1 . aMrtMV9aAiH . v. 1 1' r ram-. v jas. A. THOMJKTTintor iaT Pro?fSlsr VOL fKM LOUISBURG, N. 0,' FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13. 1: Jl- - - none 7 J:, i . - ; : ( y) 0 CHURCH DIRECTORY MTKODiaf., Sands School at 9:30 A. M. , Qaow 8. Baxsb, Suptv. Preaching at 11 A. M., and 8 SG P. K. Try Saaday. -Prayer meeting Wednesday night, v M. T, Pltlxb. Pastor. BAPTIST. . ' 8 q nday School at 9:80 A. M. ' , ': Thos. B. Wilbkr, 8upt Preaching t 11- AJ4., and 8:30 P.M., Prayemagi'PhnHdayinight.fTB ? H. u. uashburbs rastor. BMBOOPAL," 6 a ada School at 9 :30i. Wm. H.- Rdfpih. Sopt. Serf ices, morning and nltrht , on lit, 3rd and 4th Bandars. "y- ., v;?: K vQli'ff Prayer Friday afternoon. -. Bit. Johji LospoS, Rector. 7 PEBSBTTEBtUt. 8irioea'4tb Sands? in each month morning and niifht. f , C. N. Whiktoh, Pastor. - xx xx xx: xx n'xxxx'xx: xx'- " uv it - u " n 5tt . . . -Good Old Minoori". - W U U fci - "V 1 JLeitier cbararttrUtJo f tb Ulmrart tirwca art ao plainly manifest to t2 UM pay ers who bar- to entrrtns Uj mte la an !acrKfn strtara froca Iinoia, Indiana and-lowa that a matt it b ln seen la jtb liart3 cociJtjce shoirn by tbse pc; Tny boy Mod and to back boot to rack no tl tw lonjlnx. s-Tbat tri im Is a f cls 7 1 atooary trip, for tiy bf 1 btbrs ra rk.toaded rrlei Who Till ! Yo a All trvk fcst,71ii : . 1 i -J 4 I . , t I V V -.- - .m - v t j-r 4 tt.a t me ti4T. 1 1 r J, 5: ;i.x. ittr: fcc. i ? ' '-VW . ;'i';r; "-i n In I TtJA 'WiorUl tWTcdj U Wt rtTT'Mothw-Shipton'coald rolttity It far 1 IiODQBS. bli nighu lsfeach month. A. M., -caeets lat ana Bra inesaay H. XLRED. " vl; SA.TTOaSBT-AT-XAW, Will pTyioei 111 t& 5(fcrt. ' Ottfce In Tooogaruie, . u. D aiw. 1r T -IrnATW whan T mi srsrr Va ku a. ARTHUR EL FLEMING, O flca OTor The Green a Yarboro Co,' R.8.PBURT. , t'aAOTICISO PHYSICIAN AND 80BQBON. Louisborg, N. C. ifdatettl, turned from rtha grare . long , the most pleasing light: ; " enough to visit Ohio in the recent , " campaign, she -would ; have, taken great credit to herself "for lier prophecy as to "horseless carriages. They were much in Yidence. x.TwotJ'years ago much 3m was 'poked at Tom Johnson by Republican newspapers by reason of the fact that- he. traveled aboufe-in his "Red -Deriyv as his automobile ia , LovOsr 1 asked, and named, but this year not only did Tom repeat that specfacular , performance, but so much -has public opinion chang1 ed .on ,that subject that Hon.' Myroa T. Herrick.epublican candidate for governor, went gallivanting" about the stbte in an automobile, trying to beat the mayor of Cleveland 'at his own game. So in that regard Hon, Tbrnil,! n?seekitQ Tionor the has been vindicated. As to automo biles,, he can fittingly quote " the old dictum' that "he" laughs best who laughslast"!-'5 '!r'?Jr - "Of course many, Estrange things hap penedin the Ohio campaign, but cer- .tainly the strangest was the attempt of - General Charles Dick chairman of the. Republican state committee, to teach Tom Johnson what Thomas Jefferson thought on divers subjects. Since the devil fell to quoting Scripture there t' frat, fjja ifct tm V4 f tiz ilj&rm. BaW--r ratw4 oncotdid aohjethiai' U t?p a4mtl ir, nec!cansf rtTsralVf! U MUwoort favorably. It f sUS. better. . . tiU. . -to mention the fet-u Uon h . Mf gone im V) pc f coat kf I ' ft f. H. I-1 4 t!xi m'BH- lnf;pttea at4r.llr at oe it aw&4t tvi ,:utnrti tLn :zzt. I 'STZklZ UMZTil ! lxH( 'Iff rt 1 ! iAm nii I w tat wl V m4 V. . i t.r.irr.. i i Mr. Cleveland had few eaSers dorl&c the morning-. ' Whll b vu at breakfast be met Colonel Tom Lorry, tbe street cmt I lands have magnate or bl Paul and MmaeapoUa. aad I last eighteen "How. the tolkal" asked ColoDel Low. 77" '! i. e W "Tine." said Mr. Cleveland. V talkJnK about my hoy. call him Melican Man If to St. Louis. Would you xe t v IuhmI . t w. ...a 1 1 M Alt .' '... . . . 4 - - - - ,t a waeiostl averace taxes nld Mamtni o ! P ' Wfj, it t thai - ttm 1 intended solnc "l. 5. " V." . V:.':' a.t at a3 like to ot8t. Trjr W3 - dch AatlVr k. WWW ,k-ie)iBMWWwMi SJr-?1 ' P tle at 0:. and patriot .:ilpnyi -' aaala- CMi",rt.,v tf tW li S r u I tWtiq t Vim MiK LI! Mim .t ASUtne to Hamlet , - - , . 1ce ri fol SaVittT tTt ' ,lwl ' The newsp1lper.4t-Wnh3?4nlaht dld state InstnlWan, I3,hat f?T"7 tM .fw LT.J ' people' 'hive ejected at .statu .totbat ' P)t ff h tamae mtna f ra aattrlht tfathe4 Cwfu'Mli J liU im. fine Tgure titiS2&a52 Tfcy high UxatJoo ta Iw. ii;-' 7 Shakespeare's Wh (pi'TBatw'anbae (.wnea where tt at the cta, ta j i f ' 51; a- aTT; T HT. othey than, Hamlet. prince of Dunark, Pat the Anger of tcora at -pot old w,JSf Jrr1.!;?. ? ' 4. Feonle :yrhnHt wtiT.tTxx nafwataKnM C aiweauEL( A re, ana o l fiat aacv?Lx 1 ucb bus m are u 1 II a iiCarA a I ' a t . aWell memory, of. one 05 000.000 o(V:M 1, tVM li.h thinnest air., a, creature jt .thespoetT tl fl0 a) tat debt ,arJdC d t ro4. Uu f wsa-rt tVf l pen-and the actor's fancy, and who rTl ,r 17 , r 01 uerr. 1 kt hfai rt at e N la.ma mehtamo the lande for i stage 1 W P tr of f 0 at lUFai f ta ors. Hamlet la tbe mouthpiece for tbje 1) a. B, f. YAHBOROUOH, PHY8ICIAN A.ND 8URQBON, .. LoPTSBCRe, K. C. . m . 1 I ajliua a ! vil m . wo "There-, wmethlng rotten in I T"f " !??T .r.-T I ZISl.' '.'107 JlliL ' t. kit t.Vl tAm. m 1. I I L. t f H.L'li 1ir! TVAnnllv. I hjrro onlv the blnilAr ...... 1-themselTM! Bat that Wat Dot . a.rtf-I , w mt w..- - " j . n 1 a nnaror cvr ma nftiiiirTW ' nrva. r rta-aa sua . " . . - dn an, Waay. htefif . ,vxo yi wouldardly e'rect aWtne'f ' o thy Jnaf-aJr It ihMf avivvez, isni t. iaiek C wba , wbera tt la1 . ... a,' v such a plan that he cannot understand acters to counterfeit and place upon a Juroada ta thet N Tit tt. alABSKMBURG, .a.e . . av a . 1 - - . A . a . . X fAolincrv. fnr tho o-pnoralif moT ho nfo- 4v. Tm ..7i 1 CWDlTaaca 1 WU( tbT CM tai MlS wfif easa aSl i ly asserted that his mind Is rigged up on ' bronze and have but few heroic char- JLbli.-l!.l,Vttfe,- fb I kerl4t tataf stf i- 1 i-v a. i a.x i rn.. a. aLUTlS. reureatfuUTlVfli Jix M IMfmn I I a 1. . " . . I - " ' "1 - f w j -msaa omv nirvv rvaasi- nniiiiina'. dduuh fssi. 1 - iarealtii aawaeri-Sria W. .KhaffeF811 Baid. fp T0 i1.-.11 - ' . - - T X Lfrtrada, & 1 1 Vi I Bat IMtt art mniur-" - .. 1 cuuiu cuuiiireueuu ai. use wuiu uewi . LTTORNSY AT LAW. wxnsBime, a. 0. Win ptitc in all the Co !- Office In Court A . J. Paris, representative fit Mlssonrfa f J"! Jl1!6 m nr"T P 1 conclusive that his mind is muddled . ej TSSi rttne tojSK tTfT tew -'.a4 TW, lU oi ia-a. 'tWe,1 starae to joe bow- i alncerelf mAaUnrt rirw 4 1 t . VM . . kit-h rna nam nr as mnv vnnv vteaai a . .- 1 a--w w w-w aai bt a ar i-w '1 ?! e Seneral took it into his noddle that sung for halt a century by Mlaaoortana "5! Sf.SJL'S'S YW arV lili-rlrVt t. 7ut mm . m wae ahAa euta at.N k at oK 1 n 1 ia at a' e"-f .1 r- V Ma aaiMala 4 tatar-.. F ae-sj ip a - J, f-a i 1. yin p nil 1 1 gy " 4va. F44Wa ae-l t.ke ea2 tV4 Ittll'ttU jaawt U a-7 inaaitirriittla i A aHaMSv.Vaaw Mmt aw.TW W J - I t4uOam (a V.w e aa a ' -w ") a.. aVv VKM M aaw (rfk m H t4- ma . f V 1 z aMM ) t'a.ea.xif m m auaa.aa, m i a ne i mum w..t a aM4 annsmaa. f Tmm f''-. f 4 KMW. T tm awne mm .-aMI k.l - V at - aa, V TWe 9aa. w f r NOTICE. Cr aaiwlir Mnsjwor f," raw:; tiaaa-ii f.a (4c 4.ia h!Uut 4 5.1 amVJt.U eu( a-ftiae , fSansa. u2Uea9 W (la aawi 3 Cua nittMr.4.ie aMi,Utniutt aid t e ItaawvA t I Na. 1 iiii'h Co '-IS r C"'"- aW Wn, i r a. r - , C" - t m ' ... , i8 Ua. . 7Ua . aaeav a- t el a.!; itn. ' ' e a. aaerf a.4 J; a ' a ie a I iS SI hif mission idnrfne--the mnaiart waa ewwb fhaiHno. it. . hMrtnnln. in I w n , - , ... ,,, - ... J-.J' , 'ij'.' 4fla- ? t.- a... C . no. i or wy.reacoea laen- ioaT V0re iwaaywei -F"?i lw aa. I Ku ro vauiornia in arreame i . ... .... . j . I . - - . . w . ATTORNEY- Louihbcbo. N. C. orrtovdvaa Corner Drag Store. Hpcll AttenfloM IWDtocolIfectlpne.. f w.uca bsrifet aarrieeealuiBed, I) K. J. B,.MAj : ). fACTIca PHYSICIAN AND 8URQKON. - LQOlSBUUe, S. G met, ovee j-o&ko Trog Company. ..a r.Jy-: li Loalaburg-, N. C Oinee over Ayoocke DruCTCpanj. cello groan in spirit. The general de veloped a mania for writing open' let ters to Tom -Johnson, which had. about as much eflectljon that cheerful states- Uaaaponrinkf water" on a ; rock'a back and afforded, him as immense fund of amusement. -At an early stage in the "campaign Tom proposed a joint . debate with., his opponent, Myron T. 'Herrick.: ' The latter, knows' on! which side his bread is buttered and declined, not with thanks, but he declined. Then" came General Dick and wrote the l" v-wwum 1-, -In AtA m k.4.a a... I SSl mV ttmkm i -kaA aa. W a . ai. SifWbrbiVt5S "nr. jJteU.i.w.W-: lived. But Joe Bowers slanda for a " V. A v ' ' -- sentiment hr tar ?b fiMrta-olery ffiW'T" - - A !jT 1 4W native son of MlsaonrL and. Uke Joan t4ra Seeatatv . olirtr " a a a e4 ft an i aiM .atl 4 a aw. mm t- aftKj aataaaaV aft Jaaaa4V(aaaJ (aatb itrt4Ct3 9treT atkt:.TT mmm Vi . Wi Sal MknAutd t ap aH r.4 m4 at.mi4.if t -ml -.a w few, arft.l i. a e U ! '1 " T.J'mLl. r2 a a:aae tan'ieit. o's. I mi aw I w. .. ... . i Ia mm Brown's soul. It goes maichlCeT J ?tai4 Tha extra Missouri has been a mother toAfhe I PTeWdeat BaKiaavtit w taanet taaa laoa aaa),Mai ws v.a v awi vv m. HAYWOOD RCFFIN. ATTORNKY-AT-LAW, U)DISBUB8. a1. OV ad adjoining ooantlea, also in- the Supreme :oort, and in the United States District Jand ' Xrcali Goarta. O0oe in uooner and Clifton Bnlldlng. if i'-.i ATT0KNiT-lT-1iA,W, soviSBvae, a. a. offloe on Main street, over Jones Coopera great west and has peopled It to the who. tarttat r lnadrartaatly treamed 1 "7 ""r - .-.1 " 1 ' 9 tune;.of.Jce''Bowery"D -fcss yt had taat tbeur waa aaraf, rxv!h. lax Jr o Mt4 tVr : time 'and strfmgth and -reeoaiTe to j etork fo ttl T&e trvMda aita najr e-1 rVjierir jut Wpft ' : hm'r ti grow oirvug u Jim ai uvum um v.. . fc .... .. . l " ' . . one of-'theaTdayrehe w ttaaluu.- ttt avtat U T ft a Jrtg N. i her patriot arm of power and place a I word despite the pretteta of aaaay par I tt aa4 t arr as W leveland mayor half a dozen long, la- Missouri Democrat In the White Douse I ty traders and maaagara, The ran 1 Keor:' a4 ir t4aTy Mtiwa aa . . . i a . I .V.f 1-4. lkA tua - 4 ai a-I a Tk DAaaaAM V a rNattap l ee aaal a -wra ea Tall Tl I I I I I If a BheV Va a Ji F, 1 ' to h,m tht nOTi,t nH'n;rr. Then,' f have notd.lS ev&fl ftltoW l.ta I h-rslrt I ft rad. n fVff?r,.7: ( Y with him hn-rhon,,. jiffpr-o whowants a ?fat'aiotaatttieW tl I fe7T6)Hir' tha MM ' aa" aaaajtff It- said and -thought this, that and the mouthing "about thecounrry proposing aayln.-Toti W a florae W th am ar atiiatailt : . L tn wt a tatn tn In TViwpra. I water, hot Too raaoot. soaie bira drtak. I i ' ' r V I The . honae la the ntyaaveaih caa- H ,je V .1 V ' T ' I greaa played rrerUatlBg amaah wub Ikaadad U4be 3Ure ta aaal rick was afraid to debate with Tpm no - poliUcat tappenlng In v -Vrl rvr?.T. 1 aa. feW ka ait mi th-UUa and couldn;t have been pulled by tourJ Yaonths past that does not -contribute I "Jl ,T 'l ,C - LmZ71 1 W 11 ' . ' mules Infe the same with h w " - t04 CI & feat, ee f s) t i kafra m teaasde -at Kana Mnntwlat ivaal atl afirrvW. ttt to- I . . win, not be treasured among the vain- dent . I . .C. n " ' a ! aaM. Ta Cae;it a ta nhlaf AKrttnM.. S .aAkl.M I . a a -a ' - a I ' OUM7UULUU1CUW Iii UJC aiUlllCBVl VUJW I KeWViTKl. IM BCatnOallai lit Jim OeOairi- I -Pt,l ea. eaa ami., aaaaafl ffft - ; ; . - a a aaavudr w. awa a " w m menta.c,,0li -,;fir.t .v.v lirl UiLKaJlDWat Vnai iMei.(aewd ti!l b raa.. Vai Um I - TblM -Th nMrthrn Of IlhO data ! a.WTa,aa'.at aaal aaaoiU fs tlwa a a.-l . - I Civ!, 5 . - r . r . i I J f m tm rmw. n lit,,, m, win practice in all the Court, of FrantHii Piankind possessed of a sense of humor o laughing at him. The plain truth. which everybody knows. Is that Her- r" - aw l. im I . I "" t flm a wm line, m i ml ttf m atnn p k.a arfaaH.iM aaa, J r ,f W W tw e iiait mm "a wl j a. r , a arf 4 (ma " ' ! a-hw-aa fa, - r.fc M e tm S. at T'aiiaiBiaV. atHt.a 1 a ta, a e ivm a y ttceU'cr CtftCr, aaa, 1 a . . .i .im imt a 'aw.ta i t ana ' am a a.iiini . i 'a "a m.m ut a a .4 m4 a.wiiiiiiw Vw'.t" mw aw ava a.i a. n. a ine fc4 ., , taf.Mr Viji lPe. awk.k a.r a t awtMMinniKaaiaa' ' ttf wait If l-tVW a I tWl i4 2 a4t liat'lt a t , taaaurf a . a. A w il 9 i iii.iii4 , rtNMi, mmmImI MV aaiaq a. - -" " t 1 ' etiW W MM Ma 4toU rM a..iii a attaint,, mmm a SEABOAIID W " Soii'siirapiion l " m I -w a. M MM, i. m Wil- MM ".l.l I H I M..k.M.M. I aH' aiM mm wa.a I aiin, .mm. art i -in. 1 m mUf i mmmmm aana am i Ma a tmm .am laxta a ma mi 1 M, M4 Ii j ""'"'"-,,''''II,III,I"IP " ' aaeaai , . aamnnm, . fwatML tl NM 11 '' "n r mmm, a . , a a liltt t,Ja f 3c ru tKt irlcf v iLtl t-T f,1! irtiTT !5,-,Wt ilaJI,i;ini d Ofitidana r3 I tJOlit:f.tC. ax. aV tilt fck Ii if 4 lwlVw I a eft aaa4 aa aM-aaatft 40 WFZrXtSx tL Tbe lir4 1 t-aTZC--- III mtmmZL V. ,NZ iinn r mm- a mm I w ' .' I mm i , Vmm a a 1 mm mmm mm I ' 51 mv . t mm mm a t l.aw.iia a,M iHa m. -1 .m H mm. t oil awl e I. tn.,m mp It v j .Bublieans. jj Some decidedly amusing thingshap- lIIT Z 13. iTJVIOTT: t feit.li 6.4 t Via aAJ that tl jlart aula e!l af tl hJtnt ra- I en nveti (txd'iZf fat P 8. SPKDILLu ATTORN -Y-AT-LAW. A LOtnaBTTBO. a. C I nannl ln 4.t nv.i. 1 o I RaniiKllan nmwhAinM. .. . " aMiMii...-; . i lcucu ixi liic umu vniiiyuigu. ocuaiui I "f "v- . - :1a I HT4'WWMa-M t win attend the eoarts of Prsnklin, Vance, Hanna and Colonel Herrick campaign- jourcn. ine nneannwj i """i- I nanenng-ooctioa a .-. a t& a'li aar UVa rKai 4 a eii v I food lK ctinrsrora earciiil"" U .-Vl.Val JJe VWv.i:j;,i t.. a k, 1 tata4ttttiV Mae M IVUMMMM) V ,0 mm, - 1 i J r. . . " 4jf I 1 1 mm 4lafta9 ita 1 adeaft a .'CUtlJHTe 1 1 irmnrllle. Warren and Wake counties, alao J to-Atbor nnrl tir Won nnriu tion In nearlV all the HcoubUcan dt)es 1 O. Ol P. has the aeorld fcV the UQWttS i ' . ... I .t r . I I ts i mm -. t. arna aa. ' - r erable and vitriolic friend. General tive boodle tirgta lpbanlMJi I ' lUhMfVit'lra N Wj . aid Si'i J m-'-aa J, A . r J---"" . n,.i0o r2mann. - ifw. Xfinsnnri Democratic Droaecutors. rolk -. K . .. ZL .- f . , 1 1 L . T . jv i-C m U wC-K-Mi41 a ' W . SJlV.Jaaia Aft .-J v.wu.o - . . t-m J uiuicuvi wft. luv I : 7 - 1 ? . 1 - - . . I a l was m n ereat urrv to see tnem on l vn LoinaBtrae a. o. edon "their door, vigorously" until the j rhent prinrlng-offlca" I art Asara itf a laaaial aA a ar.aa ta a I a. y t . . I n ' " 1 ' mmmmmmmm .. . ' - . J i-.I.V. kh ivaarrf tWC a.iw-a i - I IiU?9ril CJ Ii t. - ill hf I , . TTORiffBT AHD OOOOTBIXOII AT l.toaei.f lmi)pttance.:.'So be thump-1 SlxtlaMmer caa to Jtfft'l iAr ln:.ra-ia. Ttlava I 1ti flirttiH ia I - r- "V.V ,.J I Tr a antW A-Itt Dl,f.tf4 -TVrf -. At h'tr3 te W-'I .:! l-CCviirj' fU?a ut W tirt I 4 " J tve '2XMfSSheS Grosvehor could-answer vanning, aon. koot. vv, w uibvoib. Prompt and painstaking attention lTea Kii ichorn's, "Who's there?" Before inqrred m : rafT aee ta efore Gctk of the RepnbUean,9fflcb!lert 'M CCUaTtW. lr. lrffc aTUs j 7T- frf?,"M,1. er the bell the facts .wer ta ae.tt h4 n't .reanof.sjiyepartnwnllKMW tttheVaaW a er- would bo .toimd: entirely . f Saa5T .Sif 1 a1 na- A thorough .Meaning out needed, l? U.r irkwa a?J I fT H. PBRSOir, T ITTORNJtY AT-LAW. kOtnuntraa.x. a ) rrmetteas la all eoarta. trooc - j . ?.. . - -I ' 1 ill AIM ilalLrOiVa BULTf iaaT IUU.VW Wlt system origmatedT.xnepror.opT,T rVWinVtUf ri ' of MlMour!a.V XtyXZ W i COO1 txWW'tfleriiptcyt All legal bualne.. intrarted to him l." " . . s. - . t . . . ' ... ' tiDriiT i aarnt trail lunv . kwu- aaaw-vvj awHh be liard to convince 'an intwu't r-ZL..lm, tJ- eained ; entrance "and convinced them f Wnt man that the iartydeT-1flctl rVlTrzJJ TVii i .'2- J-J-J. that: It was - not "Elijah . Ill," but a 1 the tough Republican campaigner. Gen er-I to exterminate al Grosvenor would have been Justified Uglander a . mm a .-a "a Aa . ' a - in walloping mat Den ooy wiuua an - ,,nr- r.ber.n to coettata noon I t.: Tbi-a ami tfcr atmlUff th!a Inch 'ot. his life. --He his ttequently. ,,, dtW.nnb L, m to nTibiw been called Santa Clans, but to be mis-1 K..wiith s rarW Lr; rkt I - . . . : i. . - . - a 'I - ICaUBT U m-V-a' " aa,ta- " WJ lliVTVVI Ikl t . . ..in,. . , taKenor uowie is too mucn lor na-1 8pecurati ma :rny Jrondermenti. U u.- a, .;.t.w ...V.nt. i- man endurance. i 1 . . TT .ki- 1 Mora" Rrpub Wcair Praarpaf ttr. 'AiaoWATuriirr.td TirnmBTTRQ.N. a- K i One of the stransest characters In f In a, thousand luStatrceiVtut W'sXal .. a , rwM. v.. ' f . t, I ,w ,-iA ml Viwiro. v. - ia Opera Hooae building, COurtatt "w -1 "nT. bT, taen recalrtd from trc-.n.ra of t BtWIHOUTM, aMa SS ' I Office on Mala i H YARBOROTJQH, fa. ;', imui m . hiTit ia littl Kit ranaa 1 - ' ' . receire prompt anacarenu-aenvu,,,, a. , . - " t;-;- "-a."; 1 down CambrWga ar Etaay l- tab n TSf ITFt WlfJE ' : "re" and "lifting the veil." whatever I truth U t bddftta eh -IhTMurf tflj Kfll-"7 -7 t- I DR- D' V SMITHWILK, ; those exWteslons may: mean He la lgiiDijntb. df, ttfletbli ef certafol rfT Pf, 1 Yl Tl i L l. 1 . . l.u I L.i - ...ix.: Tl .lt.r.V ajI Va nykA.TTJ LA EE. i. I 11 i I f v 111 -1 bait. fn7n down' over hla shoulders, t'inaian that a faldo fstiaiata of a peo-1 Hoa. Eacana r. TTare. cotatrlaaLMer DENTIST, tornsBrrso, - - v, c OtSee over Fnmltare Store, 1 HOTELS wiipn Rpnntor DolUrer lately sooke at 'nl mnst reef on one or hotn or two ox penaio-a, nxa vtr teea tor Columbus. by some accident J. . K" I bases namely. -lscoranca and prejo-1 tha Ctcal jaar Ugtaalas Jeae &X 14 occupied a conspicuous; position on tho 'dice. : i. Ura In a Jtown 'la Mltwuri J than traa approprlattd for f ta pct atnP jind attracted about as mucn at-1 fwhere-disorder:? coadnct CT oscne!L rrcf.i .yatr. . icat.iaa:cais isai - bntinn na the Ha wkevo "senator. . Dol-f.Wf anv aort'acalnst tow a qMSfliagaCov j tura U We. It la a aaall rvdactVa. nvpr took nbout two-hoara-to expound! state law nro excaedingly rare, almost I It la true, bat i redaction aartrth hi. vtBtra on the- tarlfC. and when be I nothinsr tif ' the . kind being : known, I u eamaraa wax ua lacTraae, trm- cat tea Uv II rif,V a I Itrat', Ii Kilf iKc li:ik, bsl i r i Ii m tn. W - - - . ... I . . . . . Iraa ai k ataUxiil u a I . t - , ihi' .nr. i r.rr at kva . w.,-, , ,. - . .1 t .. I Use Hi era i hi '" ' mmm t m mm lMM " MWMa mm mm - m 1 1 w.iai ' m v - "r" m.,,, ' M f.Mt.a " m a-f taae : 4 tl in Ma ; m .m - .., 4 ... a e.l'H" f a M w ' f a e at aa M t tm mm eia e lejuaai i e i 1 m a annul I a la t naanttMi raua as m -m, i i -, t r , , . - tae Vast haaa r l aatM ak r-l I J "'- Jk fUaeal O-mwfm V a aVa teva I t . , , iy - Mfv l" I- a a LI ! inl, mm. , mmm-m.-,, , I - '5W 4ii ia a m mm.. a a mm - ,.., j a t im r.itfc r i i a I e mm a Ma i Tl4! Ctlt3it a; fra-'w a r ;.,., FULLER 'iVELLl::' na ' mt mm ye 41 MtH AtwH t aw. y Aar. ,t 1 Vfaay a weti la j iXaini TiULtft, t;UJ mmmmm Tlwi m-mlm mm ke ',mmtm mm-t trj tm m4 m m-m.o I4lt4 UtoM(aa Sv. TV. ve'aia rmmmiflm-t "NaJU, faaari,e tmi taue T-f t:a ) Ma a t a.. a Uaaia 14 4 fm J ft mm i m mm4$ Hi mi iaaaaai Ba te a ar a u a..i aa4 nrM eatat alaj l i k 4 . . a ...i .at sorrn i , 1 4131 rva1 SC- ?C V. e. e-4 l-j ad 6;''ana a a. I a I mi M.M.t i a t a. F R A.NKL1NT0N .;HUTJiL .-e-bronsh-people knew abour as j-rhd, abM.Irar4loch.;ai; . Iftftoa.ha w, rah, , 1 ;fix-t rTur.r.tlit-: s. -'i" -e , V '77 .rr w n ' ' much as when he began. . Then' -the -his doors, wheivaucb o thln&aa.A ton .n'.irrg renitoat wlJ p.'t f t-ta-J flA. ,f ... , tl, f '., " ' ?, ! . raAjLTOINTON, 0. immortal arose and Invited er- ibuIlyU-unkiiowiv.wLere.lSfa, and propt dactloca c3 ty ..f, -v !- f - c.'-a, M ! r f i? (' TXL 'Vmwif PlJl5f crybody to ome ioihto lecture, next verty are a9 lafe ks when, lnjrretgrl ; - '( vl , I T T 'V' a,-.a a.4 ,WftIi.pA,; .Sgut.-Wa'he would rft,tho reO, icr-me'rUnd It WaaM-tb-at'-rf toy ;V,j;V;V?::V TW .VT U'aT 'a h.mlU racial dood moloVlMJ& travalmg "supposably-ffom Dolllver-s speech. ' could travel from -the eaaf to the weat yVf ' j MU C- , UVil : t f 1! ! . f U rf. rtBnKW l.r?- tt! jinAAla with bar oJ ' gald and with- ' v (fldIIlL I, . .a, a-, - 'air ,f r rt l . .7. 5 - .3 . . ' - 1 I . - . . . I . mr . . .. , ia ' r)" m-b., ' - " - - , . 4r .... -'...... ... .. 1 ' ' i t M m m m m m a. mm i m wvm i u.w . , . , ,,,H. . ..... i V - . " , ' .... - ' ' 1 Ii, Jlllf IWII..4 i I'll! W JOW. ' I iififtVuafht 4 !-, .J?: ! !'' aJ U iWj it, ? 1 iii Hvjiimuiw.1j,.m, Cfii:ii't rii: a f ;aLa 1? r? -'.A i T i ! ' . i . . .... Vi' a -; IN l-Vl J l l-'J. Jm T 7'- 5- " ""IA' tt a, e.i4 I a . tl 1 v- st, ? m a i.-a a t ta a-i. t j i : ft t V . i im Fife CIft f ti 1 t m- a ,m a aw 1 ".a . 1 I - 4 m I - . . j .m 1 M a m ' ' . . 1 ' ' mm I it Ml ' m mm . 111 I 1 ' in 1 ' '' mmmm. , . ... . mm t ' iM 1 i U i l , a U I nbf f II mm .... . ...M..MV . . a 1 w l t .a 1 1 t l I I' J t-frt (litl a -i 1 ' ' "" VVa HS V. a,. ii a. Z mT ' ttt' f I MM t-yaadatWititv-fiaranr'l ! Ma a J; a v it w7f NORWOOD HOUSE' 'irurtii. V .RsftHCarcIIa. V. M mastribin VmnvfutArJ tjtt rt t i.rr " -1 weng, o Oeaaaeriaal Torlata aa4 a 1 .m. - . . mm j f ' - t . . 1 II. fSm 11 . ' " . I .m.. mm,. ' mf L - II j.T I -s r -a TT T : - . 1 ' a a I I I ' . I . ;.i .::""..:. ? ...... . ' "a m.m. m. mm mm. m S. 'If ,T I -s r - 'rS f I - ' J . . " h'Q) V y b-;liilii-u' lyr ;y..r. - - .rTJ'CxtrtXLAC:: ROOT i Fluid Extract FPJCY , - - aa. - aa a a. 7,vfn?in 'n I a t " Via .Wa H f s-4 11 n . i. T-l vj, i e uwMiuat a.'-nv. ;i.n f:;;.f 1. IHH. a.l.as ,aci bhV ililtr at hat ef rr-!i retract dog wood bark T- CC3t' Chilld that ether Chill Tcnics 3c .-a 1 t::itif t yj ', 1 Ttr " " a. 5 ' t i Vt ''( i i t I ... T t i . - : I'lM.tl, ti! ".. I t t t m i ' i ! I ii'i! ii f i . ' it . . i r :r-. i in 'i . : : . i .i Ulliit lie III I Im :?'. r. i : ." I V i i I , a f V i : m. . , t . mm.. tit t . . . i M.M-.M 1 . . . -m t ' v." i : iimi : . 4 ., - 1 rt JtaTeuagy thiieSoUcitea. j ; a

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