N. u Mn tpvo' JAS. a. THOMAS, Editor uJ Prsprlitar. Tirn xnTTXD rr. J 4 VOL. XXXIII LOUISBURG, N. 0, . FRIDAY, Si: 17 i ; '!:::!:". -. .. "aBFaaaaa.H . - - mi i m aaas m I mm i.,v , . -. " . - r y , II J . ... . - ; -' - - Vi i - J ' - TT i-; : - : --: - (Dl it' I CHURCH D1KECTORT MKTHODIOTj. a.,n,u? School at 9:30 A. ML punching at 11 A. M. and 86JF, iCj tfry rfunday. -i:;. , Pryar mtinff Wednesday nlghi. ' M. T, Pltlxk. Pastor. i.mdar 3eholjl9Lr' Thob. B. WiLDuTSipt PrvachiDf? at 11 A. ML, and 8:30 P,M., I ,YHry3anda. . ' Prrr mating Thursday night. H. U. MiSHBURHK. Pastor. rfmiday School at 90. Wm H. Borm. Sapt. .-wric8, mornintr ana nutnt , on i ( . Ard and 4th Sundays. - KTAains Prayer, Friday afternoon. Kiv. J ohs Lohdoh, tteetor. ' bonsvK'sf i - v jci Loaiaborg Lodge No. 413, A. P. A A. M., meets 1st and 3rd Tuesday aiirhta in each month I'roffesMnoitAl flard. " Special Waahmgton Letter. it rV HCKNTLY I have been Id. Illi nois, lecturing a good deaV At the - old Salem ."ChantiitinTin- M - r Abraham - Llncn once -conducted . a country grocery store. General Charles Illinois Democrats. 1 Assault ; on 3ScllZ Enemy-- Repub- 1 tan actions Wrangling: -:- :-: X T n l i$ XSTdlng a great deal of wtalcca ty . ( ' 1 accepting. Many weU laXomvnd .Nrt I Xeners heuera that he was efetsi TJfor icoreroor Uat U and tbal lion. aate, was conatrd ot by that rn trha are (oMyer prattngr ta public laee of tirtTir. lotci:icni rtrvt tsm and poctkll ferity 4 od.wb6 fce tftr yctXaUed to atcal any eGUr arirhia thetr reach, froca tb prrtVT Ion to coastabta. Bat rrro (rsan that th aOdal returaa, wUVh g t OdeU a paltry 8.000 8oonty. wer eor rect, a tin th st&allo of tiM aaaiortTy .a ... .... . - , ACT cf ri Hi feoiaen Rule, but each la nof ta as. It Is as true, 'today. ai tt raa . tdna teen hundred years ago' that lt sanat needs be that offense Vill cwne,. hot woe unto. hint, by whom It 'odMh.1 moim n trna rh know anirthiAK fK' .$Vilxmt iB NV Tort, as sate t f I (or the Democrats la 1KML to that alter January. 13C0, Orrertxx OiU U quit Hkery to U what lha lata rttrtottc orator froca . Kiami Senator Jaha James IngaDa, would dnomiaat a atateaxaaa - oot af a )oh. WVra 11 1 Csolgoa Barriered Fridat MrKtVy , . .... 1 W m.aasB H rvi .u vu i wa a- a- w - " ' l " vuv. w w RCIV aai Mr-aa n tii arnf.' X!1vHn t A r ' UPHUILL ALL RE S,. ATTORNBTS-ATJLA.1 win nMRtlce In all the Ccm Loulabars aud TouogavlUer N , naarTO'affrsgi'i-Ti-f " )R. ARTHUR H. FMlN, efas?- iTin ft Joint lecture on the ffprw erafpolitica of thay.; H By close inquiry I discovered that. the Democrats' of Illinois are getting to gether and girding up their loins or a united and triumphant assault uponthe enemy's, VorlChllelhe ' Republican lons are claahgaarai other in feuch a'Klfl&nnv cattislMfav that It aasmrs Twell tor the fDnocSits. : Governor dentists 'misflrinl.the gytrlatoJial chairand LOD18BURO, . WtliffCi J3&&jjs curs not only deepbut )taoeOTer The Qreen aIajrtro fo"S ioud,against tjajercut by hk rna- f f gaafrmBiMWi it is supposed tnat his excel lency-desires ajttOthfertm. thnnrh "tha I xk. a. F. bukt, JfT sighsicate fiatfitfejj forces himself J i. .J l;w i ...it. , s "WHMje i'VbbII. nominee lujere wm ue an openrevorty tne an tuna chine RepublicanafPrivate Joe Pif er ' xovernorBhom the lateJohn ytgeld lsnodjito a comatose conoitton, is manifesting signs of resus- ntcjana iaBasg .iiimself nunaer- Mr. J. P. Warjc(a UtVrr t mm o nxam T, IT. Wa.sa, E lha rrrrraratatrri ILc Aol: TiC eo Cr7, U tadX Akrw.neJk sxa M wrota m i4 aaoOMt U ; t.'u oyuslf, s4 i tiu't h frrnSif 4 V tit a pocihr pi : wtk' 4 a- dMb tw.VtrlfTntiti 19 a rosUt 04 oarai4nt . " , I .... CJir-V. Jar tA, If-,. Uj Dni SfatscAl J? linW; ko4 k't IsWa W la aJtrrama ol th jj, aW lrtW4 Unia(i W V rr.kr J LKtr at WJ la Ua B-.Ctt. is : t t j Ve ,r fa tTfciuter Eai t Hnt A Per Crr,, I r. ; c f c t t I -w 1.... - f a M 1 V V T r., t .SI I i , r i . ii T.Weh PSf I f ttmi U Wd to.Wh teawt ti- CW7 irs TMiemioBgatKMiof fcjafceOc. aT that preWt,, thaa JCotooel SooarrHk bt ti at Itl brat,' t Utf waa "z rv i turner era aao MMitu uorare i '.'. .i i ro oe jeievaiea to ajt laoonveawnt heightarith nothingta stand on.- . ttiaaV::: N :'' ' The adminfetration ' f or soma Inez plkaTql reaaoa' kept v Its peraoratkn of Llenienant General . Nelson A. II ilea xrom uw' armyiw nereroraj i no . Somebody haa all aiohgi pees IiWn f i M I I. . J a ... . t ' . . . ' " -f en' .! I i i - - f 1 - - t sr? a tta-r kica a4 tfKtf Iff U iaW tx a iart aj-i 3'sra vf.. ha Ui tU Utt " X cm) 'af t ' V nit j U;it t St.. f C T a 4..a 1 1 arv I t mh, t - (Wim iw v-.i . a 4 ifif HI urn. meat a wr- . - r - Kit NOTICING PHTSICIAN AjrrjRaBO Louisbarg, gj Dfflr ia the roar of Boddie, Bobbitt A Drug Store, on Nash street. I) EL F. T A.RBOROUQU, PHTSICIAN AMD 8URQB0K, LorifBUBS, N. C. 0ffle tad floor Ne: building phone '99 J Mi.ht Ua anaWare. from T. W. Blckett 1 rmKlnnca, phoua 74. tt. MABSaNBURO, ATTORNRT AT LAW. locisbobs. a. a will praeUee la all Um Conrta of the State I OlUoa In Court Hoaaa. , M ARCDrt C. W INSTEAD, ATTORN B5 Y-AT-L AW, I,ouibubo, N. C. orncm ovih Corner Drug Store. ht.iaI Attention (riven to collections, l-rartloe wherver aerrleea required. Kinleyi OdalTa preaidestUI prpspexta, tf &o Us prealdeatlal aaptraUoaa, a ad acat Oso ael uooeevelrs prvaMeatlal etoca soar lag ahyward.- Of cooraa Csot bad im Idea that ha waa doing an that, but ha waa. Governor OdeQ la yoeg and aqtlllooa.- llopt eptlina etrroaj Ja tha homaa brra at especially in ha brraata (he fsisrjNMtrr. axwia sopa liases trtaacil alaaoaa tnr caash ' I loach. Otf laetti a H&xi aa va I W Oal MtU44 a4 Jtstlw. j) aa , 4 fclh WCUT 04 IW otVl It ii of fhoaa who are afflicted with the pre fraid'that the rWeaV. Indlatvflgh thatto. KT-1 3i?.,A A." T, S.te might develop mto a lar presidential I do jnimniMr Tki. :i. Amim .. I aas ami ever present fear waaltha reason why I "wnuw, ww mw imai i w tavii ararr; 11 wa 1 1 avoca General Uilea Waa glrevno opportunity Dna " tqtr Jtnjefad anil VcAi aoarf 4ae to cuspiai an mamai retuus m tne i nsartv I -. tv. a.' tlal ffter, the tpoat vtraWnt taeaaa I third larftst charch la 1W votU tatOi aUfa bat h eavtalaly I ., i k'j ' t i'.kl - hip? that Kew TockrwWct, ' ' J r fumlahed a Reouhlkaa v- 1 a 1 tfr IW w.mm- Jt aa at iM eA. aa ta 'Jut aw acr, a W 4'm U .. Itrtrt Ajc iVra rViaw f ' prw th an u w tW ijfipn si We. iWoaafh aarf 4 AnA is vt-f tf t:c t a"-.N la t WW, '4 'Year R. J. K. BliLONK, 1) I'SACTICIMi PUYalCIAN AND SURG. BON. LocisBURa, a. a, i h J IrTi - 1 j ft.? : jjK. A 8. F08TB. J If J - rRAcricma physician a burqbon. LoaUbnrg, N. C 0me over Aycocke Drujr Company. 'No- dans-era trisM h and aa labea&e; 1 er.love. o'er.eactadf U aMl -i3.jnin. i ft ft W r . -f" ;Unconquerl lord ai pteaaarataad ac pam. ; No Joys to htm paemokacdtswrtel; & - tlAYVVOOD RUFFIN. ATTORN EY-AT-LAW. , bounutuM. v. e. i win practice In all the Courts of Franklin tiid adjoining counties, also In the Supreme :ourt, aad In the United States District and Clrcalt Courts. Utttoa In Uoopsv and Clifton Building. Hog. a. wiuufca. ATToV JTBT-At-LA W, ' s3f A f ii UTTiKauas.a. e. onto Mala street, over Jor.es fe Cooper's tor. Y 8.SPRUILL. , ATTOBJ7, BT-AT-LA W, tionedtofepvernor, hot if reall aware hf which la th tmere siae .or-hls- bread he will to-hOMfteewhich he?now iioiua, umi oi mierstatarcommerce epm missioner at a alaiybfi$7( pen j He had his day lnteotqrtad a generation nas grown up tnat fcnows not Joseph. Colonel VeiittialOrarner, congress man for Cllntonf is also mentioned far governor. WaeWtash," as hist fa?- miuars call hlaIsfine : genttesaan. and would do honor to the 'place!0 He ana nls most estimable family would grace tne gubernatorial mansion at Springfield. Benjamin F. Caldwell. Unless, however, the Republicans cease wrangling neither Tates noi Tiffc nor Warner nor any other Republican will be, elected governor of IlHnois. That honor will fak to Benjamin F. CaMwelL the able and. indefatigable JS!SSSSrS ueinoerai wuq new represents tn 4; Afield; u mjmjssj V. Springfield district. Caldwell is not an f Behold surrousdtns kisa thetr brAtO he la wn-t- ?Tti tHT. t t comtoe.v h S-'L 5? T 7 c S"l '-7-V r- r swiii'uw government as ne Wa aflrar-h ftrfttl: preiplea iStai sfed antmt- nnt soecess of his, own affairs,and lie. Would- aaake an 'eminent success In the gubernatorial .- office. Just as he makes: an eminent snccess of his, posi tion as congressman.-, TChe only ques- tion appears to be whether Caldwell r Ben, aa he Is urdversally called all Jfeasal Illinois can be iifluced to "gfve- up hi place in the-house of repre 8eCait$res, which lie. likes and which he can hold as long as he, pleases; for four years as governor, t is difficult to discover Whether Caldwell ls"ally . ambitious or not even after serving with him- six) years in the houseV He iamfasst. iiihasstniil.f"and,; close mouthed, He ?aprrstto believe the old 'proverb? peechUawttrn; silence is goldenJ" For that reason, no other, he would make an Ideal candi date for ; governor. If he will accept the nomination he can "call" to "hia as- genius miin..nv . . . PpJ. TW ratrrk) la iwhv-bl. nan iaajht ttia vt aasm mur- xiiiiiiaTm Kiiiruimri istheresraonXihy he ha baan annbbad, rnearst aa a prealdaatlal poaaJbtmy V. J TV4 Ignored and? humiliated , for - years. I boba ap aerraaty aad with Lacrraat&d I rhadooat at ! Irat euuerwjan cioaens win tkh; enjoy com; i rnwuencX' Xf aaya, TM caiec re- i a, mmj, WW tVW Uanca of his friends at on tha rota and 1 , - . . I atil I ia ri HaaC b5 ' ft vt.VWi laflneaca of organld labor. That rota Uvt. Oa lb. raol - aa rrtraU I j 'if. ,t and that hafioenca will alert bin If ha i xx sutax la nuk ec vi tVrai s I l?Ti I tU mf K is nominated, and it wta not be at all I kmm 1W ... " j .... , paring the glowing 'eulogy which Presi dent-Graver .Cleveland man by. bo means in the. ha bit of alopplng over-r passed on t General JohnML 8chofleld ta the order' retiring that lllloatrioas aol dier and the curt Wistman ia which. Mr. Secretary j of vWar KBhvtBoot and Ad jutant General H. C CecVin dlapoaa af General Miles, - . ; f i" j $ i "tThe retirement of, Generw) uSeS (n I dal norplnAjtoat, Hearst haa. aver ataca :ders apropos Dr. Samoel Jotraaoaf s f a- j he mcied..inaahods slatua, aood tha -mags jjnea on jnanea jwiatBxaiweaasss, a awaasti oe ergs mar a - aaoey, spg u ap jg, jij ?a i raai akSyiT -ae9k vdaataasiNf aajrea, I tJ7 trci 1X. T? 'ariaa "i soswH f W v 1 u fcet14 ataaa ''iW aT1! east ! f rrT. 11 .WH " j Al ansa .ra aa f 4 Vf e te a.i. ee W et4 4 a mni a! A 'w ni ttti vt4 a :i Va- n t " . Napoeraa, rata and that lafloeoeajioaanata aha. I IDeuaaro ftaai ana4o aivthf pW Quito recently tha National BaUdlaj I et a, ta twU $a4 vw4 Jktm Oaj aasa m a a a j . si er I aeiTrVr r ta,!isliat O I VaaaV! aaya liHra, tisf rrWsWr U r fa epaj Wm Wti at l p lMi9 1 iW Wa4 sSas a assa. ah . a4 a- ite (1U t6ct aaa u a-ey -t TT., ' ,7 ? i . 1 1 laaw has abrwH tM axsl 4 a - . , .. racVor iht ftl - -a - T pact as ra ii asuasarsj sst4 t V t.a.Ue ? t;thr that air f Wlprov hia 1 Cih 04 494 miThfi 5Mfi XeA Jasall l r.M SM1 "W JT' I a.i. Ii .ttJ tf-V-A i . I " ------ - r I one f the greatest soldier that ever I pears bow that ala bread cast poa thai """,v" .r'T ."." latawtvf 5dl jisi ; l Mt jwvesire r -. y - ; i waters u rerarmng axwr many aijv pn. uirM,ua9ii ut taixiaptcj n .jij ii OaXwhat foundatlorii stand tkarrfce'a I Ha U bow a repreaeatatlra la cotigreaa, I i, m.aat'.lk .ana alW 1 atmX-Jlrt. I . Vv4 f I r .. .i I mJ rnA m nals Msm t eauy nr ue Dnirrnnni x u cnw I arw va awn aw a saw . . . Hna nf thai war tantfl oMha Mm I . L J rt -- - a i.v. . I rrpwsj ear coddltlaa bt thf vast masnra at tt . - . t . . . . . . . jaJBecicaa) pewpfc s iv i soot that ala aervleear ra f na aooae wui lavi 1 1. . . . - .l. .v . I " : 4eeirVal1al nreeeta., ttla I . T - ' ' I'' ' ' fatW AanatM flaor ITart Isfl hav I ' Bsaa aemna. aria sag aea.a - - . r " I hind hhn a flaa rtcord as a aafleoal 1 TW Ctt ftaWraBf. If tW k leslalator. Ha waa.oe eLth Vradlhg iJjiL t;.i '"A v .t.-iJ aav-tha Pacific jeoaat-rand tha aoa aaeaaa ta oOowtag ta the fooeserp a hte Ignored aire and 'ta ba worthy o4T Uaa. Indeed tha poattloa a( Hearst Ala la more adrantareooa tha a that of Hearst pere, because the aoa has three great metropolitan dainea ta which ta exploit his vie H nifa tie! a Vf f .." Va I Ul i 4! L a. X1 s4)ta aj .Vh. -C U.at et a wi:m If , ww tl naa U e(aMsst4 Wi-e aa f-e t.if V .fa e ;it la-.-M rft.".iH'lai'is 1 eyt tl-H, ee a.ea an,," f: Vtt'ur UUat tt't A a-rvu;.a ea -t 1 vl ii, eluw i t fa 1 1 . , J e e, tw ew et3 aa iAaal eae. t il.s e-naAe e a4 U .t t a f r-bwe-a u t n . I aa t f t3aaw" ta tU4 atf aitsitt h fur tt l4 ai,a. AnBrone capltolate and one rcaUa; Peace ccurts hla hand, bat spraads aer TH A14 U 4 Ua ava a , . , Vf4 ' . " , - . a :" BODDlEe BODQITT.al CO, chaxmanvaein.) -rnina; nothma: s-aAnd. nauajht W iafiln OBAfdbcow'a. walla tut Oothto atandarda Aad an be mbao beaaat3k the polar eky. The jnarch bsaais in military state. And nations oa his eya auapesMled wait: Stan famlnaC aruarda tlaa aoUtarv coavst Ana wuter ioamcaaea tae reanaa .frost. He comfea. star waat aer ooM.aia eoaree delavr '. Hide. MuaUnie a-aarr. hade Pasiwas'a day. The vknoiaahad hero Oearea hla rkea . 0. handa -r.- lt J And afaows his miseries ta distant Lands; Condemned svaeedy suifpueaat ta walC. While ladlea interpos Wad alavea debata. But did not)rhauca attleaa-ta aer savor mend? 1 r ' . . IMd no aubvarted eiaptrawnaark has eadf Did rival moaarctia give 'the fatal woaad Or hostile aaimoaa pnasa ataa ta j froca U4aa t aaT ta fii kWalaai, sistanea the best stump- speakers In congress, who will give the Sucker State a great shaking up fromCairo Wtnattttadthe eourtaof Pranklia. Taaee. 1 UOUS, ougnt to inauce irouier;TvaJO trsnrtUa Warren and Wake eonaties, stool U aapreme Court of North - Carolina.? rmatpt attention gifa to eoUectMBsw - t Otnoa over Ktter ton's Store. Other, maa hxjtha Land. Fraca that colgi. t vantaxt, ba4jtnjaadaa.vtra' of thetwhola kxJltkal field aad wteida tretaatndoas lapoeaca, FlOaliva Trawhlea. Whatever alee we annexed by tha treaty af rarta, we 'tndaabredty an nexed "a aea of troabfcee, ta borrow aa expression froca tha Bard af Avaaw Soma of three tranblea.aare bera ta sao4 aotafj rrlaVaai Sca a V 1 U t " a i rfa- TteeL.tfy t naaatUaBe bvataa a aJaa. tawa- 1 wojcb ta expar 44; adds ia ldtftHr lUJaa poaaeaerQ vy ao I 1 t 1 r . its oaaai Bauu x Ai vt y 1 taaa thrW oaffjp dff, aJe b4 teavi ha iriaapaiart 5Wrwa,,,aM iae aotthatiaad taaurtfl atfwpi4p. ikm- ot what era taa ,la aaaiy vLaughlin tcxat jt- pry- Hiur'. Ilia a. -a: arrounax.' rtft rrVM lAt n rt l.il r ki. m. itMt. .vn His fall was desad to eVata atraadi iiwiww,..-.-u-a. A petty fortresa aad a dubious haad; athers art Jaat begiaalng to Safe VI He left the ' aajae. at hMa tha wartd throeetrqt? J"or lnsrtance It baa grawa ToXVaLr aiiAUl1 L,,l WW 1 Vdai faAmeaa oAVtra t To point a aotafer adorn a tale. bring la Flltpiao and Japaaraa aervaata rtCidi ait: wtiV ia TW ttrreel tlij- cm ih aer. aad I g--, r-r be! arzC rrcw tr laitj-oa ta at I aoinc CXTT Uit fOCDC ETtraT bf at lani.dljl IbrrfjWVjrjpara l nZfrxilZiLjV&Xl JUJ ditatl oatt IW CAf. fTaal af aaa4a fsjaAll aTial arfAk. Kosta will Wri laW wrto W ja I Sl'i Efsucn t fa - 1 "T Iw . t T. WlCKaTT; aTTonjnrr and oTOaiujLtJB at Law. , t,omsBvaea.a Prompt and palnstaklDa; attention given ta ; ... tntimfltul ftTita htnd.. I r Rfer-so Chief Jaaticeg&epherd, Hon. ohl Manniaa,- Hon. RobV W. Winston, Hon. J. C. BaxtoaTPree. First RatftoBal Bank of Wln ton. oienn a Manr, Wlaatoa, Peoples Bank, t Monroe, Chaa. aVTaytor.PTea. Waaa .re-; at Collea-e, Hen. B W.mheirlake, ; : . j , utrioa orer NeaaiCo'sltor, , ; ( if:'.. ATrpfTfTAAW. ' wtfiaauaa.aCa.' . 1 : j. .9 . t aa.. TAB.BO ROUGH, n. ITIOMETATLAW. . II aw.jr-w-BrSsW(- LouisBURa. a. a Offlfla m Onera House bnadtoa;. Court Street All legal business Mtruatedttf. Va rill reeeiTe prompt SJidcaTehd atteabea. It Is queer . how dmruftt' thfilga r mwV to be sacn a aula are turn out in'this world from tha faahloa I bad to be chert ed. by the ara It was. anvenr ont tnat : ITeanoeni Mnnla1 natrtarlrallr rram tno IeIa Tf l ,yyinoffff'gjaV te 1 Booseyelt hatt declared tha the nopil-1 nln thattba rhUtppinra waoed ;W iIfeJliTjefiiDfce4 governor f of . 0' cajaiidAta t LtaOh taaeVlliaJaTOTaadijJr IW oaa- In 1904 he would at once beeomepos- fawst Jje left to tha convention.- For per labor not of Europe, bat. what U Mi 9 hWJHW rAXeUorjehLIpaW.Ub presidenttalTiominee in 1908, and; Ben- anatherebjlt. by the president great of Asia.- The foregoing facta tadkata jamin FCaMweU; wouldtoo jwell waa.Aestbwad upon Wm.4 But that w wara rttht ta aar coatrattoa. seated IlptBchair of Washtogton, : !Chd3mg frA repented of ld(gB. f, Ugh tA&A that Amertcaa lat-arrft wearing -thavymantle of' Jefferson, igity toward tha convention iW- Srera waklnrWlwtha lxn.ialaeat dtev Whas more and better, were?he In gelectedithe presidential candidate ty perfl ta which aw Bwastaslna of tha . wnite Mouse people wouiajmow 1 amr harlna netaxed 1 PhiUnrJn. nlarra tseia. : uie Rmuuuw wwi yuuiniu mm arasffiTiraa Feauna. . . ... .... . ..a. 1 loreranner or tne nauoaxai piannrm ai a&Ctf, Colonel Roosevelt thaa practically xnamed Goveraor Etarhliff ofc Ifidiha' ;the antilynch Kepabtlcapfn rtial "candidate by .ti'taJarB dressed to -hls excellencr Darbtn's wudtlgn prominence ahpwa now easy," J ooaTopMoo whea -Flra A Una" Kraal Is for a man toump Mt t? Wtn of I yki iuinaaal Vorakeri aa leader of Hho'atnire tirrrrldml ha ta located riaht I .v. n .v.. .k JCelTidMiW WimpAsXf r TtcatfVaaTitW rxaSaaThi thafirat voawA wartoAtoptit, and thatJs fornmesva-aa aiianM unfamiliar tw tha -Ajoer-1 -j,. pccatlaa when AeaAlor white vttbla J t stdi Jt4anr tsto-. lean ear; now. well advlaed persona Jirkall aeUharForiUod al aaW. in mm- tjoionei - uooaeyeira ruBuuiei fp- aa letting WtU aaoogh Siooe. rnAtej A year hence U aU probability Cbrbctt u4 Duu can tyralhUa sv aa.i a a - . --...... -i.... L.i, A .1 . J.T. that n rrrr?r?vY txt i f;t tj cy'r, t 'f -rvh ortrrmas- Ija. tJh (Wm Ji M 4r- coatewfoarjaiai gaa wa. atxTTJUOO- OCX OCCAC C W QjOartai. l DR D. T. SMITHW1CK, DENTIST . . LOUISBITBQ, V. C Offloa over ruraltare iltorC HOTELS. tfialsas good a Democrat as ever trod shoe leather was at the helm of the"! ship of state. t'j - ffuman Nature' Paramoant. v- i Governor Dnrbpr of; Indiana may is sue all the sonorous addresses that he pleases against lynching and PreBdeatl Roosevelt, may write him .congrata- latdry epfittesf htll MtsTiffersfi frexa pen :paralysisi but they will .not Jthete- When Jamea J. Jeffrie rate Jaac JCorbett thoat twa awfej waDopa ta faktocaach tha pataaadour tnuat hare txTHenced tha, ttse ttrrd freUag which afflloted Senator Uirrea Alocxa- TlAAoa at tW lata Ohio Repablkaa Good accomodation for tha traveling ablis. . "X Gooo Lh.V Attached 7- MASSENBU11G HOTEL r ti . ' - .,- - J P! Maaaenburir Propr IEENDEBSON. 11, "O.;, " hloua assaults upon women. lynching go together as surely' aiwater; swlsefTDTfurs .tor contagious,. ; and, being ;started in . aj community y reason; of rtpd, : It spreads fte4 zdalef actora guilty of. ouiar crimes; ooee . naora-r qaoiM Twain, .'Unman nature iaerystrong andwe all have "a Aeap-of It "Jtn us.m Forme time it was popular up nortHi toabuse the sowtbern people jasj bat?-1 barians becansev trader great, provocav XLoa; they sntlfulled off a lynchv Ine. but now -ihat dynching bees, have Jbecome popianr inr4he north ahitcolbrv j ed people are fleeing, for ; their , lives from the Republican stater of i.UInafa- and4ndlan aJotp ,the, pemoratffi-statea of nruca ehnesseVnff lIssoaTL' ' longer get A neayn wnenshcwtis theirQflJintWftbemWneWn The ld kyirig ''DefhHn tbat tf guilt less throw the first stone, seeaTS-to ba of universal appllcatioh in thfe country ' Republicans 1 wtMWiPnigflf throats and strain&ig their Tocal chords 111 - 1 ..4 'rta.W jfBiiiug tur avuuaiBcia - u, f-' iw While nobody has vauaiaataivJr aua aaf aa the splritnarh legal ar aoUttcal adviser of Ihe Repahlicana, I make bold, to propound to them thia teatloo: If they : are aearchlag for an . antuynca candldatelwhy overlook JW aheriff Vermilion. county.' IlLiwho trusty Wtocheater and in heroic manne: sworn duty Durbin did rjothiog ax arilh each othar. atodd rai moS mm .a a Just'.iiowpC. COTfjeo-ena ax. i j lynching Is herein mader am aiscnaa- j tag what is and not wnat ougnt to ue. ?, cept issue a4 turgid, ex pff. facto fv dress to his WtiaJal i. ilfcVelattaN from the scene ofr danger. TbM WrUT. of Danville ia elenifrhndU&tD pfnat& ence over the nqoaler gpaernor. i s . Better. Grab'. itX"?' " ' . ? There is a rumor to tW effect that Goveraor Benlamla B.' Odell af Krw York has been offered tha presidency af the TJnkm'rhciflc rallroadl aad has de clined Ih To a mere looker on In Yira- Ifra. Ktwttard-t got Wid of a reap 'ibf a fruit ralftjiday, IUS I mrmm.m 4aar7B aw aa v sm "tr. Newllwrd Oh, yaa ecght to kwrp aaa oa the met of tW rorssa ad the PaUoea rwllafaltW aaSirre4 tyAr a-Ar 4 S Ciartha4 IW. VWaa rw Roamaa Charth ra0 at waeoa4 acal a, akt cat tntniaf hasatt W ihuoaa Wa ta wtwWl raa t aaiWt thofh I hnod a av r wC roea V tcrt -'J a Urje, ao j ey, a!ri vtTf Pa :at Ku ttmCe-i oa f t rat - ta, tacfc at ei 1jtt f-' vi ' ta taa fht op"t aaajk Aaartaae rattt r d ia igibrs:at.iix i wairra. Ae atari ) taa ta-aa ol vf'J0aw4, aa4 a , a a. M I W a t re a r4 I "i IjU J Waara aa ti7 wrrf Taa-oia;1 'yFara tf-a TWa wt alcradrd VrantatalUw) ttrp ta4 feezed prtt iala ms f ctaur. ' AQ 4 thrt aeaxiera I area let ta an its taorv , aUaat Wm Kaw at art la iWiadhO ectaar aktha acatbed Italy, TW MtjaW i fjial, Wmj cUogratcd a omi$ (alaaa Aod other trofkal rem he, Ta aM 1 11 wa taJl iw tVi t-aJ.wVnaa .bear, that wCJ 1 . , , , , . , " . . , , w .- ! . I tUtady wrtiiia aaa Jjal iW ri turntjoo- . . i - sa taaTai a-r ,naa 4 . 5T'iiErl?Zao rrx2j tmit anl, gatVV i&l i;tv-S ttff TtCAi , 1 : a.. " . WbAtrrtt tlh ctt c ta TO THE- - wv -' I ea a rei a ear ena . t'Haa eveaa aeaa - i aaaaa aaaaa. H!2T ttnt tx mt$ UHia t rattaa raw aar'iiiat arga rsa aaii . - . . !';. i -..- ; ; ; t . ICFtTU'i tf f"tll.l 44 1 Af II V . . wtiiii a Miwit ai aii i mi m I ,1,1 - . .,1 l -t r" I w w io i i aik.j. J I j a- ai- t f t.i. v ; ! , a a a. 1 y.M. ii i. m-.! 1 iMav a mm m - i. , f ""if sTa. '" "" I a...- o aa ta k TURUIP'i f I i V e 1 . SEEDS riuj i.: r x: t tx:t tu:i. STflTIOIJEBY. $ ? el a a 4h4 4 t. .a 1 .i - ii f . W e a . U AVa ,s t"itn v t'l-a Ja Vli im 1 00 YOU DRIKK 9 .U4,XatW a at PLKAS- V4( tU J. K!:t:F, i 1 -. iU" JaisWfc.,'i', .ktMttl m'mmM t e "' SOOTHIRM RAILWAY. l:iiLr.in.r'Liii,.iy.T mi mr:.::. aaa) tW eaM fcU V af r -s. t f ae TMC TCrunrT UCA0f tmim r. lVl-f,aC mm aw jUV-tCi'fc..a DahtTVlii WAGONS. Urs.-9ewUad-WhattA fTBrt raka V. a . . Mr. Kawwy-WfW rocpr, Put K away aornewher.rhtl4elpWa !, Cttraaarr, Trn a, M tiaUf. j TTarat)C4h ta a Waih taxard M Wowa u I i jh aad . '.'V it ah twaewda.:. TMra. Bora Thl paper 'advrTttata foolish powders for wemra. Dot yes think they are bad lalnr to Ut? Mr.. Crurty Which, th powu-s ar S4 a eaJM t-Maa ySaaayal aaoe V. kwU a4 Swt.iiaa.ia. a " w Uil m a4 Hit t . a-.tt , , . , mi-m- . n na a,., ,,- t ... 4 t. -:a St. I a. 1 " a rii u : .it.; :.j appear. th.t.BnJaln wau WVW womenl-OeUea OUaa., Caea:a. U V Old Stanclar d tatrw 0aUaAav. ' a ru Lai r ifc V1 i i ' i t r. ' a r.. . ii..; - a ' bat yi fc js t a - Ml I it aH S,r. I - na, I ii "M i I..:-..: I Ilaiaaa fakaa aeara tiff a .. . r . - s . . . . f a ai a Mum mm mm laiaii wmmw mfm mm It - ? . . i " : . JE Sk. k mJm I i i JUA aa W:Wt rH Va mmm F.m m f m4m awM. aa tVlw"aiiit i i a. SfeanT- Dried" Ficoiin a:1 C:;!::l HEAVY onci FANG m I d 11 I 1 4 4 L - r Oo d aeeommodatioua, poodXarewr Pa - ei WlZ'i'i'- t s m.rti-t a xv (vw I i lit aad attentive wrwr - - I rw-o sU pft-M r- -a exl a he' ; IX. lTf a :! ar (mNorwoodhouse:;:::,; Via r fcra 1 ak t a i .4 f f a : " s " ...k ia.T. l. k4 V (MlUf 4pli 1 ' a f j - i a i ui ' - (III tli UlKillM ..' ; 't Tiling ! , , e i. " ' t " . ... a .i e e - a av i t i Li- Givi o o W, fTotttiroow.rroprtetarJ atfomsei; fjo ail trarauag pabUcaoUoltad. " """ . CrTla r?"" fi v'-w r-v ra 5" ?9 i :r Ono end a Half r.'iuiioa;tcx.: . - -'3 t3.r;cc. -I aav aaa ahai - mm, AsZ C aaSV o' :rit c"-.cl t,o yen? l.o l o, i .o - cy. -