r' i t . '.' T V ' . ?V ; Z- r v;-.- v":- JAS. A. THOMAS, Editor and Prjprtitir. VOL. XXXlil LOOISBUEG, N. G.rRIIUT,' JANUARY 15. il. C7HURGH DmGOTORT ' : . MITHODIflT. , ;-'. ' " - ? " 8and&7 School at 9.30 A. U. - Qio. S. Baku, Bopt. . Praushing at 11 A. M.. and 7 OG F. M. Try Saaday. . V:; " " Prayer meeting Wednesday night. L. 8, MiBsmx. Paator. BAPTIST. ' Sunday School at 90 A. 1L' Thos. B. Wildbb 8uist , Prachin? at 11 A.M., and 7:00 P.M., rery Sunday. Prayer meeting Thnrsday night. H. H. MiSHBUKHB. Paator. Sanday School at 9:30. Wm. H. Rnyyiw. Sopt. Services, morniae and niht , on 1 it, 3rd and 4th Sundays. B Toning Prayer, Friday afternoon Rav. J ohu London, Rector. PREaBYTBRIAN. Sarvices 4th Saoday in each month morning and nipht. C. N. Whabtoh, Paator. Tnaiibartr Lodite. No. 413, A. F. & A. M., meets 1st and 3rd Tuesday Bights in each month. I'rofeHMional narda, it' n The Neiro Voter Begins to Realize HI Power J Democratic Prospects Im- proving All the Time J tt xt tt Champ Letter m - ISpedal Washlitston Letter WHB Afro-American league is i II hnrn nnd ho hlrl it first meeting here in Washington, with adjournment to Chicago Just prior to the Republican national convention. The leaguers had an up roarious and redhot time. The . Roose velt and anti-Roosevelt factions fought each other tooth and nail, and it was nip and.rn betwlxt4hem. victory, in ellhTngTnrsirnetfdeTWe L. u ALLBED. ATTORNEY- AT-L AW, Will practice In all the Courts. Office in Toangirtlle, N. C. JJE: ARTHUR H. FLEMING, DENTIST LOC1SBURG, . - N. C 09i Over The Orjen k Tarboro Oo.'s tare. JJR. S. P. B0RT, raAOTiaiNa physician and BtntaBON. Louisburg, N. C. O (Bee in the rear of Boddie, Bobbitt Co.' Drtut Store, on N ish street. kM R- V. KAhBOROUiU, PHYSICIAN AND 8UKOKON, LonsBOBS, N. C. a 1 Ann. Ku hnlldlniT. SDOH Xirkt caJU nswre l from T. W. Blckett'a entirely upon the bIm of oar majority In New York city. ..The aanM .rcaatt applies also to Baltimore and -Mary land. Of course we do not ekpct to change the political complexion of In diana solely-by reason of anythajrlry we may roll op In Indiana polls, but In diana polls is not only the geographical and commercial center of Hooslerdom. bat the political center 'as well, and the change In Indianapolis la perhaps, and B. M. MAH8KNBOH.O, ATTORNEY AT LAW. LOQISBTTB. V. & Will practice in all the Co art ot the State Office in Court House. M ARCU P. W1NSTEAD, ATTOaHST-AT-LAW, LOCIBBCBG, N. C. oraca ofb Corner Drug Store, Special AtteatJon given to collections. Practice wkerer services required. D R J. K MALOS K. raACTICINO PHYSICIAN AMD SURGEON. LOUISBUBe, !f. c OBe over Arcocke rrug Company. jR. B. 8. rOSTBSl. f RACTICINO PHYSICIAN fc OB.aKON, Louisburg, N. C. Oam nw Arcocke Drug- Company. The fjrlncipa I facts which must seem portentous to Republican leaders .are that the. Afro-Americans are wak ing up to a realization of their power In the G. O. P., and that they propose to be at Chicago -early to have their numerous claims heard. Inter alia, they threaten sure death to every Re publican candidate for congress who does not: "place nim&elf behind the Dick jesolutIon," a procedure which is quite likely to render General Charles Dick of Ohio as famous as Charles Dickens' Mr. Dick in "David Coper field." It is to be hoped that the Afro-Americans will enforce their claims at Chicago. They are too mod est by half and hitherto have scram bled and tugged and toiled and scrapped for the mere crumbs which fall from the table of their new mas ters, the Republican leaders. They ought to demand their full share of the Republican - official loaves and fishes Theyhold the power of political life and death over the G. O. P. Instead of claiming only a fw paltry offices, they are in a position to demand, and to en force the demand, that one of their number shall be nominated for vice president on tbe RepublieaB ticket a Chicago, with a solemn promise that If tbe Republicans carry the country at least two of their number shall be members of tbe cabinet and that the other big offices be divided be tween white Republicans and Afro- AmepJian Republicans on a fair basis, cumbers considered- Would the Re publican convention 4.a?e fefuse? Not much: for without the Afro-American .vote the Republicans would stand no more show of electing a president than they do of electing a governor of Texas. Of course they would kick, squeal, wheedle, bribe i.nd bluff, but finally they would come down out of the tree and surrender. The Afro-Americans have tbe Republican game in their own hands If they have the nerve to play it for all tt i worth. Properly, intelli gently and eoaragepnsly led, they are masters of the Republican situation and can be IT. in the entire state. New Civil Service Commissi. Everybody acquainted with Mr. Proc ter, head of the civil service commis sion, regrets bis untimely death In tbe meridian of his powers. Fie was a most lovable man, kind and courteous. brave and generous, painstaking and enthusiastic In short, a typical Ken tucky gentleman. President Roosevelt, being required under the law to choose a Democrat as his successor, bas appointed General John C. Blaek of Illinois, and the gen era! has accepted. Both are to be con gratulatedthe president on the ap pointment and the general on the ac ceptance. Whether General Black Is a civil service reformer I do not know and it does not matter. He Is an bon est man. which, Alexander Pope In forms us, Is tbe noblest work of God What's more, he is a capable man of large experience in both military and civil affairs. He was a brigadier in the Union army and was perhaps as severely wounded as any man now liv ing. He bas been representative at large in congress, pension commlasiqner and Vnlted States district attorney. At present he Is tbe pfflcial head of the Grand Army of tbe Republlfl. Withal he is a handsome, gracious, honorable, gpuFggeous gentleman. By birth a Misslssippian. be ha lived rnc.t of his days In Illinois and bas adorned every position he ever held, and no doubt be will adorn the present one wblch ap pears to be a place greatly coveted. Lon ))fe to General John C. Black! THB PBIUTFIXEJ. 9 - TT tariS'rtrUnooltts ia tb la: tr Joseph Banaott appUrjd4 for hit T tacMlar prfcjTOocT. omliii- lng. yes; try -wis RepsjotWasV :le These latter are ha&xlfix to J. JV cel tails, begging -him to go ; &at tariff debate wouVt'dd It O. O..T. good and might 4o asro fcarto.: 8o Foraker rrobabl.'wUa Cut fc Ju4 not done it i w u. HAYWOOD BUFFIN. Oefjpjt In Babies. The carefnj and prayerful attention of the stand patters is cald to the def icit in babies. They constitute the A Democratic Victcry, On tbe question of the scope and ref erence of a resolution touching the scandals in the postofflce departnent the Democrats in the house achieved a tiny victory by the skin of their teeth, but any sort of a victory, however small or Inconsequential, achieved by bouse Democrats In the face of a Re publican majority of twenty-nine U worth crowing over, as it evidence the fact that the Democrats are in fighting trim and better united thaa for years in fact, more thoroughly united than are tbe Republicans of the boose all Gradually BepobUcaoa are ref lain sanity o tbe expautlou qtirr:o. When setwslble ana ope and aaoexlag the Hawaiian leper and the Fhiryltv aemlaaTages on the grovad thai we 44 not. want states coei posed of such peo ple such high Republican authority a the WesbJogtoo Btar dedarrd that ta every way the: Hawaiian land grabber were superier to thoee oppoetrig .thetr entrance Into oar repnbllcr thai Dele et al. were model ddien. New that superemloent Republic a. Whttelaw Reld. baa seen a new light ( hie late Boston speech be declared that the time ) near at hand wbea any coast who ad-; vocatws) making etatee eot of ba W land or Ulaode will be banted down a a public enemy. Wa eoaxrarnlate Mv Reld on coming to bte fUtlral siotre. Perhaps other Jlngoee will go and do likewise. The "get together" proeeea among the Democrats two tries oer Rrpobllcaa friends greatly, as well it nay, for It meane victory for us lo 1904 Con quentty tt was a pleasant thing te watch, eeoator AWrtch a4 tia con frere sqntrm whtm, nr long sioce. It was explained to them wtth greet em phasis and without any clrcursloro Hon whatever that beeeefur'. there would be no "White tiouw mtor among tbe Deroocrata. Let 'eta eu!rai Mr. gecretgry ef War Etlbo Ror. gives General Loqrd Wopd a certis cate of good cbaractrr "sofelfarr Good! Now. if aornebudjr will give Ellhu cerUficat that be know a good soldier when fee wrts b5in In tbe big road all will be rxgirs. but not otherwise. Tbe St. Loots World. rkoernty dally. Is booming Mr. .prker (' as an a nti-Roosevelt candidate for the Republican presidential DemtaatVo. Recently he wa boomed for tbe nrrob. Ucan vice preeidentlal noajtrtoo. bat rejected it with contumely aod mrxra He Is one of tbe ablest and Qot ami able Republicans living, but has tm much wisdom to be caugat with chaff It la not wis to attach morn ttapor-Utx-e te anjthlng said by a Rrub!1c paper touching things DetsocrsOc, bt It Is nevertheless Inrrreettci to koew that o lt al columns the Kimmi City Journal Indtcatr that in Kant It is Hearst agaJast the field for Use Democratic presidential DotslnaUoo. t4utU!iCeWt 1U;WI Ii JTteUedae. r?f efMl a W CV. m 4 af r eae y Urgf. 8 tie i Vejf. A ftrf CafJaU, I e mfimm aVe e4 V ' Cy Leland. tbe Rrpoblkea tern U Kansas, and bl gang are after the scalp of Charley CurtU. Cy te bosy bringing oat favscits mm ta ttl the coontiea of the district. If a ta no ay a Democratie fight, and. If tt were pos sible to elect s Deavxrrat. I woold ey to tb Curtia and anUurtl ficOoc. "A piagne oq both roar poosr Pn a Desnocrt cannot be That 1 ATTORNKY-AT LAW, lfjgBUBe. v. o. wnimetleeUaHaM Courts ot Praaklla I si adiblnlng counties, alae la tbe Supreme 3ait7and in the United State piatrict aad aireaHOoarts. Offle In Cooper and Clifton Bull ding. JpBOa. B. WILDSft, ATTORNY-AT-LAW, boeuaxrae, x. o. oae jlsalns. over Jones Cooper's ter. P S. SPRLTTLL. ATTORN KY-AT-LAW, vptnsneao, m. C WUlattenatha courts of Vrsaklin, Vance, SranvtUe. Warreo and Wake eonttes, also the Bapreme Court, of North Carolina. Prompt attention given to collections. omee over gfcerton'a store. or any other. Not long since the aston ishing statement was published broad cast and tbe attention of my readers was called to it that there iffts a short age of 10.0o6 In the Iowa baby crop". Thaf was variously explained) as "tbe exception w bjeft proves tbe rule," as "untrue," as "tpp fau't ef tfce enumer ators," etc. Now th repprt comes from Indiana t&at there is a large def icit In Hooslerdom. The stand patters are always bellowing about our in creased production in all lines of hu man endeavor, never failing to attrib ute it to tbe blessed and sacred Dlngley tariff bil. WPJjder if the higher cost of living bas anything to dp with tbe -short crop of babies in Iowa and indi ana? c r Mi a e-4 tmim e .CkMe ef tme 4 a Wv e f M m4 S gMrs t r Mae eg lUeexs Ccwe .g eee HlMelea t 00 U ke f Im tjnmm tv" m eL ' 1 ' JLDUtripUofl -'Of Uf. la.tb. ; PHmpplnt by U' h , .Joni LoaUbirir. :Wi!f Aleeg ( iaee t let m lather bo ttl ct im Soe;h 0t. It brrr the eiaM ette awwtakj Ktrm tWpraUW, too diRlf in( tottdrrd dtee. mn, iWr srror. IT f'fil dt I f o'e r h a CT. U. Co ,4 t4 ettd ta'e byteht 1U1 r lhii) tkr the 1 To Philirp,-, U4 of ia4tl :f.4,e"e rila4 Wi tz icre, jM ertVr d ret 14- ntteir'Krtiv ftywg ; ggyf p cv-w revile.- U Wiat etta-jpkioe V tJ taeWf of kr-eotf aed r rtth c4 IW The tco'W mofiftktti am ad to tti the ee-esr avftiiee. fcap br tegUr aoilr fro hese thogi sa3 iw tie rMUi if te a veth.ber Catdre K4e. u t 1 Bed UDft3j: to gtsaaUt itowi I irmp'rd io t l t te owv helaiC mat ot pt'tsa m t 4 ike bole io ea V r.. 1 A4. h.. re ae tti Ui Jf ihrtt't v. beve eottciog etfe, t et erl b. I do hot m -a lm i n .! ctte ihrf tt t ft t m R 4 wn ts. Tfcf t i i,s A - -A .... v . . i e wwt e' - - lir vi i . . ... , ... eaftBaBBBBAaBBBSMseassBasMBHsaMBSBBH LOSS or FIbsK, i!TUfTu., . I ai-spfrn fx. i"' - Vi rven jxa urt tu t brtJU .IrJrTJr "V " fe t tax ScztVi Cmubiax V ' : . . .a mi tn4 bctisr. Ult Scjtff D. Ee MtLUHR. Jtmtttr anrj Optician, IUrttlriltrf gv. fa. p ityM. te4 1 ta r. yiii T - W-wJi- 1 MMMaMM s9aas 4p jb4 MjMa h 1 si, tt VAT. M 1 4 1MlN t 4MH mm e4 Ui lgCTi a r 9 4 n i' i 1 Re4 eg letwre. f epra I estr. ! Ft bvaliv. iar cxjcv- (or iKMrxn. far tS fo nccxJ &o ScntX'i Ta ..e Ta.si h. jfcrUbic loodl t royraJ k rewa YmTtiAO (ksvaAX I 7ik iwe t at, a. tM. t i xrairi liiTtiihaon ice boric-. Stean? Packet Co., T alaiew iU let ife Tsltt - keAe Ww Ten ' 3. U Iw,,, a,-iaAaf I lekfti AS neAkig W a ktayr, Aa MMhtHMiiailwm. 11) tt Stew fooki, i k m $4 fi I -4 krtU)r mmA vA 4 w in Mim" In . ' j i.f k-, ( bk k m k--" . -r-e 4-. f.i. l ' j J wm . . ' AV.S twAJ ntZ'C y W. BICKBTT, ArtORBTaTY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. LoeisBUBe a. a Prompt and painstaking attention given to -.Terr matter intrusted to nia hands. . . . m I CTM. J.H Keiers to tjmei j ubucq oireyn"1"! - w aanlag, Hon. Robt. W. Winston, Hon. 3.C. rlMt Nalnnal Bank of iWla- to, GHenn Sc Manly, Winston. Peoples Bank of which presage good to. tbe party, trot of, the (Watton, rooeenoentty it i aii iin.ii.ica. a A-kwr e vjuusliiulc tut ..... . a . . . t. moat important product in this country 1 E "? J f"4 Br. ohu ,v v, . ii is ibis, ivavrriag pm pouucsl wdk-o is Democratic party are one and tbe aam horrid, Cnrtl ta an abie. Dktfai sxtt- iang. i sod lodefangahv toettber of oe rreaa. He is tnflaaatt! sad rirsr biooo rof Ankeny. Dllshea thlnr. So. U tbe-fieotjhMceoa Most deuijenj In this "land of the f that district in w to aaoK they free and home of the brave" hgva beee wiU sit flown on Unci Cy with tbe . trm voll irinMfail It. aMnno 4y-v m '. . - . . I T " . w iirourTTjnr D Dus unirT txj return run at or to say anyxning root arjetrt a lCartlS to congr. senator Of toe United tatea, of what senator jonn f, Qg.R fir Aaftma, an laJ4alte leara ef denominates "aa ambassador of a aof , absence to SrlAtori Oecrr rrtsbia ereign state near, tbe federal govarrt-l Hoar and TIeury Cabot Iod www ment" There is no divinity tbst dotb thy retire to Maseschosetts and de hedge about a senator, no law of lete l -bte all tbe qoesttoo in oaotroTrry majesty to protect nim, but good narort I between tbe Republican ooqrtVrs. of ana gooa manners usual ry combine to 1 whom Ledge la bead, and tbe maxe pleasant the pathway of such an eminent persgaag. Nfetele acca; sionally some free American, not tax ing tbe fear of the United States senata before his eyes, but being Instigated by the spirit of '76, hurls a shaft at a senator which Is calculated to make la cense swingers state. W i T a ak rrut 4B, M-J-l d-U, lk td t'r!M, a VfM, Ot S&d all A4H r 4k U l-t vecad I wm a a 4 a k abed b a (p ha-lt Jrr , !tac (bOUO'Sie . U pm c rt Krsg rJL-, oie suited 9 s-m 4 ISatswiAab, tukli, Ckhir- Miet sack d ihtve dtp tk'1 -e-4 ce tbeee o4tAmt tr tt ftiract sey (-oevr htm ite at:aiao rhe load ttacll Wevl l1 sake a Vtri-raa B-ifta bet in -e. Fee rvtetisg totttetk t aa h. I loo., tecsea I feJ $IJ.ij oe a rv I be' U)k at tax b-4tMai e4 ee4 I tares; tet tVte tt io ol rksteic prop that oevrr are t r-.erf I'-eJ ey axkfe ibo ii osja o td rt!g p oe i"kll -rat sg ablest Tc fttii, tiil' died P bikeeeA4 aUji tbe ol s Nuts ( .c4- peaooi. at-tl cro4Q: at 6e Ai a rt:r. Tft Tee LoeaucsM i o ibe Hospital Corp are ail cv4ik4 r . . .... Bio"ijoi i ( i e r(g ,i of i9 .; re tbe dtketkirtv" aad -3 - a,jrt ossttj bat sad aod the; hieef " Aod the (kvW ttffr7r I--. K tell J'-e kboa! (Was i -t n iia, Mkitvti' Yra. tb eSkkreh he tt tJ j Sehkoo" gnp o Iheaa tj that tceol The it clbex' eell. Ua irVri ifctt K a-a eeeer a-r f hisg t ef rtail.lf i.. .t j 4 7 ' . AA .BBsl-. . a w . r e.wseksk 'O-tD htrt!a.r. Tie V.mi :,itak. Xk, Old rolft Comfort, ttortoU iAd 1 fH x et 4k cec - -;i attn,, m - k - -K -4 W ... f m w kkk .i.. "" e ev u-A ' .'rr. -e a. in -. tatew. 1kek. ffsHlHgH JtNa IMH vcon t rvexr. t W.I4,. St. he 4coeiMn. V-si4 a tr S t ii41 laakw -iiki 4M ami! i i TM ta MCMW .m4 kiM 4f WM m mm At 4MiHi MM. f I A4 - W( U I mmt 4M4M- ; fM 4kek t J .m7 ti. ,. t-- S4 Ml eraM-r e y m 4h 4t 4 t -4a4 k M-4, AyM. V Ank Al r te'4 V- A ! wn t , t ww r ? h,Chl- ! ! 1 1 i 4 e ? , Vi at-a f - ir f ..-4S A( The I ret whe ret a-a 4i CtnktJB, t1 rt-t. i.- A-. w t!tM i, ,, .... l.4 w44 , m ..i., , .i SKAIUJAHI) A4 Lig t Ktt I ea.. Ikee fin' e a-ee )4 e e4e IV Am fW . WII'U J V iiM4 w-f a Sum M ' kMiitM. J . grV e tecjh a ! 4 . ' .. . " . !.'".! '- " , ... ,f --,fr I,,, it. Uttm kVtf 1g Itls'gtrart In li'Kata cut rtltra latH tcf gf 1 3 X rrg.-t gy iuj jpf, ?A,:Bi ee- - rwKS) TVe ef4srtaikW x.ak i heeo ej e a 4 it imW a-4Vi ) A trmmt ta e . w tx t. C te wmiI . , w K.klMMt e4M e , . IM fM.4 M - W . M4. M lttiMl tiMHi 4 1 W '! ... . '4 -44l, r-. t Mllawv m 4 MOU, TIM,, fc t.M ,.. WM ... til.-. tm MM.tk-4 kilu,eMi wilWlM-4 f , m 4 r nMxiifMMi w U4.., -,.-..M4. t4u tt.t. .,,. a. tWOU Te m v avo, f A. M 4'4. Ml4 4A f -ua,. 4 - A,e 4Wf I m 4 - mi l 1 , 4 reiuk-w j-4 a. iu-.hw-v a li e g cbs-k t i.4C ht i".k k k k-i.i-M-4s t i.i.i -, .4. 4 fk tt 4 r v u Ihm f Wo'k 4.Mm , llty kUSM 1HIMUM a 1 I liwf . "i4iiii i afc4 i w ' xrlvft-k t -ktiit.. 4-kaee trtM ie fc- Im 1 k...w ' , .-,a ..,,... ., a-W et ' A - J 4. ,MM...1W., J t I I H "I 4H4. t MlM 4M i t4k M J MM.. , ...4 . Ur.-t . t1 , '4- ) 1,41 - 1 U , Af4M4a rt C-4ltAVA. ' Wl ' .. - ,.-,... H .. , I. RfPblican Prosperity. Republican spellbinders and editors seem to expect people to doubt the evi dence of their own senses. They go about prating of our unexampled pros perity, asseverating without qualifica tion .that times were never so good and wages never so high, notwithstanding the fact that wages are being cut ev- Maanlag, Hon. Robt, W. Winaton, .Hon. '--t " ' BaKtoa.PresJrirst NsttonAl Bank of Wla-J pjoyment and banks falling. The latest kst conee, Hon. b. w. Timberiake. i the failnre pf the Haropdep Trust urriee oyer meat m u. a ow. I eoniDanv of sDnnEmeul. Mass. where- --rw r - .-r-.-- ....... fore? Speculation in wildcat manufac turing concerns did it. But tbe same old bloviation will go on. However, people cannot be deceived much longer even by lying. A Straw, "Straws show which way the wind ax rat eg abu4 , k 4fett ko courtier Republicans, qf wboo Ut I pj , sw tUf s-vt -rkf. id cooia-q-wo-lf k4 track hat i , . ... Nobody would cr a baob to I that nf a beit tt gt tr be wblch of th twain csme out on tp w. H. PERSON, ATTORNBY AT-LAW, Aotnaauae. a. , Practices In ail eourta. Offle on Mala atreet. w H Y ARBOROTJOH, JB. ATI ORNEY AT LAW, LOUISBTTRO. N. 0. some editor out in the brand new state -of Washington, under tbe fetching cap tion of "First Blood For Ankeny." sails into tbe brand new senator In thla re freshing manner: Senator Ankeny has begun to get tn hi work. One of bis nOf t axden upjrirs has secured a place. Mr! Asatn Schmidt of wallawalla la the forfupete reopfkn". of reoerai ravor. It if a necuMar ooincldepc that Bis term of service ta ' Identical 1 length with that of tbe senator himself." There is, however, a trifling difference between tbe two places the senator goes unat tended to the capitol, -while Mr. Schmidt goes with an escort to McNeill's Island, Now, the average reader may, when. be reads rise up and Rrentatlre Glllett of Makeecb P l8n:,P,:l t ta. cbalunaa the fwnmlttw civil rvlee reform, t trying te find out what to do wtth 6pertisetat clerk who are Incapacitated rw age c ether Ilia from discharging tbetr dulVee Why not discharge tbe cierkat gvMlafeeleee Ohlkverr- One of the Nw York papers printed 'hstreolutrin obituary ( J. I. Mott. j' " 1 a well goown ciaaen. nr. hi that rich and rgry bit of irotry. J X ohltmatr oa tle' moritog was nd inquire, f'Who 1 Ankeny?; Qrtnted god M perplrjrd. He took Toe caeo erer a kei aV- ibrre tee" in duisetrf. ta geii trt. that o4 a toil U etxiet a kAeel. T- are all bW p'-heede5. iaf.fkkv ooiicg (t-vr U-ei i bk etptreakoe oo Ihew l-k g p4cr of oaiexc pig. Tie kg (eiced u Cotrnpoodthtt hate beee cA.it. Able tao4t4k todieldt iWtt r!Hk$we, aad t0Cred-1 iee with d; f-ti3 trait A, be, Uft cao be d a hat llk peoftcsre Mapy t V aa mm tag iMSlt letkkeen the aa-i tie hacio rare. Ooe t?Vfc rag ler tj na sard at t'fht, i IgttutrA. TVgf ear eoth-ag bnt a -G-e j fg hf: v . 1 1 hale tjs4 be A s. he kA . 4 Uvtkv Ik.. - -4e . y MinkKi' i, 4y aeiliaM 4 ,4a .,fk' if ,r 4ek .WttA0 t -hilt '. - a- tWwV 1 a kAAj .g IMtiLiM r B - ifhkVJB ( ikii ii' kM4 tk - i e tola? 44 le k.k . ...4 li .K 4- mmv4 a Ii a ft k4)ti4s e4Ve eihw - I Ur e TretVM. tt at ,j.Tk,V A4 laaav'f tA-4 a 4m e"ikj"ik4 ek(e.ktk mushh'ii Vt iha c-k W awk( te Wk 14V II W.M44, 4.,i4 kMHI 4 t M - 44 r'4 H4II4 4lf It 1 4Mk " N mm ml m (mi . K If ktS 4 t v ;u m j gMk t-. al m t mm t f mmm, t - aMk. 4k M I I k 4 m tm SM f 444 M k 4M fM x m ki ai mt 4" 4 It r-f Mft. V M e 4t M m 4t) mm el Tm" 4 . " - .w4 Mi ( r. m ee tM t - lHw,W( I H I. t . mm ;4m 1 t i i'4 UV S4 k k 44P gi 4,n 4-k iM 4kukl4 j a. 4 IlMrf M..k. 4!k ai.v, MUM.., J T4- -k e k ritie Ik gVMk ' 14 4.. m-i -irm p 4U4 mm v f W 4M.44 k A Mil '..W. .I'M.. k, imii.i .f - -m ;-h St kkkkek4. -4 1 1 e get 4WSg hfliefkr-fkiVil h- A e rated. aavew 4 L" ' i Ak AA4 BA-V Xakk twk C 4- kJN4 k4M t IWIIkk I I 4t Wk bM4Va Sm 4MM -4 hV 4ev kVkal Che ti.i(tf Ue It'll. rr . -4 e , f ,likni 1 , 44.M04MM I'M ,m k hwt.i..i, f tn . Tm I ui mm I m m -' r- Si t aw V.Am f m SM . M. e 444 M 44t ga. f M M St Hk. M 444 l .M. , kr avf rT w iJ..t.r. in.. tww ' m m rtVM4 k 4. 4WH4 lf k4 . e i V A- t Tk, T 4 .44M4 f -4 4M444 I V I A lii ill ( m 4 (he conduct of pertain great metrp- nolltan 'papers indicates that their edi- Oflic in Opera House building, Court street J torg 8Bh ruanairers believe that the All legal business mtrnated to him peata win carry the country. For D B. D. T. 8MITHW1CK, DENTIST, LOTJIgBURO, - - H. C. OOoe over Furniture Store. HQTELS. l&stance, in 1896 tbe only considerable dally in New York which' supported the Democratic candidates was William Randolph Hearst's American, a per formance which mgy niake him presi dent of the United States, New, the only avowed champion, of the adminisr tration is the Tribune. Truth to telL in 1899 and 1900 we had to depend almost entirely upon the country press, and jt rendered yeomap service. The right Shout fgee of s raaqy ffitrqBoJltaq tbrit telf fvoe Joeg, art said to te al rporaa. Altar moch Uail be r I Caere rhe CAiff ttr o4 ifeak a betit I bet wee-dt 1-ke a c-abav li0 04 tevk dre- 1 a ftrr. U the rofTj rtartvke csa tc pcld o blows," so it is said. That being true, He 18 the latest senatortaf recruit frotn j ppV,. gDd wet down to th ed;t ' . . " ' I Ta7oat,1na-4-r,n ftSA tmrffflMl, mrj .n-iKI. I .. a . . i... . v-. t,"- """ nil rtioiBA Anr bboci tlous young commonwealth which hatj j- tp b the City adnar. reflected bo mucn protut. on jtir oyi -j to e yiw ra ta tn sending to the bouse of representatlTes I anything about tab said Mr Mott coionei james iiamiuon uewia, f rn-1 humhry. els W. unsnman and the rwa joneeea. -About whatT askfd the rtty rdupr Why she doesn't say to two of three rplng;ly; He took tbe pepet god red brilliant young men, "Go rip higher.". 4j,e trtlcl hurriedly, -t vm to o ana inerenpon mnwai lora to um . (n otuary notk: of ooe J. U Meet. sanate this witness saith not beraais k. ..li vti.i'4iK.,,Htk nr " - ' ' ----- - - - I 4 V mmrA. " . w . ... , w- . . - . he knowtth not Ifg mystery. If -Nothing tbl know oC arjeseeed A'AU.rpisw uaj bm it-ry bam Gush man should ever break Into tha Mr, Hott, but 1 waot to know how call per, Krsflf rkevtkf ss4r senate andbeing , there, sbonld rut me about.-. ( . . Q( UU, tuxmK Uu such amuck; on tbe senate leader M "Ceo aboot) WHf. the dVl , fclT k, he once upon a time ran on the bouse, j gpppasv, w doq't wstuliy print oit !k w4. m leaders, several of tha rroarable sang..' varies of lire me." visfe trsahej: eht. ikee eee el tV an n i er-e I a, .. r rm ere-tl afie I... . , - FRAN1LL1JTUJI HUTHiIj dallies la significant of tfte changeJ torta granapaps wou.a aie ROr t jry.- Mott was Imprree-d. Trot-Wy U4eyhpeo kooe vetwif. C Knkll.. -.4HlAti v tAMwlkAna . H4U4.r,1. . I IMCAl. I IKW ' EhfW mmW HJ . IMS TTJV U HA IUI1 - w- puuut iviubw lurauiu- ... - I- ' Z . .T.-L ' I a I !et l mm-1 at hfl J .i. . ,x x -tawm.. .i i i a m i . Hmr v . I j" ' ...... w papers have a much more potent Influx x "" I ' The eity editor made maoy p4w Itkce ibd a ut' caa Bki a gf . .4j .iai ai g a.. . v m - i it wi ii im? rpuivmuHWU na h sm. a , ;a will nnni aa mm g n ioa ax w-hsb i i - epee in s jutB w l"e FHFftl ui kVk apv4 aark 9 ".14 k, t 'k C-a a4 1 1 l 4ii t Va 4.4n a.1 t m4 4 k4 CM, kM444.ia I4ia T 44HtMk. kMMtto rt 4mf. "44M 444J HktV. fliiii 4 ii I mm Aw Airk'44M 4a.t S"m.I ! 4 M. 1 4VA. BbUg AJ 4I4M J- eawarereai 11 K ii 4vei w54 eg aaa I Me Ike Wee l ck-va .! bt eeee" IVeewafd. M444Vk4:!t H.rt444 CkkV tJ. e.xel fl? t tAe nk-. 4k4k. '. t-M'k ah.wt 4.i AigltMt c.e ii .44 kk4e (n i ... a - . - i anwk i e , a.f.a ' - - w i iet"t T . C 4 1 114. 4 4 i!k eett a tt t 4aMBf I tV. .aWk.a. .lM g k. I at Sm lMa a W 44 m - - et-- "-' , ... . , fM 44 at' f.a e m re , ml et MH4,Ha. wa f. f tl Ma R tkt aw . 1U "ik "4 ll.U Ti(,k k t j , ?Xiv Uf akt tw. U :4'!. I "a Tiea, Vwhirrw. el tt Lt v 4Ui a rtl ff-e frtae. 1 a I.Vipfrtva Ike lt.be deek-tve kpccUallo. Takt tae becaUao ire t FSANKLINTON, N. 0. 05. W. COI2W5:Y, Prp'r. Good accomodation for the traveling ublifl. Good Llvt.y Attached tribal end It la in tha lasae cie. urh I time ago Senator Joseph Bentqq Fpr b announced. as .-New York. Boston. Indianapolis and 1 kerc senior; senator from" Ohio.. brlAw -No' aeld .. . . . il.i . r 1 ii a. - im a . . ,1 . mm- w. . , At will vv reuicuiuvmkk vv(a k awu 4 wkil print twicviNvi u mm- j (at Ty.. ffkaN m3 sjp yfr ' t I k .. . . Mr, Mett arte hakartartiig. Ckoenet loUf ! tied up vaJorouary. smeared on hka wg "Let tt tn aa H fa. lit thaw tt to m. i f... a. raVK. .. t-ji tteeee f baaahaias MUU.c. mt ,t p V WH . . . . 4. j , . . ,1. . .. . I. m I - . a- - largest gains Jatefy Whether w Pami iaTniT moa Ia ".mHr pic woet wry try ra oorrow taoer s 1 . ldkai tt r ?eSrT.Sft tuoua langtge;bld defiance to m the -rnrdaj Ev.nh frt. , .L V. MASSENBURG Ji l? Mti4BeAitxax-ar Propr . HENDEBSON, Wi C, 60 id aooommodations. - Good far. . Pa UU aad attentive rvaatr ' J V4. ; A, "4 -. ' NORWOOD HOUSE fVtrnrtoi. jr. Jl ROHWOODa sfreprtetenl, Pktreag of OonaeieeelAl Toerist 1 htaw t - Nat's kwtrnnt rfkarSctit J A tlvbi fJMb.oaa KonifL caf i nUsssnTWter Ufcl e. ULftd cf" - . na iwnract fjlhv Yiirt Biuuv, v iWRrac teetter til CibeA ct aTlmrl Rrtract: PIIJVTAN.RAILK 'I Flmd .Extract FUi UVkg UCotcs ti&OKills Curc; '?.;TTS Best Gufartv&T&irl-esf. fim-JHorrfcg. 50s. tkt chiMskWdtue rtel ar4t Lam, A l f4VOMt5to Vn. 4 taelMk, e arr tp toJ tVt rtoxa a4r-l4ihea tw-W tar e4 T 14 tliWt tared ct Uf e9 kr ef saint; 0 rerwau Wl irrte &&loe effUf, w44'Cfff called -C4rr-aUAw, Se e cVjmm fopetli , know . eWi rf .Va td csratkS tat it gsrrretgg fconie , itVt t&tr o4 iraal, tctbr lo4 hi-4 rp lent lotremrd. o the as-ia- a (bar a icdtt:hi, ' Yam ' can . t?;Ww - ciTrrtvocs rr.r f Act. tn.'ifl ij tKiaa aaakMte 1kw he V . a 44-4-k j 4f he aaAkx ! 4.1 ae w. s-4 Baai., riSH.ia, a (taMMTe tiaae t1 v g g W4 iM. f! U 4V -4- 1 1 1 1 Ii 1 a "k'h.i 'mm atyamw tml m I mmmm mmmi 4X mm m k'la kt4M TV 4W4 A-4 wdg $T Af " I mf4 rkM4e. 1 n w j jui i AIaf t4y y ?ee - Wftwe g c4a U ie4 w4t!l if !" a,. . mi i. - imue, Excelsior Coffin Co.! ; r.aM4wUa, I fkk ikkwatNlwlklt jr aa t tV.4M 4 ava m A4444.444 4 . W mm k4..4 I r Am. 1 s-newie v g f t e ; . naet4 .. t " ami IfatMVX u 4M a) " 14 4V. (k Collios and Casteisin: e m , he ttl 5 'IM 4 H f kM sa f) ,- 441 , " V tMi 3 , e-tikll imj ua at -. t4Ck aHaf UpkMl a g he am eM 4 t::t..4 r - a w kMta,, SVh-aUC afAAkaS. J&atakAekkshMM tfW VB"k kjapawasak 4asaa-amai 10, tmm j. aw4(4 AtM.ie:k. OT AAA ". '4l4AiliIHttH 4 ,Mmk. ) t trM " St niZm") 4 sms jS. '. f 4 9 4a ft, 1Wptj 1 , ' 14a, mi j wt mm J H4 1 u.0m1 mil a et , i e U44 f 44T aM i a4.l4iMi iM e f ' ak. ' k, Gmtfrji are! Robes Buiial Shoisu vw.fe. ard Gloves re a 1 - tH.4ia.Mk S tjf Ili nct WVre a g ly . fetf f kWi llh U4 Awkl p as aa 1.11 1 . 1 . Isekwel a4 atrew satf tkvllkre he fWwire ekviLV. - TV ea. at ee a ie -a- k k-t IW-MI h-te 4tt, imb eM4 k iiiitk he HH 444ta4 SUa hmf m AJI t 4l Ma,g aw V cfk. - t kWy 4 f kkkMa, irnt f V h'"'4i4llk M4 kkiaa gwaie h-e h kin ill ia44Wf r ti.'4i k-4 Ae mmm faMit k UX Pm taaS; , g a. iiftjat AA, a.'teu4 Mra 4l I IIC k-k lilh ga.k. I4I 4f MM4 Hat 14 fm9m h' g4f en pk.4k tci.W he m4 aJ 1 j '4 l t 4a,h ') 1 ill StkMfA " (Vt BkA4l4k4a.h TiA i I -a 4 (m mvatf' t-4 f-,MM I v 4t J aal.. 4 Ag kk 4- 4.a" p4"4,4 1 ,V lkaas 7e.4ap -if 4a4M4 f .w -tmmm 44MM44V4 -.m e-4ia 4V4 t aM It. A ItW k-4 4. J ..4..1 T i-u'i i, ( kW.V ti.'.k I - . ' a, 1W tW t4 ). '-kilty M4ka t M 1 1 f t t i M t im We I e 4M gk. Weea. Tl Vg tVk ree eaiw M kkAc.er tor a4 teakt toe .ff "-v " - f t4g 4W i t f 4 4 lUt gaMkiKik, CiJS ek-f m e lue ISrf T44 M4. t AM M. . th e. ess IfWMUy , 4 , , - . -a.. ,,a 1 - -rm mrt 1 ta eat oiayllMa,- I 441 7m-m.m-mmm'"mm'm mM I t (..l4..Ma I 1 ",44 t. IH.I1 WW f I A U ' J 4W..I..I 1a w-aa 4444H' I J4 m.tm I A V-imIi 4 41 ,a. 1 A waa "M""r " 4 i mm 1 a k.. y 4) 4-r w 1 4W e av I 4 , k !. " e- ; ;- ivi 11 1 . t-A 4k. f 4) i ex 4 e e -.. CxccUJor Ccffm Co. . . Kir. i:.utiuirn m e aammr.ak V H 4 m. mr Swt t.l.MK..M tit aa Wl4a,A,l4.ts Sm4 A4 If ev e h.tttNOtlw'H I 4 Am f44 k4.e4fal 4ij4iw4 4-.f W " t-VUlWU 4 .U.411. gv it t k4tn, y r . . t vv t, t.. taveHai-P'iS8oMetta - . r - ax rite