I 5 JAS. A. THOMAS, Editor and Pripriitir. a'H hi cxDTJmr, ttttd state ti i in u : lor VOL. XXX1Y. LODISBURG, N. 0, FRIDAY, FKBRt ARV ".. Wi. CHURCH DIItECTORT HBTHODI3T. Sanday School at 9:30 A. M. Gso. S. Baker, flnpt. Preaching at 11 A. M., and 7 30 P. M. erery Sunday. Prayer meeting Wednesday sight. L. 9, Masbbt. Pastor. BAPTIST. 8anday School at 9:30 A. M. Thos. B. Wildbr, Sapt , Preaching at 11 A.M., and 7:00 P.M., rvery Sunday. Prayer meting Thursday sight. H. H. Mashbubnb. Pastor. EPISCOPAL. Saaday School at 9:30. Wm. H. Bofiur, Snpt Services, morning and night , on In, 3rd and 4th Sundays. E vening Prayer, Friday afteraoo Rbv. J ohw Losdos, Rector. PaESBTTBRIAH. 8errices 4th Snodav in each month morning and night C. N. Whaetok, Pastor. n n n tt n tt tt tt tt n tt tt n i tt tt ti Cheanp n A UTILE HOHSE.HSL a n a x . Clark T - a i A -T gre. MdadWpbJ, ftb H tratioa Frauds n u m h tx I -t ; '. V- f . ' . ( ,t I a V f j m m a-f V Letter s I violated paetprcmdbAJ ffcrts by sraf Modoc nh b ml Ida Mars Mm acr oaa-atia a pc1etfy sad IW a- Hi . waa s rrM ta Bat U botA th nrM w t V y., 4)T.iil to Uit t Dm ktrt aa4 - ... . . Ul ' t. Consumption ,.Z.Z uiM.iM.i. tv a. Special "Waahlngton Letter. each other to xk In bhif at Unltl ENATOR MARCUS ALONZO millionaire fonnell WklU th.r HANNA is in his grave. Lot plenty of Iemocnit and two Bput ns hope that "after life's fitful licans to spk for Howell. W ahu lodges. , Loaisbarg Lodge, No. 413, A. F. & A. M., meets 1st and 3rd Tuesday lights in each month. l-xo toHKionul card, fever he sleeps well." He whs one of the busiest of men and found rest only in the grave. One does not have to agree with Mr. Hauna's polit ical ideas or commend his campaign methods to consider him a great man. for his death cannot sanctify either his methods or his ideas. He was a ! tremendous force in the polities of our spoke for himself, ajfl h did K la soch a Capable. 9tral&.forward. manly fashion as to challenge to admiration of all who heard him. There is a day of reckoning--dl im in which ht KepubHcaa free booters will ru that day's wc L. u ALLRBD. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Will practice in all the Courts. Office In ToangsTllle, N. C. D E. ARTHUR H. FLEMING, DENTIST. - N. C. LOU1SBUKU, . O 1c Ov.t Th Qr;ea St Tarlwro Co.'s tore. rt. P. BURT, practicing physician and scrqeon. Louipburg, N. C. Otfi'-a in the reiir '" Binldn'. Bobbitt 4 Co.'h Drug Stnrf. on N strt. xjmuBf. i mm m y mm mfm n j kT b wstralAC d (k o oar , nnry R Wte was ra h4 atTtWJ coanaoy at tb tiraad HjfM. . . . . CJV r .r a i GflWTVw I .a TnTWf t of XV 'mmJ a' In bl war npua Rtifn.ut!i fVbw cork U fitlug itAbT "'at!r'W. ltir. Of vhWk tb (id r rUiu ! twmoopoiy. H U Wi y '. -ort- ) P tkao at 5 pr rtct oo !h ir .rf U t. him ppo n t rm In ooJer !o nlmm i p rarxli with whU-h tn MmI nb Tht ' t' -e(bt to BMik rvj 't " ! t' i. bovdW xtry iri But bt Vt ' v . mraor FiU-1 via! W.tb o our ' of lh cr erf k rlm' It rina V( , ., " tor kfttkMU poryu N u ' baora Um 1 1 '. v: .. - i I - 1 .. -i i- i u i ' v. ' .:. ! ; -.; . A ' tAe ly do11cf t v r'i'-' boost. TV it1 V .-i .-ir ' ? Hf&ator p"t of Wm' --x - , , Co41vaTJ. Hm. .;k.a H T Ht fV moi prnp.- - -w - c-, oM by Kli!Ji i r. t 1;t I) tC R. P. YiKBOROCuH. PHYSICIAN A.ND SITRQEON, LoflRCRU, N. 0. OtHc 2ri 1 floor Nert. tmil.l ing, phone 39 wtht calls ansv. .re l from T. W. Bickett' i . t B. k. mashsnb;:rq, ATTORNEY AT LAW LOCI1BCRS. Will pr-,tlo In all th Court, of the State OtT -e ii i'liort Hoose. M AliiTS i WINSTKAU. ATT O F;SEY-AT-LAW, l...nH- ki;. N. I'. Orri-'B over 1 -i..-r Dr'iff St. r-. Ht-wial Att-i.ti n ttiv-'i to ,'oll-ctions. rrartift- wh.T-v- r --'i- u-s r-iiuir-M. 1) R. J K. MAL' N h. FKACTh.'IMl M !N AND CRQEO'. Lo .., N. '' Offlc oyer Ayoocke prug Company. A Splendid Contrast. A few days after th Ktpbliuaa time. But for him it is doubtful ! robbed Howell of his at a atraas whether William McKinley would have ; "cene was theld in th bona of rp been nominated or if nominated ele-t. ! resentativea. John K. fhafroth of Col I orHdi). n Iemoorat. nrnw in hla r !-- rv, t . . . I and st.Mel that In the examination of The most noteworthy feature of Sen- . ,K , ,, . v , v. j v , I the ballutg which purported to hava ator Hanuas career ,s that he cut betM1 CHSt for hUu,.lf lQ Arpho, any figure at all in politics, especially connty i Ienven fop ronm. aarl Bfl a nnbli ianeUir whan ir rcnwm. , t . t- ! . r r. ....... .t "".."'ifi -mi. iwuiir, ni'i'uuui'io. wn wty Hntt"r fli:-. bered that he took no hand in politics ' was contesting hi. eat. he had Bo,lg w(llinil , and made no speech till nearly three 1 conn- to the conclusion that raoagh ' 0f .Kr ,,,,,, years ago. Till that time he had de- rrauduient buil.itt hud hti ct to voted his mighty energies to business vi,iHtP his e!.H-t;..n. mul thervfora he m.. i i . . . .... askil the Iioum to mi m-dl it tl t imI xuai lie oeune a great political lead- ,. ,, ... , J.,. Ck.r er all men know. That, while no ora- , , , ' L - t--- --- ; - . ani'.il univrrsnl Hiid tumultuous ap- an i . t mit- '-.-- tor, he became an exceedingly str-.ng applause fr.., th. r.ry i : - . debater in the senate and an unusually who had foully robbed Howell of bla I J-1bU1"' fetching speaker on the stuutp is as- so:it Tl,.-y ,t,iw,W around Hha froth Nw ur! 'ha r-t ' f serted by all who heard him-wlu-'h I and wrnr.; l.i b.and and psttod him an i tb cotv4auin.l jrf o-rr. . t a never did. th.- back for doin i n.-bia thing a i blfS :.'.m. . - ' ; That he succeeded at all in the art of public speaking with such a la: start is another continuation of the theory that the average American riti sen rises equal to anj position m wiu.-n OM.qlt tll i;nv than and thace in he finds himself placel. When the ' l.w ,,f shafroth's unexpctM. un civil war closed I have no doubt thrc pro. -edrntcd and t:,a k' iu nl moua action were 10.(XU men in the Union and (on- Hut t !.. d.d no -u-h thing Taey did! th7 federate armies carrying mu-kets on aft.-r their k:nd They h.-ld o to th.- j tha rtoa... their hnH-. nc nriv.t.. ! ),.. Shllfroth U out but la ! would have made tiptop brigadiers or major generals if proauuted on the in- 8lanI- w.-i V it . h n;pi,uri i .-r l It is a striking coincidein-e that S.-i ator Hanna and Con ern. r Hul.:.-l who came so near wretiiiL: the . aa- l torship from him six years a-o. the:-"- . an by preventing his pol:l ;.;!; i-nr.-r, ; should have died within a lnuiith th each other tea-hing us -..a-re a" what shadows we are and !.a; '.iad- I ;': ows we pursue. Tr'iiy ;.:..;h of 1 ' :.! :"...r :; glory' leads but to the grave. Reg.st'-at on F-jjdi In Ph;lad!pK.a A Great Outrage. ,; n ,v arrogate If one had no previous knowledge a'.i v:rt"... nil .:..!!.:.. concerning the character and hab.Ts. p:,;r: and si! p'ir;t in aU-vt BALTJWOHC I i r . t! C a t c . : t. th.tlg wliieli they could not acra grai-b w ::. ::A."r ' '.. i th-n. s.-lv.-s ip to doing DkI any of; W'..:ta::. la W.ta'aa hen; offer or move to int Cimn.'!! oaf ; of 'hat1 Tha a. -a'.'.-- and c.iv Howell bit. k hi sat'- S..1 lota', aa th.a of Srw r.r.g on y..ur life! T!;t wm what thv t ! cao are fr-w.r.g waa-; luntn: n home hr ear. Tha 'Maar.a of . dftaar a . ' ' coi: .itay frvm. :ta ;-.'. s they in ed a 7'. v.-."- ul : -t i acoAi.or V:.t a -T i Ti-an rv 1 tr.it a ri i ikl k - ra : ;gres w.th pr.de jnd up i'. tba I mT r';,I ''it- li was r.nht w:,en he a..l " A :. J man'- the ii.d.l.-Ht wmrk of I'e a 1' a t tl t Borne fairer I re a. 'a. ' ory t M of ett!.:.g ' ee ; ;. n i-aiin.it 1 if f 'U :. '. v in ' :' i "itr.i;- . e . . :; ! ! v a K. r.'y 'he nau.e of pa , ., i . o.nailfri for:.. : t '. : t t r o u n i n-i : . " a u a th wcrl ". ': ! h . ' e r r. ; . a He., k . ' -!' 1 r. . e - t . w ! . t ii f-.t ' e- tr. : r A. 1 yVL. W. B)DD1E, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Louisbcug, N. C. Office in Cooper Building,. matters. One Id a white UVa of talk become ao raafrthat ftzmsm or less decent Repnblican of the Republicans in congress he would naturally conclude that haying a majority in the house a sufficient working majority they would exercise sick of it and takes a tall Out wt'tkM some degree of fairness in contested Grand Old Hypocrlt. TJsdr th atwrvj election cases. Not bo, however. The , caption the Waahlastoa Star, a brtftt Republican orran, aaja:, W M. HAYWOOD RUFFIN. ATTOBJIBT-AT-LAW, w)irrsBUBB. v. o. PhiladelphU's Utaat the evila of corrupt xAtr- leopard cannot change his spots or the Ethiopian his skin. Republicans cannot trait then bad habit of stealing every office in aight--from president poUOcal maehlM U of a ro conaiaoie wueuier mey uwi or tacle alTordad of tbm auMJUna a4 Myof not. I coaductlng u apparoatiy TtsctW Si i ta I Hon. William Connell, whose wealth ' tiaaUon into tb otiarai Ate aatr -aH wm ut.iinan tha Courts of FraBkUB t aatjt k ki-,t nttmaiv llc are the ageata of i.d joining cSant.lea. aiso in the SV " J"ZrZ Z" 1 ' u Offic in coopr and Clifton BuUdlB. na MininmM couuuca, nwv iu aja-w . , . . . a mii ' - - w - irt7and lnthe Oiilted States District al Statea aTrom ten xo twenty xumioBs, couraa. to tha benefit of tk boavas irW lor several terms represented me seiacxaa ine. mayor, ana nwaatutitfBk Wieabarxe district of . Pennsylvania Tav gress. He had accumulated his vast fortune in anthracite coal mining, hav- sbJss 4 M mm t aaaaaaa V ladhrVltel wb Mr WTTtUat rat- iHOg. B. WTLuDSK, ATTORJTKY-AT-LAW, LOUlSBCRa. X. 0. lng begun in the lowest positio act irreatlv to his honor. By reason onoa on Hate atee. ovar Jonaa ft Ooopava gtrtfee ne MW trouble brew ing for Republican candidates, ana iton. . If tt mpfam r tWrrassty Ba ad tr t fmj ts (WtT -AttWVst mi iiii War It bap rav tjbat.abot 100 ca tabtea is mm sarrtrs toot taWr arsw sa4 Wat sra 7 tsary rakl rr ss4 sawi bate r 't-- tswtr ta4 Ik va)4 hm m small thtarftv btat ii Oat to swttf S syastoas sf s gi'sataJ 'CMM, Nr) M f TyrnSmlmmf. Qrptaat frrar, tt bwaawa u ftx sast tmOTtasa. satMtsM erstbBdiac " Cb rosy ttrtar rswsy tWtl si i s, M 'tWaM !Uotr (TVarW T. fair- 3fr4 -trr ktW UUrsa il trv.i-; A7 kt 1 4 . . ' r . -" r T t - tr a. ! aalhte ,alaM? SLJ AAaiaiAai Lai a, fcaa t w. ... a Wa tM iWtitii OTKIL 1 aaaHa a a i ini e n.i a a UlV-rVT'U iH.Mt ,e U... 1a f SM mm .... . . "'-- lv T a.. 1 a wwavaa vnanaaa M rWM a . - i4 l-a.- a a v ai aw - - mmmm f aaaa Jt-U mm .. J. . I!a - TT IMM aaak. taae. Vkm my ak.rj air t aw lana f , a t, a ula mm .,J an.i e aca-- . miaa aMaaxi a iai Ma 4 ana.. , . Vaa i e t m.m a m aii ii a mmmm a mai in a Ma - ( a t I i wiial Mi iat l-aa W- aa.aa Fa 8. SPBUILL. iy; tu xnt im maaaiaa aaMa-a w m I .-54 fMra a.(WtirT (Va FUtettM Uc must ba piaoatad by a abarv mi rWaraa f TT . 7 " u''""w" and that i ess araaliy ktM4b. l f- aand fraudulent otaav er CD tbaa M tired of tha -trloota oraaadajaTbaiaa r tnrna, riSaUvar thi iSri Waaa- f ls41a NrtM t t k Uon. tAATacf la Hmtr MaTnar Waavar Si. sraaadaocy b wfU b tba UBavt vVa eonaennentlv in addition to the Re-1 TrrZlri "71 rrw. Ilf a ac-eax SCI al publican nomination, fortified himself-) it ha Mm run taiifaS r U 1 "t t 1 '. V "Soa, ti f trva ta j-c '.ie t 3 th osls. asi ta raat alaaa j that l. trie a--icT V aa-w a aa aiiaa C. W -. lnrt4 i mT In'a V w. Aasaaaaaf. Ir t f vi4lnn. tt ' .M.we . ba analr a i - V ara M 1. a " aw a f M - 1 a v ' . aa a aM. a T - 4 air a a r aa aa aa if at aaa a m' mmm -a 4 aaa " Ma ' a aa aa.T' vsr la. STW am aaaaaaa . ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, I with a rnmp Democratic nomination, xuai tnai rrom xna rutcai4CiM jqoa j --ea i KwBrthAlHa trip rtOTilar Democratic a.a iui" "w-1 iaw ttw araca paa. umu u w torisucKO.H. C. 1 fcevertneieaa ine regular democratic -rotara .ara ow ragaaamSJ hitw maml tadr rft hat hai Win attend the coortaof FrnkUn, Vane, nominee, Hon. George Howell defeat- the two at9ry hoa of ooa poiaST I JbJ-SSlw j!slUaa!L i' TX Td WakaBtlea. alaol ud him bv a Dluralitv of 461. I call enteea man are rawt vataai ytabi f WaaMata SS4 JVaraaB raaiiaaf tart tka supreme court of North CaroliB- reeular Democratic nominee only a axartar. other puiiuaiat, wtal .Vtthftx fa trw a4 a hail Prompt attenuon given w nouwuuua. i TV,.. . . , , . . , D -w nave acted aS'XIM seats of ecoraa of ata4a omea over jsaervou a owuro. Uvn..ui....o 1 aiieaea voiara are on to sat rar ma I - .. j lican authorities declared rotn his tnation. iTbeo -alxtaaor.bava. -at T. W.BICKSTT, Ur: Alfra4 T. 9Um U so 6nt4 m rOasit elttaats. Oat tbi cc- baa bjata af laaria , Ttla 1 aTTOuiY AND COTJH8KLLOR AT LAW. compelled Howell to get on a ticket ttVAt bcaeaiorUa Uwa vara "wU e I TtVJocX V fc . nv nimseir dv means ox ueuuuu. t politics. - - -.- .-.v - f . - ii a . aiynmcmaa . ma,. acoanim a iwr taia mas ' lican autnorraes aeciarea ooin ms lnatkm. , Xkoao -lxtair.fe.v .fix -tVaan I nomination and Connell's rump Demo- rixroualy aaaetloo--!!" e I wi SoDta.u. of n. ast nd . tbo, s;rr.isKrSs2;:J' 'X .trfV- r .iflal a aiiaaa ta. i-a. aax U '.aa i M 4Waa M ,.MaiM aa aMaaariaa Aa eat-. at. e m a r a V I T ?' a RESTaURfi HI'- t aaa run Mtth aaf W--rk ' I M 1 I LT I tA bwarA i-m b ai ' Vaaa I I mmS 1 (&a a r iiaaiuiy . i(l a,r. a aBBaaMaaj '- ? tmvm - - e aa.ijiiaii I i aaa t9 i )ia".i Vk fr.l at mH a a t -! X 'fit MB. U :r I aw aa 0 a A w i. mm. a e - aa ' 4 a a. V a-a Sa.. ; r r- a aa.aa 4 aa i r .4 a aaaak a aa t a f1 aa aa iaa ' IS) mm ft t a LOTmnrtraa s. o. rMmot and painstaking attention gi rrr matter In trusted to hla hand. Nevertheless be walloped Connell. Had the Republican authorities acted hon- !2a JU4.iW "ti g-al tia 'tJ aarai! Jm fey, 2UaO a ' matter era to CI ICoanlita:. Hon. Bool. w. wumwmi. ..i" 1 as Mxtoa, irraa. ri--fct ..,,, ; k-.v .hnt bualnea of aoowta Iir -on vaai3atc I rV4 ts S bfto aj mi s tsrsbT avw -T--' I Uie UO WVUU ' MM W - a. .ai . v. w v . W . ..-.11 sV A.-. 41 1 w ' -atr matter imniwi i m iiinnifr. i i . nw.iwi a.p m . . . . ti- . , . . . . V, -Trrrrhix. in.ti hnhrl. Hon. Job 1 wtlv and nrnnerlv certified his nom- I ii.v4 kaf.iu.. At , rm lunaant-nn I Its (tasaa miacm. mmawr it srw ICamnlns:. Hon. BOOT. w. winawu, iw. ,a. w i W- Hn,r nciruimrJi 6 jtom, (Hexmk Manly, WliifltonP. tat ooHega, Hon. n. w. Aim offloeover Neal ft Co.'a Store. the rgBlar Denwcratic nom-1 hncfortb tiwr nofbrLgaxra lbl BKmmm rwr ka4 eT th ouaineaa ox auiowras uaar aa. -raaaaamaai to figure an tbairaalafpaUaa baaba Tor tba WW I ilU a 1UU Stt AS f aiartt U aAftjrjl Vim J v3 ' 5,000 majority; as did the rest of the ler. axXfla . .a"' j f' 'f --f- Democrats on the regular ticket To charga.4ht Aheaw : city . uaVSeatiiara : brJ Msa., "OmT AMkti a fMaar I ikmtpvnt the shame of the American congress merely, th orba el.bea: ma saiiMbMnaOaj sM 4brt Uaa J frrtT--OK Ut. tW- Wm. PKRoOH, connell was seated and Howell was SiatioTti a-rv7lS&Ti a T tsrasasrt ar ba tA a Ww aKiJua,u - i 'Tha case-was so rank, however, un i ine rmaanca or u.ihuwi uHnnirai.i:a . . 1 TL-. u t Tha total. Aeaaravtrf f - US YSCASafDbaa. thN Ketranncan memoera wum w i , . f a i ivaa im mm ia . u. w . , j ...... . i . Prtetioa. ts -1 cosru. Offlo. on .Main KnnM not..waltoW it and Voted igJSJS? JTsss aTTsTn" Cttgn gfr jrv.JW tVary U4l l1r ' 4 - J lulL nilTrtm WCM UUIJ vivvaaa I Ja wa w , is ST - aF - -' mmr- " - a haahnnM rptaln hia seat -t difiaraaca that -Ts oysters! w. M.fl Islon. ErZSrH' i!! ;:: . Vim tandi lir- lmymm itMf atba.1 -1mm tn aan A t atela.ava r - ""e a.aaa swcmt ra 1 .fraf """ II .. w.a saiu4aaM atraac w. B TARBOKOtTOH, J. AT10RNET AT LAW, LOTJISBTXRa, N. 0. OBo. ia Opera Hmaa4mndxngCkufatraa wtU tba I Mmi11 Js S tttX ' mmtl aniaath. - AbtAaV bS tatalStA WaKaHAnniet Mum, liar aim IX llaaairHa at 4 w p..Miai.i . I k.A aI1U-tll'aii1ta..'nkU-nt- - m- . , - ....... 1 M . at . Uonseu s cnier recommenua uoi wr hat Bot-M'frt j'tmw kukis. I w ww i " ' i aararta.b--MiiaaAsaaid.Mak i l IsJaX. IAiaPML TO in wct r I - "a t es lbi-s. af Zmvzm-x- era ; - - 1 . 7 - bk a hx.i. M . w . A eA. 1 ai w,ran the seat if not hu only one, is ma sro- i cpiumaiHr srorts by 4tlaM I ruHinn. wealth NO doubt he is I througtA s spasm af SMcbxa 1 Um- mstrthntar - to the ReonbUcan t ?l WZSJ ( T 7, ;dll . r. ' V- I a moatn TBirrMa pt-vb auai afl IT, Tb.Ma ' ax m if twt' 1ia IX lia.ir-ni,na aaia aa V I a tt mm, ) aa aa I ar u, a aa J?.2tm TJTon. rrery iteakant o man and withonthi name, y- V Irtend of thUljoiinel dmiil It is si- Democratic paper, hot froia-i cida'f rrast wUtar fa U acararvf Uflfrrif-. W fV IWUf CONTRACTOR axd BU1L.DKB, ? i 1WsWrSeting; him .with plaudits for pnre Bshn-ctsalr 77 Ifv y ,"i tArmmnla. n. o. . -. i. lsfitioiL'piirpsesK- v fcere Is . esse --" " l4Vt t W lisiti is j ' Bdutn. wberi ttt'.Bepnbllttii? in the -fcoase J i . .plferi'' svirtfaotui'tostaw madt I.aj IS ' 'i t '"! ' Vk-, 1 Js " r taM4 Arrtrirned onrHowe,The man elected bj J aa to ,wbat,:oar. XttltTrfs rpA lV7.rt' s-r i UU, .a- StniiTDeakmeSBbinitted VTWworea'of the labors INtT 4 ay mt it- W Aar r-rrr " ""l barre district, and seated Willisih Con- (they art scrspptes? 'Thsrass sssy i tmhakavvi W M.I rj P ' ' atik 111' t tirfiT 11 ' I nell, who waa no mors ejected to oon- fjt sbotald: h oo Of strtrtaarf tr;aa,s sss iiss tsabsaw ar -r- U lW I Teresa than he was elected minister to f boldUur wseltas4ll riatnU -alS f vf:'- r Um. ! J". t? '1 A iT. ! t lt . ' f av ana. 5 y m w aw ' X', ,paa a aaa "" !3v Ilia "uslilul UUUJU UJ'.::. : Hf - - al.H I .... M4 uaK aara. - I . .; je b aiaiataar fe3?;lULUii3: Collins an! QsVesv- mm mm a-a a m ,aaa gress than Dahomey. ; V ! 00(0 .rerythln- thy wast ts ward, heaven, beating its .cheat and nn a T-rr a i mfk nfmfTI?!' ' 1 Nevertheless and )twithstandmsv sumav wbsthar.K ts.s harrai of Usfof tXacUiJbstl . Gsas cs FRA.NKLlM U3l .i UUilA o,-b. Piwlli continue to stand; oa sixteen-tocta MIAsr'btssf post, easlsss. n ssahas a iroAinrTrwTViW N fx " ths street corners rollins Its eyeaito- tlpxi tr Idlotfe.r:'. 3 :"Tri; tassiaft,.irha s kir' ! rA64 1 UII J-v -r-- s4 JBls Obi I . , . . d labs Eba teA BUS I " rrk Yoa kAi uf 1S 1 TxT' '-''iTnTlW'T'''1- ITj'a.-t I thankjs .God tbat It Is "hot as other J The Roaalaoa cUUa'taat tb Jx : , I VU . mUnt : Mfrwvy Vt m m T-' ' VHrfiTW Wl .for-tlU.t TiolatedJatJJries ot ipflltarreflrsaWs I Aff ' a ttT flWrtr. aood soeomodstioB for thai rvlin -jjso-tJUwSfal ..that ; other,peopJe are pytmvtdului-i Uailbmhiys )Mmi'-ffr - j-m tSar KcU. tti sbik. rr . not Uk the Republicans. - . - . dotjlarinj war. ' Ukswlss Jahj Ik WJw I ljfftrXSylymy,. tTrt saw-tt sm f - 4 cfi.i.v T1,: Atthsd " Republican congressmen . followed complains thaf Jonathan. P. DsttTW TflT, ,1 rUkffA : ttASSENBURG'HOTEL. v.d 04 sarat 4mizm W fa- tth.t iMi'knf . 1 xma-haJi tox luotnas waumui t - Au uArtrr, , .s inft A-kK a.SKaer tablets. DrtJte T ?1 ' 7 V 'KA'MI' V" kuto" . - t :i x-XT UnKWtti w BBsbH,3i.q-i fgnsrs? S5cT -yoSs? feti. ',ts,JSS'i,v:U Co-4 secommodatioBS. Good lars- Ps . -r. v . ,r Beta.t :.-f;,l r" ? i !A t 1 . .a - k 2jr aa. ia, -.-, t-- . ..im, I Thar who oqrt Tn "w.w ?r ' ' ptruta a vk wi- - j" aan : 't aa iw.".; " .;-" - 4- ... 1 -t-t . r? .. . - --.'; -. . r. i rr . .1 1 . ' i - i: -' 1 'i 5 rHSTS .A" iawanyi I .72 V'r.rr iA ftrs a Mi m mm-4mm, S fr t a . a a aa a a jr. f, ' ' w. r a a a aa mm a a-aaaa a, . a w aa 7 9i ntaa- .j am m Utatbia- ,ttrtav:i at bwf a siam wa aaA ,., ',' a-iaw4 W sa TVs saaaaa i f ... t , a a ra . a . a: I.- ;.t " . ; j - jftt,wnnniim!SF'T.rii.i, . IVT" ; - limiTlWIOljaiaiwusia J n il .ri. opr. a- -Uyvry b. , "atronace - oi- 0oaaavalt Tori,,t" jiavaUni PntH8oUelta4.h. , fT;T- v a fta-- f- t. r- " ' . I b fc-w aa s t . VI-7 S , UrfaatlaaiiamfMlM. 1 . a a aixn. wa e, r - r - " J Ta- r4 I vNr lhaM V e1 arA--, She., - ' . af 4 1 taaa aJ ifea. afa raak U - -w . at H a I k I aart f4 all aWc. aa4 a.1 f an 81. fA Pa-at Ua A raa sJ ra ka a Ira J ba a-i ' l titaAaS. f J4.br aa a fnm .ia- . 1 Art aiaafift H ftak. SMS ) V . ,aa s-ajaa a..aja-t a e ar aa . . - m a - , , j a a Aa , . aa a. a a ." .. ' i m mm. i m- f m a m m m m jr a -a a. aw...a...w a a , a" aa J n. Hf'S ' t -ar--r,ifca. 1 a. a aw '.ma Hi a a . jr TTr,n,,.. ; m JaS)iaMaa Vt . . m - 1 sronsingwe isay a... - , .Da nbl!lllL S,U bv Avaaak kia. KaA!v r-4 ta Ear. .n' aa t . !r..r.r- Rr'iT r co.-; - - iva?t.. . j l at i:At i Ifieavvniy ajo i."vw.. ; --a - . . ..-.. .... - . . Itmtirn aw if mrm i frkj A a T1- aa. a J a... a .aa wa luat a-t y aa TVf a ..J iwmw -. as- f A a- --k Alaa I laa f:',J i.. A Z-U , a a A A a Scl:rmi:iir::;:i3- S i w t)ft 4. J l4Mf k , . ,- a f ." r .- CtceU": f C t 1 1 . MnaN.' a w i a n a in a m- " -a, a " 4 iiw a.Mva Aa am daa ki a' af '- aa- -a.j i te 7 C irW f hn I iw nai iti iiai aet . a , . , r, ;' frfi- r "aa K ... . t. twi- T , a . 1 --i 1.. 1

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