' ' . . - - . ' V--y i. - . . . - . - . - " JAS. A. THOMAS, Editor ml Pnjriitir VOL. XXXIII Champ uar-K s a 0 Special Washington Letter. St Louis is tbe place and July 6 the day on which the Demo cratic national convention will meet. When the national committee convened in Washington on the 12th, the principal and striking feature of tne gathering, was Democratic conn Sanday School at 9:30 A. M. Quo. 8. Bakbk, Snpfc i Preaching at 11 A. M.jnd7 OC P.lf. very Banday. .'. Prayer meeting Wednesday night. W C Kassky. Paatoc ' .baptist. , . Sunday School at 9:30 A M. Thos.' B. Wij4h4 8opt Preachins at 11 A.M.. and 7:00 P.M.. rery Sanday. Prayer meeting Thursday night. H. H." Ma8HBDBa. Pastor, , , KFlaOOPAL. Sunday School at 8:30. Wm, H. Romir. Sapt Serfic8, . morniak and night, on lit, 3rd and 4th Sundays. Kveaing Prayer, Friday atternooa Kbv. Johh Losdon, Rector. PRESBTTERIAS. 8rice 4th Sanday in each month dence in the outcome of thp imnomi. mornlDK and Di(?bt Ing campaign. Whether well found- v. i.-. naa.n, ea or not. the ennfldonm -rita It Is universal The Republicans lodges. I are aquotfnl and fearful .of the LouUburg Lodge, No. 413, A. F. ft results. There was much more A. M., meets 1st and 3rd Tuesday talk among visiting Democrats abdut iffhta in each month. carrying the country than there was , - about particular candidates. There was i.-i-otfeeisiioiia.l flard. (more talk about Gorman, Parker and Hearst than about anybody else. Ev il ALL RED. erybody admits that General Francis Marion : rVwkroll nf riaLnnp1 A.TTORNEY-A.T-LA.W, I rnnkA n fintnn AMoMmit . Will protice in ail tbe Coorta. Ottio in I muctt more consideration of his name outside the state than most wiseacres appear to rknow of. It goes without saying1 that all Missourians are for ttie grand old man. The objection to him that he comes from a state reliably Democratic should have no weight whatever-: He la honest, he is capable. he is faithful to the constitution the Jeffersonian tests. An-outsider can poll "as many votes in New York, New Jersey, Illinois and other doubtful states as an insider. That has been Offlc in Uie rear o' Boddie, Bohbitt ft I demonstrated over and over again. The outsider is not weakened by factional fights within the party; so, on the tt u tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt!to?J!i ftlamood runbtiTTts for tfi 'mTTtVyiilr i nanofactortra'SBd tatr ia,-' 1 . L001SBUR0, N7 C,FMpAj; JLNlUnilSOl CUXEUKQ SPrCUUTlQH. CHURCH DIRECIoRT . I " " " ! : 1 ; it i .: :: .. j. ..: 1 Unfair Division of Houce Committees Democratic Hopes Soaring Hlh -4- - Letter t H- -M. -t-i- tt tt tt he should give us any membarahrp upon F course everybody knows that th.e imPrtant committer of th Imum. St T-m i .Ti, t, 1 "I offer, and 1 hop that I L ToangTllle, N. C. J)B. ARTHUR H. FLEMING, DENTIST. LOU1SBORQ, . - N. C. OUce Ovr-The Green h Tarboro Oo.'s tore. It. 8. P. BUKT, rRaOTIcrNa PHTSICIAJJ A.ND 8URQROH. Louisburg, N. C. hope that ta committee on rolea will eonatder . Cavor. ably, a resolution to ad (me t acb of tne sixteen great committee ot the Kom. committees compoaed et aeveatMa ' - bers each, and that traa on added neta ber Je taken trom thmlnertty aid. As It la new the eommlitaea are rWlr sandwich, committee. Cmckere betna? me nepuunctm on urn s ana ui meat (the Damocrate) btwn ix out o( seventeen. That to the way th stands on sixteen great eomaUttae la a house where the Republics mavxtty la thirty. ' "T-i r , . Now, I have no dlspoafcioe to find hwiTt unduly, and I have no diaoattloa to arr utteranoe too frequently or too forcibly to rauit wnere I do- find It. t I recard that as 'an outrage upon the minority. I regard it as treating us unjustly and un fairly. I regard K as taking umjuat ad vantage of the control of this hooe tor partisan purposes. A good many of these commttteea are committees that have no political matters to deal with. They have the business leg islation of the country to deal with. Tet they are made . up In tb moat hKterly partisan way. Take the commute oa It is.asto&Uhing that te U Bfht ct the opening year of th twecUrth co tnry ao re-poubi a oornal af ttM PW-, adelphla Inquirer advocatp th lafiic tion' of corporal p&Uhmtt oo l&- area, it wants it roaioooaiy taan-Istered.- -JodiapMly- U a 3eVJe57y rich word wbes ad tn that roac-' Uou. Everybody knows that puirouj Tfela.-, to Tjap4f V WlUi-Sorot Good Sogw ratloat. &tott sad Mt daa ah oikst ft( ik, tmmam fee? lUif. Ok h UsMS ipotlt,(4 xia s4 k4t Ml- no to urt lojta. Coi4wt SraU TfXt firm $ i Cxi it. t'wl O t iW ak(MSt loMHn. ta. wm. Iwtelai mJ UEEDS t-rl tfif f ens O. MILLER. w-.fi i t.!" .trr t erai w l S 5.nr i t 7 tenths of all th chitdrta m thraao- rd were thrahd by parvora, Ucbt 1 Mrlhd chaacg Ar Athv tjti.ni trr mha et iftfff I and odt fn a km of Jo. tic. Ctot- TKV i.-U, . poral 'ponlshment for chUdrra U a rulld lb Wfco a4r Mitu of barbarian aad ahoaW be prohibit vtr n mm ttcrwtUf t w. 114 by law. j . . I m tl lUirb fat)re rf I . - - J I V M j boor of, th awmlntv, hea th ehk. IM4.1S ofict U iw OT pttOii jw SW44 Iprta d th hocw that won day th I Vkt- - 1 - i l'RMaMlriB ticket. - whih tn ktildl fw o f.h.i, h uM.t e kW w.. m. W a ?. 4 JWS- t -jJ ' the tetterai good- nataradry aMitrrw.- JatT-voo " ! 6t. M frava'f l.f, rcrrtr v-eX ws t Vb sari a more or TrractoM rhww- T Wk.!... .... ... . . fVvn s,r tJ ftV,-,,... . - v- 1? rJe rVB if --h- M4 , . ' J . I ' . "ti - - - 4 rlKfi aC40 i J eKEV. . . . im,, " " v-.b t-Tiorn .a e t of 4 km uii.il sm. aw k. . i,i w f " X-TT'i.;Ki:n., HAUTIMOHC hart fonad th man aroaad whoa, ttary can rally. Qmton sab? . Ih4l t I OXt a UtMUftlau ! air. . u. -arrvo ox lurnawac. 11,1 united In support of them. Sine I have J. CP? to, .L ''. f ffc-.f. j , Co.'n Drug atorp. on N ih street. .8. EL V. YA.KBOROU3H, 1) PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Lor!aBUne, N. C. whole, the convention could not do better than to nominate the great Mis-sourian. ni. sni floor NeH. buildlnar. shone IB. Might calls aoswere-1 from T. WVBickett'a rak4ace, phone 74. H. W. M Afl8KN BURO , ATTORN SY AT LAW. LOUISBUB. If. a A. Vie Presidential Probability. Among the probabilities of the near future is the nomination of Judge Rob ert Walter Miers of Indiana for the vice presidency by the Democrats. They eould hardly do better. He is will practice in all the Court oX the Stat t now a representative in congress, serv- Offlce In Court Hons. been a member of th house I never yet I brlaog rvKVOtty porrhaaetl have kn6wn u minority report from that acre of red cedar land In that tVod commmee. let out ot Hvinttts mean- f-.v.r, 1.1. r..s .iv.- bers the minority of the heua la repre- formn nd. Mr. TarrUh elWr sented by six only, though In total mem- tn eedaf. whrrb 1 ol la mat- bcrahip It has within thirty ot a many lng lead pencil. I getting very orr. members as the majority. that the nameroo revolotUina vf Now. there Is nothing but partisanship 77 ' "TO"" . In that. There Is nothing but InTustic PTnt hi fUng oat tb cdri and unfairness In It. It deprive us of therefore 8aato Doming ahottid b what we are entitled to. It puts npon nexed. Mr. TarrUb f 00 daM aa members on the other side. If they do .. . . ... - .., . , their duty, more work than They ought to Wrtlrntb rtleman-Il MrgtnUa have. It deprives the membership on this He ts not only the bin rtbroa side of proper opportunity to do work Jlngolst of them all. bat. what 1 rar TthjThrhor. a.1?. .nd comes from, and is done In tbe commit- cIaid- A a Delation wouW pat p tb tees. 8uch a course la got conducive to 1 price of red cedar; cooMacctl? Let us m s lrl goou legislation. 11 is not dignd to annex! uniift auuui gooa tegisiauon. it will not brine about rnrwt 1alila Hah tct....... iOthers may do. I, for one. wish It dla-1 11 rapdly coming to a afar of uncny understood that I am utterly op- affair where th man who la m( tn tK gi4sav. 1 BiBit4iitiot atk.i a); cw!i o bri t ut aii ! tt kxt 1 iKV? '.lit ad , i Tatf if cuio tajikrt 1 I W3 hie . W W WM I waat kktK" t Sum, ; I lar haa ! ar it W aiawt-rtie f W t. - ioi a m i .two: o44M I la :h - w-dy 11. eitr', tie tu( cU 0 m ttf t Sew i - th IM ct it Vi :iti:. ir t yon ' iVtt l .1 V.t (ju j mm I 77mJLk , ? n- 1 .una,rtfw tiooed for noml nation at pn-s5d.nl or be fruitless but I am utterly oppod to ( . . . . such action, and while tha onmrtuBlif I Tlc preenaeot oa enBrT tn IrtTVo- yet remains, while that' raoch of the era tie or HerrabUcaa ticket will bm mo. c tt A ft-o b (rtoil .f tt I u n tt rli iari t t ' ! trf !. Vuieg. M.iiy (3,: rr aa-4 ? W m lit ta tw t v pof plfi( ,r oj t! S'( ta ay a.r m Wtk:'. n mjt f hi ;!.. i a.tt Ctdl i taie o' t. rr-i era . ' .. w, n-j-. uJ s it tn ova f"fT4 V2 cr-ac-r. Vl if Ti em tr-fi s'S Vrn h.-i J t-rii ? r-.U it, ji'cJ .t id trrr4 S ci": 3 ,r .t.,-tr -r.. -r 1.! b-I T - ! ectc j., V.vf .e rrtf? Oattitncrr ftntS Old PfJt Comfbti, . Jg. I'. Wrwh j Qtf acta 14 1 now ro nrtitoT a rTci j ! TV' "! e., .m- i w , ' . ' i t w. Iw. f ABCUS C. W1NSTEAU, ATTORNEY-AT-LA.W, LOCIBBCBG, N. C. Onos ovh Cornet prug Store. Special attrition given to collections, rractlce wherever services req aired. D R.4. S. MALONB, HACTICYNQ PHYSICIAN AND 8URQKOH. LOUISBCKB, If. c OOce over Aycocke frug Company. M. W. BODDIE, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW, Louisbcbg, N. C. Offloe in Cooper Buildiog, vv u. HAYWOOD BCFFIN. A'TTOaWKT-AT-LAW KnjiflBUB, h. a - Ing.Jhis foirtSi term. He is universally considered one of the ablest and most reliable Democrats in that body. He is indefatigable in the discharge of hia duties, patriotic and enlightened. "He Is an educated man, having 'graduated from both the literary" and law de partments of the University of Indi ana! He has been circuit attorney, member of the state legislature, trustee of the Indiana university and circuit judge. He is fifty-six years old and as fine a specimen of physical manhood as can be found jn a month's travel tall, large and of commanding pres ence. He would make an' ideal pre siding, officer, of the ' senate, and if he should succeed to' the higher position he would make an honest, capable, cour ageous president. Prior to 1894 Indi ana was classed as a doubtful state, and some of the fiercest conflicts in our r history were fought out by the Hoo- siers. i I privilege ana ngnt or a reprewentatJr 1 aldered for that rraaoo aa a diet! wnen i seems nutng. to exprea my opto- J " rjltiai Wm io trtd 4w - Ion about it. Btxtwn nmmii -i 1 ta enrlnf Into DreanlnrtK br rnakla. I tee places are given to gentlemen upon I an unexpexd UgXrtVQ Is tbt r- j 10 if 0'. c i tl'emen upon this aide. SuTin m oC LU ,Udf P.r ' there are upon these important commit- Q"Pnl- WQO P'ace in nam or po- tees, to say noththg of the leaser eom- atof Bole Pmro Wfbre th fmbC' m!t.teelJ,?ho.OUKht not ? upon thara at hla choice for prelArot. Th JwJg -It curries favor over there. It tends to . . , . ' weld together compactly and cloaaiy Um Probably want a ptofaoe or -rtm- mass over there. It tend to soak-rb thing eooalty rood.' PTo ahookd power of the speaker great by enabling 1 not be angrat.fal. taking away the lndeoendence dmb tkat side which might Interfere with th carry- I On by on tb aotrtxilam rrVbrV ing out of his decrees. It ought to kiri Hm are nlhnd to tnir fathr until the effect of welding ua nort elowly to- I tK . ' yn-n,m . I t st-T. tct a mm ko gether. We aak nothinar nm ..I t mr hecomlnf acarr. Hott. Joha I . . . think we are entitled to. I for on, aak Young Brown. H-reyr ofcatlT lft coo- MBao, a cool Vj b rtehttoaskwhatUJuatandWutalr. .! TJtZ i, p4- MW b b. e nave a ngnt to asx woav-our metav. i w fc i bership entitle us ta W hav riaht I tnunarotv if of twaty-fwar; dfetJ I ik tuwrKU. tl b i a brw . "1 lntI"t or tn. ooontry i tb veteran Jeahna JooWt for t In good legislation entitle ua to. I . . , . . . ,. . . - . , . . 1 t o- k. n K Th. Word, of JrTr. " Jrmt """" " I 1 TV . frl m was rrja wmm.i.,i . BMav The Judge should not be deoendent un- i . T. . .. . I In the great tout of that year I on any man or body of men. I nrmenon, oat n nver una npx tn i tmfioytn da t: atd iU ac j lo ft :- l .. Ht-iatt 71 it. t t 3 a:w hnrfi M, t 1 . Mil v t f.H. tt '' V. t tMMtp . 1 Tup , t. K.t..,. .,.. a t m. dw . a I f U nr a N M r I j I, -a"T a-nwf ato ta ivo) bi io cU tk a. a ) '-. waa :ib a p.k. ' r 4w-t! 4 lkam-t , ; ,t ar k4 b l.vl . -J. i ox4 br b talrt t( t fa th rtre Kp e . i A r me ktniUi 1 W ..v ,b , v . aiaai agw 1 At !. 1 Irrd di!ata, tb cfcatxirt r k fc m a. W'k tKBaaiMi a h. M t a.4 iumi Art V- I I U f Tr V b rm . Veal -oa'l bi caV f-Mtt .Atwk ttC M l - .... ", t!-iM-M. i- t. HMa4 ... . H m .,' t... il in - to . SKAHOAIU) A.t a 1 a t iv t.i - Mwl" i.4 ..1. tl W t .. - -k trraa art ttm VtieU ftft tittxra est rubra toc!i tct V an. ta rwm att at. fata"'" A)a'iMl ittao,tat she went Republican and lias Continued to do so since, but there are abundant The law of th majority is th natural I ptmalac of his yooth. FIU lat anpr taw of every society of men. I ,-, , ndldat wit whra b aN J j c- 1 ft ti o 11. ib uciier 10 KDoiisD mtnoMnai m an r . . . - .. . ff . .it. r-v - ... ...1 -.v. 11 m m ui A nrw njH 1 1 f a rA r I l ( , h i h i . i .... r b k i . imtiti nsmBTnnA null km i a ri r f aAftakHav . he iiii lual buv as vu.; .x. u.. mbolo . . ... j i mi iu uu ui kiit. i . d tad uiioinlng counties, also in "th SnpraaM :urt. -odin-the United State. District aad Circuit Courts. Utile In cooper and Clifton Bonding. IHOS. B. WILD IS BL, ATTORS KY-AT -LAW, LO0ISBOB. a. O. offlce on Main street. ovr Jon a Ooopars tor normal political., condition doubtful. This being the case, the Democrats will strive to the utmost to redeem the state of Thomas A. Hendricks, Joseph McDonald, Daniel W. Voorhees, David Turpie, Judge Holman and other great worthies from the hands of the Re publicans. The nomination of Judge Miers would go far to bring about this consumma tion devoutly to be wished. I am not among thos who fear tb pec- I governor In order to deoy of? ogb J .Me( mtm .tMo 13 Marx- Y SPRUILIi. ArroaHBYjaAT-LAW, LOUISBURb, C Will attend the coorta of Franklin, Yaaoth 8ntor CockraK's Lost Dinnr. The senators , are laughing over a good joke on Senator CockrelL The lat ter invariably eats apples for his lunch at the capltol. He takes Missouri ap- grtnvtiie. Warren and waae connnes, auo 1 . . n t i,em and eenerallv Ui suureme Court of North Carolina, pies, II ne can get mem, anu generany Prompt attention given to collections. offlce over Rerton' Store. W.BICKJaTT, T. t "TORN BY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Ivoutsvitb x. a has a supply in his committee room. The other day, being engaged in the senate, he sent a page with a note to his clerk to please send him two ap ples by the bearer. The clerk handed Attt -riaf annlM hnt the nnee did not I trlous. UUV uv "-f " ' 1 7 - . . . . . . . . - 11 v.. laae not rrom uie moutn 01 ttxoor tn pie. They, and not tb rich, are our da- pendenc for continued freedom. The whole art of government consist la the art of being bones t. Where the press Is free and rvary man able to read all la safe. If a nation expects to be Ignorant and free in a state of dvUlsatloft Jt axpect what never was and never will be. Those who bear equally tb burden .of government should equally, partlciaat. of Its benefits. Wealth acquired by apocralatlo aad plunder is fugacious In its natur. and fill society with the spirit of gambling. Do not be frightened into tbe surrender of true principle by the alarm of tb Hlmid or the croaking of wealth agalnat the ascendency of th people. What a cruel reflection that a rich coun try cannot long be a fre ana If we can prevent the gortrnroonl rrom wasting the labors of th poopt. under the pretense ot taking care of them, they must become happy. I think we hav more machinery of gov ernment than 1 necessary; tee many Pr- LVovcrr)c TttN to dtt Wlltura Goebel, but de oertui nil nkU bonua. iiii-,it f t 1 kaHva , bu. . ..MM.. llMlilMl, 1 .1 .tat I n 1 e. I..MJ. MM.t-M .ImMH. , ......... .. r- V aai 1 w tmi) tiin?. i t i.." mi a ffm ... . v.. l..rtll m torn 1" lit aeara. f Itat 4tt4 tuOtltaai m ra bO bvg'ct by battaf (Kloa cnaa'(rv ' eJ trf Ssrart iaJ faar.a mV ta m ' fi la .. ' Si 1 M a ! w . W--t wm .... i IH..W..I.J t . . . iWna) .k t.niliaaia . . Sto aa . t',,,a . taia..a (U0Tai A4x5i. taaJi taatk. a t t i t m M a tW ' an. !, Iv M tH aaa. A ' aa f . a r M i - 1 tm mm d .1.1 . f K . - . J V . 1 -. - ' 1 r ' 1 1 j h a . And atUl tWy com'. ThU tlaa It ta I tf ; 14 uiatib aaaj raariorab. i F a boom for VI a rah Q TVtd of ChVc tor, tbev" DiocraU vie pridntUl nocalnatlon, o that UUdoJ new Vat a pmldeattal randldat-s Jaora Bobtt WTlUamA and a vlca prridn!Ut cao dklat. Of ooara tbr to 00 law mt caotltatlatl proioa tplw taking both prewldent aad W prraidrat froca the same state, thoogh g grtat tar well Informed paopl brwv l ber la lit. IS af AfellAGE A FAlLCBt. .((all ax t fed : Vi wy 1d i Ir rta) pTttara: '. 1 W M . iai i t !i t tiM f J I I I - a A1 l' 1'v ' i aaTa oad ll am elf 1 . . , i flm) C eW fW Wl an. I lt 40 eaM . j p aat t t. . ratal - V3 it n ta aa.fiaa arf fine Vat, .) aj:at 'aaT Wmm 1 W .ItWn , , . . ... c. -.1..., ... . M t - !.... a ifr . I Mat.rt .. .... HiKiiMt ll)l."i. i' -.M.i.t a 4 aa m aa aa aa Th provision to that no U-trc thai! J v1 qx u to stria U A nm, . - - M.T a n-t vt.-at etaA. I . ,u,t - - I 6 drnatttit mt'mm oavc t.J , aeallal carvauiate ootn rrom tu o-ar .... , . f UC I tl I j . i rt- . tt:a j . ( aiatai k tsn aa! a-a a a ix 9c Ui ot K.J vbsb a state. W ataaan . tMf aat!i- ,- t-i a a ' i it -t- iits t ai- tiaafraii a- ' f bajataaW - 1 ,tT -W a. I .taaallt i attk lab astat - 4l4a' 4 itas t-a Itay-Ar f tt. .. .4 -. v-t Us( ta 4.4 waaat ta t.. laeta Atiaa ' af - ) Ha . wW '.J I -t .t.H Aa a tltlMM -H i '. t. aiaAaa at at aayiMttt. ... at . at4 twaa ' t taw H.a si ... t f - I r aa.ai . ' rv (naaMrt M trta f tnr-i taw . ' 1 i. Prompt and painstaking attention glv very matter intrusted to nis hands. sent for the page and asked why he did not come ' back with .an answer. b.. rsi.f inrtimfflumiuinL Hon. loaiiiiriuim tor a. nn answer." said the Daee. SSSaAlSoa fcer krV the apples my clerk n. : rT- .7." vniM -Rank I 0" i'Wiit nntor " Mid the t-nn 1 isavi eaL majiiv. tt iiiavu . of Monroe, Cha. K. Taylor, FraVWak Mt College, Hon. B. W. Tlmberlak. ufflce over Neal Co.' Store, f. PBBSON, w. ATTOMTST AT-LAW, lovMBtrs. . a ' ' PracUee tn all courts. Offlaa on tT09ta 'Whv. senator." said the pageVI ate the apples. The clerk hand ed me two, and I thought he gave tiem to me for bringing tbe note." Aa t Comanitt Aasianmenta. tt 1 fiiat 1 in. 11 n-(tmTM and D" r-v..t r.w om. W9wcMMit .. -,., vr r.- t. r asitea living on the labor of the Indu- j to John nhrrtaaa, wb I ,l ft aa lb rt oi tit4 - 1. alleged tUt roatrr btrayt hTffl fe j ;lcd bbrd oaf lm ptu. te.a' bread It has earned. I th nra tirtfO Tktl noWMUoa T t CKro I . . The persons and property of our citisec i nrAmr tn mikt Jim - A. tlartUal I ' 1 mi W t iXm Wu aa i am. an tit 1 iA 1a tha nmlMfLui m, m. 1 . .1 . . . . . a . . - . a. - r erimenrta all Ptoce - lawfully go. I t tet raying Dim, jou aw arwu i pg tc(l bo texl t c o-J b, , a... - a- - ITir v ,TTJ f bt let irt. Ca tbii ! 7t r;ri -t a;.l. tant t.t r.a ' I tl aa. iv-v a i aai a a a i-aaaa 7 ai .aw t . , -p- a. mm atM . - r f t . . M t aa . ..1 11 it aMB -t - -a t .. i i t- i . ft aa -. UiH..a I .i , i f JU' mmt aa 'ua V t I - - aa $4 M a i ai mm a m aa " a i aaa. M a a Ifo'ea - - ... af U W aa a' . aa ? y mm- f ! aj t itf aa . ii., t.a - t.i. i . A MMI,N 4.. 'Iha.rita luaanp . ll maai .a. aj. ,r y ma - 4 1 iii 1 1 la t a- na-aw . t a I -. an -1 aa taa Ty H YABBOROTJOH, JfB. ATI ORNEY AT LA W, LOUISBUBa. b. a t-tne flitnl mt.l .Jtt A . a.A tt j-i " ... e -a y a . i7, - r-, - : : . " Debt of th World. aovrthem detente ' wy frae- bit: " " w " ,1 bHuxlttH .lyto.S, a- a- . . . v , We sometimes think opr. debt aa a Toater wa avao( tttw (rTtsata ra T. errt-rt e -... . , ' , . t-. . i . t V-T nation is large, but when w. compare who ar bom wltb QVe p-ynlar tnam-v -m,nmntti -a og at ibf W. b ( " ' J s- ' . - - it, keeping in mind our superior wealth -which gave him a miy fat atBraa iVf !,.- ,y " , T JT producing resources,- wlth-tb debts of - ' . tt t 4 4 !. t j- it-t , . 4 -. t-twa t.6en ! .. aaftl t A.6v.a, othet nations it is enough to mak ua. If or ravoltrUoa gar na th rtot- J.C ,6T ,rr rfvirt ) rac ( . . . . w. a,,,.t v C laWi EewreadeT-of these letters probably I feel quite comfortable. Prance, leadai f fartaaxm flai5 tptar to b I aatroa i rvt ta tb , I vfnwpr that Judipe' Uavid A. De Ar- the bunch with six billions of interest f forrgooe conclmsloo'that far iwefa , tlJ, r, J tr K 5 J ....... a t.... . ) W . w. - a at - mond of Missouri is the most incisive bearing debt, tbongh It should be.con- flon carried oa MxanltarMi-ly In F mttm. r , , U) .u'f. . it H,Mi.t t . "- BDeaker now In public life. His worda sidered that practically all of these J to Domingo ooght to land, that a-hrag J A:ac tr. gvtt ' L,.iM,,,ui waaua-af - .aa lllrga ti IM-ZAl. Leader Williams did bonds are held by Frenchmen : there-1 teoatrtwtn 'ttw aitirrhoed of at sit. 1 a Aaoad ia caMbrt: mi dv"t i .... . . a a vv - . . .1 . I ... . let 1 -a. . - - ia alii aattanLa-a faat 'a. , - a Ka t?aw 1 ! a 1aw I ataaa I a.li t ' "a a - a a w o-a 1 1 well in recommending De Armond to Uncle Joe Cannon for a place On the fore there to little drain oa the nation, that La aTldatT tj i tha lrk- af th Jtt- j 5 - -4,t - nTT from outside soarcea.' The same to ro, and they 1 to ba rtmning th I v largely true of Great Britain's four machines Wonder when the ArVaa I f' tV" o d-af c4 hattm t rrilea eomroJttee. It gives him abun- largely true of Great Britain s foor machines Offloala Opera Housebuilding. Court gtraatl Wportunitj for the exercise e his I .billions of debt Russia owes three px-pW will graw traary eooagb cf ills I H -a ! -b . t aii i-iral buaineta' -intrusted to Wmj sarcastic gift; and all who know him and a third billions, th moat of tha I jiflgy, Wiiocy to pat a atop ta taw boW at.n a tlld la tb - I kf5KA b A.I I .... . fit 1 ' la m a. VI W au Ti am oav ...L 1 . i . m. a. a T l eaatisps si vi wt. 11 A tr Cbnta tkJ3. wt llil. tVay ill r.reive uromot and caref ul a-tentioa. I nnderstand ftia weU that he. will live hinterest on which goes to France each up to hia opportunity, uerore uus con- year, . ltaiy uw mt anu a wuu ow greaa closes he will give; the Repobnc- llonsbut much of ft b Invested ans many a bad half hour. Williams railroads-government lines. Bpala to De Armond and all he rest of us tried hopelessly buried under, a debt ot two to secure for the Democrats a larger billions. The total debt of tBe United and more equitable representation on States is less than, a billion, and If wa jmmmeefTh8ii,we ndWj lave, but all subtract from, this the amoant of .caab Wvntn. Tttras enrrentUr reported that In .the treasury It leaves a balance of Mr. Speaker Cannon favored the prop- about $700,000,000. More I than two-. oaition, but found the Republican pres- tmros oi ,m u. r snre for placea too strong. When the so the head of each family would come FUANKL1NT0S HOTEL j-j-t--- - - .SS5 n TT GfTTl1kY "PtTT - noarli -oa what I then supposed might be j tariff on Importa.that tariff to engblln' u, ait. : - i th(! makeup or me commaiera. , I "the1 Alnertcan txirauTacuireTa xo-ooka op jyR. D. T. 8MITHW1CB DENTIST. LO0T8BOBO, - - H. 0. Offlce over Furniture Store. HOTELS. ubllo Good Llv.T Attaebad whether ha should give us eight or seven is f AmertCg rt'"tnim fa ettMf: itaAoi f : MSSlaNBURG flOTlaL HENDERSON, IT- C, , - Co d aeeommodatioas. Qoad faxas ra i lit aadattemttv sarvauf-. ! ' ... . 1 ' t-. j. AonarooDi airrtatar P iwtaag of Ooauaateial Toartota CraTllagTabtteSolleitad. ' ' - I members ipon the large .committees of account ,of the tariff he ta mulcted itiiri-S for . Terruch U im. bat only boatnaaT teat d jv aa fa f'v J. Pterpoot Monrta most fl tD ,..,,, Mrtt I,, fc, ec. . . . . . -.a a I " watt 4a a xvutg uwr n to gran- i aYaj.i u. tawta tTK(la VLnms ... alnn'na- (U I : ..." t.X. . , . i... ' . . . . paouc wii si uif cwrwtis. ajw I dicataa and treat tha taatrrtt parwra 1 Mr v - C --. cf C espacia Ily BepahBca H eattrra Uuded him ta tha kbra eaai. at atwUaMtrtVf r -I IM1 1 aVaia -aa t 9-mm a . aaA aaM a aaj Ml ai av a i. I aa ta ja ftaaa t VJ& aa fiii tHa.Hi al mflm M t Hal -aW a I raa I M HI ii I 4 ata r r.a mm TJ . e.U'en aa HI ' Matt V ! a A t Mr tWl W- ia5! ta I twf i Excelsior Cofiln Co. r, aa ? aa b wtlfl - t - - - a ... , I ' -. t a v f aa a ar av t H t aaa flbaactar. bat - aaaa. that Noa at tbeoL'ad a wed t aay by war f rrpoaiag hi ntaia, . Na( they turn opoo sad read him. Th valued rhfladetphla laqatrer aAtna ham aamefclfuirj VIorraa I M geed as b aver wab aad aa urtrr parwra- Mr -"ta - Ca m CWi C m , n r'sflt n o n 4 iorVr! .vaTTvvS vr 'ra t y by p. c. " ; natknla Nat ' .. l ..aa. ' . t at) Wtt.M t a lia.UW.a U tlnaiia y Miiiimi.'r' i a I a a . f aa. i . 1 aiu-rj i 0o4 gftaa rra4 by g I ?Va Aa - - Pa0. I . t a.', A m waa t U. (w Vtaal CU tai ii a v r t.ewl aMa I &m a SaWHi aarvaa K aaaia. a. . ItUfi bf af A 4artf fav ia.n a mi i aW7 -V., aa ifa . atA ft' aeae " W v BWat Aa m lam.a a an. aa V aa ..aliini ai t .a i at aa 1 au a rn!c-p ?. i jv. ,. i - bai WV4 t BT lb taa aat At- ti bt ta bat fat a aartA At tV . t? a n Ma aaA H. SaWHl r aaa) a J Ill ! I , 4 fa laa-lt A I1 btaafl AaaNal ( , TV Wa U4 U jea -t.4 a roaaiea aa ftcW a. l 11 j11 1 At-raati aail Jfjavrt iattwi ann Itt-a la TV talM arj-a ea at4 lat Itult i a m StaMfaj "t a t i-tt ttaxa ... M aa,rl' -at fci J an taBai) t b A(aa ba f ba t Rctes Burial So;.5':3'.V:- an;J Glazes - -.- . 1 . pTaWaaaaa. . t.t -.. A l I .aV B" a T W ' . ' IV aaa, a aa.a. ak-UK-, 'aaw--ma tVa-lle-wKW ay rt Mke-wt vviiuuimw.mav vrr-v a ... - - :ri;: w? . n ihwiiHi.t tut, u n'ew.yrn.- f.T iyA tafiMTi af8 f n i (TTn:" : tuft?" . i " - 1,1- ,- Jl tvaWiiwfi .1 l-,-'VXl tv It U III U U H II IV a I IV ' U I ., j J. Vli' ' I IV j i A r. t?' 7z. I rt w VsiiU V V,. W W M-aAA-Ai -W .-aaaaa ww4.-a.. L-T"-? I--"T t 7; , m rrZ.,TL'J7 m - f ipaatWnari ry-i T-t .rT 5li;tvl";'FlXliai EXtTSCt FIUC. La ".'A , IalAA,- Ii juit CfV lU-1- tAb tMahraa.aw.Ml fi.Aaaaa.,ta-Va Cv.l 4.T-frl TT ' - r 111 dlrtJ. - aaw. at l a . .. . . . i " i , I -.riii i oniLXi iu.a . c. Ht.ub . v.. i r . . , " . ra aea-y aam C t 1 -a ta.1 Wmv a 1-wa -w t (jrra ai A.1 -, Vtiaibavr a ' aa I M a a. m A t a a , I ta tM M'llMWt t tt aa ti. a. m. "aaawAAtfa (-I a K ai f -t Kla. a mia ' .uia 9 a j at it i a ' y awiaiaat taa i . a laMaMt ta I - .aa V. sat i rwr -, ' r - , ' ft mi a-i. t 7-a.ia.a a at v f a a e t wh M 4t a a a ' aw a-a- a i m . , 4 t . at. a , f mt a y a 1 . aa t i' I . .-.:- .: .. ia aaa -aa " t a a. a." I -L aTT (tGagjronic. r f ; No Core tTjC. ' - . " ti i.n,i t ax . r ' a a -a ivw i a tav f "" b)a3 aa -a , . wh.. v a a a , I (VWW'w. f a aa 4 a a V baitU t at j taaw-t UaV I aa M araty t4 T to f ba f irwi tvt Cw7a J . . . aa-a. at. V. ; r a- . ' Ciccl.'cf C:rr1n Ca. Lirj;:u!iiu:tf a-a.. alK.'"' (Wat i.ia . i t a la W tafai il.a m- lit, a . . tw4 m t H, . t , k X3.attaa-:ltnJawi