V 7: J4S. A,' THOMAS. Editor ted Pffmrfttcr ' - . " - irirrt:- . - - w -JSVja- i- .. - - -.- " , -". --.. ' . - . ' : ' . .. - -jr -- ' , - - v r ' " ; ;:v;v;.: .. TD333 apxnsnrr. -r- l .. .I'. ... I JJUISBUHG, aW.CL, FiaiUT, cauKu iX I. Sunday School at 9:30 A Id.-- - GwC 8. Baser, 8upV i - i; t U a nl 8 00 H.' f dat: kL f;. yt y ?rv Sanday, i j .-. i,, , tt s.it w4 itt L-'J v1 r'" 1 1 ji!"ii ..la .viMPU - J"i, - JT,. TTt-ft--ftft--ft-. ft ft trrr.it Urr-r- us t Ye -, Jy fct l t,. , ; -K, . -. ,t r.i 1 J?F)S - l THAT, will t&ft innMi.-.Y V-3" i PMIon --oflcn - scukUI aJr r; powr - thousand of rrimN mmm.ft! TO va loo J for li -J:a. Mi t-- n - Ct, 1 iaie-r. - undiey's "block! of fire icfacmo bs I unti cm ikctuuuui8npreoift!Oml-liag decla-bfch- Indiana was hourbr I r i-Wnw, -rta-- Pastor. ; .utKOifc, j .i 413, 'AC t& -jk.fa- '. m u K 3rd --Voesdsy lJroK)88ional ?art" p ? 1 1 v n a.n d mm EOX, l-Ouisoarg. N. ' O ce wlttt Dr. A., tt ifleaitng. Hoara 10 a, in Ulim.i . m. to tt p. m. bpectal Congressipaa. Babcoet nfftQe rest of $iL: 4alwaH9rt6 jbo bolter J ifiat-fc'" a tremendous Jlow-ft tiUose statesmen : who were declared "regular- by Itho Republican national . eonventiolLv " It la confusloB-Tvorse confonJded and chaos nistsi..,V-" The panic of 1S73, which cam voder pome agaip-among"the stalwartswho j "TrK'jpntllcan.klgh Urtfl I legman, ana oy tnattoken r tnnj. . : ,s x. . uttwuMM mm mi v ; aisjeciarect; United State Sanatnra 1'.-a rewnuy nnesrtuea roneonesa lal s .rJt nm., -.jsoodiinj laMIcbigaai-ry'i . r- i futu r t - -(ias" Addicks'. operation la Del. I " n t. a ware. '. vr" , : .. -, Vr - ) er,r ctiw' rttKH t tv '-Tb tariff vhlch haa-bollt trp th i 4 et!y MrMte4 mmhui )r UM- rrt Km k iM'l .IT lit tk4 tkr wmt W 4 9 t oa rtcuJ r. . tn Uw W iitfM tft VUc tun W mir- Mi a per, pobIlah lil tatcrwtUf MO.!: h MQ Ar U l ill u IM ijiK tt 'in. paysiciiv a. id suasM. ) l I. . d v . b (Uiaai'ttti, a. c. i Bimo r Vymwk Drn Co 'sdruu store, f last difch. w . 1 have been posing so long.us theiwhole mBffiberea--that Hon.-'J. m;BabeocV who is thus declared to-be' si bolter, isthe. chairman - of - the Jleptiblican coiigBessional campaign- committee and , for some dozen years has "held that re i -,4'sponsible; position." -,Xo denominate that -,,--! eminent personage a bolter Is almost dbi. - u. q. ! to commit-8acrilege.- A more "serious - irwii ...Zwboro 1'0,'s j.. blow. conldTiot be delivered azafnst hta prestige than has been dealt by : the hllepublican supreme court , of Wiscon sin, it .surely increases very much Democratic prospects of carrying tho next bouse. ' Clearly' the Republican party in, Wisconsin Is in the process of dissolution.; Cook, he stalwart'candi-. date' for governor, has withdrawn since tne .supreme ort-decision was" ren sdered. but the -stalwarts have substi tuted ex-Governor Schofleld, which in dicates that they intend to fight to th My, good friend .ex-Gov-. emor XJeorge -.W Peck has ample cause to believe in the old dictum that It Is . better' to be born lucky tban rich. He is the.. Democratic nominee for gov ernor now. Once before local condi tions enabled him to land the governor ship, ijnd it seems reasonably certain that i bis case at least history is about to. repeat itself, for his election to the governorship this ldad of poles" -to Utorrow an expression from one of my constituents seems tcr " be J assured. Governor Peck is--the author of "the "Peck's Bad Boypapera which have rendered hihv famous. -1- J--' - The Republican split- In - Wisconsin, which is now irreparable means much more than the election of a Democratic governor. It means a Democratic leg- iatura.'wliklL will elects a Jemocrat to succeed iir. Quarles in the senate of the United' States. It means that the thirteen electoral votes of Wisconsin will go to Parker and 'Davis, and it also means - that the Democrats will elect ' their congressional nominees in about one-half the dlsfrlcts. - It was a fine dayirwork- which the. Republican supreme court did for the Democrats when it declared Gtpvef nor Robert VI. La Follette andrhis ticket to be the regulars. ". - . :The panic otLlSQS, which came ander the- McXIriey bin iw v "-. - The empty treasury at the cJom of Harrison's adniinlstratioo. TJie gift of uiUIlons In rskeoff to the National City bank of ?ew Torfc :' --Twenty millions paid cooqoered a tloa for a batch of islands. -' Almost - coatln uooa . lasnrrecon 1 those Islands since their porcbasei - y The conspiracy to dishonor Schley, : -The conspiracy to create a lot of Re publican war heroes'for pomiral pur- eposes. - .. - - The hnmtliation of General Nelaoa A. Uilesr . r ' . " " -The preserved beef acandaL .; The packing of the inprtat coort under Grant. ; --vThe sudden conversion of supreme court Justice on the income tax. . - - The recent loss of free govrramnt la Colorado.'. - , . - ' tb,tthS v T" t;i J "rf.t,f V .... . 1 ' .! - t-tr r-,,1 v, ... l, t . .:"- t it: wn - ' i " i ..... . ... . " Ifk ifiH m a.1 t.t.1 M tl.. -. teta 7r. TWi ta W j " : r .1 'StaivfeMiitlit I JW nt tu aiva ! W " "HvsW txv .. v I i?6 r!r4 - t iMf Im2Cm . ;v"4 Jh - IU aH t-iwt ii aTa. vwt t J fua . H i Ai til 7 C4 tA iH"t -"i .. Tn, , Vaj eje N ttW, r, &maJ v' SVA AVlt-0 ill H.n7..rrAAA W, T I A - y tfc aN a u tAi 1 JfYa fc u .....l 5 f"VWiuT "W "Lmm nA a t " a4aia. tn iaa. At a rr I - I uta (AfMtsA ruMfA (Mf U e-ia. a f BT AT IA AtAfcAAn UB TAI CWlltt. M I - . ' . . . W0 AA T HUIh ATAt. A I . WV V VAAOT AS V1vI a m - km . - a am - - . . . a . . . rstkar. aimi tA f r ia-ha Loniftbur N. 0 ... ::-r rtii'v iu rh iar Boddie. Bobbitt & .'s irn -,r. onNfi street !.,.vim. iMn . v. Biekett's S. ALLRED. vrroKirEY-AT-AW Aad m At tA Mt cwr kv to a WfttH Aaa ajA A a m A 1 flOM kA tMki Aat Ma aaS CWaA Atfui IMA tMMIftUf WHA ll kt. I RaDnn AA A AAa W AA A A I W " P"7WT' hca b aaa Ar4 a Hrtr i a y aj i . mm k lAftav ru - i - - to rJc rr-A am U-a a I Hl lLf lUM Atan tAl r" 8TaAtA-ttjiA aa4- tk ikrA jr I fil ia W aa4 W, taO-iM tA A ttiiAA HAlly ISU1 (A I f- 1 r .J Ai.'M . a- pUcA Af IA-AA JWATA A AfAto4 AT I ' " " " " -corpocAiA tAaiiAAAr wcj M Maiiiy 1 1 44- Uuf M (S f4. fAar fMr AaciAA A . tfAAWTA IllAlV'JlA AA4 Jf. I " . , . , . &rM4t U AAl UA AA ?Artr A 1A 1 Wl Jki AWS.4AtMa, 1 1 MA i--A. a fel rgrl si W a lYiir iva5u t. Ail the Coarta. I OOOgSTUt9, S C. Olhce in TTOaNBT AT LAW ; ' . r . MMnsBffHA...-;y-: ' -'.- -" Will practicA in All tha Court of the State Office n Court Hooaa. M. W. BUDDIE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, v Loutsauao, N. C. . Offl ovr Buddie, Bobbitt & Co. drag tore vV ,rM. HAYWOOD ttlFFIN, ATTOKB BY-AT-LA W . - UUUIHBUBA.' A. O.- vai pneu8 in aU Uie Co art of Fxaaklln . i oyXnininir HinntlM. also la tfeA Baoreme urt, And in th Duited Btatea Dlatrtct AncH cAit unuu. utttoA in Uooperxnd Clifton BaUdtaav taien from the Repablcan Chicago TZLtTZZ!li!l 'JUVtl Mttt!! I . K W airH?J , Tribune. 833.000. rSULf JrlnTST wrUS! l-t aW I U a. a.1 u.ne approarbing hard, times, already felt everywhere outside the city of the world's fair. - . ,j : The emaacnlation of the Chlneae ex clusion bill a year ago and the cooe queut -invasion of ships flying the American flag by hundreds of ChloAAA coolies. -: . The recent "decision of the 'attorney general to the effect that these cootie were not. Imported because they were only brought as far as tbe wharf at San Francisco, disregarding the three mile limit and the fact that, they were on the deck of a vessel flying the Amer ican flag. ;i .The-remoral - at' Attorney General Knox to-please Trail street after be bad prosecuted. the aether trust- r . '-l ' - Ae expenditnre'of batrt33,000 of the $500,000 fnnd forced tbroogh congreAA by Democrats to. be used In prosecut ing trusts. -- The impeachment of Andrew 'Jobs son. . Space forbids going Into the "giorloea achievements' - business any further, but what need? These samples abenM prove to any' fair minded man that the Republican party la literally a grand old humbug. . ;' - ft-mi t 'fa nk trm 4 (U W amy aaaa I 4 f swita., "! , 01 AVUtl t t fmi Ailioat AA 4 '"' e- j A . ft Jt- A -Tii't WIS WA AWMI AS AtiHMtlttf 4WA ' A "t fwAAi aa MA-nuf a1a.'' llerAMr V Mr. rXitA f tV Www Or Mr. Ocba r I A TtAMAt Or Kf. Ita4 dr at the AA-XriAAT OA ate. br la CWAA.IAA! rrtT dr M. U4 KAtvar at iaa lirwAtra - sv anr AA f Maiiam rtt aw ry am I AmAAm Wkmt B f 1A .'" W AA wry isMt-AiM fa- tt. AAOMAOA Kk IAA (AtfeO. WA A takA Vtr trA AAArAe aa4 l-T aaa AOC tAjAAAAAA WAkA tAA rtAAA fArAA AA .A AAOAJ4 KA A hAAW K. Vl- CAA PTAAA AAA AA4 AAA AVAACAAAA At A efcarr fArtan n bm aa4 re th tMiA AlCrsI aa4 axUSmAmi WAAilAAAA Cf U COAI AAAJA AAA AA) rrthV Af tttAAAAAAAUMI M I'AWOI &mam. w BArA antr aa , . ' i 7uti.'ani ra. t ri 3 Uf .a7. Mat - 9m Vtt ? H.arAA 1 mitt ft ww.' aHMA fte itUI Ia) (a CTfii4 (a )ua aui&d&l lVr , -. - frr a Vaaa. MeAAAAA; Taw Ulva A3sr4 a n&Zm ra as EVsrgWis Wf ri i U e . at a yearn Vjf,. fsa a aa e"pl J rAol avuru-t- a. rTuAwat-Ai-i-Aw JLOVISBVBA. a. o. X O Ica on suut trS. ovAr Joue fc Ooojr'A Ao. -a. - .. , Not to Tako the Stump. .r -- . .j; ; All ' Democrats - who . have been brought- into .personal contact "With Judge Parker will, deepljr - regret bis decision not to make any speeches in this campaign except from? his front porch at Josemount for all who have seen : and heard himbelieve that : he would greatly, increase bis chances of election by making a stumping tour of the country. : He Jooks like a man of capacity and" he is" a tiptop-Speaker.. : " There appears to be a sort of super-, stition' to the effect that.no presiden-. Gal candidate .who stumps the country can be elected, which is atter nonsense. Stephen A. Douglas began it ia 1S60, but does any sane man believe that he would have come any nearer- election" if he had remained at hdme7 v. No hu man power could have brought success to the Democrats after the spilt at the Charleston convention. ' Horace; Gree leymade a great; campaign,; but was defeated not becapserhe- made a series of wonderful stump speeches, but" be cause the one gallns "Democrats would not support hlm--the Democrats- who expect no"office and want nonevv; ? S j"? , ' ThC next candidate who stumped the country was "James Gillespie Blaine, who engendered much enthusiasm and made; votes jv herever he i went-. 3 His speeches" helped- him amazmgly. - Had ho nnt made his last visit to New York . tir UTinotiift. Rrm. J. C. I . . - . . . V mb VSrNat"onTBAnk of Wto-1 ty wW nave oeen eiectea essuy. the ieimonico tseranazzars ieai auu Burchards wdrfls" of alllterationi;; '3 Bryan's - great stumping lour -.came near electing him. The. truth ia- that A Ramarfcabl Diseovary. -m It. will be remembered that the taot spectacnlar event In fact, the only spectacular performance of the Chica go convention was we reacting or ai Secretary of State Hay's fiery telegram to the sultan of Morocco, "InUcarls alive or Ralsnli dead! - That made the groundlings roar and throw high their sweaty caps fn air and made iliy sec ond to his great war chief, and second to ilm only. Id fact, that blood and thunder telegram thrilled the hearts of the ; whole American people and re called to their-minds that gtortooa day in the long ago wben an American ship captain on Jefferson order sheDed the Barbary pirates out of their , bote in- I ea ef CUe ' A4&y tkA a arf a nmm Ta I""" 7' vxKjfTt ajk. aaa! 0 wrwiwtMM - iyerr wr.reeAS.. - ov m f ? i iu-t iAi WaiiA n ta AA at at aaaiI r tf OA iwpr notoAU ftOw Ta aaa aa j CASia," ATA AtoA AMItAAAAla A - - Tlf ffAj . A&A ("'AMI ; pUWri U IAA t3 A OA M AAAA tfMA I .f .. 1 iV. 5-4A- fcbi tlx . Wm IV, ti . ia tJJ. Akfara Mf I i - . lArty Atf W tiSA AA OAA MA f vtul , . ' t . . . . e n.t was n.- r. aa,. i aa mm Irwhi rrf -a l-- l-f ftKlse, JUaca taAMAAtrjA'AfAAt. A. tA tol.m.A j JbCJCt AAA fTAW fUtt at to rt aer eAtaa Mru sfiAtt . , , I re4, tie I Utt. tajt-Tf . Laasta, W W3 tU tV V:V H il- IAA M M . Va-VI rrti fAA "Pa a i jnnif- AJtoAAtf as Viu 3 fiAi HmI its wWa aha ma e JTWtif mt J ia4i If mAA) l &4l.ttif eA-AWArt Qa4 AtW A fr AVMf a j 1j0A'm Ia AMmijiAiA A AA ATAAt t Wtirt l.tAWAil AS! AIA Uar a4 'I a anAue av i tAA'ton aa a aim ft. - fsta AA 4a IuMAA (U4 9b4A -AtJAA Cl.f t'niAMit Imt la HtwA )r ajph13 a fir 4iir ew jKna m a a. 2 taM ?rrtiUE. tt 4 "Ktl-ftMAj JW CU 1 aIaiM AA Ar5 A U AMEAS AWAk. f&At Cm tt la really pAtofsl ta Aoteate nmUiU atwttt auttMry bAA faAtt. ITTOaSBY-AT-LAWl - r uiiaaatl eonrtAOf Franklin, Vance rurUlM. Warren- and Wake eoantte, aleo MnpreiaA Court of North CAipiiaa mpl attention gtreu to eoUecUonfc- - lea nvr baerton'A rttore. . i?-..-".-- N.Wt D OtJHSltA.OBV AT LAW. ; tooinBOBA a. o. . ,umpt And pintaking Attention glren to itf matter intonated to jua SAaaa. --; - . afti re to Chief J iisUc shepherd, Hon. Jona Ofl i. a. S- lai'rlA-'" ,f " u r .ei a '! StOiA. stead of paying-tribute at tha strait repoWIe aad th mV rae f t a Atifj w jr" of Gibraltar. That Hay telegrab has I bHjt rttar4 Iaci le I tVfAAr av4vaJ" rA. been the stock to trad of Rrpobllcaa !:!!!: xlT Z-llUmU U Umxs aWa a4 the AVashingtoa roat, ladependeot and wth Aboct pwttca 4 r f4 - truthful chronicler, saying that when I "" va snw 3 fvm awattA Jri a-a ilB U Vf vw ' i A " iA A . .1 . n i. I rn rjA inAf IIAAMA timt9 AoaxtreAA AL. went uuu uare aoywii vuv s nwuu 1 - flr. A f .. had been released twefv hoars beor. I J crtrmwirste w i u rny wi r F If thatla true, then the sending of the ft m a praceaaw isaa, e telexrsnf was a rame of DoHtlcsl baxko I fmntl4 UthtaUta aVjeil eVUr pure and simple, unworthy of the state I K'Mt - " " , I fmttlTf Caitltl Tm l H departmentef any civilised coontry. I ' - .7. .-. .k .1. . : I r,t. t ,-s. a,.. .... lho Pn la wll worth M&itlnv ' ti I CTOCWVIA TrAr OA) SCTWAtai AT IA w WTtihprffrn4i RUx 4M ll ibtn. I TatS 3W. BSJ WAtHA nssn aoyicg an pava t aaf V rtUn a tXi txttAs, "a.v tnMA. a Ctf. eA A0tM rS At-f i1i.iAn Aa An Ml A Ml Wl ili'MAi tr-rl. AMI MA A. 7 !imimW kA'V amM WaaJaIhA AuInA A Imtiinw A AAm A if '. 1 3HiA AA t V AAn 0A "'? AmC AamA ak Kte t jlt eA Vm aftnnt, - f . AAA If- CA1f A Yf5.fci aaha 1aa a Aa, , . I iala c AAAnUA ety a i.-t)) Oa AT tt aAiAwvu i?W J aTTOKHBTAt-lAW.-'' 1 - vovnBoae,B. . 1 - - c 'funm ia aU ooarta. , Offlos on Main ' "Ioa.Wrdlcaiia has takea ocoikm la gtv a . another tiowlna tiibutA to KaIauo. the toAn vrho kidaapAd aim. and to liver, a hack handed fU to tha Cait4 State. thA jwer that sat hJoa frAA. . 8o ' many, thins har bn . aaIiI Abaci la KTaUtude that thera I m DMd of adtttns H YABJBOBOUQH, irL- if he bad stayed west- of 'the" Alle-J to them her,' BeaidA, wa aboold-bot r- ghaMea1 and not , wasted- muclr of his I time - in ther hopelfissly; Republican states of -the -east his stomp oratory would have-" elected - bint - f Stumping helps and does not.burt a presidential candidate. - , l . . . r- lac rhat W:r5cia Mi.Arta vt t thA totro Af rsthAT Ats, troi-A If the JtrT?at0kaa wnr -re rxAi. CTAd thA pTAJtV ttt tf WlCai 4. Bryan ran ssjrwt rHf a4 IA frts be ta rt af t5- fre anrrr DreparTsta rsa d- a ; ekar rooc(mr tsi Arrs'-f&t fAl .One fcy cee the rr fX Oaa rj tf f" - 14 iA"f 'W t- A t-."V aMn p,A ti :..iituiit 1 .nr- r,.. ' fUSltt.-A Al 4uwi.A k 7 MM ... - . f T aa.JSeA v:- J-t ri:e,.. . , 441 .M d('i tun' U Ca a fVi IaT A 7 a. ret - a rood . deed bcAUAA ta rclptat does not Appreciate It. The atar a ad atripea ' ar. tIr '. anough . ta protact a a American clUstn avcb tbousta that cuIaaa ia jiot . blr enouah ta AcknovWdaA thA aeivtc rendered hit. A for PrAiarta. I 00A eoloAct "ftert!y are eUrta n f" T V ft, TlOBfliSX IX JiA"; i xtntHBtma. a. o. J ,,noo io uiwn uooaa baUdmg,.Coarttret Glorious AehSevsmenta.i?(T-'i:... i- It Is customary for- Republicans ;to boast of the - "Klorloos achievements' 1 mi hni nask '. intrusted to him I rtf yi, l?pmibHa ft "nartv." : No one wKl reoair prompt and carelnl attention. J fly. flt a few of the founders of the Republican party played grand parts in a great drama; . but. . what jabout; the malodorous performances ortneir suc cessors 1 ' X shall undertake, to give a partial list of the doings : of the , Re publican, party ito jog the;niemorr ;'of The theft of i the--- presidency.; front Tilden (o,.1876 -V Jr'-f''-j. Tbe malodorous whlsljrlflg steais. - CUTRACTim aso -BU1LDER73 rr aug Ag-eat for Alt' kinds of Balldlng u pile. vrUaUtt jiAatle and .TUAa. Aren lectar I UwemaASaoausujti,.; . HOTELS. if aa had not- epoken the work bad not taken hi tnevjmrt." ' But. surely. - (ood UarytaM BAishoor. ther must. bA room for rood) aider aa4 bolder - Adumbrations . in yoar aparlooA altfrbound amphitheater, lias It atvr occurred" to you, for rumple, tbatWr. Ion'.Perdicarla - and -tha ShiA iiA.rjJl andexstood acb-other from tha Srt? .It Aeenvs -y to evolve tkA pletar of troe lovs and perfect nnderitandleg miams tbesA kindred oal. - Wlial barTMd Kaliull mada a descent upon VwrdicAMV uxorious suburban -cesidencA and carried hrm away-into' tha mouataia t AatoeAy of the' baadtr tribe. - Xtd b hurt tha kid- naid KADtlemAnt . Did " bis - AtiodaAt rebbcrs ransack the reattemaa'A pAtAeat was the amaVeat lsdirnltr offrrad tba cAptlva-or hia-k-wAn. ltU r AtepAuat As It turned onU'RAisuu -waated kaoa which Ferdlcarla-could .bava paid hit .without th sVlghteat troablA, And Athic j SAslpat the bAwfaatie4 jtac p-evf. The latest one to give irs ta U Idas that It Ia Une X a3 a tUH ta ttr extra raraneA ta tcartui sSitra at Hon. John VT. T4tAr. arfe.- ra a-;a Ury f Vut cs-Srr itt fmja mla Ksrrtfoa. II Mjf anihx.aay beattnr ibotJt t! fcsaX act rT and aavy r alreadf Jt bic ' ta Iaia taiwty. If a b' rrAau T the V'HlM Arilh ToAtAft - . tfKANKLINTON, U. 0.; CaaBe? of. Lockjaw. ;: Lockjaw, or. tetanus, is caused by a rhsmberlsJa'i reaca tmJT Oue of VanT baciUusorrmwhiclrxasts plen qnal!t. fa t-.afrr-.-l i tiA rA hoat lirf- -Tt ia inactive, so lon2 as r - . . ...,. 1 . .... . f , , ' . Tr -n-T ' 1 1 " v . i VTi.M .;oi k. I sunerea tor twenty years wiva via piw. 1 poenianry ri v namcAr-JA-a j-. -v v. iL:f 1 . . rt. 1 remeoues usea on renet ua pfrmiwni r.n.. am rr-r5-j. ai f-- ' 'J iuk-isxiou tor ui by pereussion caps r "fVJl I eood was f6nnd only 1 the a of IV- ' rrnu Vr, d tm ruts Ia .d biv. r- attaehea - . i UCttUy I fvtyA .used to activity ana pr" one ef th many cures that hara bn af. iroM rulent,poisoaIkBown.jThese germs fected b thu wond.rf al remedy. U It eui n ha' CiJA rAJf I. t I. . t f r..e focd' .8 ' Tlt, XairtsU t"A. ma"i .jiA. i A J. . . T...A 1 tais-gVA, iIU'asa at TV-'tw , i th a llA 4:jJ tV;a 4 X A J a;i t ti "WwU a r sr aaJ aa i t . . . . .. . . . i f w4 i;-i -! a4 OA CjA hAA.1-! vl iSA MA Al6tAI, rrvA.-u,.- i li-A tWa1.-, ejus are U rry a4 a? 4 f;t t : -! St tri .r $ Lumca !u.e 12 j 8b rt Htm re t V7 Va t-t . 1v.. .'..L .4 . !( -.-.-.. ftji-I"L a.l ' - a .1 f . af'i.t -3 a I fr ',': -t f i t-?M : v - r a I,'.:,. ?.:- A. ril ;:4 ' WlA 1 .r ? - V-f rtw.Ar aal j"-?-' t 11.:?;. -,Z j v f - - i ii r . t " , a ii i . i I ItJUVCU U Y - I ilt-3 viwutiri sua - krv a a a . a v , , ,.rnrT VrrvTT may be destroya arm an "r "T! buying Witch Ham I Salv It U only nN 0h,-i. U u :. n tai. VlrlSSEHBORG HOTELl jaw avoided by .aPPh! essVrySto see that you rrt th. 'renuloa Wh- all U uVa-f.-ta uln . - Pain-Bfwljaaaopntthe DeWitt's, made by E. C. DeWltt A Co.. mnal.'.eraii-.-a it U r- I ,3fT? . - t-.s . XiaA)AX9UturT .-Propr reoeived Pain Balm- is an .anuseptic !b Chlcaeo, d a cure Is certain.' ! ' Trl ia frT U'. a ; a a i a av- .. .4-.. a-- . 6 f AW tKlM3ts 0 -to"-- f - ? . t a f- I? era Ininvil r,,tnor.OW TT r and Causes CUIS, uruiso j rJ i fiNDESSOII - N C, to heal without maturation and in one oou MteonunodAnonA. Good fare ' Po third the time required - by th , Uta aadatuativ. ?ervtr gt. : It isor sale by Aycocke ain. I.- tv---r,A ia f v Witt's Witch Iiaxel SalTe cures ail kiniU fcon-.e, eitrrn v r I of piles, cots, burns, brali. -e-rrrma, m i trr (- ir i tetter, ringworm, skirt iH$enr, eur. : r-t.v a.'---r t ?;.-- Sold by Aycocke Dn:; Cx - iij-mj tT7 t.-v t 'l - til .T"i.i't t I -- f -. 1 1 . tli IJ j t'j '.5-4 a f'-' ' ' ? A (. ii t:!J f i f --:-. ! i V.'r i r i t',l f ' ' v-' ft t - . . r . ? old velvet . , 0 1 latiitibun: , t z .t fir Sir i t t i : f i C 11. a 3 t i t c ; i .i.a 1 lvztt t 55 t fir ft.f it Vila ;v. tt rt T. 4 . ci t ut- ; ; i..t i (-iiir ttr n ti ::i.c : ;: t r aa e Oat A4 AAW AAVViAAA A.,4 f 'AAA) tVsM "$a ft' A-iA.fA A,f GROCERIES. HA 3IA A Smui AAfw 1C,la f tHMl .1.1 1 4,tf1At SHaua.'Iv Tt ? EAL i CO li L AA a 4a V A V A A I 1 U Li u Lauli I txi J.t ; 1 1 vr a1 t i "-Ik e::tt.rTT t!' Ja,w aaa, ! I ; IT If 5 . I 1 I it y e t MM AM AHA A HNW'AAl A ! i 111 UIA , tAiimi ) . t mm w.4 V . 'J

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