r "v. JAS. A. THOMAS, Editor nJ PripHittr. YOL xxxin BHBBVBaaalBHBHIa . " " CHURCH D1RECTORT HRHOStSf. Banday Bohool at 90 "AT-lf. Gio. fi. Biixft, Snftt PtMebing at U A. 1L, aaA 7 00 F. X. try 8aaday. - . . Prayw meeting Wedntadar'irigat. ? L. 8, MiSsT. Paator " BAPTIST. Snd7 School at 9:80 A. HV f Thos. B. Wildbb. 8oi)t Pnaohinfc at 11 A.M.4 and 1J0O P.M., -trvrrtMOday. , . , Praref mating Thdraday qigfcf H. H. Mashbubhi. Factor. BHaOOPAL, -Saadaj School at 9:80. Wm. B. finnu. 8opt SerTices, mornine and nkcht , oa ' tit, 3rd and 4th Bandars. Evening Prayer, Friday afternooa Bay. Johs Lohiwh, Rector. PBKSBTTEBIAIT. 8rvicea 4th Sandav in each month ' morning and nipbt C. N Whaktoh, Pastor. I (3 lark's Letter blUtles Are-'Mui. tiplying C Missouri Wit and Genius -t i - i : LODOKS. , ' t LoaUbarg Lodge, No. 413, A. R. A. HL, meets 1st and 3rd Tuesday nights in each month. Protbamonal oard. 44 r4 44. 44 3X 44 Til rt tt 'f Vaatla-tafit ttaM.'JbmatsrTaUs smjr Chat tiMar dekcats rscaM Vaa esT JmattM ef tte fc trfr Wk baeetrts4ft Accertlaf ,t tt swnatnc,4fi-aatt wss stit m 4 AM ftar.ppls. Tb 4fit waa iaat bill was pid TW Jmtt v a p praa old cti.wWlDrr M s. Ansr al SolaWd ta )atk MVl: Tk DUrt n-mnr aS Celt It2a cms. Tbf tmri kaa' Wr4 ytst 'tte H ssosa sac rot to aay iS tb alk f ta ttsrytra; Tb foort tfl ao dM4 44 44 44 U t tt $t tt adiat forvtM sax, ana is mn U am cm still and proceeded to produce a amall U to M th1 CHsrtOrl WTV quantity of the cup wafcb bota bMr l ,'Ba Sl" wW and ioebrUtea for .Mmml Moam.. I lfi tlon. He used as a "wrm"! aa old musket barrel which did aerrlc as a poker. JFor 'teaUrtaJ - ba sated np pieces of .oorabtMd. troate of which "be made i,MmaU.'! sXIow long ne naa Deen--eoocmcUBg BU toooa shlne estabUshxnent ts ot"ETowa."-He came to grief at-last by gettlag- .I TWO PATHETIC gClK IX k Pmlhir't CVrrcUoa " tv- UH 'ps4 chiu-raLfctUt -m 1 of a Uttis tcj tl Qit- L. ALLRED. ATTORNEY-A.T-LAW, Will practice in all the Court. ToaogaTllle, N. C. OSo la )R, ARTHUR H. FLEMING, DENTIST. LOUISBURCI, . - N. C. OOo Orar The Qraen at Yarboro Uo.'s Stor. IB. 8. P. BURT, u raAOTicma physician and sueobon. Louisbarg, N. C. Office ia the rear o Boddie, Bobbitt k. Co.' DniK Store, on N isti street. I) a, B. P. YARBOBOCTQU, PHYSICIAN AND 8UROBON, LortiBCR8, N. C. Oflaa tod floor Ne: building, plMrn S9. Klat call anawprei from T. W. Blekett'a raiaiaanoa. phone 74. B. K. MABSBNBTJBQ, ATTORNBY AT LAW. LouisBume. a. o. Will practice In all the Court ol the BUS Office In Court Hona. ML ABCUS C. W1NSTEAU, Special Washington Letter. USING Christmas times there were things doing besides making presents and produc ing dyspepsia. In the line of president making It was somewhat lirely. The Cincinnati Commercial Tribune puts both Secretary-of State John Hay and Governor General Wil liam H. Taf t now of the Philippines, soon to be secretary of war, to the lists. Taft is an Ohioan, and Hay Is an ex Ohioan; consequently the Commercial Tribune feels at borne with them. It's a decidedly"' cold day when Ohio has hot a presidential candidate or candi dates on hand. At present she appears to be nursing at least half a dozen. Dec 23, when millions of human be ings were preparing to sing the angelic song of nineteen centuries, "On earth peace, good will toward men," the fol lowing important dispatch was sent out from Boston: "WchaHt Otney, former secretary of war. l- to be formally- put forward for the Democratic presidential nomination at the January meeting bf the Democratic state convention by a resolution which will ask the co-operation of the Democracy of the other New England' states to the effect that'New England may go to the national Convention united for the Massachusetts man. ' William McNaryJ, chairman of the Democratic state committee, says that it was decided to' seek the nomination for Mr. Oiney at a conference held a few evenings ago, at which many prominent local-Democrats were present and which was also attended by John Sharp Wil liams of Mississippi, house leader of the Democrats in congress. Three" days later it was announced from New York that great pressure .was being brought to bear on Hon. Charles F. Murphy, the big chief . of Tammany, to declare for William Randolph Hearst for president, and the pressure was sufficiently strong to in laid tb4 rettnAaMoa of aH psiitVar fw toe tytts( fc4 merSa -a fettat ft hi tyT a Vt IlRttV fattsrr. ATphoftao Taft. w WkS oaVtoM twwrfBt a twwer Sum JoStvakipsv wttfeb kmay tw foa-i way to beda ft career. cirorfcM al ay Iriat diacyetU is a4 la awWtrsr 4b lariously drunk; Had bis tageSaity i erUa- A Hit U tat been turned iata-bettw- rh.nnU v. V matter mlgHt fUy anaaa wM as a- mlght have accumolated a forton. Sttiooa yooag man. A Pithy Paragraph. Some folks think that only tsa metra politan papers are worth hUotlnc. 1 hare before this freQentry reproduced good things from the country prrm. They occur frequently. It wonJA ps zle any highly salaried metropolitan ed itor to produce a pltbler paragraph than this, writ ten by oa ef -my con stituents, John Beal, editor of tW Hx 'co Message. Every titisea of thn re pubUe ahoold commit it to memory or paste it In his hat for ready reference. Here it is: If you don't feel an Interest la politic. time you did. Every tiUteo la ay repab. lie is a king, bnt If ha will aot faatataat himself in public afltalr. o ve far enough to cast his vote, what' shall w call himT Our rapubllc cannot b tained with a cltlxanahlp Ux that axstt tnnxxs. J SMtahW 4 Sawimwa J ri2Mfa: fcrM 4 IV fn9 4 Us ff W ts CWsfA evcradf, a jSjpe W lri l:vr. kv "!. fSf rWra U tb ltwUV, Ukilr jar ty. , A fitoc i vctfttj 4 iW sn a avw um asaaBt fv J-aa, m taaa Ua mrglH mm . oWy VW mm Ot:4 tM, m m Basr.,a Craak PJkf ff atM K4aaka Frrxra ire ti-ti 4 TAt; tri trl tici trjovr; T . . ,a . . a '' Kt aw. D.E.faULUZH lllaflaMta tr r ni Um m mmIwh j-, ''aSH SastwS wA SftV aysalSSiSMSs eai SJMa'sSj' at . w "'- -' a i Ml - I. ,, 4, ta. sf. w , - ' m r ' 1aa, kaatf iaap , Wy SMI ) UVc pu4 ia a- a a. If the prrtts of lbe Irriftitr data tak any tntaresv ra BO4aa 9a:ra. wooder -what oa Napooa Boutpart who . seasctsd bJa aaarabal try ?Vair aosea, thinks of th capr ef cf his roils tsnl deaceodanta, Mr. ChafW J. Btfnapartav who thinks that tb at- a of any ma a for any plw cm a b etermiaed by ctvtl nrrkt eaa-mtm- dona. Tb fevndsT ef tb tasoUy h4 very -practical tdea as to mn od thiaga. Tested by etrn mmm eaara tnattooa, it U doobtfol -wbthr Ml chl Ney aad Joachim Mar l woi3 ever have rtsao to tb raok of cor porala. On paaanahlp SapoUoo tlrs self would have gracVd a boot fir oa a seal of 100, and be weald not bar fared ranch better as to hi rpfliog. Cir ta is Cou arra-y aaAs Xvom Tb fmr 4ka W a a 4 YJM aarfrvs. Lata i sa? a a, a t arj M . aV VsJlr T4 1 CtV-alawa s aa 4 ctimVf aVatf, tMmt ' Vs baataua Wm)- 4 avtay gsW Ukt1 t tl Ik tvai ' aVi2f iii la a rasraa tioak, Ua avs eVa lj to Ciu4kl si. At tbs Uitf lack baa aval k ib cltU m I bata w JwUNiit ad rv(Ua vl .Jberrr. jr-jTrt f7t4..ir . , .HJlSaBas iWft ,t UjynUW , it iDOtbid kaa m ibi UmU . I I J Of Ciri:t.lY lcr b'1 e A.ati toaitMiiiMjii, b Wp to J . , IVTf -.r j ' ' ... W a tSti. t - v im. ana f .t.aa,ttt, a- a . S-'ts- wm --rst-ay n V af a aHa.,a a ai ma.fM M f-3KJ SJf O- V- nary tvr mnkp lana ) Hr4aa,a, aa-hat -ajaftHa ArtJ rjJK tat-CttJ rf- f 4 Another Richmond. If there is anything tn the ancient dic tum, "In multitude of counsel tbera la i wisdom," surely the Democrats are la luck so far as selecting s prcatdentisl candidate is concerned. All tbe Demo cratic editors are busy se)ctins, and many Democratic statesmen are in duce the Tammany Times, the organ dulging in the same luxury. In fact. Tb old aaytag Ctpr1c ts a bar) a boo I, bat fools will tsra ra a o tr, finds Its latest lUostrsUoa ta tb- esprs of tb Turka. TWIr potk p"rrd (p thooght It fin foa to bt ao Ancv Yb Kaa eossui at AWUMnna orso -I ass vy. bM ifc W 4 ism cn. attf 6 M (iai ibv (t)a a4i bodKS to tag esasev. 1 saaa.1 sa oa to Wart tkc. Wboj cSfc k- tyrrri m t'tf fcrv ibc-a aNovaag trsar 0 rtciieat c wtsiaca, ib a rtsat to bat tr; Mill troood ibbipait c (f etui Wit bis rrve -atd tm 1 1 ia'.o iSa Ik c a roa4a4Atf a 1 . r . 1 . . a.a 4.4 . . . 1 aa't a s to bcb ba.ckd tut a rai " ' f a4n.aaa Sup-M4 aaa-aisiiipn si 1 V t Va-a aara,ttie s lb WMbfi Wa as UtjM ' IxX k9 IW, y m bn Chb sT tf r-ta ! :Tj lb h. .' ta lita iWitot ftntU tbr 44 Swa taa '; bf la -au Vna aat aa t-ta i v bt a baawat a aiua itf ttaa. t.i 4Jtr: i bi aad sleaoiK Utk o ,.r'' ea tb dV' J kaw la aav giataAaAaai I ear li ATT OBNBY-A1VLAW, LoniSBUBG, N. C. omn ovib Corner Drug Store. Byeclsl Attention given to collections. Practice wherever services required. D R. J. B. MALONK, P a ACTICINO PHYSICIAN AND 8UBQBOH. LO0ISBCB. 9. 0. ' OSIcs over Aycocke rrag Company. JB, B. 8. POSTER. PRACTICTNO PHT8ICIAN ft STJSQBON, Lonlsborg, N. C Offloa over Arcocke Drug COTipany. Republican edKoTs and statesmen, not having troubles enough of their own and scorning all the Inhibition against mixing up In a family fight, from Ubw to time lend us tbeiP diaAaterastsdt aM lb selecting a Democratic candidate. If the average citizen war' aeafr oxxt to gun for a Democratio paper ha Would never even by aeddeat tab a shot at the Washington Star. KTsnh! la an elaborate editorial, enttUedt' -Why Not McLean?" It sets ferU toth best advantage the great Oactbaattan' good points. Here is Its openmg -para rraph: John R- McLean. throuaA- hia ansji per, tha Ctncmaatt ITnqaararj ti rai Mj be JDsnfulry and raafgrd bis duty. Tb saltan has I o4 tcJ fool with and mattreat ArafVM rr I biag- eecapaJWd to r drw e kit lJ I - b-y nrairvwaaaie ana somivy mvomfmm ir i ar aaofbc. o tj art itx car g tn aotng m si Baaeruagm. ni to say that a wlU ratoop kissawlf by choppiag off tb hads of tb aierii poUcam. tt a y j .c-x't ric-w : '. rri-.i, i.-i J f.c t ti c n tr 4 aasaf faai S , Sltan? ?zcui Co.. Cits tkAt Mt., W.rt laat.i ?s ftorf oik gjjj Pcnsno-kith. Vlfc-lnlfiu . .j 4M ch( Sk 1 -,1 1 -aaaa 4 .' '' a.iii SI a f Tiaaa "in k . awaat w M. HAYWOOD RUFFIN. of Tammany, to publish this editorial Of all the -llamas that have "been men tioned in connection with the Democratic nomination for president none has bean received by loyal Democrats and dtiaena with mora genuine enthusiasm than that of WUUain Randolph Hearst. The per sonality of Mr. ' Hearst as a Democratic leader and his Indefatigable struggle tn behalf ef Democratic success have arous ed serious and unmistakable discussion of his fitness as a candidate for the chief magistracy of the nation. Mr. Hearst's -popularity with the work ing classes and the vote" he would surely Influence from that source have awakened a strong Interest among Democratic poli ticians, who have begun to calculate the strength of the men whose eligibility is 'now being considered. At the present Juncture New York w . noMor.. spoken a word of rtet of MS. Clslad. I?1 T V.T V " : : another of Mr. Olney, anotber-ef Mr. Oor- uai canoioaies u ia omv-m prennabry .; bfor -b aa I w-,t CnniauBii) Char BL Odell, Parker, Hill, Hearst and one through with th r4iatfttJos bat rTlr!? . Cociraaavman Cbam a a. L m, - m 1 I l... a. . . A tl m v wwraM ar ia-l a k- I W t(Aa vf- a.1 t lUb1!, bf IV f awan . .v-orr r-v xr. Sa aW S ! 4 I liHauM S twM ati, . o a .aMam I , IV. iMnit twwrt tiiOa.. 71-t 4 '. g 't at. a tl $ ." i 4 em. i Ihrrc sms om lb cat rrrd ' fob tb coedtc, sed iba hn. S raala eg lb tisiac), gav . eaJ in lb crcdd cat ik latbst at t4 CSTTbrd tb Ccsra obia tbi) la kaw What has bcoco of that goodly ar ray of bllarVxa orators who only a lit tle while ago were baJ&lag Charts bt. Schwab vp t tb youth af tb band as a pattern and sstnplar? Hevs tb rtveUtlooa as to ta oprrn ef tb ahlpbaaldlag trat aarytalag to d wttb tbslr palnfal sUencst Schwab ts aa rood nw ss wba tWy prabwd tiaa ecwiT lajf. washawSl. b::rr4 bvssid tb fJC a Aw t a Umt ov"a raTatc rvia. alia fosgh ba. a r ai r anA.iaa li t f-a. kws a-U aa a-v eaafl Ai j tm taiiia. tr Kry bne( t Uw birs a-. !-! i. lbs l 11 l ( a. f Aarf - aaaaifta 4 j ai t -lM C't t ! afyaS S a aSSN a 4- at twa.sia ' .' alltby tftea t fbaataa t i - i ai wfeea4 taatftS fMs SftlV 1frS-aS aSff aiasn paaaa b ss aa m . aa" a !' as saaaca 4a aa U. ! in lift -tvi. t. SKA II OAR I) AJS lJSrk VaVJi aa-aur at ;;a. r-a r" fta-a-amiii.ata t, nameless here forever; more. Colonel Roosevelt appears to hold the ISranlc Cnarta. Offlea In Cooper and Clifton Building. ATTOBJTBT-AT-LAW, &OUISBUB. s. o. Win nraetlee in ail the Courts of Praakna V?Xu&iT tSSSa I this writing anybody's fight. Hearst's supporters, judging Dy tne usual signs, have the best and most extensive or ganization, and, as a rule, the best or ganization wins in presidential nomi nations. The strongest man has more than once been defeated because his forces were not so well organized as were the opposing forces, and history will compliment othar for his party's .akoaUaattoav Bat atl would ha aav W aTlaa riianMii i am la. whip, hand among 'Republicans, but mood of a famoo PuHtajr-a)aidD. sbsid among Democrats it seems to be at aay to him, Whr don't yo apeak for IHOS. B. WILDB&, ATTOBJTBT-AT-LAW, aATnasva. a. a Offloa oa Main street, over Jones ft Oooprs itore. yourself. JohnT And why not Then, with a great ahow of enthusi asm, the Star expatiates upon aft. Mc Lean's position on tha vsxlooa aoes tiorrs of public Interest and finds htm very fit Fa 8. SPRUILI,. Pik County Humor. On of the most famous atansaa la may repeat itself In this regard in 1904. the English languag is the oft quoted. one from Gray's "EUegy,n which run What' the Matter With HannaT " Uncle Mark Hanria has several times declined to be a presidential candidate. Tt ts onlv fair to assume that he is will .ttAnri thn conrtaox irraiiBJin. vsnnai I . . , j xt...wi1. a ranVme: Warren and Wake counties, also DOK.tffluman.uuu.. V the Supreme Court of North Carolina, j the following dispatch from Louisville ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, Louiastrao, a. C. Proiapt attention given to collections. Otsoe over jsgenon s obit 1 W. BICKBTT, WTTOBJIXT AND COTTN8BXLOR AT LAW. botnssxrB s. o. rattsntlpa gtva-i V wife, Mr. Heath r said: shows that Uncle Mark's friends are determined to run him whether he will or not: President McKinley expected Marcus A Hanna to succeed him as president of the I ?n it td: States. This information was giv en out tonight by Ferry Heatn, wno is in Louisville spending Christmas with his In this wise: Pull many a gem of purest ray Tha dark, snfatbomad cav bear; Full many a flower hi bam to Mash aav- seen And wast Its aw4tnas on tha da art air. There are divers men wearing their lives away in comparative obscarlty on country papers who. If they bad a special column in a great metropolitan' dally, would' become world fa moos. One of these is Isaac Newtoo Brysoe, Jr the philosophar of the Louisiana (Ma) Press-JottrnaL Here ka a para- rrorapt ana paaiiala.i1ilr I ... , w.,hllirtn -t the White Bafato CMefJShhon. Jobs I House Just a few days before President graph from his psper, than which Manning, Hon. Robt W. Winston. Hon. v. Saxtoa, Pre. Plrst National ok ,ot Wls- rtoa, aiemn ft Manly, Winston-, reopw af Monro. Chas. K. Taylor, Pres. Wak Por art Oollage, Hon. B. W. Tlmberlake. Offlea over Neal ft Co. 'a Store. w. ). PBRSOS, ATTORNBY AT-LAW, Lorrustrs, s. & " Fvaeuees In all eoarts. Ofles on Mala treat. w. H TARBO ROUGH, J. ATIOBNEY AT LAW, LOUISBUBO. N. a OSo In Opera House building, ('ourt street All lea-al bnaineas intrusted to luaa McKinley went to Buffalo. I had a long talk with him with reference to the next presidential election and the conduct of the Republican party In general. During the conversation Mr. McKinley, in speak- in of the man who was to succeed him. said:. I expect to see my friend and asso ciate. Marcus Hanna, the next president of the United States I believe he will be omi Bated and elected. --"Mr: McKmiey went to Canton the fol lowing day, and. the next day thereafter he was shot- in Buffalo. It was his firm conviction that he would live to see Hanna president. I know that he died with that conviction firmly planted in his mind." Continuing, Mr. Heath said: "Hanna Ooas not want tner office. ,. That does not 'mean that he does' not want the nomina tion. - I say h does not want the office I came tn for a good deal of criticism when I started his boom for president in Lon don, r Mr. Hanna-; has his interests so ar- rnDer of ItttnoU bvlhrw) ts fbt pw- losephy, for b has bad hi can-ra-atonal eacamitt set his sooalaatlag convention for Feb, 4. rrbap Mr. rmOer I ha favsr of a Voeg cMtisv after tb docd Inst too. Rev. Dr. WTTbur T. Oafts. wi a yaaar raa trytscttac ailn ff.Ma laH. ttfm' ., t. t t- M1 k ' HKHilM.. 1' 9' ' - (, i ,- a ll. m . .. y, tkM.Mt ?ii. w.l ... mn .-. w '.im. il pn ibi.. ai ,.( . ,,. 4. t..il,t. I.,i. . f t -mm. i 1 a-a I .i.l a a Xi - t.a a V a ' at M. Ail legal Dunneas uuuwv v i; aon.r Mr. tianna nas us interest so ar- i a fwe month ago to aanimt a mor lm atll receive prompt and careful attention, j ranged that he can serve In any capacity I portant position with -the Que and Oraa- Mark Twain himself never wrote richer bit of humor: A curious London stodaot baageS ktia- self to experience tha senaatlo mt barn ing. H meant' to cvl himself-dew be fore death could ensue.' but faOea aa gat his knife open In time. He got ta Sanaa tlon all right, but nobody will aver know what it was. Clear Dak Won 8ucces. The following excerpt from tha Phil adelphia Inquirer Carrie a valuable lesson to young men: Railroad circles a well as a targ por tion, of the general public war greatly Interested In the resignation of W. A. Garrett from tha general, sapertntasaescy of the Philadelphia and Read teg railroad S fwe month ago to utumt a mor lm- Tr aji"ti" b . aw vl -t mm - b-tt aa ! Vi a.C -bf. aa. W- . t-ui Um ma. kit ay . kka-s ibau'a a'W sn n aa-j c4 aava atWtat( a.4 i m ba il taV i mi batf yt Itx a asua a Whk .V -I atanrd p tb )'j ai wemjt ifc C' iA ar)i r a SAT I its a aH rtav Otbf. t ar; ,.. T a e-;d a-t M mmh bif ki I a cm tb kr t,c4 , mt tka- rvsa as. It Cat tut. aad 1 rrarwj n ei ( aac. aa lau .r-t aw U laditctiaai Ibt isi wat . b wa a 14W. f : nr 4t ta t mb ftxfM wbo a4 U'-Wa 1 lo4H yaa a adnata iiau.- tot . m at , bandevt of tb ttrtfrnatleattl rrferta V j dowo to eo' atrrc'Sf c-a tks. a4 ' kr b ac it t'ta t ' . rra mnt ba s blood rsUtJv of 14 . , . M...MM.,.uk, u ,.Mn .1. 1. ... t bats Mr. Htrniai wa ia as oirr , - achieved sndyln faks by rrstfcg j bo- f a UtiW boy bn 7 yt, c- wsk a ab-s-e t--f t lTf-TTi nuua iv. viu ai tkovlttf ea la - I avyaaav ss a mania aa , .. .. rJ" JZ r Ma -a Utf brsa .yv a-J b tb ... . n w a " " ' quits Rkaty to aagag hia argla for 1 w- '" " '" " anm-M " D. , ... aw aaaara SO 0it)t duaaa 1 M S,av i ta 4 --aa CH.1tf rf liWi . w Rad 8 moot out of tb at s4 bs o m brrd tw)t a Uik 4b 1 Asybtaaa t)n t a to M compi aaarcn atasjaas miu wit ... a .4 t. - :i I ai m. a. -- r lmx&erai piays ot mi baa o aaas op- i ; era booaw. n says b baa rma j a tcord. I Xmrnm, U:mH i At UaW I l Ben bar Hsans two wttsea of 4aoavlw I toot let at k1- b aaaj; i kaw-aai a rM4 warn la W mora than curt ckbowldrBwta llcvtsg that "tb tbtrcV Uta la tb charm.' b ts tncsbattox ia aaxbf. IX that doe not being tb Irorksy bcsi to terms Dr. Crafts pfupo to apc4 to tb law. General Joba C Eats. rooDSMfida of tha dTrmetjt cf tb Tats. ynts that th charaetir tad tppesnaa ef C'teKB iuf Nttti Urtl tfil T sT. ra If it,: ? AtL:; sp.1. !:. caO;Tta-vrt. raJ i t t . ' '..ilaMIWiIMM - a tta.llMn.Mk . f - li I 1. I tl aa . a. m1m. . I'll! a. . , iw : aiiHiM, ' aa a .- I tM M K aa fc. V J t ' H a m a a aa ' " - a m -s i m a m M C mi-..' I. iaa Mitia ..t.l V b .tt.M I.1. -a. a C ' a )aM .--W , ....... .HH l-a to alia.. ... al C1l4aMlMM'l"l. ..a. yaM.,.a- ana I. .. -. khii i . i. ar , i i. I - ..!' : 1. 1 attl., iaw 9- at alali. Ia (. ( 1 - aitM 1i,i iaf. k taa t Wo yo fmtmt, ( W ba'ip aa I i J sa5itri tab tn aail i CIMtVJ, 4 lb aK D R. D. T. 8MITHW1CK, DENTIST, LOUISBUBQ, -. - N. C. OiSea over Purnitnr Store to the government When Mr McKinley ' waa president be 'wanted Mr. Hanna to D his secretary of the treasury, but at that time the shipping Interests of .Mr. Hanna and hi brother were such that he couldn't accept the place under the law. These Interests, are such, now that he can accept any position." HOTELS. cent: road. ' Mr. Oarretra ns la tn rail road world ha been phenomenal, but on little story which be hlmaalf told to s neighbor hints at tb secret of It all. "When I first wans rato tb - raitrewd business as a young man." said Mr. Oar- rett. was, called aaid by on -of tb other clerks, rho said 4m so: .tw Oar rett. let me glv yon s tip. You want al ways to keen you desk Utter, with pa- peTs. so that -wa -the eld- mas vcmtma around he- will t tntasr yo f ar 'tarrlbry busy. Then b won't pile any mor 'work on. you.' Well, continued Mr, Oarrvtt. I, mad up my mind that contrary. t trs bap -BUSUUWI i mvos-i r-u ; , Mr Oarratt ta ntttn. a aaia not half as strange as tne fact that an -of G3,ooe a -yearwhU bis orky coaua Misdirotd Geniu. The papers are making a great hulla baloo about what they denominate the strange; fact that an illicit still has FRANKLINTON 'HOTEJrfi rnfirand in 'one 6t the principal this man's advic 1. would always U '5- tl. vu,v. vf.ii.iu.i, . I my desk aeardi And I tnavda so. , FRANKLINTON, N. C. ,i tyt rrvTitTT-n-V Vvn I illicit still was once found in the Mis- Vto. V. vuvnnxix, iii-i' I souri penitentiary. A convict who nn- Oood accomodation for the traveling deratood the simple art of producing w I v. A TblW KirlPAllA aaIIay Ka owYnt oblio. : aalor ts- still ara-wlng . SG0 .a saonitkv-1 wonaenng wny mcs nmgainsr ana. Good Lit,.T Attached ttASSENBURG HOTEL i 1? Itfasaenbnrg; JProp" j od aoesmmodstaoaa.- Good fsxsS it , liU sadattattvs TVTr .v; ifi atnnunnn uniiCC - ITariirtai. - " - Urtt CWini sr. J. itBWHB,iywprtt ntaaaaaa -of , Oommwelal .:.TourlsU' am fraallaa--PsbluSOlleital. ' '.."T-. - what Dick; Rsrtvellor called "the ardent" J 8nator Tnraiary. and "the-'rosyahd; who possessed an 1 Senator Teller relate a good atacy tr.!aKbi!irfnnite for the same did by wayibf illustrating hia optnloa that not propose "to be deprived ef hia tippla the Ctolctoblan. delega is who bar, mo yflja fi4 Hall PWa d. " atoaTfwd to rab t J t tot tb cro)d osa too iba i rash too atrof. mv kas lb as aa4 tb 1 mM bica oa to mi j lm r tb '?. I M rf i VJ to taf kv, boa tb 4M 4 rsentlta ar aataptotba taaAarw f tb crowd wm sect 1U1 t wmM sm former yeaua, tlnainbr of ca4vt. tw9 U(k t M ot(v4 e-w oped yoathabtnf apartarry twia. ,KTwrf.K lk. Tw .j. to.- BWSeaUy tb t0s of tb ,broc- ,U5 tf K aUUyyiaW aaT . IW aUV MW a HVRT I . ing and IrreaiatlbU. 1 soo ic s.ttsoTw.t. vy c - 41 bt a abbt I L-. .... . - t ....... 1 tm Kepuoucaa leaoera to MWt nin 1 - a 1 m 1 and Kansaa ar fixing to raa rscj j Mr Waa, Cs f C 4 With eacA other aa to which shall b I Um4 tr-m ibaaaMtita a4 tha rt Stats la tb Valoa to tastrtKt '"fJT??" I,?! T 4 i. aa. t w. 1 aa r - a a an. prncaiany wtta soca a jana as 1 Drv O tXMOOAi TMOOOni w a . .la. 1. a .'l .a. . fit .. aaa- IlllMa ra.ll- ' .aa i 1 MaNIi . 44aa. ta .Waiafl mi .aw aal a I a...ia. ... a -mm a . l . a ' a 11.. ia . - at ana a a -.aa la "I Itui if V& LtxUj if r a MLfJUL! Ha4 so letters, papr ta caaap-aay. by tiMa at r A Ten C"- I aiaak i ay . ibfb rf lat sb4 s4 v-v fAa -a 1 i WaJ 1 W la Wit. bt ' . . a ba va a -4mb Aa4 mm 4 t t- araf a tb .-r'if Ufat ti amis air iHa bnt f art SaJkA arfTLH tt lit rmvi ft"a a-aX t at -t a .a. --k , "tf l ' -tat ( -jAa4i it.i ' . -M.r t t4 ib ft6v O auab r 4-; 7 m-n, it t a.t a UeW liMU lata tat.. b ! Ch .- &ts c4 arastf bf khi U ;'g-l wit si 4. - J;- tra.ati 4 lb aa)Aa- nt b ' - ' t-a-tf. " C. a.. .h Vs tj fa. Tt ram Vt.at s mus. .4 tyfalks) lb --& Mal "! A' f t-J b-iSf ft lWa :. kx. rH(a,; rrir U. ".6 t lbi t n-.ai W iW .7-- b a f rv-ma-st . 14 a LA rkr mm t-uj a.t. r.H ' I" ? C 71 a mmlX W.a A lUJ ai Wa tiaraiua r-", y aw tawiw- ' a a ip a ". ! art tsafwaaewa ttnaa ratVtt ann a imij j at ia A f i rl pare. - Taj. a. a" ' W aai a f tm lf t : " 'aji aa f i I T. . f wh '. Ki f 1 T . . V attain, IV ...a.. . li.iiciaw 4aajMl i V liailaa'aaaa, !,, . - 1 1 Ian 1 a.-.., m- e . - .aam I s - a afci 11 t , tap ' j a a mb K. a .. avi t aw IMaa I t ftT- T '.M' a- 1 fit a. fft al - . at I aai ' aa it mm m mm a aw a at ' aa a aa tt aata ' T" t-tt aa. f K mt mm I a a a. 'n.i. tat a- .aMMai t av ; t aa , a a W a 4 , a Sat t' ra a i U Sv. CMV?BAtaO. a,. a4 v. ba Ut CUttWuttt Si b A . vft f . V iwmmmm at . a a. t ilv t! ttvay.s Au A Carftt Party la Mats. It is many year since North Ta- I Ja a sainoro was boo-jraxj- u a wi aiOt sal wvw aa C W SUIT a a laaatiaaiis aa Ul4ra I ft s4 pal t a sa4.i mm4 aS r aw. I w a a-r-a n t ga baMU af tJaaar tSta a4 V SaAiaaj agency. It waa th trpt br Tr.' Bob-J U I Mm U I rt M It Wt a.a wJH. lswttn4ti-a w t-aa. bad to b pttMvsd to wbt tasttag ptaca. ' Toosa tetrssttd wltHtbajoa fait oalncllsed to endartsk tb task with out socaa.atlmnis.Bt so, going to tb 'agency. tb cor?-' -tipo uuttta aslad fsr- a -ayaart' af wblrty. wmtcS wsA aa aaaatt askad far tbaa c-av ed." 'Aa tha' gcoUemaa waa aboct t -Atakawbj- Vaav. tb agrst tMtboagkt I 2f ah.1 r ni-r , Ka I llmm Tr Ikasasafra rt . .04 fttat a4) If apaa-aisg 'pais. - W4rfaJ rta. Ufaya by sar mm -t-i UmMlf to ' ask 'far what parvoa bJ wanted trock s rg ttDeoat aad waa told It waa bs mva a cacpasv--Tfta PsfSf tamJla Urn a aLt rs fM bavaa 4 ta tb taht J wis bUi U nv t- tt la u baa a a aJb f IMaa Sua ai(a a taa aa ha a a. iiat m i jaw 11 Inn aa to T t jtaw taV t.m -a A at as I i baa W aa attaa aaaa -" Hat ! 1 1 1 it 1 1 n aaa.'ia I at ua i m !! awyM aVaa mm !. a Va Wtm taanT' us Fa wri.ttCbamina. tbay Mi mmt v-oa bv ". wl a a r"t bltaa. Mm. a a a atrmajMia a SV Excelsior CotUn Go. ; Collins and Camels 4A 2t f4 U4iaf t 4ftaKv. , Ktl-vtJ . tV-a fca aw atSa sm St aM a I S I naatialyaVia ai 1 1 ia a b44 ' 1 tm rnrnrnm tAtmrnfm fcawa mm mm a a- a lunn f J I fa gt l i 1 fiaaaai . , j Stl.ii.tt t a U mttmm'm a t if aaHa lt W . ' ffc. liWaaHMt m i ! ma at W,-M V liaiinaw 11 ta tinattiw b..iwitM.a1Wa' to Iwnyl ' la a-aaat a M t- IMaa mm 51 at " aa si 11 aa a t II a f t ? I mm aai aaa ta a a ) ana. a aa t M a St 1 t . I a . aa mm m mm, f 1 1 a w a . a UmJo I f XfX a. a r m a m ' kf ac aM 1 at t w ' f aa Robes Biiri-wl Shsis .awttt and Cbvts m ImHm.. Ill l ' t aa A a aaa a mm mm- " M g intHMM, w -cy b . Mia..! ry t u . " ' , .' a- '! 1 ?" - " " :: A' ; """: ,::t ,6ver Onefand id Halflf of merit aMed vdu No CiirCa No Pay. 50c Pt fc-ctias tMt mm 1 FHiaMf tt urttrs 8ab. V.br. H.Uaaf mmmmm ft, bt a. . jt-m saaal a nan baw SVt4 wak ' TVS bwHtrbS IV 1 1 'ffJbat UtmiS iat4aibtftfa 1 aaraml s4 btwoars vxram na4 - 'wlSt t:aJOL TV V mm 1 at al4a , ..- ba a-aaUtt m4 a S Cbii'f g-aaay bt f tana 4 at a a W a I ' aat t.SMra a S g . "1a W nra Saw ft -S ., . V aVi a !) S'.at ftif tutt.aW t t' 'asr's?a.aaa i a fVh- 'tMa, 1111 tataat t n aa w &.m Sat aa aa f ais"1"'"-. sw" i t s 1 " a a a t " 4 t I 1 a anataya. In a a 1 1 ii aaittn . 4 tmaua a ' - Ls i ' '.i.. iM-a ' i ; m aja i i ...i t . In -a 1 1 i a"a t-aa vmt If ab-ata aaf "., Va Va - . I aa J tavaa-f a avy a bdoaad whA every bottle b a Tn Casatacks est GIOVTS O-AGl JjOOT LTVXX MJL2L Atari t -1 b f. t Itaaattal by allihiat a atiab . mWm aaak A Irum4 r ra 4 a & ialf fUw l - asaas 4 I .a.a ., attw. M N.oit, Tfl 1 rm tAal ; ib Sta t i !. -.y a.ai ., ftnal I aa4t M I a aA4a .paw, , .. M r.... 1 fr.ie . lt a a. - t V tr- ?ta.u .a a av I baai. la f I a-Ja tm aa f wh,,..v. w ta. a r ! ar.rc ia4 TV.a t. !- t ? ia A-a a- Utwt " -ia-w I iraatttMatr. t r Uv ial-.'4 taa Ca m -aaiiii-aatWr. j.. a a a a r! , f a aaa , . a aa a t a a . tvita li ai j i tWta- a Sm" , avt .... aS4iataaia4 tarkUatw!W. tVS S J U, i '" ' V ' at a Ml XI Jirms naa tn niaS-j-i.n 1 I r V 1 -' t '- . " , .T Atat-a . ' I Ctcctc?cf CcflCxi t-.a.w wtiai'w ri.. J-a I I If I 'IT'! ' V.Maajtitatt. f a,Miiiii.a ti . W a-, a i , 4 . .-J SJUlaai.i