TOT-TIT- 17 J . -T" v.- J IS. A. TUQ14AS Editor ii Proprietor. r f - ;-:LOUISBUHG, 1N 0, FPJPAY,Unr$T a e ; 1 oailBCU 'DIUECTOBX- k - " s. IfETHODIBT. - - - 'rs L - S Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. , . -Gso. S. BABK,apt. - Preaching at U A. tt.. and Bsl5 P Mi ?-ry 6uiuay. ', " Prayer meeting Wednesday night, " . : . L, 8, Massbt. Pastor.:; BAPTIST. - " r Sunday School at 9:30-A, M. Thos. B. Wildbe, Supt Preaching at 11 A.M.; and h,;15 P.M., tvery Sunday. -. - Prayer m-eting Thursday night, .; ; H. H- MiSHBuaifB. Pastors ? - , maoopAL, - ' -Sunday School at ogp. - '.Wm JbL Rums. Sopt. - Services. ' tnorninjc i and mtcht ...on lt, 3rd and 4th Sundays. .- , - - k veuing Prayer. - Friday afternoon. Eav.' 2 oaa Lohdob,: Rector.? v tt WSJ Gh ampSGiark s Lettet - Cabinet Scare 4 n4 Taking to th Stutnp Tickets to Bm Jlier' ; am and Parker Director CMrl . - Roosevelt 11 .. ' a ' Fetter. IsMahs " Two Kttru:::: A! i a. huh f -irk ISpeclal Washington JLetter. The hank had 'fatvte4 about a aaQUoat BE the 'Republican -leaders gear-a half ta rl atat ortfJJt : - ijtfn.L.i -m..- i . . -half of whlcii waa ea IM xarma im umw i cording to their Btory only- few weeta ago, they Jjad the '.' PRKSBTTKRIAS. a ... w in n mAntH-T I Prophets, save one re will-get only m .nand n,Kht;" "C" -"" 151 electortff rotea out of 47 and that world by the taQ vith A dowhhlli ptrtl, 81 .would ba to forcioa th att feinT w,iAtni i m ;.!) n.,, Im. throw roanyt tba nwkcC radim tack to tha erdtnary'war. hjr appoUUot a recerrer and dlatrlbollnc pa i-reaacea the'hnmber o 133.. If these 1 - aizhta in each uwuth. w vt VrWtK:: hii-W of RooseyeIt foreyer?!.' Mr. Secretary of the Treasury Leslie IM. Shaw;la. to rquit pestering hii hei(d"ahout:theiTOTr iiig deficit while he.'whoopa'it" up for his chief. Mr, Secretary "of !War HonT William H, Taft Is to let. the Philip tries look out f or,, themselTea" 'wiiue ae o "s with Dr. A.. tt. J'iemingr Hours: W makes the welkin rine for the Q H. &, m. to lam., o p. kv wv vf ;t '..vvri D tt. FREDERICK K. COOK. PAYSICIAN AND SURG EON, J . Loalsbarg. N. C. t NrW Yark Pr F aV Tor U Crt U 1 3 tVt). IntSomtltl New To.t wnnfi 1 1: raliclAckrt.' Thai Joar aoj f cow la tta. ?r t& Wji&i4sta ? : ni.-.. - l i. fort; - v. -- r - fatLiia tii i u: aiA f:i a rmwmpT In Out (nJ-J r.3!i- I 1 , at.. -! t W t. J If old velvet 1 1 f I . a; i tun - 2 Ci.-'l -"W 4 1 1 1 r l.m'IKi.:! la aaark4 aa'HiaM f Jn - '' yrt a. fa ia t Jawraal Ik ar V'r - Ta um riMt ar9ct' . ?" " atl aaorpt Tr a ctaa. aad i&a rtw a M laSijfa a v wa ara rswrM rjv IW a lio twM k aa 1 ta tw W oa ka a a -t'v titbf afc yt tt k f nrta ft T bb'.' IM la tl rnor ! frMn. rt N'rv-Tovk tra a M. ikv. tl.S t4 .! :m- W . 1 i a V 1 , ... . V- f t l l.-f. ! m a :. lot s iiVjun: ' a a thetr valuer, ruin th frtAra aad taflKt further maa on tn UeaoailorB. - Judre Parker at tha Un of taa ea waa at hla Accord la raw - IlraMna c tJ disaster. he-narrld to a lnl(lo. There, wera othar iruateoa. amonc mrta XievmlrQwr H. Sljarta, tut Jvtisn Jcask-4xa uac JLu v"t. came' the only out.- lUa firat act waa to lodge th aastaUat traaturar Is afl that 1 eeat)Jw Ur iwmi aa 'wttf niahC- Ha next mada a trn effort, to 1 rd.- TtK Me)d a-fcaffwW induce a-UducJary tnatltotloik ta taka aa f vit to trravaK-.' rw,. assignment fithe morta-aa-- Put MlhM tkat- rwwrriiwi " Jailed to- -tntcy. No" lnrOtuHoo waa wOWl fea Mtl(lr fo mi virt. rt M i. lna. Then ha ehow.ed bia reaoorcea ana i jd(tMki ksa mi9Sjm mt hla InTentlre powers.. H Mixta u aquuy i rraaUUal drta." cwtrt. in. tha place of ppdnUna' a tern- I othaa a-ewrpajwra la trw Toa Ry poraryv recefrer. : to nam , twtniy.nrs prominent dtlaenaraa trorteea. It waa new Mea. ana u camnwnm w J ranjwot a""1. 2 f i '-S , xfu;i u?, v..v, ;! .7 . a-rl -rf V a.,a ater 41 ar-e e " f t t-'f iNaa r .in If M If " 1 I" 1 n 1 t a ft j :. - !, twin. 1 a'-anua- tiar ;uUt tar r4 1 5 fv ' i. (tal a; I ' t - - a. . k.- . Jf . al ar rv! r U t 1 t ) is a.. Mt. , I I iriuiitis hours by appolmmoutt ' D P ARTHUR II. FLEMING, v : DKNTIST. O.noeOvw.The Ureeu Yarboro C'o.'a ire. . ". - " : -. B.J.B. MALOS8,, . ' U'i.: ae to tha. atata superintendent of ha ok a. Chaxlea M. Preaton. t Juda Parker piead- grandid rrl Sa.eS- anorney- geneTai(l.Yuaiu xi. mwuj , la i twenty-fiva to whoa tba oarottmrmy to give the . trusts a ' restlrom prosecu- l-liad conndenca to taka tna burdeu on thatr i "Hon while he exnlaina. to tamnjr thon- 1 ahouidera.. Tha auprama court anaoa a --irir-idant-aiMl I Put tha plan tm opera tie. aa4 eppceed Irraa aad ra aajjsmw au. panta farter me aWJwT fy a ward kta caadWSar ' a Ta- Btaata-Znaaa. a,ta?ta U a Poat aad tka ttraaattja taaH. " . Wak a Mn- . it ana U tLcfa a u a Lii Wl i .TW IT.. Ina . amuftiu 1 1 .."(Ml! - t-RACTICISQ PHT8ICI AX AJJD BtmGBOS. Oflloe over Ayoocka rug Company. - D r.j. j, man; ; Mr- PHYSICIAN and SURGEOX, tocwBrRO, a. c. , .. . ' Farkare TrtlaA Lk Jade Taraaf ta rrlba4l- TV t3 certalfity ha cf tm dtMdtMf t .1 m . A - 11a - - " - - A&y tha.gl6riea;oe Secre- j lnJ outmore than S per cant of their da- I M. fo tcMtag It tfar. - tl la r4 tary Of StateJontt tiay la to make a poelta.' Then acme nni arearoa ooea. w wit wa www crr- few speeches to select audiences. .Mr. ha w-io opportunity to PP"1 ton reOtxadad; And If. um tkl Secretary AhCMortonwttl ex Jff "yiSSu!. orVw'dVw aypCc Wia plain to ah astonished world bow by cot; their X per -cent at oac.v asaurtac rUhadrl na. ha abid trt TVa the grace of eolonel Rooserelt he be- them that they would aaver cat any aare of all tba? red baa Jed es laj twra came a cabinet minister .wlthia three ThJ waa a .?,V5T try the cuahrr of adUii Uhj Cal weeks after-h-T'waa coayerted to the ;!- V-, Kwlag: o that acrcrvat . -m . U G. O. H., and so on through the list. 3Xig Parker how eyer. had antictpated aidrah). Bora 4ctthOaaai tt wt&W But I repeat the -tjuestion, It the Be- I tea jnaUclona eltorta - or ue - aaoecaiai i tare hoaw Mdd o tarry ta SartM pubHcan leaders are not scared within ",fdl otiTLaViSthl ttoart. WlaX wWw W an inch of their Uvea, why are aH these "Srm iCh. outTamaaat Tot. prooarty dlatntale -wfeUUtr .Vihinr officers to abandon their duties, i w are ready to pay! ro yo taiaarwa I aiactac ea". iiera a ta - ise . rw for-which She people pay them .each wouldraata oar time oo a kokai kajakr i tutaaaaa f Cacaaf ,8,000 per annum, to undergo the lahora ToZ' "0 dZ ! Cikt w-OJ ae4 ka Is mji is4frLitt ifvmi a s Cm aj5 Ui"-!;, ,f. - ewH ""av f " . itm ,! awa Cua jnWlal w-a t4 ... h"k i', r - tytf da aat ra a ftut Cie .a afs. ,y .u ia ..ia. 1 rt ana awa awant a.fwiit" 1 aMMnuBia a, tft.tafca e i. k a. WMMU n Ti 8. P. BDRT, . ti taertOl uaajf X . a IVodJad tjSOSfc It IVa fS. Ueov,reo DrngCo.-Bdrngato FrWW l. , IM rf a to "tell, they are scared. The tiae u ( court of appeala auatanaa wa ptaa. s 1 rTUwa aepawa to ! "ia Kajaa aAo aru4.:a j ensra. lid IbUUSCVTJlL Ak viuu wu- ft TMilaa vai lr A Tft BfMUmt OI MlUk. 1 aT w - '-w - eT " - - . r . a 1 ninhnro- N C " I waya a haaardous perforaancev ;"..?--. that no aalary ,1J.IJ., hV 1 crop otalde tbd Iaita4 ttataai to I aarb avafesfti avt-i IS aa Offlcalntharear Beddie. BoW U .i. r lITJZ aW W foa Ir-rVt. - W - Of " 7? 1 . I eeoole -of Ulster county, recaa thai 1 a. ta stl ewwaa I wi tlHiW t,- -Kl. al in." . . .AnMTYnaJi f itati: A1 if tlTOTtOGfl ITSIR B TierLKiri. r AAJAk S.U t - . . . 1 aw A ik. aaaa. 1 " ""P " ' ' " " " - w " " i ): " S - nSTtIckforrtki L ,."2 K that thay. WVlt tt .j u fc,. v, M U PSTSICIAM iau oubuov. . . . e president Tnat many ;ot ub 1 t rmt nan oi.tcuon. - - . i 1 I . . W a..thein8elTe..of tW teal -.Eito3 ...r" .a. . . 1 i ah of dwbrthaeoara, UkJ- I f ar, a. - . . .7 T w 8ider the presidential field as it now la. t penenca. wledora and power af axecatioa I . . " . ' I aa, ar IwaUI'-rf &a 4am:4l The Democrats nave nonunaieu ahvu i or wow - - 1 . . J r 1 st.aa istiasli ' T,:;.i.--n.i,iv. navta; . - : ' I oeTXatuc aarpaiua waa awta w-we- 1 4 tvc . Thpodore" Roosevelt f CH ochorra luc a.avjunvwtv --" LaffBUiie, S. O. y mb d - f 11a adil a r-kai i raai -- 2 aa(?eaa a4F iiijhai"a ad W ww'iaa J tabau4 V i'V4 aWV . ttajt-f aawrtiisit aftrw4t.a -awa k , I vr,V IVtt'Uua aaj-wMf 401 tn Va fftuns4 k W . 4 tH rj-i.4 . de Waj. a,." wh 't f aa - - 1 1 . - t . - . yu 1 1 Otnoa tod floor iJt Lable prlvJege. is patent wnen we, wn 1 a,t ft, dmbt tha cooraa. tada- mat eaua answare-j . w. rr -1 aIder he residentlar flew as U now is. t Den, raaidenea, phoneJA. H.'ALLBEK' - ATTOBKBY-AT-LAW. nr.n in an the' Co arts. Office to Ioangsyllle, N. C. . Mted for Tioe prrOiirat iW rva. 3a I - tar 1 y--'N nhnrP w Fairbanka: the Prohi- lByl reason of the reyolutlona 4 1S4S I tog throegh hkaw gU twad W trt .r, f em fU k-.ft. U aav4 , W- binStk Swallow and Carroin: the a large number .of Wtaf I J rT.T " . f. J J. IWa 116 - v;,ic .n- Thm Tft. hiimi came to AJnertcw - to find that I the atara aa4t bJesj. thJ Socialists rJlngeneyr LlWdeOi. hert which waa -flank -t 1 htoa haJor TV rbaso-t afvtUt r jaaU Va ' aAaiar a!W7 V? Ua U4 1a wa a a,wM.fl tol Ue4. V 4l.Vt j. rx ta -aU J-Tr at aaa l" 1 n4 a.lMt ka W .4. ' ) seWwl a&ut kMw aavg r te'f ON B. HA88BNBURQ, and Ben Hanfordj the Socialist, iadot i xnem m tae ww. -"" T" 1 - -7 -7; I W3a ? I oarty Charles H. Corregan and W.t splendid rerolntioniata were aaaoy wbd I ratlrw Rabaft P-r, tOkUll . . i v.h-,,.1 T lhorhr "niirtT. luririsHl to dWlWttm l tW U fast ! ' . . " ' ', . I - - . " ws .r. .r.: i" -whtmbaaihahih.-i - -i a-j ti- Payne ana cott..--r tuv mi-.uauiw iuuw-. - w . ATTOHNBY AT LAW - . . LomsBuae.' ' - fit . -r' . win oraouea in all tha Conrta of the State party is made up of colored men who . . TF. V . I hrfteve that they hare not: received a Office ntoart Hoaaa. ii. W. BODDIE, ru,u?; i -vv..j --T- ---- 1 v." r.w ta . . : t . v.. I iiHirf Ah nmidafit rsaat be believe that they have not recelvea a uari ecnuxa. lri,' r. J . fair- deal at the hands of the Repub- 1 ranked a one or tne Wtaad k I I U tk Ca t-t : T JU flifil eyfjaeM4 k a . .! VoovMiwa W 1 are -a Jaa 4-i ' fka t,4 aae O fiHMW a4 O- -a.l reae.k, 4 ajaw af" ted aat ht wt "" Kaaavra. t ten. tateainen. and whotB taaoy way Lwa owb emaspaixa. pw w-s - neans. Auere uwjr k,v- f r T7T . I. Mkit. 1 toAk afr th raad'laaY af 1U trtoa 1wt4 1 ! -4 ?kra -. TVil iMf IV V4 ' aaisi ; Ui WtS2, nkf ; f Ya. ti. ka aua. t our house HMCUW. aKt'lV. ei. ,-a.w. 'Wii- few- i-e. av4 wf e f H f foretnoat of Aiaer- t isaaj wm. Air as ana. -a aaaa 1 ea:jr -wr sw -ATTQRNEY-AT-LAW, v"" - far a 1 Wt--- --I rV.t.r ha. haen made aa a reuuaat . TV-ad . IV Wa4X B UlHry 4aaaVw Uw tf m TftT .N. f I S7e casum for widespread celebration whOe CWc mteta to . a Offlcaovarlloddi.,Bohbi;Cea To-w W -i. t lw aua 3 U -w-- t ml 1 m . store. - - - - . 'tMrJtlwilIi-beriCpnTement-.inauy:...uiu 1 , ir. I 4-, tA t f i ka ertrs- ti I M t- ir-- a a aSuNl S t KS- aiOi 4at 1 V'H a . :1 - a-. a.. -a m t 1 -aa wtwvaawa nnili iilMI . nrJtlLr' a DAC ITCU ayu a. a w ' w m . . . t- - . w ouring. ir-TTha whioh ha became a major generaL Ha range f TV, Aa.l li- ly l1L 1 1 oa 3 .W? W. - WM. was editor of che Pof -TUf. Wf A. tVykWif Uwtl W? xTOtiAWr- -ir4tt uadfi Iut atoe f S tn rails the t... tie to . ... iirir-?M d4 vrw4 Uta tU :coi:raifereM .rj " a oeeav has sa.dd a flaw ttr4 t fU e- RKSolSto t.Ba Truu. "'J- " ta . ' firki. . trrarr aest-t laWTr tlU er " HSelH." w.7 uio- C.aU to feal kW. a-, erf. U WU1 tndad JoarU utreait Ooorta. - OjS toCoopr and caiftoaBuBdtoR. uiviaBOBa,a.d. Offlos tore. oa Main akraetr)r S. SPRtltLlA. a win the court? of Prankffiij Janca, ?ro mprsuTnUonn tooUecUoi . Offloe over Btrerton'a Btora. j , ; - :i lii 4 i.ii.""o f a - thousand lJ: for editor of HarpeV. Weekly. lvS'tiit&" written readabte books. He barkwl gooi old. Peter Cooper ,?y.. .1 . . v-. - conaclroc as wall Ujeeiecnnai --v-;. - i erford B. Hayes and a. e 0UfriUw If taery Vjs- racapeaj aa t la ai4. Cdaa V ai.L AS YOU All KlIOW Ve lay aaI af snJ ! 7"a- aa-t a.t b-the.Re-: Hl-.paWo Va w kP-U,--. k . f TJa ISaasr aa 1 a SSaSari PTtrXlPl TOC4J1 T 4 War ill v -e w . pubncfiffifreebopte la a cl3 l-rtl ra lino1 Tn( uiww J-"-" o I . A . . rwaf ad 1 ua Maatiaff ril ' af - o-a, a-j'k .act-, m a t' !a7. I fc a s-r M ka e3ai?a. 1 . k ,w 1 wis . .a .4 a.. jua a'na f , . . i aw'oMd a iwwa r tfa t J w aa aaaail V aita iW t adftOi? -ejA'fetei w4 Ua aw&w 1 mmU .twa Savai S-aa 4M 1M 1 . . . . . -4 - - - I wa " 'v-l . , - 1 ......a, t . ai a . ai mtm i.nia bipi, vac v . . .w . . . ' - w - -m - a Wa -a a-s1 aa. a-tH- aawa a law -. f U-W aa iVaa ! k a aswrea a t ?" - . f 4S tat pm-m , "He feHfta. TV tw4 katfcW eywaU la-f aaMH 4 twC Mevad k1a etuT.Miv e-w-i iiorkantharollnAan Wti iW.Uf wouia no? uue iu'. izr' M hnirl, horn u worth many thoa- I hence the ura. . W"" 1 ; -a M k.fc Asii-kSUS 'PUmraL AIM. a .-a- ao - ' k e. a4 4 aa .JHaw I 4 v K LI m. waT w.. ww- T. W.BIOKXTT, votes to elect. Ina any a;tft,a";--" -v--a - - particular state a few thousand er """ Sfil ifllUflk lws sgaiaat ill Aiatv jat-Spa- rai,a4 l- 8 5 vwu v. 1 ' u - a few hundred or a.'doien.or ft wr-w i Ma aw 5t . . a ....a a, a awt wa ) rr .-I J. O, THOMAS tV CO a, .rti, , tu believe-that rCarl Shura iBvartahty 1 dtar aad are rklafaftiU U K. Ml aAA- mt tmm&j a.u tail .- ...r - ir .1. . r . . .n. . m.s. f them I so nt they tsj t??rt tiae af lk-l low Parker Saved tha Bank.; ;Ul foirowhitheraoeverbt lead. lit without dayrodiag pa, iTAnr"tnra!nous editorlfll pre-; -, . iaaaatnn to. tba Democratic I sents a picture of Judge Parkertbat Is nw!tBe .uas of . good gOT-iint. TW WnatortaJ rrr?S K Us MAtrvoai.T f)K a r L&if. . . - - - - ' ; : i . I '.cwmnlprl n -Qramauc Bucusi-M j . --- a n.. win . nrove 1 TmUDU tower y 1 " -; I Kjwuibu - v - ; ' L . . flrtfnn. Wit" - V? I w.rtt r,H a (Ih htti Ujmcn) 4 . -r . .. . -r:rt rinm to 1 one similar., iiiuucm,, - - 1 atrensrtn m. um.iuJiTnu"i . t ana painaua . 1. : . i4,wifrby Miss au-I , neiiwiiaa of l!b 1 in a cold. Taluiar dai Hw ma3 "hsrHon.votai " r--:,:; itn Hau- ne v. k, h.a art fcu .hr Pirrt .ttoxBnjt 01 fax. c Gentleman. : when In his youtn, - - r.-: a MattfAH ma rnu 111 iiik iisji dl .a, v.. , . . - - . , - --" - - a aw v v i sv ' . r - : . s mJ0 al V V. t-tuia siW j e; V aaawwu.! t t-ua 4w't JU.4"i. j t.-' R --L O U loDUnu Proaip vary matter! Haterai Ifaanlng, Boxtoa. i a. .-1 1 .waeai Bbr aua a. w - WW luoev - ar . v ' .r.i a. rv 'a Btnre. . - ' '' ... '-at taa-Mtifa T re pik ;- ! a-''!-! 't4-H, kwruet4 j oiftoToVer Seal 4 Co.'s Store. , - - W. yj. TXBSOir, rraattaaa t 4TT0BJrsT AT-LAW ' iotnssuas,. . art aoutav OSes oa aaui . . i.:.....w.iimo ia MTfl me I fannayivania - -.---. - - . V'.. i .btcliOTUS AWpwuMVjj. ?tk-I l ha fmm fif rfDMKBUnita- I -ra.. : SSXYttttei. ire an right, hut tha .tat '"I SaT career of Itself lis a guaranty pro- j Theudepe&deBt Waahlnftou j Ut u tctl. ttMl to! claim bJTr ihat :l-y" f ' w. VT;"T;".". tBtrnated to Mm 'k" forinate t tohV- irat rcayti. three are anty, tfce -XiUa'ir'sa l? thrse:h;i.heoa tM -P-r.- wdl go.w.y tack - t Oaw. M. f; hodck, C0NTRACT0B asd BUUUJ&tt,----, . i 0ne fl 1 September man r a net twa ct a;i ta fa.. decision tdMM." exhibit I e. whatever the Outcwaa of tba eampalr-- Ucd to SOjthlr-g far tV s k rSh of ga fl Th ltt-t Trr-w Irjati IKSf Dreaom ijs'f . nf I . ,v.i, nf (tsEtlrik.-TM'Kr I ... ... . .... . ... t i V "...:tMiiii muB ftstl more eur.i bmvowuifa p i . rc arteriatlMUy the fTlW T'' 111. I ts Tori Vr s4 At IV ctlf!. -xla -Parvar than doea the I ,,c repreaeriUlton i to corrrraa trcra t . J LJ, ..... . . ... Ia A,ii develoDea aroux i tnrae- ram " i ai ra iwii a - . data .thTn that -which . the- -Rlcan .nte Democrat. pou Root ftrer cn dv!:C. tt w-,:5 r Sre: brought out majjy roontha. ago ana B ,n .In .. rf -Mr f.tHt!L-f. ka rv -then una ns iui. ...-... - . , t credit t itly h- dJxa 64 kaw t I,a-y 14 r H I k i 1 '' -i it ".But m!t? Oit te . .;. - " '""I e.mC:v'-! a - . jloes at tb rata k tae s . . . . a t it a... 1 -' ala.1 m air'L! tM WTt 1 Va. ". - ! C 1 J f ft I tKi i;n t:t tt -' . - i . I jnamv intellect, am ui :. I - - - . - - , I eoJcra are IO tee eer un H AJ4BOB01IClH,JB,4' AT10ENET AT LA - LOTJIgBTJBg. . - fc ""Uay,LurS than doe. the Trcpr-aer.Utton t to corrrtaa trorn Toch 'flUcUMed " Vatt-r-of-tbe Water I ha dropped vrry tnw. .aM toch.: .0kcu"c.. J . w fortunate I t tt,. oreaent conartsa there are only. fln fh candidate dropped .utel a. nine r ten members of the boos. v - t aattrd. T' 'T" -' - ' - .They ara now. niurtor oa ratotng aa lay in: September of im the hank. many, aa seven. ; l rTl I ! - ' ' ... ... I . Ch.Kll. T.. Tha w . ' . - Tl or wmcn r .-.,.. t j. vik ara to be r.ahtina rrurd UUinouwi -:?7--?t' iueaiia-oemoeBeieineTiai. -r". 1 i.r.J -. . . - , " I . . Th MAM DID in III1 Unu. wniyrwi'Ml.TO'". - ..a all kind. "Of. Atuuaiiia; t tr anO assisiani. - .V 1 ,:7 .e-u-tlea: Tenia, or tatrka ireilMM. '"-- T " ..A 1Mlaa..( AJCCa. I ...fta 'f SZhtJU.UUU- anu -v v". - - i Beetaral DaaUtasSabaiUted. , - I went atoounteo to d.flclaney. 1 n, ScBoyikllI: Fifteenth. comprUlns Tteaa. , ttrs ii L-r--; ei.:r7 5 " r v cmA k; ts-' j uiw m .It i: i. .." 4 h.:r,: Jr -5t! t A. .1 . ... .... a , .. rti. k I I afcti iia.uir 1 . 4 ; afaav A a a-v; i. SSEPTEIuBEn e t t?s a . , a 1. . ..-..Ik t.. it is t ur -t:t;':n;i if;n:-;r ?4Ut.t I aa a a--f . - .1 f. ,..,....,... t.wiwr. a-.-.w.t a. .A ...! w. l e4W ttt C f I v- W.fcJ r . 5 ts - "l',r J ; ,i4,tl 1 .at r'' at. li" til. -w ;anltiia f I'W "" ' ' -a i .fU W k V- Ml ' t :4l t r" '!," HOTELS- " 4 j- -y t -Taten'Wnn cramps. i - Attack ot Dlirrb . rorr4 i I fj3i ju with nraisDS and a -Kinaoi .. r nrttvlS HI ti - JfjlAJkAaU.iAvit' .r. suaueuiy i . gevere that he - miH1 1 uuv J ..!iSa'wi ..3Sfi ,itt!t.M!.i. (rood aaMomodatlon for the . traveling coulted , n& told them mblia. ' - . medicine m tne io Good LItavr Attaehed " Colic, Cholera and . 1 he thougbt wouia . nnntYnnnn IT ATT71 -Z,'7 1 inrHincriv several: aiADbiiiJXi.ur.ij nutiu- the. resuit A MerAttxre - Propr able f he -o.n HENDEBSOXi Ood aaommodatioaA. ' Good andDiarrha Eeraedy nd Life Sarrd.' was taken with a ' - . aryira--' m r j-r A a n a I . . i . I 1 t I I I . 1 Mi .Ik T. ..a.,. I - . : e f I 1 111111 : i i' t 1 , 1 ' i j rf t--Al ;- ' ' tar.i.'ll ., t--s t ' : .- .',.1 ' a t e ate ' a "" t" t 5ft a a.i--r ' , Itil4 I 1 "a a.. a a ! k 1 I. I t 1 r W .... AJ a. -a V rill ' H .... nlui.loinB I Violent attic O ulirruir. aiivi e-u.-t y -tmp-. s - - j v 4 TaA 1 wnuld have diet it I had not gotten t. 1 I Ksr k , ' lTeSayt John Xa. Patt-, a lading cH- (S a-J kaV .4 kM a-4 t. a, f . a . - . doses . were admmU- 4 W,!n' clic. tVUrt f 1 r..l.t, a -r ' Thn inci-land .Diarrhoea Kemedy. ,1 . t-..i l --rrT . - v I t uo" L 1 tni,-flv( cent bottle ana at tor unrj;; :..!.,. .tW ' . t , . . hitrniyot air. wuu - , en-e.l II " " IT- ... , .,-. ... ' a . . : tit . t' ' ii 9ft sr.e.t t t a- a . , ...... - a e a. e fit: c : : : t i n a k -1 ii-a. e. ! , T i ... ..-j -a , , t . , a J '' i . e ' 1 f4 t ..' .. 1 "'- ' ... . t t t - ' a- alT.C.. medicineS.-Elkadei gj AfJ; Jq Sder It the teu rei;iy in lbs wt?u Soodtars. -Po :Jhis remedy nf Va Tcr" ale lor towel ccnp'-slst r.riilt I 5 14) .5 I, tl UudttnUT rmtr