:p..v-;,v . .... : ' . wa " V - .i . . A- : TACT TltS XJTXOiT. jf fc A,4..i I. 1 T ? t . - - Xm CHURCH DIRECTORY ,1 . - , " i 1 - - . . . n n a tt u trl n i? ?? laady School at 9:30 A. ML Qm. 8. Baku, 8opi. Preofcln at U A; ML, and 8 36 F. M. Try Sanday. PrT meeting Wednesday night. M. T. Pltleb. Paator. - BAPTIST Sand School at 9:30 A. K. Thos. B. Wilder, 8npt PrvaeUliff at 11 A.M.. and 80 n OAAm-m : - 1 Prart uinTnvnKlay VtgnU maooPAL, So aday School at 9 0. Wm. H. Roffut. SapL SarrieeBi morniajf and nk(ht , on tit, 3rd and 4th Sundays. Bvealnff Prayer, Friday afternoon. Bav. Johh Losdob, Rector. PRBSBTTBBIA9. Sarvieea 4th Bandar in each, month mornint and nittht.- C. N. Whahtoh, Pastor. ' LoaieWrg LodUj. No. 413, A.: A. If. meeU ; laOd Sr4 vTneaday alghta fn each month. ' v ; Proteamonal card. H. ALLBED. i A.TTORNBT-A.T LAW, Will prteUoQiUs tbe Courts OAe la Toaogsvtue, KC JE. ARTHUR H. FLEMING, oaioe Over The OfMtt Trboro ., ton. QB.il P. BURT, -P aAOTlGlNQ iPETTSICIAlf A.NIV SttROSON. Louisburg, N. C. Offlc.to the rear f Boddie. Bobbitt & Co.' Drta Sfofe.otfa8itBtropt. 4 , la. n, . TAKBOBOUOH. . PHYSICIAN AND 8DKQKOK, LotrnBUR, N. C. omaa Bnd Door Heal baUdlnjr. Dbone W Ilckt eella anawra-l from T. w. Bltikett'e rMnnpanait. T B. H. HAB8NBUK8, .f ATTORNKY AT LAW. LonisBusa, v. a WlU ptmetlM la U tbe CoarU of the State Offlee In CoorkBpaae. , , M .aIt-I ATTOBNB-&A3T-LAW. Louububo. N. C Orvica otbb Corner Drag Store. clii Attention giTen to ool)ectlOn. Pnetfee wneverer eerrteeerevilraai . ' Ut i f.iTr. j T2 ICALOI r AACfJcXBrO 1?B!TSICIAJp' kSD'stlAQW 1 ' UM7ISBUSS, . Ok Ottoe eer Areoeke nroa Company. , 4 .7? rmAcrtloiBa fhyhiciah a sokosos. Oaiee over Aycoeke Drna Conpaay. j -T W M. HA7(50D: RUPFIN. ATTORN BY-AT-LAW, uxnnoM, . e. Will Drmotios in all the Coarta of a adlolnlna eoontlea, also te- the Bapteme 3oert, end In the United gtetee Dlstrlet and Irealt Courts. Offla ta Uooper and Clifton Buttdtajt, i , ATTOrfBAlAW, Lotnasuse. a. o. Oflee oa stain atreet. over Jones A Coopers tara,- F. 8. SPRTJILL. ATTORN KT-AT-L. V uxnsBuao.ir. C WUl attend the eoorU of rrankUn, anes eraavtlle. Warren and Wake ooanttee, alee tka gaprema Court of North Carotins, Prompt attention given to eoUecttena, . QSMe over asterioai-aBcvra, -? , -3 w. BiCBJrrr, irrOmaTBT AND OOUNBAXtOB AT LAW. LoviBBTraeK.a, J.ff5IP Proaipt and palnaUklng attention gtren to "SJc-e Vaabiag, Hoa. RobC W. Wtaaton, HonTCrr f atoaroe, Chaa. B. Taylor, Pres. Wake . Tow-1 ,hH!!i5wLfaWR22k '- 1Q W pi.B80. ; ATTOBJTtT AT-likW, aoviasuae, a. jear. la ail eourts. lomee oa s r - . . 1 w. TABBOBOnaH, 19. ATIOBNEY AT IjAW. ! LomBBTJBOsKi. Ostoe la Opera House bund6dwrtitrss! I All legal business totafcated!oA ami receive prompt uacsuu D R. D. T. 8MITHW1CK, LouisBrao, - -J'kl;."s. Oalee over Vurnltuie Store. '..; ', - i - - ... - - HOTELS , -: , FRANKLlNTOj HOTEL FBAinnLnrCONlHr-1-- HASSENBUR6 HOTEL ' IXEirDSTiCOlIi XJICs- Pood aeeomiBodations. 1' U tit. Vaa aWtfrwarra-iM w. j, AOItWOOO.rrerIstorri-ij Letter - f 4 cf s r ii..; -i. .....- . Special WaahlnKten Lettar.i TTF J. Plerpont Morgan supposes that I II. popoiar ne ougnt to make a I I4 trtP incog, through "York staie 1 ,;. and New England and witness - the weeping and hear the waUinar and r gnashing of teetfr-oCjhW who: have U Dn crippled or rntoed byyinge nWthan Mr SS : more man once tnat Mr. Alorgan wonlcL at -an earry day be duceo- tNrverfy That. rt vrlo Ten among the Tery rich, for some of tnesef iftt tew hniV iv, v,., ---- r. i nI , Wftf-aa.-'"--' T - ' - Jt ns soon as yonr TJncle Marlc fonnd he was out of t weeds as to Election, to the sen- - he loomsn tie noTittcTl horin e a presidential candidate: -' Ot iytnrMe MBficte -Mark hade nothing to do ''with.' Ty; tery dniey, as-erte that h stands by his last summer's declination in fa- IZ XI . c "e 18 n bofli, somewhere from 1,300 to taoo ta eaadldate. Ob, no! Not he. But if . bis i2. . . . rT?!:,l T?! enthusiastic and mnltitudinous friends ot omination on him how can he tTwuuuu . 9Mnet 77" t -V? 1 v TTr - T-T utmy as- . 7 3 " ?tmnsi nominated m or- deHo punish the president for having tte gall to send Uncle Mark that " j upaicn iasx summer ae- STTTi ' - lot yresmeni. was Kin w gainsfl, that's true-but .Cnckr Mark gave; the Indorsement all the same. ' Wherefore? Because- he was afraid that if he did not help indorse Roosevelt for president he would not foe indorsed for re-election to tlw?8enateS iSeel . ; tenator Fre,m and. - , ? I One of tl!fnlfa5 the great Demo cratic Tietory la Maryland Is that there going to be a lively scrap for the United States senatorship now held by Senator McCbjnas. . J"or. some ilme Hon. IWdoi Rayher, 'eittorney gen eral, the, man who defended Schlev. n8 ATdwed? taiididate. low uorernor Hmitn nas entered the lists, and the fur is quite likely to fly In large - quantities. There will perhaps be other entries. A contest will do the s Ltooeraa noi harm. If Rayner ' is electedf he" Will" be the fifth man of . Jaraelitishextraction 'to sit in tje- sen ate. The- others were Tulee of Florida. Benjamin and Jonas of Louisiana and Simon of Qregosu Baynec la a man of shining talents, an orator of rare pow er, a lawyer of great eminence. Gov ernor Smith is also a man of parts. His triumphant election to the govern orship and his satisfactory conduct of f affairs in that difficult situation mark him as a man of unusual force of char acter. Senator MeComas, who retires, is per sonally one of the most? delightful "fie plIicAn in public life. He 4s a. hand abmlaaiiable, capable gentleman, ana (he "gfeoawishes ,of mahybetnocrats will follow him Into private life. He is one of the Tery few men that ever gave up a life position on the federal bench for a United States' senatorship. I am tot certain, tmt I believe that David I rams LfVlpois was the only one be : sMssr- MCoaas. Davis was consumed with the Tain ambition of being presi dent of the United States and gave up his position on the supreme bench to enter the senate as the successor, to &Wjpf LalaA, Sloping there- byiM lAcaaelhia cbaiices of going to the White-House, but he never went. EcComas regrets his swappingof offices. I do not know. surest signs that, on the elections were favor- able td'Deinocrats Is the fact that di- lightning rods to see if they are in best laft&nf.f to'Atffact 'the presidential lizhtnine. Tour Uncli G rover is out hi one of i iMsi-ebarateristlc bids. The friends of Mr. Olney are declaring that thtr tread, of things Dblitlcal 'in New England is wward the. Democrats and that heJwouldv if nominated, sweep assaetisetta,vBhod Island and Con X- c:. The -same claim is made for GovernJcttrGarrih of Little Rhody. It goes wtthutiaiingV. though it is said thonsaodff of tlniey every day; that the elections have atrengthened "Hon. Artlrar"Pue German of Maryland.' rrison - f Chicago will .;enter'DieJists. Mayor George B. McClel- lan Little Made junior" has a: host lT'f rf?0(J?(!wbi are asserting that he Is a man of destiny and will go op higher. ds?arcet sou aasaaereiits gaiore; uen- ma tYMfeirMarl CAckrell's boom Is growing apacerand'so bn to the end of the chapter. To this airoation the old saying "The more tlie merrier" ap plteav It U a good thing to have a mnltinllcitT of candidates and a srenn- ine contest : All these-nen and -others as ii the faregeiag list would not be barnlshlng their armor . and preparing teaTifelrfirthesmiInatloa 4f they: rfitnaltsTgreAiKt .en4pt:iaofllrfc sTheyj balieTjethaOie. chAncesof fleeting aj iiepipcrat arejirst rate, ana, sa ao xmt 'Hbria.more.' The-ichahcea "are tha thief 'nuaonuoin aessMW.01. jcuukivbb wiu Ua w nZ-3!-1 MZZ1 Z-i-ZvO U r?'''"'J t."'': t "'L.'"tJ ?IIIIUI ' 111 1 LI.' ' 1 "" "M !"'-' '..."."TTS T aa-! i i i, , ,. j ( ... 4 jmnnT;'. a v. -r :t";. rr..' . J 1 ! - A'jal' jerr BA BpiSA, i a 1 1 J,U Aa 1 M i B 4A kAlk sVsaA-AAsa " aT ea AAaa -Sa akrsi aaa waa . f f C-TC3 tB Chffls tbatrclicr CWHTomui? DoaH Cere SlimoIDemocnficVkSftryla 1904 New MbMdry LeSU r la the Hows ........ tt tt Pects. ,.Pnmk with Tietory and power "r seven years, RepobUcaAS hare done many things which they onght not U have done and. left undone many that they were in dntr bonnd ta Aal - - Bmv u.n r ; tenda to 60 Bneato a- nir t h na,.k4 kv- - 17 :.rTrv r " I am "CWMM, Wll TM PoTT one Mainin n,. JmIA - V "Wf!W1M republican or all Coaaack. : Near twice tiff,' .u. r' rTT' 1JV.SS5ta tV.H Z ? r ww nvt aa.4 uaa by either - eenqneat t9ixeaae' lands in AMaj rod 'we&ewheW Htumi R W fVn! lofwwrvwt ... v.i . . 7 "JTJJTl The bishOD beholda b tba P KBsla, J swallowtnr' 43hlnsiklM rhaes a macvelooa Tiaioa. but how he deny, jddgmg the tororevhy tt"W cent past, At we may not swlow Russia and .China both? When It comes to the. process of degmtitkm we have . somewhAt . of , a cipacUy.or gelves.' But. seiidJirt does swallow China tfwft, what I How Win ft hurt n? All WhkVVto do1 to attend to our own affairs. Bnaafa win never bother as this aide the Judg ment day. The New. 'Leader of the Houae. HoojAhn Sharp Williams was the Democratic 'nominee for soeaker and therefore becomes ex officio floor leader of the minority. I cannot-better rein troduce bjm to my readers, than byj quoting the folio wing weft" considered tfl Irate to him by Jhe Wlb6tfhstf4 Poa tinaepenaent): J ne noua i)craxaiAae aVtHerjaij mistake in cnooatnar tor-tbtr taadar vdoo tbe floor the Hon. JoAa BAarar JCfPMtaej of AflsslsalppL It has bMiW taVal office at varknisHjnes tntha past tAat it la an empty honor, 'aarrrtaer wrui K aat Uf power aor, i6rtstty'TV treat la, however, that ' ta lfi htf ml, fx mmpnty ir just What- th -cmnbent-eaae at e.a-abfa The function may be uadlaBiaad aadToot- lab or respectable and authoritative, ac cording- to the character ot the naaa wae representa it So-we savhat.the Deao' crata have dona-weU t select Mr. WU llame as then- gifid Ci Z This la not a maafv4roea aSad aatara He is no country crossroads dataaaoerwe or sophomora orator.' Ha haa bralaa, aad three of the flnaat nnlverattlaa la the world Tenneaaaa. Vireiaia and HaldaiVarv- nave mionnaa and trained When John 8. Williams fata upoaJds feet in the house of rapraaantadvaa Ad K Is by no means aa hourly -or evaa daBy demonstration he Is always assared at a naiecuairanaJeaa-fa-MrA m of t wrw nas Boats ta've SMWB Ual Hi voice, bur- fhAthepak-lAJroU aaLsM is not 1a loveiwiut insBiaa'ar aia nil soberness. His are aerVooa alma. He Is of conservative and grave purpose, la a word, the Democrats have takea ta tbass. selves a leader who caa lead, s aalertala wnose tuie reads entirely dear. We gratulate them. There la much that a minority mar aa. even though tt fall of achlevta er area mnuencing actual lagtalauoa. Tale tm IS hour of making records. We are An th eve or a naUonal election, and U4rf ft great parties will aazt yaatajt)aaj te id electorate not wholly srnbraMt.-! eieAaai and corrupt. There are stia aaaay ftrtV uona oianusntenad aad paSmelo A-oaerrfp this country, and there PI. "t WSTn jj time goes on. Lead era. sota la the esnate and the house, can make or define aa the case may be, and oraeb dapeada upon the skfil with which they do U. Mr. Wllllama is In the position of aa artlet who, while he may not dletata the Ararea or the outlines of the caavaaj caa Barer- . W 1 J I . ... . . a . . . . uicico. evi mjm wiwm us PSJ we aids ugavm ax every cnucai ana aejnred blasa ur.ewV'TZ txe can turn ine . piaae coherence . and hypocrisy. ocrlsy. THeteaiMejf the dark placee with the oosure and condemnation' The moment la opportuda. era tic possibilities are not to be ctaaatfled and measured At this time, but ts work is to be done, and In our opinion Mr. WO llama la the maa to. do It, That certainly la highly .complimen tary, and I add that the Tmocrata la the -hoase. af pear .to ;ha 4afT-j fraMf .mlrid.O ifiiy. aside ,a)J persaiuLdlOrr ence krWLdbethS bbhihipdssa thef perwtA,amJ parry and Tterefoie Faction of hrte 7ears." et be thelP'skMran. : - f iuc- -d fyify lAtV Old FHAnd? nLotd. Bytofa tliay jtsaitajMeal hlAt there had-TieTer been bnt seven original 1 naVdotMtWwArtilVAAif'tlsHi VA.'l eWotesttefworJl aMIUli V ting.o thai Ii believe tt. Tha;Chtcago UrthninfAla vC-a:a.nIVar rajraa. 2 a'r Ltt 'ttvalr I very moch angrment DeAoentfFfoaT trne, bn WbykUjUatBrt Lha jtoUUa-W teeth rnawlaa A iie u Are "we not geowtng aontewlaV tfat-r baa iA rAlsiMajafLsAj f At TTf aanurreaMfroiM CaradoAa On AAlfcAliT aT: V. first things rrernember V ttlt tlfef waal - a.WLaSAMtaalta ju.itaa aaAaaws I "V -r T. . . '- la. A Tla- TT lll-aa. - AL M-L. AATT Ifl Ba AAAea AA ass. BAAC.A I VlBa.lk.Il ATU A SUA old Ben ft 6m6nAtrate:that.th mjods K. - : v" J a ii.-- .A 1 .AlJ fcj. t . a- - ... - t- ROOT ' ; 1 , WOOD DAlUi, it dw.- wtpWitw idm kte!4.i. y?J1 ;t - : Fluid Exlrcct SAIlSAPArJLaW Jl ISM1 a J La ia a nn para eai eeret hta tm H w eUoee wbiirtk a4 e r kJvr w muu run tiaCmrViJ "ikaVat aUltor ettM4 Ma forcw ty e. rl la t kxde f o ttwt mm M roe4 white Otear w( tkrevxx VUWBA J jl..,tA - ... t adt ef te eMam re e'W. , totear eaiUt esTTStr.l 1 y4 M"0 n eierml. . . . - 1 h,s naju Mxrteat bnm te R4t , t eettr rn nur tiarea t a tA twadit. A Mt ae I m 4 auttef. "Ay KaW t caa't tte4 St ar St ea I eabSl. ma t wmt l" -We. yea bafeVt.- tfte "W KerToftrtkA au( reMatn-l ry. ra-awna" a 4f- ItJt I al trWWntrart' SEUiaMtSie. 1 WKJitl dJdT Aeh warklaA' t. At. iwciurway. an w uwtr pwr 4 ptJl I ttn Law tjareoxa, hot Seih fell tar Che I 4ra Btterty (SacooaoUtA Toe) tad! Taa i HdJ.-l CaMda. "' .v 1 Our, northern eleter swears to ba U 4J4H ret ail aha rstM I jfnptM etCber.jtB Wttarel fan. wera was WMaiA trMtrali- Wa , . "viiTwKfauoeef aew? Ki t bayt chaorM, sod the Mm tlat be " a-- jaa W Hjaw. aa-u W " tt3aide-t CrjUnd avr beat frVfeStte. aa arbitratJoo bsAOM taMs, bL oar arbitrators are to te txgrAtuhvtsd o whAt they got. and Cassia. taafaAd ml bjag disgrAatrdoasist-t berlspr a dam at Akh tkle becanaa aba m anMhtug tbslC-Deoatevd to tm. la UUi v w Bau jLoacnaa hati JBswto 1 ox uiasoarV one ef the grtaUwi Xeto. I crato tlut tw ttved. always eiad 1 w wim-Lwr iwi. aaa ae wentjto aaa I aw wi woqjo oave aaa twee or r toor great states ta taftartv. w - w-.r m muuue) M Of Jr tare. . m eroita oy ra urjr f I il . , m - - - . - i thA acron 0-y-Mhh , orjtator w ,arCk awav erary J aqaare foe, of tha.Brtllab a .a 1 Tm itna-l'iTrTtt I min n 1 a. I CWdA f4 B.Ittt21E i W Joi" MltxKalL , There la a ronw floatlag around that if Colonel Roosevelt la elected aexl pwrjtaw.twsrjraeirtnt at least, re- VgAaaAa-A -easvVd that leha Uttehell. the great tabor Wader, will take the cabinet poaittoa Dow beld fey Mr. Serretary Oortotyow and that tba latter wTU again becots aarretAfy to the prrsideaL Whether there at aay troth t ttia rumor depooent aakh ae. because he knoweth not, bat at bast It la cedidng tb ehtekerei before fby ar hashed, figreat casuiy thlagsfarr nabaJe hapUa bewu am a4 . vU-w. iaier BtiM a MBMrTluf preaidia. will probably be forming the v uui iwm at vwoaet tioneenrt. . It;to aiHe.eafe to eay that asMag &Jra'4rrs brbrhtenail la that m.l 1 fwart"Vf fpTBAorrat, VlQta Raa- aotpBei.-arsV editor of batf a toee a tperfc-AOdf AO prearot aeetaber of tbe aitoa ai rAtreeatatlrae. Whew hie Awme was called ta the drawtag af srata- most arrrvattna lottsre.Aa waa rnoet geoeroualy appUadad. The papars AlJ rer the land give Ma great praise fpeAAai gmeat DesDorreUe victory KewArkilaad aotsr-or iWJMOTtltA tkat if he is bofflloa! 9Q1&J4rm ha wtll poU the hnTk rf jUAASEaUw fbte a ad ra all orobabmrr a - le a, V er-ri. Hdreiy be la ta a moat coca grava Mttorty eteaiiptato4 Ui we toftkBAf )ef VMMf 4J did aw, good that tAtox- if w. ; HuXliP T I had dooeTAQ, there wwakl ae-reg bare tv 1 f been any afbitratleei aa .to the Alaakaa r TwH Are Tallest. r ndttf peatinex. Hie father. Seoatorfla eaJaa ta Ika ueorge tieam. eras a great Ulaaaasrl Democrat, traasplaated to CaUforato ' mmA ttMB ta a m.jm .1 p. - v w lw w Tser la to bA.am effort on th pArt; aBraraOA TWy ratAUt ra 1 1 aas AtaeaatKCah U, ecotaimiae at Che-MtAey r!eearerte eai aaergt aaatto VAaA Jorrg aeaalon of catirreaa for (U gAUfml-X.' rrBj-' rrrtt'y rTi wf A RrpBhllcaB caograaa la utterly ImA eaiawaj JI aajhi aoraartat tf M peW Pto . deeirA theb? tag billa rot aw 1 ktWrr3sh-jt aw tbtnf f ' P- e4 a Ui;tWl -U 'ii ttrrd thev! RiUka tha JVroorraU ha. . . 1 Ai feAOAfoV liahAA woo ht lerre VW t4aOJa-efhJ1e ewni. aAd. aai.sslti . - . " " . AteU- deiendlag the ship eobaidy. he -arrpafnshry.ftjayt aiai i ion. prmAtnA to b. ear J SfWt I that Srtialor rieftha aa.tr.2l V? TT!1 inw -TrArnxaA AC. ZM IkU..S.rt.t. TT.ak.. V' a savs-s aa aaaa eaaaja. BW-AdB iVf aUAAAAAMVam aUaU L.LAaA 4nesjr-lettJA ef flAtp-rrap sat to tmtt A - - - ' 1 I . - jPVt -v a a: M myTJJ-s. T J Fluid Extract VZIC&LY ASH BATJvv ,W. I , j . . - ,. , ..." JO -" Cnl- r 3. r jti CI Uu Aa J", .fl tf JtthUgK Sesa4 1 f 4 M ; rei-IA k-e Im. rraktoeL1 TWlrat ewe , I Ibatt tU a Ulttk Wa 1 - '.. -m '' t f i ri - irwU mmwIM wef a . 4ama, m4 A" 9 Vatfe irff arrl ! .JLi. tUl . V w . 1 'f trK J tl, Hrmmf at - V - ,M wT ? M It ftv ilf coal rvuW ttbi W U WL tani., a ikLLi. ii lii. La LmSill' vtr eo La aar rt hada ea4 tavt-Ot teaeel m tar aa anara U .a. f Wrr TY fT T ariiafl ayx Al Ml I llatllL A-v. . .wOa AYsHas)Sri M Vvtjrf j-M'Hvw All era acxaKmtlv TelAJ AfA eeei ifaAiuMfit 'va aw AWAee aa Oew " mwm a a aes j STAts raa kale Craee TwweieM f ASS tAlaraeJereeWaJfttelae ff le rr- As r : r t 4 . 1 I tfT" fJA ktWlvfAW - aUaAAa'L.alr. , A e t...i.j., IT. .. re Ma - - .aeecesea aAe AV tM MAtttf WfrWA. ssvaI IWbst WaMsg V9 w"l,BBf,(!a' pajl tft9"t0y 4 esesai4e a. aJ i Wt aaMf ie us ar-M'Si AM iu am r aars taSVer4re aha AAAwUli est aaa tmMi se gveite la I 4e AeasaAas Uwe Asa I : aa; aa aaaA.y mAm lArSre ye sla Af AeatA 1 Ca, WUl Ara aajUe) Uk IdreavAf TTan Aasaaiac. to cxr a coco t o tur. TaAe Laasalva line f-J-i- - Taa I All raraa miti lAa atMlth Aw. I fc w rwiiwan A a I - WVe ar Umh like lhe Caa.. sa At n n al la U$ aaaa f a a4 taaA aaA aaa yaaeaaae aa saaAit tZ?ZZtt?rJJ?y 0Zf lZZ ----- V'J 1 ' - aa rsiifeaiiia UatAa 1 lsitestgae t)mmUm 1?!.. failtl !TrZzTvv!?t " '.r: - 1". ! i teag d-ase er rvaaaae Vae Pea l TraU e-at. I a I uaa eeuTt f tVlUlAJtA ' tUit AatoaAl 5aasw raas ininaal Aa I tm lift te DaWwa'aUitA. "h eatAeaaa) W.T. Aaaaaa Asm "Tee Tsa ai a , e4 aaaeAe ee eaa tV-a taf r tear are aa tuaaaai ae e i si i at AAay I AlMleaae naa as4 A aaa AaaaA-s sa I f " y ftrag A.-f9tt!f 1 asAHB ttaAlllw see avea a Lara taatk I ; . A t a. ' i a i rt r Vt . ' ( lImAfUftlTcAi 1 1 fWVW a-A etWAaaah aUVi A ,1 1 " v - A 1 1 a AAA tease Is lAeaaC te araAe C. P. arte. leaV aba wae eaaatatg eaal A-a Aa tee Aysaa t ea aaa a- as AtaATp OIlAaea eaA aatoaAa Cawt Caaa. Paa- afaaa taiaets CatA t sea. c mwh, aVa C1I aai aaaa alaUa Cm.. a - - ' . s -w I P tf1f A .ua 144 . B A .SA. J . J I ., - a B T . 1 tllrAAhlM Ibaa VAhaatAUlAwrA, I i IrwAhlaA thaA IwteyBiM f f..U aAastafal f Are y A S La.aAa Ara-Vt mmmfrntf 1- . 4 v ( i iA-a trarjr te l. a-aasa af -W Ai ta Aa 4uA ' rtrfAa taa eaA afaW a LrtAe ataal T a asrrra sad )a'f . a ai are ptt e4e Jae4t P a .4 a-t iaaryxwtaaa. 'ua. aoe at 1 ama as a was AArrg AATPAn -a . af - . f Sjg- TsAriAiatca bdlaal 1S 'c' PAAAhAte; A.. - CeAe! CTM Aw CtMA aaa4aa AAa a&aat Aah lAaA l M a i.wU ta eWa Aamwf aa raV,at Wcti .aSar-4 aa at aa Are Vet til't. faf-Sar-M aa af 1 W A t' . t a v e Wat 1 1 a.. " a-fjv " 1 I ri'Aiat id a., a, tW mmi ... iaat Aaa 1 af af taa 11 im A aa -aaaa rs:.:.-jr. c? t lifter: 1 . Li r esassssr-"aiv-4 art? 4e444eV BWit.fV - &. M t III M Oei efit tV rra .- - re;Vaajr . 0 rm e feat 4 - aw f4 Sd, AW iftcaMf f L wai Aa k:i il'lnaajC "TV liM 1" W I fwn 'a 1 fl ! sV-efiNi i f in fw44iA: " 1 , t a a. ' &aA- -: ... ' . : ' " ' ' - l Bm- reV ev.AiVt.V, fc?:fca,- a afa,.f-VayemaejB THTswst eswa I et mm to r ef te etot -ejl-ai tt.fi, wW f.aw eeJ w4M tm t 44 J H tSwe 'et aAJtWaj ii awbjal f a welvUlrf wlsa A M We Caa4 l we ef A'if 1 w f a eaewa. g1-ea 'a eww t4 W U iaaV,iiitesj aff SaJJf'iAfl II rf Ismail 4 OeM rVel taaa IsrM,. wit el rwi a rttA 1 i 'eaaj Aan. en' 1 m 1 - g Mwu.a. see ae - a a,,..!... a-a e4 H A.n. A4 amrfwime ft -ititn- Hle w . . fa aaaiaAi. eA-ev eaeN aa m ei eaeKrA taaiie aaa tWi waanin eaAM -rn aan AjVa-rW mt am-tas t rv'aa aaue J mm m aia pma.ua ea T r aaa auiA 1 .ta ra.ia U4I ao. a.a.a 1 .atsaii am iwa laVBHiaaAia rsa . - r sTafayaXTM M4ai hi a af Thej f aaUU teirAVt UAXArTTCtt mi Wf. M fr , T tw tW V r4 a afte -avel iei fte I4ie j M ta a- ,. m-Aaa (H7WlaMrHrlaataa ae . MaaA MaAea4 Sanaa aaa rfh eaaaa ass VK. a.a .Aaa t4H Art 4WVV A itasVAa fa tTlSsrsA t iastsX lwVS uTeaWtiU i Wt XPAtX Tjf TlftttX f f AertaA aAasai . SA TAWaa Aa ' aaato a eat aa"aa ev eaathaasM44, aseAi'S ae aaat aA. -rtoe mm mm uSai na as a-Mi Ae e raNato eduaa aa era tcWka aaa eaCMda Sf nl aa e ae M"ia af a e waa aa aa. ssi A aaa e aa.l WAA PhAAhI A fa WVei gt rata a a Ae aa ! Ia f A f arV geX AUfX4CAaUI Atflltr AO.tt3f TVa Aa ariig waa aJUaa aa I as-Miie aw TVa Aaaa aaV raart y. nai laaa aa. i,tot aaaa ea aaaAa ta tJa.srt tm .Art a Ca In Urn nj w ta ska aaa Am iai i nA" Aaaa rtf 1 A' a-ae aan eai MbsWV leLatthAf mMftlhAAAaAp tffaaJkaaalA --a a-a ' TrW aAWJT snfWBSsWBSps J.aOf Val aa enfta.i.'ia aaaa' 4 Aa AaASa ( Vam a fe tUt Wa WWAk MUen. A Aaa af tars Tt At aS Aaaa a see aa mm a aa aajiaa..tAa aa Aaaa i Aa Aaa pe A4t tattaiwae e - af As AS) enaAioaA AA MkA WWt avpa faUrte4 the IV BArsl1 VVaat tet.aawi.fipt, trtl ata aMrsa file any rkatatag sThtt LWf larw A taal In. " .tlaeW Wa4 eaa a"aa t4 ieeaav A I MeAa MP'S I!'L'1J1U.HLLU. !W J VIM JLa.V 1. -Tl a T. iMJtoat fftenav H .. Oa Af Vr&-9 4 lAat Itfaya eat A Al4-tortV WtAAf1 Agf aJtetAf t&3rj Aaaaav. I tWf rwatirtaaw StO ' TVis la ear? eJtJpee tarto. t-4 sacvAa t AAA rrary araajaear-. fAaaA Asa iwto4 wO aasaswa! W f., ftnea. tt hV i haw j'.-a 4 ieaUf T. iat AslA. AA awA-tirX, rt. C. TV fBet SXA. tfCJA, is - ' - T. sT. tVarrrr. A U. t A-y , ! ? ' . ... . Ia. aa I -f-mm mm a - .. a .. a a - - p. a i .. .---- ' "-3vi: paw WAfiA BtaS. i sBMeaanaamaai Aa e afaMfi" eaJaaTal aaia!i' aart 4 aw J aa a law' ! AAt et'.A en 'a e-4 iea ieae.as mUm faniiS mwla e it ia i ma siii a -- ' TVs tswet t it aatita, I taiatimnAaiam iW Sale A mn a.Aaaaat a Aaaa Am a aiA mm SAa aaaaAa mm Paa ra-v "a iav a a - mm a Wa i . .. a . A a e m .a mm "pni H ii i a aa txaa -j aa aaavtaa a a I I at p. a ... t, wM.a 1 a n.iip. aa aaa yaira mum mt aa iaia apaaaaa mm a i am I " aa aaal jaaoMw ka- aw aa .al f.a rv a.a.va..a .4 Va pa... a.ii a " a" " a. . pa. JLl".... . m aaa a ia t. aaa uaa aa aaa. w 1 t ai 1 na al a-Ma. . Va a.. f at am . . r--. rf -a- aMUa aaa aa. a- .a' i , a . a. .aaa tvaaawaj at a 'a 1 . ,. .4-..a.'j. m ar t i s ae a 1 a . aa t V kia-a aa2 ' 4 11 aa 0 . ma : -a - 1 -1 1 r 1 .' O f 1 JM , "ft I . 1 w w aj ap eV -aw 8 Ecdbam iaxrxo Caen iX tXtX, CCaS, fi?! lortalk ftk4inJ 'tuiaril! tOOC. - ... 1 1B a w4C ejaag i asjetukav hJ I t af e ass A aa af aaa IV r lorrt a kthxl ZmA 4IWSaU,K.t. ' AaTi'i' '' ax. Av . STEAK UCTD'sp 1 hmmmUmt eaawtu4UariA fjrf. Xteattctv f,fc aka ' e.ta: kay 'ai 'attsasa V wm laaiitifliawC A 1 W . rl it raw-Aviri., gjka lHf' 44rtta, Dttfa, 1Te4t. a asAJL,aatttaf H rOiVt aaa .asiWw Jit, gL feat 4 Aalaaavaaaa4 AWa LUinV(V a a Ue tja.ufty A 1 Aa alt stia-iaiisigLa aaaaa w aaalkak. i jiiejiaiiiaa y-e VAarf'W'li eeaaia a tt Sr esV -aMsa aa&aatl e fat V Vjh ia..lWlaa mimh i, a aiaa s A .tua ja.aw ., a.n .aaaa sa 3 !-. aif tla ft'a ' It aa6 i VtM Atft. Va nim tittfiaa Arfla-I f TViwn.ae Caawtwy .ti A lb taty tnaasaiy . tea aflat - Aaaa af Ms l'm,tiaa Cinieiiinaif- al a Asaii Aa tie. It i tttt auK at.. ... -u aJ4ailJ,l'iJM, a. Uat..C;iiArJ U.nuaa aa A tataftarp.. at- ia"awH Arw-A-eat fBMaeaf eat ai aill'4aay aa 4tsik WV-tonrA wA ;tkHi la Jek ai. . aa-A. atajal g A I aaTS , AaL Uat , OaMtat :, ttae le K.TAlAi.ar. sx : TfaAVtSst, OeT EJ Jfijl I ' Jct!f jod,Op:;clora laH fcaaS-JtW B C. Pima aa-aAMa I aaej a-rtaa a aaaaa a ta Aaauk ANtatt A s a ae awaje an aa ar-aaav -mmm 1 ai a 1 11 nun f Aana aAaaaae AaaaaeH ma maai am. A aaaa aaa at ": at 4aaa J e-H aaaattaaa TTCi'iES.": CLOGES 4 aaAa ' lmm at aJC-l:Ca-HC'f.;.s ta Aaaa lit - t aaai aa. a Aiaaa A , e.a a a aaat '4 ir a a-i :- pi iwiiiiiii 1a iaaa wm -. - m mm t A ,HI'H "i Wiiliaii I .1. a sta. mat kp aau, I a-, -av ess - - - - -- - - - - . a. M f-aa..ia wxq,,, e.m.a. t mm. ea ar aaaa aa (aami .laiiua t aasl fla'alaa a. HT I aa a-.ui.Mw a i f , MTalt a-aayaa a aa- .. S-a Va ImhmI ,W a,kM M aaaBa a ... ...AVssaa4fc if ias "in . Aaaa .RSI.flURlilT! -a " " ... ' " - I. ' I AAA AALai aartftr at f teUana w 9 ra,:ljd M Aae4,-A . . ., laaMk, '" I ; JlSa- aas ... H . '"i a. - I' 'H fill, frar farAf aa f rt't A. ig.XAa aaP.ll Au.a ",- fl'fa - v Hii-'d "i Ji Daoaa aa aat irli;ai":. i tAiSlr, . . "' a t4ii tg 4at 1 w ,, 4 "2 "t '6 ' 11 x t- t.C. a taex, Ti e a aa ea-e s a f at' aiic5 aatfr Sp te , Twwa V Ctciti CnaCi SEABOARD W at A.tv, . fc . f tal a aaww- . Ma4 l oae taaieaa , '.itaMttie i m iaittMa - f af yiaj fa S iaaiaya.a aM.., i aa.irf IlilatlNiaj 4 MB. t-aa aa . mm a ttamwiiai a A aa A aaa j i aaa A aa 'I A aa s 1 aaa ' r .4 aa aaa a ka- - j M ' - 2TVi a ai -a ' 1 .a m. tiW a. a s4 t a t4 irtt'tf eas A aa A fa4iai,iaa at a mm A- V a rwa taa a 4 Aw ta Aat.,a.a 1 tl i b a- A . iaWliH a a. ' aaa.i ,ia l. L a 1 li' f j fav i -f aaa Pea Jia a t a fa a a it 1 aa aa it a . ' y ( ae aaa III ai ate $ tt aaa, t aa t ee faat A a ansa A ai-aat aaa tt A aaa Aa Ai.-..,.a . A f a at a aw aaa aa a.wa A - a ra a- 'Aaa iMMaaa ISA V aaa " a fMBSlMtta f A As w A Ca1&flaet 4 'Aa " 4 - A4' -t tt asnaiAiiiAi t A AA 4. SA AT I A searia aieaa A . i t A mla 4 a A 1 a aaiai"a 'atf I aa avM - ! a) u eaajeawea I A X. Sa rsanaA AaA tw 41 t VaatVat-at Aa A Itaahax as a kaHaa.?pe" a Haaaw ' 4a t piHaVa t 1 i. a atawiit as t-ataaaaa , flit aaa, A a-a ' a aa - a pa 'Ja f a aa- V aaa - e m. e aa M Wa. (tip. aa V a a-a AAAAA tVi tuMaaa I I t U Mil V Aa Aa t ' Ala f S aa V fla -a.a A t S A a lra At Aaa tat . . till mm a i e a aa. a- p f a aaa mm I . 11 W , aa a a aa t' 1 aiaiai " a aa V aai , mm t t 4 tanaa 111 . t 4 ea t.ww.ai. 4 aa 4 m a a - . 1 a - - - 1 v; i i a aa f a e a.; I fa e.,aaaj 1 la A 'HUi ne tSaay"' a l.-a an f AW 0 4s)aBAA ' A jahjA A.aaaMAak ss wtBwsw'taa1 I -a. . , , , I A Asm I m Urn i m .a,. . ai w - . aat ss A aw ,h ta aa 1 in f t iMM ,wawan m i a-a w: at . A aaa. lit a UasAMsasW fc Sa JftKwm tfcs.w. ' a ttl Hp ' SI S A Kt aaa . ' . f : a-a aaa "- t r- - a. IIMas a eaa r ... -Tam 1 ut n .ii . .. . AS ea aaa ... a aa ... mr BJ " - B. r aiMaa). II At a. tAMSMa A.. mm aa"" i twa MtVv M . H .aeaiattaa au aa a as aa paaaanas ... a a- 'a ,a amma A a a a as a t ,a a aa a. 1 a t J a i..aai rNaas 't-aa i.a 's. a Iwaia ' t m IM na. '! . , mr m t ....... a a . a a ... . - L"f t "I a -,mL1.f -al.t., ' - f a. fVwa tS"' Tr! vCC' ' I " ' ' " t IZT' TtT" ". -- - - - , t;':.r;.-:t . -j u. t. V. tit I MR,, V ,' - " W pa ;rrbristfj