1 x - Jll 1."' M- ) I j 1 : i JfJ& : .., tfM . :. i- .-; ... .. ; aaBaaaBB . r W . x, - JAS. A. TUOUAS, Editor ini Proprfittr. it r- V0L:XXI1 r '.LODISBUEOjrKl.C'-FBn T. -MAPXIM1. , CHURCH DIRECTORY MXTH0DI8T. Soaday School at 9:30 A. M. , 1 Go. 8. BaXXB, etapt. - - PnMhioc at 11 A. M., and 7 80 P. M. Try Sunday. , . . . PrTr meeting Wednesday night., , ' L. 9, &ksKU Pastor. aipnsr. . :o lL:." . . :jr '. j -V-" -1 - :" - ' - - 5 llflS' o- - 6 Y I 0Q O 0-00 anHv School at 9:30 A. M. Thob. B. Wocbb, 8npt ; Preaching at 1 A.M., and 7:00 P.M., wry Sanday. j - V H. H. Mabhbcrh. Pastor. xnaooPAL. . Sanday School at 9:30. Wx. H.- fiCTnr. Sapt i Serviam, -mornia? and night , on tit, 8rd and 4th Sandavs. Bfenintr Praver, Friday afternoon RT. Johs LoKfioir, Rector. - - PgasBYTBBIAlU r Sarrice 8aada i each month morning and night C. N. WH4KTOH, Paator-- their time selecting a Vice presidential lUpVesentathre Maaai : SMicJ S I C 1 : low :: v, , ' " :: O-: - . . . . i - 1-'', i . - . 7 . ed, the rote stood, yea T, ya Vw. TT HE death of -Senator Hanna ' BrotSM VuA aV havfiig left a clear eld for : tempt to pat thDocrata to kk Colonel Rooseyelfs presMeni" -a, thajj na.h4 tutrnxMil lavvtMaf nai Domination, tne epnuuerthe RepnbUcaas to tM wt VJ wnm an bigwTgs are ' putting In- most Of them rote ' that 'Xt' goTertnet ' ahaB HI. LODGES. Lonisbarg Lodtfe, No. 413, A. . A. M., meta 1st and 3rd Tuesday ighta in each month. L. H. ALLRED. ATTORN EY-AT-LA.W , Will prctlce m all the Coart. TaungaTUle, M. C. " running mate for him. ' Divers and sundry persons of moreor less promi nence are named, ranging from Sena tor Charles W. Fairbanks of Indiana to Hon. John L. "Vebster of Nebraska. Mr. Webster is no doubt a most excel lent citizen and may be a great statea- buy armor plaU from who have been Jadidally? to? be ff lruatl Mann waa aaM.la his own trap." His effort at' fuatc7 had made a record- for- tola party, to fay atr of trusts, which it aanot expUia away and which" onrhl W5ot tham a score of seats la tb booaev to eajtJ(0aJ ing of Ita effect on th praaidemtla)1 I 'mm to' what Cormnae Ctaartaa rtZj j . rtoWM r:ay mr ,iam , mania apectarU mt tw Saphoa 64 CxtlOM to U MQmmI eoTnaL AaU.ftoM4 rator.T ; - y. flrrirMveUUr Un HUt if V wr hartta, a Whla to ft tissit imJ eot af tha"Vpbllc pnr mmwfm him y.aatoad.' Ua mter b wiu aara to to icirttjd. lx t Mmtt m BnwbOcaa to ua a rub to bem ? tW party. On fV laat day Faraary 4L-ncm U tfia Jtovaa socm murU a Ih ati of th tart, from hk t Ma tV " Vr.'CtelrWa. w art aat r 6Mr Ua rt tai wtot m litlrUa ai acM nlaiu trmm i prata i-txftw w - to r iflrawtotfk toa . - . fra trwa 9um n CATS SUCXINO CflCTV Vb rat fiC tt a a Ay. fa. U ; It y t'arf tl t I rt f t -a at a 1 ft I Less oi-Fyi! , VTicn yja or." I til trul j I Wi fc. Ji I .-.1. . - r : to a W.a I a4aF ,4 I U . I , . I W a - t ..tw un wuif cut w a a-"w .a ..V . f;t a - " J ' ' - ' I t - t il 1 J,l L. ... t - V . ! MM t M mm t-:i 1 m.w . " a i : T. r.J r. ' 7 .. 1 atiMMia'" m IM1 w Mrtaua m a aiiauam at man. If so, however,. he haa succeed- electioa. 1$ ; would,, be 4otaratlnc.,tr otnc in D R. AKTHUH H-. FLEMING, DENTIST. LOUISBOBQ, . - N. C OaosOrnr The Qt& Tarborp 'o.'a ed most admirably up to the present time in hiding his light under a bushel. So far as the average citizen Ja con cerned he would 'have to bring with him for purposes of Identification afli davit3 describing his personal appear ance. SUM. P. BURT, FRACTICINQ PHYSIC rAN AND SURQBON. ljouisburg, N. 0. Offlca ia the rear of Boddie, Bobbitt k Co.'a DrnK Stor-, omN ib etreot. D . a. t. YARBoauutfti. PHYSICIAN AKD 8TIRGBON. l,onsB0RO, N. C. OIm tod floor H: t.uUdlng. pjpDB W Sliht caH anawpre-l from T, " ! rAdno. phone 74. LOD1SBUKS, VIU wrv!tir; in all th nonrt M AHCUS C. W INSTEAD, ATT OBN B Y-AT-lrAW . Lodisburg, N. C. Omci oviB Corner Drug Store. 8mU1 Attention give' to collections PraeUee wherever aeryloea required. jR. J. K. MLALONB, rActicna physician and hubobom LoninubBO. K. o. OtSce over AycgjAe Prog Oompsny. yfM.-W. BUDDIE, attobney-at-laV, LonisBCBO, N. C. Office in Cooper BuildinR, - In His Own Trap. There is such a thing as being too 3mart, a fact which Representative Mann, Republican, of Chicago has had good cause to ponder since Friday evening. Feb. 26. The debate on the naval appropriation bill, which had been raging for ten days, was drawing to a close. The bill was being read by sections and debated under the five minute rule. Amendments good, bad and indifferent were being poured in on every side. At last came the old fight about armor plate as to whetner the government should build ita own plant soas to be independent of the armor plate trust or should go on as it has been doing for years, robbed by the trust and absolutely at its mercy. .Mr. Hitchcock of Nebraska, Democrat, offered the following amendment: "That no money appropriated in this bill for armor shall be used to pur chase armor not y contracted for from " any manufacturer or-smanutac-turers who constitute in whole or in part a trust or trade conspiracy to con trol the price of steel products in vio lation of the laws of the United States." Now, that looks like a reasonable know what the Republics 4edn said to Mann and abont hJin wMn lhf re alized into what a woeful plight B a6 ted them by hi attempt' to baaoaart It is a ten to one shot that. Thai' rs . marks would not be fit to appear In polite letter wTtter for famale .boat Ing schools. All the booora of Um per formance were with Hitchcock, wU. was most cordially and 'aothualaatlcai ly applauded by the Deanocratav X .Republicans have wriggled ta and wriggled out on the trjiat QTirt tJan, pa) that day they made a rtcortf aa da fenders of the tnista hich;cajtot P rubbed oat and. which oaad dia gram to explain it BuHy for Hltcb cock! . Qal feMr rna taar arh4a la tvmi tr I9t-9tr a4aa mm: rat M ay. km afcwt tm U int I far ttfct Wa 4 ry m 'ftOv tataaA4 a mw V w vnicav Ammrtm aniwawv tor araa Wm4 a ataagti aim a 4wai 4 lul l w jin arvaa aaa arvrM apTvtfvv araaa ectrta tat m ta iW t raw at taav. i - Xttmr- mm Un MttaimmS aJB Imk la m ItaaW. ntir iavnr rarra tra t afcra? a w M. HAYWOOD ErFFIN. ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, LocisBcaa. a. o. Win praeUec In aU the Courta of tml adjoining oountte., also in tke Supreme and lnthe United SUtea Dlatrict aad lW,SKJtoop and CUtton Building. pHOS. B. WILDKH, ATTORNBY-AT-iAW, loinsBCBa. a. o, Oflea on Main atreet. over Jonas k Ooopwa tor p 8. SPRUILL. ATTOB.NBY-AT-LA.W, LOUiaBTJao. . C WU1 atUrt the eonrta of Pr&nkUn, Vince aniriiiaVWiurren and Wake connttea, alao S Burem- Court of North Carolina. Frompt Motion given to collection.. Uffloe ovat Bgerton'a Store. W.BICKBTT, ATTOBJfBY AND COTJN8BLLOK AT LAW, ttotnsauaa a. a o t .nd nalnatiklng attention t J:mr mtrnated to lua hand. ia will indorse. In support there of Hitchcock, who is rapidly coming t nnf of the best rough and tum ble debaters in the house,, said with zreat force aridcogency Mr. Chairman. I "have only a few wordJ toay on this amendment. I de-ire to can the attention or tnia nuu that a tremendous hange has coflne ovet this country since the manufacture ol modern armor plate was begun n 1S. That was by the Bethlehem company. At that time the Atgt armor plate contrad f- TChitnw belna: then the sec- ;e"rTorthe navy. In 1M the second 1 onntract was let. at a ami aruiui . . ,k. wnen. a" - 1 When Secretary Tracy let that aacond ut contract. It was to the Car- n Pennsylvania, and h r. tti at that time, and It wa rA-JT". h TTnlted States, that hU purpose in letting that-contract to th Ia rmnonv was to build up a com- UllUCBic j v. I K petltor ta the Bethlehem company, which nrinr to that time a monopoly ol manufacture. The third con . .: i isoii At that time thoa "Jl.ZrZ. irintlcal bids. The fourth !r. made in . 1896. when again . twn romnanles made Identical bids. v"v,i ' 1 Kn4 . : aVUt7ri hf.tween those two com panleTto extort ah agreed price from th CT ingartnl a nrovlslon In tn law that the secretary of the navy should nn a ton for armor plate. 2.- that the fifth contract. In 1898, and the sixth contract. 1S99 were lei C. .. rtpnartment to those tw ..Li .i ;iifha ton. -The seventh con- tract was let w me ywt iJW -lehem and Carnegie companies, and at thM tfoe the bids were again identical and were for a larger pnw. lnce 'that time the eighth contract, in 19S. and the ninth contract. In 1904.. hav been let. hut not 10 ui"v"' -- Maraa Henry. The old saying. "Indeptodent- a bog on Ice," wBl hav to be AvrA4 so as to read. MInd?entot-a a, M on Ice or as'Marse Henry watt Marse Henry has publicly waahad hb hands of politics until all th cooran tions are held. 'He declare tfcaCba la not. a candidate aa delegata at aarta.va any other way to the national coovaav tlon, that he is not a candidate for po sition of delegate to the state coot mo tion, that ha would cat 0 t 'U aa a delegate If be coaUtfeatvBw arUJ not attend any Twrentlon in iray ca pacity, but that he baa entered InU v engagements which will keep him more than a thousand ml Ha a way ffuca St Louis when the batOe fortt Idential nomination is oo Mara Hra ry docs not care a banbe wbatsas rnaTblB'.rnll.Rra aataa tta lava. r law diaai U a4saaJaraW M th tans. a4 r&ta aar m wa at diatwMac a mmh Mh r Iaa1a ataia at aa C awwma a a rr1floa mt tartar. Wteimr M aaar as n m Utm W tksat aa to a ta taa itw i ta aa mm T - 1 VWMk e mum ia s r Ig amalartal t tytM ttx r a w. - r .!Sv' JB . - a. . :xia r'.f fj t a4 ssaas aryfiv. rto ttm i aas4v U Jr a& ata Ma to aara av'xf t rt '4 8 r o- rjac rw t;t o-a i aara a av CwmUv U air to -r 15 -t4d air. au t ttoa to vy t warf , Crf aj fcrjv Itot aJ -m mxnifMmrfm f Jaj a V.fl bar Pi na-t t ntt a bU to 11 ua n a aaAW a Wn ' t v WW urr.tm fJ ti kavfttsy l tot Pna a a a tai, O arva 4 a karl to t$a rarvTsJ aS4 Wa a fl, W im at fata ,tV faaa pra-Vta Atmm fMyto towsv-4 ".a- e?tv4 ik a' a DAtaTiMcnn n. f.i n t r 4 a- aw Ml aa a 4 ax a at to I 1 tNa: E m ar4 1 " at' f aMuat A aaftk Mrtuwtitf Ml a iaiii l in a'i4 aa ' 4 f 4t If t av a - to Ve iv ItaiartK kava ton aattaiM a4 amaaa a aar wra4 4 r asapimai t u ra aav4 ta tk tmi a aaaaaaaa taactto najim aAwa a .an.ataa a ttoaurtiaW ae r ta Wt Bar agasaa M W w tora e atfkar arTy aar t ta err a4 artthtto wk aiw aa Aa rjaaarr a Tm anaSia 1 rw moj a-HT WWat aj axarr to- clfic slope Chautauqua a. u a. 1 th a?nial atnd wall taMM rratulate tbe senUl and wail Kcntnckian. Laat year I mad thai, trio mvaelf. and tbera la aereeable. There are. no floer Cha tanana audiencea than.thoaa.tn Ore gon and California aiwV.no tmru noa pltable people under tne sud- a aUrr4 aa aa atr raja4 ca U watrajm. Wt ta ta4 r 11,111a ta ra&a aa tha kMrt a Mai a- r toaiaaa ta sttt aa ayjn aa a " '"nj . . . r I mil m M-kf I 1 a a ai 1 im'iI urn 4 fVma aa i . ?1 a f ra) Ut rat, W 4" ( r-, caa ' anr "arl aa fTtJ o- abft.aiM T'tai et r f4y!a'aac If is a9c;r a at t arB; a traa iyaa4 ( yra tl ta Wta !:Vr "Vn ajud to fittt w a I SjiaSaua toi-Tl "M'llH ' ' ' - W faay-tntav ff nu ail "W Na tatw u- a r ta i VrtSW raaanma w.f Oa '.( Wtf aCaaaM avt a an luaan n ( . - . . . . - .u a trxiun It t rkh tn& extra- a.a).aa au. Ka-; ax na 1 i'Wa tamiWia aiaaoa, i a w-Hii m. av. tt a aVaV Sva a a aa. a 0la akat. sBawSBsT Jsaja hfja SaWaWsaj(paaej SSSa9BtoXkVjsaaaa hcpVaMta iskpaaaaaSSjajsya) fcA V a avlt a a aai aaiat , .i.a f .. a. w iw an4 S 1 SKA BO AH I) J taa, a- . a VC0TT t t.-?VXT. yiif ajlat!. 4 - ba aaT f tU ao-a Om Taa. lu- 1 ;i-atjtt -. it.x .;nNi.at, 0 un! in nn ma A- lt -a-. V. Iaf1wii krt ?V Kji4-l?lttt ! tinssA toe Hhtt Utl sf t d HawWeya Rphliaa iftlit. if ninle voted their lntareata h Ktd of their reludicee Iowa would be the strongeat-DemocraUe atato la the Union. One of the amaaing anota- alies of our times la that -ah W om ot the strongest Republican atatea, parw havinar a Rennblicaa atato aalavlwhrtra tlon, two -Republican' Uaated rat senators, two RepnbUcan cabinet tola isters and a delegation In tha doom containing only one lone Democrat oot nt eleven members. v But even In rock Vlbbea Iowa BB are returning to their political aanlty. There are elgna that light- to Draauaaa In upon the Hawkeye Intellect. Gov ernor A. B. Cum to ins baa aet up a standard of revolt against tha faiooea stand patters and U adrctin rtto ar- reciprocity such aa "waa" advocated by Jamea G. Blaine and wiiuam air kinley! For ao doing Republican pott ticians and editors abuse him witboart "stint. out decency raitarao tjOOmrUm nti"i a WkCtoaawatofato Uaaa mtmUf flt Alatradaca4 - ara-nj4 i V rt S-prt ml a.Uaa toalt Artct abora ta laavtoi taa whaaw ttoad vatorawi ay a ps eljolNavVtl par0a a toa-ta a U otcwat wbm ta a4 aatoraa atoty H 5 pr ctit r graat-. TVa UH a-a t)ror3a-tBat to Otar yto faac Tiaaili ' vay t adatM to Ca etataa tM?tor T pTtrt a gr oatsd taanar Ux raagtoaj eraaa as fl pr groaat toav .TtowryrsasiaiMfto)tO "Boo, "WtOtaB It ; afetr. aawratary th oaty.1 aboot to fsaArtv TTUl IM trvcbla to Va not atotol, toit tVa a-ra-a. paper cotiaapowdaata ar saaay aart to Wa aimaMa-'toto fwaMiatl BooaarrrH to awfar4 th aa tia "la not ktwwsL Waa-tor tf Valy - not rtrrrt that a pfl tVa WjH1 as Ctof avr avauM)lu a.id to Ua -r 44 aa 2. UaH wani to lUWi-y. a ta attuaMMaa nia aoa '' tva faarif srt, raf wavtov Sanft 4 tto an antra aawvlt. tv. ta au. tr f a to a va t nv fraaa SWa s. '' rWt aa ttoa i a-ia (at tea -a tav lar aa Avaatir to tok avav Lfaa la wahnliaK wV. al Va) apaaraajrT a a- at. ra f a aa a ra laa' fV ava, ajf aer-m 0 V. - aaai BB-tMl larW f fa I ava a t3a aaataa aV 1 r an. , S-a Man. Uaa a.i A-v n.v Vaw Yart MMarttaK taai fUUX ly that3ovttwar 04Wn -aaaBto ty overthrow Ilaav Ttoawaa Kmam plait and obtatad gbaWato coarfr over th BpuWVra aavrt0, tori iMt am V . . - - a II some iL-aT1 mM ecency or dhMTWVa, Lwakwa NwmW aaf-v w ca 1 f La day wto t taar lai r a1' aMa ail sat tVa aCa-VS" aa- aauvaa a.! t - to- baa-v : a V4 anaJ to-.a. to a r? tXravWa-4 t" aa IVA! 4 acn:. XJaS WviA Vi"'"ta a4 ! atM tat " a,.Ma wa gate a ! air t- wW arrart aaStK S-rf to tosarwl, a4 tf Ua aJi"M 4 - aAy Uato UrH vtir aft wa- U as 5l y to aiMj t a to rw fa-3 in-t ta -a tria. atota a Wa 7V'.aV UUp 'Va aj MS aavrf 5 I la3 Wva f an aa ft fct f OThHon, inrto-be- competiton, hut to these Slaanlngnbt. w Buxtoa. Praa. rtrst National Bank rtoa. Olenn aiaui , -xrv" w.k. or. af atoaro. Chaa. B. Taylor, rrro. Utnee over a . - rraetteea atraat. y. PBBSOir, ATTOBJTET AT-liAW Looiaatma. a. 0. . na nn Main la all eouri. H TABSOBO0OH, la. ATI OBNET AT LA W , LOUISBtTBO. H. 0. eether practically In the same comblna KA 1 ?a ,ntlracv. both outlaws " L f the. United States, and Y?7? --hmit dealings with that trade conspiracy that this amendment offer , r.. n concerns constitute a com mercial out w. existing In defiance of the a-o v ArT1 r and wilt of the people ot the United States. It la to Prevent those ri.tT from securing from the Unlt- .-UIIOV". . - . , .nninlt ed Stales any runner ' "r that this amenamem Tp closing. Mr. Chairman. I want to call the attention of this committee to tha fct that since 1887 tha United State, ha Said these twS companies alone W7.000.000 of the people's money. It eertalnly ta . t if we cannot erect aa armor late .factory for the purpose ot coin pet -T ' t. .hou miu;erM because tha gen- iwj . w.w. .,.. thllt cused of being a Democrat Iff mula though that charge la ao me what be lated, and. if true, only abowa the dnlV ness of discernment of lows Kepuo llcana. But Qorernor Cnmrnina, r.at well as Democrats. Will deny tlx aofl imoeachment.- That -ha la Bgtatiac ft bis political life thera la r-rfhmJn, but he chooses to tight Inside Repub lican party linea. Here Is a fair aanv ple of the most gentle cnucura o him. The Rockwell City Adrocate, Republican, saya: - " N Mr. Cummlha S W Tagnv- cow. Bapraaaatatlf lUbcock. aaata rert j ad ta La FoJWfte forra to trmtf taa4 ' 4 aaiM - . ra ia tMal aH1aa la b foot 4 a- a-w ------ 'I ,CJ kata sflfaToraMf anc-iwwai a I r.; oUcaa aaOuajalasni: forto ataiwhlaf- a asn ara nrat fr rtot MMidML Tralf. Bah to fawdlag to tall eJovrr. to taa taa to t aaa sa4 raj taar Tr M tow rta as caa UUa aa to-l t m totaat . tow" aa r a- awn a.-- 1 it. f luk aa atiiaw4t V .V.. Tl T fc - a I t, aa. ..at t-a J,K a tf'fta ea6 rta, aa 1 axiav " a aut-Cf .a awMa IV t.".: ar, lit. JJT1 j; ti?u;t;wa a it-:a7 ;. - ... ttUa'l aat-. NaWa, t arW juay 1 rW-t . ai!-4l .J ' ' ii. mmmmm Im. - t Vi- .- s . . -s..... . j.. ? H . , - a aaa. - a-v - i . - , -' a .. riT-Jn r -nai 1 - a w aa a ; . ai-Ma a "awa - M . a aar aV a- J(, t ,, M) 4 aw , a i 1 a- -aa . . 1 Una T -rT2TLZl . a. la ... ..a. th.a. J;u ( J7'-7r aW- i. f , ., 1 1. 4 aas aa ...... 7 S ail 2 au aaaaa . a- ai ' - - : ' a M ' U Kr 1 1VT. J i i- y ia.wMt.ta a-aa - aa ; a. f f T a. a, . apatite atl aaaa. - a i . . . . aa I . -.if 11. r.n - a o ' aa -aa. . a ------ -t .. . - 1 fc,,. ' m . - . , iaa all aa 7 . - . . .... ! s t. ... 1 a. IWa a a ar 11 . . V lii 1 n ' a aa .aa j K-wa.--a-a-' ' lZL 'ZZ e - - - - - s aa, aa I 1 1 at aa W m aZatJ.TaTT,wa --rrrrp ' - W l-av ar v a-H a a- - - : .-.,. .-a. Ua - V ..." !T T - - ' - a-M a-a-a ttat -' 4 J .MN-aa a a, - .,-- aa-Ma. 1 av a a a. a aa - ibb taaatf iUI ' - a- . b M ax - x "' 0 aim at a 1 t to j to T aasataT Jaaaaf aaa aaaraaaar i, "a " w-a-- a - - MrwV.fX ! a- ' 1 ann... a a V4 eaJ SB ttawaBiy Sinaa tn-IUai , y, a t a 1 at ..a a. a la aara -.u-a t.a a VaMa ' ' aaja - - - lu. SaaMa a 1 1.1 M t ..... a- ." a a 4. a -..j. aa A aaa.a a-..H j ..T? . W'H7 " T1Z I.., aaaaa aa a V wtM . tir-aa - . ax - air i a - Vaar ,.alaa) tVal a U talSa to a aaf, rraaw fx1 ' taanalPa-t.t farMatt-aa to at OStot la opera ou - h5m m";Tfrom Pennsylvania objects,, that AU legal .ttl nrio aw-TSouW Mtnit the price to be paia xor rantala RlrfcAMa-t IVaraaaj tlta U ronstsc aaatoat Uoav ie It. taaaA bead for roagraaa t a atotxara ti-al taobodi Is Blrly-to tfyto atoai fraea to think as be, plaaaew V .taa sptartota ttSlXOCOSx tm rJXX' ryX th I t-aaaaty 1- 111 t pertinent to Uvjalra wfcat Wt or I gone, lata taa " " , J rw thera la m fata damand . that eton 'l K ooooaa hia acbajo SO t-l Ra?a delegate to county. ,ian " I f- avjralcstkwrT C-Ptal Hca-1 U-taa a conventions this "ni-l " CuLiit t.rStfm aa4 aMra aata-l 'rv rww4 wts- LTJrhU tSifA ttA tiai Wakto atol y. I -Ut.t kau- - JaJ, tjarav-r w W-aw- 4r a4t --t . wa, aa aata aani"- . fMtt4 y it assay toBaj a-r a t n- 'JZ-Tm a aa-cr. - i rrrr; " : ta, - ait:) fl ta a' bi i "a if U!-1 4 to Aaa..Mat 1 I V1 , t-a a- a a aa - llt, r,,.-..- -aH - "taVa. a awafWa a V asf tatHl ! f U "a tArt,, a S-lfc I ar ua i a a taai 11 . -O. f' ti gooa many 7w .wlT. to be rnencuy o mm. " Uarrtmac M. F. HQUCK, -tn raaiva urompt andcarefnl awennon rwauu .. tg, by ov; the ncht to do ao and r a ernment contracts an ouuaw 1 cpt a V Vol kar. i ne averagt; -- conclude that Hitchcock's position was But lust at that point Mr. Mann,,epablleaB representative from CONTRACTOR as BUILDER, rrmiBBURQ. K. 0. .. . .j Ttnllillas-i - : .ivt that Traaiagncaniur ---T l Chicago, asaiorH. n.:na. aruaiio "" . oDeatflabnUtted HOTELS. B w sn. ooDortsnitr. to have some with mtchcock and the other Dem ocrats, so be offered thisamendment witphcock's amenomeni:. -Kk rnwi mannracTurerB uie t taa wl, ro aaaw .- wKoia, nartr tn .th ., toiaraUaaj dtvergent vlewa that neartly artsa. aa h.B senators Alllaoa and DoOlvarw av alsta that no Reptibllcato ahaa aatar-aR. accept aawa UatJhav. 0M ba ;foMa. national convention sad raat a i ianr. number think ar contrary ta 1Z'.'7.Z,. t Iowa and taa RanwbUcaa oerly . sucn a ie- " i ad participation lpBapublaj e.wnefla wriKLINT0!SlE0TEL Kt a. ta - : . J j. dood accomodation for tha trTalg Qo4 UtT AtUehad ' MASSENBUEG HOTEL w :t&od. vyeas 135, nays vi, - " .... . Republicans Tavormg! iv we posing. ."Mann iwas- radiant with joy. wblch was speedily turned to gjjfor. the - rote tnen ? cauic mrt aa'amended .by . the Mann amendinent' and U7, remocrata -voxms w .'V -rTi"" lleve . any man wm i 'r leaderahlp tJV crabin P that way. -Wv believe - Governor - wnnnim .. Ucan avceaas, ' , - .-Tha't'a f rom Bn Iowa RepuhUcaa. pa ner. and unleaa It is greatly ohrUka. - . - a i in rai- LUfct taLtowttateay to aatriaaar tianv aSC II hart nt tiaattoa tota Jaw. Otvt Jrw sart aacOa at to raomlag Btorta: ta-J waw . aa. m fadxv'a raa-darora. ' J Whithr ao aart to tb taaaratogr sakad taa ftrat. aaaiawaat aarpvwaA -Ta balaara tha atato,- aacowd wrth aaalto. n aaa - frndaatU a artlaa arit Ct aftrVawHlt tala aa-raiaav- ptalatur haa alraady rra JK1" 10 rabtos. aa X aas ato rajt to gtv Urn 10 ta rdre ta haaat him atra t-V warvra rr- Iar4y.", I ' a... towaLta-a. oaat fa af a? ",T dUaft aa raav, tm .Aaw ia aa Ua. &arl v- raaa a tr'a ate aa.f w al 1 WV toT art aaat lto Mt- t'Ut aAS 04 at Va iit a ral ai t-aaaaaa. aaat Mm stat. . . ... - . . - aaua ia . ' latttartwr.. fv ft -'-to-. Aa ta kaSMt ttl -aia MHllwa a"""" ' a la f A.tia awnat a.. V..a . . - . -.i.... a ..aa aat.e la.-r-t t- ' ja HMairaB atauiitP-'aj ar w- a.B, a.a a ara " i aaa aaaaaav-Bjaj aaaak. t w a.r. It I - . i 4 - a ' 9; 1 - ( . aa a, a 44 J P Massenburg Proprl r na animodataoai ood farei . IHa and altonttra tarraafr .rr , ,; :: f f ' j 'J.J.aBaaaaWaaaBJaaai noawooo house?;:;; i I i -; ( , , - --- . , I a7Va:,aa l WgawJlS-aa S5Si . .V- Flwid Extract ;-HrffSK AtAnir ,mrfl Ertrcct Sa- ( ' 'la t4sat-a Ca. t aaTa atT t r aa.- I- aM arfWry; t a to rarataw a Uuai It avnMfcl V aar. V. a aav4 aUal atta raM laa a-to ary m. M4 t ' t2a tf Ttosi aVto-aaato hvax. aa- n to Kata) It. av " . . ' lt!tto - UW a- t isay CrB-aa IVa sira f l-to ,atvaa.. - - , - v 2- " - tea ttory r c.-iaAi-v r aaLTa C - - v. to-"- -l jUH al .J.-.I a t''-- ",! t.a ti a S fa r t....a. Ml ay Aya- d - a-r 1 Va tao, - ' 1 ii 1 """ "' 1 Cartia3,,:S' a t a . .t- auaa a.a a-sa-a .-- , l vlTivI sii-.v. usiu a,r i -& r r;. Uf k ; aAfiiu.-toav.a- ?n. .TU. - .liJLa. -r r tv,,tA- tirrrn- sn -! 1 nia-a -a r , JTS, 5 ' C V " J 7- - ' ' - -'-7n'raVi?f H C,.,t4.i.--m.n--a vfaawMtlt a a, - hTvfMTnM z'Jj'?Irr ta ZZJ y lJLn f If I UtvwtHtMtaa. aaa ' Bin ' . . ... a.aaM aat, r.a J . - .... an . 1. "1 i ii t i..niiiaiiait , 4 a v ( a r a I" i" A l faT' Jaaat LT1 ' - a . . - : D.: UMlTl 2irE:.-lr"r- V - v Taa t iJt J -'.""' . , a a- . 4 Cai ' .,,.a . t aa-i.'ia s . ' I ' 1 1 I I I t Ct . j a ta Maa tu.-ai - - . m-. 1 a. -. ... , 9. J a.w . a. a- .. ,. . ljaii.B a, W t U." a ,.-,.a; " aaa aa ar , wii'i -ra- w f taa a.. .. . I - .j. a 1 -a - ... ... . f . m. T T a", a ' aa :.a , Z-Z---- I t ""-..,. -.a- - rr " a!ZHT' 1 1 it - . . t ; ' " - ' II -; trfaaH ;Fjrtatn.in-v . awf . - . . . . Atartoit.1'.,: 'KlrtaCirC i a aa- aaa I ' a w .l a- BiaiaatiB . , . . :. .-. -. . . -ay.j;ORirWD.rTarif fw" aw1. - I wJ'1? "SA.- a-vMia-"-1 i n.--. : -a, ratrpaaga of Oontntereial toawlsta aad a -.rm ionics u.x n r av,