11- .: - -".(ift 4 . - .. .. v . "v . ,. . - I ft Vf f - a MsTHODIST. , Sanday School at 1T:30 A. M. " - Z." ... Gao. S., Baxkb, Supt. : Preaching at 11 A. M., and 8 00 P.M. very Sunday. - " 1 Prayer mtwtiD? .Wednesday night..: ' L. S, Massm. Pastor. T-1 .. n - ... a -5- BAPTIST. x 8anday School a9:30 A, tU """''-' ' ' - 4wThos. B. .WiiAbr Sapt -Preachiatt at 11 A.M. and S .00 P.M., rrery Sunday. ' 'r,"-'.,' - , Prayer mating Thursday night. - II.- U. Mashbukhs PaBtor.- - HTBCOPAL, ; il , ; Soaday School at 9:30. -1 ' Wm h. EDFPnr.SupC rjervioen, aioraiatf aaa niKlit t oo 'it, 3rd ana 4tn Sandavs. . , j Kvenintr Prayer, Friday, aftefnooa H&Y ioHa Lowdoh, Beetor. . - PaESBlTBRlAH. " Sttr ices 4ib Suada? in "each montfi-' morpti ad aigtii.-' - , - Pastor. - Mt- meets 1st 'and 3rd , Taeeday ,aiffacia eacn moutn. -V A "-i Panic of 1893 fA'-fmTrYr" - Made Plain. CLARR S -TheRecntA '- - . x - v . - V- tack on ScnWy. ISpclat Washington- letter-l rj i'rotbtisional oai-dt jy FREDERICK K;COOK, ' loalsbQfg, Ti. C. " - Hoars: 10 O 'e with Dr, A. H-' Fleming a, in. to 12 m , S p. tn. lo-4i p. jjR.-AKTilDIt li;FLE3iLQ -'KtHlwrt tie W cntllM to 1h fr 1 tl 4HE eat iaairt. of th-taz at imtlon -tubltcan. t wM ks tb ) " lnt- XaW- fiffpr -rpsr of fw.. Rooserelt praidU!aJ elector eo - 'Jt's lent rand ; Qljblev-l'" hy ' Tthe La Fo'.lrtt factum." If tn coa-t. m r ttae other hand.'itcomiM the 1a Fr't . ... - t. ticket th itmon pnra Rrtwbllcan tu eaitors ana speubinacrs, comesr tne At-j upporters of th 'tiwart cdJu Mny-(Nay.)I Journal. -VTrajnpant ReJ Qr atatA-cffleea win t eonpUa t vn TTr - - . . . . - . -scratched ticket, tn order to ct INrlr puDiica organc ana-inaaTenentiy ao- for Mr. Rooveveit eiertor AH a- tnlts-a-faet nvblcb Democrats bav-'l-5 1'denta of political percvBtaxMr know that LTC&ysVmaintntned---tbat5s tbe . premonl-:. tory .irmntocis of th ".panic" of -tlS5 'EredisceraibJforebVecttojLf 89i. Tbe1f ournfi!, Cgpeaklng--T that f- 1 lctioa, says, "taeveiaaa was ciocjca. .and "tariff agitation, tbrew tbe -coun try,- already disturbed byvdepressbiK naifcons, tnto-.a state" of. crisis.' Tbe- irnport&nt'",word3- in that sentence afe. Already disturbed by depressing. on ditionswbicb . is a confession, that the bartf "-times of 1833. began "In ,1802 under a Hepublicatt administration and uch.-o. courae would be mtnrraaatiqr aMMylnr to .Totera. and the. atata-caai Mttn af: tt-V-Bta1w.rta" -orT Benator Bpooner and fct OTprt rou:d ftnd - difficulty In defend In, tbetnT from the chance' thathey were runtim a state ticket aolely lor U purpoM d- eatingr the Candida tea who r e W Republican ticket headed .by tho candt dates for-teptiHcB erector. Vp to the 'nreaent -time - no - solution of the contro versy baa beea proposed that do , ftt promise deatrvcUon or parry narasony- 'aa confusion and disgust amon the voters. -Outside -r sywpathy " E"tb ottst w doubtless with Setiator Spoener. a proxrd- nent figure in satioaal stlatesu- Ut an 's , the; Wisconsin awjaroy Vila Of tail 'tf Maf a. itlmii are thSV the "wlth-La"i"olltto.4. Hs Rhtee, nnilnir thT?ftnnhliwin ilcKlnley tariff L a-ood mixer sad pledged o.- tax reform low Tht tmrrtPrs mav know wfiat f Po'y- that- to blahiy wulawtt -tb. LotngBoaa, ttjOvar The dtaea U Yarbpro M ore. - - i D EL J. B. MAXOSV, f &A.CTICUIQ PHYSICIAN AJffD 8UBQEON. OtlloeoTer Ajcocke rrng Company. D u. j. j, Mar PimiaAN an i SUaGEOS, U Bee ovur Ayeocke Drag Co -'s drag store yr . l L S. P.-BURT, PRiCTIOIHaPHTaiCaAjr AMD SUKOBOJt Louisburg, N. C. r". Office in the reor of " Boddtc Bobbitt L Co.'a Droit Store. onUah street. PJB. BL- r. ra.BB0R'.)Doa, - PHYSICIAJf A-SP SUBaBOM, - m anA - Ann' Timf hail Jlnir. phono 39 MiTht m.lla auawrwl from. T, W. BicKett'B restdieaoe. phono V. : sort .of a , paper the. Journal . Isit". Is Cnly "nec'essaFyto- state that it.jwas founded and for many years concuctea most -i ably "conducted by- -TburTow Weed, the- niter eg6 of .Wfiriam "IL watd, Tvbo -came near beins rthe Tlemiblicanr. Dresidenual : nominee-r in 1860 inplace of Abraham ;Lincbln:; Forneady i generation" the great tri uBBvirate Seward."WTee and. Greeley7 . - i pmtt jm - ss-a mnij absolutely CHntroJled tbe anti-leiuo-tha breach and salt the cratic forces of tbe Empire ,stateir i in Ahe, meanume ut uea"""11 , 'il .wuhj .riniinlnooaly Itm tor ooco.that was nuaiiy uisvluj-viic v.rd Yer Vjjy use coovta s ill sUV -;ilia vi i ttivj "y fc j l-thirtpen electoral VOWS) IS UKW ... . t J J 1-S T . rt A 1 - . . .... - mcmcer, as ne Btjrieti uiuimu iwu w-s "W '. I th frtra aorta t t'z f1-" I - - " " 1 airr to. JlTer . awak or drfc Ti l Thtlr Rcatiy VU ft U T? Asa BrwCe aa w j It frrat r It U j Is Mid Ida v la taTr-fai ( at oa too t certain ti rvAf t, i to not fr tl Tt m ti rrrtala .bsJa of t! l&Vy UI bear a bMeCfe-l Ctjui'Jf fartr.era tiat tuaay f tieir t ttr land a ad to Uvwcw prnu bot&Mror tbfif u:-f W a fr'r lod wUcU ttJ t tSiVe U a-rv Ur It) at a Jifal fU'.ui i' niut b a eat ri&fji ret r t aa -trvrrioa to ,til It i-y e4T !&- itr atul rif-e. '. erVirri T tberrnf jtisfet alTrtfi!.M k'1 tt BrawJywlo. at Kia Moraata tb Cow?C5 ft!nStUM e Tfa ae4 I this rotirsWikw U roe? a 1j derT.rpIitcao sWsirt9ilft. T14 fli4Tb ract ea,ix m & tka or UUttkil Tof aM Jt tl Mrsooa la iiwoytsw 4 l tat ta aod'nM to abet att fauoct. Now tb Ut tbocxbt f w tvftasry unst b t a rood t tb wrvf 4rr w4 ways and qmm to rw r rttfiMta from m!fratt. TUa - nw and wif amUiarTfotm vrorUj profon4at mVWrtio. em ia wi.-f s mh- ttt. s i tt ' Il " ? ant U-t, ' Wt4 fl ' a?. "old .velvet i a I t t V If ,V',T t yr fc (llWIWHl''i l.t I in. V, C t,4a' rs 7 tl f;4 rti a' jr jjiwtj'w - , i J'Se t3 "t. .VS'J Ijt asfti-t at tuns tatn.-w lul. T5kil i rfc.;uy f " tw l J 2Ma) f" -rt8 tv- , rrel ;'t j :isti'mW.,--4.i' 'y'i n' f. ts wvf 4 uitrae J yuj. I'J I;1 -ij n fa - Ion!: btin: f I f c ay4 te . i e- ' ' v a vla jsiau ?nt i i MW.es.u. - - 7 - l11i(a.' - ' " tad lueat ra b c. I o.W tv! v.Ufai 'er5! a-Jievt, a f m w t.U've . , i M 4?-tC- tTi6a.4r ?defrai M rf 4 nijil fcK4t f?ieaJ ?wiV.5smji5ft3 (st. . k "... . 1 -SLif fwf av. f siiriAa) $ " voters "Of hlaatarer Under such conOltkm it u -not difficult tar foresee, wrtlcmlarly If th Wisconsin courts decide tn favor of the Follette faction, a sciiea of cora-s jllcatlon8 that msy andaefvr th auccesa or the KeptJDiican pany in the .comlna election- ,Tbs action of the KepubUeaa national committee t seatla the -atalwarta" baa IntenslBed tbe teetloa of bitterness- that baa paavaHed between the factions, and It J a very serious ote. Hon If the attuaUon la not past asvtnc to the Republicans as each etTort ts the ta terestf -harmooy nas servea wbt 4 tt U JtVUeea i 1 1- y jfirtut i'JitX Urn frt-e a t Hl tttt m a - i4-i4rjW f r J W5 aow su ia, tliNdi tJ . ltfwrif vix'm aw 1 alc in as a la-w vUetUutiHi f fl ti 5iesif aeiWtlb vi JVf -m? si""'-' '11 ' lata laUp.i?? : a a-k r-rr tie cf t!w c rata,; a. 1 Ut in i vf SHiBIG RACKET. of tbe most eaustie epistles -Jar our-yer- naeelar. This" confession' of the Jour nal is reprinted in tbeAmerican- $kon- omist tbe organ of the American Fro-; tectJve "'Tariff league.-Taken i.Inltop nection witbTthe letter addressed." hy. Hon.-Charles l'Ostef,ruenerai cenja min Hafrison'a., last secretary ',of the treasury, on" Feb.- 20, 1802-Jonrteen davs Jjefore Cleveland waa 8ttrttla, nearly six "months before tbe pemot I -.-a .xcill not be eonaMered tn cratic -congress- me i vu"-. u"-1 pert Id en t to tninire totowth j " tendent of the bureau of printing ana 1 slu to be a free trader.. If It a Aa to Fr Tradara. Z.- - .' - - I - " . x . I. a flva 4a aitafc V 'XnOSe TB uai jiui for the Democratic party, Late repeat edly declared. nd proved It, that tbe Democratic party la not a free trade payty nd hctw. "was. r But,. Inaamoch aaUprmhllcan editor and apellbindcra keep on asserting that the Detnocratk "party 1a a jtree trade- party and. In sist thAt we. are great ainner iu ibi 1 At kaat twe tr10tial r. aothora of bookJ BAorrvl a4 Watson tl?sorxsry La rrEy f a Ameticaaa aod Atafka KtVt meats for Lit tbenat, wbCe 15 lKf baav derated mart erf tt Ulervry to Frtce and rrcbtwm. It la are be a firat rata adrertuwtperJ far j twcia e? $-' t hooka., .llaoy Eo9 1 rrwt I M & , fuurv atateetoeo wrlla twoaa. it ta aj tat that" AtterVa atat rcct. Th l.aaen l ti-ia i .fUtn5 Tto 4ia,("v v- ' t&4 iSar wS3 kTi fete? t3Ui fw; 1 trM f .4 -w-mn? fwui l fw-4-nap: ! aa.unu f t 1 Mavta tiM uj-4-el VrA v I V tC avf-a. 1 few tU stMwts4 r j aojayuai Maw sr I tfc 5 -. f-" j aLin' e4 tr(4l l avfil la J--' yMsienm-Se a4 fesf l tvisvia ryi- thtt mkired thettmUea. tt a I twain Uaw T W healthy aim of tbe tierf.' ! 1e fee; tJU f-rI sUto t B I W M t,-awi - - " l make tntrreaUa- rrWiaC - - It appear that HoeaSha E detarmloed aot ta tw cxi Krw Tort cnbmwtorUl r. ta th coochwkm do tfo&tt Taiha M wp j the ebaacre are lneiytld taor te bt v t"isa.i5 tiMAt'4tdl aJ acxtJ avlt a 5 M t corn! .31 I acsojai d g"3i t or ievlbt wfr f r aocb Uaaa, ile f9are r-nI n2l 4rBf aM."" eiW iaMh"a in fl. ALLBED. J. - - - - ' ATTOBNET AT IA.W, - - c Will practice in all the. -Conrt. Ot&eaJjlk u. MAHSHTi BU la B. ATTORNET AT LAW ' Will practice In ail tha Coarte of the State Oinee n Co art Hoaae- - , yil. W. BODDIE, r -ATTORNET-AT-LAW, " Office over Boddie, Bobbitt A Co.'a drntt atore. - - hJuy'I wish to Introduce to my rejdrra a very great" elaaer in tnat respect, a most, eminent ainner. wno i rouco in the puWlc eye and under tbe Jltnellfiht. On one occa&loa be tised tbe -worda : . -TnTrepeal o4b aalttax was aa ea- rwlfl) favorite- of his. . Ha.waa perretuy rlght-taatiacaona-me is the STeateat - credit for- the -perstateuey whteb nnaOly won him lbe victory. s - r: Know cwho" tittered those - glourtna words- eentle reader?. And to wnom lue ""-"J - 1 .r .f-T ' Tt the Ireoobltcana American -Economist ror uie.come i . -n -.M Slon. t- ; . - - I . ' - f If waav nvn ' ntr I ' 1 -ivnen siuic mat., ik engraving, directing him -to prepare the plates on whicb to print-$50,0QO,0QO worth of bonds to coyer, a prospectiye deficiency?-it-proves beyond cavil ;tbat the Democrats-- haye been, -correct i fheir contention all the time as to the origin of the panic of : 1S03. Tbe.rMc Kinley tariff bill and reckless Bepubi lican extravagafice caused ltd andt tfc Would bafvo come- all the same" bad General --Harrison -:J. been . re-elected. Thanks fo the Albajay Journal .and the - . . - a .a Demorrara earrying ,ta awe. aa i . t, k . . ral for'lbe rwnwntta ootbelrvtl prwWlrntUl beota ta 13 rc U.; t ty e aita . f rerhapa J tbb) rceWy Wtfvtwfet t er f-U W Odett aalcbt be lodtacrd to taake fwf , t . . t , tWiue if btaasrtf tte aSaf ca Irat U rt.tva1 ila rywit of bis coaatry bracerftla I ti ttnn-tbat ta, If be toi at tJ with hat roaUoaJ U ar-ba( tbe dafnoct ahlnboUdia treat. - . L . . a tim .,1 a a Sf " 1 k " j tHt aait ieacrY a.MS. lAtWef ittjeire-amorte Biel a. A . ' .a a. s . . Um etuiM?- sAMnjftttt,, . a-tfe wa aj WV Ua artuA5 a inwui Iaa M twt fvt uaur rM m t-r Ti a ta Cba l:aa -.aaj t ''- - . . . a 1.41 14 avr aaMt;i 44 aCw -? : to caII crl gxl 1 taf rSa A. HALL. f ttre fy-ZZ dxaAcwi aa- J t,, mKirH tr i The Oldang at It Again. -han Colonel Theodore Hooeerelt, pre- vv M. HAY WOOI? BUFFIN. ATtOBHBT-AT-LAW, rXv ? ; ". : i,oniiBVBa. . a . -. ' . ,y arm ..rftM tn mil tha Rourts of Franklin ud adjoining eoantles, also In the Supreme Sarandlathe United State District and - LODXSBuae, a.o. " ornea on Main street.' orar Jpnea a Cooper Lr- ym:r-. ttim .state.: n aa m' .tj jaAnW a. w MHmiA'MTiTa i iuiiul 'vi av -' .. ' ' statesman of tbe:flrt ranmad to niace salt od the tree list. . covo Benton kept op thla fight for qaartct of. a century".' and when he bad, woo he declared in hi pompon way thth Imagined he conld hear the flock and 'herd ' on a "thousand hnia hellotriag ?ut' their sloye and gratitude to him. The abore quoted paragraph fonod on page 92 of the American SUteameo Series. ""Life of Tbomaa EL Ben too. by Theodore Rooeeyelt.'i Query: If Oo nel Benton deserved the greatest creJ- It for placing thla great necessity a Tbe Rroebltean asre they reelUe that tbey are dta4 te defeat, OUrrw1s tfcftr rd::oc wpU oot dtce4 to- tbe fcrar irkfc A drarortaf ta Br th tfhr fcft bf Dr09aVboa of eeetbera pbUc . It I a dUrrpobttOe prrtle lz4 diacardatl by all dereot perae. aJL: 1-. ti.rl.a, Up ks t J k;4 t- ";- OEV 1 fa -at ty-v r'ar vW $"it r-.: ua.. TVa ftrcauttd -ia4 e H. F ea r v w V W La t r!u IVrntaiin. wal tt ret tHU t .,a ' m.U aM.iri a--.. aa In1!! . w. - t t - t " "H " - 5 -- - a tore. Fs. spruilH- -" ATTOMnrr-AT-tAWr . LOV18BXBO.B". O. , . i-. .-mtm o Vranklln. Van Jranvtlle. Warren and Waka ent auo OtUce over Baertpn'a Btore. X i W UvOb W W W --- - . I . SM.BL Of his Jmperishabie reno-syn : ,-gain;-t"- ------ Bhowing its spleen, -ribe admiral now on the retired list; and .the best beiorea of -all - American:. heroes, "had an ar ticle- in ,a widely circulating periodical recently written: atthe rquest"of the. editor) - giving 'his experiences m tne ; great naval battle oft the south coast r Cuba. No BDoner had It been read in Washington than the howl went up froma buncli of valiant navy depart ment carpet: warriors that he should be court martialed for his able and conclusive1 defense in ,the Saturday Evening -Post: Ho long wiir . tbe - American , people-tolerate this thtog? Bureau thief s and envious . captains drove J"ohn-vPatil '.Jones to an; exil' grave,: Shall1 these later detr actonr ac complish tike results in their; malicious spile?, l ean think of sometning :Dec terXlet Mr. President Parker ""name WIhfieid,Scott Schleyttor secretary of the navy aod Nelson A. Miles; for. sec- ---j Tbe rir bird retch tbe SO ttl U. A&4 It W U fUl Secretary eC 1 tb ,Trry U, Fhaw tab that ad a crtofedy t beart that la hi wtM fa4 V circle thtr fall be wGLfat la prove. "fJhar JV rJlat " I eraikia, Wt ) rwwts at w trmSmff fsrwU w4 -w tanrs3 taluki to f inwf A- ail aftW, t tLk. CUt f 4 11 hi time Uy lux wire by which I learasrftatae-a Wiea f tor the EntJbJkJ prrmidawlUl waK . : . '.- v . and all other 'aat4rta nmbaa I (2) tNf taff a a W t?iy4 Vti eT t" tawt t7-"a - pMMf sewaeaujW irt, J ttili.-e-a X4 Cue :iawa k&ttuw WVW fam tcvM 4 :rtr rA 4rm4l W eMMtti atttas BVut A.:nA alas " 1 K,r-ir ki ma. 4uf ra. skHima 1 SO jf li atatrmaa that If Coioaal JUwrvrS I J auflat $:ximttm f ki.I -aaU:k s" ai" ? to elect tv thla ttoe be U d certaia to elect ty to ioe sv u . . . to be a adlU to'Wtri tad that trlwrp'1 Jodr fartrr 1 eUtt4 U wta I (?) I ea . V . K-l .A. .u . .asvai 4k.ti. S ar I !? -.-', I 'till rVMttSk i " J " -I 1 . . I t.i fHrve ta sUrtaiS Le wta Jrtve I ITk trastociiapei r rw w 1 the free list; aa Colonel Jfoeeevelt ay J tha eonotry ocb a spteodUi 4da-1 ptytbt al fr.b4 -ws4 ae I U un . - . - a. a - a jv a a aa DMriKitM fa a-tsr :ai aaaai . a . a be .did. bow- aoe ii mpi" i W"M"" TT: I a,tvfce c4 wa;rba aH . Oft a atw Democrft Of tody would te a great i iro ...uw. " I t-t-. .jj a. etloer-eTeav uovanwr w-r - -- - -- tag hi time aod etjny. . :SZ. hti isrem a! v4La:fa" " 'Tba rnh yaahi. 11: " 4 inooy-atiraya apelkd.iruh a Uglfaaa U. retary of wart . criminal to attempt to pot eome iber inecessltron tbe Xree llstT :in the earn hook Colonel Roosevelt on page 6T na Ithe following languarr ".- - vL rrdrar sot td look at tb taxiS emn. wnthnentml atandoolnt. bat It ts In waiitv "oure It , buatness matter -and H had a Ca lUoatrsUoa rarcatty when twd BepuUk raadidata fa 1 should be ocl3ed aolely 5Tf i oaaTt Wert 03K tasted by nedlencT. PoliUca.1 economlats ha.v prat-1 f4''3 - . , .. M. 1 W.BICKBTT'. 1 rrORHBT AEfl C0TJK8KLL0B AT IW- ProntiJt andiMitosaktogatJon given to rnMmn Home to Roost,-. -.. ;J "Under ih is tersely suggestive-head: Ing the -able- and Independent. Wash ington : Post :dIsWurses thu3on;;the Wisconsin troubles of the.: grand old humbug; - f:' s TbeBepnb!ican legislatures n a number tnitsn-. utaf-pa adoDted. a plan A few -years ago to JiuUlfy .tha fuslon tactics of the irOpUUStS ana uemocraui. -n-t.. Btates, 'Vyisconpin and Kansaamons; the number, iawa- were passed prohlWUng candidates for office from -allowing their names to be printed on an official, batfot -ftno rwrrtv desiznatton. The purpose was. to compel the candidate of th fuElonisurto eiect miaer; wu.u M- - .T . ... . I. ty-enerauyr areea ,ti. . - Lrl clous inJtheory and narniiui n prac tice, tmt If tha majority i peopie.m in terest wish it andrlt'attecta only then selves thwa la .no .earthly rtan whr they ahoo Id tvot be allowed to try the tn thtr hesrta" content- The trouble -tr that It rarely doea affect. only thnselvea.:and 1 1K rril wsa p culUrty gTraraied acconnt Of-the tn - eoual way In - which tha" proposed law mild affect different" sections. It pnr- forUtd-nrpaUla fcttoc.la Cm dlatrtct ..! bow v ragrtaeotfU by H f. Gtor..a RrptiUkaa. Tb O. O. II, (Xrad old hotabof l mr t V ta tb ttfora of d-'aaoJotSoa VCt t glni. - Tb ctoearua tadvdat.f th rk preeJdetK rtn I b tUog "coming hb way at hv.-. - ; I - rHl ci.-ill coll Shoes. Di5' Goods.. w atai w-j a w - - Ii! UH ajr tt, ij Wrrwl "' fmef U W fj 4?f.i v wv vAviVt ftCa .! c.'a. fUrw li(fra, tjf4b.iX Isarcwtl JrSlfct -w firJ cil UV .'. aje. oK aia,4 f art J U vwtMMia awS I Si rfr. T- an..l. wVtB a aur Cj4I iw'W Cla a in iii.r.i':7H tr i -e-iy4 Ltv- aW ur TTaltw ported to benefit the rest of th eoantry. I "- -but if undoubtedlr worked real mjury t PPf Wcllmao. tb ficw UC-'al'V f C tify P.rj. eeOt U ' 1 I fjfsft watla 1 4 i 0e & rtt.. a W v 4 tUd I - XV t f t T- t t f .t ra wi j I 1 li : U- J I T f . Ta to f4 "fee j'Viy afH V I I J Va i ai e U - L f-'1 j Jton?Pre. Plrst National 'Ban-M---W ner rhe i WQUid fight; thus disrupting; tne oieS MV w'eeWake 1 -component ergaiusatlona " amonjE h Xu MOnroaChaa.Kaytor,ea.waa xv-i parties -Andliv jnany tnstances tna- - ia r ou ... Uttwe over nea w. - . ATTOBJrT AT-IAW, f " Lotnsjws,". f eractloe. tm all aourt Oflc on n .treat. -' f S;- .teriaUy reducingr-the votea f the fusion -candidates.,-: niscunsM .muu.. . now faced' with, tbe prospect 01 iS.Jrt H Y ABBOBOTTOK - ," " " ATI ORN ET; AT LA W , y tOtrfflBUBCl. w. C,i Otnee la Opera HOnae buUdlng, Conrt . .treat COSTBACTOB asb BOILDEB, -1; XOtII8B0Ba,K C." ". . . . 1 n an Kmitted. V-.--1-.' ....... .-. ta HOTELS. . C: -.w.-. hlnf the near in tne i,w-y"'-v- -Stalwart" eandldateor governor galnst VI.it- Tt..n trt add to the compll- " rtiona. aeVen tbe.abMat-.. for' electors hava ieciareu men S femaStog upon the ToUetteeU no matter what action J'. taken Tnh " Chicago conv ention or In QtCZ .tha-atatute.wmrn w-av -V'- V'. BSbtvoaS 1 TChteago. that the "stalwarts"-, wfll iaot ticket raits iar - "S.fttfl. ;,Tf Utlcat atmosphere In'the IflTfhst the the? Wisconsin - courts l?? " . . I- a . .fc.- w mill I iAnrffi.t otind for wondertbatlh IrtlUtlon verjDsU, m forma tlca" frod ti P. !dt U wttv i t!a 4 st v - aa a tviiij nam a aa - m a It tn tne-region. o uv.r ton Ut wltf y :tow- - it I L fcty .i 'jkw m vm S nnMM that St laSF IMT IIW W a..i I. . . .. 1.1 -.4.. si " t vi. . I -n---- ' !.. MAln! as,I r"Vlrw, r?-J ft.ua J a-a I ail B us . ... 1 iwa.it. - " - - - w - . . ?-,It must be ' coma barnv to natural for the ment at tha; way "-.Tbese passage tbe rmrpose nel Ttooaevelt tut for the porpoae applying to tbe stand patter toe otu saying tbat 'people who lire la glaa louses, ought not to throw atone."-. : -Dr Rlcbard Pftho!dt. trtrv-vTl tit la eoasret froa fL t-acX rs htoclf Cm" Unre 4. tf r.t l.tritir t Or! P.-blri ar4 r?sCet it la the awirri- Crt w-;? rr about tatjeh tnttaa t ha trf.5 f a dos't would ! a 4r;ti aawer. T n I , L E G IS big- the. seeds Sown hy that legislation. - ,.ttjii wfarnrsln-law. passea -aa scheme for defeaUng fusion candidates. tha candidates are torbidden f rata; having their names appear; .more official; ballot; Although Hepubllcana and tha talartaP-headed Tinted .the tame canuiaaca . ( in neyir - . . .tiat eiector tjiee ITTe -hare "been ' long andao tbor- the Ta FoHrttercoTu onghly accustomed to seeuu roreigncr, COLLtO- ii AUli-u a info our citizenship that wo cn scarce- tf realize th'e strange and startling fact that thousand of our best people are 'leaving! .us ; tu locate- la th Bntlab VorthwestTerritorles. . Immigrant bar vome t America jo- peuer tieir C3ii- tion. "Nw: American farmerwlbaotm and sinew of the 4nntry, are etpatrt- atlng themselvea . lo : suol to- wttr tbeir.contlitionl-'It seerna a imag to credlhle. but nevtrthelcs ,it I tm. Wben we read of thi begira. of oar citizen to King Edwrd' dominion tn 1 a ft ..... a .... . ... -. . . y 1 . a a. . . k m m.. a. . t a the onth ana mat it ws - - .t . . . ; 4 I.,. . 1. , .-.-...a I .. latter to tel otn rraent-t ... - MpiHniiM..- 1 tlrii" ,- 1 1 L U I L , W IH hlcaivworaeo., . ; . . -av; "' 1 1 -UI U-t 5 ta 4 4- A 1 1 V U i 4 :.ar 5..rtJ, r.R.ii.. tre irni tale Ut itUt i.:-.Al'l :. I .; f ofcaaungany niuronw.. a-. a 1 . r . a a' ..... I I Ihaiimh- t n i If l.",l 4.1 J . 1' .t ' " f r-a r j I I I I I l 1 I I l I I I I 1 i l I I I I 1 I I N I i III 1 INN ! UllUUlllJUUlt F K A.NKL1N T02S flOTEli j in Praise of 111. ...JPu'"vn-.;ir. John ftood fteeomodatioa iotwi- r 1 mletty Qf Fagle Pass, Texas. ablto. ood UV.T. Attaehad . .; ' . i irnM -a- few :wotds in Allow mc i 6"" i: .hftlM r. John "i: auf- f ered one week wita row y 7 JliSSENBURa nOTEb-:, J P Haeuburff .Propr HtEHDEBSbll I C.. ; 0ad awooBunodatiOns,- Good f ara ' ro if lito aadatteatiya sarviatr re rh.n mv friend, Mr. L. 1DSa" crr:hnt heW. advised me tir this remedy. Alter taking one VJ wa-o-v f a. . - 4.11 ..nnf v 11P.VH11 AUU w de.i:hirA7dose - entirely aa.T;Cnwu- from the bottom of curpu.. Mr -TPnt remedy my heart tor putxms 6---- . - 5th hands of mankind.". For sale dj Aycocke Drng Co. In the old town Cf Waahitr.. are gtod!atory cf the tuot sku'If&l al lK!gretst.awrt - ' . ' ' (t) -uvVi L- - rt i mi ( iira -- a.!'.'2 t-W r -ti t-"4 C"-: It to . c1ra out. fr3t 1V-3T',!V badiuarter that atrr, j 4-.ttrrrt a a "braiot tat."; in . --cw k. a. 1 " - . t . - ;.ft t,- , 7- 1-r- j ;.;4" ;;":c' ( A- S 4S....l..ftftfta it,H.kia l.t art" 4i.,.H nt.lA P i ' w. t. : i .. n::.. FULL LINE OF f S . ft y-! , ftb I I , .-t )'! J ". " . . - - ; f j Wi-ii 1 1 t t.....$u ' . . . . .1 ...A. ...... - --- -., . -1 f :ll J.4 Cir e a t - t-r5 l K t. . CT1 v-. . t . a a i. it r . ..... . It is areat convenience to have at band Mi;ii. ronipdies tor nae a i - cident and for alight injur! and aV ! ments. A good liniment an ow fast becoming a favorite if h, hold necessitv-i uumw"i." BalnC By applylnjt t rmmrtly to a tU bruise or burn it .allay the ra" w causes the injury to heal In t pac third the time usually rlvlrHl. and aa it is an antiseptic It prerenu any uxrr of blooi poisoning. When lain r.alm H kept at harulafprain may b treated t fore inflauimation u In, which . In.ftur-. a quicV recovery. For aal bT7 Vtv" Co. rrcv f -y: rent:. trne cd th aval r a . I." c ft., . a j - f y - - " rt-je. Ik : " " t - . . t . 1 a. , - - - -1. :. ' t i r 1 .. c t 'i ., f jj.ft.tftai.Ta-a 4 '. ttf tr t ) 4 ' 4 C a.-r . . t 1 4- " f l at--.. ' 4 t h i 4iiI e ' i "'.4 k. J. tM aa . t i Ml J ft aa J 'i ; ft I I ..ft ftvaPl m t.e l-.er. tM-. -it- I r , ,,, : U.M , - wu,uiuttt Mr. u-u ' r, r.-! - , . t! . . t t rnwl i.? Cuxr. Ta;"Ia r-l atra.o:.r2 Ve" -t pallia f- U ; : t -.1 i r. 11. r.-", r-": r r-t !:' ar -1 ": c, :r-s S 4 I --5 t 1 - i , t in ft a !!. . ft. ' - r SO- v 1 llllWi l. a.! .,, it ft

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