JAS. A. THOMAS, Editor and Prcprletar. ' VOL VXUI L0U1SBDEG, &,-IEIDAT,-JASUARr K'.'iMI. 1 Y pr I 4V t 'i CHURCH DIRBCTORX. ; METHODIiiT. Saoday Schcl at S:.W A, JT. Gs . o..BEa, Supt. PreachioK at, li A M.. zvA 7 0 Vv ft. ary Sunday. , Prayer iant.,r- W ni&ii&y nlglit.'5 L, S, ivB?.i. Pastor. Sanday 1 A. Ti.- Preach im: at 11 A.M., snl 7:00 P.M., rrery SQQ(liy. Prayer tn 'tir.fr Tlisr.Hiiiy nifrlit. 11. if. M-:iduk.vs. Vaut-or. - v m. i' Hrri'iN. Supt. 4 Hric--i, ui i.-aui. . tit, 3rd and 4i,i Kyninif P'f'"'. lltv I'H.S HrlcK 4 b Si1'!' tn ruink; h d i ' t;. N. - A. M., en- f Champ t ty if ft "-ft I wtut Jvwii4. do to tb, uj nitf Thm Union Ltut aa! tit Colored Brother ' m PoQdca la Pararapra ' n 4j tt and the felacfc. a ad .Tan eUwa ,ocU but irbea b trtiTtXt ta WubJefto ae4 eocoanrerrd all aorta of o?jxUUoa aod beard -all aorta of oo)xryitloa 'aga dally . tboae . of Atm-Amtc4 earoe-the ftTTa wiltrd aod'roc! mUdJyat m irickiox dorc. ii trpUla cd that be aTr intended bta radactkm procasa to apply to tb oooTMtuxi ct 1904. wbkb vaa aoo rtM ta tt nTeooua, tab to ti wbak. p a Certain, but propoad f brxa wtfb He oot ory cooe4cotly. but became acared rh tbe AfrvAro lean league rald tat cry tbtt b ii cndearotlns no draw tb-o)oc liac" 4 " BAPTISTS GATE ;U!,00 IM Koara CAKOUIULAST. PHOSE gentlemen who go about . lht.k. I aald. PUn dropptd. I vociferating tbat a Republican victory next year is as sure aa deatb or taxes are simply wbis t'.ig to keep their courage up. No sane iran-believes any such stuff. The Re t JoHcans may win, but wben the polls !o-?' they will know that they have ben In a fight the fight of their liTes. Every time there is an election they ifiix ' Pastor. II. Aid.!'.!, ATT OH Will prnoti M "Yoanifsvtilt;, N. 1 ftni-jl:. wv, ". "Oifcc D K. Till u II. FLI:;.MlN(r, ( ore. i.ot;i- C. r. hi 1)H PAA 'TI I OtBcn in t! Co.' Diuii : ro 'Jo,'s Bol)!itt I)1 on N i EOii'j.; . E'.ckett'a of bRtt A '.t L S ' ATT Ov-rica r.vc. Special Att-i rrai-tiof) wii-: AT-LAW, t., roV.-cUoiia !-. A : .iu:r.- l. more than 26,000 majority., the largest.' (ver. Both branches of the city council iira decidedly Democratic, and the Democrats now control, the Hub in all departments. - That Is only a straw showing which way the wind blows. The Democrats in congress, in both house and senate, are working together for good, and more harmoniously than at any, time since 1892. At both ends of the capitol caucus action has been made binding in the house by a ma jority, in the senate by a two-thirds majority and that will give strength to the party. It means that we are once more to have somewhat of disci pline in our ranks, nothing sadly needed for, lo, these many years. All in all, Democrats are in a frame of mind to f njoy a really merry Christmas. yyK. J. E. M.t..'N ti ACTICIN I i'UV- 1c OV'T A y- tN A Si) SUI13EON. B. B. fl. I" KKAOTJCIN' "! OtHce over UA "r" '- . -f . c. 1H prncttct; in ' ad kdJoinluK v,'n 'nrt, and in th I 'Ueuit Courts. am t' r -; Franklin l.lstrict said li"V :intJ. 'HOB B W.l omct! on VI tor. . -1 5113 Cooper's S. STHC-ILL. ATTwRN ,t-at lav. o'ib'.;ki, n. C. Will s.t.t""'i t.h :; irl amnTlllrt. Wwf-n ' in tU Suyrt'UB C".ir' Prompt attention u-:- ' Otflca over Kk-ort iii'i t r:i.iiXli!i, Vance v. i ficuti'j3, alao f orTti Carolina. L.j ; ;,i actions. Too Bad. After all the blaviating done by Re publican spellbinders as to the pros perity creating qualities of the blessed Diiiley tariff bill it turns out that it is a deficiency producer instead of a revenue producer. The truth is gradu sily coming out. It can't be concealed r.ny longer, and the truth is that there are breakers ahead for the government. One- of two things must happen ex penses must be curtailed or federal taxes increased. Republicans cannot cm tnir expenses. Therefore they will give the thumbscrews another turn and increase taxes. That's not what Hon Leslie M. Shaw says in words, but that's what he says in substance. In his latest report he says that the sur plus for this fiscal year ending June 30. 1904, will be only $14,000,000, dis tressingly small when compared with the vast volume of our receipts and expenditures. For the fiscal year end- iug June 30, 1905, be estimates that in stead of a surplus even a small one there will be a deficit of $23,002,146. Now, let the readers hereof recoUectJ ocrats, a total of 90. that the foregoing figures were made and the foregoing conclusions arrived at not by a wild eyed Populist or aa, anarchistic Democrat, but by a great and good Republican, secretary of the treasury from Iowa, a stronghold of I.ep ubl icanism. Therefore "Republicans cannot with straight face deny them; hence it is clear as the sun that the much vaunted Dingley tariff bill is a deficiency producer. It has for six years increased by 25 to 50 per cent the cost of living to the average Amer ican citizen, but while doing so is fail ing to produce enough revenue to pay the expenses of the government. Not withstanding these facts, Republican orators in the coming campaign will brag as loudly as ever about how the blessed Dingley tariff bill filled the na tional coffers to overflowing with the coin of the realm. children. - Georg Cook, a waltbr eitiaen ct winted.'Conn-, residing in the Plain I Another prophet baa artwa to rre of African, descent, but I do object to mJf minor prophet, a tfOO or fa1 their being instructed by a negro. If tba P nop bet. remaloj to b eo-- Aayway, comraitteff win secure a white teacher tee for tn tlaoe betor be baa edtpd UeO- the hool I win .end my chUdren tberV erm1 Ch.rtca Hery GrwTejiTta tt Perhaps the testbetic Union LaTiera rolo of Iaaiab aod E'.Uab, wticb H acay leara somewhat by a careful pe nthet buuh m t! tumm jusal of lhaMregBaB -dispatch, wblctt 0f tb, f PTopbjt Crroil Vk Wrlttk mmM Tint f I lllntnnliml T n.lihfiM.l ' - t y 1 ' " . tJv- . TT .?.-'?: - - . i jH.a-uaiu ac preoiciioa taat ia ib or fc-oath Carolina, but from the land -arlr fntnee th whoi. n .m ..u stvc-v i win d reiesareo to ite iiicdo or o Damrs irom isew Kngiana. the home let practicea and exploded or me soui. ir tne imou teaguera adhere to their "resolutions, they would do well to send an engrossed copy to Mr. George Cook. Winsted. Conn They might enlighten bis benighted In tellect and rtfcondle- him to environ ments which in his. ignorance he be lieves are rendering tils condition in tolerable. Ad Interim the-wise and1 philanthropic Union Leaguers ought to I paper were referred to the cwanKts read "Put Yourself In His Place." by j 00 Judiciary, wttn power to arod far one Charles Reade. person and papera aod ta all wrwn and The Washington Post. Independent, (where it pleas?, if 00 half itutt La- commenting on the foregoing facta. de- mar said la true. Jodjre Swayne rtcb!y deaerred unpeachovent. Hwrwr. two-tbtrda of Oe senate are rMlrJ to convict, the result U doobtfal. eet if the boose present article of lrop--t- mcnt, which la also doobtfaL bcU" two-thirds of the bouse euat so rote. As a natter of f ct. trial by ln-.p-h mot has proved to b a f !tur ( ct of seren rrtara oory two pit renlta4 In conrk-tkm. one of the cooTl-ff l 1ns insane and the other nxk!nx ta defense. Nous Terrona, at the r reach wouid My. Recently RepreaeataUrt Lamar of Florida arose in bis ptac ta the rs and Impeached Jodce Swaya of t4 United State district twin in 00 0 the distrk-ts of Florida fot hixb rrlm and misdemeanor. ReaotBtk and livers itself of these wise soggestioni: We do not, of course, suggest that son southern club, such as thr Westmorslsnd of -Richmond or the Boston of New Orleans, should call meetings snd pass resolutions censuring the white people ol Sheffield village for their cruel snd be sotted prejudices against the near. The organizations named are purely social tn character and. their members are well bred gentlemen, who make a specialty of permitting other people to manage thetr own affairs. The significance of the Jux taposition, however, will not escape the average mind. -The southern state are trying to enlighten and puriCr tlie ballot for the protection of civilised society and the maintenance of good government. while their critics st the north exhibit The esteemed Kansaa City JoertwU rises to aay. "RecVhata at lb first gar CoatrfbaUoai i . t.coo Ker Johnieai : Esport ; Sliow-fr-la,? iht -Work Aecoa. ' - - SB,BBBaSJSBaBBB . j T lUpM tt4 ol aaesM aoj Soa4t kWi st Rsr-jV a lc d) aa) rtae4 IW rrywt trios Sctty !. (hit ill Vrr eecoMed I r iaasr 4tWIUp4!M dMiWts- ml tta mawaa mVt. TVe (HnM twt in M rt'ntt-i te ia'; toe easewe c-ti'ied by i tbwtet Ww wnnl fjt vi iW tooscatkMi ctree l skjn1 treated lut yew m Ckie. f year sgo I sset Ui ai tt. A partsoa Oltte r'n v5 tbft bfff fwttod rf it? rBltr aad il a 1 $r4 tetr itwrf tw rv1b ol the ststr. N s-e fr ooly ?,C si TesWt4 ttattUKs fa ttsl of ss-w, amr a 1 r p r For offS saae. Jif jo.o Fur aosse a"wn. f Foe risn4tf -1 y 1 I . J 01 ss ajt rtL' rr'. J q-. T tol s?at t iHt 1 lj$.4o, tt to fs . Ctw i4 k4 93 - as m twa atli arts! mi im "qT f " f rif ax5 lw aa fs frtfil 4tl wrt trmVsf ta . anfil Ota Ite e-X Clft set wet a asaew sa mm aV Iwt a4 taaac 4 i W j atsaru Ww4 4 awaasw AtSf Lj. iteNt at secmaure iat aavsisa. 7v tw llU Usf aVaM attanrtsAs aw cf era sl-p at t4 s trm-mg ol assr t aaai t fWfsHI ass sasatitailt a-eq 4fie. TVe f MmsM!fclem sf u u u vu uiy 1 t5.TAT ii 1-5 c3 Line aisjl ff? t rro j w t4M kM9 VMaaaal ms awll HlUlllW tk aW fta( m, c5 s-. u-itj. WATCHES. CLOCKS la w s.a- ar;-j jf 1 lrtcfct it Trufi fct5 - . o 1 wettlM Mr aa gss4 mvx.w? swa. .. la- t rtfrti tV wv tU. Oes a ewstfeAJt0 Maiia a, .U a ist aaas. ' 1 a sa, 1 rtil!f jrrvt :u -dtlir; M aSaca se esiss a ws y-..., "' ew "I'm t. s a es.r I.W I l-ia 1 ea fM I I s-a-f J a - t Jf ss-ni aw iaa f e jv y e H au aa, fee eo4 tat -a i aJ.e-trs 04 tVt warty. Tate el rtil wt nsta.a 7V sssai W! cmtsts a J -rf - rs--. ea Www JiSMtM wre s . if twt f Its tW - kww i . -n.t a-i i Vt e iM - m DALTinonC Steam Packet Co., C?i,4 ttft ttt J ' r-r-. - Vo l.r 1--. 1 " 1 . a t lis f lUf I ejsvsvys a toward the negro an explicit personal I ernor Keotncky to socored hlctt r If !.. aversion which cannot b explained upon any humane and creditable theory. There Is nothing new In all this. We merely mention tt m passing, with the additional remark, however, that whn the union League club shall admit to Its membership a few wealthy, refined and highly educated representatives of the race for which it pretends such affection ate solicitude the outside world may be able to acquit It of humbug and hypoc risy. Th Size of Congress. The Fifty-eighth congress, which met in its first regular session on Dec. 7, la the largest nolnerically that baa ever met In the United States. The aenate consists of 57 Republicans and S3 Denv Tbe'bona con- ti. ,-r.S.I in nlnetv-two rears." Tbe Journal should cost orx The KrWkT 10 tr a.c, -. - . i . . . . . . . tut ion cootauta a riaose situlisr to fte I hhbcmm -v acjt fr-wevj f o In the ronsUtutton of VI one in the constltutloo of uuuon 1 mrn - N w t!..i ! which pre ren Is a governor froca swe- I , . , . ceedlng hlmirelf. General John MUVt 1 b waa in 1825, Dec. 8, elected to fin ot I aad olf 1 1 ,c-c-a, a4 tf-a as-J 9 the unexpired term of Ofreot nJ .M u Ttt.d.. k.r &M Wk deceased. Under that eWctioa h erd I about three years. In 1X3 t wss P Mf, itt t .. SJa,- elected for a foil term of foor years, tt I ph, aa Uat ol 1 s ih being hefd list the clause sforMV4 di I ... tS. , not apply to bU case 00 tb theory that J ' ' under the first election he u srrta JS-000- oat Governor Bates term and not his j Nrae trr t it .cev a awn. 80 with Beckham. rv,.....u. ,1. . . , - Last fall Uncle Mark dtetarsd om I f r and over again Indeed, tt waa ttw for- j oJf it Jo tew, n okt sbmsv ta the tui:V j iww I. s " Wif f Tw 3 mm 4. . t -t Wi-S nHW a, it m a. ; 1 bat) e-tars e H ihu ' sis st itr$ a? i m ifC ac.pe-$4S a ib sat e i 1 fc t rt tWt )V,i-.tt( . ' la s?je vt i s vV " ss-s.4. J I. . r Ik t - W, .. t,.tM tw Old PtMnt Comfjf w w .. aw t, ' -. m e ec .ViOT7 tarain JaheifaJBaMBjF 3s geM ta. 1 s - wn- F)i rsa a t .s a avs n e ' " Vm t-e a Us taatt tleMHtBt S 1 to . .1 se a u ' irarsi sic Alio ah n n it a - tains 207 Republicans, 178 Democrats While those figures.aeem largo fordo-1 " ? " " ' J Jll 7. -. ,3K libera tlve bodies, we must recollect tbatl , ,. .. . ' , "T t "Taee are aayaai & Borne in curupe are inucu larger, tut British house pf . lords contains 583 members and the bouse of cotnmona 670. The French aenate contain 800 and the chamber of deputies 501. The German relchstag baa 400. In 1789, when the constitution be came effective, there were bat sixty -flre members of our national bouse of rep resentativea; there being one for each 30,000 of population. Since then the ratio has been raised after almost ev ery census until now, since the ceaaua of 1900, the average number of con situents represented by each member of the bouse Is 194,182, according to the enumeration made three years ago. This is a big increase, but it la not fact waa all that waa nacisasry te talo the tbea high scale or wa.gsv I isoo ra lfe ?e. Te rs is) did carry Ohio for sure, flat It wan tevt .A r.k. iK- n-inat m. I ,c 'wi 417 sx-. tires In Maasacfaoarrta, whose ifw I tad 170 ct 1 1 1 t V. . - - m,w11 in Tmr Mil a'na I . .. ... l Vi Ur ml ut tr i.i tm me election, oeueve in 1. ue uri any e . . . more. I aoet ltd tkett attr .! (;amii4 eadrr :b 1 siaarr. T oaa T nut (KLrM an.1 lllnA Rait, t Tar r-K.. t . w T a a a ta. Mjrf Mnnanv ai Ii f a traM:! mm I J company, wixst rraraji rnaj through the richest egrfc-o Mural rtiVia (wwi oi sjnSf te 1 1 ?;ai -a onder the sun. haa rednoed tl pay t tbittiese Its aectlaa men frocn l.o to mo per diem. rVrhspa Uocte Mark's proralm "It wxata's (a mai' f ti Tsa laea ta s.4 lata if T4sey j r m- mm !. .MMai . rattoa O.IL ' .ti-a - krfu aaniu aa aa a ai.avtt V .... a rwr iMaw I ' " ' " ftw o.U "" 1 W W ) aai. i maai V . . 4H. a 1 a-e avaa w a taw IAhI wa l kmani. t .-a ) K - . a aj aaaa a ai a mj W, W wta f.rt tV JUJrtt Art brfeam sac itm 4K) nr V tl irttCt a.f iu: 3V l. Jat:B.. ! araMMa aaail- tma m I awA,f.,l I ta Sa l.auaa. l.aa 4aa 4 4, a'aitaaalai a, i. TV m,-y Mt aa, ar.ii, uaM . a. e 4 -t .- ,e e a,, ... - 1 ... .. -V- . - L !.. i , .- a... . liHiw Iw ai- Mawm iwa a aa WM ' " aa4 .a ltH t " nwwan ca. ' S- ;ia .iiKHmii iCi.ia C aie f.aak ! ifcH is an aartj aS iiata( . tCJlaJLaV.ft,. tala ivlf " w rtl'ii A a n . 1 wa ' N m at mt I I ) It II l tr a .4 ..-. a a III'' m at aiMl.nai-f iim4 fca . aa a at,M a a ta a Sarf a,tMiawaa en Mi aaj.Ma fatakS MiajAa Ixaai aa I'liaaum Sa Of course even with the dwindhne very evenly distributed. For instance, revenues nroduced bv the Dinirlev bill Maine's first representation In the bouse hrn, ona n,iM ho ma a a tn moot hir I consisted of seven members. It baa cutting down expenses a performance now dwindled fo four. In. 1S20 Mla- impossible of achievement by Repub- wtll hereafter be taken coa graoo aanaMhe stair fwd Urt tr it a akmg the Hoc oT that rosxl. aasaca. TV. tl . m.M ... tl k c . . . . fc . V. a -No oopoaition to RorsT:tr the " Mr " chorus of ItcpubUcso poCticiaca. "lc I rrpTei -a ftaJ c oe-J m rcifM in Warsaw T. waa th- cry la! Tte atral ia-err ol ii n. v Tla eat tfaitiM t avja are Ik- wa fee-g-s H k tfca t W. B1CKRT7, T. V.T-JORN.'iT A. :orrS- ELI.OB 4.T LAW. Prompt and painstaiirr ' '- ri'lon given to aery matV i:.:ri'?;feti t-.- hi !!'in-.U. Before to Hiit-f .Ian.-SfthHri, Son. Joha Manning, Hon. K- ' t. v-- ''in non. Hon. J. C. Buxton, Fre. Kirs' Satiozial Bwk of Win ton, Qlenii fc ilr.r ;. -Vh'tr-iTi.-roopl' Bank f Moiroe, C!hin. w.. T-.yl-ir. rs. Wafee For st Collte, Hon. V V TiuiTiafee. Of fle over Neal i Cv. 8 ri'i re. licans. The only way to retrench ex penditures is to turn the Republicans out and to put the Democrats in. Consistency. We are informed on high authority .that "consistency is a rare Jewel," the truth of which dictum is Illustrated every day. Not long since, the Union League club of New York spent the sixteen. It will be remembered that some years ago a great committee or tne bouse went oa an exploring expedition to discover what the words "the United States" mean. Not very much waa added to the sum total of human knowledge. Now Senator Benjamin R Tillman of South Carolina fa lorlt- raast a lave as fut - Mat aTaMSVHa'Mwt "WwH W aAav sms avai -e 3 STZkH UfSDnll t lifc- it ktnmi'4 ttt 'Ma t.?l' " naaart aVta(V-. I.lt(t a,f ttm-m aavuiitiaf a ;.,. ha tt aMtm tiaa j tll1 eataitt aai4 V. 1 ! 0i,t.. it -j llal e-ca tt f-uiaa'a, i-irt , ', aut -att V4aniaM e U ali i im, a -. liiia , a I .iiatiwn a.- iai' wnaiiM Sa ,m. a va it V. v fMap .aa cm ' !. an aaa tw aa r-f a . . . a a . 1 wncsla brwia4 mm IV vr a a ipmv TMala af SOUn came in wiw one nnu uow uui - I a,.. a, -a, k... wa death that relg-oeM ta the andeat ro- ' llah capttaL Wooder tf tt U tbe eB j crrd rl 11 In afia n.Anhnaa jamfil I a. . . ir s. tKt in. rwraf, I Croii s . a C kesrd - i hare Uarytaad for kaepT be ocgbt J raiilt-r. m ttrrcn.. sod la i: to bear the UcComas Repubticase sod I 04 Cwmsi; V re the Mudd RepoblkaM exprea opinlonai 1 , about aarb otbef. Tbey aW m W " coswxt. M. J other like DkkDocteta. ia blUlx-rte I sod hs t lrfi rt iWn - Cclwa, Cn.tM ttirk . SaUlM af Jin n4 nai aW a-t a r.ananaM awav i " ft t I ava. mmmt m J aaA- V anf :.WM Wll1 StHanaai aaiSiaaTtaa I aa ta nj -Wr w-a a , , g. a.. I va i, aaa iiii. 1 aSa. MS ia .lV I mm avkaMMat M- m t a-aaa. e-- -e U- j f" " , a. F eaaw .f t a- . i '' ' ' 1 e IL o.ii,i , a tract. .11 -iTirt Office on Main . V -.1 LA r-T"t'. sr. c. iHttee in Opcrn a-jaae ouUUtng, Court street 111 lestiQ l.uhiw: :; intrasted to turn ill receive uron i indi.s-refnl J'.ttect'an debating and passing them expressing their profound horror at the way the colored man and brother is maltreated and discriminated against away down south in Dixie. No doubt the Union Leaguers are superior mortals and mean well, but then we also bare it on high authority that that place not fit to be mentioned to ears polite "is paved with good Intentions." The Union Leaguers should heed the monition about removing the beam from their own eye before attempting a surgical operation on their neighbors' optics. Human nature is just about the same the wide -world over; Under- certain conditions the Union Leaguers would be doing the Identical things -which lative wild goose cbase In order to learn what "a recess of the senate' means. . . aa that erer lived aad (Wt coese eot ahead. Tba Kllkmrrr rata ware (at1 -rt41 C4fr"- pacific frame of mtnd whew cocopr4 1 err wun tae atarytaoa Hepoewsa ia Ur. mm Crt UiV at: t tiona, Vteea power to tbatr ciawai j tteW t faa ba tVoaata ka Hon. Perry 8. Heath, ex-first assist ant postmaster general and at pres ent secretary of the national Republic an committee, stick th to hi Job closet ik.n IT A kuh Ann Tdml- lUBU a unmici. "I arci auuv au- 1 . . a . .a. a m . ma's plaster ta adhering. Pre Went! S"..7 vtr.Z J Z 1 oplf diaoHy l aa UsiW Roosevelt haa inOmated. ao It ta said, mm.,. ..... ., , lU.. kallat dailar .V. .4 T ,,.1 hni Pom I " " " ' ' - aa I answeretb, "Nay. nay. PanllneP The !b"!.0' "Tl!i.: ! Aa ta offlce bolder Iltm. Fanfoed R. Dole f Hawaii sppesra ta War r banned 11ft. No matter what ho lie fi 4aiar4 ti fW VatUaai favi W.'aa art aa aa i4 a-4 a lSyM aa. f a aav-a I f tii o. fs4aa ta a -r tj 'ocv'l a-ra lsa a4 - - ;.. V t t.a . i, vi t a e ' .a IMaa 1 aa 1 )'l lit. i I M .a --- I I f . t ttr S e 1 J aa aa 4 a a - f aa s m aa ta aa a- a aa t a taa at i. awtwamt aM a aiuna s -C awaaaMa aA t Ifclw . ) ua a4.aa , uul 'f a t.a Ml a Am a. , f. aa a n f aa aaWa T A t-i - a. rf t mt', Os tiii''t U VX 1st Jlrlaif. iMliiftU lJ 'ii t lit -maa a Slum :. faaak t.aa a -S1 I ) f i -1 nai ai ia aWnmm " f timm 1 V. aaaaaaj I S I 1 aia i a- a ta. It (a , II aa " aav f v a 9 e a a a r aa I u M ' aa $i VVs tla Ve-e " fw ? Hraa V 0 a I Si tt tu si f.m 4.e e..Aw t -V J t mi, a t,l.s (Tioeat Jl-ftt- , ' . ' ' ' - - - Vaa.-rtkk 1 a . only way that Colonel Rooaerelt can break the hold of General Heath on the Republican committee teat la to' pry him loose with a crowbar. lrry knows that notwithstanding General-! absorbed it, be became eao dcubt by prearreeTricnt the Orat fwrarnor. Now ba ta a jndge. It ta a desorftdlag sct wftb Saoford. but b stlU bclda on. lit will ba conatsbJ or a Joattc as U yeac next. Y)B.. D. T. -v:1THWICK, i.:iit, Otnce over urnitare ritors. FkMiL? to hotel for tli traveling uiood awrs oblic '3ood UASSEXBURG UOTEL V ta-1vi5tuira- Propr HENDSESON, H.?C. Cold aaeonun.1 lstKs food fare 'its. ;'"?'' .rv3r . Oe Ca4 Jaaaval tteajltk. Vlaltor-Too matt bate rrrkabfy they now condemn in others. ; I Brlstow's report end too preewenra It so happened, to the -shame, con- comments ne as gooa aa any tiepno. fusion and, let us hope, the enlighten- Ucan on that committee, ajd h doeant ment of the Solar Walk and Milky Way propose to plead gnWtj to being worae statesmen who compose the aforesaid tban bla pals by resigning. Without Union League, that in the same issue of being a prophet or the son of s propbt. the New York Herald which contained I .make bold to predict that tba commlt- an account of the resoJuting and spell- tee will not feave the nerve to demand bindine done bv the Union Leaauera Perry resignation and la case of bla against race discrimination la the south 1 falling to resign vto flre him. Perry I faaajj boarrd of bealth to tbia Iowa, there also appeared the following ae- 1 Knows too mucn. . ne nugni peacn, i srja, Nattrt toae f t& matrrV count of trouble in New England by hence Ferry will anck. Tou ar right aboat that. I taa )o. reason of the same -race prejudice" . ; - , . "Cotnpcacd of adentUta, f pewsaoeT against which the Union Leaguers were When General Charles R. Braytoa ef -Noa.r. &do4lata an too tbwrvtkwl resolutlng and splitting the welkin: 1 Rhode island sent tmt 6d ranee notice . rphyalriana, perhaoar . - . Because the school committee in the of bis-Intention to cut . down southern ."Not mocb. tVe doat allow d-actra pian district in Sheffield village, in Mas- representfttloa la the Republican tia- on oor board ct beavTin nd( air eor sactnjsetts. haa engaged Mis Cora Fow- ttonat conTenttaM 1 adtlaed btnt' to ferta Urw atl--T----- r ' far; anThaV'ordVrd .!hiifrenP-tn letteraithat b waa t.ckltof a mBml -What aort of m few fow sch' ase. below the fifth grade, residing larger and tougher propoaiUoai than ba 'cboaca. tbaaT r,'. r. 'T :i : rr: on the Plain and in New Guinea, to at- imagined, " It.waa easy to hold hlgb . lif taroranco aMU.'-Nrw Tort benflbe; ' ' V. -. -. 1 : . ,'iiortvqioik. fvttprtecot.1. ;1.'fi f.fAj fcaaalto;e"avi '-,, 7-'t'.: V.--'. .!' p.vVi'-'j-'"'''---! ' ' ... rf - IT I sfl 1"r C eV kM 1 MtMall tt - MIC VV1 O lUllVIUl U v liastavbo sales over vme ana a nan lYiiuion Domes. :ioes Lais rcccra in.mipp( No Pay. 50 c - Eadosed wltJi every bottle tt a Ten cent pacasra utuvu xaUAiA. i u v aa, A fsry lacaa liall. tal a y t:-s-' aja tatV4 Sa4 tw M4a arlfk Skaia U W aVaCajaaar a ' a tfea fifvas S a a5a la. t s4aw aaf are at ew jeea As I 44 fc. i t f MawM Pf(f lMei wat tfae ala H V SI aa WaM t tW af Ikaa Waak iay rw ya a - gaa) S tUe avra fi -4 Jxaa aii tat Try Itveal. Ca glneaia I 7 rltsnsa Vev (il aaaaa lie waft cao eat lea fcmitit eat cot aar bower. a a a aw I tlas aa rrf swa-iaw a-ae wa4 aal j . .ji'.'Li" ,ar-f V.?l a tl-S C!a.-t A rvimtm ta awe aVit-a- 1 Jk . t-. V . aL tar a, mt 1 i i ir ak... l"t tV . a.fk a ""MlnS taak W aa-ai Maw trHa.i. la )ieA mlf.m , ,1s-at ' oa. , ,1 . aja. " 'rrr Matl' ar.t- tt.Mfta m. ia?' tM,U amV - aaa tse atll t,aa aa J Stall ama t W, t a .-aa.ifl.av la t't.W I 7 IS.V . tk. Sb Sw t a l tafti.tai I awa a....atia taauta jTe i Cl-alH, C T"! f - 0 I ta 4 f a wme ! aka saaa aa aima a an ana- ... . , . tuaalf tiM M rkaaa t t S j I 7 ia4 t-v Oi.ra. aw ta aJaat a SV-St e I . ataktaa I T aj f, tTt'tW"; Ally i I W OWaaas , O a tw 0 VaaVrMOaPaMV WaaalaBalk- a ataaa SHt-tal SI o aai avaaaa at rftaaf I mtm Ma I aaa aa rat saaail TVat aaauTf ak M f Sw Ciaa.ajaaf 1 sM la aMtvwa awav' - w e laaiaUf Hara a - ah e eaaa I na si 1 1 na ae a A4 a4 h aiaav Wae U4 aaa-i ae a. aaa flaaa aa saSajVI As USaa a Sa4 S fVa n SaSaaa aaaMa, aaa tiaa kaa HJet tVa eyaa taaaaa aJlaa a aaHaa mX Wa ka la. " sak-aaxt aaa iaaW Mnk .iat 00 SMat ee -' -. at aa w sa-etj aa ( ai itea tU 4-ataVaw faa aa rakWa-ai tevataa a4 tl Ita VeaV,t aaatw Cka - ' . : tX)ki vest wajaaj t tut lei dto'lMt) -tale, : . . '&YiAvn)atAttiiiucti It saUUa Moassaa f S f tiaa wm in aa4 aV aiit aa4 sea Sat iaa-aa frf a 4 a;r t V Wa r aaatrta4 a-aaa W riW tmtm rweM tia kt!ti 4-at tp fwf taia arel Va Wa I w.al saiiaa 'ttea taa ka a w a.aaaM tal iwrt! 1 1 aaMtUt t4 oW m4 aalara la e -a lraaft..a t aa aVt-a- aa.', sal tUai -'iaa C t-1-e l-Mt4 at atuas i aa. t kaaaaaaa Maa f 4- sera a. f.fl- aakaa Xal.aw aoa aaaa rta'A U.l Vk-rf a aa. at aa a4 aa ta ' aa at arfWa4 Na) ss fe 4 T' ea JJ a-i Js.'nav a kl fee 5wU. etllaHl tt-akl Ufts- e-i xnsjpaetae 7 r a taWfMk a aaat aaaMf qw St tmiw il faa W nm i una ' M Oaaa aSW iiaiWiiu t . a taa a t f" swiaM aTaa atakia awt ae tT m aa imrf aa swia i aailiaa WwaSita. Wf a ak.V a-aa. ka)) aataa. Ma) a f'l k few ettatf raJ I i' - 1 . aaittat , J Cvaw Ia t Ca feT IfwWf taaa at aMwa mi a tile V4 a-4 katSa tl f U't aaaV a aaa a4 Sa ti munt tat aaa a saat VS a-fkaaaaS . ifa I aa m iaa Ca rTH'tal d-l IkkMakl a WW a.i ax a a a - iia a aw-av an aaaaa- taa SX H aa ratf' f at f Mini Hal a ka ah taaat.uaa) aa a ial aia a aaka.f aaal ataV, -f g snaa aWWt iaaaewas. - - - ft - reUlatilf twaaf UliWa. ... mi 'attvraw--;i ia , - - A trai ralHt aJiaTiw. ta-a ta Bt Waa, aw .1fat aa ta) Ma, I'll' iwit ta tai .' Han. a, a -a fa V U'ut ta 8 aa A a 4 CVaaa t'.'SW fi IS a a aat Hal aa a a ai- Wis tutnaa eayamiat t at I a I i a- mni mia a j- 1 aat ai a-l n ka ,.a t aa i H. t-aae -i44na..iHa Tta aa.a 1 1 q-.,. ( -'' tat A. 'ak awl f 4 f-tawa . . i .aHt a t . . i -W f a 0 mr aa Excelsior Gotna Co.;? fkaaatSak i n mis ann 1 7FHHr e44 ;ri. a i It l aaa. a-aa aTUe I aa a a - - - ai' - - aiwa a. j in"- e e t aa it J fua t t 1 4 Sf "': I it aa m aaaa tioaalistia I S Kan . .aa f la f i at, I a"- a taa : 1 e llatliaaava t ea " -- ' 4i Ms a as a ?' ir e m aa 9 va aa '. ii aa aa 81 a aa f a t aa a aax i J - --tn ii T'laaj-" " Sattraa tw ia a.iaa 1 a a fatal t 1 , e avaaa Si f e Gm JU" P?X1 rVLjia Caiiaa.) W4tatfa1a'iatt S rf aa Hal G!aVS , ta) ttaHaaaaa t 11 ta a a w ta-e a i raua - a a I IM tal 'tta. f fl C a Hi 4a - Ve law; ft f-taal faa aX. a aa. tlaaa-a a. a. I g.?"? e- t a a. a -atW SaXkaa a I-a itn-iTanul -iiaia ia, a aaain aai iia . ... -t- . aa aa laata aaare ire ? " I f' a aa a . , j W ai 'tat.ak a aaa - '. Jf I ai; i,! -i a a a, - i aaa. . .. f t a .w .. ...i a a t a a a a atiSW j f aaa ?' i a t a a a. a lawyt t , o . ia 1a.a - a a i . . te .. a aa a a a 4t ; 1 ""'I aa- .3 a ft ft '.-- i i Ml a n a f- . V a - aB aaiaaaaaa a at ,t . . a 17a-. o-r we . ,.,.... . a aa- t - a a- f team 4 a-- I"-'--, ae'eAae twr? Val U-Uaf fisT !. J1 . ae a- f saase sstatf-e -i ' ' " aw-t aa)-t f aaaaa &a a- f aitie Ma CiccU'cr Ccntn Ccu aa . a -i .., Vt.aaia.Nt aw-k Swa t a ' .t.i. a ,a..a an'k? aa i ty t t f ' I'-l r " s a i- k- '- t,-' I, 4 twin "! 1 4 f-''V. t, t -" .'

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