- V , .. f' " j . . - -. . . . . . , V&vt-v. V;-. ..r- ,1- ,v - ' -'4- JS..A i: v.LODISBURG, !i. C, I .IIAYf SKi'TKlir.n; I--.. i: -.s. - . TH3MlJ4?"Filitflr anil "Pro nrtotitrV- - r - ... ' r: : : ; CHURC3EC " DIRECTO RY 8anday School at 9:30 A M. Preaohins at It A. ML., and 8 00 If. M. atery Sunday. "' ... -PrtTer meeting Wednesday nlghi fi ' L- 8,- Ma8sst. Pastor. - Sunday School at 9:30 A. wL '-V-'C i-fiHoa. B. WnjEB, Sapt7 Preaching at 11 A,M1 and :Q0 P.M., Prayee meeting Thursday night: H n, tl- ulASHBUEHB. FSStor. ,J Sanday ScBobl at 9:30. , ,T" , .. W Hr-finPFisr, S'apfc--:" Services, morning -and niirht .--on !t, 3rd and 4th 8andavs.- ... . -.1 - Bvening Prayer, ..Friday rafteraoon ttav. J QHif .LoNDOH. Rector: - - -.. -. 8ervics 4?h Sandar'ia each month, morning and nigtu.--p - v ' . . "st4 "V" Pastor. aj. ; a. . x f JL 4 H- mmmR - - t-tf--TT -"""-W4 $ tt tl nny yrr Ui..-'y UW s - " -V -" ,. a not tiicf is ii oa low ; " " tn l sMngtwi Letter.l -V . rotitical-Vttvltlea .vrhaUoevef that Cell iUrti tLy la bor ir.4 1 1 i - reporta from-an sec-.-arter lhat date be will- lwitner awK for. half ndttti t cutUU a t'.t ! II'.' ' yons of the country afe-ioost .".nor accept any office whatsoever, aud circtaoarobtent aisMr.. "V3ta 11, icouraglng J t6 -, Daocrat8. Vthat wii; give up the leaderablp of wtJl b rvrU- U a Ut .TTi4aiosaLijuseiia w oegin-- rue pjmy In New York aUlte. J Con I PwsrtJW. If .ttal arpti f iur rr.t rt JnckwnviVe, tu? fc t - bl iatettlin of tti;:;.lr.i: I Ue at lprii?.M-.wfc0 t. plra. TU rub t ttU K .!' t t lorn.- Tlsfar it U tHf r?Ti that fXm lotetvi Xo :-i t- "-jUtt fr tt Sutlgtttvtt 4HrSt:,r . of -ffV-" . Irt af.tVM f't--W 8LiLj baa carrtwl la cji v. 1 fir. I, i THU DUL'QCrATS AST) rALSt? ' ME. AM. v.a I t Ji'.t. old ning to beotnsidered debatable eraunrt Ther$ is talk of nominating Hoit Rich ard" Ojriey fQr 'governors which would perhaps gire. the, rictorr tb the Demo- nemty thei, RepuDiican editors asd I xt taay wmt ir.e ?; va tir speJiUlndere svlU. hare to -fiud ' aoura j chanvt are ta favor of it -"'f. at bfand new reason whys3dge-Parker ) he 'will o doubt have th ail ts j tm Ebould not be - elected.-. Moat people, I ort or aaior JJo;ki&a. nes indicates that ex-Iwbetber, they like or agree with Scaa- LODGES. A otghta crafs":- -The'. United States Senator -George Tarner; tor Hill.-, wia"be attrorlaed at hia e. IB"" tee Democrattc nominee, will be elect- .terminatioiCUe la only sixty -on yeara j - '- lhcck, chatrrr, F ed governor. "of-the iar northwe'stera .old; a better preserved man at hi age I pohllcaw conjnrtMvji r; iLf cristate- at- Washington: y-nd"- thus ".It can scarcely be found In the United I i. t a rmt!o jvf CiA i uv u aioug lue, une. ?.Lemocrata.ijstatea. He baa devoted a large portion I llm vonirTj. - ir. apecuryri-f f a : when -cot 1 001 1,1 P".f 'r-T ti !: letr he ha a ! bmmO, -good ,.T write C. r. ii X-"8 ne W-Wto- politlcsr even ghu in each month' - , - . T;.. maT-' ,u - peraonaUy. Imereaicd WpwC - TaH-tha Truth--.- ; -v piajed th.e game because he i.t-ti. - J, , J . , . w I. a if'-f.:.? !L.Vt ti,r.. VVr li-it fs.a9l fil l. r'i rt, TVe U a T hi .urrr U Mri& ID ia1T1 t UkfcW i I"" '- - v - . The iflrst idutyoftai Ljoumalist 3artb lentov it. - y:xY-.'r - i timltJg:RoowTetraf ekloai.. publish the . troth- -"Thou, sbalt.nott Considering that io haa mint M I preea krT dotibta at l tba t-vI PDt-nrnmr Tr w,r- - . r hear .false witnesa.against thy neigh- lite in state whlcll laKiot Democratic! llng ' bi reaaoaa V4 pttiwr ...iuuuwuiv.wuji., y . bor' is an essentiar part -of tbedeca-! more than half of the time, be b Uart I factional fjcM amocr tiCtlKiwi.lo "-..1 - . - '-4 loeue. Nevertheless the Eveninc Jonr- i - nmnriAw I the roftereMlonal. dial r PAYSICIA.N AND SDUGEON, -toulsbarg. K. C. - N O -ce wlthr, A- H. Fleming. : Hoars: 10 a, in. to 13 m., S p; va, to tt p. -m. Special buurs by ttppoluiiueut, - i R. ARTHUR H. FLEMING, the congreMlonal dlvfrki : MrH-ab a retnarkablT successful rareer. It nal of Lewiston. Me.; contains this sen-1 has served as cltv attornet- aldertuaa I ocla intcrtlew la t t takea wuk tence: - , z ur j and'mayor of ElniiraTN. Y. He waa a I Ph 't salt. That tn hm fttrs ttt' Champ Clark,;., who tBoppose'a to negro i member of - the leelslature lleuwnnnt I I50 h comptellon . of t? Blt education and to giving tbe--colored Tace ny chance oh the - merit system;' see- a. landslide for - Parker. " "He . haili- faTi Missouri. DENTIST. LOUisBuaa, ,-. - OOoeOver The Qreen Yarboro fo.'s Store. . .. ,i 1 ..r.3: : governor, governor seven yenra and United States" senator alx years. lg addition to thlaL he bad the New lork 1 -haven't very, much money or prop- I delegation" and a largafollowlng oub erty: btTt l-will give the editor of that 1 side the. state for president In 1802. Kpaper llOOln cash if lie wilt produae In l8i when Grover Cleveland,: catf- single authenticatect. word of mine, I "Co the state : for governor. Htll -waa written or spoken, provinz or tending l elected lieutenant, governor. - Ftrat and j-R. J. K MALONK, ' . " PKACTICINa PHYSICIAN AND STJKQEON. . LO0I8BU BO. N. O. . OHloe over Ajrcocke rrug Company. JQR. J. Jt MANN, PHYSICIAN an.lSPBGEOX, ' " LOUiSBUKO, N. C. . Ulioiir Ayisucie Drug Co .'sdrng store la altogether profcaW. foe aM iU BrpubUcans entartaia1 ch fearx tot be know, aa doa every .other !ntS gent man, from an etamtaatiaQ f ha tory that the chance ar ten f m ta favor of tba propoaauov tbt :ikl- ever party electa controls. how. I!paU .-rxn tztol xiiU r'"' WI y ..-. il U tr 't ff vf rfi WUo tin . lVv. crau r4tn Ibi.- f t:, iff. C"- lal aj-pi-iateij Kl - c Cr t-er?., ai, trvier fcva cmtc rMaJ 6Hjf all tl-j.k3fwuni,.l!fyf tojw"l)mt.Jf ptT wart fkhf iN . - Why tueav fUe- 1 rw4 f laruU tU 4 ttiria h:4he M ... . J J, 1 w 1 fcm tut roverrtAr - Ptnf ant I COOtrOt'lB MW.. WtJTj- Iheak, Raft 1 , fc- - . , to "-proVeMhat I dm opposed to negra 1 Jast, the fact thatfctevelanda majority I Nclt' rwp U fSlrt I ttriwSal tt Hu Cj. 1 TS tu lt tn rf Koo-erviva eiewtm . aim , fear lof OM fc t wanta to handle the toad. al lewat fc urf7?& l&t la half of then.: Ha la eppoMd toU M th jrtt aJrau el ' ftk ttooai eotnmlMe hosting TfM .1 il-l-r.- n w-M That'a alt .It th ho i In 4re, 404 ,B.Unor 1 ao la Rooevreit. The mth li l2h af f,f51 kef PswKnt a4 m pertl, aod IUNrock know tt , ,,. I wWaSmti ttul i 14 la .15 b rrvPl in Vrwife5ii: issii tml I) R. S. P. SORT, PRAOTICINGI PHYSICIAN ANDStKQEON. Louiabarg, N. C. v Office in the rear of Boddier Bobbitt -& Co.'s Drag Store, on Nash street.-; . JB. B. F. YAKBOBOUSHi V PHYSICIAN AND StlBQ BOT, Loinsauae, , N. C. Ofllee 2nd floor Neal haildlng, phone 39 Mgnt calls anstrerel from T. W. Bickett's residence, phone ,71. Education or fo giving the .negta any was- 152,000; baa been - exploited aa chance on the merit system. :J3e owes mucn aa any other fact, in American it to liimsdf and "the cause of trutb to history. Tbnt-fact undoubtedly gave either pi-oduce; the evidence and get himthe presidential nomluaUoa lo the ?100 or 6 acknowledge in his pa- 18S4. - Strange to aay. the fact hat per, , fully , a&d freely, that through Hiir ran 5,000 or 0,000 votes ahead of malice and prejudice -be deliberately Cleveland in 1882 ha a hardly aver been published a "slander about me. He 'mentioned. . 5Vhy thla la the aae it also seems to think that -it i a si a for would.be hard" to telh That Senator a man to. naiiirom -aiissoun. vi wiiwMi imv - i . 4 . my. t " . souri's sin. in his "eyes, lies in the fact Bd one whose opinion ia wortli having I " Thtaga ba.va nm U pltiabte tMradJ. I wf w'S that she is reliablv DemocraUc. and has ever denied. Perhaps, If be does I tn la Cotort4 ondaf Hx ilcm my sin is the same. I reune, tne uepubUcana will qolt a boa-1 ruwi, it ta reauy aovbtrat iur "... ' . - ..I t V AVK...i... . . . . I r-Mt ft B. - . - .m.. It so happens tuaxMissouri has tne I "ui, uwuku u u oj ua means i v . , , . M i,TWSt r,... nira R.T.noi fr,rt f n certain -All decent Deooie will wtih I form of rtruum aa fll Apw..M PtM4 the states in the Union. The negro the scnatorhappl&ees,' prosperity aud j federal conaUtntlMi cuaranta t EspfWtal f 44 ft lie5rnw children of the state share in the bene- lengtn or days. . ery atate. uowraor i-vatxiy mtm w I C?vtm LmnwJ iSa -t . ttt nave mrareea ainatoriAj r. ii i . ' ' Amazing News. - I hat deported tbOQftaada The astounding; Information cornea I if aothortty of law tflr cv ut?3f &Mmtt',' fc tr ox ? r n tr o fits of this fnitd in exactly the same proportions as the white" children. . In addition to the-state school fund each district votes upon Itself such tax. Tor local school- purposes -is it desires, and in this local school tax-voted by the taxpayers upon themselves, the colored from. New York that - "Republican bosses have' gagged Senator Henry Cabot Lodge." At least the St. Ixmia Post-Dispatih.'a reputable and popu- wltn the tnafled band. Pa aa whom be dTortrd e-A MorT Z Ul pWaTfAv- II I " t - I ' ww mm U af me wttfc. I ! tifl Trw tMhwrjr U wl aw children share , precisely as do the I" newspaper, pubTlshea k atory to that H. ALFRED. - ATTOBNEY- AT-L AW , Will praetiee tn all the Courts. Youujrsvttle.N. C. . MAasBHBtraa, - ATTORNEY AT LAW white children,, although the . colored people-pay only an Infinitesimal por tion of the taxes. In the iegtsiaturft I voted to appropriate one-third of the general revenues' of the state instead '"Office in Lof. one-fourth .annnaHy.-to. the pnblic schools," the on&:iourth being-the minl mum amount -which -.-thetLconstitntlon provides for. The negro children as well, as the ..whites were the beneflek aries equally in this Increased "appro- effect.- -lf the aenator has been "aa- It ia only another avldeace that the Republicans are badly acared and i feel that they are In a delicate and per ilous situationT "However that may be. here, ta the telegram verbatim, w Licit 1 ta ... ... . ft m ft ... ... ft gene Enrley-prorured tmr . gtia rwiWH -ulf .J, 1 and ha I marched bark lil tWl tKal Jt lfc-or- IKauj4'c -bla hooe 0d boldly tsaogacw h rr Uv-, 1-J i determinatloo b auy aod t it wL ' 4 " , With aucb thior hJlPol, rU iUal, ft4 ft jc iii U - .... aJa tataV tmm a-j v fwf ti I fr; ft "at-nft : T Uar4 a r . t Will have-to plach tcalvra ta d' key. . Yet aocse AtnerVatua ar vary rv I Mt H. makes what Horace Greeley would call dtKna&t khoctl rprwuiw ta v I la )ttrtrc iVtt'sajWSwr Ctti -mignry interesting readlngr- wwnna. ixmr taai t i MT5- . ; rv-. . a t lW- 1 . , ". , ' " . r . irteer In eonareaa and one of hi mom. ; What ha feeretM ef th roie a I CSa. IL TL-a if V-. Cii-rtj IvhtH JUr-w K C ?T C nriation.- I have never yet failed in the I atiunn br the itenublic&7mnim mn I . vwwn r-a w . . . . . . , i j , i A. WmW'wi .t,nni alfitnWi fnr tha htrhmt unn.Ithoua the eountrv hu mm I POntC Etrj tawaet. CftJetttar W I ' - . - I 4.17'. tk:A4 i.s3 tn:i ia r-V8 m. 1 ' 1 T" . ! 1 I "V f3 ftL "Ja LovtSBvaa. Will pracUoe In HI the Coarts Of the State i school eIection'to' vote for the highest J aera. Althouh the country baa bee Otflce a Court House. w Mr W. BODD1E, ATTORN EY-AT-LA W, Locisbubo, N. C. Offloe over Boddie, Bobbitt & Co.'e drnR tore. . M. HAYWOOD WCiTJN. AT TORNKY,-AT-LA W, WUI praetiee in tdl the Coarts of. Franklin ud adjoinliur oountlee, also in the Bnpreme JoortTand in the Onited States District, mad ClrealtCoorta. ' m - " " - Omee ia Cooper and Clifton Baildinjr. ... that about one-fourth of the children in the district are colored "children, In addition to this, every time I. have had 'occasion-to discuss the subject, either with pen or: tongue, publicly or privately;- I ha ve insisted , tho t as the negroes arehere, and are here to stayr they onght to be educated, at least sumclent ly to discharge intelligently -the dntl of citizenship, and tola is the universal sentiment, so far as I; knowr among the-Democrats of Missouri. . --It ought to be' stated in this connection that -ia addition to the public schools- proper the state maintains 'Tor the .benefit of A ft.1 ..rrT.'tt ft-, i - n ftil AftA. I I . u m -m I I Wmm ft A ,V I . . 'majorities la. the a tale I anexrl, Uow- lt wfAtot, a I l . , t . . . ermont and Mataa. Seoator I m t. t . - ." " . s :mui Jfwua , beea aafcad to apeak. Tt L " . """f " " T ' I tr.. f iJ WI. o i- I . .un.:..i a . w Afaaaachuaeiia. Mr. Lpdn mlaaJort la terror rattM t tr I elliaC: C- fnr W f?a i v-'-'t-a, a -4 a ..? "' the RepubUea elections In V Lodge baa not omleston ia the ' a- resident of la fatainar with New Epctaod habits ri (orntaca. U te lift! IMwa U 1 J.er-r rake. a- vi J- If thousrhtkad la aeeustoMl to appeal ta I mm .. w ,. I arTy aa w- a 't vn New nsaod audiences. - Not only haa Mr, Lodre not beta -per mitted to apeak, but be baa been told by the Repabllcan national campalXD man ager that be mint abaodoo bla poattloa ! aaralnat reciprocity with Canada lie baa been Informed that the. altuaUeaf la Maa- sachneetts la mors serkras tbaa be think and ' that the state, may cexaity becosv rlmiHtftil If iKa.. TtoiMirnll fthmiLt 'HMMk. trial . Richard CMney tor .(overaor. aa I RtmUkana ostaid ef ST.awt they nava been planalnc to dA. Under the leadership of Henry M. Whit- r u, r'.t-i a ln:H, itnta 7mi a-iiKt Mevt4 w w 4 fV, J elaft tVtj. u: a'a 1 r. iv .. 1 t 1 TJHOB. B. WILDXH, . ATTOKNKY-AT-LAW. . toOTSBne,.a. a. . " - Offloe oa Main street, over Jones ft Cooper's tore. - log part m ponton. ky Vvi jrH a lb prohibiten ex (rod te p o citicaLs (Na icew v ?'v-rH.V alaoT Tbaas rabvart cSU eaewc I ! j ..-2 t u. ' ', . I Ta, . mmw mw , ftwxc .": fc- aarsty a maatttg avKP aawa tI , , . . . . - v . . . ( T,r u. 3 aVM Cirt rreiet nyvU. aa W b, a .Uri.S- sa, ,.-4 ' 'f mWl.lTB 1 11 STftJTe. i JJ. V rOKWK t . , ' A. ft. . . . ... J- 3 I bar tftHMi ImA Ia atlMn lui I-, tl 14T t-nS t.uZ Utrt rl. dej Vwti'vk $U. . i-la li.LU abft. -m. W -..a. ri ssl Sm ft I 1j a. at'm . a J1 ftlL. .a,-j .aieaia ek u,a Mmm. a.s L all .bBA t tha mfeftCftl nmnlp PTrhlKlvelV UnCOltt v . ft,rrh.r of ,'h. L.t. Wllitmn. P " 7"- I t "-ft t -,--j s . ;- - - - institute ' a hich erade colleee. - While "Whitney and . president of the Soeeoej 1 oould read EepotUaa r" I aia W I aVcf 4 i:i-,. i iti fnir.orftn.1 cnamoer cm eotBiaan-av tteprraeaMauvev t, iiv ftaj j-wft-x rv . . ,ft . In the legislature 1 voted for iaj-ger ap- I HeobUeaaa. .nMiueaui I t-.ki- . t.,w-. I V- fjf'J Tt IVtvU propriations for thejuptltute and tor dilu4 to Ma c W.u .r, ' Ui . T- 1 1 ."W1 tA .i. t.i relpredte. ar.d tbey . 1 " ' ." .7 . " " I Z 7 ST., a the" addition of a manual training school and made a. speech on the.floor advocatine- these thinuti.- These acta favortna Cawdlan . have been atoned by Caoa Raptibtlcana. Ia order to bead off this aasveeeeeit before the national ticket la imperUed -Satuuor -I ft7H j l-vb v 4n9 i I al.e w "Ik- r al i '"It 1 Fa S.SPRULUi. ' , ATTOBNBY-AT-iA.W, ; toBisBuao, h. C " - nanf 'Prankliti: . Vance aranvUle. Warren i Wake autle a me 8uprem Court of PJ Prompt attenUon given to coUecUona. ; . Oinos over Bjterton'8 Store. : , Vr vj uut. uuac .im v-w a-.s . . w - ' Awff; .m tw asuaai. Aiva. arsa arva. w tftVp JmftriiAl tnaiT could have knOWTt I "vanlloi. In, Maaaachuaetts mosX ttem? had ne "cared to-know- and state ??ri?a t?Xa the. truth rather than to misrepresent I .a-n.tor Todasi was" lBalromeatal T V"TL IZ'-ThS fleiriT: He ids and NawrouwbVa tbVy" aire Ex-S.tov fleary O. tv t, ft . , y r - - preJentej to the senate for reMfrr-eMo. ought to know that the latter perform- plaJnrfv taat be fooaht ance Is ndt thehighest virtue Ir JCtur- I those treaUea beoauas ba thotisht they ! nsiliam.- 'WTine-I-have -never set-up aa t solved a tma o-vrrJn toy uue country. I hr-rir I '.wu uuanwa iui ui mi air. iot jcto oa toe iwn;e tlU ti Icitau la Ue ttteeH ;4 Ue i ' t ... i X.x,i- S.e bwotiieei. foe. ervvr!f Al a Cta I' . . . . ftj w ftr ftr ftv, -7..., T" . v.. v ... . . ff f t.-t ji-n l i S-f s.4 in ii-r. t rtucT at t YWft. a Staa. eM tiJSt tW li wM .Tl ? S-"' .M f J" rorto ree- that If t Wr a fttUe of MUaari a- rv. VferwJ Mi it U. I . V . 1 " would fer rm, , J f-s kw 3.. v. i. J tb cft - - - fteMi-b..- jr. .... ti..J rpseeb acvepftax ty v ptefcHi lS.jh is U . f bit, Tiey . Im a !-. 5 " ' 2 mfiifimt a iaft aftrti.! , ,.? t-T-intiftji te iT eve- J aotniaartoa, rvt3tl ttm reftrj? aa3 I the party reaiM aorrtrYkf auatag ATTOBSBY AND COCfBTSBliOB AT 1AW. . tODISBOEB H. 0. '! I".-.-. ' Pvomotand painstaking attention given- to OTerv matter introated to his nana. H I'lVll . . . " . ' . - I... . . . ..... ... ..... . .. .. ... been opposed- to the merit system ror I roination -of tba eampaign maaars to either whites or negroes. A-aeusioie l Senator Lodge dortna- hi vUlt im Ovster . merit' system.: honestly conducted anJ Bay. recently-and that Mr. LoJe ur not. juggieu svr yai ijr " ".- I Republican headquarters. be a gooa tnuig' . ,r-'. :- - -- One; more fact snouia oe siaieu. A .RepublicaA rteccvit anatnat lsvuai iiivmisaooii.iMTM . f.oL,.i.,.iun..i, a.ni.tM t. i afi-pmnr. whatever taiorevent colorei. I tnkiAf jnatteeShepherd, Hon. John t -r.tin -onrt-their Votes are I .-. . --. ' BnnBnbt w. Winston, Hon, i.v. ... - f . . 1 Indeoendencei Mo.. Aw. -AI the flleitoa, Preayir Bt National Bank of wm-I counted Wltn aoiHWputtiwa- J Cuantfed - reunion lodar- Frank jurm toe. lenn Maiily, Wlnsto Peopl Bans. the are caSt.; There.Is no property or I tne cx-trL&l. mads a " tpa)oe I IlUrXu Hon wTlmTriakV I educational quanncauou buuru r pcecn m wa rv' TT? - - . 1 coiorea-vow m..iujfertuoM4v- . i l own state. He smnnad that b ta- ITT ' "-i-m, rMBlHia, ' v . ;. ; '- - ii f llcan.'SOme or tue uegrotat-Tui-c iw I tenaea to yoie ov- rsoaftij wb-wi .If e.'Sj-c? -;.J- - '-.; ?! and-1 believe. It is strue that every -ATtOBOTr Al-iAW, ;V; colored man in the.distrlct is my!per- wntMM.iV.;'-.,;., .-1 BOBai friend whether he yotes for "me : pracUeea in aU warts. Offloe oa' Main J or not; vI am certain this Js the case traet. -, ;s-.-i-vr-.r-,; T e. in.be-connty Iwhere. 1" live. There". U not a BlB lfljuie vuwy v. - j up Wta vatoaV aut'enoa w!tv srtla t te tsarb asa4 4-rts4 (b Hon. Janet R. WVa &. f.r-O'v ai;d TWb, haa ta re-aeeivrsetM ff , cwtrru la a ejlatrVt tit wa try madrd hy a.Rrb.'wa t? ! for the axvrrea jwrpw f re-r.4I ; him t private Cf.fc b rrti tt t ytara ajr perform palgner. t received dent. AU aaccseja. r IS. THE rlfcbucaj. miit i 4:'Ui ea'.tftmtttneLvtttt? ed f f vj- j -e I. I j-k-isWS t: l 'f ' ir1.V!t'f W .it $ i 1 f a - V:tu ' aj:a j'tiiimt' ai.'ft) 1 12 er-aH4l tnft T ; i U tUanl f -A.ts .ti Jt-rSu4 a at-XeS" - HL..TABBOBOTTOH, ;-JtB,- -ATOENET AT LAW, j "r i TrTTHBTJBGl.aT. 0.-"T'' Offlce lnOpera Housebuilding, Court ateee jrlll receive prompt au rjr- would- go f or"8uccor - When- In, distress more ' confidently . than - te-me, ana . i. help ..them: when I canTind to toe ex tent of BjyobJlity. -. ; the tine. : "I do not care what you mar ear ascot roe. boys," said he, 'but I am a merrti and a Confederate till I die, and all I want you to do la to aou&d tapa over vn crave." - Jamee ipech caused a aeosailott at tbe reunion, and many or the old time wuanr treil mea.declared that Frank was miS- ed by not beln elected doorkeeper of the house' of representatives tero yeara see and that he had felt that ht.ow nan state had turned him down wbila be waal treated aa a matt la astern etetee. aw.t euiwAtua,. $H.Tt. a-tjr-. iautk j acd U Wkrty rrtt i ; cL' C .t V V S e. ti! Vs f j a ', it b rrtt n it.a t:i au! rui! aj-iae.-rf ' At l C Loc-e ewteatiI : 11 C;.ei. 7 T i. ' r a large . f- :- tH I rlA, t- 1 . - " ' ' . - , , 4 - f Mi.MMHMMH.MHnMftft ft .'ft ..... . " . ?frfc-.a i'."i ii Yatea Veraua CuUom... Ml p.' hodckV Retirement, of Senator Hilt. i :TiTt,n will xo itlonnhlim'nsf. do -now. "-.. '..T,.., i TTtm-Ia Shelbv M. CnVlom of Illinois. rwor xtninjss s vuuKiug. uj ; -"t""-. ..- - - - , yuui m-iufco , . f . . 1 vhi.p Bfvtr In tr.ta la Twe.in&l k.n ilnrntivl tn tr wn:II llltn run "v"s ft... ..' --.. A Fe-a la Ceeafael. When the call vctsea wvc te dtaa aat down La v.c!i:y. . -ThU. U use- I'.e sail , ... ' , "Ye. U"a hard wcrt :":" '-4 her atort frteo-l. 'Toa r pvlf dUa'iyouT- ... -No, I didn't r-t 0r4." seui li tall wtenav-"That a jw tt nr! tT-ft U Uit? Ccjac- tJ'- V- J.ArVv't-.jftJ JftsVo.!:r rrs.l: V 4 t. t.S Wt-.ut ft ;s-. W . ... ft t " A. riD011E FOOD, ; r v itr m - CONTRACTOR asp BtllLDEB, : r AnTcmnaa. - H .0. - kn 'kinds oY" Building" i his "cabinet. V Now cOines-Sena'; iirl"irt?.-f.in iiintiea and liiea.; ArcJi t ,, iSo,.0a au!I1,ff,iiM are re- Sector! DeaUtn. Saotnitte. . ,: . r -; -rtnMnBces-- Doaltirclv- that on Jan. ! next-he wiil retire Inm alt HU I Cboi r-.Amklaxn. ftr, iliftftllftM T lllfslrt 8 fll I V T V . ,1T- ft -WW--, . rft aidered- their- "strongest argtimem i . iwcmuwuy 1 si- - ift.-. - aeaitastJudKe ParKer was' the claim 1 who Is tme of tbe moat auecewfui gct;l a) -o, rcro .f.urg down. Tij kc . ' v ni.Mt I tpra of officM now onTthe boards.' aft I mo movh rsora tomfirtstM t til that- LfaviO" x.- jtnifc. wvun.ft i - - - .-, . . . , i - - ... . irWArv of state and M ould "pears t be. up against It hard la hui o!r ibHr toe a&4 ttwir cwwer'.. .'effortato secure Ye-eItlon .Gorn-rtot tb nil woea wet ts.:j;X, -or Dick Tatea la hotfoot after Uncle I Froni Vvro on t tt t tie tr.9 r-SheibyA senatoriaj toga and la losing j there eaie't a tvrfufjctt 'no points in. the game, jnheo el.-ted mn la th eir.--0,i ' - FRiNKlilf ON : HOTEltj Ia Praise of .Chimherlaln'8 ;CoUc ! : j j; jvflu.ft -: -jj -j-. - Emergener MedidnrT.; It is a great convenience to have at har.d ' reliable remedies for use in ca.s' ct ao . .? . . "i 1 i, r t,. : A-.5cf :i. t r- .itti j r;Vr!, 4 7.-4 ,;M 'l.r r er 1 i if-J.w ti- ! 4 "k . -t . . ftt.- 4 lV. l ?ftf W Vt " I ait y--rrf-:eil J 1. . . . . ft V V ft " Ul Vvv -.tv r.i ,..'rx r v, - .;.;,. Aii 4. ... mJ y V V. . . -5 - . n ft--.- i a i wrM q! wnras tat 5-W :rgOPltIrWP yrWa11te,. cholera cident and for .lljcbt iajariea an. al . - r .,e . -T- "7 - - - - V18,?. warnoHir " vs Mr John ments. - A good liniment and one tliat U WftooomooftUoivforihtraveliBg mSTSi V St ft brtoinR a favorita if n.-t a bout,. Kiir . ' Hamlets . agh3 1 ass le xul hold necessity ia Chamberlain's Pal a Good tlf Ofty'Attaelwd :f MASSENBOll HQTEL;r 71 nirkinds of medicine without git- Balm.- By applying it promptly to a rut klkl vLmr frind I Mr-C bruise or bum it allay the. pa and r J"'- causes injury Lhe7al la .boal cms. f to take this remedy. .: After taking one I - . 1 : -...i A anft vhpn I P MassenDurK- .s,. t.hird-vjiosa. -was entirely CT-riTTTlT,TfcinTr. II. C - I cured. -1 thank you from the bottom oi Oood. adoommodatiOBS.- ooa.ia- - dg f ini" For sale by t,jataadatteatlva aervamtr . Aycocke Drng U, otve t t?. cifjftl rvtaakV. U -t e r'-t. dtf:ii n T-tr-t. (' ' " f ; ' - oer, Mt.-ro,l&!. rufrd br t.v-. & HaJ SC"- ' t ; Ct:re. .v-' v. T; -cx'.t- a-! stTai-j-.,; - irr.-i t& ; t r; don m w;t ttwT it! Ct ' j. i I tri-I a i.-r.b s I tr.-jj t.J t - , f . ... -- . ... ft. '..". j-, f i a ! . I."' ' ' v-i." a.- i '''' fr.-. t-J- I I . . , " I v ; a ('.:-.- 1. i '' : i.' e . 1 .1:1 S --1 - . . - - v ' ; - - -. : . . . . it la an anUaeptto it prevenu anynlarpef J Vf T- .' .rf if f- - - ' ' - - " ' ' " of hloc. poisoning. WheW:n4:n,UJ kept at haaua sprain rray oe treava t i , . , . ,, ( fore inflammation In, which injur- , !VJ ff:, l'X , - . s , ' e a quick recovery. "or a!e by AyrocVe ! ' " '" .-.--;--''::' t T 1 r , . w . ft Drug Co, I f HI 1 V t 1 4 I IcuUbyf r. C. 0 . 'On Cieri Tc-.t. sN w&fa fft iJftfc ttttit li r r SlfWWWWVWWVWl "w W" w LOUISBURG " " - . : ... - , MaMr . map mm fr4 ii-i nt tic;u - 711?.. ion ; w ar i iff a w i . .... iiis1wr., T Pi U 8 M.t ..we ti t hwm el (Maa't J t. GROCERIES. jfti'V..!. ? ijft-! tV.u a ft e Mt ft).1 1';tt e Itk) OP L Is V . L.-.TTT. W W I MJkbtw ft af - e j w t V- e w . n i i or tA ,1 J

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