US. A. THOMAS, Editor and Prjprleter. CT33"coTOrrtrt tub otlct -Tina Tjncir VOL. XXXIV, : LOmSBtlRG. KvO, FRIDAY, HAT IX' DM. V nAimnH fiTraafrroutT ..1 - -- ' " ... 1 - -,. METHODIST. : 1 vv T W 4VO 40 I - " - bamp Clarh's 8aaday School at 9:30 a'. M. - v 3go. S. Baxbr, Bopt. PreaebiDK at 11 A- M., and 8. 00 P. M. every Sunday. . -v Prayer meeting Wednesday night. L. 8, Masset. Pastor. BAPTIST t Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. Thos. B. Wilder, Snpt ' Preaching a 11 A.M., and S:00 P.H., tvery Sanday. Prayer tasting Thursday night. H. H. Mashbuejsb. Pastor. . EPISCOPAL, Sauday School at 9:30 Wm H. Rcffin. Sopt Services, mominfr and night , on t t, 3rd and 4th Sundays. Evalncr Prayer, Friday afternoon P.av. John London, Rector. PRESBYTERIAN. Service 4th Sanday in each month morniDg and nibt ' C. N. Whabton, Pastor. ataat u u tt n tt it. afcutt Che Striate a LinvrtoMs Bcdy COorh of a C grtsaman PopuUrlty of ancle 3oe Cannon .. . tt tt tt tt Special Washington Letter. HE senate of the United States' ITaL. L likes to lap itself fa luxury. A once, had a conversation lift the There are only ninety senators, ' Speaker, and in the cour of It 1 eVd. "I yet they have half f the com- i hJ?'l2" i' J mittee rooms in the capltol and all oL replied in hu inimitabi war. -Sharp, t the offices in the Maltby building. Bm going to be u fair aa I can cooaiat Some years ago the Hon. Thomas B. ' fn"..'"1,11 8lf tTtT American po. KoA bm th.,Ui,m.on ,u. . think he did hlmaeif , InjuaUr. LODQRS. F. & r niaVinro Lndce. No. 413,' At A. M., meets 1st and 3rd Tuesday nighu in each month. lrro teHfflonal oarda K. AKTHUR H. FLEMING, N. C. DENTIST. LOUlSBCfRO, . - OHcOTer The Gr;en k Yarboro Co,8 Ft ore. I) R. J. E. MALONB, I'tiACTlCINaPHYSICIA.N AND SURQBOK. , LOUISBUBS. R. c. v nice over Aycocke "rug Company. J) II. J.. I. MANN, PHYSICIAN nnrt SL'RCROX, LOCISBTCi, N. C. Office e'ver Ayoioke Drag Co.'edrugstoje i) R. 8. P. BtfRT. FRAOTIOISO PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Louisbarg, N. C. Offlc in the renr f Bodde. Bobbitt J Co.'s Drug Store, on N ih street. JR. R. P. YARBOBOOQH. PHYSICIAN AND SURQEON, LonBURe, N. C. Otflce 8pd floor Ne: haildUig, phone 38 Tight calls answered from T. W. Blcaett ridenne, phone 74. . L H. ALLRED. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Win practice In all the Courts. Yoangsvllle, N. C. Otflce in MASSBNBCBQ, r. ATTORNEY AT LAW LOtJISBUB. Will practice in all the Court of the State Office n Court Honse. M ABCUd C. WLNSTEAU. ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, Locisbdbo, N. C. Orrioa otb Corner Drug Store. Baeeial Attention given to collections. Practice wherever servicesjeqaired. "y"M. W. B'JDDIE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Louisbukg, N. C. Office over Boddie, Bobbitt & Co.e drug store. In the Maltby building that they were causing the floors to sag down by their weight ' jVbile th'e ninety senators bad. : iill these rooms latbeir half of the capttol and tbe entire Maltby building, the 386 -members of tbe house had nothing but one-half of the capitol. Wearying of this, during the last con gress the hou 'voted itself an office building to give each member a room for the transaction of tbe public busi ness. Now comes the senate and in sists that, in addition to its half of the capitol and all of the Maltby. it shall have a companion building to the one being erected for the house. What they will do with all oT these rooms nobody seems to know. ' Of course both senators arid repre sentatives should have all the room necessary for the transaction of the people's business, of which they have a great deal that cannot be transacted in the house. Two-thirds of the work actually done by a senator or repre sentative is done outside of the legis lative chamber. Their preparation for the work in house or senate Is really done in their residences' or offices. Many members of the house -are now renting office rooms here and -here over tbe city in order to have a place to work. They and their secretaries find that it is no snap to attend merely to the correspondence from tbe district at home, involving as it does the re ceipt of scores of letters every day. very few of which can be properly an swered by a simple reply. There are requests for all kinds of governmental publications to be obtained from the various .document or folding rooms of the cnjaitol or from the bureaus or de partments of the government. There are pension cases to be engineered througbthe pension bureau or through congress,; tnere are claims for bountv. back pay and land warrants, requests for all kinds of garden seed, flower seed, new shrubs and plants; for In formation along a thousand lines. Much of it is urgent; much is of serious im portance and calling for tbe eserctse of legal knowledge and business methods,- and it nevep- slackens ,for more than twenty-four hours at a time. .An other growing source of labo is the rural mail- delivery. Some' routes re quire a dozen trips-to the postoffice de partment and the writing of forty let ters. For the purpose of getting through with this' mass of work and detail a congressman needs the best facilities, the most convenient quarters. It is to the interest of the people, whose work they-jj re doing, that they-should be well prepared to do the work. vv m. HAYWOOD RUFFIN. ATTORSBY-AT-LAW, LOCTISBURa, H. 0. Will practice In all the Coarta of Pranklln ,nd adjoining wonuea, also to tJ Supreme Jourt, ana in un uuiiw o Othc la cooper and Clifton Ball ding. JAHOB. B. WILD It a, ATTOBJJBY-AT-LAW, LOUISBTTBe, X. O. OIBce on Main street, over Jonea ft Oooper'i tore. " the VfhXe lion. wU two UeiMbot a HoUta4 itoM T vxt ucti rtt ttmr nw oa baa erar ford Kvtt for Swrt log tltn mUil If: au k te fx that vookl edo tsoauU. - fJO anybody dcU ttul.tttfctr t hot wMld tkroar to pr If C HTf tnnlry abwjWl arWT A for (MUf rtari. It baa artt- aaUife tiaea aod grorrally tUv4 It I W. tntemil fo kit cT Oftlowvi jia vpft by abelTtac Oi tlst la tL tir fa deory. If U wanted to aSl ilu vC Ml 1X0 U It to 'ooxtti bo kvr htm In lM? Oln4 taw. veil would do wHI to watrfc ftt "tic four ." Baahfwi. Th baahf olorM c4 BopOUjro Ute On to ocrrpt (be ctalreania of tV natjonal ccmiuMtev to 000 of t& ooot remarket)! pboootaotM of onr Coe and lodicslvo oTioev oootod fr at to tbe result. If tfcry botlrr QaloXl Konrw-ira ratt!( ad roctlow or thof roo!4 fX4 dernee. A rootrolm' aa too i'rvox roU . Uf 03 Joinp at th-rbano. for too rtaira, of a uailooal cDoi&;rier ro o twv ful rwplgo lo In pcaitka to cotmgr) a trAI placo foe bVa4f ao4 i4 pUtn for hie frrr.. txit bh ctMitr man lo a kiag atoapatgi tea fx ts fewanl cnri txMb kol qJ Tt-a forocoiug ir ao dembt (bo tmuntttm wf Rrpubllcaa afatrvniru to itttcr at tb ualktoal ebalrruarvihtp. (o Americans. When tbe uproar aubakl- i ebouting 'Victory r hie i4v 4oe I ed' with Messm. Cajinon, Klcbardaoo tb lttoiii of tht boorto tbj lawne ond Williams all sjandlng In the apeak- ! w' 'bat lb rraatt of tb Ufrc4 er"s stand, the MisalsalppUin read the t caofoin U vy fkwtktrol'tcor resolution to the Illiooau. Tb latter J than B cotopoigti a.K tsw ;TRUiniICCHIUlREJI.'-:ir innnr , me KMvstiaauei I'll b.- - . a 1 1 1 I 1 L " v " a--a a THE HOlAtnUIIUO tt QIIU 1 V DtCH lX THIHOHt. Ilaaitatioa ooon hla atatentcnt. but It waa rharactrrUtkc of the frankneaa artd candor of the man to put In the limitation. - Mr. Speaker. I shall now move th adoption of the reaolnllon, and that' a corn- wmiee . cm mppomteo to wait upon tk speaker of the houae aa4 bring htm to Mr. gpeaWer ProTefb. Rlchardeoa ap pointed Mesara. .WIlHatna of Mtoabv slppl, Tayne of New York and Uemetv way of Indiana a committee to go to the speakers room and Bring Ur. Caa non in. Aa they swept down the hlg a Isle with' Uncle Joe lueuibora leaped to their feet aod applaud! wildly hy every method known to enthusiastic Sfm CM Vil to wat io4 v - . - A locKhmr Mm oV4 If. J O. tUfilVThm Wi iv ay. fesflE o4 ofeaJdl W0 Y U riZml Al Ir tfeU It o kwaa a rorf I r)aCTjtfso) Uawf laii sroat 4 ! FOOD o:ivnitu on.l e-wj in U toM4 .4 d U ta 4?-t m t U "w11 rwaPfiiwK fu& im Im 0 nt I 4m k r CaVoWitSnaw.ta) t Uw VaiMr-4 4 4 t'rty OAHtd Jt "let t5faj tun jkJ t41 rX1 -1 I ' C: I'm tie J i Ila 5 C . WHAT IS SffVOY TVr W mvi k ifUl w tmi a &o bK!o, tl tlx Ul 'tUMCawoKwo ioW n ovary aa4- TW faibr' wf Mm po o W evxW o Ufr tb ciil Ur, n4 tb) taoW to9 m U? r7 tvktutv k W tW tlo &- wM USU. R,OM al atirMCn li U) o?jo- ill f oio , 'o'mT! Sa" W ll tUaaice. t JW l Url ct 00 1 aW iU.4 ivr ,;rt,r tf., V ..00 1- u 1 f:(:,r,.ue J ; 21 -1 4 Uo W - j n tV:U- ll' ;,HV ! f,,t CeVWl aioa ttt t:tf OS:tl cit 4 ''.m. A Ujas.e aI m,A. - j w j H 0 W w" fc MMUt t. ! last, t wTt o .x.a.. tfli ' t of -t -oov ort. o-,v eft- J !VU Jf luntt t,!Cnr45 1.A - - - - - UV4eWMte W n j Ik iU otoT ,a W o--e4 Tryr n ,f tw; rl.t W ! ano ka Vo nC1 Ho H flttr I U. a 5 f6tt rJil0 (j Na ii v r t ti tay j . mw . I t naMOlaaa iA & aM rua. 1 w jat. t.m.n- I iel ta :ccra If a t ?i.rt,f ot wni .Uni.nM'Wa ttMMawa tW a-a.1 t!W . ataa i rt" I " a-Hki. o Ht YCAfl. F-if it! -rr, t:-r 1 t-'Zt -r!r a:t!1 1?rH 41 t .t-....4 a etpn a Oan,wWt aj,, o m . 1 ,t t.)akt MaiVia. 4T was visibly affected by tbe proceil . laps and could hardly control hla tdIct- i On tnoh ot oatar th tk as he replied: j wbol wori l k!o. Fatbni anl aitv I woold be less than human If 1 did nol 1 evrrrobviv. wb1oT for r ag!t voice mythanka to the member of th lion. WlUUai RaOtlotpk Hrat a Viouse lor in Kinaiy re3iution adopted prudential catwlMat. -in ml trt unanimously by you. It touches me mora ., ... . . , than 1 can express. For almost thirty I W congratulate bits opoei lb b'-Mk of year a I have, been a member of thla body. ' a son, bis Crstbocu Tkat U a yjtX I have seen many consTrssmen beain and ' tr him mnt K rA m-rmr r or v it a.r. mUI It i oisfw,.. vs- p. bo ta.M& &k4.r TUlnwWf,. I olt.k)'a tiua rwi.;v:i a-a.! f. iA"'1JiJ v. U. 11 i t f ( ifc w n4UM ftjbl at -""-ttrt..i:m 1rf - toutM m. ' ..... . . . T .1 i .... m one congress to another, to ba a member of : Prr',7- n,a ' nays aw a a:ga cs this boijy; which reprekenla directly OIOiXl- ' fa t ara tffs axi'AatA'ko sail k-t lka t-l-"- (U a ' 7 a-W-ain..- 7o ailV tt at UW k Vs; U vc v -..-.ti-f 4 imn i . ri ok-wa ti-UiaU Va i--. t t n. -w..u.r V-to'ft iMe mil i- WWMNM F . O lttlmw, inn WWII 11. . a j " ' -"" a tii 11 mi a a urn, 1 m m mum im..."!' aTTZ a aMMa NMft jm qmmmimm ! 'l nwi 1 m li i . ta4 00eeop!e. competent for self gorerm- and from tune to time assist In vol . j the will of that people. It goes' without saying that. In a republic all men do not ' agree as to proper polidea to, be pursued, but the majority snd th minority, aftet ', due consideration, from tlma to time have ' written the will of th people upon the statute books. " j In the nature of things tb eon teats hare , are rpiritel and earnest. W wqutd be 1 less- than human were It hot ao. and. while I for the time being the majority cootrvia. y J.o.- ' rer to tb ItawrK baby. 1 a Vfa i KepublU-an ap,U'btaOra fre'.'Ba t j h- el yll at tb top of lbHf oVe abcrf ' p., RltiMlrii rimn ert n nklfcnea ' ... 1 . - 1 v -v. ... . . cnxi c( f . 1 j tfca ani tht w , V Oat. 4l,t. s 1 ail of tb fact that (b fovroaBit'a t petHiiturr for tbeajyDoritk of AprU c-ded tb rTna by i rn i t A few mof afttba 0 tkf enrt of prs pritjr acul Mr. mrrta'y of tb Tr ory Hbaw fl) b arrapac lb, bwtcca JUrrr?af y cii. t&acr tW w T at oa.s 1 Rirf a.i. tuii O a. im4J full :t 0nt tiu-4? 0--i T'l" M bM It.. I 'HXk Ot"? 1 ii miili 11 hi . . : mhw"!' ini 1 a n,wiii e y nm 11 nj 1 1 a yii n w stfka "Wa 1 1 "" . Hit, l m fW .U M. mms a. ui'ttos " ( f ,7!,. after all the minority haa ja. function jo j o th treasarv 4et a Mr nerform almost eoual In to,' tD rry. i sir the function of the niajorlty. ! f b TroaurjV ! rV'r It is a matter or gratification to in, not I doing Is tb cfent'eg- da; a of fert only now at the cloae of this aecond ees- 1 Holattlo Harriett s !,. slon of the Klfly-elghlh congTeaa. but ! . . .T . - I recollect It at the close of tbe vartou. ca tb" e.-lgTat oT kaod p-frairw ronjeresaea of which I have been a merit ' hnoitwUtk tb pvwfpl at lb Novaanba bcr. that when the heat of th contest baa rlefrioQ? No rerror.a died away there has remained rep-cl I upon each side for th other, for lb ef- fu)f r-.;." a.1 Jwat.V T'.-" Wia a -t4 WT r- tavVtt -T bjcjre aaa mil fa I rut .mS? ara or 1 k -- c tA- ! r :'"" 0 '- ' ! aa) k a v - . W aikMi a. 1 1 Ma a ui t.i f a4 1 - ftarr-a i tt. rtu, I. IlcpoblU-an HaroMiot rthJ w 'tk a big. big II-U a grat nsrI y fw-a a tors Palrtweka aod !WvrvVXr o I a dUna are so tota4y ha of ft otbrr that lodlana RvpobtVaN 60 aw daro movttioo o wltbowt lgvsg la. lb otber; roai)0tly al tb etl couTentlofi tb otbf da fc- tby cooifnen1d 8ftator iWvevfctx t r Uncle Joe. - That Hon. Joseph G. Cannon Is a popular man is known of all the world. That he is personally the- most popu lar of all the speakers of the house is- forts of intelligent, patriotic men to rep resent Ihilr constituencies aacordlag t their respective Judgments. And thla may condition continue, and It will continue 'as long as the republic Issta. After all. acre can aay on both aide of TTie chamber cur beat, efforts folloartag our convtctiona are for the endoranc. th prosperity, th gtory. of the republic ' h-wish eocb member of thla hous oaf Journey to hla home and good health unil) ZVii k . . u tu" oerlrr to prrt. t? o gresa. and that after having mingled with 1 . . j w Z. . ,7. tl people they will return here ready for thT nafl bmrY n1 roBBtJ tk a renewal of their . effort in the public' Initiator for rr"tiag Haoato ralr- interr-st. baoka white bfor Ut TW gw Nothing now remains for ma but. In , . . . . . , pursuance of the concurrent resolution f Te"3 n,rQ"r PV'" tn t- raspat the house and-eenate. to declare th a-c- ! on th bahk of tha Tabh ond session of the Flfry-elghth congreaa ! . adjourned without day. j Mj bfn tn plane th arrf.rW sg It was a great day for Speaker Can- t ricultur anO if com en err. i utf non. It was a great day for tbe bouae j n tbe lln of prraWeotlel oTiM of representative. intmrttvre.1 ton Ul tr poM t tb "Uncle Joe!" That sobriquet ei ront awlon It will pe-biy g presses tlie kindly feeling which hi . ihrougb at tb ntt ! fellow meajtbera entertain for him. Just j as "tbe Little Corporal," "Pap Tboro- j Tb f cutty of raaktog pigr-a ta as," "Pap rrice," "Mars 'Robert." 000 of tho amwt rtloabi ttwit a wrtta rv . li ttfciv u as 4 ai I , xm e-xl a cow arl ar-i a Lt m t&Ml --- ' . 4- 0w o b rlM j t H 1 in ii . 11 it! fcawjoisa i tgxl 1 ' " JviCili.iif; t n.f it t f ! J W-sn4 f"t .Vai iiantm A tve?-Lrj: buil a - 1 ..-.. 1 C lt;u l a f i kuv' a j 1 O WrT . wm tatiiwa lt r-l. a t a it, o4 k4j wv,fo aarj jr-a kv a r tt4 m MP MMNM ilJilllliHia l4t nama Mr S m,i aa mil t.M,t altogether probable. His lines have Indeed been cast in pleasant places. "Little PbllV'Old Rough aod Rtady." I or arooker can 1 ttrA IJINlrl.-i." mnA Q.-. M' I 1 . . . F. S. SPRUILL ATTORSBY-AT-LAW, torianuKO, H. C. Will attend the courts of Franklin, Vance ranvtlle. Wirren and Wake eounttea, also Uw Baprame Court ot North. Caxollna. Prompt attention given to collection. OtHce over Bgerton'a -Store, T. W. B1CK8TT, His popularity among members is re markable when it is remembered that for twenty-eight years he served on the floor, always in the thick of the fight, and that be knocked and wao knocked, mauled and was mauled, skinned and was skinned, as much as any member, except that he was very bard to skin, maul or knock. He has been a central figure in many of the hottest and fiercest battles ever pulled off in the house. Of course be bears many scars and he has scarred many. But.-at-last he was unanimously elect ed speaker by bis party, carrying into the chair-the friendship and respect of the minority. In his high place be has bat It taor b Old Hickory" knd -8toowair tt niexl to ice and tfcert atraio-A pressed the feelings of tl soldiers who j For loatanc. rary of tb Ta. fought under thooe ffreat captalna 1 nry 111 1J Sbaw rofty 4Uas There bare been many warns and some Ud blmacif of tbta r-crax. to so hot debates durinrbi apeakerahlp. but ( teoc. "Th itpaoUb wr plai too .'! in aa iii m 4 lMHe to. ,ia ta O mii i in M m,4 ' bevrov." Afawr J t Wl mtf aa aU earni An mam i 4f . v . t 1 J V I ! t rv aa fWM I li-n.itf lid 4tt-t tmAmi ka d - w a ! . . . . . . 1 . - w - ff - j K.avau T--wJa1fue ! aniacwii n rVT uiarf caicsxar. a.t.4 i.-t - t-WW v i 4,a a aMMM tft.tiau ' ... M M M t. 2... )! i-raTti t ! r , j-u4 r tUe vt..t ...t.. 1, m ,... t piXt m at a.t gioav -. -1 I wi)a in Ur T'S sa ii.aeu.lw, . M Oo Tititt i: t tt tittiu l tv -n .t T. iv. O i'mmtt w I it anunmitW i- .; . uiiimmw 4 itia aui I .tti f tA Mf tHni. ft !... ,.u (Mil lu ti jt,i lnar rMNfn u ta tmtttmuf. aa . l 1 C nanit t "iHit4ilMiiM liumi' iMlra A "f ( it U tWBw f Im it 1 wt.i aruTinttiutn av rteainraf ) if ml Hkuim t yal t , ; Wl si 1 C i- : a ?W fNOviaWTaaa tMa at rreijin xjl3ul to V. SMAIUJAIU) ,iZ .iStfvaT t. lux Utiat. Hat tft,:? -1Jt tC 00 kt . r-obi-a t"; o C-- ai t S'K I 'a.' rxfria4 Tb a2u k ar.S3.ani iSa" n nt-t a, : t r hi i i t. Imt lnwiwa. a t ta w I n, . u m. . f a t t , te V,m. e a ! f..S 4a .m " aUaSa ! tl III 4 WaaM,- M ,. M M i.i ' t,.a., a 7fn t- ')tHM if fr (taa.f it t Mi "trWf H t in 3 t' t fu. at ljnt. ; HI". I haili. 4 lit . V tttaallnaaaa- l.l- If-IMif tlftMWtam, Vat t.tM va-t . t' f 1 t. 2 it aatt tVimmt itttM 4. 5 tttie at 1 la ' mi"i . aM ,. t, aUwAn' S till lltMBII aHillt.- l.l al, unxtaVlt, tf Nf m tl.a4 tt ,ttl S. IMS V Mklt t It 4 ua , tiltlaaHl j Wttll'l ,( IllttlhlWf M till. a( I I ; - 1 t 1 frtwtlMti.,1 .iyM J 0 ;" t v , e , -1 1 ) a A , ' . tM4, e i n mm e 1 hi 1 iii a- aaa.vMavi n 1 m t.l Mn.t i 4tf 1 V.. tl HIM tf rMbr)-uAaa) sfa.t n r tft. ,?iti.rtM Ji on only crte ugly quarrvl Without any intention to guoh, it orrgbt to be stared for it Is the sober truth that much of the felt ond illustrated among members was doe to tb speak er's kindliness. He may well coo gratulate himself on" hla eucce 1o tbe chair. Democrats Getting Together. When the New 'York. nemocratlr state convention was held Republicans Pacific orv n logVallT wb sk too always beo natumlty " Just fcrw ttml war or aoy otb war ra a t tb Piriflc or aoy obr" orwn any wher will r-erfcap forrr rot a prbToood mystrry Jo arybn4y y t $. Mr. Sbaw. TWO, Inablg a fetas W of I be ocean, b Ql la tb f of Lord Byroo. who wrote of tt aa of malo Hon. talk of Is t leg a b i3 af hla "man." tc. ATTORN BT AND COUHBBLI0B AT LAW. bOtnsBUB W, o. Prompt and painstaking attention gln o ry matter Intrusted to nis hands. Refers to Chief Justice Shepherd, Hon. John Manning, Hon. Rot. W. Winston, Hon. J. C. Boxtoti, Pree, First National Bank of Wto onTatennr Manly Winstoneoples Bank f Monroe, Cha. B. Taylor, Pres. Wake For est College, Hon. B. W. Timberlake. Ot t iee over Neal ft Co. a Store, a. PBBSON, w. ATTORNST AT-LAW. LOCIRBCSe, g. O. f Praeueea In all courts, Offloa on Main street. ' presided with such fairness and such I were hilarious because there wo Republican ar hard to pi" la somewhat or a row, and It waa pre- j It coroeo to ioocTOtK prwaadaatui dieted freely by Republican prophet 1 csodWatea They jr4 at WtUiact 1 that the Tammany crowd would knife j Bryan, who t a groot orator. a " the Hill crowd to a finish, thereby glr- . rur Jawsmlth " Now tt af a ihg the state to the Republican, and 1 Int at Judge Prkr tarv-ou ta tbtr all went merry as a marriage bell lo op in too b talke too RrtJ. rrooai tbe Republican camp. Now. however who Hte m glaoa booar ho4 fa comes the news that the New York rail stoaeo, eow ar foil RarptjVo Democratic factions are burying tbe 1 an sbooJd rrTDOtab tbot ftM t-lif. batchet, makings concesalona to each other and getting together to make long pull, a Btroog pull and a pun al jy H TARBOROTJOH, JTB, ATI OENET AT LA w , LOTJIfiBURQ, K. 0. One in Oyer House building, Court atrt All legal busine8a intrusted to him will receive prompt aid careful attention. J F. H0UCK, X COSTEACTOB ajid BTJ1LDEE, ; LOUI8BURQ, N.'C. Trading Ageot'for aU kinds of Bulldilfg xrsniug o-gn" .n,.i- mil Tllaa. Arch.- 8tarl Design Submitted. , - kindness, has exhibited so mucb com mon sense, that when Mr. WUliams. the Democratic leader, arose In bis place April 28 and offered resolutions thanking him an unusual proceeding -aj the close of the long session every member voted for it without mental reservation; not only voted for it, but did so standing dp. The applause was- deafening and from the heart, and it went to the heart of Uncle Joe. It was a dramatic scene worthy of perpetuation by .a master hand on bls torie canvas. afBon, --James D. Ricli- atdson of Tennessee, the Democratic e"x-Ieader of the house, the highest Mason in theworld, was called to the chair. '.Mr. Williams offered tbia reso lution:- " Resolved. That the house of representa tives return its thanks, to its speaker. Hon. J. a. Cannon-of Illinois; for the fair and Impartial' ahd ableinonner in which he has presided over its deliberations and for the sturdy -teommon sense anq; genial good humor which have been 'displayed by him ana -which nave inaucea me mem bers of the house itself, . In .a degree al most unprecedented," in imitation of him. to display the same sterling American Characteristics In their deliberations and mutual dealings. - Then. Mr. Williams said: ' Mr. Speaker, ft Js a great thing to be a It. Vo. rv. t". : rl 4 7 or !& -11 i n ti, rwa:cs.a t-iaai -1 , . . ft C ot 1 aft . rt euval ( essni ri O ti kW T b..w., .a--w. ,,-., tKb2aaa) FfVi ot .- rl o-tt 4j 1 tiw KiS4ra js.liia' tccta lo r wttJ ISa d OS-i th iatl c4 oHi-arv lwftirt ti boll taaB) t:A ! wrwij-f l-oa' fr ro w w-i; hart tlWr Uir(x. owl t-a ( v i aaoko fle ti7 ' iMj (SO. If JUW ie41 Cjr a r was 0 w t " I f . ill I lt,f r - i ." f A t l)n-V- al aifian.V ,i 1t ikiim at . 1 gaatHv, a MinraatitttM tit ir tM -i p 1 :w V " B.i...,inmi-t. ? 0-a.fJMaai HOTELS; HOTEL . FBuraiim)2rrir.o., Gbcd'svooonioltion for the trkfoliaf Oood Litevy attached MASSENBHRa HOTELS i' v a- e ' ' J jP.Ma,enlkxrX?opir . HEHDEBSON, XT.'aV t - muSMitart y ntm a a. .1 fa.a w P g ala ( a ?! i aw !. a e a ', tm-1 fl ti' , -itit aa. f -a. ! 'tf4 t tn 11 f t fttt 11 V wt tti Tla H.tii t'tm aim i)niii .ii.a mil . a.1 4 wm oihiU. m aatA.M a r ... batta. I Timber For Sals. ! 1 "" f. am. t r-. in kii ,tn.'H . tt. etttwttt ! 1 ". (a 4. aatla, . Ui"'" " .a aat4aJMa SaW a. tl If ; t i..,..... - ' w e r 1MWak tttaia'ait-t, ,.- a, t. mart II I Hla tun Vct t en nWe- 1. " .Ka.t.a,i - H t I taa'a mI -f F-at' It, tiimti' J aHaaaaoi tie .a Mitatae d ,a..,a mn a4 tt l jlnv. u.,if aattf .M4(.a).i ttMt t,4.tajt fVaHiaS Mtf ta . ( ai -- - U.aat at . ti. i at rstiawea fi an tn"aj. af tla rv e l1Mtl,. a, I H 1. J If , eaa . - WtafriMati I t ' 0 itft a - Oaaa, f " aa M t.Ma4i . 0 4 fw m. M A a ail nam , ! a r a at a - f : . I 1 II tt J I a U tt M I V V tr, ,rwara, aiaaj "tb aiWnt oWlr.- aod tbi otVoot fo Beato. a 00 1 bar-- RubU- fjraaaj tial ttooilr. who was a gvt " Bat reolly D-aocrsta do txX f 0 boob what RepubrVoraa tUftk of, tt Deroocratic oouitn. Tby trcvt satisfy lb roar It la tb eonr of tbetr ova randfalat. tf tt Rruti3. 00 do not Ilk oo cboac tbary soy bowl a tn0rb aa lby ft Tb morrilng of tk 4sy ooj wtkKk ooagreoo orTid 1b Watvoatow Toot, lrVpaiot a rat r;rrtrav tariff pr-r rrora oway twrk, tb Rfbtrcauk H p a fsro Re U3 ptadng xt. dftaaatl and 00 tk b-of. on tb frr list,- Wt U tt1 M that aoy body koord ef. Qwtt tW roa tnry. Ikoi If too Puot ko ' rak lag oogfwrtoB of tbtif mrt tb "otaoJ ', ;' 0 mM m t V- 0kaM let V-,i ai imUt Ua i .,..? alaa M ataMlttti tt Itttotak tMioU.i0a Ok! W O-WU J''.-Vit O-H l- a a k - - I J aa . . a t .O a. -. . f . . M ta La"At gatotiaat. I njJTt ta 8 ..a . - - i ; jjnt tia u ait nwawiiiar. 11 aaartttliitatta . ia ,- J 0 k-3 . I ? totta- tf'7 4 l fm4 ttalaaa -t,am.laaa , . . . , t'i'Ut aaartttn kattuaa . aaaxtf m Lloo f raariL k: a. Cw3 a together to. carry tho atat for the Democrats. What will th Republic ans do now, poor things? Tb plain truth Iff that all the Republican hulla baloo about dissensions among New York Democrats has been .torn myrot from the. beginning. Of couroo ther are dissensions among New Yorlt Dom- ocrata. There always were and there always will be, more's the pity." But It is also true that there ire great dissensions and deeper. Juat at pro ent. among New York Republican. 'Nobody Informed as to feelings of New York'Repnbllcans would bo at all 'surprised to wltnesaa repetition of tbo Folcer anllt In 1SS2. Think of tb New York. Republican "b!g four" Sen ators Piatt and Depew, with Clowr Odell and ex-C.overnor Black-not 00 potters' will tarn tt b? o - T American - reoublia yet not to permit the tacf- or promotion to that place, one fit the moat exalted In th world. tosiurn; one's, head. In tke slightest degree or to deflect one from a. course hitherto pursueo cnat ot 0 piam, unsssursing American citisen, with x- traordlnary common senae ana a rmara- celt unless It Is Senator Depew. Roo yeTt knocked Plwck out of bis second term as gbvernor.. Odejl had hlo ey on. tbe Republican preldeotlarnotnlnatloo this year unfit the death of Presldeol McKlrdey landed CTolot BOooevelt In ... 1 "- .;'" . a. , ak haadaeh raanlts from k disordartd I anmaah and nalokl eared DT.ODMinner Ikof ?abl?t, ,k,4b7 futwe conditJon. Present cbrctT if xhtofhtcf cf - -... ' "" X - Inn; op Hk ilgliti.' . ' There is no clear thinking apart tfonvdewi jiving.;?-! 'c.-- Cured tU Motharof Baeoraktuta.-' , lodpos Lettor. V ladies and Children. WhV aa rt Stand the ahookiag stralo j more T mAthae haa baen aaflar , for asaav I '.Ti -i.i. .1. .: MM ur ti rr.a.A I rprtag lay tllttel I if TTn.H.nit Pa At tim ah waa BibJa la I rtjee St 10 -a k1. all l . IWt.a laa 1 Cawat t wVaB a? an T ' few- I WOllf Ul HB W4.IB-f WW I '".Fro tk Ckopla BC Jfoo Itavt tk ik rto t tk f. tko ire wm tumital 00 bOk kt aV4trtSar lil4 t OSf SiM't are pataful 1 1 Tuul "SXXXZZ. eapedally fona of liUle eaj riaers. All ner CkaberVa loa P 4 J T3i Oro sal IMtka kro sons who gnd it tteoessarpo tako - le' ATJMJmVSmYhm kai aver t kaai f 4 o - g o SI nedieine sboali-try "-Ti P5" A?S.SVuU "Jt uVti pr-w4 Watt 4 k awpojthe-mol X-iiiulVAMiJi tf ssl tka tattr fat w e t saheniBgoffeotwith A aatar kUag m ab lato waJfcv 4!l0?rr Ur,ir It 1. wsaiarfsl . udwskWogeondltlwttoUowlngthkBMol nrtWmltwmn IB4 Hta la rr k.trtt-4 H. 1. dlatrilarUiBilhff tmWt 8QlbJlyi lpl4bfyeodrf.-V- .gfkifsiw. , S tt HUl H .:4 kara a tsi K twly Qtaa-wotaJ !Svi. Jf TO rva oal lit ma.(' liiit, taerDa V c-jaj jf as k a- - rtl. 9 yaAO UJ S f a Ul li? j sraa 93rVMS aa; ay t 1 ryig j Ujbsi .naaai 1 wm, m.,vumw atat j aaaaj daatvra LW aqf S SHTMarj JP4 liV tt i" 4t4 y U'niax . oro. elnat xfv M4aWro tUal 10 XM.7a4 T. ISkftt ftwViao IUfl IN ) CtiSitwa UaMNP-i faaakaMal f-?wO W k. , A ak3 llVtV w wVo laa. raa llW Af tvtt 4?l kat 0at awtasnata lm at lklK 1U fooat Vorx3 oaV.'MftV kt tiJ ki sjiomtt Oat el tlU tfcltna a W fro tU,Xitiw4 "is 4 urt, 1 iwkjt rtoti 1 31 Cwtm oa to!M&-w ail rYrt Hi t kv4 tnrkf "bay tt4 aa-oefk rtsik IJm C-tar. TSNf .atafw iit fjOkltJ) at JAMS. kktlJ tSsr f-f tl-xx L?o airaA tf Wwioa TMotf ti a 4 Ja Oa , aa . t'f i ? t-avtutta- KWk Hiaaota1 t.aa 0ait '- ' laa., I ay f itM a t4u Excelsior Coffin Co.ltetos Vio'.eis; 4 -a -a ax a 1 '' .t3V ftltC-it. a. k Collins and Casiets isii'is a 0 Vital - .aat.a4a. 0, t . aa taaaa C aVAaV Gffltl flfi 1 I Ta Robes- Biiri2l Shr:3 ami G.cve-s. aaa 1 . - a, . .... . - . . . . b atnia) . aaMa aa taiat. aaiaxa.a. - f . r . ? arwakl!s fwt iWBatMfr awtay WwasaaBTi wwjw)waWowiaa" ta 4 ' aVwMMaPo4MMa4HF ' I tataaaa awt .r .! OMaia, aw ! .,.,, ', " . A tistrw a h - j .tTrt at , la.y., k i v ax mi ,a g tjm S - ta I'fAtaijT """V '"' j . h aitaiania) aa aaaiawW laaiWai t ... w , , , r L J( .. I awat ta aitaa tea awew Oa raM akkat taa f . t taituo ta , aaa a . - ft 0 -- V a a air llarwo a-'i a rw4 Wa rak. "Ya Wai aoafkliai gr al a3 tmrv, ' wTtalakcAiTf a tVra itaal UhUui fr itwi f y a o frttre) so kit aay k'oo, V U ooa roa ai-irtT ttf of tW 4 j ft. 1 . I THEY A ME HRKK'.r. I WHAT? , t t . t ,H 1 a t nHn, aa 1 . tB .,, ra $ I -1 a, T . J- T a T1)C.400 B5Y!-.!l.!II aW-ra r-1 v-l aa.1 a a . ... , a fa ttf Haf - vat -N r-V f . a? t. j am aat .1 timai , t a.trty(L I a-a, a a " .- w. a . Co ::i c? r.r. I f h c : rm-;;.rr. 1 kJa aa j s , jaa.patm a a i . m ? l,Atll 0 a a- ata m aa -M t m. 4 it f aa f ' t - - M m tt i ) m M t O O ai.M 1 1." 4' O. w v. v. l a Ik e I V a " "I S a m an : at o 4 ' aaa aaa a ; aa t w f ' yo a aM aa. OM m I eaa 0 M a O m a.aa. a os aM M a aVfettk. . K. a4 Ota a ' Oa aaa OM h 0 O as - a. 0 a aaa I aw e oa M tWh. ! S aa . . 1 aa - , - ., a ' .. at -aV "Ot,, .... ' OH a. at SK.,, ' taaa M. , a ' aa .,, aaaa. aM M tV .a O a e . , 5 W " t a " Aata Ooejd MooramodtioBar Qood frai Po I tt Tvltl",l' t ' t 1 r t j drug cor .

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