us. A. THOMAS, Editor vanl Proprietor THB OO'UTr,- 'X'iiJlI STATE Tins tHvION. - " I t l i vol xxxram? WUISmJEG N. (L FRIDAY, JULY X 133 CHURCH DIRECTORY METHODIST. 8aoday School at 9:30 A. M. . Quo. 8. Baker, Sopt. poaching at 11 A. KU and 8 EG P. M. vry Sunday- " - Pravor meMng Wednesday night. M. T, Plyleb, Pastor. BAPTIBT. ' v -. ftandav School at 9:30 A. M. Tho8. B. Wbldsr, 8upt poaching at 11 A.M., and 8:30 P.M., ,f-ry Sunday. Prayer m-eting Thursday night. H. H. Mabhburhb. Pastor. EPISCOPAL, 3a nday School at 9:30. . : Wx U. Rornu. Sapt , Service, morning and nh?ht , on . iri and 4th Sundays. Kvnninsr Prayer, Friday afternoon. Rrv. John Lohdoh Rector, L0DQB3. Loaisbarg Lodge, No. 413, A. F. & A. M., meats 1st and 3rd Tuesday iKUts In each. month. tt ft: tt tit A ,ff. tt tt w - tt tt n n n n n I n CHAMP CLARK fro regional card, S 1 PK01LL A ALLRED. ATTORNEYS-AT-LA.W, LETTER High Praise For Kaiser WUKelm-HDoVt N the ; BoysScirchy of 'Cadet Timber - -" XX n tt tt- tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt Special Washington Letter. - - HO Is Hiyj neighbor? .has expressed by divera and sundry com mentators..; via current Uterarare . he heen- a question cf prime -, ranges all thd'tvay from a too ante bank Importance ever since the 1 and poltroon ioT a hero and a modern parable of. the good: Sa- i Solomdn' Thff following tale from tha maritan in fact, ever since Adam and Eve were driven from Eden'yith flaming swords. Lee Sampson, one of my constituents ... living in Callaway scounty, Mo., fcnows who seme, of his neighbors are, at any : rate. The , Pul ton Gazette, edited by Ovid Bell,, who New York Times, if tru&Teye, there's the rub! proves i that he would, If "caught young- enough." have made one- of -the finest poker players the .world ever saw.,- The Times says: - - That old Pike county tan of bluff la played In, Soutb, America, Benor Don An was private secretary. ta,'Silyer:DickaUBt'P- PuUdo, VenesueUn chara d'aX- Will practice In all the Courta. Lonll)arg and Yoangsvllle, N C. Offices in 1) R. ARTHUR H. FLEMING, DENTIST. LOU13BURO-, . yN. C. Oltlce Over The 0reen !Yarboro Oo.'a Store. JR. 8. P. BDRT, PRAOTICINa PHYSICIAN AND 8URQBON. Louiaburg, N. C. Office in the rear of Boddie, Bobbitt & l O.'n f)rna Store, on Nub Btreet. I) R. R. F. YARBOROtTGH, - i PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, LOPTSBURfl, N. C. oiflre 8ml floor iNqI holldini NlKht calls anewfire'l from T. 1 rwaldence, phone 74. (.phone 89 V. Blckett's U. MAS8KNBDHQ, ATTORNBY-AT LAW. IOUISBURS, v. a. will practice In all th Conrtg of the State Office In Court House M ARCUS C. WlfTSlBAP, ATTOBNEYAT-L AW, . LODIHDUHG, N. C. Ornoi ovb Corner Drug Store. Rnclal Attention glTen to collectlona. Practice wherever services required. T Bland, tells this i-story,: and ii is beautiful and wholesome one: : Lee Sampson, who Uvea on the farm of I tha late Willlam-fiUia, down in Boydsvllla neichborhoodr can congratulate ' himself upon living in a section where people do unto others as they would like others to do unto them. Lee has suffered consider ably with rheumatism this spring, and it has so affected him as to e&use him to be unable to Work, and he consequently got behind -with his corn planting.' Monday morning a coterie of his -; neighbors,' Thomas Bedsworth, Lea Jameson, John Sampson,. Thomas Harris'- and Hugh, Sampson, took their teams and went to Lee's Held- intent upon finishing breaking and planting the balance of his corn crop for him, and if it did not rain too heavily down that way it is safe to Bay the work was done "Raising" Him. There is a certain game, popular in" various portions of the country, whose distinguishing characteristic is "rais ing" your opponent. The New York Times tells this tale, which illustrates the operation in conversation: Captain Sigsbee tens of a conversation be once overheard between two marines who were arguing as to who. had tha least work to do on board a man-of-war. "It's the chaplain," said the' first. "How do you make that out?" asked the second. "Because he ain't got no work to do an all day to do it in." The second marine snorted his disgust. "You ain't got it right. Jack," said he. It's the ea'm of marines." w's Utatw 11, sy, as you sr, the eaap- IalnTk got nothing do ana ail day to do it isu but the cav'n of marines he ain't got anything to do and all day to do it in and a lieutenant of marines to naip hint to do it." A Tactful Kaiser. Some years ago. when William E, Gladstone, England's Grand Old Man, denominated Czar Nicholas of Russia and Kaiser. Wilhelm of Germany as "the two young despots of Europe," it was a catching collection of words, and people jumped lo the conclusion at once that here were two rulers who would rival the tyrant Dionyslus. Noth ing -ould be further from the truth. Kaiser Wilhelm was quite young when he ascended the throne of his ances tors. He practically succeeded Wil liam" the Great, his grandfather, as his father, the Emperor Friedrich "TJnser Fritz," as he wafftovingly called by his soldiers and his subjects only reigned 100 days. All sorts of dire predictions we made by prophets of evil as to what capers the young Kaiser Wilhelm would cut and as to what dire calami ties he would bring upon his country and upon the world all of which ma lign foretellings have proved to be without foundation, "baseless as' the fabric of a vision." It was said that the kaiser wanted a big army and a big navy in order to kick up a row with his neighbors. As shown by the event, nothing could be further from the truth. The reichstag, thoroughly in love with the fatherland, gave him a great . , , army ana a great navy, anu ue naa picked a quarrel with nobody yet-- In deed, he is one of the most peaceable of monarchs. He has asserted and maintained German rights, he has en couraged German art, he has enlarged German commerce, but he has accom plished these things not by force" and arms, but by the legitimate and less expensive methods of peace. From be ing feared as a dangerous kaiser, a fire brand prince, people are ooming to re gard him as a clear headed, progress ive, conservative ruler, as a most kind ly and peaceable neighbor, as one of the safest statesmen of Europe, tt is an old saying that "Peace hath ner vic tories no less renowned than wary" ' savina in which Kaiser Wilhelm can RefeM to Chief JnsOce shepherd, Hon.' John honestlv take much pride, for under bis rr nK VST U7inatvn . HAH. J. I I " . "uxfpreaFh Germany is more prosperous to- "f aires ad. interim, -asserta, and as evidence tells 4 story of President Clsrian Castra i "When General Castro came down from the mountains on the way- to Caracas to .become president.'' said Seaor PnUdo, h had ffavraJtlU3iiand ruaxed aaouataia eers and thirty mules laden with amiw nition boxes. One night he baited in the little town of Mured a, and the local chief commanding the village troop came and offered -to join him. "1 have SOO men..with rtflee.' said be. 'Give us some ammunition, and we will go with yon.' A V"A11 right,? said Castro. 'Get yoar men togrether and march with us tomor row morning, and during the day we will Issue ammunition. "So the village contingent marched oat and all day long plodded down through the mountains with Castro's rugged he roes. At nightfall the vUlage chief came to Castro and reproached aim. "Ton promised us ammunition. Where La lir 'My friend.' said Castro. 'I will tell yon a little secret, a very private Little secret I have no ammunition, but stay with me until we meet the enemy, and we will have-ammunition enough.' " 'But the ammunition boxeer said the astonished chief. " 'My friend.' said General .Castro, la the ammunition boxes there are atone. There isn't a round of ammunition In the army! But the enemy, my comrade, they will fill our boxes.' " . - Guesswork. On dit that Senator Henry Cabot Lodge of Nahant, Mass aspires to suc ceed Uncle Mark as. chalnqan of the Republican national 'comWttee in or far to manage tha next campaign. pre vMed Colonel Theodore Roosevelt la nominated. Hanna and Lodge Mar cus Alonzo and Henry Cabot they are assuredly the antipodes of American politics. Both are bosses. Hanna does not sugar coat the dose. Lodge sweet ens it by calling it a Greek or Latin name. conduct the examlnatJoa grstls at IV II IPP HI h DPTlnTI aiy request . . v , !.: IAIVUW, Ul UiUUliUUa 1 supposed there would be sa army of mbitioas sod petrtotle boys strogf tint to win the great prUee of a spWoVJ education frr, a protahle rank . s4 mlral"br Ueatenant rrneral soX'a poe xlble rank of preaidcat of the Coiled 8tatesv--i ';'-:r . : f . . " X was woefully dlaappotntrd. 'In 1000 one koe boy took the ex amination 'or West Point sod three foe Annapolis, t.', z ' .. ' ."; - In 1005 there were two for IVeei Pont and three for Annapolis. 1 -AH those of the 1000 exatuiaa'ka failed or quit after tkrwwi to the lUfciosr a ! t,f e.l academies. How those ef lo wta. . , . , u i uu oar fit 2iJ. ectica t brhr rNt to t tfid At t Cmtrt HoeaUaAi! Iowa inewcjABff l b-9 bal of sM si'! n -" re, 1 r. 4 tt tt' .. .Vi. J t t I e-5, t fee sat "-4 G nlatj-j4i M. lei. w seef 4VafSJUe, l" '.t ja e j f jrV t aeaJ f y aAu f.imm , fit as lie dele tVfte? si e X X "Sw S T IlC IT nrntr'tfn fr titt rrt Iiitasitecsu iVrfef iu se vi i s tWi 4...e x. i Jj m-4Arr sa..,.s.a- :j W...M ta,.. J m-ilitnam-rrt ! iUti -V sUa-lei t. e- . W . I t ta....kt tM. ., 1 . '.'f,, ,J" -' V t1 tmt ilw;tlwVUfr at It,4t Is a X m,mr.: j S.Hir 4i. fi .'Iw.ntla rratiacwf i'lMltrslt-MWt sva.1 f e.R. ec iy-.en,. 4 thof'.ijr con.f?4fc ui t !! ,0s.l-v .Wta,fHilrt,i Uls r.,.Vi i -.r-. tlcril lwMT fcvD.. r-' - . l" ? 5 , e. l i t . t .,.. rlnl Uaa.Jf,a otlPC,,,. Us V U.,e.. ,1. VUe ,,,6. lUI,1' u r alt6r t tSfsitsM tiaei.eftle1UUf W )v?. IW U J JJ'ZlSZZ ' K TZm, s Of wuwj,, 1 really Colr, t tfUaet, t ni( IH eMtsUW Mls.tU3e (r) p J come to make any predtctloaa. - " : As my district Is fa of high schools. academies and ceDegev't was taoch chopfalleo. - 1 supposed . my trooblra were exceptional until I read the fol lowing editorial In the Waahloctea Post: : - - . BepreseaUUe Taemer at ta Minnesota dlstrtct aether forceruur esAia atteaUoa to whet he is eoovtaeed te a sertooa . defect t tk Aawrlcu Ml -ectroor system. ftcbt-Toasa assa beci. by Mr. Tawaer for apaatauaent to ta pet e srf, s n ertj iVsreT Ve f . i m miirl saay ilMe(u, s a4 la SV I Met4 4 U.e C..t. rejected la awxesetoa oa accovat ef VtU I alT-wpllS dad tW Ar! S InabUlty to pea the reoefred eaaaabw I gji-tT JjA. ).., i s -tl-. Hon la elemeatarr &UtAnuaawev Mr. I -ala rj&4tts wr a . low. Tawaer eeJla attentat 4 taslfcct tta I ad lf tt i U"Vjt 4 Sll tI aJ jsBca vi n sss raj , ; lse. . I.t es Wf i w Utt roet4 TVt aWee Mitat VsU he ttMwl aTs ,trr if 14 ssVsas tnitue e'-ies Ve, fAf ft iet f ttrd lUl" U. . f f is; m tlsir t r5 Ve 4 fe as t ia4 Ve W 4 t f s-. IvtliJotii' It ee-eey ftliM-Vl t rattl u u isJt I ijlt aJ.i test aavll afUr by ' Iwmi ,, ' 5W IL' 1"UI l-'wa it4 , VeeC eeaA.ta'.rai Aa.u $ . tW 4iS 4 esett M f le aae Va"l ., S-rt $. st.ttst( ! tVs f"-!- e.6 a 4f S a e .ertit a 1 W-4 '( l-e a ei ia.V Cavs sa set Cl a t .a a v s9a4 .u U-e a W$, 0 4 f e4.- fa a . Minnesota target? npon dentr,- As . the Mtna esgta Lia4 UtMl rsiriaiatVa lst lLM'ki.ti W t.a ull . DArL. jja eAdTseirf to P Wd toe tt fr j 4ii UUssaaa. aWa MnL, 1 61 P l W Httaijval i W-)as l'a i t sjet s4 W PREFERRED STOQ'.C gtn - M!uw-ausew howo very fclgb Mr. Tswasy Is aeeireaOr Uded. la t Set the en u4re the pubUo school yatim aurun eral apsticaUea and aet be eeaSned te Mmaesota aor to the lWrt freea wbWJk his rsndidstee were eeleeied. , Mr. Tawsey beUevea that the fault St with the modra eylea of rrematrsa children and roahlag taeea ihrwoae tba of said MkJ. .A 2 Wlbatif taeteaaU aaU4a tbeU Waht&ortimf 4 fte4 at the eklVit ' Wrebf X - SJUeej m so Ckifwt woaotcf bsmS mitm, CJ.- ca!r reatrir'iadaaicl eail grade school wUbewt proper aienN I. .-..- . k. to their training ta sleaMaUrr Cnuaa. I h,3 Wl wlfiX th4i tbr state are eolerlnjr tbe bJa seaanie at tie eg of toarteee 'rears or wwUr. es4 be does not be& tf peeaiUe tbet tittm youths have been 'proerty arepsred fee the heavter efers of- tbe blb acboota. The etitlctam ( Mr. Ttr Sea been urged by many of the eda cator of the coxintry fee nvrl yrs. apparently without any eppreeWe f feet. No ea will contend bet thai re marfcable and dtrabte pnoerree bee ti a made in edocaUonaJ saetboda wtthta tbe last gencrattoo. Maay of the eld mUe ef Instruction that made vr trkee S4 secured at beet a sarrettlke sredetesejr hare been property aeandaaed. bet tbera are lndlcstkma that the endls re form ha ewuegeao far te tbe 4e evU rmpk r the M lpet. It It Se3 not. m . Mn tie fj the aa) 4 act la orrt ta cSrax thsal4 tTtcirt Ur-tefi e4 ass trajo, lh 44itnvAl takte wiil b teot ta c i-a a aet h e eeart tofCrVr eaU'Iweel vi a thxtff I'bt plast lAti eJ loan. proal.4 ajwara that iht ta! aqxmlot Nrlt -4 J-e aS R. J. E. MALONK, PRACTICING PttXSlCIAN AND SURGEON. LO01SB0B6, . C Offlce over Aycocke Plug Company. R. K. 8. rOSTBR. : FRAOTICINa PHYSICIAN A STrRGfltON, Loalabnrg, N. C. Offlce over Aycocke Drag Company. vv m. HAYWOOD RUFFIN. AtTONBY-ATLAW, Hotfi8BtrBe.H.e. WIU practice lb all the Courts of Franklin nl adjoining eountlee, also in the Supreme ourt, and in, the United States District and OlrooliCoarta. . Office inboaoer andCUfton Building. HOB. B. WILDKR, " ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LomsBUBs, v. a Office on Main atreet. over Jones a Cooper's ,r . Tji a. sPRpitx. : gl , " ATOatBYAT-hAW, : lotllBBCBlj.'W. to. i w i ' Will attend theoourts'of Franklin, Vance (Iranvllle. Warren and Wake counties, also tbe Bapreme Court of North Carolina. Prompt attention given to collections. Office over Bgerton'a Store. vf. BICKBTT, STTOBJJBY AJrtlrTJHBaXLOR.ATLaW. HBek. o. Sensible. Under the tiUe of "Dont Nag th Boys." the New Orleans Times-Demo crat gives the world the following good advice: "It Is a curious 'thing to me that we And so many persona in the world who are inclined to oag at the boys because they are lair or because they are preco cious, too fresh maybe, or something of the kind," said a man who gives much thought to child study. little reflec tion, it seems to me. would put a different color on this question this problem. If you please of dealing with the yosag men' of the country. Mind you. I do aot "mean to defend laslnees, I do not mean to defend precocity. Both are very an noying. All laxy boya do not turn out well. As much may be eald for all pre cocious boya But som of them do. Ex actly here 1 the point. Yon can't teU what the boy Is going to do. Edison was a lazy fellow, a dull, aleepy .telegraph operator. He was lasy physically. Mark the distinction." Mentally he was the most active thing on the continent. Witness the discoveries which have originated la the mind of this duU. sleepy operator, as operator, by the way. who was so may that he did not want to be. troubled with answering calls on his line at night, and to protect him in the full enjoyment of this physical laslness his active and ener getic mmd rigged up an automatic uoavr that would do the answering for him. Bo he slept 1 the present ruler of Germany we - find an example of the precocious youth. William, -acoordlng to his biogra phers, was a devilish, mischievous sort r,f follow and not a little lax In bis studies. What Is he now? la my Judg ment, broadly measured, he ts the smart est man In the world, by which I mean ha has a broader grasp of general Infor mation, knows more about more different things, than almost any other man Of bts time. Thesa examples bear me oat la the statement that you can't always u Just what the boy la going to be. HI lasiness or precocity mar be the earlier expressions of some phenomenal genius ainrur certain line, the forerunner of great undertakings and . greet achieve ments. Quit nagging at the boy Too Widespread. educational rtai In wnk- te I bri4Q wr&:S4 A J lo bU Ury grds are SBbjeseaet aesrter. I . " . 3. A V"U-tl tkilVte tVw aJ for te ! tn wmrv miM Uirl tM Whet K eb Ject Iton, aatawe atody. t t-n:e. ol SaU ptyi aWI a4 rMJ obSoa' t"wd cJLTTbf tbe sa ol Kitty tlr. TVJ tt cdr"f Tb.l..rrtrt Jr are the fosroUUea asoa wbicb tr.e eoUre btQis bt W U ee4 M t fabric of educatloa la built, aad tt va4 . , -,lMi- t. ,mtm. require no ergemeat to bw tbe rOeT 1 1' TV of aa edacsttoti eleceentary grad There should be ae dtmewlty svaduate of any blab eraMl to tbe try passing tbe aelsWiWl; ensired t elementary CncUab for atiiea to West Point or Aapasaa -JV is,lrei re not exacting, yet bV Uet tint a tea that many high cbefel grsttoate toll to meet them aad that" a Ufa abr ad driller! tbr0uah4 tb cwsstrr ar proesertnc by nor User aasastnato lev tM mUltarr sad naval acsdesaiea ta as4e which they should have asastered to the pubue scboola. Tae qu rise I eee which should eotmatand the altnxUnet e emcmla cbarged ntb W ana tiaaS aad manageaent ef tb subile sseb ed to country. Now, there Is little coonU!V la that The only edftif of comfort U the fact that nay dlattfrt la set aSoee la the mprrpdrednees if Its boya Upon Inquiry at Afaapoud I ltvl TTvltTe.affcfOtU th rd ICS Dowl IZltrj ts eewa: Ut shall defwarf rtae te4 Ut a prints ar rfltati ikt with t Mla -iot .. Imfrov-eesuM&l Croeie" lhrw. a&i th dbsarrtme IV setae saay 4fpelt s Ha let let il tt' tWI' "tAraleM I reateeee-aa ttJix tw- f-. wa urt Ofi34 at tW f4c ahr arl at ssvo o'ekaxh 1 the araiAt IV Jaj Miue-J tr t&e mH oWf a al iarmia otweatii tawsm 4 ti i tsie a eVe Ut v f t at f M a-a ait a SbA ska te at- sb.aaAAdl M .,, w s4ea 4e S Usaeerie a4 II We Vi4e ed ae is e re t -aid sU3 J U. u; eaMs IW MattwHHNdnt iW-Uava s- Ht aal illt f i 3wt leere la esax4. Ws . sJba4 a4 hm .lteJ Utf HJfrt lee-aet f r tVe It. lattVl. Vd Wm .da tUelsrfWe e,iflif' ' t aaeeelt aawl ea.l W ifa-M tit )isfiCi15 al tm store a'a-4 If tV lieel aa Tieararrrsf tyes s-4 eWl s i fee ei-c-s V Jr fete le J arj.'wat fit aki! jiif Uii aMs4;as4. iaU W eV'J wiv tW aeeavr r-eisf Je e4, - CJWtia th MdleesiU ifi a m i a.L. l. a, itn - - - - - !! the &X ae-t -el eei 1 e-alj tf 14 VrVavet ' etiral4 a4 UVeeUe-stdeewfIT sIV, "U fft?"lUr? aa ae aSshe aAJ4,! s4T III, ,m..ts'eA4 eerat eiadV!, J,i .llt mmm aJl ,i .-.. laaea tat - 4 - eAl ... ; aaan "tof,. til V - by - laefetliMi at 14- t.ek tW treje ruJ ve 4 - I4e PURE la aai uet, a-t'f e ve nl I We tV-tees, at-4 fa tt-s .3 l ai4 '.4tit VW; U4 vfmtijy jd l l teniae U t f tM i'i4 1 ret'Sb ue ewe us le-V'-t as te 1 etin-. etif IU asita avevowaaes1 aMtt.r. U V t Is ;w4 tb laaae. tle aaJ fWUid Jua3) t aWll la 14 S b t a-ae aa4 tk -. t4'aldi ad te as We eebve a jaetlgirtt ae.4 eia,ej 4tKLi f'f lt.tAilj4 ?I's ba' ate s.f-e tW t; ate aa ae el lie t-e Wa U eai SaS7U evst t 134.. At li a4 "tiue VUss vs1 t-wf - ei4rr';-s tU at m- ao4 It i a a je iJ baa aa Id-a e-jle tUl f-j't a U W ft a f . e tilted widA W aft"J aa .. . - ... v a - - i J . . rt ' ' t evwW a -W re ta lWft ... a 1 a . a s 1 m.t-. 1 - - - - ... r. e--, trjiwn s w imim wm e,,f m; a-ia-f. ,4-SAtea $ae.trttw a,M OLD II V t vt se 4t mt ea. 9f isav.a ftle ? '.ma w ft4 SJ;.' If &W "i " 1. ttraitxi 1 Cits tt, nSfc. . WOOD YAROls . ttt4 i l - tw mU 'tjMt a I Hea.sW' ttswtv 'TV eeanalt lleatU Xeifhtb st i Sai( 1 f aa ai5wt .-JlJM'nai a iMilgJW -j.jt-b4 t-Wf aWt trf..' Vi. eeat U-ef t U CliMS a airaerrf e! Cle ee 'tl he k, eht eft. reesaft CW aei Ue wto ed Xh litw If Sa Jiaa as! K V J i alead bea 4 m.4 aiie 4Jt a "Tee !"! ve-tt t-ata7" ib fn't a' ea.tJt.eee tf eaXf ae'w Wa IsatMi $ V a: te eetwaff n eatt m t- autnA tt' " .... 'Ct. asatto ' 4 f Hi " . we vnhI 1 ' farf at r,t esiii a jfi, 1 a ata. 4 S. UleeH S E A B 0.R D a ae4 tat- at4 steU W d ejn given the fortowfaf firre: Oot at TI J awaalfaj, ax.J tbe aJJ acta ti be held B4e tiat aarae rW aa.4 fTflattnae ad ta- ta are raeYiaat d4 appfVeitae e Mineya tor(nacif J fti'ifwre halita 9U Uei. i 1 I i i ' 4. No rsw fvttaa o tiPlsre 1.5.. Prompt and painstaking attention very matter lntarosuea xo nw muu. attention given to a- MniT. winaton. Peonies Bank rf Moiwoe, Chaa. K Taylor, Pres. Wake 0T eat CoHefre, Hon. K. W. Tlmberlake. Office over Ifeal & Co. s Store, yy "if. PBRSOif. ATTOR5T5Y AT-LAW, totnBBtnse, jr. a PraMtiee In all eourts. Offlce on Main 1 street.' . YABBOTOTJpHr.jB.C; LOUIHBURO, Ti. 0. Offloe In Opera House bonding. Court atreet All "legal business intrusted to him will receive prompt and careful attention. JJR..D. T. SMITilWlCKj JJESXIST, LouisBtraa, - - n. a Ofaee over Farnitare Store. HOTELS. FRANKLINT0N HOTEL . FRANKLIN TON, N. C. - (5: W'COIWftY, Prp'T. day than she has ever been before, and her prosperity is largely his work, his chief crown of glory. It is said now by the European statesmen that the magnificence which he displayed when he visited Pope Leo was aot the vainglorious ; display of wealth and poweri but was a ttribi ute to the holy father In order to estab lish between Germany and the Vatican a friendlier feeling than has existed for some centuries. It is also said tha't tbe conduct of the kaiser on that august occasion had the; desired effect and that he Is bow mncn more lenient ly regarded than he has beaa hithsrta Ths, kaiser's, wisdom" in seading his brother, Prince Helnrten, w nsir us has been clearly demonstrated. By ; reason of the Idiocy, of r certain Amer-. lean lovenr of Eagland our relations: with Germany were becoming some what strained but'the kaiser sent his princely brother to yisit us. -irid nU difficulties evanished Instantly. The prince-was gladJtolbeThere, and we were glad to have him here. It was a grand sight to see Germany and Amer ica fraternizing. " 'i'-" t' America gratefully and enthusiasuc- ouly 37 patsedst tli.atsmtaaOotsa, and 150 out of a toUIof ) esaaHa-sa About 23 per cent of Iboae wbe failed on first essmlnatiOQ paasod oa aecotal Three flgunra show that the vice fcf our latter day edaratlooal tyetsta ts t lack of thoroughness. U preadeat too much. . The curncumm U too ex tensive. Bettirr ta s a few Uklftfl well thaa to fesvwa smattertog ef a thing. Experts sre the pereoca b climb bisk and wbWtl Uiff wag. TborocrV should be the taette tf our educators. - a A New Wrinkle. For, to. these many years otrr aofta- ern ceustns hats been makta ft l oar soatbeni oouaSn bacaaaw. as .al leged, the latter dartve their son a HI broad prouuncUtioa from lb Afrw Amerlcsns, alias aTrrwrf" rrtJ"tU4 gxera.- This accaaB4 cJ 'te Ifeay-ndt be trar. fJIoart' ttai'sf U Mrli'a VmBtea af.A ea P .... I fA,... lir vwrt-l SS My own experience la searcning ror " -' HI i;":: to thefr ertfta sod practkev Aa the feeatcr Is crape; aaeea the lit ter la the cake walk. While certsta UjUtae l-vtdv etf; Wt U a a;w;t f cw M.r t eiaaita . a tWl at aea T tiatea4 aWa ttt JUS t.U te 4 ! ae 4Ta " a tf U se'Ui v C lot tt f e-atC' 4 r aisx.4 tr:ff as sa utaL rtft f te li aeaae 4 f aWnS CU t ). watutn-" e4 ate aa4l are a4 lH"wtt la3 le ft. at-1 ', a erw.tlb at! aHaw-swA, eal el aJ& aa t giait'Uie ae4 vA a e-snjas vja.-. tel .em da sadist 111 l I Ml IBs! b statAeJi w4h L! W WwW W se ww ww-r w-sew tl I fttiaaj 3tf 4 ei fla. Iea ytr54 tee'asay I re I l1ff'aJMeaail.'"Tl rlS W U te at :? Uta , I U taejelai a seftajl af se f tW etaMseest. ,-,.,,? e tv IVaa ae mm aa f Ve 4 4. a te4 af. aa-4 Sm a toeeajfsl a aeela fe-a4,f iw 4 CtsaatWoal a3 4 Ct I tVe a-acf 4 lVTee't-rae 4 I-S b;a tUW-!(tittl n tb asavs, bkf iiitiw U.a as U fr . 1 ;xr,j-aft tV4 ap ta-r itveliit 'mU u umt 'ae'"sf t""ttalAi4 f 4 tt:.t;4e" tt s . lHsaJtir" 5 aUm pw-4ad'i a4 a eelj. 7t I sjA e ws e.t.f lefriisi Ixt fit, ttrpL IVjfH trt tnen f Ki tec cdf f etl 1 neyt ?x:, ttu r0naaA.tO e i tw M l 31 nee. a IvetMiee e e n ew ' t pm. m j aiemuis"wt- ' j(t ae Hi., t a sy s e m a -it pa ta mwe ' tt f m 9 a a ! a ' f m e ut 5 m e m e e s I f fm ' t en m a w a aw aMi, n e t iiiiliiia t St' as a tt e a em t rf iMearvM)na ata , a it t i r la rrq ilr4. bat ail Jv5! . V.n a . a i a.f ta aa .C 4iayt4ee. aot a. I ;Ve b4iat4 (V 4ahta4 a . s .a .s i i a fc. a ,1 iL I -iVivL I .ilia J-Ji- AftlH t4i4 Trfct red sl-O t teat regtMttoft J I 4iisaf f at l.f-t.'a.. Wl'l cadets tor West Point and Annapolis, together with my experience as a mem ber f the board ef visitors to the Ns val academy st the recent cummenee ment exercises, turned my sttentlotr upon educational conditions la the United States. Of course enynoay mat does not pronounce a high flown eulo- gium upon the whole system readers himself liable to be;sttscked ss an enemy of public schools by a lot of peo ple who live off the public scboola: My own experience was this: It took two years to find a boy in the Ninth congressional district Of Missouri, which I have the honor to represent in e 'congress of the Dnlted State. Wno had the Intelligence and physical de velopment to stand an examiaaUoo for Wast Point and wko possessed grit en'sugh to stay there, and complett the course." As to Annapolis, it required four years .to find him. No law tonv pejs a" competitiTS egsminstlon. hut I ordered eompetlfive examination b cause by -that meansevery boy in th district would hare tn? equal chance with every other boy.. Of course I could ha?e plckedJavorlt hoys or the boys of favoritsr fathers and haTe ap toointed them, but I chose to order the competitive examlnationi and gt ery boy .a chance because I was a poor trtwn. dUt. Tefftove-l or la ay bawese dH'lasti?! t t? ta aai Urwafbima edtil4 e' r4:th ' I aWtiua ar4 C1- ta pr- ol rs W.s 3 sUf" od th tli toes, .aaj,-?. hat hoeaacad di tai v "' aStna the rewtttratM Uoa e4 ta tnaa, a&i att jtt? W a-f te trmm nilJ4 lo rol ta Ihm a tloa oa oe h4ti4f Ik? rw(raUea Vo era i vtn4 ts detardaj 3lh day c4 la lftCl f te'teliJl"1Jfc Sla4e fc4-4 dkrwia el ei CeiaasMi-ara tv4le, fe rae tis aa e.s ti4e aeJ ai s4 aai4 ' $' tT tJ Hai'fe-4e. aeeW-l- f ar rwnl f-d e;tf tiH kti-taft U a", at Trattf 11 ff ,T-t ail Q&uU:A44 Alt -4 el Vl t ie-.aT't.rtLi evva , e44 soothern whit persood have ae be guned by the esductlve aad baaariWie tame ef crape, ae soathera while pfr a ho a KMX! kMnra to tslatM t - cakt walk: coaseqaeotty tbe faUew'A 4aj s ! 4f4t e.'t ?.te- hte sVattaa Wli 4 a a4taaab-Vt, - atl . saU ta th ssm sat avOe - b4 ef aVe , t i s.' Sd Va. ae s.t u et.l en lAfwee a U-rf ta e Aatd'-e ssanaa as B ia4 11 iirmf a STVa esOl aae et t Ctf4s CbtttJSt aaAw -t s-f f t ea e a - e 4 At s-e al itb If e $.r ae crjtaJUei V e 4lt la U , 4-' a e u-tttlAt 4 f-ii e ev4 t'ttt he t a e3 awdJa Sm.1 Mt.? itt ii ii -r ata,lata eMMrtMd, awe-it'it 4l ) ht O sHt. e r.a, 4 eAe- via era a aliVi LMkbl l tt tit At - v - - w f Sw e UtlHMaa m fiiiii.a t i . a j '"i t- i r-f a - at S e a r. at t 1"T. " g j m aMa f 5 a we f a e f aw. 4 1 & vWn 1 , 1 e e e I e a ta1'' e e ut 1 "W 'w.w.y"r " f a a 1 m 'WA-fa a m m ea a I . . 'Ttir - -hk, ! I . aa. f w mm ax f a ma ma t e aa B m f sa m a w - ' aa ra a sa as a BMsrweael S I ID a a it r-1 aw . k ) llfl S e a t a 4 (ae lb atdu a . u j .arjw: ae aa y eW . 1 al at th Crw A TsiUra Ca's H f teaiat4 4r tW r b ib ruet c4 UUM't-tU sir r.ala rpwa srjiwat h toarpas toe Ut dltpatch from ever the sea wtil &e read wtrtAraJrafhTy saost AawvV cane: till V at court this waeJC bf trat -! cess. Tb other slab! aae as a mmn dinner. - Amos tb rss ware tbe Lt and Dacbesa ef KewaetJ. bUrwese s Marebloaesa Earl aad Loads. May ta-tr sab wbe wea. amoda -. aa-er Aerr, t4 da rrcWISi tie 9hcdi th 4 tools aO I rfe 1 ti $tTjrta f thaaW-se a4 rrt Wa. IL Th! It. J. tfe W a-4 4 it4h asiMl TWs-s ll 4W.' , 4-11 ed lis t.n 44 tnejslt w tf ste4. .ue ilai gaatraisi . ewt at We t at awe4il ae sa a a 4 ii 11 14 St e ssaairad it i.f e al eJi 4 mv ikI at atsyiiitta t r.i eOt d 4 jH 4uni,i, ata at V, a eVa le O e'dtd a . a IV ea a a ;t i- at ; as eA4 ba tliW ba 4 U aaA at. at ew rww4 e.t ayaaa.alaaj f f 4 ) M a fc abasfa 4.4 ajdsai'a- "mmmtmetm-''" J'"i''-f " ,r aa S sa e at . t,. see 4 eaU U e 431 aae aey a. j f-s4i et.4 at tii rr itifttf iw ar a I lilai a a t--T a JtiiHt Ul eta t - If. S IMTU tMI. II t 11 11 !T r" !' e-4 e.vt.w.'W 4 1 t ad 4 at ct i ! , !. e eajf t ? f tf ? er Iff .u tt 1 1 e- I - !' 4a aaTiia, M I a Hi w ls aH - at twe 4 ' I'l ihiii niwi iiiimti j- mftKgar-1 im -t -n wniwm i imwaiii ii" nir imm ' n i mm'-r iwmun ..i t-a ia. ft t it T aaMa a a a t a e ! dta sa J sa Tail t m tas ' e ss w a e a i a i at t it s a . . .a .. ik . . .... -.a-'M.a ...a a..... m . .... . . . t at Dwffertav rvtae Twt I lil U IHmv 41 Mrtoj Mtll Je l VM t;,5 1 '" JifH'? " " ?-!- Ceaaias lMaav taiase a UaiiUMlal " " I el stt4 as Aw A I mm f.l.!r i . a e.d e:i-.'t tlrtm mu I " " " a - EaBsjyL aVswtly aeelfUl wet aSJf "ay w 1 a"-"' a w -- -a -- r "i, 1 ft' e - - . - . w b 1 TlpjaTJsaaw r srSwtE H 44 ! Marrbtoaess of Oraaby.tb Aertoaa L A a5 I r'ail 'w V 14 .y V lt I tf aJbw Ctst eaasj a.w e r-tie s4 i - Lord IWtoa. Maraaia P aVeaeaA, . CM' tf "U H 1 7 J ? . a UlMefMsta 4 W4 wr . W I .iC si It 5' " - tt-r'e rrCL ssd Steer aatasM AWa sWt ana L --tu.abtfil 1 j t lilt J at ft . I I " ' . I ---- ta -" msw-w . Snter Mat!r taTtrai. ? It a 1 US S3 h ie, J e a.. 4 f i e Mt-s. at Wether aad WUiUaW tMlrmmr"JTT 5r5 Ti. 'y w 9itm . ,,4 l J . aaf4is U I . T J "l' 1 ?nl'wTW4atsvla"lU,a tlrvf rsi at tl falT aiea .r 15 t lto.i j M M aWsiaietbiile, t ayetaih . f aa taeme ta. Ta-r ats be fa the tOt4 U'& h-M ilWw44a,4-tt O dktw. t ' tTT Sctof la7 ?7Tt aTut! ?y th awaal4 At 15 f,t il ttat 4 l t--' Ji a-,-it e4 ei a?-.. tAA j a , IT , 4n lesaoea ta ak weiaisa, ae dat tad OeaeraZ . Al t t j;Uiaii4 aA f t-4 eS .? el taJ-rtif , It a.( t s.-- ,. Newport rtmriradei. ., - j. j -j. - 5J, ;i UlMC v f r ft II bK --4 e eb i t .TT..,.- a I H IX Ss . . jas. s vs. s a Ta j a a j . aa at 1 , ... , . ... . . F aaiaB 5 'aac ar t imam m a i4.rar fc(- sii .a i aavJt ia av sas esa mvtv avsasv vsw s .,-.sawa. - ally cherishes the memory of the Great ,boy, once, and icy father did nc hste - !LV:r vn p,riPk- tho 'fireat t Influence noogh to secure me an ap- Blector. King vFredertcr tne yreat. oriii - aTso cherish 'eratefully. and enthusiastically the ; jnemory. of - the Good accomodation for the traveling I present Jiaiser Wllbelm ublld. Good Li.T Attached Tha Game" of Bluff. . Many and various opinions of Presi dent Castro of Venezuela have ' been Influence nougb pointment;:.'.;-' ;'; 1 advertised; th. exatnloatlens Bberal Iv. The newspapers Were generous with space. Prominent educators and achol- srs laid aside their work, paid their ; awn expanses and lost their awn time a. -j ' ; ' ' - s ;tosj4 - 1 Pf cmZf e! IV thwart! rVtw s nH 1; I vaaaaaafi, j v v a a a,. v u t ae eti 44 a-4 4.a-4 1 be. eaiM ed t- smI. t fall eeee b llbritni..a ad ! .-.a - as ee CI. u - . v - . - - - - - 5 lf ' " v 1 t..Ts cue.? ei jti 4-e -a a aa a.i i Ue Ta rtfb rf Alf"w e (H ' e e t a . n avef ! , -4 a a 1 a an 1 t . ,',.- Bla 1 TTVe farers eoorrlaabla ef hard rock, I wonder whafd t.s ef hard lock anyway.- " . nt t merely htstaahaty t fan t&ta a soft sa.-rhlld!pUs rrreav 1 K- . rwi. U4jte. J ; , . c ua a t U 1U aa.e a a a. a ,,. e-J k-T 1 ' t " Z . - st ;i tis w-,ia f tMitejitte 4 miiiyit U f Vm.rt. t ii Aa Art tj A?!Wi t , Co MASSENBURG HOTEL - E Maeiituarfir ,Propr HENDERSON. If. a ' d ar.Aommodatious Good fare. . Po I "Jlta aadaftautive 'ssrvaatr - y - - 1 mmmmm i e r ' ' " 1 ' - - -' - - : - A t v NORWOOD HOUSE J. ion WOOB, ryeprIUr4 j ettreoajci f of Conunrdal - Toarlsts aad Formxila tells the story : a-S v,eaw . w ....... . ... .-. . k... . , . -. te. 1 . - .. . ... . tt :j t . ttUMMt W!ti litlt cnsAa rsf SIm it turtant maiMM i a Uun ILrmiOUt IWUtu. w at . , . rraaelij --e oimf rri a W Tt An U Phiid Extract POFLAH WbAlC bCaHTo Extract PRiqU-Y ASH BARK .-:'vFl5d Extract DOG WOOD DARK FIbM Eitrcct SARSAPAlULX-ft. K Cures the ChOls that other Chill Tonics Don't C r4 . IUi-ifx. I rotlxv t'vt"y.. t . !ee JVeis t"e t r-e It UuU,;:;s jatilrae wort a4 rWv?jr a! aa 4- . t Pwasl. iTaaOtsteit, .tteswstr i r t XTs Dcct General ToniCa Curc- No Ore, No PavPrjga 5C:. risx-raw I. Tt fee tf fe Cf a t'.tts el . tli iJt att.ts ! i!wwir litTp!l fiMttee ef tU. hefi, r ff ssf e s'l tf 14 tr f-ce te, . ta CcsoIhIom:i f IVe a .f f-r.U'Mrf. I tl,Clf -t tJ.ii-! ; ...... . ' t . a "M "i r' ' ' ' ; t . . ..... , . . --i ttt. SSI ISW f M 13 Ml' S 1.3 an sr. - - tt ?.:t i'lt r, is att tt. el avt e I a rwl a vi ri "j a ii ea4 i iv J s scat l'ta-4 f t a et ttewnat s l5 I a-a i-t a-tw V rt-it a4 e 't - ! " r- a ,w;tui, a4 tilM04 a-a jw.t.t t-. 2 4 ee4 4 t - 4 7tt'.ie 4."1 1 hi av a a. a -l,. . liatAf ft IV f I t J - f e-4-4 ift v Va t' .l t ft- j.t te 'it4wt Bat .4 Ul U j, , 4 ea-t i 1 I , a a let d a ' aN. s4 a e4 lu l tU - I I a t j - , t .' . ., r5eiti t.,uifiv-4 xlvr rlli -m... . .a alt It .tn'.tH W4 tiw MJ t ' r?.TVI le Utee !s4 s4;T ' ttte it u'Jwi.if s4 f -! a'" 4ll..k.:ilti eej-t-Uet j .: I.. tW a It e si.t '. i t 4 a a "H 'bs) te. wa ' t 4ir.':a-tA fr" 4 '! toi a4 l e'Jl tt ' t -..ft.! fn l e if e a ! V t tt if? t - te at. J fiJir linh. tt, Tr i ?t? . T t C. -tJu. t a l a A j a-va la'tta at jt,-C f e. Ti i U ,t I . u ;a t t f tt n ti i tte ; -1 ;, . a.. a t aa 1aH. , S .ei f - 1-- a w ab. a- tis - we ' V-ia e t a. t t t tM - t I t t I t It It c tl -t- 1 ki j t e s, r t y it tt- Cravtllirr PabJoSouaited. V. :t'.t, Mtly Ge SanalaiBaosa.