JAS. A. THOMAS, Editor tnd Proprletsr. :.v' ' : ? . . -T'-'- ''1 - - . -. .. t 1 - 1 -i " - - " ' .".. . .. . mm, mmm,,m WAWa -f-f a4 hU ft tre t tmm Scfndav School at 9:30 A M. Qko. BAKBB, Bupt. Preaching at 11 A. 1i.ad 8 00 P. M. very Sunday. Prayer meeting Wednesday night. L. -8, Mabsbt. Paster. BAPTIST. Banday School at 9:30 A. JI. " Thos. B. Wilder, Sapt -Pwachinsc at 11 A.M., and S:00 P.M., wery Sunday. . - Prayer mating Thuredajr night, HH. Mashbdbhb. Pastor. ' KKSOOPAL, Saaday School at 90. Wm U. Ruffih. Sapt. Services, moraine and night , on 1 it, Srd and 4th Sundays. Kfenintr Prayer, Friday-, afternoon Rev. Johs- London, Rector. paESB YTEEIiS . Serricea 4th Sandav in each month morning and night. t. C. N. Wharton, Pastor. u i r it LODGES. r Louisburg Lodge, .No. 413, A. F. & A. M., meets 1st and 3rd Tuesday nights in each month. Prot'essaonal earda. D B. ARTHUR H. FLEMING, DENTIST. LOUISBURQ, . - N. C. O floe Over TJie Qren Yarboro Co.'s Store. R. J. B. MALONK, PRA.CTICINaPHT8ICIA.N AND SOKQBOH. LOUI8BCBO,'N. c. OtIIc over Ajcocke Tru Company. J)R. J. J, MANN, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, LOClSBtBO, N. C. Office over Aycocke Drng Co.'s drug store R. 8. P. BDRT, PRAOTlciNa PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Louisburg, N. C. rffi- in t,h( rear n' Boddie, Bobbitt & Co.'s Druir Store, on Nash street. R. R. P. YARB0R0C3U, PHYSICIAN AND SUBQEON, Lopisbubo, N.-G. Offloe 2nd floor Neal hoildlng, pb.one s. - fght C&118 M18WrB'i irum i. tt. - residence, phfme 74. ' . . - , - t .7 X?irtratt' I L . TT . J H. ALLRBD. ATTORNEY AT-L AW, win xirjftt.i in all the Courts. Office in oaDgsville, N. C. ' H. MAS3ENBDRQ, ATTORNEY AT LAW 1.0UISBTJBS. wmprkcticelnailthe Court ol theSUte Office n Court House. M ARCUS C. WINSTEAU, ATT ORNEY-jfiT-LiAWt LocisBuao, N. C. Orrioa ovaa Corner Drug Store. Special Attention given to collections. Practice wherever services reqaired. yM, W. BODDIE, ATTORN EY-AT LAW, Louisbubg, K.C. Office over Boddie, Bobbitt & Co.'s drag . tore. ' HAYWOOD RCFITN. ATTOBNBT-AT-LAW, kotnsBuae. w. a. WUl practice in all the Courts ot Franklin I .-.t ..Jitnlnr cAnnt.lM Hi HO In t6 HaVIran 1 V .... TMrf. I joan, ana in mi umwu dw Office In Cooper end CUIton Building. TpHOH. B. WTLDEK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, kODiSBirae, a. a Office on Main street, over Jones ft Cooper's stora. Jjl S. SPRDILL. attobjsey-at'-i.aw, kovisBmo, w. C3. Txrm thA vnrta of Pranklin. Vancei SranvUle. Warren and Wake connties, also th. Rnnrama Court of North Carolina. Prompt attention given to collection. Office over Baerton's Store. rp W. BICKBTT, X . '.TTORMT AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. kotnsBrae t. a Prompt and painstaking attention -attention given to Refers to Chief Justice Shepherd, Hon. John Hannlng, lion.1 j&ow. tt . nuuwu,Buii,. Buton, Pres. Plrst National Bank of Win-1 Manning, uon. kooi. w. w uiavou, --. chTaVirrr Wak. est OoUege, Hon. B. W. Timberlake. Office over Neal ft Co. 's Store. w. ia. BBB8OH, ATTORNEY AT-IA, AVotrnniinM.ir. a. 'waetlAee in all eoorts. Office on Main street. H YARBOROTJQH, In. ATIORNET AT LAW, LOTJISBUBa. F. 0. Office in Opera House building, Conrt streeti ill hriMtness introuted to him ill receive prompt andcaareikiatteiitioiUT MIJI TTOTTCTv CONTRACTOR ASD BUILDER, - t nntTjnDn w. r. . . niMtn tn..Umi. Artistic Blantles and Tiles. "Arch eeecarai waii"". , - .. , i to - v nviahsi FRANKIINTON HOTRIj imANKIilNTOIT, N. C Qood accomodation for the traveling MASSEKBURG H0TJ1. j P 9XaBexxbtlia? ArrODT to..".""'". -.ft. -. .- - - . . -" '.. HjjUIUEBSON IT. C wv, r O rft vPo Tv ulHf aitttiitlTtlt?Tntr JLXr-r. T-Tl 'I. Jt TV Jf T"k - - ' AW ffWlMlM lriM.lte - . - mi 1 - 1 II I 3 If 41 V - 1 1 1 - I'll ' i iU . 1 -e-ua mmm miss iirw la. ' . 1 mmtr t 4 a a at4anu.MfK it" "k ar VJ U ii CLARK'S . LETTER U UT4M" k-i ri .'tt Special Washington Letter.! H ERETOPORE in these letters I have referred to the fact that the two Kitchin broth ers, WiUiam W. and Claude, who are both representatives In con- gress from North Carolina, are among ! tho ahit -r, i k k tne aDiest men m the house. They are young, hA&dsome, clean, Ctron, Indus trious and-talthlntcrtlMfr tintte, coid inanding the respect' and adniiration of ali wh kn6w"them. Claude, the younger of the twain, is now serving his second term. While hitherto he has participated somewhat in the running fire debates, always in a highly credit abte manner, he never until April 22 delivered what is technically known as a set speech, but on that occasion he spoke in a manner certain to attract the attention of the whole country. Wheg he sat down he ranked among r the crack "orators' of the house. His themes were Colonel Theodore -Roosevelt, General Charles Henry Groavenor of Ohio and Colonel William Peters Hepburn of Iowa, and he handled them without gloves. His matter was excel lent and his manner superb. In both personal 'appearance and style of ut terance he mucb resembles Senator Joseph- Weldoa Bailey of Texas, and he mauled the Republicans much in the same manner as does the young Texan. He read amid uproarious applause Gen- eKrf GFOSvenoT:s caustic remarks about Colonel Roosevelt's capers at the Phil adelpbia Republican -national conven tion of 3900, when the general was act ing as correspondent of Hearst's -New York American. No Democrat has ever said as hard things about Colonel Roosevelt as General Grosvenor wrote about him in those letters. General -- .v. uo own tongue while Kitchin was reading UlUHVHnnr WHS man pnnnffh tn tita tio ft choice extracts from those abusive let ters, especially while he-was contrast ing them with General Grosvenor's re cent fulsome adulation of the presi dent. Then Kitchin took up the Question of lynching and, by reading extracts from Colonel Roosevelt's books, showed that the latter had indorsed lynching as a remedy for horse stealing, or, as the young North Carolina orator put it. lynching for stealing a ten dollar rat- tail pony" thus carrying the remedy by lynching much further than has been dreamed of in the south," and much more of the same sort. Then, taking for, his text Colonel Roosevelt's declaration that" "a streak ,of coarse brutality runs through the southern people," youn? Kitchin en tered upon a splendid defense of his people, which not only elicited much applause, but brought the moisture to many eyes. To the astonishment of his hearers hedug up a passage from one of Colo nel Roosevelt's speeches while he was governor of New York, in which he referred to congress as "cattle," and in which Colonel' Roosevelt especially pil loried General Grosvenor. Colonel Hep burn and others as champions of "foul . . . A.. Fuuul uiauuucni guiciuuieui. . , . , meu ue enierea upon a preienaea ae- fense of those .'.two old gentlemen." as he truly termed them, which made their blood boil. Altogether It was one of the richest oratorical perform ances witnessed by . this congress. When Kitchin had concluded, General Grosvenor roseto reply, but was so angry and the facts were so strong against him that he made a sad mess Of it and floundered dreadfully a sure sign that Kitchih's bullets bad gone to the mark. Colonel Hepburn vacted more wisely. slept over the matter and next morn ing assaulted Kitchin in a speech of -great fierceness. He, too, made a poor case. Kitcnin got ten minutes ancrgave both General Grosvenor and Colonel Hepburn a roasting which set the .Democrats wild with-delight and even forced applause from the Republicans. A Mw Figure or speecn. Hon. Henry D. Clayton, the hand some, genial and very able representa- ovuiv, .w. tlye froH the Third Alabama district. has invented a brand new figure of speech. The other day . when Hon lllia-m Bourke Cockran was Jn the midst of his tariff speech and was skill fully bowling over all Republicans who interrupted, him Clayton said, aotto vnha "Better let the talking Irlshmfln . ' , . , , . .j.l alonel" After Cockran had concluded some one asked Clayton -what he moonr- whoroimnn he renllmT-. "There 1 W MA oKn ATir,i,i ZiV: Z7, . ri""-"" wiiu u uuaamw wuueut uiuuuu, uut a bpzsssaw In motion is not half so dan- mmia mm m nniPkTwlJ Irishman while talking, go my advice to all con- wnipd Is not to interruntu tslklnir ijjQ . I ' " 1 I . . ... . .1 journea nntll uecemDer.. Xhe Repub- Mean majority turned its back to duty inn ran awav. rearrui lear.me. uemo - critic minority 'should .in some-way f force them to an investigation Of thfi i postomce aepartment ronenness ana to rAWiirraiMMii aaka - . Turn ttowm , . " : T, : I iue Amencunjiwpie will ue ui me , . , : . '. -, ... i -irry-eigutn ; coagreaa, ; Keiuoiican , ui Koth . hranohM nt hhth theextrannH. nary an long sessions. wa guilty ot I ot-TOj;OInTO.-M? comi stomaeh and ia qaiokly eared by Chamber -kTivm uonuneuc rtcBUib iriiu m tuvuravrvu uuns otomacn ana xaver laoiew. - iioia oy Ayeock drug co. - - -- . ' Jnliafl Caesar was assaainajed on Friday.;;: v ' . : . ,- . wnv can not stana tne snoetang strain of laxtive syrapa and .catharact pilla are. ! especially load ol it tue early. risers, All ner . f ; - ' I soils who and it necessary to take a ' to take a liver nmedioina ahoald. try theee easy tfy these ; eat V r Dills - 1 nd compare th tgreraWy, pleasant and tatrengtnening eneotwitn the ni atreagthening tffeot .with .W nature aaUaf lnt aftaking eonditioBtpUoainght at of I OtkW'ftm WMNMtttt f rly tiftfl rei ptJarl ga4 IhtliWtUJlt . tjqltbjdf 4rn.iT aa,-- -. , ' . . r tt tt tt tt n n tt n mission, doing many- things It ouxht not to hare don and tearing uadon naT thinga that it oaght to fca doa. With the calendar crowded with impor tant bills, -with the committSM loaded down with others - m important, th rn rlZ a.na lnterested only In esebpln Mm the minority, turned Its back and 0t A certain president namkMa fcr f or evennore onc trttarvd ptttabl waft because he bd congrM on him hand. The Fifty-eighth congreta h,nadrutt. worried Colonel Rooeevttt no Ilttt. bat it is now -off bi hands" by Its. own cowardice, of Its own motion, t th earliest date Tor years, and b has frr rein till December. Therefor be ! probably happy. But what of tb pro pie? How do they like (o i Re publican congress abandon Ita poet of duty and scud away In search of rot in April? Hearst VereUe the Truata. Hon. William Randolph Hearet. edl- i tor of several great newspaper, rep resentative In congress and randidete -" JJTOiwrnilt lK)Im loo for president, manifests an hooesty of pur pose and a persistency of actlgji moet admirable and most unusual tn par suing the trusts. Some men crHicl his motives, but he keeps on figfcttn; the trusts an example which IJ woaM be much wise; to Imitate than to carp at. Horace Greeley once said. "The way to resume la to resume." Heerst evidently believe, that the way to bust trusts is to bust them. 9o he keepe , on thumping them, ft will be remem- bered that recentr he scored a tre.t I triumph over the authradte coel tmit ; In the supreme court of the t'pltel i SUte. Not satuued wTth .hat. on j baturaay, April Zi, ne Hied with Sir. j Attorney General Knox a complaint S alleging that a combination of the Philadelphia and Reading railroad and the Central Railroad of New Jersey, tn- j der a common management ba shifted : mti.iA ..im 1 ..- I partment or justice to proceed against them under the Sherman antitrust law. . The complaint asks that the ac tion be taken to restrain the Reading company, while the owner of the stock of the Philadelphia and Reading Bail way company, from owning, holding or voting upon the stock of the Central, etc.; finally that the guilty parties be prosecuted criminally. His detractors bare tried to make It appear that Mr. Hearst If a uereilanv my. a charge which neeer hJd any foundation in fact and which he trtr umpbantly refuted the other. day by- appearing before the house judlctaa; committee and delivering an anrurrwut of which any maa' might well be pro4 The great Republican lawyers oa that rrrnt mmmlttp trlp1 ta tnntnmm him by cross examination, but be held hie own and came out with flying colore, On that point hia critic should la mom- mon decency shut up. Good for Wll Ham Randolph Hearst! In Arguing bis question before the committee be used theee two very vtg- orous sentences: "The attorney general has been brooding over that rrUWiH-l like a hen on a doorknob for eighteen months. He has not acted In any way and won t let anebodv take It ivn from hlxu." This language Indlcatee that VI r. Hearst can express his Idea la vigor ous and plctureemie speech. Per haps it also Indicates that his bsmpf of reverence la not abnormally devel oped. His words are not calculated to make him persona grata in the attor ney general's office, but are rell cal culated to make the attorney general squirm. To refer to any man as a sit ting hen" Is considered In all canjatrlea an expression of contempt, but to de scribe him- as "sitting on a doorknob is to express contempt In a superlative degree. If Hearst does not look out he wDl get himself proeecuted Banton on the Tariff. The Washington Poet pays the fol lowing high and well deserved compli ment to the Hon. M. E. Benton, one of the representative from Mbwooii: Representative Maecertaa C Beaton of Missouri, recogntxed as one of the a blast and most Industrious mentbere ot the house, seldom devotee any of his lima 10 oratorical etlorte on the floor. eURo-usk he la acknowledged te- be one of the baare Informed men tn the body on public quae tlona and one of tke moet Jeeceful rpae fe ars on the minority side. Ia the debate I upon the merchant raerfne Mr. Banioo I ' ' en iae general tariff question with a forte the! n erected wide ettentkm. 1 In opentas his addreee Cr. Bentoe de- 1 nled the Republican contentteo that bre- lection la the eetUed policy of thle eui. i try. :i insist,", said he. 'that you cannot i nnaiiy secue a arming m a gcrvatwrn-aot j our 1 not Just i irs'aiakeea to " People. Th wage I of'our untry la entitled "te!' ere I chance la' the race Of life. Tk anfia. J atonal man. the raarcbant. th faraaar. the miner end the day laborer are uuea to neve toe Duroant ol larar la- UUed to ft.six iwuith. A Hja vaw oa nuBuhftiirtr to aatl kla anlakl mulu te consumer cheeper dm he I does to the home maxkec - i ouiw m " quasuon oc ait naorr Xllm?: I mm.tr omrtr that croOta brni.Hr.. t. I tn unn Daron. ma ioe eyetent ceaeot aestaltt' Itself with m third of the AaaarV can people: Hear for a moraant; aeaeartL j mowtri. Dlk calUwUin. triH rkr.hu i : - m. . i ateet raiia. -wagons,- eewing macbinae. I typewriter, Coeree cutlery. Sick, sbxrvaia. mZmT kmaW nrZZmA VvTm country e.kAippaa out cx th aaaatry &. ar ae-a . --a . -1 UatUe 01 JUaWUga WM XOQgat 1 Qq FriflgV 1 J - Cured his Motharof Eieatnktifnt, . - t - . , . , My mother baa been a taOer . for' maar L a a rt VT .... ,. . Tea. i oi nniNDi ra. ai xima ana waa aaamai aa move at eu while at all lima waikia w (painful I preaenied her with a houie of I Chamberlain Pata Balm aad after a . fr - J applications ah ieelded It waa the mo twenderfol rtkie raliarat mhm had mmm triad J ta fast sat 1 avtr without It aew - aad ta at all timet kbl to Wklk. Aa Atll applieatiOB ot Pla aia gitptrt aaiftbt Pkia tkitioivu ttnotily bttllt ail tal4 y Ayoeek dnj ta4 v' . 9 . e-e.ee Unm i areeoMI te the . Anm tnUwXnm MMt.ll J-fe4 tuns hmti3am 4 tuf-m Mar ef tke fnetea clMee4 uminiee. mm tmmwmi ... ' ... , etei4. rr te taef a veiMKJ! UetO Wwe - Mr mmmm fmm ae e tm m taie i rry m eee aTre4 wr' fteUy a4 tewri e,lnr ejn4 lt ewk tariC. m ' wet eee fc the amw eaeanfeeteeer (w tf ,ec price todk efiovM tfc Ok Am erne eVer Uke ferare Itttweer. - "rerther. ewe etow eT ike ten le the tewereeec m-M pe tbeee eftkNrMu ft e ee nieieMly a4 te neht eee Me fce e krnet eMe le er fcpeey thai ta rxri Ute ejurt' et -e-e ero. eo Mck mmmt Umt fee feme pe4d 4 t eee mm ia ee4 "Tbe w teforn tJeMre Verty etejute fti.ii eae-ae' mm mwmmr. m eve, t .T u Uc tai i eew ei ef Ue CelteA SteWlMMT We4 eel the e enmneMe . 'tm mm tea.' ere ke n we ekeef teMe iw HMIVf mat Ike a e J tovraou by eMeee ef mmr ' lettaft. e ow oo rtrk (mu W Wtlrve tnl tae tlr l' fwit dwllee IoiixmmI re Ike McXtehqr fe tor ult9 'ie keve tvew fe iete e rteM9 remelae etM ike we . eed e Mm ikei m ef Ik Uifiir eroy tomm 9 mm dw u intete t aei ne le far eeataet IM ettiwiwt ! le ik (atff e Ike Re4 eav m4 ' 1 k4iv tkei ta ik- MUiee "ta kr mm pku, Meienuie rda. tr tr e lev t ff troT UNoe Rij mm tktek fket tRe kit the y ima.I ttmi&tf -. !! i4uetrfcfe k mm f.fw k ewrtoiS t T)kk Mr Cat i otJ- of vXct! ufnrere Hi tiuti na:nt watwif r Ike mrtt of narMl(r Hi ae k a Vmm mm ttMr couid mm taeewrtiH.' w ikMi r iht rn atM Utm kh ;. ta M aWvM t4 wm pttyut.. mm tm tif. in ika et)4 kf mw I mt ZiTmCmT. IZZZm (" tt prtxwtad aufMtm e th "a cm Tke m$ V7tZZmmZ IZtZTmlmZTZ ohv iraate iki mtm mmhia e, prvHibtxprm tmimi.ym ueen Z tkTttr Z?t ri ot Kat tt k-a mrsmmtmtr unaj f"" pi t m lk -.t fempAia pr- k( 7. .r "1 cbe r rjj4 i txv ik lT toe tre frt rtie e tke liwerta yeoert-TMe m Aerk POpi TT ftflU I 0irswive ktrt ta act JtmhI k work cn ke tvt-ka aRkMl mora Kano ikae U ' Ae t ear tki tke rl of tk 1411 Vtalaw until Uta CTTM4 af tfc kk;v .WwMrtaal lixlutrUa l aalLaAwt. K tkT ta oof aljTjra of Ike fUekt mt lfa eavrtea at tk tariff krM mm r-4ftB nagiwitaa. tAay aril ? Umm hV41 rmiae till tke rekk aa aae Andaal lanaUoa) of seiee tnr af k.rvl ta at the eapoetae mt tfc aaaaaaaMa It avar W aront mm Ike' tra (rtiqaUa. II aa geetleei te Ike aufaaee ckarttn tk Aanrkaa i.ima aiai r e mm- tkrae-Uaaae a fair fwwe tar ekt ke kwrrk, bat tiMrre wtu klere ee tkHkAe Ne la artxaef, Tfcaea wm-klere kat eaaee le nn a rio foe ike Tk l)0a(nrli erle artlflctei leeatluai o mv el t Ik aaswc ! graet ej foe ik ItM urn o k r.aa..a.ar. mm' aertt IktAka hot a pmnmim, iifvv aeaeT ve a M,r o. tk mm j (tujmS ptmnt avwitT t. va ike bettie o w" It le writ tea that tk W.-rJ r4 '"W or m a. ! ",nr a" W ,y.Twa '.nJr rr,onstWao f. tm grmm ,,fTJu" ln w twdlKt- Onoeestty peeee i wl" .arprfl t 4fl" tUt T proeea niuoa e .-rres repreeeritad le be pWUiOfryS eae terpriee. Is realty a raid aa Vbm lort fieherlee la that regloei Wkal hms W cocoe of the Monroe doctrine key way tr. Ppeekev Caanoe le mm e !"" fan : ty popular pree4tTDg mOhmf mt tftar j hottee of frpreeeetaHvem Maey Slav publieB waal mUu oorateetsal ee fkCr i candidate for vice praidt. Wkxiee Uncle Joe wUJ ba wUtieg to ike tm chettcee oa bring defeated at Ike (avCet la lira of a rertalaty ef r-eaert$en ke tb heoee rrmalee te h eaea tt gea without seytng that eexatd lba M I trans elect a tulorty of tike ct bouee they wH ree(rt Vt Ceetaaa e the epeakemlttp. At prai taetr chancra ef r lasting their rAlrtaJ ticket and reptertag ta taraf en are ot very bright Straw show whkfi ey ta wta4 blow. It la give l - llal fkeaev tor Falrbankk tam4 a akaae ta i m4- tt areata In tadiaaa at to yt tim fee ward a a rice peak1etit rae4l4ea WhereforeT The ' reaeeejai are ea voucheafed to ea eegr wtxtd. tart ta7 may be faeeeed, tV Bret fcetegfatt there le a deeo eaated tmr ekaeac S pubtkaaa that their yeeaaieati-J tfeket ia dooeaed ta, defeat Ue yar. a ad Uat entor Ilooader aeaaror et rare Sa leeaaMi hU ctumraa fee a prUmfteJ ttomiiutloa to IE" Pf haetaa lim tmmm ataoclatfd tea "rloeety erirjl ftae ncan dtaaster bf 1H. See?" petieral IVwelt . Cktytrjej,' .. AaeVj tnbaaawdae ta Mtfenft. le- thtaateeiaftf ta- twttta-. Ma ''aatBrrktk. 'TrtOf arrttten. R waatd k err ttrteewaTtad reading and deecrtba a fam.$ra.l e4ea Vivendi be avotded try ttua a4fi yootb of th oaatfy, vet l&et taa toon' dlctata that a god a tee t reCa er be cbre thee greet rVh. If th groeTkl woold tatnle tC tmmm Tha Cuif eeeJoaa mt cre4rrar,? tt would aetl Rke het eakeax ' ' Tb BaUla of Botatr 11 waa fought tm Friday; .'""::- "J'-'"- A0pa Utter :' . . Treat lit CmmyXJH C Srnmm f m ike mrtataie vtfr aad I atrt tatta a.k -da I are kad ee terete were tk fie Ul ee called a U'V treernfced ' fee . mm hU nadieaaaa. fa. 14 k f4 af raj-. A m4 eke ka a btjj tf CM..Waae BQlieChaltra i4 PimiIim E.u4mi hakd tar eaeh ef at a 4ae' a ee l mmm tml ta zM l awrsred e ewtc a4 e torektiat Us r eeeiettt we tr t4rt!y irt4 Ii U a we4tTfl Ttlet 4 $, trtry titiils "I 0. tt-iy XIim, Ta'-t aa-.f . t ,. j !C-t.r:ii, : ' TaeTWaTl JmWm tafgBtM, pf akawka k ewie e fift t Xk? Uf Uit tndM of JciU tit tttaskfjWe' 2m.ii(etki l Iffajal k e3iK ' $mm a&iMt& W fTkAieit, ti nmmm ewo4.ake W. lVe kJeei as WkJ Veee.4 tM tk fexO- tieek!ie mm? pJi "Tlet Cuee) ec t,W ,i re i-c& fcy tl w r W e4 eViiriel Piv ta evttf-W 9e4btSKea ts liw akiae tiKawAt efcacqtae mun-Amm d mm aml t . ... . ermsmim mm, mm&mmmml iaai .et-te rw is. mhmmdmiilf f,4 1 tm lMed V la Meipwl n j Jlenl e4 ewawB.iXkf t2ta 44y I ie lis v mimm a aeey eeoM J -a-e, feay TMm k. IfieeM. 0 fA.U't ,U rt tVi W 4fk e,W ke a Uwyee lSe Ukaleleaae V W PkLie e)tfw kci eWae. aaeH. pa, w gm m (WlM WftkV, ftj fim tUt eiWfca u We&iif. &ei pete . AtfcJ ew by w a l 4aawi?trst al!seftaa- o r4-sef t feiM tava lie ihm una ift alra-v5 ;ft Mmc4 v t&4a kikeWkaif eanaa k VVwtafVai eam4aa-f ta Wie -A emllMO Ammmi ri fmmmtm. a fM4 tie reaeil tiba en-sawl m Wt ear Xsmk tua tfmmm la efank k tia rWklire JL aiatkdkkrt.iaak - TX fie If fmrf ' mmm m-.ummm teSeeWeTa if mlm aaa1! ' TWIt&aie I eejJae. ileeeeMtf eer4 mm ar aTepfee4 k mt ewfeej aaUr efiawwirk ft at tVat da jvrv m-Ui Mm bmmm esjeee hmmmm mamt mmUmum real taJ -ieennaa feJ ki k. - I tsla ka yrt ar ka e mmmm A eel t2ae mUtfat aktji:ik- ;wkce-Maw. i at ti-tl tie erf-fTWs, ee eft m mm ft-1 t-ereot rva M fey eeaaie.l!UMk mm U $se Wl, TW kaTeante mmm 4aik HJ, Mte neioa,, eWk Ite c rtseft,-a 4Iae tlUkaaj tien (nw t!W wWs4 ui tSe aaitee ei e.e jirtiSeek, Jew tiaj we.;ii wS, tr.iircaa llawnaaiae tXa U a 'lUae S eaa ft !t-k If eweeaaw fca Ou 4safaari MfW We pua lLat au3y aJ ren ea. Tea, kCtSaet-Ua-f aX. ta tSuM! tNft a-fji hm eaMwwetvlaa ill 1J Let 9 imvret eify acl ka ic,re!wr7 k4teew 4 .eeCw Witea. Vkt tt ae tJ- fmis m rwrijeaa t-f!y el laaK3tx-i-.r te 1 ' - - aHlca sfi ga4 tHr,-fl- ct!Ut te ealy eil fc a.a e w , . i . . . . . f caferf tt iBatej 1 Uer, TWee aXJi W-lia naa b -Ut awtti eomtaacratg ear ak-arutAde tK4 as 4efkJ ee ' free. that rat.', " i aasMaKaama am . . Kvr fcuraataiai mm a awijrwt aej frjva, ae Jl lielr Jk V&ay uSret .11'. ..iv... k- ...... . . Pa tW-il tajeil.. WlUreweee Itt4k mi e uaWil H at e tAij" la4kU fA.er ke ; VeaS arafalreTt tpl 81510 jsdsjafl(((((f $'mf al a4MK tadtfcef 4 ; jina sv?Uca bMaaf ar3f )uu ' aVMa) Uera. iM fSwast AfteaMBf-kja. taaih MMkA jsae aatkm . awJl W arar a- aatajBBsT sapaf:pr aaie atBaaejp a-araajaatwaaa eajBtasv eXk JmthmW ' wa fkwti, atal ,t Mt left U teeeaatw. M (w,r he that JT-ai, ' e-iM-4 tkrica-J twaat hm t a rcne fatwf, al aft" eeftfe UU4 (oc Cat tiuMraa k4 1t Suil,r CfC Ms a m - erTta Cweaat tiaa Oarvaa faO. 1 ai4llaaak,tkakUa m A4 kOer. wear lafwr aai flaee a mmm 1tlttewt, W4 l Aata ftraa V Iota iW tikt) l at ita lid fr-oca Ua Vwa Z leeav tk tie ra - mi k.atae t keaftte same kt t'-m tmsmmmm mm tat ta a ai.at Si aw ta ft r; S. ra i jf 4 mi at la awry tt,-t. ut ea"ili" It t t eet:ee t tt g m,.t 4 m:-m u tmV mm trt-A t Ca.1 m H if'at r fit eiertaa . ?.. , ,t , , J. Z U . t t m ,,. i,rnH!;i cmU. li'.f.r C Ay r i ", . y t . u i , ,., , ' 1 1 ' . . - m , .,.- H.ttea, ...... ... - .. J 1 JL. . .. Akb ... m W-pe tWt Dm mew, .mmuvm tWtjetuk wee fufHi eA ee ea-el .e-Mk edt evfft Te WJ'iewe ew-nB v um e ene MMe fkn.t.V eee i tkwwrjv t. aMv-'n-hi: t.-.t j luHiea a k) eeiUAJre4 Ind s e eee en'to '"e ii e Te'eTeH mftBaf pe w i vV J'ie , ed Je-ft. . a.U enrwvi W iWWfKiwni, Ul --e t.u.W. a-i.. u ,tt. - a- I Ls aaMei aejweiai ... o.ae., , M v 4- -.. a.. eewawat. UM(flMaklee w . ( M aaMyr Vi-em, ! i , ,na at- ewtd , 'Ht mt m Wel! e I s. w ewe. gm my rnm.t .. , sexMMft. t!Uea e-e-t-.wv e T'i k. . '. j tn4 a Cw e, i J ,. MI ft,, 1, Wkt rJ rM4f ue W jwai wtw ae e eikli. e aa4 fcmw fw.i-aatit kae tJ tul altMtwttd imt lemaw Wf ew Stie ava e ... - . S mm aif awtt4tt:i ee e-aiL ae m Via . y.se'a T'?e a r.. ri. lum kMnilara k niaii t.4w Ma 1 fnyattft fmm a eiaae 4 nai aan ak S.aaila eiwe ewe I .ataVkaV afjaMkifleakeM am a ii at TlfeajBT aveaiaraaawY V11 ar kktuia n H-.I.IWW kjn I 4 iift- km auaaaa '! fl eaie a ! iumM Me ImC a a i miii IwIiSm mt' et. t.N4. wltfii mm ugy4 ia. laiiwia,, 4, 0mm f ; Vtf Sit eUrrU" trnuL J mmmfmmvt ae t U mt , ..m.. W.i-a t. eUaftpe. . U a.kaU . a. k, .e e A. 1 k. e Wrx i It. ,,M lM . 1 tie mm g-Tamwiai -l ee- j fti,!, ft fte-it 1$, 3.e 'awaittw i tie 3ate kW -j .4,, j, e eikCanamkk IU (..4 m Am aWI aaus I ft3 W wm if.naasv.W (a trmmAmi lm m Am m W e. )A 44 t kreea .t.te3ee era. tie ae ;artMat CI .Mi lue e a ) Aaft mmnmmx, mmmmmmht.. a f ,k tte arae (.& i mu ate V - .ft ktxnaV e--. at.M.a- J 1 . -l 1 !t i..nitS tW a-ttarHiaUM Ve TeJ ' MLfs t, v.ft t. kmmmi .a ..-.... I " I If. a.1 .t a!k .auau !' " " -- - Ua eAael arft luitft f Urn ft. e Iwt I- UffieW fclf wi ear e le-a T- " I ft l lurfcniie mjmum iuftf 1.1.. ! Xm WW eaae ejiiawe a-jiS aWtamJ .it wli4 ft mmi leu. ! 'BBY1HE. ral-f It $ iTlre44eii drift ke 4 eiatav ie-eMTMa eawri. kw mmm, mwa. ma. p. mmm m mm, mm t uii mnama iMfc I i. in " t . mn at etwii a . t-wk I f W- JLat . ta-irfe-ftf ' ta faea S ax Oi'kt a ,TJ ta-'t " aai al llfllDBf rOf o2I9i . a Ururasf lead! r-.4l f r Uejltl, f tar eV-e l a tt-tel a W rl itaf A f ttfv I M lt ta-tUV-;, tt t mi iEuiuisEcrii : n IT le 4.,J tf. it ri f'tit'? V'1 ' iH-.n-.u-ur id 4 ' f 4, zftxl, ;e!.w: f.i.' n-t? ;-r- jind tftetwV. i7"" rs-V'rt. tf hkX ktf li nil t . j - - , . ecw Jti.tt 4-1- e ' nlie. 4a 1 line, ' 'ekialaiwk t aat y . .. . J e v e.V, -. erne . rtt:c?r?v.t.rt i:7:f, . hmww kmw .e a,. MnM mm. twa.ii.il, . "ai a mm-, , m tmm. - ihj-i.m. i..h ;. e ea-e mm mm mm v.m.'wit a.wi etriXeTlX,lr'r I ttf ..! kttit IV t .tiM t 1m Sj 4V gkMBMM -t Haaaiil'aait. ?1e tiaaaBa ' w S a Vlt a Im uih'ii..iv. t. a. : X-.i. im mm tana tattt lM.tMitaas Nt tttt. V t tMaaaV -km tlw a til! te-ttaaa f Hl,ii,a ) t Me ttTtMMt' aa.i'naai.H taeeiwas enrrlt twwiltttate m f, ifWWB e (i.ittaK,' lrn f Ae ftie ewf Let e-lt W l 1 fw,-. . m- l. raviawwaia kaamt . t.ae f ,mUml f ft,lL, tttanitft, Maas tt; Mf f a t f-ltifwtikm tt " trtiiM " tafar .iVaf til im ? t i , f . . . ... - ... .. .. .... iwr-, -f : Tf-T t " "leaft ft fta- VftaV ' e-.fcr,. V. . ia.lti.e J. ...- Vark-: .r ta ataaatrttl .f ' t - ai . am.r. . . , TV V. P,,,-, ft. 11 M.. ...... . . it... at i (!Tertf . k.-.t llWltam tM.t.ta (ftMA, m mm .aUt- t.e if aBlMiUkar ta - v-t-rt-t.. ) Min t.) .lMHHhl.(M tlieia i . m m I. ,.11,.,. (ftgj 1 'WirTu-m m. ,i enittit ftOtC ttneW aan.tia eft j!, t etr - m. an rin im'iiimi. A.,.e - . ti .mmrmm. ' t I . . . . ... .... . aai , r'" a r . ee .e ftttamw-e m eiat )iittit -taar kwit, ilau Tm m.r In ti lMkkal Mate taaa ai i ak mlmm. ' . -"- ar T t..eUad Ae. Tait-al ar. ft k '!". t 9tat tf fkava f tt l t TTT 1. n """' - , ( era m ' ' m tl , L wr-fcri-tj, ' aM' mmi W . m aw. W J'1 aTfc' -ftBeV M( IMakae 4 frt.aeetall W-m m ejkllalMkfc kr.tftA. iiinii. m. l" e aia- f M an. 1 , t.m, . e a e mm mm" m m htmm mumlim m- m mm M f' f ' - II II 111 .i.n, WW. , ,T ,m . 4m. ainwn. mm m m-mmm-tm. m .. tt-tii uai imai a 'n am ! an . ... - t, - Z mm . . .. .., i. ' " a f at m t mm " , a ii ai i in i aw wnw . w J ewa - ft wm ...in -r . . , ti.. . inawaii t I mn M.. .., n.n . n, . t-iiminirt 1 1!" e . f ft. , ft , I amk 4 vvwiikw .,....,. . a jiaitT- I 11 " '' .fnai ii in ii kwi iwwiim ,i - - """ mm. a)"a . aaat ton ') m am 'aamii ial 1 M mtm, mmfmmm .,tm . ' a ,.. ..-mm, m, w in ..I , . e p tn. .. Mi mmm aMK m ax i . mrn 4"' 1 awa - m. eMM mm mt Zm"m mmmm. mmm, .m- '''Mtmm I M. ami i'inna ilnin a imih a" mle -f aiata.. 4Matw a mmv, m : tmm -m kwi nmwmim m .. ' fm V , -. ,, ' a are a ""aaea , 'I e-aa.ka e -iiiiir- 7ta tMteoMeilii,!' I." tM-r .iaf " " a . ft.r,tet tmmm . . . 7 iMtiaa. f f """' they jin.:K:'- - I je . . WHAT? Tho flH fiHY?i.,H :: :- jiiiuiuv v i Veat C-le-O W I V et t , f all I -J D- r ?!!' i. r ta V k . i . t : : , . ' ; r r i WHAT IS savoy ? ZM it V4.aeU. m( k ejr t-.eCi.iW , fM, YUA-R. . . r'-''.'l kj,takAt, laA "Itep, -varcte-e, ' ma see VtaJ e trrjiii JSICAIiOAllh j ta itauti ievkj t :srk. urtta. feg'takxv.tB!tk. e ef ta ak t w tta .. m mm, mm. mm 4 mh mm mm e m ' mm, a a , a Mt 4 , aa it f m m a an aaa e e mmm 1 ... - ii mm mb. 1 . t mmm . ea ew t Mft Ml f H rMI ft j. gj, ' f ,4 mm, .. mmm j tnniiii.nw I i ! ;, f e $. a ke i F laaaak aaei Mn T" paJBll, "" w e 1nI ee PkB e4iaiAa fie TTeUl,t etJUe)4A... e . k - , , e k v a a a a a w. ''7 aae ? w mm ft M-ata e e mm m m mm f mm w .- - a' es mm jt- a aaat e a k. " mm.m..m . e ami in f' mm, mm mm a-i m eaamaa m . 0 . t : $.t i fc a mmmm 1 ) m mm aw a,u ea 1 II mm .." . ee--ft , . a a '"i a. a a ' t at e aV w a ae av a aa ea. ,ria figs., 4atfta r tveMi. lsft . . , ' " e e .fm. 4Mmm , ft t ; ft. e f e 'ma at ft a a m $ mm I tu e a u , 4 ,m,mm t m f W ' " " . 1 " ' t f".,! . f mm, m mm m t - mm e e aaea ,, $ a tf maa i- e-aaaw.. i ea f mm mm ; mm, mm i t mm 4 e. f mm mm , m .. tip w- aiiiiiiwi mmm.'mm, Mtlr , - - . ; "''- ' aeae J '". ' ,1JBr ai'---'-T'' i.iakt aka m mmf tatatr 9lMMe f e - J tm e. a j r rr-j . .r. " J " a aaim ..aiaa na. nuwiiiwiiiiaw mt-mm.- mm mm -mi m t -n - .... .. -u.. e a - mmmmwm .f. n.iMfc t , ' , m t t , m "a f , " ' I - a . j t '"ttta r'fit I j ! e ji m I f '""eat k m , , t txiM, a ' a fc. , , mm