' I... T St 11 8as day ,Lool at 9 :C3. Wx U. Euffis. Sunt BervV-es, morning and night on lit, ara ana 4t,a bandays. K Tuning Praver, Friday afternoon f Rsv. Johs Losdos, Rector. ! pbesbtteruw. . Earviewi", 4'h Sunder io each moata raomiDg a ad niht. . .. . Pastor. ,: Louh.bar? Lode. No'. 412, A. F".- , i-.c:, r.rco:: r the Democratic can ll lata for pres- idont, U ;'tj--t-ro years' old, six years cider than Theodore F.oose- and nearly ten -years, older than v3 hl3 rival -when he assumed the presidential authority. lie la Just a little under six feet In height. .- . -.- ' He Is broad houldereX deep chested and weighs 196 pounds. . 'His cheeks are rudiyti ana his hazel . brown eyes sparkle with the 'glow of health. . i..-"--."'.;-' "IIl3 hair, which is thin oV the top is cf an v' 1 ,. ritracttre tl:u.. of red, characteristic cf ott"- members crcr?, tr.- cat.'.. ah : ch'-ckr . turkeys or d.:-ks. Whether la th peach cr t;;'.e orchard, la the cv.w pasture, earn cr t:y, r. ia tr.e --.a:-Y of all In - knowle-:,' a wf!) at : -energy, lie win jiy t.: :-hf. rk ir put ess s:.ou, : r i-.n . r .i with the I -t cf 1' f I man who can k r: v. .-.ivy !t U a ! A. L( ciata 1st aad ,3rd. Tuesday i ' of the rarker family. mzhta ia each month. -arotfeMsiont.l ' na.;rci TjK. FREDERICK K.COOK,- . . PHYSICIAN AXDSURGEON, . f i f Loatebarg, S. C. ' O " with Dr. A. H. Fleming. - Hoars: 10 I , a, ta. to U m . 6 p. m. to O p. m. , tpyaU ' ,;, i I )R. ARTHUR H. FLEMING, rHls imistache.-whlch is usually worn close trimmed, is- a shade darker than his hair. - - ' - .Like President Roosevelt," . he ia an drives his tzr.'.f to th c! h i soa-ln-law. Iter. Charts IlVr.-.r at Kingston, every Sr.n'.iy a- J so heartily that f.rsr - ra la t ... f;rr ration sr crt To f.:rn t'..- - 1 N.;r d t r,-. t t t.at ! t .- v -;' ; " . ' o t- ro j:. .r i 'a': ; t ..cs i . . i '. i to i .r ' n -.r ' . : ; ' lariy. - " The Judge Is a .-:r;rsn la thi Kingston church, an-J. althoupa a r.iul t of very moderate raeau. he 1 prh ably the wealthiest man L'i th con gregation, lie la the prartlcml p.::'r . 1 tr. - , j i DENTIST. LOU1SBURG. . N. C. O nonOTnr The Qrjen fe Tarboro Co.'s tor. ' 'BtACnCEia FHT8ICIA.N AND gURQSOSr.J ''v:,. , ' , Kiri8BOB, K. O. J r ',.'...'; , N . OHIm over Areock rrug Oompauy. -, . ; J)R. J. J. M AN V, . . '. PilfSIHIAS andSUEQEOS, , " x ' . . LOUISBCRO, I.C.',, ' UBce o?er Aycocke Drag Co.'b drugstore QB.8.P.BDBT ,j . S' PBATTlClSa PHTSICI4.N AND STTRQBON.. '; ' " v. . .' ...... : r. . K- .V, - LouiflburgN. C. - . nfflm In t.h ronr of Bo3dio. Bobbitt t Co.i Drag Store, ob Naah atreet ' ; T. H. F. TARBOBOUOH. v ' ' , PHTBIClAS AND 8UKQBOK, '. ' '- w Nm'. Vinlldlnir. thone - iisrii. nwpre-t from T W. Blcketfa rldanoe, phono 74. "a . v - i i 1 1 r-n- h i ti p:a to t-i cr.J;" cf : t ; - tt. cotvlw' t cf tr nr; t f. lt 1 fvfrw to X c t .-- i a vi it ua a c ' . . . ' v ear-frli' fi:r.- fr t:c - . ttoa to -.:; J' - ' ;. -t. toa for J"rkrr. w'-- r t .. j ,'. f . CC-. tr. aJtr T cf ; : t - J .i - empty raia ls. t".? pu-.-jr-e :: !'..: by tl. I;-ut i.rtnt t "i.:; dit- t',c.cr'c.i tj H ' " ; .-1 ' y ia tb '.! Uj wfck-a f-ct'-' : - 1 is , 1 7 " tt- ynf -a." 'P-?5.;.:.:.' . ' JUDGE PARKER AND - ROSEilON T, HIS HOME AT ESOrCS N. T. r. L ALL. RED. ; - ' ATTORKEY-AT-LAW, t Will owjUqA ta an the CoarU. Otno la Bm. aiA8SK5Bnaa. - - ATTORSBT AT LAW Will prftctloa In H the CoarU ot theSUU " . " offle n CoaitHoaM.' yii. w. boddie v; . ' v- ATTOBNEY-AT-LAW " : Office over Bodie, Bobbitt 4k Co.'a drug tore, v,..- W u. HAYWOOD RUFFIN. -T ATT ORE X Y-AT-LAW, WU1 pfctloe In all the Court o( fraakQn u4 adjoining counties, alao in the Supreme 3oartfli in the Dnitea States District and omS "loooopef ana Clifton Banding.": TH08. B. WnJDM. . - i ATTORJUT-AT-LAW, fcooiBBtraa.ir.o. , 'i offlooBMalnatTt. oveJoiieaCoopr,a rtore. , ' i ' ' ' i '" -1 - - Jji 8. SPRDILL. ATTOBBtXT-AT-tAW, ' . t : ' i. . LOUI8HOBO, S. C. WU1 tte4 the eourta of JwtJ?, in- w..n ind Wake eonntles. also iflnmr conrt of North Carolina. Prompt attention given to collections. -Oiaoe over Bgerton'a Store. - ' tj W.BICKBTT," VTTOXJTXT ASTD COTJ53KLLOB AT LAW. LOtJIBBtJM . o. Prompt and painstaking attention given to err matter Intrusted to his hands. Reers to Chief Jostioe Shepherd, non. on- Buton, Pres. Klrst National Bank of JVln "tnn O.mm i Mar, y, Winston. People! I Enk of fc. oi.roe, ( has. fa. Taylor, Pres. ake or- sat uU?flre, uoa. . w. Of ilea over A eal k Co. 's store. v XTTORSXI AT-IJaW, vmma in all eourta. 02oa on Main YjT" H TARBOROTOH, B. ' ATIOENEY AT LAW, tOmSBtJRO. H. c. Offloe tn Opera Hoose building. Court street All letral business lntrustea to nuu ul reeeiva prompt inaewwi" JJ F. HODCK, ' COSTBACTOR a..nd BUILDER, L0CI3BCR3, N. C. trar.sg f.nto, all Wnd. of Building n..n II rt. iru,uo oiauo.n. . gestural pa S a t tn it i.e a, , "out of doors" man. Hekeeps his mus cles hard and his mind clear and keen by much exercise In the open air, horse back riding, driving and walking and t f arm work.-: -- '.TK . -.-""t, lie Is alert and energetic in his ap pearance, movements and speech.- His manner in association with friends is affable and kindly ana without the Bell assertiveness of the Judge. - ; - His' conversational habit Is to be dl- rui tn ms choice or expressions., usu ally when his opinion is asked on any subject his reply is instantly ready. ! r Judge Parker is one of the best . ex - amples of a self made man in - the United States today. - Born poor, he ; has built up a small' fortune that am ply provides for his needs, and above - that he appears to htfve no further, am bition in a monetary way.",; His. three 'farms,-one at Cortland, another at Ac cord and the third at Esopus, complete ' his land possessions, ' and in all bis i .wealth is estimated at not more than . $30,ooa-- ,. ' - - ' - Saving '- and : good Judgment have , brought to him what he has and not any stroke of good fortune. ; ; Bosemont,. the - Judge's L house ' at Esopus. Is a modest but comfortable wooaen structure, standing : 011 me stone foundations of a Dutch house of colonial times. It is set onhe side of a hill among shade trees and fronts. the tiver. It is the abode of hospital lty and, refinement, the typical home of an American gentleman; "..The pic- IdBS. ALTOS B. FAKH. ' tares, the books, the furniture, the wide hall and. glowing fireplace, the t sunny library and the dining room, with its long mahogany table, all show evidences of ' intelligent tastes -that were not developed la one generation. ' Here Judge Farker walks among ms incarnation , of strength and virility He strides through the sorghum and hay fields, visits the great barn, tends the sick cow or fondles the latest calf, and-helps his men to clear up the leaves or the stubble. None of his eight farm hands know half as much as he about the trees, U:e of the church and take' an active ia terest in Its charities, its cooking and sewing and dancing schools, ita phys ical culture class and its basket bil games for boys. l-Hslvalw-a coa- trloiitor to tr.e faruli of the 1 or phan asylum and la one of the man agers of the Kingston City hospital. His neighborly usefulness la to be seen on all guaea. lie la even ta freight agent of a steamboat company, so that the little private -dock cn h'. farm may be used for the convenience of the community. He is a confirmed magaiine reader. He seldom reads poetry, but la food of good novels. Mrs. Farker ia always cn the alert for a new story for her hard working husband. But ti. natural taste is for. Dickens, Thackeray and Scott. He delights In the vlrorou out of " door atmosphere of The Scottish Chiefs." Jefferson Is his favorite po litical writer. Any book or article on agriculture or cattle breeding la aura to Interest him. . After be has spent a morning work lng on his Judicial opinions boors of grave concentration. wbo no od u permitted to Interrupt bla quiet and when he ia waiting for lunch t!a a- retary, Arthur McCauland. will a.t at the piano while- the Jodje in 6weet tenor roica ! n a old f asLloncd ballads or hymna, I twi jast as Young as I Used to Be." "Only as Armor Bearer -Hold the Fort," and so on. Judge Parker was born May 11, at Cortland. N. Y-tiJ was the son of a farmer. Two hundred ypara a5 tls ancestors had come from England ani settled in New Eng!and.T ro jj gr.pra tion to generation tey were of it hardy farmer class, and thry drew th, '.r love of country from the soil to which they had been .transplanted. Juli Parker's great-grandfather was a sol dier in the ranks of WasUajton's army. - As early as he could do so your.; Farker attended school at Cortland academy and later got out cf the Cort land Normal school all the e-iu!r:v.rr.t for life that it couVl rive L'.:a. II parents were not at !. to tend Lisa t o college or even to take care of f : while he was trylnj to 1 a f.oit.u;.l. At sixteen he became a cour.try scU-t-I- teacher.-. Reluctantly he was cL!:"l ti e't Up the hope cf a college trair,'.;-; f r his profession and to thick of tr. c'l fashioned approach to the I ar t r. the of2ce of a preceptor. II.it1:c sur rendered on cherished amtlttva. 1 not' hla" chosen profession, he '. mitted to the o3oe of .!? ;. o.v..::i- r & Hardeabergh of Klr.g-iton as a :o dent of law. Tork'.r.g tli w - y. l was at last enabled to eater the l.f-v school at Albany, gratttat'.r ? t'-:. -the oCce cf bis pr-- t-tt-r at I'J. t stoa and the law a. howl, a.rdl: z i" season and nece.sity. ta 1-72 t .ta graduated, and B-x.-n e't r the :n v f j . Parker & Kecyon was tu.-.j cut at i ; Kingston.'- . j I He speedliy der.T.stratf 1 a ij-; , ability f;r political t-r-t. j From th ftart he waa a -:rit. ' . d'.ucv.lty sn3r-i a I -i tfur. During th rnr.:iit f . -r Justi.- Tt,l-' It. W Govrrrwir Il-il was crxt Ii ti ran-y at pn-. "Afvr tv was Mj ans-a-rr t- at rj:, the eU-ctloa was ct? l. . r 5iatrjrt cf Alt. -a It. ' -Vr f Ia Jsr.. tcrt), vintu'! ;. C1v1Ioq of th rorX ' s;: ' c I crate tl; work cf th t x-S r" Jud rarkr s A': - I ' . ernor H'.".l to a!f::t th' trm -v.u,-t He waa oaly thirty --rt jfin f ar the yourc-iit cf a'.l Jti"- cf t e-.-s-X of arp- He sat In thts t--t c-.U wbeti, cp! It . r.r n. k was arp"!n'M ty U r-r r Jwf, urged th-mo ly c arr J v'-c-a. ta a m-ir.br tf tke s'titsI t'rra f Ce auprrme coart of tr Tint thO'.--! Ilert b rematnul cn".U tr rT--:' a cf th app'tat ditUJoQ cf tho court, b rri-noi-! tie tr.! t'f- in h'.a o a dittrVt. lcT t nominated to U v J ,'. - t f tt court of arr"' " 1 was r' - ly a plnrsttty of OXa , That not every c-'. 1 'm:. re ran;! Ja '.z I'rk-r a a I1' , --' u shown t-y tr. r-::wt A T a h ;: !. 1 : ' f t T - : ; ! I " Th- f i ' c ". ; - .-r ti a ;-r-r ta . ' ; i t? ; i r r ! x i a'j'i's : r .- -i . : 1 i .... 1 w T t-' 7 t r- t J cr 1 a fim-.'i M 1-i t 4 - ' ! ff It, w .-. - t ,1 5 ft '. 4? . . 1. .: : I tv t t -." i r. etc t i '.t !-- a d l'i- f cf ir. a-s rt ' ti - -1 f - : f r Ja-" a - f rt w s ; i ! t"r ' J t-. ! t' s 1 I .-- -1 t . ' i . - - ! t ' t v a l. . . w . was aru.r. a Tort court of 11 4 dV ' . 'it i- t : l . - . - : . r.s i ; ' ' : - lvt! - !! a s i ' l'a.-t rv : -1 s .-- ',. i t e ji-xo "!!-: - '. i I- sj a - ' -it". rl.v i t 1 . . ' ! s ! ;V ? ! J 4, W. '. . - C r : - ". e f (:! v ' - ' j r t t - -1 it'i-re r -n r j I lU f .;. ! t '.- - . in -- ; ' ' t -t. "i I ta vts'it Jk j at 1 t - -' J t - " r - h ' a a r ' 1 1 1 I - IkJ I " . -1 ' ? f '. E ? . r .. . . 1 1 M f - a , k , , ..! : ail - it a - .-. a cm i r length. epo a fascia m'-"; U -a l. l'i-.-.:r J 'i l't l : e "It wool! -!.-.' i .t yoj lafrr tht th a -' It r vera! la ti .a :,-:-.;'iry Its ; Now, the at: y C was aaUi. t- te r ' - t". a a rrv alw a j a w;-.- s - : s-v era'.:: r.g arl t-i - ;. i i ; "Fre-la.-fy.y-:f r. t . tTr atJtil tha f r- ,- . - Th o-.-.:rt U-ih-.. ; a--.:l, ar.4 the lj'f arsn-T'.-f. hi a t-"-;i lira. J.' i: -I 1 i w ;f c.f Jc ; I . x 'I " '-ah- Las aa c ., ... . ; . IirVr waa i at ' a-; if 1 ; V r 1 at I. F d I. ti.it tr - HOTELS. mi i ri T""n" HT rLITZXIITTC-T, IT. C. Oool aiocr::.: I-tl;.! f:rl'. 3 t.." ' Cured cf Ultronia t:arrttcci Afr.:r Tea ' Years ctF,zl":z:z2. 4 'I wish to gay a tew worJs ia t-rsi of t camberlain Colic, ' liolpra an l C oo I LI.T roea l.eineuT, gays v.rs r. r -"v Z3, "'1 s- rt i ri -e& fr t l ye a-i 1 - t 1 v-' i r. f 1' nes t a r ' ::iur. ..ji- t c t e j f I i y c s, a V. e r r c ,; a i .n i re i.e to live i. ' . i ta t-y t r - i c r n re - l Ipr ! v t a rt ii 1 t kt 1 a r t t t c f:'l 111 re rt t l 9 1 7hen I'iiiunra t.i Rfh an l l.irer Tl Drug Co. V CI a 1 '. Life TI - c Ii !' Co , 1 11, t J - t t .. . . . . : ... , 1 ' rf-f - f 4 1 t

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