VOL. XXX1Y. : "caunun Drar.cror.? I., s f V . fconday School at 9 :?.') A. 1,1. ".' . ' . Geo. B. liA.i-2, F.3- V: Preaching at 11 A. !!., f 8:15 I . II. rwry Sunday. -'",'"" Prayer meeting Wednesday nitjht. , L. S, SI asset. Pastor..' - - BAPTIST. - - ;"' Sunday School at 9:S0 A. II. . ' Tho3. B. Wildes, Sst J Preachic? at 11 A.M., and b:15 P.H., V - mry Sunday. . . r ; . Prayer meeting .Thursday ir-ht. .lv-;t ' v II. H- Mashbitbsb, Pastor. 'V.;'"- '? - BFI3C0PAX, . t "' -l ' ' Sunday School at 9:30. " ... -' Wm-B. Rcwnr. 8apt-. :"!-. Services morning and ah?ht , on 0 lit, 8ri and '4th Sundays. .' J Evening, Prayer, Friday afternoon V' . ... Rey. Johs LosdoHi Rector . " ' PRESBYTERIAN. '- .Vv.;7j- 8er ' 4th Sands in each month morui-z aad nipht- - - v.--- . i C. N, Whartoit, Pastor. c j Ti 2 :iaw c-:.-..t C..".: ri C. 1 TIr-e Republican r: j fustcd r - - rvc'.t the Y.'h. : ' i VI. in; V i There is the er. L I' de: artraent iin-lc? I r, "Special Washington Letter. ' TTnV. . V A TTTV MiTFtTOVS srv ' - - pointoeot as secretary of the : the sccretsrj . publicans cuss. Fanl had been a Hepublican for about two weeks only when the naval portfolio was tendered him, but then Paul was. vice president L A. IL. meet .1st 3rd Toeaday EoUtically : :tlir0well.. wLiJh hid v Bishtsia each month. -.r M1T,a nn tht thrt terrified . rro regional a.rdta ,DR'.FBEDER1CK-K coui: ; 4' . ; .- - . pHiaic ian, aSd surgeon, touUburg N. C." , ; road runa and by that threat terrified Mr. Secretary of War. Eiihu Root into diTlding ... the " soldier -.transportation business with the Santa Fe, Taul rm4nnsi oon version was'- almost as sudden; if not so mbraculous, as that of St. Paul as he journey ea rrom jeru sure. 1 t S ii-i ('.. f '.o;.'. 1 1 llir.ley vr . i r.: prefiident', ! r '"" America L.. 1 Heath. He 1 .. handsome i .'t and troops of f; e ri- - i ,rx. - -4 1 t , , a uit a!.:j i,' r- - it rT . ut fy. ' tut I t. I J.' . . '.A '. -I tiir " , A- r - -it ' 1 : ' . f Ovee ilOi Dr. al tt, Fleming. 5 Hodrir 10 f Baiem down :io Damascus. - The old a, ba. to lim . 6 p. to 6 p. xa epecui hoars ij ppoiuiuui, tmCaBTUUR U. FLEMING, , "'.vV?' --.0:no Otw ' The Grn" ;J?lK0'0, raAcriciiiaPHTsiciaJS ahd subqboh. .r -. t0UISBUEa.1t a '. . -'.i'-r-. 0Bo ow AoocKe trag Company. . . PnnIormerIv Saul of Tarsus achiev pa nndTlnz- fame and a. martyr'a death Vila' nnnvarcinn -Tn ill of C!Viirft ITO formerly of Nebraska receiYea a soft borth with salary of $3,000 per an- nuin for Ida conversion. Query: Did mt nositlon and that salary ,w i v X' as bribes offerea in aavance oi ui wu version In order to convert hlm,-cr was th nrpsident -nnaware of bis inten tions,": and was be so ; surprised and pleased by- Paul's sudden flop that be ffrt-.,iriAn liim cabinet r lace with IU1 l. V - ia m,!,imoiita n mark of-hls DI'O- iia . tmuiuwvwMj w found consideration it iqoks sua picious for . Mr. - Morton, especially t ia Wrnipmhored that his father y AAV AA A. , rtortftl the Democracy in 1890. But why do Republican- veterans cuss Mor- t r' f ',Vt:V-iPHtUaA ' an! SUBQEOS ' ;; OUce oeAyc Drag Cadrngstore and President Roosevelt by reason i ' - " ' - ' - ----- 1 of this transaction? Why is a she bear ' rBAtrriciaia physician and subqbos. .Ixraisburg, N. C. Omt in the rear B4ddie, Bobbitt 4 Co.' Drug Store. Ol ---oyg- D a. el p. TABBoaonatt. PHTSICIAS AND SUHaBON, Ail. VA4A0 U I . - - angry when deprived or ner youugi The ;: Republicans . cuss ; because the president has givea to a nine days old Republican a goocU fat office which of i,rht hoini.f tn those Republican vet erans' who were bearing aloft the Re publican banner and fighting valiantly for it -while tresiaeiH. nwnwicn " wearing dresses and while Mr. Secre arv .f the Navy -Paul Morton was whooping It up for Democracy ; hence It appeared ta a uiero ! ' ; r i n 13 Vi enna that he would rise to the Lt.-'.r.t places and establish a grat ptr. .-r an enduring reputation. Many cf tu friends, personal and p ..t. i -'. ' i so. - I so hoped, for to r.,e he vti al ways courteous. Hut a. rt cr blight fell upon th's your? r.m - J manv loved and many ent. . j- from beins in bad coir.par.y. l.e Dog Tray, may nerer t e prua; w..i never be-known exci t to a ler, cut that tiy appointment as as-... '.'-nt I -v1 "- master general, which he c- -r-i a great honor and a lor-s !' -- r-rar '. waa the means of ,hla uiuloir s there can De no quesiu. i i-c .....- .j hv Trhlrh thev have ccndntl "s'.r t toucldng the postoillce depart luent th Republican lenders have tnar.afed .to nnt nnder susrdclou abnot every per son connected with that department. That there are many he nest end ten orable men and women in that depart ment as In all the other. I know, an 1 I am glad to know Ihbnt tnai corrupi.oo exists is also true. Where thcr U o much smoke there must be aoina Ere. So the people believe, and when tli c :'. : He ,.jr 'tt J t. o , tl. ; V.n ' 1 X 9 f i . . ft" 0' -a: - ! In lU lr; t) thry ! ' e T. i.r.rrt' t r " . ty k T . 1 '. :- t. -. cf c; 'l n.S is ! X Tr.or I;.: -. f try ' yor-. of ta tr.-- ti our : -' t r" raAr.r.tr e.a r ' to th r-t '- ovnr.r-3 of tv C"- "'" l-M Mr- rM.'. lrr. U t . r li Straw- C ' IS '. - ' ' I . J "I . ; i i- i 5 '.. ? : - r t 5 ' 0 nd floor lata sulphur in Hat fom T W- F iVv used by: eray bearded ntu. . rMldne, phf.ne 7. ATTOBNBT-At-lAW, ; ,: WU1 prAotle la U th Coart ' TonngaTllle, . C - - I Office IB H. MASSKHBTTBa, the language used by gray " bearded Republicans ' whenever the names of Colonel'Roosevelt and Mr.. Secretary Morton are mentlonea. Nor is the profanity confined to hoary beaded Republicans. The young ones a .i'mmiuiT nnd tnmultuously also. . Tbeyare hungry for the. loaves .and, fishes ravenously " hungry-end they - . . . . ronl are gnaBhing tnetr teem uusc nr,winiin - muliirHr f:v ron -1 rr- fused to order an Invest". catlua Ir.to the c;!-... ..r;,. n r.-r rottenness, but bnrriM up tbea .joum- r;.,nn t( r,ct i-i th r r V d.-'-vr o-:-!t cy . r j .i ia - Saw w . f ci.rvl i 13 l tr.i cf A -errrsre .ioa. '. -( : - f .i'M l (; t try anJ -4" - J r,:'v'TCl !- ff C 'f - mAnf nmrptit n Investigation, the UJCU. .V f - " " people concluded, and not unna-nat !y. that the reason they turned their barks and ran away waa that they were tvni,i trt lift the lid off and let the tax payers and patriots of th land Ukt a look at the reeking ces?pool of lu-pub-Ucan rottenness... - Cabinet Spatibindar. . . - The Chicago Inter OceAn. a uepui ..c an paper. Jabs certain cabinet orr.cera who are booked to rr.sse ' Epet-chcs ln tl.i racy i - . Tr..vl.n '.-na'rV T.1VI that hlnt mmbr La to fti tat , !;. "? I : AtToaSBY ATXAW - ' umsam. - : 1 Morton has gobbled a good fat place! campaign a-peoch. ' Th :'-r.'Mi.'l all l:Com;R t .wMll.theY- wobM. be deUghted to have at the .enU.men a, . Va : Office n Coart Honaa. ciT'.i at-r.- . lrt!m f I'rUiaJ ? a- 1 - ef th i", cf I r cntki at IJeA to A1 if ABXU3 C.:W15STEADJ?ipC: f,.li;ATTbBNEYA -.-v-.lxjTOBOBa,. N.' C -1-'"' r orncaoyaa Corner Drag Store. BleeiAt Atttion -gtveojo0 f - r cacUee wherever aervlaea renmrea. ; w. boddib, ;; Morton has goDDiea a guw t campaign iu- " - .. 71 ., SSSW would-be delighted to have gat - " i whlph they tUlnK tney are eu- titled. ' Of course they have no idea, of being Republicans because u is rusuu They are Republicans for the loaves and fishes, an tney are iuu oi iuu tn w this creat slice of pie go Uw T . . . to a young man wno oaiya iew uuj - - - T-V AnM 1 till ago claimed to De a ueuiwaau who shaU aay that these Republicans, ld : and young, are wrong . when we consider their viewpoint me i aforesaid? -V nai ngui ii" j Colonel Roosevelt to deprive such bun- eu iu acuuu , j ..... . t , f Well, that flepnJ- 1 OTI- C Knox, thA lion. V,'i..,n It. Taft rl the Hon. Jamo VU.n und.-ublJ:r atr.l V,.-. 4,,, th!n tllAt th t" r'( warned done la a way hAt pmta l.m qualified to lnatruct and r" P' nOnthe other band. Anything trvr tta Hon. W tlllAm IL Moody-wa Juvlx frota hla outgivtnira In tfaa Uat STaI cmr would probAblr nbrraa rather r-an Help me priy. in - - , might auccecd aa a c.mr'f La on to conjure i'.k 1-ut hAnl.y .. Ccrtrr. iAt o b'.'.:;y a;..i f jfin. t ;t If t ! . 7 r fAAORSETAtLAW,;" . , .fw-? -:li.K.C2 Colonel EoosettocepnTe SJa XnTn the i : ."t cf r,-, noyer Bw"-', 4rn8 gry patriots as Horx. Cyrus P.Waftrh3g 5l-?oryt th. Hon. iic,ry C. and Colonel Richard C. Kerens of Mia- epirej imo.t .rerywb.r etore- ..-- - -. , ; ,.- of 8UCh A lUSClOUS plum and be- Recent experience. In Wlaeoriaia ana, V tu. HAYWOOD PUFFIN. Uantt-CoartB"of Pranuni toyman i Gage, wno nau J"i f h, n.offlce. but we bave w 4adXolamglWUe,Ai-r 'jM-ltO V K: w rt.iMiuuwi"'"" '""- r - ! trpnsnrv and tnat Kooseveiv hub ;ui i wisuu.u. PV I 1. . " - it nnnn tViia nffw convert wno lias BLun " ...... ... . not tarried at Jericho for his beard to - - . fit Sl? 1 m, o- tiaV Xf pKlnlev appointed - LOOnUIV . V. . . , 1 .. AUC low. - - 7. ,, -ee lnan theCoarta of Prankffi. I Lyman J7 Gage, WHO naa just ru Wm praee to auvnew Bapreme J , ... -ecretary of the treasury and that Roosevelt has Just .nn1ntot 1'STll MOrXOn BWreioiJ ' " now Wea what? Two things Drobably-tnat .in tne Kepuunum . - - -.. . - ' . .In.foa la a virtue, and that there are not enough tinr0nt mpn in the KepuDiican parij- to bold the nine cabinet positions. The nnnnntment snows unuiuci ilAVi VVU Ar " . thing the great anxiety of the admin- istration to curry ravor wjiu u-c corporations: That that anxiety has beerf intensinea : lareiy , ia J" caviE i The arrangement by which At- 5Uia vm i - ; ' - T, CAAAnl a T rw Hnce in Wlaconaia ana A- v. . umvin.-. thnava In th. ata of the nmthty at Wuh'.ritoa th th. !r ha paaaed when Any man La cr,....tr m. poUtlcAi pr5pht And rld. m.r y t cauae he holda A Ur. tsii. at th. f-aJ. Here in the weat w. bay Try r" t) t" I .: k:.av anl t-i.: f v . In r-.jht t rr-4 r-.'.:r I e .; apf ff' : .T.t : a cac I'.ia arry f-W' j-.rhA-t to ft If t' c." At r Jwta C. - H ff" t&ore ci fiT r-.' : tler.'ral n A. II '". a?" and fUsrant r.r'.Wx ''.:. '.. t If.-..'.', rf'.-l tJ V" t I . r.a: f Ji-tr r f ti.,1 - a. I " - Ahown l.tt dii-,. a t c i ft -: la t , , i .: -i c r : : a c j z ' t : ' I t tr a V I - t:. '-i ( fx r t :v 'a t: Ion does not juarante. poj ; ATTOKN B I-ai-" OOM on laaln itreetl Wet Jonea liCoopaa-a . atore. v.. -v ' ' -ATTOBNBY-AT-IAW, ' LOBI8BCBO, S. C t'lf tin i.sra trf. w -f:ti la t 1 ta wc 1 t" w. .t f r t: . t' t' or a. fti ' ' 3,1 '" t:... r ; - rt: t .t at r : Couit-atlva -tia ' el 5--T.fral ilox '.'""I tiat f tl.' " ... Mnklin. TaM I cavu, - auo - . WinatwMttJ Jentiea., torBey General Knox;Uecame a senator rAorUle. WArren ana waa carolusa. l. .,. T,t,, T8ttP dpmonstrates that 6h. Bapr. w" - uctiona. Oittoe over Biterwa'a Store. . T W.BICXBTT, ITTOUNXr AND COTHJiav-- j,otri8BtrM . o. Ttritt Twites demonstrates tnat beyond all. question. The performance a m(.nt in the "Northern Se- curlties case was of such menacing character that the administration has been compelled to bring forth fruits mete for repentance sucu nun a - nM.k,.Df tha cabinet OnJaeiM- oum. .i ..... - ... . w edly can do their party and th. co-i .y would be ao ;:w-;y t - - the people 2o r.ot . ar i they wUht muca beur atay In aau-.g-ton and attend to their t '..-! d-jt.e - Let the AdmlnUtration d-acrimlr.Ate. . "The l.wa Id a." Lately General Charle Iler.ry Crv- venor of Athena, and t.tya:. lave been lnduig'.ng la the luxury cj a bate before the Ilawkeye Cl.autau oh'poiitleal eutject. I Iw- .j k- publicans of that state very r.nch ii'. t ;up the back on the tariT qu. t.en. . For Instance, Hon. Geor5 V. lr vi iT.TJptmhiiona rr.fiu'rfr cf.oti- t'-'i -. . . , . ; icai . j - . Journal: Thpre la widespread cplr.lon that eor.-tl kt, hava ao chanaed durlr.f the Ut aT i m - .. TT ... , , I! -e I li.-.-'r, Ut. r 'v."-'f r- j g.i:-: cf f... t'..:--l :'.-! Ui -stratUa cf t:. f t ' ' t: ' letter to t t--r i ay f -. t: , - v..-? ty : ' . ! "-'-) tl.A-r d - arty f.:.-r r a... t i 5 Isiwa f r a- "' ' t :: - "'T ' , i,re: t, ..:: f - - ! t V , t: ; .:."-.- '. I Cf r .- t! . t " ' ' t r ' " " ? I i,-.. , r ' "'i ' . ' : ' 1 a r :., ' ' i ' ; t:.; tf t: i .-. irl" 1 " -' t t.:. sr.: ". : r -5 ' ' ' l.ra a.i I. ' . ea ?. t-""" ta -' r Aa V- " -r 'r - t- t. ', -.-iy t -.:" ' 1 ' Ptal t; i: i. v. - . i - ? C4t- r' -- n , ? t 1 T : ' t ,f I o-roe. "'rlrlaie. , . . s.py. t'i. ' ' v . i v n'i store, , - tAiOe UT i., V7 ja. Pi30N, ' '.htTiManSy.V'inawja. teoplea ' I v. . morf.nn ;npOT1ie be deceived by roe, ChA. Tyior, rr clo,,ht of hand rerformance as the administration's prosecution (7) ct the trusts?'. Surely not. There must be some acumen and power of discern ment in ;the public mind, ' and never tnf Btnr Urst eanz to- BliiVC UC auv"'o - cether has there been sr.ich a roaring and stupendous rarce as ie tration's war on the trusts. Fhineas T Barnum said that the people Lie to be bu-hused, and P..T. was correct ioxfisB?Ba, g. ., t allart.. 0o on Main street. ' - ' : - - Avnb-'SYATLAW' -iifl-tiT. Court stret Cce la opora - .TZZLa ta tim " T F. HOUCK, " Coo--y, Firry.'. , Exit Ferry S. Heath, erstrti.e nr?t fssiitant postmaster general cf the t-, c.-ntpii. secretary cf the Repub- Ucan ta itional co: C0NTUACT0U asn ETJILDIir., uv w Of ittee, editor of ant cf. the late er.ntor Marcus A, Kaa- E;atcr Ilearr.3 cr Lt.ui ' r-rr C from the e'-it-rsh'.? cf ---. Tf'- ? Trlhur.e and Lalt Lr.ha t-a. .pes. the .ed Telegram, f.n Ilsvia r Perry Las g' to cc':.x for an indeHnite tt.r.e. '.C- tl. X0IfV C:r:: c. Y::.r3 c p. a In ijiri.T r . 1: :, may sdvta. t t.-.t ; tv- ho-;'. 1 a"rt I'l ' five l a ; - - I r- to make time and client and whatever c ' contrary, the 1 ilr.pndcnce a ' 1 .! ta the Uemvcratlo lriy s r. ,,i.i- ih. r!?e to the WJ-trr U ly Justitlab". and wlth.o rciKn. One raral Iowa ! VlaKa;i . locAA at paper whih ur;--' ters tef.re the 1 th.r. i that ti.e l ' to star. i as a r. ; p.rr- ' cf It and that It was -1 trel. nnrt'-.r. 1 et t and fat', a ft a f- t: r r.-- 1 t . ; t : r, t ': . t: CO J v ( p if. 11. 1 r: : .I v to aav a tew -oru ia 17 ;a. - i- , . V . "is t -. - - t 1 r j . e n r 1 i r I tf ! in ! -. I '. ' t S" ! i i 1! - w t - . -