oauaojl dihectory Mi -;rrrvv -J -v U-u " u - i o -;a - VMT YYYJV . .- , Z - . - 1 - ' V U. iUiail.i - . t - - tr,s. t -- - ' " r - r--. .- c " - - ' 8andaj School at AM. , , GQ- S. Bakes, SaptT -Preaohins: at 11 A. Bl.and 8 00 P. JL every Handaj. ' Prayer meeting' Wednesday night. r' MAasBT-Paatos, VI BAPTIST. " ''LT 8anday School at 9-30 A. iL Thos. B. WiLDsa, Saptl r Preachia at 11 ; A-Kl.; and S.-00 P.lC Tery Saoday. . - , U.HMA8HBoaa pastor KKISGOPAI.- r t Sunday School at 9:30. - ' fr Wj tt. Bomir.'SQpt-1 Services, morning and niaht.5-" 6a lit, 3rd and 4th 8andaya. H veninff PraTefrr Friday rt.nl? Kar. Johh Lotdoh, Raotorv Servioes 4th Sandar in eachmohtl morniajf ana niKbt." .Pastor - : ,h1T "LouiBbursr tiodierTSTo: 4ia.""A A. M.r',meet latand- 3t Tnesday night in each month. r. v - lrotbsnonal a.rl- JQK. PEEDERICK K. COOKr ' PAIS1CIAN AN D SURGfgON, Lonlsbarg. N. 01 v- -' - O -ee wltu Dra. a pieoaln(f.'Hoarj 10 a. in. to 13 to . 5 p. m. to 0 p. m. fDecbd bours toy appoia tneut, " - - . qh Aarautt h. FLEiiisa, . -. DENTIST. ' ' LonuBoao, . . irra O Jed Otw the Guan fc Xajr&oro Vq."b tore. "; j-,.. QR. J. B. MALONB, - - : ; - & ACTICISO PHTSICIAN AKD feUBQBOS. . LOUISTBCBfl, X o -Xllce over Ajcocke nr aa Company wr " - J. J, MAM W - PHfSIOIAarfi SUROEOX- LooisB?Bo, n. e. : - . ... OJleaoer A-jp, i:ke Drug Co. 8 drugstore j tt. 8. P. BDRT, .; PaACTTICINO PHT8ICIAN ASP SUKQEOB Louiaburg, Ni & :-.? Office in the rear of Boddie, Bobbitfc A Co.'h l)ru& Stir. on Nash street. ; "-1, : " i "! '- DB.B.P. TAKBOROCOU. PHYSICIAN AND BUBO BON Office Snd floo-Nel't)ulIi3 tKht eaUsD8wer4 from T . uicKetrs l rouaence. paone . r -. H. ALLRED. . ? ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Will practice In ail the Courts. . Office la. loangsvUle, N. C. B. ilASBKNBURa. ATTOBNBT AT IAW " v WIU pnetloe la il the CoarU of tbe State Ofllce n Court Honae, yf. W. BODDIE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Lom8BOBG,'N. 6., . 0!Bc8 over Boddie, Bobbitt A Co.'e drnjc toce. YY"m. HAYWOOD ELFFIN. . ATTO RNEY-AT-LAWrt- .- lonMBtrBa. i. a r Will practice In aH the Coorte ' of Franklin ind adjoining ooanties, also In tke Bapreme Joart, and In the United States District aad circuit Coarta. - ' .. - omee In Cooper and CfiftoB Bafldlng.-"- JIHOS. B. WILDU, r : : -TTOESST-AT-tAW, - Offieeon Main itreet, orer Jones Cooper's (ore. . .'. S. SPUUILL. - ; ATTORNBY-AT-tuAW," tOBISBCBO, W. Ci Jranvllle. Warren and Wake eoantlev also Prompt attention given to collections, --si. .v' , Offlee over Ererton' Btore. , - ? ? 3 T. W. BICUSTT J vTTORjrCT AKO COUMSBXiOB AT LAW." Prompt and'palnst&ktnk attention grren,to rery matter Intrusted to Ms bands. - very matter aaBBlng sazton, Fres. nni itaaonai oana. w wi ton, Hena a Bianiy. widsumb, jr copies bus t JConroe, Chaa, K. Taylor, Pres. Wake Por- JConroe, Cbaa, K. Taylor, Pres. Wtti t I oUage, Hon. K"W; Tliaberiske. nn over feal,fcoo.,aStore5 m. tmnaoa, , ATTO'BVXT Af-l AW, 7 umowtii la aU onTtfc i OmtjaTon Jaaln Praeueea ttreeu rrr H TABsWtlWBfP? AT10ENEY AYlW; FSANKL1NT0N, N. L ': .-K:..t:-. t ood aocomodation for th tr-velis ablU : ' .'"HTxiS-- - J (Jood LiveT Attached ""- UASSENBURG -HOTEL ; e .Xa.iaKar Prop BENDEBSON. C. Oood aeoommodaUoat i Good far. Lit and attentive aarvaatr BO UBiei vubUOo ouvpiwiu, uuu. vuu tHon. Root. W. Winston. Hon. J. C. mc in opera uonse onuomg, vw!.-. i resentative unanes u. lvanois. itecent ill 1 f- ... irttrnarilll him 1 , 1 ,..--.....( 1 1 .1 tT- l-T ' . --ri- z-zri Bepucansjwm arry the state.But ever look the world In the face after that bovabo'ls too -aid. nwe tr - - Ai - f tf 1 AA- .5 : btejntenomiarot Ills .tator. "the preseoco of thottaWtodoy -". ayaYnfo their UL ti Mtackiiltr " " !. " 1 COST&MmSMijBi"- &.i&ViQTyteihe'R- TJUPnJoli'dnIdTeoM-Hiotoo Ivte oo account of hu ir " aay VeUffa of tt lrta, ' J . To fr-'-, Sr! Lir O- ' ,:1.-'.';.A. obllcamr:-reecld6dIj; 1ineasy.about the dog fight aferefald-it appears thnt . ,; : s:r. Iv t fv-eoe, tea.ei. tc ' rT-f v nf lOaasuaKOu indfafiavH. are his anecdotes asre- S man who has had snch large expert- , -. w t.af say s-Uee Mvi , . r ..1 . . ' ) , " Trung agent for slimos-of Bttlldlng Jr t t ft mM Ijr. 4 vw r. " ' r.' " r 1 I - . ru"'uVVUT '''A a,.. f-J S7M'' u tUtUi- t ri r CVr c Cr.-. J'J !l f twtiir.i OignaSaOaUtted a,,,,.,.,. IAl fl HI M sH A S t-mi f M t--t k. . ,... . v . .-. ,w?-;g.vw.e.Trc.; ......... ..... , mm. Frx .cn 5ccV i'r.M ?t7tttt iL. tt 8!t: ii t!" f::H - -Special WashtnKton Letter 1 r:iT7"s more . aenslble;': honest na-.; JLL ,no Jage Parkef the better hibited. rare delicaev whn h.' i" his DosiHoti IT t. i- high position, greatly coveted. He sets his f5e like flint against the f ' , " '-i-uiai wita me-small t pucuean .coiieaue, aodav dnr Winded alletoas partisan: Ile. I CrumpackeT.-v .r . . , ?TTTr eotis.ietterr WchUriir-..7: udom endear hfm to every decent f zen the republic? without regard to . - Aug. 17, 1904 r My ttearMr. Parker-Tlie Times of. this moralbg saysthat the party text book Is about prepared and that U will go to the printer in a- tew days. ; Therefore I hasten w. wg Ihj to see to it that there Is no rord In ,it Uiat reflects tspon the personal honor and; integrity of; President Boose velt. - - - . r r-Jin Evening Post editorial lndlcatea that but little care wm taken to that direction toward myself by jth compiler- Of the Republican .text book, but let there beno rejolnderrltt kind or otherwise. - -1 eel :onfident that "you need no re minder. atlll my anxiety : impels toe to uiu uiis,utiium --very truly yours. AJUTON B. PARKEB.' Those be-golden -word worthy to bo cherished by the entire American eo plel - - Surely of nlthe evU "features tt i political campaign IndisicrUninate slan der of candidates is the most deplora ble. Why - should Colonel . Roosevelt. Judge Tarker or any other citizen be abused and maHgned impry because he hapfiens to be nominated for a pub lic office? Judge-Parker did-himself much credit- in writing the." foregoing letter, and the country .would be better off--f ar .tetter if all candidates and 4 tneir supporters would act in the same spirit- . ; ' , .. ' -' '. Tha Boston Ox Gored. . : My esteemed personal "friend Gov ernor Leslie Jkl. Shaw, now secretary of the treasury - and. prospective candi date for the Republican presidential jiomination n 408i is. one. of .the inoat eminent RisM.nsBe,laird.ite- cle ehlighteningjmnlatudesotihifr foe- nignrea me-kston Advertiser is one .Of the most Illustrious Republican.' or gan grinders itf" the coontry,' but nev ertheless it hops on to Mr.' Secretary Shaw' in this emphatic syle: ' - ;. Secretary Shaw, seems to have no warn epot in his heart for Massachusetts. Alt er overturning the 'Boston custom house for some week and then -retracting some of his orders, and after aUowtng.the mon ey appropriated . py congress for this -state to be withheld, for months, through he payment oC the "treasury warrant to Agent Cotton. 'he now -insists on revers--Ing a .decision made by the general ap praisers. This related to the duties on pickled sheepskins whlch,th secretary decides' upon hla own responsibility must jpay duties ; as -paxtly mannfactnred" .odSiiV-:";'Jvrr'w - ; . - ilf this rder of the. secretary Is .carried out It will mean that about all the aheep skinsi imported by leather mea,wlll be taxed so expensively that the whole shoe and leather- industry of the country will be "hurt. ' ' . ' We - vlolater no eonfidenc when we say that Secretary Shaw's term In the cabinet la not for leeg after the election is over. He wiU kstayiJt.thla: year and 'make speeches in the west (althoogh It would iwiser 4n; Corteryon- to; keep blm-from making any more such- speeches- as that with "which Shaw dealt - with Uwf -prices f 'Necessaries: "at the beginning of the -campalgrn when lie made light of the ad vance In. the prices of food-iecause soma metalnrndnrta hnii ktohr fnlUn 1m t4iw, rbut business men ta. Boston . have 'been assured -that Shaw will not Toother -them ery much longer. -: T His -order, to have duties assessed, on pickled - SbeepskhisWas an unnecessary Interference with the principal - buainesa of New England and probably, win benefit no large todustrof'the ootmtry unless It : be, the "Chicago palters trust.;. If ore than ithis,' It was stupid enough"-to, make this order,- as Secretary Shaw doesr Just at the beginning of tbe. campaign. If his idea, had -been to hnrtPresldent, Roose-. velt'a-: chances -ione xxmldeasilyrenougb understand the secretary's haste.::: But It la fair to credit him with some loyalty., to the president, considering how long Colo nel Roosevelt has stood by him when prominent interests r this section want ed the preeideat to get rid of hint; p Therrijs2 an anecdote to; tie back of Webster's old blue - backed;, spelling book, with which the 'Advertiserris no uouDt ramiiiarj as it is. tne most vain-, nble of all New England" products to thes effect, that very anuch depends on whose ox is eored.- - The foreeoine? edl-' rtorial Xroni the Advertiser is another J proof of the truth of that ancient story. Tti-15- SSSal 'lirXWftntldil " on Tthaltsetaajft" .there's no sense in abusing Secretary ShftW. - Nobodv - annolntpd rhir fjfa d v Jender-b;ito7Js '.lmplyenforcIngr.V 5 Republtoan managers constantiy gi ?e out tne stafement, with aa-air or coa ifldenr that I nrlian a' in an fpiv Rpniib 1 io. :anvv;'Amofig other? who do this 1 Rep- 1 r Caasfl or LocKjaw T jt V4o W nw fAfanna: la j4lifla? inr- bacillus or germ which exists plentifully exhosed to th air, but when carried be rreath thrskm asii thg wounds cansed "VOV" w . I III htlCCV Uilbi. A V 19 lUAv vl T v. ww ' AJlC, nth the skin aain thg wounds caused pTpercussion caps or by rusty nails, and f&YztC i?-'fZJtt i. Z'Ei-tEM ronsed to activity aaa proauces tne most i ffpnison- knowlThese -eerms 'HliZ Jt.A -o 0n a lrwV. t ' t I IdAnl. a, DAAn oa tho fn-inrv 14 jraiu iaiux w w w.v . - j rectJivtsu. 1 " " - r and causes cuts, bruises and like injuri es to neai wlCvUt umtuiauuu mm in uire Erd the time required by the usual treatment. . Itss for sale . by Aycocke vtt ;;: : tf it t5oa cf.th Abr of Jnnp on Secretary SKaw. : :'Rpublic.n ;-Uyti 'About. IivdLakAK - r 'T-"ic-;-7Xi.r": ; hkDU.7'rer ntlnc InUnUv - ikl .T cxwup.ofcti Rinnan locked tbe picter?o be O"" xcihnj, . prjn !o-Q um I?a I for an WDUuwttoa. rW'tnty.-.....,7 Tr.JTr It should be eaplained that White tttthfettfigSg M hew h. Wei a Ilcan. beckoned Landia to coca hi war . -What fa Itt" M k- .r T'f . 8Ull the Republican beckoned, and Im-JWfd--Gome into tbe tanrm csjr.,aald he wtqi aa .l.rmli. crecy. r . c - - - : - ."Sea that pack of. iioandsr?. observed tha Republican friend when he and-Laa. die had- rone forward, v" WelL thanVs joe Horner-a. He . and hia two boys . har, beeh Idred to- cx down into Okiavhomv hunting till after the elation. " - ..T ; ,- U further nioatraUAg "what a close -tab people keep -on . vin? btrmaa ity.out In his section of the country. Ut Landia told .of a recent caller who stroll ed.lnto hla office one morning. -"What i It. BUir aald tbe r.njTeee man. to his vtaflor. who stood ta the nU. dlo of the' floor. - scratching rn . llxttm memorandum . book. Therv-waa a aa-Bw5f- nd the question was repeated. ' -. TJb. "' Jeat crossing- hhn off - tm tut. repty finally. "Isn't tt A dam. Buamer, jsn tumklns is dead, and It's only two-iflentha before the el action. . .- ,Kow,'.If 'th$ RepobUcana feelcoca sux of irweeping Indiana, how doe It nappen; that aU of Mr. Landia excess ively -j humorous . anecdotes . illustrate the proposition that tbe - RepobUcao managers keep such a .clone tab. on movers and dead inen? The' theory of certalB-rVlctory doea not tally with tnat sort or practice. ' The .plain. . an varnished ;trutli U. that .- by claiming everything Landlg et Id genus omne are whistling-In a graveyard to keep their courage up. . . 7 - - As to.th Hawaiian Islands ' ' When the resolution wag pending congress, backed by a strong Hawaiian lobby, for the annexation of thoe is lands any one listening to the' speeches of . the -; annexationists would" have thought annexation .would have made both IlawallBndthe United Tdtatea happy v forever. V"Now comes Governor Carter of" Hawaii and rise -to make the following complaints: . The. annexation of tho laianUa to the United States has not bee a coaamevei! success bo far at .the Islands are concern ed. Shnce-wer have been-United State territory we haTe not made great prog ress. One reason for this la because, (be lawa by which we are governed are aw suited to the country. For Instance, we nave to obey the United States land taws and cannot rent government land for a period of for more than five yaere at a time. - Aa It take from two to tour years to raise w crop- In our cUmate. we can not find Anybody that wui rent sand for auch a- short period as five years. Tbea .we are deprived of a big tneocne from government lands:. j . -JL - Since- we have been annexed 'ewxgreaa has never dredged owr harbor.- It ta ftU Ing up and. thus prevent the landing 4 the largest vessels.. As a result ot this our traffic Is fairing off.-We have dredg ed the harbor, at our. own expense since we hare- beeS -annexed, - but an lees It ta dredged again, we will lose bbucB of our trafflo. - - , - -: - - Annexation has.: cut off all ecr later national, .revenues On toe other hand, from Cade Sam's point of view, ennexa tlon" has been a decided, success. Over $6w2C0.00O baa been paid Onto the United States - treasury from the islands. The whole cost of annexation was eery eiooa. Republican Harmony. J ' - ; .Ahother.nlost convincing evidence of Republican Harmony -spelled . with big; biff ITr-ls afforded tn the- fart that . the-. Republicans of the Twelfth senatorial district ,.of Weet -Virginia have nominated two candidates foe-the state. senateK.No wonder that United States "Senator Nathan Bv- Scott has abandoned - the . Republican national committee headauarters In' New York and has "hastened home, taking VI r. -Fairbanks, the RepubUcaav Tice preal- tienuai candidate, with hlm,Scott pro poses to save his own senatorial bacon At he cti, which U 'extremel doubtfot ' '' - ,. . . A- Senator and a Don. : ' . '-'.'"'n,,2-?- tVcThe papers devote -,rancT ' valuable space to tne fact that Major Genera: narles Hick. Junior United 8tates sen ator fronj Ohio, undertook to separate two dogs that -were fighting at Akron. O; one being the senator's coach dAa and -the other the bull terrier -of XJrh. tor Miller." and that both General Hick 1 with two revolvers, trvfn to alin.it tl .1 v.., , ..". " . .... Muwr ouuuog, nuTtiarea nor snoot lew tney- nft tne " beloved coach doe- n would have fared bad v With the aena. torial dog, notwithstanding the major : - whip in clow iwraangeroos proximity to General - Dlck'a proboscisl "Query No. rl:; WJiy-dldn't General Senator Dick ;andrhis secretary separate "-the canines to the first place? ;.Jucry No-. 2r -How 'can a Junior 'United ; State J?7'? "1th th' pUe Specialists w employed and many bATTIsWiliaC. nAAWl ISllt Wliasf Baits . tMrmarLaa suffered for twenty years with the ptle7 -. -7,'--M u J Kes- bt rebel and permanent ood was found only ia the -ew . of Witt'. Witch ilaxel Salve. -;Thls U on!y .v.- ' ' t- . ?n nany cure that have been ef. rectea oy tnis wonaenai remcay.- i j 0 . - -- j - duarr tJT-ve that enn cfc .t!ia frin j r- - - ........ v . De Witt's, made by E. C. DeWitt A Co., ' Witt's Witch Hazel Salve cores all kind of piles, cuts, burns, bruises, eczt ma. tetter, nfiffworm, skin dieaes. Sold by Aycocke Vrvg Co, etc. tnarDotnjJeneral mcKithal ft will ?P Stale pride tnaoe "The tl,-ve cf tli&,- hsao i sAyihia etc:v-ig la prist ta V oi- Ht-rti z tha;ag that tra l trrn--r a t. wrh rvo;raf ia uti e3 bi.J fc!s eya. If tVrnl Ix, sal fV' Ponkrr bad tad wtjot pcZ'sx - r ae, net a vrrt 6e-i a :rr c ner in Akroa tt -wii4- s Bor space in tit fiV' jnc tv the fntUe nttrapt . eci-r tcneral to ah 004 hit trt5- 6 I 1 n t!m wry 1 Tt bTa wiUJ e-7t ef frBrallv iit fr t editors and pe;aOAr it Old Uaxnbcg. atlas t O. P. r train yobbia was a !.: rv.-c . dally, tolerated ocly a Btr t jv. rac atatre, CevU! I Ui.Aa ftnrs-, . u rrobaWy the m--t retLb p.-" Vermont. revrtw;esj g tai,jtut leo pvrd off ta tu.. (taut 'Witli rrvattv!ic-'rpr3tr after a aiuttiar prrfortraace la HOse near VbJcsro. it strflMi eet tbat ?'. ..... v-v jsi isi-e robbing te becoming ta f.t), a c pobikan stateex-vtlat the? hU pvlcela to the O. O. IL wtTT-w du eoti tneir noicuJoas cssV - The a a It. has tot efty ytarj arm. tated .to ttsetf aU vtr.-BwetaeeBV h- P wba haTe believed that fabAe wta iuiinru iw srarn tut oc leaders have fonned offenairw and defensive rnotxs la order to carry Utah, idabw, lee f h& fa. f .. Jartty as to pereon sad'thUg Uat W as..impoemKM;iioc beJwTS tbere m torae troth la It Plrt of IW cee U that Apcetie bd Kaaoot ta Id tetJUa his seat in the BenaU, There-m aa eit aaying to the effect that "vtxrt VUtm Is much amok there aanai W asjav fir.' So thoroughly coavtoved fa L'ail ed 8 ratrs ennrtor Krerne of t:t.t e tho partnershrp txtweeo tbe n-rt4kw an a dq u Mortaoos that he) ka re tired froci tle race for re-e lectin to the senate and has ovraaiied a gentiVo party. -Nerrrthfleee the O. O. II. win -cootinoOo aund 00 tho street rmr la pnbilc places lb ant tax Cod that tt h not aa other me Na docihi otber meQ". will glao thank God that fhey arv aot as the G. X It. When Oovenr TleeJ mm Oda of New York accepted tho efesjruaJMktp of tho state commute, peopVt wessOet e4 what bo wanted wtth It. ObJectJoei was mad that the power 4 tww w Positions should not b tnertod t 00 pvoo. tloa. TtaWhy WeodmtS, W of th gorreoo and many eolored watef costs, wbo gbeoMrorial hm bote been qnelched by Govtwiftit OdeO. caa giro a very wrtd Btaiemewt aa to why Recount wasted to C3 twth offlces tt oo Urn. Hon. TtmaA lir nail, caior . bvahoc tn JK-w York and former "easy b,- tts be relegated to tho rear by OdeO, wfcato h created as a poUlJctl ocantfty. fj. jsmla is after a awoatortal tBcs, D Pew's pref rrred, as Cbaoorey tv xjlre the 4th of next Marrtt - Boo. Wimats D. Ryosta, ow rb leading India fig remoTt la tbT hooee. now a prnaJooer 00 tho stambrkaa d tnlaistratloo. it gotag to tsk tho gtewo la Indiana- far Rooeevait.- Kobealy wonU car anything aboat that if be wer reaaooahtr taodeat about I. far b haa to do so. ne'doabt. aader that ivu service reform adminisiraiioa hold his Job, bet b Wrree a jstad dhKQsaloa with Hon. Wmiam leaa4af Bryan la -order to eJrerOr htejx Coder. aboat tb 'MtB ctrcamatsaxs Benstor Geerga GraaAsa Veretjr r pQed to a ehaUrag to tfetsato Oooa ytt abonr'soch a rvttrgad as Byaaa that t would aa fief debet wiiti a CVor foog or a bad smeilx ,.Vi aski. ' Th Bepubtlcaa-tBanagers ira art deatry sfrakX thai Doo. asaos A. Ttta enway, chalrmsa pf tt ha ass appro priations commits, wilt be dfrat4 They sr sending all their. Id ga Into his diatrtct.' iif. 8psker Cso sat, not long sine rare Lira tomt J It U announced that ilr. Secret ry oi ar im ni jo rsvsdo thaiTjitrM. First and lav. Hrcaetswsy wnt bar eoooxh vrecbcs made by eaiioest Re publican at Cvaoavfll sad oottilaa towns to deafen tha avrraga ctliMa. ' Itr. Bamnl K. lioffrtt t 00 donW a man of great abiCty sod cnltnre. bwt ha has broarbed a sabjeet la Cotltr which U-UaLle to. errata : saara taia aodno pTactKsl rvsait II rn j to tnaka eeparsto atatea oat of tJ great.-citlc."' r Ills . ibeory . ey . -g good one. or If may not; but, tUtf good or bad. It la 0 thotMsnd to r that ft wiU never b put lato prtv Stale prld will prevent It. Ten h.t i - "u p"wwk vy w tcr a:j' too right, pevHKS by o tbr ant I of . CiTrdlor hemeif Into five aftf I v. - .. , . . . i . AT bat she will nettr da sa' Tl Tvtsa advocttA anrk artot rtsk of beiajc tyneted. I - " liv-MTOw w uuivr teat-nan ecav ned this somewhat rirV csmrstra is eenatot Cbatmrey Mitrb:i In-f argument apmtnst P ma tor DvW eteo tiott to the vie prMicfrarr tr meoa of being too old. tnantxey Is ao sprtr.i cnickea mmerir. Tbaw who art har- ; rhsajberlaJa'a roora lUnedv, No one who iarinsi,l e!tk it rwJ q!iti ran b rpri-l t tA g-ret i popularity d ChSiir!-j'a' CooxS tic edy. It not Dn!y corr r'.l sad frio efte-toaIly aa.i rncrvtt.'r, bt ; r vents thee di- frvra rvtu'i.Dte pneamonia. .Vhf,": Is daperous Ui tl. a r-n--Tr u gtrex It coolafrv" r. rinn r ot:.r LrratJ inUunci. It i aU vttl .y tt. V!.f(lt.'lriil!. ar titra ir'.j . . ... i . i ... , . -, w . mi1 i . cotui lrati..a it U tw,t ur-?-. l'.5 people In fore!(-n UaJ. at t'. home, ntfftn this rrmfT vry ! and very Iw sr 1., tAi. Other aftr txrln- r-r.-D y, bv At.-, - V IV - ; C - U 1 f ' as T ii. t ' - - 1 1 c,v C U 4 j j eL.j Urn? tlm) t t li vV c4 J V.fy sLc-v t tl V tr-fl Vnt kwrbi i -m rrswW.ttl 'JU tft'ni rt),! ?vf ta4 -o aJ . t.e an .' If tX ajjtl et;rx.i e ri! tr4 It ft tv, t( 14 1. - w I iS g!it cf Jboair i eaa a- Fw is-l rtfsrtl!, ' e ir.it j in,f W pAM csr Jff a eire es I macat fH f ve 4 CSt Vet rv ita M fcAn I Nw Vi s4 Vrtk:t d4,lt 4iT -1! JT Utat t- 4rk. rr dirtrVt 4 tS naairr. b ctrssal a si tiJa trweaekie! a. !tcw iA3a aaa,at saalai-a w-J mi a awra k:ukr TV reT fvtoia rA. prLpe; tjt jiii.aa, bcre o Weq ft Law tt4 MjMt OtieT w U aa cat c lU aaitj-. AUji ii,wtf Vta-U1 Wtora aow ia li retftUry. list ,ai?. If sstWttW sew 1r V- talwv wiVii W tvtraJU IW ti- aacraaeiajt uaUt oa" ljerajN. (Scalar! la tU ria IWiLee rwjir; fcrveasa b Ia mUt l BiiWl aej tfea-rtaea." 1 g, n. av!5t dAf.Wjc ratfwl b .ay' wtuv liw oaly V l4 i sAWvvar s4 whwra lx!J U jv ta a BBAlaB kk t f7f UJruu .-t-'t". " Al a r e sbw tTVa tVU deep 4 rajas) aovvar wUaCm. It r wrmadet bUe U 2s arrhivt c4 to TfU l.tsxx alsoj-dia tSal Lg tUmi ant ad paiiif, Vkk2f 4a.r3 Bei l rnr! tbt Brtji aU ao. q4a ataaaAraa sfwvka wiajs a Ur tnasaja." tS roafaaka pWat. r r-- . -' - . ' 7" THE CBOWU.Of A CtllXUa 1 EACltlXOR. fooea taArrj wtwur kena. U.c2m4 UftigeiA: - Marrl ara i U Itetea. IT tabacbJfr U er;ii fcrv aai3 U pta tUrw- . - WUftett I U jejui U that U wifa waia tirw s7 lLu U a. ! woW lar idj ssaja aU fcaa ust li Jbr Lift xxmU m 5 tAl ty aiaV. - Tta) brxJ tt tia avara.fLii. Z1 4vL-4 rBf-reaeTf. It t roWanir wluest4 W i. tiVt t4 It b fuunl lubi Was ti tkk oat ItL hi jreeia i I ' . Wa art tl ti tt rATriKj ta4dl Zh-m tocc Iba a:"sr eoa. li t-.. liana tier m a k Vi a j 1. hlrwl - V4Tf IL fi?Jf to li4 tA Kl U lp3 rsirtieJ, Ul tiU . iti tiuil k wxU tiatt Woq t tliBar t4 Kav LiAe4 lt re. II fVJ au a wk e - y Ouai-tia'a't Jt a.ki ti t V Wu. Tt" v wiU 4o va r-. J. rs - ty Ay 4 twvi rA - - C:-t;l ar -3 la-wn cTira. li!r tta fv.lA. Ant C '.- t ' ' r '. lint Il.-'.t :,- I r : ' . ; a . ' rc j . ,i f T- J :( B '.-I ti ; ', ." ' r. tit , i ! 1 1 . -x .' & r : f & . i t mut- ':''", ' . r 1 s . I'll ... t . r - 1 ft - u t ' I- u.t ;.;.:, I, 4JLwe4,t,Ju tu"lia - It J?'."4.4i tWe'T -1 r t -iti 2- t.nt. , II l'.-'.sri Jt f - H . - i I"5t- Ai,. ; 1 1 tir. It. fVm, , . fT)1 J Z".mu, $ i.-.y!.5sw4 A-t.t wao. . J trt)tnwa oia -t ! I r t V4 , j 4 r eMrf, tl.a-.JWjta.'si ,mOv . Hit vran tt j.Mtvt-i-iK ,J ,fil Wi UuUne. . If'l Wiit Chmia, tli 4dW IXSFfieugVt. IHI-OaWf ,li-ltaJlLlUl.' 144 TVtm.ee IUW,A w.raav. ' IK Wi TgsaiW lKiurIliKVaW. -; t r. i-w. tt tvm. w.. , 5 iTw r-w.. n, Yajv. ; 1fcT. J.Jfertwv,. - ; 11 1 AI Snwm. ' ti.t;W4ifJ, ria. . IW-TW Jan, ikt J J titfUlZdsa rf. .... . . - . lle-0BrijSJ tl Jt V-M( .WrA Ca aLtvw. &vrrirnAa Ve-t ,',, ?ve ssAluas a Ua a tia ft 2mL . ITS t ;-!td ilwtj it asm aji aUtif I tff 4 4-o., - , . ' Tsutw' nta t-x k,4 r-r w U A-77. 5.1 - ng dwewa. 1 1 .C'3 res Ta t cum: ; 'I - Wrt ai Uvea sBkttf v tfMSB St-U:ti ml adj I a . a ww bn4 a t-t,;eiui 4"-Uia tmaiV4a t4wrt..tie A Is ' ituA. wO rewry v, f,VuLy etaa:ej a fra Ttr, l4.,, J N'a, edit IvrM ;naj ewew:isiA. C4s tp -7a tmtj iu VrN4 it tt ioA treviitj iwiUut W gntSui.g t-a Wl a Uv avulrw; garea U "K-I I ,7 a7 w-:3 e.S aV tvl U ?r . aiut .u a ftf at Ue ii:n t3 fU4. t:i."t " 7 ---5 T-l.t." lf a iVM iWtt o.a Ii:Art 31. fS.a a is oaar,' , -!Wt,l ig f'ei-yn ' d -, ValrwBS, - ' . . ',-.. f t!iA, . SCOTT'S ErJUlSEON 4 r-- c-.i w. 'r, Kx To r -r 4 - I r :"t ' 'T 7 IW F T t. . I . f-. '" 't- l "Old v -. . . r II t ei On Ctcrr a-e a-'O Ve4 a fn t f LO U I S B URG I COLLEGE btrifclilBEB - ' "' ; - - - 0 - w n GROCERIES. nt-'ii.tit t-J La,. It X i. t AS lO-e'rasJ al ifba. - ; v,'.. :jeal co. T- li -uiv 11 n 1 itL.fr il will : cll S I:oer. ' n v- ri :Ai Uot!C 'el -rye" 1 ' 5 1 r . 3 r mm va 7!!?. iso-i, JmHrf.. IS f. 1 i F I i Q At: 4 at, - 1 Drv G::- Vr. 1 1 r. . r 0 f r t lit 1 J i i ob Druj Co. Av " ;

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