X MKTHODIST DIRECTORY t . i.q,-hool at Mini'j'v " a t -. .raenW " A. ..b48 80 P. M. "v ;7y!?mertiiig Wednesday'nlgU. ' BAPTIBT. A,iDdt School at 9:30 A. M. IT- icViflK at 11 A.M.. and 8:30.P,M., H. H. MaHburhe. Pastor, Sunday School at 30. . Wm. H. Ruffih. Supt. , and night . on i vQio(f Prayer, fcriday afternoon. RrV. JoHHrLiOTlDOHi KBClOr. i. LODOfefl. Uuisbarg Lodged No. 413, ,A. P. . m . mHw Ist-and 3rd Tuesday hts in each month.. tt ; n n-n tt U.etter . JJi Nat lor twaoty-uvO oar to the f. .' J . mi nbOe arrW bo ao awey Iwtth OMkMbMM uUhlt t prea-a dm. TIM adtnwUrtraUoo wool lis (UUN t xsfwa un , - A Miswmri Editor! ViewVon Lynching Persons and - Poli- " des In the Politic ' World to 1 to to to n n n tt tt tt Special JVashington Letter.3 HE Jingoes have dragged our u u tt tt tt tt tt tt tt THE GOUItTRY Hew did Ot niurTW poet ek de portment kawUI. 11m nnr aBr4 BtnH," um Indian Wod fraod- oaty tb lately dicod fraud In tutw--bat th etdsr fraod to Utah mw xj thly through politic! fcUJoo: TV men irlM u1l Uat taSM are e strong vy If h prWt t tho lata UmlsbmUoM could net prt tfc mUchlt pr at ' xtmttutrutea CMt till Urn ttado IC , ir tt atooaid t4k Vaala ftorl to o ao It wtw lm 2UpolUc ptr ' froai t t Mi" Th xauMla tot pctty ! top, . tiwiuiy nukork - to a inUtaua. but b na fr4. aoJ of lha to W y "awci u aka. ","'" " , EDITOR. i tU 1 ilr J : X. J If f I tt,M t. w . 7,,tw i w v iiiU il Orccr:. C:i YuJ A;:t:2!ii El Fiji U1K' an' office which he would 'honor and adorn. Tom Johnson la one of the moat I A Peeelbte V. P. hriTHsTit aiul romnrkahla rlunrtun xf I rhrfullT tord th fad that tCt Uncle Samnel into decidedly J He is to the flower t hist Wwo. at present nakiwwv o th'-a utu.wuiimuji. xvuu. j . vpnra nfl whllo b bu. llniA it. I writer, naa sent 16 OC UffW. t-T her grab bag policy in Man- a1npd .mkpn and diatinction. I ma P. Walbridxe of St. LouU hortS& churia by citing our doings In the.-PhiH , i 1nqt hirt"nnliiff hia Wt oaWr on I thronsh the cirtaffitrobtoiit ttaolre ippines and Great Britain's "conduct in the nationaJ ata-No-man la Amertc I aa a deairmtl oocaiwr W W South Africa. It must be admitted or-gg tnoreptendMJatmA Ken-l dent w th tlcfcct with, CoWni tioww- .11 unM nanniio that tha fhB cawfl . . . ' . .. , " "rr r . a.. I ' tucKian Dy Dirtn, a lemocrai. oy- a-, i t- -a' i w r.. w 1 I'HUILL & ALLRD. Will practice in 11 tile .Courts. Loulobarg and Yoangavllle, N. C. Ofiices til D 11. ARTHUR H. FLEMING, DENTIST. LOO18B0Ra, o;tlc Over The Oreen k Tarbtfro Uo.'a ,R. 8. P. BURT, I 1 1 I 3 f K VTICINQ PHY8ICIAJS ABORGBON. Louisbarg, N?C?1 office in the rear of Boddie, Bobbitt A i ',. I)ru2 Store. on-Kaeh street. YARBO-RODGH, l vR. R. F. PHT8ICIA.N AND 8URQEOM, LoPtBURfl, N. C. office 8nd floor Nea ball ding, Pott NiKht calls answer! from T. W. Blckett a r-nMnee, phone 74. a. M.A.88RSBORG, ATTORNT AT LAW. LODI3?PKO. H. c will practice in all the Coarta of the State Oflice In Court Houae. Jj. r 1 i C. VVlSiTEiU, ATTOKNBT-A'PIjAWi LooiSBOBQ. 3Pi-:'S okhcb ovsb Corwsr Drag Store. r-, i:vl Attention .giTcn toriIWiona. Vrrn.- wherever aervlcea requiiwa. 1 t'KAi I h MALONB, NO PHYSICIAN AND SUB-GKOK. LODlSB110, ?" r A.ycock.8 fyng all candid persons that the three cases are very similar to each other. : Wonder if we are to share the fate, of Oid Dog Tray? . ' The C!olorado Springs Gazette, which recently flopped to Republicanism in dorses the idea of the Nebraska Re publicans that the-west is entitled to the Republican vice presidential nomi nation. What is far mere important, the Gazette servea nojjce on all con cerned that in that - connection "the west" does not mean Indiana. Ohio" or Illinois, but the great and gorgeous eountrv west" of the Mississippi. All this will not . be pleasant reading to Governor Durbin of Indiana, who is assiduously incubating a vice preslden tial boom for himself on the ground that from the safe retreat of the guber natorial office in Indianapolis, he is sued a blood and thunder manifesto against the;lynchers of Evansvllle, Ind. Nor will this wild "west talk delight the heart OS Colonel Myron T. Herrick who is easting sheep's eyes at the vice presidential nomination solely because he is the protege of Senator Marcus Alonzo Hanna. - The Omaha World-Herald, edited by Congressman Elect Hitchcock, helps the Coekrell presidential boom along with these kindly "words; . No feoember of -the United States senate standa higher in the public confidence than does Coekrell of Missouri. Should he permit the presentation of his name for the national convention Missouri Democrats will rally around him, and not only Missouri Democrats, but Democrats of i other' .southern aa well aa yestem states. ; Governor Benjamin Bl Odell of New York is busily engaged in denying that he ever said that he would not be a candidate for a third term. Of course he never said it. He need not strain his vocal chords denying it. Nobody ever believed that he had said anything of the sort, for it is not a Republican ture,.a multimillionaire by his own IX' ertion, honest as the day la long, to tnorougn sympathy wnn tne masses. parotic to the'eore, he will make a great governor and great president As to the Moros. King David exclaimed to his wrath. "All men are liarsr When he uttered that sweeping declaration he probably had in his mind's eye American Jin goes. They have told us- scores of times that peace universal peace. white winged peace reigns in the Phil ippines. General Otis told us so sev eral times. Governor Taft told as so. all of the commanding generals told us so, and all the Republican newspapers told us so. All of these pronunci mentoes were fairy tales. There is no peace in the Philippines, and there never will be until all the Filipinos art dead. Even the Globe-Democrat, which thinks every American who Is not a Republican should be hanged, admits it in the following paragraph: The Moros of Bacolod again protnlaa to make trouble for the United Btataa. Am these persona have been subdued one or twice and have promisad to racognlM American sovereignty their praaaat re bellious mood is likely to call down soma punishment on them. The persona who ara asking for tribute xroea ine uauaa States aa a condition precadat to thair submission to its authority ara in dangar of getting Into trouble. Tha Unltad Butaa is not in the habit of paying tribute to anybody, barbarian or civlUaad. "A Doublo Crime." Nobody who knows: anything about It will dispute the stanch Republicanism of the Kansas City Journal, nor la the ability with which it is edited doubted by any of Its "readers. Whe talking party politics-it sometimes seems to be off. but when it discourses on other subjects it is exceedingly Interesting. Printed and published on the border line betwixt Missouri and Kansas, It is and tt i tot hoped that t wfil fe take the aforesaid ostestioo mrmf enough to Induce feint to matt a ay te Ihi LoCAlPirer aa Iciex cf thf rrotuiTensti of Ut ; Coma unity; la1 trtvuk' 1 ft U . , fold d ThA I Wll ! A w i a H U Fellow CiUnni to Cati&ttA AcUfUj atttfriV tiilcr't EnthuiljjU Sarporl av&4 It I trzliM of Hti Fa AdiWuiih kf la? rrjm aus,u a m a V ir. ute.i m tint I C. mm aitw r M'-M r M&t, u:- :ta-,WW.l U:. . . - 1 .A ... .a . . . . ...... .... mrt t lewi -Wo U4 a. rf Ti. . stt, trr 1 at lam v - k J 7 Itn VtllU 1 1 tn iiruai in lavSea, ajfcl 44 U rrwri sfi ' 'arv. ' . . Uul fiiu 2Ht1 'it-a t I mn W c fartv. a-i ; II, . j 1 Urn g fnrV f t ti l 4 &. i?. ; ::.?. ff tt f ' T M O-s -u a .C el ia vaM f LVa V-a a4 j. f sV sV 0Vmm Is Aide CeoMAa ' As btoe to Jccrisj ewty IocjU rifkes to arranging hk bastaeaai Hlr itr( a4 l pm si WW no tad Uki , to lat, ( bniUir ol tW ctwsaHf, I5m so as to Ukt up his rtaideoro to Waa. InstoQ. But this Walhrtdt boow tntart bo tree red decorously and must ao to j whistled down tho wtndL Tka U p taodartrt LiH tt wtta era; faahtoaad ao e!darty. Youog and so fair; For has not good Dr. Richard lUr- thnldt eoletnnlr s ted at the is! asiavxtsai. .. fSf&JU , aeaiff trd ItAw tx aa itt te'i'.o b) a4 1 devss It o pa i a t. Etf? eatetpaisa) tfta "! I t" '". Wsshiagtoo pie counter that Mfewt fcaw aU4t4,tal wU r ' "will go Republican next yrt Wtsat. 1 rtow to eatewe, ft therefore, could ho tor apveoomw than th vko preoldeotUI csodUlscy of Colonel WalhrtdgeT Doitt. Fourth Assistant IWmaata Ganrt Brlstow somewhat rfww-Bot i r.nM.M hat to feftiOOi- , . --- .l.-i It ... L tJU .1 w- k.lK mUmmm a hnrlM &r ntaoal I Btf R1L ft En as mm a - milk and then proceeds to kr It vt. l9l rtaaifttwis) of in proaocoting tie itrpuo,. ,hjC. w M (f M W anu grsitera in w p1 vj.w i meat ho rendered the country rS I trtt ol eo-taaugt. ervtce, which reoderad wta jmxxr pjv y a cMtosi tiJLm ma, - Blar in toe. country anw "-a t.M. ia . u b oif aaO oVaTi a tr dt t ;- j jt.w fta ?t ;e4 l av oV4 f TVtV aVO ll -(Aia.1-..0 H t f , aOs lVr( ajc ltt isivai at SJ4 t tSHO jantao4 waV. fr eii:i .-- t 4 ftr f VP I Ml l (t04aj Of I te t f OJr ax. W V f giao tUm aa0 tuatosas tWa ofoA aW 04 3 ihS tJaWW'" OM ft U-g ty asr 'oo ta twiii -was ajMol 'svvt a"Wi" stti : Sr ' m tmk IVU JB) fkfer. Iatg:fai Oat -mid U law VM I I 1- .- I vnt v t'w a I li t V koaaai kMaaaWVattaV- t.al ottj. tia CMTf .TP"! fAisnf N t a m A t f a Wai - f V. i, JU Jfiee, m'm. 1 II. Or t tt a I 4t enact hat eaatasaaatat OSjye"! o4 tW fm ol ho ft a4J ot-h t i' TVr cooairf o4Ho pusM 1 1. fa I Mafi aft iWw mm. O 11 tOOVi tkSt SM OMslsf CA4 ak atttik mm taat.A. 4 4.t ----- --- Jf.nJa aa. --4 t It, fit OrfV'aa e-jiia-at j tt.tAc t aH t " 1 tits KttiititV 1if0wilir OH - tnaaI t vt9 t o ol I at latttto 1W ,W haaaft oOtM mm& evflhao mf Itttatittaao Waxfr aMSta - adaas. IL tirativ, Otiaitenta, VaV T j" ovaif w - T ST in,n tM ww - habit toilet loose of a teat until choked 1 widely read and wields a large to- 1) R. E. 8. POflTBBSt' FRAUTICISG PHTICIAN BTJBQBON,,' Loniabnrg, N. &. , office over Aycock i Drug CMapany. HAYWOOD RCiTJN. ATTORBreY-Aii-tJtWf Will practice In atf the Conrts of frnkUn .,i adjoining counties, also In th Bupr ;ourt, and ltha Dnited States Itrie on Office in ooopaif.and Olifton Bnildlng. rj hob. B. witaJSBj, A.TTOBinBY-AT-I.AW, Loxnsirvae. w. o. omca on Main atraejf. over Jonea at Cooper's tore. '- Fa S. SPUDILl,. ; .. A.TTORSSY-AT-LAW, LOtHS8tTB0.- C. t WiU attend the eoujrta of JJ OranvUle. Warren ood Wakocoonao the Suprema Court of S2Vxo,u' Prompt ttontionglvan WTOHaettona. Offlce over BgertoifB Store. T. W. BICKBTT,-; kTTORKBY AND OOTJK8BU-OBAT LAW. LOOTBBTrBeaVO, loose; consequently B. B. O. may now conserve the breath he is expending in denials. -' If Samuel Gompers and the Amer ican Federation of Labor, with 2,000, 000 of Voters, take a notion, they can give President Roosevelt a lesson whiei jie will not forget during his natural life. The sapheads who do not believe that the federal government is prac ticing paternalism, run mad should carefully ponder the -scheme now broached -for raising green turtles. The next move will ; probably be to start a ranch for propagating canvas back ducks. The Republicans of Illinois are fine exemplars of that Republican harmony which exists on paper, and on paper only, for example, hei Chicago Trib une, Republican organ grinder, calls the friends of the Republican governor- "the Yates astrologers and sooth sayers." - Not Necessarily, Final. Touching the proposition of his mul titudinous friends that General Fran cis Marion. Coekrell, Missouri's senior senator, shall become a candidate for .the Democratic nomination for the presidency, ie says: "If the choice now lay in my power of being either the president of the United States or sen ator from Missouri, I would choose the latter. I would rather be senator than Sesident"''"''-' Perhaps Cincinnatus wouia ratner have 'continued plowing than to have fluence In two statear Clearly It doe not consider the lynching of oegroe a party question, and it does not bettere it can be made one. In that regard It many of his admiring fellow ctttsats to couplo hU name with tho Vo pelda ttal aomlnatlon. Put Joavph. ao tho Washington dtp.tch y. 1 evotvtag oat of his Inner conarteoaorao a to restrict tho tetabllahme&t of roral free doUvery mall route, la ih iao gusge f Mr. ruck. "Doo'tr Too a Uabk to get lynched. Joseph, tf yot do that and thoo vratora Into tho ratoot districts. So -Dootr Vandsrollt Children. The New fork Evening WorW thoa phllosophUee: Tba arrtraJ of a sow Yaa-WVCt a chfld potsia agate to um pia reo taJa dyoaaty o graot taaaUt. W ta VaodarbUta at Waxat tkavo ts m him m tmm rm MtcKU aWgad gaarltr aa- Um taeaw It U a fmaaity aotaM fa att aiwl rraJtrai aaamajtao. - Coonaoa CaawatM TaoAaraalt. wm Aim SKBt. Wl ii Mas, aoak WUUaaa II-. trS -o;lt, ISO at letC ol th fOaow 94 Ol let eUi ko fO'a&a 9 jMRh(f hM vrrao too-v 4. aVrr-l imt KVl rwant - mi q SOLID i Was; om it ottt Ntrt Ml U (W OMSa? f& l Waaaf tOfOfl liH UaTf 0 gote4 to taos is" oa-f j 1 aarl differs widely from certain demagogical J aight. nod woaaat sao. , t i t MMfohMi I who dlad ba tSM. eta. Taa ai Prompt and painstgf1,KlT! to become dictator of Rome, but all the iTSlfTSL same he left the plow in the furrow. Manning, Hon. Robi.W : Winn, &on. , aBSlimed the dictatorship and saved Mt college, Hon. SV V. TimbarlakO. 4 trf f leeover Neal pt-Co. afltore. 4 w. ATTOKJSKi o.x-aaw' fcOCPTBCBS, . . praeueea to alt eourta. street. ' H YARBOROTjaH,JB. w ATI OXN E I ua , LOOfiBURO. JT. c. .' . Offlce in Opera House bullotng, Coitrtsteeat All legal business intrusted to him will receive prompt and careful attends. IM3NTIST, louisbtJo, - n. a OtHce over Furtuxe Store. HOTELS. FKAlSKLlJiTOJ, H0TE1 f i.wftY,:prp:. rtSfthrgrei Perhaps Saul, if left to his own de vices would "never have dreamed of being king of Israel and would have been contented to continue uenuug asses till the day ' of his death. Like wise David might have elected,, if the matter had been submitted to him, to continue as a shepherd-rather than to git upon a throne, wear, a diadem and wield Ja scepter. Nevertheless both Saul and David obeyed the summons to the higher and more difficult posi tion, accepting it as a duty they owed their country and tneir una. - It must not be concluded from .Genv eral Cockreirs remark that he is less patriotic than Cincinnatus, baui or David. The good gray general Is ac customed to the humdrum life of the senate and likes It, but that is no rea son why he will shrink from the Btren nous , life to the White Bouse If his countrymen demand that he serve Km thlef maristrate of the repnb- jic The general has not declined, and Jf is too good a citizen to aecune u. Jke.BeefJhat it is his . duty to accept Tiptop." - '"' nu.tTA "Democrats did a" good day s work for. themselves, for Democracy to country in auuyu- platform-and to and hysterical Republican papers which undertake to make Democrats responsi ble for all the frailties and passions of universal human nature. Tho Journal has better opportunities) for tnf ormaikra on the subject, because of Its environ ment, than have northern papers where negroes are not lynched for rape slnv niv hpoanse there are no negroes to commit rape. If it doe not speak as one having authority, it at least speaks as one possessing Information- Under the head, "A Double Crime," it thus philosophizes on lynching, especially the lynching of negroes: A reader of tha Jouroai wrltaa to thia paper to Inquire why it to that outragars of women who are lynched for ttr crimes are in nearly all caaea blacka. la not the offense, ha aaka. aa diabolical and "worthy of swift punishment whan coco muted bv white men aa when committed by negroes T Tha question fct fair 000 and. not at all difficult to answer. The crime of rape la a dastardly 00a. by whomsoever perpetrated, and deserves most rigorous punishment. Tha law peo n Densities and aaaka these penalties apply to all offenders racardieae of tulor or race. Probably tha cbsvC re son why more blacks -tha! wWosa are lynched is because more black are guilty. In a large majority of tho oaaee reported the culprit is a negro. But that U oot the only "reason. Unquestionably race raiins hm much to do with. tfce tnaporing of mobs. - Black raplata are lynched not only because they ara raplata, but be cause they are negro raplata. The whites have always looked upon the blacka aa on Inferior race. Kn those who have favored giving the all political right and buatnea privilege have drawn the-line mt aoctai oqaailty. un,. TKutni who associate fcoUmataly with negroes on equal tares are h4 la nn.nt bv their fellows. Especially are white women who permit attention from black men looked upon aa degraded and n m-t rMcL which. In fact, fhay V.V. . . - . .1,. It excites aagar w uk baa had forty avaot-oarao Hitna imttmaBn Thar form a aea9rteU aaMM wMraj may SO awaaaorad for faearttdny e tha aartv Date ad ruritao waW wboso terra broods rvrataO rr-a kM,nka aat rmcw aWaataralMk. Tata BeweoSBM-. aa KUH4 T SlkaaauO gTadaachtar. ta ara ta a turn of wemMh) aad sa-ahfc. kiHv mud raaao ao ta ea.taa of tho wooae law of ta Caspar. aity of New York. la there aay Kit -MVt who la not bora t at U mu wealth T A coataat aJaM hrnot um aiwwa ao. tt ta a rare alatiacUoQ for a faanlty of c Father and 800. Once to awhile realty r dote is found la s .poUtloal poprc ttan la ana from the Jrw Totl Times: tUal Jab tVaaVl tVlkwrawtO f r-Mn Bnhrarattv tall thta etar mmU: One rorth a Jaly a fra fwrf aaO the praatdant'a eidaM aa saw expkMled aa of tao ftrawrorhara lt h.t mvtdad foe tho oecaaftaa asocft for dark. Tho yooagotae 4 h) Btl friend war vary IsiWW Ir bratioo. a yOat swM father astd ak for wara 41k a imiv erarnrttri. tlH mtrrn eoaa mora swatjt Uf flracrackar or B go -1 wtu. bbv sra. tf yeo oaa taft row are aelsfcraUao wtth all th-aa r raoltad Mr. rrsaja. whav tHm air. was bora la Wavo . wka th Wr was tM- aa rra i wmtm t 4 that eaav aooarh. swex ib. bo. "Tal ta the aeorvaawarr f day w Uekad yoo faOow. Tho tnonry u at forutwat4- tw I t lt aeothdnwrd iwlVJrtl 04 hoaf. tl tho coajri ooo go jod It roof 04 o4 dtatfadoWti, lis looOSJIO seat totKhia 4 aw feU 'WJi.JSgv Art pr M tsar rro ear;i iaa fawa rrt IcOdaH oawao l offf foioaVf to t lsrd to sllsw. SkookS tl) toww to Joow If lao. t cm a m) m4 tW 4a4 a4csw if 4 lo lew fOftf MtfVwlil t4 io rboidf4 fAm tw laoo fe tfs H''nw WOftt S4 99 f !. aVvawt iwstf o Vos plssai s4 ratw -V V Van 4em o4 ali Vna tl 4 sMrvrf .1hS Hti"iif4t' ff SttHa etaa-ft Otasfc C- lr0 fist Sat-OO fP. Sis' ws- ties) li.nft W mmmm t f tm t lt rum arott. 1.- I jiaajie-e O f $ t Ci to- CUAt- Zt ,f tn fw-li tl tat law AM (. I .... I I" 1?4Mia JaaHHlf aja KM tt Of aMMttw a aatn O IIM . aw (rw(lit 'M oa- yum 1111 W'"Hnej lai satiii ai'Owaa0 W'a fa Uai Om9 samav ,- jm-.m . twM ..(r av atUw " s I twaa o O . fa eato If Ay i tapua .,, at aMtwa t Oaa Car 1 , amia alt ta ; a CV - T tt-.ta li,il)HO 1 IfWWiaJit BMB f i0HPa O i atr e J CtCwirfC!? Ot. Ctv. LKrialuxite )jWalsislSi ! 1 SEABOARD At Ltm luci.' fc abLatkBBaBl ITbbbbI ft. aakwattajkfe BMMMawawlMV W""wP s""wSB"w"' UOaValUtH ao - pa tSta hat .eto twwtWn mm mmtm rn. laaO Oaaa a MSk4 a iSf OJi lJ ftWSOst'SO I mmrf OsaMaJ Oaf . . o sooo 4 ciiiSii rfsfsj 1 fw" 4MMsf r 0 ' term U ttX. tt3. tlM tn af a, . ta r- t.wta aMa . JiBSH wSSl SW I " Willi tT kwafO fWMt IB mmmh, 'Vtlc. ewt Twaaj. arm yvw TV fef OKOfrt IK Maw coroef t IM crS oMiarsoe tf Is-t4-frt ar if orr4 4if 4 ft of It 00 4 ) OaasM - oi etftniltHtwiil UiaM &rs Wat a fl tw4 il ooviW Ml ktt fc fc aaskwg gsair COOftrloa wootOQ - lapraa- iran of h 'rd i4 at rto9 with rawi Uftt 4 ! rd I hot o fatal t 4 p i osletttsaew a tho lohei. tt nawiari liar vO-ftrctkal ol tW tbrt f b lnvrf Wtiwwf v' nro:m ohtnVf lt 4it p C Ot4 W-oaaJ xiar . Wt Jap at ISO aof V. Whitt If is 01 1 Ao ao wool 1 1st! toWjWKtMifir'wo 3i I tzntrc IS ' U -fft WwOw V too soowtr) Iwlo c0tAaA IW OttlflfOtai o oWo of tV kU'I 5-, rr i' i 11 ' . JR....-.' i - ' 1J1 riisirjr Vt;4' f tb - wtiat hiJ to Uxt Ttvc ijifit i ft4 1VJ vrr fffifriiai Arc ti Ul Scp( - Esst5ii eul frt w1 ffi 0aj...at a. o a . ff 'c;t AJ'i-i, :k V Jfc'-A. . W af atMN ainal 1.1 I aatf ft I n in flw St, tw njn 94 4. t , amain.. - laN tt i j.4HHb 'a'i taa h Off Ma. . Jt. J. .. ..jml.... ...- ( w wtwflBtfwtaPwpBJpi )e lwia '' O.WO ,,wttW tat aotlitaa)itt fvtw M. SaajM, Mima , tMa a " "a1 ' isitw aa O j 00 4 ' - ' 9 r..wi.Mi . m mtm wmmm m-r ttjanaiipir a : Iwuaa iiisy M-a w.t a mmv' takfot a . att aat i . aa w Ol I t n aM WW ' - - i ntmHMumi 1 ton, ;1 .ua - w- w. naaa) aw -'IS- wwwwwaW8wtaawww . JaSMw1laws ' tas! if-" ilSil ' " 1 " u aw w J 5 - - f. ' '4 . H t f ' ' aaa ' m i ax w m f " M 4 mm 4 mm mm. I J l M r , M oa .. -a a j w 4f fS U4 aCtaO CKona lt f rCTtx. 1 ( 1? f.W tfo tatrVHOtKy 1 t OVtiaa-4MS FwnA1 oattet; i M, o. I Ttt IWwi&ao't .1m tW U4l w iw it4Ma r - : , vii,c.im . a . jwo Vaa4 "I" I'-I'Vr tt mp' "" " - alt ' ? as nwt --- f MJwaW CMttwn P am if. Om iMiJI otfwt w w usually axe. at B owa-t 11 w aw mb is I -rat Jtwn to U I ; 4 im t. Stuajtd 1 too B- at SOto SO llf f 94tf f4 . or-fwjr l 'tdlw'liPfiVil flar wlrj5 W- io4 tertodtkoo taw Mwffl tntt Eaotf f 11 lo. lo i wOoi f lo UtOOtl WJt lo aadiWtaja. ) j4 fit t.owittttit o IS 1tt.J Wn - at1 a -V. Aui.. hoi! SL Ml aeMBSOW Hoarttooa. . Surely tho fvonimont .of Ito4or ts tho not 111 ttnoTrd aod eooocVocw. lea Oft top of ground, tl hat ia4 cotxflscated and eooTrw4 to K nsa railroad Utoatiof chKy to thai IlInriouo wmator. toxhotlhw two octeOng voluntaxily with ngrooa. Howl Ams prtneo of htuaorWa, OrtWJ I frtf wo Hl much more, men. oocs k - . I JXltCbeU AWpew1 MHtog w"' moBity when o whit nn gmeot dfoerrot tho IXTtw wf wwf.wsww nW If it had ortsod rUro4 "S. of hi kind! . ratkmrtor to J. IVrpoot UrsX It is thia aowot awut c"anTTr 1 TinKS J. Hill, joon w. tw w wjrr women ana uw c. -o- -r-2 " I nM wAhod would hoTt csftsl a rp hot to roh tho SCw Tor octaa4 pf hi tlttlo railroad ho fcrodwte W throw tho atiro worW lata " g to 4. n,....ll aKatiU d0,th itomka of that rtOml Id Ca 1 Tt Hf-T?rl 1M cey truntr. , ... . , , ItHosntuif few cuai5 ftodty rrighn!. IkagilCfa C tm krro. - r ' , ! rv t w wrkMttna. tit tkat tho It I "" fc .A ... t Wa riJo la ' " I roaaiti't saliiBMif M A tr4 ahtost Rrpuhacana to tho fcowo. tt 1 . PmMf too A t. wr..A rtsairman of tho mat OCX I - tuu t ' - r ,'sj2t tdvo4 ri - tl UValU 'wwl tc a5 wlii Hc?4 U liin fuif. Serei ilr:tik3 tt ZiSAil A4 r t' sr iatiiA o j )vdlf 4!ftf w-dtV, t ia t f t I - . wf w tw w . -taa i - h i O ..... T' tl ta. t 1 ...t, I i t-lat t !--. w Mate 9 w H wm mm - .f' mm f ' w 0 a uMiinij)) a aa aa wa f .a ' . a a I ... mm w wvw. 11.1 - iMwm - a mm a- a iaaaao mm J aa Otiwaias 4 a aa mm aaatat III) M . S an fob ' ,i f tl.lM'! r ? tt on " a i VSi W atKiW a'aa ' ; ftaf 5tUv o . faauSJ A.w as. Antrtlwt. Oa.lt . MMtiMf.ooC wttrwa H lm.tt Ai - atw.a.- Iff tltoAiOiit o-U: t" . it An L.r ts. via aaitaC awtaw. O s)tjf49 m lAta W.n sTOOd timMaaw UllUtUsvw v a . j 1 times cause tham to bacom mam bars oc mob It Is lo Otis eombinotloo f .hlh make tt imperative. U low , t .M tA tv mtaarvsd. foe coort to giv speedy trlala-to rap or bellvd4o be goUtr. to that fact that Ot eooo- V. .m,tt bv an mrney-which the ordinary dilatory tnaUhod ot luaUC 'wUl not suffice to deal with w tnay N .fattmflw too loOgS-'a (k OOtJUri 4 iW im-mmS owto alkroro J f W WaM rn urtls tttM.-Hlutlt I ... J a o .tt a tloiirit tf t i hig tt fto4l, 4 I rrt t.1at latalaaf HnmmiuC l. na m(. - (iaV 1 A ivf tiajt.na a O O KaaMaf ll I If f tin aw. o o o D. Eo WILUERo 1 jjtweter and Ogxicaiytw I ititrt,Kk, : . .. . W SO I I I I taa a o TO "TttS. . " 4 ,1 1 ' mUmm mlmwmtmm a'M lwil.1 l.M f . mt Ot 11 mi ' a " W' daaatlSsw SOUTHERN 'iB'AlLWAt." mm tuna a, mnmtm 1 4 a niiia aw--i ii " na- li uf s-" St tti-f mm 1- tna 0 IV t V t i t .ta r ' tU .... m Tf . 4 t 1 . ..... . - a . . . WATCH i. CLOCKS Hi "" ' atjwwt 1 o o f ji ftjitw-. -st" iw?w--w !wi?e' " ,oo -wiM f t IT OiBlUrUTM mlaw I - w - . v.naUl and DanvUl. The rtdyU I sk aatbofttr thT cofow tho with tha M'llSTn that BTrtoetatJvt Bfto of mihiis sentiment against anarchy aoa ji . M . .... ta anarchistic practice. . A -Pennsylvania opinion. 1 ,.tM . la wj wa!rf to 1 40 gl Ui ft wat. I -There is likely to do awn "T order that fe. may try to trio orw I rn?y Uertt, anu buhmiuiww 1 out 01 csotm g about the departments, at w aamu w --a at h4 M aa OtWt. Ol- -W ar'UtwOw Mt Of tB4tf0 aM O 0 w---aaa r ivXmtitatinir that great Democrat Tom M accomodation for the trovoling j for-goveruor. He 6oShtto ko. AltVrTOil HTML 11 a-va. - . la almost certain to be nominated andj pbiladalrhla " Record: Mectea presiueuv . ; " upiio. (food Livb-T Attached nhon- mrtsin - nurieoane inu wt knrra '; nnMecutors .of departmental crimlnahLUx their optics upon the fo. lowing rather warm excerpt irora t riv w . 4a. ... rfv , o ? "Vi t ffriTsi IheotEbson. n. cv: nt uaommodationiJ Good fares iPo . ( , . -1 lit and attentive servaatr i-- --'- 'n,w 'T-wwootI5' wftllc K t f itOrV t iM a'unuuiu wvav w - NORWOOD HOUSE AUrV3W "l?Z K,AL raf o kleisotw .attar toae, tood. c 4 - - ..... i PtiMay of- Commercial ffsVeUaglPahUcSollansd. Tourists -'lr-?S DOG TWOOD BAIttt-rnSK;SArJ-LA ; f gtB: Chills "that other ClTciuca t . fit sis. too,. Kwl f tU f4V04l ,S wf f I zA i !t,fwi . tJ It to tk jst $ ff I5rtif n wbcVrf iWf artl lUt tff 00 4. I ftttlf Vr(tt4 . . TV toff tttt' feniUsoJ ls4o Soot U it? - VsrJ f tso, ft iWf rf tk4f CV I fTtotrit rtftt v - - , . : .s - llhiwroeftse t ' -t tesr lU r-ctr l rftV.iV I 1 tstlMrl W&ath W4 t ttHf pt lo oJwnr, aas a rf 4 f ; ! 14 1 1 1 k l4 hm gaa fc 4 ft rf t ., ! t-f - wfftt djf. iai t;i a t .! oi TH6 TOytlT, ft C Aft OH a mmt ' Jhaiaa aa-aj "w " v ' t iWw " i' - a oaa - ' 1 ! ' ' I 1 t-Mi.tW a t mm I ...a , a- j a Wm-i " '- 5 t aMiMw.vat a. la W..a.l ' . a a - i I I i-ntaav m mm W mm ao-aaal 00 t tA at flaw o I taw j - - W t 1 d-'trt inaue few'mA KESTflURtlH I rrr - - MSaW iwal ., J, 71. --,-, , aa I"" - 1 vi I m )lM I .. St Ha O t'aiaVa a. ta a ttJa.l -w 4 Ot awf W Vmmxmm ' t Oil,, iW m tut ti at :ii . - . : i ' -,...- t- J W-4 . a.- I lll-. f i -a 44l tiStfd Ow4st - - III 6 t W TV. -It V aapti a .l.f, I an.- r a 1 AW . 1U Aaa-ajana Uliiii a. - if a' jj i 4- M 4 .. ! o ,ti , 4 - ." 4 t H aaii ' m mm t " J n ' - nit t - ' I - a t , . . a. '. IwM ' 1 a. , a f wa - - t - - . .-., ;- ' . a. a a. a Iw t . ..a -t ... m , a. h . - t . - - . ' . , ' v- -- ; ,.. t . ' . . - - . a V i fr O t . S- . if... ... . .- S t t - - - a r . i fm-Jt mmt ( I. i-l srt 4 t :t r ' 1 t.a r. i w tt-0 C- a 1 r I f t