. . 'j . -. . - .A . . ...... 4. . . . . t V w . - AS. A. - ' '-- -- '-T- .:; -,' sscg-xjoxnsrirT.-m wato' r f----. - "-" ----- - ------ -. - CHURCH DIRECTORY ; METHODIST. Sunday School at 9:80 A. M. - Qso. 8. Baxkb, Boptr Preaching at 11 A. M., aad 8;15 P. M. v-ry Sunday- . ; Prayer meeting Wedneedaymighti -L. 8, Massar. Pantor. ' BAPTIST. " Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. Thos. B. WiLBR,.8npt Preachinjr at 11 A.M., and :15 P.BL tynry Saaday. -Prayer meting Thursday night. H. U Mabhborhb. Paator. BWSCOPAt, Sunday School at 9:30. Wm H. Royjuf.Sapti; S-rvics, mornintr and nisjht t ;r ofl v, 3rd and 4th Sandays. K uinir Praver, Priday - afternoon Rev. J ohn Lohdok, Rectot. PRBSBTTBRialT. H.-rviw 4'h Sauday in each month moroiD and niht. , . . C. N. WHABTfH Pastor. " Looaas. Loninbarg Lodje, to. 413, A. M -, meta 1st and 3rd Li..,"r iq Aaeh month. A. ?. & Tatssday ii-o lemiiiional oai-clt Jj R. ARTHUR H. FLEMING, DENTIST. LOClSBURa, N. C o a f)Tr The Orsen Tarboro Co,'a i.rn. R. J. K MALONK, f RA.CTICIMQ PHYSICIA.N AND SUROSON. LOUI8BUBS, 5. a Oilice over Aycocke mg Company. jyt. J. J. MANX, PHYSICIAN an I SURGEON, LOCISBCRG, H. C. D'Hceover Ayoooke Drug Co. 'b drugstore lft. 8. P. BURT, PB a 'TlOISa PHTSICI VN AND SURGBON. Louisburg, N-C. Offlce in the rear o Boddie, Bobbitt & Co.' Dru tUorp. on Nash street. )) R. R. P. TARBORO0OU, PHT8ICIAIJ AND 8TJB.QEON, LonisBCRe, N. C. OI0e 2nd ttoor Nenl building, pbone 39. Nlnt calls answere'l from T. W. Bickett"s realienee. pbrne 74. H. ALLRED. ATTORNEY AT LAW, WU1 practloe in an the Courts. Toungsvllle, N C. Olnce In U. UAS8BNB0RQ, ATTORNEY AT LAW Win praette m all the Court of the 8Utp Office n Court House. AOCLTa C. WlxXSTEAU. ATTOBUEY-AT-L.AW, Louisburo, N. C. Orrica ovbs Corner Drugstore. Speelal Attention given to collections. Practice wherever serTicea required. fXL. VV. B'JUDIE, " ATTORNEY-AT LAW, Louisbcbg, N. C. Office over Boddip, Bobbitt 4 Co.'s drug store. w m. HAYWOOD RUFFLN." ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, LOUISBUM. H. O. Will practice in all the Courts of PrankUli tod adjoining counties, also In the Supreme Joan, ana la t&e uiutea stales liiBtnet ana uueuit uoaru. Otllce la Cooper and Clifton Building. fJHOB. B. WXLDUR, ATTOKNBY-AT-LAW, . LOUISBTTB. . O. Office on Main street, over Jones ft Cooper's tore. F. S. SPRU1LL. ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, LOUISatTBO, H. C. Will atteM the courts of Franklin, Vance IranTlUe, Warren and Wake coonties, also Ma Supreme Court of North Carolina. Prompt attention given to collections. Otnee over Barerton's Store. W. BIOKSTT, ATTORN BY AND CO0N8BLLOR AT LAW. ' LoimBtrsa m. a Prompt and painstaking attention given to verr matter Intrusted to nig hands. Refers to Chief J ustlee Shepherd, Hon. John Manning, Hon; Root. W. Winston, Hon. J. C. Barton, Pres. Plrst National Bank of Wln- lon, ienn at manly, Winston, reopiea itana: ot Monroe, unas. &. Tayjor, rrea. wiu ror at College, Hon. B. W. Tlmberlake Offloe over Neal as Co.s Store. V. PBRSON, ' ' ATTORITbTY AT-LAW, -abvunrDBc.ir.a. Prastleea m an eourts. Office on Main street." - W. S T ABBdROTdH, JM. -:; ATI OBJS EY AT LA W , - LOUIBB0RO.il. a Office In Opera HotlAt building, Court street All legal business intrusted to hfan rill receive prompt and carefnl attention. F. HOUCK, COSTBACTOB as J3UIL&EB, LOUISBURa, K,. C. Trading Ageiit for all kinds of Building tuppiles, ArtisUo Mantles and Tiles. sArosv- Becturil Designs Submitted . - HOTELS. FRANKL1KT01S HOTEJL PBANKLINTON, N. O. T Qood aceomodation for the travellag Wile. -, - - - -, -u.;, Good Ldvery Attached MASSENBUEG HOTEL . J P 9Xa.B)M&iibiirf Propr HEUDEKSON, N. cV : -'ood aanuaodationa,;: Good fare- Po . lit aad atfeatiTaanraafr TT TT ii.j., . f- It u n.n -tut -XT TT : TT TT" t. Special Washington Letter.) . "HEEI3 is jnoclr dlseasslon going : -on as to the, expediency -and . righteousness -of ICHOrtnir th two-thirds rttle In the Demo cratic national convention at St. Louis. ue uie worn "ignore'llnstead of the word. "repeaP adTisedlTl for '-thpntrt.-' bo such rule in existence until th mn. Tention adopts It,: Ths f thi. t has beeiT adopted in .aforisnyejitfon ; since i860 fllusteates the conserratlsnj -the vis teertlae-of the human mindL The reason of tne. rule perished-with Aincan slavery, it having4)een devised by the proslavery Democrats of the south, who could control more tnn one- nra Dut not one-half of the delegates to nationat conventions in antebellum days. By the two-thirds rule, whli they eould not nominate, they could" prevent the nomination of any man not friendly to their interests. It. was a most ingenious contrivance fot their purposes ana proved- the undoing of Martin Van Buren in 1844 and of Stephen A. '-Douglas in 1860 at the Charleston convention At first blush it would appear that a convention containing a majority of delegates, but not two-thirds, instruct ed for a particular man would not adopt tne two-thirds rule, which would insure his defeat, and yet that is precisely wnat was done in 1S44. A majority of delegates had been selected for the purpose of nominating Martin Van Buren. but nevertheless the convention adopted the two-thirds rule, which ac- eoinpliuhed his defeat. Wherefore? Was it done through ignorance or by design? Undoubtedly the latter. Many were instructed for him who at heart were opposed to the sage of Kinder- hook, and by voting-for the two-thirds rule and fixing it so Tie could not be nominated they could "vote for him as long as he had a reasonable chance for the nomination," thus keeping the letter of their instructions, but at the same time insuring hia'defeat. They thought, and perhaps correctly, that they could explain such a performance to their betrayed , constituents more easily than -fLey could explain a direct vote against Martin. He took terrible revenge on the Democrats in 1843 by bolting Cass' nomination and by ac cepting a nomination himself from the Free Soilers, thereby achieving the de feat of the great Michigander, whom he hated most cordially. "Sweet is re venge," said Byron, and "sweet ia re venge" thought Vac It may be atat- eTtowever, wltir perfect truth "That Martin Van Buren in 1848 committed historical harakiri. His fame would have been greater had he never wreak ed vengeance on General Cass. Scarce ly anybody has a good word for Van Buren. But should the two-thirds rule be Ignored? Most assurediy. Nearly all men agree to that. They differ as to the when. Some argue that, being a nuisance, it onght to be ignored at once, while others contend, and plau sibly, that it ought not to be ignored when there is a contest on for the nomi nation, as it would be unfair. It is safe to predict that the first time the Democrats have only one candidate for the presidential nomination they will ignore it, and they will do well In so doing. Missouri's Candidate. It may turn out and it will be lucky for the party and the country if it does that the two-thirds rule will enable Missouri's candidate. General Francis Marion Cockrell, now serving his thir tieth year in the senate f the United States, to capture the presidential nom ination, a consummation devoutly to be wished. He has been only a recep tive candidate up to this time. He has not uttered a word or lifted a fin ger in his own behalf, acting on the theory that a presidential nomination ia; to be neither sought nor declined, and la nil this he has perhaps acted wisely. But it is an old saying, worthy of consideration If not of acceptance that "all ' things come to him who waits." The situation at this writing seems to be as follows: Parker will be the strongest candidate n the first bal lot, having perhaps a majority, but .falling short of the necessary two thirds. Hearst will probably stand second, having more than third, but somewhat short of a . majority. As Parker and Hearst " are- both from New t York," It " Is - not probaWe that one . will be willing . to see the other nomfnate4.-and that both- will he -for some compromise candidate- A dead Iock may" ensue, and Cockrell stands as good a chance to-be the compromise candidate as any other man mentioned, f ot,he will have a nucleus to the thirty six votes e( Missouri and In other votes which come to. him, - ... . '. - He possesses all the qualifications for a president.; He' Is not a brilliant man; -irofc.raly Jefferson was... ever "ejected president. General Cockrell Is a man of isplendkl Intellect, of kmgr.and'.tionsplcnous serv ice In tbelsenate. absolutely cleas" and perfectly safe.. 4Ie. commands, the .re spect, of 'all "who know r-hlm.- or know ; Of him".? He understands .thoroughly the working of every, department, of thegqvernment and would enforce honesty-through then! all.: He has; he fads to exploit,andi-po.hebbies to-ride.;-; He goes not tilting' at windmills; mistak ing them for giantsV but is a plalnvold fashioned, hardworking Pemocrat who " v ".wi-T 'NVV Sick headaehe results from a dieordored stomach and qstekly eared by Chamber lams atomacn and Liver Tablets, liold by Aycock drag oei-aU--? -'5 w. .u J-Wfiy are 'woaen like lacta THey are BtnbBorrt things. Ji-i - -i- - Sned By his . Doctor.?; - - " .-A doctor hers ha) -:saed m a raas-s tl 550 f which i claimed was sxceswve-tor- a eaase of cholen morbas save B.White of .Cosebel la Cal - At the trial be prarsed-his medical skill and medioioe-. I asked him If is wss not Chamberlains solic cholera, and . Diar rhOea Remedy he naed as i had jroed re ens to-belisve it wa and ha would not say under oath that it. was not. -- No : doctor could use a bettar remedy than this. Sold by. Aycock drug a - : ";r , i r Letter it The Two-thirtb Rol U JUtfoml Democratic CoovMtkma Mj. oori'a Favorit Soa Tnnasialt Up Against It , does not plunder, the people himwlf and whe would not. tf.he were presi dent, permit any. oue else to plunder them.'. , Up Against It - If the latest press reporU r to U beUeved,. President Rooawvctt l. against "tt, to Te n exnrulve. nw- -vi modern aiang. irt th ntt- . "ehoirauKr of - the - ReayaWicaa- natiooal committee.' It has beett tlm castora fc prealdetrUal -TMmlne; to -select the chairman ta conduct hla csjnpalgn, aad the custom ta nnquestianabtT grotrad ed on reason. ItIa dlfflcnlt to concetT of a capable man who ia obnoxioua to tne candidate forcing himself or per mitting others to force him upon Lot presidential candidate to whom he is persona noo-grata. Nevertheteea, ac cording to the most recent dinpatcbea, that is precisely what coterie of atn atora, beaded by Senator Spoooer and Aldrich, are endeavoring to do at the present Juncture. It haa been under stood for some time that President Roosevelt haa selected Hon. Georgt Bruce Cortelyou. ooee vecretary to the president at present secretary of the department of commerce and labor, to be chairman of the laUooal'committae and ex officio manager In chief ot Colonel Roosevelt's campaign. Krotn the president's viewpoint the cook is unexceptionable. Cortelyou Is a fine gentleman. He is the bOMom crony of Colonel Roosevelt and has been with him ever since he came Into the pre! dentlal office. Ho found him acting as President McKinley'a secretary and re tained him in that position until be bad an opportunity to raise him to the cabi net. President Roosevelt knows that he .can rely on Cortelyou. and thervfon he wants him. and. In my Judgment, if he wants him he should baT him. It is a most ungracious, not to say unseemly . performance for Messrs. Spooner. Aldricb et aL to obJecTto th gratification of the presidential desir in that regard and to force upon him somebody that he does not want. Tby claim so the story runs that Secretary Cortelyou is Inexperienced la ' politic and unacquainted with those who usa ally contribute rreely to the UepubUc an campaign fund. He has had as much experience as the late Senator Marcus A. Hanna bad when, at the re quest of Mr. McKlnbry. he was made chairman of the national committee and it would be a good thing for the country if oo slosh fund were u-d bj either party .hi the Impending cootest. Colonel Roosevelt is more interested la the result of the presideotlaj race than any other Republican in the land, and he would not select Secretary Cortel you for such an Important and respon sible position unless he bad Implicit confidence not only In his fidelity to him.- but in his fitness to discharge the delicate and multifarious do ties which Would devolve upoo him. It is a thing Incredible that Mesar. Spooner et aL can tndoc President Roosevelt to give up Secrets ry Corte) you as chairman If be has really set his heart on having him, for the pr tdent is a man tenackms of hta-opla-ions and his rights. He holds the wbtp hand and can be depended on to use It vigorously. So, on the whole, the chances are that Mr. Secretary Cortel yon will be chairman of the Krpubl le an national campaign committee if he is willing to serve and If the president desires that he shall do so. The eotlrr incident shows that the much vaant ed Republican harmony la only skin deep. The Next House. Hon, William S troth er Cowherd, chairman of the Democratic congrew slonal campaign comnfittee, has bcrn looking over the field carefully and has come to the conclusion that the Dtno- cra win control tne next bouse o repre8entativea. , Let oa fervently praj that be Is correct in his prognostica tions. The truth is that recent events are well calculated to give greet en couragement to Democrats everywhere The fend in Wisconsin between the La Follette and the anti-La FoUetU Re publicans is so bitter that the Demo crats ought to elect a majority of the Wisconsin representatives to the Aext congress. We hare only one from that state now. The prolonged deadlock In the Illinois convention perhaps) bred enough bitterness there to enable he to bag half a doxen congressional seats from the Sucker State In Kansas two Republican" candidates for congress; were nominated In each of two die tricta, both of which we will probably carry.- We need to carry-only, fifteen districts this year. In addition to those which we carried in 1002. In- order to secure a majority, and it shook! be re membered that more than that num ber of Republicans bold see ta, la con gress by . majorities lesa than 'a thou sand. The' average congressional die trict, polls about 40.000 rotes, and a change .of bpe vote out of forty la fre quently a feat easy ot accomplishment ven when tbene U no i-rndsIMe.. The party which electa a president usually elects" a bouse of -represeutaUvea. ejjd U;MrTAahTnanJCdwbertprovv"-cor rect In his prediction of a Dembcraric house the chances are also decidedly In favor of our jelectlng a Democratic presidents- v ' ?J, r-"- ; ' The latest news. froaWiowa ia ferj farorabie .to" Democra ts as to repre "VVhai goeo . moetlftgainAt ' fartniVa For a hondred years sr. mere " ruh Is ax' haa been veeorVsed a a aapev'e remedy Hut it. remained for C fwttt aad Ce si Chicage to dlteover hew to eoaab'se tbe virtues ot witch asset "with other aaMwse ties Is the form' of a salve. DewtU - Vt Itrb hssel tfalys litbsbeat salv te Us sari J for tores euta bofna braises aad Us. The high suadingof the sslvs has civee rwe bigb etaodiDg of uvsaaie bae x-ieej Km to eonoterfeit aad the vablis lead via ete look for the nam Diu "the rx) age aoa asa accept so oinrr. sola sy ATtc.i tetrta tires la ccofrisa. Ibfatsad t trra." droak-wlta powsr. sot t tt Overdose their perform k t ei extent ttt tnaey- .lupsibtkisn prt s.sajiog VMwat, this a:-.! thenx, aod U Is fmiT prwiVtrd thf :t that Judge Wtd. Use lea IistasrTmOcI vvTrvweownre uroco lowa. wvl s re elected, ss be euxht to t. ben tisst Cm Deotocrau have a ftghvetSauBre-ef wtunlax t ihrwsi or ft eoer tricts- It woold be a peer Iktejf tf toxoedouL after all the trnpeCg um bae been dose by the -itz $ncr te the effect that nbs 0irt , that torenee Coataia rwPy fvyt. seats the KepnbUtaa OptaAasi towav Ne Jsry- t' W are procreewiax lie msrtUsi backward. ' Tbr Vf e-l(Sj I do not nnderrtsnd-pUy rd tj and sewhrporu ti a ptxriw9 encbr- It trssrw,a-w Itat w tare, a srtar procTrwsIf occtas.'r4 cWedy.py. tt arrets .evert e fV TJnlted iUate La wbtcw al br Uk the cotalttvtiecj' whit's the fs:"rs ef the repa-bltc crmt4 lat to fe wtr3a asray Unie by Uttaa, tt wttl be tweneta bered that oJy three or fwr yesra se there waa a greet debet ta ecr on th qeestloci trMtMf. Wt ww gb bled up the rbtUpptnesv. tb rwaUt tloo. st proprto vtgvre. se:aeiat the flag tato thstn. AU Dessocrsta Ml that It dWJ. and so didseeaeor tWrm" est and brat Rrpobtlcai ta tbw tal But a msjortty ef th tw be awes cooxTews bWd ei he r w V sad thai or the rtcnta ffuareted to A citiaerts In the roestutjtien wss rx tended to the nirptaM sod lh evO tens of oar ether "terrttorWe sppr tenant to the fatted fUst""-! sve the mart oo We the roeeUreto et some portion of It Jwm)d b e-stra4 to them by act of co&Twt Of roars very mat votla. tot ot sdrorwthLg socrr an tdlocvc prwtxiaitkaa. srlttSa htmse-ir In the eyes of all l&fct?ic-t Proo. It wss Up that IV su preme roart Of lb United 9Swe wonij boM that the roosfltovts axxxapeals the flag into all of wear n wi m wberewoetre stfnat4 aad tbsT ell tfat cttisetM tbrrrof sejoy the prtarCfW of liberty thereto cooutal ftst wt borws wst destroyed by the fa it. tee fire to four dcUWt to the tTrt ttet the rortslltutioe rw a with tba Csg and goe not at sit oa1m coowr seye tt shalL That derUdosj awtit itrJ-d snmnoUot PpK but SS It sit ta Js rat terms tbey im to dtwrews it sod priUy tarned LVrfr cs!1 ta the universal study f iw to wq the doilara. whether lby seM taess or not. A receot ddao by li re preru roert of t&e United States. W ever, to the effect tM rTiTptMe see not entitled to trial by jury U a cs crete rsrt whjrb ssay rttr tVe aUi mind uhtll so r3' sre ca. Vlr. Jowtkw I!sra.-r3wta4 as a K pohneen sad for twresy ve yeses i the bewch. 4clsrt te- Cinettsj epraUao that the aaajaeMy cxtsiie u-e tScsJly adds a sre asaeodsa-astt as ( coarjtB0ot tf tt tsxpsrssittsd ls etst4 and Ja so oWtsmg be doee iu ere state the cessw The right of trtal by yry bae besi coosldersd for smcae tsaw ywses by Cuxlisn praklo plw eo sT the eh anchors ot aeases frl ,a. ta fact, we have be U Is ImH cwav skWt&x that and tb wttt vt hsswts corpaa ss the bulwarks of w t2wrty, and they are. If th fU.twe erw eotstled u the forraee thy se mvi entitled to the latter. ?e ar tetSer sjoyed the right ef trUJ bf wry sw era I crotarWs before tky trcmi the prlrSleg of the writ ef hstwee rvrpvs frmn a -trowfOUie king.. Ihm Isodlng st Jsaaewtown both hw be th prwiows pmsil i ax ARotv. Now we. threeh oesopwtas say that we sre smw'Xio to sewrtJMw oer own theory ef frvnicesw tWey to eetablUh and ssetotsrsi trltrs tae aaoda of the flower of ti ms raee gsvo op tketr ttrtsi. Hy e deassr make oorsrlvre the UatauKsk f tho HvOixed WWrld. ae)M SS. ora, kings, prtacee tad pott chsv k)e when they rSet o wbat a sn we sre making ef earerteea, tf the rw plooe ere Bo eOrTtaed te trial by yry and the wrtt of babwae rrpv tbf sre slave t an Asaertrsa 4p!a. for there la ae crania frwV wka ' - oot tbm. RepabUnantera ts mor fserpsst aa4 universal la rrnnsyttssa thee to say ottxr state. The pa te wtlrw k broaght things U tUoetrated try waet 1 happening ta tw Urssrae d'etrtct. Mr. Pelsnrr. so sble taaa, extorary general of the state, U a rewdUAte to resofuiaattou. He has sSe fwbtX tww fa-ts 01 (hat be wia s tny Ue boraisaOoa: thet beforo be w elected the octeinailow bed teeej to the highest hiddee, the prww rh&ta generaUy fresa IKXOUU r&JXk kXe ooe tsJpttatiag patriot roo th b4 ca to 130,00)! NtvrtUiwe the O. O. r. aseoatee to hare a tooewt so so tltical virtoo, Co toi - . If it bo fro, a rrtweta that Jrfr. Secret try of ComOMWo aad Labne Hon. Geerre Bruce CvrUJywo lua S elared himself agamst the e ef se funds la o canpetgn, then be evtdtyr haa OO d est re to be rfaavlrtoao ef tSdlt pubUcaa MUooal cwcaBamew. foe roc9 o deciaraHoo ckorty ddeelldwo ilea far that poa'ttno. .; A eUpOhfirsO ratecotgo wttbeat the awe ef afosVfood -waud be much Hie the ptsy of Itsmlrt riaee the more ot rocaark.V The cfcooarw' are teo to on that bo aerer csede toy aach reraark ood thet If be v octae leao fastkUeoo stateemee vU2 be tjr Why ia htm sJ wire lay x tho day txmeh lAt XilU LVe i rooewrs, - - - , - r ' - "A 8tmer It! 4 . , - 1 aaweree : r. ta,'eeeT''e ewee tat b so ef ta r Us heart- Tkis swaaee akvta e4 - kejO. ged4 afyerW4 rS e-eee t tiiw e heart SsO fUeJ if Mil tv a lt taiua : C ta-er alUa af:. tM Vawrawa) . I(tk kr nM.a f L a a I ar-f aa a ti (au - r r . i- I ( elreo d:(aij aa4 lfiropr,ta Sa Uk ' i 4 I ! cf Ua (Hi a ; rlae- t kv I eak cr f C THE Y1IISKEY. QUESTlOJI.j fool WI ri35; It Tlate I - V'" . , ' I- : I J A Wm a -ae- a! " - ff r4 asj taai Los lrim &m ?U 'm Oa J Vl'.fTre lW,.t3r;. e?jt A s-ik-e ry u s rrrvwyne- eaw raiLcl. rsre sue fU Cris idwgsWJ TU4 are i3 we i . . . swj wrw4 aar sejrjr ffr.f. 9 t?e a ti.re3 ee wi4 aAX WiOit bM'ji Vial lie jw baK? amb 14 saaKo, wtaakey Sfti3 tuki ScataUttaA, iee e aesWe. To aweke o it seVv st. ) oos) sjwxtt b' CLW W TW IVatle tw,awaar' oVijwVI oSwVaa, ley el W "-iaiel r. rI dacrscto arlef) &et were m swe-toAtaoa rreiwe nNh aSe tVs rVy. drva a dow ; bl LV saao lir e an&ioe to roOe vxi lV orwa Ajvl swy wUCrr t!-rr C lats aeteo M o bore tlUwa. Al Imw I eeW )vMa a rjasl flat 0 s "t.-saia the cmoTTT IcaaO oafa ClU HWy rhi o, "uAe tie sesae frww rt. letuUas tUior JJm Lo. Dt tl tUa3ew text tie ot, pW Is tbsl, tt s3 nsssa, sr ' f w . 0 we how Jt Wsni, Iraw tVs i eeB:trw tJX oi ore tAow4 leswv sa tacam rVl O , lra t4e bonraw tftawsaaavvi) w( re sae4 rU-J Itae tsey wanVw utv peij "e 4o lecuawi Wf ot.-aaazry lH f4 Sit.Ta3 few a so all tSjs iaaei. a 4 Wetf eiueeMOk. i4 UistlxH Wt ta'w . k. . a kaaw tf Ihwr WAAWil jtg 70l sW4 wa t2Wuf sm1s4 tiat taueav swlrs Ha) 0e ay ia ewfy eseiglO. sa,i4 the rvMAtrj fvft- W w.. efwa waar n rhf tjJffevsjUkC lare- 141, af s sfwerK fsWvstske rw.i se W se ) sswri sIwwnwI A4 t2ww T"W enwEOirv MoeAe w -taaal sk tar m ww iMae-ami ?-. S-g d f, fWfifc, , rr4 We wljavks ssalaes Laltl ia,aZer k.aia fcaaai. liJu-fn, t - - a S ruw aktssAaiS . ' It'. . iaa IXjS ww aa W s ss-aay e ye ww4 bWf f D4 r t.Sa tvwartl Wia tt - b.av so alww lr-e tlUte SA j W l'a L ALai .. . P ewww to Oo ftawAg ""f eatl Oe a:, weeiriae-y S-3M ones Jtt as oums way b thw r (w AetK w V . . 0 owe ! df A3 to oseew. ai4 Jut1 e rJSrw aewAitiia sswe2w4 cwooly, tisk liey wwaJi waa twr s t sswj. tW t&w) twaiwAaew ear fbiy ne O M A a, w . le tvr3 w-wwy 4w(aiuairiM t 4'iSfmm, TSs fwt Oxhw C-wt rrea aw edf-rw aJul 4vv lrW wnJa Aw Wajta Ml tw rsl: law W wk (&e4 U .! jce Uee.4 si" V-aAiatX jcw hrvl e C wxrs T1 arvoww'I sew) yw4 tvww u4 Iwejwtf ) aeep owt d 1W war. TW suawn ore w1tJ ss vWt, tewilU.os Xayjewje ore waaii laV aiarO. WrUih T-rw" ka4 f arsk llW tka?e"y4i' lo" p-w 0 rWw tiui tw est lwra4 b ir fit. , ta ttv I s-l taew ol IsreVoe raavU, liar fytbmtsmff sW r! yeon Ssfk-T " Ao-enieO tape. CA0c wui. l ocseaol taiwwi tsCe wo tlAi aZ soey beet, rmy siwuw tw 04 aJcfj Jsi ia tew A wt CUkV fxtw, ta l2a o4 wiMewwe Of 11 let? f t ml trealsauMe AU -yiin-.tasws tr4 ti'o J-e wtea ll .rt vtrLrcO o4 tMovf P04U Im&H w ' SvtSeSV ' tvWi. It wrro awiii, if tn siUaK as i tU Id pa iVf-S j-y s-re aw , i. sup i; JO:m fJCXSCM arwj w IrU-f a Saee mn iSaw.J owl 4T4 ea-awna alaaw met wi twd tew, aiyaarl ta wtlfi lat -t-rrr 0 t v tViw on i '-' '- Mil i 'vm '" "e Use - Is U :W S4A4 ft tf fsMfassaes T"W mU$ mmsmm..V T"!" art eit sy - , . mntf u m 5ef..t y 2 a a ' , ' ewefwTMs, 4t. kla tlu r-M .L w a way f-iws io nrm e CUe a.: 'm Cm Lmm, m ' H iiJ.i A? mm C54 en 1wJ 4, afasr t.4 Ums itMtaww tut t 4w. j-iftta, .-s, Y tUfiX3 v U so Oe jn. J se.8.al WssSwua t tu m i f." ?. i A4 ef U U, nmit3 4T it; it. t ss www fc Wse it- Ua, t4tnaw4ti& OrfWttt VritCt.MS Mtw Vs.-y sureitta t3w awmsw mt a.1 itei.s W4 jh oMweiwndiai Uwaw WI tf seV fw ewwe ita aA:.4 u or bevoduMisd, m shmI Ire art--, Vtu s wws,, OT Ua awwMa Srt4SaD -wt.- v etuna wo ea w-O i- iUm.o swnMiwdL VVUsi witow 4! ewf Iry ia Swam O avaattoA. ai aiW tf a.a.0 Saw. ee 4 leawl saMsel ;se! e a vwew-CWSV. IM OeM4 s-ttit. aa 0fc0 U4 tefe wwwaC4 oailt k CUe lrW s ef'4 e,,-, Kfi srssjw it VJUn MeS 3 J CxiLiy f.e e u Va wae 1Wna w4 eea-e e e a " VawonMw I. we I Lm sSitm if I . . t. j " f' s0ne.M,. vur i eMmxcaswil eAi fttss. Q H s- jv rVi M.t wweae ssvswh o. sjwui4 fWwauiu: i -y rfwM SKtS enw'auei VaelaawU sw 5"4 a. s-t f el-X t ti a h&xj - s ke t .- en smu !hh V-w- t0 wW J arurilia Muaa4 3 ...p- . W WOO v-taafVm.ilrf ale eaa . - - " r -''" " ? V ItW , VW Ih W e,MH S1 - - ww. rta i - t, k. -- ----- i . . i nvl-vt wlMOMiiaaf . .. ... 4 a Mawaw fW- Wlj. sail fil "O-S-W T ual. r'WT TJS . Wi r. i 9- - ' ' g ..-'twe a j . - . a - I a. f m . o w-ad, f l wa WJ .b o fww4 w. - wt . rm m wt nt. 3 a utm a O a a... I T f w ee t ta, n wwfv t J w, A 1 I sen, i ..a-i i It I wJ j ' -Hi " A W wTTia Waaw Ww4 las .. Oltta Aw tkwk 1.W ifw Istta? ioctiro w awW ....,.,. laaa 0 m a ; 1 twwa -i awww e-wM aawtW, Cw A3 oJuuwrk lutu-e- O taadai'rmk. itr .twwtmiw W l4 TW "tf-wwf si.4 su tuwwe- T" O'O t V fnwt awl ww-waM Yaw twaUe ""O -1 l la a m4 wa awata a-e wwwawaiw .. Saw wt-ts4i M-a WW WWW a .vWHa lla II I mi ru.w lwxwa.ii.BA itwiwa w SOW Vw.tW axmMwO Ml i v la ea www Sw.O .M a a.. w fw wt Wiwiwr W At wiw rs -il Ifca- 4 Ctw vit ' for? f3 tut, , a 5eews aw w; Wirlin r"lif M iWre w0 ".. TTe JibS St 0-aUwfS f f - a -. - -- . r B WrWCSttWa Sail ttfc Ta W a w-rw 1 e.'.a ww a4.w I t4 tssli-ywa.11 f w."w.i w.f rww wee ss 4dto eee 4 5 M. .....a W 'aaa a V 2 1 aaw .. .. l.a. "-. - ! ... tmnraa f Vl. M a ..a t I a'-a w .w awwat fw ew aa i "law -a aa' laj..W aa a-.w a- . .. a. -a aa-.M-.- - a- a .-i . , ; a- . . I aH fW WW MMW iMW WM. WW. m t . e ew lAwaW Otrw w M.f I eaWaB(( aSo4r eaiFOafc slftwoO 0ftQQtQR ril'oa) tWps 1 w t ei'otww e ei.aiiaa n a WW Saa! i Oawwl - . , . . I H Ma aaaa .niaiwi. il W naaWI I v a a. hi I .!)( aFWWW.M W till l . I.M l to uW Val la.M-Ma a 'W eitia) . aa..alajw .tIW W l.awe wa. . a. 4 . .a. V WWMilMMMWMMiMfcMiaMiMMMMM , it old velvet rye I , tzn - .fcr. !v"lBaY OOSasjSbo owOo C aV aW0 tbttt aa , a..,.. a.e, fc Waaaa. Wm . . J ., k " www, - f . . . ee Ctw fxttwell I rssod ia tw ((HA CHiaxm Xa.Aw. a ow?XX. Aaet JH,, j I . TW AWtaWtlU a-ta A. a S S? Mf -4H-l wa van imiflliw e st wtaassisi ssw wAwsfwaw-w 4taB sMsVaakJlL ItOx - - I e H -MW-Wje 1 awe-leWa. . AVii-wOaww eiw I m W uieiw ft lm eif $ HM 4 e ais-ve f XM 1W1lHM .rM..r ...o Umg m mU a.tw- ,4- l h wafi ss. hntfin,, x w fUesnJT- ei ewt'e . a ewieav a. iM a, J a . la... 1 "-" uie ewsa .. - wnw .i r s j ZZZ.'Tri' 4 i .' e'r O-.mm.. a . ir -. w -' a O. a w f .. ! a, .v., w.. I H,aM, m. e j - r- e e-aa. e E-w a m in . , - . . . ... ' r r a f I r ww aw- l -wiiii e-w a -s owi 4 i " """W" www . e"-" W4M SI ;r -.-w-w--w w , j a -a ta.- rf- we s-w w 4- ew- w.w $ fc,w-a,M. ..a. ww w waa. what is SflVOY ? k tl 0 flw Uliwd-Sf cm. it fwtr 4 u. Ft4 STABLE. IXV'-vtr.-Rta ax, Cw , jjNw'w'w-wJ 4iaXlU JLJ r i j f fi-kl Ia-4rtt.S O't.-tv. 0 y- ) ew .-. ew . ' S:r O ( "S -. , a e ; a 1 - J.e I I a A a-a- a .-. .a Mat, e . , M tlril t. S iWe Snew. a J .a.a. I " OW Oris -s biwar J w aaa t.i- -f a'aei t- - aa to t, ( aann.. ! i ' -e- , a , laiiiaiiiiM e.eji a at, n. a k . Ov. jil ii i Q l iiujim - t ' M ! "'a a urtaM a. a m twr, , , e . n y W waje .m. a....w. W uaa etaa. I , iiis .it I W' "-,' itvn om tw, M ewa 1 ay e , jwi..ae til ) " wm.w -ej a . joa-aat . , mif, ..,.1. j W- 'a.m lot Vwf . I I i t f f h f si ? f f - s u 1 I f Vwv e.T-tt Vssasj Owaw tv- 4 eleo , loajawwaeed ar V tMl, OwtiiHl . X mm awt m e )MW.e)Mef tkteWWV, T3 ini ? erf ti wIomi e eL sat tti 4 J I wiit T wt eta-mfm U' ' 1 1 jf f 0-v4 SiO-W ftarV O-ftweC lwV i tcitsVttriL . m a m. li j II I 1 A T? f 1 tn ttX, 5tt. .ttkfli trt 3 trtnrr iT'Te. ir.i i . e '7 aav a v v. - a - , i tM ' ar , """ e Sip , aa - . o wa. T a 0 e . t u. tt , t e-a- W wa i e i " w f a . 7 3m :: 4 M i iii ; 7 m f'li'i m s JT- "'lf ' eweab a mmm , -" - ti r.i.j .r.,t w " " ' -s-' - f ew axt wTawavT j 7!, ,. "WJ ' W a.. ..WtSwar' a M Z T aea. w w "t aw w w w- IZ Www. W A.a , a . - . T-e " -rw w ii.je ii a ; a. 'ww - at. a air ww"V at 1 . . " . .eaa ' .". waw .-", !. i ate- a m a r l . a w o wo '''" ww . - w.w.'waw lOWt aw . " " ' sw " e -V w - . a. e . " ... I - a aM. . W. - ina a o o e a t l e" twe .;)?ei.e(U, bpa twH. w so sw w ;e 0awwaa I w. x He t Wi w 'at. J'1 V tw ...,. .v 0 (iiw ' , o wa m e Oi i, ., aMW -. tOe , "eswwrt W (ae te we e sw e " ' ie. I'waw , e- Ma a i iretiw a ' W. fw 'WM. ft oTVaW-Z." e Waawwew IMI Ot 4t --'4- '- - - . ... eV w eW a , " e 'Wait - i . . '-. 'WW 4 mm m (I "' 'Be'.. ;' 4--sai",,. 9 waw ' j HelWS a " ig--WfWfe. iiwwaw a f " -w. .- wW-.-. aria w W LwiW a- t oa-ow a o. a i -eet kmmSv -s-(tJ)rWt- t'"TW r' w e . awr a S a il!-? , "-nr-air UWtl r 0 w , , ea-w W SH .., .... " " " tw T I e - --. . , . t " 11 W a w T j Wm i.i 1 1 .a .. ; ia -w-a- tf a. 1- Wi.MP -,. . , a .a , ; ,e a rw w. , .a .i.a .. , a ; -a. a w f a w a- . aawa waa S w , . f ...a-.. "t r m ..' ' w a i in e . , . w L a- ii . i .a ia W e t a e a. -i W - t a a i w . fat -' a . a. 3 tw.-- a .,, '- wi I m " atW a aaaaaaaaa t aaaa .J w..a. w - . aaawt ; aw a., a- ? -.a-a a i i i i a ta. i . ,tt fimrtr W.Ma - - - a a. aM "rtte e at i - a, i e. ajax.. ... ... a ,.. A