A Miims, Editor aai Froprletcr. the couirrr, rj : j , LonsnuiiG, c r; - 1: CHVItUH DIRECTORY. 1 r f 0 I II r 1 i -V .1 V .1". - J 1 v MSTHODI6T. , ' -! ! r--. r:- 1'.. ( . - SandaylSchooTt at 9:30 AtM. -..'- Gwf."S. Baker. Bopt. i z ?.'.' t'z srz. $ la t.. Hrt V 1 tan linor-w Ccrce.T.'nj Ta-U; Pd P;i-k Dr. Cuajx!uj CorrocteJ 3 & & rroachiag at 11 a. do., ana 8;15 r M. aerj jduaaay. . - F . r , ; : Prayer tneetihtr Wednesday nieht. : i .',..1 -j- i . r n t u , . . . 1 7 . : , I X : - s k ! UIu 4-. 1: v 5 f ; -... x . a x t.: !. r?y. &j i-y : i rj ; jg rc -;-ras5 - I Sanday; School at 9:30 Ai M,.v -- . 1. .ThTkx R VtT.Tn 9nnt Preaching at 11 .A. ML. and b:15 P.M.H Lt rrarf Sunday. - Prayer ineting Thursday night. - v H.J1. MASHBURut. Pastor. J IITSCOPAi, V-" 0...4..xa..V. I n.on -.-'v v...- ;-?.-;Ai..v - Wm H. Roffin, Snpb -Service, morning -- and- night 4.011 u, Bra ana a sana&vs. fr Loninbuh? Lodrfe,-Nos413,-- A:;,?&.f 'A. aLt meet "IhV and 3rd Tnesday oighui ia each month. r " Ttt FREDERICK K CX)UK. PHia Loalsbnrg, N., C.';-' ' . OVN wltn Dr, A- H. Ftemlng. , Hoars: 10 , m. to IS m.. S p. m. to, tt p. ,m.s Special noma by appolutmeat. . ' JjiL'AlirHDR H. FLEMING wmsBtraa;. . s. c. OHoeOtnr The Oreea .fc,.Trboro Vo.'a aHo Of FRAOTIi Loxicrsa a PHYSICIAN A.ND SUBQSON. 1 . LotUBBuse. s. a Ottlo over Ayeocke TTa,? Company. Mover 4y MANN', V I ' tOCWBLBO, K.'C. USfice over Ayftocke Drog Co.'e drngetore i"-"" 1 t B. S. P JBUR' ii v X PRACTICISa PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. ' OfBea in the rear 0 ' Bod die, Bobbitit' & Co.Vlrna 8tore. on Nash strepfei vf -t- D H..ILK YARBOROtTQU. ki. . M. v.; J-ttlOitiaa Mill BUaUDUWii: , - . KTeatiur Prayer, Friday afternoon? ur yjmwi.vi'n national centra- j w.-nyu-tja -n .-conprr . r isrt ajc-. i wt va intti-c, t'l f f ; . . . Ikv. J0U9 Lohdobt, Hector. . tivi)4(j J5$jfcUer.itiP " . 1 PREBYTRRrAV - - V LoUge was reading the Iiarbiican rlat-j tn"Tu?,a - ' j ta qat.WcnJL l Ate? ; mornioic aba mitnc. - r -- - 1 iui:ie iu ..i uii-iatiiie ana 4S-eomir rw.- r . : . " r ' . ,r - v..;.' reldetice. pnone a. -. -r i-. ' T '.'AlXRED ' ATT0KintYAT2-EW,- . , ' "Wli practVw In att the Coarts Office B.-MA8SENBUKQ, 'V '.WUlprmetloelnaUtlie Gonzts of theRtate WCm C. jWINSTBAU vi-' km i U.- 5 ' ATTOaNKY-AT-LAW, ;rOTO0 otxb Corner Drug Store. Speelal Attention given to collections, f raotxee wLereVer serricea required. ; Office OTftr Boddie, Bobbin & Co.'a drug tore, t 1 . f . m. kiYpob rCffin. W - - - ATTOBJffEY-AT-LA'W'j v ' ' , -'lioisBUBa. k. 0. -; - ' arm nnrtJra in all fha Courts of Franklin ad adiolnlns eoantiee, also in the Bapreme joarL, ana xn vna uuiwsu dum uuu " AXrenlt Uoarta. - ' ' ; r Ottlee lo Oooper and Clifton Bullmiiff. TH08. B. TOMB,' - ' ' ' Z . A - . , - ' . If" ATT0K2irBY-AT-LAW, Office on Main street; over J one At Cooper's tor. " S. SPRTJILL, j . ; ATTOMIBY-AT-LAW,"" - iWCTTJBO,ir. C , J " ' Will attend the eourta of Franklin, Vance aranrtlle. Warren and Wake conntlea, also in flnnranxe . Court of North ; Carolina., prompt attention given to eollectlonati.i Utxxoe over bribtwu. o p W.BIOJtBTT, ATTOBJTKY AND COtTNSKLJLOB AT LAW", : y :;r' . LOUTSBUBB . O. - j - j Prompt and painstaking attention given to wvrr matter intrrxsted to his hands. - Bolers to Chief JosUce Shepherd, Hon. om -7..., " u w, Winston. Hon. J. C. Bton, Pres. First National Bank jof Win , rton. ai'ena Manly. Wlaawaeop Bank of Monroe, jnas. r.. xir, est College, Hon. B. W. Tlmberlake. - I Uf floe over Neal Ce.'s Btore, ,1. V" l.!PBBSOflf4 ATTOBLNBY ATJUAW,- - ' Mxn8BUBe,. 0. rraetteea In all eoarta.; Qffoe on Main street. ; ' f." . ' ft & TAJtBOKOUGHrJtB. ATIOBKEY AT LAW, - LotTISBTiaO.N. c. , ; A)ffloe in Opera House haUdlng, Court street "'All legal business intrusted to him arlli receive prompt anaeareiiu I - CONTBACTOB and BUILDER, 1 'tJh-t : : Trading Agent fo all kind of Balldlng lappues, anuuo u, .-r r Hecturu uesiKnsouuuitticu. HOTELS. ; JFllANKLLNTQIi IIQTLL v . -; ; JTBANKLINTON, N. C. ood aecomodation f or the traveling f3tood Livy Attached .-. ' , V MASSENBUKG HOTEL: , J I Elassenbur Pro pi nE:iDr.cq:i. :i.c. 1 4 . fi '. . -iSpeclalWaslijigtai Lttch-. . . length -ever r'proaitilgatea la tUIs- Trrldl.Mobso'o-ss'.y- nothljiof oii.cn. ;i J min xvltli'nr rir'aUtloa to ! bewMsY 5 c.a out n.n.-y' cr ."orth ' . !'"i'rrVllL,'uTX- 'f" ' " t ; f - : 71 . ujaw iutUiu wibOHor-i man xariir oin was ."asea on. -tree trsulo principles"' a baiieaed 'IjQ ten years uiuii, 'jircpj i i. Tvgnstr jf s t enatr Lodge and Ins co-laborev ia preparing tatDlatforta-cver feasor hpd of, the - coamiahttT6ii. fcV" Mbfcif 'f witness acainst tliv neihbor'-- Evi- force on RepilArcau Jeiiiers iniLe'ye-.'Jr' of our Lorci and- Master lOOl.-s Every V nsou-tiortnan ' inn ievica an average J tana of nearly ,40 per . cent .oa- aboat 4,000 articles of everyday eonsrumpl ion To say 'tlat it is .'based on tree tratle nee Is by such laptrap ,as . that . thatSehator- L vi yit-Biueui- exyeeis 10 rope. in me unwarys voter and to achieve. Repub Ifean victorj. - - Jl' l 1 4 - U H f 1 J Here is another pl.afform falseKood: "Under the Dingley tariff labor has been fully employed," wages have'rlsea and all -industries have - revjyed : und prosperd! Whire Senator Jfte-trhs -reading-tTjat sentence, to.. li jtinpea pr comeiieraiesia eon venuon asisepji o;ea, a half 'liitHionj American Iaterera - wore Deggmg r- aoiance ra touTwn were being discharged'wlrolesiile by railroad coicpaniesand byvmanufaetniiT.i., es, wages" were being. ciAtiiAl quantity of food that a laborer and tAs fajnQy may ; consume . wag being' - fe dnced - by . .tne .higltprlceaAestablished that.flfe RepuUliean mansgerg-in, the. Anamas ana bjppjjra, - ' Tarifis and Panics. Bpelibinders. and eoitors i& tcatvmuer Hepablican" tariffa rtinie are,, always :agas' Mr., SecretaryJofUtli 'Tieasjirr Leslie M,-Shaw is fond of. making that declaration, and this year, the Republic an managers, possessed .the effrontery to put u ia tiif ir platforin,' : i nas ab solutely no foundation ia fact,'- -'.c-j"; There is -no- question; wio 'passed ,the Walker; tariff bi1P:0f!'TS4tt4I.'. Too Demoerats.jdiit.itv and. f or", elevea years tie Jbaitntrj' ,was l.i-'iiiJcrous "aryl -ko tsompieteiXMiBsri:ev4Earia isHi uouper of the great parties mentioned the tariff in its platform.. -In'lSoi" there was a financial panic ia' this couniry. but, as ft extended all over Hie world it is clear that the 'Walker "tari J bill IxlidHBOt produce it, : The eguntrj" speed rly1fecoTered from'it.T -J- ' ' in .1873. with a; Republican high tariff; in fulE force- and effect. when General Grant- was Justvbeglnning his second.. termtov when flienepublictrns had. more -than a . twothirds-i majority iavboth'dBotress of corsrress.Ahere came a panic which -wopttne jconiUry;'l:Bje. a cydoiie ' tnitd .sj?a ft) -sea! i TLeJRe- publicans-tfaa ihea ,had cprupfote pos session roftneOTertiiiErt "Tor. mt're than twelve-Years. -'."Usually "at that point the memory ;6f Republicans falls them utterly. They generally skip that onltappy portion of . our . hrstory p nly one of them has. had the gall to eharge it to Democrats, and that was General Charles Henry Grosvenor of Ohio, who was iaijilioiietrying" ta fighfout - n't. .- it . .j.irr the- MeKinley hill; "wThieh was clearly a Republican- paDic. To say, as most Republicans do, that it "was : caused by the-v Wilson-Gorman tariff,hill is preposterous, for the'Wil- soa-Gormaa tariff hill was not passed till;' .August; l89-t,:whereas the panic began in the spring of 1S93.- . It would be ust as-'reasouable anrfrna to say tha4 hewai!'!of 1S12 was caised by the efectioa of James! Monroe tdtLe presidency irf.lSl 6' 'STamiui wTth "any selfjespec't; or.; respect: for. the- truth ever charges -the panic of -1S93 to the Wilson-Gorman tariff, bill. 5 "Big We Morel rtmarkable because the facts are f rf sjife the prjblj mind are these false statements: "We refused to palter longer :with -the miseries of Cuba. We fought a -quick and victorious war with Spain.": "We?' the .-Republicans-. r God feaveiniie mjirki iaml amay -.God I lave mercy on the monumental and colossal liar ' who vrote ' those '.schtenceif 'Tig must believe-that the American- people have very . short memories!;-' It Irbnlyl sis, years ago tlvat;;.the- Spanish; Ameri can war' occurred. -.Everybotly-. knows that had if lobten for tLe Democrats the Spaniards would still be .'murdering: robbings and 1 outraging tthe Caibanfb Nothing except' the fear e losing the Cured of Chrome-4 Diarrhoea After Ten I' YeafsTjTSafferiBjr. i '! -wish osay a lew words in praise of rbaraberia n' Colic, Cholera, and - Tiar rhoea Renie.dv,".sy Ur. M ittie 6ur, ei MartiiST.lle, Va. "i sutKreil from chrome diarrhoea for ten (yexr4 1 aad. aurjDg. traf time triedt'varioue rtecmes 'without ob tainiag tny' -perinnneiit reliet. Last mm ider one f iiiych!ldrU'!'Va tAk-ti " rw- jth' cholera raorVu'?, and I prcenrei a tot-!e of this reniedyf-"!Only We bf..-vere rcq'iitf ed to give her entire relief. I then ir cided to try -the medicine myreU and di-i not nseall of one bottle before I wns well and I have never since been trouliei wi :li t'.-.at comprint. Oae cannot s-iy f o-i M-.cli ia f or of t'iat won l.rfal meaiciae." This .- ..isf.r s .le ty. Atck'j Tru Co. 1 T .t 5 t TT e!evt.iors:,In 15CS enc l0fV lm Or.r - rich' rerforxiaate . JUnnfo, tnryf Cabot tAdj. of .Nabant. -Mau . J t0 read. that sentciKe ivbetj Stii rptuctn-tUM lieieti mat, Boston s pr.mtpal part in tliatwaras to have a rorvttncotia bnci fijniG fos- feat. that Q'rvera' j&cn?roU r yfl ?H . v-v j. ;Vl cto;wi, cur, vrca as q .oa-V.'r of fact tlie Boatoae wertfn BiViafr 'di r per than" -pto .tb fjhxj, on- the Md d? Nebrjska' or -tiie raiaers in the. niotiBtalns of. Co! C'uJid.- v' Vx -the Rcpat!Irans. tii "tat sentence tnowthat Mr. Estrada Palraa presidents the Ccban mub- Iie. 6a!y the"btter day' dcaoa need th Hepablicfi fceaJth estaU!hhi la Cuba fr&V ilV Jhcatrd ; stl t cleantas uwrcinucui iu liu una as practicailT vs-orthlijss. and as etraVasant to a de- jtreej fUatiwoaJEtUe los tbad robbery? ir -xae . araitsaian or ' taat platforra did notj know ,thnt he 4iaa so declared, efeiVbdSr Q'se' Jdld: V Bur. I ' Lartf bo more space in this letter to discoHS that menaacwua aoroniCut." - Mletafcea as to' Hie Texl. f Drj Pfank Gnnsanlna Is fated, .and ;3cstlyJso. as bue of the xv.vzt br!lliot oratqrs.and iKtncators bi Aiarrica. but evktecjly the learned - doctor- should read the;XeclarfttIoii of lndeoendcnc before he delivers any tuor UncncU. "P00 i- V foUowhxjr 14 m Chl- K'o- dlsnaiclx rocteUy prints! la the Wasaiagtoii Iost; - ,- - : ; : Bt FraniwGuasautas J-Hvcrsl the calaureate ft4ktTR',t Ih And'ionum ia ITS raffsrcrrr. '" u 34 r Aruiur leititute ' "Tttre twa . never &. ifl.-wir- falsehood .thaa. AU men r -reete4 frre ar.d pqunl. : said be. TJw XWtaraiios of ImlcnerUcace was the. uk &f a .Of Intcntie excicatent, and ,-t -rr t" flower-" a1 iii.T.pi ary tMt -pfcren -fs ai- quoica because when It is tka from Its -cCT1te3ct.it ia false. Tree J4ia is omeihr.-.f W bs.wun.: Men nTe-tiot born free. Kr ery v power. Into TThcjie oducI a man .ccctcs ia a cntfoerctt Inccra, Tlwre ar" no er-nis in this ftc.verse.of Gcd's. God is ro'Soalist. -- ... . 4J V -Whether God Is' a SoclAHst I do not tthoVv Lut'JlQlrnow tluit the Dtxlara- rt;TnT1 r1!? lT.TTrtir!T-.' 1 a .... . . ' the sentence whicVDr. Cnnsa oln" aay It does; certainly not the word -free" on whlch'.he bases his csustlc criticism. What he was trying io quote was tbls: .AH men are'ere.ted equal, box -fw and equal,", The doc tor should rrfrcsh his memory as to; that immortal docn m'ent before h Jumps otf It again. Ilr owes it t himself 8d, the world vo fo clo. f or he speaks as 6ne hating authnr ity," and an error promnlgated by Lira in his terse .a pleasing afyle will be accepted- as tmth' by" many ,-whoat doubt and. without investigation. . Aa this Jctter-will be pnolishj tboat Jc!j 4,'it-'wIIl not be considered Inn propos to set lorth the 'magniQceat and thrill ing paragraph from which he wa try lag io quote.: for toboiy bclieret for. "momontj, that f taat of. siloh "llgb the chrtej. oXrowr lifjcrty. lU.-tP ia the paragrnph as adopted and promulgated by the' fathers: - ..:.'--.-!.;. i "We hold these' truths to be self evi dent that, all men are creatPd: equal; that they are endowed by thiyr Creator -with .unalienable ' rights;, that saruart) these arejife,dibrty-aud the. ptiraalt otnappiness; mat to sooure tneso rigu t 'royernjaents. are: iaitituteJ among num. derng .their-jest powprs from jhe '.'consent,, of the governed; that when ever any. form" of government becocef "destructiye of thew cjtds It la the right rof -the people to alter or ab.tfJi It and to institute nAy goerBtcpnt.'layicj its '.foandatTon. oii'.ucb:'pr1nc"p end or ganizing Its po wers In such form a ta them sliall seem most likely to elect their safety-arid harpincsT. " Jefferson never wroto and the father never "declared that "all raen. r.f& cre ated .fre.'wJi..lhcy had done eo the statement", cy ur. uunsasiK ten "therehever was a , more tnt crcst'.r.s falsehood", would -have been trie; for on the 4th day of July, 1U0 very, few men were free. ." and the men who risked their hecks by signing thc'rv- laration not oaiy-knew that, but also -kneyV viThnt thej themselves "were t gafod ia a-Cercc trucc;!e with tVc" T(:cstfen:p5re ia the' world t5!v.-o-c their own frecdoiar Fo It would h.vc been prcposiferer.s, for thui t,i .r said that "all trin r.-e cra?"-l frro." and that band. -cf tutrix i aa l, f u and heroes wcre-nt.t eri-s-ttt In rVn- nrennsfr'roii'x tt,its nr In t:iv'r( thn-i . . - - . - - Dp;. Gunsauius puts' tVe word "free to-. I to "their 'mouths and" then dc noMcvs 'ni 1 rm''?Inr4:Sng 'fsil-bootrtwhat bea.nya J they srUb but whVh tli'ey l e ?r snM. j A li!tie farther alons; they dxx-i.Tr t'...-.t j men nre enlowed with la".::rnat ! When bUinMn !ls Ch br!ia ,cl ao.Ji and i.'vtr.T;xb'i'ta For ?"! Ly.-Avcock. t .A" IitUi t'vmo III vary tl: n aotor.y-.oi even an c-pi;ty j . Wet. The (Io.'J ol 1 Snii-.rr.er Tis;;-. Ia the Sfol ol-l ui thro. the- thoroii .'! it- ' n-R ar( nl l.-.r. iin.i f - n l 1-.,S,,- V . - t'?i;T nr. r 1. lif.tfs tut -i;t in u-e. V. t:. :,: itr f- ; 1 tujwf fft. sua th f::.r- t:"'tt i'-f - . Iti ti iMrUr'. Iw?nrirncvw ti t r.; , I At rx. - licr. bout Vlm MtVwwtiTwCai4sfV,iM pf ar,i tfttfi tt-rsa irRot2l fUMftq f lr. tat triMefa"-, ' bl averUrtrt 'f r UMiri to..tU df xhm bou of evy cricrJttat rv-U la ery rtTi,-j4 rvkr.:ry ucdrr tte auo. It wm aa kocr ef t tin exd-.TOrtsr wht oa Mirt XK 5t. Paul rrvrksl ta tb A!ituee li ttalnwn Owl aawlWi It r-a4d tUa own cars ar.vi ifc rtx of CfcrU'" donx bfon KJic Acrtff.- twst -tif woiu'4 ajrt for thai mtro Ut burning wort! oa t f-sb.e ocrafJiTrt wer uatrc. I( u "aa hour ot li,tco ri-'!tiKt tVt tl-s brar. 4i&!etlrrtU barot frwj Vlifl Chart frta Khi Jota al Kaaa KtdC. but W) 4t rr49 ttt yl r therein cmtaliml f5 or wa.taefc, It waa "aa boar of ia!a rtcytaac when Jfu of 'Lr(a d3t4 t acttiKSa on tb axmat, bat tt iflit,it world know : that arov by krt and will not let It prtS wtc earth vpina oa Ita axla or :ia Sw the t1tUc " A tM-fcalsr of tKh rare attala-prftia as Dr, Oansaatne tntut keow-ba4 II ia-a bistortc. facf-tttat c-t vt It grrat d!a bavc torn aa4 fstt of the trtrt tmibs bav Ixa attrc4 to "iKjam of later. trt:rwt:f-!! 1 tnitha likl bare nfl4 a trot the tLartr:re of l4ftxrU to ti til of civil and rri!i- bWrty ra?) aa4 rreryirbv It wvi wet4 toai cbcrua la ie Wart as ti ft' .rrrnsw- of Ib bo.no rsoa. a t r ' r u-it -u at creitrd; ,sJA aod "pevra-Ui p rive tlir Jnt inmrrt frewn i&a ,eewai rtrcblie. It u wr.tun tin "-a b.: Jcatca; karrett tb wb4f Istr a&4 tfc Wrrn of r.jKTty wbkb tt rar pot Into poHtica U1 oocsie t cnrjl tb e&tu vw'J M rrc lice 4b ilea of rrrotii f tt pwjiit by tb jw'a ao4 fv ft pie. - Test ta oar rra fr - Tb4&ka b to Alia!tty C4 for UM "boar of loxroi rtcliexrcr' la tb IlcvolBtk'txary ronfnre pictrz t.".e tastuortal dd kk C:id f:i Kin; Grs IlUaod all cut kind lUt Acerlca Intctxdnt to b IW! :, DK(taot pbUctbf a&4 dacl4ra niay-.tMt accept lb Atofa dmM tb4t :?aU irrn at ctiiIip4 wmI' bt the rrcat body of tb tt to the mk 00 Khkb tbla po.'Hwel rttan, lie b built, and area nb rlra of abali not prrraQ a (Hast It." La Foltetle. " . GoTcruor La FolMt of Wkoc,-3 appara to I madder tbaa tb f rev- llal wet ben by rraaov of tb shabby tnaflner ta wbScb b t trt"4 at Cblcasro by tb bfj etdefa of tb Brpcb. llcdB party. HeUcooTsrs.ryepr- la voisiBif vengeano aud ti--v;tt"3S alausht.T asninet tbaa b rUMl lis a that -orresloa. "Ar tl att-raa now mere empty tnoothis?. aiuifyia' nothing? TUy win bardly b aa tiles by tho h coeaitlcr wbat b b don here tof orei la tb- Us fas f of the day. be baa bal!y md ftiL" On of ta t!oclersnoM-aal tt te at lctHy. trvtT! that tb ntr.-a party of today Ia not lb ferty tf Lia- coin, but Ia flrftiwm!r4 le? t r--'V caJ dachlne, whtrb la cor.trwt by erlxu.l Cor; nil's) a. L bnowa, for Is baa far taaey y-r bft one cf tb enj'.iKyTe of lie r.'t taacaiiie.. ' . The at'oraye for aTt-rv:": Ger.crfl Tirwf tra coalrtsr C fcaib:rf of Iar:ta!'-i U tie ttrt a shsndr suit artlnst ITfof f.. rKU If that I true erUt C Trni-f ftrtdit t?s.! f tft ..- . f' Tb po!!:5rtl tack of Gorrroor A. IX. Cuaiii'i-.f ot Iowa co-.Uan bdT n.rt tb n; nt "kb rcor-;:-oa cf Iowa sat down n,.'-Tv.,y b'- "Itwa tdpa.- Tbra th r-?;ocxl r- - T-n!o d4 Ulewt. To rj t c'.V ( max of hU d:r.-ct lb !m i:-- Daily .P.sr and -L-u Jcr. it- ej corrjjr- itrr at tt. r-f 'it i-l a rrv't ?rcs In It4t7 f.,".,::- tt pa.v"! ffrr tb frtrrlly t,ir. cf Cajto r.-Kr". fri-T tf tirt r.ta?. to 'V crtfrtc'y txr t tt i. v.. Jtyttf. -' f rv:;;tl of r.crfri ( - r - 1 Ha'd'Aay f-'rary ITtlt C"--.r..-- a fctr la Iowa ::.-na ii;-, 4 , 1 - "A - ' 'I ' ' 4 X V- at k u tC'TTS f.''V.-'- N wn-ri a , ' - t ( -. - j ; t i-l i---.fi i:; i 4.T--.J cx-ft I 1 ''-4' . . ' ' - " ,. L; hi. tits lift t -if -.,. 4 t im? 4 . ' L J .4-A 1 , 1 j-a tu-i. . it p'-..': v-:i e:t l li.,ik t!-4 v-.f f t -4c1 Sni e.V 4,iti Jvl t-1 I U rJV sjr tscx-i n 4 at ti rl." 1 tMs -:--e R t-"S fa Tit ev Ask ijf W .:---: f 4.l vij c.CT 6tMi a 34 ai wl lU tiat iUa if fT fxJ"J t-5. t) e.V 7. a", I fc?T Ct luij-irt ar-cet, ia l. ,-?( 4 r m-- n 5; le tr CviiVi-sii lUii a m try, esr twt it ri?"Ust'! Ce r. actjco ie pi b tuc--. r . , 4 jfj t!oJt -iiT W W-lk . r tar t.I rr. r4 rj-4i I l tvriwv , Vc;tiv- a a ieHi4 a rjr C-li: it trc.-s(, a ara O-J a ts. avi trw7 rvet. ,$a4 is t-t t pet ).-. C- bn wm ao tf "Lrt woeaa t sr . a lbpgH bt js f.e, ta-'f ILuw fr:w wi4 ia tt eJi ,.':? fi:m lof.jr t (4 tl lea CT e CW w - a.: aeal Vj, iZ m zm. ti:i..t tie lu; la el rxAs ti-r.. 1 to fc li- Ua wjesaji ea ti wvrVL Tb bff eeet eico a vw'.4. Tbaf &s trtiii ia avu.4." a4 I9T bi4 eUi Vsi -v4 tf o1 Wft . -JSi aiirtA.u 1 yv v3 ev.( W. - -WJut a !;? Bcsjrw In rl AH ef e ' f .a4 ti- ewi'V -n r Ubs?. -Afti l2: i-A TU:me frvi Cr rl 14 rswrvitvr fc tiie Lite te c ti we'fl i a taii ti Crl f mm ia la-t LVf , b !U ta; j U it. Il se a f a-? as aL !Ul !t ti e t ct Is tb t1!, avX ex 5. lr-4 .rr ar4 rw--crv - J IaU U tv-3f ) . te ti.-!' Jfi hlff It, $! Ccee jrl x!jj c j-nr-r--'3-', ?o l tf se Cv Lsf lot ATfA.' Tfc Dead Sex to t t5t!t:ii. Lta t1.' " t; m t:t fuJ t't r rrtUt Ii..ftJ . J i. J';-..-.A er-rv-C fx -c I i ers . at vf a tn I j r-j,- C p1)' fc ft it, Tj.j Uttt Jvi - I ... ' Aft A 1 r"' r v'-J-l I . V l c-, ti 1 t tin t!- JXlt.Vf?-.e-A.T, ll.f t,: Ui li is l:,.-; -M l".l fc rusv?wtUJSj a. I.',? c ti. I o - r y ri-e.t-..s cf ft Cir: i t.Ve tAe.j.t A a x r !..-? ftrc ;v :". a '.. "J t. t f -I c: i t':S Vftt J ,5 a A.tcft. 3 - ' t '. s 5 ) .-; --.-:-; :., a c ' . f ix. r. j t. pi; t;;; At 1 '-. ..etc. .rr .c4 S3 m:i. Wlf 4 "7 A-', t U U J" " 1 . .. W 1 r 1 Sr.: ti if, V:, tn . "' : '-f - . '1 . Id t ieff t.fcj t V.m 4iue Wtt V.-- - ifc tt -Ju -M-m mrt $.;, s-iil -' a 'Act -tT ik ; lv"ii.A4 i t t,r ,ty .. ":tf Minn. m,b "V ntMiaw -.e UvrH',irt J3' i iV A atmrA"! JP-we ie .W tun , t J? rxr u f-t i.i.t. - i 'TJr-!i f f rU j JLtior-f-sit j an rtt-ietjwrs ti.il ul!u t.-v. , Iv4 ti ;wn."i 9 tt.tT. $-M tt'- ' 1 axM a arwr-uri-t - is j M s 4 Un Ina irwl ewfii . n4 a.a ibw lM- 4.r ai ... . Uf Til! VU aw'Tt fT,toTtHr a cifteik atA tntfUti Vi earn ii'muttix. ry l.i-x.t.e ti mm tmutuA w.m . - S . 1 7 A eiimy e- h1 ia Mt.at,H fc Ui -v-. '4 eya 4 ef.ir-,' jf evix,e ewjw Cite .A. - i -iS utt.'bitwi? , , U wt.i tl .tox,4 t-0 Cl ,! eiM wttM t UAi4 S ru 4l.;y atul.n I ' .'. . . '. . . ' j a ei.a-a is eiyinNi, at, a fr:n I'm ;ir e:m.; sf . ma.- a fAAr a44. aa. i ai eniiMiti . ti-;r-rl- t.4 a ?iitm;rf. ' lCra a riA44: axy l ei, iiA t m'vi tl f tdtrf-VS arb - J,. a a'Jei, 1 T$ ens Vl: A 41-t-fc .4t 0 J eiuRutf 3u l et 5i l.ar'i . iti,.". tS j e ;5 1 I 4 - tV cx4 -.t t.t t..Sv 1 n4 li. ' a,i.,.is f '''f i .m e.L ft to l H ! ' f ti t- . J J IujW M.M ..e I MX!,)., .4 1 " b- n.. - ( ' i m t - .S.4.faA t.wv 4 4 H. 4 ls Excelsior Goian Co.i Collins and CLvirii cr U 1 1 4 t , . Pr1 r " I V W ta e t ; : it t -';: r .tu : ft It I t!'."" " - !C."J.T"....'."r','. . . . . v. ... t .... t t t.lt ; iiif. f . .e -T e t f .( j :i: 1 e ,.. -, ; .,, f (i ,.. f.. a T I " -, i I . ' 1 t.n 1 if 4 j i,,., , .(rt l.rf ,.4 lv 4.4., 4l ,T , ' f t ! tx.r .n ? s" J f s, r; t 1 . a r,i h.. r , 1 tt j. a x.,.. j ! x I im. ;i i 1 . ., t f T., t :.,. . -. I, . . t V t ' 1 ' r? ..! Jtllll ft m.. (- .1 I. f .-"-. a ?b ; H at.n j,,.r tm US. A S t' f A- COLLCCr. I .I t iliHI It I f'twOf . t : rK,its :-j .. . t...T ; etirr4 4 A6 ?- ' I1' " r . I 4 , j L .4 , ., a. ,t.. a. , ! WHAT IS 'SdVOY? I 1 ,jr.i a ? t'ft v l J f v ? t f A A. t Uir ... j , .-- j - - I . . 4 I.'. I iA 4 . - " t I ' 1 ' J ' it W.J O X 1AJ I - f I : it... . j f n . . . 1 !,..... . I. w -... ..... . ) " ! .. , , 4 -. I w f ... , w . mat r ' !. 1 t r : : : t v -w 4 , 1 ...... . 4 . . 1 . r ... 4 .... 1 . 4 . 4 ...m. 1 I . V .... .. .. ; 4 -4mt4 I - A . A 1 . I. it I . . t I If',-, A. - 1. 1 , . . J... .. ... ,.. : . . - . . 1 ... ... . -.... V . .. - t 4 S I 14?:.