77r IT iVT ' - -I -f - -v - jas. A. THOMAS, Editor ani Proprietor. 'JL'H M OOTOTT, 1X33 CTjsjni3 ;rio3 xjrrrxoir. . VOL XXXIII- 4 3 LODISBURfl, N." 0, K1UDAY SEITE!! JJFJI II. CHURCH DIRECTORY - - METHODIST. " ' " Sunday School at 9:36 A. M. Gn. 8. Baxbb, Bopt. Preaching at 11 A. and 8 8ft P. M. every Sunday. Prayer meeting Wednesday night. M. T Plylsju Pastor. BAPTIST. Sunday School at 9:30 A M. Thos. B. Wildbb Sapt Preaching at 11 A.M. and 8:30 P.M., itery Sunday. , - . : Prayer m -eting Thursday night. . -ff. H. MASHBBBJiB.'Pastorr:? Sunday School at 9:30. : ' i- Wm. H. Rdjfih. Supt. 5 Services, morning and nitht , on lit, 3ra ana a DunoayB, if BTening Prayer r Friday afternoon; Rkv. Johh Lohdon, Rector. LODQB8. Tioninbarir Lodtie. No. 413, A. nights in pro tfeKioii.a.lr oard, t I v 1 f T t 'J'i 'J 't' 'J' lJHl'tJ ' ltJ '"J ' ! 1 s -uljf 'J.CIJ. Preposterous CtaJma Md fir"" I RcpubQc&n Otaton The- Right Kind of ExpmIoa Z u cMM.rtit Tnlkm' jt , jb t 3 Special Washington Letter. .Y debating with Senator than Prentiss Dolllver ScnaJorlJ. vJlalph Btirtoni oianaas, Kepresefttativ ' B. Landis of Indiana and Representa- aa4 rckwr TliU rolttUoQ was avt ' altout, which but hT rf-l u i Corsica of Uw KTOeni's brt. t -J t( Is in slartnc mntTMt tth i: fw coid words In Which Ur. W-W,?7 War F.utt Root mirvd tb frvt llTlnjr AmrWao aoWUr. , Currtrvey Reform. . Senator AWlrtcb aavftVr trtrrtj doctors had trttv t a t.tfVc ta mrrency Uakrtia ii-y are luwe tt irrt lb tt!tc:r efrtb . Enduring lUjt, ,Ttt tcti . Which OcilutTfet -Which UOr.a Loc CatrcJt-a i k 4 tm Mt. cvsmcM l ArC 1 1 . . . 'UY-M ' Tt Vi.Newncr una optician.; ut, i l VJs!!nra . & CurMttUlTiVt. ' iv."Ci, HGtosrenof of Ohio I hVe not ?hni3t been leading a; etrenuous life, but A. M.? meet 1st and 3rd TiiS TTSl TS Wto iC lion. nfaEhu in each month. ... " : Yta 71? WW C, Wna. bavin, Wn nu 4u wu. ii -is ine oia ana iaua-1 cloas argtiment.. "Cum: hoc; ergo .prop ter hoe"' ("Beeaase -two things exlsto eether. one neeeasmrilv " hrtvtnrs the SPRUILL & ALLitfciU. other"). Of coarse it is p'reposterns, v - I tot thw -tetehlMaa.: HrTiE. nr- 1-' I ments, remains upon tho statute books I Omaha ft tlttd b. r.'rai 7 " t. iss. is Jona-, to this day. The RcpublicA camnalrnl Iioawatr. who 'mr ha!vtf ! t fta tt '!.'' i of Iowa, Vis to be an elaborate and-Imnudent ! words anil "art, watb rrMut'jr I ....... off falsiflcatttfn'aBd-misreprwenution of dechl.diy vttria. A rxal lv. ef t . ' v. ki. j . s I . .. ...... .... . ... 'i.letr. I? n mt tmnii n r'i .1 Bad: News; For Missouri Republican. A rumor distressing to thai practical politicians - among Missouri Republic- ft"...- . t. . M. . : 1 ... ' Will practice In all the Courts. Loatobarg and Toangsvllle, N. C. D R. ARTHUR H. FLEMING, tore. DENTIST. LOUlSBURa, . - N. c. OtBce Over The Green at Tarboro Oo.M rjB. 8. P. BORT, f R AGTICI NO PHYSICIA.N AJT1 8URGBON. Louisborg, N C. nfflnintharmr of Boddfe. Bobbitt Sc. Co.'u Drug Store, ou Mash Btreet.' prtetor of ,the greatest sbewon earth, Offices in I always maintained that, the 'American people love to be humbugged, and he grew vastly rich and prospered .mlghjj ily by living up to and acting on that tynieal theory. He was also anthor'of the famous dictum that "a- sucked- is born every minute." Most, .assuredly I Repubiicrftforators have pondered Bar- pose td-mafee them the-rule and guide for their faith and practice. .verens, navlog grown weary -of putting hp. "Is about to ctotM his barrel at spigot and bnng. This rumor it It prove trutv Trill bars' abrot samejeffect entbls followers that cutting" on 'their Supply of mann would " hve had on- the children of Ulwael, footsore and ;weary of wander- t fl U 0.4 M is !: : -V-. i nsat W4Nst , T Imh aJ Mwtil wdr . I ff - - ... 4, tirt cdiroTta. pfnth: "WV n coom-s to . abowdowta ' CaW present rnrrcne; tystam wtH r'4 os acalnst that of any Cr iu which would YfO to tx vnomtt ( good tblsiu i s Ihlahint to EttX XMrVA aaj 14 VnV. f f Ss . or retorwn: -oaror ruu w i ta4Sutea fcjt tlh-l IWrt Tortus no sd for twsxr i"'kl.rmstt i).is'at Jbsf ' W tion. Thar are o(hva. la. wfee win I . ., . !" bar to be shown.- Vt tl mm of tfaai I HH f tsVt l Upca.tk Id, iS"lwa Srm sutiiM frets - tag In the wilderness, Missouri R Coioi Itowwtrtwr rw I U Wf. Car t4't W t, publicans bare become so nsed to see ing Colonel Kerens, who Is big hearted and a generous spender, foot the bills that they will not know how to con duct a campaign unless he furnish the sinews of war. If iu 1004 he. after the nianner of Achilles, snUis in his tent, the Democrats oe quite likely to doa ble their usual majority in the state. Colonel Kerens is a genial gmtlema signs of hcroniUis a slLmrWm Arar- tb "others" whom n had la hit mind's eye and who o4 -aaow.ag . 1 ttimf rt trts Unele Joe Cm noon, who U u U nest spskr of the houaw. Ahead f Tim. H 1W lew DUt ma femt. ' Evidently on of ray iectnr. WK k'pV HL.fc, JtJ Genetal Charles ltry Ofwtw cg lV f tr yn C'V n'! csft) JJR. K. If. TARBOROUQH. j' PHYSICiaN AND 8TJRQBON, ; LiPiBne, N. C. Offle 8nd floor Me: r.ulldlng, phone 89 STlght call" answered from T. W. Bicsett s residence, pnoiw it. (.- ' u. MASsBUBnaa, v ' ATTORNEY AT LAW. Will practice In all the Courts of the State OtBce In Court Hooae. Talk to them of the criminal folly of j nDd enjoy8 the OXcitement of poHUca. our proconsular government in the but as he cannot reasonaWy hope to Philippines and they yell at th top acfeat. General Prancis Marion Cock- of their voices, "Corn was selling at , reu for the-acjare he may not unnat 20 cents a, bushel In 1896; now it i araii, conclude that the game la not brings 35T Thafs their .yell in farm- ; worth the candle and niar-iurrtn tt at Ins eoinifnnitiesi They try to recverse together' and forerer. j-Kdhodj woukl n m uitrpues., xeu uiem uiul a, lariu, uiame Uha if ,he did, for Jie ha heii law; whidi ehablos dalAmerican nlann-1 leadinrlC forlorti Inope: Tort t let ' these ujmv wr ufv wwraAib ssa itaib a,i,.inr e Katuraay. Au. !. v0. t u tntah I - t esvfwi w f w ft nwtca as a rrprrottl In la- Hfii. ,n I .i.ir r . - , jtijt w (.jctvm. which or a.X ' kXV ITirr' V' Ji XLT T . . " ttt V'. V waifs. H kVe", Uu 1Jaii- eiJ tt itMl U a, Tm W n tao. TWf tl aK 9MI imo n) htv. "Tlsi tiM fwn. sti Br WWsti 's H ssftrf'f lNNsfcft ''IfcUsS sW(t Ss?WMs(j k I w t V-rt -1 Wi V" ''NsX d IsJift'gsl ftJSw C Ms sAf W wia tuiVftf tHft M ,. .a - ........ t pl AWh tr 21 J. UW Urn ft fff ! f f 3 l Uav rNl ikm 4 Tbnr fusj iwaiBsf " Flftt-CIesi f f BE-STflUHflliT far f t,0im w .wft i C-Sk Vais V sfVt i i . 1 . re t facturer to sell his wares abroad to foreigners for two-thirds- of what lie sells them to Americans for is an out rage,, and ought to,be repealed arid they sbout, "There is 500,000,000 more of gold in the United States than, there wasJiC IS8!T tef en clainJ that to exiat eren tn:holrny aayi Uarrfti 1. 1903. and wtw Brat .Sr wfU most prohaMy not tci ti tft Monday in Dwrnbrf. I"CV. t tu4 the general what h mrabt fcy s-ah a , 9 fttVrrf-V m.imet a. fta . v . r im "" aw i l ' . i e js H Ht. I -r rvvvvff W efM ai w..f fc.tata 'tsaa mm. rf aTW. 1 t l .j n s IK ft.aj 4mA a si k i si a si mm $ f tH r 4 4 lair- many ; years. Missouri LVDeaiocratic unusua) prwdnre, and h trfo.!. -Oh. I w P ttt 4 r Shm aVrT "i and will be until nCn losethe; power of memory. For years in fact, everi nor Chauncey Jves Filley waajlaUI on the shelf Colonel Kerens has'fed the Re nnbllcan van in every battle In Mi- yuri and ho hnsftj the vld!e,erbape. ltii8 ils4-: pfim of igrj- it as well as luryfiriy coald bare M ARCU8 C. W1NSTEA1, ATTORNEY-AT-LAWt" LotJisBuna, N. C. omoi ovSB Corner Drugstore. 1 BpecUd Attention grlren to collections. Practice wherever services required. D R. J. B. MALONK, V aACTICINa PHY3ICIAS AND SDKOBON. lAUISBUBe. H. c ". , o ffloe orer Aycoeke Ir ug Company. DR. K 8. F08TBR. PRACTICE PHYSICIAN STJRGBON, toulsburg, N. C. Offlce over Aycocke Drug Ompany. HAYWOOD RtFFlN. ATTORN BY-ATjLAW. LOVlSBlTBe, O. Will practice In all the Courts of Franklin tnd adjoining counties, alaoin the Supreme "oartTimd In the United States District and rsrcult Courta. -J ' OlHee in Cooper and Clifton Building. IJHOa B. WILDKB, ATTORBTBY-AT-I AW, louiaBtme. s. a. once on Main street, over Jonea at Coopert xtore. P S. SPRUILL. ATTORN KY-AT-L AW, louisbobo, H. C. Win attend the courts of franklin, Vance flranrme. Warren and Wake eonnttes, also the Bwpreailr Court of North CaroUna. Prompt attention given to couecuwu. - r Offlce over Bgerton'a Btore. -'ill rj W. BICKBTT. ATTORNBY AND COUNSELLOR AT JAW. corS aheTnTadrtfie got wtdch has been mined in Alaska. coojUy ignoring the fact that four lean years in Europe put up the price of. our food . products" and that Democrats had fully as much to do m digging HhaV Alaskan gold as Re publicans had. Te them that our .gold supply has been decreased because the balance of trade has been in our favor and they at once bellow them selves hoarse asserting that Repub licans caused the balance of trade to come our way, thereby Tirtually claim in that Rennbllcans raised everr bushel of wheat oats, corn, rye, barley i ana -potatoes,,, every pouna ot Deei, porki mutton: and hay,' which we have shipped. !aoroad to . feed hungry; Euro peans in the last five or six years, and tha "tr-mimons of JDeajocraisi, In. the land hare sat sucking their thumbs all that time and hare contributed nothing whatsoever to. creating the surplus products of farm, mine, shop, river and' forest which have enriched our people. AnJSithey expect to win -by pumping such monstrous fables, sucb preposterous canards, into the ears of gane citizens, il is wniien, ueu therefore unto Csesar the things which be Caesar's and unto., God, the things which be God's," a precept which Re publican stumpers blasphemously vio late hy claiming that Republicans cause the sun to shine and the ralnS" to falh simply because they happen to be Following : Vottatre'a Advice. In our debate at the Chautauqua Sen ator Burton glorified the . Republican party because more boots and shoes are made ad wnrnby the American peo- Ted it. He tms'boen swell a conaplcuoo Igure and his fine figure ha become s familiar to the eyes of MUwourtan that his white plume will be ml.isfd In the coming battle. Democrats will miss his plume arri Republicans wil' miss his barrel. Vale M. h Colonel! Desirable Expansion. i , Republican editors and spellbinder assert that Democrats are opposed to expansion. Of conrse the assertion I untrue. The greatest American expan sionist was Thomas Jefferson, who was not only the greatest Democratic statesman, but was also the greatest statesman, that ever lived. Most Dem ocrats are expansionists If permitted to pick, the place to expand, hut a man - does not hare to be an idiot in ordr to "am expansionist; consorjuenfry neither a Democrat nor any other citi zen of good sense is in favor of Indis criminate expansion. I am an expan sionist. I am in favor of annexing er ery foot of the North American British possessions clear to the. frozen ocean. We ought to hare had them from tb beginning. . If General Richard Mont gomery had not been killed In front of Quebec and ' if General Benedict Ar nold's leg had not been 'shot to piece we would have captured them .dorlns the Revolutionary war. The outrafe committed the other day by the Cans dian boat Tetrel upon the American boat Silver Spray Is tho latest evldencr that we should be the sole owner and masters of the great lake, whh-h we cannot be so long as the British hold on" to their possessions north of tbe great lakes. Every American admlnl tration should keep stesally In rlew'the Prompt and paintaking attention iVVTT HMMiWsr - . . TaW I vufefc iw - ' '"el cause the Republicans saved, the lfulypre:Pirst National Bank of Win- j lona Beif evident le, because it Dn- was pie now fhan before thej civil war, Just desirability of onr powsxihg all tl as If 80,00S,00Cf Americans would not land , betwixt our northern boundary make and wear more shoes than would and nth pole. So long as we err 33,000,000 Americans under any sort of onjy joint owners and masters of ttw administration whatsoever. A man great lakes friction will exist and rocb w JisfiSspchan.hrgnment, as that unpleasant Incidents as that referred must,:neeessarlly assume 'that his audi- t0 are jikely to occur. t ' said thai ence is largely composed of fools. American boat owners on the great Tell them that God grew the trees lakes nre arming tbelr era In crrdet for the use of his children and-that the to jn position to retaliate. They no ta3tir:OT-Tnmber-4-ja -tax -on a prime doubt -have the right. of. the qnajrrel fcomsBTOs jr. a necessity of life and retards nome otIt fhe present status Is Incipient war attention given to j building andtile, answer Is that people u is a disagreeable, not to say basard frerr matter intrusted to his hands. I ought to rote the Republican, ticket De- ous gituatlon. The Q. A. R. on General Miles. The administration has been slttinf on General Kelson A. Mile for seTcrat years with great refulartty and poo deroetty.' Because he openly xpwwed an opinion indorsing Admiral DewcyV r4ews as to the battle of SantJapo uar- bor. which rendered Admiral Wlpfleld Scott Schley immortal. Miles was taken severely to task, lecture. mrtroarlcrf and curtly ordered to keep his rooriih hut Now. it goes without saying that uly landlubber !s on perfectly safe ground in indorsing anything said, by Admiral Dewey as to sea fighting, for he Is one of the foremost fighters that ever lived. As wiroeiw 1o such matters he must be taken and accepted b competent Hp saawst m; thM General. Miles wld. have been teptl manded .sooner or ater for somethin ZJgil&nSS Y vm ol'wdrmocrats." could do to office over Neat fc Co. s Store. ; I nnt down the rebellion: "but Voltaire practicea street. . PBKSOJ?, ATTOBNBY AT-1AW, LotnsBtme.a. o. ' in all court, yjmom uu "" nut knew what he was doing when - he cynically deelared, 'Keep on lying-4ind some of It wlH stick." - Tell them airat trusts should be throt tled, and they solemnly and voclferous- lr assererate that, John Sherman, wnom theyr would nerer nominate for presi dent! liut whom: they now, apotheosize. was the author of - the Sherman anu trust lawi when erery intelligent .man betwixt the two oceans knows " that John Sherman, who was not much of a lawrer. never wrote a. word of, the will reeeire prompt and careful attention. I m jned' Sherman antitrust law exeept the enacttnc clause, wnat jonnciuuu H TAKBOBOUH. Ja. ATI OENETAT LA w7 XOUI8BTmC.lJ.O. , Office in Oje House hnndtagi CoTirt steeet it i.nt.,esa 4intnuneu uuu D R. D. T. 8MITHW1CK, ' DENTIST, LOUISBURO, - - Hi C. Odea ever Furniture Store- " was to mtroauce a nuuuuug, mcoo inglesa antitrust law to afford him a r Jost wanted to get that M mf mind. It dor not t-ta to fr tb fate of IevJ Virt IllU. wtw wa roundly denottnc! ty Wmomtir pm pera In ISM for koWSa a o vent ion" o the "22m sC PHM era) GrorvVnoe rataM Cattd at lit urs game. " nil! took notbtac hy tvla o. but as GcnrraJ Ororto'a dilrt r talns a bantly RrpnhUcsa war1y lm will most likely pall o&dr th trtf BacrcUry Shaw's Oppertult. t Th Omaha IW la authority far tts statement that Srcrrtary of th Treae ury Governor Iall SJ Ktiaw to la ad drr tht Amertran mints; rvecrw!. which la to be faKl In lrado-l. H. l. from rVpt. T. to JWtt. 12. Uxh $-taMir Governor Shaw ta a alteckt of ka4 ttist la the om of worda It m t great oftportonlty to atptala wttat t!a lows RepnhUcatva rraHy ttwaet as part of their last putfora tWj adopted and prtkCBalfatpd tftst tm log ncotvr- written hy Wt.tor AXi lon. "TmrtlT ratra which are fa ahonld be lowtrrd. and the bXh tt too low ahoofd b ral-l" tf tt tary should realty an atrH Hon that rxpiaina. h wtwaM pr-i moch profanity and an rpi4wittik af l sanity. He should not W tbm ef9---tunliy slip by uotajprovwl. for tM tUi Can nerrr grHnd with tt water thai has rd- While he Is at it Mr fWt-Hary Pjw tn!bt Increase bra rrptratHi hy p-z fnrth-T and esplatntnc at4 prvrtajt a prepoaterona aawftten that h ftjfomf of making to ttvo effort tht tV pU which began la May, IKXX. n ocratlc 'pank? rnn4 hy th WHwa Gorman tariff hlX which was t! fifteen taonth latmr and hcatiH U In Aocot. ISM- tte mJgtt nHrat bis irrunMil by tomXns ifci Spanlah wjf of ISSrt rs?w-4 R HU war of 1M14S.. On tatat t aa troe a the othr. Nor shoadd tS v tary. In Trrrrt of aie tJic ft f lacy that tlwrr U at wars ptvm&f.'T. under a RrrjnUUcmn admtntMrttftMi ftt adveratty otdf a Itcraie a4?f'j tralioa. fail to prove tlut tv lni .crata prodooed th pack af lT, Grant wa pr-ii,at sad bw bouae and senate were e&4 rr jr had been orrwt(mlitty cvr-nVacao.. . M ties Advice, ' Aft ha wt Wieg rttfJ trem tt ac tive u-Kkt la th army Otfm son A.Mil dflirrt-M fcttftMtf f rcry sag rrtnarts a to a rrvril pu of dJ-awrmatneot to h pml I nr.t bf all the greet pew1. HMW-at lfcl the foiled $tt ahoald U4 1a tv. great (nterMtianat refercx Tl erat la comet. aa! t pi,S e ancwa. -eot&lss. fnxa a rr?ra .4'. place him la a tact faewvaWe Kilt 4 honkl hart great watgtt Of ertfw there is notUBt norn at-5t itkoi rt' crpt that they wire f4tt4..ft e4s of approvtd. cspartty. Oar 5iawt ropoaed tha Max achc ftott tl go, hot It do not ta t9 t wt wtth gtTBt.fsvcf of sy ftttsc at to. The day., ha not yl amtwl wh tmm are ready t best awoeds frm"ft book and tpear tmi plkt, KlU. r f thrJr 6rethe ! K.t Write wtth tlAtorUt th l nearly rreryhody !., ttv-TJt "v pear xiety." JtiTrV iwirii1 rf the leva. Fra If p-gt a fw a lOeri aikttr' r caw C 4 m ' t nlf tfil vm4 'viM, U ..... . i . t . pace of f ! W4 msmm at at c44 wf he brats a"lpe c-? tr 4 Ira iM wy a . Ii V H as fftr fiAOae. 4 iwijii Vt4 , f sva trrViy t ii W 1 1 I aM AwllJ SAr Wta-WW-t 1 ra ft ' Vet law i- W'H fft rtatlwrT wm w new ' . MVa ., S3 .kjrvrxjrzjn n k - hr tHtMW tM "W ' 1 J ' . I v ft m (Alr. H aa f f l t ft sAarr tfl edf:r a l-r. (W lt ii awVpa?jr lh -f j- d 4 t.?" h -jr t kj ttajr katt Id tt.f'H iMl )m tir mK ft tw ft wfl cult tit se44 Uw 'ift-AftWAs S tia iAJiri ' Vaot, cX4 ft af hi ! dwas Wlftl .)t4 ftf ftf If ftaatftw '4ay4 rst ),. j rlA,ry tftA, i trMM. Q- fm tm art if nlft --a,rr . ft a .4 SMWaasf -'' a- hM eau ft. fr?la, l, Dm ht tia ftwV tstf CrVf .t A.. ;te wft f ft) , m- ti- as eair ftMif a- It -Il a ftM ftrwa(lr. H wis na.l r '' ft il iMmim hi I a i i n i m, i.j.i-i. i-. ... .. JJ" "" - " ! - a aimw whim am. . r-1f ! t it Ir. aw - iff ! 1 j fi -it - a .I xa f . r- , 4 , - ,MH J f a '" M nmf wC .. i . . f l i - w v - t t-a t ,." ! emit . . ... a a A, ftwaTftA ftaaawi4. tav tr era -ft ' Aft . rwt nt-t f.w . u XATI AZt Mlft4A-(ft fitf.ftftK - "' TsriA J LA A f ft iftfesftwtfrMt a ftM"ta siJI . .ftsTsTrWftlRSgi' IrSPBF wWJ vf ff lw'ftaiaka ftV ft4f s-tMft if-W laiiia a. ' Jmm 7 ft fJWi ft) ft rtti VnMSIfl m tit-aMf w n vwr ftt' mt 'tW V ftMSarf fat ftumiWiS Ki f ft ....." fc i ftawt fa a B3. I .f t .! a --4 k kmarxua, fw aaut. tt Art -it. i-w v-Gonsunin Illii n A pf lar w ytt anai at ft w I t..J'' If Uli I .if"- Tht oc?r of itanrr toft M ra tr&ii& : tftrsfar Tan? acjnua: t.kaf CBra ihlrx,S4 Cracstssat! Your llje ..pleasure fi t STff, AM ft1 i wmM fl l-'-! t i-rft-C ft I I ' .if I f " U aAa,iA WwtAV v4 4 Mia a ira ftw Mt IAi t twfft rt ! Miafetvw M af f It ." a-ft C.a 4 ftt a iKta' 1 - f r ,rt f a 2 4j .g ft Ihiag la U'JJCg It t UJ 4 ty tlft-f4 Wjft V; tL TL tt A n-p a a-,.. HOTELS. JTKANKLlNTOJi Mhor a a Tna la nersona noa grata to pretext for making a rltyperatire I wera ii be, but be la having hi f334W for waliaplsg Cofhatt. aS lf lpeecn agajuvt wuww wo0.. . . D0W- on tiiiftnp to r rmo- i ut(tr mtjwa iioju Tim immm er, whom ne accuse uuji. i cljsco everywhere greeteo. ara 1 ror rMag sc4aty iznuiel aouthero. delegates away irey iutu l--uned as a popuUr hero, soa th th Chicago national Republican con- a. passed the following rj-solo- reritlon ptJWS.a.nd whom ne n I uon which will set certain pe-woa to worse than Toe hated Old Nick- S&er- i-'frf-A IJHa"8 DUA J2l . zf. . ,.1 1 .-. Reaotrsd. That wt eocrrainlal tnai mmlttee 01 Tjie senate, wmj-ow 1 wln41d aoldler. eaemplary cmr)nar great lawyers like ueorge 01 ani3p-1 and patnotia ciuaen. oeoarai r ' !,- r.. f MhAnrl and Hoar of Mas- hniea. upon- his attainment of -f . .w ... .... A ... ..a . . w . . , m,. . Aim )Ma . II a I -HA a f - - A .. . " . rw ? a a m ; r e i a l-aat egM v - . w .'-i 11 "m. . tat j lwt tft far ft Ur-i fr5Af if ;mk , r - . "... :TN?fcrtC Scccri Tjrxtmm CMtT,(ta, tVtCM4siV c4 CAK4 ' (sTttS ' tiif VCa44 - H Uvc ti WaJIiIL. i ..; Ota wiim KSi aCxviftV CVea, ft. liM v - - rri) . . . , . . sun f ftrVtf rruaJl ft'4F , tf 4 tMia 11. w - 4. Jft'l ' i afhrtft f ( . 1 f l.iW WI l.,f , . ! ftjl f .aawTft fjM-r mt Ift tW lat at- hmm tl M 4 Vi WJ Ve W av. ftast Jf V ( ,fti fJi tit! r i,i fMit ar, ttl fw t !1 4 . , J... )p l is sin re ftwA ft m tmAf 4 ( e . . MM, It ! I lM Mftftt, fthaiW' Ht ft llt, isi. tH-r fta) V t. .Ha. J . h I kf ftllftaftkli I V lft UiS r.( W rt ft W -.t f laHtT t5Kft4irT .VasJl'ftw ftlAfi 'f mm , Tetfeet fl w- ' ' ' t t '' .a. -e.' I (UJ w. W -r-ft -iMMit ;..t.... tVO. fCk'MW m rA. i (U4 W Maw . lit ...; If , f ! CUft fli W I 1 ff f-ae JM 1- HI 4 Hf'ftigtMstw f. ! aa Maa. y 4T :rrftlt ii iicftai i Ut H .flitibcitAl A 4y t ...1 "' -' I ! f lft,f S ? . . . A. PX,.vesi WUxm,u. " - I utehoa an honorable rttn.nt mUt w.'.wvTrnniAlil' W n , xr. - , - ----r ' ' 4 6achHft6ttr Who could not hare been l katcbl8ea ncor .. a soldier of erw a -tyT " OTIT ) Wit I , JCTP a I Induced to report sucn, a powrijr w-1 joay-twiHy- wm j w, " . . ..ay . , J- 1 t4lUi aT nt" aa a-H -i ft --, ,A-, i .;A-afV ; ft. t ikimthf mi ak4u It ftja ft aa l tu4 imm -M-a a.-. . n e nM a-ft aw ft we fft aa S tm Mi fwaw a4 t-i wHraf ft? ''M(HMnywM i.iinl ta a avkv. u.t tft t - - Krtxucted bill. Bo the lllustrkfus dis.- tiMam nfr-hiatoihciat condueU which ft- gan as a lieutenant In the TwntT-od ... m : ... it- . .mwaIImiv 1 . . . TJ-.. . lnliY (iood aoComOdAtlon lor wie . ciplea or jsiacgsioue anu lfT7Ckuaeita Infant rK, proaraaamg py bU. , '- . . , , ' . Good Ll?t..T Attached V-., rr. W frw-ad. "Wyrxlhata hoasvft tlat . dOMn't know a4l ' Lis wotfTdttt IU1 hwt'v - ' -Welt I notice lhl their heads together and constructed bnt tv. fcU r-"- . Ctfttt ftf i'ftCf Ithl Vft tf.W I" " ' wwl V I 4 iTrayyj ft latU. . .. . . . ' I li f ... L, 4 a-- ft n't a i -- w www n w - tlft A iaw,whlch they substituted for Blmr-.ifro,-, uanaasaa to Arpow Mntt'a and which,-' with Bom amende the greatest f ail,dvU ws ftree T-.r 3- ' -. attoa - during ; PhHftelphla rnhlte fjt. f I -ftt?Tf A wrw-ftf. (m ftjsTPftJftfl TWraysBssa ftJftla gftWBl IWawBBe mm JlraBftftBstaBBBBk ftlh jr k 'T ft' m aaTsF"" . . DOOD C0DDJTT A CO. to rtt ' ' y - e' r iSn.TUS.nlP 'fr-yrl ' r - 1 4 ncn'Ds t fjs 1 TfC TC j ry 5iT f C-?f r war, from U'4 Standard ;:-v; ; 1 j? MaieiitxiJer Propr HENDERSON. Mf C p Co id aooommodationsi , Good far ' Hta smdattantlre srTr : NORWOOD MOOSE " J ; i.taJL.-.- - . W. J. AOHH wa a-wjr ratroaagft of OommerclrJi Tonristft m 01a a aa aa Chill- ionic Average aiinudi sales I hdi stood fcho test 25 years. ovt One and a Half Milhcn Jbomes. uocs pnis recoru i-bfil:cnt, apr-al to you?- No Cure, ITo Pay. - 50c. .. tr t- .1 k. a L. uUialib A.y I . i w l ' 1 ,.""1 H V' k Awft u cUA-J-ir : . -avara .- t , , . . - f . .a ,w ... , i a rwa -. aw avjt ... , r " --l 4 ' wiNftst 'Jsslyl! flM VfBRWSt 1mm Wta aaa,- ! - , ' U u . ' ' ' . y a . , Crctr:t t f-l r : I I I rt r -1 a 1. ' ft t ft .1 V a ' ft HIX" ' f, nilH lf WA It 1 fill ! Hi UU il Ht D 'Aw ft I a 'ft1 t f . . - , , I a-. '! to iwa f ! h i a ft . 'wtw ixav, A a. - y- f-ya--a ftiatM- tl't4l"f,'( , j.' .. , . a . Jk. . a , -- iu i' :.- r;' ,W I"-. i f-ft.i 1 tit m r ye i"'" yi.ia aMft t in i V 1 1 f C' - i-V 4 aaJ". ft -twTfUttihUoaouoitft.

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