. i w ! ..... Wo jas. A. THGHMS, Edltof infroprletoiv UaS7T.ii; lut tetter 13 VOL. XXXIII LOUlSBURGrN. 0, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6. IM3. CHURCH DIRECTORY KKTHODIST. Sunday School at 9:30 A. M, . Gko. S. Baibe, Snpt. Preaching at 11 A. M., and 8 30 P. M. erery Sunday. Prayer meeting Wednesday night. M. T, Pltlsk. Pastor. 0 BAPTIST. Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. Thos. B. Wlldkr, Snpt Preaching at 11 A.M., and 8:30 P.M., ivory Sanday. Prayer mating Thnraday night. H. H. Mashburhb. Pastor. KH3COPAL. Saaday School at 9:30. Wm. H. Ruffiw. Snpt. Services, morniQjf and nitcht on lit, 3rd and 4th Sundays. Kveniag Prayer, Friday afternoon. Rav. J ohn Lohdon, Rector. PKESBYTEEIAH. Srvlees 4th Sanday in each month mornioic and nibt. C. N. Whabtoh, Pastor. 0 lodqbs. ' . ' Loaiabarg Jjodge, No. 413fi 'A. P. . & A. M., meets 1st and 3rd Tuesday nights in each month. IVot'nMHional cards. L. " ALLRED. ATTORNEY AT--L AW, Will practice In all the Courts. Youngsvtlle, N..C. Olfcce in JR. ARTHUK H. FLEMING, DENTIST. LOU13BDRQ, . - N, C. Ofle Over The Green Si Yarboro Uo.'e store. . ' JJR. 8. P. B0RT, PRAOTICIXO" P3T9ICIAN AND SURGEON. Louisburg, N. C. Office in the rear of Bod die, Bobbitt & Co.'s Drag Store, on Nash street. a. R. F. YAHBOROUGH. PHYSICIAN AND SDRGBON, Loi'fBURe, N. C. nin tnrt Hoor Men. bulldinir. phone 88 Night calls answered from T. W. Blckett'e rt lnnce, pnoue . B. M.AJ38BNBT7RG, ATTORSSY AT LAW. 10UI38UB9, S. a Will practice in all the Courts of the State Office In Court Honse. i . M ARC US C. W1NSTEAU, ATTORNEY- AT-LAW, Louisbcro, N. C. orrics ovaa Comer Drag Store. !pclal Attention given to collections. Practice wherever services reqnired. I) R. J. K. MALONK, KACTIcrNG PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. LOUISBUB6, N. 0. OEm oyer Ajeocke rtrug Company. j R. B. 8. FOSTER. PRAOTICtNQ PHYSICIAN f StfRffEON, Loulsbarg, N. C. Office over Aycocke Drag Company. HAYWOOD RCFFIN. ATTORN BY-AT-LAW, LorjiffBUSS, 5. a Will practice In all the Courts of Franklin ai adjoining counties, also In the Supreme 3oart, and in the United H tales District and (a real i Courts. Office in Cooper and Clifton Building. yHOB. S. WIJ.DH, f ' ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, ICUISBoRS, V. 0. omee on slain street, over Jones Si Cooper's tore- P. 8. SPRUILL. ATTORN BY-AT-LAW, LOUISBUBO, K. C. Will attend the courts of Franklin, Vance. rnTille. Warren and Wake counties, also the Supreme Co art ef North Carolina. Prompt attention given to coHectiona. Office over Bfferton'a StOreA. t '. , T. W.'BICKBTT, iTTORJf BT AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW LooisBrnta a. 0. Prompt and painstaking attention given to ry matter Intrusted to his hands. . kUf era to Chief Justice Shepherd, Hon. rtM Tanning, Hon. Robt. W. Winston, Hon. J. C. axton. Pres. First National Bank of Wln iton, Glenn at Manly, Winston. Peoples Bank f Monroe, Chas. B. Taylor, Pres. Wake For est Coll(r, Hon. B. W. Tlmberlake. office over Neal Si Co.'s Store. w. M. PBBHOJT, ATTOMTRY at-law, ... LOtnsBtTse, jr. c PTactlees to all eoarta. Offlee on Main treet. w. H TARBOBOUGH, JB. ATIORNET AT LAW, LOUIBBURG. n. c. Offiee in Opera House building, Court street All legal business intrusted to him ill receive prompt and careful attention. JR. D. T. BMITHW1CK, DKNTIST, LOUISBUBO, - - N. C. Offlee over Furniture Store. HOTELS. FKANKLINTOfl H0TE1 FBANKLI3ST0N, N.C. ; lood accomodation for ''ffio. trafoling tblic. ' - 'lood Liv,.-y Attached Me MASSENBPG HOTEL, r ... ... f t - . ., ... J P Ma.sieribur-fir jPropa- HENDBRSON. N- C Poid seeommodationsV Gtood fare Mte aud attentive 'rrinir Li J. NORWOOD HOUSE tfirurtu. JlortbCaralla w. j. MRWOUD.rrpplrtetoEir aae of Commercial,' 'TourUtt , troua tmUagjabUo8onUel. frftft fsvlf ISeesi 0 O 0 0 Ck&iivp Clark's er 0 0 0 0 - - - Special Washington Letter.! ' NE of the most imperative do- . ties of the present congress I is to brine- nrrtpr nut nf ohnrua . IO DriM? oraer out or cnaoa , to in the Indian Territory. Real ly It is a crime to defer action., Down there are half a million people without any firm or well regulated government most of them good people at that A crow never .flew oer a finer country. Tbe great question la both Oklahoma andthrindmnto hood" single or double, which? There's the rub. If all hands were agreed on one sort of statehood, the Chances are that it could lie speedily accomplished, but they are not agreed, more's the pity. Of course, as a rule, the east Is opposed to any statehood, but certain ly we civ.mot much longer keep out of the Union a million American citl aeos, and there are fully that many In the two territories. United, the two would make one of the greatest states in the Union, a glory to American in stitutions. The agricultural and min eral wealth is incalculable. A country that raises corn equal to Missouri, wheat equal to Dakota, cotton equal to Texas, is well worth looking after. The Indian children have fairly good school facilities, but the whites outside the towns have practically none. I was told by men who possess and evidenced every sign of reliability and veracity that most of he criminals are young men who have grown up in ignorance and under the vicious lack of govern mental control heretofore and still ex isting. It is hard to tell who is to blame for this condition, and I am not trying to fix the blame or to apportion it. I am stating the plain, unvarnished truth that congress ought to find a speedy remedy. Perhaps the great aggregation of congressional talent which accompa nied Hon. William R. Hearst through Arizona, New Mexico, Oklahoma and the Indian Territory niay be able to de vise a plan whei-eby statehood can be conferred upon them all. If so, bless ings on their heads! But whether Hearst's great undertaking Is a suc cess or failure he deserves great credit for instituting it. No harm can come of it, and let us hope that much good will result therefrom. Another Warwick, It is done. The thing is settled. niere's another Warwick, not another I ti . 1 1 .1 : : 1 uicuiiiuuu., iu iiit; preaiueuuai ucjix. Now comes the great and good Dr. Harper of the University of Chicago and shies his castor into the ring as president maker. It is well. The more the merrier. His candidate for presi dent is Hon. Seth Low, present mayor of Greater New York and fusion nomi nee for re-election against George Brin ton McClellan, the regular Tammany nominee. Now, President Harper is a most excellent gentleman, no doubt, but an expectant and amazed world would like to know, don't you know, whom the good doctor represents in bis bold venture into high politics. Does he speak for himself alone? If so, that would be very interesting, but not very important. Does he speak for the Rockefeller interests, the president of whose university he is? If so, that would be both very interesting and very important. Harper and Low are both what the late lamented Simon Cameron denounced as "them d d lit teray fellers." Of course there is be twixt them a feeling of eomradeship entirely honorable to each, but that would make no delegates for Low in a convention, as the chances are 100 to 1 that the practical Republican politi cians of Illinois would not even permit Dr. Harper to be elected a delegate himself, and the only chance for him to put his great and good friend in nomination would- be to speak as a proxy for some other delegate who was for Low, if such a one could be found. But if Dr. Harper's pronunciamento was made on behalf of the Rockefeller interests it means much to wit, that Low is the man upon whom Colonel Theodore Roosevelt must keep his eye in the national Republican convention If the Rockefellers are in it the plain meaning is that Roosevelt must fight if he would" win the nomination. The programme will be to purchase the mayoralty for Hon. Setb Low. yclept "the reformer" by admiring friends, and then to purchase both the nomination and election to the presidency for him So there may be precious little or a vast deal in President Harper nom ination of Mayor Low Too Pessimistic. Judge John H. Reagan of Texas is a great historic personage. His years have exceeded the psaimisfs extreme allotment He has played many great parts on the world's stage and played them all well. He was a Judge in Tex as and a representative in congress prior to the civil war. He was post master general of the Confederate states and is the only survivor of Jef ferson Davis' cabinet. Subsequent to the war he was a representative In congress, a senator of the United States and railroad commissioner for Texas. He owes it to the world to write a book of reminiscences. It would be Invalu able, but he is growing extremely pes simistic. He thinks this great: republic Is doomed. He recently said: ij An not want Texas divided Into five states, aa the annexation agreement pqfv tnlts. Texas should never be. divided. imorfran renubllc is doomed. The disso lution of th t Union of States la sure to come, tn my opinion, and do sueceeaea oj a monarchy We are rapidly drifting to- o if AWQrif.i 3YOX cJAKM ai stood iho'it over Oiie arid a Sa I llflKl II B (lllltwUA v a . Enclosed with every 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 p 0 0 0 Comment s3 Suggestions Toocb inj Public Questions and Public Men 0 O 0 0 0 ' e ward. a molULrcblcal torm ot JL1- I want Texas to be big enough to stand aloner to once more be the republle of wnen m oay 01 monarcny arrives th , f thla XT. Texaa wUl aoroe day ha.Te 30.000,000 mar people, at least, than ar now in the state. There should be no division, but Tszaa Should remain large, strong and trse. The hope of a free people and a representatlva republic is involved la. this condition. A Realistic Picture. Tn 1?wmhsuu'Km m s - - ssm V. (mmnr,, T v i immortal Labby To understand the character of Lsbou chere one must know that this mocking spirit, who has broken mora knaves and more shams than almost any man. who has figured in a hundred fights to the death in law courts and baa never - or rarely been worsted, is human, like the rest of us. He is considerate to all those around him; sometimes even he Is shy and timid. It is said that when he rlnsa a bell for a servant with any impatience ht runs out of the room before the servant has time to appear. And I have often seen this spirit of almost sardonic mock ery blush like a girl. The face shows the contradiction of the character. When first you look at it you are conscious only of Its mockery. The eyes black, cold, penetrating are made even more quizzically funny by eyebrows that twist and turn as though they were prepared by some theatrical coiffeur for a baritone aout to play Mephlatophcles. But the mouth reveals that other side of the spirit. It reveals the man of Iron res olution, of Inflexible opinions, of enmities that do not die. Napoleon used to be call ed Juplter-Scapln. I might sum up Labby as scapln-cromwell. Not For Joseph. The Houston Post, in a recent edl torial, made this astonishing statement about Senator Joseph Weldon Bailey of Texas: There Is nothing in the rumor about Senator Joe Bailey retiring from public life and taking up his residence tn New York. It Is within the. knowledge ot the Post that he was offered a position at a remuneration of J&0.000 a year or better and that he declined It without a mo ment's hesitation. The senator has no idea of quitting Texas or of retiring from public life. A New Nuisance Proposed. The disposition of congress to abdi cate its constitutional functions by creating commissions of all sorts ap pears to be growing. The latest one proposed, and the most astounding in its character, is the raouetary commis sion! The power and dnty of dealing with ail financial questions constitute tte most Important functions conferred upon congress by the framers of the government. To basely abandon these, would prove the Fifty-eighth congress to be the most pusillanimous tn history. It was bod enough and idiotic enough to send a roving commission over tbe country to discover what tbe tariff barons wanted done about the tariff. but the suggestion for a monetary coin mission is incredible.' The reason assigned for thla amaslng proposition is that it is considered the best way of settling the differences ai to finance among' Republicans. A Washington dispatch snya Inter alia: The president. It Is well known, has given more thought to financial questions In the last six months than to any other sub ject. He has ascertained that there are wide gulfs separating the different views and that it will he next to Impossible to reconcile the diversified views and srttle upon any one plan or bill. Consequently the proposition now Is to turn the whole matter over to a commlaslon. whether of congress or to be appointed by tbe presi dent from the outside has not brrn deter mined. The work of the commission would be to delve as deeply Into condi tions as possible and submit recommend, tions upon which the various Republican elements might unite. It is strange and amuatng to read of wide gulfs separating the different views" of Republicans when we re member all tbe wild talk there baa been lately about Republican barmonj. with a big. big U, and of the irrecon cilable differences among Democrats. If a commission can be established by congress to run our finances why not put the government into commis sion, abolish congress and save the ex pense? What's the use of paying nine ty senators and 4SG representatives to do a thing that can be doae by on- commission? New Eruption. The signs of the times indicate that a new eruption of the Delaware Re publican scandal is at hand. It smelts to heaven and Is tbe saddest com men- tary extant on "barrel" politics. There appears to be no way of stopping or squelching it They say that Trestdent nooseveii is weakening to ug some- a-a A a o a I - - . 1 ming truly awrui to an or tnem Dy reason or iuis newesi ouiurai. nr will deserve tne tnauas or ail decent men If he does. But will be? Can be? Is the thing possible so long as the .Ad dicks bank -account' holds out? It seems not. But air. Roosevelt aa the chief apostle of Republican purity and light should be encouraged to try. Perilous. The New York World la a great newBDaoer and has tackled many ClT ficult questiona and settled - many of them, but it has committed itself to a perilous performance la adjuatlag th ervant girl problem," the most aert- ous one of oar times,' It fpcaks of It In tMa JSnnty, not to aay flippanVmaA - ner: ReaponalbUlty for the raxing scarcity of houae servants haa at last been tUed e?,nMely.and. !mS,a"y- In ?U'Z bulleUn Che state department of tobor de- clares unhesluUngly that prosperity la to blame. OooO tunes nave so lucreeaeo toe numoers oi am irm "tvii '.mi the demand for household help. baa roa greatly beyond, tho supply.., . . , This explanation of a leading dotneetJe difHcultr of tho day wlir oeme aa a oevero setback to social atudenta who haro beet . tracing the trouble to conslderaOooo of Hatf.lpUon.bottIes.:Ddesi.lus record u uw jfwtre . W bottle is a Ten Cent Package ef CXOVX'S ftaw w way - ' .. r. fraternity, quarity: tadrrMsal ytiiuja and the like. But la etUMr tfreee fee tv b rings no comfort to w wiled twmliit The chief effect of the e4Stal mng e the departaeat la to add a aww farce a the old question. Ia prosperity a aais- ed good 7 . Scoffers at the proMwttUisf of IdeaJ ctaliam have been wool t cOac tW "argument to the persooT by IftfotrW wiut cutting fere. "Wbee an Ml ere equal state and standtagv who the wnt dig the dltcheer It Is Pfoc. fc rW of the pronuDclejnrato from Altaav. to adapt this query to a new Iky smM heels. When diffused prosperity haw bravest all the twasefcolds of the unWeree to tho levef of the servant keeeer. who the abei! washv the alettes of tho wordn ? Good For Henderson. Friends of ex-Speaker David B tiro aerson and be has as manr personal friends among Democrats . aa, iicoor RcpabMcans-wIll bo glad t tram that he la so busy practicing taw la New York that be baa ao Use .to mate eampojgn speeches. Ill prorperttj la his new home will t Board of with ' oy by bund reds of tboarXof Ararr- was maao to do lovra. jt coqr tt- body wookJ object to bU making cam paign speech es If t had tbo ). it 1a a delight even to a rcapot Demo crat to hear blot' make a RrpaNlcaa speech. Ile.larmpo us to the qoren't taste, and we'd hate a 07 body cle for saying tho things bo aaya, but nobody can, get mad at the gmerotj brarted ex-epeaker. lie quit coogres pxir. bo needa money, and It is to bo hoped thai be la making It band over Ct Republican V. P. Our Republican friends eorra to bo having aa great a eearrb foe a view presidential candidate as Peary li hit lag for the north pole. No KepobJiren of commanding stature apprars to want the place. They have nearly all been canvassed or mentkxwd. fnom Senator Ha ana down to or op t whichever It Is Senator Fstrbsok. At last they Way have to draft aomt one to ma with Cotaatel Aooeevrli The latest proposition U' that thrjr ought to tske a border state "tuaa. Sev eral are being dLecusord ei-oTerrrs Lowndes of Msryland and bradWy of Kentucky. ex-Mayor Waforfdii of 8L Louis and all others of.a3c1et rnI nence. If all these nootvt decflnr. th searchen after a Republican vlco preV dentlal nominee might peg raid down sooth, where they are Itmcot ' certain "to strike pay crarrP i(oaa. Vor t ampl. there la Color-! II. Cl Ersaa of Tennese! Imagine the roibut'aoni of the old sAbllrra for htm! ilo t hj wonld wboop things np for a tlrkrt of which Colonel II. Clay waa the tea If the managers think him aaaratlabi; they might cro over Into Arkan.a arid tackle General rowell Oaytoo of Colonel Tokrr Jack" McClure. No doubt either would accept with alacrity and bow the old carpetbaggers would rally to their standard! Falling to Sod , Tlo preaidiotUI BarkU la Arkaueov there Is rincbbeck of txuLaUoa. f governor, etc. He wooM not drcUoA Neither would ex tJorerooe sod eart a tor William ritt Kellogg, who U rated among tbo mUltoctatreo. TV aavroo At either of these patriots oogbt to tfro the oootboro heart- tf they aro oof tantamount to tbo oct-aaloa. ihTr"a Cooney 0 Toaaa. Grrt hetrn: "What a camllditr be wotkl ol' A!) the black and tana wf M tft far h!ta. but perhaps tbe lily whites wou'3 b a trifle cold. Yfs. perhaps. A Straw. Tbe Democratic rjctorj la the tn dlanapolla nuijpralty contnrt ti wblrb way the wtod lo btowtag pollt icany. 1 umgs are coming oar way iowIy. but snrly We are graJui:y rexnlnlng all the great dtlre In th north and taaklng betdway tfral vutrn, ir krg kno (Vat hie 00 tarn. ' ; t , A Veritable Worvder Lsnd. Mlsaourl is coming to bo known a a veritable wonderland. Hitherto era hare not aappoerd there were any r-J deposits In the state. Uit rwvs'jj a rich one baa beoa dlacorerrd Sow cold t generalty fatiWl iir o? la ome wild, laaccraalble nxloo, b rvl to grt to and uoplraeeot to "lire In. bul this rXIfctaourl gold :tr If tft n:- . lovely, rertlle loratj'y. Wittito tft-t f railroad aixl ctooe to a thrtrioc and tn terprislni: city. But that'a aot ath Wo hare a tjsrood atrawberry crop In allesoort. w Hrh meat make tbo mootho of sriLru,- water. Go It. It would really bo a grx-a rrtirf to tho world If Haaaia aod Japoo wo'4 sctaalty go to Cghting. and few nov'mi care which whipped. Tby har talk ed war and rnaken their Cats at eart other long enough. W cooM turc'-ei them all the things needed to carry M oo. UUoourt hat raised aaotber asuw crop since tbo Dorr war. 1 The Soeclal J-.-de'a First Act fn.,,ur lul!:, 0f Idabo dortcg tfe day. whD L n pfmctitB u r o.. . r- . .r,,.,. k. . court in tUjtt city becao ef giw-fr! coattrapt cf roort and la ddK!t fined tn tbe sum of ft Tho ltt" accordlnc to'a custoot followrd la it Idaho court, tbo iflJv rtd Mr. Dubois to occupy tho be-ort fae him daring tbo tmaeactloo of comparatively ootmportant btsei (-After the ftrdahft deport ore froo t rcourt robmJtr. Ddu ethlbtted t ataoce of that remarkabt pra.0t of mind for which ho baa ever two tot- ed. Tho future senator aabt to tbo clerk of tho coortj rTtw-crng to t-e - ord of this edert ' f or1 Yroteodeyt ie. Clerk, you will boeero roroedrd a to of $30 apt lost one rtedrrVk T. Dft- oio.- oer-wUI kindly make a ftceo to tho effect that such 8ao baa Uara re- . - . , I w, viar vt www I , . , ... - . . , ' , m w!l ."fT. .T. " ELAQC .OOT UVXJ rxx. , T a "fit ' I aT t&:., ; r-. f-t .... ; NO Ji:.ar,DES 1M THE - CQCXTY. T A rrrtnt s rater ol Lot'a Wctgif J coouurd isU rdf?ont e TW Nftaa ihi Sjbj?p, CUit ItrreUf -f Alton, H qvxrd as ief (teo able Uj C4 a poaabrTPf VlV)ir H O !, tndiaaa e4 lifie Vrt tv aro r rM . rcvailc4 to I -re, re tto to tf ff ttei at lux loos toatoa ao . ;Vi: ll rwrto.v iacati (i t l:h la-e vem.h - !U et Uad ol lU. , t . trxa o4 Utd fa tM oqs4 ks e a-trd al- as o all 4 the fear's mm i errttjrft ol a siefJ fnoaij M-:tVr?l eaviy. NMh Carol ft. Foa jet tl lirt irara that Ccf-.:y M eattrtd ao ds COor an j r! ifsieu ioo tikt Oerro ftti u eao-kef mi,) 4 bret-t rrfo in hrr antjm." ft g lW t ! are ev orcrKt'. l-cib! eaetluda ate ae Sftegr ia t U kUD cua'-t a rtrtrvr. It 1. oc o4 IM W ctetn 'O Njr--h Cf 4 fc-i iMt K s v a Ktba'ibi)! ie;St:ca Kt)r;t sg rr ltt-i-fi i-ce 1 V ml h f . , ... Hrcc prtr40 tealreaie! d ao - I let mto tke rrv fV a at ii VlcheU rrss'j u -t-rd t1 et-t ol he AlW4&et 1 v trp i (V Sea K"dge. ai it ea-wQ!ia Me orally, f to'ti t Ie4 tot S 1 l!:tchr!l sod WtD '"! Jtr0'lf f:!roe4 t pr It'-m Ht'tpm, t! , 1 l.tkOQ t. tryg Ttoa. T1 food fu lr0B V4lt4'l dso-f, Uh til Jil 4 llis'r Wr! nttcrsll) f k f :t'f tol 'rlefoao ter. l cum a r.a ritaxr Albert m- aa-t m te I lirvcr tl C;titoo of J gtiJ t.l .if ll it'r'r t'x" tk tc3 0 tl ot t etcti t o ," O IA lie rorjniit ia4 eaaae )ft . cams el ftf. ftm I tsi t'-N ext tr sdtcie.re. 5.., ta ..f. TV jA, ere es- tttotsfa. ?Ia-rvt ie artrd cat SC aerrn, e ie i at l X9wr crwtq j r-rxt '.itll -.V so il ir o r M - t sft rtiri o Lai a o tsea IM O " c..eieit nrv Tl a-o-jj s'; e '. 111", S-i. t l-ty f'M, .Vi'nm kt Ml u 4m icrrrt i' j oa-ft ' i- T 1.J I 1 -i -n-fl 't:, T"5 IVY I :iif i -( T e .mes t r ej t ,.!-. eti-.e c tt. wa-i t jk-es b r 'e ask .'' a a J - J i -'. I ac e d i'i- - b. ja '30 od r Vrs tlf r "' t jeg u lliiwti ei. s --e ( ri ee. stti a' tt ro i- ( ct" if Mtfj 4f-'' .rr l-ji-j tr . i'-atj f ft ! !f f'-uff e. A O (: ' CtKt ! l O a a v(k:b.l T eft ja, e J k '".ol Ctaf CO- m -tuff A ' tl. af 13 -atrito'ea Vu co rve r,kf r- w.lt ft t i,f MiKH c l. A Vtld Jal nitSt f aaa; fa a ta.a W-ar.a. a-a ' - - - - teatd et: r-. J aj ,U rtCtl d -l to sect K .1 k.r Coo f el t i n ajj-Aisewt Cwotractc 'tard 0 '4 is aval ft r- liim a-3 jo e tn, Ve eftt wti.lO-.- la a4 e rt j-roa t, aod Bf a-3i..a.ii t teo slo iecou) U t-V k c 4 a l o. Mnnu S be. A km .Vjit l et l it cipaiK a lro-e Vt V'-. o-- iWf aft .sjr eaarv V Tn-- "mi ajdf rVfi.!. oet io i4t ft SO ao ISOjaattue ba AeJ it . To t bh a rrtirat ood deal. Ifto latet lieel CVaaaaertieiae tae eW e anaiitttl iaal La a eaao taaat aa iA aaaalaO aa fitta A tOt ei Uaata T e ttt I . K oil) aveeJ a a e-e a xa)i;r e a4k Mt aaatft t. Saaaf faw U aaalift au lMe e ' eaa aai aae Ve Siaa 4 ea4 ae Mlexaaal iavto e atSaeO ft fcaa. aav eta ua aee oieft ,.. . fteoa ay Ayeiait.. e I ..."'. a If wiiVeo ftrra too4Ueft Vo f tftft O)ol4 dk fof ftleolft. J 1 fcaaWteies Oaiaal i eaVt tle t e feeaaroieeiiaiUts o " . al aa.au ft trie aoal eeeaiaU-a. eeo f A r- Oa4 txreg Car 1 i M ? f Sm rata fail i Vj fr bit Wcftftaft V-e tec) . Wt It 1i4aie Urat TftUifA Si tieet "TeA-'avft fteo a beo aswo,. k a uf ee a ei saa ae eve n H' il tiM M fteee aa a4e?.ee ' ail am t aIaa-. m Va aiaae i aaeaa a eavtaae fta-a a aa ,a-aa te Sat a a. I Oa.la leaf ft See at aaay Un'l aae Se J eka.4.e aa aawaaet ef WM UMitaa aai a -. l arffc.a a ,4 tea a--. I a. v ,T . ItltSM U fti-t tattle Mt1j' ' MrV.ftoo "o.VaV;v ' Jc-r""i' ' n. . ia) 4eit-i'l t W tT A fttX t t t4T. ?e fn'Moia tM'M TkJAoa 11 rrm titm9 sH-awf at at Wo to tm. C V. ofiiuiiiwa s 00 eoli W. Wxw tTUV jey tk M VifUU.?Ve fat it trlV juaeiha 4 X Ul'lUUeriL . . " A & frf-cSo. Tu e 1.1 n 00 tif e4 00 aw ha e J twee t- t. U twmuml l a-n aie?ia t a mu he 4 f fce ed f'li m 9we Ce m.mm,. U l a-oaktl Veofio ft avao Is a-aeo il IV Cro - It fail a;Ut 4 tl Woeo, tve ftt alt. . - it fee ee O. ef ftinTimftue e tuw f o tmmmff f-H m m wm ef wv tMi(M e et. rJsrn-Tzrrr mWi LAeveo e 4f tiUIte I u4aita atjk, X fre.aee aa-ay f r7 elo ili oiflaiUrt t4 Iomwoo reef dfo Wrs W Ue lU e tH.4AS lecra TVsmo ITU3 rz Wvle car Ci-Cia, U ts-o Tirgiala f.'iUtiaa r qirVe4 tWf Aro ftift orv fo4 waa lit 0007' a fi ta orw loeo e a wtm Vtf laaod ft ha Satis Vefasv . i V 1 ewe mu MUU U aut Im immI ai I a em On 1 . ino- t. 1 e lotel eni hi o it e s 0 Tree ato f .e eaWs t f Aeeowft C .. tl lo oa4 - ,.:. awnftoo gatVee a-e oMto e 4 t we V-e 1 fit Mt i;:ir iiivh tm 00 Ova ts-etv ten twe il IwlH T'ltiilt Vae 'Vtt H , a-fi et i. iai .h -e vM e e aula m t , it ft Jfe. aaaBamaw tt U-'l o .tae .... I tl i. -a. !.!.! . a.-1.j i i f-y f i I 1ATO I trTTt liaC Cui C-X- .iV r.j. A.V I--. a I 0 ) fttasn. sfteavft aaQaf ft w ei ftasftV iasaaa " l"C r-A?! Kxj lercn traTTlv; '.i,c I aft St. ft a. j lO l?eC 1 Jf saj 4 an f sMsM 1 "sftafssft, WssMOMssV-f ioel a f oaftsaat ft ftasea ' sstsjssaM oFJasssWaS asasss tin , j ' A oe,jtrjr, hte irrrh 6rsaV '- he to rzvth rmevC I . aa : i p j j ta; ; atA;r Ll,! I ,,V . -.4 . .-.J . 1 . - 1 . a . . -, ai ftv'-v t-". a - l - . :rTr:Saruf,i ial Tea tK;a gaj f-iir tarrftcej hr nm fjCTr ftftli vft4 fCh Ti IXceor. cim. t TtrT Ai4 hilt ciJitrrr, ti Krf o-an, He USii.i fcr Scrf r-'.-r--ti. ion tt rrr ctcai cii . . . . . JtfXf .h. OS-- tV9t OO. OUCll tif LASH lAtJL fr 0ttoa tV4 fitft eft tea) f re ft ft Ve:rO e. oaeotavsit - eetl erfc iWo ? ef itjrr. J;iX. If t alft ra, lluo'W rft4eft oe.4 4li..ft Ta-OMft Va ft)-toa ottis,at i Vm) IIaMfOUM IA- tmtf alffaat'.' oeaae,;( eJls aevlaf U-a StOi osj ftri law XSft. tPl0t tl ftisam a,JI to-0 0ft tl -r'- 4-a tai tawt 'tft kuo( lt.c;t tat f ia fta.Tatie lo U ttVt1 '!! r a-M-V, U4 f tf Iff steaareiia fort fexraaA I Us itltf 4 it o eftaftftlft ft( TrftaV.aift. fiift W i ?t ""Ot CfttUft, f totio arfta)?yVl 4 lt ! ft f aM-ft a t Oft Um .Wftif iVo Ua iatl W m.k oc IVft fto4 t Hft 1 ea.e tf Seoa. ao - rrf. tVo If tW I - I ..I VMt. aa a . .f a Saw wa af i a --w--a ta tkft Wart Wf U aeata a a a.eoftf i w rurft"-o -. . a:'.tUt IS:1 ee C. ifff a ; i :e ..e nr. r :t t-. j.u t f e ' - : ' k M. r. fccticx, - STEAH LAUKDHT ' t tuo 3u0 oC!tnw tsr W a4 Jrt tKjswr tA t:vf-r4 JEauut , C , aswutitif ft otta.t'U mi lttVU.es mm(m lis .titiftawwC. i I Mb . a fWat.W, ot.t V serN 0J. frUetftM estr0 ft Voo (AmmT i.tMu, CluhX. U.r airti mw ero wuiie od ti4tHg e3 Vsruawo4 oUi tu. 9t fte W 3 . i -C4 w-ift Owt4f t.l-l UrtHn 4tM uo iswi,ai-, gii oMv tto, it as Mi Vim lAMe eM. fm mr UJ ft-Ui OwfeMO tvo " notice.- WK, -f fct- r7m fc.iu t. ttrTVoSv tiflf Um ls. -i TW lniaiirt tmf Cienia. i 4 w, e,,. o. 1 tm ta Ue ftsa( J-a. . rrnaeO hifimt t U ftM t,t J-li t.ls. S W.J. f ft, tv-artUtiAt twM rm , tC'tXt W,M e e.iv .l unw mm wtww .n wh i,iuh a Mima . !-. ,y Smim w tidslBsO 4asssOo ftkaaaftras too Vt KIM MM r sen o K. t-ewi a t e a.ai . e H'k naie a ninim 4 civaie Qi'i.iieilM a air e ana. f a 1 1 ' a aM-.taar e w ui, e I smi e.i, a om o. 0 - -.a M 1 , t riTi t, m ii- ii!n!!i j p,,, (ajaaatieM. a S.ill.m , , eaatw.M, n. tm 4 aa a miMawty a. aa atav tTTLZZZ JZJZZ-'TZ? ai mi ' a aui i 1 Si n i - - - . - . .-. iSV'r7.T, ?fTtT7.', T" Jewelvf and Opdciorv. i ,- .. ft. c !ia i ava M aaO r. m 3 m '"n.aa e i -I..I. .li ii j . - ii - 1 af af - Via Ht .mwnnii m,. I .aH af ai'Wik I. a- t,. i a-11 awMi.a ax a aa4 at' , i ii im?. k i aM.f Hat .M,ea .catl.ftt. I ""ai - irm a.) t at o..aaa w . - - r -JMeVff 1 IHaa aa. .aain a( I wl -aF esMSf ittHiMiiaM m ftraittHwfjrs) aAV W Www sIbbjbi ai'i.ii t , w , taaitoa e Him . . M v 1 I toftftef m9 aaaraoaooajSP sea t.e ex'a e a K wv 1 -m wimmh 4m taut a a a. et.iiaai, mm e urn. m h. , tiwiaanilia m iai aiM e..e e aaa a. tw. t ' i imil ei mi na m i eaa am . ev f taa !,, IM. Dm t.iMa mi a aawMi i latiaia hS. e tMI '! rt."JaaTaui t. a,M,kO f- tnl' I li'" e ,.. i m ai.n mx tiHa, i. ' i t-i a - r HIW ji e O act O O-1 -i lunula me m iCVBI JUUUJ oiiuuiu): Use Ttiem . - "T , .a i I . .. . i .i.i )i 4 ? ?Ve OsAs4eW ,e-eoo r oeee-o FULLER WE FIXTUHES jj tw. 3 f rf . Voao 0.0 i j t't..af w IT .C L '''' . ii . .... !. 14 -a n. rirtfCiett RESTflURflliT t ftft aa.1 eanrei et vVm ft Qe aa4 Ue t c ,T Mfl ft-to toe ee-tij ejavmt e ffae Ot 4-konft ft .ift m m aa en a a 7 riVauOn MO AjW.. ak 3 C AXa w 3 V,'. H. MAT! HI , Tjlai! Orders. 7 ia ft -, .i, U ' ssaAoe. aee4 ' at, imv4 ft.f-taS.ea. WeCTnof.Uk : . C?er6C.:r. . . At.t 1CN 0. EX C B I S 1 0 r E D III: j . IWiILi C.i. 4X txtbis B'Jni SDSS . O"-.! ft ,! uawox TVo i t(H.C'.tf tr Mtltrr frftfttt Oseiek. . j warn. ft CU ttetrta, Cie.ll or sow U 1 4. 1 IHtO J ' - 1 Ctc.tt.ior Ccn'Co, i.ntarmm.i'D aa-ivasassiassaSsleTJBjasslsftesB SKAnOARl)' gH fcHTggCt t.rt asTTL. lit W U 1 ' ' U" t Lftrta Irt tg. tug. Ultl rt e eJi tli aef . ia) f f ms f e im an l f Oa lMa ra li ea Iw Ol Oat ea ft M a , t i a f - aa ow . ea 4 e . a a-a , aa et ' a M aaa ft e aa aiee '" aa a U e a t aa " t 11 , , i' a. Tf I i. l.wari'tei I Niiaum e ii m mtr '..np fWOft 4aft. . w a If Ifi'M a frtae i kae ft ill e.r. f M- - " - ... . ; l f ' e j r una i ia (,i na ir cr.t;,t f e a ftf e eaa. I tl i aaa. eaaj aj fHa'illaa e a a aa i e o . ii at aw j mi aula taaav 1 V -- - r . Ik ta .4 o ft I et-MOarxaj a 0 ft fl ot a m OS ea at .him O ft a M .aa t .1 ea aw- - w . a. . . ? f Ot aa aa a aj, -- ea .a S U ya. I (i en-oo ' , . '. 0 ee ftowsasa ft a ao " o'e VeaTesa. Of eaa ,fOi?Toaa.ft,ftca, ttaaHa . eft ft. 1 1 Of aa ftajtaa i a laiaajiai'Liiin nai aa a sm ea O aw eaa te mmm )laiHtoatM ft et fte i Otaoti , ft ? e . 0 ftt.Miaa.ae a f ae I 1- eiaMwe" e t e ft. aii it .ail ft -oxeeieiiaV ft ft aatt a ft ft ft a e-t sat ttattnaaaai 9 $ tm o ea.. M fttao ftaHO rfa-OKai O t ea , lit a fVti 'tw. I III aa Owatae - at aaa, t 't e f ,r,r r- ea. 0 ... .aa-.t ft I I m l..,a na f e i ia.. i' an 4 ar sea SI ee ft aa ,m nawataa ft ft t el at to alit I f ly 3 n e it aa a. a taiaia f r ea 1 . ea aa ft' aa.ii af ' -t eas. .. ft aaa. l-W.W.taa, a-" " ft aaTt ea. ftweiaet,a t S4 " ..... - i h a. a.' rfffjif '"iri'iaii aiwaitei ' ii ew eaa ew a ? ft a.titaat r f1 la at ee , Smtaai s u . , t wt IwMatt 4 tt mm . et m ft 4 east mm . a a. .... " a. eat .wi nam latinii aa i ft. ew t. eat IO ae III ft ft . OH O iiaai alaa oa mm, aa aaa 4 a ta a a - Ua T a a a ' i ' a, , n..ai i,al J a a. m , t a. , ' I t a M e aa a.. caa(a ' w l a eaa 3ta 2 m -m f a, , w ,. a . . . . i r 1 a.' .4. a . a