US. I. THOMAS, Editor ml Pnprtetur.-- -t .1 - - - --' - . , ----- ------------ . ' ' ' " --;t;- ' " V) 1-; ;:.:'. -.ym; coTOmr. .fena ; -Atj3 iTca t.-ic;.-. ' ' ' ' : ' - - ' CHURCH DIRECTOR: - I " --'- ' . " - ' ---V - " T""""""""' "' J. I Sanday School at 9:80 A . Gao. S. Baxbb, Rapt. Preaching at 11 A. BL, and 8 4 P. M. very Sanday. -jr -"- . Prayer meeting Wednesday night M. T. Pltlxb. Pastor. BAPTXOT. " S unday School at 9:30 A..M. Tho8. B. Wildxr, Bupt Preaching at 11 A.M., and 8:30 P.1L; ivery Sunday. Prayer m -sting Thursday night, 'i H. H. MaSHBURHK, Pastor. XrlSOOPAL. Saiday School at 9:30. Wm H. RUFrUty Supt. - Services, morning- and night ; on 3rd and 4th Sundays. Kvauing Prayer, Friday afternoon. Rxv. Johs Lojidos, Rector. LODOiS. Loaisbarg Lodge, No. 413r Ai; F dt A. M., meets . 1st and 3rd Tuesday nights in each month. lrolWaonal nardai gPEDILL ft ALLRED. "-' - ATTORNEYS-AT-hAW, Will practice In aff the Courts. Offices In Loulabarg and ToungavlUe, JPG. J)R. ARTHUR H. FLEMING, DENTIST. LOTJ18BUKO, . - N. C Olflee OTer The Qreen at Yarboro Uo'a Store. j v. QR.B.P. BURT, . ; f RACTTIOINa PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Loaisbarg, N.jQ. . ' ' Office In the reartof Boddie, Bobbitt ft Co. 'a Drug; Store, da NaU street D a. B. T. TARBOROUQH, & PHYSICIAN AND 8UB.GBON, Offloa and floor Men' Tialldine-. pbone 99 Hlsht eaila aoawtrI from T. w. Blckett'a realdenoe, phone 74. - H. BIAS8BNBURO, ATTORNBY AT LAW. ' W1Q practice in aU the Court of the State Offloa Coart House. ;: M ABCUS c. win5teau, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Louwburq, K. Omoi otib Corner Drag Store. Special Attentloo gtYeitto collations. Practice wherever services required. jQB. J.B. MALONK, PRACTICINQ PHYSICIAN AND 8TJKOB0B. 0 louihbubs, n.a, x v - .5 Offlce over Ay cock e Prug Company. R. B. 8. POSTER. PRACTICLNa PHYSICIAN fc 8TJROION," - Loaisbarg, N. C. Offloe over Areocke Drug; Cmpany. yyu. HAY wo on RqpTN. ATTORN BY-AT-LAWV- j WUI practice la all the Courts of and adibtninjr eonntim alao In th Rnmu 3oort, and In the UidtedBtatte District and t la cooper and Clifton BnUdbua, rriHOB. B. WILDJCS, ' ' ATTORNBY'AT-LAW, " MVHBVM. . ' Offlce on Mala street, orer Jojies a Cooper's S. SPBUILL. : T ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, ZY . MPiBBnao, . a' -' '- .' WUI attend the courts of Franklin. Vsnee Aranrllle. Warren and Wake eonntipa, aiso u trapreme uoorc 01 xiorai caroiUta. rrotnpt attentton given to collections. Offloe over Bfferton'a Store. T. W. BICBBTT, ATTOBNBY AND"COUNBKLXOB AT LAW. Prompt and painstaking attention given to very matter Intrusted to his hands. - ;v- Raters to Chief Justice Shepherd, Hon. John mm 1 n Hau nr nil tt- -r -i Buxtou. Press Plrst National Bank of Win ton. Qlenn at Manlr. Winston. Peoptes Bank of Monroe, Chsa. B. Taylor, Pres. Waka Por es uonejre, tton. aw w. TimDenaae. Office over Seal tt Co. "a Store. - '. i. w. PBBSON, -ATTORNBY AT-LAW, PraeUees atreeu in all eourta. - Offloa on Ham TARBOROUQH, tm.' ifv, ATl6EsfEtAT LA vV lotnaBtTRa. sr. o. - Offlae la Opera House hull Hug, Court street All ' legal business : intrusted .to hist jrill reoeive prompt and careful attention. m , . , . . J)R. D. T. 8MITHW1GK, - - - " DENTIST, : . LOtTISBURG, N. Offlce over Purnltore Store. - w u HOTELS. FRANKLINT0K HOTEL FBANKLINTON, N. 0, Oood accomodation for the traveling Good LltT Attached - 1 -." - - - MASSENBUfiCLHOTELT J P Maaaetibnre Propr HEITDllHSON, II. C Oo d acoommodationa. Good larr' Po lit and attentive ervar f j NORWOOD HOUSE tYinartcs, " . 'iartliCiTcrj W. J. A OR WOOD, Proprietor - ratronaga of Commercial. Tourists ana yCrareUog PuhUcSoUelted. 1 .. .T,-.;. H4.Jiaralt Bw. Ob "Df ft rfl 2W eft--, 9 -- ISpeclal Washington Letter. ?i.Vii tVis, uncle Mark Hanna Inter-" an wnrondIy .ritncsa when It, testifies preted the handwriting on the .flbout KcpobHcan altnatloa as foJ-waU,-yielded, aa gracefnlly to ??r --vV - thA InOTHtoKU .a Y rta.. a"' ?- - ' would permit and toot his presidential lXOm In OUt Of-the Wet. And nlnoe Son. aior Matthew Stanley Quay, who can see as far Into a grindstone s the next one, carefully observing the signs of the times, caused hW lieges in Pennsyl vania to declare for Colonel Thini-a uooseveit m 1B04, the president hida - . v I iair to joreafe all records hyv succeeding himself as presidentiaf nominee. Na other man in like situation ever per formed thataper He ia the fifth vice" president to succeed to the presidency nson or tne oeatn of a president, The other four most ardently desired a nomlnation to the highest itolitiral of.. flee within the gift of any neoDle a. uiosi lauaaDie ambition, to which-they 4 oent au tneir. energies and. used-all their patronage. They" f alledr-two Ig- nomimousiy failed. John .TyleMnd I Andrew Johnson were not .only, not nominated for, the high offlce by the parties which elevated them to the vice presidency, but they were not: even mentioned in the nominating conven tions. If they' had been mentioned at all. It would have been with contuniely! and scorn, .wjth loa thing and savage hatred.; Lieutenant. General Wlnneld Scott easily defeated Millard Fillmore and James G. Blaine walloped Chester A, Arthur after a hot contest. 2 Han- pier or luckier or more deserving .than Tyler, Fillmore, Johnsonand Arthur; Colonel Roosevelt will be unless all signs! failj and will thus ndd a new distinction to the long, list which ne can now proudly enumerate, i . t- i Why. Is it thus? 5 No 'man 'can tellJ Colonel -Roosevelt could not honestly tefl, even if he were so inclined, r: -; That he has conquered the statesmen or politicians in his own party is known or an men of Intelligence. : Originally they -were dead against him and -he' knew it. None better; They regarded him as too cocky, too raghtoo 'preciDi- tate as "unsafe, use their peculiar. lingo but from the first the rank. ahd, file of the Republicans were for bihxT When he interfered in the coaljsWke the plain Republicans came to love htm and intimated that they would make it rednot for Republican statesmen who opposed him, and the Republican states men aforesaid concluded that ItTwas not nrofltaMA tn we tmuu- they , caved, and Colonel Roosevelt who was supposed to be shelved lnt 1900, will be nomnated by acclamation n 1904! r ' . . , .Why do plain.. RepubUcans; love him, anu wny ao piaia,Lemocrats respect him 1 Because he Is one of-them. "He Is a good father and" delights in' his children. He is- a good husband and enjoys his home, f-fie is an American equally at home In the White House or en a ranch. . He has onlnlonsLand is not afraid to .express : them. He'' squeamish; he ' is plain and simple In itoye with- the world and proud of his position, as well he may be. ' , '' Of course I em. like all gooif Demo crats, for some good Democrat to beat him with after he gets. the nomination; out, as nis personal friend, I am glad he is going to get thejaomlnation of his party, as be seems to me to be a clean man, a strong man, an unconventional man. as good a man as a Republieair Caaibe.; Of coarse he Is In bad ooliticaL company and Is not as good as agood Democrat , . . " . , - : Republican Harmony. - i . Our Republican friends have much to say abou divisions and -feuds in the Democratic party. They are. always prating about the Harmony, with ,aibjg; big H, which exists in their own ranks. Before they attempt- to -remove the mote from the Democratic optic Yjney should have a surgical, operation per formed, and remove :the beam 'from their own re.--:j;;iiC'- there is any place on earth where Republicanism displays all its features It must be la Pennsylvania, which rolls up anywhere from:200 ;te j3000 : Last year Senator Matthew Stanley Quay, finding a vast deal of dissatis faction ,aino'ng the" rankatfa. filei. took. J his cousin,. Judge Penhypacker, off the bench- and had him nominated ' and elected governor. Stone's - administra tion had made a i reform candidate : a sine quav:noa . to-success, "and;. Penny-, packer Jwasl labeled r "Reform ' Candi date," and his election was hailed -as a: reat reform: trlamphfe Another RepnbllcSn reformer of . re nown Is my brilliant ; and': dellgbtfut friend, Hon. Charles Emory Smlth,ex postmaster ;general , of , the ; United States and; editor: Of the Philadelphia Press. -Hefe Hs what Reformer-Smltli thhiks of "Reformer Pennypacker:--! :-VJ V In the unparalleled storm -which Gov ernor Pennypacker has caUed down.wpon Mmaelf . even - his Boeotian mind smuat realise by this time that' he has made a monumental and irreparable' mistake, ! - Within four months of .hia inauguration he has hopelessly blighted his adminis tration. Not by. the mere fact that he has signed the new Ubel bilL, In. any event. that1 act would - Indeed .have been -disastrous to him, -but under other circum stances It might not have been fat&L, The fatal thing -is - 'that in . the Way . he has done it and under the conditions surround ing it lie has made a revelation of. his dlminutiveness, from the deadly impres sion and effects of which he can never eseape. , - - fjg: More Republican Harmony ; The Washington Post,' Whatever else it may be, is not Democratic It claims to be Independent, generally ad vocates Republican politicians and sup- ports Republican measures. , Therefore - - Iha Old Standard has stood tho fcest I ..'- vJ..""s-assV "-"-"- .m ovcivune and a Halt i.xiiiion I: d ttlc3. of mznt "an joal to you? T!o Cnro, Enclosed with every hottle , PwaUeat Rooaevatt "anal ii Duk, tcan Nnxnaliom--RpbBcaai Hy, cri,y " Moraaeai Qwtos jru - . .- a.;ia sht It cannot be justly accused . of bela -inera is a great clamor tmonx Wkem. an JiepubUoaxis' -f or Karmonf. . A. rrd ma-ny people are heartily atck of iha firr rels ,o the, half, breeds, whoa -leader m Governor -L. Folletta, and the stalwarts, 2jnoae leader now aeeaas to be Representa tive Bibcock, t Compromise talk la wMaly heard to the end that some, new leaderr "".'" tra iir 10 oota tactions, soa 11 be chosen. -: Warnings are Indulged tu that . . MUUlBWfl lU M -tTVr u Piiy otng to the bow a things are now, and unless the hatchet . winea ut rant wurcomi when Deeno x&ts wtIL get -aimclent- aupport Xroea their warring opponeaU to sweep - the """- . - SSz-jCi.i-J. . (-' -Ji, if Republican HypoeHy;.f:-:T3tf'.vv - When Brlgham H. Boberta of Utah. .Democratic ; repreaentntlve elect In .congresa, presented : himself ' to be sworn In hewas'lncontinentrjr find,' butyWhen-Beedp-Jamoot, a Republlcaa senator elect from Utah, presented him self: to be sworn In' the oath waa aoV Jnlnistered:to hlm.'wlthont WtaHnn and 'without question.. ' Both ar Mor mons, r-but Roberts la. a. Democrat and . Smoot a JBtepubllcan; benc the difference In. treatment: The Presby terlan assembly doesn't believe In roch discrimination, aa the following diaH patchwnl ahow; i -"-,;- ;: -.... . Loe Angelei, Cat. May Mt-Tha ana anal dred and fifteenth general assembly of the Presbyterian church dissolved this after noon at i:4S o'clock, all. business before It having been completed.- - ' . The asaembly today unanimously adopt ea the. following resolutions, reported by Rrr.-Dr W. -W Hollow y from the stead ing committee on home tna to which the question of laormoniam had bee re-lerredr- vi.r , ii i t:r Whereas, This hierarchy, the church ot Jesus Christ of Latter Car Saints. per alatav m the. aetlva encouraLgeoaent and practice ot the crime of polygamy la dis regard of their own pledgee and oaths to the contrary, fa. contempt of the ethnical convictions e the American people and in defiance of the laws and constltutlona of the state and of the United Btstea. aad , Whereas. Thla hierarchy . recently, Jan. 20k 1903; 'through the Utah legislature, has had elected to the United 8tsee senate a tiigh eccleaiastie, one of Its chief authori ties, the Apostle Reed Smoot. In direct vio lation of its pledge to the vatlow to re frain from Interference with the affairs of state, -and, , ,.-. .-,.,-,--?--..-. hereaa,' Thta ; aposQa, Senator Reed Smoot, la a direct representative of polyg amy, born . of Its system and to cordial -sympathy with , .diytoa insUtaUon. revealed aa e, law of primary obllgUoa and-made mandatory by the moat eolsmn aanctiena- and has encouraged Its perpet uation and practice by his personal lnflw- - aaaD.aposua,-aad ."" " w apoaue- BdiBtur auos ana aoecs cnmlnala. acee tne American people, is anfalthful io ue taws ana constitution of the United States, pays his ftra allegiance to- the first prldency-TLnd. aaostolate to -which he belongs-and is a. reproach to the honor and- dignity ?of f the Americas . senate: theTfore---;--...--"' -' -Resolved. That this "assembry lioat rw- spectrally bat earnestly calls upon the peo ple of the United States to nse their at most. endeavor. ; employing all bonorabls means,' to secure the expulsion of Apostle Reed Smoot from the halls af the s.tnMt11 senate -and- urges the senate itself aad each- member thereof to exhanst alt legal means to this end and tat aecordanee with the provisions of the federal const tvtlow. - This assembly also calls upon the people, and congress ot the United States la both bouses and each member of each hens tw employ-euadvexhanst ail legal enemas to se cure such an amendment to the federal constitution-as sbaU define legal marriags as monogaaale and make polygamy- under every guise and practice a crime against the "United States, punishable by adequate penalties. Including dUsenfrajKtisewMet and disqualiflcation. to vote or hold ofSee m tne united States or ra any state or tar- Lrltory. under the Juriadlctlom of the United I - V - ' "V - "Uncle Joe's1- Joke. A really good anecdote la Tiara. Tncle Joe" Cannon, the next speaker of the houser representatives. Is. a fine raeonteuiTr Evidence of that fact is given la theifoUowing extract from the New Tork' Times: - v - ,"Uncle Joe JCahnoa ten, of a eoostlta ent of his1 out 4a Illinois who has but re cently returned from a 'trip to Ssrope. The traveler was proudly -relating te aa admiring: groop of . fallow r townsaae the mcWenta of his trip, among -which were visits to Lks Oeneva and Leman. w' npon; some pas isterrnpted with: . "Are -noti Lakes -Geneva.1 mad synonymous r-. ' " . r - t. ... -- That, my dear friend.- said Cao ednstMntenV I know 'very NreU, bwt are you aware that Lake Lesaaa Is the aaore synonymous of the twoT' - C - j-Th4irtoreignery AdvinUgail There is at least one Item' of our ex changes with foreign nations of. which we pay out many times more than we Itake ttCTIt lAiprobabl l&itAmrtcan tourists spend abroad1 more than ten times the amount expended by foreign tourl8tsV la JheUnited, States., - This yearourf disbursement ;f? that 1 aort .wllITbe Very large. "Ah expert puts the aggregate at $100,000,000. a sum thatls as likely to be "below as abort the ac tual.' From the alnale TVort af New "York JheTe-'win be sixty -seven aaillna w arat-ctiu steamsnips tor-fcurope each month- from "May to August to. elusive. Ther will carrv anoroyJmate. .Iy,21,56l5 cablnrplsengers a moutht or 8O,0QO in the- four months of the seasonv Enough tourists ; will ,salL eartler or later. It Is estimated, to bring the total to.il25JD0a i For '.their ipassaga this army of travelers will pty $31,000, ooa and for their living and other expenses a good $7O:O00.0O0i more, br a total et at least $100,000,000. The f act that : for eigners controlmost of -the steamship lines Insures the lodgment of the great er-part' of the outlay "In foreign , ex- chequers; Bnt' thls loatlay'? does not Lbrlng the country to the verge of baak ruptcyas we: qsually send abroad sev 'erar hundred millions say, from $400v 000,000, to $000 ,000,000-worth of goods In excess of ;th cost of . our foreign An Old AcqualnUnce. :-i There Is . nothing which cheers eoe bp more while tabernacling la this vale SJB ' jBh aaa, SB 1 " ..'. Is a Ten Cert Fad cf CZOVZ'S LLAd TvCOT V'ZZL 1 1. - ! uua piesaaat raaaioa: - j Tbat aaaa Sprat I wtio waaU t W ar- af St. Joe. Ma.. egbt to he aoie to cia I the putter U he cm get his wtfe ta a-. Imprisonment Fsr Oebt. " ! Mmprlaoonvent for debt; U ooqnr-rrj. ' ibly a relic. of birbetn-- wr3 t4i Idiotic pert orma no, it will aurpvi most people to tarn -that a rrsa may be clapped la jaU to Maaaactt. setts for debt la most stsias U la a thing Improbable. In thia. regard old Bay Bute, which Is supposed t9 t the cradls c liherty-L Faawfij haU In the OB. 8 'la and to uia all that to moat procrewaiva gad tnct pwcloos la. modern . cJrlUxaUoo, t away behind roost of ar slater aUtta. Tha suggestioo of a debtorsr -prtaoa brings to mind ma ay aid and fatui:ur characters, among whom arc WuUaa MJcawber. Sq, and Colonel luwioa Crawley, husband of the Immcrrai Becky Bharp. If anybody donbts tiat a eftissa .jf . Massacliwswm wamj. tw tlapped up la priaoo for drbt, to bss a favorite phrase of Qawsti Mary, daughter of Jama IL and wife of WU Uam.IIL; let aim read tho folVwUit excerpt from rdaeBostca Advertiser aad be aadecelved: (- j - Ost af rxje poos h YKwtos Isa ihaa was ooUoctasV this yor- ta the aa tkra years aleoo sosis 11 lAaoa k. ntncaUectad la. this city. Thero are sUaity oi dues ta afaaaanoaastte where as a pata poll Ui at Uve wscwpUota. Ta Ueao eltles th Jaw is anforoed. aa4 the au who deilberalely fifwia to pay hat pea tax has to seres a aO sea test a,- Thai could be Som her tat Bewux awt lh Br ew years K wwaid eost aaore t oafares the Uw thaa to wins, at Ue tag aodgera. A close "reading of that paragraph seems to Indicate that the AdvtrrWr is la favor of Vlappteg theta ap If they don't pajho polUx, which Is hardv to . belafrr coocernlog a great journal of ctsUlxaUoa puUlahed U tt Hub. Ara wetrogradiag or aotT Hardly. The chaoceo are that the law providing for Imprisoozornt for debt . a dead letter. Let tts hope so at any f The aanlTersary of a man's trta l tlsuaHy celebrated byv.hU frt-roda If celebrated at all, but there Is on aaaa In this country whose sixty fourth aa nlTersary of birth win be aoora thoo oughry enjoyed by his malUtadhaooa enemies than! tf his troop of friends. That man m Keteoa A. UO, Cwtttwa. ant general and' eosomandsr of the army of th .United fits tea. This harry vent happens soma time ta August, oe which date he rrtlrea perforce turn actlva serrtca. Booawrelt, Hoot, Cor bin et Id genua omoa may not etsah the glad cymbals ta pablle oo that day. but they will extract a vast amoant of joy from tt nerrerthelr, uxin has long beeo a thora ta. thai ft sides. Ilia last ofrenae waa hia to rid report oa the Philippine., For that Boot rsfssed to lavits him to dinner! K . A Doebtiaa'Thseaga. ' t 7: -Whlls' most of the world ts aecUlsa Ihg.Presldent Roosevelt as Jhe Repab Dcan preslcVatlal oocBia, there era soma who prefer the role of doubting Thomas. - Amoog these la the Oada aatl Ea)alrrr, which sarcastkaUy says: - - -. . There was a acttac peal eat-se Ws saers.thsa wen wba, wna has n tenia, was eaarSdawt that he wwM g4 the waas. tnaUoai wp to the waoavaat eg helilf a ths cooveuUo. and thaw he was ratal assay verthrewm. PwsejMy. Ibouerh, htr. Wjoei Valt la a dlffrrenl sort yf seUna pneadsat, Not Mtisfled with thua throwtsg cold water oa Colonel Roosevetra hopes, U ironically remarks: -, - , - Mr. Roosevelt aaowe what he wests aa aaks for It of the aaaa. who has a great deal of the say a bowl gtvtag n. jnliaraa. saeat-la ue and gwtOarh inninin ta ISM ersdlAereat thmsra. thawgh.- Meat rear Is the ttaas wSeai the Cwatweatlosi wlU be-hsM and whew the poll TVf saw as4 saajBSgera wul be eMag the aaawt wwrft. Clearly the Enquket does hot Che the pTeldat for It lamhaata hia la this fAShioo;, .k- " - The y raw lint has something to dA To hlsa the teeaii a a "seat p Utles." It la toe tasa mm sts Ptdiy vtusuas. Its eetaaaaal a 1th the graataass It has aaaJreJ thrwasa t hearts af pass la raiBaw ts a ave of has aw like spirit, ever etae h was taad r traaps at Soa Jiaaa ina has been loo lag far sianlity hare a fass with, lis araats the amy aa4 aary enlarged aad the whale otahnaftraeat at aiS'ceeaxoaLrtd U knock taiag ah-vt. ir tlaao Is really hangtag haavdr mm hM hsada.ho esa horry hoaao sad Hi a hand ha thlags at Washsagtaav ; Taeew la rwally aoewMkmg rotn sn there tv tea. As elru earvkw refarser. potto ssaaaaha aaaaor oOrw Terk. a aetata at eeeretary th navy aad ta asarly every r astaa peatttoa he has aeenpead ho has as4r takes to h th wwot aaahlahaio. in soUeagwes hav ha oc4i4 tm s swift w -betng SgwreheaSs a a hass as reaeUM hostlUiy. Thar are gewUeeaeei aa the sea ofiV depart meat whs wwsld. mm aowht, wlUing that the praaajeat ahud lak the whole present trwsbU 8 thew hasd. Twentieth Cessjry Hamor, T f The StXouls 3k)bevtrunTal gtrea tmbluahlngty to th, world thsaa seta- plea Mweotleeenrsrjr hamor: -Ko. 1. If MasaaxHoaatts poaUirety r.' rosea to aeatd riyaaawth ravk ta the wwrWs fair. a sareh aaht e-e started for the stseto whieh Caatais .Jas aalth's bead ta 9 isad whew We hemta reacwed. hhn. . " -' ' . - No. X If th taawgwt brother t the raits 8 of Morocco has Wea pnifwed sad "Beaatlful raltrao." fh CgM o4 the hsvreea, has bean deeapttaiad (sr ruutes away, we don't a sow that we a4 ku at nr wortde fair. ; Ugh- : . ." . . aliina" Them. . , 7 ; To those who know Prrtilrot Raoe relt's theorWa la gsaeral sod its af ectioa for rtvQ ssf tka rtforta la par ocular it win be 00 eurprlae to tars that he will ta his osit mwaag ad rata a "raise la the salary of the dv'4 service cooamttakwer. Of eoors there are a good ma ay people wt-e Uht that they are getting too.Dwrh pay oow, but "Do gustlhaa ao et eOapo taadum.' zdzz a Bczz tlnz rcccr llo Pay. crr - sssstt.'zisrsx.z Ingtoo rort rtlatrodaw Mr. Frrstt la J , f it . i,o ice 0 Election. ' AJlUVUUUi . ' iiosKM or. tiic to.hi.: Thatln ptrsitos nf h no- 'J fOirvvlb a Act J nsl.tjwtaUjc4Ncrli f-rxa 1 at i: ai.i.3-a of 1 tcj, ;e-i A Art U S)itrta S tava Jlittsrr.' iraalfji Crr. ta. 4 tOOdS tot Xhm rtvmm tj aaUh a $turst vl watre-wrta aaJ metric lUcti fUiU- aJSJ raute4 the 6ih Lr f WarrX Ji, m IaI WtioA is hvv$)t rs'.Wj U i at IU Court If ojs U M; l twa c 3 Toea4a j the 7 1 h Ja cJ s ? e , l pci, lit tit porpoa. x4 ulai" . tie t Mfit til a taaif t. .-v , - - 'J rmn , w 7 ofAM tao of fubrw to UttatuM to Wa4 4 towo to an axnoaat hot ttMoJUr SlxtT 6aThot-vad Doaare l pn?posw,ot taUjbChU!: a ssSo e4 aahrr-woyts va4 Swwsragw aaJ aa ao J to tU levy t4 ft sperA Ut aa la said Art pTtri4J tar t&o ana Of pajth the latrrtel hnj prtarijej ot SAlJ tohiJa. . , : 3. Ttat if Uo aaswa of enxfe UU havU be,aattvoHce4 al af?roe4 at too eseto hereoT tZ4, m soSkJbat aitidaot Of boo-Id viSbibv toed, anrder tU rvatHrttcaa of seal Act aad oot xttUg vtmma aa t W. ta speciiUto fax lof IbwrrAataM. tioa of a f jsUta cf waur-orls asd tratbf 12 saU4 tow. If h aaii hot W . tMrcsaary a iaetre fW whole ataAootol ooe-ia MUa4 by too serf I Act la trW to moirei thOfaJ4 srsttfm I aUr-otLa as-l 7 to pV for tW esiUUaahaywist ofa l:Uwl-chtt4R kr ti-aU wwOepTOfhieaajwara that tbe to tal amount of bonds. UaJ Lr a2 of said parpoaew aJwn pot e4 t ssa of 8lt V Hw Thnuasd iWUra aad toe ptxxwd of M; at a3 boda Ud aia U a4 aa4 et petadad etdsajraiv for Uprp?ia trrl4 spedSad aid lor ao otW pom or trpahns eUUvrr-- 3. At tU M estciloa tiwsaj eX 4 voW.Srprtrrlsx LU Woe ol the boods had tba Uvy ot the rariaJ Ux aha9 deposit la tta USt tot a prihted rsr writJea tkH aita tV worde rp l(0provtat Itahde" tkfrtoo. aad raw i'Afprvthag ti Mmataae'droail W Cle IksH milk tU ' words ."AaJsat IsAtieaeat BooUa Uaofl. TW poUe U PfwMd at piacaj Above ajMnwal at 0o la tfca enoraiosr iU daj Bofoefor tte said ivt'oa aad srUl recsaJa opwej eoti) aaosai of i same ds J, aod tbt J i Wt 13 ba held sodVir the . Sam rmW aad rryaUtlooa as Ur th aaas at bastlaaot sod afrcaUs aa eWtaooaj for monjtfpel oSoara to th U4 town, J.4. No pew rrtrivJoa of we k rvq ilred, tot al qosh&cd. suct ofUMSaUd toa Wavojaai gsasasw ora ITI PX t44 v4trWtao fcrtoi tbaraoffthd ba htva hot SiS lie fast rrtrsik)Q of fptta ta sJd Urn, dieda renmi or la aa wwt tawoosa ds;s42d tOTota ga ssud town, shaJ3 U Milled U sot la t!ba tVrtio hrrvtjr ea-H.!.' For te twf pem of frgwtar.o ' h3 eittva of tWaoLJ town, otreta aa, pat boss, tatota do hot a-iw at -mar Bpoa tU iirtratiow tooh of b Waj ad ail pv3cs Vo avr trwoa quaJlied to to. la tUaaUfW Uo or twf art Itw d tlert if, ll rrtra Uoh boots wUj U pcaf ca tWUrdAr the isth ttjttjtz Xtx. at , tht Grawd 4 Taftro tVs fa iha towaof Lobster; 4 U1 ra in sia otwo toe rcr h r-srrM io ta ItUjusxcJcait. offotvdar. 0Xalt dsj fwtcwdbe tW tU si4 books 'wtt la Opeeed ta (A. prpei of ctaUrcjt aad mkioa. Ursby appolatsd luwr t r X sU eiortioa, .a4 . W. mi had E, C iWrow he aad are trj .ertioo te peUiLd ar trtj e4e la tW I'rahlha TSa aol a thsrrof puUj at tiro rCV ta tia town of LnUtfx. Hat a t"?l Of ta aireil A' f 11 GvofaJ A Mutjy Ue pWiVd aa.4 pcmtr-ila rsiOctLja ',ih ail si a part of, this Aa. '. ; , C t:f f tU tVsrd 4 Oafiattia. siOiaers. - .k ":':- w.- J, UXWK. -' Vv- Ao ah to AerVrna tie .-? rf r m fa4a Lir tie" 1-t- c4 l-a'-A -1 Trt aa J Noeeraot aad sa trv tJx- I'iajst- ,. 1 "r- Tut (Jtvratt. Arst t-f Cjkaoti tt l-tarr. or J - a rs i -. ., ' - - '-' - ' - .ailar tsw-s ta.a, ef frti4if S t t ( waUJ vcfllttinai a e a. a a '- La 1 fS n tat iaeia. tl .ki f. t.. 1. "E"" r as e - f WWW iww- aw f sJn -. - as t5. (if aa r f t f a: V i " l' i o w o rf fx- t-c S3 CS 1 ta a r stttarg. It Hi , ae . I tf a r iere 1 t-i:- r a C tie tVaaly H'lit : 1 'l t; r ritt.i: h 1 r. ! 1 ;.j a r.; -' ' f ----- - tt l sa-d (s ttiWn n'tai .a jt - - ""ifi.., ui!; if i a f)Ml J ft a lis Cats ti.ars ii, i.ui.iht...t... i . ' IHa!u,,!,i4....!tn .-.vt ,v l...f. 1 - " at tu f u Catw"trv si . - , -us l M M - f J lisU I Ve sf r;.V fWB st M;f, Ir4.iara'e U an 1 1 Ue 1 1 V -; -a U.e-,'j $ svhf 94 rv5eea e el l,sa fresa la dU tVerer. e-i f at e, 1 t at la self o. U ;trs nay cTsxt. TVel tin f iva it Prn4 fe ive aVv ,.;, aiail he dlt;es4 f e.IWe tf e, f. krvSAaaUis a ediae ia,raeataia jite Has IVe' tr vsJta, if VaU 3 wit lif ftt:( A ,a4 4f ? tr;:-- Ua Urv .w ia ai4 i 1 . sa a, - a m. W . . . T a - T ' ei-a.:w- , iBSTa. al X Si B V Sh SV. VAe . waraTSst ESafl LBtf-as.1 S f " - . Wrwsf.s J USf ftfwtVa4 att tlael U UttUlt If tie aa: Uaa t,U afWtVey WttxadaA, aJ issdrf af rattsett tlaU tve wa aaad If the paij Osnaui. satrt, tU(ii;,tl sVaJ3U wivt!f fa $sttre-l f k iHHttHWUet 4 fre f taraJ jSASU alls aa4 Siae WeeateaJas U-aevafjae. a 4 tf Us ( -r efa;i ui c SttW3f4il,l fteeev. U awasa f tw taayeveet U ha U ge Uaas4atlU pias ee tl IVeta te tsexd, s lUaf W ssUtiad Uaty UUrvxt IVa,w4 f UeUtaeiVftiiVre a-attl,, mU UaiUaT slhie sssUritrr . fW 4. That lie tos-di ,Val! aa estat-e.i, 4 j m4 hf ila Msravsf avail teoas, aJ Tfaairvr aaald Lrwp, aa4 iUe Sihreea atos Uui fas U arj,, fee whka lUjaa ten-eJ. g4 oWf e-e eW with tW ewa-yeareu seal ef Ue said 1-res. TVs Oa. t.lVt aa;4 a e3 a ra a tutt ta ak5i fcs UJJ la? g, a-wa,! f U SStrS s4 deawmiaaxs .UtltaU,J afawwaaiXoH t4VlU4iatr)raVia, ' CU l,'Mk it eeea gg gsK OlUilt tf lit W,ls AA. alUdWl ta aal Wa( sM ihaU l $al4.'taJea la T frtVeyWae w.i. Aal ef , . TfUj gf old aae iha trwa eute ' sf U-s WirlM 'dait af tU sail hrela treiVJad fsf lerwa.f . Iff ssrulasf. Tt aalf hr-t VeU s-aey-ae atsil Have ive fprpeeU af y Ut ; IW feo TVlaswagtuVal4 leads are laW4 t fae.4 at 4 aa. Ifww4 aa -aeaia tsl.f4 said Oaes eg leal t tXhii '4 Uus rw U IU Uhfi f (Vatrafcyrte, af tail Vw tt-VjriswaaaeiMi lV h-ate, S4 oVre-tV l U U pwKLAacr aw U tlawi.-f fta lV4twutaa) w;ta SV1 Ursstataasf ts i$Jci t 4 CtaaaiVaslieare -y 7s i HifttWltf reeew-d i4.i twtJUrr;ati iVa 14 Tra r sVall set etl svd fvistw ta ia sail OtsjtiWa-Mra, fsa.atw rru aewweatef tW mVeuf daasa.Uall.a4) ef U raid snafa hdla sleatU aVn ' . A ad tt sail Traet-treeslzi teiti alf eeeaeed si lis sea aa- dl7-et sf sa4 -ct4a, usZm ef CttW t-et;rl fc IVe2.e A4 direct aa ef uli Caix Wiaere, sad W rr-:tis fre U- saJs wdt a4 iMitcsf eaif tww taeds, aa t U tt . tetvf 4 taiUU t-a fwlW .ttrWf tad t-Uff tt txt-.;s s4 U a ItTratnHf IWesf 14 Ctaaeslaa-ers at y ft- Vr aft he said Tare evih atft Weal hew 4 fwle dsxlayre af ale 4 sues tn.4 w ft it ai tWf aAeUdeeta aNUill, 14 LU; stU tt Ue an-aatiaf U-s ta, peeeeUsei a-S iis-'l Seawe tteref sr.- f ; , , . W 0 That fg U r7ww t veeidUf fit li-a fat 3ei 4 t.V iUrt ; svettltf s.t aal "ts rvttei; at avilal tf tX ata ', t SaU-aeiamt. tW 0t '.. , rt f rail ta a aUH aa tt y a4 at li-s Ubs sf Irryu s al"U ttea Utae aa-4 Uty a f-MiMV-as U erh 1 s-sth ieewvet as 4 gitt'asu sf aiwitrn aa g.--w a Vetw afltf te at t-4 tT.ay sol la-re Utesfav-gif J ;.c.e ViUn: salt 1st aVan t-e s aevfetda.4 UtJ s a a ta W a ft ta a t U raf Ue ItUil , aV4 ga ifa e 11 iwnui c j. a a e a. . . 5 ' r 1 1 " f ' ' ?"' f 4 ta ft .1 aaWut, u , a. .4 niS3 U . la l-l fcr, lfn. ,l4UkM4MwJtM teB-... 1 avatg.e 111 at Ue t:rf .Uh,4 tU riJ ete w 1 -A a,!, 11 vwa mih are tu 4f t-44 : 3 a4 f t V.. V. r- .. .1 T. . rv .r .a , tt a 'ras-rt a lie v2 U tail C-atlaCa at Tat Ch.'.w'Jj cVatr:d W;.; f'iail'.M af Ue siavfSgwsa .k-ti- a at lHf atijif m'I U. t-f Ut 4 af Ve tSJ Ta a. a VU1U f,t Uaeaf. tat;:g -a-4 f -re ii4Hm cili!M. tat S f? atl-iy tie t aire ta 1 a 3 l . a : ; Lis- UUtatr U a t S a ri '-in ." , iriTi li J t t z l m n.vt 1 t t i r.t'al Ut a i . . : a t LU r ?'. j ut t a eat I t.:':H!W 1 1 1 It lf 1 I i x i. tn ; I a I t ti ;at a -li a i i tfu a : ' I t- t, til l ilt l H 1 fl U J 1' at tfra r a '. it . - ' a i ale e . ,m - n . . , ' v . " T ' . -aa lt ts-e an Ml..M, a f ,-.i , J.tiii.wMJ. vt ij " --w- w a.. vw;r"i I tl U taast i t.2 a. a . 1 .f ftW t t -t-r .a ia k a ... . t.i-;r.atUl aarvt I If t A ! a tie wmae.U, f , a t tf ).tr;rtaa ti.Ma t i 5 -ii . 14 g-t . , a t n-t a ;.. t .. V,htrw el..U m $ j ISM 1 Ma f mnLn X ? f TVat )ef t f f W-titt : a t.i iu;4 u tataw-4. tWe r-' a a aast ' t y I W tatte e-t V -. w i atsasle,u,itsiU.( la UMirMlVaitiM.(Ciaa saia erer ewaa.x .Sat- -a.1 eg ri 1 t ) i ; 1 a e t s -a j te 4 ee-e,g t,j h - ,. - Vt.nv gaf ha U it aJ I . starve oj e attr)tw j-vt '.4a4 la aaii ie, aa.4 at Vie -t .: lea iWr,, ill ; IU a3 J SiiA -wUut, Cl'ns n'rni W3 S7emX? fey a Vat triMt t-Vs aiiM' t g ;r. lAe a a..a e-f vUm Uf ttfUte 114 ( f4 ea.f iu astta a -tt af a.itvf t evii, It 1 f rurteavl U lawt-a T-e ae .f u, gi eS ts I. (Us ave-a tse a44 a tdas Us M at rv-aj ga.4 MfV-tUatS at f4h lV . oe saMrUgsHt s v4 e?oaMa,ea s-tasatai fr avevbtlyj eiHoesv ae 4 hewa tafUsse ee a t4 tAaaaave alUw tsva w tU se,f ataeial SiealBh ejf 4 a,, UdtaU sCsaiUaah tUwa a,V4- U4 H4e aiseat Ue asw af U oa s-eeS-a r-i-eC4 sJt a.w wi t IU ta-ll4 sera a ia4 a wti'.U-a ttan: il4 Ua w i--f ta.shnt f -wa-ta" . IWant ad tW tafavre -t g aw.aa aA-a.n a.,. tl rv, Ta evH.l s4 tW sail ajsw.hta sVa I ss-aer- Ui v9 tf t4e S!lta ei 4,1,11 Aef sm u70-e aa4i VWf eVe 3 eawni'a Che raaa--t UerW la tie Ci. at. 4t.are 4 iVe i( he w t.a at ,5 raweed Cie sesu a t-W w Ue a4 U.aitaa U t ,; 1 14 IM i a,"L Had etaseeaf -4 tttt tl pu$ etaiiia a4a2 efte r f o j MtWtt',,lUs aw Oa w . tirntee af sail at a a sAa hw a. I La etatot t-Va a auua-ad ea-hatS f tt, A.j et-O rf tl-t 12 ! 04 " $-asvt We sw-ei.l l-at If a .;; if f 11 1 1 T. tea haaWi af .,$ t-a 4m.4 fsil V "frt Jar-teewtt t i.V tAea U is Aet 4ef a sd t fwt aw S $ as V v few?, tf eJU-te'.earUrs lre i sl fts? tt tW at aneC;t f saw. Usav. a saeaHt ad tt evtfanw di wiaa fa l as t-n.t. i-W tVe tttt-e - a o tw a ts,a.jt V r .:: $rwet S-4 ' 1 aiL'ui a-4 SMw.inj-s.ii, st at mS Umm ta tx:Ui aa-4 efrta a 7ia ad aiae ast awe-sa ,e sa.aee pt a-a4 Jtfwwg j.'.ul a-4 ta - et a tm t.f ii tr4 as U seavaw a t4 t a )Ar s-4 si ftg-ntvn sseeeri atd . )AraHa fc tWt lata f 4Wg fswew As4 ta aawvte U-e ft. nM.l Uamtf te U-e taw! he e a e.i.4 iw ..'- . . - M saarv-t ee au lie ur taws a i t r tf ew iC w a,. v-r - -a, - w vug eg . j few- -v h f -e aw axa .v ewuws tf tsaus trnjua, Aa U-e eetf fltl aX.l 1- tU f tt fu eae st-ft-ttk tgnl.M a.t, t. 4f an ae-al sai&A e.4 5-t J fawtesty a .e .aiia at y t mW'iilU mtn rw, a-a;.t . s4 ryeiaVa U 44 fra 4 ere- s aad aaeewtg au4 a. Uta C(HtV all liw St tt w ayt'e as f swaJ BMaW. r4 1 1 f f aae.a.wat u 9 . f tw U-s aJf leweaJid j.j7.vt.tev i.( tie awmw-asltawe st4U i t-e 4 uV l-fl f t u4 je a .t triie IWn' Ure ti.a ea-.l d-aavt tVe ts IVa U-e . . . . a . k a..- f r t . it . . - - t - - -a --V , UH d a f ; t-4 tie ae4 e.f U- -tV;t it-l'ie. V - ' 1 - fa A- -4 at ra-eCi-a U itiull ItatlnikLU ,.,..... . 1 kll m 4 bmLm vm e4 si f a'.e-V'it t i m i a-c iwii viwte ? k aiii' t-4. . Ve' tn l , m '. a t,r ; rf 5 1 : 1 g vt-a hirrd s-4 - I n tt !..) f Vie I -i4 ; f vt, ) a a . . lie a a? : lm af e 4 e . m a af , . as.4 . aa.a , ii a4 t g J " - aif -1 ' i " as et lie .. t-- f r w ii a a i.l.a i, - - - - - - eu-aet Un i f ei t i ...a a . - a. , t.. . .. t . . I f - - - f - f ;w-t a af tl . i i f ' ' t'-ana tul t tit a 4 a-a 11 f tinn it '.- .-) at ta tut i - 1 . a a ai -t tl -i i! i4 1 1 t .i-i i -a i 4 .?.f al VI ...- j 1 ijiii, I I '".. t?, T'll ri i j ai 5 i r-t'eltf:-r 1 l Vii te t.-! -..,. .-. .k-e at m '- . aa ,tt I T t If it a . l-i I ii- ai l- a f a ,4 ". I v lid . . . a t t a 1 1 1 1 1 i , j ! j f i u 1 1 1 - J i, k U j, ;-W-r: 1 J aa , t I - ... : . H hWf-P Ull I r - e-UllLJ OIU',,. pr; r Su - PURE 14e.i ts fur U mt .,..J s4j favo -2f tsaaaaaas f'ue fk'4 VW.s 14 si- ty CU. c-, r . ! 14 . ' I t V t ' I 1 a- mm. I b e .aJU.U.1 Ta , t i;i:rrtxt t it , - - tolaxX ILa.. W00O YAHD. ' 1 ! 9ahr eiff ff as laauha. g a VH .ta-l et WtMrt !... a. if WtuU la e .,.,,,,. 1 1vr T, an t . v u eta. e .,e i ,nt . , , t.:. ewtr a ai, .M j.. t. SEABOAUI). L? tTfXir? AfLl ;i:.u, ?h:s.. rv -,1 1 . rT II M t ft ti , I t w , i. a ! ae - oa H r tl Mm, a w f e-a 4 w -l a m w ax a II n, aa .III M , ii M f JLM r a e-a,"' f. tut) et mm, t mm. t - w I ! t t- TVtHMWHM Mwe r muiu j a igj i - i ii, i a .,i au-, , nr - i t-Miie M 1 i - 'Mils, w,,.wm i i i ; 4 , a p Ti T a Ti T ; a e m. " - . . lill t 2 " 1 j j 4 (... -h. as t $ . - a aM ntii twtl-.MW ( f I ' -T - i -- -'. .. t I e a a I a t a- .- - I M t a a a t V I a in, a. ... . . 'r ' ill 1 :W., ut isToTai r " ? MB f M OM "" ' 5 e .1 g i "i aa " M a tm t m 9 t. ... 4 ai mm m mm, m anw a Hti at . ,r-.,.,.. ... ..a.,.., hia..we ! e Chi mm, tw M - . . - . .. . - . n - ' S ' mm. m mm .!,.... i g a a ,i -mi ) t - ! l mm, m t.-,it. t I m-Tw'mm. "7m "mm. a a.. i,m e a.i M Se; rtTaTs r rC""""1 "' 1 .1.1 as I 4i :ial Sa - '5S9. . .mt&wmi jus . . Imjll ( IHI III - e. is - 'I aa Itl a f i a a-. . i " " a " " - sm a aa a a " - I ( aa .4-. t e , ...... K, . . j . .... fc 1-ami j . - , . . l- f . . M 4 - ! - .., va .... i. . -.t a . M ,i - e w t -