""V; " .A - 4W W J vS. fc. THDlM, Editof tai P?rl8t:r.;' vol. xxxi t : i I ..4) t - 3andy School at 9:30 21. ' t Qo. S. Bma, Sopt ' PreMhinir fttll A M., and 8 00 P. M; s rery Sunday. , - , -. Prayer meeting Wednesday night.-;-) L. ' 9, UAasKT. Pastor. l la lan."tau Vol Old 1 f 1 1 i r Lis way rSsrt., C.a! 15 IT Sandar School at 90 A. M. i , , - .-r.- - ' . -; i -1 j 1 -lfc.(-sli -TSfc.r' -.''' JT " ' aaaaaaaf i-5--U-?-- ' "C-- -1 ii ' - ., .L .,, UHOKUHCDlftBOTOttT -) i. -V-'VZ! . . ' r - . T im tts COM) Ee THoa. B. Wilsxb, Sapt Preaching at 11 A.AC. and &:00 P,M.; wery Sundays . - - - t, -Prayer nueting Thnreday night. y- ; . H. H., M.ASHBuajr.- Paator, Sunday School aii " wm li. HtrrFnr. SaptS? Services, morning and nU?ht on ! it, 3rd and 4th Sunday a. . - - . . K vanioar Prayer,! ffridxft&rnoon .!.' a-' tU it t f ell la tbt tr iry U rri: f "' - - - ... I . . IS T4- Via lrtant k4 te 1 ia Jati i ii ' .,m4 a. U "a. I suit P&BSBTTSKIAB We Services 4th Sandayia each month- tors mora lorowa- aa - w Louisburg Lodge.- No. 413,' "AJ P."& j rel17' tbeJDemocrata have the best -of f A. meU lk-aad iSrd. Joaeday fit. for; they did, pair down thailareaT ' itfhu ifi eeh month. - T V "f Republican "m'afoflfyaomewhar' and 1 D K. FREDERICK. K.'COOK - PAYSICIAN AND8DEQE0N, -. Loalaburg.-N.-C. o ce witlrtr;T&Tar"PeaJng-;'-- Hoars: 10 a. in. to'li m , 6 p. ta. to t p. m. Special b jura by appoiu meiit, - . . . -7' " -. I H AR rUOR H. PLEM.ING, iiKnHsi. - LOtrwBoao, . . - k. C 1 osor:Tto.8WBa Tarboro Co.! -Itore. . ,V- - -r -. I D R. J. B. MAlrOHK, t'HA.CTIClNa PHYSICIAN A.ND SUKaSOH. irdniSBDRa. k. c." C oclloe over Ayebcka "Tug' Company. )R. J. . : PHtSICIAN an 1 SUBQEOS, IiOiriB3fio7W-cJ'tT-."" 7; o H.eorer Vyscne Lrag Co- sdragstora i in - - I 0 rhp RiTRT. - I , --"''t;:.;.-':. faA.TriciNaPHT8IClA.N AND SORQEON. Louisburg, N. C. ; - Office in the rear of Boddiei 'Bobbitt & Co. Druir Store. onNaah street. - J-a. B. f. TARBOaOTJQH, : .V ' -PHT8ICIAN iNO SCBQBOR, ; DKIm 9nd floor Neai baild lna-.-oaoBe S9l -Iffht oalla aaaaca4 fro ax T raatdenoa, phone ?4.'r' v W. Bicketra I L. R. ALLRED. ' ATTOBiTBTAT-I.AW.. Win praettoe In all the Courts. foaDgavule, N. C . Office to J b: bV attAflSaVHBOKO. ATTOBITbT AT LAW bOmsstraa. ' Will practice In ail the Coorto of the Btata j Office n Court Hou-ev Y W ii W. BODDIE, - I laV A i.vmma-a"iaiay. JjOUWBUBG, N. IJ. Otnce over soauie, noooina,. m aron tore. yy-at. HAY WOOnRXTFim " AtTOKlfkT-AT-LAW, LoinsBiraa. v. ?iiPi. S Wm practice In all tba Conrti ol FrankllB mi nUornlna eoanUea,alolB .tba 8apraHe joortTaiid in tha Onitad Btatea.Dtatrict aa4 Ottlce to Uooper and CUtton BaQatojc, thos. b. wixpu . r ' . A - -'- ATTOKltaT-AT-LAW, XrOITOBBM. r. Offlee on Main ttreat. over Jones Ocopara tore. .. :". F. 8. SPRUILL. ATTOaMCT-AMAW, . lronnTOioVir3-Sr'53 mm mttA imniu oC" Pr&nkllm .Vanoa- 3ranrUle. Warrea and. w'pSem1,?- me supreme vot " .fJ,"7T.. Utaoa over Jigerton's Btore. - T. W.BICKaTT, VTTOaaTKT ABTD OOlOHHSlXOB '; AT lf? . . !.t.taWtW attention stvea loi er n?Smul 'S'Ti A ?jTwvm.hrd. Hon. Jdhn I aWWyW maxMr Illbr UaWC7a aw aaaav -a.. ... - ... Refer. to c-w r ,7 " . a av-.k 1 a rata .nnn Maanlnjr. Hon. Robt. W. : Wtostce.: Hop JjC - I"-" Buxton, Praa.rat Hon."DSwa tuik WVJaa. m svass sa aa - 1 - - . I wr.Wa Wna art CoUaga, Hon. WvTimbmrlake. .rrr? ar"lmhajllBI...vf-'.'SS1 mnoe pvw u v fTT ' H. PBBSQJSI, If - - ATTOBir-T AT-IAW,; . aotnasvao, a. a. . Practteea to an eoarta, Pfflos on Jlato i -v' " V J"' treat. K TAKBOBOtjaH, is. atiorneyTat iva w;l LorjiaBUBO. o. . . Arfwt Offlee to Opera noose pouumg, Wa.--; .11 i r hn.;n... tntrnated to hiss no icb j f, .. r vul receive prompt andcarefnlattantto.t M ;-'V4-- . '-v '-as- a . . i'-.-'ja t - COHTHACTOR aso BClltDER, A4VWWrV aara- ,v .. - T .. -., a a.ae sail -rfnrlftt' of BafldlBit L tSlllIg ftgaUMaVl saaa A ami -a, A vaak- at.pile., ArUUo Mantles and Tile. Arcn., tctar,i D,1Ca.aaomltted. . HOTELS FKANKLIMTON'HOTI FBANKUNTON, .0.1 - Good aeeomodation oblie. - Good LivoaT Attached MASSEJfBURG HENDEKSOU Oood sosonunodatio ? - last' Week's letter .mention -waa JUrr - made of tte "Idiotic "jabber ahont ,h "a.-. - .- .. l, - ., - ' ermont'8 ' rote belnsr a "barome. ter". by , which to measure th re-. of the- presidential contests Kow are SraTelvlnUI tw TJ,Klt- .r -i .bo onght to know better that! tne Maine Tote is a, barometer -The I Btranee thinz ahont th iwmlt 4. rtn I that both Democrats and. Republic oki mise 8UQ3tannai gains in members I- of the-iegislature jnd In local-offices, Theraare s no better Democrats In I America' than: thosep-ln Main.- I deserve well of the coontry and are to be most heartily congratulated on mak- mg gains this year;' - ' - Jnst 'how: the-' KepubHcan editnm figure out tbat "the Maine barome- ter" indieatea-lolonel TInosPTPlfa oIoa. I tlon la - a .m-tstfr-r for inr man' xrhn 1 t rlthmatti m. .nn ..1.f Kl.if T vsm4 nrrnta . f liom&Lt .iA. w u.in. v, I wobM ianj aeveral states in the Demeil .. - -. .... . I crane coiumn-wincn . naTe oeen going I Rerjublican f 6r ten Tears. V "Figures will not lie." so It is said. I We are also told, however, tlmtliara I will figure.'' Oih; great RepnbHcan paf per is sot anxious, to- distort - the re sults m .Maine -intp a .y Ictory ' for the Republicans that lh discussing the mat: ter it gives the majorities beginning with 1876 except tle majority in: 18S0. Tho exception is tbe-DrinciDal tfiinar In that case. ,'AT the September reiectioo I 18SO tlie Itcnublicsins lost the state. I but in November Generar Garfield car-1 - . a ried it. Now. if tlie stock KeDubilcan 1 l'-'aMmeiat' tbt-ranr:ini!;ltei publican majority at the September j election In Alaine invariably means 1 Democratic presidential vtctory, and) vice versa, how did it happen that the I eDublican lost Maine in Sentember. i 18S0, and carried it in November- of that yearvfor Garfield? f V : r l Maine Is a Republican atabvind the -fact that "the .Republicans earrted it thia I month la-M more, iiulicatfva of the re- anlt ii November than it woiTdd befor MississippitOL go-Democratic iScp: tember if 'abe heid a September les tioft f or state antTcodntr offlcers: ' W.ri,inflto Poat and Chicago Chronicla The Wasbingt on rost -contains the j rw.uw.ns rou -m, , ,McafbroTalclar-"ta tcii'su - a var imuutii -lUOBasuaiuw irvlB "Damocratlc." to..-RepubUcan" witbour havina; unUftrgoneany material chance in other raEpecta, .contlDues to manifeat tba same exuberance of r xeal tbat waa lu acwwiiiv auiac -jvycti met iuuu:u)B chastisement oiv the DemocrtvUc tmrtr la thm only reliably xAmocrteUc Mctton of Chronicle remarks that Trom one point ivww uib- managexa oi. int jjemocraiic rot view me managers or ma ienocraiic l ampalgnlare . to-detarmtatog to mak-lhrtr rfllr omnnltrn in tha ritlaa I make-heir chief campaign In the citiea." 1 -OTkM Va f , Ja4 AA-a t U la. aha I Chronicle proceed to show to a d$scoura eonslsting Of seven paragraphs, of which. these three -are air samples: v. -iilt is evidently- '-thctr purpose to appeal .to the passions and prejudices of the ig norant, criminal and vie to u. - who' abound to great centers- of: population. If there Is any chance of Democratic seceesa It Ilea In auch an appeal, since there la noth ing in the platform or the record of .the In-asent day Democracy to Justify -a hope of -response -from . intelligent, respectable and conservative voters.- - i :-- . "If the Democrats are to win at all. or, rather. If - they-are to' make; even '-ra- spectable showing at the polla. they -must rely upon- the ignorant and Idle, tba dis- contented, dangeroua endr desperate of tba Mr. Taggart end his aaaociates. cannot pilot auch an ; organUatioe to yictoryf There are notr enough' foola, knaves and Criminals not enough ; fossilised 'Demo cratay Soclalista and raccrat revolution, arias tb overcome the elements , which stand" for honesty, decency ami good gor- ermnent.'t- - j- Jfj It ia not the custom Of any political or ganlzatloB to demand proof of good moral criaiucte COiition of ttemhersbin.-i I Bach of the leading pa rue contains men aahamed." But the -party .that:lJ. held re- sponalble f or Addlcka and his method of campaigning makes-Hself ridiculous when It puts forth a, claim to SBperlor, morality. 1C JW -xrue , mat , -me ignorani,. criminal and Tictous abound in-" great." cant ei s of pormlalioii.aiMl. it is equally true that no,one?parry. monoponxes mem ana tnai their es itre not undesired or unaooght trTRepublicaB or Democratic managerS.4 no one party monopoines them ana. tba 1 . . . . . . 1 tMf tVaa-axn rviirkaa n ri 1 MmnArsrifv Trtarui arairBi. 1 But irural Delawai-In.the. domain of i ;TyT., J.t-"ka -.a i Dm ur fUf . woniifc. ia iiio. uuujhm t AadJck- ? .?ngTJoronfeeinJnsi-and vj- T -Vivmial S luoowu. via iiiv MMia aw Vl-HW 1li7..a.,.aJ , city of. Philadelphia where, according to aka taalmAawr fcf 'tha ' PrtllorlalnriM . the Republican leaders are iu.the, habit of. polling soma &,QM fraudulent Votes, or.. to other. words.-. commtttimr eO,w)a raiowes. in VUKr. WVIUI, IXH1U. tkU OV,VUW IWUUfcat k.j..aHm.k ' ai effort eedJehtT-j;?'CA , We . take ltthat-tha iighesta.utnorny m tne-tjnitea-wte9 oootiutna .urnajr :n.ar Vo.lJr X.llZZ ty in five successive and successful cam - I paigns' tor: control of tbo national-kous of representatives-. Rejt.wsa wbo.-at the wuh. - wu.v..e,..r....,..-- rwrr 190? foresaw end foretold where tba iia-rt flo-ht must ba wared. - Ht h W and i " -rv-:" ."irri. . i aaw mat ice toto.tw sui... 1 tha farms,-jaar saved nl party -from r.at Ha noted tha almost uniform Demo- lest lsntlc to;the Paclflc. and na anew. ana 1 .nj tit. niitat ir it ir wtt-noi ina whTigntCrnninat and Vl? f . a : 'waC kt. aaaa antnUa las dirac raauit -of 'BepuUican' policy .--Jt was thaprotest against the. eouaty SlfS-OT-sam- I .Iw .t, inma. ra1 remaiiiAr In I UUWIB , WMWa IMVVMlv ,w- rUtu, qM whne the cos of aubatstancs upiaw . unitf of un ra.moTV.ff. inJ praise ofoiWrlata'ft , , .Cholera-nd Warruoea semedj,H fof thoJ.trATaung J Diarrhoea Remedy , says Mr." Jonn 1 "r.,?!?! favorite if not a boujav t ' Mannajad. wh- -a a-tir. 7 k w r . f.-".a a i v " liered oneweeK wiia oowm -wvuuw, n. .-Xin ii t,mmi,d t. It-are. ;: wn"it' tmc -s , - . . . . " I il'wn irc f mfldiz-ln- without eet- Balm. By applying It promftly U a cot, I J . , v . . r,i u b t 1 ft - " I tinff ahv relief, when my friend, Mr. C. bruise or burn it alUys he P"- U-w l.woigM fvra 1 51 ' ' t ... I , ...v..,T r.,,! I t T f JOVtA H i nnTKI - Jnhnsonr Amercto , iT 1 tried a aambar r rml ta a--'J jr'n - - - X i1 ;H.CV IcuTeTFltrnk you from th v. arai v.,.'. ..IPm,;,; -r , ... J - al Goodfsrft. P9 mr heart for putting tnis r grea 7.x:-:-:p- 7,u hi ltwi, - -t.;;!. tt) w 7rw"- .- . T" 1! : 1 : -. : i - moT.vni Knr aaja dv a uu.ta v.j. -it t,.i'., BaboociL wtnu. tut .. -Waafbe covey h a urrrt h field Ik- whlcb th ro?rou f irtMii bad riven his prty tctrr p ot lh DmOCTIVe Irtnd Of tba S(Kr If f fca alupld tjtmk advMc ! that aitaatlkoA I LTxXIXl i nM admmunr . . --r I U Aiwd w may nrenerlv aM t rmvrl tJTZTuJurJ l a v w . - ; .- V -rr-r i Wr right Chna VaW. -t-- f ." y Mm who tika interval. J& roch matters It :w)iI-LrtnMmberd that when the laxl 'ChlneM zcMaion - bill waa hefora the houaa I aaptaarf taarl doption.of aeveral amendmecta mak- 1& tbelll more tborooslily axtlualT of - Tefy apedea of CbJoc labor to prtrent their, Vompetnio with Anwt- can lahor.T. Aniong tbe atueodmeaU waa. 'on which 'ikrerVated ,'latfrkti I 8binowneni ; from -rennloTloa' Chtaaaa aattAra. lTL hill aa tt naaaa.1 ka uati M Villi tha lnhArln rUuaa wanta I Tbe.aeuate imssmI oimi milder rJTt I more Xax-nraiua ia iu rittiua. n I the eorvretjcf-roa.aalttf sni 1 triej 1 vi .vi . I u bu-vuw aaiw cuom i hck into the bill.. Tna fommiUea wis I Republican la the ratio of two t da. and ttm!er4be leaderahl of the Repob- ,5can Senator lto It of CJayctVet refused to replao tb aforaaakt rteo In the bill. Tbo newa f rota San rra- clsco abowa Utat i waa right la "my contention. - r.T ' " id I'actnc Jian steamer siberm r- cenliy ""brought lo- S-n1 Francisco 0001 manning Lb Bawl aieatner uaaenanarTneaoeoouoa wr "roDcnr Hongkong under coav . . - uey wrrwm 9vam uaacso- rl,iwWcm - la) eu gaged La making lt Urattrlp to Asia. Tbo attoroey groeral ia xwo recant case tnat xw ,s lawful becaiwe there waa M actaat nuin American sou; mat l&a coo- n wer iransrerrea rrom m oc of ,,rS9' to ak f aaohoT la toe Mrnor How Ui attorney gvueral caa cap the fact that the United Bute M wnnueationea JurtlltJo, tnl- l"c '"' "M,c x twoipi hanalon. "He adm1ttha the rcloaiae protects tlw.loagataoremaa oe tho dock hot dcrkles that It does set pre- tect the sailor oo tbo deck of tho voawa a lew xeec away, wua we American -.7! T.! aiiti ajarwo aw as waMw f would starve aod'tboro to "a crytaf for nrottctioaret the Aawi- lnn aeaxnae from UUT Co-mpeCtfaav U a Democratic coegraae-lo ottctoa thia fall 1 think I coald aaftly gearantae th paaaage of auch a law. . Wa ctme very near to winning tbo last time the qoeation waa opv The Chicago Tribwax'a TaeUaaaay. That time are getting duH avary alble man knows: that thoosanda of ka t,-., ... vi,v.ni .mnln.mi,t i. .u frer! , 1 ITUe.' JVTerUieieSa BepUbncae 9Dlh owTeruieieaa uipsDuna apoit-1 IS IrlrlaVM. ffi) Vaaaaaf 1 f MM AM a. ffial f Tfi iTlall timea are ao oroaoerooa that rrary ma who wants work can get It. Once ta btorTir ,h. iS blurts out part of tbo truth. Her la 7 V JL. euuorwu dctTonTwk;na tbalr olanta us to tba limit and are eora- peting so warmly for labor that few na are Idle, as waa the eaaa la the Valte States thraa or four years ae. a atnaa afl.n - A AMiwmila. alailian VCWa fX. ccmdltlona are rcvaraed. aa tbar are anr. a atrlka la economic folty. - For U any man givaa-up bia Job there are other who are eager to take it at tba wagaa ha refused. ; ' ' ' - - , .' There-Is lass work doing fa) this cooetrr than, four years ago.- but by- rvae -of heavy immigration and. natoral laereaW there are mora people to do -tba aaoaitea amount of work.. That mean leaa lajw on r the average for - aack of them. - tt maans-that tha man who Wvas the Ufa raft of a Job becaoaa ha thinks he Is ea titled to' bttr pay may drown Wtor be eats another, ."JJ; It ta Impoastbia to say now many able V Jit- . - - a. m... aV mi a-lr?' tica ass - oeen given -that .tk Pullman go win be cloaait aona be. iwdk era rroerhwrTaw ear ma eld I thrown oo; .wf ahopa. at Chicago cans the. tail "xThotTaarui WM.k ;Tha 1 causa the laiiroa&l I - - - m3 r . . a. w a a utrta 1 trouble a gett I wwr 0fK iwn n.i n.- e irgautilal laff fflinni. Ill Jra UfllMUIta AM DOT I tlaty ceedd.HitY ad but ta aay v I Vat I IftHI IT. - - - . & I -a-. -. -l .. I LCtt Hit GrtD ! r?Air Sneaker Cannon lost his grin not I --f hht rrin on bia seat la I . . - - ft. , - w . a - - - 1 ronzresa or Lis oeakrra rareL but contalniog hi campaign gta I fjatjes: N'bether the world would hare . been.n. KOn9 off If the aforroaid I erin with iU statistics bad never been , found this dcoonent talth ttot. . At I n ttnta Joe. In order to recover i . r., Mrr., mihm rcmtt.xm. - - - - l toria lorrr I rota proprietor to portvrn I . Ih.l triaita tl.'.lr tut, Haii.1 rvn ..i - " . oni g )s tbo Qnlila upon tb fretful Dor i ... . , .. . ... I cuprar. : i wnui gr'f. jrura mi JZVr- raaL aennin. ear snllttln u. uw uiicijg inaaa-, - nepooucaa 1 goneraHy. lit atrp4 ftaylag Ce I !. aarssa. vsaa w f orfan: -:.'r';.;- '. j aval Kooeevart twAgr owoofh I pay m j glajf way kowafl ia aw-e, "When a cooalry la -etartog aa a troc I coappttmrota to Tata Wats, wkeei I 1 1. 1. u -wal i -well.' which made Cierka. b:i bova.1 y rorrtoiy oetMi'a citra ar i . . . . CMWIBmrW, v ft T Ma wiriT1 ITT 1 nTTlTk. l rt II ta an awaranri nnftwaa l n this vigorous fashion toaddrra tbr I Dotei force; '.Tbere's all tbe atatistJca Repobtican campaign la Jt, 1 tinH f OTT. t A It In ST It tO tifldnilArt8rrl IB g -' V " " ! Illinois. -Jf anybody trie !" read tbo ,r0nc it will U fatftCaad X Will bare homlcida added to my ath - - - eonvenlenc b hava at hand a. a . . A bcawi UVa aa 1A a coaaty iVry ar n a txrr hat fotfle ctrort t ti fr aiva t aay tsfiti riri- IaC th nol (!; :t: f 4,?tv f.- WUO U n-a fif: hAtl'.m tra, a m -s ' a "T. Ca tW ,&e t Tl any loch a way a ItK f 0404 wtn W mi. ta 4 -w ; a; VvJ l bw aaaaa Wm ... fMrVnaly. tTavnt made aaatawt th. traihr whkft 414 a I aff alawK Tb taiyr a t la4'a r"nJ 4w fratX ta wata trot bwt ts ma t-x Jr ba flaatwUl 4t af tv exia 90 t4 " ... fUIUa ItfHara CUK Bbo!A hW toed aaJllUr eM4a4 tt Sa f or bfwtbr wa fsart t aftr" la a davUratbo r rkatva. laJaUt. a arV ta a.aJ It an.a ...t. ... t ri 11. . - lrc at$.3 la :&ana a aa w0 at to acw-r fwia,. rw-i th Si. Laxaki Cbt-nBHarnt. Tl-e goat Rr-pwtttrae rr- attt af i XXWaa.TDt. a4 Wataat W CV- cage Trtboae a "a kiTfoty tta- aUc fjapar It tVr-H aajtVg or TrtboarUHl Raatf HtlH Uta lUpobUca rejwv. Vhl Wt t Tribano cecaantl ha) re tt tv-fr Ccaa artSi-xkny iirfiaa4 - ty tv Qw-IXf II ha a4a4 Kawaa5tr gT- tscaae u vtxa for iaaae rkrf ra for fovrare MlaanavV w Vy loag abet It tst sraia lk:4 t-W roeal dav'll the O t at AH the great 'ajntriytmse ttatMcoe petite ot tt a. ex r. M adftatag Ukaaaert 0 im far Folk tt has o-art a hag awe-' tract. " The Wyoaaiag Iaoaorrrate S'wkas tkta . aaaaalmrtOat S3 raadblato far twarr WM rer ea OaTrreor a4 eaOeagT-niina jee t Oabaraav . 0rea CMAeraas tjc yewar nut aba. a4 rarrarai. .Who tea aHl4raiiV4 htmaaff U ear oral tkl a hao faJaeer. . . - EvViretty lh ".WaAmgt a I tfafnojiiet.. rarrtaw x are w W. ?ta aeg aU.- . cwa4 tt U Chaeervy MNrsefJ (Wr.Jnivi la 4 State awwaier ftaaa rr Tk f nflodgteg. , .That at afsty awft Chaaacry la oo of U cwNtt ta2aaj and offrrvaerea-t at AaarVg peu- ciata, and an a para a4 raa beware of .. aaytag - diaporagUg . Oise" roacarotag hlaa. ' CVarty Vara fjaery Wart mot eTaaftv tMBMt at fa t rat I 1 . - 1 tt-Jn bU .New Tork STrh "TV. I ta-aa tf.1 tKa fVt .r-.a im0 attt tb OatJxMk- lb hrCT-aat ... I TTizTZ, . . y 99 I tTriooa. ate- ?h eembae af ere hury thing- wtwh .rv ltwry I t ... ui t.M,.i .... suattal ta aav 4!t a.tftl fe.'aaM 1 ia th newepotwr aa4 atimUIUa I PTT. I Tr aaema that Tael Jaa Caa I J1 , . . . .a I afataemost la Indiana ar kAktr 1 lng after 4 sroatartal logm by taw aaock nit a tKa buna. tmai4ilLaa'M. I ralttro. - Th grrr ayad aaaoafar U a tarbing the toeta. of 0ntTtaae vrompacacr.uieratraaaawitarM Landla t awm sa astaet tkat lby sr loatng both alaatr tod f ah, for tbay ire U three atmtnr I aecrerd gwaatar what Jmnrotatl. ct of kU twrtiw j to tbo vice prtsJd-fKy. at'it th j Ilemeo wayltrs are daifgkta! w,U HawftwayHmrdai:g w?U Vo a-ragt 4n 0( ruaaJog."' TU hoaaft as . . -,r C " '--V- - V,,'; - - i .m nrnDiiciM ecAmvo! irt .-'- aaaa. aaa. a n AnlvaBrt i tr varewi fS I rt aw grj-a ".a eavaa a s I a . . a . a a a-- . a wvvvtxea, ivimumm) w- eajsaw c r a. j oomloattng Uorverwr raha)y-fr a second tornvt He baa -rot ar . Aorrlna caprra th. nay. other . m I xtT ekXhvd with lb powrr at as I AtnertcaA rorcTTMr.; Ha If Bjr Uw, I Ua. tn aa. af tbs mee a rass w&awt - 1 h La warrteg. - Creating for t aatf I er argumrnt. inai tr-y are il rri I BSta-wblcft eae Of tbaflft re oat aeaar. cdiy are not-atiu the fart raoatc that I rrahodj. AS gorrraof. by du,-oil:g i th law of a wboJo ta! ht a S 4 I harovto orgaa!rwt eefy ivta gar le lJit.Lr l..t- k. ,.a t. a.a I Struck at fS4 Of AfrrVSO . - . - 1 noeny ny aoarwaa.Bg or in'-t rae 1 ... t. tsa w t..-... .a a. i t . - denying th rfgtt af tr.l by ?r 4 ID w -a, v t ..-v. . . ...,. .ua a w au aaaaw as t f ai v vv eaa tarw aas aw aa a w - e-ay aver. yrota 143 nntti J .-. !.' ' am cif lKa antat rnarlt cat -f a r. La - . liar f lur, V a..M f-Mlti'i-i t-r.1 iwir'i f &la '!i If j . . . . - mf-w- w aaw a& - W a "4 Uraw-V TV- , . " tl f ' f a:ae - ! k k ! amtela i tr U., m I i t fa . . . . 7 .ft..la..ai ... ... a - raais vm torn aaajww an om ii tra (aa la aa'i l.n OA.'iaa I rnaa:A Oa La tart aa tLLa 1a..I a4at 4 k Via . .. r-aaf w i ptbt la aawrvv' jr.iaafla .ta wwl Naaw al ' a4au WW, aKMtai M aaas tXa aa f mj tarita-y m a:Xa Oianl a3xifj 044 h4 I ait--r anr-f tmilk Mjav. tarff ilftiuw rstjtii. '. .-Vcav-ai mmnt a. aatntaaWU (aTvtwa are Wvaav Wa aa4 aaar-, trwiS -at wlisj. we aa 0 Wril rffiai ai-sXajf a. V& V'it aKar-J-4, 4.aaa.t-u',a . utm Ia4 t-waav TW ftaTve a.ie Oa taia g?-r fwtrar .t4 CW -'A lia laMfVr 141 w"A a'MnI I fjsiAf atl ' f. at w- ar LI aju.tf aStxtrnt ka kr Vav& VlJ (U aaauaf J ' aat WciHav ya. Af 1 aatmifc 14 httml. faaaae lotti'Atia aaaK.V-a a aw-ttCdh tjr aa - f&m Iatw aU fh tan, wS3 aww aa W IUm (sa I5 aAl a nAa h at jJU lias-C a Oa " aW a4 koT?aw Kk:. a4 we a f"? re trji- h&ai'aa la teoa lV tt liM a, Ce w vM UM la.iw.aa eavi awe .aaaaat eirrwaaai TV 8 fmUmllf M&Tta a4 iriaaaifctaf a, Aro we iMefis- Caavr V eirawa'' aw - Ci; aJ-f? , tk suae a ati:MI - f Varr . aa t&or are aw 4 aar f it ar aw. - The aartfli ivV ; at-r-aa ai aav I (WbC Vi awouh Ta I rril ta a l 1 jWM arra I ' . ... seciva hwa ia aaa! i,ifjiaaw cooraa tir ara axwyaa.- its Cl ir a v)r aro eaaaa "wt 1 1 arji JTJ- 7 I Ikkiacaaja iMf aJarew a a t 0a2J al t tIb4 Ms I waLal hcaw cat aexlarWla jJaeaa D.1 . . f. f. aia. " - ' tlsl ar to W klMre a tiS avaaa fs bw 14 ft faw &y-rw w-U4 !M I iftg li UUg - c- li tares. J . I a UWm 4 1 ai. 1 . at .a a - a- " r ItUm aa U el tVa 8-Vt w W tkiW, kl U-ra . , . . , . 1ft UsstJffe -T-afaJ , ! tr tUmMis 4 fVaA Irwra. haacrtae tr tiaig fr ei.Tlawf 44 ierf ATr.4 .ISate w he, lUerarar. I A 5n raa. Tf at li as'ii Wa w if K:.ii&ar V5il IrJi.a, . . ... - - twr4ta a4-r8AV. " " . - t ' -' Ur4 fca i-iMt-:sk i?J as W. ttt3twt !vriw-g a-i;stt kl va KiAtsvJ !( aaale Ij lea ll . . . . ' a. . ca w . . - taalf i!ia r caa i!e wA. aaI ' Z a lrra- ae!J U:cc-re. 1: at wfal Uval .! 1 . . a . .ak A ' 1 A a. awaf . . Wa. 1 l ' '1 ' asat-itT m aJ . Ir-sr aa-iia a aslaaia Ta f U-cf U Ct Vei . tie .. T - kaft C-CiV Z4 VUI oG . a .:S r-i-i -sarr CtA I - - V a" Oat ,;-:r-a la t- J- 1 -4 fi!--ra . Uli tM t-a I t-.r'a Iatw tlia - - " - a - - g v - r . Iri ita, S a,a4 LW a.a4 t! a. aI au -i m. 4 V "J a Ui-T U ur C imnkna 'iMtf fcwt -A at ' a t ...... . a 0 f i - -. n..4 ftw .... fc ' " " U 4 . . . ... . . , ia , " ' - i m tmm m.:4 ... 1 t t e eA -1o WViawa oa 1 i .; aaaa t.ut i ava'a t a om.. e-.r o Waa wAa i.iai-jv mum::' $ t-at tav atare liaaa aaa. fi W-- Ifw eaaaafa '! 0$ aia iVftua.Va f WSa-vt ihaw aaaai( im aunatY. ,t fca SaM-Wtwn4 tt laW -Ba atnflt 'ftilltai. Stt t 1W aattylti' WW rayi I tit a a ait4. aug mt taM4 a4 fattf " et4tiiaail ,. tfa W a k t-"" a a! i a ti i.u4 ee aC a-- -.". i.e utae eaaMtuxf sate twav aaia a4W aame a, a.. a ia aaa'aT'a ""ae "aeavajajF aw""Pg "ippaegB1 "aaw pea "aBe 'a'lr'at w o a a b aee ft fhaawu1 U UHSw kT ) (uJk l- baa avftayo TVa awk aCwik to 4uwe I Jht-Ii & gw JiMtaT ai U fl tl ttniait..naaiei had. fct4 W o a a - Ta tw ea W ea .1 , '"a .tU etaiktav f 1 a asa a$. aw U4 t .tnaar, W-u wtt a4 aaxWw" It w-. s V Imw aa to V a ' Kiia ew gnawwf' . Itees.! 4Va 4 aT aa -i"a iayl 1 n wwiaav (Om M mf Wlam It aaa atWw Vtf atua ww C (. I aolt awwafa Ik V.Mt o sl riM W- e sm V.wt ft aaav.iiaiai t?. Iwa fi m , W faft.Y U4 la wl la w4 aiyW, at! atua.4 04 la e W fwiamr a 0u4 ajaui.f k ! ' tS CMk a &ws fli4 ata4 l- wat-o V luto fv aa a oaVnaaa tv-4- wJ la anrtatw kui laa IJt asg V y.i kta laAt rte - as )UartUi; a Catrr t-asaafy t I- dl 0a-WaA St ta taae artrit aauMWatt. aaa a ;a aS a a' a ak -a aaattif aaa '' ta ant) rM t vmt -.if a Mhaia, faakt Xtmm itf m 1 ' ."ii 1 wataaaaaaa ' WW ft 1-4 4Paa we Wean - - f fwnmTk It ti f a A a t aktw V tia a.a -a ta tawCV a gaaatOi ajaiS t ap a M t at.ft aa w-aava t-Mmt 4a aw" Ma-k aa a'w''A . 'i i, x Oaak aii.a4u V .tniMit 4.a)a WMHV Saag gaaag V fc.ua, .a gaae af.a VS . X . . . J 4 . k 3m V t tjlil i-ra a.a V 4.if" WI ia at Way .iaa 'a.nlk ag .mnw aa ata ata aV i . tam Ai,,-;.(ai t - r )a Sa a? ak-aaaii. fvatoaaa CihS ? aai ka t fe 0 A - p ; wSt g J1 t kt.k I'ila JUui tJi ft - t-.iJ! tr.t A:Zlt tea, - S.rV.a I'f- .,:.. J I-- - rr-J-if 11 -..-a .sJ .:. ag - ' 1 J . , , . k-i. ..... ? c S.:tr . . - af 1 : r-;.e fwe eaf I a 0 Cliff T ; , t ' !" fi .rTirT im'-T" "" w (N.a LOU.ISBURG C O L 1, it i SEPTEI5DE3 it k.r. m l:r: n;Ttt T a.t " af v1mm l.a,,ii laNf KaWt,l fc14ta ,t,.t. a hi r-w. --.r f-3 J i J F j ' i :' i ffe-t aa,l aaa av)'V-w te I a aVwjt i a GROCERIES. t at i..t.a.. J"4 Laaft. tt. OWaW t I i 1 4 ! , : 5 i i ! ' v. I ' . p 'T f . - a a a-a a AS aA g-ta.1 M id w4-a.. - . a ' : w u W k . kit -r a -.4 t itrr.t'rt ?A -il 1 1 WWkMMVJ, f, t. a a.iaa -1awajtar.r sr,. L 4a tl tao,.,, ttWtaa aa f.-at ata aa 4Arta J'ta. Pa aaaAL 'ii CO r L mm? J -a. to . Am' t V- .1 1- I 1 4aaaajaga ValaaebJ LEGS 1 1 1 t J . I3a i' J$ V,'. ! ' i I in the hands-of Uio aadattaaUva aarraatr DrugCp. ' Aycoche Dru z w a.-. - . - . . ,