' " V v iif '" 3 t- - Tiv - " - - TT'TTA rnjrA , NlO JAS. A. THOMAS. Editor ami Proprietor afilWT Tt VOL. XXXIII L0UISB0BG7N. 0, FRIHXllLY I t3xjcJ a v 3 "", . V .i" ' 1. CHURCH DIRECTORY MBTHODIST. 8anday School at 9:30 A. M. Preaching at 11 A. M., and 8 3G ft M. Try Sunday. Prayer meeting Wednesday night. Sunday Scioof at ff:30 AtM. Thos. B. Wilder, Sapt Preaching at 11 A.M., and 8:30 P.M., avery Sunday. Prayer meeting Thursday night; H. H. Mashboene. Pastor. EPISCOPAL, Sunday School at 9:30. Wm H. Boffin. Sopt. Services, morning and night , on lit, 3rd and 4th Sundays. Evening Prayer, Friday afternoon. Rkv. John London, Rector. Mere Cvidencas of ReatsfcScaja 4t Ufirmojr apiacoaered . . . etter j !. XX XX 2.,: jt The Hezvrt Preidfnti&J Boom XX XX Special Washinrton Litter fAHE astounding newsjfomes from Cincinnati that Gebrge B. Cox, the hoodlum chiefOwho holds the destinies of the Republican party of Ohio in the hollow of his hand, has fallen out with the senior nights in pa ii-ort!4ioii&l ?a.ila. on a speeckinaklng toar to exhibit blM paces as a presidential candidate. i. C." wat lately on his travels, as every body knows. Of course be was not on nn electioneering Jaunt! rerUh th thought! Judge- Parker may or may not im prove his chances by his "swing around the circle." Why speeches should b xpect?d of presidents or presidential rvd picric. It hm m4f tmmt 4-t Iia chadulo to k mlttf tawf '' on prot-c-tUin sroutvia. 4 b l-t (Ik net msrm t un l- i J 4 f rri- lb lj-t(T WHt th uctf-ntoor la lh propM a tdDt. rui th iM4r Nt'' ttk yiaalr.. dmr fn fkMMtr rur-r iht r t tH-.wr Pc-UI11o f tlnMf MnMCtU t-to I Won thriTusti rwtpvwftv H ! ao4 Out - of (tt UrM ic OOTfftwr tummto o to- Is Mtv-ancf of t-vrtcr mtimT WUI Wnaai M.-ie. iy' 4-v-for rciprvltT In iv rrr cucmlWtUkl ttiMfarima tf why nnf Thi Ut wfl.- fo lk prral. Iw tt& tr on tb l"vt fc-iji ! tj b rrmciouktr r-m;uS t.j a avr raUm trtinel t rrwl Good. llrUM nil , 1, ! '"ULCR i PRDILL & A! Lonisbnrir liidee. No. 413. A. F. & I Deye senator, josepn Benton Fora- A. M.. menlAj 1st and 3rd Tnesdav ker, and proposes to mate war on njonth.-, f y-'? 4 MwarftJUiti is important if iCBe?r candidates Is ar3 Bery which nd S rf'T ,- i-. ..r iTth--wvt--.,- beiaken fnA explaining since it i a Sorely execT- ... m ' iiLji ... . " . .. . grano salis. Fofaker, wh$ -aspires to ""ice, in wnicneoc w go Kirn, the presidency in 1908 anji who jyrs., JViU Ju rartarieVWintm-Qttks President Roosevelt's chief lieuteuant ale? tefflfi2iaftja&pr,de of ncle Mark l 9 centlyrtiid in dTivins him.' out o the J hoeyer else may rise or fall In eon preside n ff??rfts: can't afford to breaV t"nec"oii with the investigations now b. wg?TMftith "CaxlUL boy,' and. will make Uiuue lnl lne P081 otnc scniui any coniJ demanded- by that Knu muteasances fourth .Ualatant uculenyther than inpur hifrt lZ Z, fl l , !Y? , T 7 sswsw" ( L s T fTOWn sevetal jibits." Be. U looming s ATTO RNBY8-AT--ljA5 ED. Will practice In all theCourta.fel fig IW 49f. turn -mrm wa f JcwcUr olid Mm m ; WATCHES.. To ttiow who m tU or 4f1e e ennol wo x0inni not a Joy cvrr. but a Joy for oo iv(, Ins nxHutnl. tb' folio- u.. irrk from thi Iticawk-Jovrnar f ImWoh, Uo . nlltrd bv luh- V t.-u Rnu trotrr Karcorntca w. Pwato-M" u" d king Of 8rrt UomAmf. ua tl!1'" It a .f. . . .... . 5ti m iin i 7 ar 0 n9 4m I 1 WW courir.uz jbiiiii M mmmm Jkt xa , Ml c r 4t r aa ! - m ImI )hf Mil ti .i 4m iS I w ( FR. ARTHURfrfEMING, LO018BURQ, . --NT: mity, foiQBtrauge as it may seem,Cii c4 OiBce Over ThernTalMq Store. - ' " ' n ovelSiwSee RcPuhlKaiD partj in (uio wuenever ug wants to. Mil n (VI.. t :" i-v ... - - ?pTiklns of thu (UrtUn c--atrr J t'a IW :' ATTEXTIOS READERS 1 p on the jKrfhton as ou' of the big t- V.-l M . . 8. P. BCRT, Office in the rear of Boddie. Bobl Co.'a Druu Btoreon Nut-b street. D R R. F. YA.RBORODQH. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, LoniBURQ, N. C. PaArrriCINQ PHYcTilfAJD SURGEON, mog blg, brg H. which Loui8bflfgfN. C. j JpiHteigns atoonsLjIlepublieans. They de- !are th whkejvinged peace presides mrer taffrffie9lin''s from Marthas neyarfffi4oldon Gate. Oh. yes! Amcc, noaMi But ask Uncle Mark .what 8olLj neJee was on tap at the io Republican powwow, aud if he is tireiy t-au will answer that "it was the jBgeof death!'' lie is to have aniethsr tefjn in the senate if he will be gooU! l5Rosevelthave a clear track fofffW'fft'eeidency and let Fo ra ker tovhe fjrtrii,ge. "Peace reigns In TfarstwiTcrUB Ohio. Ga ovrin Dick Yates is playing boss and "tfftw eDubliean Harfhonv. v 1 attention was-ein led -herein to tb fact Republive much to saT . bf-l Office 8nd floor Nen. halldlna Night calla anawere l from T. residence, poone i. Blckett'i B. b. UASSSNBURG, ATTORNBY AT LAW. W)CISBUB8. N. 0. Will practice In all tbe Courts of the 8tate Offlee In Court House. lllincis, where yeuog M ARt-'US C. W1NSTEAU, niug for a second term, and search ,fo,Uitiolls.tlme tc Republican harmony, i'ou will Hp a a ft jf no shou ATTORNEY-AT-L AW, LoniBBURO, N. C. Orroia ovaa Corner Drug Store. Special Attention given to collections. Practice wherever services required. huge chunk of it when yon strikff eS ; v u it , v 1 1 11.111 .11 11, 11 1111 i 11 y that he is "doing a little polities and a little Dickie that Senator J. Ralph Rorton hnd iworn to take Bristow's acalp and that Burton's adherents were announcing pleefully that he hnd actually taken lt. Tlie announcement was somewhat premature. Burton did not gvt Br1 tow's scalp, and it looks now as though Bristow would outlast Burton. It ap pears that Bristow really wanted to begin this probing pnJt-eui more than a year ago. but wns overruled by hi superiors. But alV.things come to h!m who waits. It must do Bristow a lot of good to read the extracts from tin leading newspapers of the land. With out a dissenting voice, he is balled aa a public benefnetor. What Senator J Salph Burtou tbtaka of It all no man ftaay tell, for no rasa knowa. Down la the bottom of his heart ha La perbsp iiiore eacer for BrWow(l seisin Wk lhan ever, but it is by no meaua n pn Id is-siie a nrotmnciamen 011 that subject Bristow might take 1 , fe in a umsfei. states Benjktorhlmsclf in lieu of Hon Yates."fr T Tnini, tinat.ir, omi ihn ti thi. Go up into Wisconsin in quest oft-Re- i ;t0uld be coLt61els turned- BHstow l R. J. E. MALONK, D I'KACTICLNG PHY8ICIAN. AND SURGEON. 1 4Vi T o TTriJlottQ fro iht onH onti.T n Follette gang at each other's tlffoat. . liOClSBUKOi 3. 0, OOne orajf Aycocte- fru Company. - 1 3 i PRACTICING PHYSICIAN fc SURGEON, Loulabuj-, N. C. Offloe otot Aycocke Drag Cimpany. HAYWOOD RUFFIN. r ATTORNEY-AT-LAW", LOtJISBUBS, a. 0. WW practice In all the Courts of Franklin and adjoining counties, also In the Supreme 3ourt, and In the United States District and rjLrcuit Courts. Ottlce In Cooper and Clifton Building. publican harmony and you will Hnd-4 a lone, leaiff Cassias like Ivansan. who looks as tUough he would make a good a rneejis k J.ick fabblt or a bai.M Mr. Babcock has been called to -lefflllttert Ktrrro.y on Bristow. .one faction, and there is tjkely tj6 be . . oiething0ibl.. UM o it goes eery- i jew "'ng- vlere. thi httelsel ReruLlicn n ,hFTt If the Russians who permitted or mlny whi&cithlslhl purty as witJF wer? responsible for the massacre of Javarmeti-ifb a Jugl sMt in itr-t1"' Jes at Klshineff will patronli deed, several huge slits. I clipping bun-au they will soon di That eminent Republi(?an,state3H(itJ--over l wuat aetesiation mey arv no.o Mr. Tulloch says that tm? -irreguaark y the civilised worki. Jew baltlnc la ties, extravagances, etc.. in the po3of- mt oeue performance of f! iorot lo-crkY-n ri,10 in titf)dern times. In AmfHc men ir Perry Heath, who was ass&tant JaHfmctimea lynch .nnatof n-Dnai-i 1 ,,r,rlor CLarmin M,flCiA- because an atTOC f t ark fleyS firat administration, ,-tieath. .jib ' is something of a Repuliqfri himself, wastes no words, but tersely ausjffij m ttuss- sk 1st .g-? I U W3 & WW -- - - i unruwurou tOCISBCBS. . 0. .Offle on Uain street, over Jones ft Cooper's tor. 8. SPRDILL. ATTORNEY -AT-LAW, Will attend the eoarta of Franklin. Vance ftranvllle. Warren and Wake, counties, also ike PromDt ' 'Office oyer Egerton'a Store. iTUie. Warren and W ake connXleg, also I f " Supreme Court of rpttof jCairolfcLtl HW1?3B.T'ifrfl fg:0" I A Solomonic Vovemor. that Tulloch is a liar. V Down in Maryland Sidnieig Emamie Mudd is hotfoot after the ilp of Sen ator McComas. In Missoufhe Kerens ngUon and the Akins faction hate each tier a)oraaea SoRe.fhan either tionCatat tie ietJl.iToall of these f"ftpDiIeitns X comment the One Hundred and Thirty-third Psalm: Behold, how good and how: pleasant H Is for brethren to dwell together In unity! It is like the precious oiatment upon the head, that ran down upop the beard, even Aaron's beard, that want down to the skirtSfOf his garments. , 'that descended '-upon tfie mjpuntainisf "t jenltentlarles. Zion, for there the Lord commanded the ye-mdre. 1 V Colorado s governor has appointed a nched. but It. Is alway ious crime has bwn 'afcommitted. aud the evidence shows that those lynched are guilty at any ate, rellds lo shbw Tt. But nobody is fc-nched iK're on acwrmt of hl race r religiou, while Jew balttng U p-r secution for conscience's sake or be cause the victims are of Semitic ri traction. Tbe violence is not inflicted upon an individual sinner, but upon all the race representatives within nnoh upon good, and bad, male and female, old and young, rich nnd poor, sick and healthy What hay the- Jews done to merit such outrages? As a rule, they are the most qhlet and law abiding dtli.Mia They are todnstriou. They are uomicaL They are rerely in the crlni inal courts or almshouses or Jalla or But they are mere! ly persecuted la many countrlee Engrand and America they appear free from actual violence, and in -jjthese countries alone. th bottoia of tb j ci at Kng Aknsjlrf. Drt ta .J their chutria. Jttt aa it mt l'St bnt , torn of :iiit o t:-r i'.jiitn v. Balkans. Th aool of Vr ?Se ,?-.i- 1 of rtuaia. like that of omi Jc !- -of .JeawattajW-. at!" ra --".tsf -i !! got It Into !J n.-;!.n m h w i . ed Coortantinorl'. atrt zv. i ' bitlon into !- hri of . Kc- i - i poplx. I'fW) thl MJ n l!SL.e-i-7 4 rtar ha a lr-a !.;-! of ; . --t:ns, CTvt city of t '.-r.' ial drrum ari-o-;nta f f c-. j -. t', among the:n th Crtsren ai war of 1ST7 On tft :--.-r ,-c the r.onliin ct w.'.' :-. t.'. . of : tt aplpci of Ht 8.-p'..U -t : u ' 1 s playcl hl fWt la tfc- i-l,t n il ' ":. a t 1 n CiniU'.i!;'v:' : ;;.- tlmt I Xcr t r- i r-c 5 x .-. v m rpallwfl A PoaaibU Pree tdent. Otw of th r.;m: t!-i.;-i a; i;.', tjp; : alrtd iw-f;j-- err r '. - - to t - t t ion a I onn reti t ioc at I U- Thotnna M l'tvr of ?-.. ' Pt. I-ouif in IS.VH io-; i-'-j ;.-! John ( '. llla.-i for : - . - - thrt"l t::;" m! a-..T.--- - i-t - -.- trie ?.. k r. r il f: r. ir. '. ;---:.! upon my r.u-i'.fj I". :-! If - o:i a on,- ..f f!:- jr-a 't tora lb- w 2 ! '.nf a fo-. -et: ! -..-a n.1 1. kn.-w ;t c.- iwHwr TV ' banl.i!ina. t!. T"!'.-:rruaB f-:;" -.:- n flutter. nr er -h-tr a - 1 : that "th-- ail I: -. tw Mt- Ued up '. 1-. C -tv - i i:'--: a !; :iO !y !----t. !' e T v. zr- :i morometit .i "a .-loot m f 'j-firr tia wf k, t'for and tljcn la l"irti"Ri In (TUAiCo i!i-.T'.!fl ; r.- ;-'.d T- I wUh to -1 to ; - U..: C3. 1 that t i,-rv a :;ot!..-r .. .'. a.-, I-t -f tkan a man hacd nnw Tht,-& B- jr to grow atl grow a:i g-v - ;('.: if enrHopa th" la n.1. at1 (Ki t ka tt mrvTpm'-nt to g!- W'?il'fa tiAa-0.7 Ilcar-t the Vts-rat.'- r . '.r-i'Van .:. prMnt. It"- U rail- rt kiont. It would r.ot r o-.--5-r.ti0g :- rnar miirb fo mj that r.v . -.) prreldent. If h" la runnin1 Iw " c. rie haa alwaj : :-. m -. a t - o. rat . fr'.Ti-! t .- H ow ua il -.lit t!.rf- g-v 1 f -. . -t-o ' I tan p.-. ;r l-.i !'..-- - -Vsi f : state lie ; ;!.e f : :.. . - j' ett '.a.".', 1 : -T s :1 '.:! s - or 1 ; I li.M la-T rv.-r. ',.- hii. t - plon 4 taw-f 4 w ill aa 1. Wt vto .rtl-H aa 1 - f mm m.mm e : rr : ,r i SOBSCRIP i Oh S - a.3 ... e. U '",HlJ-as. e.i Ula,., -II " " ' ' 1 i W Wf m.mm k w - LOCO' PREFERRED STO CK, PURE "UlJ R.Yli .W4 my Mm mm4 t4A . eae f'tcee - sr . ' as r 1 "( 1 - 4 . 1 : i t I X. - t - ! k.W 1: PERIOD1CAUS. aa( f wa-f fmSmm 1 l. ; , , a .- - mt i a w f ! . ' r a b War M ' 1i . ' At ft 1 tl e.t4-wa -e - 1. 4 t ill 2 l I P Nf t - -,r 1: r. fc'; cfrr i t r.r ,4 , 4 ' t I , x ' t I t ta V: ' J t 'I v , uM "tt- 1 1,t '1 1 I J " i t aa , 1. la,-t tt it. if I V -k k , !,,! t it s. 4 pitiu k4 . W-iMa-t f t.f .. .t, 't,w b mtm a. n W .It. a. ' Hit -t w) in m . , .!.,. ,, vi a ri a.ai 1 vui r . it.Wai aa.! ' w.i M ' - --a - m( m w '. . tut mt.l "J 4 . t ar t kJ.-a N 4a aMaat w faa I satat Umih r l , Je im Sit Laniiiiiii " iaie ! ItnaiHw 1 11 ru l i::urii! ? . aw iinmii ii I mi ( ,,.. Ki .t.v W w M -- tfn mm'ttmm f"mt ... a. w tm 1. , mm t... ... WW aMANH Si 1 i 11 - eto. ii Him ai . ' mwm ti. '0mm a.w w "1 Mm ) m- mm ttm mm mm t wtm Nnm n . m M.r - t .mtttrnt UmmfUjrm $ I t&a Ctaa. UUS:U l!!:l ICTtUtX CttCftMrtt. Cm WOOD TA-tTO. .n tt rt-Tw- aa timi 1.. ClMm M SUAIJUAU n A. .eankjr trfwanii mi m9 Uc af M, I , m-mm gm aaf iai mmmj aa va wr y -11 jk wk ' tt H l.H? t1i 8 J'1". ' 1 uAt. aiS ns 1 flsttti in .:a for Uh a -t W auw m mt tmmm mv mmmmm ... m AHMhAaaBBaBajfjaa ftdBHaaaja .h., m. adhb. -. - - . . "B"B"a"""pw wmmumm aa veaavaawa aae eaaaBiaawep mm Mi hi mm mmm . w - '. , iiiC 4 mm w maiW mmt mm ' v U y. . ' - - nil 1 nmm. M t H f .:; jut. .r N I t M M tf It ." ' m M mm ' rm. It a - V-' k m M e it . e UiMi4.. t M t t 4m 1- t ua c :f -t in 4 t -a ka - u - t r It V t.if Itta 4 a ' at f 7 t a tow .mwaf ta t taa t aat 4-M The IjiN t om; W. BICKBTT, T. ATTORNXT AND CO s, louisbubs h. e. cm AT LAW. iTgn to, 'Proimt and Dainstakinir attenti i w matter lntrnated to his hanc - ! tn nhlnf JnHt,ir.eShTherd. H Kannlncr, Hon. Robt. W. Winston, Hon. J. C. Dntnn Pmi Virat National Bank of Wln- ton. Olenn ft Manly, Winston, Peoples Bank ef Monroe, ChsaTfi. Taylon Pses. Wak lor eat Oolletrs, Hon.JR. W. TlmDerlakei s Office oyrer Ifeal .It Co.s aore. 1 it f. PBBSOW. xouibbub, k. a Jrae ' U rta4 f pffl$rB street. H TARBOROTJOH, JB. womao as colonel on hi stafffor whjcji te ungodly have Seen gfnjfeg; bMfandiercifully, but worms will turnjJori likfls49ryoveruors, and tlie ColdlfaflrrfHo governor has given a luihiuous planation to the effect thn stiff ijarfo fpels are only for decorativ purpose hence the greater the ordamentthc greater the colonel! Grea js the fierLT of the 2dloradoV governor L He lilsfit point out Jhat Kaiser Wilhelmfp- pointed his illtistrious grjindmother. less'y tn En to be ?Ahese 3 There ls-"Tto rruerrtnn that Captain yDreyfo.8-of the French army was tried n lioirfis chaws, convicted and sent orK"in of org--ai:-d l; U attic and !. ir.-::! ' -: ' tu hlni. Hafpo- the twice.- a?s.-t:J nonilate lira rat aJ ti" ! N en cot ahoukl tupi'irt hlni T w ' t -r h would t e U-A-1 t r.-1 1 l.w 3 S another eaa ; r -h Vt ' onranlaatU-int oorv-S' . ,V - g- '- to poiltki In Nij, j j. h.-.. t ronrentlon a rs.1 t.o . -alnft Hearst twforn- h- t :r.- r 1 . nti--.!! convention m-rt t en n 1 1 : 1 -doubt what the !v-..tj . a wookl do? t'nlett S! for . -limr-. it 1 1 i . 1 V t tfi 'r ji . 1 W ta - v . 1 t tti ii - f n Trf ' - 'ten !t.ift '.ri -a.,i.te : K t ft tit f ' ttt tf ii in n ii mi 1 1 ' -- -f t rf 1 rtni ..-. S af ; N.T-e tte . V -J t Wee . -J tm.d tei OtjltM Vt4 4 ' it'tatv aHtiMti t ?t t i a it t. ' . tt ! c.- t-t tt'inxf " ( -W7tM''v et iV ' lVt ae , mm M.,Mt mm -h 1 to - - t e 1 t Kttt-wa-a.a e iWt m.mm.t t 'm.rmmmm mttn -wew mt (WtHi mtik mmm tmm fciw m mmm NM'l M.ft, , 1 . 1. a 'Me i e 1 a cm t ; Devil's island because he was a j would nominate i-.hr. - e nl a ailM ",!. T 4 Ui 4a aA 1 I . - , lt , , Queen Victoria, colonel of a resrito1 of dragoons, and it must :le sakfKot riliefirticarjaHioa iiiisace that she was fully asgood a soldier as wpr iiiusjrj 0eWe.thj,DkTQT ftimber&tid. fur hs la known (x oael v IciorTT) as eoicr- r Jew. Yet he was of the same race aa Gatnbe.fta. the most brilliant French ian of the last half of the nliw-tcenth century. Civilized nations should per wuade the Ilusslana to treat the Jews justly. That's all they ask. Amazed? tor John O. Spooner of WLaeon and Ik" fir:! ! ! ie. ' e. Ittit h-'t to-ng ' 1 '-. t & Senator I sin must LOUI8B0BO, N. C. retwrett taTien- RartSTaoi nel of cavalry. 4. The latest prees dispatches indiciSte that Judge Alton B. Parttpr of iS'ew ... . ..... t ... ... fZ.jl- v.s Yarfc froRi bein merely feassive or All legal busines will receive prompt -4 ition. P R. D. T. SMITHW1CK DENTIST, LOUISBDBQ umee o-rer ru m-r N. C. HOTELS. ood accomodtion for the traTeling reeiieandidate for thepresidency Is becoming an active candidate, may han an aezressive one. H?Js eoinsr to "HP 11 A,,aw e example of Andrfw Johnson I and "swing round the ctrtte." It Is marrelous that so unpopulivr a presi dent MwIohnct) should hj4ve devised one oj aerpsT populariiethods of electieJingJor tbe-presency. All manner of fun was pokedifet Johnson when he "swung round." Jfee was de nounced as a. "mountebanw' "clown," was' 1am- Presldent JfiWnleh!d;jptteeAj!oui)f "swing 1MouIk WVlifiPV fpuld most Efery citizen of relief when he learned that ati3ast Presi be amazed at tbe condition In -tjrhich be discovers himself. Ixrd Hy Ton ueciarBd that na awoae one morn fog ant -found himself famous. Spoon er awake riot lona too and fourul bmv kjelf a rtjfjltlmlllloivalre, accordlug to tbe press reports, tie uauu i iuu uauar overnight; but. according to the Inuig UiHrftiurllvx he waa Hell niCm-tU"! iTPthe trtrth T9Tthat TTie senator had pur chasedtat a small figure one of those Mbandotoed farms In which New Fug land abounds to use as a summer home This modest Investment of the Badgrr statesman was magnified Into a largt game preserve, etc. See? First Voters. The American Economist, organ of the American Protective Tariff league, having announced that lb league I i e ' m : ' t i-ti-ii t"-' '.tf - V- i e-t- t ii t, t'i t : mt a- v 't ' t -t j mm mt ! b i 1 1 4t m,, ' a a' e , utt . ii-!. ( It-" ie?'f f i, a- ? " . i cva ' - fee t yo--- J" , Ho la 'oiik! Thel,) 11 - nil i ' Ilrarat la younger than V i-- - C i 1 all tlw To'i-ra-i car. t - j "...- r friend a will twciir tlmt L- ta . young ilea rat rant fcir !- g and It may ! a enV'J- n ta V. ;- who deto him f ,- jonng n-oic'f that h will outgrow t . x '. fi-.". : "a terrible cornet of h-rt- " faji Ham Pitt drveoe.1 iVwe. i? H.'-r-t Walpile for rrfrrr'r. g t yoitif-ii neea it haeit rt tr Uf-.-t. r.v a!", of a ln to tw young t auppoen tlmt lleertf 'a jn! W lng his head rou-b al- '! p- doncy. as le is cnJu'.Rg hij MtK.14 In Europv. tut hit frtt-rr lt : -v ja.":y j at work.. m 1 aa ic t tt,.K. t . ti-tt T RoottVaft and Manna. i ,, (t, 4t-tt eg fe . Waahtngton dip-t ! e j l j f.. Idem llnonrrcn tt mi:::" tin tor Matrtw A. Ilanna ai;;.! rie t i to. aai e a-j -i cha?mianah!p of th o?:v-al mrtc..: wii m-a. A a t f at.J te (IKI Oin.r l W ix-ti - g : Senator I linnet roniplfee !; will t a botveful aign of th BitlVf-kniesv. f 1 1. . ,4 , - t..,-t iwtHa f' I k a.4, m t mmm-m t v t . ni -ftM.ftM.. a jMftttnnke"' ie t t hi 4 la e t ami atfw-- A Sat tt - L - 1 "Wfwe N'tl A aiaaaiaa a ua ft ai.te. - ww t a eat aat aaa a tm. a - - ...at. a at aa mm aa -va. a. a aa 'aa. a a -araaa , ai a aa taa tmimmmtmmmmmmm mitt in nn 1 tirrftia- t..,.. 4 mmm in 1 a aeai'Ja .. e ' ai m tl at M . , a. itaui... a aal .. ' " - a a,' a. a'--v. .. . . . iwna 1 1 ii. ilTti ewaawptw-e t a in. 1 a anu.. a a ' . , , . .- . . a aftm mm ' -- t a a " ' -a I . . lv a "f F aa , T,. ,.. -v. Mte.w , e tv.utiw.ft at a 00 0 a a 1 a.l 1 VJ.tVlxJ .e a inta. , ta ' 1 t I l,a,t..aatl,U-. , y l , ' " " (4Aav-l tkitt awtWatera it-i . ua a - - ' - . " . J" atftittwl a limtital tat-WailMi .f '- " tt aw mm U e mtiki 11 tta a ett a...... tt tw a 4 at aa hp aa . iiitanatt a rwva rwet.te ta " aaa-a a ta an a li M ta e ataftfa mt a e d aa ta aa a- tnaMk ! at, , t aa aa t tat aa , a- tVaaaa. Ma (Ma 1 tuDaffwrn i,ttr,. aaerw eta ia aa t t'ia a,f te.iaOlM .a I . A -a a. i ea atane aa -eae f 4aai4e4'le at U i. f ' "W WAmi, via .aM 1 ateAC jie-vtaaaeflik Tea evta-a tit. lit e'ti.H 0 ka aiHliHai tta. Tk,..a.at V tiatwa taa t Jv ?t.ia.aa a- i, ttfatiltaa. e.i. teul aa atf alih favanttwna kat w-t.aiM(m. a:M 4 tf tttta limiannia ntlaa ia . , , teKfliaU tf ea( fta.taakij. at' a aMfttl ayan ikaa ) ti'tmam ae ttax u a j Ita. itta lit 3km itatt it tat mutt aniiitaartk Warttaaf. t tw lima aankt'ttMWal tat 1 Ita aatta. 1 U , ta-Wta tkiki. kiwi )a.aaaaiiati m t ' tatttunaattMi a i-tai f'tean, t W'l ai, a '-'", - Tat la t(-4 wV'-ar I -.t.tae W aatait.rt.ta law twt "at.i r. ... c a-g tt -a ... t aW. ?XL .V 1' t "Vat t t. tf tf .'a.... . . a. . u- i.. 1 i , attttvaa A "t a WMfv' TW.'aj -,H'lalii M I Aa at 4 .it.ta a. aAaaaaKA k 4Hmm ta taa aft ItHXj r A ' . t, r t rl-mim aaitina a ' (a A at aa ata ,e IW .aa..a. a t it aa e At.aaw . t t t aa a kaaawtt a f at aa i t.fo iVf !S'U! e.o1 a afat taw t' lrt.'t 3f attar at - a,. ( f aj e.t1r iff, .n Iftftftes r 4a ' " y aaa, aff e a4 tga. aetae - a , S TV. t(V1e WalAT frx 1 dent Roosevelt was once njbre ssife -In 4h& hf BTpse Ioy c.e.liVse lParier and purpotses'to itrrad? Dixie ' at 1 nn-nvTTiTTn r TfiArrcri"! 1 lftADDfiJXi)UliVj HUllkL 3 I IMLasuaenbtxrer Propr S HENDEKSON, N. C Oo d, aaeommodationt. Good fare: Pa tr Hte adattiSafr&r NORWOOD HOUSE WirnrtoR. iKortli CaroIIa- 2 W.J. A OR WOOO, Proprietor ffaeelavr PatJHoioUoiUile -Tv-- ttf, '. t a ff 05'. xi t f ra tka . . t aa '" ui w prt'in-aiij J - ( k,'i i. 1.1. ' t,a t.-At SeCUriug USIS ui ura iuin w " uvu. j tion roiiUJUei in mt a--i: . nn twa ; j to sendUiterature to iudoctrtnate them j nionnt. which rent Ir. thta wit V ' ,"ti " t' with tit . "stapd pat", ftfa. the Wash-) ever aha II arolt We on tivar.rtgM ft-.-- : a wi la'-la it. mM lnstou-ie'oBte' .consistent iutociw 01 trrrn t niro a otww aie ?wr; a 1 - , t, - ' I JK. If ...tt a, Jl aia a anaMaA e ewaa am.tTt f f ti.t't at aa tx-at Saa't ft --..j t-talAa alt r iitf ataat fl t rv.tf ftMfta -at laaiana a-' 1 Vat a a) Ma tttattt K ( .-ttt,rV. .f tti a aa tiitat-ai m 1 ?4t a.- Mm,.m. 1 .1 . . .. M. J t t t -...- a aa J at "a fr ... . v, w A. a.i. . 1 ta an tw aaaaa ' I Ml m -' "" ai a. ,i. a a A att t 'an m ttaaftaaat a taaataa All , I mil ax. tana' a aaka V4at, 3t a.iaat.e it m e Wl,,m 1 t 1 I 'AtAeae e ti ait . 4aav( mt Mta - ta ilittaa ti ia a. ,,. Vatrf fitat aaUta a m tt-ai et ' ttatitttt aatajatttn tf ml ia antA t aa AaluftattW la n t hSim kl.. t a, L . e ,ia v. aae, AttyataHtatf tt t .aut(-tl ' TateaiMaae . a ; ttia-'M,. vmtmm f atattte tttt a m f CVn A C.t r 9U tmt, Ii , a.M etl it ttM a. .a . ' wWf.aaaM , " l-aaat . a ..ain 4e " iwjtiia-tia a ita (, high taVlff. remarks: The $oet-wfd riot preaTime to loJct advieff-tnto tha league's council, but It begs leave -tp.effen, wn"h Jit- raapect and deference, few aukaMon relatitt o the literature that la to be trvallaJ to the new votart. We tAkeMt for granted that the eta tea man w2J has been At the heed of tha Re publican, national committee during nva tjVc?selve. aactctoua'cempeigna la an au thority on tae party'a creed. I la policies i U-lievlng. nnd tc will br:T the! h-o ntar nana will acamge oi.-.i . Trit'a campaign wtx-o h tii: j engagrd la at ttoiast an4 rw? '. U ttm S1 I Sl 0 Formula teUs the story : - t Not tspattnitmeifidnetA thin $jtuoul ; Fluid Extract PERUVIAN BARIC FluSd' Extract PJjX ,1&tt BLCKIROOT Flnid-Extract PWC2LY -ASH 11ARK iriifl Fvtrant HOG WOOD BARK Fluid Extract SARSAPAIULLA ! Pt Cwresthe Chffls that other Chill Tonics DoiVt Cure WaVTVCat No Pay:- Prica, 50c aA . V-a tC I ;Km, mummmTm ' , " ' ITT " - . ' , " IS 0 ! A ff sd rt5 -; t eaeia. . - . . . o4 la toa ri V( -? mvm t t ta aaa t ttwea f tfe .tlk trlt c latatcte t e Wat, ) tx aj4 t4 f t ? v 4 rt V ' til M I taA !itk 4 fae a 34 rrpatAt-aeate." W caftan be aya.l f.jav4rt lk.. Tn-. . ttta;a 4f cot? e ee k Kae a 4mh wnh-im g tee ttt.euae iaiip, tf la Vaaaj taimaaan attawataa 1 aa, Arta1 i'aa.t. oka e a lath. I aiaiaia afjla Cataaattat at f aat4 ! flae Aa mt ailV atataiaat A V If at at4t ta. r an, 1 tat a aa 'ta . a e aa M'" f ; aa t e a f aa an aa ea tvA ew t aa t ail mm 0 Aaia a 4a-a a a i a aaa at) aa f Ma -m fHa a f aat. , aa att a aaa aat ft tele. Mt-C ? W eeVt a-e lAa tJCta, rar4 1 ajefll Vfe A aWa (Wo A4aawt4 a w, tm tW ,4 ,l A .fg,at le It c)a g at4 e"ri'ftl m Itr- jara ! -..t w a a.lc Sua alia ft aaik ami t -m at ttftaaaf rut Ij trAfTaaaO laAaUltag Caf rva, t flkimA AatVai yaAfcAth ett.4 aa VWI a. I t atll.laj Vftia-av l.t- a,fe at ae aaa tatttta.aaita taa attaatag eatag taVaaei lattt.Aattt' kt aaeA-aaaf aavt etaf tateat ajM P.ta Awt t4a, A A ve-V fV fattw aaa a a-aaaa gtaw far t tat aaa etWttat tttatatf ta aat "Utaawat .. -H . --.- - a-aa. .Aaag-e uLaKt ..-.h W f X.a-at . ' ,M- . . ene t a taaa-taf t tae aaftaailtaf a . a t a -aaar-ttat tltta f a a lte fa.utatiaaeaaaa f ea aat. a W ea Ma "fitttvaj Aaa wAty tf tatataaA f attiaa ' "' " ' M""' raaaarttA I It1 , aatbuaat " I U.ltltaatMri at e e ltA :teA lat a Jatt4 fjaaljaik,,, aiathtilltArf ta eaaaa j 'V L"m 9 mmm at! tfarya..gl , iawatttiifia f ? "" yiett?(t) Itaay a4aatS 1 SV a . '"' - e- t eaa, ar-piaew-wt., . , V' J i " a a e a a. a Ctinraaa, taOa.e,ft f f ) I I t.aavaa " t at Z I a IX latatH 1 i iiniHiw mtd i ftaJaAMrMaMNh' J ItmmmXWtmVKw w- - - ia a-a l aa k t a r . a. a.,ai, aaVaa 4 t4l mS. asaa trna-' Yl le 4 4 7 te.a. Pl4 S .4 tae aa. T 1 li tL ft. i 1 " at ' i i a. i ia ii ii aa a t -WaWt't ta TVt gtawma. fai-v'aaa k kaa-e AAA lea taea aaitaaaa ttaaiaa It tt natrktail1U 1 eaaTf taaett I tat at.it am )ina I A pmm tUva tn tfataan. TtMrlV flat a aawaaroa wry aaaaa'taw i ntttH aaU,Htf laa rittaallKtitata. Maf ttel tatniiwAta, eaatatartell A aj taw eaaa AMaaaaaaj iittaaaafl t.1tA aaattl eattf ifttA atamiM mt Kim ., I inirt Atea atttajt ttat 9.t 4 taa4 AfUi t imtm lKm fe iae' i, T aAeitae V Atpatetatr $ I iAi aaA etUtl aw a. a AttMka aataA. Atf ' laVta1. ,f I tl.ee Mv. X 9l w.Pa tatnwi,t.f t Ma VVMtMC Atatl AAta-aet. aea ew a aa4 ;. ; w t at. "Sf f aa a aa a ta ti a a at laVfttaaaaift Twlavw aa Aaataa eat wife ii i r " i ir a hi titintta tJM aaaaaMl 1 1 la ax Vaaa...a I ( 4 a tt O'lPtaaaiti - -a aa L " ran .,i - ' '" fla.nattfti t-. n aaa.. a aaaa W laa, aa ' ' a ti taata, aate'traa af A a ...,,aaa.t A tjia.. a f-m m " , . , a a ( rf4.tA-HepLAoj