'4 ' r 'V "- r. - ' - . . ..' v;rr-'r wAft!' .xi .5 .?,.-, ..J!?;eaawaBw S-f --4 vxaarzxi rat Mtu4 r.- u wjl YOL XXXIII " J -J Tr t - 1 OnUBCH DIRECTORT' , - MSTH0D18T. Danaay ewoooi t sutu a. nu v.j - :r Qbo. 8 Bakxr, Rapt.' ' -f, : PrMebins till A. H-nd?0lP. M ' . Try 8ttnljr. - - v" .- Prayer mtlo Wednesday nigbC ,t - L. 9. M&08KT. pMtOT - - - - ' - t i TT Gtiamv , .Banday School at 9:30A. JU -.r r - rotkert AmbUton-rn Speech ' Thob.,B. WitDa, Sopt , V Int SoutKRepublicaoUa- , .wachlnjrat 11 A.M. and 7.00 P,M., t fc - - fainteu la the Houe if err Sunday. "t - " - - . . r " Praver metlrc ThnradaT Blfirni --" ' -- ' J" - , - "Cv r:-- v- .V,B,H. MasaBUBS. PMterJ $J Jft & C$$ 'C$$ .- '.--a - ---- Jr .. : Sanday Sohool at 8:30.-- - " ,- V ; Servloeav morntngf and nucht on f tit, 8rd and ttb-Sandavav- - 7 Btenjne Prayer, Friday afternoon c I8peciai aahtnston letter. s .INUK- tn days-of Jonathan and David, to say nothing of Damon antytBla;;ihere lias beenXno 4 aocb exhlbitiOB of toye of -ine iuau ior anotner. as: tnat or Senator S! . . ' 0iDg d J'ili Of not far . to 'seek-bv anv rirm it ?.u f T ; V." - ' - . . T : IDT magnnw lh n tAWflm nmL t Xwlne or ntW tbou hkk tbt n 1 V... . . A; M., meete 1st and; 3rd Tqeeda, wattinVpoIicy; r Notwithstanding all '"" cn uionwi.-.. v . . . the ornnrt tnA nloTC vo twlxt bins and Senator Hanna, there is :-"t-- -1 , ... n Glark Letter .tt tt.it tt a Hrae cart put tm ih letter box by graft. ;Th mail carrier who took p tb letter.if he lived tin the east, perbapa .paid a trtba job: or -to ft an lacreaaeror salary.. Tbe'poanoaa piaeod -tho letter , in a pouch suspended, from anouMer strap. both 01 wblctS wr-sold to' the government by fraud and carrtod I it to the. pootofflce, where, perhaps. om javored or .mulcted clerk- canceled ttie stamp with ink ana a tnachtno fraudu- , . '1. , 1 plnkm by tao fewlt-or uHe ibt are deplorable. - W are utt aware tkl explaoaUoas kave bee or pSaju. We nelure coocerorna - tbo -oftt Honed and that by sows tbo tnteiereeea bas been cateTortoaOy led, b4 K Kas beett aSrtned br others duta(cstsi b-e are quits worthy of better. Tbo result la that i. the tMstitulloaa axsttaoei rtur or. wren dr.- ft kaa beesi rtnrted Ifcal prv vato tDtereeto doealnals - - po ism re tsacbin. If H is not so the iverwo bass not takes tbs proper aaetkdo t w pel tbs popolar opiaioa oe too SMttisrt. Whether Booker Washlnirts K a rry, treat maa or a very mail mas sr erbat Is his relative status s of UtUo -son Queocs coca pared . sntb the' sj4oeJ rtcbt 04 any saaa to espriss pwMldf fete views, tt they oe decent, sad csraps perw sscutloe.. .Tfessowth kas bee Jtte Ursst oo lb la ewbject;, There s tree of speecA 00 the stump aod ta tVe srvso: voV untorrunatsly. there bavs bees sassy fs psrsjs rssuitlnc TVe North Caretjs precedent ta ooe wsteb ouht to bo reJ-'f tatned. It v01 do more food to ta sru taao tt can possibly aoatne b vrvSas " poopto of the Mortkrttoo orteat la7oeAt of tbo coadlUoM to the sootb a rvepoct rer that . sectios) vklcb bas bavo-ao BMy fiery trials. X GS2JLT COHVEKITMCE. em men t was swindled into buyloc end I Hu"' " " .'"V mww,u thereupon thrown into a railroad mil 1 jrowro. in isw vsm vnroteswai l-r-o linsmonal card, L. a. ALLRED. - ATTORNBY-AT-LA.W, Office In, Will practice in n the Courts. ToanairliK N. C. J)K ARTHUR H. FLEMING, DENTIST. . LouuBuaa, . - n. c O Hon Over The Oreeu k Tarboro Co.'s tore. - - JR.8. P. BORT, ; PEAOTICINQ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Louisburg, N. C. OSes In the rrnr o' Boddie, Bobbitt & Co.'a Drug Store, on Nash etreet. no loveliest between them. jQulte the contrary At heart they bate each other as the devil hates holy water. They never can be friends., ; Fifteen years ago Foraker's chances of reach ing the White House appeared better than William McKinley's, for then Mc Kinley . was only a . representative in congress, while Foraker at thetarly age of forty-four was serving his sec ond term as governor ot Ohio and waa the idol of all the young Republicans 1n the state. His successful tussle with Cleveland Tibout the return- of bag, and this baa. Jta; fastener. Its lock. its key, became public property by three distinct and separate grafts. - Finally the laden bag- was eot oft to the train, ac cording to , the time told out- by 'a pe culiar clock, during evtry lick - of v which Uncle. Sam waa being outrageously robbed and swindled. This, in brief. Is the substaacs of .Oea- ;Aodrtw Wat driven out of Browo onl rrrftty In Rhod laland aiaity and aolety because be waa a frvt ailvvt man. the curator of tho unlrersity. nearly all of vban vtn free siivtf men, refused to reroovs crrUlo profr ora who were ad toes tea of tbo atmgtm U the TtUphont,' tfacUJ- . v MYrt. I aaid to...4isi ' tir4 ea rrj,,n a c-tawb Jan itr ib kwpWw ta nf s&4 br va to art edt wtaird, rrrst fly fcb Vt4 bffeafvtl U tW !ibf f.4 ctss . t . ne-4 tat a astKat. W iisf. UtU !Uyo tb4t vw osX tuU fa to I t. 1 pr4 twf lb Pmri a its, aae oh fjoHUy ('M'lVt ! v iBstiis si. A4 twtro: ; rite rasa bb Mrs. (Wo fto d?4cd tsl -f-s ia u.1 raj some owe si i mtmt era 0 Its litsr ihst sa sut bsbt tsJ etiogb. NrrWar," M aej sk Mrs. ' Tw K arrw Witt! Tt Af tblllgf, TV sals CosseS TaetvaOa-o tXX Saeons t i'eais ss p&awaJy f eie S-e-J bnaaVo ei a44 s t .'y eN,.tb4 14 tsWai Ms. .e ao " eral Brlstow s report of the totamovs gold standard. Lt the Uqulrrr arody ftioet hl drtnad -. M a fbTretooS offlcerT tn. htato7 of free sproch la lb, oonh p . ' r mofThVrt f..d a T f tvst bee soutb (bsn north. President Rooaerelfa antt race sulfide of forty-four indictments. Involving . thir ty-one persons, many ot whom hare been attached to the postofllcs as reputable and trusted employees ror - a period oaung 1 ...-... u 1 .0 j.., from the time of Prestdent Lincoln down t Idea does not appear to bm grmtna.ttng I to the present. But the, whole bas 'not J ln iowm xbe BUnbfT of scbotj cbtVdreo O b4 ' J -e iVal Wv I senators and'buslnass men. who. on sc Lm f"n 0(1 la-0CW Tr wSsUnd fS l fft 4S4V count of the statute of limitations, can-1 tnat rate tne state will eooo be dtOv- In., w. a. foes $' A eaiss't P in lsrt k S(se is ta) - -VrO U Wlt W swVatia, m4 ft o Was C- as Ca.tM-s tt - Ee4 f wsr tnea ams Saw test W. PQNe frs ai-i b Sry tfWas a bja-as Oftaj t-t . sw4 P-S e-io s 'fss stas -fMsaMS a A.et UUlli4 ttf. Gonsumplion 31 ' " 'e l-sjtic. f:AJ lr-r i ! fcecKi&i U U l,sl Til U l3t vsasMSfTg, 14VVe. a s , . , ftil 'ema-w' sS w ' St fVimia absrsl s. si kwf lw S sort sHs fats I Wee's so e-erf-t k.s JX Iiwa xlisrsnratst, sx. 4a, O. Ee f.'JLUlIR. sJKtMbt l r. ta. f t e-e Wj a. sm jm...,S rt W Iwa 4.W Sa.l.MlM SW a- . - tnnJfc sm4 nm in ww e ew y 'Wining w. m f ete M aSM- BeS eS ai"S evt t a s s4 rw- St a- e tt s -S b as S sVA la 1 M TTli aw t IVva . JPWaswWHelBBBal Crb'itf bJ eU areUtf , A Feci lla-sjsCVO. t efoeb as s)-e -a'. suaboti s est r:iMr-J:iM n iSt -tiers orsHciI fTt?Ziz- in v-i WATCHES. CL0CS afCH'CUff. "" w SV Ht sHa 4Ma - r.K.alaa( ane w i a b a ew a wan a- w. r '-WrTT i ia'sVeaJal !T ''""t s ' 2 w i muii i a imiatMu w-w4ls C W aWaeiOf Imnan fj' nnisa e4 tt-SM aea sa s as i f aS&a .t -t J tl i a t e-es aai'ta sa ere i e i v- Weaie W I3.Mat Kft sms a e SJHs't , bw wa eas so I ev a ej i -m r t t, 1,,-e nI -' a Awes of'e-ve 4a. " ! liaa SliS, I rjr; t fcit-r- -t .. .V - . a . . ltt tk mtm. Will . uAn I the captured Confederate battleflags not he proceeded against criminally, are! isted. Wbererorof Perh.M ts tnS I f, 4 . . " I as 1) k. B. f. XAh BOROUOH. PHYSICIAN AND 8UROBON, LopiBDR, N. C. Otaee tnd floor es: building, phone 38. Rlf kt calls answero'l from T. W. Blcketfs residence, phone Tt. B. V. MASSKNBURQ, ATTORNBY AT LAW. louisbubs. v. a Will practice in all the Courts of the State Office in Court Houae, gave him a national reputation-, and .bis star was in the ascendant, but it speed ily went into partial eclipse. In 1889 ho was nominated for a third guberna torial; term a nd was defeated .by Hon. James E.. Campbell through what For aker and his friends have always deem ed treachery on the part of certain Re publicans in Ohio who desired to put a crimp in his ambition, for let it never be forgotten that Ohio- Republicans never yet scrupled to stab each other J. under the fifth rib whenever they felt like doing so. As Foraker'a star paled, McKinley'g mounted to the zenith and blazed with constantly augmenting splendor till the implicated ln this, prodigious mass ot fraud and crime, while new evidence, ss Mr. Brlstow declares.- Is still coming tc ltgbt and showing the necessity of fur ther investigation end prosecution. Old Proposition Rsvampsd. ' That the O. D. P. needs sadly need regeneration will not be seriously de nied by- any well informed person. That It has greatly degenerated from the plane on which Abraham Lincoln and his coadjutors placed it must alec be admitted by' all candid folks. .Bot that its regeneration should come from Rhode Island was hardly to be expect ed. - Nevertheless and notwithstanding. General Charles R. Brayton, the Rhode DALTIMORC kVm u HSieam Packet Co., at pis:r. hf cit,?j 1 fWaseS aa B swasa. Wis I aa'U4 ate Vetbf f lr VU4w-, M ARCU8 C. WIN3TEAU, ATTOBNKT-AT-LAW, , LOUIBBUBG. N. C. Orncs ovaa Corner Drag Store. BsecuU Attention given to collections. Practice wherever services required. D EL J. B. MALONK, day of his death. As McKinley erew. Island member of the national commit Marcus A.; Hanna erew until he as- tee. cornea forward with a revolution-1 sumed presidential proportions to For aker's ineffable tlisgust Foraker, being a wise man. recognized that McKinley bad secured a lead over him and ac cepted the inevitable with such grace as be could muster and twice placed his great rival in nomination for presi- dW It. for lh Hawkers Repbctas Mt cs bisrk scc-o?..- e fervently believe that the lartS capsm 4ts 9 imui to cam sp ssm f ts as-saF-fi 9r gp ParsiaaT as. r A aa-ssa n ! vvsjutt Biiau flV MP J -m V aV Twasiw4fj ;ssjr I to believe that it cauaes lbs deflil in J' trc babies. i ..." ..i,t lb aaa, eSa ft w. I . . a . . J . ... Reoabllcan nrrxtt-rttv roAtlno. to h. lur ' r felt espedalfy tn New Enjlaod. Laielt . 1 Ml a ssewiace lo I k the wages of 15.000 coerstlrro tare i ! . i i been cut down 10 per cent Ahoe-vtWv I ... the pay of Ti.CM) operative, has tsf-n ' ,1so 0t, ,6j Ul lto docked 10 per cent in twelve tnonfbs I aa;ri" to Aisssacouserrs anno, i et. arcorotog I Sr to tha RmkMImi IuAm IK. rtmmw I va jp W's-s ssva b- svtu vw i I Se- ws bs-ss. w mi I - baesalnss flow." I door with s pirtt oa r re f as ii i.ii tfhet reek ilnM nitaal faMxirfl ary and' reformatory proposition fori VnM KaU lata, .mil vt, I M drr-a-.er - to cs s4 the G. O. P. which will cause weeping. L MW. Hit ihinendMii and Unalt tI tia'i Cboe Irtwil " aiae m'jr wailimr. mashing of teeth and a great I v, a.v.u vt ucoi :'i " i cuionea oy aiuing in mu ot tseos witt) l . glorious union. General urayton a qo loss to himself except two or threw J wtWKl ' F"" P jro proposition is not new. It baa been I aJ!ghtly wounded fs tied to Dx pttos I Ty sad ttU tbtrs so aa4 s W sprung upon ine puDuc oeiore, out cas i nQtly on his sbauvdert tbo donbie -asve4 rraan Tvrr J U tsMbX TVa Sar.-e i ta?. b. tufasi f 1 tt ear bas rae . . i,c iS-ta teas saltMi1ti T rj Is-d Old foinl Camferl, tscrfctla .nd ?lit i soe'as aa ae tVe ..mi air4XW tnt, t, :;JK'C bl 4 f-O-rtl-Tt ," I H Va f. f. 1 el , obw enas.eii fans anwe let a-. !; t os-a rr jKf tjjssrri i.? jn.. 1 a nis great nvai in nomination ror presi- k""""- -i nentiy oo nis soaumera toe oodu I tbieca em tin last the) ttmi iki tm itt dent Did his own presidential ambition! hitherto always been dropped like a I ,ur of A ffis)or gvoorsL He wtu las re ... .. It- ....... I V.eV m..O.a'S-a t w- TbaaaM Wna,wa. MnAMkax 'aa as I . I atgsaa b lltd a " aa We l a-Vak a. 4 .irfe ii tn 1 i-mi Sn tiajaHit 1 al iiea1' aa r TVa tweS twaattr j loettl MMattaw aitl al baa e 11 j nw aienjair SlMa T ? Btwa e4 Si ai-tS Vtma Besisrw titUa fa-t)Sw s.Tt lt-k will slab b gst e-Vy ?'! sikrs taw 1 bMfetfatata. t Se Cta a'iawe mhii eaa-e lr-W iaV ! aan 1 in ii a Maa a-w aa-a tmm tiiaaa S a e Amaj ewta I tMSe e-ee aew ja4 btse a 1 ! wTfae-eS ii C . lae ia.i uJ ml m mm - - ' 1. al SllM l a a.ii ii i btss bMl.aaiAej.. I a ee eteeaS ear Wt I wo4 stsesAaM. awe at u Ala realf A- b ll'abJwbta t4tleV l b 't Uar U Wit iVb IfwtV, PB-ACnCtSO PHYSICIAN AND SCRQSOH. LOUISBtIRe, K. C Ottos over Ayeocke nrug Company. rEACTICTNGI PHYSICIAN at 8TJRQON, Louisburg, N. 0. - Otnos over Ayeocke Drug Canipany. ' w it. HAYWOOD RtFFIN. ATTQRNBY-AT-LAW, v 'itotnsBtfma. . o. Will prsetlee ln sll the Courts of PrsakBa tad adjoining eoontlea, also ln ths Supreme . .Isort, snd ln ths United States District, sad ittssuU Courts. ' . OMes ln Cooper and CUfton BnlMlnift -HOS. B. WTLDKK. ATTORNY-AT-LAW, . ifStnsBtraa, at ov on Mam street, over touvm m uwry Aora. p S. SPRUILL. ; ATTORNHY-AT-I.AW, : - jLOCIKBUUO, C . WU1 attend tko eourtsof Pranklin, Vaacs I rsnvUle. Warren and Wake counties, also ths Saprsme Court of North Carolina. Prompt attenUou glveo to collections. Offlss over Kgerton's Store. -- T. W. BICKbTT, ITTOgJUBY AND COUNSKLLOB AT LAW. - .-. i LOUIBBUB ":. -. . .-,. .-r i Prompt and painstaking attention given to vsry nuitter Intrusted t hands. .-, aeiers to umei uaucc snnvnsru, uuu. die? By no manner of means. It didn't even sleep. Foraker simply bided his time, which he thinks .will be in 1908; but he knows that the chances are ten to one against his Bomination in'1908 if "Senator Hanirf taolMfiateditry ea,' for two reasonsi 0r If Hanna la nomi nated in 1904 and elected he would want 8 second term, dead sure, in 1908 and, baying the machine, would probably secure a renominatlon, though he will be past seventy-two on- March 4, 1909; (2) even if Hanna did not want a second term the chances would .not favor an Ohioan for the succession. And Hanna, having finished his career, would al most certainly use his machine ruth lessly to bar Foraker; hence Joseph Benson, while damning Marcus Alonzo with faint praise, Is moving heaven and earth to nominate Roosevelt. He probably reasons it out this way: That if Roosevelt la nominated and elected be will not be a candidate la 1908; that is Hanna will be seventy-one years old Sept. 24, 1908. he would not af that great age be nominated a first time; that nearly two terms "havings then In jtervened since McKlnley's death an Ohio man could aspireo the "Republic an presidential nomination-with some reasonable, hope of success, and that, Hanna being out of the running, For aker would be the Ohio man. All this is well reasoned, provided I have really struck Senator Foraker' train of thought. He is. a brilliant man, an amiable gentleman-, one of the ablest Republicans. in public life. . Personally ljike him, and whatTa here said is not said in an unfriendly spirit . Nobody can blame him for desiring to- be presi dent, and nobody can blame him for doing .those things which be may do WsBulng.Hon.Kobti. W. WlnstoB.Hon. jj. v. t t , ,J Tr " ' " isiton, Pres. pirst National Bank of-JvTB- J iionorably for ilia, own adTancement i1 rXaTs-1 It la a great prize he is struggling for, - est College, Hon. B. W. Timberlake. - j and he may win Of fles over Heal uo. a enore. w. bot potato. It bas been considered aal to run another mock oo tbo bre-Kh-1 ia neavyy loaaea ana iiaoie-yea, uaeiy-i cloated Vlohammedans. Perhaps If b Wbta tbia doex lm sast tA ATnlmla at tha wmnff end Tliif ea le 1 1 1 1 w.ti ma v. i . . . . . I well known. General Bravton generally Iluaisell cokub U lb ISaary carrieA hla nerve with him. and be may igtor. Oerr Frisbia Hp-r ta bis I m - - mw.-m vvw. . S m . . a ujwai MTefe naiDie;. ai uuia mr ai fenenters In the game line. Hit propo sition la this: "Each - state, territory and the District of Colombia shall be entitled to four delegates at large- (to a national Republican convention) and one for each 10,000 voters or majority fraction thereof casting their ballots for the Republican electors In tho pre ceding presidential election.'' In other words, he proposes to reduce southern representation in Republican conven tions. His proposition will do one thing, a thing about which the general Is not thinking It will unite the Lily Whites and the Black and Tana into the most hannonloua body In America: Bex because be la dead. For tbs bants reason tt U saft for lloar. Besides, tt pleases the sntiqtje senator. It's aU ta the Massarbvbefta fatally anyway. Consequently outsider, should not mix op ta the) tow. ' "Quo Dea vult perders, prroa de meatat CWhota bod woo Id destroy he first makes mad"r) la an old saying which finds Its Is test tlloatraHosi ta tbs high jinks now being rut by tbo sultan of Turkey and his nbaltera. Tb Turk, osem ent oq playlet tb tool Ull Csal BamT giTew tbaca a good waV They may;ahlvSK,otbr :on oth-rl a few mora rspers Uk t questions,' such as. patronage, for tn stance. but tbey will be one as the sea when it comes " to. Ago ting .Genera) Brayton and his pro position. Where fore? Because the average southern Rep a bl lean considers the Republican national convention aa his harvest, and be endeavors, usually with rocceaa, to make hay while the sun shinea. Con sequently he will never agree to Gen eral Brayton's plan never. Nor will divers and sundry, very rich Republic an statesmen who have their covetous eyes fixed on the White House., whose chief source of power and popularity la their wealth and who expect to "do business" with southern . delegate. whether Lily White or Flack and Taa. at Beirut and Ataxaadrttta will da tb work for them. It the Cincinnati Commercial THtnM waa seeking to stir Bp tb Repobflcab menagwrV Ln Washington by boppta oo. t CotoosJ RoosveveJt It rstosdd ts Its hearTa ooatrnt Tbose editcrUas. practically rsislcf the cry -Anytbing to beat Bosertenr bad th off set of throwinar raw bewf ra Vsrts (basks to tbo animals wbea tbey ar good ad h angry. - 4 ' t ' 11 11 - . - Republican nwaprearar Qt ta Ul. aoort sr 00c -tawra boocaSag Ilse. Cy rua P. Wsrbrldgs. ex-eusjoe t Loula.' for tbo RaptibUcsa , vls.pr-e dsQtlal boo las Oca a psefoetaabr which ioom tbdrn. plsaasa Cyrtci and doe nobody any bans. Oo wHU t&t daaeel 'Tb mora tbsr toerrlsr! ' ntc tttrpaae la a frrst tmarx be the: ae 14 ktapra.' F (hjavbavli bnx TVcmvn ChQ PlEaj broke ray CbiuaV B. II. SoUUtt, rsiar IU. 1 'Xtl W btr i bare I gee fsoad f Ift tb dtctioaat SAFCUtaSU A0At!lT AtriOtjrr. Tbs Vaa4 s9as4 seralaM saw f4 Kigesaestt la aVveeiet eeeey see, gjstaeeaiaa ot3 efaaa e e na ae eg easy t veeavst iVaea. TVs Sees safagasrd sstaet la ariaieg fes sw sMesas aa rae4sa Caaw VM Ueiakae-t tS . Ike aaaaas esseeeas see- last ea-4 CsjetSy taei al trvee am a esd st abet as set a4ati!ry Laeioaeet la sae ae U-a tsaailv aa4 ee saretaJa e a Laeg aaUe 1 ea. (VUiSrt tVaeVtw CP M. PSB8ON, I "Incressing Democratic Hop.' Under the above caption, and notwltb- ATTORNsT AT-LAW, .. l otndinff r General'.. Grosvenor's nropb xngggM.v.a - I eciesv fcohcerning Republican success, Prsettsss to all courts. OlBos on aula 1 the "Washington JPost, lnaepenaent, re- street. "S. . 1 cently contained this eaitqnai: . Ta -I9TM eroinor ttf .bo ft "Democratic vearT W ll..TAB30BXnjQH.a'a. I jb tte party thit has experienced nothing . " e. - ' -. . -. - I Knt is&ater since 1832 about to achieve a ATlORNlTY-AT IiAW, - I wietorv? -Are that -party's woeful defeats W 1894. 1896,-18981500 and 1S02 ttf be followed bv the election of its presidential candi- 'oaiMta Otoera House. huUdlng. Court street I data and the capture of the . house of rep. All Jegsl business intrusted to: him 1 resentaavesT-js xnero By reuaoie .rr r . .. ii l - . ),. atmntioiM. aat to- sav th cheer ful confidence, with which the temocrata In congress and apparently their political ;J)BvD.T.8MITHWlCK, ; - ' DENTIST, i IXUISBt7Ba, - - H. C OsM over Parnltare Store.' ", HOTELS. brethren throughout the country, are look- ins- forward to 1904? - And ws may as well ask before exhaust ing our supply of interrogation points what -is ins reason ror- ine posmve ana increasing deficiency of Republican eonfl dence? - One encounters thts' at -almost sverv turn. - It la coafeased- by. Hepnhucan statesmen when they Indulge in frank talk "not for publics tlon'"-and ths hench men of those statesmen; feel it oistreas- fully, 'i Republican papery commenting n Bris- tpw'a report, says, inter alia; Whenever withirr the last ten. years any one - fo -- America .mailed a letter the Chances wsrs - that he deposited it in a Vn ANKLINTON HOTEL l BristoV. Beport. -v i - - - c " ' " I JCt Kansas City Journal a- reliably ' ; ,.yilAl!lKLlTOr.VJ. Good aMomod&tbn for tbo travsliag flood LbtoVT Attached 'X ; J ; ' J rJMCa.aexi.tixx-fi: TPx-opx ? 1XI3NDERS0N. aia4kninAlafioaa.? Good farbJ " Pa , - . . Isnms-s OaaeSie.Bletevt. ; General SbeTtntn waa poeasasnd of t very dry bomor, bla boss of tW ridW loos waa very . jtigUy. derveJopejd. tad b often-convulsed hi stiff tod frvl by witty, rsuas fib "ooi'U ioou pected oorasloaav. This side of bis rfcar "Fees Speech Victory n the) 8outK" It is really refreshing to find a north ern Republican paper baying-, anything good, about tho white people of the south. Consequently many persons will read" with pleasure -mingled with amazement the ,-following editorial, which recently appeared ln tho Phila delphia Inquirer under .the abort cap tion: i , It Is much to the honor of the sooth that the most .coneptcuou example In this country - ox upholding ihs right of free--, speech tn Beats of learning comae from that section; .Professor Basset, au thor of ths artlcls tn the Atlantic Monthly In which he said that Booker-Washington was the greatest southerner or a century exceDting only Robert'K. Lee. was 'sub jected ta so much crltSctstn that hs Anally actsr ta aptly ltfoartnted by b'tlnt resignsd. Thtajreslgnatlon the trustees rUtad Of ths Story of tb t&sra t9 ti decline to accept. 1 the faculty baa asses . - . ihhTnU. a mm hte to remam. and the studenta. bav 1 0O Of the) oaHJeo ft ort oa doner so. notwithstindmg that every Caandsr was StTbCk n tW beod by a) member of these bodies la opposed to the rlflo boiltt, but OOly l!xtttj 'WOOIhJaI. pl.InI JlifVM Wbtn tm of tbo owwrm..rcbl saving that in spU oC their dlseest theyi Wma8, roporta sad It that tbd WOOb wish him to remain, not only becasse ho ed graeral's cbewk and bjoaw bad Xfm 1t?IfJil1 tarried away, but that b bravely p-r- they believe that the right of free speech . . , ,w. .-. wr. -la one. to he saeredlr guarded' and, that la remaining la artlsav Pbercasa any criticism; must vbe private and led- Waa greatly alarmed and eoadd bbl way ilh-Mr;- ' 'toinwdittaiy to. tb tf.cti. mlnllnela .!taar,rh,e "oTtZ ?f TMJXJZi2 cause It cornea from a section- which has bead and bad goaw about bl baslass. not always thus manfully -stood up far the When Sheraan rod Up, protsatarioat right of free -speech and because the par V(n mri.., rha bsbdayw toawt rotSd Ucnlar opinion expressed Is one peculiarly ZJitlTyultJLZttl tZ offensive not onty to the people or the OS and b most bee the? wocad to ricmage.-. but to the 'whole of 'the south, for btmself of tha oScefa 8tsw to ro- ern wbites.'and Is being .Injected Ints poll- mala OO the field. -Wfco b tts Ucswtth ilrulence-thstU srmoet tm- .,(o.w., t..Vov--w,. h wn precedented.lt; Is . the. more gratifying fght Ursrstia "a Jli, . because In the north there bsvs been see. looked at" U ta slleoco b aOOCiefil letter box which" waa bought by graft,- eral example of the eonrrsry sptrlW At I tbed" aid, with a"lat r4 , pamted -by- graft and lamp post Dy grait. the Uttar wouia pe Ldl r red fT U b t&of clilofoU 51 Sw.Mf m la ai mf a aae ,aaa 1 A auniw exit W l-aaiiiim at te a ,.1-iliw a. 1 BJawaa ta S " e Haw. WS) awa i ayiwwsa SaeVaaa w.va wa 1 St.e a avof kf SCOTT A Xa a-atf t-t avl O'maia ' W t KtSn-ee aav Aa a m bwa a.iSj ss4 tae YaAAa a mat- S' IW 7 aas eaa laif ia - 4 aw f I" a sbrs by Ar" twe-g tax CfcrriV4 Vre v-. BVf,re IMalatUk'ai 1 . 1 ji" null a rytwsasty u t cr- .- W XL. tebv ad afae-aes U. at. mm lar asieeaJ ywaxs liaii a - e-- t-mmm, ,S US I lllll t S baa b et(. wsaw eba mm-f e'na.iS. S"V we tut bare, I I ia Ti i I a4 f-m - e-vA M aeaMOa-, a a4-! fS ba Va-avte a-- VMW-fb baser- w'h rnaaxnaj.-a-a HMS ai..ni ) vw'ajm,a I a aseSe Vsa ee aaW gwa s I -, i lie S bniw aAiaw-i- ta W". ae 1 s-be S Mil at be e-e eae4 a aw I ii SS att-at I aajaVtiaa abwe I ens aw tery ssa4 Tw mjmtf aa SaM - ayeaeb tw-j CWtf ii v&.z ix:.r.i It! Wrfi lira o f Li nv ey last'. IW'l. Vts t4 t " t'f e Ja trt7ea Tb ft rVwwtar CsafV Cl ai.se eif-a-eil ia. si ibe t n-ar-1 If i. awa Asa. b t-V.l'V-f i" C . Si I" s4 Vai iaf af bowtfr.. a-ew 1 be Via UgVe.4 iAAew . tew Jtt.ek. W Js-lif t af Ul It Slt4rat m4 . 1 a-. -'? fuellas. flMU C.bTe. C ti.t fay 4 rnaw-n aw I H K " tt IJ :. lUf I.Hii.i a. Ii.w.a i4 r W liai-VS bunansie 'aaaaaaaa Syn b. 4 t'aii' W. miai fM ae 4w.iiii ataaa- Smiaii k Stray T? t ssw -a. a 8 K An OAK D AJ Lib 6 l aVtt -bX'aUf rm la-t tX it-afw Art tlfaCSSl Aaf fSat. LCCa tXl V'taa. u nn-t? Arut ?r u. :x. Tll t st441sVaV, m)Uli(. lVC-yrta.aVX alw tatl j W bn , ' abts t 1 : r f aea X a t f.laMaf.w ' aw- 4 s aa .- sa4.Ma..-a IMaa ccc or fii; tt . j'a-Hie.-wrf t lv 1 M llaa A tpaaaaH- 1 ' a a. - .- 1 a aania a : -tig araaJ ji)att 'H tunemaia rta art if a &ms svaNts ,ai,t imi i i laa a-a satsaf taai l.atl lli.au ' laaal'" (aaebai4 d Va4ft. "ja- ii .. in- a , ' riuerna ) t a4 6a v (aa, ;!'. la a .MMa , a tt liltfiitJ T-uaiia la aa Ate saaa - - ' m a . SKd ttaaa ttiit aauna Sav Vaaeil em 1 1 - ai e latl a Sa akue Wr.A laiaf n.l.li 1U l4ea e awa . a aa t w aa S a -a aw aa- et pa il m mm- it aaa I (h ae e aa Has "1 F a aa V aa ja &Ss Sew Via J '. 3iti1iiaaJU"t f bas ba.sU Aae ..' riW-eaa aa.il aa-otaa j e tat s a aa it ta rr-U'tm ta Ma soe atta ; 'innea a ae h t t: a tHtaas53 TPntV. tl a esapUaaaj ba tat Baa,?1 ry w issue i aae iiiiisiiaia i It ewi is aa aw was af - i e Je laaa rta waa Swa.Hw O y eae bf WUWa aa ass a aa b nsl S4iiaae amaAAa.. Ma a aaf aailaa. yes baa ena. aJa sd fli aai.i I -S.aa jba. Mtt 2. . c ; ;t -, .! . 1. 1 . ti c. . 1 - t a i - . - A f 6 ' M . ( - i la.i eaX Besstf r ee a a 4 bat iaa tiewae taevesw ieaaty a a aWa as tae Mm fraas asJab Ikey few. aibes t bias I ebaTa er-4b tta-a beaa aapeas waaa tba lnl as eaaa aw-? bieaaaa a re aV4 afSaaa a TaaaWea keepstl tase beHAf eat U- Be Vae tlfVal. yeerswel saeai aame rsf leae aaa kae e4 aa as east 14 ISI erf Sf MUH SS aaf aaa-a A Ski W- BttbbaS lkara g Ij. Et ftal Udlsaila diKoorv. f" 1 1L " '-gt XeOM tT "AT Tu..r CeJKAr, A eVes eessadf fa bwkgV Aad saAA at aJl rVgV bat yes waal sKaaateat iba Ul rsUaeg gat I la ava s . set daa-v reU c4 Ureti a4 ld ims. w. VtisVsil yaw, aW CU ks tresae saJ bbaew p:tef 1K If -pfsbn If ba baaaa fa yv, aba lb ewber taaUItValf aaeaatt t4 bsbe Ua-XJlaa.1 IS -l Cal pes. Uie Sti.as U saeaea lArwU p ltt ! trettaV " -Paeabe.- taarsv eyi lib eblf 1H ba-l Plra-ae, ti iW ta.at t datey lb fvr tt . btb'it li.V. save easy iitw-iM, gTfes reel Ws re, tatssra Ua . try aa iVs, Keswaei taa year IT b3 drsfg'e fa tb wit Ta aaa get w tllrvaba4y l Ayaa Ia' ta rn ss a ;-- - IU4" VdJ !IU Vbt' Pbpafl iw ssljtf.. Oaa Vi Claatg fat s 01 bil al aS tea fb iaamwat enap.tseaw, aaaa ha; aba aw' iV. 4 ei ata saww Sal nuea.a se lai u aaa anuUas aba s-fSMfsiHI faaa Caa a.aa tat fa awMS Sb I, was- Sa Ute asaS swa aaaa f em'as. aat sa4 eaaav. aa at a.aea t an- ee as f uiaaa 1 1 a Saba. bee'eas eat g I a.- atf rTe "w and' kttached to- the Bunford Bratty mhBJT- TVn. .tbey cam ta tni,t'.r.g;yoa. . - H found wnat tlms-HCklcagOv. there bavs la ths last few year Twa, ra alcoupctsd by reading 'v been example ot tntoteraae of prtvt2 CUdO t IMJ lHtrot Fm IT. lltin . . : : The L. V - - -,B a aV -fT-S.; - ' 3 .; ft'" 1 ' - . 1 BIATL slbio ; was - 4 aat ijoavooo HOUSE "ffiriatiL; -eKDrtaCaisIU iv 1 . - NotxitontinedWiie:atl-n$iri - ' ' MSll-eerS.1 Extract FWCXVASH BARi: FIw54 leatract J)OC WOOD BAIUa ; ;kFIaaiiJ!trcct .vuai'ui, -, no r cAna A tPU ; A el4 1 saetae IMw aV a a MaUUg aee t Ve V . as bUte ma 4 s ea-S wn Sl-ae e-t ti a--e bal sea SeUs b st bieaeyt ta aS st Sjisiba. fae aaeaa sssaas - ais" liaa tUt HeVrt ab rfea tee aaa aaa bseAtaseeT aeaetae. aa yaea4 aeaaa tea aaaas 'eiy a an a ay I ew ea'aaa a fei ae Vi tu M taeae a eeeevif S4 a arts at ta 4alaeaN 4 vaata Pv-ae - tti 4 Cee Ue PeVtat beta 4 C Ttlaftl tt fe wajrLei it tl ! 1 pp iim il , aatcftsi Ita-bae aws autai S 1 ba s a.. .. .hi 4.... 1 riUJf irjl J.U Ali l-ITU ? I elme t b Wleall ti'--y sa tt.aa.aa a.awtiteg U. Ctas A ttwatiet ifja j4 f tit.lssa.ahl eaawa-rta la ' . ' a eefii r. g I, mm aa- a 1 " -" u ae laaaeal 1 aal ee "eM ewa ? aa a.iWn- 9 ae 1 awa a iaiw s aM aa e eaa ' 'iaiii 1 eis-etae ' ae ae t.miie 'Haa ti w a a , s tee eUka M CWbb4 A f fwr. la e-enii 1 S lien t S e"'S I a I o ae f ewa llWa f aa M ia ee sw aaeaa s eat sat y se I V wee, se anasiss s "' eaar ss e I sailimw aa Sir-w e a-e. a-Ha ia WV (awtit gar" S aa A fs et aVaa va .. ae us ae. fat alba newts 'aia eya-'aet $4mMtti f 1 11 aia, aa beat ea sa. S -a j..a aai-M fes ei 11 wa Ta sea He w. ive U xje., m. by fwe lee; rWyet a. tjwss aijag - . TVa pUoAdf wwea ia iX awOf aJ4 VUl f Ubf-b w ta.- i ad? l f eat .llb TwWtl b ea4 satsT Af iC Jb KfHiftl t ' Sw letnA . a.fttM-y, $ !., 4 4 Lla Cartel 'Htrtaa t XUtt-. T J a e.tat a - ae lS V 0 VtcWf tadaS toa aaaaV b . . - J.-Z?l- . w . e i sat a etas ? ) a awa etaaUtaf J l. T ieaasv. aaf -1 n4ar Swrtajeaajf-f Tlittev a1i JUMtrt 4mifeWae taV4 lib' hid eaaabj Se a w ....... . ,1 , '5ss .. ff SB SB) WWW" wan -wa ewesa- 5 . .. . - It a sona)4aMO etjarT1"-; i aiiinixat i i s; IMS " at re sw e sOfrT'Wst. A.0- taaJta m a a SS ae at w ettw.. UP J . nMtsr-w'wk. . U- fad.Vf s,?ae ate) a tea aat seed Tea traa ba tea an ia sH aawaei aaiae a aba eM-siewe e t beaV 'aaie Caa aeal a b-wej lie y.nan ara aa ewa i-ae e tat ia es aaasrs ba aaaa aeuiaa Saw eeA ta aav e ... us aH ) a bar a aaa- tbejis eta-aa C aasti tana t tttrt e beaag at aw ee ak.ua aaa, aefaate aat a-rte, ae Swae aw pete ita-aa4 - aa toeas ane ata ataw W ae fa aeaa-ea S-ef feas br ar aW Haa aeb e-t inula -aa Im i aa Sets a Vm Sa ee r esaaaaVaa Sa avbs see aw tiaiae wa.Ta ss S, taava b eva a a' eat e S sw aa -eat rW; a4 e e aa t aaa fiarnaj seb e t t amaa ' eaaa f a sew - paa aat C a- WV t. aOaw tHaaaTT A " at Staaaaaafl $ edt P ja-.ljusl it J was W.I. bl ?. ,UvvsAag tl. ' K t9- eaaaaaj, . riu 2an. .a. 5 t;,f. 1 T. at . f -.ti sfr , a a 1 saw , tlaaea i laeaseat dfir.r 1 X Via ai. fratl lb i H 4 . wl, fa reaaStaaet A t.lataaiwf law TT.aanaaywa. ;" n ' ie - ae 4 S 41 ... i.- -niian. Mom- ... .. . ... . ... ew .1 mm ae v a, ea Will ; W lielwyew ( I t Xel S 4 aei a ae ' b .laaagaarfw1- ' ae a ae 4 ta .aiaa " a ee r 1 n ae j a. leaa t-a a ae I f .. a S . t aa a ae I e-taai t ae f ae mmm. e. M a e ; Ti tiait t4jr It So & --" r.DALf-HatuJAvu TAturr atliJa'4Ty aJle i a4 a aie si a.ruael aaa ! iail t H a-' y Ttay -a r9Sfia.4 ajtt r-. r reas l,s aa4 r' rea TV-af as aw awf-.as a-aM aaa tt'-ee BMJJ-e Ital a ae asea'-J a af " es via eeee.-w I 11 4 1 1 r u i 1 n : 1 4 iw 1 1 1 V- - STEAM UU.SDRYl t - wavre ; Uea4 l2 f Ikea.b lalVft, JU-V. -C -t. bt w-iaX a t'tje-t.t.fty 1:A.1S l.ef - is wet Va t 1 uajtre'.. A t tie W- SS g--ree5w ta tai.a SlA3 r t '..K::11 l.a ab." 1.S tare Me t.:.ara tur. au,.. f t J e..l.l, wrmio ee a fw Va'wia aw af ati 4 C-.-rA .1 r tr3 lti!rf-4 fni i Va 1 1 tta'. r 1 acn-i t.attj; tl ll.l4lM.H!.r lUlalw : J -a.tid.. I lit V aV ag II,, 1 f w. I 1 tfHaaaf j aw-aawpn ra M1 - -a. ti4aa yi:ia atf aetiat ail . a ea 'vw tlflf a ... . . .. j - ax- - ' - .vau awiwc 3"ra w Ti!.;aa-ar aei r t -ri.itl s. n t U l-aa.,Al,S4ttwt'y Vtw sUaxas satrK a -aeae U-l 'taf ta a fliwaaag $ -U 'r'';U,liu jr saaanay .e fc -a..-- , . 1 VHL t ?la Unt SHwa NiMH U-afcwiwa i j lie $ a.iie1rtf et t 4W j -e-araaa eraowawa .f.. - b. a fiia'tjd ..;. , t- eM,Hat, t p Ac IiiT aaa.V ed U ta aK afl , n' t . - r4 .! iaa 9 . ea- ' lat 4l. . Veia. - t ent ad i le WWt t ie ItiH aa! , k , Tl anaiia.4, Is Ue 4ih alni.ft tj-4 !, llnwil, wVaL it vw i e-te a Utr ta t a - . .' 1,e et;aa.a iiwe..i.ft ea ' ., 1 4 f 'lewL W ( )ir A TC ; St.t tA'tk ?t. t Ilafilir '.mi1 " a ai.f ritot I 4e rei - -as eH-esaVet f4 a.tt. ee-'. a f i mi.i-f la la.tt'w a .l'b A---i-i, .1 Iwanin,. i::m t!.i-v l. f4 a I 4 f as a a aa a. ae a. sa .a e a e ae t tw 1 a, 1 a 1. nm . S .-e teas 4 m t - 4a c .. a t aa t-... V ..fwia. a t ti, t .. i..i.a i a a ' , a. a .4 4 s ' a e a at a a . aw t 4 s - 4 e e mt . a -r e i 1 ji y. a a , a a e ' s a . e r.::. aal a,..fw . 0. la. I aaa Is U A , 7 - " - - , ... , , a-.,.. U (u ( iu.m-i i r-1 i, u ! u 1 4.". l .ta.8 ' r ' - k 1 ' 4 . iae ei. .... - j lit tf ! f ktwt T- t " .j. , . ! t 1 Jj-f a ril4n V iH ": ! ' , "'- 7 aa m.a.a.aaaaa - fwl4t eaa-ea. ae uf eaa 1 ? j. ' - " . . ,iiw a - f - tm ',.:. s . teetM .,-, t m. 4 aa. n i I U a H U-4 U a. i H U. a , - ; f 1 ... ....... .... a . 1 L.n,Uh'wmil:.tKI tall I-c-.e-'fr - J . 4... a t a a ..a .T - '. J. ROIlWOOafPrtar4 Patroasg of ComTnsrdalonrista aad Xcct Gcncrd TcrJs. rTvaUng;PabUc3oUolUd. -