krf ? -fez-;-- kv A J r us. . THOMASrEdltw uil-.tojrUtir...---- :" OTHZm CO U JSf 'JL x;THH STJVTIO - urn "UZJTOIT. --. . . ... . , , , , ........... i , .- fi ,,- Ji.., 1, ; . VOL. XXXJil l j: LOIIISBURG, N, C, FPJBAT, DECKHBF.U . II. CHURCH DIREOTORT t$rn,-;-.u; u. admit THIDUTE TO TtAaUuS. autnrcf mien. METHODIST. ' ' flanday School-at 9:30 A. M.tL Gto. 8. Baxbb.- Sapt. Preaching at if A. II., and 8 30 P. Hi ,yry Sunday. "v.. Prayer meeting Wednesday night. M;- T, Plylbb. Pastor. BAPTIST. In nfla V School at 9:30 A. M A thAnkaiy frWad - tor .taAt. aYMttMk. That, la tb truth abot thm f acaa, and It vr ht I b HmM M this floor oca rpctAb) tvr r ta any stump apmcti sa4 by any lUau Marine any rtvvUUua to lam tm VM country tht Um Ict ts wtf mim. ' X-aetoot th"aboir la ran so Ova( PemocraUc atump sprakrr vto rs4 tns'lenvra may tart all tb (acta about tb deficieoy"wItikoat hartaa ta dlje arqand tor them Mxt Wail Orders. L Liu L It Wa 0w Ttcm BqcIj (or Tbtlr ;' i'ntlrla; Work' "ia'd Self- a-i i ,. i u li- Cfr;rcr ro: . aa ' - of th labile- ine -uexicieacy of 139J ScoMsr 9 a riojr versus joHn Quiacy Adams. To Ask Cuba to Un Us t f, 4t. f-4fT -tv i'. Thos. B. WiLDaa, 8npt 1'r.hincr at lliA.M.. and 8:3Q P.M., II .. -- ,r7 Sunday. - H -Ssrvttor Kar v. John Quiney A4aa. , 1 eo a&oca aooo ca&e t ie IdcUn ol oat scVW Tn! u i:t t i-y iaa f ' , i v C. T7i 0 L!A,S - - Clark Prayer m-etinj' Thursday night. H. U. Mashbcrsb. Pastor. Sunday School t 9:30. ' ; "' Wk. U. Ru??rav Thos who are all coovvrvaat itb 'TTTniT -i.j.' . flnt ih .v v . I. " mj mauvm- I swi mam m roir lum. f ric9, morning and nightv oa f ,t xrd and 4th Sandavs. Kroinr Prayer, Friday afternoon. Rsv. J ohh Los dos, Rector. ,. PRESBYTER 1 1BV . v V Srvicen 4th Saod&vti each month m .rnioii and niahrt. C. Ni Whartoh, Pastor. TSDQKS.-jf " ' Lodie. TRSHXKTtT K. M., meets Ui andi 3rd Tuesday iihui in aoh month v..4 -. mcs my.teemed coatem-. di," rrT tVe "dutt a r: Qxdttto, U Whit, llo, -rri nr- 1 M'Wt' . porary, .the Kansas City I nua that came from th modi of UmI tririttMa in ik. imi 1 liMt itr art aolta Wtajav im IS brigbtandsometlmes sparkles like Th-S-STT th7t l?' ' U ''.P.- Occastooally Jitfreuders yala-.i twenty year. it.coaa rhi 4oa I knd aa prwldeot. Tb tavfrtef mo. T TlNry att sttf4tt aaJ literatbW atid hftrnor. ntntw it W Republican. ttt,w,n t Uoa w Lich Lo built Bp to rt boow nt(,U . tr . j i nia .ni ' - w - - - sm a iiiii sr ii ar-ia naa rasat nam aaa ii aa awaaaa a made a discovery in letters, or, rather, KnJ h7.tor 'B u bJ Ptl, U i4 atss4 M UvUlt a cWcWt. oW aitMt' . iMKt. Cnilrt ' '".,.' . ' V - L! -lt C a - m 4 a4 U$ wa wMi4 Vrj-ukU f, av4f a a ' T.? V Jrrr.ti-.j.rf i j f t.-. U a u uui5, w.mcn .ww asxoiina tne puDll'anaa,. wntea baa baooaM -aiasote. -Wo I tone abla. flM aai aiawMaral" I tl ft lf n t tf Ite att . ti- 1 1. . i. .w ' i a! . i . t. bringing: joy to a few and poignant r4Bi: an aU EipubUo. tor th aart HrM Vt U,. -. . I ' ";.'"- ' - ... - ' SI v i '7: - f flar, .to the chaas;ad-. BoancUtr t at,aa 19 oairoaaca pattUoQ lfon k(, , , . , , v . . . . . . J '- ,.l BUeaKins race. witnnnf -rerftifnr-A tn , ; .wwm uuu. uu (nignuun nwa i a.. n . . I . - - . - - poiireUgion, national o7resT l'-?"?.. . VK . 7 S . . I dene- Is "Home, Sweet Home." That graph. H. continue.: K. - whn Sraator Gm rttaMo Ooax 1 K V I ejfcMt sf I W taTi a J tO 1 H ALLRED; TTOBJlBT-AT-iW. " T will nrctlce In aft "theCoarta. ta T .iingiTllle, N. C , ; - r I) tt. ARTHUR H. FLEMlNp, DENTISVm ,- ' LO018B0RQ, . tr N. C. O nc OTnr The Green Yarboro L'oa John Milton, William Shakespeare and It la a work of uprrmtion. but I now a senator of tb CnltJ BUt I . tlt " mm N H ry tVTto I JSrA ltf lit ; J'.nj la .4 4iJ'i IXro tohalmaatb. VUb" . ,0r ! T hMl H M ttt, 5,e : , , -4. "r 'V"-j -eminence of the dlaUnruUhed- rstemao laano ana eenaror. itoar naa qtur tot ttt (Ml U&iVstt at 1 I - . .k , . . , wanderers in foreign lands- h&exoU from NewTork. thecXl0f. a tilt orr It. DorW- takto tJh. . 1 1 ' I ,W tt 3'f aced themselves with the best beloved mlttee. make any such declaration a I Drmibl croand orrar.lKl br JaUb I IOw U 'J I -rx . ' - . . . . .Ha. 1 " " I . ba"a ' ItOb tlteaoWi ww k. Qauwt Adam. b fibUn tU Ut- ct. t M, Ui a.- ii Hr iiiHrfiiiiir xn narr a rna larari'i-aw w v clency In the lure. , a. rt. P. B0RT, rau.nn. r . 1 tw royaL I am. . v . w . . . . ""7 ' uuiu. uui V'uuuvu IL, KUU Ul nilHO it VV IU (WMIPr OWOOV WW I tarlfl bUl. whlln It did not Milt mm utl I t dvii - . . I . . : i nwiuKii. i bui i9 1 1 imjmm mn m north pole and the avant cornier of our day, I-nrl a ro Ur4 I)' raicrriciNa PHTSiciaJf ani surgeon. Louisburg, N. C. OTlre a the renr .q Hoflie. Bobbitt k i O. DruaHtorp. cm N ipIT airwt. .! commerce in evry quarter of , the t,:"".!? ZZtZZJ?. bed of roan. Tb. mln!trra of tb r I Ut, ttuJI I o-. home" lina hpltwl tli clnVwo niirint . It reversed the Drecedanta of an Mtir I v . . .. w . . I ! tt world. Along with the martial airs of noaTby PI irally .ad thoa of ru. ta par- ,a, awd, b-ck, ,tKr . W, 0 , - uTv,x., ouaavauv .-wua t. v uw UlUkWl OIAICW WDUI 1 UVUlAf VT mCOlDr Inll IOT nil aaTKITl I . ' I AaV1 I P A Mat All - 1 I) d. R. tiPBOROTJGU, PHY81CIA.H'AJD SURGEON, LoriacK4. N. C. all these years millions bf peopJehave from Nw Torkik. of 'i I Porygamlat. btit bM b MU4r. n JaJa1 U r. ta h& la ul-"l-,tu ma i duuu iiuai-u Wilson-Gorman Payne wrote that immortal song and, enue only" meas so believing, 'have blessed his name, fact. It carried a He diean American consul in a- for- tlcle. T? eign land, a consulship conferred upon - what I am on to-read to you la , in flnnr Msa. halldlnir. Dhona 98 mnawerwl from T. W. Blckett'a- rii4Dne. phone 74. bill Va a 'tH(T for rw. I hlS OStb of ffraltT to th iformon rhtTTrh I Mrt Tl. - . . . : . Payne wrote that immortal song and, enue only" measure, whan, aa a matter of iparanxant to hU oath at a aaa(or of I so believing 'have blessed his name, fact, U carried an avera tariff of thirty-1 th miri Rt.M wk-.k-, I cano ft tally rtvrw 'kt not I Tbe woum of tb land or iWnta liim., because a president of the United original at aU. X owe H to the Industry him. RapobUcan appar dltacUad States; a secretary "of state and a sen- ''uJJll "f- l?. to dlacnaa tb matter bacaaa 8a4 Ve ate believed that he was the, author. , that oueation very thoroughly one, and I tbm, bat tb Dwoocrata arta I tt, i ur a tuij, loug iime ue siepi in a at the risk of boring some of the old meat-1 determined to rive tb pnactMra and S St Art8BNBURQ, aTTORN'Bl AT LAW. lotnsBVBe, a. o. rtv4 ; tk Uak. Crat e anbSi t lor letter di. A- fwiaauie cilt r jilawtw (root entfv tre a kt arr ! a a iV&a k d lawifl. 4 awv .Tt aeU M swaw a4 r 4 jv; iva l4!f etea av(rw l iA rav aw Ik tewf el c atwCia aa kwett. fvra4 a l Ta Wan tft itr. ee wl kt 4 aa) e- . t aorb Vi4 a WwtJtJ in mi aw eiwke a jkaW. "aa a r3i mm l t;i a4 14 1 tf VtK. Ai T I1 aU ttr,-t , . ' teM 1 &JI tWta m m a.. .admirers in America no, not admirers; ence. Brother Galnea took It Into hia head I Smoot aha 11 be unseated, are ocooaln .v.. a IS ' . . ' that w tm tomft. fnn fuhla Inn mM . one dav that ha was nln to And out tha I vi. . . I "" " "V I fl fl -rtt4 . aaMlrl IK 1 VI .11 ih. rnrti nf imata I . 'i " -- . - - - - 7 I iuuui u iw coviauiiaw OU I . . . .... ... . I " ' . n,i,iKUi.... .rt"tn TTum &Doui una . Duaines or now that I t ... . . ...... I ChJidtra 'a cBikle, iknU aM I .t v . ..v.u w u, w uiC ,mC.i.ui- deficit came. He went oyer to the bureau "tu. ln wwcb w m am w --7 -a" .w a w uawviit ed for him u lovers is the proper term, of engraving and wanted to get Secretary hare set his btart. 00 th frooad that 'toon ra tb rody taat lr4 f 1 4 f rit wkU V. 4 his lovers in America determined that Foster's letter. He could -not get the let- "Senator Braoot, aa a Vfortooo apoat, I kilt taaocrw 1 . his bones should be brought home and ter went to the aecretary of the Vu a mmhr or a mmmitu. .ma .1 'I t'. aet 4 a --' shouid rest-in' American soil until that fLS!r-M- a iafl,r, SlT' nnmber of yeer. aa TWted Etrroe ta I fc Ua- lb great -day when .the quick and dead . Here la the whole of the Oamee-Oage order to enlist allena to coot to tbla j hir catord tkraa, TVry row la ta I rrfi tb tac aa9 aaitaa U o. shall he "summoned to appear at the f correspondence, which la a valuable thing I country gad becoro rnembera f tb 1 tiW4i u - k .1 ! liir..f.tri 1 f'th-- So, oo tb wbcW. Wr I . "7 . r " ' " IT the McSVylartFbOltr In the revenues some eighteen months be- I for awhile at least I of cbitdrt lacaa bwtwr baie a a- I rnfi hi', til lit lit fore the WUaon-Oormaa tariff bill era. en- BUt- -m 4 - v.-1 ' acted mto law: 1 , JJi . v . ... ww.w wr jtia. tssi art ag4 1, aaj a 4 , WaaS'rrur,. At Se'aaroTrrOrw Slr-I desire to procure the orlgmal let- of Nevada beUva la that pbliooopby I be1 ,b . f Tat la 1 1 V4 a4 IV aVaettst " 'W -ati-" ter- or crtlfled ebor thereof wrlttan h . . . .. . . .. . . ... . . I . .. ... . I ' Mr. Secretary .Foster. Frtx 10. ISatT ai T T.T,, Z "ZT- T P i lkt a ar I ttit r -t Wk ureoaea 10 me cmei oi ue oureau 01 en- - - 1 ltag aalfftoafk aa.1 laai lk tftiU I graving and printing, of which th fol-1 Union. He baa utrodaced a rrootuTloo I I wwunpunwtuwwiwpj; t mviung ner-to Decoca a slat, wita I ""rr" w" . g aaT at ifrv4CKv nut :rrt.utrrjw tj caa ci;ki 1.3 CVftd 3 CKrfsC. 4 J'C w-I3 J f5tfT4 JJC ai4 --X ,w- m a-i oa, . tttCaf 4 Ua ftttM ana l humble graye across the Atlantic, far, - bers and for the purpose of carrytng on the women a chance to be beard. Ia I . far indeed from all that be loved whfle ' 'riZTt, tb meantime tb America. Federation len 014 ,bw wV 7 tabernacling in the flesh. Later hia terday t wnlread you little ooerespood- of Labor, while not Instating thai I fxtkact w at tbtVjrva sdrd, V 1 " 1 If Ii oiflce la Oonrt House. IKCL'S C. WlNdTEAU, ATT OBKT-AT-LAWi Louisburg, N. C. ottici ovsb Corner Drug Store. Ipr,ui Attention "given to coHectiona. r rctloe wherever services required. EL J B. 11ALONV, . I) rtACTlCWG PHYSICIAN AND BUBOBOH. . ei oer Aycocke "rug Company. I) ft. B. 8. FOSTBB, FAACTICING PHYSICIAN ft SUROB0N, Loalaborg, N. C ore Aycocke brag Company. judgment bar of God. - It was unanimous demand of the home, build ers, the home preservers and the home lovers of4he republic. The demand " was heeded by- the powers that were, and the remains 6f John. Howard Payne were reverently, tenderly and proudly borne home in a battleship and "laid away in historic ground at the ; expense "of , a . mighty nation -whose .great, poising"' Jieaft he-haT stirred to I the very depths. - Ah6T today(Thanksgrving), as I write. nowhere that ,the American flag flies, VCOTT .V tinaTC -1 : hart Am K. V. Un-trwrav.. ax. ev e! aia mt ata Suw 'i rorto Rico aa a eoonty or province t laoVedre bts lb bna rkaar ta a? a I ttnar rTv-a a rt n na Becretarr. i .. . . ... i 1 . w . - :.. Feb. 30. uat. wereor. it ww y renemDerea that lB. i-,lM .vw k eJU at a-, m. HAYWOOD RUFFIN Ofnoe of the Secretary WaaMnrton. D. C. Feb. 20, uat. " bant la' lite eknW Atimm rnm. I a ai w-m W.K, .itikriu4 ii l. I while a member ex th nntise If r I ' ' f I ---- - l & atajia b pno -spot "where an-Amerlcan Mves, j rected to prepare designs for the t per Newlanda In trod need tb reaoiatlota by I m hbod a cmatrt or la I a cab ft I -rrte re e nA e4 - an win a iamny or our uiooa sit aown to I cent oonae proviaea ra: a senate amen-i which tb 8andwica Island, were aa- I Loccxaotie its -flinnw without thinkimr Bndh of ment to the sundry civtt bfll bow pending. I , I ... o mi i rra- -wiw I m T aWAnaW . . a a . :ohn Howard Payne, not because he i uZ. roceoToooa pon 1 That Cuba will co. a pert of Bt' "...utre c- AaxtKa 4 aa Wt ull caata ol tk ATTOBNBY-AT-LAW, - '4 Lumwuaaijr.ii- - ---.f wasfa consul, but because-.they bejieve bonds" and looa. l.oooe and U.oooe of the J our great republic la aa certain aa any-1 aa4 rata ol fcniVt ami ol ntm t4 tjaiiihe LJiefivroje "Home, Sweet ca.' ' s a-aaariaiTaarVfa. nnnna i xaaa am anniT i si nvan a ivu a a a m . & a. . . . ... -m a.. m.mwtm.-. nf Fawglra C. J rv aua. -a---t kj i- .avavvaa44v . I " a " - - I I nillir in I XI I D T YJ rw a C waT aa T riaaT arMIB . at aM .g a... bV.I . g . - A . . .7 !"rrrSr.a SS;fe t iin,- tn thaanttVyt advan of the enactment, la rum of I 1771 ' " , T- 1 " gr.r, ,r,. .Vuri"1' r I whole world h4sf been de- oTa.preparaa'oT tt with a. wT. quickened by tb Oad ca-tV-Woa ' eee ae j4 . eiweyiiwg ae ommC M O' Hte arwii (-4-Md et.a tej eiieee feiu i eenewflAi aa enag mio e f ee t4 Offlae in uoofeer and Clifton Bpildlng ficeiiingf itself for, lo, these many .years designs and plates In every poeaible man- I manifesto. Tb event, of and snbae- 4 2 - STEAH LAU.DRY' t w u cm7 t4a ci o aa4 tav.toaSf 4 t-hr Jk. Cy et.f awnifnif a4d,d jnui4.e li ew atai k S Jvvt6iwiC 1 1 0" asr Ik rt.aa.tiw 4i0 U la-C'aet axba pntnaaa aV &mc&m tJt Ck&CX Out!, ft'tke, WejA a ayr krV(i CHtrt4't av3 laacatJWwwf w-:f "-t. f iWn ..(raaVfaae mxuA $kmm UnvnirA am fca U tt!5r U: ft ii e ii at Ve aiajbl ue ajQtUa k ana aoiS taeje ytg tary a-JS afhttf w jn ItOX. ertfta Xatwa a( a , kwa-a. Tn-e feaa ot f4, a,U IrtHiea. IT a.W hw a . al W'-a.lfH-i tuf itw, f -r . p an fi eVie faAa. tft awe aa) l f I ;it . T iwa -tecti.eCcfiCa. SEABOARD A4 Le t JUiLMA HOg. B. WILlfBR, ATTOBJIBY-AT-I.AW, lovisbob. a. a' dim on atain etoeet. over Jones ft Oooper'a aor. as Jo the authorship of the tenderest I nr- inclose- a memorandum for your I qaeDt ta tb Spaniab war bare Increaa- of all songs. Our affections have been Jnhe S yw d It Cub U only atxty mile froo. misplaced. -A nation dug up the mold- chahles Foster. Secretarr. I tb southern most point of FtorW. To taow Wka Tm At ?aat. wkaaeevUk Oteee Teeteew CW3 krwiaae Ik tWerelo e tiaieH t tie mm ering dust of the Wrong man and The Chief of the Bureau of Engraving sad t Good yodge say that aba no. support I every tkH taat n i i r-'y l brought it home ' Printing. , -, ' , a poonlatJoa ol tm or twelve mllOooa. I a4 Qaialee la a fcoi term. l. c-. popolatioa The original la bow In the hands of the I Her- annexation Would be better for ?ZZZ Ti I her and aNva many fllfflcnlt problem, j It -The Journal has made the astounding discovery that Tom" Paine and not John Howard? Payne wrote "Home, bome, morning. I desire te use the origtCMU letter I lot B. Her, present population la a boot sweet, sweet homely f " J or certified copy thereof this evening and on and a' ball mPHona, wbtcb,' added mm, having started into the i business wm be especially obliged if my request I to that of Porte Rico, arooM ran It trp of mabfag-literaryi finds, perhaps- thLf'" tA kYrZira to abtmt two mUtton. god a half, which 9 ray aOew a u ! sj wt'e mvvmr t e wee ewa e ):xie at lain m ae emm ftre'iamwfe ewj 0"wu I . a fca ; x XOtlCX CT tJLLX aa loaalf la 1 v e w ett . Wr ta lrK kVa attewary. . ti.' j. t SPRDILL. r ATTOBNBY-At-LA.w-, i aaggakt :i JoufiiaJf wi? settle; f or u , the jfexfd-hfion. Lrm&n J. Gage, Secretary af thai would aatitJa bar ta twelve repreaat M r -: JL, W question of fee authohhjf "The Let' Ii Treasury. I tire In couareaa and to foorteeo votes la tb electoral ooUeg. 'et e t TAwii er he hM tkw MM Ciaaf'ai-atn 4UeV tea kf . Arvmta tea vaa. LOCI! Will tura ine eount ox iii, T . Z. T -,.n-v, -,..,t ct.i i..,.,iii. w.i-r and Wake Ansni, also tills wj- vwmut"", :& Saprem : Tit daadtr aa ira Ii lb a oaty klatj Uat allot ( a. i HolrAlaAl aialaei at. aaa lea ta Comrt of North ,jaoiiiia. che NolPocket In''a" &froud,"?etc. n Riven to eoPecttona. f A 5,; X, rrm c, romnt. attention elven ufflce over Kgenon's HU're. VToin ?aine wrote "CSmhion Sense,'' Tne Age of Reason" and other books, but Missourians at least wllk not be lieve that he wrote "Home, Sweet Home" until-they are shown. The Deficiency of 1893. '...On the 16th of November, In dlscuss- la tea yrare after ah become aa- American state bet popolatioa win b doubled by the broke at fbiR. y W.BICKXTT, TToaHY AND COTJNSBIiOB AT LAW. LOOISBUB V. o. rrompt and painstaking attention given to I rrmrj matter lntrosted to his nanus, . m,l. tnat.1(AflflATltlpml. Hon. -ODb annin. Hon. Root. WWlnstonrHon. Jc- rton. Pres. First foB?",,?? "5: publican stock argument, to which h. aienn ft ktanly Winston, Peoples iBana I h ,4 r Utter of this dau re- I NewUoda reeolnrlon 1. prematore. bcil I d0 Cf lo 'U b ao. weee It or a similar reaolaUoa wm be adopt ed some day. Cheerful Proa pacta, Treaaury Department. Office of the Secretary, Washington, P. C. March S. ISfT. Sir I have the the receipt of your questing the original letter or a certified copy thereof, written by Mr. Beer alary Foster, Feb. 20, 1893. addressed to the chief of the bureau of engraving and printing, authorizing the preparation of certain nl.tM in rimnllaTia with aald eaoneet t ing, the Cuban, reciprocity, bill, Hon. j guhmtt below a correct copy of the letter Sereiio SI. Paynechalrman of the ways J in question r auto a eopy of the text of ta gndJneans conimltteej repeated the Re- propo oond. ' , Taaai lak i tMiaaiit HTioer B5TvkX WaketFo. ther Is no. foundation Jftfact, that the . 'omceof theecrary. t coiies-e. Hon. B..W. Tunberiake. j-;. -Bson tatlff bitt prbduced the deficlen- Waahlngton,T. CX. Feb. IBS, otflee over gal.,0ft-a8tor..., . jfnifm.:.y. !: , Blr-You are hereby.athriaed and aV k..PBB80W. r rmade up my mind that 1 wonld 'VmleaaSWeao i ,. ,'s- r v5E0e.lB'13,:'M9e 'ano to doing j to the sundry civil bHt.aew pending. Tb. alVAM. - i 1 UlttUC iwiunmg I - I . - ' w- I . ' - .1 ...,...,.(..uii.i.j i .j. . . t n tt or. tl on urn ino and 1.000a of the'oouDool v. i a4va .1. t ti I ta ail Lotnaanse. a. - ft strt atetrrtae uofisreuK aucumeuis; 1 -- r ... i v ntivn vi - "it. . ta .ru. OBo. obiktaln If alwayafllsten to .mydlstmgtushed jSr. aSTi. llZ mQ Inctraaeti tncom for them. ed I lk. .v ! 1 itiiV r'TinlrmHn f nr.' rhIH committee I . . .. ... . . . . . . I I. v. aA h-maM erTr rmttArm TSm ... t. ... 11. . t. xa- .r . :!.tt- - . r in aavance or xne tincnwiw, in view wi 1 w . . - w m-m mm m(- tmi. . ...j, T. -- . I nreaaing conunKenciee. ana you are cu- 4 rrktVUaw4 atatws 4- tit aael ra O earvef erwl M a ae-wav t W t f '"" a..a xa xe Ht mm laawM SMSa a lt NMMfc mtm, mln I 1111WI11H mm ummm IWMwKa r rM amii hb urn av at av n . t eM . V ev 1 ..!.. 1 mm a - ihhmw e4 us" a eaaaw T't. a(im(, W TO rXRK A CUUI I OXK OAT. Take Laaati Seeea QalaiM Tkkl. I It will b dismal new. to tb mO- I All J -nful ta ata u i av I lion of American cttlaen who ar I H W. Oreee .Cgatte te comprjlled to oa keroaro oU or to alt 1 vi itv in darkaeaa to know that tb oa truet ha. marked op tb arte ol rrad oO I Thar la DO elf-lWft U la as i 'H tt at mm I eaTeM a. " a 1 j mm ea tM into Hi.'m. IWe K ftaaj f fctow aa rv 1 1 1 1 . 1 i w. 9 cent, a barrel.- Tb rittibtrrg Q- I Jtaxloa. theae cherfnl 'editorial comneata: I rsaa "Another advance of .5 cent, a barrel I WooJ JTac Cailire- la th pric of trod oft I gtad am I Tk aleasi to prodocera and laodow-Der. throcb I pi UlUtaf b lea.itf raa erUatw VVt4 k va W is aliaktltjr felk'a Wil. i tf 0 1 VX1 ft" 1 1 fc t I ttt a Utrnea hwrt liWta ee ewae ex iaa a4 "I'o eg tmm ni&mJd e e4 ewe e en- ei- TVef rMee . . . I in I . ra Lya-UA'aaTaXibeeat i "Wr " . TT 7777?. ... I U lee a aaji ! as aVs On en trner. w. H YABBOROUGHJa. ATIOBNBT AT LAW, LooT?BtraG.N. a m liliiiiMt MAiMHt tKa Amerm mrm I avallaa. kaaja aaJ ae Miaimei k A with amazement and frequentty with awe.' to yH the preparaUoa of tk. I K-rwa.-. vanlahiaelncotn aad aroav I Viiag Ui Uega I f-w ?Ua- I There was one petragTapn in nis speeco i , -mmr-r rmnihl nu. I . . r . ' I iliitt aa fiyesteWte!vEiie cnstitutea jwh&'t Horace 1 " Weeley; yu4dHpiffe aom6tejEe4,'ilghty 4 V: Trlch rwadiftg?' mreaa-mo you , I iie-v. TTrt1iAV 1-iltt ana tta lotion ffle.ta CYSoMabaudMg,Ctoa the"Vevenue; And the object of ill 1.r1 haalneaa intraate -to him I . Ttanuhllcan .bill always 1. . to produce oil receive promat and creful atteanon-1 revenue is Welt a. protection. A Denw- rratlc bUl. as.' ror instance, .xne yy usun- : " A. -ii i :5 - 1 J Oorman- enormity , va neitner protective TR D. T. 811 ITU YY ILK, T.ui -. -,313noF!iaid te'gulmiy 'eufflcleht revenue to U-ENTIST, A- - ".t -both ftaa. 'J?ney proiess me principle 1 of tariff for revenue only, with incidental LOUI8BUBG, oaee over Pnrnltare Store. I Inclose a memorandum for your I sruldance In preparing the script, of th I lewn body of the bond. Respectfully your, I Of cOurae, ' Of coora cctimra W retro- j l r7 prodocU wia bar to pay for It." I eeeewike it f urae, of eoarae.4-Tb perform. a 1 r nmmMt CHARLES FOSTER. Secretary. mean. 'that th trnat te aalnnln roa I Pr Caa.y, The Chief of the Bureau of Printing aad I 7nn a - -- 1 - - 'Engraving.:. . c:r .-.",," . Reepeotfully yoor,i - . lTHJLl J. uaus, Bteorecary. Aretnietg twia. Ta. ea4 aate u.-e it mm hmm awaea, 4k4 kt lyea eMaji r 4 eeii -.. eV-i aae te ye n n"!" kf kM Amt mt mmm e) m,"tm mt va aKwt mdm A are eiraas X rti auawi 7 ev e a f K Are tk-eiii aumera still deeper I rod Mark haa declined tb.preat- Taf 54 allal dencr again, tbta tm to a Kaaae roe. Ur...'n ' . ik TrA-!,Vr. W. Oatnea. Houaa of Raora. I " " - . 1 "laare a M a fu eaw ' aentatlve.. - lrlm . . - ; It'.- e emeva - &V -a Si 'an ts ax t.eV a. rr. lit ai rr.a a ., , ew kw w U k - P &rnm mt " Jit-ew ff-ar efirv3 ly TUertfca. .mmnr anl U;raWf.k.W ea Al-a fVtjCiura rKttt?- y, t 6 Jke. i. i uL eaiS fca t,b ki1 an tJi.W ! aaw a4 Ute Cmhvm ti-emae k tnMatttr a -eatrti-iH kt ar iiaf el lasail .rtig la 4tiei knify iteaiU a.i)awtf kit avttoa a IT,, 4.(Mr ea-W., at kut a ast-. eaf 14 Ctamaay traaf 4 et aji nf 13 atMav Vnariaa,. kYtoaJtift. nm. tttH Iff t'loni fcf fUrti txf rail - t-CiaTyYUA-D. 9alt fill !. e. r? - - rt OMr ;ittt ft.lMatfiMe . .- t ttaa . a-a, fa hmm lm llia 4 ' e ,sa f t' mm. f Ma r a. '- e wM.t a (h aa f aa V a-M tMaa - t M W4J 4 -' e ( mm II i m la tmie k a t eM ae niwiiiinai- f t m m -ua eianul 1 " - "'? U aaa '" a """' " at aa.- i jp ae t.a t a a s e wot.M.i jt it j . e n tfT.l eai., 4- XMiiMMM. t I I r ' ' fit, i Zmt iT.aa. a ;.W -1 t M l a 1 Sm Imx e a ' a-a. 1 a m iin Vkmrnw" m Ma a st a-aiaiii "! M It at b M a at 3t.OT.Ct- W at aa tt ft fkiauia at e . at t t ?t Vt a. f i a aa mt . .t mm, a anawa a a at ft I t li mm' a awi ,t " tMaT) iM : - Myf fttaa av e4kM ft f aa. fraaevettft f ft k 1. e Ht- lt(a "War a4.Mfr-aflaas W fta t at te a a4 a aC(TArva. aH' 1 laiS. a ria,i.ii., t ft- a sr i t.iiMl r t1 at t .) r r t-a ftt vaj Mr. V.nairman, smuy " I - .t tmHSmm tfinUt rtrmmmm. llMtVl caaiiiren aw eme- ( eatei a-,- m aj O&f QtaCrti IMUtk m tWf 7V Jftlw T. UCJWa Toa la ! p t-ab a tM tr a l f 1 X.-. a. watv t jf aJUsnk tiiriy a,'-r a J; a thtnar a a Tm 1 1 nm in oolltlca. In firm. " . . , . .i.. .i. U V. I. mm mmm mYm mm1m IkU I U lU II 1 TUi.ll Till ijlhia I A i ' ' KaT frnTNTToVkl Paraei tW Hft U aecorin, tb. appol.lmfl, lUtatl w rk CT JL ,'1 ,Vr; tir-bUk and so U W that we I considering the high atending taat a oe- of cone-roe. Sen. tor Bet. Peo- .'i " '.T. " Tl' I . 7 "-T ZZ r7-Tl "IT A .: . .wl r-Aiif hihi.. B amrilu. I cupiee ta tma nouae, owe. I .v ..t ...tih. I rT"."" TT'ZI TrJTrT7-. i-.-- ,t , -Xnl,,Tl V n.casarv ieVause we coulxr" and the country to get right up fta.atate - - Til HI,- I ia '""J . . " . ' ' I &r.WJ .3 t Krev. JH-. ' 5rrrTTTTX-T ,wa,abol uel y.,VIs the fact about IV that the McKroJer bull which b ha been eeTTtn. r , rerae ft I a eaai 4 aft aea 1 u .-w . t ta HOTELS. - . "ft "j?" lat ameSlpee Woduced . the deflclenc,. ; that Secretary M thla tlfflt thr I. . better feeUhf Uf kr- ft U It.-I f;! 1 j-j duty, aevenue that cam ireni M peopj C, orenartna- to ortnt the tmoda I . . I aaaalaa ea4 mmmrmymmt, mm-mmm a4 I I t l 1 Vi-lf. 4 C. 7 i 111 zzz i it. . TTHitAii atataa ar rtk a aiitgrotwtYt ft ft7 vw r - rrkfiYi tr itmi i miii iwiuuttbib a un iltftt . Bv- M alar- a - - FHAXTT1.INTON HOTEL T'rJln at the . te.t .wrrTxnvAV v'n - fSU ee every e- 1 "and wtf -worn ta on the tth of Ylareh. and tba party, wWcb amount ta k lg Ceaar, FRANRXKSTOK, R.' W - ar- f?. IhS t -rne,bond Issue ifor which Seeretary thi aam tbln" - . " - - uuuiiwiu iicnvinwv. . . . i.Mii rrm nuiM imAtiniM ta i - .. ." 1 - 1 1 ami mnttm, mr ,r tt yrTiTvTJV.V -Dm' ' mv life, has been aesertlns oyer since the L .? . W. WJllWJM, "r: 'Mtariff-estipn-thla -county b acute max tne .p" rv- l wilf auraeat to him that thai , itaie" ana ineAnienva" yMivv- "' I. mu . .rctiflad "A fclll ta ra. ablic. . --r- Til la aald an opeA confeaafoa ia gooa ior,r Zra'nua." i.W., Mt," . . , - ''I the ouL I congratulate si7 j,; ,j u, l xd Lit.e Attached . - - I ZzSt-.-, Committee- on' making IC - n 'r1 -! 5 . t ' ' T" ' f- ' : : mmmmmmmt 4 14 isf J5 i .,. V14SSENBURG y E DBRSON. N. fe; fl . i.-'-' (Ko..A'.Jo- -6 Mr. Clark Yea. aad.ttdld reduce ft toe. great sun uaaa. . WaUtftalaw toc .li- .r (byiuiakt toeat bif hr. ttVI jfi'' 1 f - . , A -- tw 4 y k.1 axe hwa mm a tmi in a aa. i' ii a. 'm a mm m m mm fn .iawiw a--tt t" I hfr.. aM htlti( "! ft - 1.111 ft- f",.' Mt wt thnn a a. a 1 ii a ta at -a t. ta.a i t I a1 a ia I n iwm . a j.i t.i ana aa m Sot.i a i, a 9- Him a w atniaiii a.t tatoni a. tat 4 tt at m . .aa aaiaatj eMtat.tta .tit.nar m mm mi vm ar- I ' t a aa, t.itMi .. ta fmn ana im. t r at t j taw m . a m I k t taantna?" 'a ftt ft a a a a t m ta ftttftaaia . kt ia" m m ' f i t-, ;l m tn a a- mm ! a- ta.wrnajtl , t -it cm ft- - . t .1 I It -1wi1.iH- tw mm m ii ii tm aaawxaa a in a m i I kta iaali m fa aa aaa, - -.... , , tt suva ,. ft. l ftt . 1 . FlrilCIati )e tmnatnit'iaa" ? it aa a at a. Iwa f VI a. t j ,t awi t.w-tnamai it aa 3 t ei a-a. ; t'iawalf if - .at a ' aaa 4l ft ..W 4 am t mm. mm t n Wa an M I M fa- tw . a a ex W f w- I Mje I "4 "if f itt tu V, ., tllM ttia t a-a t w J. i Oft WOOD. Irprtetr - cr. j. .e, -v5., ; - . , v -ni ;; .-;.;. .r- ' . - . ' mwmtmmmmJmmmmmm " ' "' Oj L'lf uaaai'Via; . -.'I il(i.VilII.rAU a:'aeaiialf -. V -." i --.-- II . - 1 iliA.v-s-l -l'-ItOVa Wli. - : ' . - ..... n n a at. tk A ft V w - aaaaai w er a - ii'rrr a i a t a a ra - m a aav m w sr. - Praia llrXiTaCI i rVk-vr -a - .i fTT .-- . . '-a' ake'-iial i.j- Field. Extract F?JCIwLY ASJI T1ATJC r,- a"W-a ; .'-.aA " a. - iji' ri at c i - la' u an r . aj aaaaita t aar w wv r -a .' a a ax a.aa ta. aa.u aa, - - It Curcsdfc? Chms that other ChiU , l pn:c3 .u on. t.Cnro v i Jtretprtrt j, take' a. -A.kefke,rVit. rJ tk. (M 4 tklak HI tU 14 I a-. . Mt fa- tUI waareaf'tt t t k W m Cafi aUtaaafy k y-J a TVaAayto tare f-aawe I t a tUmnrm iea.1 MA .-m-A taj () U tt I (-1 aat UUk fc k ' l tot aT t aatlAar aa atf we baitWH t 7 tA-a-iV. TVa avtte i tfae t iIm fdtliaartl f ka: 1 jra c r r t aa - I frs 4 e aaa ml Wt4. 4 taat a Vt I j tatae) AaatHk t ! taaj'aia V Y Caa r;.i,'Ut fI(tt4 tail a tiij:'t I r -aa-e t y ta. . ntlal.! T a i mmmmm at .,. rt .... . M tt4ttU't titbit V mil -l ir.,,. i.a ., v t ... i pe.eilti7ia( ifxtiai aiHii) I . aa i h e at , ; ti:nLai;a kMt l w).'J VI ItH ! a-. I "a . .1 aak ft oeit-.t ttir k-?... 1 s;..,v :.: t :. . : '. T. a. . (': .M t.,- a J v .... .. . . , . ; . ttt H aitt()il, ; i . - - . ' .i -- . . - T- CVaatWr ta' . f .a J ' v . - Ttt in t J; s. ! f ii t i i - i T i I " :- . . l"i- kaaajtl U a - (itatft ta mJ a 'J mt 4 Aal taiiijaiwlaa aa, Vm a4 s awaliai p mmmmm mm a-m an-v an, uaa a. .Ma -. aaaaaal t ajr tarai aaaama . w aMaaal.w aaaaaat at a.aa aa aw mmx-mm mat .aa., aar aa m m.lmtt . ia a a at an iiaiiumy aa taaa f-aa ... r a aaai-aair t. mm su-taa aa aua . a . aa . m f . m. f -g irl ia, raaai aana. a- a 1 ml "pa l. I.t I I , . . . . . t . e . ; . t, aau' . t....w it - .. - T -1 i f t -a I j t ; aa a mm aaraaia"aj.. y a-t a iwl . . . i fwaai yi-a. 1 mm mPmrQ ) . ft 0 .ai 1 iia t t a . Ma a a-a,a a . a t Mai ... mm.' m ... a t.H I - K u aa a ... .... .. ... a ... H ' , ) s M t a-.-a a ,a ta h ai a , .11 lliaj B I -. t at ..a a. -a a-. 1 '. . ' ' ' . ' i ..ftM.aa. 1 V - a . mm ...a 11 m km M a r ta ... a aa a a t. '' a e ft. va a ta aa fta I . 1 . m I .,.a.a - IKat I a at aaa I "7 , -.a .,.. . Mb i-- ' V- A a f- . e t ...-.a Ja '. at . a - a ta a - - f m t , a. . a a .ii, H'ta - a t t a , 0 a aA ... I-.-. 1 a-. ar" ' . t-m t t 4 il? I - . Ta, t " - ttt,UU4 Faaou-iaa," " ' ff4 f ajselfa t.

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