s 51:.', jis.a. THOMAS, E-itorjii Proprietors T" y, . " - ' '-.. .."TT" I - - - - n " -- - - - . , - WUISBURO;-H;'C;. FRIDAY, OCTODEU ouuiioH , directory; daoday Sofibol at 9:30 ABL;'-- Preaobinz at ll A- &LV&ad 8 00 t. M. yry aundaj. - - . -Frarwr mting Wednesday night -" - U 3, MAsaar Gaston. BAPTIST, H Sanday Sohaoi at 9:30 Al H.0 ' i'Hoa.' B. WildsBv fapt' I Preaching at 11 A.M., and V.00 P.M ivrtry danday. " - prayer m -otlng -Thtxraday night! :V: H. ti. Mishburbe. Pastor. 8a aday School at 930. , " - "z Wx U. Udffih. Saptr Services moTaiaai: andutjrht on ' it, 3rd and 4th Saodavs , tiveniae Prarr, Fridar aftvrnooB Kav. Johs Lojidok, Hector. - - Services 4'h SuBtJav ta sett.mouth mornioi aaduibt. ' '' ' ' Letten (Speelat, WaBhtagton IUcr. PUt Growini la Sinn&u'S P 5 O Democrats Likely - to" Win', tka ing. peoi minous tlocviment ud furriiBhes addlv tiouai eviaence ot the fact already pat pie to inonrn, f jr no una rrr tffrl3 about -la hU brnat a Vlxtrt. ktadrr. trocr Ueart hu 60mm Patld B. II eo derton. 0"bo wbo r4 tt tbr corrctka will ba'drUsbtea t awo tnat be" la in' good health, both mental and, physlcaL Bat nioiatodw wbo read the tenaattooat ll wlU stvfr the errection. It ta o or th cut snpteaaant fea tores cf oar r-tica that veVy evil okaded peraoa ta the eowe try appears to bav cane btancbe to tnlarepresent aTSd !ni5cj puLUc cxn. why this should lMUia ccf tbo able mystery batOt'ls .ThL mat toe vii so serious that CoJooei IXtadr on'a moat eatlmabte wU sent out tfre THE 7AT TO UAfTT?CESS. BT1UC5S AKDIin H nT. ' . . ao oar pouucai syatem and under -1 1 ;;ptance will Increase his standi aifr n L .-M II lna with'thP m ii- rv- - " I aons moai nuoioii wui sent obi la ': great body he resolutloa annexing the Sandwich rAivfrdiMin -HAt xrr rt inouaTnt adX Ct atary had nau ror man, Kflsoos, 1 has riot heeo dlmlfied. j If may ever atuuuK -oiuefs iot -ine,. reason loat-lt LoaUbor Lodie, No 413A. .jr., A aseons v nonest.' ; tana hie m n n-'--crou worthy oT the hlgb-posltion to which heraspires-There Is no beating about the Abnshi jo.hl ialterln- in a .- double sense tajta plata'Btraihtf orward; manner 4ie SDeaks whata in lila-mind and takes" all hlsfellft; citizens fata rcJe-Peci WiUv Yottn tlf-U ' Tht.Onlj Rttf'iUpptacis. J'rrj- - Trow tU W-w la tU fcZ. ; tatj ' a ! ct U s4 aJ aiw."- Ilatwhst 1m KAf iixwi?, Tleare hfl pat to Urn fjuiWi H4 -V- i H sw4 f ju! i.l t i V. TVia 55 a ss l I t Si ent to eenhodythat he Is' rirZl. wttW.'?4.09UW wBoeTer, - r - - hmr'MM- X ;: v - yv-wwwo", u;u 1 uie a moor, roue a earn was oos, - - 1 frj.. ak 4 Jt-m a - . v ... - J a amwu w v mm wvusw - 4 the Jingoesdenied 'tnost Tolubly and ; Speaker .llendersja U a lnaabA, mosxvovirerouaiy. Tbey- prevailed. was tuade lo.tc lored. He Is aa h The jeper colonr was annexed. Now tense FeoabUcan- buf what of tat? .epiaeatup-flews that the ItevohUcans il a popular a btbaUU r ts Jnoselslauds ; DenWaCc icinority & nerTe..as jsrell as thehr barreLvto cap-1 beeR.rjernitta.i t rset k k-.v Aa iftireel3Uihiese::yoter:It ;Memt I sol condtt Ion That La- he a Us- U w f :r a Var-j; Are c" r a. St.." meets, tat ana ra , TaesaaT wjwi.-.,uwiaiuiy'uie poiecoons: l.tfroni.'-tliA snnm ; AiniiM-' I .. k .. r " . .7. .1 "t jaunoiMieyea.pistaHed disciples of Con- lly elected Colonel tlradersoit. fMi far nights in each month. lirofrAassion.a.l ail PAYICIAN ANDSDKBEON, Louiatiarg, H C. .- O ce with Dr, . H. Fleming. Hoara: 1G . m. to 13 ia , 6 p. m. tt -6 in, - Special hours by apyulu ment, JJR. ARTfJUlt H. FLEMING, iENTIST LOU18BURG, . j Hi. O as Otb Th Or dan fc Yarboro' Oo.'b tore. ; .. to ; tmperialitim 'have - never been more truly or more snceinctly stated' than In this pai-agraptt from 10a..Ietterr .f - While-1 presented my-vlews at. tbe notU flcatioa jproceecUugs coneerniug- this vital jssaejne oversnaaowmg importance of this question Impels me to refer . to"lt aiga in. The-Issue is oftentimes" deferred to as constitutioriaJism" versus imieriaTlsm. " ..If sa, would, retain our liberties and eon-, BUtutional .tigiits : unimpaired. ;; we- cannot peimit or tolerate, at any tune or for am purpose the arrogatlon of tmoonstttutional powers by - the executive branch-of" oor L-overmnent. We should be ever mindful of the words of -Webster.- "Liberty is only to be preserved., by rriaintaining constitu tional restrain ts'and- Just .divisions of do il.S yarJ. " :: - . jpub11caa tbey wontd hare aaasitaotja- lealf mat tftrrir, - 1 Ir elected Colonet IteaaereAit Ka rr I . , aV aoiW Via m:Uk Vws max U tl af wrJk hf I V & ea k:efl Ue ! f" kar.py-jgsj oa-vjt W U rs arw at at I ' tLaaj-4. a-rt W i2Tr KJvl.la aJ mmS a rwvrM ' sl tail oca Wl as m y wr wA 1 lUCTHs uovnicnea in the islands are ex-1 n I im tuilrMdinv Mnrui t mi. 'hibiting Bigns of intending to set op a j truthfully say that be did nse many iese -party of their-. own. which t almlne.' and I .m ttt. ruA .threatens ItepubHcaa supremacy in 1o-1 lag him proeperity.:- hapeiaeaa. and cai iiHiuers,.iiicli Is worrying the.Re-1 length of duys. I was sorry whea t 1) R. J. B. MAXONK, aA.CTICIMa PHT8ICIA.N XSD SURGEON. 90UTSBURS. K. O. Odlc over Ayoocke rag Company. J)ft. J. J. MNN PHYSI'MA 1 an I SURGE J! I.XJISBCRO, H. C. U.Hm or Aj'-oeie Drag Co 'e drugstore lVL. 8. P. BUitr, J PRATnCINa PHYSICIANlkJlD SURGEON. Louisburg, N. . - Office in the rear of Boddie, Bobbitt. A Co.'s DruiE Store, on Nash street. IB. B. r. TARBOaOCOH. . PHYSICIAN AHD BIIRClBOIf, ' - LorrBoae, U. C. Otfloe Snd. floor He: rmildtni 41ht ttUi uwTfrom T..1 roataooe. phOB 71. v . : -v: " r, phone 39 V. Blckett's H. ALLRED. ATTORNBY-AT-tA.W, Will practice lu all the Courts. IooDgsvlue, N. C. Office' In B U. HAHSRSBOKa, ATTOBJtgTATLAW Looisavae. Will pnctloe m an the Court of the State Office a Court Boas. - M. W. BODD1E, ATTORN EY-AT LAW,- - LonisBcaa, N. C. Office over Boddie, Bobbitt & Co."a drag tore. vv St. HAYWOOD RUFF1N. ATTORNBY-A.T-LAW, LOUISBT7B0. V. O. Will pnctlcaiisB the Courts of Franklin nd adjoining counties, also In the Supreme kiart, and in the Doited States' District and Circuit Courts. Office. In cooper and Clifton Ballding. JHOS. B. WXLDKJl, ATTOBJrKY-AT-IAW " " ukeiaBuae. . o, . ' - -omoa on SAaln street, over Jones a cooper's Cora. . - . - fitieal powers.!-!? -V 'Already the-, national " government has become centralized beyond, any Jpoint"coai. templsted .or imagined by: the trainers of the constitution. .How tremendously, all this has added tO,the power of the pres ident! It has developed from' year to year until It almost equals that of many- mon archa. While, thegrowtn' orrmr country and the magnitude of interstate Interests may seem to furnish a plausible reason for this centralization of power, yet these same facts afford; the "most -potent reason why te executive Jould not be- permit ted to encroach -upon the -other departs mentSMpf the government and assume leg islative or - other powers ynot expressly conferred toy the constitution.--- - - The magnitude Of nhatLcoaatry "and ita diversity of . Interests- fcnd population would enable a determined, ambitious and able executive, unmindful of constitution al limitations and fired with; the. lust; 6t-power- to go ' far In the 'tisnrpation- of authority, and "the aggrandizement of per sonal power before the 'situation could, he fully appreciatcdoc the people be e.roua jed. - "-.'. . -? : - v - The issue of imperialism which has been thrust uponrtthe country Involves a. de cision whether the law of .the land or the rule- of individuals eapriqe shalt' govenL: The7 principle of- Imperjalism Tnay give rise-to brffliaai. startling.'. da ihfng results, but the principle of- femoeracy holds In check . the. brilliant -executive and sub jects him to the sober, conservative eon-" trol of the people. " - 7" f1-' The peopTB" of ' the -United States "stand at the parting of the ways;5 Shall we fol low "the footsteps of our fathers along the paths of peace; prosperity and content ment, --guided' by".th ever living spirit of the constitution.; whicfljrthey. framed for us." or shall we go along other and untried 'paths, hitherto shunned by all, following blindly new Ideals, which,7though appeal ing with brilliancy to the Imagination and ambition, ; may prove a will-o'-the-wlsp, leading us into difficulties from which it may be impossible to extricate ourselves without -lasting- injury to. our national character and instRutlons? :. s On the subject of the falling off in our merchant marine Jie makes this statement; . . Our commerce In American bottoms amounts to but 9 per cent -of our total exports and ; imports. For' forty years prior to 1861. when the "Republican party came Into ; power.- our merchant . marina carried 'an .average of 86 per cent of our foreign- commerce. " ' By 187? It-had dwin dled to 27. perqeeht. Now-we carry but a contemptibly small fraction of our- ex ports and Imports. ' - - . , - ' American shipping in "the 'foreign, trade jKaa-greater by almost 100,000 tons in 1810 -nearly 100 years a?o-than it was last year.""" In the. face of . the. continuous de cline- In the record of American- shipping during the last forty-three , years- the promise ot-4hef Republican party to - re store it Is-Jwltbout- encouragement. ;" The" record Of the Democratic 'party gives as surance that the task cai be more wisely intrusted to It.; ' ''- "- - ::. -' -" It is ah- arduous task to - undo the ef- r f ect of ; forty years b decadence "anM re Quires true- study- ana -investigation or these best 'fitted by Experience to find the remedy whlch- surely does not lie . In the granting of subsidies - wrungfrom the pockets of all the taxpayers. -. publlcan leaders almost Into insanity. 3xence7th'atrennoris effort to rap tare i"tbe.Chmese TDte."--.Woader;wbat ths 'JahorerS-orth& land will think of"the Chiuese vote'V and of the Republican ' effort to capture It. White laborers are deported from Colorado without" tbe I : shadow of law-or iiistlce by n Repnb llcau "governor, but nhe Chinese vote" p "eagerly onghtby the Republicans of the Hawaiian, lalandsl -Qalte a con trast! . 1 : - abruptly olt public life, sod would be gl8tl4a-see him retnm ta It". - Tit aarant In tbewtDeT-burea ki jr?ra - MUa Wl wttfwa-Jbc i.U aiatM wew a latUal in tc." V'Un lleiiJit Ws4 lio4 Ce F. S. SPRUILI,. ATTORN BY-AT-L A Vf, LOUIiiBTTKO, Tf. C. . The Irrteresta of Contumars. "- 7 Tba St Loaii rest-Dispatch edltorial ly dlseonraes as follows V" - . ifThe campaign JueT-beaTm ; la one", In -which consumers .of the necessaries of Jife are especially Interested.- . c -ATicea under the KepubUcaa system protection to monopoly are fixed, by mo nopoly; and. the, -consumers are at the inpcy of the trusts .nd cembtaea which have been ullt- up ' under the teetering care of ar-partlal government. ' . Everything that enters lato the common uses of life is thus coatroled. . ehoce, clothing, meat, prime- necessaries, steel, which enters, into pretty - much . every thing used by the masses; lumber tlker is not a single article of -use" and neces-, alty not .thus controlled by a monopoly, and the tariff Is . the mathee of monopoly, as a sugar trust magnate expteased JL SThe Republicans stand pat, - Ia their platform It is saiuNtriat If ever the tariff is to be revised It must be revised by Its friends. - It has been rao revised several times, always wit h - Increased duties and higher prieea What tariff Jtleloo by friend of ' the tariff means the people know tod well. ". ;' T "" -'-. The" riemoerallc-" platform rings true on this point: "We favor -tbe gradual reduc tion of the titiff by Xb friends of the masses and for tftg common weal, and not by the fWTSJSot Its abuses. Us ex tortions and Its -discriminations, kteptag m view .the .ultimate ends of "equality ef burdens and equality of opportunltWa." - There-Mothlog evasive or cloudy- In that declaration. Consumers- wilt not fee at a loss to. see . their Interest in it, If they keep. their beads clear of rhe absurd sophisms employed by monopoly. ta bera- heesle them. r ' The consumer pays the fax; if. he does not, why do the lasnopoUsts wast the tax? -When the cidsea travels to the world's fair he pays bis share of tbe lax on steel rails; when he bays a coat be pays the- tariff duties on wool and cloth or the .monopoly profit levied by tbe do mestic producer by, mean of "protection: Tolls are levied on everything. - Turn Which- way he will, monopoly confronts him and demands fta profits.. - " . The contrast between the two parties ta this respect. Is too striking to escape the observation of the-taost careless. Tbe one-stands for high tariff and monopoly the other for a reduction of -tbe tariff. beneficial competition and a liberation of .the masses from the extortion of greed. - - As in 1892, H li t eonsumarw-campaign; as; In U92, the' coaaamcrt are aroused; as in 1S3S. they 'wui T-jkeDO-nopoly and the subservk'nt.ants of -monopoly in the- government.-' sOiftlthe ground of plain . common . sense there should be no doubt of the reeultr- ; - i . Lincoln's Appsat to Young Mi, . - - --. (From a letter' to Wuljajn HI tteradea. . Washington, June ZX ISO. Aa to-young men. You most not wait to be broogbt-forward by tbe older iwesv For instance, do - yoo suppose that I should ever have got Into notice tf X had waited, to be hunted up and pushed top. ward by older menT You young men gat mystification when a ready explana tion la" at band? TW cold weaifcrr u undoubtedly caused by tbe csmpatga Of Vice rrealdeutlel CsadldaU rab batikv ' '7 - ,"V The lllssoarf - Ilcrublkaa Wadrra, .who have ieen trying to aedsce th national RepubUcaa (ompatga eocasvM tee Into furnishiog them with' a bounti ful supply of tie sinews of war with the. old. dalcct soog that th-J cm car ry the stale this year, are la the da fop becanae neither Senator Chirk War n" Fairbanks nor CoTernor LraOe U. Shaw,. President Rooserelt's. secretary of the .treasury, exploited the lieu. Cj rua 1. Wslbrtnge's gubernatorial eaa dldacy while -maktag spewchea ta s(b sourL. It is "cUlmed that-neither ef them meuUooed htm ta -" their ad dresses. Consequently tbe atats lead, era aforesaid are ta terror Jest their, alrew song should fsH to seears the el new a aferemenUooed. . - ": Atvi lar at tKk jrreai tU. f U rcc!iy . WkSanj ht tarrV. ho w gr w ia cuk tM wUi a rs Il an ImpKrtant amiJow, oei irapcrUM la tb wuai.1 ai. bcoa tLi m . H'u-a Usm aiW! at Chicago are pesteftng their heads s$W to-i Msr4 ht to discover the rja of th anpreo IinaAf wv. j ' ' - Fa Illnc of any ei plana Ooo that ordf- m7 Ulwn. f I pav. Ux Wii lia- stV. Iat i&eAef. nary mortals "can understand.- they er, domJnaJn aal giory lLee woU falaw tq 9&m ytl m?4 wy rrvxt -some unkrown and weird form of ew- -Ji .' frdt U !. rn a fel, TarC Wl eTgy." What U the use of that sort ef I hooLraa up art bet aa amaasia1. 1 ejUsrw ae taat lm trWfuii uafrysr. iittutsM traed M aa3 wua4 1 : ap bjoommHtinjt eairila, NsfeJeMi I THl iswrw," Jara, War nm'lk trie! H, ta I da&i iaroVaa tvarts4 al 1 1 t&n &st i m2 t j-im W taWtbta on a IcoeJf rwk i li J r?t Wit Urrw ffW sc I las ."v - ' A fSwad a aairs4 fcse a-rs Afl iLera la th i U Ueastr a I T 1 meM -s easl ina. m waj l!Ut wasrievl be CWptra as4 1 W aJ4Halsl a &?uitJk4 . AaCa 4e Neil Gwytuw, by Ainis4es ' t4 ( &4 a La) eAirtlnna4. -1 AUJard, as a fe el cK&err 4 Um Yr are li tiX CUt faisf, bat i&larj Ulta tea lilt to ill ti K-J Vvl tui 4xs t i ' IU lH H sraa ka tM etvJ tbw it c4 Vjr tgnt&e4 ts s tarj trsS bfclef rart4&&fti, . . I bil JaUT A strrtvoUa w.r w4aa I Wr A 4aew thit of a-JfwliaT--4JU dWeWM I v? ci 5s 'irattacL tbe sis'whi ' mi knovteUpa, 0a eaurott C art erje, aJ jrTCw sauat CsadVyew HHrrUsal i all tbM who Lav trwl tbla war tba rreat 4e- mem M tt M lie itnjU U Vf c&tfwVs ti tail The words of tVcst Vlrgwla. Hrvuh- ttu 0 tlx Ut ol U W liK ucsns oo not corrwapowu wni tr ae- I, v.. t- -t ae 41 ttoaa. They go about Todferattar tt l1 V Yt; ba wUl Htn I ha al.te Ire A&xrai I 1 ClJW4 "V.t " VWll M ff . rn i - . e sv77- t saws. ae Wm. "". r3at 'awjf mV a .'r ftavaWLe. I I a te awveeai tf -n4 e -i e f h-wu. Vr "' .1 -(Mm Mt a7V Jorlty, bat tbey are ruahlag aH ta hanks. Sha w CaW 1 aL Omi I ' TU as tS- t If they aro certaia that tbey D rtrry I tU WosJ, xvl a lit tV j km. TVt jj et- fHL f.a v the itate. why are tbey catCng rocw ,tVt ti-ia kwa Ua'nv.vJJ I T capers aa that? Tbe plsla, aavaralahod I , , f , . . O '"W W M OS -nsB.aBBW af y W ass, saap AaJrww Can4i tbw tyrdaet la UW aanvav -Weal 1st aftatw aw aaliwfrj Crtwa taSd CrsM tMlA tt blr (roe 4 trvU! Us t t ' I aUo death; gfel tbe) . WuO aitW wealth paras 14 b tcaiaB. jr dsna 04 truth ia that they are ecared with la aa lach of their lire. . - , . T i tlon, Taoruas Wateoa of Qeorfla, lawyer, author and rwpullat re adulate for the presidency; kaocked out a ro. ored - man and brother recently at IXooatoo." Tea. It ta not aa toeg els he gave tbe Democrats tongue Wah Ing for tugging tbe oero Into pwntkw I bsa a tarrUa" Veig; Wt a S l"TToTn IT :.SaTS it M tet - 4 ; it appears that h doee not propose to be. don)! Bated- by 'the, aegro htmawit Unrh denends 'jH -whose oa U awred.' so.lt hraathsUtety stated ta WeV Btera old hide backed spetter. , WaWlngtuo- dsaTcbea baf orm " U ,oMfcl te -tW. W ! that nan William It TafL. ea-ewrerav I tb aWfhsd tf al tt tT to or general of the rbaipptnea, now e- laebed ia erf jTsfv Good aewa. truly. llotiOortroec Law- I rHT ..Tie s-so jw 4 tt .i . . . -. . . , , . . .... . . . I .i . . . . , . . - . i . . . ... i ua 31, nuw idq Mr. cecrevsrj i r I ue SSSPT ecvwweai yuwr. wnanreiam. cuitura jamea w ueoo are ttm nasi tu.--a t. u a 'WmWkMr'W Ua. . V sjr WW SJ aasM naa h W W " 1 a can). - . x ., I lama VeatTt iaoMfS twis: Tbey all f xH a rWootor tssst w win .ttenri tbn eoarts of Pran kiln. Yance- Iranvllla Warren and Wake counties, ele- '.iie Supreme Court ot Korta .uaroima. Prompt attention given to collections. : . - . office over ggerton'a Store, s . p W.BICKBTT, i; . . kTTORttBY1 AJSTD. COTJNHKIiOB AT LAW. LOOBBOMll.a , - . Prompt and painstaking attention given to very matter intrusted to nls hands. - ; Refers to Chief Justice Hhepherd, Hon. John Banning, Hon, Robt- W. Winston, Hon. C. aoxton, Pres. Pint National Bank of Win ton, otenn a Manty, Winston, Peoples Bank 4 MOB roe, Chae. EL Taylor, Pres. Wake - fror ast toilJge, Hon. B. W. Tlmberlak tMiioe over Real A Co.'s Store, . .. -- .-ir A Democratie H ouse, ; - - V " - . . non.; William. Sfrpther , Cowherd, chairman uf the Democratic eongres sional campaign s cortnuittee.end his. aids" are" putting" forth -every-possible t-effort -to elect a Democratic-house . of representatiVes-rjii ' consommation der, voutly to he fished. -TTier achievement ir difflcult ;- lipflnuse every : "northern state wast gerrymandered by-a Repub lican legislature, so as . to - elect? tne greatest possible" number of Republic ans and the smallest, possible number of. Democrats.- --In lowa -where the, DemocrataL have enough votes to elect at "least ;f our representatives on -any. fair- scheme ? of-dls trictiug, every dis trict; was - intended to be Republican,, but they unlade' the margin- so- narrow ia' one district-that udge. Vade broke t?Re5fmJttiJi-ile 1 bia wanxterlng. Mr. Secretary 8aaw I fAtiIt araat tw icw. KftaW speeches Take -n everybody - you ran gp-f. - Harrison Grtmsley,' Lr A. nov Ie w. 1. PBRSOXI. ATTORaaY AT-1 AW, v. AooiHStrse, a. a - V -Praetleea In all eoarts. . OOoa on Main treeu " f " ' - w. H YARBOROrj5H,S. ATTOBKSY at la w.- - Office in Opera House buUdingCoart street ah ir.l bniness . intrusted -to him 'ill reeeive prompt and earefulattention. Y f. hodc'k,.:;c; COSTS ACTOR aas BtJILPEB,2 t - m a ..nt fr 'ail kinds- of Building ulpiid. Article Jlautlea aQd,TUea. ; Arca HOTELS. F KINK LINTON HOTEL FRAr&xiNTOjr, n. c; -V iood aeeomodatlon'f or the fcrarsliag ablio -1 " --i"V' " 3ood Llvrf Atiaehjed 7 . .- : " ttASSENBURG HOTEL.-' Jlassoaburs -Propr aENI)EKSONir c.1 aiiulittinai.. Good fare i'o " tyted aWative servaatr Klmliull andrC, W. Matheny will do te begin the thing. -but -as. you go along gather up all the shrewd, wild boys about town,-whether Just or age or a little jon der age Chris -Logan,- Red dick RMgeTy. Lewis 2wisler and ' hundreds auch. Let every one ptaytha part he can play best, some-apeak., some- aing a ad all "holler." Your -meetings win be of evenlnga; the older en and the -women will ge te hear you; so. that It. will not only contribute to the election of "Old Zach.t but will be aa Interesting pastime and Improving to the Intellectual faculties - ot . all. - engaged. Don't fall tb do thls. - - - ABRAHAM LINCOLN."- That ia guod advice to yoong TJemo crats. JThe only" changes Becesaary are to substitute the name of Judge iSir- ; -itert for tbe -name of.,Old Each." hy 'vhom 5alrr "TJncoln7'meant General ought jo be at his dk. eodearorfag u atop tbe deftat la tbe trexsry. ; f tbteg." I i. ..r . v ' i - i't Tho way ta which New Tera. Demo I pswapsra.J isvuswa - ej-e. snrrev. .,. . VTber tbea, atAU TW s as swt aa mjiux d4 lemis is w-aeasH ' M aa-f t adswa 4 La Cnniwa. ktra, laat fbeUa, a-e-ev ea-vr X sty aAMaeMnk era. tUw ewy ej a ere rni trT1. .u j-v- fraf aa ilea iwi e tAMK , ta'-n r 3f tHav(t ei4L- Steaty eii!lal t Ua am-i.W.li.M.I IMtA kU Mian I a tW1 OA rmtmtf e -tg 4, laef teSwelM lUlte, ft av y Jkfvm tin , H"LJ!E-g. " :.S " Tw faewe we siiiMnr iav avauki ii aasai i "ftari wwaj yaw ii a ..a, , . , gMtta TU fna. T1 ew-ua Ism in" a 1a e e (lataWaA ew. lanmA 4ee T"aaja wt . be t.Ua amti' lawy aAiaw aa smv a- :ia.'' rv ami a a 4 -TVT S. eauaw y.i,, Tn Siflji iaiA aaa aa "f ewaA a UmS f la 'yiAm aiMtiuiata t.iarf ee a7 m t.W aW4a fcar-lirii At" IhVaVL vw aJUrsr f H aa r-1 ac-w tJ- f s erats are going- to (he bench of the ao premo roort for their candldatrw foe hlgh"' political poetUotia 1 demoastrates that they. are. determined to put the best foot foremost, and tt ta rather ear. prising, la view ot the fact that frw qoently tha .New Tcrk Detaocrata and in-anyway. S In nMlnnesotxt the, j3emoj Zaehary-JTaylor, l1hehero ; of Buena crats ' -ought to Imve tbree or.-rour Democratic represenfatiFes,but- the Republican gerrymander; was 80.Bklll- f ullhat' they havenonev So In Blaine, ConnecUcut and -West yirglnla and,t a large extent in others atatesr, but, nevertheless and notwithstanding, Mr." Cowherd is hopeful of electing - the house; and It may be done, for about a" 6Cbreof RepuWlcan wereeiecreu. uj the: 'skin 'ot';thelr-teetn.;i-wnenine Fifty-eighth congress met,-the Repuh Ucana" hadonly'euty-ninermajority, A. change uf, fifteen: woul give us the house.. They "subsequently - mcreaseu their slender majority ' by the . simple process c of throwing j'iut - Democrats nrhrt' were elected.' ancu seaungttepuu- licans who. were never elected a fonl Tfie' Chinese .Vetev ."No doubt many "good and worthy cit- lizens-wfll tieV astonished, to learn that Vista, "land substitute the names of the young-Democrats loilied of -the names of "the , young - Wblgs whom he meo- tlon3.Tbere - Is, no better way: for young . men to improve themselves In tellectually than tsf trying thelrpow- era-of, speech making, and every man. old -.and jroung; ought to take , an In terest. ln.-polltics,-' which is bcalness of thi mfwt Bprlnn tm'rSort. ' t!I - A Cruel Hoax. ; ; On Sunday, Bept 25, the newspapers published in great fiarTbg headllnr a'aa elaborate: dispatch to ' the -effect that Colonel -David Bremner Henderson of Dnbuo.ua, Ia ex-8peaker of the- hou.ee "of representatives, r la a 'wreck. Both 'mentally -and physically. On Tuesday . the 27tn. to a -three line dispatch print ed In au.-tj'bscnra' comer of the ame .papers, the original story was denied. Theoflrst dispatch was a cruel hoax and caused -hundreds of thousands of peo- for btgh judicial poaltkHta.'' With lodge Parker namlnated for presklnu tad Jodge ilerrkk for gOTeraor-tha wooJ-- sack eema to be ta It this year. "- -Some time art?. wbe JJeu. -1. Tf. Babcoek. chah-tuan of the KepaWlcsa congreeslonal eampalftt committe, stated. In an fntervlew tsar while, to his JadgiSeut, Roovelt U twain1 f If elected the Democrsu might carry the house, J imjtseated to fay. readers that Brother, Babcock was simply try ing to fry the fat out of the trtm tasf nates: audio fore ilr. Chairman Cor v - -1 . -1 One of any.-w: - 7" ICA.' Tisdale, of Suinmertnn,. S.' C, suffered for twenty years with the. piles. "" - , Cause of LocSjaw. LucTkiawv or tetanusris caused ' by - a bacillus or germ which exists plentifully in Et.Tfc dirti It Is inactive so- long as exbosed to the mr, but when- eamed be- Specialisu were employed and . many Death, tbe-skinss in the wounds caused edies.d Dut rellef and permanent by percussion caps yju4- eood was found only ia the oae of De port fhAirs.exeiuded.-the - germ Is f ?T, r--1 Tkt. l roused tp aetivity ana prouuecs ua . OTres .hat hav1 u lniIeiitpOMoa.viaown3 thia -womlerful - remedy. Ia may he destroyed and of tecfc- bucyin( uz6t H , ?nlJy nee. jaw avoided P7iVPiJ-ZrrtOM9htjin get the genuine DeWitts, made by E. C. DeWitt A Ok, ... i I ti a iiif -x im. n i in aa , km . srr a tesitu and causes cute, bruises ni u. W- mtVs -ifitcn nazel Salve cures all kinds es to heal without maturation and in one h hrniw, cf etna. thirdihe time --requires py tue - u.ui nsnrorrTu skin diAeasea, et--. Tbertl ta bt sAMse ; la tb MruaI fsxr&cw al IL Tbit doe fkH raeaa tint abr4 11 t4 I I 1 1 aw rt ti- . Tw fSS Saaf WTJ-rrljf -t tWki ssv , I .."...'..Jl.J-!.-.',l..V..."!;-.Jt - eapa BepubUcans agree ee th same mea J deJibersUir c lt rt o tsaA 4Ja. I f elf taWnu. it tM9 Aa ! that 4 a beaai la ImluK t s. I r3 ft. - U e-wr a4 fw..r iiH-Aie r IS ti r3unammv wiaaiin fS tau M e. at, TW aa. 4 If r fcrm a AMt-r'Jk eta Xa eae iria AA fluiaavA, A at LSrilirt U Ptl tt !e.ikaa "gp I ! - bib4 Uraaxj waetfcsntbllrra'sja y vy A- r" 7k fiiwaeaA rLVrr ra yoo r Itoavarisaa Ueaf ArJ fc"v3 to aaenl uea y tolyoa to divide tbe alnaw of war wta j ourwal' a a (roea . lie wrxH aI uy aAA H binu. Tie appears to hsrsr rurcetded ta both . andertakintnk. tr he uow flatly denies the- former: Interview. - Xo doiibt when Senatot ..IXcury Ca bot IXKlga learned that hit arvh B- puhlican enemy,-Hon. Eotena K. roaa. the head and front ef Tba a Torat of tasted for congress he felt that a ko S-1"- J v 7 ' " U WTtcW,bwttlsl'V witlt lh wpeU iai " try To ata? Sa rc, 4 a t&a aooe mea-aad ta Cf ti weU ' betttment, rrrtrd;aa & t was tern In bis senate!! tocx ' ;' 7 . . - .- 'SCOTF-S' EcioJiLsncn tW l"htmlf rlaln'a Cough Eerotdr. treatment. 7 It is Drug Co, - , - for sale -by. Aycoike Sold by Ayooc ke Drug Gs No oas who U a;uIatd Uh lu r4 qualities can be uri-rit at tH r popularity of ChsmA-rlln"t.Vg,s,'-edy. --Jt not only etirva c-'kIa o f"i? effcctriallx.at'!, rmanytiiy, hat jr vents these' tli.-aea fmaa ra!tirg la pneumonia. Vhoopirg ' enih t ski nangeroaa when Ui rrwy i g'verv. It rr-nfains r- r!um or t t! f Mr-rf il suhataaea. It U alio pioa.taat l1 IaX. Vlin all rl tlie tf u are ulea Us. Coalderalon it la Ct anrt ti-f t-i ne-ipl In lotrljrn lil, a wall a j .- , t home, eum O.'.t fer-.rdy vry b-k 7T " and vtt tew re ;;,.r; t - U.A a - i f a it rtl.rr a.'-.t lir i-.-.e ui I it. r r a ' . by Aye I-r--j f.ag ail LVribt ef a-:f, Ls) rxA, Wwu;-5iiW ts!C i;aetAVas5Ia!awa?ac4s t Irywri, l.Ve Tail at l.e tJK S'AArae Ctt CSa CaaX In d e - tbia y lL Ira wil.-ai.f.irw IH.T) Oct ia lVU 1.1 1' ' TVe L7;t "-- Jit ia th suaa t t- li ' tlU 1 r ir '- w U t i'- r 1 ! m n.-iv c. , . . . . - . . rn cr wir-t A, i C.nirt-V : To i! ".e rsm 5:j"a Lr wi.-. ., r. ti ; tr-.-- . -" t a t 1 iiutl! t- - ' - - t 3 Sc t r."S!r.;iT 1 r-. f . - i.i vf 1 je, f"7rr, w r, e t y -..'! y , r- i i-T- r' . - 1 . 1 r M J t 'A '-. ,-M . . . - . . . it-- ! t- r -i - r .; .k. . : - i t i s t.t r i - I' e .4 t r a r - : 8 r .- e a-. t . a, ara " ", ""V t JLs i.ti 11 a J a.a1stM.4 C4 t'" C ! J atiC r f Ji.r. w ' 'f r a, a wtt ..,,! mm -n Hsl W ass if old velvet rye pure -f old vdTf7ty . , the for tLo pHcru fK)td vcO'Trherf. cnll , for il 9 9 . i. , 1 t louisburg dIsponar SttimW a s..e m - -on e avaf teea avt t-aeeAr teifea.. r i r u w w a tx CaS s4 aa eftM t-War ills i kaaaa aA f :a. GROCER! ES n,i.,t:i.a. Star tw Jaaa?Aii4taf-4Ms, - - -. W. P. AL L CO- li-.OP.:..1 1 he 0 I vrill sell Shcc3. Dry Gcc tions, etc. Ait and belov; cc;. 1 ' T. "7 LlC 00 7J aW i, a4 S, I - ill, mi ii 4 r , " , ln I.m wl ri rluiia Hmoaro 0r) Kid, SEP 1- 0 i u 11 Printin An

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