I o roprletor.: THiJ CO U InJ 'i'X,. TXXZ CTuVTX: XI.03 TJinoir tAjY LOUISBURGK. 0, FRIDAT, AUGUST 2 IMl. : "'CHUROKL-DIRECTOR "Hi-f ' ' ' . I t ... t - , , 14KTUODI3T. f Sinday School at t:30 A. M. " - f - . Qo. 8. Baxkr, Supt. Preaeblng at U A, and 8 00 p. M. ever Sunday. . Prayer meeting Wednesday nightT " ? " '". L. S, Masskt. Pastor. v" r . BAPTIST."" ' J " 8anday School at 9:30 A. M. ' - - Ttfoa. B. Wiidbe, Supt" . Preachins. at 11 A.M., and feoaP.lt., tvery Sunday . , , - . Prayer meeting Thursday night. " f . H...Mashbdiih, Pastor. - ' l ' 1 S"- ' WSOOPAL, ' - ' Sunday School at 9:30. ' - Serrlces, morning and. nuht on lit. rd and 4th Sundavs. --Keening Prayer, Friday afternoon - , " ' ' i "y- Johk Lohdoh, Rector. jr Services 4th Sanda in each month morning aua nigbt. . - - .5? ' Pastor ,t. J, 4 Ibeite 54: .tt r - ; u C O. T.. Hadly rrtoralixmd. Ha Abandoned .Cam paign Issue and I . Ze?oinJ 1h9 Hlocdy J5hlr1j Shcmtfut ferformanc 4 r::t jtHEY ARE ALL TC2 fkltX.mt ttKTU tiTX K ? Special "Washington better. - PLIT wide open' in "Wisconsin,, : going to pieces in "West Vir vvginia, sending op Macedonian - cry lor neip in, Vermont fear f ul or losiiig New . York, Connecticut, Rhode Isliind, Newv Jersey and' Dela ware, fighting, for dear, life in Indiana, with Colorado,"JfevadaJ and, Montana: In the Democratic column, with Utah and Idaho trembline In- theihnlanf, th -44 ?r - - ii0. r. in badly demoralixed andeat- qiiently Republican : spellbinders are abandoning the issues of tne campaign and in desperation are frantically shak ing the bloody shirt in the faces of the American people It is a shameful, an unpatriotic performance. All patriots hoped that the Spanish war had buried forever theV animosities of the olvD war. but the Republican orators will meets 1st and . btghtat in eaon month. ' lrofeMnonal oards. : T)R. FREDERICK. K. COOK, JQR. ARTHUR H. FLEMING, ' ' DENTIST. IXtTlSBDHO, . - If. c. UffloeOver The Green ft Yarboro Co,' -t.. '.ft vt . r PHYSICIAN AND SRGE20N,j , Ibulabuirg, at. c. u "ee wiia or, A. H. Fleming. Hoara: 10 aui response among tne people in ineir efforts to oncemore'.'stir up sectional strife? Hardly. At. the end they will have the mortification of knowing that tney cud , a monstrous, thing only to in crease the Democratic majority. This campaign is to.be fought out on ; live issues, and no amount of demagogy wul suffice to turn ;back the hands of the clock twoscore years. The over shadowing question before the Amer- n r n 1 n I UTfTI f m . tau iwuyie us uiis: t usi is Deal I or us and our children in. this emergen cy?' Excepting the question aa to what we will do with the Philippines, the issues of this contest are purely business matters the tariff, trusts and economy to the public expense Hhat labor may be lightly burdened. The thought of the American people cannot be diverted from considering these questions by wild harangues about se cession and African slavery. For these reasons Republican speakers are wast ing their breath and making them selves spectacles for men and angels by groping in the graveyards of history for specters, with which to frighten in telligent voters. It can't be done. The -juverage voier reaua tne newspapers and is well informed. . He cannot be deceived or hoodwinked as to his in terests by lurid rhetoric This -year be is going, to vote his Interests, which means that he is going to vote the Democratic ticket. but he playa the game of politics with out limit aa poor old John Sherman learned to hi, sorrow at Chicago la the dog daya -of ,1888, when General 3edjamin IIarrUon gobbled the presi dential prise. Johrf took Genersr Al ger's purchase 'of Sherman's soothers delegates bo much to heart that In his book he inserts a lamentation on.th subject, equal In dolorousness to any thing that Jeremiah ever vttered or penned. - Bot John ts dead. and Gen eral Alger still lives, very much to the inconvenience 6 the 'cntf-Alser "Iflehl ganders. To a mere looker on la Vien na he appeara to be master-of the sit uation. But the fight la hitter and to the death.- Napoleon believed that vic tory Injwar perched on the banner of him 'who? has the heaviest artillery. prri.-c tf Out rar aa4 r Lew, cm of tie ttot tr.:ut: oort.'.U.' . lie bos ta nccr'a"."! ty Ue DeuwrrU la a Ciic Cj'rUx, and If the twpie thvrwrf k acy rv gard for thetr wn lBtrtji Vf wrj elect hint by a saaalmo-a oi. It wOl give ttetn toon rtitaCa la t years liian a Rernwirao rnwufi'-' weukt ta a quart t of a cnt-ry. C nel Ijw1 srrd torn fra t'-- stale f WaAtOafftoa ii4 la tf-l - period m4e tim(4f fswMs. II l a rra scbotar. a brUUel ei.r, a f -ful debater and a skUifaJ tnu--:-rtasv lis Is A tnaa of wtta Ct V . and minoU a ts frc4. . n rf. nr oei tixx tj w CaJ l'.ir's tii cecums k-, fS ft) ttfjl isss f,f lYt-wJuil Kfwsa 4"e l-v tn.n.t. CW:tv Ml. Tl 4r! S5jr ej&rvri.i5a ;a"y ' i f:s tr:n 1 ! irvi -JT ' WW S.I.I -Vt-t J J3-'II l l-.M MUMM Still Ty The ery U. -tia Ctt cot K. Ilesry XI. Johososj f ttkhl. t- t. who for Buoy yesr rtf r 11 ilstrtrt so brUUssUy ta orfrr a BepubUss. has U ml for rrkr and Davla. lie ts ecmTd r sbte no fro UTjr Hm' tl IOOrO HiAfp a l , . '; rVo. f. .1. It, ri4 si W,:, r. , s cf cm f - JitK -:y U A tu 4 It Sd(v4 swtrt- lie lo K a U :Jf Utra b obey, tit rt4 y Uutf,t toTffitry, i.'., 4 J Su w wtth th KerhUfts BU t tS I &4 iwt 4 le Cxi avt t U being too brar and WoM to c(Wt I ; t. ' ' bsi conviction. ttnuR!y rvHacsMV I ' I W u is; d a sest t tonsrrm wttcn b ec14 I Unr ajr tlUrt t La a. - Sk. - u . . I i 4 sutD .r i JB. J. B. MAXONB, f BAvnuiiNO FHT8ICIAN AND SUSQBOK. v '.. wOBBUBe,. o. OOoa over Ayeoeke Prug Company. - jjR. J. J, MANX, PHYSICIAN aod SUBQEON, ? Office over Aycocke Drog Co.'s drugstore QR 8. P. BURT, BAOTICINa PHYSICtAir AND SCBOBON. . Lotiisbarg, N. C. Office in the rear of Boddie, Bobbitt A Co. 8 Drag Store, on NdBh street. Tn fIh1rAn RuinhllMa fslnnal Artit It goes to him who ha. th. Unrest nor- rtreot at a"' S I U rel and uses Its contents most lavish. I TTbif fftwt . I I . , , . . ,, , j - " . i wnen iwmooiu sro fir;ac v& wvr I " i " ly. It may poealbly be that la the Mot to Mma tb state ef Uf4rkfc, I tlMtfei. Coar-tl nm Mmht htwlTt trim tnnlHmrttlAn. I . - . I wi aires Hon. WlllUm Alden Smith will jtZ 1 find his opportunity to bound Into the wulUn tiftna,,, fro-, e wCrsa. I tflafca4 Ur UU strmCi senate., : TUat -abi Democrat, nr. I ..i. t. ,.i r, A , : ... I -i . . . t A . . . . imm iwui ma is out owctftt with Johaoea. sad IW stgtsl.'srtit ralrbanks wooid r to era ta Ct srst mood. ErpcUScsn sfs(Msa ta ladUoa wlU gle Um wide bortX s aiisA rrvwi J) B. BJ F. YABBOR0UGH. PHT8ICIAN AND 8TJRQBON. Offlee 2nd floor Sear hull ding, phone 89. ), 'Igat calls .ftnserel from T. if. Bickett's L. " ALLRED. ATTOBNBT-AT LAW, Will practice in ail the Courts. Xoangwriue, N. C Office In B. H. SLAHSKHBUBO, ATTORNBY AT LAW LOTTISBXTM, . . . Will practice la U the Coarto ol- the Stste ..... -.. -.j v Office n Coart House. w iwr BODDIE, ATTOBNEY-AT-LAW, Louisbubq, N. C. Office over Boddie, Bobbitt k Co.'b drug store. w . HAYWOOD RUFFIN. ? ATTOBNBT-AT-LAW MinsBVBs, m. o. Will practice In U the Courts of Franklin tad adjoining eountles, also In the Supreme JourtTand lathe Dnited Htatea District .aBd dlzealtOoarte. ' Offloe la cooper and Clifton Banding. rjlHOS. B. WILSXB, ATTOBBXX.AT.LAW, . fcOClSBUB,. OOes em Main street, over Jones at Cooper's. sore.. - , " . S. SPRUILLi 'ATTOKNBY-AT-LAW, ' ' LOS1SB0BO, . C. . mi mttmH tha ennrta of Franklin. Vanee OrsnvUte, Warren and Wake conntiea, also : . the Supreaae uourt oi , aana. uwvuw frompt attention given to eollectlona, , , . . Offloe over Bxerton's Store. . f TW.BICKXTT, " - -' i ' - - . ATTOBJTKT AND COUNSKIXOK A XAW. Judge Badher. Lovers of fair play and decency in pontics will be glad to know that that splendid - Democrat, Judge' Badger of the capital district of Ohio, has been unanimously renominated for congress. an honor and reward which he rich ly deserves for able, faithful and con spicuous service in the house. He will be re-elected, though the .district was thought and intended to be safely Re publican by the small bore Republican legislators who shaped and fashioned it, and thereby hangs a tale Instructive to manipulators and wire pullers and illustrative of. the love of fair dealing inherent in the American people. Un til three years ago Fairfield county. with JJiOa Democratic majority, had been -part of that district for a long time, making it .fighting ground, with the chances In favor of the Democrats. In 1900, owing to factional differences. the Democratic candidate for congress was defeated by a close shave. There npon the . Buckeye Republican solons took it into their heads to make it sure ly Republican by a large majority by cutting off Fairfield county. But ' The best laid schemes o' mice an, men Gang aft agley. - - ". So it - happened in this case. The Democrats nominated . Judge Badger and, to the utter : amazement of the Re publican plotters, elected him. So may it happen to'aJLgerrymanderers! Of course the Republicans will make a herculean effort to defeat Judge Bad ger, . and General Senator Chairman Dick will increase largely the per capi ta circulation of the district . by the free use of campaign, boodle. Repub lican spellbinders of renown . will be Imported by the score to.: shell the woods and- whoop It up . for the Re publican candidate,, for so long as Judge Badger carries .the district he Is a standing rebuke to those who dis membered the ancient and famous cap Lucking of Detroit, appears to be cer tain of re-election to the bouse, a fact upon which the country Is to bo most heartily congratulated. .There ts also hope of picking op another Democratic congressman or two In Michigan. In Wisconsin the signs of the times indicate that Parker and Darla wOl re ceive the electoral vote and that the Democrats wOl elect the entire state ticket and captures United BUtes sen atorship. lion. William 8. Cowherd of Missouri, chairman of the Demo cratic, congressional committee, U reaching out for half a dosen Demo cratic congressmen from Wisconsin. That brilliant and ambitious young man haa the temerity to go after the scalp of Mr. Babcock. chairman of the Republican congressional campaign committee, and thinks that bo will get It Judge Parker's Speech. All sorts of folks have expressed all sorts of opinions about Judge Parker's speech. Democrat pronounce It to be a great, speech, a winning campaign document; Republicans do not appear to like it, but no' two give the same rea son for disliking it. Too real reasoa Is that they believe It has Increased his prospects of election very mucb. The impression msde on those who heard It is that Judge Parker Is a great intellectual force.. While bo read It from manuscript, the great orators and Judges of oratory who beard him con cluded that should ho take the stomp he would create a profound aeosatloo by reason of his luminous stylo and great nervous energy. Whether bo will take the stump is not known. Stephen A. Douglas began the presidential stumping plan, sod it has been much la vogue In later day a. Judge Parker is a handsome man, of commanding presence and of cordial manners."'. None of his pictures does Mm justice. When I waa a child back in the hill country of Kentucky 1 board an old fashioned rough and ready coon try doctor say that be Judged people by their "flesh marks.' which wss his wsy .of declaring be believed in physiogno my. - Judged by that standard. lodge . Parker measures up to the presidential standard. He looks fit Individually I am gtad that bo has red hair, for I recall that Thomas Jef ferson: the area test statesman that Kx aal fVoiai, ft want to ft tfttf h Mm sWsro i WsjU, flrw AssMrkaut V a.' Ffvea ts tws I f 7US fcfraaa U aa. If Goveroor-Chatrbaa Od0 of New York does not look Cltie et than his tatrrriew tooAtw TVum H3 tf U Jeffersoa may have to sola oeoM p1 &co ts tf 14m ftJul $rt-e time or other by pettic sssa: bert. If ,,rr V.rt t ,nc CU " tW r,Wm I ft . . He acrosea Jeffersoo with bet aristocrat, forgsttlsf bat alt Mm wU 1 ft aciis aa ttm. knows its I Jtffersoo was tbo rrvol Wveler. white his great rtrsi naaaUta, the grandfather of the . T&pUk) party, was la favor of a oooortty a4 boldly sold so. Cot Governor Odrrs most sstooodlftg break Is that Jf Parker .eoght to t-e defMUd kwae Jeffersoo tatrodocod too two of tef f U ilars-solV Skwics, Chi era tW fvsMwei sWeaaersf ssv tita4o mxri CleWsi ltW X Co si&n rfTci k ftM6naA.4 et)V rS I ffs M a piu a..tw a -os y?u.i4u i tr aiWer ft 2.2u (4 etswot M tH w VVa iM4 l-a. mrm m t oTtv s nmmt t o. tern a ai wlUlteis. km mwf tmmmm Ttl f , U tare oTuHwi s $Mpwi at awi i-owwato SawfJ-iMO ol.L Ml ro e nnvrx4 smrog U t.is Ts4i m CUo tk0 m&ii CW tnp"iae emit & 4s too esiVUtfa; si eooaie ftrtuirt tinfieai se iM4 'Sk oV. tm.ttsff wlutM A em sn." il S, s i-u, V otjX 3owe Iwa fiMMt is e3 MWUMWV d fttm WWoml f"mf is- t-is ftitMuttt CW OS-t Umf SiTluni C SMuaVa governor think that pooc ah4 al r,ir O wssh the gresso oT thotr eagvra artav 1 Jsa 114. eotlnr. tf thov want to do sot baa I . . . ..... be believe that too potto or (ho tar ' trough la a more co;t eas i ije Lo rt i Vmo titj than the Bagrr bowll K K UlaailW mUmi Lsli - la 1 A" ft American voter ts each a tool as ( bo caoght by sock loan, awl to soy lo se, no, jabber bo Is eery as oca aafctakeo Jadgo rrkers osttoral docta ra tios agsiast oxegd tstfea ttho tato Idency seotno ts hare sum rW Re publican manager amariTasty. . Tboao f thetn who tar their heart Sted on a prtmldectUi otntaoUosi to 13 J would do wrll to ronder tao Jodrfs words csrtfnny and prsyorfaay. ttu out being ta ColooeJ Roosevetts coo- lslW. N'ew VwW Oar A , vem4 smi mymU, t SJW Pf fmmmi ' so raw Tt40)tka) so km li- r7vA Itvoi a eJ aar rrttanaa Uwjrf t ew Yew Ctir JU a I tJMcair of ti W o ua Ua cn3r4J soiwco far rom ttmm v- o Cdottce. 1 tsko the tiberty of ssoUsg I 0-W el JI4 t 3atr Sao ta oAsr oy voTf-S:ie sa4 tost o2m i t-onv wmm. reUjrsvM ob 4f0 s roMNttca. eui LomsBUse s. a rrrSffiS "'j ttal district of Ohio for partisan pur- poses. ; It wfll be a, hot contest. - atezecs to ueiei iuun ouoyuciu, uuu. - V Haenlaur. Hon. Bob. W. Winston, Hon. jC, Baxtoa, Prea. Krrt Nattonal Bank of Wln AonTaiena at Manly, Winston, Peoples Bank e atosroe, Chaa. K Taylor, Pres. Wake Por aat CoUJge, Hon. K W. TlmberlskaV: ; . Ufxaoeover Veal fe Co.'a Store. . u ' . ' ' 1 ; jT -s. PHBSOaT, ' , f . - ' ATTOB3BWTAt-IAW. , 1 - VV1SBinMB'. A, vutioM in sU eourts. - "Osles on slain 1 -street. 4 . Unr- rah for Badger! H TAKBotoTTQH, fa. ATI ORNET AT LAW; . - otBea fa Opera House biddingCourt street Ait ii hnainnsa ' intrusted to him ill reeeivs prompt and ear ef ul attention. ' CONTE ACTOR aso BUILDER,.; .LOUIBBDBa, jr. cW Michigan and 'Wisconsin.-V. "s I was np in Michigan a few days ago on a lecture toufvand talked with many :- persons--both '"Democrats' and Republicans, together with an . occa sional Populist from i -Wisconsin and Michigany and the opinion almost uns versally expressed is- that the situation 1 that part of the country is better for the Democrats than It has -been for years, beginning in 1894.; -The Repub lican factions of Michigan are wooiing each pother in - most rigorous" - fashion over -the United ..States eenatorship. The old McMillan macblno Is some what in need of repairs, but neverthe less it -still has much strength, while General, Russell A. Alger is buUdihg him a -machine of his own.. It is muia- milHonalre backing multimillionaire. It is much like a ganio of. draw poker. "as that fascinating perfornjance has been described to; me, in which oacp this predlctloo: If tvo Is elected l&je year sod tiros tin XX bo Q to a ras dldats for soothor aosalaaUoo aod.. whats mora, bo vQ get IC TV Wvo4 and butter brigade ma gto It to aiaa. He and hla meads Q ctaia that ho had only 000 tern of Mo tei aaU le entitled ta another. Tie leader were I ta WeorSato tio mmt el oiv not for him this Onto, bot ho wt4 t wxm U nrti 4st them Into tin. They art co ts I Ifoosa aader his lash and wCS bo a rata. I li J" Free an A&mjmt omC.- t XtZ The staUcDeats of that tmUOm I bo torrT t 1 tet eo ever lived, bar none, who possessed the I weO. He ahoo&S try to roroacOo thota. I tU'f most exquisite brain ever boosed la a 1 r or examplo. 000 djy roroaSy ho I Ileaf a-j U U m lZ h tU nvtVy Is any connection between the color of I aured tvlm that aD the laMor ahooi I n astawe a man'a hur and the character of bta j West Vlrgiaia gtag Deto.rrao te I Voi tVjr W nti .riAe deeds, the country Is to beeongrstnlt-1 Idiotic rot aod, that It woaU gtvo 3X-1 iirriiUfl tlr a --rt fur ,. r. hat Jndro Parker's eso- I ft t aftrtvi w.tnfv rM is- u vr- I 'rw f1 pirwf illary adornments are of the Tttlaa- j ana. Aa bo weal oat ho a Sfooke I m esque variety. - I Cannoo aod beoocght biio M tts Mr, slo eC ae K 4 siWaMt, Ills delicate sense or nonor in resign-1 west Vlrgtols. for too Ilepatacsoo are I ,vreoft ( sS ing nis great jwuau vlucc, wiui aaro criiaeau aoa salary and a long term to mo appeals I Query: Was strongly to the American people. la I Booaovett fact. hi. conduct I : , lixal fo omAi tW f fseaa cy has constantly won him friends. 5!r!!!.ft?!! U F ftX f-. His discussion of the lear trttwl . B, . . .mTel St.tostor, rrtor .04 .Mo rr,,. linZiZViZ nmVm KtM. oaom aw or torn tartoa ti If?1 J? t ss Mr. Speaker Csaooa aa.4 Ua -rlthL..Thlataf a Char. C UtlieieSd of XX also, tf menttafaTorof.constitnUonaU aat rarry Yertl tt ment fixing the presldenl term at six ta tHttK0 tUj te, f Term ii bod way. To at iho 7-4tr toeligihle after aerving 000 term. If wortU tbry aroUt owa to tf-vU a 4 Judge Parker la elected and adheres to bis sdmirablo decUratloo which he -' nMuti 'win 4iw1m will rtva '' great Impetus to the movement In favor - pet Hct a fceadartm ta C&Vsr Lt week. No drcM bo west IVTie to place the !trpotota rar t: tir book ta po'''- Tate It eftifts chock book frwa GrI PHt a4 ft woui.1 ho of t-s fwwef , etc fieuty. ... sod sad , need ovory ve I . . . , . as Day 104 etrugtoai CAM I"1 1 wmm f . or Cacio Joe , UrtJ oari, s2 wiiiiUl tsX Jiiv)iriiiJia saI m4 ara ! WHAT CAJt tr of the adoption of that amendmeot. -The' St. Louis Globo-Dexnocrat rises to remark that the Texas RepubMcaas are. going to make a hard fight this year, OCeoorse they are. They el- ,waya do. They can't make any other .taeTVM seeks to aise'' his opponent. Heetaxkl Desiarns 8abmltted2i HOTELS. flKANKLIffTOJi HOTEL - FBAjnOJITTOlf. BT.C. General Alger Is said to be an amiabl and - delightful . gentleman In private. Taken With Cramps. Wm. Kirmse. a member of the bridge gang working near Littleport was taken snddenlv ill with cramps and a kind of cholera. His case was so severe that he had to have the members of the crew sort. 'They slwsys find Jordan a hard road to travel. The Globe-Democrat u I . v. ht Iloa. J. nrret sCTa eminently correct. It bit the boDjeye tas becotao rroerC4 t Iil apdpo mUUke. .Some years ago. Just Eanoervlt tho trast wC3 astiiy before an electlon,it proudly remorted, poar ro?r KrvtC-sa ft ma Repnhlicana of Texas win be abK wntrnioo t sh aa ttU tt1! to rednct the DemocraUc majority to adrew,CrWo w.:j sM bo -sa-less than 2Q0KXX).- Vat that was the u tc-9 tho ErpshScsa year, in which tho Democrats split and p,,, tntsrefy oat of to owa rt- ran 1 wu cnnuouaies tor UTfnwr-o and Clarka - .- ; .. . . . The country to to. bo most beettflj congratulated on the fact that the next congress; is to bo ttlcmlsed by the : nvto s- ta o;a r eAt rjc-st5r aiv4 n.1i4 too w et4 I rave-x eterx 4e s Ua4 - a tiW rtotev t K s-rj St ls,, t4 Ju4 iJ4 S jitJk Isne AA4 emo a-iCI W A.m -.4 A V i . at A. fx-mt. I w. t :.:; ktt.iaoe .ia e-t'erj tCUpf a-..! & e-t-" t-w, o-r tie VoU ; t TJ lv-4 - ftnavj Jrs a el ssujj-o is, a r'e U e- y ruie a4 $' Si atio' fr-iiae; I o fV;-va evff j i2 ;'i a j . 4 ft.-i ffJ I a- etj-ei v ftf vj'4 aa aVU Uc el .1!w(,m ruaxr old ccntu rrts. t IVe t&owrf 04 SRXa( ta4 $mX awe4 Weu4 m Meade4 s Sae ts k f)w fe4 he .. Mtt.w t4 ifu.Wa twt Uiw a) .. r f IL m-'. t-e , aoe el tf Ocmm wnajf fl axf kc '.KVti e I9ie fuUw )ao - ow C-e !i I el V alMf mu K tua eM4 la 4r moo cta . tU o 0dte)4 U if t reua a eAHute4 tnmi eo4 I Ve T '4 at- f l?WW ewo4 as ttU f tl Mt aa $m4 it o-2 Vo w-itfVt t .4 tjUwiaaajie Caso Imp VUe $w-narv Ce Mboa Vafcs, oam s U v1-'? I w"4 1144. ke ear StiiClu 4I ailjor, To t-iS - let eje(o f O', SMVae el fo-4saM4 eaw4 a-19 a Wiae oiua4 tWe IomU Ae tl m mmmt, t ewat A I? at-i 4 4 sweil sintiib 4 t"?? re ere ef (W Stntu y, Wsy e U aOjaka O l em3 fta4 O ae-V. TV7 oTimO Ch, sjui o-Jb a (-o auWu WTa Vi ffhAt SunMO Clet U4t!V itt'J- ImiI m(1. J fv'fwoi'iA4 Oma$.. e jUjJmt Stotef el jUe 011.4, f wrM44 -t3 ae enilrteO ft-U 4ruOet tl tWH nw4 euu( W fui-4 nn C etcuue tiu.1 e eAftjaiitcnla t'vJ L4 o-U't a A5 a 13 4 u4 rMtod ew a - & ... eVU etwUMf Kutne O iS W tW"- a4 fc"wi. Wm i . tttt-Vm?- t2d4 C e le iiim o;iv v .ee 4 , em! CUd e .-u tl mmi eivwltf tii 3 eniM 3 enS-t-6'Hl'JV i't. eUin.'$ oe e 4 a4ae amM ev . ta : 4 e V eunra,. It-iS i M ti:on CmAC J Li e- ev ery lfWlii aurarxit i iie " a ' traveling I fTit apon him and Mr. Qifford wascalled Good aaeoaodation for th teftTeung J. ltedu:: He them he had a ."ttbUo. eod LlteiT Attashed -'9 Yiolent Attack ot Dlarrheea Cortd ty ChaXQberlala'i Colic Cholera ;'. and Diarrhoea Remedy and v "-' perhaps a Life Saved : "A short time e o I was taken with a violent attack of diarrhoea and believe 1 1 would have died if I had not gotten r?- c.V.ie - (Fv l-l, t - .-J:C-r aj-xt-a.4 l--a !e f--miitTSfo, e-- C-e t-sa-ia j rrr ai t J l '- tn'.J ... . j Serot t.4 t -.;"rri a:: WH SO VaWaVilj.,- ie ue cess to J MASSENBURa HOTEL' Maaoenburff Propr nmroEiison.'XT-'c. 0.4 MtimTnAa.tlotls.. ; Good IoVr- Q mediclH in the form, of Chamberlain's r.ni. cholera and Diarhoea Kemedy that . . . 1 ,. ft v. . J I;. 11 T.I,. T TX. . , l 11. he thOUent.WOUia H1P lUIIl VUl WlU c- I uci, hji uuuu u. i Mkuu, Brmnw in- tercd with the result that the fellow was rmended Chamberlain'a Colic, Cholera able to be around next aay. ine intu ma Liisnnrea Kemwj. 1 DouRns a dent speaks quite highly of Mr. GiftordV twenty-live cent bottle and afur u)t(n medicines, Elkader, Iowa, Argus. three doses of It m snti rely cured, I This remtedy never fails. Keep it . In consider It the beit ttvzeif la tbt world yourbomesitmaysaYB. le, -Tot tale icr bowel ccrsyJi'-stSi rcr'.j tr Ar SCOTTS DIUIS0N a food bccicsc h ux--.it so r riiiticary for perfect cuttv:i--x And jtt in C.c cvj::fr fi tr-.-r. lr.g appetite, cf R rrr strcrh to the t;ru t?i"f to the r.rrrrs act;x it t! it of a tncvlici.-.e. h:rn Tx ?at (!l VHiiit,t.M wi.b If 9 -cwe 1 w ,M tiiM.r1 . ija , Lit a... , i.t.f-tt. .fi.i C.t,ft-illi - lt. . 4t, a m ai . i . ....j i Mtta, 'iy ifM ;-t ; t1 t-snd ju4 etitC. Tie t5 rwj i 4 4 tvi k i " - . c ft J t.TV ( I ' t t ! .! t - ' f ilatel ?e'e. ! -' V t -- ' -'.,ei I - ., -.'. tfi i 1 ft ! . .s'a w '. i.- v ? - W: t V a?' fc c'.ifrf-i : I. t v- v.- v r K , i s) Ii k t - t) i ,. ' a. a. 44 - 5aa - J 4 f 1 1 1 i fH- lssV sf la. S ie aea lea 4caSS. 4 4a- a? ti-ts V ieasv i - I i 9 a- 4b.' -ir W t 1 ni.ti - t ts i j. ! " " '' -- i tt v, j -4 4it 4 fttt.a.- 1 - la t, 4 . V V. aat T'.t 1 s I 4 W a t $ aae ff -i - ia Tnill - t I ; ! ; t . ;n tf--o-4 , I as' -.f tt - J . . ( ta i ' t .t. a a i v old velvet 1 1 fir - ijft: f.;4 fi rrtt rv. f r :ipelV: i r i'u,k.iid eiwM AT THCC BIG RACKE' in lo evil fdvrc! tr or 1 he i. . i I will cell Shoe 5, Dry tioas, etc. at and belo Vrf W w w 1 A C. fo-, O- JSO. T. U;, LOUISBURG It 1M 7!!?, II j W W S-ii- CQ.LL I r ! aw.m.',.-fl- jjtt I t i U j t 1 1 1 . it 4.:t itt M : t : , :i:.t :ru r;t t ........,...,. 7 yii -iti(iie tt t'-'t'0 et.,..Ma, i .j r. HHHHTt;A FULL LIME OF tfieea. T at "I e" ' 5 -- a,, I I ia. e, el t .. " e 4, $ Is ,. , Mef e'f 3 e-. . ,iK - e va., ! l e-- e v I . mm t t , f e If J till ii ,i I s CL f- C t t CIS LlC Oil eiit aiftUeitiTt f srrxxtr '-''---.' ; -f,v.- 1

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