A. TH3MAS, Editor and Proprletar. V OL. XXXIV. OHUKOH DIRECTORY MSTHOSIST. Sanday School at 9:30 A. M. Gao. 3. Baker, 8upt. Preaching at 11 A. tt., and 6:' 5 P. M. every Hunday. Prayer meeting Wednesday night. L. 3, MA88KT. Pastor. BAPTIST. Banday School at 9:30 A. M. Thos. B. Wilder, Supt Preaching at 11 A.M., and b:15 P.M., very Sanday. Prayer mating Thursday night. H. U. Mashburuk, Pastor! episcopal, Sanday School at 9:30. Wm H. Ruffin. Supt. Services, morning and night , on tit, 3rd and 4th Sundays. Kvenintr Prayer, Friday afternoon Rav. John Lohdoh, Rector. PRB8BYTBRIAN. Services 4th Sunday in each month moroiDif and night. 0. N. Whakton, Pastor. tt tt tt tt tt n . .LODGES. Louisbarg Lodge, No. 413, A. ff. A. M., meets 1st and Srd Tuesday nights in each month. Prolsmonal cards, D R. ARTHUR H. FLEMING, DENTIST. LOD18BURO, . - N. C. O flee Over The Green Yarboro Uo.'s Rtore. D1 .R. J. E. MALONK, fA,CTIClNO PHYSICIAN AND SDRQBON. LOUISBUR8, S. C. Office ovar Ayeocke rag Company. jyi. J. J. MANN, PHYSICIAN ami SURGEON, LOtJISBl'RG, N. C. Office over Ayeocke Drug Co.'b drug store JH. 8. P. BUKT, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Louieburg, N. C. Office in the rear of Boddic, Bobbitt & Co.'g Drug Store, on Nash street. J) R. R. P. YARBOROOOU. PHYSICIAN AND" SURGEON, LoaisBUHa, N. C. Offlee 2nd floor Ne: building, phone 39. ni.ht aiia unaware! from T. W. Blckett's 4. if Ml. . .... - residence, phone 74. H. ALLRED. ATTORNEY AT LAW, will nrf.t.li-.e In all the Conrts, Office In Yoanggvllle, N. C. Y U. MAS8BNBURG, ATTORNEY AT LAW U00I8BOB8. Will practice In all the Court of the State Otflce n Court HoTJse. M ARCL'S C. WINSTEAD. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Louisbcbq, N. C. OrriOR ovbb Corner Drug Store. Special Attention given to collections, rractlce wherever services required. W M. W. BODDIE, ATTORN EY-AT LAW, Lodisbubq, N. C. Office over Boddie, Bobbitt & Co.'s drug tore. HAYWOOD RUFFIN. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, louihbcrs. a. o. win nractlce in all the Co arts ol Franklin tod adjoining counties, also In the Supreme Joart, ana in ine unuea suius uuuim Utreult Courts. Ottloa in Cooper and Clifton Building. rjJHOS. B. WILDKK, ATTOBNEY-AT-LAW, LOUIHBURB. K. 0. Offlee on Slain street, over Jones fc Cooper's store. F. S. SPRDILL. ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, LO0I9BURO, K. C. Will attend the courts of Franklin, Vance, aranvllle. Warren and Wake counties, alao the Supreme Court of North Carolina. Prompt attention given to coUecUona. Utnce over Bjrerton's Store. fj W.BICKBTT, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. LOUI8BUR8 H. O. Prompt and painstaking attention given to svery matter intrusted to his hands. - Refers to Chief Justice Shepnera, non. om Maaning, Hon. Robt. W. Winston, Hon. . C. Buxton, Pres. First National Bank of Win ston, Glenn fe Manly, Winston, Peoples Bank of Monroe, Chas. B. Taylor, Pres. Wake For asc College, Hon. K. W. Tlmberlake. Uffloe over Neal k Co. s Btore. W. PERSON. ATTORNEY AT-1.AW, LOUIBBUBC, . 0. rraetteea ta all courts. Offlee on Main street. H YARBOBOUGH, JB. ATTORNEY AT LAW, LOUISBURG, N. 0. Office in Opera House building, Court street All legal business intrusted to him ill receive prompt and careful attention. jy F. HODCK, CONTRACTOR a.s'o BUILDES, ' L0UI8BURG, N. 0. Trading Agent for all kinds of Building tallied, artistic jhhulibs auu xiioa. ami.' Becturol OesUtns Submitted . HOTELS. FRAN KLIN TOfl HOTEL FBANKLINTON, N. G. Good aoeomodation f or the traveliag ablio. , Good Liy Attached ' ' MASSENBURG HOTEL. J P Slaaaenburg: Pro pr HENDEKSON, N. C. Oood aooommodatioas. - Good fare," Po Ute aadatteatiTe aerraatr .' ; .... . . j !'li.. li- 4 tt tt a tt ClarkV tier tt tt tt Champ tt ttu Special Washington Letter.! T is not unusual for a man to at tend his own funeral, but as a rule he is dead when he per forms that sad function. . UOT- . ernor a B. Cummins of Iowa has ' been elected to attend bin own n. I iciuj nwic aim uuve-i-m uie nesn. lie J is -106$ one of ' Iowa's tdir ftwir to Chicago, his mates being Sen ators Allison and Dolliver and Hon. J. W. Blythe. They elected Cummins lifter splitting upon his platform and put h'm on a delegation which, accord ing to press reports, is made up of "twenty stand patters and only six liberals." At least that is what the Globe-Democrat of St. Louis calls them. and the G.-D. ought to know. The G.-D. neglects to state to which class Senators Allison and Dolliver belong. The G.-D. begins its account of the proceedings of that convention with this sentence: Standing before a Republican stand nat convention which swept everything before ic, governor cummins, the leader of the revisionist forces In Iowa, accepted hia defeat in a graceful manner. Turnine from his radical speeches of Canadian reciprocity and tariff revision, he said he was willing to stand on any platform the Kepublicans of the state should select. Willing to' stand on any platform, eh? That is a complete backdown for the valiant Hawkeye reformer and in all probability is the end of him politi cally. This strange tale has gradually leak ed out: President Roosevelt and Secre tary Shaw, together with Senators Al lison and Dolliver. got together in the White House and formulated a plat form for the Iowa Republicans which, while claiming all the blessings we now enjoy for the high tariff, provided for a reasonable tariff reduction and reciprocity, and in the story it is added that this platform was intended to be the model for the Chicago platform. But, lo and behold, when that docu ment was exhibited at Des Moines the Hon. George D. Perkins, ex-con- ressman and prospective governor. presented it in the committee on reso lutionsit was jumped on with both feet by the stand patters. Horrible to relate, 01113- two members stood with Brother Perkins for the Roosevelt- Shaw- AJlison-Dolliver pronunciamento! The platform as adopted makes no suggestion whatever as to tariff re duction and does not even mention reciprocity. It is a whole hog stand pat creation and is a direct slap in the face at Messrs. Roosevelt, Allison, Dol liver and Shaw. The makers of that stand pat plat form paid no particular attention to stating the truth. For instance, in their eagerness to represent the high tariff as the fount of every blessing they make a statement which evry intelli gent man in America knows is untrue. They say that the protective duties "have furnished the revenue with which to pay the expenses of a foreign war," which is not true. They knew that a large part of that revenue was raised by internal revenue taxes and by the sale of bonds, and they would have lost nothing indeed would have gained in the estimation of the coun try by telling the truth. What Messrs. Roosevelt, Shaw, Al lison and Dolliver think of the pro ceedings is known perhaps to them selves only. Their candid opinion would make what Horace Greeley would denominate "mighty interesting reading." Senator Lodge Criticised. The country will be dumfounded to learn that any boy in Boston has the temerity to criticise United States Sen ator Henry Cabot Lodge. I write his name in full because to call him Sena tor H. C. Lodge or Senator Henry C. Lodge would be to shear him of half his strength and half his glory. He is the boss of Massachusetts and bas run things with a high hand for, lo, these many years. Of course the word boss would jar upon his sensitive nerves, and he perhaps bas some more euphonious term for it, mayhap in Greek or Latin, but nevertheless he is a boss, more aesthetic, but just as merciless, as Mur phy of Tammany, Quay of Pennsyl vania or any of-the rest of that tribe. The signs are that Senator Henry Cabot Lodge, boss of the old Bay State, as 'aforesaid, topples to bis falL The Bostonese business men are kicking vigorously against his domina- tion. They seem to think that bis methods are outrageous. The board of trade, acting for 30,000 business men. protest against a continuation of his rule. Should they vote with the Dem ocrats, as will the reciprocity Republic ans led by Foss, the Republican ma' chine in Massachusetts may be over thrown. The following dispatch, from Boston shows the situation: The mass meeting In Faneuil hall called by President Henry M. . Whit ney of the Boston chamber of commerce in response to a petition signed by over 30.000 business men of Massachusetts, to further the cause of reciprocity witn can- ada and Newfoundland, was largely at tended. A Bet of resolutiona embodyfng the pnr- poses of the meeting and providing for the appointment by tne president or ma chamber of commerce of a committee of 100 which ahould lead the fight for reci procity bad been read, when former Rep- Sick headache results from' a disordered stomach and is quickly eared by Chamber laing Stomach and liver Tablets, t told by Aycock drag co. - ,Cv , v How many brains has a Jiog ? A hogshead full. . -" " ' Sue'dTBhis-Doctor. ' A doctor here has . sued me me. $1350 which t claimed was excessive tor a cause of cholera, morbus says R White uf Covchel la Pal- At the trial be praised hia raedical skill and medicioe. I asked him if ia Was not Chamberlains colie cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy he used as i had goed reas ooa to believe it was and he would not say Under oath that it was -not. No doctor could nse a bettar remedy than thu. Sold byAycock drug co. , , x n tt tt tt n n tt tt tt tt tt tt Defeat of the I owe Idea, by the Stand PattenThe Besa of Maiiaxhuaetts Crifldeed. Republican Split la VWscoaaba tttt tt tt tt reaentative C. A Under hill Jumped to bis feet and said: "I would llk to offer an amendment t ; combat the one power behind the throne j in Massachusetts. I move that our slate cim vwi j uiiim senator to Wuhlnrlnn K. AAA thai committee. Our Junior senator says h believes in iNeciprocity. bat adds -wait.' n me JAassachuaetta leclaiatar one after another at men assembled tUtmmt I to ma and aatd; "I beirare hi tbia. but the 1 wor baa come from our looior aeoetor at "Washington that it must not toe. aad I am bound to think of my political future. And it waa not." I Amid an uproar the amendment waa bcvuuucu Kiui Bcccpiea, ana me resoiu i tlona were then carried. Split Wide Open. Republican Harmony always apelled with a big. big II finds Us latest il lustration in Wisconsin, where the La Follette Republlcnus have nominated one complete ticket and the anti-La Follette faction another complete tick et. Each faction bad about the same number of delegates, and each chnree the other with holtinir Th hlttortiK , i. v. i c. . c " . wuarles, together with General nnor and that aneer tariff rpformpr i ?l. IIpiv resentatlve Bntxvok llni nn with th anti-La Follette crowd, and thtnpi are red hot in Wisconsin, about half the Republicans in the state fighting- the other half tooth and nail. Both fac tions claim to be regular, and both are talking of appealing to the courta. It looks as if the Democrat ought to sweep the state as Old Man Harper used to declare he ran bia horse- "from eend to eend." In addreaslnir the anti-La Follette faction, with whom he unreserved lv cast his fortune 1 United States Senator John C. Spoon- er incidentally declared that he bad no political ambition. A great many men ! talk that wny in a Pickwickian aenjie. i but I believe that Senator Spooner I speaks the truth. I have heard h!m ; explain his theory of life repeatwlly In . private, and it always Involved quit ' ting politics and returning to the prac- 1 tice of the law. A Voice From the South. ! Colonel Thomas Wentworth niggtn- ' son of Boston. Mr. Representative Gil- lett of MaHsachusetts, Judee Cram- packer of Indiana and other patriots who lie awake of nights Inducing In somuia by pestering their beada devis ing ways ami means to break rrp lynch ing in the south would do well to care fully read the Inaugural address of Governor Newton C. Blancbardof Iu- isiana. He certainly Is representative of" the public opinion of hU state, hav-' lng served her in both branches of con gress and upon the supreme bench. In ter alia he says: Mob law In contravention and defiance of law will not be tolerated. Lynchlna will not be permitted under any circum stances. Sheriffs will be held to the strictest accountability possible under the law for the safety from mob violence of persons In their custody. Of course his remarks are not ao j spectacular as the speeches and maga- Eine articles of the patriots aforesaid, K..4 V, ..l t T-V- uui ujcji u 1 uuurc iiraciiiui. i ui-j are i not so well calculated to appeal to paa-) sion. but they contain more aena. j They are not intended for campaign j purposes, but they mean bnainese. Tbey are not general and glittering state- j rnents. full of sound and fnry. aisnlfy- lng 'nothing, bnt they propoee a pro- gramme. Holding sheriffs to strict ac countability for the safety from mob violence of persons in their bands will do more to prevent lynching than all the lachrymose orations that cookl be delivered in a century. While they are at It the patriots might also read with profit these word from Governor Blancbard tonchlng the negro question: The nerro is here. He ta a man and a citizen. He Is useful and valuable In Ms sphere. Within that sphere he must b guaranteed the equal protection of the j law, and hie. education along proper line 1 la a duty and a necessity. He must be pro tected in hia right to live peaceably and quietly. In hia right to labor and enjoy the fruits of hia labor. He must be en couraged to Industry and taught the hab its of thrift No approach toward social equality or social recognition will ever be tolerated In Louisiana. Separate schools, separate churches, separate cars, separate placr or entertainment, will be enforced, we brook no interference from without The Old Age Limit. There seems to be a growing dlspoei- Hon to fix an old age limit on every j body except statesmen. Officer of tbe navy are .retired by taw at ality-two and those of the army at elxty-four Mr. Chairman Glllett of th civil aerv ice committee of the house propoee that government employee aba II be re tired at seventy. Now cornea the Meth odist conference at Low Angeles, Cat. and retires a batch of bishops because old age has Injured, if not destroyed, their usefulness. By common eoneent there is a sort of old age limit oa the first term for a president, which It about sixty-six. Only one man above that age. was ever elected president foi a first term General William Henry Harrison at sixty -eight and he served only one month, which baa been a great discouragement, if not a bar. to the nomination of old men ever since. Bat suppose the people should take a notion to establish ao old age limit for repre entltiTee and senators la eonxresal It wouldn't make so much difference ; . What ia invisible I la i ? A police man. . , . . - " For a Hundred Yean. For a hundred yeara er more V iteh base! baa been recora ted trt seperier rented t hut it remained for E C DewiU aad Co ai .Chicago to discover how to eomb'-ae the virtues ol witrn haaei with outer aaut ties in the form ef a aatve. DewiU Wlte hasel falve ia the beat salre i the world for sores enta hofna bruises and piles. Tat bizh standing of the salve bat give rise high standing of this sal re baa giea rise to countertejt and the pubue ta adviara 1 1 look for the name DeeiU en the peek are ana ana accept ao otntr. isota ay ayeoea amgco, - ,(:.- . -. . ,. . " LOUISBDEO, K. C, FRIDAY, JCSF. 3. ,1301. with rtpreuta0rt, tat would play ererhwU&C amaah wtta t& tjaisscrtpt fathers. lrhap tWrd of tfrro mm above even GUietfe p tmtl eveory-ror coversoMtil wo??? and half abott rrtirrtMOt r tor naval ofBcvrvoetxrjr-va. IHiaeie Tee. ' Repnbllota hansoor KBtwuiy cat variety te ea Up la tUiaota. After more than a week of trattteea beDoctnjr la the raoet atsbbora deevdJocti ret3-4 la the aomia of tarter poiltk, the tl pabilceo roaveotkm took fees f May Si, wtiboot aaia ea4!4te for goveroor and cvmseqveaftr ttho;t naming any bJy foe a ay other eW Uoo. E. 1L llltt eeetoe t bm tae 9Ci Illinois etatcemaa Bp to dale mho taw4e anytbias oat of the eeeveettoa. It waa indorsed aad laetrocted foe fw ih vice prmideaUal ooulaetiOQ. Taal tht bitter coatekt has left blee&mr eaewt which will not bee! before the eterUe toea vrltboot yUt-e. fact that wCl 01 w etTat IBtOPUr an4 wtp fBeta'tatrj e sftt. Taken all to all IVowrAtW pfvwpwrte h-r Kr;.t,t, J . . . D OriKJtewt vvy toct tst tft Wt fortnight and rotMio(ty Bnolme leader are roocb cbspfa)kn. Hon. George Gray, otve a tail State anator from DUrar. on of the rfiasrr of tbe Iarta trrty. v a circuit Jtxlcv of tb fnltwl iCatwe. h.a been lvctel to tnrcwd tke iat tor Marco A. Henna as prwai4tit of the National Civic ftjr (. a pM tloa where be ran be of fr( . to tbe country by tn eserx-w of bl crt capacity. Jods Gray la a rery aWe man. of comovaiMliuc pcwojii apvr anre. He kxka the tta ao) J. rit. ( be livl in a Xtt tt. tu gooL He may rvncfc t&at ti! pU' deplte the naUtsa of tvrw He la a prim favorite with all sin a sow him. The Deroovrat of the m-trV-t t r. Inmbla. havlnc only on prlitvl prtv. lies, that of ari-tir.g all dit t the national convrntkuv, j "1,nw lD maK" ,n RJ"" oX ,n TX tr.-m.i-r, c nTOl ah;nStaw it. a opnr n nr ad n: , two frt1- beeepi tt e. "n pmmpny r-tAi Jt,'. worW- "I "U1 'rcinia lraorrat r Pvt. bt,n bwtn for tnifl SUt ,or John Warwlcl forth k- PJoai norntmaitoo a UtM !fC"n coohi not e mad tie 5 a nu,n of apleodhl iWl!l; o.l tltrt Character. He te the prlnc o4 axiv rrn n arc U a fTval lwfT wntt cf r " mw F-- ,r""'u- WD ""J evrry feiuion. wbtrb La I wbrr In bis yootb b a calsasl BoMrfT of tU confir-y. and cmtcb la pwrftnal rtni.W of feAa valor. UN frVrtkla kiva to rM kitw "tne Umr 1. loo of Lyartttxtrg " ft ervea.1 one trrtn W th tuxrsw of rrprw awntatlTP amJ haa banrr. tart foe third term in the tw Quite. II tvss a marnlflceot bead and fa. A atraa goring npon (hat Roinaic.o naixw would know without btf to&l that be waa in the peswroa-w of a sua of brain, roamee aad prf r lafr. rity. The Virginia n do wsit u btt and honor John WarwVtt Ia&fel. aa) the national rmocva ry sria 40 wQ to rvoniluate him foe vtov prwmhSttt. Pence trln la Waraew Harso;y prrralU la hUx Tbe Uo n.1 tt lamb lie down toevtber -tb Ueab t mtA tK ItvM Y-W. fl.a.. i. ih iwia bis four r HerrVk. Ika. ' at aal Fomker Tbe last U tb UbU II I permitted by th threw obee lrte caoe lrwskJeot Ronasrwrt dIrw ktm to fXK How Lata, th tn'tbtj fi: 1 A man who aa-pir! to th prwajilswy Lgoe 00 auffetnancw a eile at large So company wtb (iorgw Si. Oat; The newspaper are row taarptta. with asloolaluufOt oa the fact tt Hon. Henry V Patmov. RtM- repreaentatltt In curwis fros t-e seme cocnty. Pa, baa ttMiar) tbat be will not boy tie onm.ir.etfc tfcSa' year. Wby tbr atooisbrat ? Is If nana I for Hepobiwo oovs from Pennsylvania ta purvbas oat. nations? leraorrata are Wwdin; a far 'or -a b$ tliia year, are tfaeyt How. tft. 4 it bappon that ao aetata a e(atsww and rirtl Iser aa Sb,v AWrV if be Un-t nnisy .boot Ue RbiJy bow C04r that be la bwvy Ijwpaosrt. lng Into the atate at tbt early date tsw S "a tar of Ih Tiinr III. VI Hi.w and rWoator J. r. Dofilvvet tf HlMsiWin li tw4 w" " " I aland ta fighting grtwod, whet eiwatjha is a tzju:m eae. m&tii the reat of the eocntry r Hon. Edward C ef M3wwIm hm vrtw4 t l Vf. WUl, baa advarsred hie etttr feel tbe Iwowcratic preakjentUl tMiaia.. Won far eooogb to hate pltir appear la the aetropoUt. pwra. Me i cvmuiwn iu nynn prwaxrvwy wa the BMtter. II hi ire4et fpU. reroUble trtaocrat ta the raaw deadlock he might wall af H1 Ihw greet prtae. On dlt that rreeAdeat Il4Mwet ctKMea Hon. 0nrse Hrwee CWMywe, Bow aecTTtary of tofnaseree ttl tebee, to be eftalrtrsao of tbe Repbltaa M1 Uooat corarolttee, whkti wwi4 he good aectW Ur. Ceetetyt to he one of tbo all porr aiatsw men woo wora we ia aa rt:)-. What at the renter of fratHjl The letter V. " lL! . ... -4 . . .v .. a. ' 1 St roar Beari ia aaawred by sarftt st?rstiais, ta4'reuve ms'j lb aVisaeab aati g ta aj-is4 U e heart. " Thle eaas-a sbJarraassw f iwl. KtJt4strrspare eerte lae ntUw re UeweUe vtesaaeb take Ue atraioef .he heart id rsioree It u a fat e4wfawme mt It taaeslee e.terny. K.miXm tswrae the etrU by eeablriaf tee aasarb ae4 d'rwUrsrTaaitwi(SwUse enaaa m at ( aadarrropriasa lo t&a aa-f tasw a( the feod aaiarlaieat fv.f ly yelj drer e-. . HOI EDWARD W.POU. fiCFfiLSIHTATtVC TtOK TBS - 4TK DISTRICT. L lor Ihi atol Uil Ut Ocjht to Occspry la C&1U4 Itetioa. Uli Ckctm mi U VMmA yembf lN Um4 X to 7 N'o ?ke U kn ai.V tirnmZAim in i2fei Mf. .(W Jiuve a aiU , 4 tfcvs 4 mi aw friij.e s. 1 se tbT r L4s s II u Men oiKt iariMs to ewoal a maa to Cgvesw mm t- rMsv I arl -- rte jae tV liwsf t ba ihi Li L swi:Ua! t, l.w eofHs'.r.i-wa. h.s rtefl v ;' ffom to m-mm e4fc .-! '( te Wt ll m j-rt Vxk: k I rfv.t r ti Ss'ji:.w ( ljrufc i!t atbj thm m.hmmm t ... tm el ta tSe k-'hc : U-si."t V Lbs c t ltl r45. raJs s la-e ran ihius W bno-4 vs 4 iX . U.l trt- pTsrtaA as 4.V ..!-. aa.ii ' otvs. I ir-a -si-si ums4 Hvs' "! :USSsil a -itlfcSt.ai it :rt. V4J-1 VV P,a t t:,;,-S2 in it Xatir?m,l oisw ct V.ffi 1 iUis font j.r Ur I" v i rra-ju.l sfvt a sl en I oft i u naaUwu t s; air art we r !Meus.tel two . wn.'V has djslfteft a eesr.U4- sW 17 iy Ite sU Vt!4 aMkrj, Uaae be las Wif :t Oas , gTt -c".a;c W i&as ttt1 aii h h.fl.j t.Kacca. . - 7tac.r;ac has ht.a ra.H'iie in tlSs It i:s. 3 -u' 11. . . A. Sn:eSs4 SaMfeax s- Ttws Tr-usCs avail tJtas T a-i?,' en Ja J 1st XK l"sf.-AJ. I'Wlgws t tias nyJbl. 1ai. dolivera.il Wcri &iik. lNs f:.A I A (4 tssatas se I w a: l. mm m A- a van 3jae IIS cesnpw gr 1U efic ca V sexA. 2!ts, wa svy ij J t i-mmaiailf4 by !l. Jofca KLSfm W ssitjia. Ia!,i-Vtj,- M-ar tSX Ota H MSSMaV. Sat by- tfliaee ;.. $tag t fcsitsoar'4.a tli w h-Uas Hr r Wws i.'isi. aj Hrfiatiew,, rt at aioc-g ':t.t has t- -i,-ctim aa:fl f ja .ie at9rjsu4;iMiaAe for vf ga tiWrw ear .' iw- ' ranJ (raw atrswry Jus. L 4 tvsre, V Om a .4 a ia.e.- i tKa ava, Snsr4 cKaV imi W-aVfc 1st t pet in owtS wrtii ti aasti ' I ww. .Mr I o tm mmx eeey 0M U pr-w-'w ti w-l eaiia. t.e a. tt m, U - " Ut" WhiiU rj I Wla. We afw a.t swaa l tafs osa C al a3 (bsw tr I I Uauatlaau a. f ffsaaa, a I af j- tVltla aaf fA t 7 .-r . I . m m . m I . , j.;,,,., rw fsjse ei li .U-.'sa.'W -t Ma-eCwwas. iW I , . ! iT fww i I pss.'yw vmw fiats iwa nu wt Ut m U t4 m I . , I peae ew " J 3,il f aji.aisaf m$?iU assj ttWit Bhl Ka fjia'SNasnaJ I'baaSUS.al SHU 1 .jrM , , . , PWM " 'w I hx aj aier f nxxt fA.eia4d4 lw .t JB-,. , Ummm a al . , ( 4 Ptnoptsa. a-ee 1 beare aervbl t lima ira . a a . . - .. - - . a . dstjrv Oxjsi t-M ao4 tw tisittiawab. tsrrwsl fe tsrasa w r isf i snai t C3ajrreia. Ttal Mf. M Ur A T4h are trata "aa r - eiart air. s rs4 t-aa4a aeei.W ' Sccil's &ms!cii. : 9aSew4.f wn "wm lfMI t-a4Tl ism at M ws, IKi , -at aHiitit m m4 m ntts CHiaanai ! rt s4 -.-1 s a - t.-..) sreii-rst aaaavsattxa Isfuli s hiii ia mt4t I . . "rt a sit. i tja av. f 4. . pm mtm l.mi sat asjtoss cm lw Cwvn.aaM fi J e.ii (. i t"lm4 CoAK. e)imtM4 ! e-tppW:. He e . vU ea.l. omav8w . aAtW.! Gin ael ! m Ittssis t f It a eiltm,, 1 p ea as.L. . kee i wf t- to- i - - - a l . emti tt U ittttMM ami! a 1 4ei.iV MlitttM M-v ;m i. in !. - f:ee t I"9 "' - 4" ' " itj. " f ' se. - - ,t Vtns 4 -n4 UT !''i'll' " r''-. - -. .. " r" -air t."W Is iU tiin J" i. s "1 v m 4 M las tlM U SU'l. Mm 14 I m- t4 4 s.Vm44 -a lil ' W ! 1.1M esn Si iti.tiv ituc t r's ss 1 iu t-t.it t tun l,nr I -ItM Sllul Si: MS 1. '1 M II.M1 . HI l;1:Nu icontt tit w . j ! S :m..S -s .i 't ,1- a t.a. 1 SUM I t . st 4 ln -"' S ?r Si f s4 ...Ma.a. awatl f -- t"aya.aiH a..l aaa. w S .. Suuf s S -a a., j vi -s a eMsi it- It s &m T -H- ft 't aalt.'St fit" J apt.'' t H..a t . W-a m4 I .tasa .. V4 ..a a.t ,.t4 mmImSi f a.. ,mi- lM..ia ) iW au aa.a a.. a. w aaj A i.a4 iyia S-a t,M aaa . 41 a tM " Maa.aa a.a aMaf aa. ajaaaMv I ..(.S - a 1 11. : "a . I.,.., a.- a.. ..-.. I f 4a, a .! ..a).al.aia, ,ia-aa,aai f alia. 4 fia n.. imiai t a., f IhiiM .r !.- ... oaa. ...aa w,. . II a.. an aaa ... .n...a 4.. is H a-.M.,. a,il tMiSaHf l.a.l a 4 a...ai a.ai,V t lai asa.1 IA S -w.a4 ft-'a . 'tit m im Virss Mis iim nu-miai (sastAse n .iaS V'tU'll. S.l S4.lt V itSmVl W II lilS tiaiiSlkk. UStl t Z!sast: ew .a .1..i la ininiai ..naiiia4ii s l.a- aa,l i -a . a.111 "!,,.. aMaa. a. a..i. 4 aaa.a. lMS-a aa .at aa.aaaM tmm r a.a', aa .a. a-,,a4IS aa. at sal rfi'i ial 4V.4aafli ?alta.afr aa.ia.aa . ai.iaaawl itaaa4.. t&iaaii.a4a aaaii a. I 1 .aa. -.4tlaa iiMSHi lutlA.al (, Timber For Sale. las aasat ei Va4l ' j if e Uswaa.i, fse est assMJ a mm. i , L.U e-a! kt a,..4 e j U mm.. Ca3 et ml 1 S . a a. I rss ea-aj ea aws eaaisv, . ioitit TA4.4ta0u.rit Excelsior Gofrin Co. Collins and Casvelsjjhg 4Q0 DHYlsi.tTHl 1: i( UMiasi an mm e .ay. se aAAi 1 twain ai , tit -mm G m if c n ti Pn Robss BUsiEl Slinks '"andGlQ.is. V. We lwT im tt 4Nw4 ftmi lwttja, . TW e flteuatal ieaaee. " f aJW eejff - . atft . C tt Mlf. ft fi4w i fn ate feia e.1' V lit a Wet ('. ' C- s ei ee ew frra Ityli4f : Hicettlor Conin Ccx , 1 I If ai . li, "old Yelvet rye" rU for it f, I&wlfttbl Cj . i'i" " aw. v it ... TTm"' " "' i j 'tTtJlT! " " - "t - iW 4 (MS $ - ttmt 4 m irt i 'tV4aa St. WMr.M.M ""1 " """' .. )tWuMI avM w -... 1 1 .w ""'' t'SM in e umm . eMf. 4sms fM w tM twi.M .w aM SMM . Ita. SVMW i M4. , S a ' 1 1 . . .M .(. IS t (! 1 Hi " t. I t e n Hiism lf1 W.m.: l.aa "lilt Mial i t .11 : -tl tattt ... A. .a f I, H:t ku . , .. . ,. illla)ltt , l.t l, I.mtm .!. fa, 1 wa w.l. I l.i. II -. A' 11 t-lM t .,.-. li. I'.llltO .! MS 1 . 1 1 I . .H i-ltt n.-i t',t.i- ' v,4 , la. ' - 1, 7 ..rH:'t a.a.r i it-i- .,1 Smi't 1 SMlf M.SU 1 Isasiils f V trt.sM SHU a.at4,tt a i. t t- pt-1. ; Mil,, ? t.lt. ..,-.. -s, '! .vaaaa ,aa. ai i f In . .! .Sa'f . H'tS t.allOfan ! ( SU IMINM I.I I it e-.il Wiiii) ma iiaaM t a. iiiM,Bi i. SaS S-iaa-l i.a.l iaaaus HISISa UalllaH . C r .a.i.i in .iiimv a . SH-n. t in a,M... . f . f alart.. .. I . . . tlHt sts.fa 1 tuimli .! tm SaSMf SI aSiiM4ltS.nl it !.-. . Slai M .iSia " SS Strain law! I la. a.l Vlfaal . 1 las lanS4 t ai' .III ai-Haaf f talli'! . 'mm ataMilf) ta lllMi' III t 1,1 4.aji Aillaii'la a ,,1mm , flH WaaasWls-jl II (S lai l lav . Ill IS ' aaaastan Iiiimvi a SaSlK a.aaii ,lf lalf , Si Sal SaSaS'1 as. a IliSta a .isg ai.iiiiiiiAaiii ta aa4 a.aaia ia 1 In ll.ti! Tf e tl SlUfl' - la. SiHfl l,ia ltl auiiaf itiin.a.Kiia.r a,.i. St II, if its. un "'lis. it lit a ,f ,, ..I t: a I ' t . .a. UilS tatiaaal.-t.a. a I?!' iMaat, a..,.ia mm ; la Saaw. mtw S OWat. ..H.. , rTZmZC.?2,7 . "ZTl , t 1 a aaji'Siaji'llaj llalliai t aa. t mm- a- r -s inte-e . w at . 1 1 IS. -. M aaa.aa.tyi 4. ITHKY MIV. VSMr.' WHAT? CLOCKS Conic find tlK. acuiacRs 'a 1 mm se lee-is. e WHAT IS flVOY ? V w a . iis s S. w - ... .U. MM --- "" - SMW S i,l iM aS saa.1, 4 I at.aa ion. ta ae faw ll"l..r e t ee tal i - fas S ef l.iH4 'f'ssiias $mm ee 3 alf - a" - S -a VIII ; f I W "t -71 ' i y r J l.t a . v IL I".: I t- 1' 4" ' BMeW''' - "p- 7 K. Hi. II jP! t1 r f f .. X I h I a 111 1 I 'II 1 1 tfgm ThiT ft A t, J ' -RAUT. , . N T3 e f vm ei w f satMsv ..wm '. s il . 0 llmt "'Sasva- - lis. f jt1 s.sM-r(,M fVeatssaitMsY , t, a. 1t.ata, 4 A 44. 4 ew1sa, af.sss tSa)r.HT. It . w. m. Mr ttsrta.. N MAI IO Alt I) :-- -.t :, -f t t t t b'.tom tag Hhtb te$ traf trat; I fff: ? , e., iff, 11. , ax- e t e v M e s -nasi .. s SS a I , aw aa ssa. 4 mi i i.i ii .,: j iyr lo i tT i Ha i i-aiW.l'n i W m ta 4 tm t . m mm 44 mm ws aaaa S M MI -. S aa a m st mm t 1. M, SS aftt as mm f a mm f mm mm .iii'aas I ei -s - aA.Mtt, avi a " I .i. m ) ) a S 4 av. 4m, in M a mm mm mm e sM m e s ms eatcat"wia.w.ai;Sb. . swaaa ?lf , 4 4 mm mm . st!s. ... twin. a m mm a m mm a Itvim.m, t , tMaH if' I aliaay i a a f l tM . a e e r XL m mILm. a at ,i as 1 f mm s at en - H saw e m mm ' fel . e S M m m IV. I 1 ft aV. 4nt tlf II 4a Ivniti It III ia e e a 'l.T"'.- t-aaita. . jr " ttTt. LT a 14 41 k ' ""' e lv s s w ' " f '" e 4 ssi m. a tt -- a fi lSain alM. t 4 - f. K g t '" "" SVMSaiaiM . , . i . , " m i t an " t l - mm i mm a ! 1 ' ,1,111 mi a av. j, 0 mM m m mnm ....H. aj a " r . Saywa,, 'i -44 S a W mm i - a ..isaMtti , 4 .anSi laajaaa r- a. as,,! . at win i II e' tinl ,y i m tiaaatlao. - t 1 1' lllli . .at a aar m a s ispusas ' O - a 4 tv 4 m a sata tva .tjii, ,t. V f a e e a . tj us- ett tt e e 1 tfwaf if 4ii. gtei s f,-a -1 , WIS ; ss w.. J at . 4e eei e i . f ) mae - a. asJi'alMiHU ' ' , M hM . ..lis. 4 , a" , ""i "is. e t -is 4 . , i .a...,a. . 1- ia am il 4l en a a s V aw-M-s, " 4. a tl -i. ) a 1 1 Is. .-.-t.p.lS. ! 4 4" 1.. a, ala a a. a t t taiaanaatlttsS I ( ta , ail a a ri it4aa,.tv I m a a.. A. . ass. a .. a a. . . W .IS Jv taA. - -jn " r . 4SV - v - .., as. 1, ie feaffMb liaa iftalasa . st e . e 4 4t va n e , , , t4 s-sjsjat-! mmi0m m '.as iw a -t Ni e 4W-I 'fce-t', a a U .) 4M-- JaA iMa4 sja,. 0fF 4aM swaiiia' ifc itMt 1 Waattiffflii ! ees I Ka-'-A. I --

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