TT ... IIP i7i ' k- J - SS4. , . W17ISBU$G. N. CL, FRIDAY, FEDRUAUT IZ-IZV li. I TIMim Ciiltfir eaf Draarl.ta ' V.,.. ,.,," .... a. n - n i n " " 1 Sanday School at 9:30 A. M. Gxo. 8. Baxkb, Sopt. Preaching at 11 A. li., and 7 SOP. H. very Sunday. Prayer meeting Wednesday night. L. 8, Masssy. Pastor. BAPTIST. Sunday School at 9:80 A. M. Thos. B. Wilder, Snpt n 4 Preaching at 11 A.M., and 7:00 P.M., j .very Sunday. Prayer m-eting Thursday night. H. H. Mashborhb. Pastor. BFISOOPAL, Sunday School at 9:30. Wm. EL Edifii, Sapt Services, morning ana niant , on t it, 3rd and 4th Sundays. Evening Prayer, Friday afternoon Bay. J omr Los dos, Rector. PEKSBYTERIAH. Services 4th Sunday in each month moroiog and night. C. N. WhaktiJJ, Pastor. LOOSES. Lonisbarg Lodge, No. 413, A. P. 4 A. M., meets 1st and 3rd Tuesday nights in each month. Pro IVMpuwxoiial Meucla. I H. ALLBED. J. ATTOHNBY-AT-LA.W, Will practice In all the Courts. Toungsvllle, N. C. Office in jjR. ARTHUR H. FLEMING, DENTIST. LOU1SBURO, . - N. C o Hr. Ovur The Or en Yarboro Co,' Slor. 1) 11. H. P. BORT, PRAOTIGINOPHYSICIAJI AND SURQBON. Louisburg, N. C. Offlce in the ivar o Boddie, Bobbitt Co.'s Drnar Store. onN ish street. 1) a. R. P. Y ABBOH 0 UQ H , PHY8ICIAN AND 8UBQBON, LoriPBCBa, N. C. Offlce Snd floor Ne. hulfdljiK, phone 29 Nltrht oalls answnre'l from T. W. Bickett's raldence, phone 74. " B. H. MA88BNBURO, ATTOKNBY AT LAW LOUISBrBS, . W1U pracUce in all the Court of the 8tate Office' n Court House. AftCL'S (J. W INSTEAD, ATTORKEY-AT-LAW, LomsBURO, N. C. OwricK ovsb Corner Drug Store. Rpeolal Attention given to collection, rracttce,. wherever service required. . JJR. J. B. MALONB, PRACTICINQ PHYSICIAN AND 8URQBOM. LonisBOBa, s. o. omoa over Aycortke rrug Company. - Y"I. W. BODDIE, ATTORNEY-AT LAW, Louisbcbg, N. C. Office in Cooper Building, w m. HAYWOOD RUFFIN. ATTORN KY-AT-LAW, 's- louih BTBe, a. a Will praOoe In all the Courts of Franklin iad adiolnuur counties, also In the Supreme 3oort, and In the United States District sad Utreolivoorta. Offlce In Cooper and Clifton Banding. rjHOS. B. WILDKR, ATTOBNST-AT-LAW, bouisBVBS, s. a. Offlce on Slain street, over Jones ft Cooper's itora. F. 8. SPRUILL. ATTORN BY-AT-LAW, LouiSBUBO, H. C. Will attend the courts of Franklin, Vancei (Iran Title. Warren and Wake conn ties, also the Supreme. Court of North Carolina. Prompt attention given to collections. Offloe over Bfrerton'a Store. p W. BICKBTT, aTTORNBT AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. totnaBtrae s. a Prompt and painstaking attention given to very matter Intrusted to his hands. - Refers to Chief Justice Shepherd. Hon. John Manning, Hon. Root W. Winston, Hon. J. C. Buxton, Pres. Pint National Bank of Wtn itnn. ofenn At Manly. Winston, Peoples Bank at Monroe, Chas. R. Taylor, 'Pres. Wake Vox ast College, Hon. R. W. Tlmberlake. Offloe over Neal A Co.'a Store. w. M. PBRSON, ATTORirSY AT-LAW, utnnnse, o PracOoea In an eoarta. Offloe on' Main treat. H Y ARBOROUOH, Jm. ATT ORNmr AT LAW, LOUISBURa, n. a ' 1 Office In Opera Housebuilding, Court street Ail legal business intrusted to him erill receive prompt and careful attention. M.. F. EOUCK, COSTBACTOB as BUILDEB, LOUMBURO, V. O. - TrmAnir Affent, for all kinds Of Bailding fn ones. Artistic Mantles and Tiles. Archi tectural Designs Submitted HOTELS. PRA.NKL1NT0S HOTEL FBANKLTNTON, N. 0. r : Qobd aoeomodation for the traveling Qood LlvaT Attached " MASSENBURG HOTEL J P Maaiseiittufir .Propr Co ad aesenumodatiOBS. Good fare Po Uta 'and attentive servants ..NORWOOD HOUSE r tYimitsi. ;V X .rft CiriUi nr. J. Wwoo,Proprtoto;4 PrtaHm o( 'doinierelTovlsto. and prsveuagpTiDUf souciseo. , . , tt s 44 -a .- Letter tt ' tt tt tt tt Special Washington Letter.) TTHERE ts music in the air mar II tial music at that in the de ll iectable city of Washington, "the finest capital in the world." A row is on which dwarfs into pitiable insignificance the threatened war between the Russia Japs. It is the supreme court of the Dnited States versus the diploma tie corps the silk gp-vs-ns against the gold swronet side is Mr. Justice John Marshall Hap- lan, who, properly enough, is a Ken tuckian. The trouble grows out of a question of precedence and came about in this wise: At the recent White House reception to the judiciary Major Me Cawley, superintendent of public build ings and grounds, who is described by a local Jenkins as "the president's so cial aid," arranged the programme, ac cording to which the diplomats, with all their swords, epaulets, cocked hats, belts, gold lace, flounces, etc., were pre sented to the president before the su preme court judges. The latter ""were much enraged and went away toward midnight in high dudgeon and are, to use a slang expression "redheaded" at being made to play second fiddle. And at their own reception, too only think of that! The judiciary reception! Now, for the learned and august judges to be compelled in executing their part in that particular function to walk be hind the diplomats even behind such a fledgeling as the French minister from Panama was more than human na ture, especially supreme court human nature, could bear; hence the judicial roar. If those reverend judicial seign iors cannot play the bellwether role at a reception given especially in their honor what the deuce is the good of giving them a reception ai all? They may differ about constitutional ques tions, but on the question of walking ahead of the diplomatic corps they are a unit The papers say that Mr. Chief Justice Fuller (Democrat) and Mr. Justice Harlan (Republican) called on the president and read -the riot act to him, intimating that unless this great sin against judicial dignity is atoned for they will take their doll rags, go home and refuse to play at the White House receptions any more. It is too bad, almost as bad a state of affairs as when a certain Mr. Merry " , 7 : """ lu,,ro1- f cucu iu yicvipitiK nu utriwwu ureal ; Britain and the United States because President Jefferson took Mrs. Madison, the famous Dolly, wife of the secretary of state, to dinner instead of taking Mrs. Merry. That performance has had a remote and curious consequence in our day. It so happened that shortly after that famous dinner' Tom Moore, the Irish poet, was a guest of Minister and Mrs. Merry. He took ud their quarrel and wrote some dreadful ar- tides about Jefferson to some English I papers. Jefferson on Tom Moore. So when our great and glorious Con gressional library building was in proc ess of erection it was determined to or nament the walls with busts of distin guished men of letters. Nearly every one generally, known is there except Torn Moore, and be, one of the best be loved of ail poets,' is missing because he wrote those hot and peppery epistles about Thomas Jefferson. The latter never harbored malice against Tom for flaying him. In his old days his daughter, Martha Ran dolph, was reading him a poem which pleased him greatly. "Who wrote that?" he asked. "Tom Moore," she re plied. "Why," said he, "that is the lit tle man who took me so severely to task, about Mrs'. Merry. He was very young then and is a 'great poet new." It is to be hoped that the wrangle be twixt ' the diplomats and the judges will not bave any permanent bad ef fect or involve us in war with all for eign nations. Of course an the tribe of Jenkins are demanding that we bave a sort of garter king at arms or official master of ceremonies who shall arrange and superintend an official programme, fixing, each one's place in the procession according to "rank" in order to avoid complications in the future, but 'we have done fairly well without such a functionary so far and can perhaps sur vive without him in the days to come. First and last President Roosevelt has tried his hand ' at many things Perhaps he may succeed, if he tries, in quieting the stormy- waters with oil and In smoothing the ruflled feathers f the justices of the supreme court They are shining ornaments, and Wash ington would be disconsolate without tbelr inspiring and august presence: Men are forever poking fun at the women for squabbling about questions of. precedence, but the foregoing .in cident together with two or three oth ers, goes" to snow tnat tne men are about as sensitive on the subject as the women ore. It - wilt be remembered . that at -the. congressional funeral exercises In mem ory of- President M cKlnley the shoe was on tbe other foot The manager on that occasion put the supreme court ahead of the diplomats, and the latter protested, more or less courteously and more or lesa vehemently, r Also tba the' late Lord Pauncefote, the Britiah ambassador-would par- What i Are They, ' rhamherlains Stomach and liver tablet. A new remedy for .stomath troubles bihons nms SndT ponntinatiorl and a rood one. Pries a cents ooia oy Aycona yrusvw;.. a Cnitoni does not " often reason : M Y8TEBI003 CIRCUMSTANCE 3 One was bale and sallow and "the Mother iresb and rosy.; VV hence-tha differevee She who is blnabiog with health ases Er Dings Sew Life Pills te maintain, it By . gently arousing tbelszv organs thev compel good digestion and head off: constipation. Try ClaLrk 4t tt tt tt tt tt "-fl ' iiniiii.ii PJrpHs V tt tt tt tt tt tt ticipate ia no function in which tit diplomats appeared noleaa he was per mitted to head the diplomatic column. Otherwise be refused to play. Also that General David Brers Mr Henderson, one. of the most democratic of mortars ia habit and taata, got Into a towering rage because whiie h was speaker of the house of representative Senator Frye pf Maine,- president pro rem. or tne senate, was on aeana. state occasion held to outrank. Moh He. aersoTrtnaTft careTT banbee whet b sat at the table so the dinner wis toothsome and the company to his lik ing, but be hotly resented the idea that the president 'pro tern.: of the senate could by any' possibility outrank the speaker. He 'admitted that possibly a vice president might do so, but a presi dent pro tem. never! I am not well acquainted with any member of tne supreme court except Mr. Justice Harlan. He Is blessed with a rich sense of humor. That will per- haps save him from worrying- himself Into insomnia in the present imbroclkx No doubt he is honestly indignant, but nevertheless the chances are that be will get a good deal of fun out of the rumpus by joking his brother assod ates who are lacking in the humorous faculty. As to Coal. The other day the Hon. John 8. Wil liams of Mississippi introduced the fol lowing bill, whfch went to the coo mittee on ways and means, of which both he and I are members: Be It enacted by the senate and house of representatives of the United 8tate of America in congreM assembled. That the secretary of the treasury b and be la hereby authorised and required to make full rebate of duties bnpoeed by law oo alt coal of every form aod description Im ported Into the United 8tate from foreirn countries for the period of one year frsas and after the passage of this act. As soon as it was called up In the committee it was promptly tabled oo the motion of General Charles Henry Grosvenor of Ohio, which shows that the Republicans are dead set against any cutting down of the tariff except when they are badly scared and wish to throw a tub to the whale. It will be remembered that a little over a year ago congress passed s resolntion like Williams', to be effective for a year. but that was when the anthracite coal trust had enraged people greatly. That suspension ran out a few days ago, and Williams' bUl waa Intended, to make it effective for twelve months more, but the RepubMcsns -would nnno none of It .Williams also has a bUl pending to put coal on the free list per manently, but It will go the same way. I have bills pending to put salt, barb wire, binder twine and a few other prime necessities on the free list, but I have no doubt they will travel the same route. The Antitoxin Trust. While, as a rule. the Republican newspapers either openly or covertly I support tbe frosts, once In awhile the performances of tbe trusts are so oat- rageous that even a Republican organ grinder kicks against them. Tbe Wash Ington Post recently contained the fol lowing caustic article: If there Is any meaner form of trad combine than the newly dladoawd. aoXV toxin trust .It ts yet to be amoanaa' Having- formed a syndicate la a m. to control the manufacture of taJe edy, upon which so many Uvea dspeo4 nowadays tn the present state of medical practice, the manipulators have steadily forced up price against all law and rva son until, as was stated here officially yae- terday. the rate for the srm. la now per cent above nomaar. Tun k every external evidence In the trade prtc sched ule of a comblnarJon and So. apoaraat hope of relief. The extortion (hua prac ticed by the trust of course chlaftr touches the pockets of the physicians who admin ister the remedy themselves out et thetr own suppltee. but Inevitably It maet to turn affect the patients, especially the poorer ones. A certain effect of tha. In crease In price, however. I to a hock the sensibilities of every community where the antitoxin has been used beiMActaUv. Thla is a case oC trust ,n.r.ifi.n. upon the actual right of the Individual to rtva. and a few more such Instance win add heavily to the popular- feelinsTthet sooae thlng must be done to curb, the ccxnbtae tions. This may confldeatiy be clasaHAed among those that President Roosevelt has styled "bad trusts." Snub For Miles, PrsUe For Yotinf. The long and rather fulsome, eulogy that distinguished the order of the sec retary of war retiring Lieutenant Gen eral Young from active service hi chief ly notable because of the sharp con trast it bears to the curt order retiring Lieutenant General Miles a few months ago. says tbe Springfield (Mass.)-Re publican. There is nothing too good to say about General Young. It appears, and .certsinly every one win Join in congratulating nim upon the honorable completion or so meritorious" a military career. It Is clear, however, that by re viving the old form of the retiring or der ; the president and his war secre tary are very wining . the country should, know thab the absence -of -spy such order in General. Miles' case waa an Intended rebuff, slight .-or snub to tbat celebratedoffleervTbe excuse of fered Dy they .war department, when General Miles was retired that. order reciting ; tbe officer's military-career were- no longer allowable -under the military tegulaHonsa:aliown to hYt been a mere pretense. . In speaking of the recent lndicimenta against Tnited States Senators Dietrich One-half: box Thomas CbiH PflU broke my (Qhills.- - . B..H.-JkbbitW CedArBock. Uo mingled joy, T ere, W jro-aar x If von hare ladiresfloa. Cede! Dvsneneia Care will cure yon. It has sered tkoasaada. Jt is curing eeop(e eery day every heer. I You ewe It Jo ycarielf to rive it a., trial. I Yen will eohrtinue taeuffer aatU yea de try it. There is no othrreombination ef digest i ants that digest - and: rebuild at the same ? time.' -Kodol -noes - both Kodol esres strengthen! and rebailde. Sold by Ayeoek i muotipw iQrY says. tut. rt sorry that froca tfct turmmt tVr Ust ctaMr f tV cwaatrj tbomtt wm '.That to an oafalr aU jl. tvrty mmmjt w n. fd to the ptntmai Unl m pSUiet bot orty It ia tntHtf oajwf 99 rry to snake theto th sraptftfii tm Ht, trlcfe and Burtott. wtosa tkey Mr to tne utmost to defeat. Tfca twi a tors are nnptst pWics. irnniret la a naiwat Brtkiea -w gmn. and It ought to have g-rte to shoflVW tb raspsMaSbinty tt t own public oro. Kverr fB itwhi stand on its rem bottoaa. Hon. WTiriani K. Tart, la to st6 eoral th FUlrppia-av aw amv- tary oi wan oas Uttr feto nw m&ct D-m Arm. - a.scbt jam federal jtds, rovvroo srs! f .the TtdRpplne ad secretary f war all whitest ta stilt ta t prfca af Cfa. The future moat look rosy to Mr retary Tsft. Many RepoMksMts srt confidently predV-ttof that a wtn t the Repabtiraa nomine fw pe fclmt la IMS. which moat r a man mt creepy reetlng la the- rie ef spinal comma of Senator Je-rph Be sod Foraker. who 1s srratigttc to nuktm his grvat dash for that tertVulart lusctoos prom that year. ItWtoed. eooe of President RotwevvrTs ruphjbra enemies are wnooptng tt op fee Tsft for the nomlnatkia ibis year. rtkp they may ratwd to todnxtng k!ta tm enter the race this year, hrt toe chances art that the-r wta awe. as W U young eoocx to vara tha ptrfle- ophy cootatned to the dKtxram, -AM things come to htm who waits." Hon- Walter r. Brow&iow. Repub lican rrprt ota tire ta raocrewe frota Tennessee, evtd-wtly biUn tsiwU sdags, "The early bird ratfh th worm." He has already ba rrexc inated for the Fiftv-olnth ronrrwaa. which does not beertn Its life till felt March IMS, frsarty fgeraxs moatha ta. tbe fstorsw As the dartrWt contain a ruwejbttcsa aajorttr mf about 20.0CXL Brother DeaeraWw Is quite Bkety te be eierted dwt4t It Dexoocratie landslide ov tapvwdta. Hi li I tt subect for cesagrarai tineas and, barrtng ivia poOticsw ia a C?tco rvprrseo t a ti v. Perbapa the avwt eteerTul arstwsmsa In tbe aeoate of Oe Csdts4 ttalaw tt that sble and farthfol DesMrrst !tti Ansetm Jearph MclABaSa. The raa of his nlUrWas coadnioe tsf satM ts caused hy the faa that W has ismc; been been re-electvd to. Vmm ewoatev (em the terra eadlag Marrh 4, 101A. mm taat he? he "bow before hiss afa yvatw ef aerrkw ta the eeuat. tbe (miiet tW Uve period certata for aay ssa bs pb He hfes. Sena tor Mnroh 2. Wmmtme mi lealedsma -has bea raoesaiMital fes e sen a torts! term rod! eg at the eeaa (lxne that MeLauntn's eada. hart Oe Vr bis tare vhkh Is to re-elert hi at U4 act been yet eWrted; cocsesiaemtry Feafsv U atmoat, bet mmt r&if. as tarty ae McLanrfa. Senator Hsrusate Dm fkm Motley of MUaiautppI eeOeye a awtv. torlst stats aext te hapyei t hma coieagte. McLaaria, ae fee has Juat bwi re elected far sj mm aejr terse ending March 4. IB it. TW remseea wfey the Mtaasaatpptaaei se4 LrMtasLaeSaM are etertsd se far aVsed, ts tt the W Ularorve eg thesw ataxse leei eejr n sessTkua ta foexr years aa4 Uat f f4 ersJ etarnUf prsWVs that seesslert ot the United SUta be sleeted at th. trmt eeealoei et the les(re wjr Is etert er next precexuag ranee of a tortal term. It was a qeeer fart that ttmaw re llloetrtoos Cottredersle) eokiiar. Omo era la Gorden and Longstrewt. go tato a newepapee aarvri ee a lew days prevtona to the cVsth ef both. vToW If they WtU reotMtst tt ia the other wtirtd. The tariff ta to be fwvtaad by It friend. The postofflee and Isad ow rascals sre to he ponaahed by thtr rrtenda. Senator Ksed.f noot Is ts bat investigated by his frVeda. WesMaer bow long -naitAe ttaa wn toe tut bugged m that way. 8eaowt and the others will get Justice frees their friends a boot .the Una the tariff fa re 'Vised downward try, Mi Trlsnda, whirm wUI be the day after the greet yedg meat WhIUker Wright, the grwt proeaav trr. was conrkted la LooAoo of moo tfwradiroc er. rather swindling;. od acroooref the sgteert ef his opera t iocs. Bet a was a pert swindler cornpered wttfc eoae of ewr own domestic swtadlere hi New Tart who not only' have no be, eeevtrted. but have not even be tedlcted.' A few mlaotae' after br-aras eatood Mr. Wright died fro petoocself ad ministered. It woe Id p a fend thlag If some ef oor boas wtadiere ahoeU die soddenly. t The odortftrowe ystitlcal Bm ef the Delaware RepubtVcsae u RshSe ta have anotbrr glring ta the CbJcef-e roeve tioo ta lane. It ts new atvea owl that there win 1)aa Addldus sbd a airtV Addicks deWfltloa .to the reaveaOoo, It Is to be hoped last OeaeraJ Jataee H. rVUaoa will be gtrr.aa..boof ta. akta Addicks e$ that aoene Addkke man will be given aa hear te akka Oes era) wllsoa. 1.'AHotlsrtoi4SrtItj'. v A ireed lisTssest ts a atSMhale e-4ru-, Dtieta -EsjaWaard 0i pa.aat saeeo eterr reeniresjtat af vhe fcuaaaba'A' set barayae4. rU t aist toul XHfat L J rhd i ersc O.- ' ."i ' t. t I c '.'Bs.f pjaqotitlsi tna tttst tr 1LV? livtorfik'ii: .'' 'i. iKEAKt torvf tiW aii5 tiit ; - A raesesv als sdJa rt'-aTv tfirJ a tsrribie alrer ret Vrfw ftt. faaltUa Oreve lil. Fet frat v- tt.f led an doctor, sad mil reeseCjaav Set P4 lea A raise Malt had a tresUe 4 ewr hio. Eosallr fTK4 tor Parre l5ralaeBia twt.rtt t , La q tar tat ? a4 co fa Wft tit rf m it iw. uMta rwtUa fa kk itv mm ris k t Ui mm rfrQ, T Mas wiWtfc fWe 4 m rr"c tfsmwfcrtef tt t TV ?ai t- fa 9 ta'artw t ft. .W. m3m Aa m wm (t ta-tve tJr t tH? TV mmm, U ftV4 y mm 'tmmm f v:'f.y1al un r vun UteoyWtMl CW feeanrt4te , mitsm!i Im - Vta- eat ft a si mt If tie ftmmm ef a c&ostwswh rtatkaa try stari eV w ft tjejA WW Vim fn wrt tttwre. ft !e tireyuiMe,; r a.aft ,ru-mf wclftj" tVt i'.f ei3 h t:r Of Lw te !!. AS C.fc sai4tt He tw p4l (W H w a,eahw trMtaMtvf . t.hff ye-er Vtwt h !3 z Je.1 y.. Til fvfWTa em t aw ian ?W sr tirtiy mt c& ewM i mt t taeitssek Tfc aeneje mt f tswa fnvt. t Freest, at eswahora( fW-v f A tow i Jiortk H is taxaw aa tW-er fw i a lUwsti f"ne?a at Lfe4 a sjee4 Frame aieear. CisaaA ' oirw4 Kelatt. (.m :ia up l WU be vurw k,i tt.t wit Ai1jm4 A T"S Vew toe. E-Tii fviac tftal s4vV V tc fwn t( a Cttf t taw w-Tmrt tlt lt eituHSaat foief Xa tMa .49 tt taw ISfe ef rtafe ttwy rr-Bne 1. WW fwweeiy tiiia .-.- T' aet ef IV aVf ka s r m. ef wsreav e4f i Vm r4 mi xm CrtaWe a eea-aai at tfcee - a a ran. ; fcir4 ew aeJCkefs we f priaxw f-a4rtty tai t Ow r9aJ rearj e tsal t'umt r. TWy rmemtmm atr rqaAaot at eey feef. wn v$milJJ ni t&wf 4r ewf Bw ew4 naaia mmt-M, if IWj aVeaat t. mmw9 t mt M w the aswafaMTteat mtm ar );vi th pasat ef ttu -t-a-?i 'f ai8vmS'o si4 mcr'itmi j rvea aim l&f thttUS Aa 4 sr.i s Imu ww i tammm a -mi tstlt ilii 1 rr ifii m a ' " "treat tc.aecraeW." IVmt m ma.nmCom h gUa a tMlM Va T U tMmj 1 K4vrJ aa4 aaat mi PrtSx Itaw-re r4ASfwa af fJam i-.r nata tw a-a u t etwttrv ewf eywaj-tami-'Tf as i( tteff te tw a.tmeraHw4 ( ye(. rweoMiaa&KviWv wtut; aMWf ! tsfew CsMe t aar ew taattaet . t oaS rase Klrt tt) M..SrbU f4wt M fta ., nryai-ai &saarrt tr w rwejmai - SrftSi ajr ,ya2araie eJ! aeaMT C4 free aa ta fH wl 1- BBwal Mae4w wawa a.a.t W a , mpes mmtt mfr aa fcitua elm I aaaaieaaJW.ww ay kara X Rj. OmiUXs SPe fcr4 l ; saw 1 t)oSe ef V waoiry tea! e I Si9Uat ef (iw eet:aav) iM 4 mmimt ul I fTewabefSe t rtai t e a atae4 ! rtrvaxiatu a a ve ejtay tet a r4 a. Vftitaw ttalaw tmaan ee4 m mm. aat CJertJtt4 lt4 Ue Ueoal fceaka tiacM mmmi iVwv tw s!44 twiag VcVly V k Vaa?t f peopik Ihevw le grj dotf ta l'sa frwea rsi4 as4 eafe Ufie. Iters U a r4.sae f rverfy ftferta eakk ertP esrf'.r sra aClI tnta ye Isrnie. rtX-rrs t??t 4aw rra4 t- rat h-W a tm ta Whw to lara.alaa.-t i& reenoiif earad t-omm t mmtv wmf te. tsw fotVe. Whw afveta4 ttw t-am 404 SI, )mZX-0! 4-y IV fanal $ l H tsty t tw m V.-om- tSarrwrv aay IwvwiWa awata trw itaa anar4 lodge a that wf tft' a The 'KeseAt yg wwsmmi what pafysd tU eleata se e M t f thr raavsee f (a-fewi tmi t3a wSytm ef astmeswk Tt te ta f04 War saaay at ssJartt Mr majes kad 'she piayv4 tW ecrwi-av - ' j; ' 1 , ta vteer of tie trmtsi rea mf sCt vSYftiSaf, Qua ertaaftjr tr Brttoaaad Dorr fa HM ty 0 Im Smrmt AjTrva aar awvsasr tswsa was lirtpated. . . am tr, icfiwsb- tat r way far a feet, tt tssf to' 4Me?s4 tlet to wd beta Ifeate OsrW as k tSMfifi thie tte. , Taa jarorel t traili csaact te o4 f9t the !44 f p'atetaa, : : " Mara t at tlasv. Tr fvrla RaAa rCa ef U- la If t C3sea raeth Ut4fy I e-4 a rfaawa as. m.mtm aaMree far 4a 4 jam .wm aaai afa'tl a svt4 i e ft 'r Uva al.waaaa. f Lt a-. aa ae4. vt ta aJ 4afra tmmm ta-lre re) ( a I'mMt Uia f rn i'.4B m rmmm t,a u a ii 4aa la taw tmai iJm m , TVaaw uVaj e'JI eCe f . ah aiaaaaaai taaiil e4 Ua yvv ta hawf mm4 ewaaa Vmm aal e4uae . trea 4m4) mm a-aftiS ' W V 1 easaaaatie lee VW e4 -4 a2 fr WU 4'.ml tmmmim ams Ban a rfav TVf I mlt imttmrnrnm Ta fJkrakaT'-S 1 1 lirt a'e i.a I L-m vit r - ' f -t v. t s V a m f jMuf r wVA H44H rewlt,. i I a- af eke jet 4 If Wei. ttee tVt A tArff Ussw. H'-m. .'& it-Hitt i mr1rl A mw4 wmMf e mmi . , TV $mmmm :i mmmm mv e mm eaeataka mm mmmw utas 1 Urn tiMMa s ,.! er mm -4 m at mmm mm fm W, we mJL i nnmt e 1 a IWt ajeywfe Iff tm rrm $ iritsJwur. - ' f" TiT Km tWt m imm mm mmm H m-mm 1 eat H mmm . aauew a w a. f f. tW) VVmxmm Sw im mmrn-mm mmt iimw mm mmmum m muSm mmmm rt4'MM ' im I.Omm Vw mm mt mm mm Mmw mm - In i n i., ,.n, m-m im a t ,. . mm tW- L .na- mSiiim'i iV'te Tte Um m mi g-sats) eyiu; ie lie geaie- sf. e-i4 t sta'twv ei tltrvl t- Caeareaa fVtS ttaJta. fV4) r 4-ayv ' WtCtoM-M ' Mlu4 1H MtM M 4. m mm m ia i tM . e ' e- mum 1,1 TVe 4e.a v4 a 4w eirwaw t. I AaJf 11 saarvr Is 4 si anjr I I"'!."! m.mwM anaa! r tT ft.M1a)iWii4t,i 4 e f SMfWM w MB'W- a mm4 , !," mm- w " mm ea.i t;i.. . wm OnHwila ia f bW1a nil, m, aii h.(Mum eM ir Sinfw tMaAttSt $-w ta. ae. m vm w as laaaj a ,v law Hiain Vn, m saw hi at iw-e ei .- 1 ewt iaMnr-ui mmw mm m, ,i.u t t,-M filHS a, 'Sa Cn. m mnhU V'tS mmi mt ta w t a- iuaai r a t' waf mmm g.tiam a Swar 'Su,t A.LEX DUJiSTOI ) Boot and Shoe Maker. a eaK tHsej tte-ei H iHiae t MAa -aaa (a -T tsar t Iac I &oaiw w-cr aa tMaSAia &uiettii4 ef NOTICE!"' IHig r as ar-rt&v (-al le-- I fIf Ullf ni-la. 1 tto Cl aa-- taajfr . aa iat e i4 St? 7 ef.Wr atwe iimmm A IwWa. . e-U-rw led Aoastf. A3 ftaettag tit Ma Ito aaa Maasawe 4 tl. tl . Te ta as-4 W. H. TWtea. Cm aw 3 srj mmfm W. M. ALSTON Excelsior Coffin Co, Collins and Caskets OT AAA. Robss Burial Shoes , and Oloues: We itwf' a aW tlaae a i.e)M4 Tl-e to4. srei firt al aij iWa. - . 1' . Vf4l3i4rrf i V.-w tilt ' . - . 3i4Uc fe ttrtisara, fra frssee t4 aef ie, '-TT j4 mi ye-a sanraer ! 4Sf eT aVaafeaaSa.. C-vl aaJ at : TaM Lt tlaua - 4 nxcelctor CcmnCoJ t.uiAnn rs r I & .... . V-f fV-ttA t;Ze Ji tin ; f Jt tU:rf? :ri, M 'lilt H,,;i later ftAttHd ftt 4u5t.J t&Z& Itym f'-vf'jf )emtrt 4f Vr wf., jttij a. ir4;: I tctori a .t li T.4 ,(xiK U',t:i uul ru t. iir .T:if tjtti Vis, t r i. 4.; .4 -nr. Vsttl Sif free antit r mmt - l I- J A OO II KV A K f '. mmimmn 3i! in mi i tun tJSjr a ; .it j u t.r it: "t Jk--t IIM ! mti 1 twin. black -hMrrntM t'aaanr S J M p i , . mt" f I -PCCUt. RAT C ft uj i i i;u uiaiit wtl.nauti.ta rn ttt, f ll'l! t. Baav.tMaa-i f m ..! tJia-a,. II fiataaa ) til4Vsa ,, a.) Vti.aiie l,aria la tm emiu atr ei,i,4. mmm a m-ll m m'ttf y . tmt h:M u, , t t.,. u. i..i 5 y .. 7 f t I ? er-H t eMf i.fWWK'i, . Wail Orders. ri'44 ya-f .S Uw CMIVOJalT ft-AUEtCM tt FlfifCUw - -'in - Jn a i i Lilj tl i ' .. " 1 lMUtertt est eww4 4a rV aauafcate. avf. uvaawin ai Jaavai4.s wi'-V ejiaa ef FR1L1 r fmmmimmmm, 11 FiSH tie! H cirit . : f 4U1 'uCnt C tH4 ' t - il I ii 1 ii, ,k . giw mm - a a aif ,sw I - a a .aw ..... .... . . 4 '"- v m. e ana, 0mt mu mm, mm m mm . Iv a ,4 m i tTi'rrTT. 1 . 1 1" d TT.T ' tZ ftZ mmmmmTm ' ' f m " M ' i,", "' " mmm , e 1 aW " t-r f "4 -r" J J !!'"' 5 aaaa 1 a m t. A a aaTa , t ,,1,.,., t a m i ,L X " . " 111 1 a m (jm, , mm , aw.aM, ..MM.. . a. . . " - 1 .,,r w- M,UJ j ,m - m I'-i-aiT.. 1 n, j"" J M.. ,.,. .1 . - ! . " ' mmm.m. t t i. f f J , aau, .! aa. .t,,t.i M . 4, e , - v . . T I -.- e mmm " W mm j ' 'l - M aiailw wpaw aa, if' ,. ...w. I a 1 iv I aw akaa .a aaaw . a..,w. - , . ''f a aa 1 . m aaa I e .a-M . J S a - . wis ea-iil J 4 SVan.Uiit. e-eaaaaw t.aai an ii, i D. IZm littLLGrX w, -mm rm WMmm W mmnm..m m m- m.m .r...... Z 41 . mmmmm m.m - TT. mm m SJiaa r-etvl Co.. I. 4a4V 4 .1rg m mmm It,,, m Wh t SKAJJUAHI) Aj a liters. fa.:. 4.Af - n t ..t latsa lf 4g . 1 t.t,ft t tt&k, utigfk Wt Hftem cat fsfert Utt tm f?tf i t r i(.. ,4 t wCV1eiafce mt K. a 'tw. r 1 t a aw . tt , f aw. t M , a.. m. M mt - - m twaamU t m tm mm S 4M a 0ff it A.ers. Smhi a tVa k i aw SM Wm, I l. a an . tw .. aj i 1 t w.Mta , avM 1 r" - J aana a (a. t SM St. e.a -m e e swf mm mmmmf. t - SNuse Aaea. ..- um,m m-mm. "' "mm m Imh a4 -- aMM. Willi . t1 e. . Lt f :'7'J 'f j m- mm.m mm i iS mm, J I h a . w . - aaa. . - a... -. . . . w " . mm mm it mm if Ummm ' m, mm mt mm. tp- tiin ia ia. '"hwM.ria. ta aw n .,.. n mt mm !! i a)M aw r, 1 a 1 e-a, e e t , M - - 0 aM ,11, W , t mm. 4 sh e tm mm f l - f a-w t i a s .aa '' aaa aa aaw ea m f . mm 4 as eMBfa,, wT ex ta 4 ew aaaa f mt t aaaa. tm mm- VtM aw (Uaa i , a t,Ma, ' 4 etXHlHaaWiniM 4 flam la ! V l -t I. aJ ' t,i.taja, CV. i t taaMMana AaaaaSaia e t J . V aw w aa) e f-WanMi ! a tsaat mm a a a t 1 : a i iwinaiiia a I ta S . aaai i ..J t'r ae r e t 1V4 4ara lt laa ate-ejij-JW'1 w jbj jggp Map . 'aej w 4tM as " " " ' '" - warn ... aa 1 H r-JHaja. e-w S - a"-' a Sfev "1S- a. -. -...a. '' fa . 11 .1 V w I . ' I e e I - ' e i ; t t m e e i a 1 a T aj a awii .art T 1 .Una na a. a 1 ,.na j tmmrn IS mtmmmim I ..i laiam, I ' . aaa at ,iiaMatf - tl mmt. e aaa 1 nM a a-a 4H 4 r;i 5 m, I tva MaaMMIrlH 4 a aw a " I . 1 ait. Slaata taaiaa aiaii I ala.a,. twaJ taawliaf aaa. a m mmmmm aiajuma m aa.. jj aiaa.m-iMa.aiMa aaa iaawaa ina.i'ii aaa ( .... Ivlwa ewwwaaw a mv wa.iwt . ?a.Naat aa a! I a V... ffjft. aaV A A. j f ? T . 4 t . - f"v , t . tmUoa4 aai Ilias J si t'e- - ; "C4 fnI 1 1

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