CHURCH DIRECTORY ;.r-C XXTB0DI8I. I' '-' -T Sanday School at 9:30 A. M, . Qior. 8. BsXbb, Preaching at 11 A 14., and 8 80 P. IE Tory Sunday. Praver meeting weaneeaay bikh. M. T, Plylbb. Pastor. - BAPTIST. " Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. . '- : " " Thos. B. Wildse, Supt Preaching at 11 A.M., and 8:30 P.M., .verylSanday: . Prayer meeting Thursday night. B. H. MaSHBCRHB,' Pastor. ,' BHSOOPAX, RnnriaT School at 8:30. V. ' " Wx. U. RnFFHivvSapfc Services, morning and night g, op tit, 3rd and 4th Sundays. " , BvenlngPrayer, Friday afternoon. Rsv. Johs Lohdo5 Rector. LODOB3. $ I M VA - -Lft. AA .ala. ftv.a. A. Iva I ui-ij?" -1 :c "'"-' .-" - " . Hippy fiHimN V . i s. V - t On of the -neat racs wum ef i .. ... 1 a e .. ... Mml. ... .... . . . a...- ..... .. j. u 1 m bbb"sbi aa mr - .aBB-saB m - w - 1 AK XTTtXU TO Tilt fJUSfT; notcrttkiMo. Hs u a A. -a. 1 I fc A x'The Globe-Democrafi Open ? Confeuioa Missouri Wom en Make Unexcelled Wires " .1 . - ix " - mil xa i Letter XX n n n nxx n xx tx xx xx xx xx txxta, -LocfcaWj UalV the rofcin kfMt: v la O vttt IV wwkUm kNt Mat If KlkT . Xa Um petmr Uri. hw tae totaM rrr ." la Uk aprUuc rc ty ' UfM to tVMCfct v( kr. tna aarlnjc bet Lnf4 Tttair " Special WaihlnartonXetter.l . i dorse Mr. Justice Brewer's sew tat ma. I a war eff If he mrini tfcal tt U 'HEN Senator Aid rich con- I dT for Irnchlnf that ia. to tafcs from I is tba anrUir that "a t t-8Mier - ius gyiiwuuuu vi I ine oelenoant la nnt,oc appeau i cr Hnuy nrvm w ixwivi m Lyman J. - uage u iub , jodge Brewer la a moat waroea ana I it tamy Miu st a rxcellent man. bat ha'appears to hara I tousx taaaa faaor to ae m tUrc lost his equipoise la this matter. XX I Berthed as t? Ueb ta ' Atur. At thluka that by. hurry In j th final 1 Wst Ilea. Uakvta ft. rr:rrc rr- positlon of a criminal c tynchln I reaaUUr ia eoejcrwM froca ittt;i.A may be preTented. Very traa. and L, Tret, vll cuia bla aT?r 44 y tocether with all other cood etUaens, I tna fact that a roea ' tiT U irolne to tinker with the currency what;. m in fTor of xnedltlna trial.- but I te taaa ach a tara at any 1 is the necessity for the Republicans, i am not In fayor of tattaf from Amer- I m ( tbm jr, eepecUi wt-ta ii L-e i i " i Tnlnhnrtf-Lode. No. 413.'." F. A. meets 1st and 3rd - Tuesday j bright at this writing k . t a. a.l. ' ''i aurnu m eaaa moom. financial bill through , his mind ;there must run. the "famous "Et tn,"" Brutef ?The prospects for - what Uncle Joe Cannon denominates "rubber currency; do not seem particularly If they are not d.:n4 itai fa hr?f 4m i U nuSoa,' W Wt a Q tx4 it a Mmlm ' aar4", t . laua- tll W Aat?t . t im .... t fj4 arrwa let 'iH,.ft n itm JiTmh a4 iuf al t IW a I iVt r ! C4-m1 4&iMa e- mJIy a4tt faf fc IH 'z "V:, " , t4 iwt Wra MtM 'a I a t tat t-t tt-l l4 ' ( - . t C irji ti 'iljti,.lt!. r ... ? a " '" .a I V- ,4aw I a k - .- - . - - . . - loir!: .t; Cl't J .i, a i .. !.. -.... ,:, r ... . ' i "inn ..,.. . . , - i)n SPBD1LL ALLEED. ' Le v ATTOB,NBT8-A.t-IA.W, Will prmcttee In U thetBrtai f Offices In Loalaborg and Yoangsvllle, N C. . . imf" - J)R. ARTHUR H. FLEMING, poor things, to have an extra session? 1 icaQ cltlxena one of their moat prectoua I (txt to tt aaaf ot ijts t vw,- l iW a ! " ?- . ! t htm a a h a a 'a trui arranr it IB r i iti' ii i r a t r ii t iii ii i f i nai i a. i - aK.m jat,..M.Bm,.m, itjmv. r-tm i ... nhTAmnr Ptimmlna or Iowa aeennes xo i ftn a MTnTwtefit court or lmjt rm- I it uJ nt&uMflam Lin ttat I - w . ... I ar I 111 ... w - . - - - - . j-t-LUfc .j. - . Si . .... be considered as a vice. prestaenUai I Anybody obaerrant of trlalaJ t UlM Blbyl IJodx of tfcat Wtai- 1 " tw'".e wf candidate. Wonder if he ever heard of knows that it ia dead easy sometlmea I uttla ctty. Broth rattetwaa to aV iat Ki lft , f K f the girl wno vowing sue womu u to coQnct on tn nunsiesx cnoeaca aa i souy m ammt . i ea ( - t . .1 L . 1 M A rnvrvaalM. r. JwMVT MR I ft.... .1 r... m-i .ft Mn.ftn ftuft PiMtf imn I ... Evidently the St. Louis Globe-Demo- l overwhelming evidence. Local public I of my coMtltnenU. lt afaJ ft- rJ" r crat believes in the old adage "Better opinion has mnch to do with tt lieoca parvct hala rld4 wt:lla ay U I gtt t4cw ! Vmaka a-.ipa m! late than never," as it Is Just now an- necessity for a court of appeals. I vtdc for year, and t aaraf, I etadsoiwaw At a t,f it a nAi l ni r 1 1 m i 1 1 1 i a tzi. icn: nun uv v aninnimir in .1 uiiic be a a v w ci aarw bbi a 11 111 bib a . n iuibl w u ar b- aanaar w ear m - ... from Tlrklnia:ta New' .York, a thing ooent t0 permitted to appeal m moU I d tdltor, Cotooel IM Ww: at I ,fc f t4l a . tW niifc Yaboro Uo.a 1 that happened jsomevtwelve or fifteen 1 case 0r a dog case from a dvll court. I samosg my meet vatffltd eattrtja, lotWr d a-?Tais'W- - r. 5 v. ''r, I yearV geV There la some hope, there- 1 bQt where life or liberty U Involved I Ooteoai Pattevwi ha . I fore, that some time or omer m u 1 tnere must be no appeal, inai wiu no 1 ampia to au tarMir rE. S. PlBORTm sweet by and by tne u.-i. wui eam da 1 coitt10- Tf 17 that the civil war closed in 1861 and ,,,. u.rhlrv. CandtAatee. ' 1 ."Oo and do ahtwt., PRAOTiciNa PHTSC1AK and snEQBOH. 1 1U to waTe the bloody snirt. Tu r.uwTVnwrit.-a. Lfwt that marrta LouisbuTg,. C. General Nelson A. Miles must be sur- pubUcftn orgaa griQder bad a apata 1 trdaIJy n ..... leiiKu - " - 1 fflriA I , ia ft a in inn n cwvn nu i - - - ISO DDI vv a- I . . TT . montiAIlwi wi ! I .V- t l lCai DWCets. . tL wo.-.. - I aaafrtn la for th XltlL TM U.-1J. I v ivim. fortesIdthHi for vice, president, .ctlv an ooeo confea- 7 Btohm and ior or Massacnuseira. t. ' r. rr'. 4 '"" t -1 . ...... 1 .... .. j ,mm twt r: a t r. " - w 0" 1 A DENTIST. itOrTT a tK3r cjw nt. . 1.., it s Hi t t t $ r n. a Btore nfllm InAhe roar of Boddie, Co.' Drua Store, on Nab street. D a. B. TAHBOROTJOU, PHTSICIAN A.ND 8UKQBON, v LorrsBuae, N. then for governor """ aion ,.. how Reoubllcan nomlnationa 01 iwap.. ioc '" f,1.4 k. w .M-'.. -yi ... Oh, what' fall was there, my country- haTe ffiade nrt u, paat. ttars J" thT7ad tla U men! I hnt pvpn a roarded confession from It I maka Dmorrata of theo aad Ua un(fa4tU stV pt The political growth of Hon. Joun 11. bettef tQAa n0 confeaaloo. on tha j hem la toa mn:A ci 1 1, tmu eat? f tfmrnmm 1 Tt4w3C H11 H r- Tcnch wanud. c;r;r ; - It to a srw lal tka aMiltt. ' 1 rvt .,. mf -w.n.i 1 V Wt . I. I I .tkftt.1 A. aa. IV a aftasK an iBl'-riiiiai aHam aaatar mAiaa - u' aVw 4 f 4 J 4 "i w kfada ta aXrvt. T Alluvia a.- e. kmt rtiift I UaMlia aaJf aa tautA, fcX:awt I w 'p Mh'kw t i A e..ia j I roeter Grl ttar I tad di W a at I jV' : 'TiT il .7- " '? . Haa. B-tt Ada h-r. Ii is a tfcrad. is. Ml...e U. tta tia e-a, ' " , , A t t ., I k 11 al 111a siiiBBliiaaiiiiiaiaal lajai aain win 1 taaiiwiwniaiiii in i d. JailfWiM, f otaos tod- floor MV fep52tSi Long, ex-representative in congress, that a na,f u better than "o-t" Urs n- XHtoa l-f tdlj. . . , . ..- . tW4, takt aaitovanswa.i BomT,w,. Massachusetts and ex- . - . mtiiM(A i tiaa (wmi nm. I Nevs TTock In tha Whit Hobssw Tt I ' ' a S5! .denes, pbone 74. B. M. MA888NBURQ, Attorney a.t law. uMnsBCBa . o. WUl pTaOOea In U the Courts the State iofltoe US Coart-ttonsa. ; . a, r - . . ..B-v-trTl . :T . . I UV U1C.U. ill. w - I j ..j .ft ... . secretary of the navy, appears to do i laimin- from tne house top the to- ra wra woo are mm! aa I r- -w after tne manner 01 me s"' " 1 nnlin. rwmnmti and Tne Tir- 1 I sca aeau aa t J la re:ai im aa kS; . s v. -.- TT- I ' " - ' I I ' ---- t0!! Jt o.":r ,r:. tuaa of the Bepublicana, but la a tacest . . . . . tac.atW aiWact. It ate Itf.Wr i i ine mentioneapor tne oJ lt tllvM - tumbla to itself. Bpeak- I Tb- Ft. Um1a Olobe-Peanorral taa I . . . . . .i . ' tartrbr irerorfcl court as It is called. ,mnan,,nff .nt. M. tatka Mi.ik-a. ,M " '1TV jitioi er autx fttii-iaa I. tUK TWO SOLID ftW tMW MM "Mtaa ) s-v 1 4 ta-w-vue f Cast tiW httaf trf Ci.R . .. lift. 1 V a ftMp e I . 'a j IT .4 . !) .4Ai,a) t ftaa. a-i f '. Overstreet of Indiana ana joins ex- meets tt must be with purpose to select I ft ptoasara to tad Ha editorial I MaWn t haet a law Secretary of the Treasury Orage ana tne best men for "f" I nmoj snylhiu cocamadsoi. Wl a I i,. .ft... M kBCOS C. W118TBAI, " ; m ... ' - ; AtTOBaiBT-AT-LAW, 4 1 ljonisBHao. . " omci ovaa Oorwwlhrur Store. Bveetsl kttention,r,VTei to coueeUons. service reqotrea. DR. t. & MALOHK, - aaxrncalioPBfraiciAJ. ahd surobok. f. LovisBnae.9. a ... Offles oveoocke Prag fcompany. Cnele Joe, Cannon, the speaker pre- prove the ' weSll thlAfof that chararttt to dlasmad it destined, in opposition so tne yretu- Uoa Q( a thouaa Repvblkmaa as I ouxht to b axpMrsd ta tha fvUcat f- dent's suggestion as to reiormauon an gmblax-e that caa be trustea to ao 1 tnt go4 ctrrtl B WVJT cuUoa lh I ro liitrrpnev. "?Behold how good and the rUrht thlaa; to ehooesor eejuudates . th-rOtl. ta adr ta sim I a tftnnen.ftx sw" 1 i1waMa ft ! 'iwa f ft'!, aft..mix ft mm m awaiMwftft, T:I.,r . W Kratr.roT, tn dwell i and shapinsr a piatxorm. liu w iwaooui . " - together in unity If it be true that the early bird catches the worm then the boomers for Secretary of War Elihu Root for presi dent in: 1908 will be strictly in it that Is. they would be if there was not aa . thr- set of DoUtical "sooners" als boonitit:mer General WUllam H. &at suppose some BToop of sehemera eocaes foraara with a cut and dried profrasnse aad trfea to cram It down the throats of delecatse, taking from them th functions foe which they were elected. Such thins hTS t known to feappea. la that event a few Blotters cheat the eooventloa aad the people also by an act of Insolent eaurpa .leu. ura. I f .1.. at 9tum i m, e uv tmm.. siimmsi C'Sa4e lo letist ftftsscftW ' Wr. v I v ttU.a tn n't f w .. .v .i " 1 S.IiSm a ftm t h-a. Wka. t I - t jam nm 4itnem . roa4a, UtU Cttlt a4 ttsl . , ., 4. x.,r,, a.." v . e l fttaw ftxiw. t ..ft. - -.ft, I. im a. ft--ft 1 f a- - I ea - eses -V ? tt In wall " DUcusaloi the K ' s' immwmsw ( pahUcaa polKy of ahaadoftUac tW Mto- sad a, aRfssctt, U ..tMattCrlt 6 t-lJll AtJL ' . w e-. j aourl rtvtT, tha O.-D. aay: tia-tr'l Ib tVsr Iwaas, a ve e y . It W a te- afltorja- - s,,-!!. ".11 J W . MP SEABJAKI) r ' . v 5t r r.'. v.Aa .. " rM.,I IE1 VftWT 1BW ft H i - . ..... . ft a I.. ' , . . , - Hi. 1 eif MMftees as .'! p um f , I R.B. D PRACTICtNO PHYSICIAN BDROBOH. t , Loulsburg, H". a . t omee ovst AjreoCke Drug Cnapany. : I TaXt for president in 1908. When early birds meet early birds some later comer is likely to get away with the worm. Hon. Frank Wachter, Republican representative in congress from Balti more, evidently, believes that an open Mnfoaalnn fe sood for the soul. : At any 1 go into rite he makes one by declaring that p "the enttwltederal, : Service is. noney- attapto- combed with corruption. Every one The nominations that has been brought In close contact I TOfn"" wfth:"4wittBtB---toowa these aat tnat thlnsa." If the genial. Wachter does I lta knowledc or consent. That wm ft tn jrth aborts of yrsnkHn 1 1nnIr w . nti. nut the. . St. Louis " axWttnaSs rtS d j Globe-Democrat Is careoltOodrts. ... ";i him as a Copperhe W u. Hay W00&; rupfin. JATKXRSWT-AT-LAW, I .. . ft I ftftwt ft!I llt IftM Lftftftftft I .MM.. lM t V. mmm S r.. TO J . . ... , m , . 1 r-". rr rT..TJT"-i rr- -.m,, ftijft.ftasbs tmi ja w . ,... ... the.BepubUcajs- staueoaves its mwmi sms are er aa e 1 - s.ta 1 IT-. T . Z -JL I tw. . -.-.w a -v. ;:Uat riH 3 tl ii. next yeaj-. ta its own oaae ao 1 rfni aa aoa. 'T ' 1 1"' I. i ,7M,l.Vwr, e ? a e 1 i "e 1U .majority vote, te select noml-1 Irrma-s aass a ta Ktte f" I ti hm trmrukmm 114 4f fTT ..rww,Tr! ' T,,.,,,. TT? .iTii rr TTT I - . - - - - e------ the irovernorshlp aad other stale I treraasent kaa aMed the reft ta few- I '"T .. 1 y,''rT7f " TTT- .TT I mm mimmm as swv s r; f tjli 1 a f 1 1 to L It U not for professional polity j laxty pavlgale ta tn. Klssaart d-- I radUt as tlha ACsMt IMsAJ Jajatl I '2 T T TLZ ( ...rM patronsgs hucksters to gat te- 1 gmuos ia ewngreas ei m w-w --e I - ..111 ' tVa . f " . .. . . . - . IZl ita MMftt a.1 . m 1 " . Sx up t ritta WMl w. u mm im fwa w -. 1 j-ja TTZr .. . Sae"- ' ' IftwNtaa aaa , tjlMft.a the convinu ru.a ? - I . . vT T. "T. ""-'"TTft" .1. .-.11- 1 . ..a ........ - .. . 1 . . . k... a al a. - .... ... and duty to parrorm sua nw 1 ra esi v ai,ia ai. r- Wf iwnie w a pa. a 1 t - -t 1 - 1 f . . , ' T T " . to tira WnTtota a cipher. ! eoareaasve plea fr tta tsaaa sassasat JWattf a)casM as3 W'tssd , Jlar isi.? s eto 7 be or S!rTrr.r. tas, trait toadtf atssto I '"""V a a,-a ! t. - .an. 7-." ' . " 7 , II I. IZ thwtr-to-vithec Irt3Ts 1 iZzz w it in avaaM wtthoat I ha ta- be faav aad sttaaliaainy taasr I . - I ....J1..,J.. . . I " n I T 1 ftM tmma .. r aaM wnftiia a .; M.a. -t m mn mm, Jim -hi um a a" immS ' ! iift 1 u ji . mi a mm, 4 swftltl ' ... ,.t ...1 r. tii a. saa rJ--. . . . " S . . aaa .ft. . . m. ; . . ,.,if tlon of way. by nees for offices. clans and aether and lted presumptloo bunko on publican ere ad. rls has been played loo often ta tha past. I jp.ruM If True. uauie to umuuuuw Attention is caueu puouig - 1 ueosrai t 7ttki iji . w .. . . ... . ... ..... - . Copperhead for "telling tales j-jt sentence, "That thlmbleri has I of tha depart ami of lta. ' - vptto aa tk rv tvsevaj sasviiti lhaa:va Upward t tktt Mff e ftot:h t flaleelsefVal. 13 aaHl aeeam, I . . t a. rs.-i I ii la wit-i. t. fliiincr his sms iat in ronfesslnff It. Better lata than I ta fortlfv er Mexicaa ba4v 1 . . . 1 . ". . nESETaSwe ha allfa. tha lle.aa "-'f- - aM-a-aaas. . y.s. in lanireEoi liavinr the Globe-Demo- I about, tha confeaalon. tha o. ix wiu ir tctMtnng; (3J that tha taatasa amsw sir aw as" M f ahoAl." W11 nlaved too often in ma past. 1 has made two aisewveTto wascm arei im.!,..! hi. Vam- v I sr . . a I ' , t f 1 Governor Robert M. La Follette, a Most assuredly, but tna u.-u. as very 1 laportaat tf traa-PJ that wbsj-ssim Itaa la Ml Wialdi f- ttWOooosx ftuftonBulMliiK. rfci ' ATTOBOTT-AT-LAWi .'r MtnsBuaa, a.o. ;:. . um" f." .. mrmmmmmm. I . .. . 1 . 4.- - 1 oi-esoiJUln street, over Jopsa ft cooper. of ppernead for saying: -we are it by '".r, wmpera oca v l7JllTLZm t tvmm Ittaltoi-avt. Oaas, building up colossal fortunes, grannng tne Missouri TLJ LTr 1 . .11 I . a.- w - ; a. .wwMad-A AWMfi . i inaaAtivi KahTiii Til iiT um. uui 1 1 aaj . n n rajstniirisi i unrwvnrw ioui wiia iw a nmii aw staawss-; aw -w a . - . A" e 7' aiMH- "f" Z" tT.ftii- t.u i Hsih atoit ITT. - TT" Ti r VlUlaitJ.aa IV4 av-iJ ft terests aijiettr wwe u. i "1. T Tj- I T . - e 1 aaS ftVttaJssi I trsat afsto nrv oX tne worm, dux xue pw i iu pnruicra u . " I -"-'n " w - crat hurl at his head the awful epithet BUUUl. Ul yuiuonvM, . - in IVIULU 1 - left iff probably undertake to wriggle dot f J obt to ha rrstored te th amy aa a I lUmmt, aa4 f tmis t-tV V t Kilt a! aU-aaw I . . Ia i i i fim 1 a -ATTORirBY-AT-t.AW, fi 100ISBUBO.H. C.:; Tt. Jt.miMtmt m.mjtm tldM a.aviiar 1 . irr e aft 'w, t e e i y nuiat jaa-l . -.MB, ifiMwiit raauaiB i aatii aaa saw aiuiiaam wyii ".. aa v. am. teas. waai-. ai.te. astaswS aart i,i.,fc,ni-Ulfci .,!..! aw.i.HW ft ' mm. wmsttead the courts of Frsnklln, Vanee. arsnvWA warren "'"S2 tha Buwrssae ixanwvi jnmu. panmnt attention given to eoUeotions. OOosoyef Birerton's Store. (. rjt W:BICKBTT:- ASTOBSXf ASP eOUBBKLLOR AT LAW. :-fs3r.;. . fftoatoBvaaB.a.v'V. - rrotapt snd palninattjMiUon given to iverr aaatter insrasted to his hands. BewtoCblef Jaatlce Shepherd. Hon. John m,TZ5?Z7nr vm w. Winston. Hon. J. C. exton, Prss. Firs w? lonai rare IcSnic control of their own gov- the editor was absent and tha abova 1 UtxSca border, that to all Bwil J ptvmi-a ajttMt la th H 4veftoi fa O CW i ; w. t. - w.J" ' ! - t - ,I tnnt a foundations are being editorial was written by a prantk I w bar a war with klttWaj w I m u tW l4ft4 I lt af ? .ja- '" ' . . w - , : . - mm. . 1 mm .-a 1TV A. ffft.. uaaMftlla tsV 1. . a. m. , Ba Ml aaJV 111 T H ai 1 " ft a. ... ai. - - .. I . -l m -a. . ...-w . .i. . - .1 a.fl. ... fti . .... La Aalft. Jl m eft ftkfttoaajato w . a a , , a , s. " e .naB4-aevafeS l Aanfl '1 nA A .1 I. in gjafi jrtiiiA a an waa-sjBn bj a s-aaai esajsm aa rm DSBI BBaTK rvtsaswaJa m. BB sak U - - - w araasaal mwm sT aiw BUAaaaT S3V',SaBBWsB -AM aav a. eisp i :bBBF lllMIMtolH WW aakTiaBap pwt-Mw s hllaaait I UTJTReu atlKl in.maCUlT UCTUVjeu. t 1 uauu. " 7 T" 1 - ' v - - . fc. t. a asaak aaaBV I " " w " f - ej - - - , IimiBlUFlI,i.2z ' 1 w loaa awf saoaaa sv nf wta aa I . " - I T-' I lw taAaU ieay elHlaassii ;..- 9m to ar ,a w rn. ' " Mm wpuuoa , u -r v iMioU,v ? . - ;a way with bar. It aha to foctlfytst miUtt ftodlf ata aaaa.I . tli tt tU nti '- l1"" tw, i. That Hon. Joseph G. Cannon of Ml- J",V: , -t .in aaws.' I against aa It to beraaaa oar aawrscgva ,t atoa4 aav a a 1 1 I aJ 1 v ... .... ! -. : . 1 : r - I, , ' n affecttoMtely caned de Jc i e.?Tril 4l u. M-uftart a-tt h-M-UH Ji ZU. - , T. H - .77 T!u v.,h.n.wtft.kif he rvaDera turn up taeir noaea at joaepo i r- .w. rvetrd. 1S tiKtf a ito ItXv9as v ta) .totl . ... . . a. .... i rr... yj 'i.rt.,' irua.-i j,, iwa M. f-i-v.-- F.7.:::i-.a - inn : r: WBBW1 au men. oe uvv" ; . , . , , rwe I ern atttaa. ! I et si Otosa rswi.saT'-sajissia f ., " " f tJU l Wft ti .vwi'P'"- - - - - to be la high good humor with all the to endow a school of J1' AMs7hat, . ad-frvaa. I aall 4.ff.V aU r,, M.MI,rt W n ..t a , V. V wTd. RStlyhe WBAlnGmalia. A ! "fi!1; i? rtolf mv txmatttaaata. mil X , f U rJ VVal IWf w,MVa,iU - - i--',n ir. tii tnat an- editor or a JournaJiet a a ra i ,obb) af my tjooanraatata, inn j i T. B. raaaaa. &pt 1 ....... r-ai. . . . ...... .u:.aHiiea. bu a. ,M . v.ftinft mm iit fir i ... arw av ww - m - - w -x l ar. ftw . w .---- . .... wise: Ttml 1 .ton, wna , wi& 1 auirenc '"wrs.P.aeT "That' of flee over w. m FBB80V, V . ATTOBStBf AT-LAW, iouxsauae, v. o. ta all eouxis. Offles on Main w. b;; tabIbobotjoh, i. ' I'ATlOBNHTlATiAW, norter needs any special traiulnf or thai 1 rrost. -4.t tnlnlnf fa S I -- - - .. - f . i i utere uau ua muj - conaTesaman J.uaeyu uuuwu " n-v. .i.t, all I : a-.. I. aa Mir-'Md when asltea reKarding l mtoww uwu.f ftiiwr .-r-.-. . I , s uat . . vfw. r --- -- t- ,- - i ... - , , . . mrt ii . im r mi i.. a y. legiaiauon 'i uw couuas a- uors sQOUia. not. vwu"i I Zlllft aV. TJ-iiu ; i mh fc " I -.i -Anaj. jftMaak I reslga Bto.paafiMa .- - monsxer . u w -'"- i .v,. .v. i.-nmua a somethlno; l m saying uiu i ,, ... An- Mh f 1 ?"""T .T .vm.i.- BuMm we're not sure oi juai i - . ia"- - what to happening and what is needed, no matter what tha ctcompr u It's trae a lot Of th eastern fellows think J generosity. He had tha ,000.000: H they are in. sr-bad way and Orrencr 1 . vjf, mnd h had a perfect legislation to help tn.em ouy UUI-HZ A as He nleasad with 1L What that stocks are not down to a good ta- right to do as oa pieaaea wivn w. r vestment - basis even now. Tou ' see, motive animated him Is not known, bat they've got everything way;np too-high ntiJ convinced to 'tha contrary by aa thg8.aregeTwcft:-. 'X l rn rinAtivm and ilAMatrpvertlW On -the W y-rr:-!T 1 ;7CTiias-hat-.hia- motive to vuuvov aw 'arr' ' i KsVtK H. C 4 Xm fsjeiiif 0H t c.ti $uto ii- ff Al U -&a U laa4n-if t- i wiilf,H. vta-iMa u itilui"!' ei A.i.. uft w a a- a mm nftm ii-ta e -. a c 4 . . . . (ft tn. ii. ; S r ' ,i mm. miass taai.aa " I I tAmitt, t U f it a a to.f j , - . ,--., . a saoa aa.ha fmr- I tBj!( Wt Th0a Cl3 nSal kM ...a - a i Jaamrt'.B II r? '" J' - ftoevns M St s a 2J. I-- t faJA i i . irr.v':LiCa al' ' :ss.iar.H,.ft...i.w ..mi. r- r. I 1? It'fL-Jjlt: ' Cftar fcra I is ie pMiws a a w v- a-T J.fti,. fliM lf t.ZUt,, . JZ Z T. afM af Ctofci: . r ----" . i .;!. Jf to IM Wn i w r, i ! ' ' ' i , iw.. har th baseS ta of 1 " 1 e.i a pwi wa . ...js i M;i tUIS. XI it 1 : " - . X a . m i " . ... . . Laalfia Ofat Opprulty. Th hoShaaoad I ..-n.lftfta tn lrta fc f"""."" 7 . " T. . . 1 ...1.1. . . - th ire teat cTrtwrtBJkuy loac er ta way as jcrwaas i ifnv rfav U arHia'if. Ja'-R. said: itdlmrMtittvafMfa-w I ta ha 4 aa wW la U . aw a .Wf a ffaSa. Ilk S WTlltatfmA I with;-to7 ritT -r v. tHiu, M-m-.-m mm . tt fftftnft Bid ttft WhJIt I . - - -' ' i !7;,;li-ai tha ataatsat of Will I ft 13m l WilO -eakawWV ... rrr- vT . - iAinuiiavi a IDUO senwoeuw , ry- -" . , -- .--m-m'.l I WXUWBJB. "VV. " ' I la awa. re It aa V I. . - aaeaaa . 4 ITSVI rflF BBSS I r I BTUl I MR I ltT BB IBB LSCO . nw Bftr-a iaaa B . m. -wI - .. Baac ISSI VWS SK Pto aa B; fl - K tbi AiiiineDiwp " - i -- - . ,wtl1,K i trao wu max us wb r - " I r .. a I . aa fta a inini"f hibIibI t una can. - . r.. -.7777! 1 ' ... : ' ix;.uuta . k..i. intmstea to nxm i - 4,1 wiriMt out m this 1 - - . . v.. 1 hota laiecuou. wu 1. iui . , . .. . j. Zr-JTSZL "rrr. "r.fnl attention. w..-T..laT1ssnft.ii i Even If he ha .thrown away, ma 1 rr-ftTT-e A.-tA. it- aaa af tt vtvlfjvi' iotaa f ait a j y-r - anil ruan invwv. w- i miTiirY. i , - - . . . . uu. iw w m.w. - - . .-- . : ii, I .. . um. tuihiML 1 iwinn a ' in iimonaiDi at ii ia 1 : - - . ' . .. s. . . , 1 rawMinr is a mu " i vw,jw . r- - t-Wn.rvna rm ci Oa Ca ft'.iUL.Gfe i a aVtosMSwat sv ,taia tX tii- r" "sa mv. Manir it. rm an ontlmisfc about I 1 tviT rhia nnla 'dMrir' to to help this. This question win Vlght Itself y the j r7r4rjZ; BtruaTtlin" for' a foothold uJrWng of a healthful pubUo -aentiaanV i.ShiUiBBttl ! 1 j, . TO TUt 1 I - Cf'i if s i 1! vr 1:' in rf ' J'fiBBtlcr and Os.icSan,,: I..! ttvMb. fa. Cv ": liZZlTT 1. - V I I. mm. f ta f. . I .. awa a . aa i to lHaift to . , . , maaiiau a ia : art 1 .V !il. ' dentist;; - w '-VfioTnsBnBo, - - s o .fete - -i-'-V, . Offlee over Puruiture Store, i S5,; ? "?'.Un Iota uV.kl 1. I,.tttlJM MMtatfn HlwM 1W W 7.Ln. it la bnllt on the Gngusn com- i ing Wltn patnwtiv v"----"- .r. system. "Dil,L iH - -. Aru. ahA iha th I hr part.. lag taSonea, -will tootlaot t aip ta 1 1 rpl t fa Vacaa ti it lt ' l:ft-o t:.i"JT mj M.nM low .it recuKnuc w i inrpni. ia b iv. w www - - - - ".-": m. w uxiia tkin ' . .. ... ... t th ptihl UJotv HOTELS. FBASKLpTOXjflOTEL 'f it la better nine guilty SmlIa ireBon"for Mr. PuhWa liberality -? n?. !S5 I his recollection of hi. own cartatr la I "".fJTL. innocent tar safe rw.narr trasineaa. hinnln as ra- T and nstf who are tSLTSSSU porter for. the Wettliche Post and aad- ; - tohmsntrthhBk tojthn mt Mt connaence H'Titi looo- T.ora, tha New York World ad th uunga as jnkenness and . tZ. t--rH.narcn, To am that the like that elt tor fQl'low Polltxer la f. phenomenally great ad not imply that the mot spirit im Jto grow J T,!;P nroori tor would h Thtuss of saparerogatloo, foe th fact graduauy nubile sea thus the evil i ... ----aMaaaaB - A Dtaaeeaiy. -rw tm enloT roing to th tha!f T Trry tmfh." anawrred Mr. Cas Th only ttlnd last sw . , , I L J.-..-. S .k. ...... )3tfc tswUtJMl CMI Uaaitotot Is th Wat Ui'aK a IW a la Ua laaMy s S SSaw4a, U aT Mim f Tty Stoaba .aaa aawe'r ill aa m a l It ev Aaa. Ty ,1 a s sa -:. talre Mi TfV J , irr -I tl A C. ' ' ts-Jt::!::-, '. f a a. it flfsliiss ti Uu. i l r B i-l souther:? railway, iir.-.-rr.' a. mas ! ... vi fttu. ; 1 : W iMa V ll ,4 ft, f eto 1 mm 0 iatoa:t iwrtoTaftftCr. li::- ::;r ;..:r J eto . . - - t aa. jbT Trtc tou mar tic Amc .a.- tato 1, tuA, aad ) asaa I-- ran H E S T fl U R fl it I H!! ! H i.n. aa rwft .. .i .. . 1 Trr-rnrT-rvv Vtvr I craa"" t- , t xuax, ueguiuun ..v 1 . ,,. k. dnus . ta IS I.. . . , . . . . . - - - . mmM Ui W VyUi jtltXx X f 'mjr I nublto aeaument. against, iv t iviaiYmV A ' aHre away-000,vtW 1 xn wsnw? ' I lis r- a I -...r I ." '7 ' . . .AruVnflMl OTA 1U riJLUJs BsaVrvrv.vrvv w - - - v'- .a ..a..sti-L sa-iiafSI aVTTW B? E WsIA.bT ffw I . . 11 A . t, . -V f S sfeftassv.JL AtoBasl BsaaaB.AaaBBaBW. mm WBBjat BBarato - t- "'ri . - 1 ' 1-2 mn 000 found or aaueeaea I tss w - . TT r ' ? . . " a tw-to .1 aw e.-.i eni f .a 1-- ; -.,,.. ,-T......;. . .-..-. , . ...... - v 1 . . 1 U-l II -1 V WI 4-U i t.-: 1 U-e T -J a4 OlStimdard 5 1. v ,".. '. .vT;1 "..ruV.' lrt.t,r:it irh:i UILm::: "TBI . - -fc.,"- ""-It ' .aaa aBsa. ef 'Bh bBb. II ABbbbw aweaa. wbb. mm I "t 11 II II I I - FV A m , .. I t W - 1 t ft ' 1 aa, v II j ... ft J' 1 . ' . V II'. .. - ... . .1 7.tlU .1.. . V .,. ,.A -i "years. . Average-annual saics h.;,,,1 tmlt aT miTX - 1 rA: , TI t U.".i(i 1 a . . , . . BSMll II"- - f.- M4 .4f ,h VWV US 1 Bl WH3 rui, v. ' 1 4. A. V r . - ' j - toft al.f TiEirDirasoii. it. o. Good aemmodations 'Good faira:' P lit d attentive aarvaatr) 7 r HORWOOpllODSE 1 asfinMiOSiffl I , W. J. RtWlWOtlbft Prprtatr. 4 f .ta t t 'ft m aft MMiMa . fc... ... . ' -"- - . 4 . A X mm. . . I w Ma I ft a. a . t t . I I ' has stood t,ho test 25 invcriOxio end a Half Li: - TivItSe hot.aU .Tea Ost tacla ef 0VXS H-ACt tOT e f I 4 3triiasir -of OommercJal Toarltta l.rTaTiuixJat)VlcSoUolt4 -

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