JAS. i. THtTMAS, Editor and Proprletsr. VOL. X1X1Y. 'V :WUISBUR(J; N.;0,: Flu DAY, 6; MAY OX CHURCH DIRECTOBT " , MBTHODIST. Sauday School at 9:30 A. M. ; ' Gbo. S. Baker, Snpt. 7 Preaching at 11 A. M., and Ft 15 P.M. every Sunday; ' - .. Prayer meeting Wednesday night. L. 8, Massbt. Pastor. BAPTIST. Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. Thos. B. Wilder, Snpt Preaching at 11 A.M., and h.15 P.M., rvery Sanday. Prayer mating Thursday, night. . H. H. Mashbursr. Pastor. episcopal. Sunday School at 9:30 Wm. H. Rufjih. Sopt Services, morning and night , on I it. 3rd and 4th Sundays. Evening Prayer, Friday afternoon. fUv. J ohn L05D05, Rector. PRESBYTERIAN . Services 4th Sunday in each month morning and night. C. N. Whartok, Pa8tor; LODGES. rvMitahnr? Lodare. No. 413, A. F. & A. M., meets 1st and 3rd Tuesday nights in each month. tT It it tt r.EUDIOHIHTHESCHO'OL . 1 - . . ITi'MX iL Charnp CI ark's Letter New York' Big Crop of Democratic Presidential Timber. Thex Two - thirds Rule G mines on Judge Parker a u St tt tt H .t, ,. TT ;' TT . TT tt " "t M - A ww W H vv 4v 4v fv I'rot'esenonal oarda, Special Washington Letter. - ter was written tnen and there .net b. the present time the Democratic hs&d Immediately, and the people t - presidential fight seema to be rW". reco7,lx,n th courage and anybody S fight. The conven- tual integrity, elected htm chief judge of uou wouk eniDit a great deal : lDe court of appeals, of wisdom by nominating Senator ' "weiit to EsoDU" believing that Judge Coekrei of Missouri. The orevalenf rJ?L iuea mat weiQUBi go. to ,fsew York for lngton convinced, that be trill fee a candidate seems to have. aUrrvd-tm'cd'aad tht " wiir-be elected." me uemzens r , mat state to an un usual degree." Besides Parker and Parker's Personality Hearst, who are avowed candidates, i Most everybody takes an interest In it is generally supposed that Mr. Mur- I the personal appearance of eminent phy baa Mayor George B. McClellan People. Therefore the following bit of in training- for the place. There are gossip from the Washington coire- those who believe that David Bennett spoudent of the Philadelphia Press iiiil would not throw a nomination win De read with interest: trtoccofapaoy that tStmm tw fcUtcrt Teiaoe. What a 5U djy for BralctT we win ha ve whr the Taus t bm asd seiwita p"irot (bc tfatiwa, Ke theme itir the MooU cf a AnvrrVas audieac mora rtadDy or tMrt tSee otsghly than the Alamo aod &a Jact to. No more broic dkar can W fooad tn bomaA , Jtocy UVaa tVo which recooat tb taartyrvlooi Xaty Crockett. Jaroea Bowie a ad lttr ao radea to arnis and tt grvat s&d a tonndlng victory wbka Hooo vm it 81 Jacinto, a ad by wtaahg victory woo ao ewiplre for roUkaa lntlmtkD. The TtXaa delvfathm h coojtreaa la a greet one sad - 4e ample Jtjatice to her Woe. D B. ARTHUR H. FLEMING, , DENTIST. - N. C. LOUisBDaa, . O 0c Oyr The Qren Yarboro Oo,' Btore. JQR. J. B. MALONK, practicing physician and suaBON. LOUISBOBftS. c. OtUc ovr Aycocke rrag Company. over his shoulder if he could get one. It is suggested that there is still an other New Yorker of renown who measures up to the presidential stature and who might be sprung on -the con vention at an opportune time and might get away with the nomination. This is ex-Senator Charles A. Towne. formerly of Minnesota, now a Tam- Ot at) the rhlicokma qudreaaUl formaaeea. polled 3 U tbW lead ef U free aod how ef the b"ca. cettte'r the eJecUQO.cf daigatt9 tie Mttojui convent Kx by tb peo4e of tfc Dfa trict'ef CtlonbU I the tut rV!o Iooa The deobw-oa of tbe DirV luart no vote ttnleas they reiale their rtut n!p elaewUer. bet wWe 64etar to be acWded tbe ctty or DtrVt la t4 an uproar fw werka. Ttwy make smti no Imp about tbe aefeetiae of att dV rata to eacb coor.jiikT tbaa New York. rennaylvaBla and XI toiTl sake -4. r J)R. J. JMANN, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, LOUI8BCR0-, N. C. ( i (floe over Aycocke Drug Co.'e drug store jR. S. P. BURT, PRATTIOINO PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Louisburg, N. C. in th rpiir d' Boddie. Bobbitt & Co.V Uruif 8tore. on Nen street. The nrAha K1a AfimAiiH .jij. a e ) 1904 T "anoTh;; jV' T ,1". ! about aelactinfi tbetr Uire dWea. red hair. He Is a bl man. nearly aix It really T-ro that thU attivHi love feet, broaa Bhouldered. welching almoat lectins dHtr ta la nut prvrrtfcTO Sitv ?J? ?V!Ur Tlr' 7k' ! f 'eir political locapedtr ing rapidly, and every morning", rain or shine, he get Into the aaddla and taka I ride. His muscles are hard, an- ha la Uncle Jo Oa noon's reel fjieoia re full, resonant and plenaing. His eyes are , . . , ,. ,,. . black and very bright. On the bench be " rt'n dy. will hr wrino. VAAl-a fflaeeee Vllm Kal I. llesi. iki. I ef I m lh. am-Metae aK mAMLt a.' many brave. Jle one of the mpst top but he is not beid . Hta do., cropped ! rxm.rd in or .pefcy. c brilliant men spoken of in connection mustache Is a bit darker than i hair. - tK .1 . with the place. He is a clean man. Dut " 111 h7s n unmitk.bl. rd. Ht kv ' . ' ' 7 and evei-ybody Who knows him knows man in perfect health i him favorably. The convention might When you look at his faca. front view, j .. ,. . - . . go further and fare worse than to take " ""V yPe weak b,it 5he n1 ' i-inm ,. 1 face of a student and man of thourM i In nr.r m haln n. mm t tnkti.i' keep on developing every New Yorker rather than of energy and actlon-but t-,h.. -.,1-1- will have a candidate of his own. They when J'ou 8ee hla Pnfe you behold-th ! ' . . " , , 7 pop up like mushrooms in a damp cel- SrcicinZLFXl ton, Vnd len uac na bVt lar, hut the very nnmeronsness of the character. Altogether it U a good face th niin noru rfu.r u and one which quickly and indelibly nxtt ' .. , ... . . itself in your memory. j rJr- tkJ 11 ralMt tbe ll te let In conversation Judge Parker la affable, aore eyra rorrf fTr In Are tlve ns- Srrr.a SlAtlley TraUA m ! J Teas Et!$t BttUr T in a V-t 3 t!W e-MPi" ' TV ir .fe , m4 atsSns Ww e e' e-eyojrVe f3y W l A4l . TV ffwa i tt W a.4 utau d f i it. cu Uiy ea? U rawaunt U Im lt,wAJt,,t Wi, !i W aw .Ttjj,tae iR4t WuMit W Aw t em.?:rive saw Sa&w aie i Ami. t 1 ea-eHal ve l&a l n me-l-aU trvrf mnr I eeaWna. ' a.( fhj&olo-gf a4 Wfaei!.-e. Lm Un lee ( tWba, h,"TU j en tti- It e..a IU(xgw4e r1aM e4 rku.3v ASa. tS 1 o.t - anl A tm W4ae. tu Herl lf , u .,(, Al,t 5 ft a a K ' u li HG CEI ! WH.AT MS SfTVOY? MiWi j sr j ., r--r tr tt! a a Wiaf !k.31 !U ,u.e lattoWfea;' aJ Tf ri ei,.!,! i . CyfmC ve sr-it. a.t4 hre l 6re lief, . ! laUif dx ei m I 1) R. R. P. YARBOROUOU. -PHYSICIAN AND 8DRQBONs LonBCHe, N. O. and floor Neal halldlne, Nlirht calls answered from T. W, ri(ience, phone 74. phone 89- . Blckett's L 11. ALLRED. ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, Will practice In all the Courts, t oungsville, N. C. Office in U. MA8BBNBURG, ATTORNBY AT LAW L00I9BXTB8. win prMtlce In all the Court of the State office n Court House- New York candidates may defeat them all. The recent mental activities of a'cer- tain ex-New Yorker, nameless here forever more, would seem to indicate that he would not object to a nomina tion himself. So, on the whole, the presidential situation is as uncertain now, so fars the Democrats are con cerned, as it was six months ago. The greatest complication, of course, grows out of the two-thirds rule. The reason of the rule is gone long ago, and the rule ought to have" gone with it, but it would not be wise to repeal tbe two thirds rule when there is a heated con test for a nomination. Wagon RolWs. - The subject of wagon roads is attract ibm tlej-, Jt as thm vm tact fiac f V fm:yi i ut.ti IsiC traewsawrl wflJi eLtl I tewx-. - Irr e f,fc?lf, r.Mn. " I.iai a7 VW 1 twit, aamf e t mijM f IRESTAU- io't 1 ftvjaaji-et. csmwmaa e-a'.a rtaMbtoMi .. a-. e- - mm i -Rn T '1 't tiu a;ri aa1 55-. i v ., ) v e-1 1 ii i o( Jowtc Me al : v tH e Ki( we lm - wa.mw4 rottir.j el iJ- TB ILtU Mm ti. o, if- w al f A t&it ca-Mta, W natitetiai. wn UV 4ivaiae of JcsBslaiiMa t- w m- their oplica. but If ttwy are out A tn-r- ( (CT1:wis vwQlala.-v T sa. the 1: J"-iKi rwarln a rTv.l o Ji-v V l:ui witn an aiert apprectatlon and a sense of I ptnoe. with aofe erast or witboot. Amr- humor, too, but he Is habitually careful I . , and rather precise In his choice of wnrrt. ' ,can tna? If eo tby have a nkl He gives you the Impression that he ! a ' ,0 K where tbey man strong, though neither brilliant nor ; flag (Ilea, wha aggressive, wno ns nimsell always well in hand. He was born on Mv 14 s?3 Judge and Mra Parker live on a fine i lcn clUacns we can frt tb-w Nt farm at Esopus, near Kingston, on the ! u t pleaa. braa oar U tee day west bank of the Hudson. They have bui 1 Lwi i ik.i mi. hi k , , .v The Judge is a grandfather. At Esoru, he old Trurm-nt of klftgt What l tt tt-e a tT.1 cel has a fine library, wherein he spends hta i ttatns of a Filipino totnit? like evenings. But during vacation he paes ! Mobammed v coffin he aprre to I which are In cultivation and which he per sonally manages. Next to the law his chief delight ia in his Red Poll registered 1 don't nee-d bim we bold tuts to b 4 ' foreigner. i mmiii mt mi .e a 1 "I'" I eiii.i imutf e ) m i i m a 1 1 4 WW t. i ii - Willi ileM 1 1 H II IM. M 4 - M. MwMWf Jit Mil. . J - " Ml W M nn i e-i-.tt 1 i !--- m a i i "n im - . . m.4 ......it. .. a.- "1 f C1i,tJ tfwet air WT ! tvl e m twne ee er . " W i, t W " 4V Wnt.iT. f e-lli -a etwftii ten wlatv j"m.n - ' ft ijasat iA. I svtMteta ef M". SKAIKJAIU) napendeil brlwero bewven and eertbL Wbcn we need bim In oor bmic we count bim an A nurlrjn . u we Presidential Gossip. The most recent gossip as to Derno- j Tbe frantic effort of O. C to diarppt ing more attention now perhaps than at oratic presidential possibilities hath It j the rntnnts of hi potitk-al grave aad M ARILS C. WIN STEAD, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Louisburg, N. C. ornoi ovB Coriler Drug 8tore. !ppelal Attention given to collections, rractlce wherever services required. TNI. W. BUDDIE, ATTORN E Y-A T L A W , Louisburg, N. C. Office over Boddie, Bobbitt & Co. '8 drug stori". vv m. HAYWOOD RUFFIN. ATTORN KY-AT-L AW, LOtrisBuae. B. o. win nniitiw in all the Courts of Franklin ind adjotalng counties, also In tbe Supreme Jotirt, aira in tne umiea eutia jlibixiu Ciraalt. Courts. ,. Otttce In Cooper and Clifton Building. rjiHOS. B. WILDBB,, ATTORNKY-AT-LAW, tocigBTjaa, v. o. once on Main street, ovar Jones fc Cooper's tore. P P. SPBUILL. ATTOBNBY-AT-LAw, - LOCIiTBCBO, V. C. kt .11.. .ha inrti of Vranklln. Yaneei drmnvllle. Warren and Wake eonnttea, also Uie AnnranM COUTt. 01 WOIXU uaroilM. Prompt attention given to collections. OtBce ovar Barerton's Btore. rp W. BICKBTT, ATTORNBY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. IiOTXIIBtlBe V. o. Prompt and painstaking attention given to rtriTy matter Intrusted to his hands u s ... rrki JnaMnaHhenherd. Hon. JOaB Manning, Hon. Robt W. Winston. Hon. J. C. Buxton, Pres. First National ank of Win of any other time in the history of our country. Mr. Secretary Wilson is large ly responsible for this agitation Tbe Brownlow bill has also had a good deal to do with it. The Scientific Amer ican recently contained a very able ed itorial on the subject, from which this extract is taken: At this time of the year, when the frost is coming out of the ground and nearly all the roads in and around our country towns are long lines of mire, one cannot help won4ering when considering the sub ject of our highways why the government is not fjulcker to respond to the appeals for aid in their improvement and why it does not push the adoption pi a system of roads that will last for long periods with but slight expenditure for repairs. Nearly seven years ago the office of road inquiries of the department of ag riculture conducted experiments with steel" rails for use on country roads and made arrangements with a large steel works for the rolling of suitable rails for this pur pose. At that time the eignt inch rails for a mile of steel roadway, weighing about 100 tons, could be purchased for about $3,500, and the price has not In creased much -since. A sample steel road two miles in length between Valentla and Grao, Spain, had then been in use for five years under exceedingly heavy traffic and had shown splendid results; yet the Unit ed States did not and has not as yet prof ited by this experiment In an ordinarily unprogressive foreign country, and we have today no steel roaas tor commercial purposes. Gaines and Parker. One of the best Democrats In con gress is Hon. John Wesley Gaines, who represents the Hermitage district In Tennessee. Gaines believes m getting knowledge at first hand. Consequently not long ago, in search of information, he went to see Judge Parker in per son and here is the result of that mo mentous visit as recorded by tne Washington Post: Hon. John Wesley Galns of Tennessee baa Just returned from Esopus, N. Y., where he '-visited Chief Justice Alton B Parker of the court of appeals and pro spective Democratic nominee for presi dent. "I found him to be a man of strong, per suasive personality, clear and fixed con- that lion. Richard Olney of Boston Is not really a candidate and that bis ob ject nil along has been to secure to eex-ure aootbef oamlMtioo are cal culated to excit tbe r'.te of a wwV en Indian. Wbv Qoa t ansoe klcd delegation nominally for him. but one , Mend tD tin ow too at tbe be Inform hlrn gvntry as ana 7 be tbtl be ie I. we, bari -ey oat tr Ear ei rt C3?4 f4 h-aoey r.ul ri-u Ulf lav I. fnai ie mk Vl eiVte-.i What ttMJlh bV 04 g-srl temzm e.;4 U i IVtWMlk tWtig Ct Am. t,Mi.. .,.... m a . f.i'-i -1. t.t.U mtf 1 turn! t.titjit,,t.Mi l "H iit-- tnitilnj t.-rt'i illi n-l te t Htf itii .( I ik.tt.t f. tt 'i.es , a fnw.i w lm.,m, r'i.t ,m,,mmm !. i .iiiitt.j a r.tjj e ti. til mmw ttl fttfiite mui 1-iiiii tt .it tilt tin Vt 1 I.Kl. .4m J.tlt f fi a Lo en t"arv kiiau t v fc. , ; ...... .. u iH"uM It 11 lull kWi-e mmtmm ea bwH- ' e4 4 wt,ff . 11 11 m inn 1 r 1 leeet, a evAl csirea c faanw . which can be tmnsferred at any time 1 to anybody desired. It also bath U dvilUb !Ctt deader tbae tbe ma a I NaT. a&l CJ W tb4 c u- that Hon. Charles P. Unmhr. ha of 1 w n. .v- a I . , . Tmmnv U nn,!, ncM.Vln, ,h. ' "7. W4 ei a TtV. Vw . reasiDiiity or casting nia innnence ror ( noo. EJthn Hoot la to nrreile 1 "T j t, eme 1.3 aovw t -jr f .ienie Senator Arthur Pne Gorman of Mary- ; tutlooel HenbHoin caveotvw, fso- tr-- et4 4efaee lib- -we! muu. iut- miuimni 1-10 ui an 1.1 (eoworarlrT. Of core U U la twNs K.. ' 7 rutlt a e curvi inai juusb t orarr is wing . wltn t etcrual 8tOa of tn tk-t used by G. C. & Co. as a stalking horse , jwKT-tarr of war sbosd r-wwl wUv m a d3 4v for Hon. David Rowland Francis of . 0Tf,r cooT-atioc wUlcll u ,-. ,K St. Ixmis. Query: If that La fettfi Aiie mi t,-n e il m w.iliai..i f .! f fltf , a C T-mtaia 1 e 7-aMiiie. tftetm af Htek Uc) tor ftrV trlcc-i .alK t?ri.rr, CaC'wft eetv.wi:Ske - ) t-bJayk Aiailkt w aM a a. a. ct A. t over tbe convention wbick b t tc- true. iui, . ,ui,r ' V am-A A Theae be grrat daye for Vtr Pcaktv I tie tut C1 tzs see fe-:A tannoo-onanintoua sno eetctmtaauc I i i a . . me "O tilt, lie Venmtif Ij-t t2e (.ucrw) tMM !T t .V4 poea oL a.:' a m ny efeWt f?w li- c a-l ,,! de-UrJ ta , . i" " ' 1 -it M w fre- ,tyP0lli fatafrijf r". L5 t 1i tATt4h oe MS e4 'i. i f roes lb .jretjia "ton Glenn fc Manly, Winston, Peoples Bank suaslve personality, clear and nxea con ,7. 7t..i wa. waka For- vlctions on Ouestlons of public policy and n.ii... Mnn m w Tim hr lake. I of natrlotle and masterful purposes, said Office over Neai fc Co. 'a more. where does ex-Governor and ex-Senator David Bennett Hill come In?" lie has been taken and accepted as the sponsor par excellence for the Parker j indorartuent by bia feiww r-vre-ota-candidacy, and be La not regarded a a ; tlvpe, a vW prUUl oocBtaattoo bosom crony of G. C. David will not ; ready foe htm If be w;n cvvt. a 1 i2m ri liu.--r-. ao.! tn ee Uj permii nis mena i uraer to oe uien a Panvllle (III ) frlendi fiilag to glv I KUa a iaiyn iu I'uu luxiuui luni- i mm tne lime Of O-U Hf WttJ & tncV nuts out of the fire for G. C not If he r, .v 'Jep vl u can help It. The truth is that aloee thing be dealrew Tra u: congress adjourned new has been ao , scarce that many ingenious- gcntlernen ybe Krench aavant who are giving tree rem to tueir iraagina- 1 a moment of loeplraltoo tta uuiia, cvujuriug up an sons 01 com-t auentlv the nneircted wtWb bapccelU i A ri -: vt binations and situations for tbe bewll- muat. when apraktng. ha re bad la hue derment of some of us and the de- j olrd"s eye tba Colorado RapabAraa lectation of others. There U no limit ! convention wbWrb oomltuited 1 1 00. to speculation either as to candidates j j00B w. 8ptinger f Dvevee fee vwe or platform, and the beet that one can 1 preeldenL If ntkleg ewwe raflrefy ao 13 10 rerrain irom nnane exnte-' unTVM-t.t than ht 'LtMi It will be hot enough In Bt.-i 00 thte moodeoe pb i'.ooe A4am and Cve were drlveo from Edt uk flaming a word, tbe btatorlaa bae fale4 ! (o jot It down. tiew Capitol Front. j Some of the bigwigs In house and i General Jacob 8. Ceiey. who was firinfA ho T-n milflA nil tViAtv mlna 4-. ! OfWW nefemivtOfilT Of4ee1 fa V 1 1 A I 1IJ t . .K .1 1 l m mnmrn artfK At 1 . 11 mmL.m -tlm. I tflsT lrlV V uiiiiu it iitri 1 1 uti l iv iiitr uaiivua' . a - . w i.u.iw.wwmi I army.aerme to v connaatag a 14 tre I rxmi. Jeeae ot jar bey tree planted by tbe river of wa ter, lie 1 now trading In half mlUea dollar blocks of bond. Sarety tte general has pisyed many carta, lie rosy hTe to go to breaking rock wi a hammer oett la order lo eke pet a nbaletence. There are a great out ay fake financiers tbe days. a a t im m4 Mm4 . -m n.m t,ll,.H ' f CiM.t.Mi..i.t i, m im. j 2 artotit.a. v a" 4 4t t'imit v.- I t: t.ii j t "A I...4 Jt " hniH.-. I.,. 4 lm wKam Votiy Ai cace 4kvx w5-ot , ' W.t. i a e W'i.n ft-il u T itu'ltel at.f If i"Yl .1 , Itmrnut ti te) tiAttf vl - I' 1 , yrr, ; HI " V. t tillin a.tW "w. J fittaut tin tit.Hu. tit'tirruo lirt Tim biiiirfi' i t v - "!! aI .t enrt.Ji i iim iA a! t in C.trt r.iii.a im it .nil .ij.f . I tit l''i,ea.i Imiiiik t.t 'mtf MrTii ii.n .f l in' l '4. IA C,Hf W IIM t. --tMlii f . li, 3r l - 1-iiihiiiw.'. e"wn4 f l.i .1 A. t..ve I raw"T .-. . eii . , k!.im ., HIMHII -'tl i tiMtAi'i a . OI'J M I fcMltli. atl llittllllllt at .llll.t- ! tilta -4ite. (tftil 1 ntm t Im , mmmi ktu'le tf ! " T.illMtf i . ' a atil-e-e tt M atiitV mt,i eaM UvtKt iT ' I aftve. tif vitiveAitiiif e-i a.fwa ttitm it. im I ft V" t - " I - t.iHi,ihiariiir1 ex ka ea 4 a a UK"-. t tv aw IV i mm m9- 4 a ' e -. e e ae ex at tt t a- e- e y en ?-;r ,Tt iu - w e Sw av ,iwiMtf (iat (a ' '" - t itea It We eusii i r FT. i f JB " . I.ei.,... .we I If. f X! r e "i ex ' " "i'w aetittiw i e ui. e.iiii t l.,.t. a ' -) t Mil III . I i, i .ei lit, . s e.Ki e . r urn, e- 1 a.ww .. e e rt.i-l III (,nl in i 1. nix rot Tiitx menL Louis on or about July 6 without fir ing np now. . 'i.h,.it-e A. Traere !o4iiaj' reis5na oe w.a a. tk.tt( u a- . ' wiwtti a.- t aiui - a. , (ae cxtaa4e tZa fcv.Nrw--tc an A mis la imaM m tn a. awa fiilii.a.t A 4oam caaAk Ai s$ at Via 4r1v Aetorgw J IleHrt hal iho br-rt el Cm r rim " Ut tat cveewoew a taAt.a .V'il mi 4et S ' , a " 'i :t ") i e m ex ai m t. ii. . i e.atit.f m i t , m k .xt arf (a ( iiviA ttirtMMa ! a. ei4iii tiilMi eta aWiat 1iat mm m ttnettuei.- tt in " -jjy l. PBRSON, ATTOBNBT AT-LAW, MVISBTJBe, V. 0. eeaxtiaea in an eouxta. Office on Main street. H TARBOROTJOH, JB, Representative Gaines. "He Is a man of generous temper, frank and hospitable In manner and exceedingly democratic in bis sympathies. One has only to oe brought under the influence of his person ality to understand hew "Utterly absurd it is to suppose that Judge Parker could be the tool of any living man. "He is. in the best sense of the word, a party man. He believes-in the efficacy of the party system.' He toia me mat ne naa always stood for and stood by the Demo cratic party and had. always supported its nominees. Though he may have dif fered with our candidate in 1896 and in 1900 on the money question. Judge Parker itol, and tbey undoubtedly think that they will thereby Improve It, but oth ers do not believe that It will be Im proved by adding to It. Many like It as it is and refuse to be comforted by the prospect of a change. The chance are, however." that the alterations will be made. Architects have already been employed to elaborate the plana They will make them as extensive and com plicated as possible In order to Increase theirown fees. . .;: Timber For Sale. 4 lil we ot LSe sail (.Jtatl I e j er . e i n i .ta .. e i. ---, ,, , tuiaaja e iiiNiiai. aiuaj ie VIwiy e e ta e- m.-m Im, aal a- baH - ! fee e a.w. , t i Ma - e 4 at vtaj iiia a t e an v e a t. f ' ea f e- m 4 at a i e At t f it ' SM . I it I aw M ewt e aw aa tfa m a Hearet a Factor. AVonder what the big bore tatesrneo think of William Randolph nearst since be carried IowaT It Isn't popular to regard thia vigorous young man and his presidential aspirations as Jokes. That seemed to be the proper caper some months ago. but he goes on pick ing op delegates while tbe other candi dates are trying to look like statesmen ATTORNEY AT LAW, LOUIBBUKO, Jit. O. x . w wn.. Knilillnor. Court street I imnorted 'tLit candidate in both cam . ,, , v.""-. int,td - to Turn I paigns. He told me-and hie friends nd If it continues much longer Hearst ' 3.. ..mnt anA careful attention. I neighbors told me alsc-that alter we ba nomination. Youth will - w. K- . .-i were deieatea ne naa aiaea me cnuuiw campaign committee of the Democratic nartv to nay large accumulated campaign expenditures. : When I expressed surprise Judge Parker said to me. un, i nave al ways done that whenever, occasion re- nuived "Wnen ne was a canaiaaie ir Judge in 1897 tbe opposition charge that M F. H00CK, CONTRACTOR A5 BTJILDEfi, rjnisBURO. N. 0. n vi. BniMfTie- Judge Parker -had not supported Mr, Bry-iASVJr?-. TUAffi i-ta 1896. He was asked to write a letter for publication refuting tne cnarge. ne nld Democratlo camoaixn commuiee waa to meet "the next day to indorse mm, tiia friends, he said to ne. insisted that ne wait until after the Tneeting before pub lishing the letters: 'No' said Judge Par ker; '1 will write tt now. so that it can be read tomorrow before the meeting Is held. I won't sail under false colors. . Th let- tell In politics as well as In the prize ring. Senator George Hearst, W. R.'a father, and Mrs. Pbebe Hearst, hla mother, are both Mlasourlana. naUveai of-my district; conseqoently kllaaourt ans do not" weep when W. R. H. baga it few delegates. to uplles. Artistic Mantlea and TUea. Arclu- HOTELS. T Texas did a fine thing when ahe se lected General Sara Houston aod Ste phen T, Austin" to forever repreeent her in tbe old hall" of the bouse H representatives Statuary ball the great American Valhalla. No state b,aa worthier repreaentatlTea m that Qloa FRANKL1NT0N flOTEli r . jRjLif-aJirroN, n.o. 3; W WT&iWrWt Good aeoomodation for tbe travallag blla. -Good LlvekT Attached Sick haadaeha rasnfts from a disordored stomach and is ouicllr enrf d by Chamber ... w m 1 t . l a I iaim Htomacn ana juver laDiets. . iioia oy n iA cnnminr - Aycocs-urug C. ; -. - " - ? w Tbe true man sees- in difflcialty a Naturalism b .unnatural to tfie pWtual man. t " ' MASSENBILR6 HOTEL. Cored hla Kotbar of BneamttuiB, v My mother has heen a ssSer for aaaaf Tears with rheumatism says W" 11 Howard of Hneband Pa, At time she waa euahle to move at all whue at aU time wmlkLerwss Tjadiea and Children kT. aaa MnaV aawa i aVAflfrlfl0 DT -VabB of laxtive syrnps and catharaot- plll. are painful I preaeaied . ni--i i:.ii : 1 in k.. I Ckamherlalaa Pal a Balm and altar 'few at n m' AMh t,1JMAnl.iii.liii inulSliituiit tAUte,l llTtr I lumuuut mum ii - - - - Mr juaastviui "- s .- ,. I -,lI aha bail avee Med j- r ailialaa . ahnnll as W namaisa, . SB W . Wl 1 1 1 a w nuca a VallSi W a w- w . - - - HE1TDEBSON I bead gave seek el aa w e.n4 U HIIUI inetlMHMa B-aCU Ui i M I I.Vt Ctlt M LI r3 KVrVXl 3 - -Will " : . . Iij " t I inniiMtinn aJ Pla raIm iitamiTiTtk I "ff trvt 11 Ii t vtttiTTtl rettaf I ', - a At mm- a m evervMset 4 Mae is aww tl ,waa- TliaVj gfw aIiVa--454 fewAa, n aak- TKa Iteavwaaa Iterai, etva. Clvll eervlce reform as prartW! by this admlniatratloa la a very pevoUae " atvt mraflfTlne Ihlnr A we Aaefl A a clerk or free delivery rural csaU tar tiers Jeopardise bis bead H be rune for some Dtt V ofiaa. hnt inrft ii'maI pabllc functlonariea as 8ecrrtarieav b Xr. (1VH e a'n, erwe aaWe mw. ian. woodj. et at, caa rtwr I .v-- Wboot like goats on the cmenUlaa end I make all the slump errb tbey -IUIWj raft ft Wxiwr b UU piewaw. mi pwr nw inat ooee eo .aj J a. St-W wm f"-e fflw aaua-ar e aa-W the areJweCcaj eysrrt vl a3L Senatof William V. Trjt of UUh OtlwrmrtLnoa wa4 U eraei-l e.. J - - . a . S I tVntte'.b.: d'.plTl fcr career. He baa served . thirty rbwr I ti butweee 4 tie iav years tn booae and aeaste. aod dattnaj iV tfteAfi) 1t tee. U ewa- , f )". tmiH) ,f t -m4 III tatti1 :iMenl Ait intuit tf t,.a'it4.ii ttte a-ttut. . ti.kti.lf auf AiamitiiH I t'jiA a.a .if -v.n'ta- aaif ttta muXt, 4uimltm.t it !ttt l ta-Ka Cm Iiia4 la 4 (ii)af a im eaatr a. " ' aQivaei J Ilia aaw ii".J t Alt ' j. iMtn awtl amiiiHi Aa lai i t I IMttMit lt ,.. tataat ia (,la eiei4 atait attaaat Cla wIW.R5, rtmv. ?-ee7ea w aw r-v , if rs-a . 4 tw . ( - . riai a in.'a 1 eti.iiaaai.tan . k.. ' t.Ki.. in MMaA. .a. a . . " " 11 t.i1 "limtaa tf etAMf HtMtii , - . , wm-jc rejro vm. c ca nj.j t t e t r ag ft lne ; ! a Jl ii,iit a e..n Ii, M l?k Mjrtrt itl Tt f. j tm LtMaakt'g. e4 be Wt a Hrtlf exit Va- ik- J. anil MdralAV-.U w- tA.a.1 f a. r-- - "Mi ,M rt.t.,.n.n-f H e..fj-' , , mm .m , m. -m w a- WW , 4 evm cx JUM-tti 4ajr af k-. 1 4,, 4j t C 1 e m , e m e aW . la at aw ew ts aw a e e.rtai e e rt n we e aw . 1 ie t e e 1 1 w e ', i aai e Excelsior-Coffin Co. Carnations s Yio!e? Colfins and Caskets? . aa aw e, . w- ' ana eite. imi . .iei j Wlint. Vassasai. osakaa 4sl BtbaesnsBa. ati t t t aatleaa A&sbA tAaBeab sessaaw- esaveaf w arsseseasa vaeBsaawBaneBF ssesppa aa awpe ai a .11 1 e aw fee U ew t ;4 e ew 4 a a eai 41 t IK ui Imit III ItL ttiiiiiain t'1 an toat extetwea t-mou ae be. aeeer 1 g hewn eonc1Iad tn aak ana man rw bfia r"w vote or to elcUooeer 10 any mass I laea eiowaeav. MWJf, r e wbetever-ee be rafortned sne reewsfiy I affr.' II tv4 eVvM s4 tA wnue oaing w tne Pm a etreea IrvjL, Uww eert-A d4a s . , , aaI rix&a toawl n u fc wl l Ilim lent CaTeemee Uta! -U Urte awi eC. tiectrie tax or tai-U'irki y lw: rr9 1 aa4 cl nkrjby alw a3 kA Tb broavl mind vQ not Ut titlUaJ UtXz &rlriv CeA big hea. - V ;'-' . ; v V ' : x ; J aod IciarTj ffeaftf la Cp Utter. I ; I Lx rt-ai a irassi 3 a task Traa. tha Cleata 8 C K wa tttr ta Ae I bft rUlU fcis j trt.lU U .. . . . : . ' . . . eaued a pbvaaetae wbe rarb4 larit e3rsw ai JA-'i tl arvaTT aKAA tf bet kU saedleuiee IsiVM aa ftv say reJUl 1. . . a t A frleavi wke hse a k-tOe ef CbiwbeHUae I U ajwert WUiu; weeU lt BoJre Cbelera aa4 Dirra-aa KaeWf n lj t.'f i. t . m... - a d aee aa4 a ee I . -r Or A44 ' A li nn a mini ee " ui aaf " - , , AseJslb .aAsapaiaesBedaMssb. J,t4Bj ejejaA 4ps4t4e4aw sraeea J l Ha) Vw'1. ltia,.w a t-1 " A nn w a Bs SAaBaPasaaV aadl taveBser Bsa1 aakspaekj aae'lsBeeeaa1 k i . Mm i e tti a m e 91 te w ' mm a "a a S a aw e I I -riaiiia an A WAa. v i v- ee waae a ev Smlliatnta e i I av. fW AeS . i Robes Burial Shoes and Gloves.' "V itv w tbee ttaetwa m4 Itlh4, Tt a Veet $ I at) Wn. ' VetvUa Arrf. Da i irtttee aaa.t lay i'h, eTa e M lit BitT tt It tflU a We f CaJ3 a vl ea a I- 1ft tag i iraaev, nxCcT:!;r C:Mn Cr, a en at in iia m ea -ew , ,T' a' aa ae ew "a tt i jZ"'f, ' A a fin i im tf gtaaat -aHM etei ' WHAT? , avt eeiaw e e"eae a aw e l te eM'" e e e V. cat ara " ! ai . aaa let 1 t .11 1 f ' e 9mm j SMwaA 1 "w t a T ; , f e a a e ettae. ? f w- e a e e e e ? a i a e " ? e M a Tfte 400 DHY&riai 4 ' CLOCKS. I COH'.P AT. J f'C sweejea- ef )avr .a . , s tTnee f, L ft asaisMasistertl t aa AVea 4m ajt asataBaebea 9 . f 4-S a.eaaeisiejii-.. s4 ejheV aba, afy ms. aato t , r-aaa, .-ev e--a-a- tr b.-aaw f..aw anp fpe ' -eep e' ? Oood aaaomiaodatiowa, , Good J-WtJa!.V.? I tl!:i c -::r:. Cti t -Iv eul r.'mifriipraOT -v-- a,.c44i,r,:',l , ,y ' Ihr t:Nu,; ? r, -

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