, e, rC W.4 V-4 -e f Te a f e-i W 1 f en : ,Ve v""'" 'l " r - tt V( a rot U-ei Wi e t a-j t4 biul .sk..ire 4 ( I rue S ar-w e al uai i ' g a. t. evi,ai ge. i t J.UiUh t ef.l-rf e.e . 1 t le l.n " w i,- ieir u u, .iuvvw u. . u c ' nrc r r n n d t r " tf at JO avail t-f a al 1 ir.Llt uiLUulL.-.l aoL oblKarated asas - Otuy twmw.- He paoawd to MUc the. effort hie a--laaw of ejuhUuUttoa. . V'se. a-t-tamm." be aatred. wta yew a- pnnged matter depoettsd and plaeaotr Mark Twain ceuefat tn attHa af the coajkcUman nearaat sinv Xet the pngd matter be wont endar IW ftjr man's bat.- be euggweted. -Te) oe aroeii ever think of Vacklag tWe fee ay thing." .-- - . . May Mis Tribe Inereaoet i.kf m?; I Vms e- .ee t -i two mae a V a t. a IW. I TV.! l i ? a a u . i ai e u V i-a I . vrvar- .1 t. n at.J. , Wra,:f..t I VU f...,s atl M r. a ai Va f n..a. j . v T " 7" le nl U U hUt t I f tV. h' J l an aa-aim had to tUltTJ t4 sv rfrUl 1 vs . a. lVe eU d tart .a. ! rami's a.c !-.. VH ea-a a - stay ms inw iiwia , In -11 HI t ..il 1.1 t .r I, a f i. I . . . .t.. i.r . .u t. . . ,.ila Marse IlenrT Wattcraoa na dog ep I . rr ' "". - ' - a pemllar sort of fnaa down at CrvBlolry! IteUUrwl 4 t;rii;! I rtta!f li jlt;l el rv i a4 i.f a V-l OrVhard. Kt!: a sort with wtkh raniJ-1 oJ sniJ UtCa. I UlH e aU 4 x ft f i U a -iri au. t dales for offlca are not mtsch atAjuaint- i - . .v -j I mlJ a t w Vv a t e ' s la- W Iwf-la a . i . va m a Tia I w- - - . . - a a ' r ? Umoat cVrtalnlv a rbrs a via, May fcj to Ut6lWl 4 it triba Increase) aad tnoltipty! The Ooo-1 tb eJcctUa WrtVv aT-3, IW a rtor-Jonrnal says: I aaSciaat AOa&l ol Wa-ld wiH t U- altl.ll'nfiiti, t ti Ua wilt sf i'ef asalf 4-t - sVaUlalt, U vl lie Mr. Joah CrUnth, candidate for tbe taa- I At aod ftol alcvai OCT tiC tsVla?a4 M(ariHftt4,ltVa f -Mtw ef J waasin bo.".? UaTiw 1 P5 P 1 eaUI U aif HU f.tYUfw4 f ted the hotel for rweatty I tkaa tl r jata c4 elreeiia4 1 Utat in lo sV V TrTorfc!21L! aeoiMtv for J 4iJ Ua. 0 U a3 1 aUC i la Saw svaXM ,1 T . " . Dot to Ma-T to oae IW rbobt tnrajat tJt pn&4a atba4 i oftanrnsgo, tiwsi a4iioa Pwia 51 bo lwt la 3th Ms ae ma l amr eojkarj ttt par lor lb e;al;iaAl powerful friend like Senator Hanna. to "There are vraya Of kJlliBg S-pcp Other llam nlrk htm un and set him down ln .the place, relieving him of the tedious details of a state convention. Perhaps Mr. Lowndes, though, la loo well known to be successfully handled in that manner. R. B. S. F03TBR. PRACTICING PHYSICIAN fc BURGEON, Louisbarg, N. C. . Office over Ayeocke Drug Cmpany. HA1W00D RUfTIN. ATTORNKT-AT-LAW, LOVISBDBS, a. o. .,'! Will practloe in all the Courts of - Franklin ind adjoining eonnUea, also In the Supreme :o art, and In the United Btatea District and riroult Courts. - Ottloe in Uooper and Clifton Building. fIJHOa. B. WttDlls, ATTORN8T-AT-LAW, LouiBBuae, a. a. Office on Main street, over Jones at Cooper's tore. J? S. SPRUILL. ATTORNBT-AT-LAW, tOUISBtJBO.a. 0. Will attend the courts of Frankthi, Vanie arsnvUle. Warren and Wake cpnnts, also the supreme Court of "North Carolina, prompt attention given to collections. Office over Rgerton'a Store. . T. W. BICKSTT, aTTORNKT AND " 0OTJNSBLLOR AT LAW. . CL ' VnT8BTTBe . Postal Scandals. All Washington is lna great uproar touching the astounding scandals in the post office department. Of course a profound Impression has been made m the whole etountry.but here In .Wash ington; where nine-tenths of all the people are either in the government employ or live off those who are, any sensation in the official circle v has a tremendous effect. Some lofty heads have fallen and others rest very un easy upon the shoulders of their own ers. Republicans are all a-quiverr for fear that the partial exposures will whet the appetite of the publie for more and that this hullabaloo 13 Dut the precursor of a political revolution. Tbey shudder in terror when they think that the battle cry of Thomas A. Hendricks. "Let's see the books r may , once more become the shibboleth of a great party. While much of corruption and peculation has been snown up the average citizen is prone to believe that "the half hath not been tow." The voters are now beginning to re alize how much, thfy missed by not electing a Democratic house in 1902. Had tbey done so we would have set investigations :ra foot in all depart ments of the eovernment and w6uld have drawn forth enough evldenee o have sent the Republican party to .the political morgue. It appears now that this jobbing, peculating and plain steal ing have been going on for years, which emphasizes the necessity for a thor oughgoing investigation. Of ' course .Generals Payne, "Wynne and Bristow are playing politics in probing into the conduct of dishonest Republicans, but the common sense taxpayer win Dew than choklnz him to death with hot butter." Usually tha only way to evade tariff duties on Imports has been to . smuggle, . wblchla . a-crlmlnal of fense, but by "beating the devil about the bush, to borrow another ancient saw, Mr. Morgan gets his art treasures In free, thereby saving the comfortable fortune of $300,000, without resorting o the dire necessity of ranging him self with -the criminal classes. He has simply dreumwented the law, as the elder Weller would say if he arere speaking of the Morganle caper. A who "He baa eondocted five years, sad candidate a Cent for board or lossta. Hi claims that caadidateo hove tare enough expaneoa without bavtac et bills to lav. and bte bona te alay mt-m ' alwaya glad to soe caadMale. I tvo aaU eVvtm t4 walr-ofla aa-4 1 give yon iae oeo (orugot ua wwc O. Carlisle. Jos Dtackbara and ofbor o UmguUbed Domocrata have alaac' "1 bad aorar boss taart Wtore aa a candidate aad waa ee eooroe grataa! for tbe totereat the proprietor t Is aaa BocaBoa of this tale, bowavor. t es poeted to b charged more tbaa Bouo and waa wtUtnc te pay H. bat whoa I announced tbe next day that t was gieg to leave he eurprtoad aa by aartag taal 1 did not ewe bias a coal Well Said. The Atlanta Coastttatloa has this aana and opportune ward to say: The braTory displayed by Wn arftV BaQonv who. aaaldad aad aioaa, checked a secoad roah of rutptoo saoav gaols at Soclacaa while be eteod sward over the bodlee of CaptaJa Overtoa aad Private Nom who bad baoa buwd by botomea In tbe Drat roa.- to of e calculated to make the blood of alo trymra tingle with patrtetw artda The htatory af the Aesortsna eecapaUoa of the Phatpptnoa letle ma ay attaiisr aa rtes ef tadlvtdaai bravery aaa AU honor to the aaca who have fall duly aadsa tha aag. No moad of praise etvoa tbeaa rreater than tbey da era. ft thorafore, be to aQ AmorK rraeaful acts up natonl efflcera aad men s snUy aad eaia the fH raUaaaiJI.;tt.eU1 tt ee l 4 a-ea. rai" at. V eat fad aw V aa4 eo iMWVitftt a4. e..(a4ew t'utitn f ea-vt aiCjl .S-"f e eat are - t e tro-l . 1-4 VUt ho i at Ue l a.e V-t U e i t ta-aJ e e 5 f t A I U-a aJt -U Uaaa i;vi.ta aWoe !'! 4 ' ff c)e 4..e aC Wr f e a a4 a l-a amVeve.f, at Ci e-1 )e ea-ol ad Vaooi irtv.ea e-V 'W" ltUUHl itani,aa. aa4ia lai4 a itbi m elrv7-a-e4 If IVa aa-4 t5V ed. tfee oaofMT JT Mt roaaee a J sail la&- aa.1 t a aoaa ;..." tt a fM letf t W Ua M t'U'" 104.1. j g l a.. fog wtVb. LVay are taitoL a la- t " aall aalr4 wlU Ua e?-oVt a-a I a,- uu of bo Wtf leal Pial to Ue ai4 1 ooaj af Ua aU !-. TVa C- I hl v.ia, oo. trjwa. pmkJa alaeta l&at it r fad aoioD&t ol Uirla btaul V a ol aUi pjrr-ioa ahU b-ot etnro4 t&o aea ol Jfitlj tio TtaoortJ IXaOara and I ho fprtioaoHa asr al a3 bctli aeewol UI t beo4 eve) -! pea.id eloivolr to 1A0 pmrfo" brrvin apodte aa J Mr fx oti-r pr poaw or fXfpoasa a fcJktrvvr. 3. At lie iU tUrtktat t&o ?. l3 votr arprmts t aaeo 4 lao bntd4 and tka Wj t tapetia! Ut ahall drpoaU la U!lt W tm al ll teats U!4 a j 1st &Hii Wa4l teoaaa axwuatt at tta aatftVed at! 4eei eita ef eaU Woail lasa M a?4-aaai at 4 U ejVMsi toaate aa tata'a ll e:et tieSI a "We tara Maa tarav a I Uua la..a v8 MMai'iiUtWi 14 aai InW wU t)i1 fall la g'lofwsew ra-raal a tlat If llt)ofV i raU Veal ltd ira UtVe sf IVe U44 elali a4 tVa eaU Uoa Mult fmVlel lea f a n-ai, U aaovflaJto-l. TVe aaif hm1 tUUVfitU Utvaa iVa tV 'wf t at-?l a- Uiail If Wa a.S-e aj - ..,tjiVe oaat-e.Aa.a tWf ale, mzt eaiatfa t U e aa l Vt a t. ). ,La-i roowoa iX- oojs- ia wa vo OtUa, 1 1 s. f 4 U't ttal a aC a at e-uo. .ie.if 03 "rif Jn-ao-tfu gooat aV-Wea U ( e PURC OLD HYK W I etl mw Vol 1. V aV Tan ?t ao..a ka f toa liiinf at t td t J f IV Ce aw-t .! -, la av aoaoMk. I a 4reVe W00O YAttO. rtif 4 a L iMlw 4 .an rt.,.r '? i til sm tli4". I. H ai ( un u t Vt Jrt aaai.ta- o.r' eq "IK . oa-a auttt Is f tne ! t soar. 9 eMc u ee a .!. a, oaati great head baa Mr. Morgan! Having drVrord made by tbTvaat aaajomy ad I otwftod at tl tUrta atwa t-affod at got his art treasares la free, he will t .piendkljrmy wbicb baa doao doty I tM Q tb nx c most prODaoty uuierij wvywi ductlon of duties on steel prodoeta. Of all tha traaapareat ftaoda owe seen or beard of th mwh anlled Ua publican Harmony, with a big. Ut VL heads the list, Tha Ufa laroentM m ens T. Barn am. the proprietor sad cre ator of tha greatest show 00 earth, al waya Justified big stupe adoas canard on tha ground that tha world l!ma t be bambuxged and that tn bambf glng lt-aahe moat rarely dfcl-ba waa almply grsUTylug a deal re already and almost nal versa try axlaUog- Republlcan harmoay? On, yea; tfcata la lota of It There was harmony, la the Ohio state coovenUoo, sod w here- fore T Becaoaa Foraker. bached by tha admlnlsfVinra.' placed' Ilanaa bora da combat by a blow 00 tba solar pie in. Trace reign In Mbarow- was tha dla patch aent by a poaelan crocral to tba tnemoraMO occssioq. oat n Here la the dispatch:' Under the designation -household af fects" J. P. Morgan will 4e able to bring Into this- country moat 'of hi art traaa urea that are now scattered through the museums of Europe or are In his London house. Mr. Morgan baa ordered his agents to gather together al! ha- palntlnga, brtc-a-brao and antiques, and tt la .believed Americana will have an opportunity of seeing one of the finest private collections In the world. These "obleeta of art are appraised at not less than Jt 000. 000, and had Mr. Mor gan Imported them a year ago he would have been obliged to pay almost SHO. a duty. - Many c the paintings and. smaller an tiques have been In Mr. Morgan's Park lane house for more than a -year and therefore come under" too bead of hoaeo- faold effects." which- are not dutiable. . It la said Mr. Morgana lease of a flae home In Park lane was made; mora with a? view t obtaining, a legal' residence tor his art treaaurea than to have a dwelling houae In London' a famous avenue- . iUnamlableaZi't '?-Uji , The Washington Post (Independent with. a-peuchant. for upholding Repub lican administrations smd' Republican policies) makes tha following flippant a . .. . a a a . . - j....u.tiuLi ..um sal I m a no a aavwi-v-va a.- j rmamete a w s-wa a-w avo-er aaaa av -ra ptiotod or wrUfcea tkka with lJU arvrda -For Iiapmtosaoal j MUa ,y ua fafaw a4 14- Uteraon. avaa taiao crfrvtig im u,iUei, aaattor ef aovoaae eeoa I nets mr eWoaaaaV a liVo liea. Vita 1 trM a TVaT aa ma lt tt a ahould bav" blta iaoM. I tba wtfls 'A'CaUat i?fttatel I Vaad alw lorvoi, af aa4 fta. tonij r co-mntod by a fr. Vf," tVeyooa. TVe p2 S3 I 1 a.ta!ae-4 aA iaeaia ta.Ut, lU aa!4 CsBataaJUae iWI sttJwlta aajaa la Ua iaif Trot-rvw tn tboae tstaada, HanuhllciB Harmon v, r - I ... . . a . l aB la E 3Ta" ttllT-a rVaa-t aw fVaoara tWa aa. day. avr-J tJW akl eWtka P I JJ a.f U bold oo4e IK aarn, uaA aa .f 4oif a.io.4f rrjroioB ava r w aw. r . f at aaie-ia-wea Ir a-! poTtlo-ot aad aptcatif aa ecaoa ,r9ui ef rr4 U Uei fcjr monJcrpaJ oJ1o.ro U Ua aai4 togaa.Jltn U-a aalf Traa to a a. . af aVat Nbla antaa4 rat-tr i. 'No new rvfkirelioa ol atUr ta-t aaW Vas.fAVaaida.ers a ea H rro iJrod, bet an aaJ43-4 vut-ra af IV. r4 0oaald to abo. ftAM 4.b.UUew f IVa t4 lti . ,v . , . , v aa4 Is Vmb aa-4 Ue ete4reaal fr r.T.:: AaUaaU Trwao-troa tiCl r- icervo, . ana -n njre alra all teooviaf tVa aia aa4 Uat rra.tratao ol aoteta la al taU V&al Wf aa4 toa o. d!oJ, rtamJ or hj, aj way (f4aia rarrt v tVs rviev- avl brcoma dvqoai'. IQ T clfxUoej af aaU Ceatllmimea-a, town, ba3 hi eni!Ue4 to atrtt 14 IW 14 l feaattiU f t tVa. bale strrtlon bmbj cmOawi. Ff tte r-sf rrlrtNlHUrtlMll 17 pnaa ol m-Wrlt a3 eirctrt of taa4a.ajbf U Hm a..w tenrvia4 tka.aal.1 loefi. AtborafsM oaaliSa". I a aa law vaa wwrr a lea 44 ml$ bio l a 1 aarta aa Jt '.a VI e .f 1 1 tW f, a-v et-e-3 4f lU ijui at aaito5re i-i tf $4.4 If aM.vlt 9 Ua t e.'.-Usif aAao ai oaal b4 O b t W t5 Im Owb "J4 tdt l.oe.ee4 f .. a" IVa Ua JUt a-Va i 1 4 Mit are. . a fsaH ix I! a4U aotto )re ift at fa ia U Mil aasw 1 Utau a wejnf4 ad U afma rl-t-t SEABOARD a xr n:cf f i-ii, ;o. jmus. ftCJtiafata.tO. ft " at aoL f w VJwe aoxfe a a luia.r.a, VV" j LLa tat Madeira aJ.eI? t ..j nainataklna: attention given to rveir mstter lntrusthands. .it tnat Democrats wonld have gone 'deep-. while Bob wss tn dreamland , ti.MLII m ti,immf ! and,crnel remarka tor omce scanaajs ana . vuo utu - ioikv .... . . - . wen tntormsQ pwww cxar on a waa tha sleep of death, earn as Mark's . . . . w ...,..Hi-ln a .imw. ef tio total bttawa L . . I eobUc f Ur aataft 4 wai Jeffrlea and FltMlmmoaa at Coory U- I iw V-1 0 Traa ro tVf'f Tt- w v V. , . I raid Cfc a iaako eta any t-rtsra town. at4 ail poraota wto nj Lf Ud U Tiaarstet bata a44i coma qaaJiSaJ to fplbla lUaaJeW ftrtV atiatVarra ef landtaorna years ira bavtaoay rgigaod Msnnlng, Hoa . rom . vv f -n- ui. -y- - Rnrton Pres. rwav mueuH - OlenT r, Wtastoeople. Bank ef Monroe, Chaa. K. Taylor, Pres. Wake Por aat Ooilerel Hon. K. W. TlroKerlake. Office over Weal a: Co. a Store. -ry M. PBRSOBt. ATTORsrar at-law. votrisBoae, a. o. 9m in an eonrts. Offlea on Main street, .'' V w. H T ARB0ROTJOH, en. w ATlOaSEX ATLA W, v ., IX3UISBTJRGK N. C oflbia in Onera Houae building, Court atreet ail l.o-al hnsmess intrusted to him will .receive prompt and careful attention. J)B. D. T. 8MITHW1CK, DENTIST, TjOTXISBTTBQ, - - N. C. v Office over Pumtture Store, In Washington only pity is felt for old Assistant Attorney General Tyner. There is a good deal of sympathy for Hon. Ausrust Wv Machen, superintend ent F. R.: D:who was a most accom modating and capable official.;; Every body will be glad If he can clear bis skirts. ; buf ' nobody in Wishihgton mourns long for anybody. The Wasb lngtonlan cry Is always: "Le roi est mortl f Vive le roi!"s Royalty's Stage Play C ..:uZ. poat emco 1 d early commission; - . , : "We could understand th acanflala at least a little more were It net that they nave oocarrea ua a taiwirtment which haa always bean re garded aa tne very no war 01 ravu wrm reform. Under" the oM wpothrmen'd sys tem, when office waa the reward of party service and unscrupulous politicians con trolled tha publio patronaae. corruption ranrlot: and turpitude waa "uncoaftned. or fo'. wa have heard tt aaldjr Then, the ' bead' of IdeperUnentai-asd la torn the chiefs ot bureaua and divisions wera free to aoDolnt their own favorttea and select their own subordinates. Then, also, the nubile service was a hotbed ot Inefficiency and .vice, though we do not now -recall la Uoaooor baoTalUdajibaTvti;uljtt deli.e a4r llU adl. li-f m-tralkia hooU tUboi-s Pol ,v,;j Jaata a-4tla:, aa4 U; JUtonUy tbolSlb dajolJoo 1 1 IVe sf tVe - aawod. la saeoa toaca . . n . Y..UMrA'a Hiota MaulUa akltk ai aWl twswJea easJcr by tbe bad taetloaat aaarrat attsaiai wv "- - I . . RrpubUeena. wbloh haa booa ettaaaUted I t.a toaof luoWb,a4 aQ r I lVerra by tbe outcome of w wrwy o I 1.,. -k W ia I Haa. Taat f lAa a rjae tl im rt r ri ainT TTT a w If BifT. annwii mam vita wt a -' r - . - 1 , - ' Marvtaad aay tha eooeeee ot tbe mm ia tn tha state eampala-a if not already easwred. la aaada 22 NJ4 ndcslTf Ct 0O6,ie.T. t KUW. 1 1 1 1 f X ti t fw f I U XL iTZ deTtwdlac tba eiecUow Ua. aJ4lUta-t a-aSaf aa. aa4 for mavor. blaxsra tba oagaaiaauoa wiiuu m htaiala Ka waid safe not eypected that be aad He frtoada will I J m a eniPgJJa U - .v- MrTfc?e-U tUfli-d l tsbUttlf if U 1 ortfanlaattoe) ta tbe state campaign. thfijktla aAd lttaka ' L.f ..U la.a Al a. It.! unwik.'iaHT ant it wide opto, what- I T - - I rft l 4 Haa lti Ittail ever bopo RepebtJcar-s tnlgbt bare bad of I 5.! Tbat B. rX Cmt U a-&4 i eta' iatl&aUi t a-f larjacaHf btaa wlnnlaavxls mtbaaara av o jmrvioa. , , 2;ti t,.irar tia tLalt... ,i t... a a ta d tiettl tt !' aeerf aaf a viV'a-t f la rU.i i at-1 oarVi'V, ea-l at a V-a e vi t ula a. ayoaaba rj f alt a a aarea4-S a a t Wtir',! II4M a, aan .HAt. 4 is B-e an Ufa iairleab a t.f ew-tlrv't 4 t4a aaa at I a a" ana em-Va. aaerVa a-ll a.nv l-trj-aog aa Ury TM f " ota 77 Aa4 at4 Ua f 3 1mmmU Aaow4 ia U aail a a a-i.fi te f .a a . . . - m. m a iitawaav, aaa a '-v v- eifa aa U aal f r fa Vaa f Pa W avl at ! w " pa aarara a vl 'll- f T t ata a Siu1tl.itJb eV BVy t J taajaa U aeev. At-a i-va aac Uaaelateaw f3 aa. ,MWe ViU mi roaJ a4 a-l ara.t.aj eot-lV Maaf la a-aar-f 1? eauaAaaliaa awia"Mi, a.a-ta:a a4 ;aVe t)-e ai efviaas ail eaitreot t a... a a eia4 -. aoa tit tiU - V, 4-l vt Va 4 rti, U a Vfc- f 41- HcVlsf wt e aaoai'tt X :' U Ue alaW.e I -, U rrantn.irit(Ut lH s4 . fVlb Jv-rjoetf 1 W in a teiaa t.Vj'iw, W-fc U-a ' aa-4 U eJU-, ia aa v.b f 4 a e v v 4oe SVarata-e U IW ae-w lv .U aiAaaa l i t H;f'C ti tt iVtr Mf af U-a tl b-ab,f Ue 4ttaUti e U 4 f"f ana M l eU-ea pU't o, ' , . MlMt fit )WMt. I'klllWWUlHM " I Ot H aa ii,. a aaa ,0 a winnma '' 4 mb a a tiMaaml t r 3 e r a- la iwe af a Awnw as f Ot a ' e"e ;a ti m a a mb a a- a m aa c t-l a ftoo a o ao a 4a a.aaiao ea tiiin 1 a t ao 1 1 f e ea a a a k m a Sw l l h any ana 7' "' "' a I i "a m at. at, we4 a.-e f f f tl aa e rr aa 4a t'iieiMi 7' at M t . - I t I a a Fa a" t i J T iKuwna $" a la I a a wmmv. ,a a. v aa J ii ii a ia . A 1 - - -a. amiuaa, ISaar" ia SMMtai ' taeo;ii. f l ai Oa a a m m a e e aa Ii 1 i a Tf i.av J 1 . - 1 mm mil 1- .111 .ii. aa ta.aXi.tMa ai m aa ) to "i.in-iir i art ao f ot pm ia 1 a iid UMao ;a aaa '- a ataawae I - JHQ a ft ftwawaaa taw r a at ao ' aa a an t faa tS M aa 1 aa nria a f a a ttatNaaa i IX r St aa Kp a ta a V ao U a f a e 1, (aiaa aMaoa aa awaiiaM at Our We or less esteemed ' cohtonj-5 YJS. poraryi the Cleveland Leader, tbns ro- j extravaganco, demoralisation in the marks; pon certain performances poat omca or jany -ya;'B- the king or saxony : - , - . . . apatlon of the civil service cotnmle- Thero-la nothing very novel about.the. sioiv-that ; Ea , anldaal .from. wWch. method adopted by the klngnjf Baxony to- sbTlnk with Incredumy'aa-horTor. " . I lar with his sublects."! - Tt nnnn however, -that thera la B The issuing or a secrei uru,iu ' 7 t gooa aeai awuia - - - - 1 HOTELS. eminent employees to appear-with ; their wives, children er other relatives In gala attire tn the streets of Dresden to wel tha kmir home from, tils vacation trip to the Riviera smacks too much, of the methods of government In freehand unnhlUn America to toe at ail novel.- It is in this way. thataome of the petty "rulers'" of the American peopie . main-, tain . their popularity. - In nearly -every municipality every man ,wm. moment. ? Xtesptte the 3Joaev and , . l . vn.tU. nf "tna . tnrea - men. notwlthatandlng their profound and Tfraohtar la rontlnutna courts for the mayoralty, aao taat wm an tending to heal the breach, for botb tex tia rraiiiiad with hatlnr dene tbtaae at the city election wblon tbey woafca aat like to have aired La a tegai way. , , . Can Afford ta Pay It. : I " ' . ' Tba salt trust has boaa unmaM ta the TJnitodV&Utea dtitrlct coart at a Francisco before Jodga De llavra, where this octopna has been fonad guUty of Tlolating tba provisoes of tha Sherman aotltrost law. trofortn- saLl.aZccUoO. avftd I . . e-bw I h. S3b t etv and E. C IUrroa U atsJ art UrtJ I la 1 tUea af-ra ar,ry-iiiiat tfi fiaof tba tz. I eaiatUadfa aa . frDHTKst ap D t!a I Vau4 I altalea to aa a aw pm IMta mm ttOaa. t t f a a-Nrta . 9 II ' i a-nt-v v a y al a 8 m a ta a.ouai f t-a . a ta 1 iviMvaa a a r j a fa ,cu " A -4 f r4A po-W.o- i M aa4 ftl'ea'-a af ! aaid 140 a, f naa Ua -Tj--ait- 1 1 t " aU. 0Ml Oa hi Ma rrta af nU ! J j m a-. J a t . U a- aera . m 9 ,aa ga aa aaia w"g ,a a t ttaf tTW 11 e Iy'.twiai -Wf 9oht.lV-wfaA.al !ectkoUpoL.5ai4-0 k'r thlrvj tJt MH fgi la -4 eV,t4a4t ,.wi.e mj..o tf it-o Ii ta aaL-ieal M Umi g.g eia.ie sa ua attt.t.". aalt taaill.t.....fl l.a. S a ua ad I elect loo la tba FrasiUa nt4 mjtfTT tbtrrof poatasi at Ibraa f-ti-c juo ta tha town of LoaWnr. aJ Uat ayropjof tba'a?ari4 Arcttba a.marltfan . ., nrirnns I holds a JQD as tne guv ure man..... I x nvj ir wv. , - nn a Vtri T VfTliW FlflTrt.I. I " i i avneoteA to I .tnn.ta-.trht nor could they hare attained C ttAaB-mit avn a.v TkVtaaWiS . .11 oc-"I.:;" 7; Vr,t jUrurlanc without eomptlc- m.KnrTTimVMf K fl. ' I caaiona Whenever the .chief doea any- t tty 00 at ?eaat: complalaaBee ' on the part jaauM - - . i tnlns every job - holder la expecteo 10 05 W. TOWltY, PrpT.. - flcsa To" hor. 0 swell Laaz uvwua aa. ingenkmsi praunonj u . Infllcta tbe Ktrml nl l.a.mblr la r,aLTbod axJ epernurai; . ------ I J ,. ,vl i. v l..t l-a bo I " ' . ' . . ter. incompetent. u not nwruij. t pmaiij i tue a ; i ia rocDrvrtioa witJa acd aa ft seem to have crept toto ImporUM-ofBcea tMeM U Ji.000. Tt!s tbry coftld P . .vT m and tdhavej f'ft i' MtiIy afford to pay Abont aoca a week part of ttU c-U. ; ; la view af tba act thai they foroerty pj ordt id tba ikr4 v Uos sola salt ai rrata a t pvr tow on- gjaara. . ' -nnder tbalr' present system are armof I it - . a I "--1..: - a. tt at aov to f per wo. vwNvtui a trust or aiding 1a tha oeisnona Iboold be made a felony - mnmnilMB and coadlotore In any needed .mw . Tha trrerularltiee to give them rto .harsher .name-ara, of, Jong- standing. They areJ no aheMtexlou 'growth .or a WACtiX. yayvr. Qood aoeomodatlon for tba traveling J heip to influence public sentiment In ey nbUe. - r - Good Litery Attached erv way possible. That is how power got and held. " '- ' - ' ' The king 01 naxony, who ef a great many products of the system. it tm aifflonlt a year or to ao It-would have- seemed '.impossible to believe that officials who. had pasaed tinder the tn splred eyes of such men ss John R. Proc tor and William DudTey roulke can have wmntvMt at tha abuse charged against the department Jt aeeme rncradlbl that .. . ... . " really one of the, most.npopu.iar.mour.!-,TperBonB wno nava w.-. - . ., , . , -" M1SSENBURG HOTEL ; J 1? Maatstentotu-jBr Propr HElal)EBS0NrN 0 Ha A Jl BkaaaaAIVimAaaBs.Ha'lllfla Good fare; Po I v is v wa srwwasMsavaw Jf:r . llta and attentive aarvaatr Zr . .;r NORWOOD HOUSE v. niriwHi.-: : .VslortbCaroKa1 jr. J. A OB WOOD, Froprtetarf ratvoaage of Commercial Itsvallat PmbtteSoUelted. : Tourists Kill .TX:FArmnUi tells the istory,- Y . - ". , . .v: -taiL-.Ai nf tJexxsdnt bkter Uite, nvada ca -CFi5i Extract BLAQL ROOT ; F md goract p' fLX . iVeZij ia a rtnri worm n ATlK Fluid Extrcct SARSAPAIUiJA v l4 baUbM WW ,v w w wa-, . -. . , a It Cures tho Chffls that Mother Tpiua Don t Cnro. . TTj Ecst General Tcn!c, WggaJNajgyJe Ac- An Art Id AtlUif lLo .-t r i Lt.cial.ari. IVaaVUo Cni.f. to I aana llontia tot 1 ltrN C ILai;-s5T Kfa'eta of IV-.-r -wftrkd aflTl rUaT-a-o a4 a trie Ufct Has U Taa fitetaAUArasubCT or NosT Cikouvji to Kjiact: rcrr: f,', Tlbl f U rrre of i rovHier a lwt ef wUf wcrks an aowtrage.ati sa elettrle Ugbt plaat far tbe Vo l burg, or for say ct all f wU f r .., i poaea, l iatriiwioaer vi - tAwn rf fxialibar. la tie Cs3r cf Frar.xlla. are UraVj 'f (,..... r owertl tltio la I eoe U14 aa ta ra.Ua art MltlfttaH4t.ttii4 ftni,'tuu oiti e?e.4 4a ' mmt 5 1. a aa ajta.iaw - s at aaa t, eaa tit,iaw.,a g aa ai ( f M aaa a i-.riaa' $ 1 1. 1 aaa III 1 n a -. 1 f a far Iba raytMtlsf U- t af .wt e I e a- . , f , r., IT at 414 VtfsalsittifiUaaa4l .rtuUvrf w 'a v'... - - tj-lUl UI eVa'l baaaltafal a". e pti,.-4 a et-A e4 tt-e --f " ' taaaaaf 4 al Ua UeH lV !-t ii analxatt-t aVaa aWU i ZZZ'ZSi 'T 7,7" ' Last v (.im arw ,!isaaJ. 4 Si 4 a.! J l.aind I inrrttM mi st.;e etl . . . . - r- . . . . V - - a) .... . - . a a a 1 i.a i . ua s fag g 4 T. " VJ a t jnt aawiw' y ' f - - - - alLar Tea iWaat-tVea f aa-4 tae la Ua Tfaftf aatf !, a4 I Vs aaU Co a uW ee Ta G - C tar 4-a 4 wjU Ua a .atl:a af Ua lUu,aiaT. gi a giaf saSaaf fe-Jf t as fee tVe r-j UdtJrta ivl jatiaf atet f i4 UI. aa 4 Ue bead af ltd al4 Trtxrft, aV:l b UatVd ft UeaaU ie-.tf as 4 tVSjef f'-lrre : f ra f U I aa f:r tlWr Uwa faia i ta lie. a 4 iia m!1 Ita f sa J la 4 13 t f I tie tall C-es.tM"ta la a n" tttlaaa MK'ifU a-alf 'f 1 Ut Ui ia a! J:r.:a to Ue all at taws l Ja- ' ' S-aaT.Tlat tie Uim li5 at-4 t-'lci'M-i tiiitil atV'lff t.a Xtl. t a-ra'a'- aa-4 dltlistt (rt a'.l tir Uim at 3 al ri'y l- ia4 fst lie ; f :r oj.1 s tley wafe iet.aj a i C it n vi .tr- e-a lit Ma.!4 1 tt : t aa a - IVa I tfaAa oate-e at? n-iav oaa - aa . ,Hta. t . Vi e)l -o9 be te - vw- : e - ,. 4iw: a'.a ef U-j a'l f a, ta 4 - a li,ae4 f t- b"l Pt 1 a .a,r I t I f a J tn-e rt ' "''7" ia h o-. Mil iaio-"-a .a " 1 ;....., UaU I- al frtian .l- MHt.a : "'Z.".V ti,a t atm.1 e lt-e . i-e . . : MM I M t - I a ta t ai I it at tva ai t C J -tr t ! Vl O.t :t- J at ) e; to d :-;el ear f laU U rewef. f r,ae La f t I f a s ''' " - 1 ' Vtm j e-ra ia?-, f-. ;t T-ai t" t f .a o t C t a tit I t-ata a ; a- fill -. ?' 5 i . a t wa 4 a K.. ta I at 2 l C VI a 4 i it ; I t . . .a . a t Ol f !!" : i i J. i ! a I . ' . a i i aa i - a . ' ' a n a aa a I . . . -M t J . a , . t ..... V a-.. t .. . . , i.a Maa a t t . nt . i , ii t .a t.--..- lit i;4-rKi'.', ; iSj L t:t rt! HIVI.', r t t . a t K 1 1 i a ioed. aaapla Paaaa.