r "V -r- i..,.!.!,!..; ""a " 'lfc' V T - N Baat-LsB VOL. XXXITe ... " . ' ' v.v-:: vs ; ; j v. . UISBURGK; 0, ' FRIDAY, ; . ., .. K -t S . . , ., - .--- . . Sanday School at 9:30 A. 1L Gao. 8v Bazsb,. Svpfc, c Preaching at 11 A. H. and 7 80 PH. rery SoAday. .--'-v ;" Prayer' meeting WedneedAytilghi. Lv 8, Masbxt. Pastor.'" BAPTIST. " Sunday School at '9:30 A. HL '' THOB. b. Wildix, 8upt r. Preaching at 11 A.1L, and 70 Try Snnday. ' P rarer m -ting Thursday sight. H. H. Mashbobbv Paator. ' nsoopikL, -r taoday School at 9:80. - "T" . Wm. tt. Rums. 8npfc" dervices, morning - and ' night , on tit, 3rd and 4th Son days. tf renin Prayer, -.. jPridayafternoott 4y. Johb LovsoxBeetor. PKKSBTTXKUV - - Services 4th Sanday in each month- morning and night.-- - - Pastor. it n - " -t T Mia hla fits M vti laruu J. . v- 4, ,oapartoBa wlkfc wiX :3- : lr. (uMrk f y 45 4t4tg4n; luuu: . iuuio. gaonitl con. .cern-Kself aeriotuly and sya r. kcuwucaiiy tOOCtUUS' two' COB-i atttntional amendnjenu for the better mtht of th pnbaraSrtitei fil frtiW PWWnt:totsj.trmsf stoyears and make MmTnMvg innitvi... . - I k " v""1 ewea senator l DroadtoliDi tr t ocma mkibl d ce wltn Dr. a. H. Fleming. , m. to U m., 5 p. m, to S p. boon br appoinunnt. jjJi Af.TH.UR H. FLEMING, DENTIST LOOlkBUKQ. . -.ion orer The' Orema :Sj SS! MMel'v!r.ia nk'tbrlaj' - iue. 0i . gooaa, out. ta. im aireet by and hy thty will coax th grade aIao.q itWj,i HU i -The Panama canal wtn gT a yatt lmpetoa tft th'al -export 4ra An c as tioni(2)to choose United Btatea senators-1 bmdiMdn miL.t rJ. tllLItL 01 u toteUi- When,.ln,adUtIon'to-tf u rorn. aTtW . .constitution Ms -ra mostfllfflciiif ir.Ji t-K- Tllltrt"? I trr v forrnance.;- Many iamendiWa TrrV:V,- l?1 aPted, growing, on fertile, non, tt'U not d2al the Jaat t&ee beinv'shor:infi,ttythZ k ' . .7 r!?! S&&''m9KX jccentary our. greatest deTatopment wfll llTJ of VMTa the'aouth.-(PWrac T .re !?Tn -e.:ntnaoMd, I try for the last Teatr.fiTe reara, bntan thr:yl i marwith ffraif. "t ta Tst will- go- where the opportuaJtiee tor-profit are t besti tbooglv the? .assy no like the" poUtlcal , earlronpirat. What Is meant trypoUtJce ta tbe sore going -seatence la. the sU?ery.QMatioa and th tttraltlng trae While tlar. LOPQSS. Loaisbnrg Lodse, No. 413. A. "P. ft A. M., meets 1st and 3rd .Tuesday ughta in each month. ? fro tteaxoiiaJ. iajndia. Jj. FBEDERICK. K. tOK " Loulaborg, H. a worth ail that it wilt HoL,1. lha hkct oae-PWsMent who did :"Bok' that wasAGeorgeaWngton, who aid? not want flrstitennT f ma tmv was nireaar secure and nobody 'was at all La this coaaertfe it ssay.fce fcr'. log to stata thai ta rUii;; UCn, aa ladta)st Bytca rrr. mails th aatMCg tct iit fca ISML-whes t&e tatmt fci t tknrwsa to tatcje ai,U jalifil UcClrrVy carrtod l"aj5asia . If SSrum proraUty, t 1B r was sot aHy m wra t:aaMt MeSJsJty pteratr wa gsajl tamaa betag b2ve thai Cr mr wer any rach aVrphQcaa. VsaZi' la rraasyiTtaU, tp4cUr t li Uf tr yw. 'TanbW4 aa4 (V atanding rsch stat' as SeaalM Kao wCl eoattaa prat t swH. fteea, Cgat. pwlty 4 rUeaaMS ta pe. Itica and g eo taaUtisg tHM&y n Utter ., thafl aether- fia. saw t oaya af t& rtvartwe twn W m othiag- pttNMtrMa U ii-a wwrl poj.tjoai wa. i V - - . i F;: T7i:: . Tti, 'I. ti jit . r- 7f In, u?rul H tl Wuf t-t f4 7 ; K jfeits fit, , pi '"".old. vo hra I vl L t' rve V fit . 1 "hi Cz-Ooreraor J. J. OrltWi I CWy dal, e w way w aoa ctoatag rvaarr ta a raa i -: - v aara! Tarboro Oo, a. J. K. HAJUONK, tiACTICING PHTSlCLtVN ABB SCBQXOK. 10UI8BHBS, s. a ; aioa 0Tr Ayoocke nras Company. r J) R. J. J, MANN, PHISICIAN and SURGEON, LOUKBVBO, R. O. a. Office over Aycocke Drag Co.'adnig store jB. 8. P. BURT, ' 'RA'tTICINa PHTSICIAIT ABB SUEQBOB. Louisborg, N. C. Office in the rear of Boddie, Bobbitt A Co. 'a Drag; Store, on Nask street. Jangulntf uJPerpetiiiff the try .lasted- factories rwar ;no Aairad l 6ean "its I" March in tha south td any conalderable ax 4, 1784.K)dntrkryrfther tent, and rre wktt tebov was loath to many integijoiy tha rabjectlt Is compete with aUTe lahotv bat that con safe to say that the -fEsOttrtio1a would' dittoiwpaseed Mth- ialavery and kow never have been adopted, Tepubllc the south enters the field aava mano ,wtuIdo haviijeentK)ro,-b m theen for jthetVart attd powerfnl per - l Ji t .i oiklftr 'deoMfWaahrnBiinKanii-' . A . ".- i , ' ror tne certainty in the pnbUc mtiwi onexie.;- thathe would be tbO'flrst presidents I During the campaign the Baltimore He nad abrfe to lose --fUaa TO' gain 'bj nt"toet trie; f oUetr lag. edrtertal. accepting the presidency." at was an.l which . fnrnlahes much. food for.rtflec- lowtag bQttfol aXtMtxy: .TA Vra tt4 I " P ta his ettraal cetiadl- reevvtted C I vw6 la tiUs f al erajr aim tht ttr ttlaJWen tUnit 7 7 su&Uy . npott ue trgats t a Ce, a3 ruft eirtry. Troth and Uerry-aad the aM.t4 t lw Ww Url tW ecwed! he will tramole esoa th Tw.a 0C W I DU Gia w W - - vr vv. mm t Ji. fP HaStf r3Taw W ? . a e4tt&Uet4lS.al3tw i el rvriLavktg 42at t Aa ftx lfot k. t pMM at wm set 4rty, a. B. 1. TARBOBOUQH, PHYSICIAN ABB 8TTRGBOB. IjOIUHBUIM, fi. O. Offlea tnd floor Seal bnlli ight aUa answered from T. reatdenee, phune 74. thone 8B. . Blck.ett'i LH. ALLRED. . .... ' WU1 practice in ail the Court. Office In toangsYltte, . C experiment of extreme hazard, : with the chances in favor of. failure. Thl bad state of affairs grew, chiefly out" of the Jealousy of the , states toward each other. The big states thought that the constitution conferred too much , In fluence upon the little states, and the latter thought that it did not give them I enough. Rhode Island and North Caro lina went so fax-as td atay out of the republic for a- year or mor after the federal government . was ; organized. Beally, Washington did more good as president of the constitutional -conven tion than as commander in chief of the Revolutionary armies. A great soldier is not a rarity under the sun, but a man "who can take thirteen discordant and Jealous states and weld them Into r.ajgreatnattoff ls-ldoin seen 'among . men. wasmngion cua it, ana tney are ImmortaL No wonder . that Washing ton ! did' not -'hanker after the - presl- deney, and. no wonder that he prepared a farewell address at the end of tlon: n. MASBXBrBana, v ATTOBBXT AT LAW , LOUIBBUBSa WU1 praetiee in all tae Courta of thaState Offlea k Court Hooae. not. for be wUl poiteta liy aaacrs. n.' Sat Uarcy. dnrptag apwa Ur kaeee and tookiag bp tax W tears, excialaed. O OedJkek klav aa4 1 wf3 wateb tw WsX Uteg ax th dark TVAftia lU-i a. tread The Cod smA a-ta aad m'J UlIiti4tlf !, bm. to aJxa: 0 me th art the tt4 I &m I ai tatw ee4tMm tv) Merry. cy rt Ua! I diAfM. - t eU3 TVa CWI varlt. taQ to Usl ei say ZZ!Z?J!Z J!fJ? 'J?? WUaW a4 aooa har the-rril diatinctiea of pinin I aervke rvfom mast Ve so acreva'.wl 1 "The fan? Lag ka t& tawr tt4re i&g tk tooat Tenal eleetorata 1a tk world. I It may aot b nuial aK a0 aa. I . . . , . . , . There to acaroelr a -doubtful etate" ta l JLZiJTv. VZZT T 1 . I F1 Vae Oe wbick. there are not torge aomoera of I T. WT . ltriU D ram v i.-t l lectors wboaa bailou are for aaie ta ta I t Booaevell Is a .tit 3 a-rrW re IfT r- 54 BiCheat bidder. It la this elaaa to irhtak I former ef high degree Uat ta. be ltraata gral &tyl m-r3,t 4 'ThrT forek Sff WUrf We lU the commtmlty. The prlee paid thaa foe I active pert ta a.eanpalfS, Tm I i7 i k k4)fe-" e4 their eaanty hM bem steadily rtatac la I tocottts im ee ef theaa. raabie ef I IS WW Wl Cm tWttfima prowling aheoVgoiagte a ad trxti a4 , . Mekiag whoaa be talgM Arrrcr. ajrwrnaM tm ti t&g votae for ate chief. Of eree r- mm ta wUeis tJU ontr ti besd are Mt ndr the dH emre I , . nlm and Uw, techakaSy apktag. e everybody vUS tv. ktra iWn a 1 .. TATU C-at kM Mwa a tlottacrot U aJaa war ef Oei fat I u ;i a i HuMii-aa HtiMM W aA.U I" i iMtweea a cabinet e&eer twtag pera 1 wrse ryf kis? tMf, af cloaaly actlr ta parOaaa auore ullMmhWIU halimtt. r9ft thtag.IXew can tt be efejerttaoahSe fae: Jj-W r-vt-w cut f . 1 atrvVt. aatiiaut t f "Mf "- I awj-ma a. aj va . er , a"-1- 7e ( aee ... l y' 2 'a a a . ...... " ' A13 1 it fcaa fvai LjC ara a4 i . ' &iisj 1 1 Whl ye-v 'n 1 f vVf Ik awr ew aahi4 tt. af r!rt ywZrf an.4 WA f il eik.lii; ?a VirtaAtt- a2A, Is Aawaa&ri k ea4aias1wa 1W Jae aaa fMt krfy aw aav 4iweiis SH.W Ajr uim 0t p, t r4 a - tot?. , -4Jl , .N4 w a t- t 1- t t - .11'T.TftX. T,j. t :y-tt l JLs TA . X T J 5 ' tM . n.t f tin i , . ; -r'-e t t-e a i. II tt I lit e t.v i i t f I t ut t ( 1 ! i r i rrr . fir lit t 1 4 Ta at am! m iwat)ita pwh It wfwet tlUraiwI f taa0Miwo w1mCW awai rui eut t Sa Wjg lav 'ii-.l..!0'g;il auoceaalre - carnpalrna They - eoaatitata now a permanentTy vanal ctoam. aad tbetr votes hare to be reckoned wflh In erery election. The rote of (be etargyaMa. ta profaaalonal or bnaineaa man. tha atadant. , tha mechanic, the clerk, tb tan deed, of any hooeet au tttk tlona on political teoqeo niy at oOaat by the ballot of a man who bawka bta rota around and. ealla It te tba piiTi.heiar wko caji afford to pay most for tt. That' there' IT some Iraylag- of retre there, can be no Question, but let hope that It is Aot donw OA ch whoU- sale manner. as the foregoing Sea edi- (.torial would Indicate At ena cat the first tCTur ectiali .aecond. election, t aaia of TotaaLWaa IhejptiartPay 'f etH i yp T, aOOO )Mlm t Vx? I efe; gwaey Oat I ta apiAkeia af fSt1i giSjaaea) ' wTaw AMtS mmiUmm m lwtaan. I) aawe) aieatarsri 4k fw Ant. emt aw taa- aaiiwaff taMMat W Va e (;-tx7 wntn tMsif aV at. aa aa aavy w we safr'enwia,,! ra.a. ?t On W ,, -a i m i( wfeMsawsaBsy towAw eaAVJaV ffAaPfe aw aPMap 4eaa9PsaBap AepA ajsaV fF0&0tfi gijae eMaMMfeAfHIa hj4kf m '"T' I"""!1" !" 'I f-r 1- TT-r l -ef a m aa u y , WT wa 9 ... tr -a -"iiiaawaBwawMaa OaTe S-aAjae ftat JlattAcre, JKawwa fVaAwdw taw im CL.tttjie at e i4 VW av , Va 1 I W L. If I 1 I I L J J i , oEC0I0IdY M. W. BODDIE, ATTORNET-AT-LAW, . LOUIBBTJBG, N. C Office orer Boddie, Bobbitt A Co.'a drag at ore. w M. HAYWOOD EUFPIN. ATTOBBXT-AT-LAW, LOUIBBVMi . O. WUI praetiee In all the Ooorta of Tranknn tad adjoining eoanties, also in tba Bopreme Joart,andlntnaOnited States BlsMes aad Arealt Ooorta. Otooa in Cooper and Clifton BmUdinc ATTORBXT-AXAW, ieiKBVxe,i.o. ooea oa Mala street, orer Jones Ouupeil and was only dissuaded from publishing it by the combined efforts of Jefferson. Hamilton and all the leaders of all factions. But; barring Washington, an the rest of the presidents spent a large portion of their first term striving tor a second. That the ambition for a second term Influenced to a greater or smaller degree their conduct during their first terra crows Inevitably out of the. f act that they were human merely that and nothing more. ..That it sometimes affected; the public service injuriously cannot be questioned. That a six year term with the ineligibility clause would take away that tempta tion is patent to all. and that consti tutional amendment providing for that should bC adopted Is dear as .crystal.' The proposition to elect United States senators by popular suffrage has been much more, discussed and appears to meet with general favoni Itrests on different grounds from the presidential crorjosition. and it-is this: The closer that all elections are brought to the tore of Engttah ejections. ' It ts that one man spent as mnch aa COO to buy a seat In the bouse of commons, but in those Jater days the bad habit has almost' fallen Into disss. Lat.i hopes that an j Improvement wia b mada to - this country in this regard. Anyway, it hi not so bad as the Son makes out, ' Rank lnenlstncy "Practtc what you preach."' "Ooo- sistency is a rare Jewel. "The pot should not call the ketti black." "Take your own medicine" and such Bxe an cient and time honored sayings tie to I the mind when one reads the Sag made ! toward' the . tair of tb" otaapaJgn-at. Tammany by Hon. Philander C Knox of Pennsylvania, recently attorney gen eral of the United. Sta tea, now a sen ator In congresa. It may be safety taken for granted that Tammany hi not immaculate none of the Institu tions' of men le but for a dtisen of Pennsylvania to make mouths at Tam- poany tor any. other; bontarn society for tt ta Ale eman way far k party. who it le eoaasMedabae ha a caUa. td&Xxtsr ta ret the aaaae caper! Qarr artrrawka the etvO begvttte eTjari,X3(pea Har, ftrta- aea atw4 gkt. U g their aoeaierX ae a the aag oe ! dril eartk reforsi adxatalalretianv ' King Zdward snail t hdv 0m adrrrae crttictsa by his datarmi aattoa) af to boad cwert U aVwCaaa aad Irelaad. Ula raa2ag ts Uat ty be beldd cocrt eajtaU ef IMrtaad at all he cannot coeds sock rcaxtJafa to Irelaad aad toOaadL bwt avaat.aa axtaaii thw. to th acker stats ef U Brttlak etDptr. wkkh week! k reeJeat, if act tapcaihea. great body of the people the better it I practic5ng forbidden methods la poU- Bome tit advised no t papers are fr dktlag that Mr. fecratary ef tuts Bays dfcriptio ef the Deawscrtur party as a tormitao caM i eg ea- raUted prejedkwar wol Br ta er d3:a Its) feaC Tarnrsiar. .aovy er paa.-y nuiia Therw le too mock Ctt the rde arv trfafUvMkUUa U ei the tt$ aa ery-.aMfajis mt) sira by a saaar tow, eat y. ewaocr . ti ?ttt 45awe wet rii a mhi buSsaaaantfa. eml lV caaraae ark wry Kartr, We erm aa4 tfir Sua, egtw vav . im rjUs -to to tiai jny lap ensj ol vShdJjft, rushing ate yaary harals avaa ei aa) e t-Cj teretl tl eaatae a i. Cajqs by d awenre ei TVaaa. di"s Cfttteeae aa eVreeioag Omir Ham ai arWe to Ci rty. raanr Avat Awtrna. Xo sewesr ijaii xsA as i&i - rctioi, trerer, aaog tar-pr C If kej, 4M rw7a Ua awVhar ef . jranie7. F. S. SPBUILL. ATTOBBAT-AT-LAW, lOVISBUBO.X. C. aaea Win attend ta eoartaof AvanTlUa. Warren and Wake eoanl thm Supreme Coort,. of .North OaroUna. Prompt attention given to eoUeettena, .' ixneeover Xgerton's 8tora.-'U ; .... - ; rW.BICXXTT, ..'- " ' ' '- VTTOBBXT ABB OODB8AXUOB AX LAW. . iennnrajBve, .. :' , will be for all concerned. If Is much. easier to manipulate a small body or men in a legislature than to manipu late the voters of an .entire state and it is easier io. influence the few. than the- many y forbidden means.; Colot net Robert G. Ingersoll contemptuously dubbed- thei senate "the mimonaire;, dhb.""ScadaW touddrig the dectlon l senators' have" becomo' so numeroua and Vagrant that decent people, are weary-of theraf and ; earnestly desire a 'chahse of raetbods; J1Sp both iamend: hments-ought to b adopted. v- Prompt and palnatakixg attention ary matter intrusted to hla bands. to I Qiilf. Exports.-' . ' .: ''""' .. . . ' V There Ir a irreat. revolution going on in the Wmmerce bt this country which tics rwouid be the hogesf Jok. ef the season, were it not so sertous and CI- grating. - Under KnmbUewa aosptooA Pennsylvania founded by .the tsunor- tkl Quaker hnd for so long dotnrnated by the .Cameron and by,. Quay, has the most unenviable poUtical rrpuU- thnrof any eUte-aethA.Cak7eu -Ooo pared with Phil delp Ma. Qreater New York 4a ao clean- la putua mat aa j appears somewhat of ,the complexion of anow.For exa-mpKiey xn of 1900 Philadelphia had A popuUtfoo of 193.697. and in 1004 she registered ! 880,948 voters. In 1900 that portion of Greater New York ladaded in the oe- tftaM mumm'imtiiH a aiuaaf V aa waa a f,mm,m mc m ami wiiaatm 14 CUi t. ad.tw'WM a wMn.(k am iia a alu4 eHnaa .ti Mi aa SM4C'r ma 1 aa ,fta . a. a tte wr dl. ert-rh JkA Ci aA C4 e b Aa. -r- . t TVa a rv. a V taCB ei Ul rrt::. (: V(1 M ii r- brft AJt Ami lMA, ' " ' 7al n.nlaw- Imw M Va y. $.IM iKTt ia TW til)i4A4 VQW Ct iW fa Vna aa AV. MnV . , . .... . l'!L'l.'!i i. i , '."t 4r fcr? a. : a a a. r- A . too ktex. If roe wsata a .'-&- W h M vU tf Urn an-t U tioo of a pro or party I Ce o4 I La Uw- M i We i.-rwl v row sauusf.- u , I. - a. - I -Whafs ta a aseT"asird CUk ha lx4rTte4 at ewef taveW tpeere.- A good diWircaa. a gs a If U W kH .deaJL. ' A BUA,pa,te4 .ttefl-to ti aar . a ' partknlar, Jeerpki Uair-baJ Ja-t ee F AkryM-- arratl la. rar ,Tceg CjarWsg tioei tLrvagS lk4 CSt-y awy et , Pe th pr by arwtag to pd t5 Cv J ei A taV t5 II Ut JT eta ei.a.lt.-.XJa, to eaw Dt, . .a-.i-l t. karat', toge tt wae llail ul w"jwia..riw aw Dd Off." At laaat that as tkd fJ1wrii? vaA trtfta JM emntc taxes by tb Wsjhtagto iMa. iti,a " lnna. . trta frrn ta -3ibej af U a iTaapi ta.y W aaaa ilnmaniot ...4 tiM'i i a1'1 Vmet A t Vt ' awMMMknwnMnNMa d 0aa fJtTHa,' C ts. tk,a. ad t ;tcvaMta MMaaV-MMa a aai an ate aw aj-fwaa "a . W .-"i- tni ikj. , A-vm y ess) X r ari yt-'4 -wiM-ama,. H - f- ta mil 'rv ii ColS'f e6 Ue ta4 "' , ! a f.- .kt H . la 4 XMV-AadlateSi, g ! tvwt'6ra V, " aat a:j . ski. rte. , Ch ip, ,'fl,eal;auai(1H.,w-i t: TH-e rt,, A eli t aaa ; 4 iweot a rHH't af H.it.'y . 7 eof.4 le a ! " t t to ciuex nauee tsnepner. now onn i : . . . . . Kaantng, Hon. Bobt WWlnaton, Hoa.fV. rjg little notea, put wiucn i uwuuw nr Monrae, Chaa, B. Taylor, Free, waava ror-1 aiuona ana u rau :.""" M OeUege, Hon. B. W. Tlmberlak. iwiea over aau w.i bhhi, w. A rBBSOB. ATTOBBBTAI-fAW,- -" . MeiaaTxa.x. e. . im all eoarts. ' Offlea on ataln ntM af Miahattaa atuLtba Bn&ZBld I Tl a rnfc mI - mm. 'a-popniattoc mft?.a.WfiTT And.to 1904 1 ppMideat tla'rpvr ef th Ckge aj I r A2l toa ii 4 J to VtX wff showed a registered rote. or omy v I verarry aad rraiiat &. IVtaai'Ja AA- I wUtwrtw k txtt V twtMlL A tPoal . ' A. :a ldu -. am tiwi Ji rWitV. I AdV OM. A Ma..aaHaa Ana. aa ATI A ff'tt tsbati I fc . m aa. M . W . - 1 - eiereiW a VaW WiUW wu uow war- a vi, mik wrwie vire iwtevstv. " I wTWB IX W IWIfTiTT I hrt AbwI M 3flf gfU rggriTa ti W A tf mU t ft fkT 4111- I at TT sl'fT?flf Tttm ftltfc BT ItT KtlMmO I ! A tawXta wm mm Aawmeai te. -n- ' a . a M - " -"w o-ar - tAALAUUa AIUIUL SUV w ev..- i nna . a ' " t v w a-v twj a-aai -W p,.j V Wl B . ferent sections.. The toerease in. gulf j gad only one for every Uvoand a-onar-1 iheThwallgM taegaef aa.1 dftaeat. U. I Vy ttASt to-Af, ti export & simply amaaing; une-wer- ter people ta Tew. xors-uat w. t I liarpafa Utaat. bid k Cot UacAsgVeJ I Cm tr frcoa ti iMrn. e ParjOrln1 mmmmia ilbict w I J-Jl u w ' -s, . awmu-v 4"a w l asm TaM .of ulf -'exports for .tne utter i aane man beuer ror on moaaen. uat (iart of 1903 was 150 per cent,, while i in Philadelphia there U any each pro the Increase -from?theAtUntid:was j portion of voters -to populttiool Of .4 r- J L. SJ -a s a-.' gjy BC TABBOKCFTjaH, JA. " ATTORNEY AT LA.W, J. IiOUIBBTJBOaB. 0L - 4 - - Offlea In Opera Hoase building, Court street All ImtsI bnaineaa intrusted to him ill receive vrompt andeareiul attentioa. flj; P. HOUCK, CONTRACTOR aire BTJlLDEBvi, LOTJIBBUBO, B. O. " Trailln a- A van't for all - kinds of BaOdlac Sapoilee. ArUatle Mantlea and Xilea, Azok teatoral DeaUma Submitted t th only CO per cent -AH tte rauroaos in 'the eeteririhalfi of rthe United SUtes -ast of the Rockies are heading for the gult They have a- downnia. pan ior hMTV freizhts. and exports are much greater tn weight ana ouix - tnan w porbwThiA one factwillvOlttmatdy send nearly all our exports' from east of the Alleghanles .to Europe via the onif. tt la true that so' far" the exports rVhV ports of the Jatiantic are ton- for ton much s more ' valuable . than tfboae sent by way of the gulf, because the mr rhipflv Bjrricultural - and range' products, whOe. the: former are luthe nain manufactured, products, but this, too, will change In, time, ,b ..hiifartnrine erowarapace. In vauov a. ..... rectty. And ,rraiirat Arre k ta with the runsag atxttoat ttoi weatera stadta werv tordaf ClAA eauttra atndaota. It aO be w0 to mBther that rraeJdawc Aadrvw ae pace pr-Uant f Brrare aad At prasJdaot ef the 5eejrak4 aarfveaatty. fome paUewce eegkt to b rtvrrat stahnass course not. uen wun a reasgoan quantity of Inf orastioa kwow-that,tb Philadelphia.-' irgUtraootij lists. wre padded to an extent never before beard of or dreamed, or in any commaxuiy Calling itself . dvQlredrr Oa ta om- . .i . ' - - r aA kmih. I - trary, vua- - I tinrajd th naUsttreoS jauou, - aa -cv mui. iuvii, iw w- Xork is .about the nortMl proportioa. for it! a wrlV-kaown .fastthat .od the average there U about; rotrf to five people in the coon try at )arg! In the great dtiea the proportioa ef voters is somewhat greater. So that it would appear thxtordlnary- ealf r epect-would restrain genator juox from-'making Invidious remarks about Tamnrkhya pOTTtical eoethods or about rrW tij r.'Xe i CW Zm w e Ur4t awraa wart. , W rsi4 W to tti aJ - . eOf UiA eiettaad) da ae - tme tiuil avaery wass.IVt'Sa4 to 12 teji;; pV ry t tras Is sm e!y 4stare-usy. tout hi fwa tLst tiw tfj r, wiiiuitt Ii.-q dowa ta raod.au. ftoa tt at Ukma tsia I dramas, tola A evtih U&r rA r rerjiUtrsUoevthst tk-ry tore k4 tm?t. That garrcloca aad.trtxsl p a 'la eoogh to prwrak a Q-seser laeeting re get wp a tlx.' Way k k kept ta the pchfte axrke U a atytfary. si-44'-Mke,,. a - . . ... VtT-cs . iit !r.5rr - cc Ktc ; fxr . jry ,U Cat drrvJ t tJi t4 c4y c k iJUn-S t Ioa crrt lmr lit -Ci.majtt i; ItM? gj tf-ra ei iBoddie, Bobbitt S . Co. 11 -READOUARTERS. j aC"a .. .- ''I i ,td ta h ': t tul . .S T 1 a . lT.rJCsE2waaaaa g;t4:rs.V-l a!;s4 4 - ? S .r.-.i ; ,a -. Httb f va4. Hi t--l . fa BM.U t, 4 4 a .r.t' fa, : m V t aU, i t T,?Va f-mt.. -a ?m-U 1- - 4.a 0 ?.m n.in w i 1 faav H'-r i.t.M HOTELS. FKAJJKLlNTOIi HOTEL - FBAirEXiisToa, . a all the Mississippi .valley. Airuy. . ''T; . ...'"V, " - ityMlL laree oer- cent of cotton lAmatrofac- ten, He-who live la gltae boua I y tUW rnred Si the stttea where It Is grown, should not throw stones - wWch I raov . r, . : : - I.- AHwivt Iad- . . a. . ii. ar - a - V rA.a i-a twa .tb - tahe t Doming ior au-. wh.f troubles and conaUpauon. kod aomodtlon for the traveling ablie. ' , " -Good Livery Attached ninV.,Uln, Slnmwn aruf TJwv taw i if a favorite For. sale by i se rgOH KOCT AFSUCaI Kodol DyspepsU Cure. ; It digests what Xrk;r . n-.it .. Snni-'i atriTTtaftn. Deicnin?. mi m JVVk .MW. WW. I f ' D care&ble, are, instantly relieved nA of Kodol Dvsnepsla Curs. 2V7.aiain street, Rt-n-ra j-a ilrnmHst at Wa-ar Krihain. Cnnn.. savs: Kodol Dys- Espsia Cure is giving suoh universal pat faction and is so snrely becoming a cure for this distressing ailment, I feel that I w-,-, - -r-nv. I am always Sure to gratify my cestomers enburff Ix;opirl hfne&immiajag it to them-" t Kodol Dvspspsia- wnre .was unwunira "-" years of experiments and win positively cure all stomach troubles. 1 ScJd by Ay eocxe Dms Co, ;kv- '' .-!''.' Jy the I ;Th Jonrriey ia wortli" wt2a whjia J Lteet wisdom is ai th eni V . ,'. MASSENBURG HOTEL , jmirpinisoii. n(.q. Qeed accommodatioat. Good fare: Pe aaaatteauva serraatr - A Uood Complexion. r "Sparkling eye and rosy cheeks re-! stored by using De Witt's . Little Early k Risers," so .wilt 8. P. Moor, of Navg doches, Tex. A certain re lor '.!:; ness, constipation; etc. biaaii pi .i exj j to take easy to act. Sold. by.Aycockf pra ve, v , Way of ftiig CikatorUla Mr. Artol 'Ctlfw- wriUag f-a Darbava. 5suL.tw.aik AfrWw afn -A S proof that CJsaesWtieJ a C1. Ujt Is a t-r is.uiU f-r - t' f I pr yt l. . iUsix: A a ix - tain tad a ct:J att cmr r-i-a oU. I nrti t-as u ir r a fc- tf" ! . SaambaTMV.a I f s " dy acl t-a t-J j.i aa-l v r-i M '' X n. l aaJ r.rs j i. - c;-. . - i U tU ei g eVdaat timt wmsI V tt; a3 wrw3aw4 SmAa. aTre H trti ti-l eira. Is y Tiaiiif i mil, si t W 8 VatUaM aa Cat Ik Rf ct? fa Vnr) aa.!ifW el4a A-r 4w;r:it- a aa .uS li CTtafiA e4 :ryyr-a-s!B t jeer t!i fra avn'a asaa- ey to t-c?r.- eg to 14 K m:nsfuL 5--S eaois) a S t- rn.W a liutl tf av i 4-ro:e ; t j'l:y faUmt ' . A .- 1 1 C a i:i m t f C r w-c f af mi vr-i -t.:r t ia IX ceas vy. . - Attv r- r.JttK v.- Ch-liT- f ! ll ?.Ci.rt,Ty 1 A.- CLr. ttcc w f JU Ciit it ; rJ - r Sal ; i- t k,?t; ! '1 1 1 rrf at tad , oimvmA d ...rf ta k.a .Hr vi4 A a..ta t W- ' If a V a ll a-t W m 'm e.a,f ..r 4vha ,A.. a .r' v r. .f-t f ef a f - vl - t taf -l ' a. a, -a a T ;l, a t ? .. - f t l'in t t. j l" t T'i a w :z art.4 y--j j j . ". 1 a, .......fa. i i 4 " Caw 1 i t r I I ) I I I a: ry Ar'-li It . ... , ..g. . .... .... ... t tat t'l-aCf Tl' 0"5 t". t i, ;-.w i tf,al as.! t J ti-"-a . ;T.;;;niSiiG jqd n I V

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