J AS. k. THOMAS, Editor mi Pnprlttir. a: k m do uxvd: zty thx: otatij mnn Tjnorr .LOulsBima, k: a,vFniDAyt; march C m. CHURCH DIRECTO RT 1MTHOMST. Banday School at 9:30 A. M. Gbo. 8. BaIkk, Rapt. Preaching at 11 A. M., and 7 30 P. M, every Sunday. Prayer meeting Wednesday night. L. 9, Massbt. Pastor. BAPTIST. Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. TH08. B. WlLDBRr8upt Preaching at 11 A.M., and 7:00 P.M., very Sunday. m, t . 4 Prayer m-eting Thursday night. H. H. Mashbdksr. Pastor. BltSOOPAL. Sunday School at 9:30. Wm. H. RcFriH. Sept. Services, morning and night , on lit, 3rd and 4th Sundays. Bfening Prayer, Friday afternoon RvJohh Lobdos, Rector. PRE8BTTBRIAH. Services 4th Sandav in each month morning and night C. N. Whabtob, Pastor. urn xx xx xx xx CHAMP 88 8 Cti tt n n n-n CLARK'S LETTER xx xx XX XX XX u T I The Troubles of a "World Power- Current Talk Abooi Men vjkL Measures XX XX XX XX XX XX In xt XX XX XX LODGES. Louisburg Lodge, No. 413, A. P. & A. M., meet-l8tii4-8Kl tTaeaday Blgnui .n eacn uiuuwi - Proteftmonal ard, Special Washington Letter. HIS year Mr. Dayton of West Virginia, whose chief claim to distinction is that in the land slide of 1894 he defeated Wil liam li. Wilson for congress, celebrated Washington's birthday by reading Rep resentative Burton of Cleveland, O., out of the Republican party. Indeed Dayton seemed to think he was endow ed with plenary powers in the case, for while he wast about it he also-, read Burton out -of tbe Democratfe-party, a considered. So the sugar bareoa will have to wait until next session, la the meantime they will be bled by the "Re publican campaign mAnagers. The conglomerate people now under taa American flag are enough1 ta BaaJke a Roman empefbr stare If be shockl re visit the glimpses of the moon. .White men, red men, black men, saddle Col ored men., yellow men, browa-mea. mottled men, Americana, African, Ear ropeana, Asiatics, Oeeankra, Christians jews, pagans, aionanunenan, ate tor ta at.4t iliMi Shwab la a,.vnr ad aaaa te r . . CM4 a a a IW erwsvlftai doc mm U taUK of Vm H mZWw tar wtMM ta ar ra aaierat baraeae eopuaar.. TVrr "2.- m" I ' " " " - . T'TT T Tl TV TITO TV Ta fTV Tl . aeicmt tcM eopurM Tv saiou w Jw xtJd W taCaKad ea MtL uffarrn aad. i" era, rstuvtMr fans m4 wwf l t pt malm nf ' W ' mittttf Mmmt. Udty u4 tarm ta pro a W r CPVnJUt HAT MO Of tnt MOtAA, It 0 QRtAT AJrfQWrTY. . rnW i a 4 t 4 f v t-ft . ?1 f f rf t- t aT Scawak la a a good a aaaa w M b waa a yearar w ago. vpaai pm waa. W(d. a Iby taa, Rpbilea ppr. a lB,b(cVt;7P o AaMrlcak.ctllapa-' ship wtx oar Wi Wwrrt f tmtttfm, f lit aaa baa faosd thaffaJL im - a t a4 a. ALLRED. ATTORNEY-AT-LA.W, Will prsctlce Id all the Courts. loungmYUIe, N. C. Otbce in D R. ARTHUR H. FLEMING, we are getting than aa a 'world power with both feet! Wnattecomea of th old conception of a great tepnbBerar American freemen wocthy thetr. her itage? The savages and aeoUsavagea "appurtenant to the United SUteawin soon outnumber those m "the -Cn!td States proper," a beautifnl kettla o fish surely! DENTIST. LOOISBORO, . -O lice Oyer The Or sen ft N. C. Yarboro Co, Store. jJR. 8. P. BORT, PRAOTIOINQ PHYSICIAN AND SURQBON Louisbarg, N. C. Boddie. Bobbitt St Co.'s Druir 8torp. onNh street. ytL R. F. YARBOBO03U. PHYSICIAN AND SURQEON, LoriSBBRS, N. C. Nm. build tntr. phone 89- l.hr calls answered from T. W. Bicketf. residence, phone 74. B. U. MlAJSSKNBURQi ATTORN BY AT LAW LOUISBTTBS, Will practice in all the Court of the State Office' n Go art Honse. M ARCL'S C. W1N3TEAD, ATTORNEY- AT-LAW, LOCIBBCBG, N. C. Orrica ovb Corner Drug Store. opposing the naval appropriation bill, which carries $96,000,000 in round num bers. Dayton is a member of the naval committee, and the Republican mem bers of the naval committee think they own the United States absolutely and that the other people in the world are trying to steal part of their possessions. Burton is not only one of the ablest men on the Republican side, but is one of the most omnivorous readers in con gress. He was fighting the bill not only on the ground of the extravagance of the measure, but also on the theory that we do not need an immense navy. At one point in his speeen ne- ex claimed: Oh, but it Is said: "This is merely a de fensive measure. The best way to secure peace is to be ready for war and so build up a great navy." How similar to that are the words of Uriah Heep when he said. "We know that we are humble, but we are afraid that other people that are not humble will get the start of us. Dayton may not know it indeed, the chances are a thousand to one that he didn't know it but he wasn't doing the Republican party any good when he undertook to read Theodore E. Bur ton out of it All this talk about the Monroe doctrine being "just as strong as the American navy and no stron ger" is absolute tommyrot. It sounds well, but it is idiotic. Our navy was as a pygmy to a giant when compared with England's navy at the time Mr. Cleveland issued his famous pronuncia- mento in the Venezuelan matter, but it has not been forgotten that England heeded what G. C. said. : X racaat lava t the Ftttstnrr r contain faJa-atarttlac oHarlat: v "Aa aatAshftf-eiarv'tf I 1 r sli war rress Ootwmhy. H tsxf9 01- mm arwxian a- V a pm .On 8 : IW ctaatr krtaiar OMtt wftt vusiry aiw U aiW Iswgta at t aaasa ti ia I CtncWctt.. That aa4 tm. ta ta ' M.taasa aiaHtstry tro4 mmd tar a-rsr la katt. ! H wtu ad It tt whiu I ra, tW t rartwa4 Bleelal Attention giveu to collections. Practise wherever serrices required. TJB. J. K. MALONK, FRACTICINQ PHYSICIAN AND SCRQBOF. LotnsBuaa, v. o. Odee over Aycocke "rig Company. W. BODDIE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Loui8BUE0, N. C. Office in Cooper BnildiDf?, w m. HAYWOOD RUFFIN. ATTORN BY-AT-LAW, LOUISBUBe. 0. WW practice in all the Courts of ui adjoining coantiea, also in the Supreme artanrt In the United States District sad oflSS'Ciooper and Cliftonnildlmr. I TJiHOg. B. WILDKR, ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, ItOUISBUBS. K. C Office on Blaln street, over Jonea ft Cooper's (tore. . F. S. SPRUILL. ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, LOOI8BUBO, S. C. . .u . ,nf Vranklin. Vance aranTUliwan and Wake a......... nnnrt of North caronna. Prompt attention given to coUections. Office over Bgerton's Store. W. BICKBTT, T. ATTORNBT AND COUNSEL LOB AT LAW, L0m8BTM Tl. a Prompt and painstaking; attention given to irerr matter intrusted tohis bands. Refers to Chief Justice Shepherd, Hon. John slajSrHon. Robt. W. Winston Hon. . C. Burton, Pw. First National Bank of Wta rtonTaienn ft Manly, WmBtoPeoples Bank. sfMonroe, Cbas. K-Taylor, Pre. Wake For est College, Hon. B. W. Timber lake. Offloeover Neal ft Co. s Store. w. Pracaees street. M. PERSON, ATTORNEY AT-LAW, fcouisBtraa, . a. in all courxs. u H YARBOBOTJOH, J. ATI ORNEY AT LA W T LOTJISBURO. N. C Offioe in Opera House building, Court street All legal busbies intrusted to him wUl receive yroaipt aad careful attention. TIT F. HOCCK, in. CONTRACTOR and BUILDER, LODI8B0RO. N. C. Trading Agent for aU kinds of BuildiBg tni el ArtUtic Mantles and Tiies. Ardu bectarl Designs Submitted Troubles of a "World Power." "The white man is very uncertain" likewise the Asiatic. We have been told time and time and time again that the Filipinos were thoroughly pacified (so they are the dead ones) and that they were greatly and hys terically in love" with Old Glory (so they are those who are holding good fat ofl&ces under tur Uncle Samuel), General Otis informed us repeatedly that they were pacified. He was fol lowed in his declaration byjttt his suc cessors in command. Then Governor General Taft announced that "peace reigns throughout the archipelago.' Then General Leonard Wood pacified some 300 Moros by loading them up with lead. Leonard was then hotfoot after the double stars of a major gen eral Notwithstanding all these assurances of complete pacification and bubbling enthusiasm of the Filipinos for the stars and stripes, recently I quoted a dispatch in these letters to the effect that some two or three hundred con stables1 had taken their guns and ac couterments and all the money they could cabbage and had deserted to the jungles. A later dispatch describes a battle in which an American officer and several privates were killed. Per haps these are signs of perfect pacifica tion, but sensible people will not so re- gard them. The truth is that so long as we attempt to hold the Philippine we must pin them down with bay onets. But we have been told all along that the Porto Ricans are the most docile of all our "subjects" and would never give as any trouble whatever, others might back and kick and cavort but the kindly, gentle and grateful Porto Blcans never! Nevertheless, as the fol lowing dispatch shows, we were de ceived in that matter also, reckoning without our host The Porto Bicau were' represented in both branches of the gDanisb cortes. We permit them to send a nondescript and powerless "commissioner" to Washington. they are clamoring for statehood or in dependence. Here is the dispatch, which is self explanatory: Ban Juan, Porto Rico, Feb, 0. The fed 8m.i assembly today, by a vote of 80 to 15 demanded that Porto Wco be admitted Straws. The signs of the times indicate that the people of the north are at last waking up to the business oppertualtlca In the south. They have beaalaw to realise the financial potential I ilea ot that section of the country, bat finally the truth is beginning to percobxta through their brains. The chance art that the next census will be a. great eye opener in this respect. Some years ago the movement of cotton manufac turing southward became aa- proooaius ed that even so prominent a man aa Governor Dtngley- or. Main too alana and desired a constltotioaal amaadmctft which would give to oar a jartadlfttap over the labor question ift geaeeal. laop ing thereby to enact such legislation as would neutralize, partially at least the advantages possessed by the south. such as longer summers, warmer cli mate, less need for fuel, etc That the entire cotton crop of the sooth will some day be manufactured in the it tea where it is produced cannot be doubted. What started me on' this trala ot thought just now! waa seeing ant ttam to a newspaper to the effect that Cos pany has purchased 60,000 acres of land in Alabama on which to colonise northwestern farmers. That tteta afcma would be of little tntareafaTiA-wanld not possess much significance, but it la simply a straw showing which way the wind blows. Iowa and Illinois farm ers move to Missouri, buying the rich Missouri farm lands. The Vftaaoturt farmers who - aeU oat move tart south to Arkansas or Texas. This process is in perpetual opera tidn. -TW tide of immigration baa tnra4. from the extreme west largely tow th south, and this movement la a food thing all round. The northerners find cheaper and better bomee, and the southerners find good neighbors. - taajMwrtal aa ? af CMraa a4 arvtaaa. $rtaC .an Ual a frtWMk wra aa enaalri Ua ata mA&mtj me-m a riflaa &rf te1i U - rraa-it t4j t I tnal am a ay me xeiakala tl asWft aw " t t tar. rvrnt tt tmtmm W' taOar. etaef aaty af! ta hi k rwaNr. TU Urm ta W ter Tl frorjf atr4 a fbrn tnaL ial I f ew aH"I j aad la atiU rrataj ta r4Xta.'';T,al UNt.tftpaaf (-rnroBty -?a?, K U tft tvstr4 te.ertttfecjl.m fS'-ff. raftlcr tntrlf tt-tr- w prht lalU tfki mcty V' U4 tea tW aaWsr mtisBt W ena-tawV- aaaywi aai 1 waie "1H ran a Af f MtVaf) pvf4 -X9 aCtaa pea'.. -Aaa I a aa farabc t rvaaliar k 3 t9w ta o wr? iu fwfitf i Mv5i anfl wtJr XX atwaje d. T.jrs Ce a Ma" as im s4sraa by wakt MOM IV rJ MMrtll t fara W B(MriiMk ta tra. t kil t-m boi.) em ta mX . saiwsfeay Ttm N. m aJy SV w.- I .1 -V.T. 1 I a , . a ... ... . . i T!ie e.aa a aa Vl UC j 1 t ' rrrj M laaa, L f - t 4JtiiitfrCk.W tl . "- ttat III aii ft4t 1 ClKit . Jn4 MilMt l IV imUajdn A 4i U3M al '" JJ aa-i il laal i JOIT? a If Cfri rrra t Lai at, at lit ll Lw fknri 4hh 1 1 ctIl l!tctfra &a i?t lia rrf l ' p - 1 - - ' sp 1 Vlra rror--m iirrw?4 1 ilfXSlKSSSSf " l r- a mmJ e """' , -a 4 wi . tajriU 4 a tU f1" SV.Omm fMM M A Mi t WATCHES. CUJCIS 1T a j A ti rrn.-r. m w ta 4to (; V ,- w.jfTMSS aSSAa -43 ftttis f a -taaM e w m4 f t") a,aiw f . t t 1 a w mmm bWiWUwi ! m: I UT f,w tJrwr pXZtf a 4fti- m tm wmmi w f W inn list, t Nwt I a - n isi a4 a Ji 4U " b.. ! aaoA, ; fci U WlMMll aMMft Im U . m , - - - . - 11 a i f.e IWlMIl 5 S J -- 1 f Vttstfia) Yujjt 40sV4a HrV eJP9aaaaejsjaiS Wtf at4 t r-4 " . t .ia QALnnoitc x-KTjT( - ( . , -iSicatD-Paciei Co- I : . II taV a rt 4-ta a fiaaanl vl Liawt 11.1 mc. tar aiu tvra-ovw tnal far years a tmmm aasa I t wr JbI rv-t , w 4 i.M ,m .h atraC4 ta ClnHlwnW- iasasia. t n I wifl WS)r Mje ' . vm e of astaaa aansJ;aiy; ue wrt. I . a :W iw I -? !..-- Cm a taea -eur4 ta r aaa t I T ... .. .A ' , I . 'hri n a 4. w Owr,o U ax ra w cca cava 1 wj . itwL, fvt i. to UxW po Wi avaa t n n I jaytag t fwara r eat Ma (H fc tj. Uatft UaM aa4 . a I ftMmkM. to tra. t. wa ti a 3 r WfiU .nil uoaj I fccAl am ta In Tt rimVl i 7 a i tnirUat thly were I a ta kUr ef I astrtt, t n la y i f - eos..o4 tw w iswt i mtarrr. t y t , , ,,,, , ObVai Poking Fun at Mssaachu setts. The PbiladelpUU loqulret-ba lota at gall enough. In fact to poke ran at venerable Masaaehusetta, which Jt dota in this editorial about Benjamin Frank lin: ' Representative Adams vaata cunt rase to appropriate a coerf ortabi sua to eel" brate the two hundredth' annWrary t the birth of Ben Frajiklln. So ay we ail ot ua. Here la a man who ousht to b honored by ths world, reaardlees of raca, color or any condition whtVtr", atao who was tha first eJUBen; ae-ta silaalaa and lon the first citlxen of taa'repatwe. without whose ottamriitt - tf -v igacity the constitution couia attar hairs been framed dot adopted. II tai emuitry owes honors to any roan more than aa . other, outside of Waihlntoft. tt cartalalr la to Franklin. 'tha etfeauav pnuoawstaar. diplomatist and sage. who. ta th baper lang-uage of the Frenchman, -tore ta lightnln-s frdrn th hvens and the scp- ter from the hand of the tyrant." De lightful, but not exactly correct. Franklin waa born In Masamctiusett. which was his chief ralafortaaa. aad a early in lire remeaiea mm w am Th Virginia na r .aialtinf rraat prrparaUo&a to eibreta ta trfa teoay T tha pUmUasjajt tJa amtU colony oa this roUaat This tetr ttBxgiaia40rial at aapea4 at attatw Has H.'lrT. WbOe tt has) not tsi aawtdafr einwi4 ta lataam ra,rii9ioTw frfc. a to b. for It was ot as och la porta tr. If not mora. Thr yeara her th dtnlavn ef "oie rergtaay" prop to naak tip for paat awticrer ay rlng'tb big a4 la aaaCttl m sad by inviting all rretka ta the fat sa4 celebratiofL rrasoo of that rreot. Thta Jx a j probably wtu rotnt ateaarif wtt W Ing th biggaat b a ta tha atknl ccoreatkia. ta tia aa d-rtt OM Banna anrtToraker BapejbdraAa wft IS ad a leader (a ra&y iratta. Jaat w OrnW Um polfwra ery aagie croptaj tha 4ar tor a Moa. "TVry Bsay acr biaW-ta OaWa,Myrai T. Jterrlek ar ta Qeqeta 0rea Inje. a4 taw agara rhev y t.. Th fKloal Ight savoof ti rva. jtvania pMlcaa la wartalag lav (acf. ri k ra bos, a to hd that sVaaatsc attbear Staaky Quay ha alt ceaatftlaad ta take h la pea la haad M ! rW racraat, as t mxt lengthy "rpistleHo fW fcapaaaraa ef reaaaytranaa.; s Itaa ertata reo- Uei cJh3kTftraa.- I,wwi tartar m taa war thai fWt IN tftat-taaiag Oae eror raayraar: t c&umP . a place raaraaarera aa ac t tatt. Th ggarl. fM taraafry ta4 aaaas aar4 . aaaaaar thd w3r aa aioW aa aid a - aa af JJ4 t a af tha anpraaa wart Jadja. paffocmajwe t auniy in ta nai&n af.poozini on an Ok troh)4 tra, Th taor that PaoaaylvaaU ttp:WV ana jnarrH wtth ear othr ta hnu tt will b for tharoantry (toe OO W I a tamtmi hm '.t ! ' okl and rrwat ' r wr?Ua aa IV. ivt u..i-w .. bormt, o etMMa, svt tM v !.,.. r a -' rWv, (meui t- V"4 T " : T" la tS t xV-r- -'' 4 .f w. i. -. M a0e rtia cf fa sftwc-ifc ;t a j .npt um rM i'4 ... , . whVh - tSMX t.:M$ -9IUC t M ' " '-f qsj t mmtrmrm m xr- r- cr i i .,,., ,. tw-, noi, bta mmUI iitjr b''-oe r . ay taae fc 5k rati vrysi.". . ,r ,... ...,,..M.4 j i ir ri ril Vf ? V -ir m es.jw., r- aaar T oV -i:t ft . - f w-v. . On affert of Sanatar Haaaa dth wmm fv-3 ts-at w t ,, . , ,. 0 ... will b ta masf Bafta,tpr Jaarph Bjvo (0 pa t j -tn 1: j . i . a-e. - rorahar. fapJVarffy at lCaaolat j ttw ,.74; it. ...a- i..u... ... master of th ftermay RpabOra, . , - , '- " rorakrt'e predaoi tt ror iww 1 ( H tk-coi p-2; as s' . ,.ta , w : a mm- m ha, silvaarad abowt 1.0CO jr c1 by tU a f -.J 4eal . l4-.t v .j ScJ. w. y mTa- ? f "w - - - - 1 r?r-s;se 0rj i.."r, f? la.U; ii. ;e rtCtawf) Lr t aJJ-t a,tj- t-n lir tiiami, W , mm i! i fr-4rtt?r adasja c4 f a? t-ni pr tui Tt W- C al -a t m ? j )Mi a Old FtfntXmfc r.fftemen.ll ... Vifldpliv " aaa rl Issti?w .s ) VleeH t r 1 ta f e swm fws ""ry I"' - a . a fv- , rtrti 1 FJ v t-- Qi.aea ; x- ",J 1 i. .-i.mm r- m on r'unain rMea - 4 mmm timm mpmw w W ' ai nrfl JMVM 4. r n t h tiaw. a e ' ! Kww ,!. lo ... . iwctl IV. Uw.r- iii wi afH, t .. I.4. OMftlMA IMialfe . , trayf-1 ftaCa-t . a, JAa)H KYANS !;:? in mi ntu SF.AIJOAIU) : : I . t : t t:t 1 1: i li'teaa. titf Hit totft tcf ftn wm i a W tM ltl ; m V !- ,M Mtal m mif 1 av?! TJ Ua tt Nl X mmm -r-i''- wk.v aa a m. - "' ta N sast W-- 'Vi , P3 bi4 rt. I Vr t-mVa a J ta, era t V. a ' sjw riy raiay i tear at taat Vwr M-a orfjrafT. tiMaa f" cw.. w w 1 aca s-a4sJ t aatara! ! l h,hm. mm t f . fScr. ta sn f-24 ece- ; 4x :. - "- ara la I IT J . tar for a a !. t': fc - . Mkal rrtt'jua XnArw ti jC-T a I tw a h. tii: . t rt tt. ; at -1 n. ma r:: T-at i't::o.r. ;WtataavJHk. ?it 4 -f af a ,m r U t.ataW" t-4 na....A fmmw mm- b ve tmf4 f"i ra IfTn - fc flaw IV jMThf 1 rr aa at a V " ' !Il Ife Mr irf 'o -.' - i wlih a Mrt a"-tr : aaavod ta a J (ml . fe.iii 1 ! etaaa f w3 a at4i w tl tr auaMO ,) IIool Tbacaaa TagZart twdJaaa da- rtar that b fcaowa ta tdUty th dart bora that ta ta 1 ta ! orratle prekJratUl ataka, t a f baahfal to diartoa ala taformatWa ta . aa ainactaaf aad aaa' wkV And he was also born 00 a wunday. WtrVtr'' r&rt tlrhr ar aa Wr a bM in many pansnes 01 mmm cawwa MflvaM.t WUI t'Mh gut . . . .m i w a Mar- ) eMawitiaii Mka ay'1 F . I 01, tm mm mumr Wmmm mm, - mm mm utmf mmmmmmm m miin mmm ym mmm m ,r-m.t 4 -m, rf i .hh ' mrmt m mmm mmu, mm mmm m mm mmmm mm. , . a W- ,4 a mm aw , t ' ? ea m mm ' 4 mm tJM mm m mm llKlmmm t m'H infamy for the bab and part of the parrnU. He surrrred the ! shadow which hun over bins aad achiev ed a position in the world which J abso lutely -unique. Me waa not a vraiuove Puritan, bur ratfcr? sa,'ay axihaT. rtttsan. who took, advantattt.at th mofmist is ge to have a rood" tffne anV-aarar em hypocritical about IL aa hs charted ae rJew Bnlana pretaren wera ne 1 his country well and died In a good aid a, ha vine seen many vloiasitwd. mat having tasted, on the whole, of th Jars of life, sensual and intellectual, to a sxifa- clent .degree. With aU his failing rraaalfci .ta nun ta whom thi citr and. ttaU ewe a debt they can' never repay ere ta .the line of gTaOtude. We praswsa that tf eo m mrfkes the approprtovtJon Maseaeho- setts will want to claim It and will mm aa mm mi mi rreveat im a-tai ,ii f as ? 1 .i ..m..w ta nwe. ?w 1 i,ii ,. ! ry a a - a b ; .a. . , far a fd" a-. ,. . r a-. a rrair we ri at ca r.n- . ,.w4 ....w- -m t Wit tl linr-an-j l ft a HJ WW , T . M- - t r g4 rts. tt mmrm r - . . m T tm , fVMa a 4 arttetry tal. a tf k ....wm tA a)eare fta s ae t reikis a eft mi - ... - - - wd," tl a lUt W9e a"r ,-;;(t. faa a kd ! arHVwal tmmX ut 1 i - - Md tlual .T 1v, e : $ 1int f a mrtf-tLm-4! gra aar. fti3art fi tasbrR'TaiB a t ta- ew t 1 wee4 r l-wun &r fawry. tei. we afs " lwi y ta H.'aa.t, rraag w'laa4. t f' a Wt am w'. t H VMtn.u f t64 ..e..,a ( !.. aa--M 4 ''t(M " aaa- ta aglwlni Vm , 4. '- ii ttm mm. mm . ... - i .. .r Mlim M. - . '-"" a , w " " - a ,w( ..mot, ,i.n - wm ' , . ill. ntl i t, ' -t H MWW .wHm.. t" ""V kwM m, "m . . tv . ,M - .. ?- , tw.-t. .... l.wt NOTICE! ivl t" M r - mm w mm I I tV.ow i i mm- a m I y m w M , f m mm m m, mm f mmm M-w mm mm f 4 w mm tJ mm) I mm 1 mm f w w f w aw m mm w m, -wi a t f mm 4 m- m.m. at ar t-e 7 f .r r:i r;!' tir 11 ni-i Ar r r ; iz tfcjwtv-m ,s-.kwii'"l'M , 1 A MlClAn - w a at . Va- Wa Wwa w w-X J f. n ..- r - V 1 III tl I 1 1 I 1 I I " .;t we-i er nc,r eutv " n W ? t 4 a ? l: it Lwfc'Mf . 11 ' el .1 e taw I 4.t .tet wftftif wtU to sUtahooa or that the island h granted tne world that all there waa good ta ta indeoeildence, ,1 man waa due to hb h"caktf -Tad.nt h waepenoen. k! SnrecUted steadjry after? lwrwnta are- nere wt aw www t- w, tnrv:tUJLXUHoa identical que8tJon about ww our 0 th. forefathers got up me uevoiunonary war Ai there are only about 1,000,000 of the Porto Ricans, they cannot, of course, achieve their independence, bnt if they should set up the standard HOTELS. FRANKLINTOJi HOTEL FitANKLINTON, N. C. Good aaoomodation f or the traveling Mavlng Agalast High Pin Ptreae.' that eaa stag aad wm wt atag aacat to b forrad ta stag. That ta tm al aaM a arrrwt for aay aaaa t kewp tl Vor4d Bp hi hi awa hreasf far wg aejoyom I. T.mM la t cciapdltad to dtyatga, ,fe ', -tr I ' V . , .... I v.., a , . tl 1 .n.. ml v- -!. 4 .-. mmtmm raaao.la tbwtet at . twMV I . , , . m. n. ... vrii ftftif . .tt e 1 ii - Crw Think of tha a7 It rtH 11 I . ' tlMan ; v- w,da . HUB. -, v-l sawapapers If a wweJ4 tiy f . 7. I t, a a. ra an. A U f . Thry wxmM ae bar, ta wast I . . .Jt , 1 a ,.1 ! ... ' - - bVs tpac thaq to rPaaatng. thttta 1 T, - . ' .t a. w i,.- l.Hft. e .l 7 ..wie and .ipwur. Te; T. T. aawsM t j v r . , fT M ' l' w M .1, -w W .' I 1 a lt tr gaadt.tp OTXyrOfft 'T- Mfa eua jwt H w i yw ti . . . Mr. 8rrtary ar rh Traarwy I I rr4Ka - e- " !t M. fihaw aax X aU abaert tjr 1 tiw m kom s- , r : .... trat hi tdaa aa poattry ara aay. at 1 u 1. f ra - aa ' ijCaS l!wa?!H,W,,1,,"" 'i At IITO .Matt 1 if tUta l 1 MwOrTi I. . -a .w MiW a al fM.iu. Stls 1 amAiHa .t r iOW lgt r, rrwry i ,M ., -..t 4 a.aaMiA larw VwX tn tla -- - Ofta t .lh. afl wwrtmasj ; I rVal r-e V am j e ar m - ... a CH 1 w I. aw0, A 9 a ii 4toii' ) - m-t tmmt r l ' : e. t'Hl f Mis. Good IdWr AtUehe4 UASSENBURG HOTEL. j 1? Maaaenbure: Iropr HENDERSON . N- C f" Co id aeoommadations Itta aad atteatira irur. be Under the above head na. PbSadakl aoai Tftraabw iwjtwa-awrrrwa t rV phia Inquirer, aetancn KpfojKaja;arr gan, spoaka oat la meeting n Jhlg vlj' . One of the development' of the wash It the aoaaibuity that crtmtnal cttoer-y be Uken agahtat Charlaa t.lfcha-e ara nia.f .ate method "of- Jbaadllfc ta ahrobulldlnr trust Jt th fptorastia peived f the Kew tortt fftftf ll to- carat, tnere s aon uw p . ,hr U a srobablUtv. of It Importaat - Eseta. so the tnfortaattoa ga; rnat have . artlnrwtth'Mr; Schwa aareta re deasrted hica. and la CrtU aoathf ienciea criminal suits w411 aa lrwDThl tof which f'aSonZAflr-grwjnd i- . It is to p hoped that the threat stepa witt.ba.Uhea.Jtln "fa tt t that an n ahoold- - lh Iwiaffiaagtg thii pubiic oa a aiaati mcmim Th tarying roaa who staJ a aaaa t jaO very eraesaUy. Wit H ti firakric'' Wad aaoiaadat)l M -W4 P people svto purcaaatng wv1h ftoc Good faxei ; NORWOOD HOUSE ? Vtrnrtai lfcttltir.ni W. J. aOH WW. PMrrttW Petronaca ot Oowmewlal Toarfata w fipprrthMrllrbiiaaoiia " . 94 t-aaJs ttWU2i . f , of revolt at the same time the many- times pacified Filipinos do there would be something -doing in the outlying provinces Of this world power. -Put the Porto Ricans and the niiflt nea f not tie only inhabitants of "territory appFtenan fo the United Sates" who Afp gf log trouble. The big Wgar planters of eui suga? pql pny, commonly palled Hawaii, for the privilege of isaintaiping which we PftW several million dollars, are d edjag of Pscle gai that they fee permitted- to iwporf jnujj pwuo and Japa ad Mbitunj, Tljis Jtepnbllcan congfesa would no doubt )ae1en 1 to their voices, but tnts. is. election jrmr, gpd:. t&jre are toe :vtopr.w w ; If tronbled with weak? digestion belcWng One-haK box TbOtna C-IH Pfl- or soar stomaeh.use vaamoer.- - DN my -nii. - and Liver Tablets and vou wlr-get qhlek lTj, fl. Bobolti, Cedltr Rock. relief; Sold by. Ayeoettarng ca ' ; . ,. ' - - J. ' -- , " ' f "7 ... ,. -r s f. Yoo eaDBotCpvrrjr A-croorea raie n. .i.h. VililMn i - ar ' Happy nrattaj uiy-- , ivhild su'tokt IitUe. Early Insert -;Vi. 'ft safety. -They are haraueM V)" Hw I Wia fi wt Tad . ' tl rvrr itai ejrw wratx arhrvw ataa ay -, asm arw aoatrat t Ttt- th- at tmem tf Uw.y..a43MI ara al bavtaas jg94 .- iH .Waaaty.Jt Tta4 nooay. Ha wrtara flat 6if tay tt great fseslaa f ea, aa4 ha prupowra that th iitirtaaX keep tt ctaaa. .. rpw an4 at tret. pvt 117 hart qait thai. ga4 Gesa, will gala kH paiat. , , " wae ' h Vm gwa toe Ww at C kite wU'VtMW'j '- 4 tat Urw - ataaJSt -. " ln ktak'Ut TAi Excelsior CoQaCo.!::: Ka mmmm ai i m--m'm" ' i an mt . (MhtcM, I t , ,..., I t t. er .. - ' t ew m mm, w'"w t " f o mm mm mm m mm mm Ijigjjjgg iconics aid Cz5ii'::-: ta narVO'awt " raaa- sUtaJl ft I rJNawa rr twe X- . 77 .... L JKt ' m mm . ' '' ' - .'mmlmm IlMaMkH pj. ' r Of iewt t wtat aa t a I ga aa fwa, fewAat X fVjt Csirt . i Ji l 4wt wm a fmm f aa4.araX Ja milii-iiL- 1 1! ... .w- .mm- m! m 4 1 mm 4 M " 4 " e w . w ' mm m. v w--e t . - ww m t I It mm , !Tw M a w. . ei. mmjmm m, mmm mm mt a. el aw tWt liwMT rmJtaa, tear ai a t Us yt . Mr t wle ya . twtww , m - rjj. -aktsvrf , 1 I 4 at I twii aaise. ewi a 4r-.-.T,,7r. - -V !,-.- a rwl .if w 4 rv -..4 f tMdaitl.'-- atTir ! Fa4iat: ! tl a, T 1 tnfliiaintvtory RttBtita Otrtd. jyTmiara Shaier a hitheeaaa at IW-t erti W reralta tna. yoao. , w-r-'-- OrX-a--idia. a aara. Fl-aHy et ae mrtmm ff 'mmbs aw t a r t 4a w4 a w w4 t - i " ; - Htnvatw 'a tUtaU,.. i - lttf. ee - kO am.aas4l 1 a ttil - certain u resniw toa - i tt-. a aara. flaaiiy I Jng4rai-tW j ffi,r Me-T oriwortliTl CVa mission aaarerj t hasd ar foal aaa la ea waaaa Lime Early M""?"1"? -brArnitaMWlUri?wwk-w krPT .rM pal.. They enra biluouta. Boldbr ;Ayv hy ATcacrmt f Ca, af-., J; A VewAI laf 'a l. ,f.'ui t wawT aW ,.'- J 1 b i wtr ate MjM . t - t.J 1 ej'e. It U " m4 eew mm um-v a( a aw wiiwe4 a alf mmrmm I f i . - KMS t'MlM4 Im do rtH M IM PHft I lMt luaiUWM ( U s I -mm ,w-r -" a-- ... I - .... . a., : a saoara wig rrrt ue iw.'ae rwc a f e ! ot- m? -w m f ii c ,.. . ... , T ot . 4 - I - . ' .. mvmm - . 9 1 I . m -.1 rt f ! 1 f ot n t ww , a - w. -I w "v- art ia.t r I ;-a4wtl,. awa I I iw i m mm ' V ''"JTi I awi I ' 1 - I fNat - F-f i'-l k " u . "... tCCUwdj i ew'a '. a a Zmmmmm imm ' ' f w a ' " " e 1 ir j m, TIjisiiii mtmt " tx. f ? w' " " f i imWwi t ' e mmm 4m aMOTV-iw ' t "" "" 4fw ew . f ..l,.!., f f P , w a ?! i, . . . w I OTW " '.'. . . 1 , d.' ... rVr e a ! . . . ... f - " r. 1 ot h (.iwiir mm. m m mm- w w w - a w ..... taw )n 1 " ' I wwwm w-w w -tw aee f f aJi ae a ...... fa wiii.- ww w a 1 I .J... ot Cf. . W ---HOT ? r. ew 1 sat a J - ' ,-'w-

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