-jr. .V Y h$. A. Tasms. Edit9H and Proprietor TKT1 COUTT, TIXSpTA' t T T'-i ' T f "tT'N "" MA RY ftrtlcl VOL XXXIV. iOUlSBURG, S. C4 FRIDAY,- SEiTCir.IT 23.. DM, OflUROa DIRECTORY METHODIST. " v V-. ' Banday School (it 9:30- A, AL ,'- - 3w. 8. Baker. Bupt;- Preaching at It A. M... and 8 OOP, M. every Sunday. Prayer meeting Wednesday night - L. S.Massxy. Pastor." : BAPTIST , t ,t Sunday School at 9:3ff &SlL - - Thos. B. Wodbb, 3npt Preaching at 11 A.M.1, and S:00 P.M., irerT Sunday. , - Prayer m-etiag Thursday night.- - . H. H M.ashbdrk &! pasto.'; Sunday School at 9:30. ' .WjiH.. HoFEiu.Sapt' -Services, morftlnfl: and niht , - on tit. 3rd and 4th Suadays. - , Kenintf Prayer, Friday ' afternoon " EiT. JohJMjOSDon, Koetor. Services 4th SaS3r io tfseh month . morning and niRht, 't-s. ; r;,'t raator. ft - 4 "Ant, 1$ 4- -Vermonrivs" an Elec-. tlon- Ua.rcrneier -1 -'Judjs Parker? to r (Kc r Editor y- A Jlepublic In Sore- Strati U an ; I n Una to t ta fr of a rBz ra uon of u um: t " u Ujnsa4 by iha bo n:rrttrcturrr a4 ecawf. a4 tan b ttciMi:piLaA4 M kniiKkM of soirf, f'f'- In rst) of ft ar w::t.-.l t-r I- bi.ltT 111 & on xht rp' r?tr-l ilfMif. T V r U lttnr 4j -vf ttaiaai nl lb fill 4 U wfuww) eicu:;z cr rc?uurx yUft3.- Dickinson.- Gar) ad. fnmhr -t th 18S4 cabinet. ifl Olney. CartUl.. LA jnonc--Smtthj Frar.??. Jlerbwt.. Btal. "Wilson:' and - Harimm . ef vlhat of 11 dwarfed -ih-n -ror.tratt4 "with thcab Inet ofllcer of -todaxT th tom- .-parlson i -one-completed you -will p eager to aak the -peopt-i -whicn l tb Bet' conrparn the jwmVri o lh b irRTiirx-r-r Jnct of thot- year wtth the prent ? " " J"- or- with any one'Ia the fam of BTrL gent jnen js that the, resu'.t " the'state -election of Vermont -settled the fesult-of -the "presideri tiai ejections ; Does any sane : man- be- : lieresuclt rot "as: that?-," Jtis a thlngr "incredibJei- :I f 3t -i true." then the nat- xu TU it 1 a4 aval3ju4 a.r;i ? tkaa'J. " .. TWJ . '.J t4 insert - v3 S ftatj ti U C-i con . u.n F , ter.?-They jylll clar .the visior la the . . c.V: - i7t . - w. . w - t4!uM wf t tae rr aj oiUona lm?o4- A ro4t ia I the 6Uf ibt J5 efiao4 hm tor a rrr ct tan u I irvdi-.r the hop. tht a'-X a. 1 e4Craiw to t caMa r i beed vinWnt o4 ewk4 W Jeavraoroe tr te - a-- Run fcy herd;te.- , , The' t"r,mct' WatitciV U ruunlo Jt!f to -ter iuta m e.n.)j, dif "it ti a-fima ' ' ' " - . I. k ... . "t .. . . f . . .. ; . - I fU.r r f:ie .-. ia o i: til Cii:rfc.:v fev' -S.? i. t"U?. .!. i ? C..4 i'la ( m.iut.C ll 4 tin'Uti Aa.k W'V aJ UmI 2-''. W m a !" e- ta-'ii'l sum iNwi-ta t al old velvet r 1 r r 1 1 t:: otte-otkKl ef yeir!y ai-r't4 erj eAHj lit M ftf 4 ta4k4 ! n ViJ JefAiy H " fJa 'jii ii. 1m lV a-t'1j,M'i v, ' t 1 1 ;r r. v.- f Jf, Uf. ''l atwl ' jm mm am im -a, t-ti) Wi mrn 4 ! f ter jaf electing president can be- great' T fitniThfrod.-i .sIf-,thar..-rhemr 1 np.l onl?it tfen idm XUhiiUlXo&Ai moner. enerfivleloanervce. buSicndi3An. ylm,,CM- A. M.t meets lttt and; 3rdr nesday t red Jishts-la:iioldiDa presidential recrlHExtrainuace Va'runaina- riot hi fc3r& .... ... 1 . . t. -1-1 , t I lLrr as V fiw W-urir-C S J nighU in each months - rt tioxi.anywbtffe-ootttde of the r&een state -aivdtpavoy . .a". 5 Tlounftlif State. --Whar; aavlM vit . " , " a . 5 iJrofe!abnal- cal would Jpe' in every way -J;o submit the Vmuaiclpa, government re .teadiry pJ'ma I utM tt atv oa tfcf '-eae jr whole matter- to the good . people . or I-p. bond Liw-m are incratnaiy frjn. I - -.v.! . wu, it bi far that Itat?r Now, permiCmoV art a 1.': OTlX5i2; FiFfLtU.the result in. Vermont:rk-erid the lederal tovemmect ts teaJm la I .,TK,.i'i.ti Jr aMrtJ. r D R. FREDERICK. K-CfcOK, PAIAKIA.N 4ND SDRGSOS, Loaiaburff,. K. -CT tMetaa. : lV-.UOi.U-7 ( O c with Dr. a.. H. Fleming. Hoara: 10 , in. to 13 on . 5 p. m. to. 0 if. m. " 8pscial h )urs by uppoiu.mout, , - QH. ARTHUR 11. FLlEiilNQ, DENTIST. - K. C- '. It 3ettles the election, wtiy-olf rjermitr ,0B I ; Veimonf also-to mate" the-nominations i peopla-wlll; dematd rtforta o dmta-1 "I KJ it is trrC m LotmBuaa, . OBwafar the Qrdjn without any "outside help or interfer ence? I -submit that that would , be the fair .. thnig' to1; do If they areto shoulder - the-.who!e responsibility' of I- electuig & president, then theyshould 1 . kT adapted. 20 the condi have the honor and glory ornominat-1 -trnment. ; " . isiratlve exoeRsee . ? . And thejr win demasdtt now !f the? are 1 tantTy the reputtkw4 DK Owl 3 made to appreciate, the whole trath. ' ,., -l, .m n MitMrf " 'The-Dencocratlc party ts not a machine --tt la body ct dtuena-wno believe that. in th-whole'ua fundameatal prtfnp conduct at go- thtt If every 0OWee. ftvxa c Or t-sw W CtWUl, arif anrrtrw. hut .woqWI bhv a WUfe-Wt I loil rfwct k frUrrVj. CH any apprc!4b!e Jar. ; 4peH av V4 tnt'tTat W atmt4 ftt' an ww it to W t'T a ar e ioa arii -- a4rttMuav, T va arucei 4 lf 4e attH I Yarboro Co.'a t-ore. D R. J. B. MALOSB, I'a.A.CTICINQ PHT8ICIA.N ASD 8UEOBOK. OOlce over Aycocka rrag Company. - J)R.J. J, MANN', PHKSPIA.1! anl SURQEOX, iiOCWBcao, h. o. O Am ojjt Ayuicae Draj Co-'e drngt-ore j JR..P. BURT, - - PRACTICING PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. ' Louieburg, N. C. Office in the rear o Bbddie.- Bobbitt & Co.'a Dra-e Store. onNaeh Btnset. jK. S. F. YARBOROBQH, PHYSIC3IAirA5rr BORGBOa, - Offloe- ad floor Nea: baildlnjt, pho 39 Sight eaUa answere-l troia T, W. Biefcett a realdenee. phope 74. - , 3-j ATTORNEY AT LAW, ' - Win practice la all the Courts.- Oihce in lOungsTille; N. C - - - l ing him,-and the rest of, os some. "14. 00u,00O "voters alt ..told- would be' left to-pursue our u&ual vocations nd av ocatior.3 and spend our time, money and nervous force on the other dutfea of this life.-'la. one way and another millions of dollars are spent tn nomi nating the candidates for presiden-and vice president: Millions. . of hours of. valuable time are a lso" consumed. Why this'wnste if Vermont is. the arbiter of ourvdestmies"? t; v . Second: IIow does It bappenThat in nil these years no Vermouter bas-beet nominated by a. great party for either president - or v ice president ? Massa chusetts. New Hampshire aid Maine have all teen so honored. - It's unjust to load Vermont up with the soleuty of electing presidents and, to- always compel her to select irom -rmonff uaee who are not: Vennonters! By ' alt the rules of justice and common sense. If Vermont is to elect tliein.' none but -yermoijters -ought to be nominated. Third.-How does it happen that the result of an election in tbat,state", ia any. more of ' a barometer" of ' tte "presidential election than 4s !jhe re- suit 3n Arkansas?- A'ermont has only two representatives in congress; while Arkansas has seven. . TUeelectlpo. is P'as' fairly cohducted in oces the other." More moneys is spent the.' former than in the latter. It's alf bosh tfci Vermont barometer theory.:'?".; V? f-' mcu bo mAnv-BatrtoUe a04 muni "utrT! If tM IUO nMr tu. vtwi Ktirt men It It Ine vita hie that dtvrfr I U i;cpubtk-ao W XrkJ. t pa I rks U H Ain.o of th daad tnita thmkl t Which the In'eod t at tM Mil I . . . m . be fo-jnd. The parly ts "concededry watta today a to e-ery Tttal artKJ at the faith which can reasonably tter tae pending canvaa....- -C ' . . " ' 1 . 1 . . . eiioa 4f they eat. nrtny tr 1 w a w "-7 r-v ' :et the. oett bou. H rratry a ti 1 0 ccdwedaat Iran cw4 Wfvta4 and laudato eatnrewy. c. ay la ibo-al it m kirir . Senator Ftirhaok. Xbm Ber tkw , llwIUa ZTI prealdcotu candid . a aat!e M ir have U ooJeratoM that, I h at4 ireaiiof. afcl Hr aMMsaf; U4 -rocattdr lit It t a tern i k-wW'ty taa uaV that U m to'. fr !tVrt II tWI , Ported that b a-Jvoeaffi It la a fwe4 1 e taaW' Ti bedi T fmTl In a Tight Box."- - ;Ttiat Republlcao organ prlmler and EDellbinder3 are bard, preeaed fo something. to-aay" at to trhy Jadr Parker should not be elected f dcra flnstrated by the fact that they are en deavoring to twltt into a .Republican argumfnf his can-lid sUtemaot !t 61 speech of acceptance .to the dec that the eentte will remain Republican for four-yehra.-They declare that he, iSd we pan do-no harm" for ttat-reaa though we succeed In- electing a pre? dent-and Jidnae. Sticlcinj the word t "noliarat'llnto hU'tpeeco. la a dlarepo table,trfclC a epecjea of literary for gery which, will do Judge rarker no Larm and wbleh will deceive nobody lu only, result wilt be to render 1 5die- th 8wnl ytwr. Jolj 1. ,Tftw are - je Am m l ry ttmi1 .tU...a P,l k.d "'-"'- "-' Weltaer mwnawra w w"4 wWa t eaM fc-"wa vW4 Uw MtM . 1 f tt a On Etcrr 0 I tmm m tmt fa. LP 'GO UISBURG li G EC Jte-v? aor ;tr..tfc. Ja rm ao4l anwrU! tu Cut, W IM trV adt $ tu ph at Rnmt' M; J Imrnn r.rfti- c-7 -f WIS OMU7 l WwT IW ... . , 4 M, at .nt ta the aMtfcat srhalWlol U did tay was that nt Repabtkaa rf 1 1w rea&tk U lNowjV Ua tialA. 1 aMsr W4 V )aWt ty mifibi m .rmeten oti - J ImJW lMA W Ue4 Ify vwW ! frp 4 aubject !a a ptroU aa4 aeai&tt 1 . 1 .... t ... tray.", a atatcawal bk atatr. tae wa2i tiW 4aatttra. Aa4 t I tmtrsh I. liaca i!w t j W t3r ar ami fna trt7 ea We) wera V ira Vaa ; 4 arte I H.Uf A tiN2 e 14 ! Maaial C ' tit ntif ft: 1: SEPTEMBER - m, 1 . 1.1 wi 1.1 r " i.;'t'ir..t t if z 1 t i tiU'j 190-',, caa cooatnit to ault &1 a Caaf. At tba rata at vhkw Im dtrte-arj la tba federal treaaatry U trrwsrtac H M ti-! tt.1w .fii'i l.fMltear, e.ti4 ".! '..nc.MiiTU a,tw.tiiat wati: Aufl-tlw. !uiH.f. etlW l)i,iif V . .T aiixtMet cnmiite tut aittAtMi etMe. f m t en-aa wliJ'caIiaSS? t? .uJai? 1 famart jy ajrfjf' jrWvjaU I W &a e.i ' tn ulous and contemptible those bo do it.- The average Ainerkfla ttn real and therefore knows that Judge ,rat- kr used no ancT words a no harm. Thla wicked .luventJoo ahovt9 Jf.'iat aoreatraits Repulicana are. reduced. The pWin. -mva-iihhed trjuttx la that oory two ways t pre-rrat that bed ail- naUoa. ' Oca la ta at at aiO turs-wblct Rttrahaa taart 4; ITa contrary to Ueif aaiarttha MVr la to locreaae the reoit. Vkl cs be-dae only la ae at r "tjV V ther levy more taaew or Judfe. Parera eecb.f wm jwrj to I stt tafiaf boa. , r Jt finish. I a moat aamirao;e hocuidpuui rt actr tewvtor latea mi urw aww 1 . J r,. ? i a! f-VH We- Mf 1 w - - - - - 4 ' ' .... . . I i . . mil tiWMiia. rra-wiBr . a? e y 1 e avi . al aalrnui! aa& al 3 TW tcrsaM - aaakla- ac4 mq aleias-j wr aaftwae lav I aftJ aatVtai n TfX rJU aSbaa v4 b ioe-aaaa'Ua. 4tt, Ck&-e iO. t '.. iid Aa La ll2wws". ri ' - - ' 3 t I r 1 L 6 B. M. HASSBNBURG, ATTORNKY ATLAW . LOU18BBB8. WIS. praoUc in aU the Court of the State Office n Co art House. M. W. BODDIET, ATTORNEY-AT-1.AW, LoDisBDBQ, N. C. ' . , ; Office over Boddie, Bobhitt & Co.'a drag store." . r-. " ' - w if. HAYWOOD RUFFIN. ATTORHBY-AT-LAW ; wmvraeUae to all the Courts -of Prankto tad adjoining eoontK. also in the 8upee Joiandmthe 0nited-ttatea Dlstrlet and SJperandCUftaaB .... THOS. B. WILDSR, i. "- .':-"--.'-... ' ATTOBinST-AT-tA.W. Lotmnvse,. 0.- '. -" i - offlee on street, over Jones fc Cooper's itore. ' - - p 8. SPRUILL. v ATTORITBY-AT-lAW, .v loTjisBuaa,. c. .;, . '- artnruST Wairen Taid IWake eoantles, also iTpWCourt of North Carolina. Prompt attention given to eoUecUoaa. . : Offlee over aVterton's . Store.-. . . v J udse Parker's Speech to the Editors. A:fter T heard Judge Parker's admir able speech of acceptance I gave It as my opinion that bewonld-be a. success on the - stnmp. . His most "-excellent speech to the Democratic editors con firms me in that opinion. v -The oljow-, ins extracts frota .that "deliverance are well worth the closest study not only by every Democrat, but by every tax payer, by whatever, political name' cailedry; "V - .- '-"T shall; not take p your time, however. withvany- reference Jo the -great issues upon which our ' party- through it3 plat fona' and candidates "confideatiy appeals to. the people: for Indorsements but crave ymnrlndulgrence i-w.hMe I briefly refer to a single feature of the-platform ct tie Re. publican party. " " " - - That' platform, opens with a declaratioti of that party's many years of control of eovernmehlT - coupled with, the asffertlo. that It "has displayed a high capacity for rale -and" government, which, has been made; even more; conspicuous by. ffc tn- capacity and infirnyly of pyrj.ce ahc.wn by Its .opponents.""-- ' - : ' This -Challenge tor a comparison or .uem- TDcratic and Repubiicai adminiatratione Since the. Republican.:party came into, existence "should 'be .welcomed -rortu-fiately we liaveeigbt , recent yetrs f Democratic "administration of the execu tive department of the" government , which, we will gladly compares with ir.y slttiiai; period since 1860. - - . . ".: i. - The comparison wirt shew that under Uemocratic- - contro . the . admioajrative. pFyof -the'fatHe-s ocseTvea if, in which largely Increased bte;ota ret ting. That a what borta our Repablle an brethren; hence their tnisreprescti tallona. harmful only to tbemseieev Of all Judge Parkera admirable speech 00 passage was better than the very one about which they are carping. Instead of aaying that we can do "up hsra" be expressed the ferrent bop that even a Republican senate might be ndaced td; Join a -'Democratic-president aod house Jn remedylng-at least tba moat aggravated evils of tbe.DInley biiL remedy U to ?t th BtabRcaa act I I Ca Ittorral. it a ta J I Ta Tmlrf. JS and pot the TDrrata la. 1 Ver. ft- ,-1 - V ! as aa trri,l iaai4 Urm A Itrpablicaa orsaa gTtadra ere lar roplas Ur. Cbalrwaa lUbeoc U tk Bepubtlcaa caaTpalfw etmastttea faf rUrinr I Sal wMla TtaMttt)t. ajal ralrbankt are eartala ta Tm I aioU ba x ref . a .(which they are txXK th Kncka U MUvtBMkM a, may ioa i&e ooosev 1 am amwrmm 1 , ... . - . ortar grtadan ahooVl ata Bju Waal PfU Ua aa-.U,44 Everybody knowa that, the potttfcnl 1 Rahcoct wis trying 3 A wat ta tore I fj eaM JoC4crJ Ttirt k t completion of the .senate will aot he changed by the result of-thla.etectioa nnd of the election of 1900: That -we will gala. some, senators tbis"yeer and some more in 1D0B l ftt.erally coo ceded -by all intelligent 'person who t peak, the truth. Tbat we' will aeture a TDflJoriry in-liXrt li to.be hoped.' The strange part of the stoty Is thtl prior to' the ,del!tery "of Judge- Pataer" speech or - at cepta nee' the Her nbnc e tbemsxlies 'Weie fxploitlng -the; fac tbat.;pa.Jnatiei If we aid eieri a prtai dent -and -btfuse. they would t eoo- trol the senaTe; andthey were toojrat a a w. & a m t m at aak aa b - m Ilanf Weekly, a BipaUksi Jo I ala4 arrt OtKtil 1a1 fcs astU sal. tnalrea tbf recaarkabta sattv-t I -a! that ai preaidehtlal CsaCVJtle abwaui . ..i wTML faL U li twna 4m Jm fa li m t4 lU f r Waal U1 tract hxA tn aotniUf al awj. .TVy aara UHiI rA 4U. at li atnoooc-t la adraaca af,ttertow IfaW appvlbt tcyetary. af atata ta the eentef aoctrea aa4 tlx far Baea remarkabla ontlfc - thtt ,Jftlc rarkrr would do wa ta it aoca hvil cat fcat l tatends to appft Haav Richard Otoey ot ltsaabsatta m ijodja Georse. Oray. af rwar ta that high poaltloo. TVe reaaott aaaio nlatlng ttetctelvea. 00 that cmcb of I e.for ttjj nrmedrwtc4 prforts(t Idiattaaal atai XtmH. Urt U4 raaa wart oo furarcsaa-il oacl?! t' tarsia, &or toaiva a l2Ua tartstasr tr. fort-How. then.' rone It te- a in Judge" Parker. 10; state In bis .awb L-way-at(J tor his own purr.- ran ktown by all lnteiMgent OiueMT t seema- impossible tor torn jujc 1 cieneraT Chart ltarj Crwrtros pleas tte Repolllcana If he d.? not I olu bltm a arfTO1lt a f,w ef re- n that tba aetrttsry oC atata fw stthda sett ta tba tre prettt fetthw tlha af aocceealoa ta the praidetary. r rp yW.BICJLaTTT. 1TTOKKIT AJffD COUH8BIXOR AT LAW, muisb?jk a. o. f , Prompt and patostakgan given to ?"HhHoi. John HorM. W. Winston, Hon. 3.C- mom iW National Bof Win-i D, of its -denartmer.ta ' wasterrr.eaied late, with corruption rivaling the days at- the star route -rTaudsr tr.ata -successful eSort was made to check -the gTowth f expenditures: that ii-resulted"-ln eeeh in stance jn cutting, down rhe-exper.Ee?Tilh- in ; the control cr the - execouve dep&rr-' men I -of the' government -ttlc thce-r the" precedlnr' administration r. The.conj- parlson wlJl show , also,, that .eachT 'auc-cecding- RfcPfc5ican--adml?Alstratt&n" aiter ' increased experiSfs- sr.d -Inseotr.en-Stances so greatly as lo- lndloete reckless way et ol U tJ-Uisv kJiye- y ------ - '" I laiuluj. UC - jrpTci' r r"? 1 - .... - v ... k a.spefck they grumble. Ttey 8trr I wbk. f, etklate4 ta Bra the rwaUr tjefilJ rof taLUa Mt tlttd to ; rxow a t.lcKno Clfleret.ce I gc( ta lUx I lJa ycj wm tn cw U 'a jrT: conduct of the gcyernment: that r.one SBV sublet! lhe gTOwL'lf ta I X.-".- t,t.ii -W- wM B9 VI 7 - ' - ' . 1 kiU aa v: - avrf'aa. a w wbatte dot-i or refriba from doh-rw I 05.,, sad rarrtagaav w taya or re'tatna trom Myfng. ' : - j t wt9 . tj. tck fttVaa Latlbcra.-may, .r.o wi h nkftuifaRava: TVat a eVeHj l or doubt .to LM prTe wcrda . Covenwe -OdrfTt theabor nttted othtr.on-I an 'ititttllti'Jtfim thtTtn4 Jaf m cut Lere eiattTy aa te oitettd frtoa loXrtrf-,4 noi. tyla o: tiki. tn kod 'allivtbtVlr arteredi,.tUe MttUryI .-A'i'r money. -- - ring Mr h innt h- lt 1 Cleveland's first -term. the. OtoBnfc ftlanly, Wlnatoneople-i Banli. j . annual ' expendltui e -vja-abejt toil, uienu r -uuu , wk e yor- e Moaroe. Chas. K. Taylor, Pres. wase Ut CoU HuRW. Timber .. ; otnoa over Meal Co.'a Store. v. w. J. PBRSQS, ftV66Ca 1261000 000. .Tor the past" ffW je.H. 3ias been about- $513,009.1)00 '.The. goyem mental expghdlture .last year mounted nir to t682. -whicn- is nov.,equaieavj,y any year sincethe-eivi war; rwltb--tha ex ninii f.f thQ"vear of - thef Spanish war. Theresa an Inevitable esulf- to- aiich: i -travagance.- Insteaa of surplnsnxthe: annual receipts of about tSO,OW;000. . which; the "present" executive lour.a n assum-ns control, there ts now m aencii w lliiira nt U9 MCI fwy - -i'.-v v. X -...-." Z L The' limits of hls-Address will not per-. -.,B1,nttoTTflH.J v , - - -nflt a f urtiwa-reiereiice-o nn.u3... H TAKBOROuQUf - ,ai,stration. tut il should receive xarev imAWWiTLAff:. ful examination at your hands "And y ou- ATTOBNEY AT J-a w fce c0nvinced that. -refornk ts .eces--. tOTnSBTmO.al.C ' t J sary aye, far more necessary than, m AXTOWraTTAl-IAW,. i i an aoBrtav ' Olao a M'-n Offlee la Opera House buUdlng, XJonrt 1 in i..i vt.nBrnAiia -Intrusted; to tll receive v'omp operalKin:,-eeessle tti wiay -et ta tatea Rd so' framed in particular Instances ae wakacC; Inordinate profits frcm -th a0 xiifc iSo -welT- undersvccl hisTthlsei become that many pt.n.lnet tnahtra l :.th Bepubllcan party and at iat-tv of its -state- conventions "bava da red to .voice the ffenerer tenltoent on that sult ject. 'That party een. however. to collectively atle to harrootue only opoe. a.niank that sdir.l'a- i hat rrr1s!on-ns ' frcm -time "to-tlroe La Toecesaary. toot- It t -ao phrased that it Is expected to be sal is-factory- to those Jn favot of an tocrefM of duty; to those who favot a redaction .thereof and", toittosaeppostd- to any ehangeVbateverv -- '. ...-- - " Judged-yv the record or perxortnanoe rather than that5 of promise on the rr -the party m the pastvtt would seem ae IT the outcome In the "event of Its SJ"e Thoaa who daTsht la tVe pictra.5 to public i;f wta mo-jra by taaaow r JrTXIitr?0i"a-defeat ty TeaAA UT. ilcmej for tb Tru.:ri?5c wr-a!ar far congrffl la Nee ilrik .TU ioee ts a aoa of t fdtej utra tVattae llernftfido I 81 J4Mey e M"- aippL Jerry M Ptaty ta cot4-t ht there la eojnctbtac la a atnve, WlGUcs fakakeapctre to tba e:rfy ataodlox. It la a atfrtf at a tua?j almost atoca a Xiker ai ta ta-a aeaata while hia ecfl tat ta tV b-a.' Tta last a of tha aori. tf a-t tba 03.swa.wht ra'l VT. Veortt-e vii tcuator from, Iod:aat and tJ aa Charles a deltrate fTota tta tftttaJ' Uxeav aataaaiaJ r--ras-V taf &rtStio rT'Vf' trlit. tWt a atutaWa Z. UaV a b-at rarf $eTtl Mfrrcc tlpt t ,lalo.t, Cjmi-4 rrtn aa a T. fewsm tJ a a jut niiraaniiUiiirra a-U - W fUOa. lnrw"u aew WiyJ eiA aaMidJ trtnm waMMMbJ- as fur.ik ajul tk'tti tea f L U-uav U'J AAStf-k' - - r-:tAa aatUattol ersie efi CUt Asar,fti-a a . TWA., tr A 1 raat ai O t-aaa J .7. ' aau I ClaatrarMw a, ae-taa. ti4 t asutir tatrTaaj ea4 kAywrV Cms mJhl Uftm lli.iM.lt 4 v llfti.i. AraXa laarJk J tV- t nMk twvwtf wrt. ttU-X liiT1 !afU. 5a f t ax-a e, aw, am T;3axrMaa f at A. - - . WtuHIt t U& A3 arsr-aswrt ta w ,3 W avata " i X.tv tl?-'-' tm-taifc. ff - 1 till ji-filmi tta tl rnt . v'-k lOnl. -ey-Ji..? f l At(ua $: Xi rKm'ri a. f i C-a at iJ Cwt-tMi t ( st -v-f"fc'7 ij Vml -4 fMV4 t"r' I a lueL . W TNW f - keu'X w. t V Rd. vVSi"s. ajssrrtL. ciici.rr, 1.. GROCERIES. At! $U&a at? a.riwt-e,; - ttuaS I a-a-ajl a.f t ls(V tllv AS afW -w"ti al f 9la ' 3ie u W. ?. JiEAL CO- tri art -ia ea tt ajfTr ae e ? -va . Toe aj ay Ay"t va jr la Uof. . - t4.i ..Mirri nlatform . permits you to? cem bare he'detaflsthe everyday; life, so 10 ;..ir -r.f tho riPmotiratK aanunistrauons. - - with both -predecesstve and-auccesslvejad- - . ministrations and , you jmn . nvt -v-uo": f?'Ki,-innpstv.-:marlced ability .'and thoroiiglKilevotion to principle of aU those would be to gratify ,the Utter class vs 1th I of .Waahihgton. Ilrwry tdc ? h ade ia ia vMr w. v -.-I L" .irt "von wUUdoi lessrihair would te xo grvwuy i"" 1 ot.tt aaaij'EioTi. urarj Z. ?fnlilhm,trBu toicem-: ment aloe March 4. 1S?T. there haa beet, Dodga of Iowa, l aUe 1 vk- Kj I . - For"- u he". a '" ' r MF.H0DCK,f-- V CONTRACTOR, as BUILDEE, -r4t. aaaat foe ail kittls'ot BuUdlng ln high- places duttng tn?se-P?m?"fL"5; a . - - - . l.. .ifal-Tliai AHI- t . ..... ita t-li WTTT. OTlt J1MUUU, tkwakrilDesUna-laoailtttd.-,- , v be placed alongside of the quaUncationa ofaimllar omciais.in any """T" , , tiiBtirtTia.-Who.-X-pray you. HOTELS riLt - ----- -'" -' : wT,icirT.TNTON.Ii70.' - Cholera ftnq wiayrjioea f. neither reduction- rr an, attempt at re- djction In tariir outiea - -. . . - -, it is afact and shouta oe rranruy con ceded thatahou!d our party he euccea yu In' the coming contest we cannot hope -to secure a-majority In the senate during the next -four years and hence we shall t unable to secure any niodlflcation mtho tariff save that to which the Republican majority la the senate mar consent. While, .fcrfarewe are unable to give assur ances pf.rejlef to the peopl fro:such ea aeotte of the United Stttt Ttel tae has bertr been duplteatad. Bh ilUaoarUrta. tlsV&all aV tU f CXaf ..-k a t.. OuJnW a r ! rMy t aea tua t. fr r -rf Jt w : W jri -w -.a a -- " iataya?eCst a4 f '"" t 1. " r - t rl la ''a Tfc .. .".v.v;; -:'-1- ,v :EmerjreneT M ediclne . r"roia 1 43 toSiPoaals . t t.VAliTiir i- rk!Wrh RcTiipdT." says Mr;- John rf-a . . M aviAfi nr. auej saaaw w 11 1 nnu1 - - - ' . wius. . , Good Llt-uT Attaahad praIseoi unamperiaiu s - cunc,r.- . t5v..nJ " ,n Air" -- John Uamlett, of Fagle Pass, Texas. r . -i ifV -with bowel trouble and . took alt kinos 01 lueujciiiD """-"" b--i tinS any relief, when my fnend, air. t,. Johnson; a mereuauu uw. i--T,:-r-. LothUrpmedT. After taking -one J I Iaa.onbafff; P'OP' kMjSwSS HEUDEHSOII. li' ! cured. I thank you torn " Ooedtaonuaodauon.. Good tare, t Po ffSSSfr ?5 S5lj . - . , Z I at I - ' It ia a ffreat convemeoce; o ... . , , -..vv r avof a coi reliable remedies lor bsa In case- l ar- tv. ca-.-v r- cident and formal gBt ma. U tUl of Mr, t.ettrwh, R r.- ments.'Apood hnment and one that ill u.rino,lo.!. wV wat etir-fy fast-becoming a favorite 11 not a ;h"-iMTli k thatiae tf . M;et Ctmt W j kf- trx.-.i-i sV-rr Mm r4 e-, ar r"" f. j t r- . . t ,.- I a !I will roll Srcr. Dr: ' etc. r.a ; c c . hold -necessity is Chamberlains rain Balm. By applying it prompUy tn a cut, bruise or 'burn it allay ' the pain and Aon th Inlnrv to heal in aUmt nne- " v - - . t 1 mill a nsjni -r thrrd the time usuaUy required, and a. . a 1)rM, M;rs!. It is an antiseptie it preven U any thtne-r w. of -blood poisoning. . u ir-h 1 . i.--.." 1 kept at band a fore inflammati a qnick recove nn. .sh t- x-1 cwr-'i ttrainlnsn wri.nt t-t I rn down in wt:;M trr.n 1U to fl jocitvi. I triod a nnniVf f rsr.M--a - e- at-o.i - ,4 t :ir, .if ret 3- t intrt a-x.-' ff' v. I ' - ,.JI k. MMtAMf h V - k v--l C "k-:r .- ? a-t -I vs - -'' vk ..-. f r.. fM. '.' t.M '-- V t . . , 1 1 t - itl.r.rf .r.:V! 1 r--T i a sprain may ba treated. bJ , . .4 r ,v-y iation setaio, which insure, J,'lt a. j -v jt, very. For sale by AycVe J J" ' ;' ' t rt l a :4r - . : '. r- - l .-. r- ' 1 . 5 t -.: ! 4 i" I I -rustic 1 n . 11 : 7IT A -a s It t - J V Dn:: Co Uta ad, attentive - Aycocke urug vu, I

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