:-::-t,--; ;4yi-Lv: ilX- v ?A. V - - jj : .c S. a. THOMAS, Editor and Proprletar. ' , v. .....'' - - ' - ' ' : - i - . . - 1 . , , . - - . CHURCH. DIRECTORY Sunday School tt 80 a! BlT -" ' Go. 8. Busb, Sapt. ? ' Pnaeblne at 11 A.&L; and 7 3P. II. 8Try Sanday. - , Prayer meeting Wednesday night.- -. U. S, MisBST. Paator.: fe BAPTIST. " - C-pV Sunday School at 9:80 A. M. "r 1 Thob. B. WiLdbbv Su ot i 4- rreaoninff ai n A.M. and 7-80 P,BLi werr SandayT r 1,- Prayet meeting Thnrsday night" H. H. iLLaHBWuras-pMtor. - EWSOOPAi.' - v -Sunday School at 9:30. .,-" ' WB. Bnrra, Sapt . SerTteea. morning and niitht on tit, 8rd and 4th Sanda?s - -Bveninv Prayer, Friday- afternoon ; Rmy. JoH3t LoinoHr Sector. ' PRB8BTTSBIA3T.' r ' " 8ervieM 4th Sunday In each month- moraine ana night S.:"S.-;88"?a.r88";88'"! Ghamp --.."t; -t K- w" t.'- "" '-' Vv a a" Humorist - Senatorj FilrlanliS isK -Repaid :,BJl nxtravaflance,!; ' Sh'o W B-t b B til C 188 r.. -?- IS cS ' tlli fame of Arfemua. Ward as - eraL; ' I ' humorist is ' in' - danger- ot - 1 ? E eclipse. sMark Twain mnatlook - to his laureiaT Senator Charles Warreit FaJrbanka haatjBuddenly hurst - Pastor iZl 411)011 an, astounded jrorld in the ctot 88 ; 83 ',88 88 I 88 and 'proeieotlye " poatmaattr There'll pha-of thli that U cotx ?LWai toMtlooB; ?t telyou realcneA th. trfBc. of Wma of Looisbnn Lodire. N. 413. 1. 9. ft A. M., . meets , 1st and - 3rd Tuesday avow in encn mootn. lrotte8Nional carda, J)R. FREDERICK K. COOK. PHYSICIAN ANQ SURGEON, LoaUborg, K. C. O-ne with Dr, Ai H. Fleming. Hoan: 10 , m. to 13 m., 5 p. m. to 6. p. m. gpajUl hoars by appointment, )R ARTHUR H. FLEMING, DENTIST. LOU1SBUBO. . - N. CT Uffloe Or or The Oreen k T&rboro Oo,a Store. D B.J.B. MALONK, f aACTICtSa PHY8ICIAJJ AND SUBQBOV. Offloe orer Aj-oocke Trag Company. J)R. J. J, MANN, r PHT8ICIAS and 8UEGE0K, v LOUtSBUBO. M. C, Offloe oyer Aycocke Drag Go.'s drugstore I and neck VR-Rh YoHct'-ror' Jirat rft', iietjias given it uf that he considers isoun -a r flonbtf uli stats vand -has asked the' nations committee to cancel some, of his, eastern datea and to aa- sigtt him to Missouri" ! "Wish thp pom. mittee may-do o. fher. no .place itf "America - where. Senator Fairbanks would be more royaBy: entertained ; or do. lesa harm. .There--are 114 countiea.i in Missouri : besides the city of St.' Louls.'WhJoh'isr a jorisdlctloa by Hself. It would be a rattling good thing to have the senator spend every day until the election In Missouri. - He would be delighted with th hospitality extended to him. and the people would be glad to have him, for they are great lovers of humor, and since he has placed Mis souri In the doubtful column they re gard him as-a humorist of the' rarest BOttpr--By. alf: meanr teti the' national committee grant his, request to cam paign to Missouri. ' ' -v- . D8- 8. P. BDRT,- PRAOTICma PKT8ICIAK AND STJBQBON. Louisburg, N. C. ' OfHoe in the rear of Boddie, Bobbitt ft Co.' Drag Store, on Nash street. B. B. T. TABBO&OUOH, PHYMOIAH AHD StTBaBON. OflM SnS floor Seal 1)01141 HUrht e&lla ana-werei from T. rtauMM, pbone 74. 1 phone S8L . Bickett'a .-... H. ALLRED. ATTOBJTKY-AT-KAW, Win practice In ail the Co arts. ToangvrUle, N. C. Offlae In J It. MABSXXBUKQ. ATTOBJTKT AT LAW . fcOUIKBUM,. WU1 pracUce In aU the Conrta of the State OlBoa nCoartHouM. M. W. BODDIE, ATTORNEY-AT LAW, LomsBuna, N. C. , Offlee over Boddie, Bobbitt & Co.'e drng tore. f W1 HAYWOOD RCFFIN. i i. : .,- .. atto Rurrr-AT-LA W, L bMnsBUM, K'd'";" Win pnetioalaan the Court of PranMUn jki aajolnlnK eo on ties, also is the Snpreaae Jourt, an In the United States DUtrlct and JtrealtCoorta. Ofiloe In uooper and CUfton BaDdlng. pSOCL B. WIUBB, . :r - ATTOBOTT-AT-LAW, aouisnuM, v. a. . - O See tm Main street over ones Cooper tore. . .- v ." 8. SPRUILL.. ATTOBHBT-AT-LAW, "anee vn attend the eonrto of JvanvUla. Warren and Wake comn the Bmmreae Co art of North Carolina. The Treasury Deficits ; - . . Hon. Henry G. Davis In his letter-of acceptance seems -to have squarely hit the target in his remarks touching the treasury deficit, a is demonsta'ated by the fact that Republican papers have jumped on him with both feet for stat ing that if the deficiency grows to the end of the fiscal year at the rate it in creased in July and "August, it will amount to over $146,000,000.- Yet he did hot .state that the treasury state ment Issued for -September "'shows a surplus for that month of $6,000,000, and they allege that , that: statement was published before he sent his letter to the press, which Is probably untrue The statement was pabliahed .before his letter was published,' but everybody! that has had any thing to ds with such matters knows, that such documents as are intended for. general circulation are given -to the Associated Press five or six days or even more before the date of -publication, ' so ft can send printed slips to its patrons all over the land. This fact is well known at least to every metropolitan paper ' 'which has criticised him. . - V . ..Now, Tef s see how the case stands, counting- the -months of July, August, and September, the first three months of tha'flacal year. The Republican; pa-' pera cackle oyer the $6,000,000 surplus for September as loudly as a pullet cackles -over her first egg. .v a ' - Here are the facts: In July 'and Au gust ; the deficit amounted to nearly $24,000,000.- In September the surplus amounted to about $6,000,000, leaving a net defieit for the three months of July, Angust )and September of between $17,000,000 and -$18,000,000, an average of nearly .$6.000,000"per month, which, projected for the rest of the.fiscal year, will- make - a deficiency of about $72,- 000,000 by 4 uiy j,:; v ii onwtt-withiatelligence enough to read '! the treasury reports and with icandor enough totstate the truth wtli gainsay the -foregoing iigureas.- ' 'WtskVs more,' Mr. Secretary of the .Treasury Shaw- himself . predicts a deficit" for this fiscal year. .True,lhe figures: t lower than $72,000,000, but he is a very- optimistic -sort of a states-, nun miw11!t In rmnlen Tears. . So the evidence proves conclusively, that Republican extravagance is get ting the. country .into a hole, and the sooner ,they are-turned out and Demo crats put In the better-the country will " be otf. . Nobody : wants - higher. taxes: nobody 'wants a newbond is sue: the-.Republicans can't- economise; ronseauentlv. the only remedy isxo.tut the Democrats In, who will economize. to take th ehaJrmanariln at the -committee it haa been undaretood that ne would ; be appoint wl poMmittrr ren raXrJfanej"wt K-rr xta offldzt announcement of the fact. It I known. In itepubneatt, circles that It la the. preal. dent's ,lntnUon . to. appoint Cortelyoa -The postmaatef general has control ot the mail contract with the vaxiou railroad; and payment for the aerrlce 1 a. matter of concern to any raUroad. Theae fact nave .not' prevented Corterjroa from ep-pealing- o railroad' com panic for sub acrlpttona to the Republican campaign fund..'- v'iV1'.-'- H : v" . - ,. , , - Last week presidenU of two great west ern -railroad,, who had not contemplated making- any ' contribution "to political funds, said to a man of prominence, aiao Identified xwlth railroad. ..that they'aaw no escape from yield! nr to the sollcitatian. for--the reason that they could not afford to antagonise. Cortelyou If he were to be postmaster general, for the could not. In the Interest ot the corporation tn their care, afford to see the mail carrying con tracts go to .their-competitor over th way. and so would make their contribu tions. In a Nutshell. - : Blessed is the man who knoweth how to condense "what he has to say! The Hon, JlarcuaJOIne, ne of .Pennsylva nia's, four Democratic - representaUvgft in congress, seems to know bow to do this. In a recent Interview be squeezed the political .issues into a very small .space, as follows:' " If I were in Judge Parker's place 1 would in the forthcoming letter of accept ance answer Roosevelt' letter s briefly that everybody would read what I said. I would not use SCO words aay a Quarter ot a column.- 1 would say: If elected I will recommend 'The rigid enforcement of the commdtt law for the extermination of those con spiracies called trusts. ..." N - The reduction of the tariff to th level of requisite .revenue, so, that pampered manufacturers conld not aetKihelr prod- ucts abroad cheaper than at home, -f The i encouragement ot our merchant marine as a business, not as a sentiment. so that If ships cannot bebullt and run by us at a.pront or at least I per cent would leave ocean transportation to those foreigners who are content with very low wages. The evolution of some- system of gen eral irrigation by which arid region may be redeemed for culture by grant of pub lic land similar to those which aided th construction of transcontinental ran roads. . -The offer of absolute Independence - to 'the FTHJHno under onr protectorate on . terms similar to Uioee accented by Cub. - Tt ultivatKn-og. paaoe with ail b tions and especially the avoidance M a swaggering and domineering manner, tur -ward South American republieav ' The immediate reduction ot our army and navy to a peace standard. The relentless punishment of all boodle snatcbers and the practice of a rigid economy, by all departments of the gov ernment. I wouldn't say another word. In ISS3: U bgaa Iocs the preaMcntl&l enctloft ef v&X panic originated, aad mkrlMd It 1-under'the finwit tariff law kaowa m h aicKinWy btli v - ' , - y Th RepubHean party wac'netoved t l-pwcr March , W?. -, - Th KcKluWy bU became a law Cxl C M .... . Nov. It 1S30. the report oow clal dNtree In New TotL Tb ,Tork Clearmg Mouse aaaociatHm val4 it cerU&catee I -banks la Myl of stataa. : -The Coston Oearlag rfjuae . ! did the frvme thing Nov. 17. DKrmr !).-. Co.. Uj bakr tar riaiadolpbla. ne pendrd at that time, with UabiUiirs pUe4 ataVXn.ooa. , - Nov. 1Sl 1S30, there was a run l- CiUscna Savings bask of New Tor. a receiver' wa appointed for be Kor'-b. XUvr bank. . - 't Kov. . KB." the Caitod rlciHrg 9xt company of chteago atga4. ui at-i- Nov. H. lsc D. 1C Jasaleaon A Co. Pbna4etphi bankers. faUed. with bat 1- rtie at Ct".cnx i;rrc t, iwa, tha OUveV mills- ot Pltuborg shut Om, X.SU) - employees. Oa tn Mtfrrfi Ami -nt 1,., At IV r t nt. lean raU-d. with lUblaur at lirf.aJU 'Jan. i, inn. th Boottdai roUtnd.raBl and. pike work ami th CHatkxt f jr. nae and . coke- works la .rtatnKisIi cloMd. throwing 10.O3S employee, oat. Of work.' .',-, -" '- ' " ' Jsa. U, tm. -th ; American jraOotul baek at Kanm City eospeeded, wtth Jla- btuue at rx.aa.gan '. - May t, 1OT. the ftprlog Oardea NaUoeal ;fi: I ALL-,- PULL AS . OX THE PABXER-EaTAH-CtXYt. UKD TXAH. Th Setult of TbaLr W.rk It : Kor nd EoroKislfeil, l!! . y Dcraocrtlav froipecu , V.'BriiThterJoiT Dill. B Cr JT Carrid. . V ;::.-VaUngtol Oct. To IU. rvTtaotr4 th Ucu m to tl trow and ii t!bT ttr tab tr4rfr4 l Jw mi tu tie lit. TiftU-Uwr tr. site do opJ an-l' tt Uor 14 U3 Mwmji out"" bj ib oatkcjJ tpe. Keod pf lU aawaiA lm Ua trnexitt as drT. The) Drav bank at rbiladIpbt rkd n deara. and 4 OCTU headnArtAty, Mt 'Nmhn the Pnaytvr.BUt Baft Deposit and Treat 1 r jt ' , tfrri : . company made an aaUgMwat. I w, wl ? ad S CfeTB, t O The Homestead strike and other tnke I bwUM BatiX titer thw alrta darlns ISSff rt W.U mmW k s I mr Wf eKu. TktlZ2 VMS UTAS THAK t " 1 - i Aed EtctWii a Xt Cr t !U ix4 Cc;;n:isuj7 At- kc-owlc-ixrstsi. Si'old- Velvet- rve 4 1 c rtV that itm - Iettkocvml ejf , ..,, j , ' - . , !fi tA lao!s tlwjr woil lata la . AL1T0S ll 1 rl k kid Strrwaeii 1 li rV UlwiaC4 rrwatnl ssj4 vi J, lJUf iait lirT3 f - - I wi4 OuaV ' - tar li ; j , isoy ib artj to UsiKAa ail sm. wW 4rt?t3 raVW4 . piirc - aid TIvctr. the bct fur th 7 n r;. ever for it at lou lisbu xu . d i h p e n sa ryf -wr;wi v.lcultbufc, a. c. . L. .-' -1 1 - -i -v- IT" - people. At tbxvgTsii3iU Lirvri attU RicTlIoaw fee-4r h tail thkl aJTrvw rVwri Joy at V tlM following tff4 ' rx-rjwfn r A Repuhtlean Mistake. : ' Bepresentatlve John Sharp tntHame ef Mlssicaippl- In a -recent apeerh de C tared that the eootrutJo of the Bb for the prosperity VktcH has attewded t?11 twi2SU d. the labors of Amrirf a faTBera la re- tncta Tt reol4 ljr Hf r wUthv cent years reminded -tlm of a story Unny (thai th,) UtrU 04 told by Abraham IJoooln. Ur. Lroooia . rv-l. .v ttTx 7 L aaldtbere was a wnodnerttr away m 1C0 rb BJai tm awBj Ca Vrvvcs a J rfir: - - " , V I 7fswiB ti t r ixoa tieiaUkkf! an n lltay ' 1 t t.1 beidtt oa t ova .Wrxwt &e V W -Jf la vr ff tB Lisp txrttn la top ef a tree packing and pck- Ing KM Vi5?4 at the tree, and ahrr awua inCltorm came along and hlewUwa titc tree, and the woodpeefc. ef beOovedo dying day that It hsd pejcke tbe tree down. A 8elfv)derH;b. . Rrpohllcan aroriirs toucttln the pera ocraUc altuatloe are so cootradklory t2tr ecofvJ, Watiag tK lUa cilfcosa ot the U W cocaahtw TUyTvdouuia John J. Oardar aUcif lrr la his rUI; Watioj TU(9U&rr FowUr k th & c!asrtaAa tf tU Liiaiiaj an4 Oarrettcy cucaraiwao. and electing . Mr. Joor Xnw an hbf4w. N'otLteir as kl 4 t2 as to be imwiog. Recently a great ITrvnVoO (4th) stwl flrtki, rr 'T? () a-trirK they hav tViuvYIBUV BB1 blVtleVs IVUUaM I I tee Is so cotnptrtery out of fond that I tr&og bofw a3 atg. Tbej U had ceased even to send out rov I gbikxi M now rorn 4 ibrw paign doenmenta. On another page ot t r-, ,t " the same lean, it IK.t I lXXt 4, Ur lUtUgfe. rarkcrs'onty hope of clectioo Ur la Tb aitasttoi at. lwV1si4 42t. ; I om isggan-B promise to buy Indiana I Jadew Iarkr" acUnte- aol - lKt 4 i cr u 'h,7 4 pecunjoQB that It has been conpeiVrd j woods r. UedAlae Ur. (Wtaaa'B tUt to dlacharge a Unc. portto ef ttsspf-1 cowJact fb MJlra cmtir Iwm neira literature how t. riv a a.. "Hf UreU can Taggart troy Indiana The editor I aargU bate wTyrf4 aa4 rjv coke- et that paper ought to get h: merit to- i rt&cw to th Uaq jf hdUUk. At jtum iuu icii a uu uuil is pot evident. Both f the above ttw are net-trn,'awd-t s a 10 t 1 Aoc Oed neither la uttev rot sr. torn. 13 ltr yea t,ll lrw era e Ttrr t!i. IV crrvtii.a 11 li. U i. oolj fair W a7 - thai la Ut tniajr eisrn Da--rU ara- ajrj Up Prompt attention Utnoe over lttOBgl Bgertoi ven to eoi n'a Store. T. w.Bicxjrrr, ATTOBBBT AND COUNBBLLOB AT IW. , .aeVnnnrae it. e- ." " .: -: :' Prompt and painstaking attention given to wery matter Intrusted to his hands. ';-' Bafers to Chief Justice Shepherd, Hon. John laaafcag, Hon. Bobt. w. wmsn kntn. Pvea. First National B Una at Muiltr. Winston. Peoul jg Monroe, Cha. & Taylor, Pre. Wake iJo. of Win .lea Bank S vouege, Hon. jb. t . ximuD"wr , - Offlae over Heal fc Co.' Store jpX BJ PBBBOH, ATTOBiriTAT-IAW, mbisbbbcb. . '; ' r -'-l" 'Vi PraeUoe in all eoarts. Offlos on Main trees, . I 'yTz jTJ- H TABBOBOUaH,JTB.- ".r - . ATTOENZrAT LAW, - ? r.wtJISBtTBO,r. b. iV": OISm in Open Bouse building. Court street All legal business Intrusted -to hhn 4ill reeeive prompt and careful attention. F. H0UCK, R(,uilwana.SeAfo6vI That the Republicans are badly scar ed is shown by thet&ct that Mr. Chair' man Cortelyou and hia lieutenants are busyscarrying. Around the country fry tog the fat out "of trust magnates, -It Is said' that they raised i $325,000 in Pittsburg in one day recently, whichr eveiTthlngeOBsMerednboTrtasc cessfnl fat: frying operation as "that rFi.nuu rvn nt 'hlnnrXnhBuWiinii.' inakeE ua8S8V which tnadecMr.amv1 -SS?,' ?T mArpnsiister fegener yonngey Harrison's cabinet ndby. a strange conineidence. it eerns that Mr. Cortelyou is to. be postmaster general in Roosevelf s administration provid ed he is . elected ;' Commenting o b the succes8fnitouch of the fat fryers at "Fittsburg,-the NewYork.ueraia saya editdriallyInter allai Jjtzz ' While MessraTCortelyou and Bliss are the- npminalfcajByejwer- br,fund .they" iere 'lit tfealityT the f tecelTter for moneys- collected by ? Qeorge -vfiix Fetttms ; or tne Arm of J. Pierpont 'Morgan & Co Jacoh lt.Schiff bfXuhn, Iroeb & Co. and E. HV Harrlmart ' ot the "St i'aul and Union' Pa- jdflcrallroadeystema and the ..Northern ecurltleompany,'the Jatter--belng the. hw nf .President Roosevelt's attack on r 1 4n,.t. Senator NeUonrfUdrich of 1 Rhode Islahd,: father-in-law 'of John D. .These are" only a t ewf of -those engagea Liberia and th Philippine. - Under the above heading the St Lou is Post-Dispatch says editorially: " The republic of Liberia wa declared free and Independent In 1ST by th United States.- . " ' ' - . - ' Can Mr. Roosevelt evplaln why sine "then Liberia ha -not' become tbe prey of one... of-the great power" waiting to take up what from his standpoint Is the "task we so era venly abandoned tn glv lng the Liberian republic Independence T This Is his principal argument for deny ing the right to establish an Independent republic to the people of the PhUipptne. - He say that if we eatabUshed or pr mltted -to be eatabUshed In the' PhUie pinos such an Independent republic as we helped in establishing in Liberia then the Islands would be immediately seised by some European power. . - . While every other part of Alrtca except the little republic of Libert, .without army, navy or money,, has been eelsed by European powers since 1271. Liberia for tjrty -seven year-has remained on th map a a monument to the moral power of the friendly Interest .of th Amertcaa people . in a republic . estabUahed under American auspices. v': - ' - ' r Wa It a "policy of scntU" for th United State to bstabllsh and before the world the mdepcademce of the , Liberian republic? -""v : ". And if the ocestioa 1-of "relapsing tnt barbarism and anarchy" with . "bloody conflicts inevitably ensnlng." Ur, Rooee velt'cah find by consulung history that many - more lives have been sacrificed by a single-week of bis policies In the Philip pines than have been sacrificed in Liberia by. all the ,rbejberisni- and anarchy", of the fifty-seven year since th United States withdrew from the country and declared It an Independent republic. As these are the two -point on which he rests his case la refusing the aame freedom and Independence to th people of the Philippine we conceded to the peo ple of Liberia, it remain for Mr. koo velt to explain: why an the harm ha not -cojne of the simple Justice we did the "people of LlberiA "Which be say- would come from-the simple justice w owe i do Philippines. .-. - . tn the Prim ef Ufa. " The Uvety way la which x-8-r&AtoT Henry O. Davis has been ttaraptng Maryland and West Virginia shows that there U loU of life la that vener able statesman yet "A woman ta ne older than she look,' bo It ta eakl, and a man no older than he fsela Judg ing by that role Mr. Davis la stCl ta the prime of I'fe, CocaeqoeuUy ocr Republican friends may rserrs their "weep" to borrow an exprsaalon from Artemna wa rd by reeaon ef U4 te- A filCB BAM. JU. IXATC l3U-4 Air fc" Mk ts cruvri wi tw t&vmuCt to, iv e Mm ynsa rrr -s trvB tf li bi JL JJU ft tr.iLAiiB Jo-r. tsv 4 CeT 'Cy trm:cZj , sfcCxi wxtinl rcs4i Ja f erCk Celesta. to M Iims Lb t-rvs hvbb tAf t Lave UV4 eca(- e ti cmeiy ti Twr el Bl t2M uo tea l tvLri ml Lb aj tJisc tVir lrwp -m lOtftue g.iPS'tor-jg' lias twrj-rti! wrfw fcKBtUei ta frwL TLe o L Uhb fcr w3 l 4 rWUa4 Ak th ACaA-Uk Cwa' ta X. C A fLej talvev, fwH)e km A le awsi. atriitx cr Mr?m I t4 l&tf tAClw4 SM(a)iU b4 tvrti ny i tv u.te j ; ix-a sNrieLxl f UJ Iras. tVwV A fk. U ?. IftX Mil BKKi:uiA- (retsa a3 peiast. to li f jty g f. C IL (UiiLA. Trte. i?f Sa r A r.t el U ?tcjtiri Ajc Bk A. a i. Lsae at lUag at sx s4 U i Hbtftrrwe aal t. teemW riA Cm ... - - t f.rwtjixlca - ti 'y: ut : rt r . , cil c 1 r.a 1 - Icsdt ftluxllr lt3 Trca ' .ft lt -4U.1 19 tx- 11 iU;t tl cr . . ' k. I.. t a a. w k 1 e . m e e ya--iW i l J" - -'w kilt, A-A 1 r il - . I i eM 4 EV P 6 P i On Si 11 0f Toe eg roe le's Wely. An oU ttrrner wbo.vi Vtl U petghW WU a BUa tt lSnA, fvjswj. He hawat (o4 taadi tnooej, let Le'e & . mignij rca. tsrltum tf ti lee Lue L4 tM Aj A3 ' mrtineymautM, vsb the qeeetfcMw , '.. foL, bu-; be bunt gvt tsch Un4, Umldes which ther conlnre m, a han I ithT " w UJ penlug ahoald Judge Parker be elected 1 The U fimaf. wlii a tUm4 and then dle.befor Ms torn expiree, I amile olrvaJi tS t,aiiUl Uol J The indication are that Senator Davto will be hate and heart fo a score ef years yet and will become know "America's Grand Old Man even be la- now known as Wet TIrglataV Grand Old Man. T 4 the) atplatoatL. be baa? pod sasvii taaOL, bt a 11 b k ncd, JbeoiBBtB i evay trtnt t- b4 owing i man a ct b Hon. Arthur Poe Gorman appear ta I hj life. He Uvea s eU a he waata M a-s or perpetual worry w K- to Ut U fya aa U par W publics nf Early tn the. campaign they I , V r , , " . were peetertng their noggiae te dlrov-1 doeaal trsre gajUlSf , M ae keal er why" be was Inactive and tortnttag I afrakl of aarbwdr; t!la f vfyy t&ui ibe truth, ar! do-rd tws daljf rf ;TfciI twBKw rwi4 2 a tarir tj. rr'W-c a-a id as a us U LV fv-Uw lui vU xMa BmAB miv-4 - 4ra. C tf tftAaAe Tale TWis-ae4 fTt3 FCia, aa j - taff9 -&u Set ertve TUr V2f9tf tat fantaA ae wyaisi vwihutaJ' hit t amar, an4 lu b word is as foe4 uliUJ,aa4rv7 j I man, wocata al cbiU U to en t op to hist gad rviwt liai. N air' Wharf Panics Raaed.'" .V 2:"rVIllIamV J." Bryan.commentlng in the. Commoner xn-tb . statement.by President: Roosevelt that -the tarilr of 1894 .was among'the causes which, irr that- year and torlsonieyeara ". after; ward ' "effectually ; prevented anybody "rrom prospering :too much" and labor frdmTprospering at. alUaayai i--i Neither "the" tatement etMr. Roosevelt nor ithe- declaration In- the Republican the moat trivial ctrrnffletasre Into proving that he waa Ink swarm. Xo they are worried greatly on acrotmt af what .they allege is his ptrntetooe ac tivity. .The truth fa that Senator Gor man ts one of the pooet astots petit-) managers In the country and ts doing bis level best to elect Parker and Da- J be hasn't p taacfc taa4, Utl Jb fr era. Thy remember too ytvttty what the great Marytander did td them to to rest easy when be ta ta action. He haa lost none of his rtsowrefphve , In twenty year. Thar what harts the I - With judge Parker la charge ef his om-n campaign in the east and ertth William Jertninga Eryaa oa-tbe ftomp for both candidate sod pUtfona la the west.' Democrritto propeta"are hoorfy growing bTlshter aa elect! oa' diy ap rroachesZ.lt loot st this wrttlngjbat no uemocrnt war tuts year play tn role of AcbiTe by snTkJng In hie Ccni Wben Democrat are nolted they win. - The Tammany detegntios ta the next . house 'Will be much streotthesed'hy the - accesslonof Hon.- Charles " A. Tetrtie. "Torraerly both, represefttatlve and aensto-r .from Mluneia- lis is a man, or -.brilliant Mrts, an orator t CaU m4 Se arVi teaW 4wae mX dm. fLw tVtfk. - -efi UtTa 4 ewa Only Vskti S4 latum Vbtm Pvrhare jvm Late aevse ilAaxU tf ft hot the tact st be rrrv w e-ty ooe Ihit oattk I e4 y atass At wt te the ysBS aa4 the i drstUd caiharius Ck the c44 tai -e1 plA eefy mate HI aabn wee ChahiAia' 9urh a4 Lfwe TaV Wuare Xua atUM bb4 ra hardly reatf ill le . 5eca ef a land.. aiae. Try a ti t htUe f HVmcv rve tale by Aycc)t Dra C , . Till Com Shot CixapaJg-a. Xl'eiiBsb9eia., '-, ' x rod that the7 PtnjTita are ' twVf a I gum-shoe, ciir. t i Hl . What i rra. . ' "' aV "'9 m t kav ', aV-fc.--.-.! aot cinrTarar'. - vw? i-wwf 11 J ' ' II I ! :1 - ! f I ." ,e-ny J . I I' A ! - Ft i t . ) f ' " I ' i I -I" f , V 1 P mm ii - "iisiim linn iii-. W B V' 3tw )tw Lv V. P. JiEAL L CO- li Hie- Ixi platform jusunea ay atery..--v ... t :i .wt . Vwi Af .. Af .t ra. panic G unrig i . . . , w. , ..4 . - - - . rvwusirvrnli RTTlT.UKK. 5 ---.1 in, the fat frying operaiioiv : ""SaP I -benJssuria-,tha.t-ther is riothing to be. IUMBtrBOrSiteli feared .by ,hem: she.MrRoe-eveKe .2.' : .,'---.5-L-ti.r .sd fcv;n.5 Jse a-: Prson-:tnan tMAMiHMfnt til kinds of Bitldtng Ssppliea, ArUiUe Mantle and Tiles. Arca. tefltantl Oeslgas BaSXA'mSBmi Jiyj Certeiyottf cnamnai t oi-uw nv committee, f orrneny ipnva w seqrevat j . . secretary ; . : vw-t HOTELS ; I the Jpreaident later As a matter of -fact, every the last thirty yeare originated under Re publican rule and developed under -Jtepuo- lican legislation.'-.i..r -;. - .". - The gold panics - which gave history 'Black Friday!', -occurred . during the month of ; September,-. lSS9. wi.en th publican party was in power... . - The great panl&.marked by the of Jav Cooke & Co. occurred In (September, 18JS.Pnen th Republican party wa la Tpower, -and eleven , month p or , to the time er-tnat panio ine ntpuracsn party bad-been re-elected to power. -: -. 1 -lt la true the Wilson bill ,v paawd ten years agoV . That was In 1SU But that panic did not originate la ISM; It did eat the party N proad. Tammany ore a wi: a WhJI w e Ut good thing for, the country to once I " . " . f rnore sending tlm tn the national cdon Samael J,Tila aaj Uch clls.wbere. be wUl receive . ttobsl ITU maia l3tk -ta.. tb r V:w Dcnl lorrtt the cZJ rro.i nth Ihc fu-h oa Kb 11 - Fcr r.rat'i1 ihlrtj jrxr kc hit been trartJ:;?' l ? bfir.2if.;r hrA.sK jusxl exxriect wherever he ft"-. ,' - To the etcjurr-t-iirc 1 e b Re-1 hearty welcome oo :bolh sldea of the Lp , t,ork etkletl tnVl the UlCTth irj Cril fanuri J b.r: ;V r A Heavy Zioad - - -A, Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver tab lets are becordine a favorite for. stomach sale py i . i: - m.- ;i r al-A V m3i C AkAllJa-AiAXt vlV-Y I Torlift that Joadoff tneatomacn ; troubles and constipation. - For i raAKlOJKTpW, nS's- I yod eat,' Sour-stomach, belcning,Tgas AgoocK:e.urup .r.. . 3ood aesomodatloB for tba trayaTiag bU. rOodlte' i-". ... J .11 Jt..Ji r.ot oM cureable, are instenUy . jfelieved :by the J . ' You tJan generally. tell by a girls - V .-wflz-vg - I HrCTaCkTVCia. fl r...o. A I '-. '..' V I -KTow ritaiii,-Conn.. aaysj 'KodolDys-. . ", A food Complexion iLASSMBURGfHOTElv iinrnDinisoN. ir c. Qood faro; P Oood aeeontmodauonsi pepsia Cure is giving euch'nniversal sat- -n Armn-9B nis ik Kit miidii Arovfuuviik v-- - - - . TrJZ:ZZZ nt T fT that 1 1 1:k MRparkling eyes and rosy cheeks re- I i?"nw,cMtoe itoredby using DeWitt's Little. Earl, bftecending it to, tem Kol Ry so UVSB8D! VUW J T . I o 1 - . , : i j nnctHvn v j nAss. consucsnoo. eve. OUUU. ?!!!l?e'r t " ' Sold bi Ay- to take-easy to act. Sold by Risers,'! so writes S. P. Moore. ix. A certain cure lor TROil 80UTU IFStCA. sv ; Sew Way l Using (3iambfrtAia - Cough Eem3I. - Mr.' Arthur Chapman writing from Durban. Natal. Scrub Africa, ir: A -a proof that ChamlrU.n'a Cor? Ernv edyjj a cure suitable for clJ sui T3l I renyoo,Ui follrtemg: .A nc-.c"v'r' mine .iu a cuuu ju vrr - w Tjfn'.s Vnow,tbat Jol are d-iajf a thine. Far tnxa tb t?wariU 4i . m . gnnvahoa , otapij-3n ar If ia boMtlng. Ty go about tS Vi- rvese oa lie Jaa qutei, mws their rht bAl b.v Ltl t-Wr U(i tan! doetVhst kre tJV Wfl . -"- . B Aa hatvl ciaU3i!r pocu: sal b. jjr.urj ia ilrk with the r.l Ua ever thet see a eHxoc. To aIJ -w-tuk- clr chrirm-hc ritxt rich atJ itrrrrlheLir frcd. ' IhonMSlS Cervd. . rVWitt's VTftrli !!xl Saite K rr-l :-. ! f fit t t -'- t. -r-t r.e ri'.-e tcar r.rm a-J nch rtu uo . C-.;Jrra w?va :.nt U-i cti fr.in tsi'.h tKi f.i! i.'e r-r pTtrsn a.r, Kane t.Ud;f-- He trx frr Scev.'i n-r.-J- : n c re re ei '.:Vcr c ? 1 4 eX D A li m a i rrr. it,a - i L V aJLA" C tj La UUULw JL A Jf VJ U L U , U . .-, tions, eta, at and belovr cost. Tt U. t i 1 " . L 1 ,OI r-acog-f oio. 1 bupmki max utoey - - - 7 . . w n T .f" , , bUliou- abottleoffhambrlain.tccn. I "r.vt..-V ,"Z i f , . ,7 Pill-easy dy and this they dul ami bn.rg;..t .at ' " ' " ' , . - Aycocke a quick relU-1 Bud cum! t!.e babv.".l r.u I ';. . ; . .. . rtniWT is i.t sa;e rv .-vyr'vit i'j-vo. trtr t r - t , - .1 t C idSLic Job Printing eiMl . ii n aVU 1e.ee f lur ,s K3.VG. euro 1 Tinier Po - - - cocka Druj to. - ' . , - i DrS - . 1U aadattsativs sarvaatr -