X y '.1 CTT5j ' X" "Tx".i -i a oa, -, lift ffTfcr&r. ' r- f JAS. A. i 1 louisburg, n. a, Friday, octohkr r - ; TTll V V W n I I " ." ':, - ' --!. .-o... ,. .- J-,. , .v -.-..i.-k .i" 'r-- f v ! a i aa a a at CHURCH DIRECTORY MXTBODiaT. . Benday School at 9:30 A. HV ' "J Gno. 8. Bike, Rnpt. preaching at 11 A. IL, and S 86 P, at. rery Sunday. " " iv. Prayer meeting Wednesday night. M. T, Plixkb. Pastor. BAPTIST. Sanday School at 9:30 A. IL - Pttar at 11 A.M1 41480 PM, prrT mating Thursday night, H. B. M A8HB0KH K Paatot. apiaoorAi -: Sanday Sohool at 8.30. v " Wm. H. RcrpiH. Sopt '" Sorvloes, mornintr and nlht , on to, 3rd and 4th 8andays. -Mrenimr Prayer, Friday afternoon. Riv. J ohx .Lohdoh, Raetor. : . r7T - . -1 that baa any arM ao4 U at aU fa- 4 'r rtt I mlOtr with tn htotory X tiat ewrotry r a -. TV Letter " oJk MeIt Repuhlkam Friend . 11 -oerene : : jvuncn raUUcal an4 for tha last naadmi.ytara rtr I Dt4 say aorfc atrnS. Now com t- CfclcC Trttxia, i lift) cUm t!f Bcaa paper, w.blch atatva th troti foUovtr . - . :, Tint Uoo4 for fr tr4 U At a trrtctioa ai4 la Anrrna?; luXcfcat. basacrt. tai d srtt! , trr dra a VTv'a u;- u a M 1MB XI I1PH.H tM .4 ' :m o r I that the Democrats have not a ghoat of a-ahineit yeat' and those timid Democrat who" navebeett 'ioin- XADQB8. : : ;. ing them In that sort of-dolorous cre- toaiabnrir Lodae. No. 413, A, F." & I would dowell to place their AV.M.i meets 1st andi,3rd Toeaday nriCTiar appendages to ; the ground twmrt au4 kia naitm Ik or Special Washington IttiM - V election. -But iuet wait vntn tit rtmn i HOSE exuberant and truculent i craU 0410 flnd an tsaue and a caadl4aty I ta Kaua4. Qvmtxruiae rr t i u KepuDUcau editors and orators ( 'ItrS ftli J tC. 1 f . LAftvr.".?J, Tct?rk 1 4 M c M tM f .a . mrv mm v &av i tin au usp SBSaC aawa UM snwsjB aiU iany wi aa V WSJ a USf si Bka-aj saBMnSBry WK. nave ,Deen Todferatlne ' ubUcin m iuiiifMiii.r. ...... . - ' - - U i.iui i,.-.. fldeace In the- reult of next jrara lao. I Th fnure e Cfcjabtfcs r kWi I , , . . tlon." They ttd unazaBiDlMA uittr. I wfU (Slaseatil th iml ciikk nwl ' TW c1m ' t4 IX tg a pand. there was no reaaoa.to expect eay I tnc ronrwetaa coni tk wp. I . . . . . i - .. . . . . diminution ot It for yeyete come. - That I Tbttr mnei iape4aut ar Mtx I " " fr-. " recoa14r. Bet If Ifccr 1 . a-aeii, WW arta P I erj a i W e eemif " aetV 1 I .ii i4 . TV-4 I iw C4 XfJUf Jtimf alter "the next year's elrctlona." Ty theca to njghts in each month. had a treat statesman Innhe nreaideatial office, who was givtas the country aa ex- la tar receaekWr leal avomettt for Amm MR ar M t k ry .Ve f"f e k ttit faf Ji4 . J H . . 1 Of t" j ;. !-Ti1m . ' TiV tSe aff U m j U tv- J J eaaae a-ii tv 1i4 M, , - 4 l A ' .ll.tCl . v,- - rYnil''"rn' p and to. listen. carefully to the Macedo- ceptlooaUy.'able administration. The re l aad tnaka mood wan cry tor help now being sent forth; "s : ..'- ' :.. it " ' i,r -. . I by -the RetahlUanamf InkRnrhnaofht AtstaeriWoiiaHll ,d, my become. dPttniiT'yAMBFD " t oJ iWLi ner-KepubiJjcap base what ., 1 ItepubUeanc except .Maine;! Pennsylva- I nU and ' Vermont? - Press dispatches . 5L V!&flX2?V t,.lBs4 3U that the Republican eadei In LVVUU a. vub - B. AJCTHUtt Ji.-FIuEMlNe . DENTIST. j Jt LOU18BORQ, . . K. C H vOFO alassaltusetts are so thoroughly alarm d that the state committee hag decid ed to cable Senator Henry Cabot Podge, one 'of the commissioners to settle the Alaskan boundary Question. tn. cut'hia vacation 'short in -order to hurry tMuae,to aid In, keeping-Massachusetts out of the bandsof the Dem- ocrats The icaae-must-be-desperate if it be necessary for Senator Lodge to give up hobnobbing with King Edward and bis satellites; but worse is to fol ium Sr uiflrw 4 i-fto' sifnatinn tfiat-' tt O0a tn tDe rear m OOOaie, WaWW Mi-Unmln nonnlolml th.l nn.on. ck . urx " or Bates; shall atumftThestate from a. E.' frTf AJtBoaoOQUi "-4- int r f. Marthas -ineiardjtp tte New, York 19 I line,, thus- vioiatlngr ".the 'gubernatorial . HT8iCIiN AJins smiOBtw,-1 . I etuette which: haarprevaUed since the Lotnfsnae. H. c. landing of the pilgrims. In order to AtSoe tnd noor Nea'. hnUding, phone SB-1 induce Governor Bates to thus break sWat caiu anewert from T. w. Bteaen-a xhe precedents in such cases made and 'provided the frightened Republican PBaOTIOIlta PHYSICIAN AND 8URQBON rsstdaaee. phone 74. r i ii i ,v tMdera re rttinu tneeaie. or tTesiaent B. - " I Theodore fCoxvelC who lii thernter A.TTORNKT a.T,tA?f j WHjisBQae, a. a. WUl praetlee la all the Courts of ths State Office In Court Haass. ABCU3 C. Wl (tt fit 3SAj),( ATTOBIAyri LOUISBURO, N. C. Owe ovma Corner Drag Store. declsl attention glTen to collections. , frctloe irsrer seryloea-rsqulree. f &A.CTICINQ PHT8ICIA.9 AND 8URQBOS. lioOlSBCB. K. C OUtoe oVer Aycocke Prog Company. t vr r est of hte own nomination and election A Jf- ' 5 ' -i ' 4 - a?' - - swung -arouna tne circie last spring. spealdng- at divers places and to sun dry audiences, and who so unceremoni ously punched jour TJpcle Mark over the rops and Into ,a comatose condi tion aP- the recent Ohio; Republican state vetttiop .fDrf a .Roosevelt has ddneffttty- alioutimt his ears, and. he. will probably hearken to their ad vice. Also Senator George Friable Hoar, 'sometimes flippantly .called the cheubic,, and Secretary, of Mhe NavJ Moody are to'touf the state: 1 Evidently there ls'something doing. In Masaachu setti' -' ' Canada jes aTisr aha aas own by. the aiotWr ceuatry Whilst is M lh Im.iiiiIhi I aOO thla repaMia and his BrttaaaM aiijis'ye nominated that atatastnaai ta full pectatJoa.-that- his eaeaueat; record, sup- "" "J pipwuj. win Bras bisi I yv.. nnm. r t v ' in. hut the fates -willed otherwlaa. . Defeat I - . , cane when' victory waahookad to arrtve. and" the, lemocratkr candidata case ta a a tidal. wave. xWtnx that party fall con trol ci the (OTirnmtnt fsr rths arstUms in thtrty-uve years and for the -oaly tea years In the last forty-flrss r . .(! , liv visw of this scrap ot history and re calling the revolattoa that occmrrsd tba- tween tha Democratic -funeral of 1173 and the , tremendona. - Demecratle victory of 1874. It might be -well for tha Ttepahucaaa to beware-ot overconfidenca and to ripress their Inclination to sneer at the " Deaeo cralic party. Much may happen la the next fourteen mentha. Xm that ta fifcf ed to insure Republican defeat la a cat ting tofe-ether of tha reputable etacaaata of tna opposition. The RepubUcaa : Isadera are addlnc to -the .dlsailecttoa, ln tbetr party. Given a tolerably well waited De mocracy en -a conservative platfura and under a safe and popular, leader, aaa the story of 1S31 mixht easily be repeated. The influence of congress la very- likely to operate In that direction. White Slavery In Michigan. ' ; Those pbilanthroplstB who have bean agonizing so much ,about newly ea tabllihed species of JLfrlcan alavrry In Alabama would do well to devota at least a portion of their energies to breaking up a newly established spe cies of .white slavery In Michigan,' as the"fonowing dispatch "win provetV ' ' ; Kalamasoa. ( Mich. J -. ftrpt IX-fcAataeay Demera, proprietor "of ' a shoe rahialnst stand, confessed that he paid TO for Nich olas Demosseor. a Greek boy thirteen years old. who ran away from him Thurs day. Demera was sweated" by the sher iff, and his reveiatloa ot a eyeteaa et . child peonage followed. - Every, year boys are bains picked ap In the streets of Greek cities and sold into slavery tn. thla country. The uunhsswa pay from Stttom lor a ave er stx year old boy for the first year. The second year the price is advanced IX. Kach soo- ceedtns year a smaU advance ie aaaae la It Win be the tT Mvwf at IM autrirai TVrM ,.,T',' f S"' ' ' taa e i 1 lJt Ta a eei are . cJ ftftim , . i ... r-V - -' . w . m It la so eld' sarin worthy, of rrvv fat roeaaVa 4 fpJ irife fetfndest conaidrrafloa that bsocb dr penda on whose ox la rorvil. Mr. Cbb- cock U aot tha only tariff tefut iua ta lb Rrpobllcaa party., aiaca Certru lartttcti. Cummlaf of lews and . hie trrla j .L era most people think that Bat. 1 r 'Hf ! fH WW the lait roee of ituntmr, U Vft hloca rasJi t tw iccitnJ t4 tporf e9W' l it4 iVe wiHlaJ frrt troit FTee Prras la foe rectrocJty vitb - ' 1 IF"" Canada. WVraforel fcaaa It amoUl ! ioa- tm vpt-t wawv ,W,,T3 , "" --' 1 - t bera good thing for Detroit ae4 W1a I worn tb B'lWaiB4 amrZ tM fje Wii-I ej Ity. Tne WasMagtoa roet Bay: k fV" i t;'t V.-eV ff ; .'-- ,'Mt ie;uj. A?.J " - ti'.' '.ue ? - BAA HhtfaarttiafarIpieals j a . - tX 41 $ X. ii"Bwte h' Ao4 tkta li nis8r 1 , .t k . B-r air A .llA-ZAjrm ill a I e-tt e W.mm., 3es i fA. raealtfiee mv m Btr airMi la Ciataw X-t t.ie;i.". I 4 s ina a a mi 1 w " n Va 1 l.a tVttaa bbmiKIsm shaat Bla t3 stff aaivl A " I a a a a . 1 . n 4. Caaadlaa pertae. to aeapiy atsras4 rF" ".f r ,u rT I ittmt Mta Ja0i a 1Newf y, t.- . . . . taaubieeta teaching the reUUoaa s-HeMM J mmtI aoat4 tvtc'ale M'tStf U'WiKaV va M it tiirv. r- ui;..U.l BW. ra-l' ' ..." . ' . ! wtrv IL : ' I k. . U a.bC a.ere '"p BabafluPa la4 Ji5rw at T li -rt-rr . r , 44 e- - I tKa tlnltxl Iiiih M Canada. r aoaa satis factory ta ItseU. aitaaca (V j 10 tb United Btataa. tha rrea rwis eraacty I MU advocataa rsctproclty ta trade Batwa porary say. Tb oaaatlow Is wVHW 1 trcr ad. Balil W)I4 tTU. tW B I't " 1 avIssW wa enau aecouaia a irwaty e wnati i aeoeat while there to do so ar whetbar preiadtcea and block the way aatU werairrg. . i . , . ; - , 4 ... . i mg the propoaiUoei tai elect matora ef laa.V a W brri . -1 t.l.wl . . ye?aa cWTr kUa, poig Utej 1M t" wa ef U . tW J 1)1 elM (rm IM Uotmtf at lacs Cira44aMt 1 LiBi'lP. -1 - - "- Ji1. iO lb Sfh ! dsf f.f j Tb? inoeabacks and wire pvJlers aa4 tlx Jjrrat el "t4? atglalatsre cornrptrra who are arpoa-1 tlt ty rf"ae af 70Btrr v.f tor j . ea " a0 1 4 Vi - jae ( s.tr Ik" rf IT'S ' ..5 it IS I1a.atT08TBR, tt . . RAOTlbraa PHTBICIAHfc OTTBlBC" Louis burg. If. a Not Mealy Mouthed. The venerable Boston Herald enter tains certain, definite opinions touching Hoja.as Jk.ddicks, which it voices in this vigorous language: Offlee aver Ayeocke Drag Carapany. i i i i f the amount paid until the bey la of age. Then the purchaser must take hi ehances with his niirrhsea j Anthony Demera and a heather. , Alex. are at the bead of a ahoe ahinlag enraw isation which operates shoe polish lag par- 1 lor In Kalamaaoo. Battle Creek, ilaeksoa. South Band. St. Joaaph. Beatoa Harbor, Detroit and Chtcasjo. Democratle Chairman. It seems to be-generally- taken aad accepted that Hon. Jaiaea BL Jonas of Arkansas, ex-aenator 01 ta uuiuu States, will not be a candidate to aoc- ceed himself aa chairman of tne na tional Democratle committee. Couae- .t. .k a .k. e t - - ttva TTmlfwt "Hlmm-h-9 Mtfwlu ( '""''" y- might aa wet crate their labor. That iwiHIUVm lie !. tn reform Is Inevitable. Eve) Ki lock tscrft, Atfeatmfttsaa Vf a4rl poIltScUaa rvcognlae the tnevttahie, at .a. ive aas will be seen from thla dUpatcn from by ta.e tM IVeatec aaef Albany: I "ock aas a cwu4 7s ef a r The Kew Tork state DearaU - J aiio"al ii lm C4mr mlttae, aoatrolled by ex-eVamtee u. H I , " I WTW uu aaa aoopteo a reaorus w l vwtT. 1 - - w . I a-j the eiactlaa at Ualtad Btataa aseetar hv . . . I ITVCtW TaitSeTstte A"Vi CTW.CX popalar vote aad dlraeUa that t tV. TW Ohio Usttlina tb CWrf ef 1 fn C.--,' t'- Zrr -ia ia anaintaa tarAs (ho I ' I I AO UTO CCA i3XX t-'" praasat vota lhe aext eaU far a Dwse I CBaM;t B ava, in W"" I ticO .rTTt &CwS oeamiia ataia eoaseatuoa lor im am tf . . K . - j a v- tnaUoa ef oaadtdaiae aaatt r-tl alaa for aoaatnaUoa at caadMatea t4 Calk ntatea aanator. the raadidaia ef tha caa- LL (JtUMU a a1 CIIciaCu4 c iKc r aaa Mm la free r.f, bat a fM -nS ba rvr-ac-i fi a w-sa w V-T' ' " J Dreaocrai (car ta (J- bbra l- yv..-.,t;-m .J V- . 1 f aaiaaAisa a sUt t V" Vw .Va Tel. fti ad ; m- 4e , u., . e: aU fk 'Vt i iiu J , aa I- m ' v i,.,! J"r Ttt nepeifutinajaa.-; that- of -the Irrepressible Addlcka . of Delaware an nouncing at this Usse the candidates whom hawUl favor for state offices, in cludlncmantbersi 0 the legislature. In .Ai utlUir' (f. hu ni1cid -his men and proclaimed their fealty to him t qaenfly DemocratB are looking around He proclaims, also, that he la still in the 1 for & fitting person to occupy that high ATTORHKT-AT-LAW. I an expects o win.- We suspect tnat;ne 1 . . . 1 WUl. Jinere was av auup wima wu 1 LOUiBBtrae. a. o. nv I the nart of those opposed to him. which I that Will practice in ail the Courts of yraakUa led u then to say that he would prob- T rt f Indianapolis, ex-mayor of m .1 th. bmmuI v.w aMnnnltiii hta .Im. Tha decent Re- I "-fcto" , I rr-. artatse aeaator, tha caaeudate er taa coo- v- vw r-. t . rr f ,arh e??1. '.Tf itt " re-Blf b, 41 0X1 W! lO ln 1,0 .r-f U ka.a mitet' !l w aTclarK-rpZr tUf r . .V SfA D- w -r . . at a Cat rtoraa wk .!M itU im ft i Very True. vv m. HAYWOOD RCFFIN. tad adjoining mantles, also In the Bnfcreme I ably accomplish his aim. The decent Re- j JoartTand la the United State Djstriet and I publicans of Delaware are scarcely able I Onat CitJ. . (arson Courts. I to hold out longer against me cokidimiuoc OtOea In Cooper d (Jifton BuildiasT. I of Rooserelt. Quay. Payne and Addlcka i 1 1 iii .I 1 m it - ' - J r,aJFMtdnt earns actively Into the eon- Loula rlTr ti Or U hra lair . aeed revotntSooixlag la the eaoat afaio M 'aataHSaaaawfJ ba a a a I ra. 4 M. In the lamortal arorda of ieha I CU'kt't caadiJarv aaa lb trl SEAR O AH I) - a" C.in tt.-i-b .Wae f.i -"! . , , r Jl ; . I fta B )-)' )firi k'-.Uta e .i aa l7.a.a.W. t Ul f Ae, , t- iiSt Ixt ig Ztt i!.U'4 t t ,0 C- f H. TV e'aatAnB at ea Um taaaAt f f I ir itti fMdt j a);"1; fie Vre,.a.4 "t.iV St.V. 'Ttaai.rta " f wM ew fa b, - - If Cat, apices abK deaV I 4 f It U eagrly reinarked by the At. nt la tro!y rwrrl tare, P b-r I ttlilrt r IcaCtJ &.'l5 aula Republic that -a ihreogk boooe j fW-.a-JrU Hpr Mt- ltL. f ,. .J. yl eanlag U reoolrad tn the Indian Tar-1 - . 7 r ' 1 lKK lo U4C ft l - snsocTa lave to tTAf. -" To thOifrsi ISse f Cri tic pMc lc4 irii Kretsr tot. gnarstii c4 tcsh Ai l- f4 tira-ri f-f rai.C C"" fo li.! aw4 T .-, - C.-v.f'V tjrrwumm ta yru L 4 B influential, position. At preaent coodecenrf.- TU Erpat3c BJtt eo0 ollWtanr toa name most ntly printed in -'2!? " weAl - connection la that of Hon. Tbomaa f - "H? . . " .. - ; .Z lL '. ,Wetey. eanllnewB te Utair Senate WKI waa not referring to potttk wbe. be "M "Kf i,-J as . oio m.w 4-me i...r n . Bwa-ts 4 4tMMa -eta a-ww j f" TT f iWHIS H -HIS atWIO - t"4W SM , . 4tt a.. IH o a 1 4 m mi ee aio iiisaiewi rt aM i-a U. to iwnl o oa.. '! - l, .1 iiiiio ?mi4 , (etaitMi 7 St.wiwa. fue a tiMw a eT 'a. ;M.H p J- J tK" 1 a w . 4 - s " ATTORITBT-AT-LAW, wHnaauB, a. c OfBee oa Mala street, over Jones Ooup afs tore. 8. SPEUELL. ATTORJSKT LOCISBUKO, X. C atJw to hold out loiiger against tne compnon . blsnioted Cabinet. ex Kooseveti. uaar. -rsyne sau auuim. i , . . . . . - . .. :i . - 4. - . .Tkarasldent eame actively tnta the con- I Joe. didn't know. tiMt ft WM 1000. 1 ettvred that; proverb, toA tt a?p3 Uhe 0l pslMi BAavttf simscy w wiva . vw..,..-- jje oraggea isngiana into as vuuioiy nevertneieaa. mm a rssio wv SorlcraUo war a. has ever; been waged "Let the office a month or two before for the 1 and crushed tne Drive urue wwm -" I tg Daddy, o,, winnlne? 4sXw aaVkVI eyVshSKBt Ct St Ta I - vl a Aa svaVet as nil Trat 1 BVV1V VCig-ftfaJsVO VI aaaaaaaaaB a.w - - I riCBD aTcDUIJUCef a CaX a b bk enaeaa a. - a. a AddteaVman and defeating the anti-Ad- ric " iivs a . . rial RVab:icG x w; raaasTT aa v rui r 1 1 pv saana tiXBawiv a w a - .0 is responsible for thousand of .widows 1 and orphans oa two continent. Jinn- j wt,.tT dreaa or, piacjenea cwmntj wu- ... '1.. 'A "A. Ik. HVm.M,i1 tute nm . lsoiauDemi u. wjw 1 . and in tne urange- r rco ow.. 1 hfff wrougat this red ruin oecaaaa ru 1 1 . a ' ! a r r dicks candidate by making sure the elec tion of a Democrat. , - J-Th Deaerted Mlaaouri." Hi Onilwrltho above title the SL Louis V rPoai--T)fsnatch aavs editorially of the Idiotic policy of abandoning the second largest river on the continent: , large- quantities bad '.been discovered wui mm mo wJ"if.C ITZZZm imn i . The twoiltue sxern wneet paeans, mh- . Vjlllwlcks Of Paul KXOgr M . . araarUlo. Warren and Wakeecaea, also I Qperinar. which hare piled be- ? T , , , Xll f the I supresasreaa JSermmxm, Ho., have President, Stein. At the ctoe of the oeviTSlot?i --BSCirSfi&wa .Ithearvlce. The war which, he hadareclplUtd he was Omoe OVfT aWerB.BJtWMW., j w -JJ-- .-ti, Tnere Is not as , lLi-o i.kM.f tilt I "T W.BICKXTT, T. iTTOEJfgT AND COTJHBKXOB AT LAW KotnsBua a. ev much traffle left on it aa it bore at the I CTjI'm aiW filUs- Waa Usv I Olaey.- beglanlng of the nineteenth century, No4 0.:; wi?. even an Indian canoe vexea nm muooy 1. tuuie igi mux. ov, v w . surface. 1 n- ' , , i,imn.ii 1 " ' Aarjcit j w - assaJaosi 1 - - 11 iTfs a f . . . . , ii -m a 1 L " " .r .. w " f, , kin f . t iniia U aee the books r . "' - " I aCjs-ei a Pa a aaTwiaaaae-ae i.so.ai ot. . -.. . Ik ti 1 1 is 1 r isili aa mot so ikl I , mjm. jim, - - - - . i aa m i nn e. 1 ' I " ' I " ' ,h a, a s.f m . t W Wi . I Aa .a .... a B. a a b ' BsV - - - avj-sk I - - - I . . . . . - aafta xmlt utfir to r 1 1 -wfw Baa. ..ww.m. . rr 5 m . 1 - 1 it f fr . - T . I . I BaaaJB - - - - AA faaaaa Wsf ahtaTpAs) saaaTsTsTsSaaafaaoa bbJ fLid.u a , a a a. ekrw on the AWrtcb eaaacui ihroet 4 oej baa brew aabab4 i aTTrJi Or Al-K. I T- - - a7oU -.l. i. - , J , , , i , . -. " -..- rt mitt... a twtfmf the hM . ' r r "s - : I T T " ' TI'"r..- ... K-e i i I 1 . 4 . . ex-eeoator froca ataaaa,l . . . . . I -mJL o- a - 1 ... i ! mmmmmmJL . . . - - i a res crasso os bmsst a irra no) i . ... a. s .4, . t . .. . 1 ... Oaca a aowung IpuiJa.aow a avTvwsa- 1 sm4ms asns ., -( o w - I . - t - i- ' .. .. . j 1 napubieno, clalata Its patermlty. Uicatad; lltviCe aa 1 , lt Ul. 1 Pee- 2lZS 3 3 ? ' . WTT j ataeda thatbe orlgtaatad the , - - . mmiLm &m - .' t aaaltl ZTaT-Za . -eZb: tf 7 I ' t : 1 1 ' " !! and was Uogbed at for aa data 1 , ' . . . . 7 ' . I avaatwr. Pi v t ", ? ! NOTICE. ' Ta t ,,.- - . .. M lie Cant nnderrtand way aawapar aaa- i r ar -a a -. . t ..... - vf em lW rtanaT-Uairilra .!- V-m.Varva-. .t XAZT' ' Z tag "what uoo. JoeepB U. uuw a iwsa nMnr aasai u 1 ii t i.nns t t . . r-r - r- 1 - if,- 1 .Ma - - notalnatea -rubber enmncy- rib,lba ft fTVf Tl 1 aa,ul eWU r-e ia as 1 1 trtaas. At- i 1 ,-- i t I . ... I lJ t : i i . J t a .1 : . 1 - -- - - - - - - - jiMAnM wk aw I 1 boa ah pwdt lW J 1 )taa 1 1., M in aoaaie t I jCJ .. V MM I baNrt.e siliaim 4 OiUhAmh Lf wUKrf. 1 mii, caa ?- a. at f fu 1 Baaaaat TVa t p.. t . . 1 av a. I. sa 4 "Bootna,prealdeottal and etherwta. -Jt hi. .rraaTne. to DOBO aa the I " w lpoe) IM BWIMBOC Ma evry t - I , im.. MtHu itf hiu 1 undo tne benencent wonr tucasnii . . .--. I t, utM 1U1 two &a a-. 1 oaawiji """ r r v. 1 . . . . . . ci. d.k 1 tucnara uurr o w o ... ..vi.-tmtlofre toL ness men. costing notmng. aemanu.ng no 1 (j0Daen. jom et I t. ttm. tu. I . . . TtTrlnteTS Open to the freest competition, yet p , d ta 'once nora fasten the tVT .1 ' W toll far the I clra" 9m -T 1 UQTICZOW VkXV FAUL ffierltoJarteaeherdn and the country;, trade Is F . , tarfff xratem on the EnxTl.ll i?1..'0 ? lH!0r.., rear. are. when Mft tWsaW a -aA I " forced ...tatet-xae narrow .iiai- '-""T ' 7- , .bn UtfeMMK x.rwrntTai imiMiaa, - - .ill. r' k 1 WW IW asHNa aaa a-asrtsw aopoiy.M: a vv " " " . Tf .1.1 I Then hla boota apoeared to eolJape I catiaf tb trrtaaa a4ira taf -Aaanughteaea podiic poucy qu.r.. Shakespeare nrst .wrote 1 .... MMW . ..tv ti hat . . . -r . - U,. amhirtnn aometime o'erleapB K-1 -. "--" ' .ton atonnb Manly, WiMton. P-V?'B-5 1 been newiy noateo. ana as irr ewe 1 . - a, 1)n,( --.a -.. tho Wasacbm-U.InlB1!,,3. aa 4om fa esa e.'la f a.4 la afa,ft4tft asossiaai aa "" r " Masse pmt- t lively trifling-fcxpeM the great rivers berfaln. He has 'come dowtt-foutatat t . tMrtm rn. I a .it i t m eMtoa.' aa t ! vi. 1 777. Mt Mlsalasippl. Obi-aad niinota' tBtwatkA' 0 bbrTOW a famoO . - y ' - - 'I. r.la. ,-- w ,.-hi tiae ., f a-w aA 4e - .nawSpSi eitvw. 4 nHaC awMS' aie a TVe t4tett 54-a4' t.m Jia 4 1. fsse4V .!' l . aftyt aaurU Vi aa Aba be tie aa tsMk ?4Waa aflto.iba8 Ae AU am awaA aniCMau ts a.cW.u.. ell tliav aVi-V A13H Vwt. r , eva-ai(.A. M II 1 sw. :Wt.i : a n in - ' - a .4M f . . J an .i io.ua " b ,- a I s a.MS t"a we a m 1 40 I u 4 ex I o Us p. . ' eat' a a a. 1 j m - j two nm.. 4 a t m SM f.oli lti tl so ; i aa oa t a as a as o e a so - - - -- aw Baa aMSBBiaaa aataMBBBBi B . J. A, V & V ca5 bamaaeflt fofvcompeUtivaenterprlBa. p,.ont Ttonlamln Har- the IIDOcTaU Of tb coonrry. ow, t8CrrJ O Cnt ja f4t wtaw.toh..4 sxm.i 1 I Wl. 1 te t. "laSoS BUU in tha TmoeU. matter was lM Uau4 Sltl.l.t Jtl f fret nCt-t - 4a-.. -a. iUU'. 1 ' I n e n'm rl nft!lr!flfl. 4 - j: J Xn- -4a io millions of American citixens. country j has tfnded most dlaastroualj " rt, . t, . ua 1 ' H1 1 T.T.?.rt' HTs rT , - , lJvalr fifttJ tjpiiCian, , . - ... W-K-TAM(il',i SIEE.ilr 'v-: 15 forntoandhaadlaTtethecabliiet- e ica4 eb4 Matt Uaaajiif la CTTNTT-T. .-rrr: i a-' h.f-a.,a- -A:-;- .Wt-.:vi.v he and two ot his frienda retiring tber. Mere R.puhncan Marweey. . iW -ta - fiaa-.taa aratt a4 Z!ZZZT17Z A" . ' ". 5 - - 4 a. ATlOBNKYlxAw. ..'We-have been assured several hun- 4 reueg.de Uberal. baa per- x Chinese once remarked ot ib wW. 5 ! M ' j M TZ v- JM so at r-a-a j a.U vt,-! ao M,toea 4-- 'i tlrT' tL -I ' " I0l8BioJix'. v 1 times that cere to the TrrtXto&T VW" tlawlj. -McUcaa .maa too morVte afk l6axa;UVV 3aw lryL TTT T T,,, 1 l!:- Tt 1 ! n 'i r- ' -r' ' e a os a , Ofae.tabp Saturn otTlZ S--.Tha i-iJ't. f-' . ia a bftut 4.r.a. 'r V"bU .. J ATrrfboIineS wnfch .wlll .fllJyli cupiof prr 4t thee cheat. RepU!rM art) are; fe JT WlttM r?rlf tfat' ! fc - ' -Ww -v e - - t 5 J , ."'. , reeaivevromptan v chattering aboot Democratic dlf ltot. OaJriUtr?f J , 0.0.-0 -aP , 'l-t a a via , - y V...isn. i....r away aoa accursed Islands. He an- o( a renegade to bate tboee whom be freocesBod Rpububarony. J4 tf ttct im A t anarf 1 tt i TP tl I C ' Tf fl TV " "I . ! ' nR D T 8MITIWKr " . dtSi; .-Ja. tnlacakrulated. H at preernt the deoc Sa to pay aajweg aad at aay S7tl 1 WhZZZT tZZZ JjB, D.T.8MlLHWgAj .rjjttd m ,( Maa imagined. and vainly, that beeao. the Hawkeye Republican To hla a -ap . T J -C, M-.Mert.( . J . 'iiliTiSTe . lutve follow.ed.tlaxample, but If they Brtten. permitted -Wr. V. PC , -J : , ' reBncifled will some palpitating Jingo .Jtt.ei-ent and-In h run 4 a nhta baa dlacovered that tle oeeb of tie ad:fls I aa) aa te Un - -t ..J .;v i.ul - I oT At 1 1 tT , I . ... .. 1 " .- - . m I v i j- - . . . 1 ur AUIV a. . " - . . I ' . a w . . i mm, m . - v A m w . . p. - . . - LOUISBUBO, Offlee over yrnltare Store. HOTELS lf-te& "-us r ay . - . a nOQimfs inform ua why tienerai -.eonara f-p wWcn tfleT kld dexlr they Wood Is calling lusuiy Pu K'waia stand' anything, but when he &ta In hla Moro paUIwlck? 1 pause - . stomachs . by " Bdvocat- far a reply. - ' : -. - t -" . X" - I - i.w which would put up tha AiraVrenB.' :"; ?T j price Idt: fctual-r Wcomffiatdfpot'; 'Tha Waahlngton Poat.x Independent j ical aulclde. Tit Tawait - lk i Dn a toTTI 1 NTHI1! HOTEL and greaUy enamored" of President No generous man anywhere wW grieve FK AHJLil 1 Va 11V A ;AU ! 1 .i'eltind hia administration, ap- I for Joe's eataatropbev 1!T " - Globe-pemocratV and other f a suae ana. norr. nu Insisting that - under tha Joe Csambertala r-t- - W' (DWSIPi'Fi oMlswurtCndef the tiiptIon;-AlI V?iJJ:"A.t tiP-l Sl.Z...Mnfts Stained the" fol- l-St jLoalaj QcMlf loving Witorial kdmonltion the BAa- i-A-Iaf'a4 !Ati-t q-aaacity journal:", V. ( I lead -of Jingo rt.w .i.l.i-w Artaahad t r",,rf ri - ... ! Tr.nlfeatmx a eerene Hon.. Bob Coualna at tta Rept4uat Mrecen aV Carf fX"7LW . t .fr oil I . . ! - r- ' j - - - - atate cooventtoo deoouncteg the "lewt - . T . t ' L xx V . r i t t - ! 1 " - o! r J hTaa butI I- be C -aaaba. tvuk aCV VT.t .rt , , ' mlas pet. la being aeattered broedcaat Ua, a4 all l4l 4 cent a ' t I I nt-JoTtTiT ; - OW tht statA'Tha fvernor ta 'aa k u . , , -,-,,..",-,.,. H. Uy tH V. C I . h" aa,.o.a ' - . ".' ! . 1..., . area, at raj. .... 1 . -. . . - I I- 1 ' " 1 --o4 t. e . wrath -aw the' aoattsr1 that aa . to 7 ' . - ' Of 4 a4 -a- I n f X -C I a ! a . . thfeatrntng to eoodoct hla awa rav " ! 1 waa . tlfaVJa , paig. ladepeodeatty af the .tate ea. pt . f DtaCTt .W Aaa a, a Yt r!. 11 L 4 - wi l l ' ' ' ' " 1 ' " ; . ,4 SSr, A harpy f.raUy the lew. Ce- - . W, ai a fl -laV a .1 t- f 1 T C T H 1 1 D H 1 T1 "if H OK.) - ll . . ....... confidence tn the result of - next year a land la. about to return to'the doctrine - J aarvawT- ffeim a'O. larc as' cam ff ,kt- 41 ltf i iJs t4t:a a f lkb ftSrca ra4lVa rvre t-st ''taif:raa .-.a; MASSMBUROr HOTELS Oed awaBmodationilo Cfood fatal fa fits 11a imiuiii IV v . . - - '.' . J .l . AS.."-- X " - - t-i w - -w j .1.-- r- . .. . - . ; 11 tf ff l- a J rerta.a lt st rif . w al a - iri'f tJ iW.xwrsUlpaf. ar3t u tt ,lvk:; a : 1 tit t-i n. ft ri-a .1 w t, m . 11 a r . . TB JvoaV .j - " " - . . . I. IV. a m i rocKtar:, aaa e en- ' J i v " ".las. 4 - d. B bob llH f 1 - ' ' I .1 .Ul a'l'll 'll'j I t- 1 " II III ,L . ffa. ffa. V MW W I" J 1 . I 1 7 Z " r. i a h t tt . t f.'.ii i rrrJl ansai--- -iVw I&Om Half r.MHon bpttlco." Dec: jtbis rcojru , wfwiwM r i I err '"-i'.c-i-.sd-t.o. you ? vi o .Crrc,- r.o Pay. -Oc- wanyvtasajgawBj , VVIMIttVlViai o . I ' " m eW-w- - - T "ta f . . . - tKtt a mtaavaf I a a , tvl at be et aa y t i t Stt ire i trvtrt to viUl ejarats lilfft I ft"4 , t lU tl-w i Ur ila aea'ae Uti tf a o lU f i ta J it d 1 I f .; , t y at 1 e T. ta i a H ?T 1 j Cf . .- tVa tea l' a s C J ( i a t a r 4 n i - i a i i .a 4 a 1 1 ,v,' i ' L s a W , a tt e. ! : ? a t a a r 4 e-n uj 14 4 hetJ,t ,U, ravi . : L , , ; 2 - 1 t i.it r 7 '- - '-;. 4 j u ', . . ., ,'.:fi : f -.:ittt kalftSoer3 frt wv j l '' Cif - t fi r? -,'" . . . . ' . . . J t . t t . . . " '. '. i-t T i 1 m. s I ty t ' tr-- . - t T- - - 5 at a..". - - - - - - - la ti? ri! i v'i Ju 1 ' : ' S 1 1 ' ' ' a . v.M'. HA::! . t .. .... t . ... - m t - i t - ' r4veuagJbac"olIr''?i - -! .