as. a. THOUAS, Editor till Proprietor. VOL XXXI Y. r CHURCH DIRECXOBX XXTHODIST. - ' Sonday School si 9:30 A. M.? - -, Gso. S. Baxbe. 8nttL Preaching at 11 A. St., and 7 33 P. M. rery aanaay. Prayer meeting, Wednesday nights . L. 8, M&88ST. Pastor.' BAPTIST. Sunday School at 9:30 A. Mi ' " : TH08. Wildkr. flnnW Preaching at 11 A.M., and 7:30 P.M.; Tory ouuuajr , s ' Prayer mating Thursday night. ; ' H. Hi Hashbuebx. Paetot," Sunday School at 9:30. , Wm. H..Ruypnr.Soptlf?1 services, morning ana nignt , on ik, sra ana ia oanaays. - -. B veaing Prayer, Friday. afternoon" Rev. John Losdojt, Bector. v PaSSBTTEBIAJf. r Services 4th Sandar in each month I I Pastor.: - LODGK3. , Loaisbnrg Lodge. No. 413. A. -F. ft A. M., meets 1st and 3rd Tuesday Qignw in eaca montn.- irofeesional ocurd. J)R. FREDERICK K. COOK, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Loaisbnrg, N. C. O "oe with Dr, A. H. Fleming. Hoar: 10 , m. to 12 m., S p. m. to 6 p. m. Special boars by appointment. )R ARTHUR H. FLEMING, DENTIST. LOUISBURO. . - N. C. otnceOver The Green St Y&rboro Co,' 3 tore. jQR. J. B. MALONK, a ACTicma physician and subqbon. LonuBURe, it. o. )Hloa orer Ayeocke Trag Company. )R. J. J. MANN, y PHY8ICIAX and S5URQE0N, LOCISBUHO. N. C. OiHoe orer Aycocbe Drug Uo.'b drag store QR. S. P. BCJKT, PRAHTICINO PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Loaisbnrg, N. C. " - Office in the rear of Boddie, Bobbitt St Co.' Drag Store, on Nash street. 1) BL R. P. YARBORODGU, PHYSICIAN AND 8T7BQBON. LoniS"BCK, N. C. Offlm Snd floor Hen! buUdlntr. nhone 98. ltKht calls answer) from T. W. Bickett's realdenoo, phone 74. L. H. ALLRED. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Will practice In all the 'Courts. Eonngsvtlle, N. C. Office in H. aLASSBNBTTRa, ATTORNEY AT LAW LOOTSBnaa, WUl pTaeUoe in all the Court of the State Offlee n Court House. "YjjTM. W. BODDIE, . ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, - Louisbokq, N. C. Office over Boddie, Bobbitt & Co.'s drag store. " HAYWOOD RCFFIN. ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, LOT7ISBT7BS. . 0. . WUl practice in all the Courts of Pranklia ad adjoining counties, also In the Supreme tout, and in the United States District and Jtreolt Courts. Offlee in cooper and Clifton Banding. HOS. B. WELDBS, ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, LOUIHBrBS, a. 0. OHIm on aUln street, over Jones fc Cooper's tore. P. 8. SPRULLL. ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, JLOWUSBTTBO, W. 0. Win attend the courts of Pranklin, Vanesi ehranTUle. Warren and Wake counties, also the Supreme Court of North Carolina. Prompt attention given to collections. Offlee over Bgerton's Store. ' W.B10KBTT, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. . , Loimztrae . o. . Prompt and painstaking attention , werytostter intrusted to Tils hands. attention given to Hsiszs to uniei Josnce anepneru, jauii. uuu Saaanlng, Hon. Rdbt. W. Winston. Hon. C. a.itnn r-r Hn NiHmul Rank ( Win. ton. Olenn ac ManlT, Winston, Peoples Bank M Monroe, Chss. B. Taylor, Pres. Wake Por ta OoUege, Hon. B. W. Timber lake. . ? utfies over Neal a Co.s Store. - r i -; 'v u.naaoa, -'. . -1. ATTORNEY AM AW, ' &etnsBira,.a. PraaOess In all eoarts. Offlee on Main fjy H YABBOBOTJGH, 4M. 0 ATIOKJJETATLAW, LOmSBtTRCl, ST. 0. ' " OSes m Opera House bonding. Court street All legal business intrusted -to him rtli receive prompt and careful attention. T P. H0UCK, " T CONTRACTOR asrn BUILDER, 24 ' - . - j '---iVr-. -. LOTJI8B0Ra H.'-C. U-- '-" Trading Agent for all kinds of BoRdlag flappues, Artistle Mantles and Tiles. Arch iteetarat Designs Submitted HOTELS- .'i-,y fHANKLINTO.N I1QTE1 ttooa saemoaaaon xor ana, ixaveujuc Wis. v-r -r , " . 'i . . - . ; Good IAvWy Attaehed ttASSENBUKG HOTiO.-: . i i ii , irnTiTi puwi 1 n ri ' ' iumijuwuwvmi w. ' 0uul aammniAilatiaai. Good fare: P- ' - f.-X.r V,J-t. .. ! T ! " ' r ' - . . , w m . mm - - . - - - - ' .- V - TV ' .V ( v- I4 Special Waihinston ietier 1 tiKLNO the hnriT bnTiv f viuutigu, u uaeea mere was 1 any of rnvjiuot . 1 uueaconautnentoi. Mr: ZcW. H00k,T editor Of Jh iAiiT-Dna- nrl i I -It , re8S-rro,n -Pouacs and nrote tbla. beitntiful'm: ' - - inu. uuuer fle4- rlth-Mlssctrrrl tr3ti- en "" tJoney te flow over Jila land anyways - So be parta with his ann. sella nla stock and "other thing too numeroue to mentfon at autUon snd moTea to Km. There he takes his good Missouri mon ey and buys a larra that Is today and to morrow is not, because the wind has blown it away, Or lie goes to Colorado and Blushes ifound la the' mud IrrigaUng a strip of mud so narrow that a cow catft Jump In because ahe jumps over. " Xhen he hears of Taxas and goes to int the bag of gold at the end of the rainbow. In the daytime he scratches the sand burs out of his flesh, and at night the tarantula nibbles his toes and the centi ped crawls over his face. When all hia money is gone he begins to feel as he did the- first night he ever stayed away from home. t He yearns for good old Missouri, and the yearn sticks In his throat and chokes him until the tears come into his eyes. He would give a month's work to a rain see the cows standing in the barn on the good old Missouri farm and hear the horn Wow for suppor. Memory is a marvelous " painter and paints the things we have lost. It pictures to. the wanderer the corn silkenlng in the fields he once owned, .the Wheat yellowing for the harvest, the clover stretching away in a carpet of green richer than , the rugs of the Per sians. It shows him the elms as they whispered to his children who played beneath them : it palnta to him the roses in the corner of the rail fence and with infinite power paints a thousand little details that touch the heart and prove Its whimsical power. Happy ie the man who wakes to find that he has only wandered from old Mis souri in his dream. Admiral Schley. As his splendid life draws toward the close Admiral Winfield Scott Schley l in position to realize the truth of these poetic lines: But time at last sets all things even. And, i we do but watch the hour. There never yetwas human power That could avert, if unforgiven, -The patient search and vigil long Of him who treasures up a wrong. Schlej ' jiconft ' magnificent victory which wrote his name in the scanty list of the world's great sea kings Lord Nelson. John Paul Jones, Perry, Dewey and Farragnt. One of. the meanest performances recorded in ail history was the persistent and sys tematic effort to rob him of his glory, but the American people are just and fair, and they made him one of their popular heroes. He is enshrined for ever in the great, pulsing heart of the common people, the plain people, as Abraham Lincoln loved to call them. No victor ever deported himself with more: modesty. His , declaration, "There is glory enough for all," will live for all time. Recently he spent a portion of his well earned leisure In writing a book entitled "Forty-five Years Under the Flag which for its fairness, candor and easy literary style has won the plaudits of all who have read It Kaiser Wilhem of Ger many was so pleased with it that be ordered it. Jo be made- a part of the library of every vessel In the Imperial navy certainly a rare compliment, one which no doubt: went straight to the' heart of the great admiral. Job said. "Oh, that, my enemy would write a bookl" a saying which has always been interpreted to mean that the man who writes a book "puts his root in u to use a -very common phrase or, to speak more elegantly, "delivers himself into the hands of his enemies," but it is not arways so. General Grant did himself infinite credit and made a for tune for his family . by writing his "Memoirs.' James Gillespie Blaine did the same thing by writing his "Twenty Years Congress." It is a -healthy sign of the times that our distinguished men are turning to writing books. Ad miral Schley has done well. Xong may be live! Cost of War. . If It is tnie, as some philosophers will maintain; that people usually get that which they prepare for,, then we are - pretty definitely- slated for war, We are undoubtedly, preparing for It Japan has -spent -ten yeara. preparing for It and now.iaa it at the pretty fig ure of 11,000,000 yen per : day; to aay nothing of the pensions' and .possible indemnities that are to bend the backs i of her producers in-generations to fol- tow." Thin, of "those tiny overcuiu ited isianus . having to support 600, 600 armed nsen-now in the field, "eating rations, using expensive rifles and field enna and firing high priced explosives at another people which, also prepared for war-and got itlIt takes the rice oroduced on 'many thousands of , tiny Jsnanese 'farms to; feed that- armed host- ;,-It takes : the. labor of ntold thouaanda. to earn enough. to-pay for those jrreatv black battle scarred war- ghips and to get . the coal and the pow der that are fed into their insatiable fnrnncea and guns. War haa grown to e a very e pensive luxury, ahd,;iyte many other luxuries, It is one.wuicn is sot' good for those wna parxaae uiercoi. Our own "bigT stick" is growing at a rrightf nt rate. For'jnstance, six great flgbtingessels i Xiwvy .ILaadr; -' ' To lift that load off the stomacb take JhvOaoi Jspepsm vure. n uigc.u. mi atransf h and all - disorders - that are cureable. are instantly relieved v by the i use 01 awum. .faym - - StopwrmtoMrtst a 537, . Main; street, -IffeW Britain, uonrt, says: -.oaoi wys- pepsiaCnre is giving such universal sat l g asH AiAn Ann ia sra k ii ru i w iiii 1 1 1 as e- i m io?t1csBb stressing ailment, I feel that I sure to gratify my ceatomers lending ft 4 thenC'? : Xodol Cure-was discovered after "J uvsmwa vuio - - 1 . - t.A TuuUirv . . e a wotiF aii aenLfBia imcuisi auvi w ava ww v J..Z n ..xio. KnM hv A tr tow 15 a JJ k's Attraction. el 014 MUaouriftra. BMadoos CoM f Vfc 41 Bt Sick 55 S2 4 4 . maoavor x abwrt to k IUj -vui4m iwv,wj sw ur a torsi Ol SDOOl 331000.000 at lint cost, to say ootlUag ot tb cost of operating txpeuM. pay for o3t and men, fuel, cost of repairs, ttc without taking- Into conaidmttoa economic feme -resulting rem , taking some 4.0CO nn away frtfa, the pro oncing cutf a na tnaklsg osuy ot.theoi. Jt take aboot KXttXXOGO buaheta-cr corn to pay for the first cost of theee ship alone! Though the war of less modern times were generally more costly la Urea, thoy were less expensive othrwh. rrrkoo- ing cost from the Tiewpotat of today. However, as proportioned to tb pro duct ton of their own perkxbi. those an cient wars may haTe been tremendous burdens. The principal buruo. doubt less, was la the food coomuned. the fields laid waste, the men removed from the productr cltM and the loss in cripples and in Mres spent because of lack of knowledge of surgery rxl surgical asepU. In the battle of Tours. when Charles Mart el hammered the Saracenic invaders, 100,000 UK1 down their lives, stuck with spears, chopped with swords, pounded with clubs and pierced with arrows. Most of those badly wounded died on that slaughter field. Recently the Russians and Japs came together, hung to each other's throat for nine dogged days and lost 80,000 from their lists of effectives. Forturlntely the great majority of these were only wounded, and the great bulk of the wounded will recover. The mar velous skill of modern surgery, the wisdom- of aseptic dressings applied on the field restore nearly all the wound ed to theiM-ms of their families. It Is probably true that be who trends softly and carries a big stick will go far. but if he carries so large a stick that it enfeebles him by Its weight and bows his bead toward the ground with its burdens, will He go so far as he might desire? When the farmer gets to counting the number of bushels of corn which he has to yearly feed Into the Jaws of the dogs of war he is liable to feel a strong desire to lop the beads off those same canines. A Grand Old Man. Age cannot wither him or custom stale his infinite variety. I refer to that grand old ktlssourtan, Norman J Coleman, ex-governor, ex-secretary of -agriculture, now editor of the Rural World. He is a . writer ami speaker of renowu, a farmer, a breeder of fast horses and fine cattle, and aa a hunter and fisherman the peer of Grover Cleveland. Recently Governor Cote man took his pen in hand and wrote a stir ring essay on "The Missouri Bird of Paradise," which runs in this wise: The more Missouri sees of the automo bile the better she likes the mule. This at least is the verdict of Postmaster Wil son of Macon,' whose advice about less carriages on rural delivery rostse had been solicited by an Illinois man. The reply was, 8tlck to the mala." The Mis souri bird of paradls, he wrote, will go where no suto would dare to trsad. Me will haul you over those fifty-two clay hills on time or kick through them and go under. Nothing will discourses him. Yon never have to stop to fix him. Yoo don't have to take a monkey wrench and a kit of burglar's tools along. There's no dan ger of his blowing up. Dim cult roads only inspire him to greater efforts. After colliding with a tree or a brick bouse the auto Is sent to the junk shop, but the mule Is only brighter and rarer and stronger after each collision. It's the thing he runs against that goes to the scrap pile. A mule eats morsTban aa automobile, but be gives greater results. Soma Plsio Language. That decent people are getting alrk and tired of personal abuse In a cam paign is well Illustrated by the follow ing editorial In the Kansas City World a few days before the election: In a New York newspaper the other day there appeared a picture of a dog The dog was thoroughly mussled. and the muxzie was lettered "Trust. Th heading to that oartooo was, "The Coun try' Safe. And on the cur wss the fsce of the president of the United States. The world unhesitatingly prorwrufrcfn that dog cartoon an Insult to the Amer lean people. It isn't a matter of Roosevelt at all, II la 'human and has his good points sad his bad ones. He Oils, however, a peat tion that belongs to the people, tie oc cupies a plaee that is the summit of he or and dignity in this country. He Is en titled to respect. The president, waetoer his name le Roosevelt. Parker or Oave land, la a pert. lean life; sad ty of"bTt high office t the drag the dignity dirt, who Insults any president. Insults Americans, be they Republicans. iovo- crots. Socialists or members of any other political party. The Roosevelt aog cartoon m snwwa hn-American. untrue. There Is no de mand fn these United States foe that klad of campaigning- QuMr Plir,MmMrm. The Panamans are a queer lot queer, In fact, that they object to being "assimilated, notwithstanding the ract that the assimilation U of tha moat benevolent sort- ; From tha rumors of war from that Quarter it appear that we wasted 'the ten millions wbkh we gave to that sadden and nascent repub lic-Nothing seem to eolt them. They even want to conduct their own poets 1 systemi ; Of course, nothing could be ,moi preposteroTis than tnat, .Tbey ought to harexeme enough to know tbat uncie Mm Known more son ui p jji- a! affairs than they do, and it he Isn't sufficiently posted he can ask Ms Chen. What ilachcn doesn't know about pt- ; Chamberlain's Stomach aad Liver tab- - j lets are becoming a favorite for stomaeri tronbles and constipation, for fiale try I Agcocke Lrrug CO. . I ; . ' : How would a prsyer party do for .v e a; v-,. t l. . . - - 1 ,,,. - Wood CoraplexloO. I "Sparkling eyeaand rosyheek. re- jv . 1 .. .. 'Sparkling eyes ana rosycoeess ie - stored by ualng DeWlH'i -Uttla TArly Risers," so writes 8. P. Moore, bf Nsceg doches.TexT A certain cure for billion- - . tt . I niWL rrtnat ration, etc. vmail tUk eSJV v. I tn take ess r to act Sold bv Arcocke - m a VtOUISBDEGrK. -C. -FRIDAY, i al tffAlre't CCks j thVi a a Utfb asiL MAct-f InerL . Iiwlnl W tm m a'W Lfatuuna altaatWo la wz'$t iit X t 1L Tart, atg-rttrad gnl Ut n0JT'ttnV at nwu n rr f war. to prjrt4 U llm tat t 1 1" parp-T of pwlcr til m ti4 o3" i wst. .. tl cH:! IkFMi aMl e t tttrr 8(14 14 tlr m ry r i m& wtia 1 vumixm ftt f - tip ki hcx a4 r; ttt I i ir v aK-ty w: I odBJfa wctt Ual IVy ra 1 -waUoi msz&jcm c sHk s aat Wan t&rtB) h ax mr aaaaaer. Pseee Asnssl It H rwrtl tut ft. ' freer h t&aa to Mxth wtrV-tt ti9 Its IsJsM Ciitut9 U Anrrw, Ctu-svTV t r.;i.-' phils-ats1 u a great P"r. Tle su revert k 4 slnrr to lb eCset tfct t 14 sii rd tW rM at ii lUfW or hjfel gtr fcsiMnne e to tOi It a pUr. Vt R ta'r tm peevwkocfct sma it a W rmnmm bervd. Mftn, tvt Mr Otf9 made swrl Bft:i3n. ta t atn.V tore of artaw plu Cirjfg (rrt'.t sr no l:wy ( M a' f.9ee uf chsptrr In hi bef EJ Pfi4 e The itru oQf "-. X sawcjbe Uk rrooy of fits thil rf XV U j la the felNrr of Th ttrs eevv4(si Of peace. honJd ow to mxxttfmi a the bio.lirat war ef nrnVr cm since Mir civil war Vl N 4mm be ncacld l;k la saw fmrm -t : VUmV in itrhurU oa rltvao (!Mt to to pertultlM to k-p lsrtt. The Negre PrteUnv. A new root nixrt ha Nt tf rtn la MtsUsippI M,-ti nvy Ws4 l tke most iatttortsnt rvwulta. Tto Mhsiw pl planters srr endesvoslsg te todan Metkan to tromtgrate to I to eUto t take the place of the Besrro Ubcrere. who are prrrlna rse tmsstlaf srtory than heretofore. If the Yft trass do taVe tltr plsrr what wlU hwcse the negro-? Tlwy taost la tfc very natrtre of thine migrate to the ttortb. wlwre tbey are not wanted sn4 where the ftrt. Ho Jon . the nTo- re- main down sooth In Iii! tto pMatr of the north deeply y re path tie with them, but when thef are trmaafrrrad to the onrth tt .rmrathv dlminJ-ha On dlt that GoTernor-Chalrmso IW JamlnKlell of New York has his et on Senator rhunmv Mlt-fclt tvn.a'a toga, notwithstanding the fart that the . - genisl and versatile Caeoar-e? t sew ing bis first terra sod w.ot- a sal It is slso said that Miatimv TUa-k la hp.nkcrlng after a rarule chair. Tto sympathies of mankind wfll be w,u air. iwppw, ior ne sou to u gaytty of-natioaa and. spreads ietias as1 Iljbt around promhw-notDaly. If General tlenry C. Corbrn ratroa ises a clipping burr a to must know by this time that his Ideas as to pro hibiting poor yottng army afScers frees marrying nnleas thetr wtvea are rVa are decidedly unpopular. The here tkrn up tha radgets s gs test him and are likely to make Cfe a tardea to him. In the meantime a rertata feasor has undertakes to pvwva that love Is a scteatlfic prrfjemsoce. wbVb n abnot as prepoetrroas ss 0aesl Corbln's theory. The gvasrsl itoiM g over to the Whits Hons sod detot the q test ton of rsce snlcfcle wttt rtewt dent Rooeevelt. He woald nhdoqbtnSri lesrn soenetUng to bis sdvsatsge by as doing. Now that tha carrrpabrn Is aver rat haps Mr. Secretary Shaw ef tta treaa- ury depsrtmrnt will Cad tlae to fee aennsinted with bis snbordiaatsa. Hr has certainly earned his salary sa tto st u nip. bet tha SerabiVaa aattoasl committee and, not Cocte fktta v&tif ,u ymj n. iui iu cvmuiiiw a mi pan the f overs ment toe tod Us 4!vU4 attentkm and servk- foe tba Last trw moaiha. Whatever ot&ers tujty thick sf Un carapsign, Mr ltnkre Caaawaj aw always rreurmber it ss tauat tUari oos rhspter la b rtf. Ite r tots e fua out of It anyway One thlof o-isnre. and (Vat ke (V If ft Oottrae IHtid UowUsd re as, general coaart ua tajA Pnrrbase tipraith. ever sff pqhUc aearing aU tha todgaa, ovaiwa." .,Wtt ribbons sod tba las.'cnU ef aQ Ca aa oers ot act trtty u-a nsr- sj rea . a . . - .. 1 rrrt iifwin k?f rl.'mm I ImU.. stsIIkiQ prvaeattd to aim try th eaa perre or Mo-arrn. ha UJ ba ta ryaal sore of sU eyea, tfca vder ef a to- 1 boilers, ShaaU ba rse ga fevaa. hyethtWttng tiA IT taoch per. He has wt4, 111 T and has awae tomCa aasae et of tha etna!! inn. - na- Thamaa R. Walaoa af Oeaega canrtim any eVKtoral tacra, la tfTWaa!ikJ' rstra PJ tb repntattoa af toiat Ra a. a.-toX rty f tha raemidsntUl Cdaal wKLk La aaat.ta a. ft. as. 4 a, wa ratocfhbar tha sttalaaeals sf tVsl Other rand Ida tea. TWa srelf avaatraS cskre, wbkh !H ta a rattZag r-4 thing for ttai sad far Us (Atow Aftrr all. it U hot ta s tad iLtag to be a defeated racdUl far tto frasV rxoi aorru iruci, - '.',s M ;.I : ' . ' Way " at "Tslec CViaUrUla t : '". 1 Cnagh Crrsadr. - Jfr. Arthur Chapesaa sr,uf fea Durban, 5etL S-.uS Af'Wa. ' ""A a proof that t. tWU.e Cwrx tem edy Sa a cars aaffaWa pH a'l f 1 a p 7 !n h old. I a boit I pea yea tv folWatg; Jl "ais Va "e n!n ha4 a rfc'U Jtst evr tea v-a:it boiile a t'hsmtotWa; j f- . ....... ,.. ...v . or aaa wis .y s- -v .s. aqul-k r: -t act eur i ea T NOYimnElI llT 1U HE SAW TICS VOIAX I K13 FtUtcva gxw JXn $1 iUt Cillf-A Vetja, TU til U4; m tr e rwe jt tS ; 4 U4 cs ftrj s-j si aure7 wfas (mwv, IU4 I .ti i-s HttswWii ts'a. 0us WiMuf 4 syj tjj it v-fswm e&. I ' w'f . wtm sv. j'il Hie a3 $ifktv a-7 eiii ; s ' &jtrtMjita tttZmi l& 4vss. It e era T- ptwtt..- SMsii to -u4 i?ts. HXm fTtvl Vl (Ud4 V. s1 '. wave s U as4 lt.. J!a lisrj&sntt, TVs fitni -fs4 TW ae--a-4 f" arjtW-J V toe to&stof Lrr Tlt wves c. V s f 4a i jvadrsg ir cT- Are fas sirakl o4 the o4 y Aai mixZ lJUe ed!a4 e4 t& law cw4 i2m ta TVs 1 iaf rtsto4 Ul aoaua rerw) Am tba I What trYw !i ee tsl t her fl 1KA ka to the eress.1 evi - I are al assssieg tNe f? a re- c SA HWUW -er. aa m -t I etiggettseol to La4 atlto I of!rJ Ur ha sra. a4 asW U I . . . .. I " k ""T fr I Soeaetlir-g nrrs! to tfca ei Ueast- W. ft f... M lM r - Pf sjt Aay I wsv ha renins at of vcatiWJ to meet tU gsiUatry 4 lla el I I r- - c sa. j coct sari erect y ui has. .?- Tha pcbrarnaJt K4 pieriv rvagli. II ta4 A lm Aa4 a re volver, lis Kmxi Lata toats law tth ha tiaH. I aatoai -ae4 ia aa kn-iws a by hm bmn to) f-- tismsA, trel axe. Ite toie4 Itoaa a ooeihiejj tost in tto wxjwasa's eveara3ata to U aa rajht rrsL Aa) U wia tm ulsa. rvjy lW-sa ss rl tie ear thra is a rsa4 to tiwj Vaai II easy ta ap a erialia-g saar fbss a vx- aal ka3ii siva d- e -s4 ay t rkt ar4 li-e toart as jar. tn t- Oatt I sirs B4 latisra rat tiVp Tim to- mmrw OUaMM 4 ! hm t&a tkrl saw to t;SMM fca fmm-f M ia Vi tjttmrwm (to as nT i , itW,W 4ataa east te-t T.V W Saa " kafy aaaJStw H ft IW ssm . Try e m( taw. Bs Nesvittf see sraiia M I sasy Wtals sJ!l t"V. il i .a. n Zl i ' ' 7 I r to Vw tliaJ dm r'rt I tr-. ika J W I WT " ' I bar; amf evttoa s- --tarl to . .' t a. to. torif. sal ttUaHif t9ei Cam (VtMaif f J. A a- ' w 1 ' " . I Stoal lAI ara m to, to to t?6t 0t to atiara. I Ww, sla a acedia . I ! tAitaamaf. a Via l.t atcCUf - i. - - s. aj-e as aatoe I ' Mta Ua t4f f Vilrsta, V1 siaiva lSa "Csja) 1" iVt gur.J WV k STrt aiafsaaa eft fat Oa are?, Val sifclA to la t5r1 YV eaja-ts v3 lag rf aa 4reaa, seira mm Jr?y toa 4cr.'. , . , a "'m sweag araa l4 er4 p l!Uto laftaajXi Ja a fi:ai9; WJn daeta, Sea C Si:k4 aa es etrrWW e gnsaiW tia s.-aAie mi j eaa ara;4 t1! W L L..'r'.'l - rreaaraUrea ia tV i-aft jei;va I e)aJaecrrja. - ; j. a. a. X .-? -? ' r- . 1 1 ft - .,., If TTXXh ter -ve .ttifv .e a t l f ms a ta1f..t,' . ...1 u sa. susm1 It I. a lmu W.a , I lvw k 4 tiiM a.r.i . t' mm M.2 a... . i ana mm' svaMsAtts; Vt t.wv euA ktUn, AaM k.ii. t T' a Jsfts I j raf eaUI urunj ml,Wl (ut'l .h4 m ' I VA.....H 7 its 4C r. . m - i w fW4 rs iax. t sea. a ti.B.At 4 .... s toa-ywsv CUs -snaar hw .t -Wt esmCtoe a i e IraAsilaer Qs lmw rA s stus lra Cto , a Visa A.aACwV TT W Wtea e-rto af ai sol f wk4 e-taas w1iasaiaV. VaJaa TXe anasa aa4 Cit Sim tfa ea Mfl-. W lmm na ' I sfixmf asa4 I sV. ss.aJtoe. la h4 Vsaj Ssatorty toi lCa4 efts j f-fvev ias 4s.ti4 IB to CW aatsss t aa , sari a vi?yi a ATniAea Dm W&t fr, 1 ssa4 W a4 ? aal f W smatail ls 7W sraa pw lm A twit aaa I MtVl saasa to 4 3s eavx witt.i-a ajui ! atCr mrna 0a tolre. ia.J tXm ft44 atoa- saeml Vary Saa41y ft Oe M tS asaaue 4 ta a4 lyaua lt4a tu O ay a)iit iatV Til ito avssa Its st t Xeaeae e3l Swaiss avaad Sa awat. tU fti toaicRMil Cba ra s-vuf aaks (la to) tTatoa,, raaa- se suaA S4 SsaV Tto aatf saunas t Mugimw, Tts 1 toa trai a itmmt imsiA t.a ssaas4 tlto saJLA, Ctoes aftra?y aAto4 ?- I Is tsat tes-ia-i tt-7- 11 a nx'V Cba feaav:aa4 taraCy. TVs Smej!u luAat Cto ram aJt a'e. M to tfaaan4 atoaa C U5- a Uv r04 cXA, t3 aawaj t5a fMtoi sua'a 4 Asa-4 atoaml 4a vi4 Jto aOaaa4 f.fatae aUs sfiaak. 1 Ka faaa Ue tseat. Vaaao T'toaa a as inei, (t-n4 fas? aiaa eg sin fua sa l riae srta0at aa a4 1, ?f to4t atfe as to raa aea tito l-ftae a Ca laaa TV aeaMa taaMAail Us asa a faS a4A.'CVa nd, m-tx tm SKif sjtoa rfibnsumptioii I A tecak sj fir,a AU fAiivKcvl' rresxtiif "isc Ci lets -EaI ttf tk,- t. aa l,t kVt a: M Out 54li roek r--4 t fcu4 can :cuh it. Tbc lirt I T ..... I - A it ns, ... $irt 11 4:i;s5. a: ?f o.iiL iJirj cetir-.ii'T., Pe 4 ft fcst iNaTII frvvaua9 h tlf C$ ftf.-vrj ff f.rf, rsasACy rr-sff4 jTisf ty si rTtfAita Irr - a .-, . ia A v4 as m. a isr ww at a SMrar -J 4 4r,tJ;i;ii wr 11 half tf litrJr, Jul I tA,- I. .4 1. A v- r? I s Ifvt 4.-it tSt fer- rtoU:i:rf, c;i Uttr t.J 1 :4 1 . 't . . - iKii pr t.'p ii,. TSTJai t ill I N lit the toa I I. amr ve vn n .- a :iiT -"old velvet r 1 -4 - ,-, v c ) k." i K 4 . . .. .... i - : ; ; : i 1 M a,. .w .. iiiS i r ,l..f ' fr; nt - ft,., 5 c r ii ; r n 1 1. 1 .f UXU c l f ! f re 1 ; f ta t3Usl 4. '21 4 t I , V't 1 it A 1 1; I I m i . vikt vi. s try i x . jj& cut.' mi t-t ftT-l JiuJ.r: iJ r 'ssrs 4'V faa . On Cttf m i v. ag aa 1. laiaaa fti HE YflLUE km an i to toa V ekr T" I 4 eMT-y to. rt aaai.fts) f . U ttsa It taat'jtarf Tf jfa. ai aaV aatot laxHaefast, toat aa a a to sswass Ctov OaaU'f Sat fclte Clag jiiaai aa ton l-a s AsO.asa Oa eaA tos' 4 Jseai SUr.isnMak, te.a . ato i-a.. AW - 1aat astl si aast sfa CHs aaa s aaaa a f'aV, -a-ah aa.kaAa4. aae at htl faaas., ff, toi.snshe Af aa ejwo.Maa a fiajisw'tf aaaa aaa ,;' aat ais.'P aaav-paaitttVai t-S Au aakaeaf Tlaa-awiw i Um g aat'tetaa. Boddie, Bobbin & Co. .Draisls, LMistar.H.C 0 r 11: IT HI rM! Vrf i a ee A,A a wk tW L 4 ticn, c tc. nt nnd i rtistic Jo T. r v . 1 f v: e ? C t A Z.H -toH saaW(aSaaJ 6 r 4 '" 4V e r TcftirwAV mm mmt aw, taa m of ECOnOIu Y aa a I ar,,2 ai.a a. tf ir. P 1 L a a. iasJaaJw4iaaaaasi D ja f - e i- e ttvr( a i - , t t D e f 1 u i 1 a cocke Drug Co, Drug- Co, reme-iy It t aaie Vy Ayrte Vm g C" Jito sadattaaUvs ssrvsatr

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