- L-L r VOL XXIIV.- c, , ; - ; ' f ; ,;, , .;-; V 7 ,x y--; .quisbdkg; X. 0,"; mb At . CHURCH DIRECTORT ' - ', .-f'-" - ' ' , . ; f T 8anday School at 8:30 A. Ii. : - - ', Gso. 8. Baebb. Sapt. Preaching at 11 A. M.f and ft' 5 P. H. every Sunday. - '? Prayer meeting Wednesday night. 1 L. 8, Mabsbt. Pastor. BAPTIST. Sanday School at 9:30 A. M. Thos. B. Wildbk, Sapi Preaching at 11 A.M and b:15 Ttery Sonday. . Prayer m-eting Thursday night.1' H. H- Mashbcbbb. Pastor, BFISOOPAL, Saaday School at 9:30. Wm U. Rcmn.Sapt Services, mornla aad niht , - on t, 3rd and 4th Sundays. BiQinI Prayer, Jfriday afternoon Bbv. Johs Losdoh, Beetor. PftE3BTTEEIilli Srvices 4t.h Sunday in each month moraiDg and aifrbt. C. N. Whartoh, Pastor. LODGES. Looisburg Lodge, No 413, A. F. -& A. M., meete 1st and 3rd Tuesday. night la each mouljh, , . D R. ARTHUR H. FLEMING, DENTIST. LOU13BUR0, . - N. C n Otw The Qraen ft Yarboro Co,'8 Store. -JB. J. K. MALONK, PaA.CTICINa PHYSICIAN AND SDBQBON. LOUISBUBS, N. O. OlUc 0T9i Aycocke rrug Company. jQR. J. J. MANN, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, LOUISBCRG, N . C. Office over Aycocke Drug Co.'s drug store jjR.8. P. BURT, PBAOTICING PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Louisburg, N. C. Offlcs in the rear of Boddie, Bobbitt, 4. To.'a Druse Store. OH Nash street. j R. B. F. YARBOKOUGH. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, LOPISBIJH9, N. C. fmi. On Bnnr Neal building, phone 39- Nlijht call answers'! from T. W. Bickett'a rwldence. pnone L H. ALLRED. ATTORNEY-AT-L AW , Will practice In all tha Coarta. TonngsvUle, N. C. Office in 1 U. M.A8SBNBURQ. I. ATTOBNBY AT LAW IrOUlSBURa. WIU practlc In all the Court of the State Offlee n Co art House. M ARCUS C. W INSTEAD, ATTOBNBY-AT-LAW, Louisbubg, N. C. Omom ovb Corner Drag Store. Special Attention given to collections. Practice wherever services required. M. W. BODDIE, ATTQ RN EY-AT LAW, Locisbcbo, N. C. Office over Boddie, Bobbitt & Co.'s drag tore. w m. HAYWOOD RUFFIN. ATTOttNEY-AT-LAW, LouiSBvae, Jt. o. WW practice In aU the Coarta of Franklin and adjoining counties, aleo In the Supreme ourtTafin In the United States District and Uremic ooarxs. Othee in Cooper and Clifton Boilduur. fHOS. B. WILDKfl, ATTORNKY-AT-LAW, LOUIgBUB. K. 0. Offloe on Mala street, over Jones at Cooper's tore. F. 8. SPRUILL. ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, LosiasuBO, jr. C. nrm tha mnrti of Franklin. Vance aranvllle. Wrren and Wake counties, also tk. RnnrMM UOUTt OI Bonn uuuua. Prompt attention given to collections. Office over Kxerton's Store. rjt W. BICKBTT, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. tocTHBTJBe . a Prompt ul palnstakingt attention given to very matter lntafustedto hands. Refers to Chief Justice Shepherd, Hon. John Manning, Hon. Robt. W. Winston, Hon. J. C. Buxton, Pres. First National Bank of Wte ton, Glenn Manlr, Winston Peoples Bank of Monroe, Chas. E. Taytor, Presv Wake For est college, Hon. S. W. Timberlake. Offloe over Heal fc Co.'s Store, -jy . PRR80JJ, ATTORHTsTT at-iw, unsauM.sT.e. ,,m in sil eourta. Offloe on Main street. Ty H TABBOROTJOH, Ja. ATI ORNEY AT LA W , ioTJISBTJRG. H. 0. Office ui Opera House bonding. Court street Ail i.r.T rinalneia intrusted to him rill receive prompt and careful attention. F. H00CK, CONTRACTOR asd BUILDER, LOTJI8B0BO, K." O. lauoues. annuo bwiwi ttectaral Designs 8abmittea. HOTELS. FRANKL1NT0N HOTEL Oood MoomodaUoii for the traysUBg1 blio. - 1-; - -i : Good LIvevT Attached MASSENBURQ HOTEL: 3 P Hajwenbnrff. Propr-j HENDERSON, ZT. a m " aA a- Pa rod.aocommodstioni. Good farat .Po V Mtaa'adattaatlTt .rrtttr;: " u Leccer -'' 0 0 0 Special Washington letter.! THB president baying congress ofit 1 ms hands, Washington has set- u tied down to Its humdrum vaca tion life and is as . quiet as duct puddle Simultaneously with the going of congress the army of hangers on also leave the. capital Altogether an adjournment sine die probably.;de pletea the population of "the finest cap ital In the world by something like 5.000 souls, and it is the finest capital In the world, constantly becoming finer. Ine mammoth buildings. for-offiees for house and senate soon to ie erected ou Capitol hill will add "much:io:the apgirance of that portion of Wash ington. The new" city or District building will add more, and, while dur ing the summer the city will be duller from a political and social standpoint than while the ereat congressional show was, in progress, when congress meets in December it will be itf a. lar ger and handsomer Washington than even the one ft left In April. Every citizen of the republic Is interested m the nation's eapital and takes pride in it. while wanderers" from foreign lands gaze upon its splendors with admira tion and awe. If George Washington and Major L' Enfant could return to earth and gaze upon the city which they founded and laid out they would be delighted with their work. Pub. Docs., Seeds and "Sich." As a relief from the overworked problems of who will be the Democrat ic presidential and vice presidential nominees and of who will be the Re publican vice presidential nominee let us turn once more to the really live subject of the distribution of public documents and seeds. I have explain ed it fully more than once, but will do so once more here and now. Every body should cut this out, paste it in his hat, display it publicly and commit it to -memory. Trying to save trouble to representatives and senators? Oh, yes, but trying to save both trouble and expense to the people those who send representatives and senators to congress. How save them -expense and trouble? It Is some trouble for any body to write a letter. It costs about 3 cents to do so, to say nothing of the loss in time. The opinion is generally entertained and frequently acted on that a repre sentative or senator can get all the books, speeches, garden . seeds, flower seeds, etc., be wants free and can send them free. Nothing is further from the truth. As to speeches delivered In bouse or senate his own or those of anybody else he gets none free, none whatever, except the representative gets thirty one copies free of the daily Congression al Record containing the proceedings. including speeches. Three of these he needs for his own use one at his resi dence, one at his desk. In the house and one to go into the bound volume. He needs them for ready reference in serv ing his constituents. Senators have about forty each. The representative Usually sends the few copies he does not use to editors, libraries, etc. Any speeches of his own or of any other senator or representative that he gets the senator or representative must pay for. But they are printed at the government printing office? Yes, tf or dered to be printed there and paid for in advance. Instead of printing speech es free for congressmen and senators Uncle Sam actually makes 2 per cent profit must do it under a law passed by the senators and congressmen who are supposed to get everything free. Wouldn't the average printer be glad to. have a 2 per cent profit guaranteed him by law, to be paid in advance? The truth is that, although the gov ernment has the type already set up for the Congressional Record, the gov ernment rate of printing speeches Is so high that if a representative or sena tor desires many copies of a speech 20,000, say it -Is. cheaper to go to a private printing-office and have the work done much cheaper sometimes. Instead of speeches being free to rep resentatives and senators they actual-' ly Bring them out in debt Somebody makes a speech which the papers ex ploit, . giving only extracts. Letters begin pouring fn to representatives and senators for copies, .What do they do? I don't know. I know what I do. I go down in my pocket, fish up a coin.' buy a copy of the Congressional Rec - ord for that date, costing from 3 to 20 cents, according to- size, and send It I probably spend $50 (sometimes more) a year that way. ' Of course. If the senator or repre sentative whose speech is demanded has had it printed in pamphlet form he will generally " furnish his fellow members a copy: but, as a rule.. hla. supply Is out or he has never had It printed in pamphlet form. As ' to books ' and "documents, each representative or senator has a quo ta, usually from two . to ten copies. When this juota Is exhausted. and he wants more, he goes dowir into" his jeans, gets his own money and pays the bill. In this way I probably spend from $50 a year np. ' ' .T With garden : and flower seed It Is much the samevexcept the quota is lar ger, 'and by swapping books, docu ments, etc. the number may be some what increased.." - V ; ' I give my own experience because I know it ' My case is not-exceptional. I am not. eomplalnlos. The average representative or, aenator perbipa does Sick hsadache results from a dlsordored atomaeh and is qsickly enred by Chamber laini stomach ana uyer xaoiets. . troiu oy Ayeock.drng co. ' How many brains has. a tog??- A hogahead full. , , , s, -; c -'Liadics and Children. new -arf not stand theshockinjr strain Af laTitvn nvrnns and cathsrast nilla are r "t;Tii lfc i:fcSfc.ifci. An m A t ......an In tab - a tiv SOUS WUUKUU. .svfcfcfcY .--- medicine -should try. these .easy- and compare the agreeahly' pleasant and "" "rS?: !. ...! A .n ..tin. and wiaklng eonditien lollowing the use t 1 J'J ml Mlittl, tarlyTirtflumia iS-fpta M W -wWl fwl T7 o o o o o o Waihmfton th &Muitiful. Concerning PobBc ForiiMWti. Coaressaum VOX of DSaok. 0 0 o o o o 6 as much; some do mora. It may b. but the people ought . to understand to facts. , - - The wide prevailing lde that repre sentatives and senators can draw 04 Oncle Sam ad libitum for thlnga fr causes the average representative aod senator to receive at least 1,000 r- quests-per annum that ha can't comply with. As each letter cost Muwbody about 3 cents, aad as tber ar 3SH representatives. 4 delegates and 00 teo- ators, t be. Item of cxpensa to tb writ era of the letters amount to about 115.' 00da"yearl ' . v , , Of course. when It La aa eipeoahr book or document that's wtotad, when the representative or aenator'a qaota U exhausted, be cannot afford to boy, but simply writes If be- answers at aU that his quota Is exhausted. A few copies of some government publication would consume the entire salary of a representative or senator. Not long ago a man either through ignorance or malice wrote a large M paper to the effect that a certain book of some usefulness but- wboae useful ffess Is much overrated could be bad by the simple process "of writing your representative" be would get It .for you rree and it wa worth great price! He gave the name of s certain representative. Letters began to pour in upon him from every atateand coun ty In the Union. So numerous were they that bis secretary couldn't even refer them to the member from whose district they came. The letters poured In on every member and senator. Peo ple who could not be blred to read a book wanted that one because the man had said in print that It was worth several dollars. One man In Wisconsin demanded that I send him free by return mail a copy of all the Congressional Records, etc. printed since the foundation of tbe gov ernment, I declined on tbe ground that they, would cost me nearly J 1.00O, which I did not happen to nave on hand just then. His was an extreme ease, but there are many others who approximate him In the else of their orders. He bad evidently been reading the fairy story that all things are free to senators and representatives. Who Judge Parker Is. Ex-Judge (George E. Bradley of Cero tng. N. y., speaks of Chief Judge of Appeals Alton B. rarker as follows: I have been personally acquainted with Jude Parker for years. He ra born an Cortland county, this state, tn UU, corn, menced practice ss a lawyer In the y of Kingston. Ulster .county, wa eUeted -surrogate of that cowrty when are -wa twenty-four years of as and held tb of fice until he becsms Justice of the su preme court, about eight years thereafter. I was associated with him la the second division of the court of sppesls shout four years, from 1839 to IS93. He has always been s Democrat. He was a. delegate in the nation! convention of 1SS4, when G rover Cleveland waa nom inated for president. Cleveland mtuurrd his worth by offering him the position of first- assistant postmaster genersl. which honor was declined. Judge Parker w chairman of the state Democratic execu tive committee of 18SS, when Mr. HU1 was elected governor. He was elected chief Judge of the court of appeal la 18T7 by upward of 80,000 plurality. His election to and continuance tn Ju dicial omcea in hi county and state signify tn s marked degree hi popu larity and fitness for the postttooa. He also accepted and for many years held places of trust In the county of Ul ster in no sense political or partisan. These manifestations of confidence and esteem at home, where he la best knows, characterise his qualities a a man and a citizen. He would be a candidate whom every faction could support and every state look up to with pride. In his social intercourse his urbanity la quite remarkable. He la a. man of signal ability, broad and liberal in lit rtews. and his tendencies are conservative. I should be pleased to ee him nomi nated 'and elected ss president, because be haaahe ability and the qualities that emi nently fit him for the position of chief magistrate of the nation. Mors than that, he would be acceptable to all Democrat truly anxious for party success and wte administration of the nation' affairs. Hla candidacy would do a great deal toward bringing Democrats back within safe and conservative lines, Hon. R. R. Hitt. For some months now the Republic ans have been In search of a candidate for the vice presidency, and they bare found him at last The Republicans of Illinois bave pointed out the candi date by Indorsing Hon. R. R, Hitt for that high position, and If they had searched the entire Rep nM lean party of the United - States they could not 1 have found a finer gentleman, air. Hitt Is and for many years baa been chairman of the committee on foreign affairs In the house, on which com suit? tee I had the honor to serve in three congresses. Before entering the boo, which waa nearly twenty year ago, Mr. - Hitt - was for eight years secre tary of legation at Pari with EUha B. Washburn, part of the time being charge d'affaires. He waa also assist ant secretary of state with Blaine and Frelinarhuvsen nrvder RsrfWld arul A. i thur. Back of all that.' be waa the in timate . friend when quite a young man,- of Abraham Lincoln, which wai 11 liberal political education, and report- ed his speeches in his great ' debate with Douglas. . If Mr nitt la nomi nated "and the Republics ns carry the country which God forhldi-he would preside over-' the "senate with grace.- dignity, Impartiality and ability. Aa his personal friend I hope he will be nominated, if be so desires, ing killed lh the Sola peulntular war nobody In this country seemed to car ' What is bviaibls blaa ? A poiic. man.- . Cured his Xothar of Ebenmatirm; fcjiy mother has been a as flee fee aaasr vesrs with rhesmstiant ssvs VT,H Hevard of Hnabsnd Pa, At tins th wss Lbl l move st aU while st all time wai k Is was ?sisfal I presented her with a heal ef Cssmberlslns Pal a Bajtn ss Cssmherlslns Pais Balm sad after a ' f - r 4 SnliCstiooa shS cided4t " lh 1 J I wtl. .fc. V.J .-. XA.v.C..VwltL ! 1? fse ahsls savsr wiUout ll aew ssd 1 1 si all ttrasssblsta walk. Aa - ajioBl appUestiou of Psia Bsla kMr swsy palaatihawM israarly troiiis MIyw fr.t . taoe for the Uoma appt t- snlrcrssity regarded as, feed tnere cum Defers f the frwfct ti news that sevintseo Aovw wer killed etdvfiv wetrtwiAt Is nt! to set lb Annicsa fMoopie to t&iits4t about tbe price wv-sre'psytag .for sr rfculpplM wblsOew Why w to on aacrtactajg tfee - eowvt . f youth t as IdJetK crmuui t that fr a way Iaa4f Th ruMe lud fe lulled to sleep- wtth th dukvt tsle Out peace: prevailed tar oar !ar fnmtm sloe. New tfevy k asm that tfetf eft repeated story la a He ba4 t vMt cloth. The lawyers ef lb mrVt ef Co lumbia hat wotted theoteMvf p te a high pitch f to4UTM(to twcs&e tt president appointed a Vsrraeat tswyet to good fat jodieis! poUioj ffuV tegto. While twf ts ta Ur Ue? an iBCuoaxTtag UU t he ptml4 tm otvs pcTi4iM ttxst ' Wevoftee- at least oe-hslf the tfc.C- Jsd)" 4a3 tw two M rldr therevC Jf ew, t would. Cke to 'sjk 1 thes ettteVNl LOlMltOm of: Sir . WBUssa X!tmm jL lttd!n 4etlev. If tVy are m si tire ss totbetr rtgbl aow. aw. W It tsppeu that 00a ef tua has err Bft. ed op his vuke to rsver at say ten, which ' I torrudwred tate three r. gressesi. glvtag th IHatrtct sCCeiw his Iocs l self govern aseott Why ssv they been sliest sll theee yeertY Wrty this soddea nrptbeT Of rsrw tWy are right now, hot why lute ty haws wrong so loog) The sdmiutstrsttoo Spl1 he ST prehensSv as to th resale ef ifc tioo oext ralL tt k esJ4 lht IfeMr. Taft. 8b aw. Moody. WliwQ sad Kwt hare all teu asked er sed4 t Uk i telyoo and Illtrhrork sIm. w se j W iW If have a fall cabinet csvortls v HNet4 (Jutrfly d rik TV tU5 coMoiry in orstisc st uta 7 ie 1 I Inly the three ts!eo test ttood should o W nhtd t tkJs narloosl gsbfrsL If West VlrgiaU tZepvbV wtl eoutlooe their efforltve pwtnl pesrt on each otbr st point bwk re fr I s few month, t VtnctsU f lm taken from tbe doe-btfal rotumst s4 placed la tbe surety twocTtie cvl utaa. ScsroMy a Rrpahdosa rejs. tkw or prtmsry hs W pU4 this year la that grt tmt et wttv out 00 or oor llafkublirse fst'9i nsvtns nvet with vtefcmt otta. tk- is a one tumtrstMo ef RxMoiksji kr mooy. with s big. btg It. Eugeoe V. Deb idiiy tiv r :r r mziz jrr.r nam. Uk A bos Itew AdbwiX "smds all tb rest." President Bnnntf oomlAstioo sppesrs certalts. hat tJebs) has hla atrwsdr sitid- sasd sad da. Uvered. . r ah t..t -!fc 1 rifcfct dersoo. formerly speaker ef the fcss of npreeeoUUree god ot popoJaX likes to live la a oirt tow mmmg a host of personal frWods. It ts slm gJvro out thst the getveral will re.te pontics either ss esedktste for gwvtw- Or of the Us w keys Ul or toe s t In tb boo of rpraetat1. As a candidate be will make things ham. Ills friends and everybody that kooasl him Is his friend wlb him w2 la hts return to the state whs b b4red se long by hts resklroeev An unusually large entr ef t- ting rnenixr f tb honm from wt jdo tv4 swatso tiwy sb A of the AUrghanic hare b rwavUt-. k,. Ji tw f the west U -waking niot fsrt wkkhl the east. especlaUy JCw ItngUnd. has known for a Weg Urn, sod thst t thst. trtnT things betng 1. lh - fulness of s senator er mrvtsrtee locressee la proportloo - re Wogth4 aeo le.rThlw 1, moat succevafaUy. jsst ss be ass t lesxn to pcescn. practice law, mn sa engine, etc. The Pnvt case will drag tu wean way along dortag the esoe f cms- but not so wearlsnea t th salae 1 acmiV y r who win have a Sue trip to the. iwMjtUn a mesa el Ulna during tbe dr days te cct I tbe lavestlgsUen. it's sn-0 wtnd thst! blows good to nobody- It wa4 heej been money tn the pockets ef the Mae-1 rnona to have elected a teotiJe ra IUL ta i. Itt t. beglaolog. Out tn WsshlogttKT sisf tby are a. Jfcfc.J.-fc. nanng a tww ognt roe tae rtsl tiecaloo W tbe set a-r ad ry Mr Koster. A Mr. Sam risv faad aa a great Iswyer. visit U wear thst toga, and ft la wWrrred thai UL John-1 wu. e-nisutsttv s4 ex-United Ftstea aewstor.'t ah ahy,hla castor. fnt: ft rta.-t t doc, there will fc ' srrtMag "4!4.ftjl aad so mJrtak. fur h M s Kuk cat fighter fro away Uk, . , - of the-RcpubTkaa cegrvWJ ceea. ralgn cocamtttrcfc has appotet! Caac4 Btst 8wstc Afiae a the tvts wire tsersser of that commute. This. Hair i,.- w r..'. u a! J distinct rrccgnJUoi ef IIool a4- db-a aa AlUa la tSU a-et.--. la eoata, - . ' Tlia frleods tpak of hita ss a tss or pan,- . Well they sheuU kaw. - tie lua Quartered himself aa theaa fe year Pcg. . . y,- - " - j Vrtst b the cent ot-jrairreF Tta latter V. - . " . "A a Ope a Lalt. 1 rrssthsOia&lsllCys tWr?eU rsrisg siv wl a4 I were UU rhee. S4 a eever m fai Vl Sll4. S t-fcViU aeiril4 ' U sat tu sdwnsun4 : ev r.-r Boils Ce4ra sa4 tH'W U-r as4 fs f s a f si fait Ui SWt 1 yar U a4 (mttiituinw wtntu w fTe U 1U llraly ttr4 III 4rfsi rttt aa rA Va (esa4 Is every s-e-sv. -1 II. t-t 1-. iv ti.vtnliirtatfjlt tt t.if i tU cr. 'H3 OrXCQ.tJT-TOi MAY 27. I HIGHER VIEW. 1 CJra ijjj Dti?-aAkicajiU nrUcai la CoartUa l'.hilnSciia:tcf ifct 11 Lm awsv & mtr,mf tS. r.le U tU ,;mW r.4Jj Corl, e.ui ti 1 rVe vif . TV f Sa rW UUi U Suil) V w U ihm ihi A ss pX sOtf I Ik a. 3 .. " Sk a M lit .. , . -m. . ii a. 1 Wte SOTaj9jMMJM.3JDQx, ve lW wtusiyi t( wHA4re t tt iitVXf4 jNw 1 14. 4 TV Its rfc4fa,,ti'V seI Um sa4 e fymMf iirsAsnn tea r pp tan- sJki . ' Va hA tm cte smgyneassii c s, i t tl ;1 tr Uus t&t W44 . Ue W erie h$ rwn :, Wi4 rif. tkai It ere . f tt we t,-- i WAS t t&i tJ.tV J mS& to lii, IWaiJW M5tnsrf r us la t S -3 i a l-w (nr So !MrtWr Ma e rta.:t puav-faf 4 i.Wa4 TW L(.rWaM t dm-icitrstti. eJw.4 ) an'4 t4 ewttreytewi W tt f, t oMBtt i m&M a Wase n a ssj4 c I twwsni wr3t imlrwfte.i j c4 s4iirvw I , I - 4wrte 9xh I fc) U kMktaaal ia swf ca:4 Wa mr vm i UrsscpsU luljr Ue tsf mte lhAr tnAxkxm, tter tsexA ' tfUw, l4gV. (rfwrtsU, b4twiadlfc wiki vok . . . W l W wtrU aa He ! W krsc. a.at Tvtf tfc h Keanh-ra who cv 4W tm !asA oo a year X ao m se. h del wrth wm fxx kmc ww4rfifcwl , dit i hexti a4 t, gir m s tutad-o-St ttvH Ubf sJaiaAntv W - W 4a r sfejff iW t& i gm eiyot ss ii .miU l ll- 6 u V1" wwnt,ys e Nt thZi ks to tWs a- Wi We do cf resaust tem UUi tft-j ee arste. hw4. afi 141 iiaf W. I wikw ssirM wa t M! st Ilfc. vm kmm k. .a fsfWw'V'w " W? ! " W "U nrw y w- J V 9b?ctxm v ur ai 1 bUr rwt4 a4 a iira li m frwrs!- . The wti U U s 1 nose aa j-rwecoa Issit; lot f f7e. Wr hsa H awfsl ML t4 t r . 1 v . .Vl- m k -t 1 " , "- - - - I fw& w ft twn- I pi ttr wl4tk. ai ft sv-tss- I . u . 1 " ! " ' " saiewssnyajs, arcarrsi wmmmmmvm-mK I KoWfe2 caa4 w4rA(jU4 M I C t. s t-i . a ,T"TW - w & ty oao, tnrmm vUUjali sifc.i i4ewe fc - im .fc, S. fc,. h. TT ,r' - "T csa. -flrtt l tV raw tti 1 14 H etmi4 fa lt aai-sr I . ' ... I tJJTWeAii t raTTPW STOi a- Idsr 'A UA.f aiiH blts? its str"J a-sa4. It fc3k b saedU; k ait)! aM lr HasaaJ tLe .wecU iseiit! T5 e -.f.mi l Vt e fr kW 1 - ii A,1 I2e tn3 Wsf Is pis psri-TwAi 3 arsr C jjsisw ti fa l ttwitrT" Ut'-irr. 1 la aa :!ltlUtl rvwrwl. tore i.'.al wts I'if, t 4fc.- l t?Lff tv-xmLit W.V ar r-fc...tfc ,j i -fc . ....... w . - t (Vft fsiart, 4V-3fcl? wva'4 So4 W Sfc5 fc lmm tU-et via M f f? ;W 1- , . . . Ed i;if WiaC4 j f?wsf ! :7 j ' I Wiar5.I f f5-wsf TV rS W; C is.'j il4usafcre. : , TlJ 1 . . ..... ... t i ; Esr- v-nuf.. lit Af wotA A im T 3 I W y-rd mJf fc -" ts?-'2ie?! j" " .-- W.4 .. yms ai.ieiw t Tes i y v. .tf. e ib e "J Tniani 4sa4 t -V nfiut.L,i.' A f mi lar CU fw agmiitf ts I CW vmUmm A ( ttAW Itu I eiv xne M4iS Ue )aiij e CS fst4 ejiaeVQ, evrsw e'JWfct f ' HfitUi, ,fc gml ewwiiN e 5 etMHtmMnV iMa "tMtfcV tf 4itr1iy rtftt Ctwm krM -iMf(i S gk (n. etui , . J lrs VJC. vUili e-li i fate rn.fi fc.iKi .fc.lt. 3 piTt wry u att.Ha . tci-VlK waV f4'5 yin n t-ia tWi w,?t.t ci,ttf w-i! af y its fw Wikmii 4ti.iiU Kv . Vwfi, -Jt J '' JMt j; ami (crwMrms4 aJUMfut tj. mit VSe - I W w w aW4 4 4 ! mi sWht n " - 4.iw e-VfcH ? fc.S4'fc Imiaai ttt tnMw S.mAiS a, ,u m. fM -tm Sa aiiw Vkii4 uwh it e w.si ani ! e"" 1 1 AmIu-ww w ! s ttis m1 Kit i -m s;il,m,a (MM W lMrf vtli t,w,.w.ts - V!fc fi-wp -.fc y,ip fcw,. vfc fc : AS tw 'J. S-a ws a4Maef Wa Ata V9 f-r !W je "t i W--e a - ckrf is : s- I 4a .M wmttowif j yaiM a t S f fiww l&m t iw-a fcafc a ! . aiwi sw"e mt S wow e,. ,. ' ft i Ha f wm a.Mt s4'.fc TeAMuia tinna .na tiniiiie S , (uMAStk,. St..li Timber For-Sals. t Vst-aV,taI ! liMil tt I t Vss arft 1 s.lre et Cff Uteepl fee- l r4 UaW. s4aa.li, fi ft t ex4ito( S a a fc - m fc sj i ttWM4tfit "S al!t freiae ln-a-sw Ce e Its-esk iVtlH.VC Excelsior Goflln Go. I -fc- !.. .M.. -..-li. f -W I a .j. i i. . I m win if s i w v . Vst'wM0 ?je.5etf- I f-IMg !: t A f4-M$ I ") ..... i 1 si 1 mi m iiiiiaBna s naiumujisin . Wf 4SkM - Collins 'and :Cai&ls i -s a Robes B'JiisI Sfozzsiz end GIcvcs. i2 W ! a a)a t.ysj . ... a .. o . k m a g m a av. aw H ll - i vr.trr . frss,t..f v. 1 Jl e.ir I f e .a. I .. fl ,..! H saws J J Cxccl-'cf Czr, M f I W 'IM Ik fc- 1 . - rv t t 1 ouni namsi trre ej.i.;s r-:'W IrMt-r Ji.i.. .r - w.. .... . sij t.ff ,itvcn. Tl.r t,.t! V-t -!? J".UI a,t Vtl cr.."-'k t.;.;,, f.-lw-T-Sk 7-r iTi-r v:h f f .v J.. fci.rne AtTrrtir, ... .. . fcrri. VF!.t,e it e t - K t-.it i 'tl-. tif .jr i.. " rr ,trt:T.jJ,,'ri tirt I;u tkiJk't ,Ss r"W" 1 su en-t 0e 4i,tmrr llliri If I.LLL"! If Ut.f f -1-, if j f iw ' I .. I 4t !nwM I " - ' .M M.M.rt i ' ' Wia e wi - n. m tt-f -tmmi frwwm i , I aw. ,,fc , . a. M ..... t-M(fl tawtMf . tfl 1 J-t. 49 yel. . t Its 1- a-e ft atasfcii,, " ,. I . I llicf. CiM MaOs 3 i, :k pmV wii- t-oniMtw ,W tiUnnvt iMAa f wmmI. a wnHft ii f unr aH ,. IS Ai -i uf-miM(, r tn te Mr, wmtitwr aw 1 i&m t1S . tl ia4. u ? tis aati a, f !, SitSt. ewM .Mi i S ', ers.l' eknafcHlitt .11 mhw i laaa. s ftti ,'vt 5 , 1, frii,minri ?-Maa. as:r.ir a. t T -fc4 Wa. ii i I a. t.Aan , TV fMwa.r njm SttiUw Cl..t twMm ar1,f fclw-e Sub mi mimiiaiiwit il ! Vri), WSi1 - t 111 WHMiiC lnni, KUv fWMtlifit .C Asfl0tMi isijwie enwW'vr pMiwrt ., ti saitf 4Am&mt e tl !irt im a.vs st. -) 4ld e nna4 ,. a Mt I SUW 4 rf WNS tin I SwViiS CitMsv, S mm)C untitA . I tn-wt K in,!,) at, aA.t . ; :,. ! tTJ'TT. ' P,. 9s ,,ltt Hf wva m (Mll '- I 11.. fc.-;..-v..fc. rt . fc-t -t ."- ,-...w,, ... 'fcfcji.f , 'a..lkfcj.rf iTV '-MeHtoiiafcttrt. TnV ef t. 'IK., i .. , i ! tt)aia Kt Caissons S Yk ''v - I ! . i,. wfc Mfc mm r e-iii a" ii. m -niin,i n 1 1 1 l I " - o" n I at i r 4 ( ifc nnm ,nft 4. twma.1 ' 1 JMM4ia tf s SaaMiaai yam'i .., m tiatir tltwami t-. fc V. -aa k atlai : r ' f m mm afciiiiiitiinii t-M . ii . r i " v. n.f StMt.. Wm ! Siinai"! mm C " h t-mmm . tannia mi . mfwtw, - ' f t . a mmi -ia ' mm -Mm a-wn taiv' eU lw 'la naf i .,,,- a. a THKV AKE HHU avl J - WHAT? I , -1 n .I ii ... .i -ii . .- jti - fc'.ar-wwu.- fc t i i a- a w t. - a . ' nni J. . ... . ..fcfcfcfc - - I .mi mi er "' "pii waa mm m Im a ' a fWN, ii Je 4 wiiafc-aBaawaia mmml. . " '.-, - .. ii. TUn inn fiov ; " - ' liTr-: ;';:r:rz u w ! " aa f f f f W- W- Va wfc , ' .Li. , 1 tt ..... WHAT 1 3 SHVOY ? f la-etT MHati wrt t.li J4 f 11 w-A f we- t iaj.t MaHks4 ro rorii ; , ' ti II t i U.e few. ? i 1 nn ,ftj W K.KJJtfn&. rui t. r:. ::st i :t III I I 1 I '-ruSMABOAHU A, lax-f tvt4 lVfc - .. .X . . I.ni'f jm , 1 tt. 3 ft: at 1 ACWtwta.fas e . m, art !. f fa 1 m a H . W M " r 1 1 set ii mm- . 1 t fH w f . e i V f j ' 1 1 sw $eBsaajF 4aikg I - t I .tf ' W t, ( i w e . e ). 1 va w-f i i i Ja"t . . I' 3. In 1 $i'f Wiia m nmm if r Sw ' . ilmm - I S aa. j f m aa a & jaauyuai - -if . II SM MS If s-l 4 - M . " n at. 41 1 ' M SW 4 e T". . s M a i Ma. e m e h e ' ' i i apTes?t,A,a. ak w 4 i j fw. j e aMM e 4 tw e a j,. K-fc.u. e a s . a., w n.a " 1 ft .. If I s .... . . - . 1 wa I r we a s 4 ss 4 is! - !: ee" . m aa e w" 1 tjs, tiaJlKalil, ii V hsas ssasasaJ" 'sassay ? 0m M- . V SV W NMltSf tt m UmU 4 S I a 1 w aw aasa,ajeii,aktJ - W ; -. . .. ' a ifcni,'if ta , t-fc. 1.1,- - mm f .fc,, m.i, . i,..fc i, ,,i,. ---'- - ,fc. fc, . aip. " ' tsm mHmnmt w fcfc .fc . - j-. I fc.tli.nHifc.nl. .J-fcKfc. ,.fct fc m ' mmm mmf w 4fc fc-w.r fc.ta. I i ui,, " , V 1 r ,.. m-ft, .Mm t ft Nr a. 1 .. i H I - Jtrs. t J irvrta 1 1 H 13 ' v r-- ... J drisst

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