1 ," w "N m" I 41 A US. A. THOMAS, Editor iqH Proprliter. VOL. XXXIII i4m(K;;i;rRIDAy, DECEMBER a 1503. O-. - e 4 CHURCH DIREOTOUT KSTHODI8T. Sunday School at 9:80 A. M. . Gxo. 8. Bases, Rapt, ('reaching at 11 A. M., and 8 36 P. M. ry Sunday. J , Prayer meeting Wednesday night. L. 8, Masit. Pastor. BAPTIST. Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. , Thos. B. Wilder, 8apt Preachinsr at 11 A.M., and 8:30 P.M., vry Sunday. Prayer meeting Thursday. night. H. EI. Mashbdehk. Pastor. episcopal, Sunday School at 9:30. "" Wm. H. Rorpiir. Supt Services, morning and niht , on ' it, 3rd and 4th Sundave. K Tuning Prayer, Friday afternoon Rsv. Joh? LondoHj Rector. . PRE8OTTEKIAH. . 4th Saodav in each month awrniog and niitht. . C. N. W h ABTOiif Pastor. . . st , ....... v : v ' VibGKP..-.. yoisbur Lddg, Np: 413r ' & A. M., meets 1st and 3rd Tuesday lights in each month. lrofHKional oard, 1, U ALLRED. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Will practice In nil the CourtB. T oiingivllle, N. C. Office in I) R. ARTHUR H. FLEMING, DENTIST. LOC13BURO, . - N. C. oUceOvHr The Qren Yarboro Uo,'s 1) ll S. P. BURT, cavnTi' isa physicia.n and surqbon. Louisburg, N. C. i if c in the Tffir of Boddie. Bobbitt & i o. lruK 8torp. onN isU street. D l. R. 9. YA BB0R0CT3U, PHYSICIAN AND SURQBON, LoWBBRe, N. C. oHm Ind floor Nen. building, phona 99 W,tn calls answera-l from T. W. BlCkett'S rai lnr,. phone 74. i; a. M AJ3SBNBXTRG, ATTORNEY AT LAW. t,oni9BCRS, k. a will prmctlce in U the Court of Uie State office la Court Hon. M AttUUS C. W'INSTEAU, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LODIHBUBO, N. C. orrica ovu Corner Drag Store. racial Attention given to collection!, notice wherever services required. jR. J. K. MALONK, ft ACTICINO PHY8ICIAN AND SURQBON, OHoe over Ajcocke rrug Company. I) B B. a FOHTKR. P&AOTICINQ PHYSICIAN ft STIRQBON, LouUborg, N. C. onat over Ajcocke Drug Cjmpany. HAYWOOD RCFFIN. attorjiky:at-law, unnsBnae, . o. ' , ., Will practice In all the Court of Franklin 4 tdlotnlng counties, also in the Supreme ..art., and In the United States District aad Mrenli Courts. Office In Cooper and Clifton Building. yaoa. B. WILDKR, ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, LOClBBVBe.il. 0. once on Main street, over Jones k Cooper's p S. SPRUILU. K :i I i V ATTORNBT-AT-tAW.., ':.r,i LOUISBUBO, M. C. rn.ttM.nA ti Minrta of Pranklln. Vance a...ui. wtmn and Wake conntiee. also t.h. anniemeK Oonrt of North Carolina. Prompt attention given to collections, offlce over Bwerton's Store. y W. BICKBTT, TTOBNBY AND COUNSBLLOR AT LAW. LODlBBUBe H. C . ' f frompt and painstaking attention given to wary nutter Intrusted to nl hands. a ,rrhio JInatlivinhenhevd. HOB. JOU (tanning, Hon. Robt W. Winston, Hon. J. C S.iton, Ptus. First National Bankrof Wto- toa. Qienn si BAanty, w mstou, rwrin af Monroe, Chae. B. rayior, rr w".. at College, Hon. B. W. Timberiake; i f f ice -over Neal Co.'s Store. - yy M. PBBSON, ATTORNBY AT-LAW, Praettees tn an courts. Offlce on treeu w. H Y AKBOBOUQH, ATIOSNEY AT LAW, lOOISBTJEO. S. 0. Offlee to Opera HoMtuaumfo;Cout ftreet All l.o-a.1 hnainess intrusted to him ill receive vrofflpt and careful atteatioa. D R. D. T. 8MITHW1CK, DENTIST, LOUISBUBQ, - - N. C. Offlce over Furniture Store. HOTEL Fit AN KLIN T05 H0XJEL FRANELINTON, N. C. Jood accomodation for tne travaun- nblic. Glood LUeT Attached HlSSENBURGr HOTEL 9 P Maegenbnrg Piropi HENDERSON, IT- C i i P n d aocommodations. Good far: i P Mte aA attentive ervaetr.s HQaW0q0.H0USErsl; . . -. s. 'TP: fl5" fuiartBi. w. j. nOfttrooDa Pravrtetarj tr-nM a Cnmnirnlll TOUrlatS ASd Silveri Creek rl "Versus Golden GuIcK By A. B., LEWIS H OW Silver Creek and Golden Gulch became one was brought about in this manner: For many years keen rivalry-had existed between the two towns," which were only a stone's throw from each other. Both claimed to be head and 6houlders above the 'other ni enterprise ' - . . anu progressiveness;, ana one never made a move in public Improvement tnat tne other did not go it one better. When Golden Gulch built If town Ball two stories high. Silver Creek Tuilt one of three; stories.; ? When Silver Creek greeted a. pe JaU. iW.icltizens. ad 1 when Golden:? Gulch was working overtime to build a better one. - And in all other matters there was rivalry. " Even whe.n four dweflings burned in Silver Creek one night Golden -.Gulch-? sacrificed Ave of , its baiUSTi Ings, just to keep ahead ' in such matters. . . It had been about, an even thing between the two towns when one day Bill Stevens caused con sternation inJolden Gulch by bringing in the news that Silver Creek "was preparin fur the whop p in est C'ris'nms celebra shun ever known in the Lr state." When asked for further particulars he said: Boys, I've just come from : thet dawggoned town, and, though they're "Who'll be. fustr keepin it mighty quiet. I got on to their little surprise party. Them coyotes are goin' to flop us if they kin by hevin' a lynchin' on Cris- musl" ' " "Got, a hosa thief, eh?" asfeed one of the crowd. "Thet's what they've got boys," con tinued ; Bill; "and they're savin' him fur the occashun. He's to be lynched in the public, squar on C'rts'mus after noon, and when it becomes known thet Silver Creek kin celerbrate her holi-"-days in sich a befittin' manner it '11 boom her like thunder and '11 be all over with us. " "Boys, we've gotter hev two lynchin's or admit, we're back numbers. While we ain't got no hoss thieves, thars plenty of loyal citizens in Silyer Creek, and I'm bet tin' terbacker ag'in gold dust thet twe of 'em will Tstep forward and let -oa lynch 'em n C'ris'nms. and save the town's reper tashun. I'll promise 'en thet.it will be done in a genteel manner and thet a ten foot monument will be put .over, their graves to boot Now, boys, who'll be fustin this matter?" A deep, silence-followed Bill's query. Two min utes after he had asked the question ten men had left the crowd. Three minutes later a dozen more had disappeared, and five minutes later Bill was quite alone. As he watched the last of the crowd dodging around a corner there were tears in his eyes as he exclaimed to himself: Bill was alone. And most ef 'em hev sicb bewtiful necks fur bangin- toof Waat -we're a licked crowd, but I alius did sorter o' reckon tbet Silyer Creek was a heap sight better town to live in than Golden Gulch, and I'm goin' to make my home thar hereafter." And there were' so many others in the town wHo suddenly came to this conclusion, especially after the lynch ing on Christmas, that there was an exodus from Golden Gulch to Silver Creek, jrnd the two towns, merged and became one and indivisible. The Only One m Captivity, aMnseum ' Patron Well, , what new freak have you or the holidays? Manager Tne rarest tmng on carm ine man who doesn't buy more Christ mas presents than he carr afford. lipoid w 1 Aj a l- ovcr Ononnd a cf m-rit; cpcal I .ir j, Vl ' - . v ;; ' Thepnm MTSIKGHRlMi m TREE And. the Poodle Dog -By SEATOlf LOKJ LCopyrlght. 19C0, by BamStoa Mask. NSIGN MARK ATHEHTONS ship- arrived at the United - States navy" yard on Dee. 2L : There he teamed rUJAt tke rBa- boat Concas," on which' . was kia Na va( academy .chum.Twa Dreaaerwaa expected to arrive tbiiexi!daj..Ather. ton procured leave to vltt bis tome, but left a note for Dresser askinx blot to follow and spend Cbristmaa with him. The day after Athertoa reached Dome hp wnt arp n f) ' a mmm m aant rwho, nex t "to hi; soother, was the laea rest person to bloi -ma eartla. -While -from Dresser that he had arrived- was very l afi3" asked tha his trie); epld come io mm ai once. . - Atherton examined the time tables to find JhatFlfhe, went, bck bome be vuuiu lose Twenry-iour Aoscawey' go ing over to five miles distant he could get a train to the. cijy In a-oople of hours.' Since be bad,mpjktlme be decided to walk. When. he reached X he went into the station ticket office and. looking in his pockets -for .fund, found that be had left bis pocketbook at home. In bis vest pocket was 26 cents. Here was "a pickle" ne funds, "friend possibly dying, train to leave In ten minutes. "What's the time of the next train 7" . ne asked the ticket agent "In an hour and twenty minute.' Atherton went out on the platform to think it over A card tacked to the wall stared him in the face. It was an advertisement for a lost poodle, with a promised reward of $10 If returned to the owner at 12 Adams avenue. There was a small park near the station, bleak looking at that season, but Atherton thought he would go over and sit down on a bench to. concoct some scheme to raise railroad fare. While, ruminating he felt some thing rub his leg and. kk- ing down, saw , a poodle. Unfortunately there was no mark, on .the collar by which be coald identify It but it struck bjm at once that the dbg was too valu able to be running loose and be believed it was the one advertised. Then and there Ensign Atherton conceived qjrreat plan. 1 He would return the Looking down, be aw a poodle. Picking- sp poodle get the reward and be off on the next tfaia- -the dog, he inqnlred" the way to 12 Adams avenue, found the house, rang the bell and asked if the dog belonged there. The servant recognised. U st once and showed the joong man Into the drawing room. - Atherton was In dtlxen'a. dress and had not had time since reaching port to geta new outfit he bad ordered. Consequently his clothes were some what worn and out of style. He de cided to play the commoner, thus mak ing it easier for him to accept the re ward. When a girl of nineteen of dis tinguished appearance came into the room lie shuddered and'hoped sincere ly that be would be, able to carry out bis role. The moment- she ssw the poodle she took it up and embraced ft eagerly. Where did you find it?" "in the park near the railroad station." "I'm very much obliged." She looked Atherton over from bead to foot evident ly not knowing whether to offer to pay him s rewsrd. Atherton was up to the oc casion. "Ifs lucky for mev-mlse," he stsmmered. "I'm a sailor lad. tod goin' back to me ship. I've been rob bed by-land sharks and haven't mosey enough to buy me ticket" "Ofar said the girt as tonished st his tumble po sition. "Wait a. mlnotsi I'll go for the money." She left, the room to re turn with a ten doQar bUl which she banded him." ; "I hope youTll reach yoor She handed ship safely," sbe Said as he bisa a ten wet out. . -and. have a dollar NIL plegant TOy.g. have eousin a sailor.,. He's to the navy." Tea," miss. , Goodoy." replied the sailor boy, and; he harried away f ear ing that some naval officer taunt roa across the story, and ruin bus la (be service. ' . Atherton found Dresser mnch better than he expected. Dresser -had en gaged to spend Christmas with sn un cle living a- few boors, ride from the city, and as the chums were anxious to pass the holidays together, tbey played a game of euchre .to decide "whether Dresser should go with Atherton or Atherto with-Dresser. ; Dresser woo. which was well, for he was scarcely to a condition to visit strangers. Athertoa Informed his mother,, by man of the change and received her consent Boon after the meeting of the cbame Atherton told Dresser of bis adventure, and upon consultation It was decided ibat Atherton should return the- reward as , an a nonymont- Christmas jprrsent Atherton. spent $30 for , oWrafdet and shipped itt- h -owue$.f ,tbe poodle. ,Be.did jjotjtnob : anrAso fte.aorgaiLxo.v"Ji avenue, a. , a ww. Aee O C cyArTrts - A Hdf Llilfion bodies. Does Lhis record fcof you ? t:o Gnrc, Uo Pay. 30cx ITY Y ruccifcniTA at VIIEN aTO AHE ftVRK a seesaw AND SlV'OW CLOUD3 GATIlEn TAD AvivNrAii nraxba tolt Axn tots TOil UTTLC DOXVIVD I)OI VTTlt CUJXS AND DOOK5 AND, DPJU15 ND TOP5 AND hOPA itlLDJCSC DLDCIO PcsKSwrjt inai cut LA. AND DAT AND TtATA TIIAT VTXTI AMI It!N ATVilTT 4. - and punpa vinai purtp a vatf. n hi u HZ lAVEa5 A culd a vtny Qmi3TfL5 At Bk SA n A SBBS ' tltOrTaimf.tvoi tt n a I I atteixled to he took the invalid to tse ( station. "For what ptic shall 1 boy the Oct ets? asked Atherton. N. Didn't I teU yoa taj atvrle lived st N.r v "'.? No. Toe said be lived st U " "So he does. B. Is the axt sutioa above. We nlwava get off at N." i 'Why. 1 rrtoroed the peodte st N " "Ttuf a alaxalar. . "1 should thlah so." i Atherton bought the t let eta sod thy were soon bowling orer the rasd reecbicg the stattoo they Sock a car riage. "Where do we drive toT sakrd Ath- , erton. TwelTe Adams sveuoe." i "By the greet bom spoooT falrty shrieked Atbertoo. "1 drive to do eab place." "Why notr "lf a the boose where I received the reward." "You don't meaa UT Dtvwaer fU back on the cnahieo. "H tbooWr. yotAve recetved $10 reward moory f roan my Cooaia Adele Floyd, an.) I'm gxUg tp take you there as a goret." ' If such a problem had befSed tbe snrmnces of two eoelgne ta the L'oitrO Btstes navy tbey would no have ta worthy to serve their coo o try . TW decided to meet the enemy st oexw sM pushed on to 12 Adams svesoe. Tbr they foond Ulss Floyd poxtkd orer s gold bracelet she bad Jost received by express. On seetag bee cooals the foe got, everything else the at tint tin eb caught sight of bis ebora: tbea ie stood stork still sod aOred. He was ha ndsome fy drreeed, but not soCrtest ty cbsDged ta p revest revaaroUVao. "It seams that we have met befor. she said, changing her oaeotxr. "Indeed r said Atbertoo, with fetf. ed snrprise. Oh,yve! Tea . are the girt I deseed wttb at the ship's ball wbeo we ere st Nice." "Not st stl v Tea were here a few days ago. Tod returned bay: dog and re ceived lb reward." "Too mast be t& taken Del." pot la Drtssar. "Aa ensign In the United States Davy could not receive a reward foreuch a service.- - . There wss sa mterval la which .Mb Floyd stared from one to the other. Doth saw that sbe wsa not qotfe certain of AtbertonVtdea tTty sod brsseoed eat their positioa, ' .- "Come," conOooed Drea ser. yoore not eoajptt meotiag so oOcer In the navy by taking bta for soma Impostor who prob ably stole your dog artd brought bin back for the reward. Clr It trp or you'll apoU CbrUttaA for aQ ef na." - - . "WsIL- as Id the gtrt "1 supers F nlstakeo, though yoa loo eaooch stt to be twt&s. Bot who seat tbts brsce letr ,Oh, cooscieare did tbatT eaM Dtw- rr. ''The fellow probably tboasM wtsl a muffin he'd made of btauwtf aad oeal the aowftey ta a fewest. Jit tse Chnatmas dtaser Vrt fee fTord-aat tba eftofaa sa v . .... .. ( , x r rrtar .nfiiMi n 1 f,nl ; : i x ha mm ?C . . C-" - ill tpxi: . A-:.i er1 v ANTl MQIT3 AITV1 AND aUUIR PLt?t AXli rnnv tmatiwi Vi liDODCV U( and goat a that mril? J AND CAMJy CXI 3 . iacit tntrrtok by a rwiul ct ii rp-Hiia I of ht io pmodi. . a-w : 1 sa ia j fc w e aajewef es w J j otfit)oo at W fart (TtAt eA 4 esaav I takw AUrxi fee it wmS w W sa4 mnivd tt rrwed. Tve - U lb way mmm eMse4 R f op l ace mavtacd tal tsa frlkrar efeAa rW eVet va ret tbre-eirl TVtna, k at'sie twaa4 Uwa. eweh W tgtt a cVbbjv ctatsd brerract. preaafy neawtat e few tiotUra. e4 mX tl tp r-e oa Ctrutei ae day- Dertag (&wa tcsafA IVe ar-re la tb mpfmA est tilt rtg fecn. eery 6e tbe &chmZ ta a aattv txri'.lT dtg S'-etxrw ef tbe o'.Tjt ?of feer gt" t&g ewey tb treUk by s eiplKMoa. II wa o4 tai karatlf mots j-mmf later a ft,e w.fe ef Mart Alrr-taetb-a lif.t( A IV rtna tut at bcefaard 2 r a ted Pd fcv re1! A bead e re-verd foe rvrag w r ssd iwa efrJ - re.fiag k-e s Cfewap, patd bewceaat la tw scitfftre aaoorr fol rtwrri ttnow txc treat an fway. wW vi s Ta d a iwWI fevtaa yeae ecw s '.Va bv f IlaHprr bT farvafag aa.1 emar Aw. lag a teaewv4 ri etAK wss e twa9wed fee bsa gawnrty a e gw Ta yare twfaew ia gat sel gSf feewAcaw k-rt Sw wa I be owawr ef yaHA-w TtN daaS bw4 be s rea5v Ati eaa dy wAjlw pafCftg aS Amaiel vaO At tba fra ft a-ad evAiry dmtm4 As Wr. rnay arose s.rvV 5"'.w tbat bad aeraC'l w avv! e4 lie awtgMK ssd preaiyAsy pea4 Aiox Tba gmeaea at gtttg aaiaAJey an:ax. ra ta ! r f e jtai-w dVAeT. twesrkaKCy eevamAwi nr la Fsrraer rw-ry. es4 h grtawwy f-e oUtted kHeaWf ta A a Is a frw tpw4 fV r ej ee Ibe UQk ee IVe aVaAOAneSemt tie rvd darx AUkH eaWAaaa. eeeaowded rsrvea ea rvwa rieerflW "tv Da CifVfTaaa aworar-ig tve fert. tWmm Jwa. aVe CtI --" away, was eUaVeCat s swta rkrwn Awfwavw tA StarWawn ga Ad tb read Feraae eta afga tta yeCew e&tf tW t A-a fanxr Varry 0av rip ta crVd tVCf frer T'Ai A M At K tt r'tae; ta f aw ya. "Tba stwet rwa. ts raa. was ta bra rTtj, i"Ws4t farwaa. twattuewd reran fvcrty. "tbks U CVMsee l (uenlJ T4 trxaSm ye Kawwur ta-setf pxrwerfsl fead ae sAaje. Fte IfWiU TO eVst , ' Ota ajrfeada&a sad eCffSaywg Wsa S-W tVW yoW afMg 1 1' ttaa. "TV fewatat e rswrs rai IB' as tad kwaew feev''y 0 1 far ba trtib - f.&ral aaMj UaSt i ta tawa Uraawd ta gtr fXM fwreirer ciuut ttoorra tT?c ". w Aa re w aa a )rnwa w fUai4wtMkA bti Taa TAy Aw af Ae SA ed I '-.it i i . rra a -aek 4 mnumMim t by. Ajmmm tra C 2 w to .-vvr I v ettiwv Tstoll treas aia f?sU WeWw trrjsVs, - - - " - A ff?ct$ ttraa. a-wa A mwuim ti A a-'.4 t . e e i j i ww i t.i s' ; 1 - ill! : - Christmas at i lri ihc Shade D'ALUAJiCJ I e4r sf fw AUJiJiCJi k4 tsjgsirf i-.,. t rve A, 3 lit ervtse t7. Ce 5if. vis ess Ms lees alms aswak U tWCAaw ' - TBa. t ey rw Wsai st a tXrt taJ f:r eat (immw sn . tr, tltft Ss tW awnan. " ta U- m W St a sw (W itt ewt txa a, e4 ta fx nj" Xrw. t " - ,r- I C,-k svea tlt- fet fe at i I A'-. t : sfri4 J5f e. a HyVM UrvVf 6mn m wt4 r w tew tto saiiiiaa ameyt tr W4 Af TC se'tf Mae ft S4 Oare senna, awaj CkrVfAM. eearj mm A SM. tii writs tm fnOm mlyiZ4 Oats, m eteatr. Saai mi f rvr.Cvaa fate ft it issv tx saatw w eees S eAsry ' Turn at t eiaf ksfe mmm etSMg mwmnmvj is ajr we "T CU sawtiaAalwa ta lra t4 w-M Vts wag -Taftaw s Vaiee efc- UA4t"A sua tvg Asi fnst ttu ft ' s ' , j fa awe OUa r tt ws sail ewaeS O tiarnA ws ee toa aror yea4rft& s-is tw ea sa a-w nfea4 at lap Oat jej- tre a23laUl ImkV fte WaS IVe axe mf sn aewry la a feMswre SkSa as WwafL AZ Ua tmmEtf. tmm CW sVre ita waA. rsUJw ss v?Ta Awr a rAai's C&rbtcaaa rCfa -fW v-awQ-e nw VaK kAa eriii4, A4 WW faa-wa. eta-y Cnrsat aa taew teJ Oe a Caa4 eS fTaw S aiia1iaS UMry t Savttea, atw. aaj eAaa tet e ia wae "e swat gaa swiswil A Oa SW ISXiSw. let s A fwrt e (Tae raef iaa Ttwaf est Sad awa rWad tK. Ovtotja Art4 TwaaS kw a CvV"sna "OwaM 'Via eAe aAaawaaaf T aVat ea (tak we a raarTod rw aa to 4:Mp raj ayetaaa CA w awewf) swrw- s-d txsel Is Kg &) s iw Kl smhua te taw74 TaeA4 tmtmmm bwS taaw titav ejn awswa,. VrS faeate " dSama. Sant SCmw e4 Sw eMifNa tl W-a- 4a9 a Sw eawfia AS rea'lt wtKii e?y am w aas aw aeaa aa ewMb sa Ja tTtat ftarta W AVaja. e4 W eie a, baeneaig fwa tm atfawS eat a awe a tNe eea-) ta eag"W ee Se fa-i ! S w i Aw t! aa tW a AOS AaS e e nWaisAia a ewer Uaf r tA raaiiay V4 Vre eaa mx erea mm wiawHat fAwaajw ktadtra w CUaaf e - C m Cut a mi Jm anSMaaM eatg dm wwnaJ gls arfg fWA. gae CWk fa3ewi wew fwy ejuewne. tae A Aaw-w S'laajaate . - WAg " vwMbal Vt -ae-Awa4 AaMMtft, tM AW n Fi Da ue K nw natg r I , I i Va. wAt-i If ef. J AJa au,uA et-Oia Aw WAa fWTsJ s attar s m er 5a4 eA7. Va fai a 1 1 1 rf h memtmm einiS ieAaieA tAfaae, e4 tAaMW mum gwawg e 1 BwT AAct W. waa, eakl swaeYfaa. bw eeree e a mum sy esw ea s 11 Hm4 tajkeSjawtt awtk Owe ewtTwel AA. fw$ OaA gbwry eawaie S CAtfHa'M IV r.n Wanag ta Imw mmiira-A tr as w-a-a ..aav-nig s vm j , lied rwn, Tw faaitaaml 71 a Ibe was ftt raraiaa rwwt e ta noa Staa- ae watee. ese '' e Cka fa-wAs Artf fwr aivaM tt w-aaft fata ed b-aer aa aw, Vte eaw avaawug air wbs a ewei awOjt e rg . ii ii t i a eawa g-" we a-e Aa ei a-r m r a etMee s-w-'M a-w t ee w r-.-ava n.M ee ra ! ea twA,aw g aa e aiW AAW i ina Wahua .BrrA av a a4 i mia TAa rw e ewrw-iwHej tv . ; t.Av-A-vv tw taw. fa Aww.-JtoidW'l aaa) fa ev iCAefairua e4,.enawAaal--a AeuMwei rw aaag isrfUd $vm4 wVa la ea ft e WAaa rWa.4.ta1 Af Ae iiH4l 11 .a tAvaoaatwS v . - -- rwry-traO aa a see mi , FTMi-wave tC, f ea wv sa ' gae tinea er At saeaa, . ii a ii i : . Itaiiiai. Cre Saw ar-ejaw SA tW a rf f tvr-A Jrfwe $swaMl-rrSjsi .s wipe ulna t n an is r i. ts raa Sa ea rwe riwejt tar Ts- dd n ; iaA s t rh:.:a. r IU tt- ?wA-.i. ri"-.A l-twft. . a inaiiim a " . i e lt l -'ea f at b-l f It rttit? iurr g'tirtrr tl ' a...fl A tan e-iu A' t "" a t W 4 "a".,'.. ' g' .... wa - . pn t -'- A 'f . t ,f I T ... I . - -e a i The Reverie (Santa GIus' te T. L TA-tcvtT a tMa Oe WAtaaaS W' ,3. A.D'j t se. ,e mmm gkaw J. ' (aa e taaw Va Teg be ear at rwa ewe a . m a. . . . .... i aae W a raia '"Bjr " 'ns ManV CJal a aaaxaf Aa ew. fl eeei rv. Wiat awavha Aww. " afte) led CAal twitaw awfeaaCI - a I VA wead " V ... Ha a a . i faag Tl 1 1 wa aj-vAto j, .iW.W tta am a a ' 1 SVWhMkl I i.i A i w- e 1 mil ii S tb Vaa U a tsa aj ; aMa e '- w -H O - l A'i 4 5 ia SfrrfJir It. t)rlf rari 5icttf wnt. larlf a ' rw, vfil t.rfcA uJii icrvfur w-Vn t I '.mUfcirm, : AA a 4 tii;l.trts irtnti a'iuf : a- rsiury vtiut trrt! w rut. btwr a ecjraifw 4MA '-a ". VV SEAIJOAUD A? tjttr elaiiw-gjr tFa trt tggyt. UHf Ut a tn ucf atjul taClei ArV3,. ?f e t : l'k' tAS itaa i , 'vJMfc - r k eae. 4 twiwwt t a)4 ' 1 i iaww an An man .an v II t - i 'aMMIHa -. t J kaKiw rf , ett a. '1 j .. mm .ile . ii ii Mi,i, -w Sw ea Aw m4 m v ' )$ mm SaWawe II 3 1 ej Ma ! e ?m 1 Hai mm f eaa. A Aaa) eaj f v m e mm- W-aa SI w HB ii itaa mt m e S ia...a I 1 e ' ! I w- Aa i w e e - iiwea e w -4 vawien t(a s aijw MCmy-seta g.Ktx ia I f V A a a aa e- a a" a a Sww tav e j ea. im AV.iartai S S eVnn i"tr 1 i r a 9 e niMiaia I a S a aMMHj a e a t as a s e at A e A.aaea ta a llaaae1 t K e aw - I Ae fmaiia M A) f A C4 i e..MMa..e a e a I ,a e- e a , e an w -a ew I e a e e rw wk wWaMBratMaa 0 9 'I jgR e a SW Aa - r m en a,(v. H,M'tk't j AV Shm A 4 4 mm a Wwatl t S sw w . aa - ? e am - - s eaas ' .ws - -'-.' v he . ' a-, t e - . e InveUsg PsbUcSollolted. .vfwaV-t'c T:t,r