4 t 1 S 7 r" t ,.v -:- M 1 . JAS. AjTHOHAS, Editor tail Prcprlstar ". .. v-.aV, v:;i i r A-i -wuisburg," n. a, tji) k Sand SBhoot at 9:30 A. HW'- ' ' Qio. 8. Basse, Bupt. Preae-aing .at 11 A M., and 8 30 P. M. every ttanaay. -Prayer meeting Wednesday night. :-y .Jtt. T, Pltlbju Pastor ' J - - ' c -v ' Sunday School at 90 A. M. " ' " ? ;Thob. B. Wudbil, 3apt Preaeainfrat 11 A.M., and 8:30 P.M., rrerv 8 on da V. - - - a va ummj, svaawva. a v w- - ...... Wh. H, Roffih Sap. Services, morning and night . on lit, 8rdtvad4tb Sundays., , - -t veatng Prayer,' FiidaT .afternoon, BaY. .Jobs Lohdon, Rector.:. It; it tt.'tt:.ttctti:ti ZZ tt tX tt -tt tt Wbjbt.ti.ib.-D.ttira fTTn m f f j V y Cnf rml CockrxU as a cai4t f r r tf a lis sLs a GLV9 r to tb fcr B., 15 J" T'r T . v : J j want hi togM. Tb Otx. to nUuira. - -rv u I ' ,' . - - .,.- I I started tne Coctrr'l boorj a Tr t t . mm---- r-Tm w BMsa saaam - - - aflav ivav vna v - - - ifc ' ir l 1 i f ;.. s' TT-S Mnktt rarhiJ ...J 4.. J ; V 1 ----- STflsU'ith Sondar Jn eaea month 1 wlth tn lartj. good .-witt not only-o PRE8BYTKEIA5. i r.iEET ufq;the level Ann v;e! -.PAirr-upo;. the square. 77 L-Jt id tfa fmt. ; I tnea ttat sbouUl tit l &atn'.iu:'-i f-r prwtdcot HimsU p trTf tl d: 1 IX II n II- tt- :-. t.ttact tondr.tiodio tt.t atoqU ka U - fT high j chert! defeated prtit'ct b tcti t ot totc aenat Tor a alitb una ty cherished ambitions of Hon: Joseph G.; Cafinonof illinola was realized when he was sxrort In a speaker , of "the'- bouse of representa- UTes jnere ts only one step higher In the political ladder. He goes into office morniac and niitbt. , ! a arge majority of Republican mem- . C N; Whabtot, Pastor.' J bers, but also- of a vast majority7 of viA2-r.-wA'ji i toward him It the old theory that whUa A. ""nrarind T' Tne8da7fchf hardone.tt aihta Ittearflt tfibtoChtfi a - c ; !oe true.jheo Mr; Speaker - ' - - I Cannon ought to make an ideal prV lousxnot, rTou.caja fool ,1 uiuftliaoua tote of L-aKrtve fcartpf he Jimefs4 art' Vtn)brsof the UUocrl ;pitu. 1 all the rJmb, bateau. cart rclUrs.tl ,ttom utear.u, la ,ey fooVal! the people U the time" ." Tha lapwch last Jtotner Utt l Isvqw Unpalatable troth about our poaaes!oo of Lo .A or Ira. CL , I aay tiJ of ;: the 7 Philippines, Is. gradually bet wo I bop la twodsi vodtf surety coming out The scandals la tht m Gurl Cockrr U frHoO. . ar post office department the Interior de- Cloncl Wttiber inj Jfijf Itarrry partment and other place have coo- V' Salmon, tr ho aaaU: Cloe; tvt- TtacedvpeopIe that, " while"" much is more la preparing tb ToivtUs ct- known,-In tbe-words of the oncea of above, XtJor Ftcr-u trrM ni-T CKK rr-t b.i . ..... r.nl v,.n ji .v . . SJTi toW." nd they are erideTtS and ha. b, ooe of t, e.--.f . -t tow. d bW - rrw.tr that tht only way to t to Porra. H wta U u rrl f,., , . L. vt.',Ttrlvk ffv f-L7 c- 1 influential and conatahtlr crowing J0ay ATTORNBY-A.T-I.A.W, JamUlar with-' the history;-trafflUotf tlona. are that Senator Marco A. Han-1 HnltrrTlto, sotzM of tb Ut ftCaU Will pnetice In all the Court. Office la .u'"' vui"Y . .5WV.Sj ' ToanyTiiie. ,q . : ! ya f ' . W ? - JjouseTrindeed.1 of the whole 4govern- t-u A-RTfumH Pl'-PMlNn- - ment'-as any. man that ever wielded )E. -ARTHUR n . 1 LLMlNlx, tte av? Hg one Qf tte A dentist. : and tumble debaters. ever in congress, '- i--'' and many persons wonder how -he" will LotwBCM. iMeo be-able to stay oa bis high perch and .. fltafw5 .''JlfS:- J1??00- tefrato. from mingling Iciun! gaudlo li py. r -J -1 the "fierce .contests on thtf floor,,-In I ) nr. JH JnitfJil1! : fcaa bSuTb!,oir many yearshe bas.been a s , ' "I most suajessfnl' particiDanti4Vlli . he p ttatrtlclNa-jeftaia ajjjs i ylt dam.br when the debate waxes hot,i V. Louisborg, N. C. or will be follow theexample of Henry i.- , a ... fe vi-M.-iV ay and take part. In thfrhlstorlc gab Of&celn the war of Boddie, Bobbitt -AJlfl -cw . TZ-t;!, 1 CoT'. Sii Store. oa$aa et. ; ; 4r 1 kers.alnce, the great k. B. J. TAJLBOROUQU. : I Speaker Crisp make one peecb Jn th6 FHTSICIAJJ A3H ajtSffifr' . ob hejm, JaryTbiU, but " ... - . I Speaker Reed anir Speaker Henderson both refrained 'from uartlciDation In omee-'iiii floor Nea: bulWlnfj, phone I debates in the bouse, though It was B, jaASBBnBURQf - - j --- pHb1ian caucuses; - r arwnafror nnno. ran rffttiN- That ho'WMI , 4 I expedite business la generally believed. WiU preface in an the Coorta of Oie State That he wiJ a great success Is uni- . tOfflee in Court Spas. I versally hooed. ' - -m I i. . MARCUS C, WlSTEi.Uf I ra- 1 rfAiierji joug. aau nonnrr career on " , -: f J i P fiie floor hft enters upon hla high duties AnoaNE x-ataw , -ga- witnout "entangling aUiances," for when the bottom. of. these scandal la to torn I that the Wetroore rrVatlon u rr tbeltepublicana'oat and to twt the lda' far C&a Ctr -tistn? temocrats .n.VrNextyear Jhe battle to the acoaw ta thewst mt bla dfrat cries wilt be ,rn; the 'rascals outr ftrlt prwldrfccy. &i tit ti C.-IX. landLetua see the books?. j. common finxa. utto mh f t Aew: National Ploura. - V : " lS V " T iv ,cUriax that, while aoaa aora f4 TT? ovmDr e,es I la the CockreO movtewot Mri f turn -T r J-r. t f.-t ' ol ffw s'i g n- --r-.'. c , ' :i ttfj t i;k fv ii eva.Kn tjU.. " r-; li. ;-jV tM e tc:M s-.aav. T t f VI ts fcr-s ao $;c 4 tW j. ata I a .m V1 ,le f08 k r n CWir-i-l t t i ,' k. itcm . . . - ' t Wr rtX 3 jl .it a- fc t.; " ., v , W - a-t teai4t4V as.1 " r t s it t.- ... i. f r' ? I f a is ; 1 Y 5 1 t srrr-s f i t . .'4 tw ; g;-.tt !tera -f .;:"". "a : ;.! C V f T r T " C " ajCk i t v i ' . , i L- ?4 I 4 na will certainly become a 'presidential I h m .mh ... t. i, w1 nd Hon- W.'Brtoton : iThr., arthty rraaaa McClenaa certainly becomes a national should not b nmtnatfd. If r eharncter, perhaps a presidential can- candidate be wooU cntte aH Uma dldate, Od.genator JIaona a It Ja? su- .TjQdci hla rdrahlp we wtVt rk pertlooua tj speak. Everybody koowa tn unbroken froot He raa m3 aa more or. leaa mhoufyobri Uncle Marl; njnxjrVoW-as aay otber Dvoacrat Hi t. eyf body m begtonlng'to; Inform Amerka. and aboakl dafeat cm I cm blx2?- ,botir- layor and Congreaa- a'gahi hla eaodldaey wooid Imv o ta man George. B.McClellaa.' This apka, plcpid emoting trta for tk fatv didToung man Is a moat-intereatlng StJ unL-vi-.. " . f , personage. JuatlJios toplnjrinr tDoa t i vcr iV -the public eyH. a nVtlonalS. cS A? position papers affected toanW at '0,ia5 tad faoa Unt vrM btm as nhe son of hla father- bat that r" Ut Ut"?!Sf sneer froae upon their faces when. eTiZJrtll-7 f"W. deHverpa w riui trv.-oK - ,t- I .to, the bteaalsf . tsDjwtlatt-ta. A - -ww aa-J a.i ' w am way Wa- TST7 . . .. -"T-.i tr.rf.1- -uHuvereu on --tnn American', atactnr I 'r m every respect In matter, style, tern- J portfVwi by ta nun w m a Per. No doubt It-helped materia ilr to I pi :aoa baa ka4 o 4a areata tt r swell his majority. If anybody dreams I . w ' " t-rta k Mirrtneson of, fathr.r Oen-T rWe- uTaTT: rri . ,Geore :B" 4Meqellanv ."Uttle I aftev oar awvpatio 4v-4 la Ua, aa4 ifa,T will -hiJarthiyMiirmaar, I teiaaj- -u p-w f cmi la badly, mistaken- General Uc- fi Wl Clellan served the country with great I rw tw Calte4 SMt. (Kwt capaciry ana perrecr naeiirr.- aa the i n (.-wu. at aet ima aa son bus done and will continue to do, I r.,?1" t1am oa corned Drugstore.; ' ' declined a re-election to congress, there Special Attention given to collection. by necessitating the election ot.a new p ruue wherever servleea required. : -, ; f speaker, t! ncie j oe was cnosen witn 1 ' -igj I feat spontaneity" and ? practical una- 1 ) iTJUAJi-c vifft-iflmity aeaind a hilf itf advance of but; alayorrvicClellaa does not need .VbavC um aiq oj ms fatnera great reputation I ra tae ranuirtMar ii iba ra tkia I 1 tf T. ' f . ' ' .: 1 I fifa ' fnmi.l btiAHnnV iliiSHhi nKmrfii, Offlee over Areocte rug iooapany, ises. -i As much as ahy? speaker ever elected he has a free hand In making up bis committees. - The. unanimity Ot&oe over Ayeocke Drag Campany. : l with j5vhich.he was cbosen- waa a splen- uo triume iq nun, consiaermg toe tacr that he had cut such a wide swath In "the . hous6,"partlclpatteg .actively- n-- most of the bitter 'controversies of . the body, and in his capacity as chairman nrar TT AiY WUQFJ 1 RUEFlN. A 1 1 of the committee o$ iapprdpriations an- VV T tagool ATTORirgT-AT-LA W, " MtnsBaaa. a. a Win pnetlee In an theCoorte of rranknn j LbuisBirBo, a. tagoolzlng so mariy members by killing their pet measures. : , . " He possesses much of 1'esprlt de corps, and many members hope thai be will ..dSjotaiaF of tte house to jo ore, ana in ina uoitea gwaiwwiiia i ns ancient place oi nonor mne legiaia Otreolc Ooarta. -'-njt -'. '4-'tr..;; I; I tA n flTwwini ftnm rf hf OtHce in ooopwr anaminpn uniming. i d. ministration, (t is a notorious iact. very much deplored by all thinking per-, sonsthat for years the senate has been tills JdrJSpeaker Cannon madejnany A If ' eallant fizht on the floor of the house. Offlee oa Matnatieet. over ionea Ooopert m htn ereatercohrn of vantaze-he can wage the battle; with more success. FS. SFRDXLIi. ' ln mis oe wiu ue auyporufu i-unuuiijr - ... jf.-- '- ."te-11 jrho'DATe tt ood of the.boas, ATTOBJnrr-AT-liprt - 'V ajni of the, government at heart. i & w : a 1 wJyh6taer5 UBC'e Joo can "do ma " .' " -s . v party asmuch service In the chair as win attend the eourte of Krahklta, Vaaee. I chairman Of the committee n appro fJtJoSo Priation. remains to be seen He wa. Prompt attention given to coitecUona. j. J a fibtei f roin the head waters of BiU v,T yy- -ji- yy 7 1 tercreejr nu roiignt ms parry, out. or " Y.f' I rl t"t "I mahVa? hole He was always a dan-. rw, PT I ! A . I. ..iT. rf'VlIi.-. VI. ' " "v - . 1 gtfxjUJ ilia 11 iu uti:&iv ju ucuaiv, auu uw- - 1 readiness at repartee and his bitter aar- tTTOBJm AND coukbrllor A Jka"tscagni frequently enabled Jbim to. turn ji ' uxmauaaa.0. ' into drawn battle, sometimes v. " - ".ryVi TWn " Tlctory'-f Jie gar Jiard knocka JSJKSTSiS'-JVy tbe m gooa Ref ere to Chief Justice shepherd, iCTe1flefc bjuBlor J biding hla time to even up- the- raarj"""--"trv&toHjiscore. OC JUncieJoe" it may do trmy t; aienait Mnir, winrton. People-Bank I aald that hla scars ar all in front, for wTZZZ7-: be never turned hla back to the roe. offlee over Heal 4 Co.' Store. ? ,tV . ' Comlna: "VV r , m M mmnir s 1 Twu v famonff victory! - The W . t - - "k IT -S' countrv Isreealnfng Its political" sanity. ATTORSnsT AT-LAw; -. f The turn in the tide has come? fireater aoTOawaa..a i rNew York ha8- redeemed I herself an r,, ,.. tm n eomrta. -: Omee on Heia I bas-repudlated' by an overwhelming ... - - . J I ma tort tvthe-motlev aeereaation. of po- --"" ' ? "' - nriitlcaV Pecksniffs which she Installed rrr t AJRBOBOtloH, ii . - - j to office 'two years ago. "Maryland once fV :TiTTi ; I more takes her ietlmate-placeln the. " ' V il '4 -4 ; y, Democfaacranka and wiUend a uero- - wuMmvKv.a.T oergtltfvtnrtod States enitor?tore6K (mu.1, amm Benae DundlM.Courtitreet l . laborate.'witkj Hon. - Arthur. Pue Get- All taral busiaees Intrusted . to him 1 man In- what is sometimes denominated. U1 reeeive prompt ana eareiui . , the. most august" legislative Doay ron to3 asscra him a magnificent career. I mAr avv. twe m a m frada Hfs uln4-years-'servlcIn the house of JTT'.Jf. 1? representatives, most of the time on I iicWtet ar4 Jobaaa eM b t xne ? great committee of way - and I cretoM eitiwa t aca4ntv means, is a roohec of what h will I taU taa P4ntpt u aeaAJ ;d6lUi the.futur. OoA lof .b imo EppSS? pleasant traits of hla .character la hla I The arra of Hiuv a4 iwxrk at Wve forJH fatbcrriacjoaij the great I Tfj "y1'1' 'V' speech to which I hara. referred h 1 lh,T ln?r' A I"f f W..f thus spoke Of hla niuatrioaa islr iad I Jteo aVfiaia t.rseia awe u trie of one who bad dragged hla name into I . w,t tw' ata,atkAt4e- the contest-- .-'-," - I gorenuae 4oUer.' -Dw -Xi?co1-- - . i- " L" r-' ' . J Porta Ria an AimcVm eiter c m C-1 aak my f eOovr cttlxeiia tobearvwtree I toroa- UiiIm. cbart fra. to the fact that I nave endeavored rd alt I are pteftweii r a pil a wn rr my publle dlaeusalone ta preaerv that de- I ah wee Motai eoiele are ceaev of - azoreaalo&tTnlcn'Toaeonrea-'-a-1 eatfw.iaieel 1 1 a. U gentleman.- I ateay ex ua ar sataa' ( act ta taat - Before Z cloee I vrlah to expre the I faahloN the ctowiaa- Uamrtaltoe ifeie sense of Indian! ty Which have suffered I Indoreed by thm OeUeott aa4 Wratea Dt- in thia.xampeJana x It la. 1 believe tae I my um -or rar TVre ea-e wta only painful feeitof; which sban --autlaat I -reayX Baa the ctxvTW- e Caa edrTn the deeiston ot tha people s vote et tke I n Mf aeeaTer-i poaaef a ! to polla. . . v. Jttt 1 aafta vrocjajse jefcftaj aa -The name I bear was borne mora worth-1 Wlaconala Harmy. . " . . cathered to hla fathers, after-a Ufa which I From time to tlffi ww art toU hi I love ta believe waa one ot unaelflaa de- I emroenr ttrponoca a orrta grtadara that vouon to hia country and of loyaitjr to We 1 pac and hartpooy prrvaJl itnoajg not for all the honors 0 this vrork not 1' 'toward pr'. for any staUon, however hiah. would 1 1 King. Davd.waa correct 0 dishonor rt. - .1 eta red that -all eaea in ftaee- in tnis campaia-n a man na aarea to 1 ( v. ... , r. 1. tr-i 1 rejoice to nr'uat tlonlata who have ev my political aaemJea m 1 1. V. svi. - - . - slander, and I could not forbear to cad I - " thla campaign without publicly UUni no. I can to LM anort X prrrat lira, DR. D. T. 8MITHW1CK; : "! "JTetnor Garvin, which proves thaj lt was i - - :L -' -nbf by a fluke that the "Democrata car-. DBNTM-zy .'.--s.v -I tied little Ithody last yean .The Pem- - v " -r . v I to darkest JWOi.wnere uemocrauc COM. : I .. .... . . - l tionarJignta have reaucea tne pnj w what your Uncle Grover. would charac-' rkiflMa Varniture BtOM. HOTELS. terlE as 'a woeful plight.' The Democratic revival began a few weeks aco- when Indianapolis - broke 17 W a Tfl-Tri.lTTnNl HOTEL l awav from the Republicans and elected a uaMia.vl-.--i Democrati(rmaTori.' lt; gathered ln FBAJTnXIlSrTON, ll.:e."-" "mense ltnpetns at the ejections onKov- . (ZQI2W11 1. fMPsi'it -elctM o' JDemocratie president "n,. .t.rt Pd bouse of .representatives ext,year. Good iomodaUo f(r th -twveun. - - possibly a Democratic senate aWia, t t-j w.-t4t A 'mmatlomV devoutly to be 'wished. Good Uu2rflUM''?tl " h.The results of thereceht ejections one "(?ailrtT,w's'4' 1 more illustrate aj the .0.1-014 Grtrtlf-rpJVVa, W of th tMacB-t,47axea)of I prHpidotf a.!. Witi acaJpWk JiTrJl Ho W bel!Uaa..1ta gaveraef Ueeof htm to assert thla expresatoa t an :' , contempt. - -i J Maaadieritmji v f t GerT.V.1 fioekreir.r W Prialiipey: f '.iali "- t VL"fr" H?- r'rfHbf b!Jf ; wnemi rrangif Jnvn ycmn m i f Dlpf aart AOH L'liicaVCf tp au8soun. now aervuig oia rwenty -unto I xhla M tauaeauy rtxbX aba broft year In the aenat of the United State, I 8 ha" does boaor ta tha lmpextai aai Is in no sense a .candidate ror-t&e preai-1 moo wealth for which ab la avat4. dency. lllaraefidaffdlTtecoWrtI-l and tha naee"Zaxsf bbftrTto t. Tb tute a hoetqjlfJaoarland eMiif!" Anerca a ali. i p r:a of tb vw are pressing him to- permit bla name to 1 tlr America a peopla wlOtoat rtf trroc be used in that connection. If he yleWa I to polttical partus or aftnatlooax Tb to their. Bollcttatloriai the chance 'are I rfctUA14HbttW foe that heaaHI to nominated aad.tleetediL tb atatM-ra irtiabited tafMaraati -Afea great meeting oMUSaourl DeaKl VriiaMmeTltrioUsiakj Lat tkt cratsateMoherl7pct.27raoluUona Wl ework Bai ui.e c4 w ft in ja fetur-t it Ir. w r t-M Vtv ti rffa;-;-f a?t rjtfTi"U r .ier b Am(L V j ,W't.n T1. ? tv tar t . t5f. ir ?ar, i : H ,T" i w VT 1 tUW 7a4"5 MTatK'as UtaCea I eAs.Va W. att a- i Wv, , ! ? WW 4 ettt r-e (Veejl, a4 tw t ' aVa i-V-f. 1 t-' r 1 ; Ltt M aft laj LtTlm. Va UtKa4 sWv Wr ' "- vw 4 le4 UW.U-t iA. 4 aesjaw) , t -AHd, UlVf Wtf,,iyil? 1.441 4 apt-put - I wtMp l Squirt VaVe'e. WaWaittiaMatMitti'J U it "Jim,-?!,., i-.L;-, Wtt wfl,i4 4 re. aa4iAAaia- wia Ua-mU, t N U iLr kv r-. , " A f t - - Ira tO 4 f7Te s.. r,K aa X jWXcwt aat wt t41 tr ia jstv, , J . sj , easaaea se , PATRJ CX H. W-IK3T0 X S SFIMCn J TottP ACMtA ci vr- ' ' . " ; i , ' -i. ' " I - TeAa Uset tVi.s T 1 1 ii t teteMwa - -.. 'T 1 a. . . rrta4 fries in. Mnrmi we '! f s;a . . w. '' v erji mie a e Avosf 4it Ulrafid ai ia-lt ia i. . - Vi9 ; ija ratti ivwed w K i . Ctj, rcaidl Jft t.ra. erl . ptak at 1W, IttVaM imQTiujt4 QMttf t. 164 U, wt Hal PaUX4 U(i Wt S4afs Vrasngr4 rAaa CaJ4 k t Sat- 1 1 i a " aa . lia I pr.i sa) v'ij aa r A44t i -a U ad)Mv.ivi( lrt avtt4 a'v Bniicvaaa: . , it H, .: 44 'ln44t MN9.dlanl. ff bia f.h aweea WeeMt. U caoaOt k. &atit erra (rMti 'I Sj.4 CatsJS. Sa4J laM t ti t t Wtv.' ,- A Wat a y ta 1 4 rd Vtt ' V.w..W Aa mi-U'' 4 all ravfW. IV aa 44 Weeaaeaaaa. M jtt aa li-trt v , .v-f bt la taara a pet aKsj 4a4a) iimCTT tt cw. epoeA.wi)rtiKata t'a4ii -a-r eve an e we .. mm we AA Ave- m MiMielei(H r wa e vA Lm Ati y a.KW M4tMW.fl eito a an.e re aaved-M Sw.e,a 4 4a j, ssjsweaa,BSBBssajBBjf,ejesjBjBaBsj J" U4r as ti.;;a . . ftfta. t-3 K'l. ' r- .E ... r , . "TVvw 4 4Uf: taiat H4 MraVWf 'VU tf la "IIPtLtjtfaTVljma: Tii-rav 'TVUU-ay eow VA e V .iejiey ewa a. , .".... i 41 fc-...4 W a r a-t., fve aee.-aaad i j V.A, f ra,a wj mm w... aAt t-W a IMI'M Mt W MM f A ' ... - 7 - . ' a w;:S aavt yMI feMt.t-f.' A ft ar7W faw,. ' -ccrt a rvii-4 J fw i i ji ) fv-arl faU f. I 1" 4 w.l Ua. T aa 4aeja,ar a ,keai 4.- , .4 t'.r rtr 1,, ",a.a. mm IWea Mn a eJ'.ftA. ,. V r r-. e,j! .f awe est Mr-M4 a l t-tA. tMilfilmfuw wr adoptedJTh I 2? .v. ;V..-- 1 arenas follower itU.iiC . a -l". . . lrL . . - Democrata lova VtAeoaHt f- rw-v aa VTSl' 5.rd.-a4l 1 .-e- iSand-w?tt rolk meeting stt liar resolutiofls"1 Wetmor reaolauona An 'taasourf and delight ta whatever tenda to MicreeL ' 'J- V .' ' . fc her glory and prestige. They are proud oi J ttfld?n tlfa mRaafWi 'C tl" the tact that aha stands aa tha foremeet connrry.. X HJ art aU to O or gi Democratic, aUte In rfha Unlonajrd. that gantlc proporttoas. At Crat It was r cnd?n.nflHue-SL Ported tbat Be a.Utorcf tie rltrf eewMrtla-ef-Hh-party,BeUevina:. a. JSUtCXjrr ra.IcaI!Ctgd.Itlt JaI.tt do., that the political atgna are prophetic more recently df nVvd. Let I? tt! tha united Democracy or the nation to Ui f rrCCT tTTTrporwr al esa W tbat nlshtr eoateet. the Deaaocrsta -eo- twenty mlllloaa of doUara, tboox XI r posing this great assemblage, -gathered SecnXtrr - the lntfVf II.Ic Vwck. from all sections of the state, propose ta v. . the Democrata of MUeOurl tbat they to wto UalTtrM'.lJ 4IS.ttfd to b struct their delegatea to the next Demo- bonest Caa, rronotmce sorb aa eatr- praBr national eTrVe0tlen; to preerv-j ' MtaTprererwcaji H tircaej tt .a tbat convention t in Tvajne ox ano i rf,X three mirVnL. Va- aAaiAtfta. FrancJa Marioa Cacarell for nominate I 1 T. ZT. JT , - . 2 1 ! o-tbeofflea of president f tbe Uwltedl Mnaea regatUal 4qHryA.t43 A3 states. This we do because wa recognise dais dishonest, but CO rvot ta4 l6:r that his high character, bis Jong vnu tkh Jiave tfccos known Indite ence la the public service and hla broad. . -,, . . patrlotle and conservative ptaten,anhlp tbat aU f th dcpertanta aed a pra-ertflTiAtitly fit bhn 1 party leadarvhip tbor5h orerbanllogi It la safe to awl for the hit duties of the great efflce ... K.t thm W wa ta Hnr, that pf nreaidsut. But tn preegntlng. fcie- panie t jLjtrCVfc-- P.rcKr ia for thle nomination It abould ao3 tnu.t be T" ria aa to XOT0 t-a 1 tc S a .nt rfUtlnetlv understood that the I Out and tO PUt tV DeOMXTSU la. SXt use of bla name tn thla behalf shall In ao J year tbe old tdtllt tT7 ef Tt-r,ea A I of Misaoprt la deternrtaed t-coot)ee w .wU ricjjrroyih M,-, , . , fn . the. senate-.pnlaa.Jh wUon calla bini . . . , , ' . le- - to the presidency.- -. ' ? Wflm - -Wt-ioui tilobe:Demccfat'tht ' ' ''Af rt in.ripnnbrtfn rfl'Der"Are3t"6r th ? jti.ri f i 1 3ffVa1. li-l i4t:i Lake karajL l.laaa ar It CMicraaev Tt'aaejt'f that 4MBAHd. y totte4Wrt Wat tfieAjf 4 tW rrtaaei t - Caiil Cat ltie; I4t 44mw44 jtr ltV tn t beat ia ta4t tM La Oat at Crttpisjrt, atid .4rtD Ub ycaf teeaw. , ; . " ", , t -AeAa'd:Ma4daAe Irfea ;tW &SK vbrrt rw kv 4 e4 Zabaj Vm &. Veac i4 aa I ftl II. Wtaaaoav I arc cvave 4 UilTU Ul oe i usa rervf, 4t, 44k , 'w W atlatof far' t fsa fiESM ay 5t f, I toe tt iwof, fa ad WWisirae'citVrl We ra ' VV aaaictM;'. I Ixre h te.a.7 ... ; SlT 4f ealerakssrvv eje ctdtl ttrtd al It fttat Haiaa, U tl . was . cf ol tort etUei fraai Wait tV0f yiJtrCe. S4t rr gnei - U.. We w . thity K Ai 4 H4 Ustlif Teev, Ai esi4 le ii4 4e m 4 . ta tAa e e aa ee d ' aliMaiMf Caw ie" -tS -4 ir T-'a e -, n kuil"tt A' 4 erW IA 9T1 d-Mee tt tat e V aoa'K H aiS4a, lAAl re t nee'iis It a X ut ,r f f Pe ca Wktt 4r wcria hk (ralaf Wfcto rr.tA43f4. H0 W E CAT! tl 4 i.uUr" A ! W 4e .4re r.a- n,aite . a eawMiaee ea kVhm4 a. esre ei.a-v'ie.me e eu 4wea Narnum . . e-a a a - " t 4w Al' tA Wnf atf Ma -anwa.i eS M.W 4ew 4e iie nr tftawtwww tWMa ea a r en hwiii. Ajm. a.a eae ee a4 ) mne 4 ai u m ww. rvwa at aa M ae- t-4 a f.aaia 1 WILLI wt S l i P- 11a Ta4 fl KMAJt Xaajtafta, 1U ta ail am ejm.Cinf t-iifctibfte- et a,n;tta 4e e.i!b wBu , 4w ltiliAer a ) Qi ! 4 -i awiVA. A4 4Mte tt gw iiiinsaj eV. a t4-f aji.Imc, Cwf'i M.ile4 rl e eA. a ai l.r Lit, aS . lMtii,4nwi Ik et V ln (n eanU t.A n,tiit vat Vi litt.fry I T I.ane ft i aan Ue eiMA. y4a.aMw-f W-li; aen,,.. jw,t a t- e? 'ha. v ' e3ul e t. la . . ; i ra - SEABOARD A Zt t Ka-riSA-itr :J" w. : i r : . , ftk-eia. t n fwi,iwiiiie - ' e e w ' , M e , e i.i.n, " ' M b avwMMM 4aea e M ma tree . a w " e TVa t. lifCW )eaaA. ik eavWft a4 Ii fcerw-a ci Jrea4 d Vai ''!! -V-t U.--lj niene. ae t i ft MtlfJeJ" 3.4 J 7y 4 1 wrj tiKWbraMe aeJ-rA, . k-ia.i4 4-tS eHrtit:iiwi,ma, fWliiae ab ml i3 Mt-' lhua4 . AiAMwf rmlUV-t. 7. w P:ia4 JJ;i. t ': - ; Da E. MILLEH. Jcwcfcr and Optician. rt 7 -,a4, w. 3. e ti.ta.t a- ' a V e mm eta I . im,,,r. m, I , a mm i m ... . . . . .. . .-. ,.,. V .-.-1. I . . ... MASSEHlJUKli UUlilL. J P Staajajferiftmra O?xopr 1 Ooid aoeommodatioas:. Good farats P lit eA4rtMtfta,'aatv-fr t jt. -f w.j. a OB WOO Proprietor,! ,- . . t ' rHroaaga ,ol Oomutercial. ourista ,and I7. . 5 i t " ' - largest RepubH can paper" west 6 r tha t ? . Mississippi, says that the CockreU booo. . J the wisdom f Abraham ; is being manufactured and manlpulat-- . . r1 v -r- s-t' f4-?4irJ ii:Ut ' . t, ni!f,i -1 .-i "".i s S ?? .c; ,!;..:! it' rl i j;..-'? .. ttaMMJ ea taa-ki ifinHw, Om( ras ai lMf 0 m w a ee-w V, a. e-a ! a,w,,.Mt .MM4 t . e tAa m eii a a am e.er. . ; a:i " T t. ft. e" gTiCX 1 4ra mivm e- umime evt a-ti u. -.r ,4 . t v. a t. - i.i a. . iMnif ; m , i a w . . Mk aa, i " wm ... w attai - b a Y"4 .. aaa vr. . . a.a a 4wac. WATCHES. CLOCKS , S-Wi4a af Jtf UfTa ... ta aM f mm aa wMet. t aid 4 m-mmm, m - - a aw a eaaa s,.Hn eaa t-tmm EverybaLly Should U38 Hie ?' ,- aa aa. !., a. a mm ie ea a, rMse , e aa . , .a l-ii t i , , .'"" fl M . t . i . M - .-. - - ' w ,ut a at ' . t e i. - 5 ? ff 4 r So I i S t I ". i M mm. ' ' . I i 1 ..- ' a i . mm, V t I '' ' 11 1 111 , .. ? 1 1 ,'"T .", i . : ' , 4 a- a. 4 ai A J a 44 . ... 1 C- iWt .a i a a " ,a a....a faw 4A ..,.., ' '-mmmm'" - . aw lkaii a- , M 4, mt v i '1 iaairi 1. 1 M , , , , i a a una m .v e ' M ' a i a .- a ia aa t 4 I a AM IM lawwa, I k, ,-m aw M - ' .' a s. j aa au a.. .... . a r . . ababaM.II , M a tvaaa-Ua .; ea .4 a, 4aa.r.4t f , 1 . . --arT'at 7!,. - at . a. , w .1. 1 -4 e t t 1 k , t- -ua FULLER WELL 1 . I t a aa j, . 1 a J t v I f aaf Tarawa e, i.,a 1 - i . 4...M, m HnaiiA a-i.a f . 1 1 ai.l t aia a.-. a..-. mm, aa lm Ma. . ' a . a. .mi mm,' .. - v -i... . .a ..... " ,,, ja ., if. i.i i A.a a, ,,' " -a- 1 a mum r M.. i am , a aa .u.-, m- t t I t . '-tt r li 1 a i ( t JT t" . w . 8 . u a t j tt ; . r l f a a 1 "a . r o t - . .... nf.f :c r . v r iw aa "-. Cmi .- e aa i. v i r ..,1, a. ?. a ,! 1. ... . i... a a r. ( J a f. 11 a a .-..4. mmm 1 m wa & .-.. v., 4v m v mm. I v.a ... , - r a . mi . . f acta. tn aa a mm i 4 . - , - v f . . a .... 1 m Lea.aF fa-ie aavi - .-A Jtat a 1 a...-. .- . . 1 " ' are '.-'ea. a taa vli ai a...-4 ,.VtL"Lrrr71.: ZrTM..!l.-T..!. C fT t I H "T f 1 '...-"""' '" !' wa a .ia an a. , w , f i f- M 11 M 1 I ; ia A a fa a I . l ' ra" j.,4 ... r . , . . .... .. ... . . , . J V I a at I S i. t t , m nl M.a la 1 a et,ai 1 1 r-a , i -. t.a.ua T . .. . aay m Ma f W aa 4 aaaaa. ' aa. -.4a eaa ... ... rt 1 1 aa.ua aa r, 1 Ba4 a mum lia al a al a-a ya tat i aa 5iiaaa -a Mi H M " J l,5.r-:'VlM(Jt. , Vta ar ai a.r like tl 7 Ka-v ;.ii 1 tra Ttr -a. laa ' mm. !,.(., I r ... . ' a c ; . . r . . . - )..... .... . ASA aaa ; , , " . a . S mm I it ai lil a' . a m d m- .... ... ( a a ' t S v. 1. . '.. ... M t - t t a 1 t 1 t a ... ... . ... t - '-r- . ami''. ' a?eBBBBBa, Aweoa -aw 111 1 a.. . A. - a .jt.s 1 j , a 1. 1 a a aM u 1 . - II aW,.ii-t - 'ra ,Bawa , ' ' - '" a. " -1 :a. : A -.-A U arAMHia A a a a a I r " 1 .fAf'.tf 1 I s a ! tr -t'a mmsk- -...aar mm wm ;.ar- ' m r-. -- a a.--a-.t . w. . . . . a ,i . . . , . i' "illiaJ i.UaaaaaU:-4jA.W UafU A"; JT VU -;aat v jw - - over OnolHaf Lliiilon liott!o3. iicas rr ; ?.. v . , - 'a- -- - "j every tcM'3 Is a Tc Cert Pac-a cfC?.CS rL,CC "C - 7 I r : - T ' 1 1 . . At J .la Ml I e a . , . a ! 4 4 a . v - . a a t ....... ' - 1 i i mm f aa a a -,a . . a a a a a I a na aka - 1 mm ! .' - i a-"' 11 r ,a, j is ' ' a , ..I , -' a. a-a I 1 a , t TeuagrsiDivxo; 'nv)iiK' j e gr

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