.1 - V - - S " - 4 ' - r r .- - - T7? if a. r -it": and Proprietor 'JL'fci HI GOUyTY, TIED DTVwT32 1102 V-iT-Ole VOL. XX11. LOUISBURG, K. 0, F HI PAY, JL'SK :i. tOI. t- I -l f OS. - - 4. ' 1 - r- - -' - - ' - .... - , - 1 . . . 1- CBCRCH - DIRECTORY METHODIST. - . . ,r 8unday School at 9.30A.. M. ' - . Qbo. 8. Bakbb, Baptr r reaching at 11 A. tt., and 8;15 V. M. every Sunday. Pr&ver meeting Wednesday night. L. S, M asset. Pastor. BAPTIST. I Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. ' Thos. B. Wilder, Supt r Preaching at 11 A.M., and b. 15 P.M., vwry Snnday. Prayer m -eting Thursday night. H. U Mabhburhb. Pastor. episcopal. Sunday School at 9:30. Wm U. Rcffih. Sept. Services, morning and night , on lit, 3rd and 4th Sundays, livening Prayer, Friday afternoon. Rev. J ornr Lo5doh, Rector. PEK3B7TEEIA.H. Services 4h Sundae in- each month morning and oiitht. . v- .n! C JN WHiRTsiN, Pastor. It 4 n tt ?t tt Champ Letter Fatuous Republican Leaders Pemfsyhra nia's New Boss A Gentle Trust Butter. Cheerful News For Democrats ,. .. tt tt 4- I " ft Special Washington Letter HOM the sods would de stroy they first make mad" is the English rendering of an old Latin saying. How much older; than the Latin language it LBpec w cf profound consideration and thor cngh investigation for several reason In the first place. Governor Penny pace er seems to have been as day In tb bands of the potter and to bava been wilting and redy to appoint anybody that Penrose suggested; secondly, tiitt LODGES. Loaibnr(r Lode. No. 413, A. is nobody knows. Whatever, its age-; Penrose anggeated Kno by reason of or nativity, it appear to he-peculiarly I the persuaskm oC Mesara. Frkk. Caa- Rppiicaijle -the,4)Fesenbircan, UaUvMnd -Cameroiw-aU important pt eaaerst;-;iij;y jiavesrepeatedly made onnges io irusta, Mr. I'assaxra rail- F. & meet lnt and 3rd Tuesday Dightx in rach month. lrotbasional arcl jH AUT11UII H. FLEMING, DliN TIST. LOU13BURCI, . - N. C. otleaOTHr The Qrjen Yarboro CO,b D R. J. B. MALONK, t'aACTICINQ PHYSICIAN AND 8URQKOH. LOUISBURO, v. a Oillce over Aycocke rrag Company. JR. J. J. MANN, . PHYSICIAN ani SURGEON, LOUWBCBG, N. C. O Bee over Aycocke Drag Co-'e drugstore JJR. S. P. 13 CRT, PB A. TICING PHYSICI VN A.ND SUBQBON. Louisburg, N. C. Boddie. Bobbitt & Co.'ii Druse Store, on Nh Btreet. EL EL P. YARBOROD3H, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Lohisburo, N. C. nm- flnnT Neal alldln(r, phone 89 yi.ht n-re'l from T. W. Blckett'B ia. .j... . reildence. phone 74. Otnce In H. ALLRED. ATTORNEY-AT-L AW , Will practice in all the Courts. Yoangsville, N C. U. MA8SBN80RQ, ATTORNBY AT LAW LOCISBUBS. W1U practice in all the Court of the State Office n Court House. loud and, fervent protestation of their love for the laborers of the land; SenV sible persons have considered their out put of words in this regard all along as mere" lip service, an opinion which will be demonstrated to be true if the aforesaid leaders carry out a scheme which they are now said to be incubat ing, and that is if Judge Alton B. Par ker is the Democratic presidential nom inee they will appeal to the employers of labor to fight him because by hfs judicial decisions Leilas proved that he is too much of a friend to labor! In that way they expect to be able to fry the fat out of the great manufacturers and trust magnates in great gobs. It might be well for these leaders to re flect that they will be using a sword liable to cut both ways. There are somewhere between two and three mil lion members of labor unions in this republic, to say nothing of the vast ar my of laborers in shop and field, on the road and elsewhere, who are not affiliated with organized labor. What will it profit Republican leaders to fry the- fat out of their baronial retainers and at the same time lose the labor vote, which is decisive of the contest? Nobody with eveu the minimum of in telligence would give a fig for Colonel Roosevelt's chances of succeeding him self should the self constituted leaders of his party by their misdirected zeal array the labor vote against him. He may have ample cause before the cam paign ends to pray to be delivered from his friends. That Judge Parker is a friend to labor was thoroughly dem onstrated on the floor of the house by Representative Fitzgerald of New York, and that friendliness will help and not hurt him should he bag the nomination. road being one of the anthracite coal trust roads, which Mr. Knox has been supposed to tie busting. Was that not curious backing for a great trust buster? Iost assuredly. Wherefore did that conspicuous trio espouse Mr. Knox's senatorial candidacy ? One Is forced to one of two conclusions either that Frick et at. do not believe tbst anybody can fill Knox's place as a "Strong prrMvre la Urtaf $ tvo the ta candidate fee oetae UtJ W. M. O. Dawson sa4 Mr. C. rjTr to nittkdrav and! permit sce er ttaa to b 0 ta4. It la taU gl aoibortlT thatUr. "Titer vtH aereOe to each a prrjratasrte. tottt Ur. tvi aoer" appear hmtm a majottij' f I ft delecatea to it state cuneeotiasi a4 oatural) la oawuncc to yWl o 4- tsnisRe e sat faiaeo. "Normally West Vlrxiala'a R?bib aa plurality to over 12XUX l McKlnk 2I.CC2 la 1SM a4 ror er preekxta to that H irsre titas ll.VT. Tt depreeaioa tn MtaotiMMa cmI dia log and the 41cbrfe f essay rs3ra4 employee will bort ilm pmrtf.t ea klerable extenl this year. Tt ruui more and Ohio, wakb ptwrat tVe atate. baa yaat laid off lSa TV corrotry banks Sa Wtt Vtrataie, aJ :;tafa wita tor iMwtmi ottartt are not attoftber ta m fiowta&la diUott aa tatcbt t deafrwd. r 1V ej AOfoaa and otbrra tbat-toubf Jbo."va- I rtoned make It more aad aore firbie that toe Repooiieaaa mast art rc their live tt tay beU West VtrtJs in line next Novetnber." Tbst is ebeerfal m foe CMswrrsta sad all lovers ef good goeraet. Tb sitnattoo ta West VtrxtoU avay eaM Democrats to elert totb a preeUcaf sod hows ef repreatUee. at Ike ' aatn time senltttt a tetaTl t tls (TlIS0UCn0UTTC VCILD. Tit QeW CVroaJrt Z xtmt t 0 lrt tSur tUt: f I 4 II w Jspsa war saasiyy t-" lv j a4 ti r n iet are b-juT, af Jar 24 jwa 4 4 eoc-t w'tth AUttom ka r at antf wilk. let.4'rte.f e-e-i-w 4f tuVi We4. tn AprZ t4 Cm IHXrh b rt it ii 1.41 4 siroog hall. .. TW CesrctaM te "st it rt tii nrrrs) fe t& , rV Xmhsf LairWU c4 f.ta tfm laCe t sVlaeaai KJ nUit tlWe . rf fcMre, ' t)wiMs Wle4 i. I! r - old velvet rvfv i : . . senate of th tT&tted StstiM. V Hol. Uust buster.and therefore they wanted llw RpubUcaa iMsnUot. s4 pUrta him out of the attorney generaPs office. goatK Pirpbeo R CUSas tn pere or that his trust crusade has been a of elimination political bunko game from the begin miis ana inni incy aesireu to rewara him for favors rendered to the trusts j while attorney general and to be ren- i dered to them hereafter In the senate. Inasmuch as the first proposition la I preposterous that is, that nobody can i do the trusts bo much harm as Mr. ! Knox in the attorney general's office. ;ete, set larfe rerMrMtee at ta; s.e.1 tram Xm htMUs J Wite CU wt iLoartt ti at fcwJ liW I t-t ""t- ? :ttk s wjr ft n sue rw' ! i. ; sl fc4 :a ima ff- -er 1 2m4 -e .4 mis 4Vu w lr jre st:Vi'e ( is3yieisf T)s en-jeie-man4 1I X Mr Wf rtiMMS --r ' S4t.T)4 flMie if atgue a I3 a: W teft ttis V Y' Xr aus wVI-e ?a sir. .u4 ' Je a Mi a iU a tie tiw s teyuv . 1 Wt 1 h l S ft t atjio- Vuh ii!rt,at. afa-rf m isifctJi, eve wf Wl wtNsAtk. a.sei-ai e&t4iMtW w!Vi t a) tfjff C F f 1 1 T rw M ifetAinwis,.- liMt - I - a jt'N,e'i4Ui iwlsc' 1 i -m..., le iwnsmmt J le f t 1 ?r Vm i r- t f , v - - e ttwt -!. r. C. ti t for scores of as able prosecutors can be found without trouble people can not be blamed if they conclude that the trust crusade, so called, which has been waged with such vigor (?) by Mr. Knox was a make believe performance not intended to hurt the trusts, but de-vi.n-d for the purpose of humbugging the people. Posthumous Honors. In his time Uazen S. FMngrce, twice governor of Michigan and four times mayor of Detroit, was the plague of the politicians of his state, who denounced him as all sorts of a demagogue. W1NSTEAD, AKCUS 0. ATTORNBY- AT-LAW, Louisburg, N. C. Ovrics ovbr Corner Drag Store. Special Attention given to collections, rractlce wherever services required. M. W. BUDDIE, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW, Louisburg, NT. C. Office over Boddie, Bobbitt & Co.'s drag store. vv m. HAYWOOD RLFFLN. ATTORNEY-AI-LAW, LoinsBtrBe, a. o. arm n.utti- in All the Courts Of Franklin tud adjoining counties, also In the Supreme JourtTafid in the Dnited States District sad Ulrciut uourxa. .. ., Otnce in Cooper and Clifton Building. HOB. B. WILDKK, ATTORNKY-AT-LAW, LOUISBUBS, . O. Ofles on Main street, oeer ones a Cooper's (tor. . F. S. SPRUILL. ATTORNEY -AT-LAW, LOC1HBUB0, H. C. WU1 attend the courts of Franklin, Vance SranvUle. Warren and Wake conn ties, also (be Supreme Court of North Carolina. Prompt attention given to collections. Office over Rgerton's Store. W. BICKBTT, ATTORNBY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. tOTTMBUBe B. 0. Republican Bossism In Pennsylvania. What's in a name?" asks Shake speare and answers his question him self by declaring that "a rose by any other name would smell as sweet." For, lo, these many years the late Senator Matthew Stanley Quay was the un questioned boss of Pennsylvania Re publicans, and he was called a boss. He did not flinch from the title rather gloried in it, perhaps. He ran things with an iron hand, and he did not take the trouble to conceal it in a velvet glove. General Harry Bingham of Philadelphia the father of the house evidently does not like the term boss. So he uses an euphemistic wordandsays that all trouble in the Republican ranks caused by the death of Senator Quay has been settled because Senator Boies Penrose is now the leader and will conduct the politics of the Keystone State in the most approved manner. He vouchsafes no information to an eager world as to how Senator Pen rose became leader. Surely not by con spicuous public service. Did Quay, who was his political mentor, will him the leadership or did he seize it vi et armis? If he is what General Bingham says he is, then machine politics in Pennsylvania has been reduced to a science. Quay inherited the boss-ship from old Simon Cameron, "the Winne bago chief," who created It. Pennsyl vania is a great state thesecond In the Union and yet under Republican rule it has come to pass that the mil lions of her citizens obey implicitly the beck and nod of one boss. This state of affairs has existed for more than half a century. At rare intervals the people kick. Once they defeated the great Simon himself by one vote for United States senator and elected a people, so well, saw in Plngree a friend, aud they 6tuck to him to the last. Political ly he was a good deal of a bull tn the chinn shop and broke np much fine crockery, but the plain people loved him all the more. He devised the scheme whereby the poor were enabled to have gardens of their own on va cast lots In Detroit held for a rise in price through the energy, industry and enterprise of the adjoining landown ers. For this remarkable achievement this remarkable man was dubbed "Po tato" Plngree In derision, and he was a butt for all the wits In the country. Perhaps there were a dosen big bore statesmen in Michigan, contemporaries of Pingree, who deemed themselves more worthy of a bronxe statue tha he and who would have split their aides with laughter had any one sug gested that the erratic mayor and gov ernor would receive such a poe'hu mous honor. Yet such Is the truth of his tory. Most of them are forgotten, the rest soon will lie. but on Memorial day "Potato" Pingree's efflgy In bronse was unveueu oy 111a loving lurTimn j to show to coming generation that gratitude must still be ranked among the human virtpes. This man. reviled while living, "went about dolnic good" in Imitation of the Master, end he hsth his rewnrd. But It would have made him a happier man could he baTe known that his efforts to ameliorate the condition of the multitude were so highly appreciated. The old saying. De mortals nil nisi bonum" ("Speak notaln of the dead except that which is good"i. should be broadened In Its scope so aa to rend. "Concerning neither the living nor the dead say nothing except tbst which is good." Statesmen. poUttclsrw. philosophers, multinilll!onaJre-ln fact, all classes should learn a lesson from It is satd that Henry T. Oxnard, ar trust magnate, has what tbe Wye call a "Hrvcb" on the scat ta tte swmat of the United State now occupied T Senator Hard, provided the Kefmbite ans elect a ItUlatnr. wnVn U d3tt fol. The certainty of tXaard's eW tkm. shonkl the tneUlstsre be Ktt (lean, ought to r.M t& toori to carry it. Sorely tb laltiel oM to be chanced from l O I, re i H. Grand Otd Itniabac? Kve If thmy ekxt Ox nerd the Repobttran . wUJ $ on prating about Reobtka exposi tion to trust. Ail things appear to be work! fc get her for good to Democrat ta l0 the Republican kstJature at tUn. made an ootr ceoos trrytasodwv ef the stste for legislative potV"r 4v which the Wntecrsts oH fceve to have a majority of aooi4iit& Ue 3TJ 00O in tit state In oedr t eor4 Ik libera, Tt t wti Us 4 4 tckt fei Mnlw st iXm Vjm4 4 tW Ueeo shw tBut &m st fc X lliirptrae. twp-ftafc ss r eoeIa4e4 1 tmmmvtvgff saVct'awav He t whacib tSa sv.4 tstea ltv'asM mvlrel l&-r$ A aae)weil 2.t4 ew4 W uh t!4 t.-4 tf sasipaei'liuna e Ca es-le m.Sit U di l itm?'vs aarMMtn .vn1e er CktMwi-sHttt, e -e rKM1 f4 el St a v.i.4 blr-" " ee we- k e. t-a 1 Fl fc f f 1 r,.-,. m m.)fmm 'life X I f W IN e Mm timm mmm m I I f al 1 I I j v ler w I waettw a. e. ev . mmm m s a W I tM smww i.iit., .m, i.,hi, . Mb f a sr ii I 1 ' I ..fu mi a, r -. " i mi, Maa n at- l a Im mm. m e mm n mnm i m etA. im 1 1 in- in mi i 4e jVlrttyf 3Jm fof t at 4 tJb t"5iaet . Stii" TUK0 cub t i&m tbrMkrMv I f -sad sidt tUl s liiCe stf 4 j - V At wisely sittMMal M ee -" 4 t-t-Ck,t r f t K. de l.a.la ts lib Ma!it I e4 4i ' sU aa sfo- rxi i t' ft e 1 rre kf We aal ?ik.Wjr U im . h wue e.oiaatee. TV ess-4. ( r s--e so s....i. bt rl h-M lrlvt-4 te e iwa I "Mf tve.o rA aunt eu peKiy sS ffeiA, sjvI -I w s - aiiot4 eta.'i Um eae-4 VII sa-1 tils Is.'m !.a A t J ' "' Urf- sn-1 er-e M w-llV l.- ) 5- tU ul -r. - i... X'-f.-v . .4.. ' tu V.. AitNH 0:e et sm 1.1.1. . mw,-m r., - " . ) 4a , m mm MMt 4 M- M.I ! J II Hull illli HIMtW. WH( -; e n, w ttHw. iv ni i . pe ' ti i mum nm W4 wim ! S M lli in 111 MM a Hn. t. K mr4.ia ?ls imu ,. MMen to rrrir .r . ...a . .. fMS tmm ste llt t owe. 4Wke 1 L fsiea.Wil. fcs ftieai 4sa m . et. - :. a a, tf"! fl monnteh.inb ami framl Rut th nlaln ... . . ., . . . . ! Vest slat ure. Now com tfce mnvm iiutu Aumuam uncinn mjtfu ! . . ... I . .... . . . i . . . . . coon ot inaian ana toi eoi vo rj4t of lilg by . z!r.r f gerrynisodr oo srrooodji of coot tutkmsllty and dwrl.ru rtvat tS lee la tore most tie tWini unVe tfce p pnrtloomeot law of 1W7. wnk-o. ttva alao pasavd by a Rrpat!k- kite ture. Is not so unfair as the tmam jswt knocked out. Tb soprv cwrt 4ct- lus t-tM.c im im e 4 I U:m ct Ufe. la ajrra . t si' It. I1, .V t.. " e"k. 'tlMllM p,. by tiw etfSeee e t. vtrf 4-i?e U &iie w . Mt '' SMI . 'P M Him. Mua m M ! rt" WWII . mum, i, taM .mi..,. iiium, V niii Asa. f.aaayAT , kaaj. fait agfV "irjft. m ii'Mstok taf n. utn tar rn. i t.ff ic: f iitv itttsk ttf slon Is balled wtth rt by llr I s adue eif-4i4 as eit "- Democrats, as It gives them a trsf ra chsace to send a IVmocrst to ttte Ca.t ed State eeoate tn piece of tWvl Beeerfclare- ... It t whispered tee that flea. Ilea Jamln H. Odell. covemor ef New far and also rhalrmaa ef t&e Svt-tVra state comroltw. haak't sfte a ttUrd term la the gahertunoeist oOk tw Jamln iwm to t retb-rf arJy Oliver TUt. k rrWws for mee TW Democrats In bis beltiwkk sVM 3 all tbey ceo to betp kin mmrro tt third n.tnitiatkn. for wttn btta si IW besd of the HrpubtVe U tSy ongbt to be sbi to land tbe !( t the iveBK-rvatle rolans -a.;tv scat bf so overwbelmlns tnajoftty If Odatl? ts'nontlnsted. Sen roe I'tetJ wocj1 mum prolwbly knife biro wjii srwt thnslssoi Ionl Brro bed a srrt bead and knew what tstlf about when ke said, Jli H r ( a . taM.aa '-M ta) f iiimi ere a. m-tiUmmim mm it 4- . . & at..W. . T W la ths ef c4 ihm HlfM tipAlteewke J Ui ta sMMtwiey mm.mm I f . a : f rr k A REPLY TO TTtI EOOtJlATl j SV SwS A irnl slei e-n k mm aj s I .'1 "iT 77' ... ' 1 I - tl 14 i ITT- SMaMMi jartltiH ,,.,!, ,u 4, ? f ' , I 4i . -H .-eM.C w I wt.. SMita. mm j ?; f ' It d. l: O. tt.4 I U H mm mm.,mm mm mm i ' . ! 1; !, ' ' T eta a.a, ' feM Sv- Svt as e t Ml a M Mk i mm. 4M. . i,,!. e s e w M v I m t:e VQ ill 14" "mm Wi.hiii n m mm.,mm m mm 1 I$mi f iia''Haiii.ia aa.aift afM. m 4)1,. . , . s. . . . n 4i tumiM aitie wie e w tt e .-m e $ iai.UWM .a-n-a " , . I m- mmmm m . e e tixLai alli nr a -anetoaat. 1 ax f..i I 1 a ... . .. J MM I iiW !, B IMP naftM ' M. . Sa. a 4NtaM.l mm mtm h WoU fl mi SMi Wl a I ' ... aiM . tmmm . mm, mmm. m ro t&st s eeKs ! 1 .rwi. ' ZL kTV tti t&aaar s e'e a i as 4iv immi e ev rttlllljiaiail iHW k , . . aaUsja m0 tfhw 4kiaaasisaaaMahaA "" tin ' , a M1.1 ' t '.1 li mm - f a ' til e a aw j i v- a m M t 1 1 1 m a at e lm t t a - ; a .aa , . ti Tv 1 ?- 1 Wfcaain lST b V-el .k. a daifee o lV t.am-.g l.'-stt-a aria." sl Uk . 1 Ma m a uu 4a M aut. 4m Maa. S. a ... a 1 a .m, t . . a .. . .. . " S. ; awe taiH 4aa WaMav-l. aJaiua i ,u.lU....a. n v .l . f)yettt' t tM'JIa - es n tiaif4 .kai e et "iw II -' . aa-l &WMMlt urn rmtmm aiwai . .a. in mil, a a vetige" My brtlllsnt frtetxt. rVoatov lowstas Prentlee Itotllvrr of tows. U eaeta tel an opttmlst of the order He bss evolved out of fet taoee conaa-roooea a beaertfot sot aging Ibeory to the rt ttvat (U trusts will kill tbeto-tve if M a ,. or If given rope eixwo wW bo limmm- selves Tbst U a great fce-lp-w tStel 1 Dollteee rsrrlee srooad. a ad esf W added witb prrfeet trotb tta tl te Pingree's statue, end that Is to strive 1 Ddatm kelplec to do gool t - - i The Wssblagtoa Ttmt tkel Good Newt From West Virjinis. Colonel Leoofdat Feili LJvlorai f It is high time for Republican spell Georgia t now wbonotn- it t fe . -J-fl rwtliuS C ta NIC MMI.i, m, mm ; aaa aw "' lit Art'a -a r ? , , -; iwhi.iiii a ? ... kv ! na If W fce-ote s4 4aM v : . . .j.CaS. Tieeiei, t;ia a erf. a i v tn t- -x-e le w a . . t s tvKM. ,. , ... . , . ' ea rwuii WtaS 1it- 1 It. ,U i-tia. "' , 4 tnl ssa4 se4y 4 sowl we're in a4 O I I ---i sasj esiop st aHtiy T ' ., w "w-e e mm jm ? ! a ' a MB- af w 4s w mm 4 w w mm- fm m a w w e wi s a-aa?vag sanrws.. at a bev4, atro WJ ls t?o-a5i. . . . t3M s4 aii a rotc ftw Prompt and painstaking attention given to Democrat. Twice they have elect T&TSSaiw JarucrshhdTHon. John Robert B. Pattison governor over Re auniiur. Hon. Robt. W. Winston, Hon. J. C. 1 nnhlican nominees simDly because ht Buxton, Pres. First NaUonal Bank of Win- .ton. Glenn k Manly, Winston, Peoples 1 Bank of Monroe, unas. j. xaywr, " " at OoUese, Hon. B. W. Timberlake. Office over Heal fc Co.'s Store. -Y MBSOIT, ATTOBBXT aMAW, LoVisBTBe, a. o. vnmtAomm in all eourts. Office on Main street. w. H I ARBOROUQH, Jb. ' ATI OENEY AT LAW, LOUISBURO, N. a publican nominees simply because he was an honest man! Once they kept Quay out of the senate of the United States for the space of two years, but they could not -keep him out for a -whole term. He returned to the senate and appeared to be ; more firmly in trenched In power-than, ever .before. Dying, he devised bis acepterto Pen rose, and tbe4?enDsyJvaniana seem.not to have- spirit enough to. eontest the last political will -and testament of Matthew Stanley. To this complexion has It come at last the full fruitage of Republican bossism. Office In Opera House building, Court street 111 hn.lnoss intrusted to nun ivill receive prompt and careful attention M. F. HODCK, . a. CONTRACTOR ahd BUILDER, "a. IiODIBBCTRQi N. 0. : 8enator Phtla.nder C. Knox. And so Attorney General Knox la to succeed Matthew Stanley Quay In the senate .of ; the United ; States ; by the trrace of Senator Boies. Penrose, the new boss aforementioned." HoW did it happen? The papers inform us that "t Henry C. Frick, one of the:steel trust magnates; Mr?. Cassatt, president of the Trallng Agent for all kinds -?aJJ?Ji?5. 1 Pennsylvania ' Railroad company, and tuwplies, Artistic Mantles and Tiles. Arc Bectara. iaaiii ouumi."" HOTELS. f RANKLINTOK HOTEL JTBANKLINTON. N. 0. J. Donald Cameron, representing the .Standard Oil company, ' cornered Pen rose up It? Philadelphia and after much confa'bulatioa induced "tiim to agree that Mr. t Knox might-be translated from the Cabinet to the senate. Now. that was aTjneer transaction,, worthy binders to revise their speeches as to Republican harmony and Democratic dissensions. In a very old book we are admonished to remove the beam from our own eye before we undertake to perform a surgical operation on or neighbor's optic to remove a mote. rat admoirttion Is peculiarly applica ble to Republicans. The Republican split li Wisconsin and the stubborn deadlock lo Illinois nave pa seed Into history. For something like a yearoow the Republican factions bare been- at each other' throat la. Vt Virginia. 1 The revolver, the shotgun, the rifle, the knife and tbe bludgeon bare been, fa vorite campaign arguments among tbe strenuous Republics ns or the Mountain State. The Washington Post, Independ ent, but with strong Republican lean ings, thus sums np tbe situation: "West Virginia Is giving tbe Republic ans much unea sinews. If tbe factions were at peace there would be no sense in discussing prospects of a Demo cratic majority-there. Bnt tbe factions are not at peace, and their trouble are deep rooted. Unless some coropromls is reached there la danger that tbe state, .with its seTen electoral tfotea, wtll be lost to Roosevelt ,Tbe Republican leaders are" apprebenalva of a bolt when tbe state convention meets aV Wheeling July 12. That would be al most as disastrous to tle party tbe bolt in .Wisconsin promises to be It would assnro the election of a Demo cratic governor and "put the stats la doubt on tbe presidential ticket. O. C. for pre:deot and adds tbst by doing t'narU Ij baa cwt lie- circle-of caadtdate. aatrf a4vwlat 1 all . .al i.t. e.W iaa.rt'iaa ,m a 1 1 aa-tstM i aw, i i . a . innuendo at tc ace u W S'aerala I y0 Georsisn ef telle la bl aert9a-a. I walk tijs ttwr.' a frailty sopp-d to b owarwa4 by lb taoie. Toe bed t'srle U boakl so foe sUaoSer. I CjtS'MSal W44M ra. .iiaanl.a .af m-gm are As V . I i air a.a. . 9 a4 lr. A3 - f-, Z,T17ZZ TaJXCT ) -Jl!er tfc- Sl"-4 J fsaV tW ! Va -Ha-i aMSaW mi-mmm wa.a 4 tvae; a4 gar. JU s- 1 Tbwew its sh lat-e Cmea. v fraWwta, yo- l a aw4 .Lmi i fta. laa4lllaU .......a. i..i.hi mm' ;- tr m a.iia I I I l f , aa mmm a - m 'm I MMW tMaMI aa. " t, t " www fcfel aatftaa at. aa.. ' - iii i aa. a a. wiHina ' mm mm H - .a. y 1 1 win an ii f 7J Ma " , - -'- aa 'liaiunw - ! a ' M a . v.. f ii tw it mm mmm tt mm ' tia iaaaa mm) mmm m 4 fl, ' " Saw f M mmm mm mmm V e t M w Sal w ",J ' - - a. . . fcaanwum I f ai v nnm). a m mm It mm . mm mmm 'mr S m-mmm S M w , (M .a-.v 4 mm m mm aiim S I llM .. fa'ifl I a Sa m mm 9 W mm mm, twajwe 4 e m m SBVOY ? ai,ttTssa.tt. wmm f! mrm-m a V-ntt,. kt.a j,t tlmmm tw Tb - vigorous and eteitrw wy ta wbteb Governor ste ef tuiswts as awinglns .the beadsmsft's at tt cause ttraeg tbaogbta to tbe t other tbrouth the fntnd cf -r etat oent rivO sertk reforsaee. tvl Tbeodore Reseett. TVee ia-as't been sorb a whole! aleogUer af te tnnocecta (?) sine tb days of Kto Rerod. Tba 'capers of Ooeernor rbly Colorado and bte foreafa -a tan ran, a creepy feeling abovt ta sfal eolomna of Repabtkaa leader as tbey tblnk of what may bappea t tt-rw la November. Tbat Wwttfew eatnwt. General Cbarlea Itsary Orwrvewor af Obfo. baa pabtkty axpreweed tW fa ka nsort tbaa ao tbat lb IIikb atead nutter defratwi Ceaeral ! mla Itsrrtaoa for ratijrttoi.'Woia IX. history ta aboot to rpat Itself t , Rl.k rieailanhit results from a disordored itomach and f qniekly enred by Chsmber Of much speaiinj? cometh repen- rnniWV ' , i Uins 8.tomeh nd Liver Tablets. kidby J DXlt in gflenae is aafety. V $L4 W. WUul&l " ': . Aycockdrugeo. . X , V - ; i. ' . He that committetn ao eyii , naio. : p0r a Haiidred Ye-tr. iiotlung .rft fear.i..?-- - s i" ; Good aeaoniodatlon for th traveliag -xblie. , ; - Good LivoaT Attached ... MISSENBURGr HOTEL. j r Massenbure: Propr HENDEKSONaN C lo id accommodations. Good faret ; Po . jftta aadatteattra "matr - - Sued BT MS Doctor. .- .. remaipe iorx.u wvi ai : - - , ,, . . reft Chicago to-discover hosr to comb f he?fXlvX- ?eaSJ -irtoes of witch fc-sel whb ether i claimed was ' 7r Val Ue h ' ilers morons says K wmte et oscaei , , ... , -1. ... vu. ., For a hsodrea. years or mors ' v ifeb bassl bss been reeoga sed s a ssperlor reasedy hat it ' remained for C Deltt aad Ce of eosnb'ae . b atiaep Dewttt Uttr. Sued Br uis. Doctor. A doctor which 1 ela of cholera morbus pays la CalAttbe tn skill and medjcie . A. .1. 1. not :jiamoeriiia w're!i"w;a i hj-h rhoea Kemeay ne uaeo a i B toennnterfelt asd the vsbUs Is sdtked t 7t, I look lor the asms DeelU ths and and accept no other. Bolil by Ayceek U i& Wt- ewoaateg Trwe. tfsw,, y ar tH t-U-njrat, bwi W ye-. bjw ilvsl si w a e U bV, tJpo vr aa t fw wi-e, asAsy JU era wtm w-ij t fca' te sci5 surely eSi- Aa4 ar lwie f, Vy its) Vrslr " ai- t' lalf at a --fte s ra fcasMfat-isi, Vat Is Sialeiy IWf ' rtrii wvtJ tsrvai ( frkvlu 1H fa iatPaST Tbera a. nothing tutaral tt orna woraeo but tb (oc.ilt-wa tsl and (rajneworK. - --l-i1' At?trog nrt ! tw.. sale C -. sass- . aw TaVJfcvt. t a4 mmmm is ee-taviea-ia-t ay Hit UM n f el son wki A-6-nty. tta ta W141 - W i wwewalwil l'H tr. .M aaiit t-tate I w ftntauaMW e-te aw m wnt w aw jraita ew a.t4a a S.lo mmm (li a.,ii1 WMaWlat aw INW-e 4t4 awfts tiin'iK w 'w.w .. e Wl mmmmmm M.aWi ) " ' r '.- - J . 5-ry Zm f ? - Itaa pa-ti gi wt Stat naHaaa, mm Kt ffWa a WUSf Iv wka rMWKM aw-a Say e a. VaS Wa 111- I WMw.1 f at ea niw,iaiiiws Bl aW ! aaa.aa mUH SKSWaM OaMt mm laaWW i Wt ttl kiKiwiii iaiiw iKir-i'iw e ia mQtl a WMHMS WaS Wlfraaltaw WiW mmmtmmumtmm mm A .! 4tw ) WaH-a.-t wS aswa, , m e I SV t mm mm mm. S SM w W I fl l raw V7Uasf aw ft w--l e im, 1 a t iw ..v w araw:.,-. ...... . , t t 1 a aw. taws ,3a e t a a ' 4KiJ a e . aa a . "' , 4 i a mm ' Tl tl asal ait - Tt-a. t U s-w4 4kU waww- a eV Lla - 4 mm aal ra-tla Sa ! S-fS Sfata-S M waa a. - . tmmm -- t.-u teWw4 Oa .w4 as - e) ! ee-l rw I st W aw. Te f b I aeew aa-4 a f j awwirf w Feed -Sale's UierjB STABLE. sjipg, j Ja!laViaa0a ,. ...... I (WaWk m mm :: im amiinwnm WWWi m ii nwmrma " - .u . . v , aa. 4 MMMI . M S e aiai ihaaawiV'aaaa' a, aya w e aw w "WW e ' aMa. an aa mm aw WW . ' aaw auaiLai a S,a a u . I aa VtaM S WW t W mm 4 wwiw. ' 4 a ax w a a a a TV -airtai b Jl4 0nm In ! ii is a )tVi a 4ia wr tU J ar ?a i f ltm- t wve itlaia CtMl WlK.Nt WfM Ua C Wlla tal- 4knal t gaawS WW W"") a ewt't e trtftw.fi iiwt -w a. bat waw at ( aafllM.at 4H ei(l fWalfttM Mt maiM-atf aaWI'laa tt ' a .-' ""' ae wun iwlo .a W'tmas . O-taae w luiwl tar.fWay 3.W WaW w.. ..,w w te a -wa :- 1) Slumn Dactt A sjaaff J a v . a s naiaei rairn ia iu n uvea stms ve as sw ,ia T ?V.d him iM wa. ' sores cuU bafas bmlsesaad piles- The M?!ai"m.i t5!! hlghsuadiagef the salt, bss give H-e staadine of this salts baa We ties ods to believe it wa and be wonl under oath that it w could use a bettor re ' by Aycock drug co.. ...atkHotit vu not. "" No doctor I umira " . , ivuuiu ua..v.,. - .- - - ' 'drneeo. is aar4 by pttet i twrtU. Isljr- tas "() al v' It r-f-" U keari. Tk-t wme Ka44 iraref lleres Ua. Uas bea4 ad reelerte f iu rsei IkestreagtlabyeaaMrisf !--- n dir ' ,iH a-r-raa j mm a O bwwo back I a -- A w4 W, DM Sr em km a pmms as A -wt V -te ww- wT-5?aS Mt'Me a. I ' ttat'Sj i tOirt 4 J ,aBS b '7 ataMii. 1 tu-w-at j I s e a IWWW I WMelilt 4 w i - UX-rS-8VCb u Ot 4 Ska I.HlIW f S Iji a w a a t t ea. (fewWrft a) wb aW . W s t a 11. ( e 4 V tm S aaaa, 4 w . t - t SM f - --wZ-wr wr":t w I f 1 .!, aitw 1 a w . w I Saaaaw.aawal f J W a ' nr a.-a. 1 fa .aw y m a, m -4 m m. e aiwiawwai r-twst .. f w . , J a.a t v e t W ! ?" '-" ; . ' . aaitaa W aw Si WW W a a aa .9 T,..,t U erf f"Nda, l ajaat. .!. Wait twU Ola -t a-tvWl - - b- I I 4 Aww4 tw- m m i O 1 nwaa awaa a-. - k yimniwa piuins mm rmmmm ewr esr tea sW re I VaM ,., 1 u -y--1. isb Uks Ue stfa as . 1 irte Uwfs'l yrtlw w I sn-rr a i, atra:if. Saalaas ir-a- i twea raw a- reaabttisf Ik ss-s a .,iMM4rir- Tkrs a fr a s-r,a atalaw ta-VaawS e-WJ - "a f liiUti. e -s.ajp ' f.t-taUw nu;rt ra m .. . ,. J w. -- ... . e- t w rafts m-ml W"tit Saa-aawS . mm aaa IwK I.MiaW I W WaW i fc a i a jaa4 w w-.ts .' e . a a. y a 1 - S aa k f'-m-m .'-.. fa- aj., a (taas. I ' A s-wrf -...-- PaMMaea 9sbiiaaadwW' at.aawa l.p wna .mm eaaM,.Uw aw. a- a..ai.ia wa. -a 1 . . , .....a a, iWaaani.fcW w14 awa '! .a. i .aaw- Wa aaai wi inaan'xia.i WW a WW pt asd Sppropvi-i ! U ki--l-4 s-4 t et Vb stood as sert wter rV.i4 y Af I I I . W.W ta ia-.4 " WWaW M -;; - ' e :- t aa aw ". WW .a WaWW w I 4 , :.aaa lf Wla IIHWW, 1 I SaV.-.S,. a a 1 .,.. $ w W. aaa 4. '""t4 w, a t e K..aa mm?: s m err a - j a, V

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