V j4S. a. THOMAS, Editor tsi er:;:l;!:r VOL. XXXIV. . f . . -BB bbbi mmm mm BBssBBMftn2i .. - - CHURCH DIRECrOBT MTHODISI. ' , Sunday School at 9:30 A Mf - : I .. "T - , ' ' "I N . II -III. . . . .. .-, - m Gbo. S. Barb. 8uvt- Preaching at 11 A. U and 7 8 ) P. H. ?ery Sunday. - .v Prayer maeting Wednesday night" L. 8, Haassr. Paator. " bapxibx. It Sooday School at 9:30 A. MT- - Thos. B. Wildbb, Sunt n . .LI. - A .-..Ate mT. rracaioK l ana 7 so r.fli., urery Sunday. " Pr7r m-wtiur Thnrad-r nW1t Suuday School at 9&B. r " Wx U. BoFFiir.Sapfc Srvice8, morning' and nighty .'oh 'it, 3rd and 4th Sunday a. ' - , Krnin Prayer, Friday afternoon Rav J ohb Loitdos, Rector..',, PSKMBlrTKRIAJI. - J-"ic- J'O a b mth-" j U: vl jl, j' - irv. lit " "w It Lcaveh i Working In ;Masst-. V efiustt;- ': Uncle i Jce FoWt Mbeory. : ' Congressman X Coop- t er r Break : - a a hla iotu:cw ana hit (Lrte(tea t pd blta 19 atd tbo Dnuimia wvn hi tm9cl9, ha tatiOar a4 te patrlotista topd hta t aU CrV Beat Utaj prate h!w t ti aUa. II haa Ivpra a KroUira aiwtar to 6pala. a ReptUtikva wtuiWr ( t& United Sutra ao4 a Bvfy ir tary t latrtor fc has racrw3 tmportaae arrvtc to Ua( rrVf fc1 bcaaae b cboaa to aarvxt tarkr tU tirpablkaaa laasbaat aisv mUA aO tblr mltL It la a to ta t &4 . a ri.J tc .. a IYfie4t 4 WUt tm;U Not. U-, ti-mii V 4 4rV. 4 cr::i-3 itivj nutr. I f tv:e ii T-n 1 j . 1 so 1 f-y 7iMrt i.-r .u old velvet tUl Cart Bcbort wMX B t tUtory I trf I I ttCfc 9 UY wm a m octractert ana rrHta I rr r e a M. l'rotViiimonal narda -i - Speetat 'Wraahl&xton letter.! : . era that bc ' If ft i svmu- t& w SFREKCH saTant .ence remark-' Senator Poraker. aomrwhere, aa to r i.wwi-uiinpecieaf w .wny-noi- seoa cant ,to Jbich happens. . twelve -Wisconslu, despite , the vlshea of Ur.' - r - months" ago anybody hid told- Cooperf Of conrrerbea Mr. Cooper Swator Henry Cabot- Lodge that he emitted LU growl, he was tbinking on Xould have ' to fight arlia political 7 - of ' the . datna ge IBat : Ben ator For 3lf these-fine aatumit days by reason" speechea 'woold do to-bj con' of his rlewa oa, the1tarTirknd ?erecl- gresaloaaJ hopeet But may sot all ota 4y; Henry Cabot, -woold baye laagbed t-epaWican -ceiiinresroeii bela the them . to scorn. An nprisiag amoog Bay j me frame of mind? if so, Foraker State -Republicans against the. Dingley H,nseither keep atitt be Ms to bill was -the -last thlnsr that h a rwl be sent somewhere b an ia iim m,n i o f f4 llviie )r n, e 1 ' ' 1 1: :r - v . - 1 ! tm? fl?. iMl etav J - ' rrt ctrfirrt , ifjK-Jt-n : t1 A-nAf:.. a.4 m4 i Ua fAl'jB)' UUfcrai Ja-w 8 -Af-vi 4l- ivii'K K. OUK, i -.t K Ian AND SURGEON Loalsbarg. N. C, with Or, A. H 1 ti a . 5 p. in. it -r fJp.-Jn 1 iiJfg, looking Tor, yet that Is precisely what t PPines. .Perhaps bis eloquence might is going on in MassacbnsettaJ -The cry maoce his eminent UepabUcaa brother. JTor Canadian ireciprocity "and" for! free sultan -of Jolo, to relinqulah 209 or ! 7,TI1 fTT raw-material. Ma fcftlnw um mM T- I his 'SOO vim itnlrM n .ik. .v- I w " oat U- 7.- a w- f. Mtl . - . - " . Y WU9 tv Lodge's v Republican constituents-so savage breasts of our affectionate ajd lustily 1 that he has "become1 alarmed V patriotic l-lllplno fellow cltiseaa "that Kieminir. Boanr le I ami 13 nm om7 canvassing tne jBUte I uiey wiu cease to ambush and murder t" 6 p. m. SDwfakli most flctifelv.-hnt"1 rtpolartno- rvat.1 our aoidlera. - Frinnitni nvt.ti-ti-. procity? himself. . It appears that, the .' well a music will accomplish merchantsand manufacturers 4hAis" marvetsAnyway Itwould.b sa la- bailiwick have -worked j up: to; the fact teresttng ezperituent. calculated to ta- that it is not good to have' a Chinese crease tbe- gayety not only of the- na- "waH built -around' the -country,-' and tions, but of this dull and listless caia- cbnsequently they are niaklng lifeTnis- pafgn. wLich is sadly In oeed of en- erable lor, the Hon.-H. I' There Is livening, to turn 6ua tor Foraker toose a pestTferous Republican up ' there a ibe Fliiptnoe, lie might remove named Eugene .Foss, who seems to be the bad. impress km made wpon tbeut a strenuous sort of person. and -not to by -Governor. Genefkl Lake Wrtgbt. hare the fear of Lodge before his eyes. ! M bus. set one whole ceatury aa the He Is a brother to CongressmanFpss 1 period of their political tutrlss."" To ttarly..-. MindUg OveOwsk laaJ S i"- The. members of He Amerkta tfer asaociatloQ do aot sptr ts pptvri the focvefal ptooorcy of CksertJ Jackson's moatk to J fUKft4 that be once Ipmr.m awt Is TfaMe who ntatfe frtoe ty , Ittta-tsg atrtdty te ttta ea feuaiae,- ft tty ttjjrtcest that tb L'aJta Sal gti. ment. shoo VI ; ulerreoe la Xe- ftrw JiMnnu var-lost hf K It lat sibfe to teil. If tho MoecoYttM as4 I &t Ximunx ln-ftmm Ktul&w IH: (nrMiw a- -u . sr - 1 at a - . way cvocrm . if we Hterwtf lM owSirsars) St 4rf rva. T rroverUlfkard lark 1 IWuocTirt a mi eU of tbe iMd4!(Xw obUr wVo bslts I . , . i . . ssiC rsl eiyTtoeo4 VrtiJ t--r nriif tai. lie firs ill 4 art let m are W I i.t r?r ft aa-w Cum ace-S tvr Ike vTW4eatflftt Ik ms m. .m .....o u ., "I - t -.-. tbo mtkado-a fm ht wsal t i3 eak rtUjr tU r1 tirX Uber oC. wfcy aWh! liJ a t si- - , .j, . 't. a. i lowed to do o ad Rbttatst tt ta w "f to o1 U 1 tnjT W:-e tf'M rAw4 .' I at ittig v Ki twl i a J e at 4 t U i V f t s f - ? f e jt j io. j i,i ;t aj, W VSWSfc'taV W.'"' - 'SI my 1 ft. tt i !..;.. lit f.C ft 1 waira a 4 TX trata ChIi Lsa J iaK a- W a Wa f U 'Cfrlto a aauw wi lie) ; ItacawfU 4 i etng se ae Uo m Lhi jiwta .t dj a Tsrboro .VP bus iMitrs tot Rseaia 1hi what abo knows whatsb ?. Ttsey bk wast the ssne tlUn-Ke vd 4lsactr0 ria. VYe sorely want aettbev. II U of ikt Imports are to who Va eiOel or both- Our letmet ta taota as tre ty comtorl-i n tea sooatktag, I tSe IVkeinriU .rwum a rv-yyewM ana we u i-e atmt U ti,, tmlm Same qnaotily of wsrwt autuv whwl . roture oat on top in tturn war. i . . s . : . a V avatapiCMft tk4e. . t U4 et.e kn4i$ LOUIS BT7B9, N. C r jreockc '""rug (Company. s4ialifxi um: 4 t a-l a t V S Mi el? . 1 " Ji 4 . j. FwwMmiuff. y iv aftt f W t rf Wf . I f Mil tM r, .TWio e I Phg f tl.tJ?AUr fir ttt t1.)!, tt gr vi irr -i9 if r sat .;.:;.( ti . 51 -i )i:;t 1 4 rifc:.4gi. I) I I M r i) 1 PHifHl-JlAt" rl dUROEOX, l iriKBrao. . c. - - v vickf lrus: "edrustntore Lonisbors;, N- ffle in the rear o" BoddieBobbitt A o.'i Dniti Store. oaNib stuepfc or lllmqisjmd desires to break into -congress himself: -He' isthe: Republic-' 'an nominee for congress in bis district and mirablle dictu !s ' making such strong speeches for tariff revision and LCanadian reciprocity that the. Ameri can Economist, organ of the American Tariff league, accuses him of spouting Democracy! So the Democratic leaven is working among Bay State Republic-J ans. and; Senator Henry Cabot Lodge is oa the dead run. It is welL There U hope for the plain people yet. ) t. . TARBOH I'8H PHVHCIAS ASO 81TROEOS, ne tad floor Nea tmlld lug, phone 80 fTw. Blckett'ft tbt ealla answered from T, r tatoeaaa, pnona . LE ALLBED. ATtOSKBT-At-EAW, Will oraeUee In tU tbe Courts. . Offiee in t oung-svUle, H. C. . f : :? r" H. HAfWSNBTIRO. ITTDRMT 4T CAW Viu pnotlM In ajf fiber Cbarta at theBtate Otflc nCouxt House. . Uncle Jee'a Mot. If must be concluded that Mr. Speak er Cannon, for whom 1 have great per sonal affection and who is one of the favorite Republicaa spellbinders hi .this campaigB. us ne aeserves to be, some times speaks as enthusiasm and not as reason moves him. For insta nee, not Inner llnr In S'fln hnmt af ulnnmftM " .: 7. . ... - Tfts - - T - I . Wn..l k ft . . .,, .... lt. he exclaimed, "The Democrats should I " , 7 a looker on In Vleuna It woold appear that Governor General Wrfgbl dkt not ! odd much to the chances of the partA- catkm of the Vbllippines by bs bso- Quet speech. Still, Foraker might coo yiuce tbem that the governor general was talking tbrougU bta hat a ad ased the hundred year declaration ae a mere figure of speech and tbat the j palpitating FiUplno may really eipert ! Independence iu bluett nine years or lesa. The Gitmey ABe. Tbe hullabaloo wblch baa beeo ral ed about Uw arrest ad galog of Ur. Guruey, asstataat secretary (. tbe! British tegatloo at Wesblagtoo. fue scorcbing with Ma sotoooblle la Uae aachusetts probably and moat as suredly ought lead to a change of 1 law "as to mutters of that aort. JaX wby a repreeeulaUve of a foreign gqT. okvolly eot tinUry eot4 Ul ' ttta4 Ott." th AaverVMa Her aawU'tJoqi I tbo cootrsry ootw1thua4l&g. Kt4y Spoiotvd u enfvtiTMit cwasbr to roam ebourssd lt tho t af t world. We hare eawmga to 6 to swp ta -It rerrwtwva aroorteaoat so U 1 vsot lia S olaS W mmtK L'aifvd 94tes."" (lod Sov tVe tMi I i li fwaar-l 4 t5t tWftiKy4tf Wby. tW aaoaitd we votcsrtArCy aw- sarao raore ttaa oor prcoet) el t&e I wtute anaa a brdi as TrSfftia 4eth4 .M . i frt etn ttki Wum t ..Ll. tr?.i t. t . . I . . .t. . .... . .... , . f ft w piwen & vrin w mmtws fine ! wrT OS m fTsai to saw aatkVw it tlW l flreiMiol lrla Cea) fto, tVe fU. tl at f LAft If l-r IV nSniriii twtf t iCil a. wW'ne ft -kKf l iMit At ii4'lH w "11 I! yM. W. B'lDDIE, ATTO BNEY-AT-LA WT LoniBbTTKO, N C. ' - Office over Boddie. Bobbitt A Co.' drug tore. ; " - - VVM HAYWOOD blot oat.t their past bistoryf' Softly, Uncle' Joe?? softlyrYour language Js redundant. There Is., no history except pasthistbry' & -anybody or ; anything. Then.why lug- In .ttf--worjl Tastr-' Waste of breath and . nervous energy. Uncle .Joe; Waste nothing . but waate. Why should the Democrats blot out their history ? If they did they would blot out the history of half a centui of the best government men have ever beeii blest .with" and would blot opt the giorioug 'record of more than.' one-half the statesmen wboatdorned the highest official' rIOous the-American people have to beTstow-Jeffer8onv: who wrote tha'Dmlaratfon:. of.. Independenco and 'who overturned the bldOrederal party, which, 4 to aay the. leastr. had strong modarchical ' leanings; ? Jefferson'1 ho wrote' yirginla'a statute-" for - reUgious freedom; Jefferson, who made the Lou hnana purchase; Jefferson,' who wss thoreal- father of the ordinance of 1787 ATTOSBKy.AT-LA'W. vounssBe, tt. o. . Will pracUce to an taGOUSrOXfirauanB ir wmcn, ueuicaier ' .iuinnmiiov mu ni diolnlng conn tiea, also la ..the Supreme oart, viA in the Doited States- Dlstrtrt -rcmlt Courts. - - .- OtBee Hi Cooper and CUltoaSuQdiaa-. .rraajergy-AT-LAWrX tr ' Aocnnroae. a, o. tory- to freedom i-Jeff erson, the greatest statesman of all timer Madison, The athejr Irf , the constitution;' r Monroe, who- formulated the Monroe doctrine. "which ha becomes theiaost. Important 'part of? thercode of International law; Jsckson, who, walloped the British At New' Orleans, and thousands of others revered by all candid and" intelligent persons. t Jefferson - made this .a world power. Republicans claim to have performed- that fear in '1898.' They, are Just nlnety-flve years behind the time. JefferB0ttdid4trjf 1803.ilf nehaa been defeated" by John Adams in 180Q . we miut irValw ' nDvDf wnnlil ; h to " bad -a nfin .itmi i Mm m-mif or rrauKHi- v ' t - - - - -3. - ".i. -m in..i. . --.77T i7..- . w ftk . mnntiea: atao I sauare loot 01 iana west oi iw mui a supvent - coan- o worta uurouaa T gipbL Democrats annexed Texas, mm L?!?'- . T rocraMndehPolk'carried on the Mex , - - - itV , , ' 1 j.T n,,t. o noe -m mbIU jreec aver Jones at ieopere tor ' - ,J .. . F. ATTORIIBY-AT-LAW uxnsauao, a. .c. Iw. BIOKBTr1.- t . ' 'f';-,- , . , ibotnasoae a. a . fromot saa painstaking atteatlplt gtven jo rv matter Intrusted to nla aaausv afeoCMef Jeatteeehephei Hoavoha I ther great Jean war an gddedMfew Mexico Art snXaIlfaFrila-Nevada and part Of -Mexico to the TJnioai; Jefferson' added 'Oregon, Washington and -Idaho :by.;tbe right of discovery Wonder if Uncle -joe 'would blot .out: ail these achieve ments td say nothing -of thousands or the laws of the land with perfect tn pualty is difficult to uauVrataad, It is an outrage ou commoa, aenao and Ja tlce. Nine hundred and 'alaety-etae per sons out of a thousand oerer kaew that such was the case.-and perhaps Mr. Secretary Gurney has unwittingly do a. good thing by. bis high kicking aa4 loud ; aqueallirg. Tbo Maaaacboaetta authorUiea refunded hia taooey and humbly apologized, but nevertheless H all may end la revising tbo law. Of course tbe repreaentativea of for eign governmeats ought to be protected in their persons and their property, but wby should they eajoy privileges great er tb'u American eltir.-asT " Aa a rule they are estimable folk,' but occaaloo ally. there ts bne among them wha makes immunity from arrest a license for doing most unseemly things. Such should be adequately punished. Mournful Newc. Tbe mournful intelligence comes from Washington, that Mr. Chairman Bab cock, of the Republican congressional campaign committee and tbo esteemed secretary of lbs t body. Hon. Jesse Orerstreet. are- becoming- Irritable by reason of their own poor prospects of being re-elected to coagreae, Babcock .18 In danger-of losing bis seat by rea son of the capers of his beta noire. Gov ernor Robert M. La , KoDette. pears that when the Republican party In Wisconsin split Babcock got on the wrong side ' and Is no w accounted - a bolter I In. fact the Republican nation al committee ' has. ' following the d clslon of the Wisconsin supreme court, recognized La Follett At Co. -as tbe regulars,1 which learee Babcocx out la - the.,cold :or up In the air, - or -both. rHence?hls . tearsT" Brother; Overstxeet, who . represents the Indianapolis dis trict and -vrho Is a candidate for re election, has troubles of his own. The district- is -not very .'reliable, anyway, which; "worries. Overstreet,'J)ut be has an extTAordin&ry cause for being la a CertataJy tbe ase rrrWiUg tMst fetalki -t grew! recewtty waaeinnt U tbat et tbe 5r Jerwy grea Va leaded be eork ta &fe pimmt ii.a wtO tre la order to brtag lews is U preecrlbed wetgtU atataJy Urftw areat la rbeaper than cork. Fee t& ee e beeaaKy H H t W ti lt t3 chargo as sat wrfl feoaftV, tf le r dewre ta exto"tre (bee p ae go bhaeeot tbat coo! be bw4 U tbe wnrtctte tbat wvedd te lew eev Tbey are U'atitfy mtmrm oa lae rrUuiaal wbo axarderi fc ;teeeasra, Tbey fee ft few paltry s3r were ts pectllag ttto om of teasaeaene women and Vtrea wiea ty saw. . rvrtwrra la te-aaat3Af le tbe theory or total depvittty afte ast ft . w-H-a ft kAs . f ,im m " g I3-S lur ri rimat h 1 Mn) fttttt 41 4m rt it m i ttt T't elft) erw t.a-e 4 ema Jieeu5 i-oiV f j tvtl m4 are eaft ti eti4 ', J i ftrvwie4 aifttl ami f, g peTyistiUgfl a e lea t4 vtftneeM olenftte ffc--. H, fWa il Cieg ti IftCteeaoftg tfUe M. Ajlm t4 $mgfmm rweliawm eaftA4 (We g eyieWisi pnArf . m-r I tfce tlWat mt ftaliii.g eTiko4 fmm . t . ... , . . I .1 . . a alWal tr4Xe t oWiV I aAc1V, 4 0 ee erwta, a nfm its fuaoqr enNwe eM J f gga4 t jmul .1 tau saa W Imut )- vf "W? 4 j variRSft,-, f i wet .eo a. ftL i t frty t? t-e r tU mCX flmt iii E.r- L ftr Te ) -i- tfiiiin I -r V 1aii N.av W Wt rtil Ne Mie. Tate iw.trvw s4Ure t& ti kaiiiua 4 VU rviiy. f ftbft,! ifwa a eywat eii aa!4 & t-Ms 4 a anrty at 4 as. s&emii4 m 4i ft: gf luupta iu!Uuwi.tw. a4 1 CU 3al lTf tf af 4 W Ca eeseesenCa aft wli4 en4 fwsf Free dlepakbea roots ta P aetjeawi I faatsw are ftti rHtnl Jl4 tog tmorasaOow tat ,Trwi ra I fMMtoe) IW Ucaaa refa4 U uie mJgaa . for Mr Itpeaaer C-aa U ts I W V4 l1 that state sft tb aji(il eaaarrte bad cnada tb tm-'gaaseat A Ik fualft'a n Hi ij- at rJ ' t agatast eucg) sa taUtfalty M Crd i i--aJ- hisx Uthi sew eesfc- ; r ij I ww m th wWf wt3 ftty ti4 B ana oecrv ro o tr wb . gj,.-.., teey. Wort avw, t fe a art ee 7 F" ' 7 , tertalamg apkrr. ivoo-oraU Ck U a fTitmi bear hfm. for a do tWaTa a aaj Jtrt tVW tUt JB ' ! pcs w-nt- VL au?a rV&- ea4t li Ctrt 4 tb ftuasry. ao4 Tbey ro,cne fcU- raafaali marks entirety rvtaWkUa. Tb ta coasrfa BevobUcaao atMld ae saa their bitter fart toe! 6gt4 t W4 Uwva into esblbttloos af baJT aaaaara Hon. Sidney Kodd. BepeblVaa top' I reaeuutlvo ta coagrea froca Mary Ua4 tad caadidat for rrtta. has are ed notk oa ta Bevabtkaa Ugwtg that b wtats no ootaid tpCbiairi scat into hla d'atrtrt and ft lrterature "axcrpt aoeh as wul ctrceUt la a likmlf eWvw aaW - !! Wl 1 Yag ajft - e 4aJ w; y g..v JU" j " ""J DgtlCAU cf Cicr. eal t t4 a,rw W e H tt. '1'tt. " ft 3 Ww tttwft i twtom. . Tkeab $-r-f V4 U 4 ip4v Bptt)J Uat sMwVa t V W kw'e . aW mt hajo. e4 e I lr4 l f I ft tMf 4Vte U Ihftsg i4 eiurflieb ts, " ftartyes Woia g'oftK W4 JJ t T 4fta- . 'fcA. gw utiftirt f- eAniUe Halk a toe1 W-i'.. MIIWiMII iihiiihii I IWIMMfti" fcMMMto, ,nft Katwj.. tfTtf fr n n - - - - - j Hye' i S a,.m ' mi,. ftu, ft. ...l ... - .... , i M Imwh ikHMan Mft, , MoJ 49ft VatasastsasMs ::aVtBssssaaaBarHeabs aw1 Rs4"- TVe3kl WUt l . rWi4, tw tu ta 'Fi t'T' "i-rw4 troiVr wboat t rsfl as ai. tional baakA- Ja otber worda. BiJaT fwje!a 1mU el tV tmet It ap 1 baa draws a dead tto aboot bis 1 thai tra k eVnNe toAmnmm ptlgn ta salt hlmeetf. At aay rat, kla I . " , , . . plan to ttalioe. a ad tbe malt U b I nstft tw,rx FU Lr MijaiicNrweCtft ftA4 tbT JUw4 Dli ar act iU oJjr rr tvwl fr qaeat off irrv . ' . .J IlWcaiearA Ua Vwa 24 for rsisift. ' : . .1' watched with lateas latereat by ti rest of maaklod wta ara ta say way Interested la' anybody's plaa of eoa gresslooal rsoa pairs; bat. If bis ptaa works well, bereefTer tte aatloeal aod coogtesaioatl 'catrpalgn. roaeUtt wOl much resemble OtbeOe, far their occupation win be gone. . . " - . "saeaBBaav - Tbfs campatga Is aatd to be etrp tloaal for apathy, bat tt aaast b coo feased that It la warming up ta tb At lanta dlstrlctof Georgia, where Ooe TlTV"neCllM& fSi.. ! f't a he 47 . " tott efhtvwa. ttitttiaxit tf tiM l 3irjr- I e tBssaasaaBaaassste J) t eS'iiaa,, A W wtm aa a! 4 ft I I tis tW w-tJi awe et 4 m tiwe aa Wk. T Warts amtt is sfimftiw U ijrWMty. . m rjr lt -r Awe rurf jiet; lW-rtl;: iowaoang ge iWtLOe f V?t iyajs-A fa- e'4 WAV?-- ti..tViie t's sM SeV, tXmm a-1-4, GROCERIES. r.fittI?j Cit4nUI TrtU;t iWarlTl fl5f, littalif K'tll. k dm Wiiratnn. Hon iFHadouBof g. Haa as Manly. Wiustoa, P?P"f tfj ' Mo me. Chu. B. rvior r6"- 'K OT" k kOlliwe.' 9abvB. W, runnerlt- , fr. ovr (al ft Oo. a tKore. 4 - w. treec attOajtbt iWAwrTV' iBisaaae, . oT : urn an eoarta. Ottos on atsta . J-'.i"?' -. and pWperfonnanceg Wue.funk: , glared-brother nsroed I ni LeonMst Feiit Utlsgiba te- W3 A I'H fLjUT, JUJk, sill tUUVl, IS g UUHUIK iimcyvuv ggUUCkgng as 9 VVUVUI gaWfai-gl fc nmke.tis'what we'areTOf eburae be t " wyerseei warraw mi jr. wtereupon iMwioarw ,lT I TUNtUlH Aw l.Kt would not- He was slmpiy;. pumping l "r.--"';r I T" ' . V ianjaoaaera tbtir last rwrtaar . sv forpptari81The.mwtglprious pU "JVTrV L:I. !;,Jr UarkeH or to tU Wo-Ua ) U v fcv. t,"k srtra rCAl'. TTJ ex Mi i i u v ici,ii m . U4iuu iiiviw mm , . h TAaBxroc-.; ;,-' ATI OBNXT AT LA W OOoft m Opera Bouse oaUdlng, CobvC surest in i i w..i.ia i. intrusted to him ill reeeive prompt and careful atteattoa. P. H00CK, CONTBACTOa asp BUILDER, LOUlSBtiao, 3 O- V " . .ti viniift of Bulidlna supllM, Arftstle SAaatl-a and TUeaArca.- aewnir 1 laMAf Ua 9Uirtaaawrd HOTL3. F tt AN HiilXTON"; HOT E L 8ood aosomodation for the traveliag ft. 'ood Llwr Attached of of mortal a GeorbTrerd ta TMtf, Ko UnifV-iltr naiinonSX-Khaak.to.aby bis tastor Into tbo-coa. I f set,-but b eao b Mlr tad rvV I tlalet2a at "4 1 rAAftg aai4 a?MtakVaaa. Wonders will never, cease. Congress rnaJrK3ooper" of : Wisconsia';one.of .the Bepubllcan leaders, says that ','.it waft a mistake' to send United state sena tor Joseph Benson Foraker 1-. that state to'make speeches.. Commenung on that,' the Washington Post declares that when Brother 0)oper 4naderthkt acrimonious remark: he had : forgotten tie difference between T. T. and '01d Hornlfcfv" -: Hence" Overstreefs nervous ness-: It would be a nice howdy do If, after saving others," both Babcock and Overstxeet sbou'd be lost In the. hof- ffe. i Congress wouTd be ' ' cheer! txi Jwsste without B. and O. hare drnouared hts rivsl as a Bar, s I (.: a aCl b. ai frcs aU periany as an ""IftfAiaooa tur." thoack cCbrt rotsta fcg ttv Juv, Tl.fA bow any man cad b a nr wttboat b Iftk 1 L artvs fn-a Vi lag InJaooca It would b bard to ua. 1 .. iTtIi aa4 lU-- I::.'. " .."V:- ! " I - Tt at!? hv4 ItaU e4 ti RpubHcn Angry. ;; sa agftw I4MI . fcw aaa w i aasftsaj ft1 I a -a - "t - " , . West Virginia. Nevrrtbeless tt WaaV 1 'r.1, f larton Toat U aatbrtry far lb ttata- ft ai-rl al ise v'-zrc Thai tasty .I b fc tre lagton Feet la eetbortry meat that tb West Ytrriaia BTobUc- mi a - m i - ' .. 1.. t- I ft ftaJM . . . a.. 1 . K.-ft I ,., wi HftvlftlU'i. Sl that-Forake:badm:re-enx;Bomrif-"j.---- i-'v 'w i .i: i: " :r. i . . . . " trr. ftftir thna rUhnantl -6f I gored-ryesr yeniy. tioa. A-A ' - scours I morrry. iBfj iwm mat iay , llrs i, ev f- 1wl-?,y .l'v".;;-"- rr " I -.-e t. n.ftft ft.mlM IpImii I11TMA a eerr-ft ftfftfft ft n.4 Kftft anch a spellbinder. aa Joseph Benson '-r " 1;' "trV , BldlCBUIvU BUA.VUV va v erv. ay mv mwmj W 1 "-" ""ft w w-w w-- lie sneakers living. He U stomping the I How aed where to rsU tb Tatt ar coon try: for 'Judge Park erf which m- j Uoced tora ara tb rvoNta. S4 Is little short of !eze,maJestyv'for-he to a" hot favorite at .the White House and baa "aspli?tlons to reslde Inrthat garlslr -but historic 'jnansion - himself for '-four or eight years. Really Mr, , Jg ftVVftS. fTTaci Vt ertrr CongTessroaaAooper auu uc i v. com pvrBvuBV'iHMj 4w ; rages tbe Republtcahrsmasmgiy. There is nothing torr cruel for them to say about him. He is an independtat in foKew Ktttr. r'jndJy abund by Rernib- HiSSENBURG -HOTELS P atoatOialtta-gys vTHaw n tetanus, is cftusedibf ra hc? "t9t ?f ."; :'. " - : bacillus or garni which P 1. H. A. Tisdaleof Summerton. S. C, In street dirt. -It Is tnactivr so lonRM suffered for twenty years with Uift ri exbosedtothealr,butwhen wwriedbe- 5,-, employed and many neath the skin as in tha wounds ctowd remedies used but reUet and permanent by percussion caps or oJffl good was toiSnd only i the uw , of . De when the air is: excluded the irm is Witt8 Wltf a naxei Salrfj: - ThU U eulr rouse4 to activity d produces ie most one of the mMJ curf,a have bee a 1 virulent vison knowm -These germs. fected b thi9 wonAeti bI rpma.'.,. i may be destroyed and all dnrot iock- fe - Witch nttej Salve it I only nee jaw avoidedby applying Chamberlain s pgsa thftt tf tft n,,,. Pain Balm freely assoon as the injuryis DjWftti de by . E. C. DeWiu A Co.; ua im - so' ean yni.ivr hlit. . . . . . . received. rsiu Bwiu - " -,.r" : l in Chicago, and a cure is ceruin. jje aud causes cuts, bruises and: hke injuri- Witch naze cnrf n v.itu!j e8tohealwitV)utmaturattonandmone0 burn bruise, ecsema. jwcrrrt, tlcla Csclsc, etc. . .. 1 iv:.4 v -:tv rpfinired bv the usual ! t"hambrlala g Coogk Erzutdr. "No one who lacqw.ai with lit-r4 quai.ties ra b arpri.! at ti rt pctaUrlty f f CliAtRJwrUta'tCaf ely. It not only eur ex-Me --4 Vm effertosUy arrl prrriiiaroSJy, bt vrnts tbee di-r trr r'.; ia Tnee-rr.inla. Whrwftr; CH i It coniioa o rilan r oir trml obtrw-e, - It t al.i Viuil t- tA. Wtee ell ct tii- ff are tk i' csa! Vratioo It I ft" -4fr ?...' -l la Jore'r lol. " i Sr..i Tpry tw ire ,..r t.i Vi ttri.'TJi'.rj'rcKll!. r r li ar4 t tart ft err ' - tw.-a L ent l iTtievJ at L-Ac-. b.:sr-J tc;g k-r e our d U eV ta P L L-. Tb rsU tI trvteel ta Ul f aiX k. a, ia Al- Cairo, IX '.' ' 14 . - .... C It. ?: Trs elS re r A.?v i. : . ' ClflCLulttt tat a 1 4iisrt AS CVr g-HftAs el V'g 14 ta, lift, ri $m v;. p. :ieal & CCL ft. a a s ftA-r atwa a -.H-rfi a f p i-?"-rl SCMasttUg S-ltaRoT ilr nft?. - ; ; , rvi rvr m ' tt fwe shA t a Vnr t3ft t ' kv4 f r IrUtflMnms " f-iif m-e 1 mlH a, flMte 40ft f W lwf mt .t, ftM eMiiHU tVMinig mmisi tM.. Tky s-fvift,, w g ft r aw .4 tibwwsr a mi4 eex -M weM.i ft' t.-,'". S.m -y A r,g C1 OP ,t 1 LUX We,i iC 1 arc wiit . ' f i r.-. ts c-,r-rie f ti 3L :.i r t- w--.fr-. ?v ill ti; t r-v-xn ,ft C zr ca. it t.'it I .Vttl ft I.r.v-fft a r 4 m m m . r" ....... v , . , 1. horn t l'CT Tl1 . -!tV- t-" ' 7i! s a f iftl ! t v. . -.1 f- . - - I 1 1 (r - IC rrrrT'; t fv.-rva I vill. roll Shoctv Dry Gcc-.Ir, ts. ;,- - .ft w? t . t r-s Vii. l ; L.e j n ' - crt.f t -,. e Artistic ob 1 i i i ci l ei. -ft ' -- - .-'. ; . . t ; - t 1 ft. 7 T a t' 'J 'i !. f .-.--ft.. .,s r t . t ncr -.j;? r "r. wr . lit is ? V Aycocke , vcocrt wr2 Lo. c - ,;)JpgadattsaiveusrvTx:r Cj,