"rrv i-:LrA h H .1 jas. A. THOMAS, Editsrtnfl PfBrletir. vol xxxiiice LOUISBURG, N.0, FRIDAY, DECEMBER -4. 1503. msxrrsi : cut ttt r w rt- rtn n -. c CHURCH DIRECTORY MBTHODIOT. ?Qndy School at 9:30 A. M. Qbo. S. Baxsb, Supt. preening at 11 A. ML., and 8 30 P. M. t,mTy rfunday. Pryr meeting Wednesday night. M. T, Pltlkh. Pastor. BAPTIST Hand&y School at 9:30 A. M. Thos. B. Wildbr, 8upt PivxchinR at 11 A.M., and 8:30 P.M., ,T.rv Sanday. , . . pravr m-eting Tburaday night. H. H. MiSHBUBHB. Pastor. bmsoopal, rfanday School at 9:30. Wm. H. Roffih. Snpt. -r'icnfl, morning and nitrht , on tit, 3rd and 4th Sandavs. Kvenint? Praver, Friday afternoon. Rav. Johu Lohdob, -Rector. PRESBYTERIAN. H-rviren 4'h Snodav in each month m -ruiog" and oitfbt. C. N. Whaetoh, Pastor. 0 ! Champ Claris Letter P f O ' s. . " . ' Special Washington Letter. ( Mttsourr Candidate For the Presidency. ( ) Minority 'Report on S q ? Cuicn "Reciprocity 6 3 a r -rt TO to know what this depression Jr NCE more Missouri will nresent It Is the duty ot the director to soaks fl 11 a favorite son to the national "me ,ucW expUMUon- &S If T . 1 A QlslllH Iau. W. Mf democracy as a Dresidentisl I ' Democracy as a presidential I LODOBP. Lnnisborir Lode. No. 413, A. P. A. M., meets 181 ana aru j.uesuj Bights in each month. IVot'dMHioiial nard 11 ALLHED. ATTORNEY-AT LAW, will practice lo I1 the Court!, y tfivllle, N. G. Office In I) li ARTHUR H. FLEMING, DENTIST. LOUISBURG, . - N. G. - . nn.-.nOvr The Oreen ft Yarboro Oo.'s t.ir- j K S. I BURT, TRViriCINO PHYSICIAN AN& 8DRQBON. Louisburg, N. C. iiiKryin theiwr of Hoddie. Bobbitt Sc. i . Kriiu t.. . onN atre"t. I)' e. XAbBORODiH. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, - . ,, . $& O O & O Q thM mouUM irrxmHf s w i - . w wlsbsd. - - U tbs UMolswit shall ot b Jts ws sUU rcKxumnd fh j-s f Um bUI d4u IU b4 fss4rk tttssw w think that tbs rood t ks om hr tts psssacs will fr vrsrtelsas UM v which wOl rwolt from fsOors m tea Uruut of th syywtmsity " dltMk the power of ths nctr tnsst a4 tVa s rssultlac frees tb b4 prsed Inc. riMsctsilr. n Is trs. to couuUy froes sl fHHsr led set muss poo Cba vmrm sosmrs from othw centtta shsll appssx tes sad sdlal to do s sr rscipreosJ trsstr nmwwt or srat law. . BUvlnc as we 44, that tawirM oacht to be ss Dssrtr mihish as ; possible. eoaststsoUy with the soda a rYcnta for scoaotnkmi aad oCartlrs re srnmsatsj admlnlstn Boo sad seaaiMsatry with a dsstrs aot to rsrarsUoaks atsttsc candidate and ask the noml-1 Last week I referred to the fact that I tosts sad oonmonopotuuc saiarsrt a. we nation, and she does welL His name Hon. Iaidor Rayner of Maryland, an tn this hoi sffirauaa o that is Francis Marion Cockren, senior sen-' eminent Jewish lawyer, is an avowed sTrtrtwi. a aeouLTts ator from that magnifieentCjebmmon-7 candidate for United States senator to tact that a dacrassa ot amatswataJ taOa wealth. In 1896 she presented Richard j 8acceed Hon. , Louis E. McComas. levVal upoa tatarastloaal neasnis oa- Parbs Bland, and had his forces been SInce writing that GoTtrnor Alexander "J"-. , . . I irAu m 1 1 , , wiucs tas coesassrva is caj iud asv propeny organizea ne would nave wou w;a.cry w amwi ass sp- i charred with ths duty of iartatatv tor the nomination. In the Cockrell mat- Pointed another, eminent Jewish law-1 the baasfit of the AJharwaa mmi. as w ter the Missourlans are taking time by Ter Hon- Mosea A. Sale, to a circuit I f-ff- "?gf" tft w the fowtock. For some months It has T iodgeshlp tn St Lonla, -rice Jndga iw "Tu? been doubtful whether the modesty of ta, wlio resigned to acceptTen Thou-T taUeva th oimat ssaary waydaas wpaa acta the senator rnnlrl ho aTifflMonflv mr&i. sand a Tear" as general counsel for the i AsaaHomaa aod cabaaa. aaabta th mo iA k Looisiana Purchase exooaition. JndM AlnrcT1- to nr Cttbaa pswdaeta at of his name in that connection, but the. hale u ala to tn first man of hM 1 owbans to bur iBiriaa arodoeta at following letter removes all doubts on race to hold Jndiclal position .-In Mia-) mors rasaooabK pricaa, thoroby aatvrta ti,o cKit . tt mi : ... i . sourt. He is an excellent tawver snd I e voiwae or trade twawi the two ouujLti,- nui peiuiii n, ixe wiii have a solid and enthusiastic delega- ln a11 humaB probabUlty make as tion from Missouri, he ought to have "cent Judge. lots of strength outside the state andj Queer. is in every way worthy of nomination ; If the elder Disraeli were living he and election. Here is the letter: I would unquestionably lay hold of the My Dear Major Salmon Your favor duly eulogy upon Senator. Matthew Stanley received. As I have repeatedly said. I am flnav TVmain vfat -huh ATPiK0C3 ran cunio. jtkx:Touio 'xotcits Tail""- rpi f'HS ' m l Z mxZxsi. What To. 21 tw4 Is To f ' -1 - " ' Soac tnittia a Lt mt imFi aawSJ iEl1? rwJtt; ta(ttaaJi hTJ..rn I ( Yat nUs stem tt a candidate for re-election- to the United States senate and will be content with such re-electicn. I am . not seeking the nomination for the presidency. The move ment by the Democrats of Missouri to present my name for that nomination to the national Democratic convention is without my solicitation, directly or Indi rectly. Therefore I appreciate the more highly the honor conferred by the resolu tions adopted by the Democratic mass meetings at Moberly and St. Joseph, Mo., trios la both dlrvctioti. W rarret that the party m not soca Its war to eoefar sT31 farUlar booants upoa cttlsaas of both aaUoea by proTtdlnr for rrm trrr sad T aor natraiOBiaiod aod unrwtrirlod ccanMtn batwoaa thna. As tons as Vh pyiatat party Is In prwr wa can parttapo for tariff rvdoctloaa aad rwlalaa oa!y iron ractprocny imn it Is a a slab, SW, srcMMb el rwrrasrl. atas traa&a aa vw wasvam s wa i A t i ass tssss sjTjlm i4 y efts s4 Mr4 ns aaarW rta ttaHVwW4 ri I4s wi4 ataat snaaaiT 4a4 d;Si.Ua.ss aa tVfamte wk I W aw aat a kAtflisaUaaii,U rave.- st7.- wsa rjaxia c 1 Orders.' ' : Pennypacker of Pennsylvania lnjectad m' proca. but it is botr tha ao into his Thanksgiving proclamation and add it to his "Curiosities of Liter ature." It Is presumed that his excel lency was working on ths principle "Remember now thy Creator." Since a Chicago university professor placed John D. Rockefeller above Shakespeare as a literary character nothing so qneei rxcttf4. Wf s tm a pru tt i MtlSlf'r4 Ut ptwatsl rrat so4 tt m rrsKft. Sat IU doctcfj a l4 j H rysapAsjsws.' sa4 snswttrtj few r Ism ovlf to U Ifto0ww4 4 twfl trr-f rm st Msds( at (s Mr4 si ta rrad jrmt BJU svtP , panes . - ' - " nC boss a4 isaw Hi TV sr tsoor s d," M gtrs ai rrft-e 4b iiadW r iofnj, ts rn pf lo rce ta ta-cih hrsa la day. Aod a rf1 ff o Va s possitMltiT o4 fsiihf tnrv . Ai ntt be pstarM ws avrtaa-4 to b softy. TVrt b rrcl Wod o- pstSirs oa-. U a'li, rt can bit Tsad brQ a I li t.r W ba4 tvS lb Bibae rif ! tifK-.f j av. pa o' ctoatii. Woi4lf ram m4; w4 at 13 I t ba vb aax. -" n"- aa At ,m4 a a t-aw as law aW-ra ad w . 4aa4 Wl laisi s) asaf , - aT e-il ya si t ' TVs Sia4 t -I saswl TVfar aaraa sa a awdi rsa raaa aiar it Caa-w 41 f ta . ; . , . & 1 1.-- "" . . t v wj tjf Buys jss-sf, aa.M af 7 aadvl SJa il ;w4sf ?if t'M wir w saxasdwl . tC J''w J fe'bwt.UntM The wraJVirr tilil ta-Cik bcl CiOl tki. rrj -rSl "Chftrcic CsAc, lxi't tututtAf which in or.rc3 Etth ,.JKtvJtZ a. -t. a need Seen" Hr:-l;$ora. -.Itnuics tjrf cS Aw-i3j cs He 13.. the tatrak 1 B0Klf4TTjl4WUi , i & Sra.M a-a.! Ui- 1 1 ?rr. , ns aid Cleis a 44 ".r !- .?: "-' r-1 ntrrri tnr-i arrfr4 c a v v. process at alL W hail tt as a htrMct of future roclproclty traatJos with oar eoastriea. espodaiiy those apoa Iho Amov lean conusant, and notably Mrr aitbw to the north, the Doaalaton of Canada. Commercial wars aro datrtaivalat aasa times daati ue ttya. Tbr mrm nra which there ranaot be a rveov an i(ht I a.ad crow V i oat pSSv sa4 ft b endure dafaaL rndiv rwattmui b h414" 'r. e"1. Iboa.b awaj 4t twt t(Mvy taa tp Mi SyiS'S i to a ii nAt b eiOis ' alii s s-x,r tiaif avas T y a a b axa a T a, a a y aa-aa t lafc id MS sM nut 1 ad -o4l as t at rMw a bumaia pout. cof rr. and the Dersonal assura.noea and indnmA. hits anromroA In nHnt . Panr.rr,s Y-m I t a . . - I rrrn!CQ r,f 1 . Bt'va -va a a aA sa-ss a. vmisj stvskVt w i aw i ss any 9mt wTaVf aUi vy laasB TaTTJw 1 ments of friends These show clearly effa8ion. rocsl bonaflts of trad and oommwr rxn aooi.e. v f I r.-e that the movement is not inimical to my . . Men of different nation, bound lo on. an-I canaiaacy ror re-election to the senate Minority K sport on CUDan Reciprocity. I other by Jarre aad vaiaabio trada rw- I C4 rv i rw. V. hf at a v t wsat and come from friends and loyal Demo- We. mtnorltr ratmlMn nf Ih, mmmKtM tlons sra boand b tfe r!M iu. a m. . mstertsJlstlc chasaster kaowa to bajnaa I " " ' " 7 "j , ,h. ,,..1 iinor Ne. tiuildlna. phone S9 it calls auawrtre l from T. W. Bickett'e r,i""x. phone 74. H. MA8HKNB0RQ, ATTORN BY AT LAW. LOUI8B0RO. S. C srtll Draotlce ln all the Courts of the State Oflea In Court Hones. M a 10 -i;s c. W1NSTEA.D, - a ATTOBNBY-AT-LAW, . Louisbcbs, N. C. office ovsr Corner Drug Store. e-il Attention gWen to collections. rr. tice wherever services requirea. FL J. R. M.ALONK, riAi'TICING PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. LO018BDB8, H. 0. i mn over Ayoocke rag Company. I) R. R. 8. 08TBR. r a ACT1CING PHYSICIAN ft SURGEON, LoaliDurg, N. C. Offloe over Aycocke Drug Cjmpsny. w ai . HAYWOOD RUFFIN. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, botnsBDss. s. a. will nrantlee ln all the Courts of FrankttB iad adjoining counties, also ln the Supreme art, ana in me uuiiea UMea uimuim mu (rfaU Courts. Office in Cooper and Clifton Building. crats and that such apprehension is. ln fact, without foundation. The proprieties of course forbid that I should say I am or will be a candidate for the nomination for the presidency. Perhaps I go far enough when I say I am gratefully ap preciative of the continued confidence and friendship of the good people of Missouri and of the great honor they do me in mentioning my name in connection with the highest office in the greatest nation of the world, yet if the Democrats of Mis souri deem me worthy and desire, with out my seeking, to present my name to the national Democratic convention for- the nomination, for the presidency it would be ; ungrateful in me to object. With best wishes, your -friend. F. M. COCKRELL. Quite a prominent gentleman in New Jersey writes me enthusiastically as to a reference I lately made in these let ters to General Cockrell, but wound np by proposing the ticket, "Miles and Cockrell," which is clearly a non se- quitur. Let it be understood, once for all, that the Missourians do not intend to offer Cockrell as a V. P. candidate. With os it is aut Caesar ant nullua. ;if my' Jersey . friend wants General Miles and General Cockrell both on the ticket he must turn his proposition around and make it read. "Cockrell and Miles," but I am not, the Missouri Democrats are not, suggesting any body for V. P. We propose to land the presidential nomination for General Cockrell if we can and let some other section of the country have the V. P. We will not object to any good and re liable Democrat as a running mate for Cockrell. on ways and means, make the following report of our views concerninc H. It 131. 1 nature, the tla of salf mteraat. Tbay aaro I (he t-b. io' r ax-df being a hill entitled "A bul to carry Into I rivwn a mutual bawd to haoa tfc poaca. I ' effect a oonvannon botweon the United I am atrwauooa JmroAwa ttsotf fc4tataa I la OM ca n hick I - States and the repobUo of Cuba, ats-ned I undar such dmanaacia. to dlatvrb n I on the 11th day ot Dacsmber. In the vaar I Wa raoonaaaand the iiwan of tfc- OCX. " " ' . SJ I 1903," Introduced ta the house of re pro- I smendmant rafarrad to abova. sad. faDlnr k. I k -, . t (entarJvea on the llth day of November, I to that, havrnc fllad oar protaat by to r oa ways and 190S, by Mr. Payne of New York sad ra-j and vols aralsst the right sr powr la I 0 obfdro' rates', ivl b t,. fctl as iVwjb j to toy at k ssdciO frjT" . a. Every word of tbd above rstrt ws .. "oe'ex. i i a ar w written by non. John Sharp Williams. rsUy. t wvl lis asjn4af Bol bOW rj J y-ag ' O lbl WM JW rvat t arrdrtj?" of nntsota. t. ... .... . popularly called Bob, bow rwprvsawrlar r" av- a Republican district ta tha bouas of I istoed lo Km dr. Tbatr. a aa representatives, appears to ba msklag L,trtttjt U a ow 8 bf neaaway ss a prrsidennsl caraUdst I AH tba Demorratls factions) ta IC3ao4a I MiclCBI mh v, is ,tf,,nn are uniting apoa him. The Rz-pabMesn j mofw, '-it I wrrs to omn sst d -) lacUlatore undertook to retire hlxn to ,-.dlo. lh,m u t .v. i r iru larts of Mrtsfth aa4 vn yaoa. b, wiloko, ATTORNltY-AT-LAW tjomsacss. s. a on Main atreet. over Jones ft Oooper's ura Fa 3. 3PRUTLL. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LrOOiaBcao, r. C. Et Tu, Brute! When Mr. J. Pierpont Morgan reads the denunciations of himself and part ners in. crime by Republican papers he must feel like exclaiming in the lan guage of Caius Julius Caesar, "Et tu. brute V' or in the words of Alfred Lord Tennyson, "I wish that my tongue could utter the thoughts that arise in me," or in the vernacular of the aver age earaeed citizen. "D n it!" For instance, here comes the Philadelphia Inquirer, one of the strongest Repub lican papers in the land, with this editorial upon Morgan and his meth ods It Is high time that the board of di rectors of the United States Steel cor poration should do a little explaining for the benefit of their-tens- of thousands of stockholders, men and women, who bought upon the promises made, prom ises which have not . been kept. Both the preferred and common stock is worth a great deal more than the market quotations or it is wortn notning is it? Under oath Mr. Schwab, then president of the Corporation, declared that ln his opinion the actual intrinsic value of the properties owned was greater man toe par value of bonds ana biocks ouistana Ing. From the start the earnings have been sufficient, according to the omcial re ports, to meet every obligation, to pay per cent on the -prererrea ana per cent on the" common and to lay aside a huge surplus. The promise was explicit that so long as the dividends were earned they would be paid, for the directors would have no right to withhold them. And yet they have done just this thing. They have reduced the 4 per cent dividend: on the common to 2 per cent in spite of the fact that more than enough money has been Offloe ln Opera House bunding, Court street I earned to make the full payment v . 'i'il.' i. . I -nrK to ta rttawn fnr this? Whv hna .il i i -. a. tntpniun ui diib i - v ua. w - - . V V i! win .ttui uis nnarta of Franklin, Vance rioTllle. Warren and Wake counties, also annramn Court of North Carolina. f ronupt attention given to collections. Offlos over Bgerton's Store. y W. BICKBTT, iTTOlNBT AND COTJB8KIXOH AT LAW. LotnsBUB a. a Prompt and painstaking attention given to ,rr matter Intrusted to nls hands. fera to Chief Justice Shepherd, Hon. JOSB .nnn- nnn Bnht W Winston. Hon. J. C. turvrn. Pres. First National Bank- of Wla- tos. aienn ft Manly, Winston, reapmm sum f Monroe, Chss. K. Taylov, Pres. Wsks or at College. Hon. B. W. TlmheTlsks. offloe over Neal ft Co. s Store, w. pi. PERSON, ATTORN BY AT-LAW, LouursTTBS, a. & Prasttoss la all eoorts. Offles on Main treet. . H YARBO ROUGH, JB. ATI ORNEY AT LAW, LOUI8BTTRG, N. C rill receive prompt and careful attention. D R. D. T. 8MITHW1CK, DBNTIST, LOUlSBtJBG, - H. C. oaioe over Parnltnrs Store. HOTELS. FKANKL1NT0N HOTEL FEANKLINTON, N. 0. the stock been "falling until it has reached to a figure but a tenth of Its par value 7 Why has the preferred, which has not reduced Its dividend, been forced to half its face value when it once sold above W0? The corporation owns the same property that it did when Mr. .Schwab swore that Its Intrinsic value was greater than the cflDital involved. There has been fall toe off to same extent In ordert, bat that Hoes' not account for the breaking of -dividend premises ' when dividends were earned .and the bearing of the stock to such a ruinous extent. If it is true that Insiders are manipulat ing the stock for personal profit, then thefr actions savor of criminality. The ferred to the committee means: We believe that the bill as reported by the committee on ways aad means ought to hsvs been amended ln committee bo fore being reported and ought now to be amended in the house before Its passage, as follows: By striking out the following language, beginning ln line IS, page t, and eadlng ln line 2, page 3: "Provided. That while said eon ran Moo la in force no sugar Importad from tb republic ot Cuba aad being, te product of the soil or industry of the republic of Cuba shall be admitted Into the United States at a redaction of duty greater than 20 per cent of the rates of duty thereon, as provided by the tariff set of the United States spproved July X ltfT and no sugar the product of any other foreign country shall be admitted by treaty or convention into the United States while this con Tan tion Is la force at a lower rats of. duty than that provid ed by the tariff act ot tba United Stales approved July H. HSR." And by Inserting the following tn Uu thereof : "That upon the making of said agree ment and the Issuance ot said proclama tion and while said sgreement Shan re main in force there shall be lerlad. col lected and paid ln lieu of tba dstlee thara- on now provided by taw on all so gar above No. IS Dutch standard ln color and all sugar which has gone through s process of refining Imported Into the United States 1.82 cents par pound." Our objection to the language proposed to be stricken out is twofold: First, as a general principle, one con gress has no right to attempt to bind a succeeding congress, as Is attempted In this bill in the case of sugars Imported from Cuba, nor to attempt to bind th treaty making power of the United State ln a succeeding congress or under a suc ceeding administration, as Is sttampted in the bill In the case of sugars Imported from other foreign countries. Ws do not believe that the language proposed to b stricken out Is or could be msde of bind ing force and effect even if enacted Into law. It is, ostensibly, at any rats, s waiver, to some extent, at the general right to abrogation and establishes s precedent of evu Import. In the second place, we are not win Ins to bind ourselves nor silently to scquieecr in an attempt although legally and morally Ineffectual to bind us to continue In existence, at a given fixed rate, a duty upon any product Imported Into the Unit ed 8tates for any definite period, whether the article be sugar or anything else or whether It be the product of the Islsnd of Cuba or of sny other country or of all other countries. PubHc needs and Interests may at an; moment suggest or . require a different treatment of tariff schedules. A schedule is not a fetich to be worshiped, we hope, therefore, the house will strike out th provision. We think. In the next place, that thert ought to be inserted m lieu of the provi sion proposed to be stricken out or else where In the bill the language proposed to be Inserted by the amendment abov referred to, because, la our opinion, wc would thereby -deprivs the gruat sugar trust of this country of some of Its power to extort from the consumer, curtail its power to boar down the prica. of the raw .material, thereby Injuring ithe rarer planter and lessen Its ability to dhrtats to wholesale and retail dealers ln sugar the manner in which they shsH do busineae and the price at which they shall sell re fined sugar. The bouse during the Fifty -soventh con gress took this view and passed, an amendment Identically worded, as now proposed by us. The bouse took that view after a full Investigation and a com paratively full discussion of the question, and the very treaty proposed to be put in force by this bill (H. R. lk&) woaM have been In fores now had all those charged , with the duty of legislation In other branches ..of the government been bind oar future eoadart. w atui r-o- mend the paaaag of tha bOX JOHN a WILLIAMS CLAtDB A. WAKtOM O CO ROB It ITCLEIXAK CHAMP CLARK. Democratic floor trader Bob Williams. Hon. Jtmft R. W11TU TWv avv sums aa :as Svm Te i 4 U i ao g uave sns a Wfl e. ass awAna awwt v-aye4 d V fJ a a-fara 1st ty an Pm yea kai-a I t ! ete W SV' ea rvyi.a4 cad?t . - a-l -&'aa e S ntOTtaJha , las tV"!. a4 w. aii aa aabaat at fvartsl bwc. - II aJ ' saw vtaaaa, 'I eaC 4a a -tt a taatl -Y a a-as'ai T aa4 t aawV S wina Wi a i w b a, mm f j wsatwajs t Aej - A 4 . Caadrv j wva t wawft , tax aww a -ta- WM T weaUi aav t eaf accauU I ck ocrl;rurr lci tm t tor-j t ticitifra.1 U'.la ast! do jreaeri xZ hr UtTe. Aw. V'' W a a 4 St i r ' -r r i a-l wi p T3 ta f W4 ia saas4 waap S kr- 1 7 '.S f Sw In, , in I 4, m Us W ' o ""td My K1 1 jM r rroar.. trrLarci Ma rent jarx tfanstrstSk. ax . . 'a i" bm e.a mt amiiiii aw private life by cvrrymsnArrtng bJm t to a district which has a normal R- pubUcaa majority oX about JjOOQl bat Bob won a splendid victory. ooe ntore demonstrating tbs truth of Robbie Burns lines: The best Laid plane o sitae aad Aft gang agtey. Good! It ts said that when non. Gaorra R McClcllan reairns, about Dar. L ta got ready to tenter upon his dot at may- or of Greater New York. Hon. CbarW-a A. Town, lat a srnator of tba Catt) 8 tales from Ulnnraota. will rooc! him It ts to ba booed that IhU m tra. for Mr. Town Is s very brilliant roan as well as a plTxlkl IVmorrsl. II V go to so OBa-vstaa , eaVoaf rted .Bg a-y ILbW. a-w aistfS . Ittttral g cats nSx Tbsf; n h ra, Yoau csas calV, lo focmdJOl tnl k yt Aact o4 yt' &d Mrcegtb owtvalr )i own a ad 4d I aboard jryn asy ow a tTCTf , sad I aas-w it aoaj fmrr." "it, 1 cue in, doctor. asid ss nstirot, "Itil I cams rrry ftrsf "' Ulrog rt. "-Very Irw sfw ailliag lo nj ft. tu. 1 PaULs trfTJ 11-9 Tali-ir. K H ai jtiama ai TAia f aa kwakHA sd ' i f (awrfMa. ad a4 U.w4 S m Jl TVf nmwwMil trnmifm PfaMS. ran HwwWi, -4 Mt maj mil, i aj rvay eaaiaa'a Sw aawSat is ad exta SMa ihm AS. 1 1 1 a ax ws i as t a na tjt i a aa sav sa i a STEAK LAUJCDHP 1 VM Uba axranxr te Aad Ctf i aMA4fc t4a.t1wt.ry. lU-aaArv. C. I Ma awaCVtAg a saartrly tt tUtUas bl isa aaMja amsj a m mrtutumL. 1 taa is rtiAast a.s.e U Wf 1 saatd fas'i ! ! sVaataa fa, f Maa n ns? r4auiaa CsuTia. tkiw a d anew a s 4 g a iiin m rM in ;..-ti t.sSB w-am a f aiwa V p M,t ' ' r a.' wm u A t nun V fomnm . Ctcrtilor CpWfi Co. SICAHOAIU) -rtaltt UX Urjx. Irt lifttctn tjrf Hutu mi ta rv n t rt t t a rt'i zv i. tw.n. out aaJ e,4ir4M mum BMftt m witlia 4 a aa la ad aaa aa4 kA.s lyw I sa aa asVo ananaS f Awa 1 a Sm aiwait Awbu A 'Jtf mnim'tm a ' i ea4 mm A w Imm Mf mm aaAMAaa, f- U- aad JA m a -a ' Z SAiiniiaC all t:u M fiMir Ursrtafv aw aaul Uaut ".'Vj,tit n taa CAa tjasrai&ry AJ. y-rs V Ai SA Va sua Iftw Aiwa aa Sim aauf aaaisi i - tiWe w 11 wniit " " !. f ,'A e,-Btul?l "V L ISA )wia Sw I t at a w ww Wi WW, a, .,1 in, will be nproarioaaiy wslcotswd bark ts I 6nd," be pbaiaa ta l-tj (as t Was KiWlBm mTrldifBt Pub faj aAa sltrWS at m S S. I tmm. -- - - 1 "rvg' itrrs art essay, meat caart f nlficent record la the nrty fourth coa f rresa. I " T V'ac'x ahsrr li a col 1 ao k w-oa For the sake of tba good nam of tba I 4rt, il ibry wixrid cwl iAit At." American senate It la to ba hopad thai Sat test as saa IJ aa Senator Dietrich of Nebraska Is not guilty o the rrims of aritlng post of flvea, for Which he has barn lodtcted by a federal grand lory. Nothing Vs known her at least, geawrsUy about the facta, bot It would be a auailiatkea to tba entire ct tiaras btp of the repub lic, without rtsard t paiitWl afilU tioos. If It eboald turn out that rran one senator or rrprrarntatlvs aboutd ( Tr-M a a its Ktrt. Tk oko (rd oly s luiW tb'it ip, tw4 k (rscripKa m toil ( f! t ba e 13 BtACTr HEII DCXT Bwr A lt tkls 4p sal m t thai cal bast a aa wp aa -A f,a taia traas waAaftlbaf wbaa tA S' . ia rbarrd ailb tair.i Bl (atf par A a tka kw4 !a aw yatt Ai prove so recreant to aaty and to oooor ia tar aad iea ayin L Tab ai to sell offices, 1 leta p Urw Wwaaat awrf - bwwaw. Hon F Wire roH Uwvwr i '"' yet ts. Hi f soavuer aou naa mroi ou,i 01 no ! . tiMM . . . 1 . 1,. i i turn ,! aTACX cr .A ix . ... - www, wn,na' "m wv s 1 1 - wm m WAIitawwtw Awiww, w a twaia t a ww. ' WW- ii ai ww - wa wa V WW WW tw ww. f ww il M WW A w WW ww. rr a- Am aa MAAaa t WW e r ww I 11 w t aw Aw w tr it at ra i as w t aa f w .. t i 4 ww (in iwwa, Aaw a,, aa in a. j a. w 11 ! wmwi ii-aw wmww , wt waaw w 1 . ... www W fwTwH, WWW. W AW ww Aw. . - - : 1 ' WW Taai Ksmw at bai 1 wa are Tstiaat Via i-a tat a 'twAa v4aw AS Lmtwa-m w Www at itj tAa wt jf t A,, a a s I w "i 1 p" aaaTai aZa An a. rm ' wM wmw AwAla 1 I W..W, alw 'wi .a i A w " 3A i - m 7 ww www t AwA AwaianpA a ' ww - i 1,1; ..w-w-t I -W h4 WW I W WW';..IW- AMI 4 1 k AW , ' ' ! Sm.lTUZl' wTa a, S aa. , a ww w . J www.wt T . . I It la faaai fweast ba kaawa J tfctar a.aaa4. f S Vkrtiua ad Ilia wa-a awwt ta r trtMfl lrtia,IW tTiia Aiw'tm i 1 . V ll. .,. lArrwrapio tumrt TV. MAUlAwaAbiif,r4 ? tn.ot.sa wAAw-AM- ant a Kv .v wa gww ar1' ta a am a is a. fit iAia mw M aa ay 1 ha pwr ia ttoa. TV haa undertaken a job of vast prepor tlons and of eitratss difficulty. He pro poses to stop th ecnploysas of tba paw alon bureau from gambling oa tbs stork market and from risking thrir monay on the result of a boras raca. IVar.lt hit nkata, those lncllnad to ba sporty arlll probably find a way to ba eswrwd of their salaries. No doubt Mr. Ware's Intentions are of tba brat. but. thru, it la said that the place which is dread sd by all of ns oo account of tta bat is paved with good. Intention. . Democratic leaven apprar to be working among Repabncaa eta lee rue u op In Minnesota. One of tb moat pic turesque figures ta the boaas of rv-pra-asntatlves la tt-Govrrnor John Ltad. a Damocrat, who defeated Uncls lxxta Fletcher hi a district norma Dy Rrpnb licsn by several tboaaand. This ttt bat Governor Llnd'a first rvlea fa mo gress. Ha wii bars before aad servwj three term a a. ftrpohUcaa. Il it Atla ir Ar(tl tl kwaat aa.w taa .Ala m lUAf.ti A Mix Pva t w Tbs at so wba rot a I oat G-wd.a srareisgs with their wll salt hasteo lhatr ews we. . ; 5 i-. ' i " r . 'as 'Jood aoaoi blic. L ty arS 11 1 1 . . V. k ImimIm mmm. Ka Ai mm I ean.consajner.ot sugars and ether pred-f w1otatpt)ntsa Oisrfra A Town. ucts imported from Cuba into tbs United I an ex-KepabUcan co&grreamaa, Ttt rac States lightened or bad they been willing 1 Cos b man K. David ta the aanat to aee Ue uuoan marsei xor amencan t . a..- ivu w -wl .nlarwad i thouah at noma I ' " United Btatea. BbOUld TS expense to the great sugar trust of ths roccewd George B. 'McCWUsa ta tba United Statea. The. only injury to tba house, as It la reported be will do, two ? LAZL. .1 Of the asset dbrtlnmUhad Mlaaawotsaa '. xne .r--... . I .m wwn t murrwi Vrw DMUw syndicate to convert $800,000,000 of prefer- I tort .?1 ":r . rCLJl: " x irn Snr cant bonds has been ovor pniu. - w " w- arsnted an extension of time until. July. - K the amendment we tiPropoaa to aiTer TbarVs food for rrflectloo ta that. I. the. raid onthe stock designed c -nan oa j- j miA tfus syjioicpwa -w. flgqre,and makftt-tlif iranfer nto bgndf ' 1-- the same time diminish to a certain ex tent the trust evil, furnish a batter and . . . M .b J . .1.1 i :'-a. ufcMar. who Invasted Winsr sju iwaw tw faith in Mr. Morgan anoLne iT"1-"'? ' gumar. of Cuban prodaota. Theae are entltted''aomr'aatiafactlon. "They want n, SIASSEKBUEG HOTEL' J P IrXamsjenbiurfi: Propr Henderson; n. o. o d seoommodations. Good fares Pa Mte and attentlva aarvaatr. J ' ';. NORWOOD HOUSE -wiirtn. , ,r vtA,lort-Cirolii a. nvnnuvui rrpriuw "ss-aaaga of OommerclaL Tosrists si trATaUogyiiflgoUalUd. . ; f TTa Old Stariddrd has sLood t,he twer One and a Half lVBlh ?Does this rcwrd .ntAfial t voil? " No Cureu ; No Fay. V srttTeWy sod. Is Ten Cent PadttrfOyX ILACC KOOT LTVXX HLL-S. 50c; aaM A iWiaa aajvap-f rawnpnAwsj IA Aa iAw at aa ww Cjr'-w . a jy j i a i 4 m A rrtd-htswrw H Veaaig Hte avad Aww Caw pa-mi dawp afl ta ewaapaahA. ar s saaSvd aAVaw aw dasteere rtary day wwmh taia ll ba AaAtw ATtnM; N aa A wtfcwAWa .w basdf sad tba awaa as rwd aa IVwab leas A r Wa Vataw. Baraa r aa Ikaaw tsmm mm sad tllM tmmjf parad aAwT Ailii la aiwkl fA. lia, at fVAWAI traa i i j-a Yo caaaol pllal tlriaa Ufa pecpla. Thsfd is at aa bdtUt lata b wan te 4A lt. Om HatvJrwd HbJtAtt sWi Ca t ia las tf . A . TV4. Npa mn, IL C yUawa aa ItWUrt tt aaws ttaaal aw Us says. - bad lbs sOwa far ywwa 1 IrtaaJ saaay daatwwA sad awtAwx. bad.ari Jad ea m Pe vntara rUrV rsrea tard saa U la a siesaie ilil af Vs baa lag vartie a K rtaaa. ate aaat e-pAiwa sad li Uiaea. rattpppa sa4 pwa Aaaatlt saras be4. I"sia aad saaawad lag sslea, aarwa, aaSa, WtiwA An i is pa ibtasA aad VIaAU diiaane. SwAd wf Af waste I""'"! t aaapway. On a ef lb eosspawaUooa ifa Il lVal li tataa an fria .bt MtaUg rkarUa. Bactasytrt VU Ul.'A -AVava baas. Oat. Aanl ta. t1 4 Ulak It ia Satf fi tw I aawald aacf fwa what wawdwrfal eVa (A.aWWi'A Casgh Rsawdy bad aidee4 TVs day ba tars li Mew 4 ewie faiui awl aiaa a wd s4rae(b bVaJM MU4t be ba sW Is UI ssy datAws ibe satt say as say waste e- a exaa sb-wawf t tba ewab, TV aaaas day t KseJrsd Sa awdar rwws raw wr s haiUs af ywas Caas lUej i lw 1 ad awaa ewarwd a ampiVwm aa4 bawk aA ia lAiaa da-as a4 lAs stwiw4wa Ta swat ajwi t aKwi wa at "iw all awaa aw aiwwa. 9m4)AOsa paiifcS .i U a4 ma AAw HP SAW tawaa a s r ta Hew ssrywy la aa a toaAb U UaaiUw t-ral t III in i aw aj brc4e say CVwa. 1 R. II rVtdaHl faa tem 1 Lat 1 t,wSMrai-f . Vw ApA taas f A 1 iVa til naa iatna aiaij a 1 a-il in talni. aa. ttpnw L ( Pui sa4. fee tt- Vtr 1 wad paAAtt ftaa wi.it at .W f .r- , . r -linu tl A um dteaaat to t aiPAHpftniwg a annwn i iraan. say aavaaf f 'uut mt it t 41 '" lajary V-w art a-. f,.ittaHf w j a.,ivp,. i 'r is paT avwds s4 T. 7 V iloaw aw4 aaOwwa, a s,waiw i S S P ad AXw (IWWI :.- i " ' ' ww SVi at ,a s p. ,-w- " I a ww. 1 All wa I W ppT W a '!(iajMa - ii w a w S w ww. All p m WW' f UA pw S Bw e At WW. ai aw- i ai wa !- ....... . ril'' t m ww il Al ra "Wevea faaL s aa ia I utpa ! AM M wa" kaWAAt a tvr ad aaA Aai wt tyaaseatcitrlsdrrAtay ftt a'i wp. at 51 Ta-bi:aaAi'a 2 1 aw aawiiiw it i a ww a at ss W ikl waU skvate earn Vrwaul. Aa s-essw a jwsforma aa ta CpTIw a taraa-4 rf ffvi a aye-el . r i i i ii Tortai CVVO t mt. Ta Lamer we . w-etaw TWi aav A14 wwps pwfwad eVs sw.a ry if X 4aCb Oa E. MfLLERa Jcnclcrand Optician. 10w4l44rC aV C awfcaJJaajf waWaF rwasfc atnaat aawWalftelBeJalP paMawAeeje y w mt m i SPwa.SA wwS ai u ma wwb wuw i a i.i pr prprkaiVNf as taa 1 wir a.wisn wCW7tl. A-ftO ywiw a., t a tat a at Mk a VaaApwwp i M 1 rSA.Maw..es 3aAa i wwHama a t Vf t a ; I UK aaa .AT", JE t SS WW t 4tm FWW VH-mMm Mt. ya a. as -'S- saa ta ta WATCHES. CLOCKS!" t aT tap a w f wlAl i t-t aa aa Ikl pa ? aw f a is A t PHA S 3 V w f saw. AWpa pa a its aaa ID tXJtT. I ssat iraBApS' aowbs a I j . circirf. I -wZwwT" x'i: Tw"ew I wAiamaiS ratwat wwaea awaa aPASt SAw - w-.....". I' taw tt Hal safcpAS CM awaaw as ewe w j -m , -.i--. w pwwih ji ' A pp eww e avawrW 1 1 i.ni 1 a ftaama si pu as aa aaad b'Ae Ska awaa a nwiaug awl wVaut ! - - w - . ba spasiaw aa i nsj'tif ,lt)t A AM Sin iw w itCwi-iiiriia tut by iaaai wf oa i aW . p. nil w"A w-ia e. , ia v mum m . mm PWWWAWw a W ml r m l.Wli . AO B Aw, t i . wwaa a.i.a t it rwr wh.1 aa law iw wt m aaa A n Flnt-Ctott t n JoaV T. MrOlww rAev-K 4 Oa Uhwtt4tUwTtb1 rrawwXUav. 7tdsia aJbawst Vm&IJ pwtwwax. p rrtl so Twa JrOi TV- aa e twrf Vaaahas ttrtsv, mQ Wwt4 va r-k.. . . ma tw I w w t - - i-- Aaawpw aw. a r w T. -. iNrmurTT, iHa V..W, At ' t w anwA aa ww V, a 9 w Mlpa t ami aa 3 3 pw f ra ww Of wa aaa a g a aaa r ia iw w m e SM aa as bat as I aa pw t . ajtw" a M aa fat fttl s-wwlrf; f pw asaMlsa JT i it t a at tarapwi( ba f swa Wh w)f4w 111 a avta I a IW San Itapt 1 tw 9 rvltel tba ewa sad SwAd b IwaAwa't J wwOws a wOwwA aa S a a dwwtwaa-ew a-A aa akis be yww.b Abswa - "-- w wma w a t pws esj Est ed D f I lse bad tba a p iZmZZmZT til iZIr M bad aawl.aewj wmam Aa ; as wwa 4 j " i a I r m a i. -ttt islf laaaUls tawl'SwasAal WtA4 V aalirilaAM a wa4 Aaa at tall ta baw Ana a a rsaa a OeVat nwrdr- lim naajr ' . P. w MW WW, IE Has af sv la A." (aawrAa - Ts CVaaAawi.aa-a kpAACa - ait A wa w T.ie rswaiy ts lr taa r A -- 1 t-t - a wrf wi I a af -ww.,-r j a, ... w ' " .- '-.0fVYa mmmm. , a, a aX PWW,,www I wwA wa wa w w w. . . Ml.',, ,tMl ' ww. A wf a Aw iw S iii S iww , ra M' ' V M. -ewa Z v.iLHAnnisL . ; ' ;ra"i a t a . a aw a aww a ua pw, mw , J www. WA 1 a . a ph.v A.T'vaa, t wwtAlfA VVVaMAeaffeV 5a . aw.wl S rawwiAMA f a a... a. i rAwwr Awyt tw AwAw avw ta w pa taA W nw nwwip) a f as sm aa ( f a t AM w w aa aaa . as aw a a a t e aw itie tf aa a p a A A a e w k " S a4 a I ' ; t r a faaww. A law Saiaw A , . S A S Wl ww s -w t t'f 11 il as P m t tf .ww aw ,a. Ip., wAiia.aw.aaAe ? A pa tw wwt arf Smw s w in m e a ww S ww. Iiwx t aw. Au.u v fw fWJH,w A'Wwpkw W.r- Aa . V 'I I K J ; .-- t 4. 1 1 t -A-a. y a . : , - r :

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